11:21cfciii/114:4i.,c,s INVISIBLE EMPRESS Tll4ll, SKIRT, 'Far. NEW sai.rs ros Spring, 1867, j. W. BRADLEY'S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC nocuLE spauce,) S K R_ TS , The hiuldwrArst and molt romfOrtobl #ll yet ..ntrethwed. ANL ALL 7Ass lON 1 _ JwAtiA. 7..1N Also, the New Ms. la PARIS TwAlLe AI DA OF THY WOALLL AA/ TIP-TOY bTICLZ/L FOB SALE ETEUTOMEOE. • AT WIeoLIZALZ try all the leading NOl.lOll and Dry Goads Hoar.. la Plttabarsh. Abro, by Yale Uarners of Patna& end =pules lfannise . WESTS, BRADLEY & CARY, 97 Chambers Street, XiMr TOSS. mttl6.‘sPF 2 TOCIPILESS TRAIL, • PARIS TRAIL, PRIDE.OF THE WORLD, TIP TOP SKIRTS, • NOR SALE AT 1 1 . EATON'S, 17 N•lStb slsltrecrt. n 2137.1. . 1867 . -- STEW SPRING GOODS MACRIIIII & CARLISLE, J. 19 Fifth street, ILATEJO6Tr,.N F.I)II3 . IVITDID ASMOKT JET, AMBER MID CETTITLL Dress Trimmings and Buttons, KBURG WORK AND REAL NAVES: Vl N lS E u Eigl it Valtdi ILLlClRPWa i al!shadeg culler:Von:REA RilriVilerail chute.: ENULUILI AND UEBNULN LiVeLERY. cdi slam THE ,"STAR" SHIRT, . • On hand and wade Cowden' Invisible Empress -Trail RIM, New attars ttrelleirlad, ‘• /am zimazica. - New dxas ISkirt• for ISO: Wllmdebene Oprisetg, PaleCIP YOMMIIIe complete usertment oi • PAPER COLLARS AND CLIFFS. CITY AiID COUNTRY ItIPECIILII 5 wille :tie our Whol.ule Department well stocked selth go , ls suitable for tear lienbtch we ge matt tea to Gripes low es say JOl)tatig HOU. & CARLISLE, TS . co.: 19 3P111012. Ritz-oat. NEW GOODSS NEW GOODS I 3031211' HOREB'S as CO'S flaying made a =cad addition to oaralreada /au. slock. SVRING GOODS, hoboar propired to offer' troiacomonto, both to "04 aasOltMeltt, • Nfinbrolderies, Handkerchief... elloves.. Moslem Bogle Ten.lnas • and Mn Zd eV btyleil DMA Ta 1111141 1 ,4 VolOred awl Velvet =Mann, Guipure and Clancy Lane, Beal Tnreul semi rola. Lana. $ll styles and naafi. • Coruda. Balling, Bantle. and 8a11.., Wins Opera Vans. . Ladles , Ulan.. and Elena' 001100 Under Wear. 41e0 04ra Hid Glove.. Italtdeu Trail aki uplex,n+, lnlilnale and • largoOsortmlmt of Gents' Neel Ties, Seam and Bows. Soopenders. litdri Trost& *O. llorrlsonq Star SDlit.. . .. S p'- ri iteuar Sono ea, Sa t lo .a Bale rl , .uMaodds. • T rl a sl n n sadFaxyßonnnb.boo ns' : 0411. WHOLIZILLY , 800 MB, sty otalra,_.ll l . zulgra"ug't, D =l.ll , :::: ga r rrio... I r , u isatera Jobbers. • 77 and r 79 Blarket Street.' fe=•ugo NEW GOODS! NEV HOUSE! New House! New Goods WDL H. MILLER, 4Trii1 7 224051 . ' a WILL OPEN About the . First of April, NO. 64 NAPSET ST. WITS La arms aim eroca or Trimmings, Lace Golds, Embroideries, Ribbons, Gloves, Hosiery, •aa ,u GOODS usasnT kept 12 FIRST CLASS TRLIMEire Notion House• RIsTCRI S For the Ristori Season. KID GLOVES, all colors; NECK TIES FANCY BOWS; DISTORT. BOWS, etc., - I=7= T.gE. 30.4..rrC11N1")E4, 17 Fifth Street. EM C&I 80, ItICWIVIAM & MATZ WaiSon, Qua s Co.) waoissaiss meAr.enz zee FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY . GOODS Aga DA Vircoc;ci sot" Thir bona exam Mimosa Acur,i____ .6"4,11 IT/7110Ustuf. 171, 1106860clefzi DRY GOOD, NEW GOODS! A LARGE STOOK OF NEW GOODS OPINED TO-DAY, WM. SEMPLE'S, SO and UM Federal. St., wiLLEGIIEJer airy. El= BITE FLANNELS, J. M. BURCHFIELD & CO.'S, MSc,. 07 Mwr3cot 11911zroot, MT 1001 TO TEE SICI 01 7111 °BIOIOO7, OILBEET FLANNELS. SILK WADY FLANNELS. • 5-1 DENZT Do. 5-1 ALL WOOL Do. • WELCH FLANNELS. KEET SACQUE FLANNEL& BLUE, BUFF AliD SCARLET FLANNELS. A Late matt:smM of • EVERY DESCRIPTION OF GOODS, ON HINDS, ►ND ►T LW RICO TUB CAN BI 1013 D IN TH apill:¢9o 1867. SPRING. 1867. AB,BIJTHNOT, SHANNON & COMPANY, DirOSITESS /RD JOlllirltd Or Dry Goods and -Notions, Oder their large and attractive stork of DEW GOODS AT EISTERN PRICES, FOIL -CASH. DRAMS GOODS,_ WHITS GOODS, D thiMETN I M A I tLVIVIN A MIM EICES . CTTiONADEa. JISANn! SANDSU £l4O BROWN OtIZETING 13HIlealydlee Bum. are Invited to call. and eat:at:Am goods and crises, at N 0.115 Wood Street. ARBUTHNOT, BRANNON & CO. C. mammas. Ir. T. artassztON. ap: G. lentrallssoir. 78 Anvil so MARKET STREET, Daily Arrivals. LI /Melon to our suxtlor NEW SPRING GOODS WHITE HOODS, , ESIBUOIDEILIES, LACES, JIANDKEUICIII SASH AND BOI E rAT TIMIIIIIIN4 I AND HEIM 11/1150304 of foggy wlditt ant sha4h Deaf quality of 51.1 T% MEWL ail widths ULT.. SLACK. sad AND= NINON THINGIS ud AU lONS Tull Line •Jszandr• KID GLOV KS; HOMMET Vr?rairTiG =dyad Or *La dilltlLTATtr3 it b a d nilißTS. all mated. Alan linen: GENTS. TU•N In UNE/ titnlDS. Cowart Dealer,. will dad In our BOLE , SALE DEPAIMMIXT, • fall assortosezt •1 Saßtelll Peas. A MACRUM, CLYDE t 7:0., 78 and 80 Market OA, mb12:+•111 AUCTION SALE BOOTS AND SHOES AT AUCTION. There will Ds sold et the 6uollo* floats, L 77 Federal street, AllezhelsYr : (ha Tuesday; 4prd:ileitis, oolm.,sass teelock.dspggulull t v gY41111111rAT.7,1 , Y 1 :74 , z , a7.F . v ,,i- b ties be bought sr . h . g r he t . a. lL ta. " 5:1 , bU ,s • Iltd'highlglglenelal We. A. LEGGATE, Acclimate. FIRST CLASS LOOKING GLASS AND PICTURE FRAME MANUFACTORY. J. LYONS, No. 110 Wood St., Pittsburgh, m a tad rlZlPgmut, osw22 7olarri:OPlcnia t eiMetertgrarit tap Bracket ginrqt.'irdterra workatansble• OILOINH AND IiZOILDING executed In the hifigirlMeeerrita. HOLIDAY GOODS. AtNiar,f, nno A l4E,Givr, Carbon Oil Lamps and Ohandeliers. Lamp Trimmings, M a Wm% al W.lllllbaleside sad raARTXD N-tall4 ILITLOSIVI OAP, JOHN ROSS & CO., ?Co ladiar 3 / 4 Afittreiet, eIgdOmPIAAWT PlTninllP4ll4. PA. MARSHAVEI SALE. • In the we Court of the United States, In and for the Weatern Dbtrlct of rennsilennlet Ittlte h l b n ,,, Agt l i ra& . i 31 P E T7 /01170113,LrreeTtictofilicnt exponastheaed ' grrl " 4ll 4 0o C elliltn W o llre ITZe i llo . ing cUtITUII uuunE:io tuetlity of igtub.V.N, 10 o'clock In the .f or of the 2011 5 1 t • Aritiz., UM, the lITEAII DONT _YU p k' 7.1 C 1 end I.l, , l u te e. bant's nth i cit i tm repa i tr U. IA klerthal. Pltuthrfal. A74lloth, 1041„ ' n011i29 A CLEAR, 831001111 SKIN and CAUTI• comm. ExtoN follow the Inc of lirt.l.l5OL.W.S CONCENTILATID /Mtn/XS or Ildlitsardlnt.l.A. It temOves black .9 00 . DI .014 e sad all emotions of the MUD. spl6.lllFd DRIED PEACHES.-80 barre 0007 ;=, 7,tiga a 00. FXACH En. o b,l'A w a rtiVal t reiNti , 11 04 and la Hood stave. ifingitiOurgit Om*, WEIniESDAY, APRIL 17, 1867 An Artie. for Mothers—The Croupy MEMtliaMil dlo of croup, which la simplye common .cold settling itself In the windpipe and epeading all its tore° there. Why itshould tend to the throat in them; rather than to the longs as in tome grown persons, and to the bead of others, gbring one man initutm aa, another pleurisy, a third inflammation of the longs, and a Mirth tome lower form of fever, is not SO important as to stow the moms of Crone and tne means of avoiding Tne very Donlan or a ercolp Cough is per , Melly terrible to any, mother who has ever heard It once. In only fortY , eight boom tt may carry a child from perfect health to the grave. Croup always originate. In cold, and in nine cues out o! ben this oold lathees o expoatire to dampness, eith er of the clothing or the atmosphere, moat generally the latter, and particularly that term Wit which provitils in thawy wca‘ler, when snow ill on the ground, Or 4 et sundown in the early ending season. At mld-,lay the bright sun lures the children out of doors, and having been pent up all winter, a hilarity and a vigor .of exercise are induced, nuch beyond whet they nave been accustomed to recently. They do not feel either tired or cold; nut evening •p -progehet, the cool of which condenses the moisture contained in the air. This ritrid l 3' abstracts the heat from the body of the child, and with a .deubly deleterious in. preaeleta,• for net only is the body cooled toe quickly, but by reason of the previous ex. erenies it has been wearied, and has lost a great deal on Its power to resist cold, hence the child is chilled. Exercise has given it en unusual appetite, a hearty nipper is taken, and in the course of the night the re action of the chill of the evening before sets In and gives fever; the general aystem is oppressed. not only by the heavy meal, but by the Liability of the stomach to digest it,. and fever, oppression and exhaustion, all combined, very madly ear away the life of the child. In fact, it may yet be foetid. when the nature ot dilutions is better known, that It is a typhoid croup, malig nant croup. Children ehould be kept so warmly clad, atleast until May, as in the depth of winter; they should not be allowed to remain out of doors later than sundown, when they should be brought into a warm room, their feet•eXamirted and made dry and warm, their suppers taken, and then Bent to bed, not to go outside the doors until next morn leg after breatfast. During rebruerl. Blarch. and until thMdle of April, ea penally when snow Lonthe greund. chil dren under eight years of age should not be allowed to be onto( doorcat all later than four o'clock in the afternoon, unless the nth is shining,or unless they are kept in bodily motion, en as to keep off a feellnd of chilli ness, lee have never lost a child, but feel that it must bee dreadful calamity. 'young mothers seldom get ever the toes of a first born. Surely, then, It is worth all the care euggested in this artlole to avert- a calamity which is to ho felt until we die. The commonest sense dictates the instant sending for a physician in case of an attack from croup, hut the moments messenger is dispatched, have three or four flannels, dip them in water as hot as your hand Can bear, and apply them successiyely to the throat of the child, hot all the time, seas to evaporate the matters.whieli, if retained; cause the clogging up Inside which boons sums the breath. Hot water should con stantly be added to that in which the flan* eels are thrown so as to keep it all the time hot. beep the water from dripping on the clothing of the child, and see to it that the feet are dry and warm. Most likely the child will be out endanger before the phi , - Malan arrives, and it is pleasant to be able to turnover the responsibility on him. Loose cough, freer breathing, and a copious die- Charge of phlegm indicate relief and safety. Croup seldom comes on suddenly. Lien orally it has at test no other symptoms than those of a common cold, but the very mo. merit the child is ;men to carry his hand to. ward the throat, Indicating dicomfort there, It should be considered an attack of croup, and should be treated accordingly. When a child is sick of anything. no Poe. Melon can tell where the BiCkllllS5 will end. 85 it ts with a cold; it may appenr to be very alight one indeed, still it, may end fatally in croup, putrid sore throat. or din. therle The moment a mother observes croupy Symptoms In a child from two to eight years old, the especially croupy age. she should keep the child in her own room, by her OWLI aide, day and night, not allow- Mg it fee a moment to go ontaide of the doors, keeping It comfortably warm, eOthat no chilliness nor draft. of air shall come ever it. Light food should be eaten, no meats or hot breed or berries. The whole hotly, the feet especially, should be kept warm ell the tithe. gabbing twenty drops of sweet oil into the skin over the breast patiently with the hand, two or three or more times allay, Often gives the most marked relief in a cold, thus preventing croup. Such a course promptly pursued will promptly cure al most our cold a child will take, and will seldom Caul toward off effectually. In aday or two, what would otherwise have been a fatal attack of croup, with Its ringing, hiss inn'. barking sound, and iterunetuly oppres sive, and labored breath, none of which can ever •be mistaken when once heard. Many aaweet child is lost thus, the parents are , aroused at the dead of night with a cough that suggests crone; but it seems to pans off, and in the morning they wake up with a feeling of thankful de liverance from a boding ill. The erilld runs abou nightay as if perfectly wall; but the next the symptom. are more decided, tusd on th next. night the child dies; but this would have been averted with great certainty, If from the first night, the child had been kept In a warm room, warmly clad, the bowels had been kept free, and nothing had been eaten but toast, with Ufa, or gruel, or stewed fruits. • ' , Trackers's." CM Hla Traysle—Tle !Indies Law In Prat ..... b. The New Albany (Indiana) Ledger; of the 13th Inst., reports the arrest of a man who was once arrested In Cincinnati, on the charge of petit larceny, and upon whose person was found a hunch of burglar's keys, several forged chec k` , and various other suspicions papers. Among the papers was along brick. on the fy4 eaf of which was written the following kly right name is • Henry Javan Salisbury. I hares.° uncles, by the name of 11. U. Jesup and Samuel Jesup, who are mlostOnarles to Syria. My grandfather le the Bon. William /map, LL. 8.. who was either President or Vice Presi dent of the American Board of foreign liturslons. .Ide resides at Montrose. Banque banns county, Pennsylvania. •1f lam =led the person who ends this will do me a favor try ., ding word to my relatives. My fath er name is Colonel J. B. Salisbury. ill was on General Sigel's and emend Hilroy4 staffs during the war. He was It when last he from, at No. all filth Ave,e. nue, New York Cit. Will. /Boylan lathsle name Igo under now. I bare 'shoved' a good deal of 'queer' during my day, and cracked' many a house." This memorandum was no doubt widen under the impression that be might be kill ed while attempting to 'weer' a house. In another memorandum he claims to have studied law in Hr. Eiringes office In Plus. burgh, haven s l SL Loma lle s eg v h ere tie w a ir . *:ggg w o r . OTOr,where be doubtless ran short of mon- ey. He put up at the National Hotel, but left there after getting in debt and, enable to pay bls bill. His baggage was re tained by the proprietor, to wbomllo wrote a letter, begging the return of a package containing tobacco, as he was "a deer lover of the weed , ' The authorities of New Al bany having received information sufficient to satisfy them that sallsbury, altos Idey lert, is a forger, counterfeiter luid.burgiar, clayid to the cashier of ono of our non widen he forged a check. and also to trio Chief of Pollee. notifying them that he had Salisbury Li custody and subject to their orders. Patent Fire Extinguisher. In Cincinnati Saturday but, a trial of a new patent Ore extinguisher took plane In the presence of the Board Of Underwriters, city offcers, and members of the lint depart. meat. The apparatus consists of a sheet iron can, made of various sizes, contain. log from live to ten gallery'. inside of this cants a small tube that contains some in. gredients for generating gases that will of. fectually extlaironsit a dame. When the gee is generated, the pressure on the inter ior of the can amounu to conaiderable, as the water absorbing the created gas ex pands it to about twenty times its original volume. A rubber pipe is attained to the can, and a mall nettle is attached to the end of the rubber p i p e . BY turning a twit at the side of the can, to which the pipe is connoted, a stream of the moone contents of the apparatus can be thrown to a dim tance of about forty feet, and in quantity sufficient to extinguish a large fire. Straps are attached to the can, and it can be slang to a person , ' back or shoulder., and can readily and almost instantaneously be transported from place to place.. The ap. paratus may be prepared and stand realty for action for years, and at the end of that period will be ready for instant use, and will be just as effective as on the day wren it was But made ready. ,TheClaclnnati Commercial says it worked very successfully. Tar barrels contalnshaving's saturate with naptlas were . Led to the fiercely bias ing point, and Inca few seconds toe 'names were completely ex. thagniened by thellttlo stream of gas and water from the can. about the size of a com mon water cootel. Thla experiment was several times repeated, so as to sat sfy or. cry observer of the DOOMS of the !noon. MIL The stream was thrown about fifty feet fronts liedf.mch nozzle. ebos=staron • FortVElght Ilogurs lap Day. "We rtrposo now to show," says the entific d m encon, "that Monday, or any oth er week day, is fortrolght hours long; wo menu that, during the whole of forty-eight hours, Monday is on the earth somewhere to be found. The Monday of thin city is, or course, twenty-ft= hours long, but before and sifter our Monday there is Monday in some o th er quarter. When MOnday begins in Now Tort there have been throe hour. of Monday In London. and' for three home after our Monday ends there will be Monday In San Franolseo. Thus, between these places Monday lasts eighteen hour.. New, if the daily line are at our antlpeace, Monday would . begin there twelve hour. before onfa,• and end twelve hours after ours. Thus. for the space of forty-eight rootsthe earth is not rld of Monday. The may be Illustinted in another way. animas° we are at the day hue. Monday bogies there, and in twenty-four hours, along come; Tuesday.. not, Pint ent, [half an men If you pl , kne,l Monday began only an imitator before it ended east of the Linn. Tho Monday east of the limbs is twen ty-four hours long, end went lino Is foesm th e leng, and, In ell, Monday lands a -eight hours." I • —ln Ito illoblgan town olocUons In twen ty-twper visors conntlen tto Itopubllcnne pun rivo su. • I ====l The London Pro, Preis taken a sober po litical view of the proposed Mansfer from Hunts to the United States. It Molt °The cession ofhas a large tract of territory Mng in what been Own.as Russian .erittt to the United States lm GoVenttnent to an cocain:nee not without its ellifttitl• =mi. Commercially speaking, the terri tory cannot be said to be very valuable, though modern discovery may yet prove it to be of no Uttle consequence. • • • • • Bat however this may be, It is from a poUt teal and territorial aspect that the Matter becomes of great Importance. Tile Serail s:Lion of a possession having a coast lihe Of fifteen hundred miles, and tilithltig Into the interior for a dbitanee of one thoutand Miles ln IMMO In all nine hundred. thousand square pl mil s. In close proximity to the British territory, to an event which indierdee a forecast of no little moment. So lon BS the t, sixteen times Ls large g as England, wheld by Buss's, the British possessions had for a neighbor a power not likely to agitate for enlarge ments In that direction. A bind of bal ance of power was maintained between the three occupants; but if the cession is con cluded, of which there see= no doubt, the United Mates will have an overwhelming preponderance. • • • Every foot of ground gained by the States is &menace to other nations, bet the most PO to the only power that now holds considerable te rrlto rryy on a l , his continent besides , t ,r hemselves_ °lf e d ik je7ti n g s tgell roTe oth t In E t he E uro pean u even to them the rapid - accumula tion o f t territory and power by the States must bare its warning voice. The down fall ot French influence in Mexico M mast. fats due tho machinations at Washing ton, and in • few months the world may see & protectorate over Mexico on part of the United States, which will be t bu t theirn mediate prelude to occupation and annex atton.. This accomplished, and it will be seen grasping in its gigantic embrace the whole of the North American continent, cave that. which is comprised in Canada and the Northwest erritor. To what this re- salt may load itt y is not OLSY to predict. r7a;' - 45M . • 41 - ,1 -5 1.'a 'U.4=l GREAT REDUCTION LN BOOTS AND SHOES !TECO Popular Shoe Palace - Emporium. 11103 1108 SAIL SHOE, SOS 511 II? 01E1, ONLY 6100 .very We bave mad the &clean sweep. aael marked do thine la e "tore At Prices Beyond Competition JI:I4T BACEIVINUr NIEW GOODS, Of all the Spring Styles.- CALL TO-DAY FOR BARGAINS. 26 and 28 RPM St., Pittsburgh. W. B CLAPP & CO nh3, THOSE WHO DESIRE BRIL LIANCY or COMPLEXION must ParlrY sad enrich Opt blood. width II CIMIIOLD'a COO- C.NTRATZD EXTRACT or eV...1t...int1.-LA lorarb , ably does. MI for lIELSIIIoLLPs. Pate NV other. WS:IMT JAMUL MOALLDOL IRON CITY SPICE MILLS, FIFTH STREET EXTENSION, .Year Pennsylvania avenue, PrITSBUBMII, PURE SPIO} AND MUSTARD ted Irikerk our name is on toe Article. rTRIM GROUND l and EYE nt .mmautly on band. COTTEE AND GROUND NUTS ROASTED PrFttr= continue tba manufaature of all the DIFFERENT RINDS OF SPICES, Which ere offer to Wheletale and Metall "%mime tncTalrge'igggileilf thAeiVt7lfordeL 1 1 Chopped Fem-Constantly on Rand. iITILICHLER vik moyiLEDGE. de3:Q73 CULLNA ITAIIEUOUSE. RICHARD BREED & CO., xrxx.iciaawictran, No. 100 Wood Street. BRITTANNI AND SILVER PLATE!) TA. BLE WAHL. TEA TRATII and TABLE CUT LLIIT, al ware on band. CPINA. TEL PETS, CHINA DIN PI RESET, CHINA. TOILET SETE, CHINA VANE., CHINA Lrirrixms. BOHEMIAN WANE placer) deehriptlon LAVA CABO BASKETS. • LAVA VASES, LAVA. BrITTOONS. ENCLIIiII STONE RR of all earletiel, post wholesale and retalttrade. The largest nd mne t complete Mimic or erelT thing In this l e ine In the city. Prices and terms the mot as In UNhZ eaten ne indS Up..,),, = 1 I AORTlAvilikil Manalhetunore, Wholesale sad Reta il Dealer. la TRUNKS Valises, Carpet Bags, &e. •. • • AL large assorUnent of Lat!les' Satchels al anon [WM. Nos. 101 and 106 Wood St., rmiszultuu, rA UM NEW HATS! FOR SPRING, AT VERY LOW PRIM. IqcCORD =co. 101 'Wood Eitl4)l:l4. spa VOIING LADIES, BEWARE of Site Inturtous effects of nee Powders re Washes AU suet rssosales close up the pores of tbe Otto. nod to • abort time destroy the com pleslon. if you.told base • fresh, healthy and •oothful sppesrsace,nsellizellooLD'e g /MAO' hAtolsrhatLL.b. On15:YI, ANDREW DEGGS, =I GUNS, RIFLES, PISTOLS, Hardware, Cutlery & Variety Goods, So. 3 St Clair'Slmet, 31 door from Ihilridge, PIT26BOILUI4 *ma:malt:lon of all lands slimy. aut.& duos arid VDU's repalfad. minor. and Ita. tor. sad Pot ' also, peatalla,bladca la jrOIIN PEER, ORNAMENTAL a , BAIR WORK= AMY - PI MIXER. 99 !mirth street. cos floor [Mom Waal. Ihusburgh. Aiway. on amid • general assortment or La. , Wlrs. Bands, Carts; Gantleman , s Wlas. T noOdrigi rag. .:Lir toozrfOriliaw liair. theltdeltestinianirieV.l"""""t""thArriP SPUING WAGONS; - A rLAIN WA001113; _ • 0 OMITS: mimic nom' MORTAR. STARA & S°RAiLNOAA WAEILBARBOWS; HOUSE HAT ILAASS AND /OHM Mortised Hub. .61 . Tonle A lArke o s e o.th n iZl "d for "le 5 _ . 77 "9 . °1 1 'beg CA, W thsepiLrairtZuLlZlClLe N. FORRUITER A 110. Eiounxs, BELL & CO., Anchor Cottonnaratturen Mills, Pittsburgh, Ma of ANCI1011(A) NUEETINGA, AricnonAnLefilEETlNGSF 4 ANIVuos (V) . 11IIKETIAVIII , An 4 11 ATTnio. Arrls:2o CHEAPEST PLACE IN TUE OTT to boy the • TRIUMPH COOKING STOY It at No. 14C WLLNT STREET: BABB & MOSER, ZI 6 II.4O3ELTWJEICPriIe , IMM' AILSOCIaTIoN TWILDING,Pteet t Ii neln a BT. eballt BTIIZILT, ttpeetal attes”lon gtven to the tteptgolut z u n d building of Lairt of nut u BELTING I BELTING I—Leat i h . ; lant l ;:t. .14 4 : e cl p erv e tat 7 re l'.gllntitl7`ll4.2,l - and Clalr Meet. j. rtubtim 5.0.11 FLOOR OIL CLOTllB.—llavlng s sZ:= ° ,:n p ."feis7, ° : I". 7, Wg• C o i r t tlrable ZOLtterrui, for oats : I „,... gra d av u. SS and, XS tit. Clair 'Met. arfILELMIBOLDI3 Concentrated Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla tradtcAtes tgLIPTIVI: end lILCZEJMVE intmasts otth THROAT, NUM ITEE, ' ETELIDS. WALL' and Whop to Meier. the appearance. TUROiNG the effects of 13 , 711 , 7 ., , , r4 1 . .. o rl ig i x .11 ititiVirdrjeritre."is 'atm irlas an 11UL711`117LgAltlilli theatract Earesparl added to a pint of water. Is sepal of to the Lisbon Met Urlllk, ard one Dottie consi to a **ham of the l aygo i. tf Ilitnispari Us, or th II iZti‘fgvnirryivivllETTEß isprtbllihed In oho SledicSoChlrurgical ItorieOmuta nemaaary to a tirstnius The limits or an auc.rtbunnent will scarcely armee for *full deseription of she matt. or Om talents of the artists employed la ONa onique ea tablislirnent.: Mr the &rept - Leto» take upecial prfde la di witUft t i tlaCcVa t :M tang i gt Torn.. T. Horsemen, Gymnasts and Acrobats In the profelsion. sieage et. TRAINED LIONS Be, also been placed In tot, exhibition. which will be entered by Yr. CHAS. WHITE. who will Eire a sensational performeau while In the mitet of these formidable and Drocione beasts. A peculiar thawxceedingly thrilling Potters of fered In the will be the curling of LIVIHC WILD USN THROUSH THE STREETS. trimmed anduchatned, tightt seldom seam, at the lame time perfectly saf the animal being ander the oatmeal& control of the keeper. The Equestrian Company Imbrues the elite of the astute art, and adieu names will answer for the usertlon, Dr. JAS. 'ILIAYEN, llnmortai. Mr. C. W. NOY to, Truittur. • • • mr. U. HEED. Bac - cheek Hider. am. CHAS. PAPJLEN, contorttont it a at:4n. Mr. M. SMITH a SUN, Doable Ltuestrians. HOG LE a ICE • FE. Acrobats, An. -The MIACO stnrapeslats. Mme. Equeenne.l Miss ECU ENE iselfuE, equestrienne. Muter W. COOK E. great toy Rider it Leaps. Mr. U. MONIST, kinelinneel Bas Performer. Mr. P. ICOBIESON, beetle Rider. Mr. J. IOU STEIMON Baton& Leaper. Mr. E. PHIL Lint, Vaulter. at., with a boat of sculleries. The LEACHED POET sad the Trick Horse HHEY EaliLlo• will be lutro.laced by Mr. Not.. The COMIC MULE. will be introduced by Meyer: acid the THESE CLOWNS will trainee tacit w n centia r inussl ` sted. s a%fdWerreflclCialViiiVofora followed tram 01:Tg,11:11.r1Vgfrittltepr,111 spuctubic, very rarely seen Intent country. • splita34 - $lOO. rH-NESICANTILE LIBUAR LECTURES. IMTitA.3 WENDELL PIII4JPS, Esq., LLCTIJILE AT AOADBMT OF 2113819. Saturday Evening, April 2011 t. Susascr—TllE LOST ARTS Ticket*, to - all porta:of the boom 50 1 , 5515. To be bed at the blether Rooms and from mem bers of the Committee, sod at the door. Loon open at I, Lecture to c0 , c?...k..• Jan. It• SCOTT. U. P. W3l. P. HERBEKT,, OLIVER. LEMON. THOS. N• Mit,LXIL J. B. MOINiaN, reJr. Comaittle. M=l ar'ItOIING MEN'S CHRIST ..A.SEMILTItHC LECTUB.B BY PROF. ALFRED P. ROCKWELL, OF TALE COLLEGE, On Tuesday and Friday Evenings, APRIL 16TII AND 10TII, At Masonic Hall. Sun:Aar-oOn AHD COAL KIIIISci TICKSTS-30 CENTS, Members of Moods. flan frae. H. ILOOSIE, J. A. BLAKE. 'ELL. 20KREPCS, - J. H. HOPKINS. Leataxe Cowanloo. = HOTELS. BEBE ROUSE, ELEVENTH JOB RAEICE: STS., into new and elegant goatee la now oyes the the reemtion of &sesta; with the appointments of • 71613T-CLA.II3 HUM. • 01J111 , IS DAVIS prioriuvron. • 11:1rWP LA PIEBUE HOUSE, PkaattelPhia.. The entealbere he'd! , leased tills Learns ref; z eimosygizt....i-kle:ilpirillg; 1,2 w most nett appotetoaerd, of guests. The Ant podtionemeng ess",elsa. lintels will be =mints/au:lla Oa femme win sbe past, er•Sthm - WHITE HOUSE, PERRYSYILLE, ALLEIIHERY CO., PA. Newly rented and firsashed.and rawly to saw• Cd.TC guests. • The rubseriber will wet spsre , pelus &two*. mods , e his manganese. tioedi eeplwre ee. served as any bour la the etternmea. - • TIM& MIT/ MAUNA. ?sop's. DRUGGISTS. OLoWIE A. WELLY X. SSOOGEASA. CEORCE A. KELLY & C 0... Wholesale Druggists, 87 )rood Street, II /MILTON WRITE LEAD. Xrictly Me. CHARTER Os X IN LXA.D. PAINT% IN UII.. All color.. Sri& TUHPENTIN E. LINSEED DLL; wn /LW: 01.. VARNISHES, • -PA/Ili ERUSSES.S.S. DUIUGSS DROGBB22 ,DRU9B2II JAMES T. SAMPLE;_ ti SISUTIC u I'll l CELL- KNOW N Da BORINUON N AA ZUSA N D Ml 9 akeeponErnoaiatl ussortmeattitsliktuddei IZIPADIrd3.I3. And which .111 be sold olituliur LhaaaaTotu x ,w,:grzlz y ro gugt uir . myysyy4 by case druggist. kildsoirPlMDDOW Ltd./A-NUT BOAIT J . .; SCROONIII.AKER & SON, Pittstaith White Lead Weil, PURE WHITE LEAD. MU" LIMO OBOUND IN 011.14211FAUlt• Ti.t. I) OIL . Rs. eT Pctulls Illtirteef OM"' II II N =