11 Tllß EITISURGH 41714757 .-. EIXD az rfflito; & co., er (I,I2ITTE TO - cr. Se * o l.2tSielsolit. V. B. PENNINANot =ion, T. P. 110USTON, Jost/az-int azison r.nEkD, • 6 " , e. MVO abut. Dalityrbol by =Wu. (pet IS manta Yell Stitsartbsss. 044 118 ' °Ch. Lateral redactions to Neasbois sad AMU. • _ • .TILBJCS MIL WIJEKLYi Tercet Copies, per year. by 30 Five , do. do. do. eeeb...... 193 7cn or mon copies. to one eddrees, and =ff=l CITY ITEMS. DputistrY. • 7 • A 1 , 6240 Penn itraet, Drs. Sill s Gillespie. M=l Earlymezt week, at 'Masonic Hall Auction Itoome, &land G 7 Fifth street, will be eold peremptorily and without_ reserve, a large apt elegant . assortment of magnifi cent /Silver rimed Ware. The stook romirriteti tke largest Tarlety ever offered la tide city, amiss of tha beet 'quality and irorktnatudl 111, from one of time largest East ern minttfa•Corbis.' thti wares are all first quality awl heavy platß. imrtietdesiz • leg to piretwe a t io n . l4, not fell to attend this sale, duo notice ot,whith will ho raven ihmighoureolumns.- • - . • • '.. ' 15e4; adiaillsoment • • of Ginlgor d klteinirt's, 9a f . i . xll, DFYo; la .11Vnilpp.ritoutik llonsettalg Bead' mit -Auction., Thdepociel attention of den tic:ailed to - the side of fomitare. hew nirpete and household - grin% to be held by Ilmithson, hbtrannoth Amalfi:in House, igt and el girth etreot,ihls morning,at halt.hast atab Weloeln,ran hohaenold goods; contlnnitig..at half-heat ',one o!elock on nowcurtain:A furniture; also sOTerpl family eowingt machines and . large. - plate mirrors. liansekeepers will gad it to their advantago to attond this We:- -7 = Elr.: FlomLug,. go. lfaWoodr atreet, -luta 1 list received 'e: largo asphlF of Hata and Caps Wall the; 'Ahab styles, waslitlng of Gent , / dna silk' and baraidnoro Hata; Gent's dna Frenth folt nablOdeba'r-Belbiltha area , . flat:mud; 'llig44 Shia Saxon: mew. of Ladies. linta,ladromed and Ontrlm, mcd, all of addelmlll bo sold at low figures TUoro wanting anything la the: abase HZ% will canal. Itr.FlomLug.a extonalro Bat slid Cap Ilonso,'Ilo . ; in 'Whoa itreet.• ASesiliidirartniinient • or Gardner S inewarea,en drat pig°, to Elarft liondred Dosen'Canned Pirate, hreistables and Oysters at Anattao. The .sposelnl 14013th:on or dealers. hotel, loardbindloase andrestnarant keeper/Nand randlltailictallochloirds - sale by smlttlan, Paltrat rdikeld '67 Fait , street, on Fri4almOrliteg;44l6 l / 4 10ck.nif4446041 are slarranted fresh, Sound, and in elenn packages, and rlll be sobl,ln quantatleslo Satind*Sitliesiteni far particular*: Cle"to Chtotifintliwwillar P 1,1 4 014 The; host Cordnated and dowdiest Hostan• rant and kihainettediiii . fethe city, for a Meal fit for a jklaii, at the most reasonable of prices., lL Q ltzhelmsr hnows how toaster to tho hungry zutillons, and it le no Wonder that tho Continental, next door to the roe ofa,e4l-ball such an eßfeTec3blPatForatile• REEI=2 . . To retailers o[ Dry CU:Sidi:We ores great nducements, having a full stock which we sellit-the haricot cestirn Osaft'vrieSs and cut goods in any length at the piece price. • -; 'S. W. BAWL= b Co. - ; • CS Biarket'Street. : • Bee Adicrilsemasit. • Of Gardner ft Stawful.'4,ou. lliai Dag t, to so•uulb Gazette. • - = A fresh supply or Crosse and Blackwell's Lemons, Packles and Mustard. Also very choice Layer Baleen, luiperlaTatul Turkey rrimca;STUTrlse VIM ae.. au, Will be bid at the' lowest market price, at No. /I 2 Fed. oral *treat, Allegheny. " COOL A110.41pirklIIIII" In at . Holttholmer'a:popular ConU . . nehtal Saloon, next door to the Poet °Mei t on Fifth street., for a glue of good old ale, or aparkllng Catawba trlne.!' = And sell for easO,Oorequently bay cheap soil of course can sarord to lOU Cheap-- OPEIIA UOIM &lox 82YEL' A good pair& Mathew Ccuagrete. attic (logo Gated!, stylish • artlolo, for one dollar a pstg. • ~ Qegaiillogor. Boma again. . .14pe:Adverrilsposeat of Gardriei - dlithwaiVis, bri fleet liege fieesonsOle Soots sad Shoes., At unprantsbin prices to nome.in rant, many dOnletn, at tfie Opera Honao ShoeMnro. Empty Shea Cases For eslo•, Cellar is fall of them. Ormea Horse 81105 850111. • Few Goods • For selef store mfoll of them. , . Oriel 11011,12 8808 131.0811. Gents CaltDoots, Best aasartanentini tho city ....• . - OissgA liocer, &eon &roma. See Advertinement • Of. Gardner 2b . Stewart's, on tint rage, in to•day's•qa;ctin.' , • . - Pura Drugi: Pure Diugatt.. PLUM, Drugs!,ll Puro Druie!lll as Kalil & Dru;titAllegiteuy. - ion can any Foreign Upon of all Maas at Joseph IL Finch's Distillery; No. 183. 151.. 193 arall.9B , See Advettlsement Of tivadner Btoweti , a,"ei :diet page; In u.ans's 0.241 e. - • Tou Con. BuS 98 p 9; coemt. Alcohol st, Joseph /WWI% . , , Yon Una Bu 7 Now Ilbirs at Jowl& 11:111aolo... The s intentied 10 die lr..pe — ti tion against the reCcasstructicnt act, on behalf Axtan• sus, has bein abandoned, the Governor of, that Mate litinklag an adverse - decision would result unfavorably to the interests of his constituents. Mr. Charles O'Connor expreo.t himself aa thoroughly satisfied that arCidjeription will be issued to red train the execution of the reconstruction measures, ad against the parties embraced by the Georgia bill; and declares that the Court cannot evade. the quusticra without disgrace. The Sot:thorn States have the same constitutional Mates as before the war; that to maintain that status was the object of the - war, as repeatedly resolved by Congiees itself, and it Is as Idle tar enyper. son or power now to ignore that tact, as it woulcl be .to question the result. -On the other hand, Mr. Caleb Cushing advances the opinion that:the injunction august issue neatest the Secretary of War any more Ahem it= against the President himself; been use the official acts of that:Semetary are the executive acts of the President, and the Secretary Is the =eel:alio agent of the i'reeldcat..:nonce it is, that the Courts have &twain hold that ,writs of Manila" WWI will not lie to compel the beads of any tisecetivo Pepsrtment to do any act: the poiforummee of which is within their 021- Tho, arrest in the cue or Joseph_ B. Daniel Drew, suagi Fisk -ft Daiden, for &Liggett fraud in coenection with the Erie Itailrdad stock wan vacated on Tuesday by Iroise 'Barnard, of the New Toth Supremo . Court, on the ground that ono partner, cannot obtain an order of lir rmt agakiat his copartners for Milani to pay over We sham of the profits, and that the plaintiff , ' remedy is by an mitten for noigagootinting. The condition Is also stip- Mated that the defendants are - not to sue the plain= The Tone at the Chicago muncipal elect tlon, on Tctsadly, was less than 93,000. The Republican candidate for Mayor was elect ed by a majority of 3,033, and.. the Counclt stands twenty-four Republicans and alga DollidOirlds• ; , ' 4* - I 1 1 - , - t.:' VOLUME LXXXI MST ONE-O'OLOOK. A. M. WASHINGTON. The Tenure of Office CORRESPONDENCE ON TNE,SUSJECT , vernment Depository Robbed GEORGIA INJUNCTION. CASE. Goy. 'Morton Addresses the Colored People. • • 3IILITARY PRO3IOTIONS AND AP POINTHENTS • CONFIR3IED. By Telegraph to tholiana (halite.] WAIIIIINOTOII, Apr]] 17, MT. SRS rr66116 011/101 VASTER. The President today replied to the rest.. .pillonsif the Senate calling for copies of any official °Dinkins which have been given by the Attorney General, the Esthettor of the Treasury or any ether Wilmot the Govern ment, ou the isitirprotatioa - of the' act el' Congress regulating the tonere of •orepte especially In regard to the appointments by the PreSiderd daring theXecess of Con gress. This .resolution having been refer.. red to the Secretary of the Interior, Seem. Iw, of State, Secretary of - Ifox; Attorney Giumtal'and Postmaster General; their. selV.. orally. repert.they.have sliest no opinion upon the onbjedt. The Soiretary of the Treasury, &mover. in his reply submits a tratirorlpgof &letter. addressed by him to the Solicitor of that deportment together With Ms reply. • . . , Those contain all the informstion.he has on the ant:deed Secretary Metolleeh 'writes to tho geueitor March fid: in TilVir of the *edibility ,'that the . commissions of the chief onicera. of customs at . the seg. end porta may, within a few days, expire by Constitutional . limits/Ifni ..be-fore sue. meteors tine been appOinted, I hire the honor to request -your opitiloults to what legal prorisione exist for the Mimtnistr. Lion Of the duties of Ofllams of 'Collector, Naval Offices awl Surveyors, daring the time one or more of teem aro vacant, after the expiration of the couirOusslona of "the present Incumbents, and in view of the imminence of tho emergenCY, I Wank' rn. 'quest the favor of an early - reply. The Solicitor of the Treasury, on the .7th of Ifarob, replies that no distinct or clear provision lima been made by Congress on the subject - . At first view It would seem to be a means *misses. and that Mikes would mianalb vacant, or In abeyance, - until new appointments could too made.. This would, howevoribo a public calamity. Such Mikes must, as a matter of necessity, be constant. ly filled, as the duties are to oo performed clay by day sod. are different from most other °Meseta tido respect. • La view of this - fact It is not to be presumed that Congress intended.- to .o=lb—.l-. .provlsion for the exigency. but, ba -the, Other band. mouldered such a provision actually made. Ininany eases the Illft.prO•lank In torsos thaVan officer ones appointed. shall. bold Mace until a successor be qualified; but no, express proVisionof thathind Is made hare. Again, at common law, certain °Mears aro held from necessity to hold over In this -wanner.' But this has nut, / 1,41114190; bean the usage of our government in relatlion to the °Moss Do question. Tho act of Much SO; 1877, empowered collectors. with the approbation of the. Secretary, to appoint deputies, and declared such depett~ should Abaep°fflu,rulr.‘'l.,VbauTPlioe- Shathaw of his PrinCipal, as general rule, and Ws tenure of office °sues with that of . . the Collector. The act alluded to, howev er, seems to change the general rule to a certain extent, and mate the deputy', of flee a distinct one, In some respects at least. It may be (long?. as intended he should act In the exlgencrylnrinestion. I am, by ,no mesas, clear on the point, yet the absence of any other, provision. and in view of the public nooessitya recommend that vides thorize the special Deputy Collector to act. DEM the same reasoning does not strictly,• apply to the . deputies of.. Naval Dinners end'hurveyors„ whose respective coinnils= alone have expired; but convenience game the same rule, and In the absence of other provisons 1 think -you. may:be war. rented in following - it.' I have tile honor to be, [Signed.) EDWARD JODI:MAI, Solicitor of the Treasury. Hon. 11. McCirm.ocii, Secretary of Treasury. ax-GOT. JORNATO3OII OADZ. TREAVUDY DRI.ADTKMM fioricrron's Corinne, March 26, 1867. ) Bac 1 have received through Kr. Creery your verbal request for toy op mien on cer • . din questionsrelating to the oftice 'of Col lector of Customs at Philaderprid. It ap pears that Mr. Johnston received from the President is tomporarY aPPOlntineht. daring the /recast prior to the last session. of the Senate, and a nomination for ariermanent specie: meat during the sessionothich nom ination wu,rehicted. So Mr. Johnston'. term exPlratt at the 'end. of the session, whereupon, no other nomination having been made, the-Secretary of the Treasury, In orderto avoid a total-enspension of the functions of the Collector, .direeted Myer, special - deputy of the into Collector, to perform the duties of the once for too time being. The questions propounded to tee are: whether, under the circumstances, the Secretary can now remove Myer and appoint a successor, or devolve the dtitiesof the officenpon another? Wboth or Ito could do so during the recess of the Scuitte I And llnallY, Who, in cad of the the death or resignation of Mr. Myer, could perform the duties, and by whose authori ty 1 In reply, I have to say I think you have the power to - remove Mr. liver for good cause. adhering public interest , either now or during the recess of the Semite, and In the event, of such removal. his compe tent for you to designate some one of the other deputies of the Collector to perform the duties of the cad. think .00 same action would be proper y incase of the in deathma or resignation Dix. Mer. Perhaps, . /sing ouch:designation, it wooM be adviser hie to select the oldest • deputy, pro 'shied • there were no special - reasons to • the contrary. These powers are .not. conferred on you by any express provisions from the im of the law, perative Out they seemty of avoldtng to me to retail. dual suspension of the functions imposed upon you to superintend the collection of revenue.. It is, perhaps, proper for me to add, that I have road this letter to the At torney General, andhe concurs mthe views tt expresses. I have the tenor to be. V r e t r 4 re as s o Pe J e o t ean fully str , Solicitor of the Treasury. non. ii. McCodoon . • • Beereeary of the Treasury. COLOILID rood.' ADDISEISILD. The colored people of Georgetown and !suede:en% village, who celebrated the an. niveraary of emancipation in the District of Columba, to-day, wore addressed by lasydr WeleN and others, Govan= Mor ton, of Indaus, In the course of his speech raid the - ate war was begun for the perpet uation of slavery, brit Providence ordnined that It ;Mould result In the destruction of slavery and the enfranchisement ,of tee whole colored race. The colored. people wore now called upon fur their Totes, and opposing partieswonld claim thulr and: Magee. end it would be a matter of import :knee to tee entire country- how them votes were cast. They mast. Inquire who were their friends in the plat, who gave them liberty flat, and the right of suffrage am-ward/4j When; they/answered these eitiestionathey meet easily determine how to vote. The orator Pr...ad upon his audi. tore lute importance of education sal in dustry toot them for the discharge of all the duties of citizens. The great example of Congress, in making universal mdfiage. rules Wall the In State., sod meet now be followed in the Northern hates. lie Slake ball an hour, and was frequently in terrupted by applause. In conclusion he laid, the event obey were celebrating must ever from reat ono in their lives, an they mustit learn to love liberty asspm mole and man inheritance due to all, with , out distinction of race or color. - Malt . ..any neentinaligre. Brevet Brigadier General Ma/errand ass signedto duty in charge of the Eighth diva. Goa, Quartermaster General's ofiloe; Met General Barton is Assigned to duty Chief Quartermaster of the Third Military District, at Atlanta; Brevet Lieutenant Colonel Pierce Is assigned to duty as Chief Quartermaster, of the Fourth - Military Die. tract, at Little Bock; Brigadier Generale C. IL Hoyt. and A. P. Blunt are appoint ed Captains and Assistant Guertermuslore; ItrnriAl) ---NO. 90 Brent Brigadier General L. B. EMU, on de tached duty ea a member of the New York Examining Board, vice Brevet Colonel Dye, ordered to his regiment in the Department of the Platte. • The Senate has imnflraiedtTbomas Sward', George H. Croesman, David IL Tinton and Lovell H. Rousseau to be Major Generals by brevet, and James A. Congdon, Calvin Otis, Hobert E. Patterson, Joseph H. Cieisy and Alexander (laminar to be Brigadier Gen erals by brevet. ' mixture Aortae nesourr. Tile police made a descent on another gambling house last night, capturing four teen mon, olooelcs and other apparatus. xv!asyxmo!' OUL A motion will be made In the Supreme Court to-morrow to bring op the Georgia In. Junetlon case Immediately, by waiving the sixty any role Of Court In relation to subpamaa. COLLIKTOA ST raly.asnrink. Tbo Philadelphia representatives and Senator Cameron have agreed to tho eon lirrnation of Colonel itosoph . L,'Csiks as Cot•. lector Of Philadelphia: • - DSKOISTRATION OVOOLOEIDriOrti Tboso colored associations irtdoh did cot parade yesterday, altoruotus, aro out to -dap. making quito c display.' -." The Senate win probably pais siroaoltv. Lion deolaring the Austrian mnralon not vacant, ocOntaawatrr a Er OSIS tow =armor 0100,000. TheSeerotary of the Treasury received a telegram that thie. /Int ltraUonal flattle_of Selma, Alabama, a Government depository, was robbed on Monday night or CAM. GOV. CO/G1.015‘15' LIAVAI OP AMINO. :The leavo of absence)flecn Governor Cum. Mingo, of Colorado, on the let of December, bad boon emended to the 47th of April, be. comae of Ile neceoetty et tux attendance In WiehtextOn, relative to Indian affair* of Colorado. . , • - .2fOXTIATIOnS 00,./I%IIIID. The Senate hia.eoultrmed the toilowing .nmntrttheyet Consul, John IL .lintalwaXo, of COlorado Torritory,st Hassan°. .; • Jolla IL Goldaborongh to be Commodore In the Nary, on aeltle list, vice llcary E.. /1011, promoted. Benjamin 13.: Reilly, principal Clerk ot Public Lands in General Load 011 ice, vivo' Daniel IL Blaster, term expired. Collector Interned Iterenun, Logan 11. Root; Pirst.Dietrict.. Arkansas. Postmasters—Georg° C. Tieberior, Des Moines. Iowa; J. J. Matthews Lyons, lows; Alexander Boca!, Toledo, 051 0.. Brevet Major Honore] silos Casey, Sensual Colonel: • .. Lorenzo Sitgreaves and John IL Rime; house, or, Netr-rcuAl, Commissioners under act to reimburse the State of Ohio for Mo. 'nape eannnded !Or the United. States la 'ems rolling, equipping and PrOMlioning Mili tary forces. John 'l. Phelps, of DlLesouri. Jamee C. Robinson and Prank Wolford, of Kentucky, Comnilssioners under the act to reimburse Indiana for monies expended forth! United Slates for similar purposes. NOXIVATIION. I[3I2CTID. The Senate rejected the following noel n talons: Aeseesor of Interne] liercuue— Ed ward 8. Drais, Fourth. District, Wiscon sin.. Surveyor, of Vustoms—Joseph McConnell, 11.1treelFrii4.,11111eMelolGa. Naval oMcer,Alfrett Gilmore, for PEW adelphia. .11772.11t11 COIIET . . . The argument of tho prizo cone of tho schooner Grey Jacket was proceeded with, but not osneladide Tociiorrow will be mo• tion day, as the court will not sit on Good Friday. LATE 13:131,C35ED 'MEWS [By Telegraph to th•rlttabg4.6 Gazette.] Thd Timm' Ppecial says: The .IsPDollit meet of L. V. Bogy, late Commissioner of Indian /Calm. as a general Indian Agent to make treaties. purchase and chip sup• tales, etc., will be further investigated by the Seriatim it turn out that in this cepa°. ity Sir. Bogy virtually assumes all the du ! tiesof the Commissioner, and that officer finds himsalf merely a cipher In his own Department. Mr.ltogyia now la Hew York making purcluisesof goods for the Indian service, and exercising authority fof which it is alleged thereto not a shadow of right, and without won a record of - me* to be found le the Indian service. Tim iron moulders of Cincinnati are on_w . strike and Sour hundred out of omploy. The high stage of water in the Platte ris , er be causedgroat damage to the Omaha branch of the Pacific Railroad, causing the stoppago of trains. Torts miles of the track wu end.* :water; emit bridles 90 , badly damaged as to be soldered mode. Trains on the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad, through lowa, were also unable to run inconsequence of high water. The nomination ofJames B. Dingbarn, as Marshal for the Western District of Ten• nessoe,has bun rejected by the Senate. The Ohio Legislature adjourned sires . ate ExAlovernoi itilmore died at Concord, Now liatopshire,yeetorday afternoon, after a lingering and painful illness, aged -Itfly five years. Five thousand dollars worth of smog. glut Muir* and ableell were seised an Mon day night, on Pookuilstand, near Pc=thuld, Maine, by the United States auttioritleAl . Dr. Abranaros, who died soddenly A few days ago, at New Sorkileft nearly& Whole forttoto of AlOO,OOO to varlonscluirttente in stitutions. The steamers Java, City of New Tork and Tripoli. sailed for Europe pm Corday. They took no specie.. George Dawson has withdrawn from the mananement of the Albany (at. Y.) Jammed. The Grand Jury of New Dark have dia. charged Dr. Beskleyand Mrs. Cole,eharged with producing the Limbed:abortion. the evidence being inslidiclent for' an lading meat. - John W.Linni,ex.Congresaman, has been nominated. for Postmaster at Brooklyn. The miners' strike at Dover, New Jersey, Is ended, and all the mines will be to opera. lion on llonday, the strikers going to work at the old prices. A Washington letter to the Now York Zr... press base rumor that secret negotiations amides on for thefrumexation of BOIL* tO tholJnited Bates.; It is probably us. . nerd. • The. Raleigh *Lienfiriet reports that :two freed woman, awned Mary and Becky Col. Iles, mother and daughter.burned to death a child of four years, nephew of one and grandam of the other• bee:Luso, as they, lege, the child's mother had' come took and =detain a devil. This occurred-1n MOM! Tile Demooratletleket,with the exception Of two &Warman, was elected at Caning', Illinois. on Tum Way The Richmond- Douse, in Chicago. WAS sold at auction yesterday for, PAM. D. J. Lake was the purchaser, STATE NEWS. Arcadian* dis Lebanon Salley lialfiOSMS —Troops from CA Barracks for Sew Mexico iloperlatenciens of Moldier* , 'Orpheus. nehoolx-Boom In the Susquehanna Broken. [ B 7 Telegraph to the rlttebmple tessethei) Ilempespao, April 17.—The Now York Napress tram op the Lebanon Valley Nall read struck a market wagon at Rutherford station,while crossing the Track, killing Abraham Ylegrt and severely Injuring Ms Two hundred and sixty soldiere. under Captain Leo and Lieutenant Vernon, from Carlisle barracks, DaBMA here to-day on their way to New Mexico. The Governor has appointed Colonel G. F. McFarland. who lost ids leg at Gettya. burg, Superintendent of the Soldiers , °s pinosa' Schools under the new law.. frudasmaroar, Pa., April , 17.—Ten spans of -tae boom at thia Place; on the went branch. of the Susquehanna river, is broken, an d a large quantity of logs are running by. The river is fourteen feet nigh anti still rlelog. • k[9IA FOUR 0 FROM Prussian Constitution Adopted. AN AMERICAN SNIP LOST• Financial and Commercial By Telegraph to the Ihttabargh Rarette. / GERMANY. NATIONAL CONSTITUTION LDOTTLO. 1300010. April 17.-Tito National Coast!. Seaton, •so long under debate. has beets adopted. Toe Polish members protested against the notice of Parliament...lOn tee result being made known lunanlmona• ly rani/nod. Exama, April 17.—Evening—Parllament, this evening, adjourned without day. sum 11TELLIO.NCE. SOCITHASIITOS. April 17.—The DWILMer Snouts arrived last eventrig. • lavanroca, Aprill7.—The eh Lp Derby from San Francisco, arrived to-day. The Ameri can ship President Ellmore, from Glasgow for how York; has been lest. lodate or other pniticulars. Loewe, April 17.--Conaols 61; Erie 37% Central76%;.Siveavrentles ex-divi dend 7IX. • r/LiMIL/ORT, April 17.—Evening—llaited States bends. 76%. M;;IM;;;Mi =! Ltizaroot., April 17rEean4np.—The Cot. ton Market. cloaca extremely heavy, with a downward tendency and priced have de clined folly yd. The .des did not exceed 11OW Pales; =ladling uplands /IN'; Orleans 38112 d. Manchester market for good. and yarns are very dull and depresatul.' I:maaroot.,Aprllli—Ereniny—llrenasturra quiet arm unchanged. Provision. unchang• ed, except Bacon which has declined to as. Petroleum—redned declined to ls.el in hi par galidn. • AWIWZIIT. April l7—Ecraing—lleilned Pe troleum 4t4.10. per bbl. . [lty ateutner.) QTIIIIIIOX. , A Iterllro telegram of the 4th of April says: Lutelltgenct, received horo irom fugue announces that the Dutch, govern meat officially informed the l'russlan Cat. Met that the sale of Luxemburg has not yet been effected, and 14411 not be earshot] out without the eotsentotrruula. . ..... The London Times says it Is a disgraloo to the Preach statesmen that the Luxemburg scheme should ever hava.been entertained. France will show her deference for Euro pean opinion by abandooing this 11.1. omened negotiation, which would not only unite all Germany sgalnet her but break off the in timate friendship which preyed!, between her and other German powers. A Paris telegram of the Sth says the French tiorrornment, baa still under tonal& oration the question of the evasion of Lou. ember' to France. It considers the en. ents entered Into by the IClng of UM. Fl ' uVt r bLuding for him to withdraw Wlll3- out the consent of Prance, Lord Stanley, In thief some explana tions in the Commons, said tbaconsent of the King of Gotland was, from the first, made Conditional upon that of the people orl..xembUrg. and also epos the consenter Proses,. lie strongly doubted whether the consent of Premier would be given, and if thme condition., were not fulfilled the . transaction will fall to the toound. lin had returned a reply that effect to Prussia. lie had since learned from the official representative of the King of the Netherlands that the nego tiations were at an end. Lord Stanley said ho had not ocateldered di necessary on the part or the Government to communicate with Gotland and Franee on the eutdect. The new Frets:en loan of thirty millions of tinders is to provide a fresh 'apply of arms and menitioss of war. raocassices OF tax CIIZNFLOTID. An extraordinary procession pused through theprincipal struts of London, on llle fourth , consbtlng of about one thou. sand persons out of employment and 1 trio on charity. They conducted itheinselros In an orderly manner. Advlces from the West COast of Africa, State that a war has broken out between the two oppmtlng tribe.s of savages. In which several of the New Ca labor tribes were made prisoners by the enemy, and roasted and eaten by the other side. • I==M=! FROM lIRGIRIL Meiling . of lbe Itepeblieno Kanto Com• wooden—AdJeorsuziesill Till Today. RICHMOND, April 17.—The Republican State Convention met at noon to-day to the Afri can Cherub. George Ilye, of dbenandoah, , Won • chosen temporary Chairman. Two ' hundred and ten counties are represented rectly, end nearly all in tile State by proxy.. John liawkainst, of Fairfax, nu chosen permanent Presidents Ten Vico Presidents, including ilunnieut; Lech and McKenzie, of Alexandria, and throe colored men were chosen; oleo three ,Bocreteries. one colored. A white committee on organ- Suable • ma chosen. Years Word expressed that some democrats would come here to spoil the convention. Ilx. Ilunnicut and T. orrway, of Now Tort, made Inflemstory 1 1=1 1 :1:degiTnTrig:: pay, l at lent fo rOOO rty dollars per month. • The e oin adjourned tin to-morrow. Ther will be a moos meeting in Capitol Square Loom error night. The cltizena don't seem to tale much notice of the presence, of the convention and Moro is no bad feel- United States Senate—Entro Session. (Brreleirsilk to the Tlttsbnigli Oaietta.) WAMILI(O2OX. April 17. lec7. Mr. Anthney offered a resolution that the Limo of adjournment tine die be further extended until Friday at four r. a. Mr, Sumner susgested Saturday. • The subject, lies over. On motion of Mi. Yessenden, It was -• Resolved, That a Committee of three be appointed to revise the rule of the Satiate and report thereon at the next session. The Prandent appointed Messzi..Antier ny, Pomeroy and Edmunds each Commit. Mr. Anthony, from the Committee on Printirig,reportod tiler resolution adOnted providing for the printing of one thousand additional ixrplev of the bankrupt act, for the use of the Supreme Court. Frelingliersen offered a resolution in structing the Committee on Agriculture to Inquire and report at the next session what means can be deemed to make the nicricul- Aural department more Whalen:. Adopted. The Sonata then went Into Executive nes.: BUM, Great Mood ha site Des Deletes Itiver. l MY Telesis; h to the Pittsburgh listetwo Camino, April 17.—A special from Des Holum, lowa,says the Des Moines illyer rising rapidly and doing groat damage. large portion of the city. is under water: The bridge on Court avenue was carried away this morning, with two MEM, who , were on-the piers. It is reported that a great rise tram Melting shows far to tho. north has net reached- , , that point. if so,' there will be great destruction of property in that section, as the water is now within slow inches of high water mark. ' Ship DUllatelra OIarSCIIIO COltlit, illy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh hasettita Bak Fnanotsco, April 16.—Tbe ship Blue Jaeket; hence April let for Liverpool, with 1,803 tons of wheat, retnrn•d yeeterOnY leaking badly. 'she experienced a heavy chargedhe Stb, 10th and llth. Sheoa die. ber cargo On the The schooners Mendocino and 'Josephine,. Will ant were wrecked near alendoeino on the wrecked April. The liner Jolineen Woe also on the sa u te at Navarro river and all hands lost. Sew 'Week InglidatureAlanklng golly—Sew York and Brooklyn 'runnel llornpan.T.. ALB A i l A r t :. Y.. April 17,—The Assembly relines the Superintendent of the Sank. Inc Dap eat to - enquire whether any savings bank le this Stele Imo expended a larger sum thadlts sondes on 'hand In the erection of a banking hones. A bill was reported to Moon/mute the ?few York and Brooklyn Tunnel cowpony. Suicide Of gni ex.ll*yor. fey Telegraph terse Pittsburgh °netts.) Ciameara.m, Q,, April - IL—Major John A. Gooesoo. formerly n member of the Ken tucky Butte lienate, and for many icor 3 Mayer of Covington, Ey, commutes able th.lay. Deceased was DEMO f-r Our years Old. No cause assigned. • Ardhbl.bopapaldingDangeroula7 illy Telearepti to the rittebarpn darette.] Ilacrixona April 17.—Arch Bishop M.J. ppapting, of tpo cllooeho of Baltmore, pri mate of the Unitod States, la ly i ng danger °wily ill of indentation of the bowels and 11 la feared the diaease may prove fatal. • • De'llilos; beta norther having/set Itk on Che I Ath and sth, they ha 4 to' be burled n the 'l'he supply of witet esue cot off, and there was no beet, vegetable% frail, or fuel. The people Were living on salt provisions, ob. tamed from vessels. General Tobrado had given up the tank of doted/ding the city, Ind .LOLLI4OIII now eonitnanote. The Imperial Prefecteoritlnnes to caps. trine all the adherents et Juarez. The capture/sr Pueblo. by Porte° Diaz is confirmed. , The capture was celebrated by the besiegers of Vera Cruz; and, ibis said, by the United States misfooltwar. Escabedo , s threes are nimortell to number Nl,OOO. and the Imperial Comes 13,We. It is reported that Maximilian solicited a los, pennon of hostilities preparatory tit the adjustment of terms of capitulation. Rs, cabeito referred to Juarez, at Ban Luis Po. ton, though Juarexhi previous orders' were to accept no capitulation, save at d 1130 1 .0. lion, and then to conduct Maximilian to San Luis Pommies a pristlmer.of.war. &steamer had arrived at Tampico' from Now York, with guns and ammurdtion, and Is being armed to lid In the siege of Vera Blicabeil ft Issued' a - circular 'reiterating that all foreigners captured fighting against the republic bo executed. Maximilian ordered zut Republican 10 be shot without a prances* order from his besdquartins. hptva Dion reports liaximillati at tb e capitol; having left Melia beeloging_Ew cobodu SiurLuts retold, and that 'Mira. mon and Li . istillo Wore before Unadalajara, having obtained continued triumphs over the Revolutionists. The story is Improba. The reported rapture of the gpaulth steamer Montezuma, by the R. B. Cuylor, proves a eanarg, the Montezuma havinar rived at Santiago. The nnyier was at Ba nta Martha at last aneunts, flying the Colum bian liag. sore ellotalsalppl Levees to Danger— Great teuMirtsg L Lweilstatta. tßiTelseraph to Me gittseargh flasette.) New °amuse. 17.—Information bas been obtained that the Fivers and Water. 100 levees are In imminent danger, and that labor cannot be obtained for want of money. There is much meffering in the overflowed districts of West Louisiana. Resignation ACceptod—Vocaney rifled By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gesette.7 Peoria:act. IL 1., Aprll 11.—Tba corpora tion of Drownle llolverslty, to-day, accept. Mt rho rnetitualJon of Dr. Sears, es Proals dent and elected Martin R. Anderson, now President of Rochester University hit suc cessor. It le not known whetter t 6 Prods dent will swept. Railroad Accident. to lowa.. By Townrutu the Yltabaigh Ilssett.) Elrlimmen, lowa, April 17.—T0-day 1 In ward bound train en the Mc:Ganger and We.,tern Itallrmut turned *math over an embankment, killing 31r. riglit,of Austin, and toren:ay Miming saveral others. Plre •t 10. Lords. City TeTegsso It to the rittmha tRD st mutt e. I Sr. Lorna, dprll It—The tacuriry arid nt.hlno shop or N. Raynor, on the levee Itettroon Almon/ and bpsnen samba, Wm dal:nut:od by tiro this morel log to thetunOnsit or .15,u14 Losorod toy 1040011. Accident at AC/marry. :By Telegrßph to the rittabe , kb lieeet te. :frets° rt‘co, liksa.. April 17.-4. teOrtolon of tbo rock of Breenlrs tahrbloAlthrky at Weet Mehl:bridge ' toll. thts alloft4ooti and killed 800 workm an. • Memphis Market. [Br Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Oarette.j Mgt/rata, April l:.—Cotton dull and an. changed; recelpta, ti, bales; eriXtrlA Mh buten: cart weak and unchanstod. lisp loner, 13.:01.5. flour unehanged. Other markets unchanged! • Myer Telegrams, (Dr Telegraph to the rituborst. Ossetic] (Ott. CITT, Anrll 17.—rarer aloe feet and , stationery. Llear and pleasant. itsatruns, APrll 17.—Itlyer rose 3 Inches. I= —The tax levy of Baltimore for 1867 lo $I 40. —An abundance of frult'ut Promised 121 In the eastern States. —The Society of Friends Is reviving lo Englund. Too Friends at present number 16.1x0. —rre.sldent Linisoln Nu been made th subject or a prize Doom D 9 the rrenthAead emlolens. —A paper mill has been erected at Golden City,Colonuickwhictt will tura out paper by the let of Juno. —The Jews are contemplat log the estab lishment of at Insurance company In New York, with a large capital. —Tae public property of the city of Cleve. land amounts to fl. 7I 71, weriprlalog school-houses:water 'sotto, at. —The people of Montana am getting up an invitation to Professor Amulet. to visit them as a plait of the tartitory. • -• • - —lt Is estimated that tiIOCO are 2,300 pro fessional thieves to the metropolis of which number 2,100 are males and 400 malce. —Annie Durham a seamstress. of St. Louts, cut her thro at last Saturday because thew:ad not catil on honest hung. x-000 - hundred - man are at work at the bridge now being erected across the Kle mm river at Kansas- Missouri. —Mt. St. tiles. In Residan Americo, the highest peak In North America. is others, arg to no as a perch for the American eagle. • —North Carolina has followed the ox. ample of some other southern States In Passing a law punishing hone stealing with death. • —A. llontsna paper says: "The mortalltY or the HOlCtllkieextraorillnarhy good• Only 17 men were knital during' the peat two weeks." • —Numerous Indian outrages are reported neatly and the Now Orleans Maas sum. newly begs the government to so w n more tray —The several cottOrr mills In Petersburg, We., have consumed lilt bales of cotton in the mauulacturo of goods Sinop the begin. fling of the year. —Nearly three thousand Uwe of black hand iron ore have been shipoed over tbe Mill Creek itallroed glace Its disedrery ta Schuylkill county. —ft letter from Egypt states that the gen. -era' opinion seems to be that more land will be under cultivation Of cotton man there was last year. Britith msoelation, exploring to Pal estine, has dteooVerod what is supooaod to be be the eyaaltainto which was 4allowOdh7 ouraavioat'a Pmence• —The Atlantis Metal, at Nerirkart, which has been used for two or throe yang as a Naval Academy, is to be zee-opened to the public the condor seamen. 1 —There are every year 11:111tuuna EEO hone fain, held In I ha localities. The averag e number of those animals offered there for tale over: year is calculated at 263,010. —Over two thousand men have been thrown out of employment in Beaton by the prohibitory law,And dye hundred , storms are placardedf'to let , ! from the same canoe. —An organ grinder, while peacefully pup. suing bin vocatiOn. Wed .atonal to death by ten boys in the village of Jamaica, Long island; a few days ago. The boys have been arrested. . , —A number or Now Bedford whalomen engagedtly Balled iOr 07pettlIngen,t0 bo ae oincora on board loeland stoma whaling vonseo, whhah aro being fitted at Copenhagen.- • —The evldenoe of ammo now on trial at Now York showed that a cotton manufactur ing firm in that oily used blank lead, sand and rook stone to gwo gloss and watight to their production. —Warren Haynes a negro, has last been released ftou jau In Nashville, Wham he has bean Iniprisoned since December, 1t65. Neither the present jailor nor sheriNknew an hang at tho canso far which he was originally imprLioned. - • The officer who killed the burglar Mon sant, In Williamsburg, le receiving numer• Gus ovations at the hands of the citizens of his district- Tile manager. of an opera house gave him a benefit on Friday night, and a handsome testimonial will bo presen ted to him next Tnesday. • —Niblo's Garden had a very narrow OP Cape from destruoticua the other night, dur ing the performance of the Black Crook. The scenes caught fire, but were promptly extinguislual with wickets of water that happened to be at hand, otherwise the whole theatre would have boon in • blaze In Ere minutes. - . —At the last meetine of the Lycerna of Natural Ilistory, in Now York. the Pratt. dent called attention to a circular signed by Admiral Parragut, President Barnard, Mr. Blunt and others. in pursuance of a de. sign to erect ait Washington *monument to the memory of Alexanter Dallas Bache, and solletting snlweriptions of all American citicena desirous of manifesting their sense of the exalted worth of that greet man. The enbioot received the favorable attenti• • of the members, and Itera 'VII P., tate to secure subscriptions, • EEO and most re , Market Be eau, anti be .s.tostrophs— Coroner's In• ire Into the 'ens:sylvan% kullroad, peat last Sunday week; resumed don" of wit• lIIMSOII last evening at the Mayor's ounce. Tho examinntion was conducted by J. W. Risidell,T.sq. 'The substance of featlzacely elicited is as follows Thomas McHastert, sworn—Live in the Village of Turtle Creek, and know the point whore tno accident occurred; IL II In JULE. ars,tr party arrested tte r m p l l d a d c i m e g of o ll e ag e h e Upon the krack was on my farm and re mained to my stable during the night; did not see him go stray, but oncrof key men did; be bad nothing but a small bundle un der bit arm. errighron, re.called—The accommo-f dation of 11r. ti. - ot Saturday would b 6 the /sat train preceding .the eon twit was wrecked 'going east,..• and would pass the obetructed point a little before /Ir. w. The constnictlon train' wasat thin time about nrinton's Station. The loot WWII coming west to pass the obstrueted - point would be the church train of Sunday morning. • Robi., iikrr; sworn—Was engineer on the train; was distant about one hundred leek when l' nest observed. the obstruction,• ties were placed on the tracks, extending over the .loner rail of n the south track on which the train was running; alto a tar of unread froze ewer ono rail of the south track:gave the vital signal when I observ ed the obatructio and reversed the center, at tenet aai very certain I did no; -do not know who placed the obstruction there; 'was running from thirty to thirty-five mile. per hour; my lookout lean the right hand auto and the fireman's on the left; could have noticed any one on •the track, bet could not over the bank; was looking at the time. - At At thish point the jury adjoemed to meet at thesame plseo, on k rldsievenin at•half past seven_ o'clock, when other wi g tnesses will be examlned. What lame of a IgeindaY !Spree. For some time past John Finnerty and IL Smith, together with the partners of their bosoms, have camped out in the neighbor. hood of Courtney's Station, on the P., Y. W. AC. Railway. The en were employed in clearing o ff laud in he vicinity of the sta tion, and last Satu were paid off, re ceiving each fifty dollars. 'On receipt of their Money they concluded to visit the lolly. Put their resolution Into effect the acme day. They came, saw and were con. , tittered. Upon their arrival lathe city they stopped at the hotel of ono Patrick Per. kin. on Webster above Washington. Unlike many cities we 'know of, our tea hotels are not located to the . upper precincts of the city, and the one in question was not au excepoon. It. consats of but one room, and that, too. the lowest la the bowie, the basement. One select Mg house, however, is that the bar Mall keep open on Sun day. homily morning arrived and the guests concluded to remain In-doom daring the day, as the prospects for passing It pleasantly wear very fair. A barrel of whisky and a keg of beer wore placed on tap. and to add to the enjoyment it wail eerved up to the strangers by a fair young damsel Of eighteen summers. Tim Pinner ties and Smiths bad lour drinks each and ,' purchased a quart Decides. Dot Le whisky and beer war against each other In one's , sumach, the natural consequence was they got drunk and landed in the match house In the evening. At the hearing in the morn- , lug there was only enough of money . In the party to Pap the . fine. of term and one bud - to go to jail. This lot fall to John . 'Muerte- Upon his release tram confinement, yesterday, he appeared before Alderman licillowters, and ' preferred a charge of sailing liquor on Sun. day. agatnnt the proprietor of the hotel. Patrick wen arrested and held for a further , hearing. lie puts in the plea, In Justifies- Con of his conduct, that his /loose is not Wellipatroulted during the week, and that , Sunday le as good as all the other days to the week combined, being stole to sell atoll barrel on that clay. lie further complains that be Is a cripple, and has no otter way of earning • livelihood. Whether our law will look on it in the same light remains to be seen. Dr. Set's r's Lang Caro. In eelinaction w hfs treatment and al. vice, Is effecting =anent and valuable cures in the various diseases of the Lungs and mum:ions membranes of the tnroat and easel passages„ such as Consumption, Num/ Cluarra, Orrna. Deeptisss, Se. Invalids wish ing to avail themselves of Dr. /Lapeer'. per sonal easminatlou, will nod him from aA. a. until 4 r. a. at his resident consultation room& 120 Penn Street. Statement of George Fiord, carpenter, of No. le Sampson street... Allegheny city: • I took a violent attack of pleurisy, In May, ISO; which left me with a Oemith last hog all summer, wearing away my strength and gradually undermining my health. During this attack of pleurisy I tied several phyalciens of the highest reputation In the city. Alter I had partially recovered from the wh i ch,uy was advised to go into the comtry, !did, and when there I called in a Mater, who told me my left lung was affected, and that if something were not done mon I would die of CONSUMPTION. I lingered on from this time until about the middle of Jour, my cough an lung darme , gradually growlng worse, and 1 weaker every day, and almoZt do lealmeg Of ever gettang well. In this state of despondency, and knowing the gen eral belief of the incurability of Consump tion and. having heard of cures made by Da. REUSE% and cooing hie advertisements in Me nempapers, I was induced in October Let to mil on the Doctor at his office, Ini Penn street. and Da! him examine my lungs with his *ol,UNli SOUND." Ile told me that. the upperlobe bf my 101 l lung as very much dizearred, but he thought with great ear, and the perseverance In the can of his medicines I would get we/i. At the time I called onDr.Keyseo my pulse was over one hundred and thirty beats in a minute, and liens generally prostratoi, and had Doc t or's night and day. I commenced the Docor's treatment In October, with &feeble, broken constitution, and continued It faithfully un til Mot premat Owe. The Doctor's medi cine. helped from the very start, and I could gradually feel me exp ectetting strong. Cr, and my cough and ectoratio/Mee a. 3. have gained greatly In flesh, and consider myself well; all the rattling of my lunglisa ceased, and my general health Is in every way . All my relatives and Mends lmow of t advanced stare of my disease and my extraordinary recovery. One of the =edict a given me by Dr. Rep goot an, Mg a medic! a called LUNG CURE, which / teak In Connection with the other treatment.. Cisonus Fenn. Pirrsanaea, March 30,1%7. • Brinks, Brisk.. ' The Chartler" Valley Brick Manufaetar. leg Conipany taxmanoo in our advertising columns that they hove completed their yard and machinery for marintrieturing brick, in Mansfield, a few miles distant, on the Panhandle Mailman.. This company possesses ample opportnnitles for the man ufacture of brick, from the best of 1.116. tonna, and will deliver at their yards or In the city at meth less rates than hove here tofore ruled toe market. Builders and eon. tractors will make a note of this fact, as It will be to their advantage to procure their supplies at the yards of the Chortler. Vol ley Company. Letters or orders andretaed to Its. William Mill, Matuadald Valley Post oftlee,,,,will receive prompt attention. Load lelldo—Fortonette.Zseape. The fast lino west on the Central Mad, due at two a. x. yesterday morning, en countered a land slidff near Greensburg, by which the engine was thrown off the track, Lad the care,which were crowded with passenger., adly wrecked. Fortunately, and singular to relate, none of the pawn gers wore seriously hurt, a few only receiv ing slight !melees. A train was sent out from t h e oily, and the passengers reached here at six o'clock. The track, which was.badky torn op at the point, was soon mte r ri t i r d i gmd but little detention caused to • Trial Lilt Foe Tharsday. . ' conies PIMA* COURT. 36. leabolla W. Greor re. Guthrie & 5111. 11. Jeremiah 11V1Vshelm v 9. Gorman -Na tional Bent. 10. H. W. Morrison. HeWools & MountAy. ' 16. Wm. 11. Grundyva. Pllmmix Oil Co./ 17. John A. AteKolvy v& James 19. Geo. Brodx6erklo vv. John and Ants 0 20. :lames Moore is Jas. Maltoberts 01.1aL n. Joseph g. Kopp re. Wm. Aston. 21. Hugh Roberts re. Y. K.11.'22. 25. Alex. Chan:Aber. re. G. T. lionnecka.' • Common Pleas Court. Before Ilan. Thomas Mellon. . Lewis A. Cowdy and Oliver Cowdy, minor children of Alexander Cowdy, timeworn,. by Alex: Bradley, their nest friend vs. henry E. Washburn. VorcUct for defen dant. Also ilema verdict in two Other Cates in which the Some -hertiCit were concerned. •Iteeordlng Regulator.—The Committee On Btreeta and hewers of Allegheny city. Date boom instructed by Councils to receive applications from COMpitailL persons for the above position. For farther Information apply to or ad dress. J. A. Itir cam, apl7:4S Cluilrman of COPImV4OO. - • ('‘‘' •!: ''''• . c` ;ri .: • r ii r \ II . S A reellone and Exciting 'Peine--A non Broken to Pieces to the Alle gheny. • About eight o'clock last evening it very hth r io raft of sawed timber and shingles, coming down the Allegheny river, struck the second pier of the Eland attest Bridge an, was badly broken. The rattsmen en deavored to steer their raft between the first and second pines, toward the shore, but in Selig so, came in collision with the abutment of the second pier. hind they kept on in their first course, between the second andlttrd piers, they would have passed through safe. As the raft struck the pier, crushing the Umber,one of the men, with the arlity emordy, climbed up the stone wet . and saved himself. The raft becoming unmanageable, floated broadside down, striking both of the piers of the Suspension bridge nearest the Alleghe ny shore, and broke Into • three pieces. Three of the raftsmen jumFcd ou a cord barge and Saved them4eivea 'rho rest of .the h be ich rapidly floaten remained onql o down Ito river towards the Manchester suore. Sev eral boats started out to rescue those on raft when st ru ck the Rand street. bridge, bat we counted only eight as the fragments passed the Suspension bridge. It was thought that some of the bands were lost, but we learn that all get safely ashore. Much exciteMent , prevailed on both sides of the river. —Since writing the above we. learn that four of the eighteen men are missing, and aro supposed to hays been drowned. Indian Herb Doctor. Mr. James McKenna, D. Penn Amin, le Improving in health very lasi raider the In dian Ilerb Dootor'ektreatment. I have. been. troubled for fifteen years with liver complaint and dyspeata. I tried the most ethnic', doctors; none of them could cure me. The Indian Herb Doctor has ... cared me. • J. licVertses, Boss Carpenter, Webster street. f a d '' flPe i !; l l [h a ; s covered all a ov quarter er . 1 7:11 I o h thick. It woo called a scrofula. The 1 orb Doctor - hap. completely cured It In two eeks. - Mae. SISISTLIISCLO. i . ~. • Illtiele1(111.2. ,11 went to naladciphia and was treated -Without any benefit by the doctors there. 1 r .turned to l'atsbureh sad coneulted the 1 Stan Herb Doctor's treatment, and be has c red me. dly disease was trortilirllag on c asamption. t • Mae. Next, Logan street. My diughhter has been cured of the itch by the:lndian Herb Doctor. , Stns./I,ST. West Manchester. I hare been troubled with costiveness for twenty,yes.re. The Horn Doctor has cared me. . Mes.Sonaskow, lumehester. From a Postmaster: L would - recommend ail who are troubled wieli 'rheumatism to go to the Indian Herb Doctor, who has cured me. Mo • ZAMA? BINOSSX, nongahela Valley I'. 0. no Doctor's office es lei Liberty street. The; Item Bankrupt Lem ' , Ton Nrsi Ban - cam, Laski , with notes to every section of the act, and a collection of an the principal American and English decisions upon tbo law of Bankruptcy; Adapted to the use of the Lauver and Mer chant. ily EDWIN Janc,of the New York Bar, and one of tho (camera of tho bnglish Bankruptcy Amendment Act. 'none vol ume, tiro, cloth, beveled edges, and Law sheep. This important work was prepared by Mr. James during the time the legislation in Congress on the subject was proceeding, the main provisions of the law haying been carefully supervised by him. The novelty of the practice has left American lawyers without - experience in Bankruptcy cases, and lir. lemon has therefore endeavored to supply the practitioner with a treatise on the subject upon which be mayeonlidently rely. Ills experience as ono of the Com missioner, for the amendment of the Eng lish Bankruptcy Law, and as an extensive Lenten practitioner In Bankruptcy..., ut peculiarly fitted bin, for the 'auk. The above Important work has been re- COLTUfI by John W. Pittock, opposite the Posta:lce. Those who have not already outweighed for the work will do well to call on Mr. Pittoek at once and have their names registered, as the first edition, being ilm. lied, will be sold only to subscribers. dlalleloom Hiram Tanner, a colored - gentleman, lodged an Information yesterday before kta,yor Wearthy, against Patrick James Wlntyre and Peter Finney, charg ing them with malicious mischief. Be al leges that he was passing up Wood street, yesterday evening. between fire and six o'clock r. a.. In company with another gee ilemem, when defendants poured a Wicket of hot pitch upon him from the roof of a house. Clothing of Tanner was considera bly damaged, and his hands burned, the face being protected by a largo beaver. Tile defendants were arrested by °dicers Dressier and Thompson, and held on their owarecounisance for a further bearing on .Saturday at three o'clock r. w. It may be well to state that the defendants allege that it was purely accidental, and not premed!" fated on their part. Appointed /lone Inepeetor The vacancy *wised in the ofneo of Flour Inspector for the Western District of Penn sylvania, by the death of Captain William ILO:miter, of Westmoreland county, bus been tilled by the appointinent by Gover nor Geary, of Richard Perry, Esq., of Mo nongahela borough, this county. Mr. Per ry^or as the Incumbent at the timeof the ap pointment of Captain Coulter ' to wham, as a brave and gallant soldier. he gavo way. Mr. Perry's appointment now gives general satiemtlon, and In a politi cal aortae, outside of his onallfleatiOne for the once, know of 110 one more donerv, ing, Miming labored sasidnously and effec tively In the Republican ranks for years, giving hberally of his Limo and means, in aid of progressive,princiPlea rEzi Dr. Robert Hunter desires to notify his patients and those requiring his profession al services, that ho will dCdrutely close his office in Pittsburgh on the evening of '.Saturn Ay, April Nth. Dr. Hunters practice Is confined to affec tions of the chest, viz: Sore throat, catarrh. Omani, bronchitis, asthma, consunip• Linn and heart disease. Parties wishing to avail themselves of Dr. Hunter's experience in those affections should embrace the earliest opportunity. before his return to New York, fora person al interview and examination, after "itch they cann pursue the treatment without au- Licours—ff b.r. X., daily. Office— 'Merchants lintel, Pittsburgh. Banning the Gauntlet. • Ladies passing along Fifth street, from the Court (Louse to Wood. yestcrday, were' obliged to rum the gauntlet of crowds of loafers sitting on steps and standing at in. tarsecting street corners. At one corner we observed &police officer engaged, as nth. era loafing about. in criticising the appear ance and dress of passing ladles, who. by a dexterous movement, peculiar to the sex, prevented their garments coming in con tact with the tobaccojniee indiscriminately squirted about. Chief of Police Scott him. self seemed quite as unobservant of the (outing nuisance as be displayed bus finely' developed proportions on the sidewalk let front of the flowery.. Faratiara Carpets sad. Housettal , - Good• at !tuella:li. The special attention of 'oar readers Is Called to the sale of furniture, new carpets, and household goods, to be held by Smith- arts, Palmer d Company, at their mammoth auction house, lies. 53 and 57 Fifth street, this (Thursday) morntn commencing at harvest ulna o'clock on household goods; .contllasung at half past . ono o'clock, r. x., on new carpet's and furniture; also, several family sewing machines and largo plate mirror,. Housekeepers will and It to their advantage to attend the sale. • James T. Brady le Ca., report Govern ment Bonds le Now York reaterdeY, al fa• Iowa: ' Gold 1381 i U. S. elkoe 1881 lteil„, 1,80 1d".4 1883 -PM Consols 7.3n5, lat series 74014%18nd 3d aeries - Dee. Compound Interest notes Lztroordinsory Mate of Fruits. &o• On Friday morning, at ten o'clock, a /ante sale of dunes canned fruits, vegetables and oysters will take place at the Auction Lions° • Of Suuthson, Palmer & Co., 53 and Id Fifth street. This will bet a rare chance for board ing house keepers, hotel proprietors, CO.r taursnts and heads of faculties, as the goods are warranted fresh, sound and in clean packages, and will be sold in quanti ties to suit prirnhascra. Sad advertisement. John P. Itetriel. 'Justice of the Peace elect m Emit Birmingham, received hie commlssiou a Ilar or two lance, but bis. name' haying been • nalsapelled, the doctis ment was returned - to Iturrisburg for cor rection. blr.ll.bas retired from the -toed store business, having sold out his estab lishment, and proposes to devote his time exclusively to the duties pertelulag to We 1,01111i012 to which he hue been elevated. The Missing Rev TharpPon-, Itrt, not 991 , turned TT, PRICE - THREE CENTS. The - Greene fount,. Yltartier., Mrs. Cage, the woman whoa life se tts ht' '.., teMpted by herimahand, Martin Ca •i J o, , not dead, as at (rat Inputted, let is al oly , •recovering. Ile: shall and cheek one Were both, broken, lout with care she loaf been getting' On very well. IL la :now thought that her loushnoal, who vi,11:11'.1. , '11 IttliChill otter bin attempt otina her lily. Ita. tended also to murder the fatally of his 000• In-law, with. whom ho onieed, but their wake ruiners canned him to forego that •,•art or IhO tvrr , blo Jiro:ran-Im, toot Ida Mead body score fanail n.razor cod a half, : The canna Of tile imatotn,i'd • • raoh wood In sisal to have been jealoney, although all to•omr , ttor, the motives which impelled lint: to the Crime la were conjecture. . New Temperance Lod. e.—ThO work- of Temperance sun keeps moving.. si.onle, of our Allegheny filend3 Onto oignnlect now Lodge under the name or Feel queeuo Division 1:7, n Ila followlar till. curs P. W. P., It. Barrows; IV. P.. .1. P. Stewart% W. A., A. K. Teteng C., Jaen Tel rah T., Frank Tattle; IL Liatrles F. .1., /I. Wlltr , n; C Charles An.ler,mn A. S., W. Whlston; A. IL. ll—Walker; V. 1., S. Iter; lot 1.., Miss A. hcerhy; 2 IL., Men Totea Mas Anne. Ernest; S. C., Kr. A. n. Arsoclatton MVP!, in 31r- Clintock.'s Hall, censer a SltiCkalla Means and Federal Street. , Disorderly Cttnitnet In A Street for. J. Pletadd and J. feeling to lather good humor with themselves and the rent of mankmd, thought to have a little fun oh Saturday evening in one of the carg run ning on the Manchester line. There were sl;tn=liieltro _Manchester ci In t fr e a ti7l i g ' s t a u ' k ,o von bud them arrested on ht.:barge of dli,orderly conduct. They were brought before Mayor Morrison to Answer the charge but had the cneo nettled o peaymcnt of costs: Arecelod for 71M1V COrl nt Money In 111, rosnentdon.—fion't Mart: was yesterday arrested and brought befog United States Coinrals.lotier nprool. charg ed wttl i havintr bta ponmnsaion counter feit Unted Statei notes of the dettormon tton of ten dollars and with Intent to poen the same, well lEnctries them to I,u count,- felt. Lie was o the charge of Warden White fora he aring on the tith day of Court Tlpetaves itre bewailing . the fact that Instr.!. Attorney Dud" hag broken up the wed,kr , htulnns., In the way of curtail ment of Ices. Under 1.1,1 met Attorney Kirkpatrick's term their pickings for earr ing processes on parties milli:to! for relllng without license, during a quarter, ran ep to the ..tys," hut under the present admin istration they-hare been red netd to area below the "tem.: . llow 15 it. Amason and Mal tery.—Fraireis Mooney was arrested and brown before, Alderman Taylor yesterday Charge° with as It and haitory on oath of 1 , . Mecre formstlork against him was inn ndy. loon the 1:1111 inst.; but hie whereabouts could 'not Ima 110. mod:tined until yesterday, when officer Dell succeeded In arreatlug hint ha L.Wrl,llCt , Villa. its Was held to bail to answer the Charge at Court. A DlCllertlty occurred a low even' ngg Mace in Rued,lsen t s calot.n, en St. Clair street, which has rendted in cro Wails ice. ttectu the parties. /1110171111th/ll WAS wade y_este 8. rday before Alderman Donald:utt lay McCullough tezatnt: Loots Engler, Charging Wan with stew: it and ha:tu ry, and allto one of the same character by Engler against, McCullough. it arrauti have Cecil issued. We tip onT beat beaver to the new evens trig esper Tor an 001:Orilla `1 , 11 . - T" of Our Journal, admitting that on Item of the ter.. "Press/ tibia wilder° and NVaN everybody's 111 , 31101 In every part of the City!' dstvertl...ero rtm`ie a/tett:or tale. It goes to show the :vivant:lms or through the 4.; AZZTTY wLat you want the public to know. A Great Crowd Of men, women and chil dren were collected on WeAltngton street, Birmingham, last evening, attracted .by horse attached to a buggy taking fright bed running Off. A wheel of Ito vehicle was broken, and the occenantr, two young men, were doused fn the mud in the :tree -out, reeOlying suloua injury. The 4 •Poet" gets off :taunt:natant. ' , What ls the differce betn Southern blow: and NOrtilern en blood!" wee We give it up and patiently wait the answer, , ' bile pr pouotling one of tho Famu Eon: "What is the difference between a black cow's milk and a white cow's mall" Sus.-IVe don': know of any. Wile Viso of Totscro.—J. llnffner Trns nrrested yesterday Us - oill,er Herman. of Mayor Morrison'• force, el,nrgod with spit. ling tobacco In the eyeg of fits wire, for which engentlernanly net be was lined ton dollars, and m default ef pay - moot woo com mitted to for ten day, Lsreerl7.-0111cers Ilonn. , y and 'ladle .ueceetled yesferthts m hrreuttr , Z . a flint amed Charles I. Myer, ebargi . .l With the arc4ay , ol IL watch 30 , 1 putllut-book. Thb 0.01.1 WU at rented 03 LI, r ,, f Or a h 014.10 • n the Monongahela wharf. Held far a fur• her hearing 1. day. • We Have received from rittnck, oppo alta whose store the Po:rot:lce sthod+, Ciodey , Ludy Book, Frank - Losile'a Maga zine .1)f lasnion, nod .llmd.A.mo Deluort,t's Book' of Faibions, nil for Map. rittoch. „keeps a full supply ot tho per lodlonls on hand and for Bale. Two or the Lorgeot 1.1, , is in stature and bulk, in the city, are aier of Pollee Scott ens Jail Warden WhLte. ulfenders kayo as little show for mercy tin the ha u ls of the former, as when behind the bars, the keys of which aro control:LAl - by the latter. Last EvoskisigJoseph Niciatn had ablat ing before' Mayor McCarthy, charged on oath of Robert Colville. w ith the larceny or g flog-collar, the property or Mr, Colville. There not beingeudicient evidenee to bold defendant, ho wan discharged. ._" J. Abbey was yesterday arrested offi cur Ecko, of Oliver. Mot police, tined five dollars for getting drunk, and not or. log so lortunilto . in have the ready caih about his clothes with which to cancel tne same was Sent to Jail live days. We lErreal in minting that Pattorstaigm,l Mcßratney, charged with attempting to outrage Cella Do mm, in Alleghm,v, en the night of the ~eventb. wcro committe,l for trial. At n further hearing, ye.lit.r,Liy morn ing, tlicy....woro kllschurgml. Planderlug ot the public, since the ad. jonranieut of the Legislature, nil! be done byp rogues In legltnnato num.', and in lino city,jout now, the Court having adjourned, they can operate without Im mediate tear at the law. The Venturi.n■ Iron and nail works, Lewin, Bailey Balnell.t.tio. - proprintors, have established an taloa and Nitrellen , e at Soc. GI, a 6 and OS Anderson street, three squares North of Laud street bridge, in Al legueny city. The Most Important building' In the City, attracting the most rimier!, 11 that Occupied us the l'.tofilet, and Custom Moose,yet it is the dingtest, dirtiest and moat Uninviting public edifice In the City. The 011 City Register thinlN that Venango City Is destined to taxeme do site for rem donee.. of the merchants and lintilnsi.s roan, because tt aloraannundant room for "10013 Yards and elegant dwelling,. Doing Nothing—Thu Board or Ilealth, In tho war of IToprollng the xanitary condi tion 01 tho city. El3ewnerv,Kt and Wo.t, they aro preparing , u Lim A.,:vor.L of thocholoro. Tho body of the unknown man who died in tho Alleabony tomos, on Monday, waO bridal owtterday. Too body wal 7101 !den tinal, and his moue' still remain. a =ye. turn. Iteeovering,— , indge Stowe, who bas been quite beriOUlsty unlicted with rherartatlem for some week, ' we arc plea.eG to state, as in a fair way orrecoVery. The! Photoirrapli Viea of tho COurt ,o„.„,,,orgo 0 1 00 , 0xp0.0,1 In tho Slturllrs °Mee. IS 01l exteuted, rodtctlng credit upon two ante. • , Larecol.l.--J. C. Potts, formerly'of Graf ton, Weet Vu., but recently 1111 uxPreenugezt a t mobile. has'been arrested there Or sieal. /03,000. In 'ridicule. the other day, lithe Lynch sbee Jim s weeney • because JIM V , 011 la 110 e fm - nlsh film no oyster Steer and 'Tut It on the tante.. The Common Plea. Cnort broke town" abo ut eleven o'clock yesterday; hav ing gone tttrough the ,Ilst of Inn eases toed tor trial. H • ndreds of hogs Raw their shadows ymturday in the city. Would it not Lu a good 'duo to impound some of them. Blest trimilles in 'the city are 'supplied with pure pump water from the eutuary— by enterprising milkmen. At LAPLI.—Tho korbing cf tI on the Filth street front of the Conn...ton4o Is being renotroll. The Ladles Monument .I..alsoela , lon meet this artvreoce at two O'tlock at City Hall. . • .....iloys 125 p,blic belrY,l teschero and Las %J 1.11,x31 The ll`nwf lc This Day week - ,=.11, has been set apart far thank.airtne end prayer by the Oda renews Zry pru atnanon of the head Of tho Untnp l'otigoot tho t7roto.l States. The quality Of Pit taburgh water attract." zteutlun. - • - Diamond Ring Losi.—Sce WiTertl.39- Malt.• Ineti,,,N.—At Newt:me:l ;d pi: E.T4,c}: of {1 .11 , :glaer .F.txer, of.d.lleabenf. ii;mwitivipatygoo l34 ( loll 4 .1 . 1.E.' X. A TYISTX:OM..R.T.4IIOEI EL, !Go. irri rourtt, street. ntuburgh. COTTINS ut ULU VE.S,. and eve , 7 de ton Or Funeral rernlshlng Wood. Lf.../ 3 h: 0,, , t1,-I.lsy and ttlght. /itsiss . Carriages Dtrnlshr.l. Sl.srs.ussk.) - /tc v. David Herr. Is,1). M. W. Jar , ttnts. P. 0.. Thomas ICArlas..ar.. 41- r 1 3 T. 41TIITIC 5: CO., • ; - UNDERTAKER& AND EMBALMERS, Rh. and *lO l . l tY. COFFIN ROOMS AT MANCHESTER LIVERY STABLE Corner iheineld uat Chateit,•• • •• al •cith ticattc heti Chrr:Aere furath hvgl. ILI)DALE CE3IETCI I Y. — T h e ..Ucl,l'a-here.• the largext sutler, bhn el ,ce cf I.enutehre, c xeept or • In thl, eetts 4 y.etluated oti.New I;rlchtou ro lehniedlhae . i+ ti~rt4 of Ailr~renl, rgg'lSr[ ;JV•crj6Y.'".Z OI.NIN,Y. DITNSEATH 85 CO., • 'Wholesale Agents Altericau Companj'g WATCHES. No. 56 Fifth Street, IrII orEy : yrr.Fy2lo2.lit ANA ITATCRES, EDAM'S AND ( .TF2LI7IEIT-.R.:52",,1 AT A k:itY SAALL PUOVIT. AT WILL T. ‘Pi l I LEY'S St., 3d door from Rh. 0!T2; 3'1'071 3. geC Fino Watches, Clocks ' ', JowClo SIVR-PLATED WARE . ETC. • •NO. ii 73 LIUT-ItTY .Cr rtrtttclor attoottoo olttot to Ratalttott c;oLts am-1 Jo*elry. .AlCtiork'vrar-• :EBNER iiISTEMIRT'S Dry Goods Store, MlitliET AND FOURTII STB., TO 331ZrIr -7••?trxrt. ping Goods. ALL NEW GOOD?, NO OLD STOCKS Have nPra a largo eanckof DUE' 4 crOODB, alt the r...vir rty,s, autta , Le for IValllngßS Str,.. Parlor, carrta, sod St Dresaes. from 12',:c. to EL:7S Far Tara. all n . obrop At cents. too French And licolch 4:lmamate late!, aud Colored A1p... , all prltts, At 25 and Si cents, 1-4 sal Wool Delsanet. r.in R we, mahars. 0017 lovrt 632-s-.. 8:21 ntrlre Dress Goods. • • :' Fren,it: V goodtce, c:•mbric and Myles 1.60006, At 37ii cents ,tripe .10 Chintz Figured Lawn. Fricitel lir.reentes and 50 cents. good tiontoot Teti° Moen/. ltureell'ea ‘Olll4l, In White. Pink. Ana &Glue. /1,42,73, WIAto Hamburg Galt& rids et, 1.1,71 es and 'Forsch', cheap. 121, costs, Red llordereaßnek Tonal& •. liceettfulntor.t of new rpring tihaols. .ut.a. 1 and 50,25, flout French 5606100 Cloths. &ripe sod Fluid Camtales,74alnsooks & 2,7lsses. At 21 coots, Flgiured Whltu.Brllltonts. .61 23 cena, rout 50020. ! At 13 cent, Cotton Hose. At 01 31). best 341,1 Gloves In the en) , illuch And Colored ruts, ery cheap. • Al We cents, Tart 24.10 LlubleseLed Ilberalor At Mi cent', Light and Dart: Prints.- solid col uts. At t& C.I.F. Pine Pillow Muslin. , 6-1. F-1. - 0-4, 10-4 Phceting clicap 11004 And lineetlng• Linens, ones], • ..aid C!utt nano., ALL NEW GOODS. iiric,em the 'Very Lowebt; NEW STORE, ", 2 , \VEST COIL 3IARREI iL i fOURTH STS GARDNER & STERARI% CEMEZI S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 80 AI.IIIKET STREET..,' N. 7 owro *9IEI- 23 30 7 ' ts , so Market Street, ; : • ADUTOUR , s ,IIOOTS, SHOBS, &C., THE CHEAPEST AIM BLIT I . ' 69 ;x.xv 4^33cY7 CZIX WV' I N; • 001).1 . AII(.110 43XWT. .491 1118. R 088,89 Market St; 09 _•9 S 9 S9 S 9 S 9 89 89 .I\lAir,sruvs SALE. twin f he tI/le' II W M s e te n n o D o ls f t r he t of y ite n d e al At isms. Fitting to AdtatntilY• . thrutes a Cu., Etenb.ac l'oreft City, 5 tu - .1; oy virtue of t writ at cemlitflnf espoOtti Wand I, the said CO,rt, and to me dtmmtmi, ten nip. els Il ndmoral me. I will exp o no - toaale at the 1:nT011 ttutisE, to the City of iiiitabityyit, nt tii”•cii,t In o forenoon or the 11 0111 I,AY n.l . ttlf.. 324% the nTEAMBOAI, Puett - ST CITY, .0115 the Lyons mtehloery. tootle. apparel nod rural:we.'TtllluAne. itutyLity. U. n. !tamale.' Pltttbargb. Alcrll9lll, 1E47. agaltra t.IIE.APEST. The SI mplut, EWING MACHINE, IA NV IiEVAXII.t. wiusuron ,Wiatunsvco cant. n Azar.sucroit to, 27 rn-ru STREET. I 13111LER, LIOSE & etl., Practical Furniture alarouractunrs COR, PENN MIN WAYNE strits at TITIVNITSITIM cetztz.th PAIIG.II-* .' S I , . .SEWINC MACHINES.- but a short tiale., for sale a.: WM. bUMII.EIL a. CO-. ,A 'Mb ott..+4. prices Iyt:II.4IIAItASIVIL44II. . .. TW3 PHDS. VERY tliatE BRIGHT YELLOW SUGAR. • , , ~,,,,t yrertro,t and far elate by thaPa... d.rb " " ' at tbe, 'Family Oroceyylcjilvf . REssliAw. r" , ' , " ' COYY-00.1'xrlyatd alma i unxte. siiiiiilMiiill l l lIIIM MIMI U_AL3iv 111 GO TO iv . :Eicxr Uti WEST COILNIKIZ ~0~ - ~~, I