• - eltefitMunitgantic WEDNESDAY:AraI, 17. 11101 , LIGHT BREAKING, All acoa=rom the South, through whatever el devised, agree is rep• resenting that the Military Government' Act is proddcing most beneficial conse quences. The people of all chisses un derstand what is to be done, aid a very general disposition is evinced! to do it, with its little delay as possible.' - A priirato letter from Alabama, written by a 'gentleman who is inay respect advantageously situated f t forming a correct judgment, Is now fore ne, in which this strange expression is used : "In mstters or re-construction we have reached a firm- foundation. Our feet stand on solid ground. he North is going on rapidly. We are 'T safe now in doing .anything that is right and and all - just.. The change is bey expec. tatioa. The bitterest enemies of lathehe Govenimr_nt feel now that there use in standing out longer. These are joyous days for mi." We have inland, also, blotter 'written from Alabami by a black man, In a style of penmanship and oistimitlaon which a very large proportion of Ate white men, even,of the North, cannot equal. lie SWAB: "Let 11NOrtherrl man picture to him Of, if be can, a nation 'groping in d idea ark ness,' and he can then form an of the conditiop of the colored people of the South. -Theyere ignorant—obi how. ignorant) But there is a cheering fact connected with their ignorance. They feel it, and want to learn. ',The blacks are 'crowding' the poor willtes."AU.. 13.:tcr will have soon to beceir. ciaemaalvei The war revolution tud Lc Vitali; South. The whites have TavYrena from the terrible shock war Ead des-viation. The poor whitei are with months agape waiting for their former rich svbite masters 'to do amethlng.' Neithrr class of whites is putting forth well directed efforts- to resuscitate the country. With the blacks how different t What to the whites was destruction -and woe, was to the blacks the golden opportunity; the day of jai . ]co.' They. sprang to the plow and the hoe, graaping the with free hands, while their quondam masters looked on with a stare which asked 'What does it all mean?" They are Past beginning to -- learn what it means; that the inapt isto ti is freedom* aev min have an trine] nd chancethat ery in the race of life. "If the colored people of the country rise—and they will rise—it will bo'by their devotion to and dependence te, three things, industry, education and religion. No reasonable doubt exists of the4se curacy of both these autographic state menus. The mass of the Southern peo ple are sincerely desirous of getting out of the existing complication. The more prominent of the military leaders of the ribellion are manifesting 'a commends ble spirit, acquiescing in the conditions ' imposed by Congress as not only reason able, but mild, and weaselling all who listen to them to make no delay in ac cepting them: Some of the old politi cians,, of the baser sort; resort to the - former tactics of inflaming the popular resentments, and exciting hopes that the ' national government can yet be, safely defied. The Democratic success in Con necticut gave these malcontents a slight advantage, but it was transient, and has already subsided. The conduct of the blacks has, On the whole, been adthlrable. Not but excep tions, ind in considerable numbers, exist among them. Nothing lesa . could rea sonably have been anticipated. But the 'bulk of them have shnirn a disposition to commend themselves by sobriety, in- i dnstry and studionsneis to the confidence of the whites. They are making pro_ grew which augurs well for - the future. Soma of them have evinced singular' aptitude for business, and lava already acquired enviable competinclea. Vast numbers are intent upon mastering the wail:Cents of education, and are succeed ing more largely than the poor whites. With the full establishment of tie right of suffrage in their behalf, they will take a fresh start, and wisely led, as we trust they may be, put themselves in a posi tion to command and enjoy a much fuller measure of prosperity and f espect • than has ever fallen to the lot of an equal number of their rice, in any portion of the globe. • TWO NaltalAGe.s.. The good name of the fair authoress, Mai Iturocu, 'is too well established by such works as "John Halifax, Gentle- Men:" "Christian's Mistake;" "Life for a Life," etc., to need any eulogy as a writer; themere announcement - of her name on the title, page of a book being sufficient. Tne work before us is gotten up in elegant style, presenting a dainty appearance, unlike the publications of a similar owe chstacter in former years. Har pers, hver, are among the progres sive school of publishers, and as might be expected they are keeping abreast with the age. The two stories, "John . Bowerbank's Wife," and "Parson Gar - laud's Daughter," inculcate moral les sons for the parents of marriageble chil dren, which it would - be wall were more. widely known than may be attained by the circulation of tlis volume. The ono illustrates how a young woman' s life was sacrificed by the unnatural course of a severe fattier; crusting, In Tho fact, two hearts by his ruthless p4iicy. other •story,'sad enough in, many respects, is portrayed in language simple, yet chaste, fall of pathos., which thrills the heart of the reader and fills himjwith tender emo tions. It shows how l ' a great wrong, . whittled been committed on a pool thoughtless gir.l, by arOnly eon, was so tenderly and wisely managed by hisven cable father, the good old "Parson Garland" that his j erring boy was rellOod from a data too frequently the result of a fatal step, and the young woman, poor, ignorant, and gross, under the Parson's wise =noels and strict tu torage, was made rich in all womanly g races, wise, refined, beautiful in person. and a mind highly militated. It is not often stories of this kind can be safely recommended to all readers, especially to young . persons, .but "Parsou'l Gar land's Daughter," deserves, and doubt less will obtain a: wide 'Circulation. • While the interest of the story hangs on a case of seduction, 'yet its character is wholly unlike the sensational stuff which fills so many of the so-willed liter . ary papers of the dar. , All th rough it thererls a Teln of tlaeilighest moraltone, inculcating lessons ortho most valuable F character to the'young and experienced of liothsexes. Let such works circulate freely; and the woof l of society will show a healthier texture , in its construction, than the nanby-panbylsm so prevalent now-a-days in fasblinahle life. - I 4 RE Si •TWOBy the thr of nJohn entlemane, Chrianatotan,s Mistake. etc. New York: Harper Broth. 21Ctsburgh: Henry Jilaar, .Nos. 71 and 79 Fifth.etreet.. .-Au experiment of mattrig Su trompeat beabeen tried sX.Cilenia Palis; New York. Ii *elicited in obthiulug from 115 pounds of driedijeat, 781 feet of gat, white feet and 10400 Of gas to the pound, from the best oul used at the works the yield at sus does - not exceed font foot and 40-303 to the ~.. FOBEIUN GOSSIP • A Glance at the Parisian Workteen— Casson:is at liedrana—Favorite Wed. ding Days io England and !Wetland —Anecdote of a Genevans Noblemen • —A. Utassian Rind Bath. The Parisian workmen is a curiosity. The best tempered fellow in the world, and' Withal, I verily believe the hardest worked. Sunday brings to him no relax:M.lo when m fie gains, perhaps, Eve francs per daY, our hod-carriers are paid double that ente, end any mechanic gains treble. lie rises at dawn (If ho depth not belong to the birds,) and works on an e metal. t i ,, ' th e tit oleo 'clock; when he nearest baker' s etch. roll of bread, then oes to the humubVestilanst_ti_join-, tog f or a morsel of meet soda g.......T.e r 0a r .... ta'lll3.,ho I_l tlitci_trgnVersfeuauthaa, a...1' 011... d the leoles avtg.,. Prorklmittex for :%beir WW I ' psbf remoVrier 'LIT tunet gv.lra t.'ux New 'England is called a 'i.bice.,. and at Mx in the evening he dines. chousends of the workmen in Paris :Mop a obliged to keep nerd at work . even- MO at gain enomat to live. Wogs are terse low. There is no juelleo in none • hurnbie prices for labor. A mouthful of meat costs flue thus, and [ the met of broth is more than Awes e.month ego. The exhibition rush is now giving ,prices a /ift. Whet Jean and the children • likedo by and by Is &problem. The French, the Irish, workman, will marry and bring the family circle around him. More honest and unsophisticated in wickedness than his brother Paristans of higher reek, he does not know of Natrona and Paris grisette lore so d muh as he might had ho wore leisure, en ha ono day Cade himeelf without sufficient resources. , Thenhis chi". drat supply the market of vice. This - is usually the gist sacrifice. But that is the Melds of the picture, and analys o bs e rver and discourages. To the casual , the workman seems merry.evon mutilated. The emusementa he cue afford are humble, 1 but he enters into chest with a zest that American workmen would imitate, if they were wise. Activity lathe seal of &French man. One never eises Jena artilhiscomrados alt for long hour. in a wine shop es do ,imer . leans and Englishmen over their pipes anti beer. I avow to you I never saw earthier eight than the emoting Teem of an English I penile house, nor a merrier than a work. ' mates cafe in Paris Sr. the ovening.—Paria ',eller, Megreh 15. ALl:visa flora Hairline Gaya: "The ladles here do not weer any on their heads. You think at homethetourladtes wear next to nothing, bet the bonnets worn by our party attracted Such attention, because there Wes any thing at. all worn. that. the banes feel it a great annoyance to be so stared at, and av Theken the veil, which is all that is worn. The Be ladies do not go out till eenin, and then they come out. in their earthmen to mu plata, o child ren drives, to hear the mune. The ren Lieem growing. up about the street., like weeds by the wayside, uncured for end little observed. Wo notice them from six months to Mx years old, ea naked Is when they come into the world. This Is among the lower classes, but you can see there et any time of the Usy on meet ell of the streets win of this city , or Mending in the door. wad dows.. .The natives eteleM to smoke all the. time. Teey imam into the dining.rooms tor breakfast, and the first thing after they nit down to the table is to takeout &cigar, light i w t, o l r de e h s e b a ut . e str s mo l k iees ea nd es f Yo m twenty to thirty mon sitting at the table smoking, while ladies are sitting at' the same table. I find that Americans pick' up the habit quite readily. co The latest; reports of the llegistiurs Geo erg" of England and. Scotland, show that no two nations could .difier more widely than do the English and the Scotch with regard , r ot g h e e . c T o e o o f o t d l a n re p ort week sfor atmahre favorite day form erriest. le Scotland is the last day of the year, provided it dots not fell on a Saturday or Sandal. No mar rumes are celeorzted on Sunday in Scot • laud, while in England it 'stile favorite day of che - areek .. for marriage, thirty.two per rent, of the marriages being eontremeel on that day. Motley is a favorite day in both countries. th e wee iu East-end, is the thud day of the week ln Order of selection for marriage, seventeen per cent. oceurnng 'on that day; but in Scotland, no true Soot will marry on a Saturday, nor, indeed. be gin any work of Importance. With the Scot, Saturday is" an unlucky day for marriage, und he. Is impressed with a superstitions belief that- if he married on a Saturday, one O f the parties would die unfired , e year ex pire& or that, if both survived, the mar riage would prove unfruitful. Renee it happens that Sunday and Saturday, the two rathrito days for marriage in England, are blenk deys for marriage in Scotland. Friday is the day on w bleb the English do not marry, but in Scotland it is ono of the favorite days. A Pesos paper tells the following ante. dote of Lord Gray, of Gray, whose death has caused so much regret le the English anxiety , of that capital: Lord Gray was one evening returnieg from his club, when he perceived the to of his pocketbookcon , taming forty bank notes of t,W)f each, (tipti) Lord Gray searched the pockets re,ble greet coat, but In vin. lie qinetly retned Dome. Next morning his servant went to his room at an early , hour and leg formed him tnat a holy in deep mourding t ha t she him Lord Grey desired that should be shown into his drawing room. "My Lord,. said his visitor, "you dropped your pocketbook containing 40,030 f; I bring it beet to you." TIM voles' any sweet and low, but so closely was the lady " veiled that it was impoesible to guess her ego Or appearance, ...Madame," replied Lord Gray, ..you have rendered men eervice ' for which I heartily thank rm. Allow me ' • to ask if I may venture to offer you some remembrance of my gratitude The itolY then contested that d eath hd receutly lost Der husband, whose had left her the charge of three little children, and that so niter was het destitution she had actually been tempted fo keep the pocketbook. Lord Gray returned it to her. mercy wileng, . 4 1thet are my ereilitor — Lo n children Wlll repay me later." Lord Grey received &visitor five years after this scone occurred, wile appeared a total stranger to him. it was a lady. She handed him a veet port. monnale, on Which his cypher g na t ronet were embroidered in gold; within Lay forty noun of LOCOf. "Ton will allow. die to re tain the old purse in memory' of your mu- nldeent genenisity? th e remarked. The following is from a Bunten letter' "There ip at Tcholaak a small curative es- tabllshment.' It is a kind of shanty, con- [aiming a dining room and a kitchen, a few cells, thollierge enoegh to hold en exceed- ingly small bed and one chair, & shed with a few tuba, and a he go caldro is warm wa ter. Outside toward the lake long cor ridor open to the lake but theltered by a wooden roof from to esun. It is divided into parts by a pertilaon. aepareting the lathe.. 'roes the gentlemen's quarter. There are pito:the enabling the bather be to craters° the long slope of slippery mud e trees the bath house and the water, foot. and =la Is eery necessary, as there la no hold, and when wet, the mud could not be walked over without felling. Such le the accommodation offered to the common bather. Tue baths alone are no donut . escious, for the water is not only unit, but is very rich in iodides and bromide. - Nut it is the mud thee those who' resort to this lake Wally look to. The mud bethe, simple as they ern,certainly should be ellicaoicous. The bath ila box of rough deal, of the size ehape of a cords. This boils ailed with thick, hot mu t t, so nearly' dry that the weight of the. body will only lank very s Sell 'rillaPs . "aulili d rnolg o llir:rnhat''''l ')Clhi: other h h ll:l"‘y r :isi '"*ltg r npune victims, thr h 4:l"iteat:ghtd i :llt .r e du a's 4u v v 'c " °PdaUMI li 9 e ' t " ''': 7":: : Tb . bot a . ' durthruh Ei 0 g l lrr:fr : ::::P: L h tptdr r "b s'ehrh:sWl e "Li shote,:ciall":::e tim e rigrill 2: "I:l l br y 'u: Iltl4l'°a" . ald:isi:g'epcs:ll l i c e tde : Y: u . 1 ep., shade . b : ' " Me:selh:r"lhffrbm°b;hmarit.e:yritelo'n:Cth:lU in done bated &us of mod is broken, he Is found floating. Ile is than removed to a warrn bath. and'it is said that he comes out clea en n. At any rate he is hungry. Ile nee be ' stew ed pa his own Pathos,'whatever they ma y be, and when. the meal time arrives be Is enabled to do just lea tothe food provided, which, according to the speolmen of It I en joyed. was rather superiOr to tree generally obtained at Pmesian hotels of the second order. The boxes from which the patieuts have been taken retain perfectly the whole form of the body, almost as if it had born intended to take scut from them r e mster of Paris. The mud requires to beved and in replaced with a Bosh supply time next day. Qualm Isannu , IL of Spain is described as thirty-seven year. old, of over middling else, very fat, has light brown hair, small round eyes of a water-bine color, a short, turned -up Skean, a finely formed mouth, a Boarbonic double chin, colonial bust arid arose, un imposing fig . " , and IT: smiling Or lo iiTc,F "rilimil'in:ll her rather PiCaang IMPre'dM. 1 i t corpulence, gibe nor a sickly nen , and suffers Treguontly from a painful eruo. on al lyton her arras. which Ohsto ti na g io n' ir barn - l eg ail Medical scienee. She al.. pears tO more advantiwben =niftier standing than when 'rat g, herr t be ng manlier which oelftsgsgerrtr i tt r at rc' enonts XVI. She Is the daughter of Ferdinand I ll ? ti n h e rfs f ttl ' i I ' s ' meet reprobate princes, an .... , sister of Umtata Wing Bombs o f A.G . .... Tann:mutual r Ruvuma of Bulgaria. Which t unmixed of Vfg"OttitgirgrtioTlsitvinh'omb ned faithful to the Greek Church, but have s pre- I knew but little of the warlike splfit of their aoccaten, attracts at the present mo. mentattention from its being, with Theo asiyan4 Epirus. the principal seat ot the taorementdireeted against' the authority et the Porte. The National Committee in that province has insraddressesi to the Sul tan a Int!tlen expressing the desires and e°mPti°,l.he population: The wants Of the people are summarised in the follow trig manner t. ...Let the Sultan deign to consolidate for ever the tics which attach lingerie to his throne. by ptocamiog the political and religious antomny et the country based on a Moral constitution, and let him add to his title that Of IGng of the liolgarlana.” A Grusin , paper deaeribes Count Bis marck' teas:—"iiis.Specaho are very un couth in stAee n na i n t tl i r e te l : Ls nary and of bit and not utitrZn i e b nil t gul nui . mita faults of grammar and construction. lint there l i an ephrrs.telnatle Inclafronese In his short, sharp sentence., sada 'deter. teg geness in his stria which go In to ro I dement! defects. ills wit is very remarka ble. Be is very sensitive to attackonfm. .lolly since'he has been suffering from his present nervous disorder, and his late al tercation with Garr von Munchaunn, is said to hate au grafated tits complaint. In the North Gorman Parliament he inva riably appears in the Uniform of the Land. wehr candry. while in the Prussian Pari wont ho attendod In ordinary clyil dream.. A Rood. sod Soto Storm. It Is a popular mistake which supposes rain never falls,lin Upper Egypt. Heavy rains fall in Alexandria. Now and then In Cairo there la good shower. In Upper. Egypt it rains perhaps as frequently as it halls in Ohio. • Tho storm' reerred occurred O the afternoon of the f day we to left Thebes. n The bwing from rho and we had been lo tacking against it, innorthwes a reach of the river loading to the west, until, it having beroome t,ostroug torus, we anchor od in the puddle of the river. Presendark tly, looking to the northwest, I observed clouds gathered on the summits of the Mountains, and remarked that at home I should prediet a thunder storm. Rapidly these clouds irchie pa rt ff themselves, until the greater of the sky was ob scured. Somi,the collected winds let loose. spread themselves over theplaln to the west of us, whisking the sand front even , sam and eweerantrit in a sheet from one side Ca the river to the other: Then commenced falling great •rairi drops. continulng until our decks were well wetted. Our boat rode out the storm without harm, although danger Was s.pphed even wh ose expe rienced Rei The dragoman, w coat. age, however, ha never great, except when the occasion tor it (s ir g see such a storm on do Niles," while the Nets, when the storm struck us, was well nigh frantic. was well nigh frantic, raving and clapping his hasle. Vroisatily he regarded the storm as the work of some “gn" or “Afrit" and his superstitious fear iu s an Arab, fer the time. overcame his sense of resinm:abllity as• commoner of she Dahaviveli, e. Ingale."—Correspe d< nee C'in, °nud • A 'Pray Irma Joatt—An exchange sari that Alt - . Wendell Phillips was recently In and to let:Auto at Mo t unt Pressant,lll lool s , In and on reaching the own was met by the secretary of the Lecture Association, who -informed him that the people could not de lecture on the "Lost Arts,t!or thath onear—the "The Perils of the Hour: , Air. Phillips was ready to deliver either, but the secretary gravely proposed that he should deliver botht Tod he lecturer thought it It pity An spoil a go toke, consented; and beginning with "The Lost Arta," gracefully glided into "The Perlis of the an flour," occupying three or four hours, d entirely satisfying his hearers. DB. CRASHER'S . EMPRESS. LA. COAUNI.SITION IMPERaTIIIOI., roue LILS CIiZVNUN. Rl:melons beau known that Lim hair. by meet tat exertion, by excitement, by disease. and int Perfect. arculatio . .. loses ms vitality. turns ray and fails oil That eminent Trench Chemist. lir. CIIaUIPSIER. has provided *complete anti dote. and al the tame time • bc.l.llul dressing for the hair, durable ant finely pet fumed: member. t hi s 'it the Sneed &nide for the toilet that has ever bean presented to the public. IT Ili NUT &DYE. . . ... itzili.,,..triDlatgllnT.llro. It will not corn of entwine. It reticles the "KV; of . ilL b riv r lr unpleasant Irritation. Prevents the hale fr o . falling oil, oven alter ft , er. Outset the ne hair totem., It will restore gray ref u nd e dos at Ulla color, or the /money vstll he l e -AS Instant , -AS this breperation ennspacatively n teen ew I Itle country, the prohrletera present the mooints of well known rtes....to Ite excel :nee. Dirr:toes In French and Eoglish. goleegent for Pittsburgh. JosErn FLEMING, Druggist, . S I±."l..k.f.!..q`S_Fl.' GRAY HAIR, BALDNESS, DAND- Hllrr, ANY oISEARE Or THE SCALR. — NO DISCOVERY CAN .IoURAItEWITII •LUSI DON "LondonLOß RESTORER AND DRILSSIN." " Our Rest Ha le Color Restorer" "London Hair Color Has torer" "London Phyaldeas HIM' Color Itratorerrer" ,• "London Hair Color Resto "London Use and Ilals Color seaLorer" "London Ralf Color Restorer ,. "London Recommend IL Unto Color iieStAnn" It never falls to ttnntrg , tgelAwg . Nroi rer . taonVlll7lreetV‘p*lffel • new growth of bate muting It to grow thick nod strong. Only 75 cents bottle: the half dozen. : mold by IIeCLARRAN a y IieIiNNAN, V 6 XnrCet street. GEO. A. ILELLT. Wood. st., and Juts. jrLs.lipip,ormetio:cw.t.ll.lls bVilat l2r: Ng ' a "a A TIMELY WARNIN espectlaly Important a. Ole time, when the matltett of the Valled 80.'e0 are Ended with the direst polooos, under the ni Ported Ihleor• n, and when domastle cominandi Tenanting to be medicinal, hat nut whit . pernicious. aro ber.alded to tba world s• tsove, sign nomedles. •• that the public should tally nn. derstancil tbe fact,. Be it knows, than. that while all the diffusive etlmularne called ifvelore, are Impure, sod. nil the Dintei containing alco-,. hot are manufactured 'fit° a flees entitle con taleMg only/ te.locel off.'• mortal Tolson. B TETTER•Ii CELEBRATED . ISTOBACIf BITUS• TERM contain none of these things, but are combination of pure ermine of Bye with the .9areittives of the most valuable storniseine. DWoas sad aperient herbs and plants, and that as a safe and rapid remedy foe log spehola and all Its kindest Complaints. this preparation stands bcfore the world without a rival or competitor. Its sales to-day are equal to the comblued ssles of all the other tonic" advertised In the United Buttes, and the gertificates whi.h atittientleate it. usefulness.° started by Individual. of the highest standing in every proreaslooal Ulllag sod walk of life. Beware of Imitation. sad to' :Mt*. • PL'5lll4 ABIES, OR CANADA - PINE. - . Tb.r. exudes from the inside. bark of the While Plse which glows uhondantly lo all the Amman Mates end Canada, • hooey-Like, sweet thostsoce, highly teemedwith that tereoln." • nate principle which has long bees "Mt , remedy, in various dblesses . of the hr especial(' those of the mammas Castle. I W. nweet. of .11.011. has compound l . l from M. 13 material a medicine called YOLAN lrg WRITE I VINE CUISVOUbiIt; which, kiss met wlth great favor in Aimee. maladies where the turpentines and Iliblivis arc 'opposed, to be valuable. Yoe Gravelly Affection. .! - Distmtes In yenta" or whittle sged . peopi. t Diabetea in old people, , 9109 90 6 of the urine. • . ' The sense difficulty la Children during the 1 night. tiravei. Kidney Tremble Is old people. Ulcerated Kidneys. Ul c erated Bladder. Dircharge of moon. or pas, or Meal from the bladder. Bright'. Disease of the Sidney. Pain In the Kidney. or entail or the back. • ' Vain to the Bladder. 11150 an d d !kidding. tid Ac.. 901004'5 White Vln• Compouo wilt be foe ',needy sod per :am:met chit. it ts no less to b valued as a general and bracing cOustlintional tool. which Moran* Us health."Miug Orltici, pit to all th e tissues of the body. without sick ening or weakening toe , aleteO lo 00 7 waft or d AN trlt7.2l.'l'il* al:t mo a t 47t s i ngle 0t.... Irrrite K l4laffi'llAtr .t.:l'Lielo b el e io Wood street. , ' !tho ----- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, BN. INGHAM, Jr., Adams Nwrera IVO Menet, CI an authorised Agent to mow Adverasernmtr far the GALSETT.S, att other papers ilirosidlioul thp Unitod and Mit Gmadas. • • - - REILRIBOLD9S EXTRACT AAR. SAPAItILL.A. cleanses and renovates the blood. loath , the vigor or health luto lilt CI, :ill), and purges m.t. the humors that alb akaml dt.- aptbf FOU.SALE.-ONE TWO STOAT Slick DweMeg Nome, on Webster street, Yecond Ward. Allegheny, with EIGHT !MILS, !Wished !erre; goo , " cellar; gleang meter In . the house; CI la gong order. require of 1 ILASIBIL £ NALL, Steal Estate Agents. No. as Beaver etrset. apll exit - . 4`lll3TD.—.on Saturday, April • MEEK Fort a LARGE BUN or MONET. Drawn on E. Ball A co.. rlttabarart. The own er can have the same try cellos on i al •E. UE ag e praying property sod paying for bit al,rtlre. meat. pt724o_ VOB BALE—An Excellent Pair of BUlLEtura Winches ameter t i ro teet long; two labl Inch Ones 10 each. front paople te• At.. a food bOCTOB ENGINE. for supply ing a heat of hollers to a robins nab or other r."olre of If. flOti A W.,. sparrall_for. Tolot alley A 1/12T2 . 01e Way, FOR RENT--Three large, corn . fortable and wolliboltherl roentr..lthlPLN sled In a healthy' and desirable locality, anDabl., for one largo repair or twos:nail Patentee. 10 .10tH at the preinasea. No. 214 BAT STEEL?. aol7:1.14 LOST. A MACK EIOROCCO POCIFLVI.IIOOIL mntatolog med al . mum of isorttul t r= 0 a gold Ol5 SEWALW to any ono lenflog It at Its. rragz OLD PAPERS ,FOR SALE, AT THIS 0/YIOE. sple:Oti fT , O LEASE—A Dwelling g . J. in thumusittlohrdtr,4:llgr; IroneN h u o rc u ras9s7l; e w e l u ' c rn a re. Rel.,. athieb Itaa been ' ln n e ten Monts. Immediate ponession given. I , or inflict particulars enquire at ap16,145 193 IS ncou 311 M. L. C. O'REILLY,: • FASHIONABLE MILLINER, No: 20 Diamond Alley, Pittobargh,PL All the Wert sod most fartatonadaurtytes of BONNETS rod HATS for , 1 , ..0dTe5,. Gedrnitrll ratinge. or'r=olTT.l..2ma on . 0 PEW FOR SALE, LH THE ILI= PUESITiTEIHAN CRUNCH, (Nor. Mr. No. 14. 1 . 03.1 1 U. thomiddlo elsls. 8 gg. HUNAN.' : APPIT to , Brolser In L onds, StOcks, 10. 0 ' Aoothulidlog. 4th street-. itiON CITY CUTLERY CO., No. 2 St. Clair Street. .111V.W.nrir..V44:171 razallitl; HARDWARE. CUTLERY. Gans. Ale es.'llemolvrs. PlitorAnstkliAlackle Tr_e'ps...°TerrrohdOW Molt wLitiet ormulug ttawittevg: 12 . E ro smir b7 B--60.....bage inc i.n yelouore, nanaire.: MOM DUI PEAun c l:. r d In Al a° .t.ro .4 for We Y e ALB DICKEY CO piTcn-30 bts. 31. C. In store .pri d DICKEY •W. FOR SALE.. . - A COFFEE STAND , • In utk l n k e et . For et 1 N h a . o p n4 rt le No t r t oahr _Oh. at No. Ift Ray street. spit:eel H. WrltPll6l4l. L. J.-BLANCHARD & CO., WISOLBALZ ►ND DETAIL 396 Penn Street. aetTSeo_ BUILDING IND LO . ASSO AN CIATION.,No. 4, Oir Notice 1. hereby given that an .plic.tton or tbove Aasociation for Charter of locorgontlon , No. TV, June Term. Mr, and will be granted at term of Court, tittle's exception. are JACOB 11. WALTN, Frothanotare. 6la d. •617,1.65 CHAS. A. MILLER, I.IIIIOGRAPHER, • No. BO 1011:111T11 RT., Apollo Balding, CRECKs. URniTS, NOTER, BILL and LET. TER kilini)n, 1., dons In ail syles. aptits.M 11. 13. 121 74 0 N, Sealer or Weights and Measures No. 4 !TIMM' Between Marty and Iren7 stroet.. Order. promptl attended to. aplr.•aa DIVIDEND NOTICE. • • The Board of Director. or the Pat it altd At lantic. Te Merlyn Company. fthe United Piste i bare this day declared a Quarterly Dividend, tam etetoeb. r ) u outlof tna`ci=tztoc,Dksltai ZIA.rTAAlqtt ,,. Ol psit Or •Diirke f774°!...°7".ibutisrils.tl.`_,errllll.sii!..; g 114 sitterPuzie'date. I . I ED Wfactrl JAY A t,IN, TltVilVill: IIII! 114.4. 4 c OUTLET SAWMILL, Foot of Craig• Street, AI/OEOIIIM T CIT 1: Imiad a . taro of s gr . !cye eonstant•T w.dow Deo,- Joins, I"nille.. dcat.l7-....n.c0i Ftn' rtl'lrfO T' es ' pu er V eds: lloSbn. de. ot lle..w.lll,illilttroaieem... *at.. TIN GUTTER AND S . ni et. In bead nod pot op 0 Tin, sheet Iron and Copper Ware Made to order. at GUA FTOrilS • House Furnishing Store, T 70.4343 31roclorwaRlitrcrot Near Ralligad Mot. Allegbeoy CitY• the" Unio n Colley row. apl.w.!. H4TS GRAM & BYRNE At N 0.62 St. Clair Street, litre one of the •ory belt retell stocits of PLATS, CAPS AND STRAW GOODS In the eft), and eonetontly In reset pt of ale Oise l• DO, en 0001 t DO the? too DO “eipreeee 4 Crory attentloo Oren to retelling, eseluilvoly. teptltyt IS L. USAT '' ... L. /OSSA anotawxr ITNION CEIAMT COMPANY, .•, 'lttnufacturers tad 4ealen la GRAY'S UNION CHARTS. :I,:eisabltn:lgrotnta:Affeled_to Mara. Bost surrAoLo TO Emma MALE OE rtiem, but little rapttal• Anblrto., eneiot• i trvares dump WHOM CLIART lrrancr!tqu. Trumbull Co.. O. A MEG VALLEY RAIL. A. , WALD. &NOM 011iLUdOd OW On end aner WI.DNEWDAT. AMU rith. tram. wul and arrive at rlttabioin Dapot, corner hlks and Waal Menta l. : follows! . dewing. First Kisklrsinettskeemno..eilki V tit. 11:50 4 W. 50511., to and front liaboing..T Lau r.O Iflrsltiotia Works Atoeorn.•..lhen a. N. Soo a. IN reoon4 al netas •cc.. Omo r.u. yin/ r • kt. Express to and from r.u. 10 N. Second Soda Wogi:rrc,onlit,lo t 11. 1:33r. in "444.rd13"4.1;As 1:10 0. 0. torma. • ispren Nortli . umses masa connection at W.- booing' with doe of wickets for Franklin and oil Our. 11511 roathconnecUi with packots (nun Oil tiny and " his .to 7 • CASILITIEIIE SHAWLS. • $l. 11.. CLOTH BACQUEB, SILK SACQUES, NEST lIITTLT.S. JUVIT BM:EIi/EU UT WHITE, ORIt it : CO., 25 Fifth Street. SAWII AND DOOR FACTORY. JAMES H. LOW a.. SON, Manufactures And d+r, In all alo , O of MAIM, DOOM. On urrzas. TRAMS 11101ILDINUell, ate. - Scroll Work and Brackets t , , t e te ,„: t . torteat notice and on tna most reasons , sar DENY RTRECT. near • Monte , opposite inn tra . serp u at, Matt, Ward, ra ,, nin , mates PlL' L HOU. TILE INDEIISIGNED w , I day dl.poaed of Um entire stook of ItOUTS AND SHONA to Kr. J. 1. iIeCALL. who will continua the Oulu., at the old stand, 331 I.I6ZIiTT STBLGT. M=giMl Et=2lti L .I. lEULNALEY. Prireivrnort. ADM 10.1.1. FOR SALE. A GOTHIC BRICK HOME Situated on Ohio avenue, on the line of tee t wA h. ll l 6 l =ear the large new Methodist The house 16 co. style or architecture. c0i1:174 0 4:4 I CrrZI: t? 1" ggiqe:nortii. Sc,. and ej Ven, Te; .I,r,,t6rorstaan.Lentest fruit. shade trees, From aio roOf can to obtained a summit cent deer of the ell. uid 0510 river fur eight miles. Yor furtTer particulars enquire of A. T. GALLAGIIZZ. No. 4 Duquette Way. aptil.:l3 (AVAIVTITT ve. QVAILITY. VbLL niLMISOLD•IIXITUACT tlAllalga BALL L. The dun Is small. an dealre a large , leaetl . ay an d large dotes ang. • • Sp NEW STORE AND NEW ,GOODB., . /FRANCE'S TEA MART, NO. 15 DIAMOND, PITINDIIIIMI. Jan.:rpm& s large and choke aleck or I Teas and Family Groceries. Clint) OVTICE • Which are being retailed et lowest wholessie rices. Cell soul see th e goods and price,. Tr 7 hem, end 7011 VIII be able to judge for your selves. Ternis abeolutely 1.7An11. MID CHANDELIER • Brackets, Pendants, de, eie anal • A lune suortmant on band and recolvling at WELDON & KELLY'S, PLIINUEWIAND GAS FITTERS, 164 Wood Street, tah23:lll N ZAK KIXTU. _ .... _ E a INEW AD * VERT' . . _.......--------_ CARD TO TUE PUBLIC. Orrice or ins PACtrtc & Arbaurtc Tiel..l atinirit CO. Or Ills 1101/10 svarmt. Pittsburgh, April IT, ISC. 9 11E PACIFIC ANID ATLANTIC ''' Telegraph Company of the Untied States. here contemplated, from the period Gilts organ isation, the bringing about such a reduction In the rates of long telegraphic meusges as would enable the commercial public to coley the facili ties of the telegraph for the transmission of let ters, thueby causing the telegraph to take, to a large extent, the place ef the mall. This redaction they have developed, sad would announce that their wires are now ores. to the public to all points where Isiah% eie.th ... employed, fre the teal:L.ol;lton of merg e s. . after Mx o'clock p. m., at the following rate Twenty words or teal, same as t..n words overto to Chet hour; more than twenty words done ....TeT,ding Muir. twice the usual rate for ten words; slaty words sod not exceeding One but , deed and twenty words, three times the 'nal rate for ten words; mad for each additthedi one hundred words, or any part thereof. the 'tad. , toll lor ten words. A continuation of the sthie I literal patronage which has heretofoie repaid tee Company in its efforts to benefit the pahlic. Is asked. GEO. 11. TIIIJILSTONi Prealdent motto and Atlantic Telegraph CM of the ga ited Stat es. 5:1 . . Pittsburgh Importing lioase. EsTimasnED ism I , SCIDIIDT & FRIDAY, IKPOIITZWI or ronriox WINES ANI) LIQUORS No. 409 Penn Street • PrIVBBURGH, Woted&rest the attention of the public to the feet Matt Downing Interior Igen-Mrs through sere el large seine and thpar houses le Europe, and making their topormtlens direct, the, are enabled to ofler the cartons grades er choice !Nile. and Liquor. at prices less than Kitties rates. Examinations:lll.ra.. and Com P i... ofXpegrosltUlLl'r'trel:r..cf CUBE OLD IllrE Will , KEY conalAutly 012 baud. •p 17,114 OWEN BYRIIIE, Merchant Tailor, No. 14 WYLIE. ST irormerly of a Dt. CCM r Street TIM - . 8611C1103 OP BUIS AD BEM, OCOALTING-S. Light and Dark Saitings AND AT PRICES VERY MUCH REDUCED =I • Di" l'aetlenlar attention will tb [teen to th ST t Lt and FIT of all garments. OWEN -BYRNE, No. 14 Wylie Street, ' e”1.11111.151ILAND 13.1L41..• pITTSDERGII LEAD PIPE OD SUET LEAD WORKS Make to order and teep no hind all sl:es Lead Pipe and Sheet Lead AT LOWEST MARKET RATES PLIMLBEBS' MATERIALS, ltlO IliON A. QC KY4. AND ual-VANLZSD nun rite. 167 11111111717 LU ST.. 716.1borsh Brod for CireolasL__tßgi.s_orr_6, • Til'Evu.7.45 1 -,1„ 11 F5t7, 7, i4 - L ,. .1,1 „ t , r . 1" - DEVOTH BEViitlY. END * Ars naf. THE HaT. Enble. rusa.ms 21 1,'. . W.l.ne. THE na.% IOW). LL.•. nTith. THE!..HIHnTIAS TEAM John Kehl., TUNVIIVTITErad fitiethr,iaz."A Stirs jai To SYNP AT SERVO.' VS. '• UTFIOY. OY TON, 1.1‘.0.T CUILXIROON. Ity lioptbuto • - •. TEVlLreswtZ.Vidt,V.-glinirTu coN r I am. 41TitgioneAL TUC' CIIIIINTIAN YEAH, U.'. W. 11. Loots. D. D. slcijoup BEEP *iv TUZ kIIGADINti OF I T APIYALA Of LIATENATION. Job.% L 100.7 'WWII& ~..1„. ' ito.lll.,.urlirl.e ooclkl:fii.llo.LyNjha,,llJßlL. :.1f,,, gala by 3.11. RE.1.010 1 oh CO., i .sobSmlo No. ICI WOOD or.. rittourgb. pATEST WINDOW BASEI PVELNTZD JANUIRT 11.1 ICANULSO WI!IDOITS MEADE ELRY Dill Sash is eo clutinteted u to be easily ta ken from use •1r13200,.. wlthont remorlng tbe sun and Darling beads. enenting houwareper d with do her work In half the and time. an [With mon !Aso. 11 le fast coming Into general nee. Don't build without •ser leg It. Any win dow sad be satered at k trifling cost. sun me ters sal builder. ..ire a right at an Cull day Territory le going fut. Rare Ind ate:m . llU of fered to men of skull capital. Woe Mate end county No. GT Fourth street, .11tilitnagh; Milto tit second done a~. - QUPERIOU OAK T.trifNED,PAT a- , /INT ISTM1L201121) .L 111) atysrzu • LLITIIEIt BELTING AND HOSE, lbantaetaxed at No. MI 11.111T1171ILLI NT., In HA.ItTLEY. PUMPS & CO. NMO. ANIMUS toe Nye Yoele Rubber 00. NOTICE. aauxi Belting. LEA 1171111174-11,75TAVIF rfUtIVE.Ttl BUM% lILLT 1104.0.130%. PIiATTIERIttI; 1 41t2V E : ft a It l it . 7rT47l PRINTING AND WRAPPING PAPERS iikiiiria:iushilwr, nriettiMso,llB: OPFIGN AND tosuEnoostr. No. 82 Third Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. U/71CILLA—Alnit.41. ItANTDC,_ rreildcut. ...I s / 1 1 11 1 1 iv nai caw: Tr..% • Dcmccrons A.nrel n .ihs A lwal ,e. H. Hartw l e l ll.. John B. Livingston. Joluild. O. . Merrick. Comb r*Of for roper Woolf. tioNioes SAMUEL M. WICHEREILLCII wax. FRAHM a PION 16 DIAMOND. PlltabrA6 TINE IN WINDOW. 111N131SUED PRIC63 OF CANNED FRUITS, Eitra in Qualily,Elegaut in Flavor 'MACRE*, quart cane TOIIATOES LULA DEANS JI.SPARAGILIS FINE APPLE, 2 lb.rans rzens DAIIISON rlarints GREEN FILAR /cram; staiss dlt Warranted the on Perfection of Pr. SHIELDS & BOUCHER, PPOSITE POST OFFICE• ORPHANS' COURT SALE. Ti VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF r., !igi'?rerro u r32l;filiZ g rZ.irr; n ofT I. TIMOTIIV IIoYAY. Into of North Fayette ';l7l't.ggestAY:ll=sl.l:3:l". """". On the premlree. Itt 10 &elect. A. tr., the VAltil lately belosglng to raid deceased, alleete on the Steubenville Otte, In said toerpahle, count? and State, and f artientatly boended and deactitted as follow, to wit: fleet:intim at &stone, corner , Wm Oalnn•s lan• , 11V•" ••• = 0. to IL v•filt• • Tv. 4 ;4 4.`.",:r0v,=. • ••• W. :7n •• .10.. p. to Awhile oak. • le vii 'W. I:. p. at a poet. S. IV, ' L. 4.6 p. to a poet. S. •• W• W• p. toa pest. S. •• NV. bat p. to a _e , hite r oat. f.• pp wnmh is wetted • neat and tea r brick beast, of Oa rooms. - large frame ban and other outtatildings• There le .1.0 on the premises an otchod choice fruit trees. In toed Deering condltion, Ott uhtery, Ac.. making it one of the aut.l deal nage towers In the county. It to also partly see &Villa with coal. and it Is partly tonhered, It hai.-71%17;;;Y•12•!tTel'trildPer.rir two beadred of etach Inset he paid at glow of isle. belmtre of In third on . , rl , l ., r;tlen . tlzt . ,t4d, l ; Ve " ceTTt:r d e fnt o nr ditro r f coulltmatioVl said tale with annual la tttttt on bate paYmente. P. 10,1 annuntly. secured it bond gn.l mortices' !tamps and conveyanting lobe paid by the pr :Lama. At the pi .trlct a • LATEST STYLES or CALL AND STEAM ruxts, STEAM OAU.:ES. SAIL.ET, VAIRESILL 4 CO Iron Broker. 124 First Street, • , prrrespratan, Agent fel the dale of Cornwall, Donashmore, Josephine, Isabella, Puncannon, t it a neope., Ulendon, and other brands ofanthrsrite . You ah. 10 boo Coke and Ultplmut's V• 11. Charcoal riu Vonaletiments and orders restreettally sone ted. . .I•l4:res Fill,Mllloll77oltt W•TML Q CIIIVAVITICaiI WA, CO'ait?;M:ll',7l.regtrA%.7. DIVVDEND No. 3.—The ' Beard of Dlreeturs of tele Compi hare declared the regular quarterly dlrldeed o f TWO OD OHE•HALT 610 PER. CENT Free of GOVernMerlt Sao. on tha stock, payable on and after Tuesday, the Nth of Apt PC, at the einem of Winslow, Lanier t Co.. Nos. 27 and Virtue street. to ghost registered at New York, acid at the ranee of the Treuerer to those not. tered at Plttsourgh. • The transfer boos• dote on the 30th day of March, lle7. at Ip. and re-open the 1 7 10 day of Aprlt. 147. T. H. HUTCHINSON. Sss'Y ==lii a.). aocnicr .................... GOURLEY' & LOGAN, =I Hats, Caps and Straw Goods, cromm itave Jett opened th. FASHIONABLE COODS. 56 St. Clair Si., Pittsburgh gres ha a call before 'purclaulnt el. , where. ape.l FOB GALE. A Fine Driving and Biding Horse rlit L UENTLIOIA.N Oft LADY. I.q.tqllL rATTERI34)ErS ISTABLES, ht Street. • r .... 50 108 Smithfield. Street, Wednesday, May Stb, 1867, JOIIN PlTONirlili EU, Administrator. on the ;Ironic! _ LARGE STOCK Ladies', Misses' & Ct4dren's 00A.TigillaririliN. toil:Anima Gaiters, Balmorals, 32:1 17 1 13 1, ZI IST 33 33 CIP clor 234 KID OD Sitll HMIS; Bronze Toilet Slippers. JK\TB BUYei BOOTS AND SHOES KNULESS VARIETY, AT No. 31 Filth Stree W. E. SCHMERTZ & CO TE.ASMD SUGARS. 0001) COOILI NURAB, I. ford 00 • • -. IOU I 00 1 00 TA BLE , I STIII tiool, EILnT ZS.TILAU TEAS. AuOther lute lot of MEM . TEL, of last ear- Direct from China and Japan, rer ships Cosecantlns, Walls Castle. J. is. .611.133, rotspilslng eserithtne 0V1) AND CHIF.Ar In the wsy of Teas, st abost 2.0 teals Below illeVotomon Prlee*. ARTHUR SIRS) 172 & MI Federal street, ALIZINIZNY NOTICE—TO OWNERS or CARTS, WAGONS, &c. Notice Is berabv glven Snail owners of Carts. Wagons.. Oarlmes. .te. - ; vrtictber rcsirlents or non-rcsldents VIM llorongh or Lawrenceville., Pay their Licenses, At the Trosterer • • 0 Mu of the Borovitt of Leer rex retl11•, , I et, ' 11 111 11 111 i. lA= tto.ar n i gr E l i titre t committleocr for motivate. sobJett to Ids fee °e `1:4111°t11°,1t1rg.'At of phi Zi crate tnererur. • ' RATES OP LICZNST.S. Keen owe- ' Keen two-horse Nhtu Knelt ventele I 50 iitte7 ” le 'deers. Teo two horse awJ 9 00 Icarg::Vigit. hone need In nay of 1 00 11C11. JANCEY. Treas!rer LARIZACIIILLR April Ist, 1861. •p15:17 FOR TEE SPRING TRADE. At 26 and 2S St. Clair Street. We hare to .tore and ore dolly recetelhg, of one own And other roartafeetotre, ll . IKie stock PIABM CLOTHS, WIN DoW YWINITUHE. TABLE AND CARRIAGE °U. (" t A I7 11 LLANDS.,... " elf LIVE SIETUA...o, Also, LEATHER BEILTINU, " nroIEIMISWILLK rAcww. Below manshoturers, we are ensbled to ozher to metchante, eaerlsSe =ahes and the recall tenet., Indus:menus. to prices sad good. sot be fogad elsewhere Ls the ethl. J. a H. PHILLIPS. IMELa pArEn HANGINGS, Of ail Grades, ROM STAMPED COLD AND VELVET, TO THE MUM? 101E16 650115 to nit RI At No. 10 1 /Market Street. JOS. R. ROOM'S I BRO ILOBInT 2000lanla— 4sO. enTDin. McCO%v &lilltDEß, HOSE,IE. SDP AND lIANANINTAILIAIDT - R, ADD GRALTIESS Ali 1) (LUDLUM. No. 03,)i ortb side of Diamond. Allegheny. Comma red.l and elm elpeloll to order. re=l". WitoVal l itZVirdoit o Itlag i:tf; coos Lentil on hood. WSW. ;11:101IT - MIND wIIIITINO.--A perfeet knowledge of Ws valuable art Aught In tee abort and moil tenons, iry a prae mat reporter tram Laudon, England. 'Each pupil taught seperstely nod at en) time to nit the, own coneentence. Apply to CaMEM APLE " SUGAIL-24 barrels fJ. or nt "" r " by &Pa C Ctl end ci Weed swat. EMPORIUM, 57 Fifth Street, BOOTS AND SHOES, BAIL,MOR.A.LS I GAITERS AND SLIPPERS,, NEW CARPETS, DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, Hoop Skirts, GENTS' EMMSBING GOODS NOTIONS , ILECYLVED DAILY BY TOON, PALMER &CO., AND ABE BEING iniroszn OF At Private Sale, DAY AND EVENING AT UNUSUAL LOW RATES apt% II MYERS, HOPPER & CO:, Bacceasors t. Z. IL BO LAilEllt. Una. 31LASI uz Lcrxrazza 01 ruRNITURE Of Every 'Description. SCII4OL AND OFFICE FO RUM& No. 45 Smithfield Street, prrnatrzon. sr.& full usorlsmiut of rlttuburth mese tured reLl tun tonslantly G. bawl sf. LOWXST CA.511 PUICI.S. *K. 3. INITILIM...RII. C. L. INITIM. mna:•m %SUER' S HERB BITTERS. THE GREAT HOUSEHOLD REMEDY SO THE romau.-1 Lm this BRALNC/111013811 for the sale •t Mishler's Herb , Bitters, • 10th. City of flitaborsb, AA& Una ttillotited A. T. TAHNESTOCK andKOLTUN, sty Agtuts, to carry en •Ad maims OA tame. S. =wax LAICASTIZ, IL•iel 14, Mt FAHNESTOOX & HOLTON, Wholesale Branch House, 90 2115.a.r1L0t Effseert, TISTABURQII. ' Sold b 7 all Illespoetablo Drage NS& medial • asbut a trtal to tont Mg mu oat of tluir al rt. IFEIII3 =Tin". mtatzr72 „ EXPRESS corm. CAPITAL, $20,000,000 Owsed sad thmawdbf Our Merchants and Manufacturers. CPARRIES IMLPEESVIIoney; sivainables, Freight and _Par eels, ewer more than 1000 miles of Express Line, at 3, lust and liberal rates, saves Millions yearly to Express Shippers. and can be made permanent' only by •thei liberal patronage. This we r hope to merit and rer PAT& Mee, No. 145 Wood Street, - WTI. LITTLE, Agent. MEI NEW WALL PIPER UPHOLSTERY STORE, JUST OPTBSTA AT NO'l 36 SMITHFIELD ST BELOW THIED. To secomssidate tto Ineresoed Mao. go• box* WITH /Urn% rar r . rar e t‘ . all ..„ o ,.. is T :t i n c s I,4IIM 6 9I7L9Tr Thi I 7 T E. FIDNUNDSON & CO. 0.1110:w7 Borrimr• ALES. 'KEtikurr, WDKEETON, And at best bran& of AIMS A= SODA VA.T.IOAIA. baled by J. C. BUFFUM & CO., siLA i r 14 YARN.=SSELPr. Tltbibursa. SIGN OF DIANDL-JOHN A. 1 BROWN Jt CO.. -116 IlsrrairtkUt appetite We Pastorkes keep os , lnd,er stake girrieVer gab v erPigs a a t rt. S HlST "U" rile or graMhZl l 4,tiltrd° =`; 0 ,4;... C . °`o7l°. mew. Mind sad rutare Cords ass Tassels Merl' at the same Marston tend or made to orfer,..a Sae etoelt or Walt. and Callao ohms. tor gestlenten.a wear. =MTV, .1,1111110 N. DIM= .....:..»... =IOW D. 311171111 . JARED AL & ARM, • Steam Bollen, 011 Stills, Tanks, Sheet Iron Works, ke. No. el PENN wrazsr. PITIZETTEGE. PA. WO:0Mo WINDOW INHADEB.--Havlsi reertred our spying stock ot Stmts. wean, now imbued to sell al the lowost tub prim, eltbor wisslosalo or mall. kb* boss aosort. wosot that can be Mad la the at/. Alm • now reartir_no,l. 41• Ll and sae theta Mgt siiiallalarts. J. A. CRAY. 01,51171 OntCL Corr" Mr Tficasimen's Orrice., Firrencuou, Aprlll. 14C- I WIN PURSUANCE OF THE sectlon of an mi. relating toAlleshenv County, approved the Mt dsy of May. LAI. =do( the amendmentto told seation, approved theltOil day or mom.. Imo, I. DAV/D'ialßEN. Treasurer of mad Canary, liersbY Live nods that the Duplicates of the several Ward., Bor , °ugh. uudToonehlps. WILL BE °rms. .441 I will be prepued to Tecelys ttke *UM, Mitt POOR iND BOUNTY TUTS YOB 1567, ON AND AFTEB The First Day of may,1867. orgrrgfingrO 111ARITATILY Deduction of Five Per Cent. • Ettocoutt for prompt payment to any persent Parini the whole amount of their tames• Then will De no deduction allowed on axes daring the month of /karat. The. will De TIN PLR CONT. added to all gauze ...Was .utiPoie on the 711131 DAT or SZPTEMBEIL aptm3o:n/ • • rireastrzas., Yaecb ZSLIt, WV. Mr . NOTICE.-TTTBE ALLEGHE lil COIIN mi.x!P.1723x.x40.a.za EiECIJTIVE COMMITTEE, On Satudiy, April 20th, 1567, • t w.OVTICr. of the CIIAIRICtit, 10.1/4 rOFILTH 111'. A (nu ottendsop to rtvested, as the Mom for hoiOlog lb. N ominsUns Convention. nod other Imola< so of haportanoo will tbra be maiden/. E=l:l2 7011.3 IC RIDDELL, . • Mulraux. Attest: """ge7.lswe"4"' Trstror4:7 EDUCATIONAL arSTEIIIIENVILLE FEMALE BENDIAEY. The Bamiaer melee, of tbl4l itstitati. WILL 0196 N It 6th. Ten., per yeaston iva Praltt: Ord- Ing, root. Main,. 5 eeli i = V`°l4lll.:°,:dgt.4 3.110 pet Mat. MT Om wail= "!114 0 2% . . filkiWr. D. D.. &Up de , saparletteu.t. Err. A. X. £ZID. 3011311:•34 CANDIDATES von, Ass EsinLY. WILLIAM 8. ROSS, Of Alleghenif edit be • ealseld.to Ibr setably, gomeet to the dealetan of ih. Repubtl B.n Count, ConB.ntlan. 808,83 pat CAMTNTI COMMISSIONER, JOSEPH. B. M'OONALD, • °ltLar3..ll`"