11xeNittobitrouturtit T111:111.14DAT, alilL 115,11,41 BRIBERY AND. CORRVDTION In Pennsylvania and New. York cer tain Republican journals have spoken with great plainsiess in-reference to. the dishonest practices which abound in and about the Legislatures of those States. At the" risk 'of doing their party some damage they have shown • disposition to do the public a service. The Dune crate, instead of seconding their en deavors, seek to turn these inculpatiOris to their (advantage. With a sanctiicto ideas assurance they exclaim, Turn, these disreputable felloWs out, and put us in, and see how incorruptibly we wai l behave. 'What they care for is not the rectification of abuses, but' to get back into power. Now we doubt not there is a fair pro portion of honest men among the demo crats; and we have wud, and. now repeat,l that we prefer such to the dishonest' members of our own party. But we do ] not suspect that in proportion to numl hers the democrats have . anything to boast of In point of Integrity. They have been tried both at Harrisburg end Washington, and have turned out a full average of scamps in all departments. Indeed, aslong ago as when General JACKSON was President, it was held;` to be wisdom to retain ¬orious plunder er in office distinctly on the ground that his pockets' were full, whereas, if ho ithonhkbe put out, and another snbstitu• teil,'the. neW democat would nu his pockets likewise. The correspondence on this head was laid before Congress, and by its order - spread before the coon try. ,No attempt was ever made to deny I 'thin record or to explain it away. That was in the early day when democracy was 'comparatively young and pure, That it has grown any better since we lack evidence for , believifig. Let any man scrutinize the votes re corded . daring the late session of "oar Legislature, on bills commonly reported to hive "money in them," and he will not eerie ont of the investigation with the idea that the democratic members were carefulto "mold the appearance of evil." Take the Free Railroad Bill as one, and the Connellerille Railroad bill as another. .Take all the bills of this class, and see if the democrats did nit dirty theMselves es freely and entirely as the republicans. • We do not make these suggestions to exeulpate.or extenuate the conduct of re publicans; but to show that :legislative corinption, which has grown to appalling magnitude, is not to be combatted effect tually In this way. Both Paivies are too deeply involved in it, for either to make capital against the other, among intelli gent people, by claiming exemption, either comparative or absolute, from the contagion. In view of established facts, all boastirtgs of immaculativeness by any party, may rather be - taken as indi cative of a willingness to , wink and con nive at the debauchery. The truth is a remedy of meat searching - character must be applied, or all legislation will soon become purchaseable by the highest bidder, except such as political parties may desire for their own ends as'organi— zations. The peoplo must take - hold of this subject 'in earnest, resolved thalthe laws regulating judicial proceedings Shall. be so altered as to promote inquiry, not to suppress it; to bring the guilty to pun ialunent, not to offer them immunity. END OF A 'STRIKE. TlLElong continued strike of the miners in the. Schuylkill coal regions has terminated, and,work has been re sumed at the reduced prices proposed by the .employers. Thus, no, good has '.been accomplished by the strikers in that vdghhorhood, although their eifferings have been' great, and many of them, through' the force of necessity, were driven to the perpetration of robberies and other high crimes to provide for the support of their families. As a gen eral rule, strikes result in no bettering of the condition ' L ot the working classes, but often entail great hardships. Steady loir wages all :Wirier round, in the end, . prove more profitable and guarantee more comfort to the laborer than extra. ordinary prices for a few months of the same -period. The, lost time by the present "Lick out" in this neighborhood can never bo made - up by high wages. Previous to entering upon strikes - the in . telligent laborer Mould go into a cal culation of the pecuniary loses to be sus tained from idle time, and deducting the sum from the 'advanced wages :fought, : learn whether he is to be gainer or loser in the balance derived. If such a course were pursued, strikes would be less nu merous and the working mazads much more contented and happy. SENATOR WILSON'S ESIT.IIIIIENT at public discussion at the South.as so sathifactory to himself that he proposes to renew it and on an extended scale. Probably . his example will be followed by ether Northern statesmen. It is well for the Southern people to be brought - into perional contact with xepresents live mien of the North, particularly of the RadhXd schooL It is important, howeverr that in this intercourse, the Northern men ShOtati avoid even the ap pearance of that haughtiness which al ways invariably attends eminent suc cess. The litoiditern people feel their defeat bitterly enough without lathing their mortification Intensified by the ar rogant bearing of tho conquerors. What is desirable is that the two sections should oame to understand each other's feelings sad Impales; and, in an asps vial manner, that ht the South should perceive) that which be demanded Ls not degradation but eccurity, A. pm of unexpected morality conies from the newspaper prdinietora of Kew Orleans. Ate recent meeting they de cided to issue no , papers on Mondays, In Order to giro all bands employed full op. .portunlty for rest on the Sabbath. . Mr. oil mania Is reviving in the West Virginia districts. The territory in that section has been but partially developed, and the present reaction may succeed in proving it much richer than the Penn sylvania regions. Buil , dunks, late Auditor General _ of 'Michigan, it la stated, has brought an action of libel against the Detroit dd- ver nier, claiming ;50,000 damages. Rather a heavy =mint for a politicians good name. . . Joni( G. 3frzna, formerly a well known milroad contractor of California, was brutally beaten to death . by come_ roughs, in New York city, op Monday last. Tim Maine colonizes in Jaffa appear to have found a land "flowing with milk and honey." They find food abun dant, and aro quite contented and happy. OFFICE isnosEnson at Washington has assumed a new phase. The method now is to . ascertain wiih how small a part of the emoluments an applicant will be content, a4d force him into an agree mentl to pay oy . , r the residue to certain outsiders. Pre iselY who' share in this overplis, and i what proportions, has not been fully Mound out. But the ar rangement, from top to bottom, is dis graceful to all who are concerned in it. - -.. IT IS ANCZETAINED that of all the fires occurring in the city of New York full thirty per cent. proceed from meendiar ism. The motive is more, frequently to recover insurance rather than revenge. If this evil shall continua to increase the rates for insurance will be carried so high that honest people will be com pelled to carry their own risks. Irt Nov Norm: JOUR:USA it it pro posed, since vote's in the Legislature have become regular articles of tram; to have the rates quoted atatedly in Wall street: • The Threatening War—Can Napoleon Allbrd to be Bodied s—Excited state of Feeling in Pranee—A General Euro pean War Imminent; [From the London spectator, starch aol A war with a power organized for bat. tle as Germany now is, with an army of at least three quarters of a million, and an armed population behind her of forty millions, is an enterprise which no peo ple net alarmed for its existence, or .wounded in tte honor, would be willing to undertake. Frenchmen must surren der all hope of their "natural boundary," the frontier of the Rhine, all expectation of obtaming Belgium except with Prus sian consent, all claim to decide alone on the Int= distribution of the Sultan's dominions. Those hopes end expecta tions and claims may all be unreasona ble, or absurd, or selfish, but they are entertained by Frenchmen, were avowed by a man so moderate as De Tocqueville, are cherished bir the rank and file of France as Americans cherish the hope of ruling America from the Isthmus to the Pole. There are signs abroad that I Frenchmen are beginning to hate Prus sia as they once hated England, and their hatred is by no means devoid of I fear: Strange as it seems to Englishmen, Frenchmen have never forgotten 1815, never quite rid themselves of the belief that an invasion from the North, a suc cessful invasion, is not beyond the limits of possibility. They listen to rumors about the absorption of Rolland, the annexation of German Switzerland, an offensive and defensive alliance between Berlin and St. Petersburg, an agreement between Von Bismarck and Rica.soli, till they begin to feel es men felt when the First Bonaparte was on the throne, as if noth ing were too horrible to be beyond their enemy's dreams. Amounts of plans drawn ep by Baron Von Moltke for the invasion ot France are greedily received, and photographs of -M. Tigers, who de matinees Germany as a danger, are de manded in such numbers that even Paris ian photographers are overworked. They see, too, some substantial. evidence for their fears—a government bill, for in stance which sends every able-bodied Freedman into the ranks, a studious abstinence of the Moniteur from any al- I lusion to the treaties with the South. If Napoleon be not aldrmed, why does he risk his popularity with peasants? If he is not indignant, why does he silence the Moniteur, usually so careful lo reprint all offlcial pews? The highel the popular estimate of the Emperor's sagacity, the deeper will be the apprehensions of all who believe in him, till they feel at last as if thay, Frenchmen, the race of all others proudest of its military fame, were refusing a challenge, are half in clined, like the -peasants of Turuy, to propose a terse en moue to defend the' soil. That is not a healthy condition of , mind for &great military people, and leastl of all for a great military people ruled hr a dynasty to which success is as the breath of life. It will make war easy on the first occasion, and there are occasions inpienty. Without believing all the ru mors which now load the air of every continental capital, it may, we think, be taken for granted that Napoleon and Bismarck are at this moment engaged in a diplomatic war for the possession of Luxemburg. The King of Holland, to whom the Duchy belongs, Is-willing, it i is said, Us sell his lights, and the Dutch, who dread entanglements with Germany are willing that it should be sold. The only difficulty in the way is Prussia, which garrisons tlm fortress, which re gards it as an outwork of Germany, which dares not surrender one inch of strictly German soil, and which hopes, and from tke necessity of its geographi cal position will always continue to hope, that Holland may one day be attracted with the Germanic circle. To seat a united Germany upon the Atlantic is a dream no German will willingly resign, and the Prussian King, though, of course, officially most desi rous of peace, may object very strenuously to surrender Luxemburg. Napoleon cannot beer to be always baffled; the American complication is dyer; the French are in the dangerous mood which the idea that their influence is waning al ways inspires; England is paralyzed by internal dissensions, and indisposed in any event to interfere with'France; Ger many is exalted 1W it will bear - no menace; the Nast is stirring and hearing with er .eitement; all things point to that greatest of earthly calamities—a general European war. We have still three months, for Napoleon must give the signal, and the exhibition does not close till August; but If he lives, and "unforeseen does not ar rive," Germany will yet be welded into a harder unity by blows from the out side. Already the mere rumor of menace is doing Count Von Bismark's week, the federal draft is passing as rapidly as if the North German Parliament were filled with soldiers, and, when it is pro claimed, the King of Prussia is Emperor of Germany, with a military dictator ship for three years. And we wonder that on all bourses there are unettaluess and hesitation. liolA%bll of IlUxis7iilbn. The correspondence, which has been sent to the Senate, between the Austrian Minister and Mr. Seward, asking the in ' terpoeition of the United States govern 'ment to protect the person, or save the life, of the Emperor 31aximilian, now supposed to he in jeopardy at Queretaro, indicates how completely the Empire set up In Mexico In the name of that Aus trian noble has been overthrown; or, rather, how little there was of the ale. molts of stability in the country on which it might rest after the French bad withdrawn their support. That Maxi milian, in accepting the position of Em. peror of Mexico under the circumstan ces which he did, after years of terrible misrede and disorder in that country, had hope and expectation of accomplish ing some good, that his motives were more vr less creditable, need not be questioned; therefore,Mr. Seward's ready compliance with the request of the Emperor of Austria to interpose in be half (Wills brother, will:not be otherwise than commended. Maximllion and the irunerial , forces are closely besieged, and as the city of Queretaro contains some 40,000 inhabitants, the siege cannot be long sustained. An attempted sally had been made but failed. The acquedfmt that supplied the city with water and the roads that supplied it' with provision were all cut off and commanded by the liberals. The orders of Juarez are not:to, assault the place, but to reduce it by star. vation and thirst. 'five Liberals are con fident of success, and so far as the news goes, they have esson to expectit.. The only chance of Maximilian's escape is to evade the enemy. Bat even this may no t be possible. It is well known that a special corps of cavalry has been organ ized with the object of capturing the "Austrian;" and there is a wide tract of country between Queretaro anti the frontier, all occupied by his enemies on the lookout for him. To traverse it with only a small escort would ba very unsafe, and to get out bf Queretaro with a largo . force is manifestly impossible 'without fighting a successful engagement. But while the Empire is thus lost, past re. demption, the New Orleans Picayune 'loes aotAbink there is any expectation that the Republic will be established. The people of Mexico aro too demoral- ized to build up by themselves and sus tain any government. No one thinks any such thing possible, or troubles him. self about it. blaximilianWiLS invited to 'Mexico by a large portion of the people, and went there only in the belief that he could restore order in the country. When the French left, a large,portion of the peoplebesought him to remain, and not leave them in anarchy. Be consent ed, very foolishly; it is true, but never theless with a laudable hope that be could be the instrument of accomplishing some good. If captured and hung,' as it Is said the Mexican leaders have threaten ' the deedwill reflect -.al diem-- ec ate - deed will reflect eternal disgrace upon tbe. (Mexican people.—Ballimora Sun. Glumny. NMI. from Australia A. correspondent of the Ban Francisco Bulletin, writing from Melbourne, gives the following review of the state of af fairs in the Austrillan Colonies' : • Australia, no doubt, presents:a better field for the emigrants than Canada, but is far, far inferior to the United. States. Agriculture will not be a paying under taking, for the reason that there aro no markets with large populations' for cus tomers and no internal means of leech:no tion of great axtent, no navigable riv ers. Her great drawback is her remote position in the world. It is no wonder that immigration has almost ceased and 1 that nrimbers of able-bodied men cannot find employment; and this is the case all through the Australian Colonies. Queensland, about which so much has been said and written, is completely broken down; her' cotton and sugar prospects have vanished and she Is plan god into financial !bankruptcy. The colony of New South Wales, which has Sydney for its capital, is in a state of rapid decline. Her complaint id want of I gold. There was some, but all the infla tion founded upon it has collapsed, and her pecuniary trouble! are great. A few days since it was 'stated in the Palls mant of that colony.that upward of one thousand destitute persons were daily Partially fed by Uovernment loaves. The Australian colonies have been push cd ahead too fast. They resemble a hot house plant exposed to the chill air of the natural climate, and exhibit signs of decay accordingly. 'Nor is South Aus tralia, of which Adelaide is the capital, in a much better plight; her copper mines are failing; she cannot make her grain I pay at Bs. ad. per bushel—and 1 may here mention that she is now shipping wheat largely to England—and when an intercolonial tariff shuts the door of Vic- tons against her she will instinctively collapse. A large number of her farmers are crossing; the borders to Victoria, where they think their prospects am more favorable. M. GEORGE MUM" Of Arm strong'. Coal Works, rents townehlp, All stony smutty, speaks aS fellows of the • REV. E. A. WILSON'S Great Remedy for Consumption: ill was reduced do low with attisimmtion that I was unable to leave my beilAti my physielaus Informed me that they could donothing more for me. me ease being utterly hopeless, that I had not certainly are). a month tolive.' 1 At this stage I was Induced to try Ex, E. A. WILSONU3 REM EDY. and to-day I am as well se any man In the world. If there are any who doubt this state ment, they can call and sec me, cas per aborq ad dress) and I will give them all the particulars of my extraordinary recovery.' Bold t.y druggists ererywhere. Bole Agent for Pittsburgh, JOSEI'IILd..IIIIiI3. Drigglat,lll4' Market street. ' What Sisiaynels Ointment Will L i-lt will care Itch to front re to *hours. 1.-1 t will case the mat olesUnate twee of Tel ter. 4 —lt wilt cure 61 . 6n10 Eryelpelar of the fate. —it will cure bait Woman boeld Head. a—lt will cure /teethe rum ell metro cue. t -et will matt - rely cure ell Mimics. .—Use eSWATitz`e ODiTirmarr sad earatch no mem ../TCElii Dr. fisooyer . /1 Othrwiria. "TETTEE" “ITON” Dr. Etocrw.'s Mamma. ..TETTILIV. - "METTER.. ••ITOLP. NEVER KNOWN “TETTEU" "ITCH"TETTE , 170.1." ,77.1 7211. ITCH" "ITCH" ETTER" Prepared. only by Dr. BW•TNE & 000. Tell edelpithi. bold or N'CLABBAN • &PEED NAB, PS -Market etreet. ONO. A. KELLY, 37' Wood et., JOa. 71.EXING, 114. Jdorket st.. A.. cor. 4 th and hiuket streets, Pitts burgh; NANE • DEBAT, Allegheny. ardiSiLTAirre A TIMELY WARNING. It le especially important a. this Ws% when the markets of the tolled Stec. are /Gale/ With the flout poison., under the lament im ported liquors, and when 'domestic aonym/a purporting to be utedleleal. bus net a whit leu pernicious. are heralded to the world as "sover eign ramedlea,n4lnt the /Ogle ehenld 0317 Iln• demteadl the facts. Ile it knoWe, then, that while all the dlruelve ethaulants called Liquor, are 'mow,. and all the Tnnfeo cernalning alco hol are Inarmlhetured with fiery CO. . . leaning amyl m fusel ML • mortal poloon. ROll - CELEBRATED. BTORACIS RIT• TEII contain none of there thing.. but are • - - combination of Pare eßeleee of liya with this pore Juices of the most 'enable atonsacide, anti bine. anel aperient herms and plants. and that as a safe and rapid remedy foillyspupsia and all Its kindred Isomplaints. this Preparation .rands infore the world whin.% a rival or competitor. Its Cale. to-day are equal to 'the combined W. of all the other tonics adverthed m the United Stoles, and 'the surtineaseawhi.h aaebeaticatis Its usefulness are signed by - Individual. of the highest !standing In every professional cant.' and wait of life. Beware of Imitations and im- Toste.. MICA ABIES, OA CANADA. - - PINE. There exudee from the inside .bark of the - White Pine. which pow& &bondman In all the Eastern States and Canada. a honey-like, sweet snitstance, highly lae•ited .101 that terebinthl. nate principle which Das long beta 'valued as a remedy, hi Tulsa. ;Emmen of the human era. mpecially those of the mamma U.S.C.. Er. O. W. !sweet, of Beaton, hart compounded from this material a medicine called POLAND'S WRITE PINE (X)EPOUND; which has met with great favor In those maladies where the turpentines and balsams arcm.Piweed to be for Ormein arfactio.a. Diabetes Savoie& or middle aged people. Diabetes le old people,. • • Btopp.se of the urine. The. Bache die:lcel.' In children duitnit the night. Urerel, Kidney Trouble to old people. Ulcerated Induers. Ulcerated Bladder. Ditchers° of Mucus, or pus. or bleed from the bladder. • Bright.. Dlaragie of the Manor.. . Pain In the Kidneys or small or the beck. robith the Bladder. Heat and &aiding, Poland's White Pine Compound well he Aland speedy and permanent curs. it IS no less to b valued es a general and bracing constitutional tonic, which . Imparts its•bealtAdiring Princi ples to all the Mast:tenor the body. without sick/ min' or welmenlng tee SYMAth to stli way, or disturbing any one in his lune evocations, Ask for POLAPP 6 tl WWITI Piga 00strottrip For sale be the gross. dosed, or single bottle, wat I)}e. KEY:JEWS (Rent Medicine [More. 110 ood street- api AvN- 11 11 'Y tqo WM. BINGHAM, Jr., Adam's Bspreso OP Noe, 64 "fa &ran, la an aulltantmed Amott to masa daverllumnanla /or the GABB2TE, and all caner = u throughola Out United &atom and pr --- CEDAR CRESTS-12 assorted In Wiro .4 for sale by aplB I ISAIAH DICKEY At CO. COTTON OATTING--60 bides Wire, will be sold low to close It. eptS la&IALI DICKEY d. CO. COTTON WASTE-20 bales a. , hard, for iauhluip a rtr i pl o rt m milil close Is. OLD PAPERS FOR BALE, I= tpl! 00 T O ln i t ' h E or A bi l rk o — rd A er, eleggy l i n6 te r !P U, it i ll e 4 gbray City. wl , l be leased - to • party trio trtil Egf.Y:tll,l ° ,;lgigr l a r dt:6; r e= given.t or further partlentareenquire at aplebatt iuhiZCU3fneraser. - - FOR SALE.-ONE.TWO STORY prtea Dwtlllsg ilonse..on Webster street. teeond Ward. allegbeor, with E 11.1.11 BOOMS, Dabbed garret, good• cellar; gas sad 'rater In the home: all le good Order.' 'enquire of 11/0111ZY a HALL., Real Estate Agents. 01 Dearer street. sole . F OILS/ILE—An Excellent Pair of 17 IMAMS. Olnehes diameset sue 24 pet loop 4 0 0 Xi /nen nue. In each. inns front amulet,. • A WY, a veil DOCTOR EMITS& rat supnlY• lag a-ma of bobbin Ina rolllna mill or other ""U r2 7 VC[[ 11. nor..r. tco., 423.241 eat. Point alley At Duquesne Way. LOST -REWARD. RING LOST. Sing, A Diamond Cluster g, • 1 ft, t .8 . , .:41,7 6 , t he T lied Instant.. r r e : t i . 4:4l fliti :t ili IN be liberal..? aid by ibb , Y. p ., ,CIIILUNI tax. vivoz. 7f . • LOST, , . . • A BLACK MOROCCO POCKET•BOOS• Cent/Lining quite a and • gain medal. g. 4. eg.neY, small payer. will lea paid to any en. leaving It at the I (7.IIBOXICLE 0/71CL. =I 11;11 AVal ski Vi t-1 HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE.! la Boyden, Hollow, Allegheny. Lot 24 by BO feet. and • gO.l [Mint nollan with four MILD.; • f ood spring of water at the door. rrlongl= Enquire a t : .HiAIISL7 & Heal Zetatgo Agents. "ip , gagl Tio. - 91 Beaver amt. AlleghgoT• L . J. BLANCHARD & CO, WROLS•LE AND arrAm MI.OO i = l.. el , 396 Perin Street. splAmfa CHAS. A. MILLER, _ N LITHOGRAPHER, No. 00 FOUIITII 'ST., Apollo Alatiding CHECKS, DRANK% NOTES, BILL and LET TEE IiE&DIS, SC., don. in All 5t71.... Sealer of Weights and Measures. No. {FOURTH STREET. , Between Ltberty nary streets, .Ordere promptly stPodsd to._ ardrels W . 8. HAVEN, . • _ Printer, Bo ok Binder and Stationer, CORNER WOOD & THIRD BM PRINTED BOORS. Consisting of Check. Receipt, Dray. Bills Lad ing. /toe. 800 Draft, Odd 70.101 re ropoeltion and:Tarrant Boots. • Ilanaracturer of I edgers. Journals, Docker, Gael:, Day and Insole. Boone. apts:l63 ISAAC CILLIG, • I • • • OUTLET SAWMILL, Foot of 'Craig Street, A.L.wionast crrr. lENII7II constantly oa hand a largo Moth of sea. soa JoLets, /Manors. Wlsdow /rano Stuff, isattellis. tills. P Serotang, Dent.' Inc. Boat sad Bottom /lank, Spontog. /nlnge, ath. de. Us will all fair ra c es eawicd. sin/ with prominteoes and at fair races. aottonlo TO BUILDERS. AND' CONTRACTORS. B RICK FOR SALIC.—The Char alors Valley Brick Ilanefonlarlog Company b e . try " r ... at tlre 17 4 ttillf: Lrgatvizr, i i tee r. ' C . 0 . 11 . 8., are ready to receive or. den—. be deliveredln the yard or In the c at mean lower rat. am. have been heretofore Intent. Ali order. 1.111 be woefully attended to. a /or fu r p rthearticulsws Wool.. the Is.. or of WM. KILL. at David eleen , s' Coal Tara, head of Fourth .treat. on Tuesday and Friday of each week. irom Ito 3 o'clock D. mu All letters addressed to U. HILL. EM==o = TLN GUTTER AND SPOUTING .tizt buid ►nn put op to order Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware, !Wite order, .t GRAFTON'S House Furnishing Store, rac).4313 .Ireclerallellt - roet, rbV.rd.l.llll.7A.il'esl."7 Z. OBAY A. L. J01.11.......1. 1 lIOC&WAT UNION CHANT COPIPANN, Mauntactontra and daYers io GUTS UNION OHMS. •neat lud.rellntiNff.ed to I{.n4. assailed, and BiTTJJLE TO EITHER HALE OH FEJULIL Boonlres but Mlle npUal. Addrstut, lug awn, lIBION CHM= CO, apts:as J i orassigerine Trumbull Co.. 0 I NOTICE. THE UNDEIIaIGNED has this day dtsioeed of his entire mock of 001)111 AND 88010 to )(r. J. 7. 24CALL, who 1.111 cootie.. the tattiness at the old eland. 334 .LII.IIBTY STBEZT. Thankful for the Mend 'manna,* hereto: bestowed, I would oak • continuance of tha s =MI= J. D. BAMALEY. .rll Lt, IE7. spla::43 CIrftBUZIOU. A Fon SALE. • • A GOTHIC BRICK HOUSE, ghosted on Ohio avenue. on the Ilee of the 1 . .- .enter flallw.7..heer th e large new Ifeltiodlst Church. 21thichester. The house Is belts In the latest Hudson river style of architecture, ennialatng rotas ILd kitchen. wits gas. to.. and Is mod admira bley located on a lot SI feet front by 24 feet la Depth, =lamented with fruit. shade treed, shrubbery. a. from the roof can obtained a magaleseat view or the clues and Ohio river far Ora aline 7Or UMW particulars chilitre of A. Y. GALL/kg/MM. Xo. 4 Unetterha Ray. NEW STORE AND NEW GOODS. FRANCE'S TEA MART, ao. vs DIAIIiOND, PITTS . 51711911. Jun opined, • lame and chola stocker Teas and Family Groceries. Which are Wog retailed st lowest yrboltuale pieta. Call an see thygoodA and pikes. Try them, and you will be ant. to Ind,. tsr 7.u. I selves. Terms atdointely 0A U. : , ' • ' IVN. FRANCE a SON, apll:xlt 15 01&IIOND. 41tunirgb. FOR THE SPRING TRADE. At 28. and 28 St. flair Street. Wo • nave In store and are daily tangling. of in our own and other annfactures. • anent FLOOR OIL CTNTfi& • WINDUKOWNITG !A RIL ER, • Y • TABLE AND CARRIAGE U/LArtll6, BUY, lIULLANDB. MADE N/XTGILES. Alpo, LEATHER BELTING, RUBBER. BELTING, 1106Z.ANDISTS.AM !AGEING. Being manufacturers, we ere enabled to Wier to merchants, carriage maker. and the retell trade inn venire ate a. toprices mad goods Roth. toned elsewhere la th e city. J. at n,rmuLtra. OEM CHANDELIERS, Brackets, Pendants, de., TUX Clets ,a,3ael. • large nuarteaant, on hand and receiving at WELDON & KELLY'S, PLUMBERS AND GM FITTERS, 164 Wood Street. arb2l:b7 MIMI SIXTH. IRON CITY CETLERY No, 3 St. Clair Street.' Haring pod of AxonEvr 81LG(76 the entire stock of Hardware. Cutlery sod Variety Hoods. as toe above stand, It is their Inteallon to trey on lurid • Ilte.clist Hoek Of HARDWARE. CUTLE Y. Ourns.preP Heroiyef sootstols lithHirjackle it an p i a n ga r to " d o el 11:1116a criudiuu Harem Beason, e.. Outtluielcaells sod atasupu and smelled Neal and CaolledUng litaraps. at ftert.st mule*. W. 4.1., Bows, a n. c e x . reldtilortl pArEu IiANGINGS, - Cff4ll3 Grades FROM STAMPED GOLD AND SELVET, TO TUE f Caitiff 111311311 LSO WS V) !111 ROI. At No. 101 Biotic." Street. JOS. R. lIVGUES ir BRO. sp,ll MRS. FASHIONABLE lIIILLINEB, No. SO Diamond Alley; Plitabergb,Pe. All the latest and meat fashionable styles of HUN NETS and HATS for Ladles, litsset. and Children dept consta n tly oat han dor =ado to M order on e shortest notice. Prices my reason able. - ADM SIGN OF BLINDS.--.IOIIN aitows a CO,. 116 1111tbarreLn MINT, opposite the Posta le. keep on bad or mats lfrl P 4Pgill r t 6 ?Ira yitatooltrada, t im m t meal. co.ored mans, Sited rad Platers Cords and Tat11..11 , 0 the s a ne store, on band or made to Older. • 000 stock of Wolte and Calico dhlrts. Cohere for gentlemen's..., Inh2:eur MAPLE SUGAIL-24 barrels choloe MAPLX SUOMI, inac aeaoload and for anis by ISCHWEARSB. A Latta, apia 171 and 174 Wood Mast. TISEM 'WES KITS IRON AND NW WORKS. LEWIS, BAILEY, DALZELL & CO. MANO7LOTTIBIBI 01 BAR,BOILER,SHEET IRON NAILS AND NAIL RODS. 0/710E AND WASEIRIIIIM Nom. 64, 66 & 68. Anderson St., Three squares Honk of Hood Et. Elt.dge, ALLEC,LIEXY CITY. inIS'OSS CARD TO THE POBIAC. °Telex or roe PACTiriC A ATL•11711 TEL-}' inite.rn Co. Or rue UNIT en Citleborgh, April 17. liii. HE PACIFIC AND ATLANTIC Telegraph Col:opine of United State. Imo contemplated. from the period Gans organ leation, the bringing shoot each a redaction ln the rates of long telegraphie mange. SS would enable the eommerelal public to aoloy tee hell tics of the telegraph for the trammlealen of let tere, thereby . ..3log the telegraph to take. to large cocoa. %be place of the This reduction the)• have developed, and weald ammonia that Omar wins are now open to the public to all points where night operator. are employed, hr the transmission of menages after o•olock p. m.. at Um '.following rates, Twisty wordier less, tame so tsit worts previous to that hoer; more than twenty ertml• and not mhradleg eloty, twice. the meal rate for ten words; slaty words aid not •seeedllng one hun dred end twenty words, three gram the renal rote for ten words; and for .41.4411101A1 O. hundred monis, or any hart thereof, the naval toll for ten words. A sontilmation of the mine literal patronage width hes heretofore tenet , / 1 tie Company la Its efforts to benefit the habil. le ulted. 4110. b. TIAULMTON, President ?sego and Atlantic Telegraph Co, of the Colted . gtates. apilhatti Pittsburgh Importing house. 13116. _ SCHMIDT & FRIDAY, lairouTzars or FOREIGN WINES AND LIQUORS No. 400 Penn Street, • PITTSBURGH, Would direct the sitentlon of the public to the flat that, possessing sated. lecitltiee throsge Farrel large wine and Ibiner houses In Europe, and mann. Malt Iniporiatiens direct. they arit Wsbled to. efts tie various grades •r ell lee gs end Liquors at prices less than Kaatern rates. E Sand Wen Os qualities =deo:ape:loon O f prices eespeettnity endelterl. A chains usortniant of PURE OLD RYE Vfnir•ICEIC ooastatitly on hand. apiliste OWN BYRNE, Merchant Tailor, Ø. 14 'WYLIE ST;, (I orneily .t IL Mar Illreet,) iJq SILICTION 01 TiGLIED 01 [DB3CD CCOA: r iIE\TE;I3.. L.4.77.5T STYLES 07 Light and Dark &things AND LT PRICES VERY MUCH REDUCED. CALL AND EXLItiNZ rettlev , ar stlettlen will be siren to th !Tx LL and FIT of etl (.rmect.. OWEN BYMN - 1.1, No. , Pi Wylie Street, IP , ULU AIILILAIW HALL ap '11:114:TTS FRILADELPDLI CLOAK HOUSE, No. 68 Market Street. M. ISTALECOINT', (Buiresuar io n. cuasarneosan & CO. Has Jail recolvecl ill the LAT= !STYLES of Silk Basques and Basques, C=l Black and Fancy Cloth Bacques, •nd all MI Welt silks or ORNAMENTS & (BUGLE ♦nd • Ire ry Ina aeleatlw Ot 1111717015. rartlenhir attention paid to orders. Ludt. 1111 gad It tolheir Iki•AZILIWO by giving as WI before purchasing elsewhere. ept6n•r9 • . FIRM AND GARDEN SEEDS, • 11110LESILLE. /ND 11111 FAIL. Purchasers az* InYtte - 4 - 4 ,- exatetnit SW stack welch comprises Oa moat Tellable varielaco t Aitlttv.tloo.. Wearer the (0110.141 kWh , ueed rata. The 41211 , ::61, Ter! ICO boo. Evergreint !Sweet IGO boo. Loris Omen, or Ootor SAMBH. 1•88 Pound. :118/rtn. Woo 4•8 XBll/ 11.=81. 411,1 8. S' 103 •• W 0041.8 Earl. Covent U./A.l / 100 •• /fatly Long bloarlet 116ort-Tep........ 18 •• Whiter Ilratt.rooted 828 . .10 •• Bed Turptp• 0ta1,.... re -188 •• 000 •• Mummer Ycl i low \Plga Et= Perloll 4 .4s. I•tr Ird. Zbus .4 . Early 11b1t•1t0ne.........1110 41 eta. 10 . Fist Ookb 15tr5p.4140104)1 4 : SO - 44 10 ... 101104 r oLocto 40 11 , .. SO 4 . Wed Top (strap - leaseo)•-• /I SO SS " Lure UOlllO wtitto il 4. II •• Pun:defog Rota Bags E 110 .. SS " . Whit* fop Rota Bags 41 SO •• 1111 .. Abo.dellty Mtn top 41 41 " 311 -.. tioldss . If •• Bni'VElll. lOC boo. XaTIT Daniel o.llcarke..., Ao 6 . Zuly Tom Thumb..... !! Ear y Chantal. Ina is 6 . Blame Dwarf LA:r Pod .• 3Loyal Dwarf arroalat 78 I. Paris White Marromfat....". 78 Mack yalfarrowilat. ff .• Eugenia t.22..5119.,.°!-Z2g1."”"..." fe “. gifll4.Z;;;. - - - Lower:Paw, *dials 1.:41 q.:.. 11: N " Tall Far sr. ape.-- Iliprou =DVS TOMATO, at SI'S per Pos. .T. 33..1VC).15t, , Horticulturist and Seedeman, No: 137 Liberty Street, PIDITBDRUIT. CHURCH DOORS. THE ROOKIIIF HOURS. DA /LT MULE RIAIIINGS.Smith. • GOLDEN TREASURE. Rey. J. Smith. DEVOTION REFUTE AND AFTER THE HOLY CuMMUS lON. Ray. John• seem. - SACRA FRP/ALTA. Ble b PRAY ERB Mt CHILDREN. Kw. H.W.I.Ae . . YAK PLEADING SAV/OUIL Eat. J. smitu.• THE CII ItIsTIAN TRAIL RAT. Jobs /Cable. ''THOUGHTS FOR HOLY WEEK. law seweil. DoUBLF. WITNESS OF THE CRUNCH. NT Bishop Kip. COMPANION TO SUNDAY SERVICES. l/IFFICE OF Tux HOLY COMKUNION. El Gosiburn• . 11mA wont D. Gottlbarn. LiDIRU3 PIULAAALTUBIC 0011711731. TION. aziaoin TDB CLIENTIAN YZALL Vlabl i t io L trarl . l3 . . rsllC /LOADING or HS !WILL • •• • . - THE LE HS Or BITEHATION. Jobs Henry NeplHos. D. D. SAIMAVE EL. Sadler. OH DUCH DUCTILIVE SIDLE TROTH. Sadler *Doe • large Honk of Seaday elateel Books, for Ws by J. O. WELOIN d CO., apIISMIS No. Ed WOOD Sr.. rittebardb. iv 5f to avinbosol,mTs =I TRIUMPH COOKING STOVE, It at Zia. 146 IMANT BTRIST. COM= PPROVEVG SMILE. THAT , A • YOU or IT V 'Tf eco; lake boa. • oan or Prrso PEACHES, STRAWBERRIES, BLACKBRRIES. PLUMS , CHERBLES or WBOBTLERIVAILIESS. Too Sr. sore tonet Mon good, and at the lowest market brim el 112 FEDERAL ZITHELT, Allegheny MY, aDDId 61111011P$ =EV= AD W GOODS! AT 12 1-2 -CENTS, good Light snd Dark Prints; AT 12 1-2 CENTS,. Fine Wide Bleached Alaslins; AT 25 CENTS, One Case Colored Alpacas. Beautiful Spring Pialdf; 34 Wool Detains, all colors; B ack and Colored Silks; New Spring Poplins; New Lawns and Chin,Fes; New French Ginghams; New Shawls; Balm:ral and Hoop Skirts; Striped Dimities; Nottingham Lace; Bonnets, Oats, Ribbons, Flowers Cassimeres, Tweeds, &c, A VERY LARGE AND GOOD STOCK SELT,TIQG AT LOW RATES, Wholesale and Retail, at WM. SEMPLE'S, , 180 and 182 Federal St., ALLEGnsx.r virr. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. Q! FIOTUE OF AN ORDER OF rthe thereh. n Cif.r oi l Allegheny t7oanty, otil l lolllY eVAi, Cl lLe g ol . tolV . Vl= totenshly.. Allegheny .00.17. will otter at .t.a Du o Oh WednesdAy Stb, 1861, I tag the pre:mires. at 10 &elect A. N.. the AR belogging to eald deceased. sltuste of the Steubenville rile, about eleht WWI from the city. io said tairuslitp, ceuety and Stat s stone, e, and to welon's lin I) Testate N. N. °P dr•l'__,; . :lVp•._‘°oV:lgg, osl4 • 0. vs , : II W . 1(17.a p. tot Volt. N. Et' 'at 11 :VI? *". 0. M. MI •• E. 11.5 p. to • post. ' •I It. tNg W. 72. D. to • Pest. 1 8. 7 ;4 • 111:11 . 1°:171T407. t. a. 7,4 W. W. 5 p. • etone. • N. of I. W. 50. p. to • @Moe. At the place of beglonlug, costalalog erne, strict measure, on which le erected •• neat and cosatortabm cottage. Wick Mouse, of ii. room. lute Memo ban god other outhellellogs• There Is also on the premier •• eichwd choice fnelt trees, In good Munk condition. shrubbery, de.. umlaut It owl of the moot dm:- able places la tbe county. It Is also pnril y yun- It erlaid with soul. and It II partly tunbered. Ow evenconvsalenee for • plessma home. To.. or a.sl.l—llne . third coos In band. (two bandied dollars of which meet be pald Mon of BMA balance ofsald third on condi - intl. there of):lne .third to ono year. end remaining third In two years from date erne egmation 0(.14 sale, with annum Intenst bath garments, payable annually. eecured 17Or zed marinate. co Man wad clue eyancla ebe pan by tae pur chaser. ISIIN svisraczritzn. Adiutstistrstor,p4sr. the protases. .17,52 MYEILS, fIOPPEIL k CO., [Summon t. R. E. SWUM Agent,) MANUS ACTIVES.= OP . FURNTURE Of Every description. SCHOOL AND OFFICE FURNITURE. . No. 45 Smithfield Street, PEZTOSUAGIII, P. 16 Nit - A full wortmvot of TlttirbArgb 1114...fae tared Saraltuss cozu tautly on hand at LOW OPT CA= PEWEE. WU. a. INTRVI...NfE. C. EOPrza...C. A. asTAIS. P10=:,65 MINIM'S HERB MTTERS. THE GREAT HOUSEHOLD REMEDY TO THE PUBLW.—I bale thil ail 01.41K4 BEANOLI ZIOUtIE tot the sale of - itishbies . Herb Bitters, • In the City of Pittebstili, and lave &nth, 1. T. TAIINESTOCIC and U. M. HOLTON my Agnate, to mg on end maths the um S. • L.UICIIIII3. Mardi 14. ISM PAHNESTOOH & HOLTON, Wholesale Branch House, Thrarta-h-ot Elltroot, rirresuses. C Bold by ill Itespeetable Drumlats. Oar medi c inal 61, t a trial to wallies 7 o.* Of vase. ii*U.R 3 l 34 titltl4W44:i: l l =I NOTICE-TO .OWNERS OF CARTS, WA.GONS, &o. ikereby siren to WI owners al Cuts. Weaons, emiellos. to.. whether residents or nonnresluents tno Domain or Lawrenceville, N.. Bodge. • 17 DI :V . :: 1 1 :: Pay their Licenses, At the Thug meg Mk& of Ma Borough of Law reaccelllr, All themes not tothl en or *dere WAY let, HU, will be placed In the heads of the street - cosamtuumer far collectlou, **Wet to his fee of Arty cents for collectle.. there. , , and all per sona who neglect or refute to take out Humes, will be subject to • penalty, to be recovered be fore • Joel!. of thereat* mould through. The ont metal plate. of preen.o years mut be returned at the time Ilousea ate taken oat, or Day Ze atatetherstor. . BATES or LICZNSIS Seen one-born Each two-horse vehlele leach two-horse hut. T 00 Windbag. sod wooer wbetts drawn by two horses. • 00 For each addltlonal bond maul In any or the SOOT' vaatales ' 100 WEL JANCEY. Traisurer LARIILYCLTILLLApiII lit. W. NEW , WALL PIPER AID . 01) . HUME STORE, JOST OPMDIEEN AT • NO. 86 SMITHFIELD ST., =Low TIIII.IIM. To accommodate tt a lemma ed trade. we Mee ell'AtliTretTrEW, rg e' at a • n l ttle L ng a sgt r oLyf W..? • Int o . o 'l,l Zel.ir k figa IA Saha. Al :46 and 11.11Dtali Id VIP' kinds. IMAM:II—n aItITHFIELDSTEICItT•, OLD ITA.Nu-00 AND 94 TalaLl 999EZT. E. EDMONDSON & CO. nadOm27 • sHowr - HAND BITING, -A P. , perfect kaowlsdge of thls valuable all taught In ten short and easy lesson.. by prig. steal reporter from London, Inland. Each pupil taught separately and at any than tomtit nigh own storiVenlencii. Apply to DITZI AUCTION SALES, FURNITURE, CARPETS AND Household Goods AT A.:11L7C90.1.C0N, Th Morning. April I6ih. At aki o'clock, st Masonic Hall Auellon HOons4 AS lad 17 pin k street. will be oold. a roll Olte assortment of furniture, Carpets and llossehold Hoods, comprising /Carole Tor , Drooillllg.." - rents, Waal, Mandl.. (plata and enclosed.) It ard. fetea- L u te s : ooh k nik a t n Parlor Chairs, e e Woos. Chairs; IHnlng, Eitaaslos. c,ll sod Kitchen Tables; Lea and High Poet Bedsteads. klatkrusoe. lest . Hallo and Lledding, largo Plats Mirroro, d anndrle alac s. tiines, CutleiT , se. gars. Pickle. an Also, one PAmily Baroucbc will be culd st II o'clock a. In. New Carpets at IN o'clock p. precisely. , spin T. •. McCLL.t.LAND. Ana, ENGINES AND BOILERS, OIL WZLL TOOLS, TUBLIiIi. !SUCKER RODS,fILOVEZ, ANTILat de. 081 ittf)NOSGAIIELA WIIABF, Near foot of Wood street. THIS (Thetaday).AMTIERNOON. April Uth, at 3 o'clock. will be sokl. Xi Monongahela vetwc. near foot of Wood street. at the l'arkereberg Wborftiont: second-hd lonians, inch cylinder, 40 lnell st an roke; 1 Portable Boiler: Doullle•flaed BoLer, 14 feet long, P 1 in ches diameter; 1730 feet inch Artsalan Tubing, with bran Sl ack & feet S a cker Thadri 124 feet ila loch ktope; 1:00 feat y Inch Bone; 2 eel Baring Toots; 2 pair Bellows; 2.a/tilts, Vice, Wrenches. a • le A. HoILWAINE, Auer. SILVER PLATED WARE AT AUCTION. Will be Bold Without Reserve A large sad elegant inartment ormAinLtlcent Silver-Plated Ware, Tuesday Morning, April 23d, At 10 o'clock, aad coatieulog Fifth .acct, by NITBSON, PALMER & CO • The stock comprised the largest vartely Veer offered la Ude ally. and la otthe best quality and gorkenanahlp, from one of the la , geat Easters taaalsfactorers, among In elegant designs and dada, Tea, Tetra-tete sad Ordammlon :Setts: Urns. Oyster and Batter Dishes, Cate and Card Baskets, Tea sad Lames Cuter.; Wtne, lfrrtlt, malt and Celery Mande; lee and Byron Pitchers; I'm and Cake Knives; Cum, (Weld+, lee Howie, Idaptla Hama. d 0... holders. Table Belle,• Ides.* Labels, Candle• stinks, Knife Beals, 'Walters, nate Mande, Sugar Dredges, Town Backe. griwrve Booona, Pirtle Torts. Tobacco Boles. Flab 131110 and variety of talacellancons midst... Al %be warts are all fret nod beery plate , the attention of dealer. and landlles •Le alined to this Cale. ap1145 LARGE SALE OF CANNED' Fruits, Vegetables, tyysrrioias, .!kc.; AT AUCTION, • At Masonic Hall Auction Booms, tot. /Sand Si TWA stmt. on . • Friday Morning, April 191114 At 10 o'cloce precisely, will be sold. wilbent re lievea very large aid fresh aseortment of llRentd.' • 0,4; and hiortonie (Mooed greets and Vegetables, among which win be found - the following: ee doseallh. 01111 P11•00C1/ 100 " de; " 7 Tomateeel - • ie 2 ee;•• " • Pear.; 20 20 .• 2 e• gear. oars: 60 •• 2 Blackberries; i• 2 Strawberries; . 53 •1 .• Tine •pplee; . 60 .•1 Cherrlese " 2 " Core Oyster.; o; Also lot of Segan, Tee d s. Cutlery sad ion diieu The ettention of hotel, boardieg brace and renew.= teepee,. fuelling nod dealers Ls eailed to tea. male. clean geode we warranted fresh. sound u,c to package.. nod will be red to coma tuts, to sent, apt/ - T. A. NeOLNLLItIiD, QUOT GIONCRIFLES,PISTOLS, WATCHXS, • AT AUCTION. At Maconlo Hon Auction Hoorn, Mon AS and 57 rlfin mast, on Friday Evening, April At Vi o'clock preciselymill ba sold, a gestalt) of rocket anti Army Itsvolvers, Sharps and other makes breech-loading Hines and Carbi 's, nes; Double and blagle Barrel Sao% Guns, Smooth bore Muskets, and • few 111171110 Watches and sundries. •010 CARPF4TEIIS 9 TOOLS AT AUCTION. On IfTlellAY IfENINO. ADrti Iktk. o'clock, In Illasonte Hall Auction looms. u ancl at Flan street, EH les sold, one cheat of Cat. pottery Tool.,eomplete. Leer* lot of float Builders' Tool. Also. tot or neer Hatchet. 'Ouch are starennted, and snudele. T.l. McCLI.LLAIID, •uct. Al lON SALES. 110 Ismlthlield St.. opposite Post Wise. Lisi sad evenleg Wes on. Tuesday. Tlna; d. 7 and 0.101407, of Boot.. 00 Goods., Hosiery Hardware, Btraw o" eoods., Qtaanfirats.. Oiocerles. dents. Furnistilng Goode, Hats, Hotloo., te. Private pales on Yonday, Wereudsynad Friday* Smell stuns non to lacrallare soles. !teal ratite held on IstarglA sad sold on conssuls.lo.. J.IW. BOZIN &CO.' - Atiottouseis. PROPOSALS FORIRON WORK . Sealed lropoeals will be reeeired at role ogle* until I o'clock on FRIDAY, the ad day of Al.. Dia, for the necessary Iron work for as Iron oof ler-flarnifor Win Otlance Light-hot.. Straits or Deckleave, Miehigan. Plass and shecillea, Was for this wort can be olatattiod on applica tion to thie ofnee. or to lien. W. S. 1011 h, N.- perinteeding ingineer at Oat Part, Coot coun ty, Illinois. Thi. Ma worn 0111 be required to no delivered oe or Otto. the lien of Jens. 1114,01 board of • easel either et Buiralo. N. 'T. CleVe i D.. Detroit, Michigan. or Chicago . 111. at Oa oP • Lion of the bidder, but the piae• of delivery...* bo stated Paths bid. The iron wort will amount to ..boll IMO* potted.. Of vehicle about PROD will ix bolter work. sad the realdite will be eastdron mad ten sion rod., belts. go. The Sexed rmerves the right to reject upon.. pout. or -to refuse to remise .117 Dm of the work which may not be In strict conformity with the contract and opeclecation..• and no ontract will be considered - Wad i ng unt il oPPtored ill h o tieenstary of the Tr-usury. oo 1.14 w I ha noel.. or eonalderad _except from Dead Add manufacturers, .4 each offer must be accom- Dented by a written guarantee, alms.. by Um bidder and competent surety. that tn the event of the acceptance of suet bid the ttheessaly con• tract will be entered Into. Bond and meurity for tha (MIMI* falndieeet of the contract will be required. The sum for which the bidder propo.• to far. Dish the Iron work, according to the drawings and .pectheationa, MUM be 41111aCtl7 elated. ands copy of the ;minted specie hatless .0.1 be enclosed with she bid se erldellee that than la no misdate as to the object of his proposal. All peopeulds nuns be tested sad radon. ...Proposal. for Dun Wore for W.guhatim Lihht-hOnee," sod then enclosed la another en velops and addretud so the Chairman of tho Light-house woard. Wubington. D.C. ho bidwill be con.idered that dots not con form to th e requirement. of this ad vertirement. peern tttiIiVIMAIZI en DID; it the time and place berelebefore spociled. By order of the Webs-house Board. W. Ir. It all BRICE. Maims.' Tremor, Department. Utica Licht-loatu• Board. Wa tlseaton, D. V.. AV* 0. Wt. apillwrib•TrAll TIIS MERCHAIITS 051011 • EXPRESS CONPANY. CAPITAL, $20,000 1 000. Owsed sad °pentad W/ Our Merchants and Manufactarers. PLUMES ET EXPRESS. Money, Adyalaables, Freight and Par eels, over more. than 113,000 miles of Express Line, at last and liberal rates, saves Millions yearly to Express Shippers, and can be made permanent only by their liberal patronage. This we hope to merit and re. ceive. Office, No. 145 Wood Street, an,, WM. LITTLE, Agent. .. .43 75 =I pATENT WINDOW SASH. P►TENTLD JANILILIII rd, ha WAXWING WINDOWS aim. Es's This Bas of sat constructed is to IA easily to ken (Tom window without rem:ming the sash and parting beads, ,enabl lug the tionsikeeper to do her work In ball the ustirl time, and Will much more ease. It Is bat cortiLug Into mem dm Donn bu il d without 'seeing I. A_ or win ow can he attend at • tritllnn cost. G.a mo . ken an 1 balkier. semin a right at as 00117 dsT. Turners Is going Inst. Gnaw Indacements of fered to men of small capital. Fir suns and .'"""Y rlghN ay 1 to Doff et waffunraroa. No. GT Fourth street: Pittsburgh; room Ms, second floor ackst_ LlNE.—too bblik white Li -t-•lot by • to eta 7. B. CANTLELD iISON J. A. GRAS. cLusra Orncs. «LS PUIISUA-IiCE OF TILE 21st station at to tat relating toelleghe sir County, approved IL. Ist Sal 114 Yt7.1111. and •f [be ildandatcat to sald section. aoruabeed the MA day of /Jaren. ISM. I. DAVID •]]Cl\. Jr., Ti snare, at sail County. her•hy We notice that tat Dl:tulle/LW of the several Wards • Bor. oaks .at 2 -11 + 11 . 1 a 1 Pa. WILL 11T, UFLI. and I aottl ha peptise 10 ranely• the IT, STITI, POOR in BOUM TAII3 FOS ISG7, The First Day of Nay, 1867. SAM Tazrscza Mp 1l at the .. TRAA A DIJIji n II T 'I L OrrlC, .1.11 th • ifligb p t Of u with • • Deduction of Five Per Cent. Dtmount for prompt payment to 001 PS.Otl Paring the whole amount of their Mzes. Than wilt be no doilnetion allowed on Wm daring the month of Aaiun. Thera will be TEN PLI CZNT. idded to all tare. remolding nopald on the 71:1111 DIX Cl SZPVIRELB. apliwtaiwY nrrszcsoz. Mmtb. 1157. tgrNOTICE.—THE ALLEGHE. 440 UNIT .1.1.39P - 17337a2011. 14 EXECtilv.e. COMMITTEE, WANTED. -500 erks, and s • sad Astb•rs nur us •r usplutout In Pittsburgh t• anon that AINP/1T.W .8 UAIt GINZELLTOD , continuos to sallbet,l. OAS mr. Tanana. an. made Ira thing rigisia. - • , / ta• e..• Grater. It Is Us ulv thing oftl• kl:‘ ,l Us , st hu ,real mutt. Diems is tli• Mugu*, ,C•n• urn its What WM. nra =Akin. J. S. TILTS:X. t. /10. US FOURTH MM. PirragrnOn. M; AGENTS WANTED, Z.. lA% it. Clair 111.r.n._ . • • . . WILL lII= On Saturday, April 20th, 1167, • t ths of the CIIAIEMA.N; ♦ full ettendnee U rt vested, An 11. &tom 11Fr halals g th• No.:W.OIR Couventlon...l otl.f Dula.. of importance will thes be coaggerell. EMI nE==•=l arSTEUBEITILLE • FrAWATM SEWINARY. The Smoker swish of thia Listltollea WILL OPEN MAY 6th. Terms, om melon of Ave moat s, Cu Dowd ihf. room. 11eht, ie.. $10; taluou from 1110 to sl*, A.:wording to alas: erutdog. 50 omits per doze.. We have reduced oar taw &Dont /Oyer Cool. fer the coadhe Tom'. - Ter %rent trawl, D.D.. niperinteneest. Asir. A. Y. MUD, A. M., frinclpsa. ashill mit FOB ASSEMBLY. WILLIAM B. ROSS, • Of All•gbout 1 .• • i••• 1 , • ,•• tor A.- mows tqAhoe cleats/qua tha it•p••11.- tan towisty tun. Felt COUNTY CORMISIIIONEB. JOSEPH B. BI'DONALO, af: b .ggg..7l.l* Vatri7;gia'ar. 'bdatt; . •Dll:i17 FOR -COUNTY TREASUBER. WILLIAM M'CLEAN, Of flit tosraehio. (formerly 'North Payette, will M a cazdidate ter County Treuerer, soll.t to the decision of the Colon Kepobllcen County Cenventlsa. .10:00 • FOR PROTHONOTARY. C. HULTI ( win be • condlelots for the ores .f TIZOTHON OTLBT. ant:4ft% to the teelelos of the Unto numbUun Convention.. F OB PROTHONOTARY, • JACOB H. WALTER, Will Do a Coaltdato for ita ones of PILOTECOW. MART, solieet so Ile declaim. of 1.1 i• Demi Repotdlcat Conveotion. atitinitd.tarT FOR COUNTY TELEASEBEJI4 Mid. BENXI:TON E tromarly of lrlc•t•. ala. Ciauds) *in le • Casdidat•l•r COU T THELSIIILL sablect thadeld.i of tl. IIal.• Barattllca• Con•••i tin. • • • • altsfrns OPENING. I UIU am COMM lESORiIIIT 01 BOYS' CLOTIiING, For the Spring Season, AT TERN MODERATE PRICES. GRAY & LOGAN, 4 2, No. 47 It. Clair Street. =2 HENRY G. HALE MUM Ca Yffi LU SL SA in NEW SPRING GOODS, JUST OPENED. colummum All the Novelties of the Beason, mud, t• • pint-Class Merchant Tailoring Eatablialunont. tr..IIESPENEDE • Merchant Tailor, No. 50 ST. CLUB STRUT. saw IBM 000D5Nst opeued. AII itt and anr MI6 patteps got op Is tbe latest Wt, era alalca : mbinge GOURLEY & LOGU, Hats, Caps and Straw Goods, Tian Jut opened lb= new, stock of FASHIONABLE 'COODS. as St. Ciatr St., Pittsburgh. Flame gl.• es tell before purebsathe e where. pems EE.ATS I HILTS if./.11/111AN (MIN STI.XL ORAllail .. Bc BYRNE , At a 0.112 St. Clair Street, • Hue one of Oa vary best retail stocks Of DAM CAPS AND MAW 600D8 lo Ina atty. and constantly In mem of all tau ls new, as loon u they can to mused." teen Aleutian :lean to mall's& axcluteely. ap17:1311 • NEW HATS! FOR NPR) 0, AT VERY LOW MOM 14cCORD 41: Et root. ago s3O $lO „Fatg,3l,s OR t elS =and, WITSIONT NISI, la. WV Onslams. foeassat sad Doaerable. AND 110 CoStrarrriON. mood sad eaargesla Assist. (Leal. axe lien SOD men) are Wanted Co rsore.st vs la erellr City oOD C ooo ll. • NASA Caceres 10 sak• roolle ) , ad raaNANSNT YarrsOlneiNT IS *forte to !Sr.) solrsop easing • roe bears dolly to Sparc for Winer tortleelars please call oil, or ad ems. m. W. JAC/L/30X AS OLS, 11 8011th Naltlolote JOHN IPECKr ORNAMENTAL N WOILILLB AND PZETIMIZA. 9A loath stmt. moo door Iva *Wood. ritialmebb. Alosf • on bvd a /canal assormiont of La. 4100 . wlss, Bands, GaAs; blovlezneWs Wise. rows. Aviv. tiasrd Lb. U, Arseelats. to. A food prim la cub trill bo even lor Bay NAL, Ladles.. sal vothnnen . sbaleindting dons testes lovas, 000210061 • WINDOW pri SEL ng lDElL—Having reeePred our s adh stock w of Ses we on now prepared to sell at the loest cash prices, either oh 'lassie er retail. The best assort. meat that can be found la the city. AlsO, • ne* etre Of Shades lust received. haul and see them iloa. m and =US. filar street. main i , It 11. PIIILLIII3. NOTICES. Coer77ll . Tacasnixx`i 0 77 1 . 1 c. Plrranrlo7l, Apc7ll.lW7. ( al=i33:3 Et= JOHN W. RIDDZI.I.. casarsaa. EDUCATIONAL. Ly.w p i) • 614 k• :44 TAIIAIRS. HATA C =EI WANTS. ( WANTED -FOREMAN; S. ems e•mpetertste art es SOREICILN IN R LIVERY STAPLE. Iftddle aeod Angie man preferred. inquire at NOWRILD'S LIVERY ST.A.IILIV. eptsal Iftrot St., near Itortensabela House. W A..NTE D. -A. dOOm SOY. TO learn the Jewel?? trade. None bet . Stead one need setae. Address ayISMIIS J LW KLItY. Gearrte WANTED. ISet.leasixisess, Wbo eau eagage Apply personally to or address, W. D. BAKED. apIS44 , IT 116 DIAmoND n..ritubuNre._ . WANTED -AGENT. A strictly ,w.el. ant successful Lit, In.. Ca Company Is desirous of establlsllsg s gas- rol Assoey for one or more of tle Western nos of rozasyloookla. Mewling 11..1t1 of Plttabursl. LlT•ral WI. KM& axolaslve .n- trot of the Desloge. offered. CM ..... e P. 0.0. Red So apply. Addrsu 0. Us 1951 IZMEM! MOTU KALI /LIM NICIIALT, I. sirst7 township sat *aunty, to soils vim paw. Cu work. It, canto'. 431 bubo; retail prim PA* Sold by sobsgriptioo ably. Address bo a, C. LabINICT a Cu. 'fl ar d ka '" VA: lll Third street, Pittslrorgh. Zs. WANTED.- AGENTS. -1.00 0 MALL AjID iIIIALIC. — TIto ben chants yet. A work of Ellstorleal setae and Itetionst Interest. Pao *My Wart of onr Yet Is Rif% Ettr(7l7T a lli 11 DUB raft Crla MA DEM. By Hos. J. T. Headley. IA ono Haes.* release, Illaztrsted. send St oaco tort rrns 000 territory. Address, A. T. LCOST t CI.. stalUetaterT St Market St.. Pltuserett. Ps' BANKING' lIOUBE OF • JAY COO & CO., No. 20 Wall St, ' CORNS. Or M►te•ll )(LW TOHL We boy mid sell Land most Ilbersl earreni prices, mutton,. tyfallsopoly of Government Bonds of all. Issues, SEVEN-MIITIES, Compound Interest Notes, Mad execute ardors for Danboro Asa solo or • STOCKS,. BONIICAND GOLD. We bare ended to oar office large rooms for the a-nommedatlon of the Daalic demsnd tor In vestment. In d anemones of Government Lno mettles, sod spa COZITCII6.ICO of oar nioee and Bold customers. 'Dalai-THIRTIES CONVERTED INTO EWE-TWENTIES at UOVERNKIENT 'RITZ& Circulars. mita full particulars. fornisked au apnitestlon apantSl JAY COOKS L OO/ HART,•CAUGREY & CO, Bankers and. Brokers, CORNER THIRD AND WOOD STREETS; prrresugon, PA„ fBUaOEB3oZB TO ILLYEA, HIM f 000 =MI Exc ange, Coin; Coupons. And rittiFil c t=loula Up the var• GOVERNMENT BONDS. AirIBIGIST DB/173 ON LONDON. Isttma N. HOLMES & SONS, 313.4161V5M : LE11 No. 57 Marktii, Street, PITTSBURGH. Deposits reestsed Mr Tends ant Currency. Collections Inuit so 1.11 the principal polata of the United &MOS and Caned.. Stocks, Bonds and Other Securities BOUGHT AHD BOLD OH commun. • Portloaltr ottontleo paid to the patinae tad tato of 17. S. Securities, imd.dtzs U. S. 81SE5 or 16111: de. de. 5-dent - • .. U. S. FMCS 10_4o U. CETITIO.S.Tk. OP INDICATZDNEBB. Orders sad Vooollerebought or collected. ja.lo:el DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK, No. 65 Fourth Street, .CHARTIERED IN 1855. Open daily from t to 2 o'clock, ohm on Wedneas day and tlaturday evening., from Ma y lag to N... - vember Ist, teem 7 tot o'olook , a.. from nil. amber In to May Ist, from I to a o'clock. DepoDts received of all swim of not 'cm than One Dollar, and a dividend of the prodm de clared Delos a year, In June and December. In ter.ot has been declared acial-ennosilly In June and December smog the Bank was organised, at the role of alt per cent. a year. Interest.. lf not drawn not. Is placed to the credit of the deposltor as princiPnt. end bean the Mete leteeeet from the ant days of Jose sod December compounding twice a year without troubling tbe devoid= to call. or even to present him paws boot. At thla rate money will double In le ßook. co tw ut:111 1 017 _the Charter, By-Law Bolas ant itegalations, tamlaned grstla, on appticallon at the ogice. • razaromfr—Ecoses ALBILZI. IlltalltDaarat John S. Backofen. A. M. Pollock, M.D.. Benj. L. Fahnestock, Hobert Bola% James Herd... John 21. lilmenbefgaf. Janice klcAnley James Biddle, James B. D. bleeds, talerander . Isaac M. Pennock. Chrlstlan Yeager. ...- TAUS W. J. Anderson. Calvin Adm.. Jois C. B laanr. liartrgerfa. Won. A. Canter. - Charles A. Colton. Jlobert C. Loomis, •John Jobe J. (Mewl.. WlLltam A. Hares. Peters. Hustker.• BJeturd Item iltirAtrAtitt — CHLßL 151C1MAST--Jl.B. B. Janie. D. HeHT, Henry!. Lynch. Peter A.Aladeirs. Jobe Marshall, Walter P. Marshall. John H. McFadden. Ormsby Phillips, HenrylL. Kinsoalt. Wm. Y. Belorildt, Alexander Tindle. W m. itha P. m Vankirt, N Dl A. COLTILs. D. MICROS. YistraTlt pEOPLES 9 SAVINGS BANE, OF PITTSBIIIIGH, .LATORPORATED 11166. capita , - - $lOO,OOO. • OFFIO& 710. '77 FOURTH STREET, BENDY LLOYD. ..WLIALLD REL. President, WIC. Vrealdent,. TEUBTETS: HMV! WILUAII JA•zn I. 137.X.SZTT, .3 Abuts LIIIIIMOTT. E. P. Jozza, T nOS. 11A1.7.4)Dr. W. M. (WaldW LUJAN LT, Joliin t AZZO D.N. OCIILI.T. &attar! ind ?reamer, EMU L TOS 101111010 PM per cent. Interest allowed. time &Plat& Investments ntsdnlst liavernment and AWE.. tate beettrittes. Bank open daily'. except PandS7. from nine ogelock. a.... to four o'ooo4 a.. sad on Wednesdsi d Saturday drrazaigs toms as to :One o'clocn• sahli:vat f'>l'iß ;x'll !Wren',GU. Toirr VIM CRICAGO RAIL-I , WAY CO.. OrrlC2 Of RACILICrAST. CllfabOrAh. P., /Wen r. Ue7. 11117_11END O. 3.—The heard .1.... of Directors of this Company have declared CO muter quarterly dividend or TWO LTD ONE-HALF UlO PE3 OUT, freerof Government Int. on the stock, perab!e won and atter Tuesday. the lath Co.l, tem. et e egiro of Winslow. Larder I Co., hid. 31 and 3.1 Pine Wee , . to those, regletered as New York, and at the aloe of the Treamarrer to thee. =Sle. teed et rmsegirgb. The trawler toot enttlelore on the Xab daodor of *DM le , G. apll mit Ir. it. ntrrcetszos.s..i. DIVIDEND NOTICE. The Beard of Dlreetors of the Peelle sad At ',nue Telegraph Company. Clips United natea have this dor declared • Quarterly Dividend. Ohs .eveeth.) out Of Ufa oersted. of the C.:mea nt en to •pril the let, at th e rata of Tilt Fig CENT. fT.P. ASIIICfr,n ail paid op Meet; o persele at the °Zee of the TraraeNte of tee Compeer. 49111th street. Nltubargh, on and after this date. EDI. ABD JAT ALL aver. apl7:niC s!l=Mrl!= HOLMES, BELL & Co., Anchor Coon Mills, Pittsbarib, ltanufacturess of /INCHON (A) SHEETING& AN (11) SHEETING& ANCHOR. (C) SHEETLIIGS. And SATTINfI. WS=