. -.=-• :7 .:•.; , -;•-r-1-•••• I . • II Clutitioturoltgagtite, APRIL I. lISI TUE OHIO PROPOSITIONS.. As our readers already- know, the people of Ohio . will vote at the October election on the proposition to strike the word "white" from the clause in the Constitution which .prescribes the quali fications of electors, ilnd also upon a proposition to . disfranehise deserters. If the propOsitions shell be approved, thencefoiicant blacks Will exercise the right of suffrage on the same terms as whites, and deserters will be 'excluded from the polls altogether Bo long as slavery existed in bat( the . _ territory of the ReMtblic, claiming four millions of "victims, it was inevitable that diatinciions of caste should be main Mined. That condition of things Lae paned away, never to.return again. Nor is thin all. In eleven of the South ern Stites, and in at least half a dozen. Northern ones, the blacks are now voters, on the same terms as their white neighbors.' Mote than three quarters of the colored men who are resideuts of the Ittilied"Statea, possess the ballot. The celerity with which they acquired this right, and the unanimity with which politician{ of all party affiliations are en gaged in propitiating them, in order to •secuni their •co.operation, or at least to &Vide 'theft. streegth, imparts n strong probability to the conjecture that what eier hindrances may yet exist to their enfranchisement in tlle other States, they Lave net long to wait. The / let oLIIte tido is strongly in their favor. They Lave nearly a million of ballots in their hands, which is a very conaiderable pro . - Inirtion of the aggregate political power of the country, and they can summarily' and thoroughly punish any party that • shall presume to' bar the access of the residue of their race io all the rights and immunities of, citizenship. The blacks hold in the Republic to-day more votes than the Irish do, and will soon make their poWer felt as effectually. The Deniocratie . journals in Ohio are not only taking, ground against both the proposed .alterations,•but ore endeavor ing to . diaw half.hearted .Republicans to. the sup Port of their candidates. This - involves the admission that the Demo cratic party is opposed to democratic principles. It that party at the North - is prepared to - take-that ground, and have it so understood at the South, it will most decidedly stand in the way of that "courting of the blacks," begun by its membeis in the Southern States. .-Whatever local' advantages they may gain in- Ohio will be Imuch.more-taif counterbalanced by losses elsewhere. But this •is neither; exclusively nor chiefly a question of expediency; of loss or 'gain. It is a question of absolute right, andassuch ought to be determin ed. Whatever delays may occur through the cowardice, prejudices, or antipathies of Republicans, the final result is not involved in uncertainty, and cannot be Postnened for many years. We think the Republican members of the Legislature made a mistake in coup ling the proposition taking the ballot from deserters with that giving the bal lot to blacks. The better plan was to submit the proposition for impartial suf frage byltself, upon its own merits, and leave the.-people to deride upon It with. outthe - pressure of extraneous Consid orations:' Precisely what the. propoeithin specting deserters is we are not sure we . • apprehend. If the term deserters Is re stricted -to such men as were actually mastered into the military service r and then absconded, the disability with which they are thus threatened can well be justified on the score of absolute jus tice. •Deties and rights are recipracal. They are the exact measure of each -other: The duties of citizenship 'are as long and broad as the privileges thereof. The man who refuses to perform his ffn ties, clehrly forfeits his immuulties,land has no right to complain if Le is stripped of them. The enforcement of dislhili tics Incurred in this way, is purely a matter of expediency. Nobody doubts' the justice or wisdom of_ debarntig a convicted and unpardoned felon of ithe rights of yotmg, serving , on juries; hold ing offices, or exercising in any other manner the peculiar privileges apper taining to citizenship. tie has failed in hie duties, and so lost his right to priv ileges. The principle is the same as to deserters. The expediency of rigidly applying it to them depends upon cir cumstances, concerning which good and sound men differ. It is not our inten tion to enter on the discussion of this point. . . _ But, if the term deserters is designed • to cover not only the class already de-. scribed, bit that ether class who were enrolled as liable to military duty, were drafted, add failed to respond as re quired, the case is greatly changed. It may well be considered whether such • men Were deserters actually or only con ( structively. If they were deserters only in the latter sense, it becomes a question of serious moment to Inquire how far keavY penalties ought to lie visited upon that - graae of- - offences, as this inquiry proceeds It would be discovered that one. :tile, growing entirely out of the neces skies of the case, might be permissible during the actual continuance of the war, which would beinauWeisntly harsh and prejudicial after the struggle hail ceased. Besides, it by no means follows that every man duly enrolled and drafted, was actually liable to service or had no tics that his name was drawn. Dead • men Were., drafted, and men who were in the service, and men who bad retool"- ed in the proper pursuit of business to other districts. We have no sympathy for skulks, or sneaks, or ;copperheads; but a . proviston like that . under review must be earefully drawn or rank injus tice will result from it in many cases. It it IS 5 rule of common SOW; as it is of law, that ninety-nine guilty persona Lad better go free than that one innocent in dividual should suffer, then we think the ' inference well taken that this prop7si„ lion, unless guarded with almost super human' fbrethonght, will work injusteic. IT OREM to bo rendered certain that the Liberals . in Mexico have disgraced themselves and their cause, by the de liberate and Wholesale slaughter of pris oners of war. This was at firtt denied, though on what competent authority we failed .. to see. iNow t the- oflcisi order for the execntion is published, and Lib. oral newspapers across the Rio Grande confess to the atrocity; It is manifest that with the withdrawal of the French the Mexicans will sink 'a long way to wards anarchy and barbarism.. Alyea to-the eattefaction of the Broad. way :rne.tehante,; Qovernor Ferdon has vetoed thO act passed by the New York LegiskiturO, authorizing the construe• lion of a pastionger . ntilway on that im- portant thoroughfare. . . Cossciousam of power has-seldom, if ever,• bren displayed in a stronger light than by the Prussian Prime lairds- ter in his recent note demanding of France an explanation of the purpose for which it was arming. The Inter pretation of that note is, we are 'TAO; you are not; either cease preparations, or we shall i strike at once. ' The humiliation of a nation has rarely been more complete than that of France in being constrained to giveS moderate answer to such a mission. Sven one year ago such language from any power in Europe to 'France would have been generally deemed audacious, and un less promptly retracted ,would have resulted in a collision of arms. Now France is constrained to be content with an arrangement by which Luxemburg, the province in dispute, shall become neutral territory.L Whether Prussia will consent to this maybe considered doubt. . . It appears Probable that Prussia, Italy and Russia have a nental understanding. It is not impossible that Austria is in cluded in the arrangement. 'Each of those four Eoirers. contemplate schemes of territorial acquisition, to which France is not likely to consent. Raving views in common, they aro naturally drawn together, and when the favorable conjuncture shall arise will be likely in concert to carry out their plans.' Uni ted they aro too strong for France or Great Britain to Interpose with any hope of success. TICE REV. INERT WARD BEECHER bas been nominated for a seat in the Nov York Constitutional Convention. It has not been our fortune to concur in 'all be has said and dole, nor yet to have a very high conception 'of the adopted neseotmen of his calling to the manage ment of practical affairs; and yet We trust he may accept and be elected. Ile pos t sesses extraordinary capacities both of head and heart; is a genuine friend of civil and social progresi; has no politi cal ambitions to look after and promote; and will do what ever he thinks to be just, and proper. A half dozen such men would do the Convention no dam age. MODEMS STATISTICS show that many sorts of events, formerly supposed to be fortuitous or accidental, are under the control of fixed laws, and happen In de terminate ratios. Murders and suicides, for instance, are found to. happen with astonishing uniformity. It has recently been. ascertained that in Paris an ad vance of ten francs on the price of a bushel of wheat, certainly increases by seven thousand the number of persons convicted of offences hrthe lower Crimi nal Courts. The difticulties of procur ing bread, increases by sO much, the re sort to unlawful means for obtaining subsistence. Ix is no trifling enterprise to establish and carry on successfully ROW daily pa• pers. The experiment costs money, and without an immense Contingent fund, the new paper, no matter how ably con ducted, generally goes under, bankrupt ing the proprietors. In Waahingtontke Leader, a spicy daily, has p ceased to ex ist after a very brief career, and in Phil adelphia the Star, a well cothlueted sheet, is reported as eking out a precari ous existence with suspension Imminent. Short of an hundred thoUsand dollars capital to sink, it is unsafe to embark in the daily newspaper btudness. Tnu Southern journals are seriously advocathig The planting of corn and other cereals in place of cotton. The great want of food existing in many of the Southern 'States, it is urged, need never niain be experienced, if at least a portion of the plantations! are devoted the fittere to the raislng of grain. Tim Young Men's Mercanttle Associa tion of Cincinnati recently indulged in an animated discussion upon an amend ment, proposed to their constitution, de nying the privilege of membership to colored folks; The amendment did not prevail. • Superstition—Two Women Barn Up a Child Bemuse He ls a Deoll—Horrible Cruelty. The Raleigh [N. C.] Sentinel contains a letter from a correspondent in Louis burg, in that State, front which we ex tract the - following: • As a sign of the times, I send you an account of a murder committed in this county on the night of the 21st (Sunday) •ul t. Mary and Becky Jane Collins freed women, mother and daughter, the form er about fifty years and the latter thirty years ofage, were living in the yard of a widow, though not employed by her. Becky had two small children and a boy four years old' named Jerry, the son of her deceased sister, and grandson of Mary. On the night of the murder a boy eight years old, son of Becky, and who is bound to Mr. Joseph Murray, stayed with his mother. He states that in the night his mother and grandmother sent Jerry out of doors. they then tore to pieces an old bedstead which belonged to Jerry's mother and carried it out of doors, with all of Jerry's mother's clothes and bed-clothes, . and made them a lire at the corner of the chimney. - They then caught Jerry and, after cut ting him with en axe, making a fright ful wound on his neck, pushed him into the large fire. He screamed and Jumped out several times, and they asolten push ed him back, until ho was dead. They continued burning him anal all was consumed except two small plates of the skull, a few remains of bones, and some of the intestines. Mr. Joseph Murray was there, on Monday morning, when Becky told him she had killed the devil —that Margaret (Jerry's mother) had come back and stuck her claws in Jerry and made him a devil, and she and her mother had killed him. She evidently was feigning insanity and made a great many simple and foolish remarks. Mary mule no such attempt, but confessed that she made the fire and that Becky burnt the child. Tha widow did not remain at home that night, but she says Ow women had fir the last twelve mOnths treated Jerry very- cruelly. 801 l the women are now. In Jail awaiting trial. A COMIESIVIIDERT of the Chicago Times, writing from Huntsville, Ala bama, April Gib, gives the following sen sation item: A. greater than Crosby Las arrived, whose ithoe's latchet your follow-citizen is not worthy to unloose. The Mississippi Legislature has ince rpm rated the 'Southern Asylum,' and given its Managers authotity to connect a Lind and stock lottery. The land is accepted at a cask , ruination, and sold at a Price that it would bring on Live years' time. The difference between the two value- Gone constitutes the profits of the Orlin ration: It seems, from publications In theMentidds papers, that the best Ott lens of that place, and others of Arkan sas and Mississippi, are mongers of the institution.- I heard that the Overton Hotel of Memphis, which coat $400,000, would be a prize. If Chicagolans have nut speculated enough in lands, and houses, and lots, they now have a chance to secare some of the best farms and other re4l estates in the valley of the Mississippi. It is the purpose of this corporation to promote the; subdivision of plantations, and, by ezterudve adver tising, to invite foreign, immigration in to the Southwest. This becomes the more needful in order that the blacks may not - outvote tho whites. , The scheme of the company meets very gen eral approbation. I..sads are now cheap here in Alabama, and, if their value were made known in Europe, the tide of Imunigration would be speedily tunied In this direction. The corporation desig nated-will have its agents in Europci, Tierra's Cases of Child Murder In Ling A man and his wife named Blow were sentenced at the Lincoln assizes, in March, to fifteen years' penal servitude, for causing the death of an illegitimate daughter of the woman's, by abase and starvation. The man used to put the Child up the chimney while the fire was burning, and to tie it into its chair with' small cords, which cut through the flesh of the- thighs down to the bone. The girl was three years old, but so wasted by 'starvation that she weighed only thirteen sad a half pounds. Child tor -e has bee rife - -ntly in lure n.._ ,een especially rife recently England. A. laborer, named James Thorne, has just been sentenced at Taunton to twenty years' penal servi tude for inflicting horrible and probably fatal wounds upon his daughter with a red-Lot poker. William Foot, in Lon don, used the same implement to punish ' his little boy, twelve years of age, be cause the kettle did not boil. He thrust the hot iron into the child's mouth; and kicked him in the eye, but as the boy survived the torture, the sentence was only eighteen months' imprisonment. A strange Death. Last Thursday a man named Payne, a farmer, who lived four miles north- west of Dunleith, came to his death in a most singular manner: lie had been in Durtlehlt nearly all day, and became quite intoxicated. Towards evening he started for home, and about two miles out came to a creek which was swollen so much that he could not cross it in safety.. A. short distance from the stream was a vacant house -a school house we believe. It was supposed that Payne tried to get into this house, through a window, with the intention of sleeping in it. At any rate, he broke glass and sash with his arm, and apiece of glass punctured the main artery. He sank on the ground at the side of the house, andlled to death. How long be lived after the accident is not known. There was evidence of struggling an attempts to rise, and the bloody prints of the dying man's hands were low down on the side of the house in scores of places.—Dubuque Timcs, April 9. SWALLOWED A LIZZAfiIL-A corres pondent of the Detroit Tribune, says: "Mr. McKay, residing at 306 Franklin street, came into my office a few even ings since, saying that "on his return home from his day's work he went to the "penstock" and drank from it, while doing so he felt.something-pass into his month, and before he could dislodge it, it passed down into his throat. Be states that it felt soft and seemed about an inch or more long. lie is satisfied it was a small lizzard. Says he distinctly felt the impression of its four feet upon his tongue. It now occupies the pas sage hailing to the stomach, passing sometimes quits low down and then up again almost to the month. All at tempts thus far to dislodge its Lizzard ship have failed, and of course Mr.,3lc- Kay's mental state is not very pleasant." • Mr. GEORGE MUER, of- Arm strong's Coal Works, Penn township, All. igheny county, speaks as follows of the • HEW: E. A. WILSON'S • Great Remedy for Consumption: "I was reduced so lowWltbeoneumption that / was unable to leave my bed, and my pbyalclana Informed me that they could do nothlng mere for me. my case being utterly hopeless, that I had not certainly over a mouth tolive. At this stage I was Induced to try UM E. A. WILSON'SREM , EDP. and to-day I am as well as any man In the World: If there are any who doubt Misstate ment, they can call and me me, (aa perabove ad dress) and I will give them all tab partleniars of my extraordinary recovery. • Bold by drogglsta everywhere. Sole agent for Pittsburgh, JOJEPII FLEMLINEI, Omelet, II Market Street. • Kole:eve . GBAY BAIB,BAILIDNBEIS, DANIOI - rr, ANYoIsr.A.SV. Orr THY, SCALV.—NO DISCOVERY CAN outiPARE WITH `LONDON HAIR COLON RESTORER AS I) DRILISINt.." London Car Best Rah Color Rest/her" "London lUD Color Restorer" "London Physlclans Halt Color Restorer" "London blur Color Restorer" "London Ueo tad It ILLZ Color hest cores "London • Halt Color Restorer" "London Recommend It. Nair Color Restorer! It never fall s to Impart Me, growth, and vigor to the weaneet hal r, fastens and stop. tgralltng, dls sure to romance • new growth or halt, causing It to grow thick and 'Doha. (MD N. cents a bottle: SD the I.l[de:hen. Sold by .111r.CLAILE•N kIeEZNNAN. Market street. , l3 EU. ELLY.' 37 Wood at, ell and JOS. FLEMING, n4Ma et street. MD. burgh. KANE PRUITT, Allegheny. att=OthxwYe A TIMELY WARNING. /I Is ell:rectally Important as this time. when the market. of the United Bta'es are goaded with the direst poisons, under the name of im ported liquors. and when domestic compounds tporporting to be inetllsinal, but not a molt at. pernicloss„the heralded to the world as "sorer. sign remedies," that the public should tally en. derstthal the feet'. ' Be It knoWel thee, that .while all the didusly• . thlraulanta called tiottors 'ate Impure. and all the Tonics containing alco hol arc manersetured wiln a dery artJele Geo tattling amyl of fool oil. env:real poLons. BA TETTEZII CELEBRATED STUN/WU BIT. TER3 contain none of these thing., but 'aro • eombination of pure . tenure Of Rye with the pore Juices of the most valuable atomsehlc. anti. blllena and aperient herb. and plants, end that as a cafe and rapid remedy tor Dyspepsia and all Ili kloollnal thiliplthula. this preparatto• stands before the world without • rival or competitor. IL - sales te-day are equal to the combined sales of all the other tont. advertised to the United nudes, and the eertidestes witch authenticate Its esafillness are signed by Individuals of the higheet standing In every professional valise and walk of life. De 11,112,4 Imitations sad Im posters. PLNUS AMES, OR CANADA . - PINE. There exudes from the Inside hark of the White Floe. which glow. abundantly In ell the Emmen tl and Canada, a boney.like e eeee mulenee. highly Isa'ned with that turebinthl nate principle which hit long been veined as a remedy. In various elsemes of the human medially those of the mateuon. tlasees• Dr. W. ovrect, of Boston. baa compounded from this material &median., celled POLLY:LIAR/TB FINE COMIPULIND; which he. met with great favor In those melodics where the turpentine. and balsam. are mippose4 to In valnabli. For Gravelly Affection.. Dlahete• la Toms or rolddl. age 4 poopis =I Stoppage of the erlue. The same gutomity la ehltdrea dating th. sight. Gravel, ktdaey Trouble to old people. Inaaratad Ridae7s. Ulnrateg Bleeder. . FMMiNiMMI Bright , . Inseam, of the ildneys, Pala Is the Kidneys et small or the but . • Polo In tb. Plaelder..lisat and Scalding. to., Poland's Waite Pine Compound will be goad v speedy sod permanent core. It IS no loss to b slued as s general and Oracles constitutional tonic, which Imearts Its besith.olrlog pies to ail lb. Moues of dm bod erltbout solos or mussel:tint tee system lo y, nor' ways oe disturbing soy one In his usual avocations. Ask, for roasay's Walt. runs 00kI/OUSO. fi e tritltrilltirtig o s z t e keeiiegNtu b r o o wil b Wood street- NEW AD VENTE3EMENTS‘ WM. Ea MAHAN; Jr., Adam .Bsprou Ito*, 54 WM Street...is an enanoriaad dons: a rooms Advarigannents for the EIAZRTTAL and all Niter paper; ihroughout tM United Mafia and Mr .amadas. y"THE • SOUTHERN FAMINE. --The following subscriptions have been received at the Wilco of the Pittsburgh WILT P 0.% The bootie Hill open for subscriptions. frldch are to be sent to the bouthwestern Belief •AOSUVISLIorI Of Loulivlll o , for the puree* of bertha . food for the starving people of the South. PlitliT DAVI) iIUoIICIZIPTIO2 I I3. Samuel McKee. li. Wallans. W. 7. lio• Kee, of the Orta 010. ReKse & gins mann fatturere. 00011 1,02 C0.,,5 &I/ 03 J s Ole Barr & D.1(11 !net . • 100 00 tine. W. B l.owria tun LO I.euera' i/aorgo W. 00. CALI Jolso Iluelap „, &wing *Mob Muller James rano &Jinislt • I/u. ....... 004000. i15L10.11.41 Total • SECOND .I/A Y . 3 SI.III6OIIIPTIONS. N. J. 11101. y $ ICO Co . W. W. *allot., w, $. 111.0011 .•••••••• tA) oo to D. 1., laboe,t o e.l 00 60 06 lilleneoelc I 1101.rerry lw 00 1500 Itnlft'vt.r" . O . 0 Ca. 2.'W.iiridr.s.lrl . 0. Yllaa Johnsen 1 00 illg,g`rY:j""s" IS CO . CO Dr. w• O. tlelter - /03 CO Alexander W. 700100 ' 10 00 rillEtt Campbell. Daniel lecLalferty 0 04 O. T. Masan, W. Dineen. of Mao 0061 of 6to C. 'Maxon A 605.../ ' , 2.." ft. . litn, Ja 11mes At. Bailey - .5 00 Wllllam tarly •••..••••• ...... lb MI 6 ol Thomas Munn 6 00 c aatt . YCO 1 William 1iraff......-....... CO ---- Total ' • $ 65.1 00 =1 Pend In your gutagertrtloncenrly to the DAILT roar.. no matter how small, Jar amounts are aekeowledged. • eplt: 1.76 HEURBOLIPS CONCENTRA. 'MD EXTRACT bALLSAYAIIILLA Is , 4e QrcatllloudtbrVer. splo3llll. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS FOIIIIENT. One New Iron Oil Tank, i I. 011 City. Capacity. 11.300 bbla. Enquire of W.. 7. KOUNTZ. 2991. Clair •19:170 FOR SALE. A ROUSE AND LOT, W Campo sireet.:East Dinningtmm, in • good loestlon, Add ~,, BOX 211. BEIIMAIXAX P.O DOA% --- DEUEL McaILELM, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, Ufllce and Readence, 150 Grant St., near Bigb pit :71 wm. amtioonr & co., Manufacturers sad Wholess'e Mears Is BROOMS, Bloom Brush and Broom Findings Factory and Warehouse, to the rear of tich. maker ± !Jong's, Nos. 172 sod 171 Wood di.. PlidsbOstb. TO LET. New Two-Story Frame Dwelling, CONTAINING 511.1104,/hlO. Located on Blount Washington. , Btable on lot. =ME= =EI Brokers sod Bala Basle A$ UN. No. 00 Salltheeld .trees B. 11. NUDISM Q • •.lAll. IL LAN X.•. J. 1. 'WILDMAN STERLING, LANE & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, 10. 110 Eolith hind Eer.et, Philadelphia, Dealers In GOVF rumen!, 'Bonds and no4s of all Lands; Compoond Intsrest Motu, Cold and 11l • ter Cola Coupons, an.,'&u. NZ W STAIS LOAN, six percent... Maud, Par male la sums to L OAN pa •ll lies., of 740 Note. contested Into Bonds. without charge, on payment of differ e of Interast. interest allowedoa Domani, Communles, Cool by promptly answered. sols;171 TN THE COURT OF COMMON PLLAS or ALLEMILLNY COUNT Y. No. Demmber Term, IWO. HANNAH COUR.; VIOL by her next Mend, Jemes Lamett. TO. WILLIAM 'HARRISON COMMUN. /Abel 10 Divorce:, 111 , 401 if 1216171=01.4i. To W kI•6111.71( COMIStIf, its above nsmed respondent—lon me hereby notified to be and appear".t the nest Court of Common M " on ..j i?.! b rlUng 7 .ait'f ' N el D. law, Men and tither to answer the eroMPleiet of the above Mimed libellant, and show came, If any you tare, why. the an the inlet HAS2.II CoUl/Alt.. In e Mem . . from the bends of matrimony, should not CH greeted. ... ...IdULL. U. ULULILY, Sherif. • Z. 1.• GIAY 4. S. {IOCtWAT• UNION CHART COMPANY, iiwzract•nrs and dotalsri to GRAY'S UNION CHARTS. CHURCH BOOKS. TEE ROOK •T HOURS. WILDLYLE RE ri.DINIeS. II••. J. fisitb. ATREASURE. Bei. J. &slut. DEVOTION LIZFusE •ND AFTER THE HOLY COMUUNIUN. R•u. John Re big. SACRA PRIVATA. I BMA's Wit... PRAYS-PS rya UHILU SEN. Rem. 11.W.Lee. TILE PLEADING SAVIOUR. Rev. J. Suittb. THE CilitteTlAN YEAR. Rem. J•ku "able. THOUGHTS YOE HOLY 'WEEK. Ills. Sewed. Dt/UDLE WITNESS (if THE CH OUCH. UT 9.l.V.Srti l ltillff TO SUNDAY SERVICES. OFFICE OT THE HOLY COMMUNION. Ey tlotsburst. TN C IDLE WORLD. Gel:Rums. BILLIONSIS PREPANAINJILY TO LTD'S. Sowell. SIMMONS Tillt THE CHRISTIAN N YEAR. Rau. W. 11. Lewis, IL NICHOLS . HELP TI.) THE READING UT THE MULE. • - THE LAWS Of HITTALATILM. ' John Henri H ESl L ltkNlitt. 5.41 eu. CHUNCHLoCTSINE lIIBLE TEUTIL Sadler Ally. • large stock of Se ndsy Schoul Books, for We by, J. B. WEJLION & CO., •513:00 No. 11l WOOD D e.. Pituburgb. J. D. DA/DALEY. rrrrerenart. April Ist. lift. .P"'" ITOR 'IEEE SPRING TRADE. •rest lodocaelontojotrotott to Apoata. • osolight, BIIT.I3ILE TO EITHER MLLE OR 11111La,LE. Umpire. but MU* capital. Addram. •nelo lag •umD. 011110111 Ch ART aplatagt Orangeville. Trumbull Co.. 0 NOTICE. THE UNDERSIGNED has this asy disposed of Ids entire stoat of ROUT% AND SLICES to Mr. J. 7. MCCALL. w►o will continue. the business at the old stand. 234 LIBERTY ISt =XT. Thenkful tor the Ilberel patrenare beretot bestowed. I would Uk • conUnuance of the s I= - - CWANTIT V vs. QUALITY. usa.rnours EXTRACT gaga/Ms VILLA. TR dose Is small. Erma wDo desire a large desalt 17 •nd large doses ARR. WS:war IVODV HANDLES) KNIVES, Myer Plated Forks, Spoons, Castors, Sc., , 4 FINE ' AtISIM . 3TYLICNT AT Grafton's llouse-Fumishlog Store, 66 k.ocieraa Mt., Near tbe Itatlfood Depot, M=== IBEEM W . B. Printer, Book Binder and Stationer, CORNER WOOD 6 THIRD STD, lititerig.al l iggs w .` , l l V6;itteLF:g.": rinaTED mums. • Cou.l.Uss of Clock. D Reeds.. Dray. 2111. Lad- Isg. TLIA. Inv raft, O dd 1110/4 rr.pcslOon sod 'Ararrsot Boot. M.sfseturer of 1 odic". Jame. Decitell OW, Dsy and laveles ewt.. spli;so. 4:11A404A.4:4-1 Brackets, Pendants, de., a 32.411. 011. A taro assortannt on !mid and inecelvlu WELDOR & KELLY'S, PLUMBERS AND GAS FITTEILIS, 164 Wood Street IDAU:b7 N ILLIt 111.1Tff. IRON CITY CIITLERY CO., No. 3.St. Clair Street. Havlag purchased of ANDIMW BIM'S the; H at of Hardware s utlery' and Varlet, tics-ds, at on. above staud l it, their Intuition to teen on hand a drat elms floes Of HARDWARE. CUTLERY. Gond. Mach 6.N:qv.", Pistols. lishisTackla troWcZfree d' aV:PiTurill ) lbs Zai r e; Winging nuors,Sclaaord.•.. 4 ./attlar Nelsen. and etampa. sod tasking and LW.Waling MaDIM at WOrt•Wnoises. W. W. MORI. Manager. WWID:wI.I. mu& L. C. crarmmr,; . FASHIONABLE mIWNBB, W,. 20 Diamond Alley, P/ttaburgb,Pa. Ail the latest and most fashionable styles of lIONNEII3 .4 HATO for Ladles *lbws. and Children, kept constantly en timid or made so order on the aboreast, notion. Friona eery reason able. aOlO CHAS. A. aniven, LITHOGRAPHER) No. BO 701TETH BT., APO CHECKS, MUTTS, NlYTItz, DILI, Ind LZT ac.. dlon• In ill stilur. spins/VI B.• LYON, Sealer of Weights and Measures. 11. 4 /01.1.11 TH STAMM ' D.tw.aa Liberty and Tom Mean, preopUy attended t.. TN TEE NPRING MONTHS, the system raturally oedemata ♦ change. and Ille.nßOLD`el 111.3111. T engrain Baran Itirliscr or 14.ttlearenLI.1.• la an lasnitant lathe greatest value. Do 00 W 00 al CO 6400 23 CO 60 00 - - FOR SALLE.—ONE TWO STOUT Brick Dlr.Wag Ilona', •5 Wabater atrial, &wand Ward, Atleabant, ant& &NM' ROOM, &Mailed isrre), good canoe . : It. tad vial= LA lbo boom; aLL a good eider. &amain of BAYBILY & Held Ea rote &anti, No. 9El:leaver mat. akplaasn CCM FOR RALE--An Excellent Facia . of SUILIDIA. 40 Inch*. diameter and long; taro LX Inch netts In each. %Ira front. l o ng; Also, • food DOOTOR !Milli& for eapol7- toga nest of boilers In • Mans *lll or ether . factory. Bagels* of Bunn at. norE • co.. - apIS:011 • der. rant alley' • Duquesne War. bbliulleans; 5 bbls. frail Egist • Owed. taeer; 5 .• elder Mortar ; • .• Catawba 151 , 5; V teg• kluge Batten Hay, Oats, to., , for We be 3* "dr. "d s IicIILNE • co 5p1245 1 4 Sendsues HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE, In anyder's aouow, Allegheny.' LAM ti by ga fest, and a good frame norm with four rooms; a in u o l d u tp_rtng of water at thwthaer. 11104 $lOO. rc BARBLY 41k NALL, 'Baal UMW Agents. -nplCang NO. 91. Deny.: Meet, Allegnany, CE:E] NEW AD VEriTIBENEENTS. KAY & COMPANY. Wholesale and Retail. 1119CILLANEUtra BOOKS 13C11001 BOOED I =1 = I=! I= IMMESIII I= =4 BLASE BOOKS, MILMULtAIiDIIX BUOKIS No. 63 Woqd near Fourth pIPALILTAYETTL HALL BUILDING (IRDECiNCE creating °nice of ,•-• sth.fmast.r (or the glfth Ward Wharf. lIIICTION I Be It ordained and enacted by the Select and Common 00.14C1184/I/It Orty or 4 114• glitny, caul It fs hereby enacted by the authority of the same, Turd for the poreent year• m ..n as may he convenient after the passage uf UM fnlinance tad thereafter at toe annum meeting ur she election or elm oglcers. the !Select and C.... .ri Booliell• shall, by their Joint vote, elect 00000 natio person. a citizen of said elle. wha r fe as Wnarlmaster of that Portloo of th• wextending In front of the 2danchcater 1) s ifted. for otos year, or until his successor shall ho dull elected and guallted, etc. 1.. Before anterior upoh the duties or Me othm he Mall giv bond to the rill'. with mill. , Meet sureties. In t he emu of POO, condltlohed ' for the faithful performance of Is duties. new 1 Lila datum andpowers snail be the , same. over the section of the Irma( of which he shell have charge. as are zev thaolved and conferred open the Wherfmester of reection lying eart• erly ot Itimichestar District. and be Mall melee tf the wharfage collect 4. by Min as cm:enema iOn (Or hisltes, he same th commission or per mutate mieore la now al owed to e w ham:oM. ter of rata eastern sect un of the wharf. 13It0. 4. That en. saucy( f say OtOiIIMICO as may ••• .-- ---. • ih -- 14 - ind the same . . . „ he Inconst,nt h crew hereby repealed. Ordained and e”cte Into a late this the Iltit PAkf i ent et RIEItt Le 011101001 - Council. Mt2===S Pres Attest: D. klacir.o. Clerk of belret , US U. HAMMY, or Common Council. Vginell. spll:n7o • . Peestden Attest: liollkke inn • Clerk of Comma • orting Reuse. Pittsburghjm FRIDAY, • EIIMBLIII SCHMIDT I or TORSION in=3 LIQUORS WINES AN nn Street, i No. 409 P , Motrtrr n n p GH, tWoul d in p e oso h n s ng nino o f t L h aelli ub s th r ough several large wino and liquor hones in Europe. and making their Imporiatlern direct, they are winceto offer tee various grad. •i choice Winn mud Liquors at pried. ins than' Intern eaten. Examination of qUalltna ntd of prises re ipsotraily sodetted• Achain assortment of rugs OLD DYE W -AZT &instantly on band. •Pla‘ald At 26 and 28 St. Clair Street. we bara Instore and ari daily reerlrint. or ur own and other saanurriclurae, a large mak FLIIOII OIL CLOVIS, WIN' Dow SHAOES, Y DUNMORE: . TA.ADLL t LE AND A,TI O‘, °ARMADA., BUFW OLLANOH. LI IIXTUILEN. Alve, LICATIICR SCUTUM, 211.111U6R /IU6L A.UL rAOILINU. • Bala[ maeoleeturers, were enabled to oiler to oaerelmots, tarries. makers and the retell trade In...meets v. to price, sad goods sot be toned eiseekere La the city. J. & H. PHILLIP/ NEW STORE AND NEW GOODS. FRANCE'S TEA MART, No. 15 DIMINO, PITTIIIIIIIIGII. Jest simmer!. &lowland tbolco stact Of Teas and Family Groceries. Wiley ono WWI rrtalled at lowest whole.ole prices. Vatl see en be gc.d. and paean. Ti? thera. end you Inn able On j u do f or rur . NM's. Tam Abe. osoly (1/1,1311. FNANCE'dt SON, • Plttsb.rAti = TO DBILDEBS AND CONTRACTORS. BRICK FOR BALE.—The Char don Valley Brink Manufseturlog Onnmany Daring about nunaleted clank yard and mall- Merl for manor...dug lank In Newfield, on Ina Y. C. • U. 2t. R. ready to receive or ders—la be dellvereeln the yard or to toe Mll— es mooch loner ratee than Dave been beretofere current. All orden will be promptly attended ta, For further partltulen Inquire at UMyen, or of WM. 1111.6, at David nee... Coal Tare, bead of Vomit, strap.. on Toeatlay and Trlday of .ant Inn. non. 1143 o'eleolt p. m. letters Wren ad to Wu. MULL. M==al MT3 BUSINESS COMMER • Nos, 8 and lALCOLLECE, IS st.Clatr Street. Baser Book-Keeplug, Ye • time unlimited . Atitturietlo and re • sr three mouths reemaiehlp, per m or Circulars or • • nsbl p and Arittuae ite, $4O 00 =l= E! men, addreo N. SliAl/11.8. or J. 7. NoUL.A1110111)21. 12= TAPES s GUMS, Of AU Grad.., ROM STAMPED GOLD AND VELVET, - TOTILS LS? LITICLI TO Till BO At No. 101 Market Street. JOS. R. BEUGIBEB & BRO. BOTTLED ALES. KENNETT, WINTERTON, And oli best bo broods of ALZS AND SODA WATALIS. ttled by J. C. BUFFUM 3 CO., • 1151 •RT 94 MARKET ETRE= Tltlabargb mbll:Y.l•Ywl CHEAPEST PLACE IN THE TRIUMPH coma trovE„ II 44 No. 146 U3ANT ISTSZIT. TIIAT APPROVING SMILE. WOULD YOU HAYS IT f I If eo, take hone • can of Yrceh PICACHIrg, ISTRAWBERILIKS, SLACK BICIWITA. ULIYARIES or WIIOUTIAIILSSIZe. You ore me to get item good, and at tin Went market wife, at 11S FEDERAL lITSY,ZT, Allegbeay WIWI . . umonvii lawmen purout TRIPOLI/ Tpupout THE BEST POLISH HG POWDERS EVER PRODUCED for gold, silver. lid Stunts, boss's or tin-ware. Is Is pet up In ono pond and half -pond packs, Sgl.• cepte Snail, pound papers and 7.3 CUM for gionlad / 0 5Zia, Bows. 176 Wood West. r=l BASE BALLS! BASE itsus ILIRSWAWB CELEBRATED BABE BALLS, ET= = BA A n i tt .. D u tr u !l o r AND BO OD El.- n Awes. BATA AND BOOKS, Togother with Belts mote - to order. with ttio Raw of Um CLOD oh that. If desired, by JAMES MOWN. • 130 11 cod !toot, symwroar hMin:IO.'II4:k_CM:II:IIPIA immsno; PRICES OF CANNED FRUITS. Extra in Quality,Elegant In Flavor. PEACHES, quart caw TOMATOES IZMKEDMI ASPA.RAG V 8 PINE APPLE, 2 lb. eons = DAII6O2C rLIIIIIS GREEN PtA9 1=1:11:12 • 411 Warranted The Pilriiiiioll or Fruit. SHIELDS & BOUCHER, 108 Smithfield Street, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE• CARD TO THE PUBLIC OFFICA or Trt• PACIFIC & ATLANTIC Tfl. ANNA". Co. Or Tux UNITIto OTATZS, Pittsburgb, April 17, /917. PACIFIC AND ATLANTIC _ _,graph Company of the United elates hale contemplated, from the period of its organ. nation, the bringing aborlt such • reduction In the rattle of long telegraphic menages im would enable the eomotercial public to enjoy the nein- Ine of the telegraph for the transmission of let ters. thereby causing Ile telegraph to take, to • Inge entent, the place of Shamed. This reduction they hare developed. and •enid untounee that their . ..tree an now open to the public to all point. where night operator. are employed, ne the ire:tend/non of m after six o'clock p. m., at the folloydeg ..... Twenty Worde or less. eame as ton words pronoas to that hoar; more than twenty words and not ezeteding slaty, twice the usual rate for ten words; Bitty "need. and not *sending one hon . Orel utd.tWenty word.. three timn the venal rats for ten word. and for each additional one hundred words, sr any part thereof, the lomat toll for ten words. A eoutinnation of the same liberal patronage whieh 'has heretofore repaid e Company to in effort. to boned% the public. IA asked. (010. b. THUILITON, Treeldent Testae ant Atlantic 'Telegraph Co. of the Called State& api tan G'd> LARGE STOCK Ladles', Misses' & Children's LLIATINte. OUAT A ILD L NI . TON, CONUEEfSB Gaiters, Balmoials, xisr xi $3 0 0 3"1/3 iBITI lU AIE SIM HIPPIES; Bronze Toilet Slippers. I=l3l BOOTS AND SHOES DI iNDLE,M VARIETY, AT N 0.31 Fifth Street. W. E. SCHEEEIRTZ & CO l i )113111[41111111113114111t1 THE GREAT HOUSEHOLD REMEDY TO THE PITYILIO.—I haya . thta day apanc4 Mishler's Herb Bitters, 113, the CRT of lillabargh, an&•aato ant.ho .a. T. VAHNESTOCK and 1.);:td. WILTON' yenta, to cart 7 on anti:manage am nm E. Lamcursz. Much 114 1)(7. PAHNESTOCK & HOLTON, Wholesale Branch House, SIB Thilarls.ot I= lola by an nespeetable 13=mila/ff. ai r medifol ask bat a trig So 1101WriAPI.7 ale of theielnal value. ffi➢RLER'S HERB BITTERS. NOTICE-TO OWNERS OF CARTS, WAGONS, Sr.o • Notice. Is hereby gleea to all owners of Wagons, Carriages, •a, whether restdente or noo•rosldents In the Boronsh of Lawrenceville, Pay their Licenses, At the TrettwirersOdier,of tbe Borough of Law. FWITHWITII. All licenses not bald es sr before MAT Ist, l 7, wUt be planed to the hands of WI direct Commissioner for collection, aubLett to hie fee of arty who for eollettlos therm, and all Per• Illwho neglect or refuse to take out Menses, will be subject to bettalti. to boreewrared be fore a Justice of the Pear. In said Borough. ThO old metal plates of orerluus year* must be returned at the Ilse Melees me talon out, or pay 3 trots therefor. FAMES Or LICENSES. 00 00 00 eue.horse vehicle. .....$3 73 Eta. two.horee vehicle 6 00 Zech f isr.berse vehicle 7 00 two.horee beet.-- .—.., .. .... 7 10 thantheses and Umber wheal. drawn by two bones 9 00 Tor emb addlttoug horse used In shy of the shove veldelea 1 00 WM: JAMCEI, Treasurer Lttra2XCrvtt.t.z. ♦Dttl ht. IW. NEW WALL PAPER I JPHOMaY STORE, JUST OPEBILD. ►T NO. 86 SMITHFIELD ST., BELOW TIIIIRD kin me T i l l s i ic r om n s e. od j a vr ts t e fs e ,a ldireg ..t lead et s. u w 7. l4 of WALL _WINDOW CULLA/1r GuUDS,_SLutnt sad TSUJI If OwTll, ItisTTAAßaSti asd ILDUISe of sU Wads. BitAICII—II6SMUTII7II4I.IISTRICET,_ _• 01.1) STAID-98 AID WS TFIIILD STSZIT, E. EDMONDSON SC CO. ISAAC CRAIG, QUTLET SAWMILL Foot of Craig Street, ALLZGUZNT CITY • leap' constantly ea hind a large stock of NI. ars Johns, Trimmers. lilri•dow grams Mir, habsills, unties, gals. gotta/A &matting, Dest ine. Soil sae liottore Plash. lipoattag, 7alloat. Lath. Ss. will eh orders tor stale with prenurtneos and at falr rates. antlhallO L . J. BLANCHARD h CO., WIIOI.IALIC AiD =TAIL Cr 1:L OP C, MI 'PL IS, 396 Penn Street. irtsmr. ura M==2 DROWN - a CO ._ll,O aserrailiLD eiaaar. opposite the roatoMee lee, on band,_or mats promptly to order. *varlet) of ale/Pot Tenet'. Ellnds—prles yen and opwuds. Slaw style of Window Shades, al So and ykpleards. Co l ored Olt Cloths, nollend, Hate, Rugs, Otto loans, Riled sad Pletere Cords and Tassels. Also at t h e same store, on band or mad. to order, • and stook of Wnita and 00/15.11110. Collars tor gentian:deal waCo . salM:wla. NEW GOODS! AT 12 1-2 CENTS, Coed Light and Dark Prints; AT 12 1-2 CENTS, Fine Wide Bleached !Inslins; AT 25 CENTS, One Case Colored Alpacas. Beautiful Spring Plaids; 3-1 Wool Mains, all colors; Back and Colored Silks; New Spring Piiplins; New Lawns and Chintzes; New French Ginghams; New Shawls; Balmoral and Hoop Skirts; Striped Dimities; Bellingham Lace; Bonnets, Hats, Ribbons, Flowers Cassimeres, Tweeds, tr. A VERY LARGE AND GOOD STOCK SELLING AT LOW BATES, Wholesale and Retail, at WM. SEMPLE'S, 80 and 182 Federal Bt., AILLEaliE.wr oir,r. 1= PRIII AND GARDEN SEEDS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, . - Tarchaser. are Invited te examine my fleck, which comprise. the sant reliable varietles cultivauon.. We offer tie followleg bled e at re. eared rates.' Ibeeslitile the Tell best! COUN. 101 bee. Every . ..en bweet Ire bed. Large liweet. or Pager. /LI I. DISH. Tor round. 1(50 Ina. wood'. TAM/rm. n too .• Wood's WIT Covent 100 sos •• Tarty Lang bovine TO IM •• White Taralp-rooted toe 4 . lied Turolp-r00ned,.....« no 4 . nomener WNW 10 IN •• Bummer 'fellow •• ileac 100 •• Nklt• lipanlth TUSSLE . . Tar IN Vds. Per rd. bas.larly WNW Stone NO lb cu. s 0 •• /TIN Dutch ((drop-leaved) 0 •• • TO •• 1 ellevr None so • 4 'Red Top (strap-Wavy:o... • es so •• Large telebe vr One.— -.. IS . 4 Yorplo Too Rata Bags SO • •• White Top inn Bonn 0, • •• AbconNo. green top 40 21•• N 1.101405 Ea FELD. 101 b... Early Daniel O'Bonrke , 10 44 Early Tom Thumb so 4 . awls 4/4144 : .....I:l 7 p 9 a:M/11/ 0 4 rod, N •• Dwars Blue yosai Dwarf Warrovrfst.. ........ 71 4 . Lards Wllllllllarrowfas 4 /4 TO 4 . Slant Xis llarrolstat. £OOOOll 11 10 N . 4 cassznplans at ...... 10 N Is . 4 isrltisa Quell 13 01 11 " 13.411.118444/, *dials nods 10 1/1 al " Tall • gar. 111 T/El/111 11)/LATO, at $l.lO par 101. 1141.1.. • a. irnaVC lo .7r., Horticulturist and Seedsnas . No. 137 Liberty Street; a • 11 rITTSBLIRO H. PA. MYERS, HOPPER & CO., filiesuera H 6. L 61:1L6.16, A5e.1..3 Y/LIKUI &OTTAXLI 01 FURNITURE Of Every Description. SCHOOL AND OFFICE FURNITURE. No. 45 Smithfield Street, sr.& ran mortmut or Inttaboritti Mimeos tared IN rolta rs eoluituttly on Undo& LOMMIT CAMS Pll.lO/4. WN. 7. UTZI/...WK. C. 107714.. C. ♦. 3MIII mes:.an TUE RIEREUANIS ONION EXPRESS COMPANY CAPITAL, $20,000,000 Our Nerebants aid Nazafactarem ST EXPRESS, Money, s"Vainables, Freight and Par cell, over more than 13,000 miles of Express Line, at last and liberal rates,saves yearlyto Express Shippers, acid can be made permanent only by their liberal patronage. This we hope to merit and re ceive. Office, No. 145 Wood Street, . WE. LITTLE, /goat. MEM CHUM WAREHOUSE. RICERD BRIO & CO., = xxitrocaprivrtottos. No. 100 Wood Street. a lir w Ayettftras i irra r yt e A L3 Tio v r u t. LIB!. Munro en head. °SUM TKA arm CHINA TOIL E T ET% CHINA SSTS. • 241112 YENWooNN • LH. KNIAN WARS amity ditenlptlon . AVA CARD BASKATS. VAS* LAVA etyl /OBS. ENGLISH STONE WARE of all eadetiee, snit whotneale and retalt wade. . The lamest and most °mantels id eek of elehT Wu In Ws line In the WT. niche and term the ems Yin tb.1 111 mhwia IM3il PATENT WINDOW BASIL FULTZ.NTED JAISSTABT wullllfo WIJID9IIII XADE EASY. This Bath le ea constracied se to be easily ta• ken from the Window Without remorieg the sash and p.rwir bade, enabling the housekeeper to de her mere cue tale hi t anal 11050, nod With much wore ease. last towing Into genera. use. don't build without 'seeing It. Any win. doer tan be altered at a trifling coet. flash ot.' ken and buttons sawn • right at an early day. Territory in going teat. Ban Indateweete of fered to men of small capitaL For Mots and *aunty rig Ott aphis to JOSEPH WAIIIIINGTON, Be. 6T Fourth street, Pittsburgh; room sin, wound door XL&IIIIIIALIS SALE., IXL , In the District Court of the'llaited Sta., la gad for the Western Mallet of Peatisylvaut% es.• Md. V.Vitn i tr d ent • !, t Bteraboat rarest City. B v 111.21,01 alnit of ornattO•larposlt lamed by t he y he said Caron, and to me Mmeted. l• • cense efrlt .d =ultimo, I will estrum to osle et the CUSTOMIIOUBY.. in the City of Pittsburgh. et -10 o'clock la the ormmou of the BOTII DAT or Arun, INTISTEAIIISCAT YttaXIST CI T Y with the boar* umebterry. laclar, alumni and !traitor& THOMAS A. hoWLILY, U.S. gleridail. Pittsburgh. April Kb. lOC. meal snow BAND VP RITING.-A perfect knowledge of lig; valuable art taught In tea short and eery lessons. by a Prea- OW reporter from London, Neglsnd. Zarb pupil tafight separately and at ally time to rat their own eoureatsnes. Apply le 1=23 • liar IN PURSUANCE OF TRU Ilstseetton of an set rep &Dag to All este at Consty. approved tholes. day of Stay, IUL and of the amendment to said Beaten. approved Month day of March, DOA 1. DAVID LIKEN, Jr., ileasurer of said County, bereh7 giro no". that the Depltutes of Ins several Wards, Bor ough. and Tonneaus. WILL 8Z OrZY, and I pr.partit to =COI,. tb. • (411311, Hitt ?DOI Ell 101.11 T T 1163 F 011567, The First Day of May. 1867. 6•IA Tazeeeee be V•t't •t the Tat •ISMIE11•6 urriult, until the /LILT' PAY tlf AUtiUST. Deduction of Five Per Cent. Dlecoaat for prompt payment to any person Pnii•gths whole magnet of their taxes. There will be no deduct-10a allowed om Wes daring . the mouth of August. There will be TLIe rig CZNT. added to ail taxes remaining aapall ea the 1114 r DAT 071ZYTEMBEIt.. apt:whim/ - rallsolloll.llo.rch Mtb, IarNOTICE.—'IME ALLEGSE' NS COUNTY 111.121..17.23XiMCLE11.247 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, Oi Saturday, April 20th, 1867, 10.111 1.0131:LT11 IT.. PFITSOUEGH • hill attendsoc, 1. Teg , e.t.e43. as the time for' bald lag 11, xominattaa Votrrentiolle had other Goelaess of importance will Urn be considered'. Attest, A. L. FaIIZON, T. M. Sera; 5 santriat 18TEUBENVILLE Wr ATM SEMINARY. The iiikaker swain of Ude stltitlta WILL OPEN. MAT Terme. per limiest of eve months, far board ins, room, light, Au, ISO; tuition from 310 10 seeorium to Mess; mulling. 50 cents per doses. We have ruhmed ear term %boot leper cent. ter tie coml./ year. F1TP.1=0.'.171113,11.Wr. D.D.. FeloUp%!. lIT. A. Y. 71/11. A. X.. WM:IM FOR ASSERBLY. WILLIAM B. ROSS, Of Allezhan• City..lll s candidate for A. eeinbly, annect to the deaUlanof Q*114;10 , 11 pan County Convention. apla.x43 Fon COUNTY C•IIffifIIONEB. JOSEPH B. WDONALD, Clummtles. apllml2 pm COUNTY 'YREASOBER. _ WILLIAM M'CLEAN, •t rut torasilip. (formerly North Yayetta, will candidata tor County Treammer, sublect to tho doelstoa of thu Colon Ilepubtlean County C Coo. lenzo MI FOR PROTHONOTARY. D. C. HULTI Wlllba a owtatefoto tbr tho ogles of PHOTZION MARL tablet{ t. the /eclat*. of the Onto Eopublicon Couventloa. , opt Fon PROTHONOTARY, Nil Beshel. II 8 0 23 cri aw ..... :ge ..... .... II IKI JICOB H. WALTER, Rlil M • Casedate for th. *Sc. If r&OTNO MART. .a►leet tor the deaden if t►. Vale Hepablicsa Conetatioa. halt3:7ll:ddler FOB COUNTY TIIKAILIIIL'iti MP. J. F. DEMMISTON, trersulief 7rtraVa G•uls) TIM he • Culltdata tor COUNTY TIUMMUSEB, nbicet thsdeatdon St Um tralmlteraLltax Ciinven ulalm7l OPENING. 1 Lll4lld COlrLtp 133055151 Of BOYS' 'CLOTHING,.. For the Spring Season, AT VERY MODERATE ritione HENRY G.HALE EMUS? COL PEI ID St WE BM NEW SPRING GOODS, L Owse i sat °persist by J. 1. GRAY, • canna 017104 Cotnrrr T) •pr)l 1, IGC Cs. El= • t the efrICI of the CIIALELItIat Sy •Nee •r JOUR W. RIDDELL. C2*.7 04 1110130 (10.14.1 1016 I) I 17.4 MREWHANT TAILORS. GRAY & LOGAN, No. 47 IL Clair Street, 13E2 JUST OPENED, IMM=CI All the Novelties of the Season =I IFirat-Iplaiss Merchant Tailoring Estabushment. =I lESPENIIEME; Merchant No. 50 ST. CLAIR STREET. Nzw 111%/101 GOODS jest *peruse. AD !at Sae Sew a patterae got up La the latest lasi era styles • m1e1.91 HATS, CAPS, &o. Z. I. UOIMLIT GOURLEY k LOGAN, Dollen lz Hats,taps and Straw Goods, n.„ Jost opened tkez! new !Lock of FASHIONABLE GOODS. se St. Clair St., 'Pittsburgh. Mangln es a tan bathe. Dunheehtir ele. when. eofMr2 ( HATS ! HATS! GRAHAM & BYRNE, At N 042 it. Clair atritet, Zan in* oi um vas ben ni•U stockl or HATS" CAN SAND. STRAW ROODS In the day, and gangland) In mem It all that la near. ag goon as they “nshaggaggl Liar) latalitilla glass to totalling, exclusively. aplia4g NEW HATS! FOR SPRING, AT MY LOW PRICES. CORD & CO 0.181 Wood Eltroot. Stri FROM $l, OR $l6 TO $3O zursa DAT. can essay be made the leer round, WITEIOIIT zinc. 1a s new badness., llght,, ',ammo and no...we. LTD xo'coarszrrion4 Used sad energeUe Ar” 1.11 (Lulles and Uer tie. essulare wanted to represent Cs Is evety Gty and tlozany. A anon CEANCI to make money. a n FAIX•If aitmorairg Is offend to RV/ ba l par g pI t u g: S et/ a l ly OT " st dew, U. W. JAI:4MM A CU., 11 Smith street: Balta.:Lore Md. sab.=:TSl Tom - PECK, 011NAMENTAL HAIR WOILICTA AND PILBIrUMEiI, vs /earth street. eye door Item Wool. nttsburn. Alesys on bead general assortment w in e ,dies. roles Banes. Owls: Gentlemen , s s TOW.. &Wm, Baud Chaise: B racelets. • good PM* In cash VUI be given tor Haw Bale. Ladles , ant Beetle:cam's Italz-etttlag elons In tl• Beaten meaner. mn:itsm WINDOW lELlDES.— having v revel . ..ad out oriel sloth or Shades weave w , .prepared to sell at the lowest ush prices, either wh..lesaie er retail. The best assort ment that ern h. tumid in the city. Also, a new style of Shades lust remised. tJA.I and see them at Kos. PI andilll ht. Star stmt. • asAll Os a If, PLULLILII. ===c4ll6 WANTS. W ANTED-FORED.A.N. A mut e•mpetest to aei s• /011E1gAN IN A LIVERY 131 . A.111.1... utddj, aged sine. aso preferred- Essigre at 110W.LILD'S LINZIVI3TABLIes aptsal lint it., nay Itenongslzei: , WANTED. , • la-C,C)72 SOY, T. i.e. 011 jewelry-trade. son..lnt a steady' oat need aDPI7- ♦ddrne 14:12: .11.11 r LLB'S, Oirarra Omen. WANTED. 19 - calorrxri.ea, Who con engage at once. Apply personally le, or •ddrrra. 13131213201 2-41 T 3111031l110:51 ) ST., rlttsb.gts WALIITED-AGE'ST. • A strictly reliable sad suoceisful Life ante Company Is do.ltous of ostalastiog • gen- ersl Agencytar on or more of lb* Violent, counties of l'ennsylyarits, Imeleolint the city or Pittsburgh. Ltbermi terms and extlogive on, trol of the Dui.° otlercd, Coos pt teot potions Invited to apple. Address r. O. BOX 195 k. i2E=l WANTED.- , 5 00 clerks. and and other', WAFTED.-300 out of _veplorneaf to VEraPOll? e i ggab t a b t a :retarls j rtbZt tier. Portman , are I:soden, lelll¢Rrlkb te sodtbe dens erator. II Uthe only think of the kind that bail real merit. gueeis e s Is the standard. Come anlr see b agents making. J. O. TILTON. feb: No. lei St. Clair litroll. AGENTS WANTED, BOTH MALE AND FEMALE. in eyery township and county, tonna very pops. ular work. It c.ottalas CI , pasts; retail yr). ,co..,n d br bbbj.'dFie-AginyAr a;,,"" tott3o.ls. 75 Third street, Flustmrkh, rol A GENTS.—I.OOO - WNTED.-- MLLE &ND Y.F.M.ALE.—Tho - best rti.nea yet. A work or Historical value anJ National Interest. Toe only work OD our ri WIT ye; ,, . .41 the Held. ATV r ]. ' . l r o 0 ftlr Vat COM- MANDEII.B. lly Hon. J. T. Headley. In ono handsome volume, illustrated. lend *Deb for tern. and terrLlT L A T Vlll t ak. i . a Co. saull:WHdawT no Market ht.:Pittsburgh:Pa ' BANKS AND BANKERS. J. F. STARK & Go., BANIZwiItS, Corner of Wood and Third Streets, 33trY" 03131-.1.. USN srasLs DORI GOLD, SUR AIID COMM Draw alma and tilint Bills of Irsehnngo on ZIVILAITD. 7/111.10% . G =MANY, IT4 I.lr, • detsrp9s:wr . ^ BANILLITO 11 , 011 SE OF JAY COOKE & CO., 370. 20 Wall St., CORN= or NAIS AD STASI - T. NEW TUBS We bey arid sell b an de moils libera ofurrent prices, arid keep on a fall sopaly Government Bonds of alt Issues, SEVEN-THIRTIES, AND ( Compound Interest Notes, And execute ordets for percExee and ealc-ef STOCKS, BONDS AND GOLD. We bare added to oaf odic. hate rooms for ve stmentn of the public dminsud for in ve in mad exchanges of Government se curities, and the COOTCAUCLICO of our ntong and. Gold customers. 8/YEN:Till= Hid CONVKATED INTO. FIVE-TWENTIILS at GOV githiliggT, Clvetilsrs, nit.o 101 l puticulass, tarnished on application aptitain JAI" COOKS ilk, GO HART, CAUGHT St, CQ., Bankers and Brokers, , CORNER THIRD AND WOOD SIRE TS; prrrsuunewr WIICOESSOES TO HANNA, HART, & 00.,) EIMMD Exchange, Coin, Coupons. And vertical c z attention role to tle per ute eat sale et GOVERNBENT BONDS. airway! r DRAFTS ON LONDON. tah= N. HOMES & SONS, 33.41.1V3M.M1 = 1.03 , No. 57 Market Street, rrrreausuit. itaralgrg:Vß DruN d it:LIFNIZ% the United Butes and Cm the Stocks, Bonds ant Other Securities BOUGHT AHD SOLD ON COXISISSION. Particular attentls► paid to the purchase $lO sale of U. S. Securities, Including Tr. B. 51X1E3 Or &,. 1681; do. do. ..114 U. tl. 71V S i ! 10-40 U. F. CF.R.TIFIrrTES OF IiSLICIITI.DRZFIS. Orders .4 Voneh A. ersbenght or collacCeo. ]alo a 1 FITTSBURGH . BANK FOR SAVINCS, (Formerly the DINE SAVINGS INSTITUTION ) et Fourth Street, ' Nearly Opposite Ralik of Pittsburgh,. (MASTERED II 1882. • OPEN DAME from ti to I o'clock, sal on Weal:4E9l)AT' AND SATUKDAP to 9 EPICS MOS from Hay ht to November Ist, 7 o'clock, and from November hit to May Ist, 6 to 8 o'clock. Itooksof hy-Laws. Av., funtiabed at the {whose , VOA InsUtution especially offer to those whose tunings aro limited. the opportaulty to accu mulate, byenta/1 aeposita, easily saved. • sum : wake will be a resource when atedo... pm:lt/ear tug tatermt Instead of remain mg unpraluctlee. 33c.obrcl. of ThOteganiza&-cm-es: 271i•IDENT: GEORGE A. BERRY. TICS PIIZSIDENTS: O. N. kLABTEA.N, .TA3IIES PABX, Ja. SICitZ7a.ItY AND TltuASCrant ' D. E. AIoKINLZY. l a A. BRADLEY, WM. B. Nratioc, A. N. SWEnItIOUEB, O. FOLLANSREE, JOHN SCOTT. JAS. L. Ultell elf, it. e. SaliStEltrZl. CHHISLOP Eft zee. Peuenrons—D. vf. AA. S. BELL. ml.ll.l•Zif pEOPLES , - ; - , SAVINGS BANS. OF PITTSBURGH, IXCORP OR TED - 1866. Capital, - $lOO,OOO. OITIOE. NO, 77 FOURTH EiTmer, MO=IM3 President Vie* President,.. . . TH.I7ISTtrEI: WINTT LLOYD. WILLIAM 6I44 •• _ Jartzty I. lissmirrr. Jut. larrlxcarr. E. P. JON - Lg. Hon. T 1306. MALLON. • W • W. (1 , 0E.1.T. Joux D. SCirLLT. ViaLl.l.Val aliltapx. Skilful is !n um SIDIIT I. !O lallana pt. yet eclat. interest allerised on time deposits. Investment. made In tioVeMnient and litmlLss tate Securities. Bank open dnll7. elcept Sundays. from gine oClock, A. m.. to four o'clock. P. rt.. and on Wednesday ant Idatorday oveningi gremlin to nine o'cloe.l.• Jahl4,sti LOST-REWARD. • RUG LOST: A Diamond Cluster Ring,. 0 4Whadh7.tha lath Insitat. sot thlntat fifteen ett, Wetly 'cease* s praseat. Tha ander 11t Ds llDenit7 rt.rarded "I"th4.l.lgg• "ST. A PIILIVUL XOZOINAIII POIMEI4IOOBO Ocalalsles quits s ma of 410. Y. small papers and a iota ...Jai. SSP itSti'AXLI will It paid Waal oat leaslag it at tla I=l E=l DIVIDENDS. DIVIDEND NOTICE. 'rho Beard of °treaters of tbe rantlie sad At lanua Tuedraph Company. 'of tha United distal kayo tots day teetared a (leaner ., Dividend, Dna ..... tk.) oat cattle earnings o [ ta• Comp of no to dertt the Ist, at the rata of Wf.ll k a- IttYtT. Ati N a, on all paid; up stool. eayatale at the setae of The Tr...near of and Corattedta. 4111 Jilt arse,. rlttsenesh on and atter data. ED% *BD JAY Yad.X:t. Traateree_t . nutmeg, Aprlll6oo, /VS. 7:F. &DMZ.. =l:3