ME PITTSBURGH taunt EIS Q PFINNIEN, BEI & AT GAZETTE MILDIN9, No. DO. w.l.trzoistroes... r .PENNIIIiAii ' T. 1.,110V8T0N., JOAIIitUFLIRIU 11eginjusaell. E=3 Dingle Cooled M Delivered by eicrler. (Der weal.", 15 . 6 2 4 ' Mall itabetriberev DrernsD*—•••••••• . Liberal rodoettrim to Deirsbove add lienise TED= rOE pirSEILVD . . Term. Coinel, Der live dra . do. ' do. each.— Tto or erre copies, tO One address. end one free to club. each. • MU' ITEMS. Don't Soy That Ton Can't Vet the beatonaltty, of Engllaltaind Scotch .Me. Porter, or Biiiwn Stout—for by calling at Flotaing'a Drug Dopot you will And the most complete stock at the finest brands— mot got them at the very lowest price. Be. member the - place. Iftenproar Dora AND PATUT MEDICVNE Dr?Or, *a. a; Market atroet. . . . firesitt:Flab, Fresh Pisa. Tito attention &our Allegheny readers is called to Cie dab stand of air. t 3., W.' Capps, .111. the. Allegheny market. lir..Ctipps. Das received a 'abrupt lot of fresh flab Of all Moda l which DO will dispose of at reasona ble rates. Wash flab arrlidolf doily; supplied eit aU times. Leave , year or ders at Ida admit', • , Hazard Coil Liver 011. Tbo purest imd Sweetest Cod Lvor 011 In 019 Iyorld. manufactured. , from fresh bealtbi Ilvere,;tlpen the sea.sbore. It is perfectly porn and sweet. Aalc for .liarard .a Caswell% 04 Liver OUP reanulnetnred by Csswzr.r., Mice d CO. NOW York Sold by 11l druggists. sue do.LO theiDpail nental lialoon. The best conducted`aful cleaullostßestata. , rant and Diniaff Booms fa alio' city, km it =cal at tor; a Salo& at the most rmuionable of prioes: Iloltabolmer hnoWe how to cuter to tho hungry millions, and it is no wonder that the Continental, Emit donr to the Post . Unice has with an enormous Patronage; CTIC=I To retailer" of Dry Goods we offer great nducomente, having a fell 'Weir which we soil Lathe lewiat ealtero atilt prices and cut goods in any length at the Dlece team. ' J. SY. BARUCH J. Ca.. - • . 50.31arket Street. Cool Alem—Sperkting:Wines. Cali In at Ltoltzholmor , a popular Conti rental aaloon, flout door to the Post (MC. on Fifth street, for a glum of good old CO or ppurkling Catawba wine. . • • Now Carped. Just arrived, at 55 and 57 Fifth atreet, large assortment °Snow carpets, which w ill tll bo sold. at prices to snit the lira es, • Call, ex • amino, Mad be ernisileetal. - Try, the.Coaitileandy. It telll do you good., 744nufeetnred and sold by George 'leaven, 10 Federal street, Alloglieny . Clty. "4- - • • Pure Oruns Pura Drugs!! Pura Drugunt rom Drags ut Kau "Ton Can 'Buy rorelga Llipiois of all kinds at Joseph B. Flash's Distillery, No, 199, 191, MS and 393 . _ You Coo EMI 95 per Oent. Alcohol at JoecDS S. SUMS% - Ton ca Bar Now /10Pa at J osepli 8. 7139105. Correspondence. Presented to the Joint Sleeting of the Defect and Common Cannella or the - city of: Allegheny, 'April 'l3, 1867. . . March's Oxirmn, Atracuanay, April IS, lea. the Trinidad of the/Yokel Councik—l ro- wired oa.Thursdityllikat from our highly *Mammal toarraman, General Bobintrom• ar letter addressed to the Mayor is corigratui: anon on the sueeess fel resietatico made to L . the project of othsolidatiom • Tho writer of title letter has shown ii,' more zealous, active interest in this matter . than any other person, younger old; has re. *tidal It with the ardor, and energy . of youth. and considering that babas been bar soli, t he eighty yea borne tenant of our soli the drat native of Anglo-Saxon • stork among all the millions now between the rivers Ohio, Allegheny and tho - laikes;• born venhns our city bounds on what was Alien shunting ground and wllderness, we itilrhat he has stronger claims to her at tention and respect than it is pwsible for any other man to show; born beforethe sep arate extateace of e unty, ole than the charter of either th city co , ho as* wi d t r. nessed our growth, and seen Such changes among la as cambia comprehended only by the pio neers of thy, American West; idontlnod with the interests of our caty from the very start, always prominent in- every. .brogres aivo movement, and standing high in the • community for integrity and talent,he now. a e a i u st d e s n u ce p , s o t u o r u c t ha %o te m re e d le p t r s' v s i ' l o e u n c a p d a the name which la borne alike by mountain, • river, county; and our I cannot deem anything touching the ma terial Interests of Allegnerrt. and especial b. on the eubject of consolidation, coming . from such a source, unworthy of your oh . cial notice, and therefore 'mix the.prilillege of laying the letter referred to before your honorable bodies, . Jima Idoastena, • .11.thsocomr,.April IM7. .Tonn dlerrtion, ESQ., Mimes, .I:c—Dsest nut: The prompt and vigorous action Of our Councils in relation to • the consolidation project, has secured Um independence of Allegheny for, years to come, and saved ns .Iromtherdiagramsful state of incapacity in Chef mtuisgentent of our municipal affairs, w, Writ would undoubtedly have attached to in the event of the passage of She Bill without referring it to the vote of our WM , stun. - It ;was a gfratifyilig feature In the moves Mont of our city legislators that It was ter ried,with,ent.tre - Unanimity, carrying . with It its convlctiona by sending en able deters tiOn Willarlellmrg. Thal, unlike the, Coto tress of IMO we have no unfaithful repro ve-Mathias In our Conneila who, though sworn to fidelity to our city . charter, were . plotting like leg: Davis and others in the tenseess ex the:nation the.overthresr of the Constitution and scheming to place the nation under a government whose corner atone Was to beSlavery. I am not a casuist in criminal jurtsprus dence, but e a ch humble judgment Ind there beencases in our contras it would have been a moral abnegation of the solemn responsibility esaumed on 'taking their seats. tine unworthy the trust reposed • an them by the people of - this city. 1.. think you can bear testimony , to Some of my efforts to promote the widths° of Al. jeglemy, It woulti...tlierclores bo cony spttekieleto whiner us shorn of the power to elect thief magistrate, and that you were to be the last Mayor of Allegheny hen' the measure propcsed by the Boarder Tradu been laStenett.tipolltin,But - having tem, spared the humiliation designed for us; that von may live to see seanYmiceellsors to the Mayoralty is the fervent docile of your friend. - Donation:, Jo sir. hail. moved thet-theoommanicasion be spread at large en the minutes and pubs palled with the proceedings-of Cotmeith.- The motion passed unanimously. • D. Maevannow, ' $ Clerk of Select Connell: ===lZl • It seeds that the man who smokes in an omnibuiis not a peculiarly American In stitution.. _ Ort.lloglish : railway a short time since, an indirldual who per-. slidedln• smoking .a cigar, after he bad been requested not to no so, was dimmer*• ly ejected by the enraged' Passenger e. The aggrieved smoker caused the arrest of of hill tviallszits 'and . charged him with as sault and battery.' The meghdrste - before whom the moo • was tried decided that the onseker had-given.. sufficient provocation for thuar_sault, and ho was doubtful if bo ought not to lock Odd op for assault and bat. tory in pouring smoke; in other people's, lama. • The ludisengers did just right in ejectingthe Illontuthered smoker, and the only fault that can be found with the msg. !stmt.; was that he • did not , act • upon tho hint that he throw out, and, hold the smoker for itisodeoce against decency and the clear right. Of his fellow passengers Idea hove a right to emoke tobacco, just sa they have a right todriok whisky; leut, they nays no mere right to fig :with inmate the air that all most breath In common, than they have the right to empty the contents of their liquor flasks Into the water cooler in the car Mat all the passengem fn mm. moo must drink from. To quote from the printed notices in our own tionnantown railroad cars, "ftentlemen will, and others must" desist from smoking la promised:ma we , t ,hputges of people where all have nitrite that smokers are bound to respect. The assault and battery idea of the Englua magistrate Is good.—Phit. WWII., • —A venerable Yetticle.—ln a livery stable at Saginaw, is a coach which formerly be longed to General Cass, and. which la pro. !Ably the oldest Carriage la the Mato. It was purehmed by Demon! Cass in France, and by him brought to the United Status. Before the intro duction of railways he - Mar. neyed twice from Detroit ha Washington in it, the journey at th at -time being the labor of weeks. Boring the last ten years of the General's life It ma fled but tittle, but re• gently being bought front a. relative of the General, into whose hands it had bets been repaired mud constitutes a comma thousand comfortable vehicle. - _) _ - ltits ) „ .....t 1 50 1 $l3 VOLUME TJCXXTI.--NO. 89. MT MN, ONE_O'CLOCK. A. M. PROM EUROPE. ITALIAN ADMIRAL CASHIERED, Financial and Commercial. (.41ly the Cubic.) .- Ily Telitrupti to the I'ltt.bor gh thkeette.) „ITALY:: ADMIRAL rEntiAxo Ftonssca, April 16,—The investigation of the conduct of Admiral Persists; who com manded the ltattan fleet in the bittio of Lissa, has been concluded. In accordance with the verdict of the court martial, the Admiral has been eentancell to be ea.sistercd for Incapacity and dtsobodlence. 51111 . MIMS. LivrarrooL, April Il.—The steamer New York, from Now York, arrivod at. South ampton yesterday, and the City of Fasts, from Now York, at qaoonitown today. The liestoria, froni Portland, arrived lie re to day. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. Losnow, April IG—Evening.—Consols,9l; 5-tqq., ex. dlr.,' :A • Illinois Central, Erie, 37ff. LITZIIPOOL, April 10—Nrening.—Cottms closed without any improvement. Man depressed and prices hare a declining rns ten dency. Breadstuff, are at a decided ad. ranee to-day, and themarget closed firm and buoyant, at the following closing quo. tations: Corn,. mixed. western, 43s ad per quarter. Wheat, No. I Milwaukee, lased per cental; California White, IStr adOlgits ad. - Earley, American, Solid per GO pounds. Pro. visions quiet and unchauged. In produce Wore is nocliange. I KITED STITES SENATE Discussion on Adjournment TIME EXTENDED TILL THURSDAY illy Telegraph to the Pitt...burgh Gazette.) Weaansoser, April 18,1E61. Tno President appointed Messrs. Bache lor, Anthony and Trumbull a Special Com. tailless on Mr. Bucktdew's resolution rola, Live to reports tor the press. Mr, Yessenden called up Mr. Anthony's motion to extend the time for adjournment till to-morrow afternoon. • Mr: Sumner moved to substitute Thurs day., . Mr:llowe maintained that the President would send Improper nominations. here which the Senate coati not confirm, and It offices were left open,tho President was to blame. Mr. Cameron believed the President did not intend to send hero any bilk the I -wont men for °Meals. Ile was willing to ad journ tenter and let the responalbllity•rest • on the President. Mr. Chandler wished to correct the misap prehensions that copperheads and traitors would be confirmed, as Intimated by several Senators. Mr. Feasersden was not aware Ot such in timation mall the present remark of the Senator from - Michigan , lie Senator roniflname them. • _ - • Mr. Chandler replied that healluded to Senator reasendon. Mr. Fessenden saldho repelled the'somatic with the contempt and scorn It deserved, and argued it was the duty of the Senate to stay here Until madencies were Oiled. Ile had . never such a remark as charged. Mr. Chandler said he bad followed Mr. FOiSCII.I3II as MS leader, but ho now desired to state he would never vote to confirm cop. hotheads and traitors. Mr. Drake did not consider It the duty of the senate to stay here to act upon the re peated nominations which have been re. heatedly rejected. Dir. Davis claimed that from the coos. mencement of the Uovernment till now the President always had the right to 1101.111. nate whom he pleased, provided they were competent and honest, hut • new rule hod been instated - on here, that all nominees shoed.) be radical Itopublleans. Mr. Tates dissented from the views of Mr. Davis, claiming that, as the radicals were triumphant in the elections, their Winces should be filledby such persons. The Senate pissed a resolution to adjourn ,on Thursday at d o'clock, and went Into Bx eeediVe session. • FROM NEW YOWL Cily Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette. 3 • Nsw Yong, Aprlll6, .. • • • Mari lOU MALI • MILLION. . . Mayer FLOM= has recalred is draft for halt am:Mon of dollars for the postoglce site. XATION•• AC•DtXT OP =mos. The National Au:alertly of Design opened today and will be open until tile lot of July, mimosasa =assns. - - TheiGniatNastern sails to-morrow morn ing. Atrumg .the 'mason p;ers are Admiral Tegothotr, Gommodaro 1.. A. Stevens and Itey. Fleury M. Yield. I iSors Gotfrled Welbal realdhig James streetoraurdered Dls safe last ght, cut ting her throat from car =ear. lie 10 not yet arrested. • 7OII1•890 =stomas. • Bylaw explosion of torpedoes t so. IS Christie street, to-day. Wed persons, Ear nest Kigg, Edward Ling and Henry were soyarely burned/00UL the head. • lIOT ZIONATIMI• The little glrl, Mary Trusdale, =noosed to Do kldnappea, has been found,. Oh Woo traced to an tntolllgence alike. and found In a family in New itoettelle, where she had hired out, • TOLIOIMILITART ;ZILICAOIL 4V. but has passed the Legislators giving the Board of Metropolitan Police power to organize a mllltarThrigede, not , to exceed eight hundred patrol man, who are to be drilled in the manual of alms and discip lined in the opted tor mill tary service In movements cities. Suc ad h organization, however, snalinot interfere with the proper performance of police duties. STEMS 15 LT.IIIOII COAL 11.20105.1 • The strike in the Lehigh Mal /legion. which bas so long existed, has terminated, the mon acceding to a reduction .of wages, and active operations will at once to com• menced la the Schuylkill Region. New strikes occurred at some colienes during the week, It bile at others op e time re commenced. aLflouo Ain TIISACATIIIA A Washington telegram says I is rumor ed the President will recall the rumination of IL J. to the Auer u at llaymond's request. SICK AT 11.051. lion. Chu. Ring, former Pres dcntof the Columbia College, was dangerously RI at Rome, &larch T 1.12, with email llopes of his . TE DaIiCiNDAT OV raga DRAM . 011/1111110 John Fenn, great grandson of Wm. Berm, died In London on the Tith ult. , • . gitVArgsts CAC:IMM ' - - A letter from Mayans, dated April 13th, states that a rumor prevails there that the steamer It. It. Cityler, sailing under the Sag of Chili, had been captured by' the Spanish steamer Montezuma. • • NARBLIT OUST riILeiXTATLON. A marble bust of Charles O'Connor, ewe cuted by J. W. McDonald, was pro seined to the Supreme Court of this Mara. ' magarrizs Lap ineozenciz isonranots. The Israelites of this city have resolved to cease all connection with Insurance com panies which uniustly discriminate against persons professing the liebroW religion. RAILROAD DILL TEITOID. The Governor has vetoed the Broadway (New Torte cny) gurfnee limilWair bill, which fai l ed . to page over the veto. A RlierltßAST soir--eulOrDl Or A VATTERN. Jtihn Frick, of Oxford township. Jersey . , has absconded with some POMO. obtemeil under the alleged endorsement of his fa ther. from the Washington and Belvidere Banks, and private entraps. The lather, overcome by his aosts rascality, committed isuleige. 1101111N.611 II.A11.71.041.1:4 =PAIRED. - Adviees received hero state that all the damages to bambino Railroads from ther peat booms have been repaired, orc.P, the midge M. Bridgeport,Ala. ve filch crossed by care oo boat/ without ereaklog bulk. • Fen . efß Bridge • (By Telegraph tnthe littaburgh tesette-I • • ifoomorran, N. T., April le,—A lyrldgooier the Paint:anal at Knappvllle, twelve wiles east of tnla city, fell yesterday. Myron Bosworth,of Perrinton, crossing srltr, a teem, was seriously, and his liLtlo sto fa• tally Injured, ~~ LATENT COINDEPISED' MEWS. City Telegraph to the Pittsburgh daretts.) The trotting season at Fashion Conroe, Long Island, was inaugurated yesterday. Ten thousand dollars (worth of gold and elver Coins were stoles[ from Mr. Maley, in Philadelphia, on Monday night, the thieves escaping. I A morgue (place for the dead) is to be es; talillshed In Philadelphia.. A 'boy named Elwood Reede, aged four years, perished in it vat of hot No in Phila delphia on Monday. - Henry Ward Beecher has =wanted to act as a delegate in the Now York Courtin- Monet Convention. • The Greet Eastern sailed yesterday for Brest, with six hundred passengers. Tho carpenters, plasterers, bricklayers masons, moulders and painters of New York and Brooklyn aro on a strike.. The bridges on Duvall's Bluff, Little Bock Railroad, having been condemned. and the Company being enable to rebuild them, the road hai suspended operatiOos. FROM CALIFORNIL Encouraging 'lining. News—New Dig , 'ging% Discovered. SAN FII•71011.0, April 16.—The British war vessel Sparrow Hawk, from Victoria, arriv ed to May. bringing intelligence from Brit ish Columbia. Tim mining • abtricts are encouraging, thorium, paying well. Many dew Macey cries arc being male. Conadeatio In future diggings to felt and people are retigningto the mining regions. A Portland, Oregon, telegram 'says news of rich and extrusive mines on forty-nine creek cause gredt excitement among the miners and business men. Arrivals all agree that from twelve to eighteen dollars a day per man are being made and Mines easy of access. • . - FROM TESNESSSE.- Conservative, Moto Convention Eta ridge Nominated for tiowerner, lUf ToltenpO to ittcylttaborgh tio.otte•l NMI/EMILIA, April 16.—The Conservative Union State Convention met at the capitol to-day. lion. Elijah Walker presided. "The number of delegate. Premil. 11 /arr. representing three•fourths of the counties of the State, and much interest is manifest ed. A Dumber df ccdored delegates, were prtamnt and participated. A highly COn• illorVatiVe platform was adopted, and E. Ethridge nominated for Gevernor. FROM MINNESOTA. Fatal Aceldeat—lletarn et MS Indian Chief . with bit* Wife. Illy Telegraph to the Pitta harsh (hustle.) Roe Pro, an bits ADrlll6.—Frsaik afoul ton, or this city, wall Instantly killed by the accidental atharargo of a gun. • ST. PAUL. Mum., April 16.—1101 e In The Day, libippowactilet, bee Just arrived from Washington with a .white wife, from the laundry of a Washington Hotel. ' Counterfeit Coto to tnnods. • My Telegraph to the Pittsburgh limits.] MONSAtAL, April IG.-A largo number of counterfeit half sovereigns are in dlreaMl - Mon here and have Alec°Wed the hanks. 'an,thev are of full weight. A man named McDonald has been arreeted on suspicion. The Ice above Victoria Bridge commenced' moving to-day. Railroad Overflowed—Entail End • - grants. thy T'elegraph to the Pittsburgh Uaretto.t Nair Oainaus. April 18.—The Opleocee railroad le overflowed. and travel la Cur pended. The steamshipMormlon galled this morn. ing far Brazil with three hundred emi grants. • Steamboat COMMOta. thy Telegraph to the Plusliarge Gestate.) hr. LOMA, April '16.--The Tine's St. / olepti special says the steautererneet rah lute the Mountaineer. about eight mules below Brownville, blebriteka, to-day, knoeking a hole la the hull of the latter and lalliking her. Loss not stated. leortibitrin Pre*. Coavestlies. (By Telegraph to the rlttsbargh tialettai4 ATLANTA, ti.s.,Anril lg.—Delegates to the bouthern Presa Con ve atloo sod pinions to attend the same, are gathering here. Ems. tree Brooke and S. Treater have arrived tram New York City. • . Death of Rev. D. D. Field. Tclurrapb to the Yluabersh Gaxtte.l STOC.IIIIIDOE. Rees" April 15rItev. David D. Field. father or Justice Field. of dim Su preme Court. sod Cyrus W. Field, dord last evening, agod tr, years. 'giver Telegrams. [l3y Tclagraph to the rittaborgttUssctle.) oil. Ctn . . April feat •and rising. Thera worn heavy rains today. it is still raining. - - • El= E=MEIMiI —A Maine geOluebes Invented s =thine or making hotel hash. —A roan In ratellela, fit., killedtwenty .lx crow. or a elogle shot. .-A.Laweult of filtrn' alratiOn has met been ilecldod In ro Ken ft t Y u ea cky. —ln Kew Orleans they ant rejoicing over a !team plow from Famland. " —Tao rttmor that Jenny Llng wIU *sit this country lacks confirmation: / —The annual parstie or the liftlibliefirti de• partmcnt took place on the into. —lioston 'contemplates throwing Open its public library . to Sunday. refuters. ~ . .—A lier eta In Washington' Involves the ownership of lin cantons japonicas. —The queen's blethde9 la to be Very gee orally celebrated in Canada We year. • . -Religions meetings are Wingfield night ly in the Opera "locum In Springfield, 111. —M. Charlet da Harlot, son of Tindbarr of the violin, is beginning tote beard ores a pianist. , ' • Bancroft defanda himself and the lam volume of hie history in the N orth . fmcncon for April. —lt is beloved that the cinoing wheat crop will be the largest ever grown on Ulla —A meteor • which bad light equal to • thousand gas inirnerai reocatlY fen at flaili ng', Montana. —The Health Board of Bt. Lords Is sweep log and fumigating that city Oity to antleiration Mine choices: • „ '—Two lasmared women have grealnatell from 71:Pastan' colleges In New York, Phila. delphla and Boston. - —Omaha In Itea was the site of an Indian village. It has: now a pcgmlatlon of ten thousand inhabitants: , • •• , . —The morality of mildew street cats on Sunday is , bolus illscuaseil by Baltimore clergymen in Weir oultilin• —The Warrenton Wad Clipper says that the merchants of Atlanta break and sea• dully retire from WMIIIOIIOI2 an stern:gee( about three per week. ••• - . Newborn (N.C.)lmports twelve hundred barrels of 800tcb snuff annually from a En: ale arm In. New York. It trepplkdi all the North Carolina "dippers.° . Steenback & Co., ono of the largest dry goods houses In Richmond, bad their prem ises , nixed on .the 10th, on an attachment sent out by Chaffin A 'Co., of ,liew Yolk, for —ln Louisiana Minority Antos no lute:oaf moot o a legal marriage, bride Mira of that State t requiring that the De not leas than twelve. and the bridegroom not lea than fourteen. . —A recent Meeting of the Cincinnati Ylo• neer Association, was opened with - grayer Roy. Irmo Collard, who sixty years ago helped Robert Futuna put the paddles on the wheels of thg first steamboat. • • • —A degraded, wretch named. Charles 1). Squires, . of Deerfield. alassaolialetts,' has Wen arrested for twice coatteltlng a rape upon Maggio A. Morton, a girl. eleven years old, who lived•ln his family for ten —The' Mollies College at Ilifiana, 'Now York, from which so mush was at one Mom expected In tho way of general °donation.' As like to become a home for the edneattort and support of the orphans of the IdasOnte frntermty. • -The Lorillard tobacco manufactory in New York, Is the oldest ha America and the largest In the world. It pays an Internal revenue taxer over» million dollars a year. it was founded In 176 e by the great-grut. father ol the _present arm of Y.& U. Lon!. . —A Troy paper , collar manntaciorer named Carr ba•got Into trouble y to defraud Insole hanmel ma of his duo. Tho revalue Inspector askal to son Carr's breaks. but they-had been•eacoldentalyii de. strayed. As penalty for gettiog al,ths track, Carr had to pay gSgaoamessament and —Tito FireCombas-Boners In Braoklyn lately had the tire bells 'rung and set • watch to assure themselves that they were O i g h ttl i o n r b a ' ll i r o" tirt= kihr."gtrltgt=ft the pnolahniont Indicted for this offence, the Chief Bnigincer had the firs. COM. =Metope= ntrested _giving a !Mao alarm. • 1 0 ) - -- -7 - -----' , - - PITTSBURGH, WEDNESDAY. APRIL 17, 1867. EUOIT EDITION, FOUR O'CLOCK, A. M WASHINGTON. United States of Columbia Affairs. APPEAL FOR THE IMPERIALISTS. Subpoena in the Georgia Case. SLAVE EMANCIPATION ANNIVERSARY NOMINATIONS - REJECTED. [By Tclegraytt to Itto Pittsburgh Ussette.l WAsamaroa, April IG, ItYl7. MUTSU STATES or COLUMBIA ArVAISO SE, General Sot Gar, Minister from the United States of Columbia to this country, bas re ceived important dispatches,. dated March 17111, stating that tie difficulties between Prceldent Mosquero and tbotiongress, which gaTo rile CO the supposition of a coup ireful, hare boon satisfactorily 'arranged by the two branches of the Government, and the public as well as commercial affairs bare resumed their farmer conditions. !OR ILLZIYILikII. After the Senate had to-day voted to go into executive session, hr. Johnson rose to Introduce a resolution, but It was declared not In order, owing to the tact above stated. The resolution, it is said, recites various points to Mexican affairs and concludes with an expression somewhat lu the way of en appeat to the Liberal government In behalf of Maximilian and his army, should they fall into the hands of the troops or that republic, in other words seconding the efforts of the executive to same direction. 611.TILUX• • Is Tot 01101WIA coSl. The following 15 a Copy of the snblumle ordered to be issued by the Supreme Court Thal State of Georgia, complainant, vs. ..Edwin IL Stanton, M. S. tirant, and John rope, defendants In'equity. ' • Th. I'resident of the roitnl Motes, to Edui JI. Stanton, U. S. Urant and Pop Grethng: "For certain causes offered before the Su preme Court of the United States, holding Jurladletlen in equity. you aro hereby com manded that laying all other matters aside, and notwithstanding any east... yon te and appear before said Supreme Court, bolding Jurisdiction In equity, on the drat Monday - in December nest, at the City of Washington, In the District of Colombia, being the present seat of the National Gov. eminent of the United States, to answer unto the hill of complaint of the nista of Georgia, and In said Court exhibited against you. Hereof you aro not to fall at ymir peril.. • The subpama was served at Grunt's headquarters to-day. au.s.sciravros Austrian/RI. - • The fth anolversiry atilt emancipation Of slaves in. the District of Colombia, was celebrated to -day by, the colored pouplc. Owing to a storm the original programme was 501 Carriod ant. A few delogetions from other clues were present. Not over osto thOnsand ilve hundred participate , ' In tim procession. ittr-03,113111110 nOatawri A. reconsideratkm woe roared in the Sen ate, In. ere"ntivo session, on the rota of yesterday, by widen the nomination of. Col. Capron, as COmlnlasiOner of Agricultura, was laid over nnUf. next December. The motion was negatived, it is stated, by a majority of six. • The Renate lest week reomoidcrod the vote by which ItrAiovernor Bradford, of Maryland, wan cOnllrmed rnirreyOr 01 the Part of BalthnOro, but today again con finned the nomination. MOlrinarionf centers. All the following nominations were joeted Poatmasters—Joseph D. Ignore, Illoorning too, Indiana; William U. D. Taylor, Clncln nett. y. Scero la. tary . oroothCioc,..loradoTerrltory, Marsh .- • • Untied litalea Consul,' O. 11. Clarke, of Michigan, at iumemwo. ' surveyor or unatotruoacultol C. Alien, at altuacy, I =1 Brevet Major General Charles It. ii'oale has boon sasignea to tho commend of the Genera& Service Department., et Newport Detracts. Captain A. S. Forsyth, Assistant Qnsztermaater, has been assigned to the Department Of AttulaalpplAMl /trimness, Terrible Cdition or Al:raise in lkiergle—M on urders and Orstredos. gy Telegraph to the limbs orb /lust e. 7 2inw Tose. April 16..—The Savannah Be psagwan says: Accounts represent the con. ultiort of adatreln Camden imot Brit. Conies ties as truly elertulog. The wildest days of St. Domingo seem to here been re.produe• ed In Southern Georgia. In one county two nogroes were sentenced to death for mur der. and three others to the pcoltentlarui• A mob of *alma people surrounded the Jell. broke opetithe doors and allowed the' prlseners to escape. In other counties men were found banning to the trues Within 'bort distance at the public roads, sou Ind been hanging there for eaverel days. Indian Amin. illy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh V emus., blew Tour, Aprlll6.—The /frond'. Merle says Information has been rocetval the bemiiitiarters of the. army that Crow Indians manifest a reluctance to. pin' the hostile tribes now arrayed against the Doverrationc, and will probably not unite with theta. Thu Crow tribe rs ono of the largest tribes Daltotah Territory, and can muster ono thousand warriors. They are behaved to exercise great Influent. til.• on the serroundlog tribes of the Sioux, and the failure to secure their alliance may have thee:Net of withdrawing other bands who have aireadycoonetted themselaes to the war confeduraUon. Masa Meeting of colored People in Prtisemsa Ann County. Virginia. laY Telegraph - to the Plttaberab Gazette.] FOsTition biminos, Aprlll6.—"About one thousand eight hundred colored persons bold a political meeting at Princess Ann Court licruse, on Saturn a.! marks were made by several speakers y w h o advised the colored people to devote their attention to aaggrLlenitura pursuits end eschew Politics ein . g The right of ege wm argued pr question of time, and when they were properly quald to vote they would mire all tile prerogatives enjoyed by white mon. The meeting was extremely orderly. Chicago Municipal Election. aly Telegraph to tee Pittsburgh Casette.) (Mulatto, Aprillo.—The election paned oQ quietly. At this hour eleven r. w., we have returns trout eleven wards, giving a ma jority for the Republican ticket of twenty six hundred d thirty-four votes. The estimated urns . retfrom the other live Wards will inererso this inajorlty to thinyeeven hundred and eighty-four, The Connell will stand twetity-Dvo and seven Democrat!. Catholic Inahep >tiu~arosel~ 111. MyTalagraph to the rittshorgh Ossetia •3 BorritALO, , April IC.—ltight Itov. John Tlman, itonirolt Catholic imhop or Buffalo, Is lying dangeronaly 111. The Want:lane entertain uo hopo of his recovery. • • • Butresto, April le—Blight Rev. John Ti med', Bishop of Buffalo, died of eryslpolus this evening nte body will-be laid In state at his residence until atter 110/5' week, and removed to tho Cathedral and ...lithe buried SOUttiCarollna Earopems LmlgratiO Commisolon. MS Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Starette.) CMIILLELON. April 16.—A largo meeting oath° foreign rosidonto and ad gh opted zens of this Mato was held to-nit to hoar the report of (Sonora' John 11. Wagner. Commassionor of the European Emigration Commission. A resolatiOn wan 6400.1 iSP; proving tile report and Inviting (migrants to wattle, in Booth Carolina. Veto Bastabsed. (By Tsleer, ph to toe Mist:iamb Ussette.3 Assaatr, Aprll 16.—T0 Lostelaturo rotuse4 to peas the bill for tna Increase of faro on the Ventral Itealrosel over thO CWT. ornOr'e veto. Aoridnation Confirmed (By ' Tel4grlDb 0, the Vittetturgil COLlngsVis, 0010, Aprll 16.—Thu Soma. to day conarmod General 14 'Wright... co.o 1.10510110 t of lcalroada &MI Tologravha. CITY AND SUBURBAN. rOURTII EAGE.—The /West and mod re liable Honey, Oil and Produce Market Re- ports Oren by any payer in the city, will be found on our Iburat Pars. - Application for an Injunction—Peon eyivaula and Plthibairati, Columbu• and Cincinnati. Railroad Companion vs. she Plttaburth Cora Company. Testonlay,in the Court Of Common Pleas, W. C. Moreland, Esq., pregented the cot. plaint, in the shape of a bill in equity, of the Pennsylvania and the .Pittaburgh, Co. Jumbos mud Cincinnati Unread Companies against the Pittsburgh Coal Company, Jas. M. Bailey. President, and John McMahen, centractor,for an liduuctlett. The bill, after petting forth the factthat thitedlread, corn. plahmat were duly Incorporated, and that by virtue of their legal rights and privileges they have constructed a railroad from the city to Steubenville, Ohio, which they have hitherto boon operating. and which muses through the borough of Smith Pittsburgh, (traversing the face of what. la known as "Coal 11111," a precipitous and dad , gem. leek s-and earth, which renderedelevation the of c onstruction of the rbad hazard°us and has required the at. most cure and attention la order that its base should be fully ponce* the right of ti way having been negotiat e from the own. - ars of property along the line, complains : That within the past few days the respon. dents have been engaged In the oz.vation and removal of a certain piece of ground In Smith Pittsburgh, supporting and abutting upon the railroad, and cameralal to the maintenance thereof; that by lemon of said ozmivation and removal the railroad tracks have slipped down the hill and become greatly sunken, requiring the utmost chill and constaot supervision topreverit the en tire loss thereof, as Weill as the most serious peril to life and property. The coin. , Maine.a further say that the work afore. said has been commenced and carried on in the most careless reckless, unskillful, and unworkmanlike Aanner,theraby greatly en hancing the danger to Um, rad road property, and increasing the danger tis the loss dl life or serious Injury to these Übe are pats.- rem or workmen upon-. the railroad. It Is further complained that the work, If persisted In, will completely destroy Um roe of the railroad, and that the respond- . .ts have been warned and requested to du sist therefrom, but have wholly failed and refused so to do. Wherefore, the orators prayed equitable relief : First. By a decree teatime:dna and enjoin ing the respondents from prosecuting said work in the manner heretofore done. Second. By a decree requiring raid re. spoudents to have said work done In the fu ture under the direction, control and super. vision of a competent and skilful civil en gineer, to be appointed for this purpose by the Court. Thiel. Such other and farther relief no shall seem meet in the premises. The bill of complaint is sworn to by Mr. James lieskimon, Sums:viers of the Ball. road. After the reading, the Court, by request, rippolnte.l three o'clock tte the- hour at which the arguinent 'vocal be heard, John Malloy, Use.. Inn in en appearance toe the respondents. Thu point at which the trouble exists la ordiproperty owned by the coal oompany. abutting on Carson street, to the Borough of bouth Pittabursh' and Intervening be tween tile street and the railroad track, urns the place where Beery.s to the bridge scrone Use Monongahela. By triturating for the purpose of therearnag the busloass fricilit Ice of the coal company, the railroad trap It Ina sunken savers! tdyt, endangering {Mille In passing, Mr. Moreland was shout opening the Sr. griment, when Judge Mellon referred to the impropriety of his silting fa the rain. leg concerned In elllte egainat the I'ermlTl• runic Ilarlrond t;trintruny,Wideil nee male a party to the Intl of complaint. 11r. Moreland expressed nu willingness to strike out the Pettrisylvmia Company" and leave the LW stand as the coin plaint of the Pittslallgah.Molumbus and Cincianatt Itutirotel Courpner, who are op erating under a leases from the Pennsylva nia Railroad Company. Mr. Derma, Superintendent of the P.C. C. road, explained in what row!. or menet". Mont It consisted; hut, le ...ter to a rime ikon. stated that the Penntylvania (Am ount. knit up the track at the point where the trouble existorl. After soma further discussion, Jtelge 5101. Inn persisted Ist his refusal to lit Cu tee cams. The earth:sump, In view of the urgency of the rustier, came to an understanding, that the work now going on should Do proem°- . tad hercatterunder the superintendence of Str.J. y. Inve, resident engineer of the Western Intrusion of the Pemaylvaula rued, which I s paramount to,the prayer in the bill presented. I=l The Allegheny Police, Monday evening, foiled a MILO. an they suppored, dead drunk, lying In Idaglnnie alloy. oil Church avenue. tie was unable to speak, rise to his feet , Or walk, end wan conveyed to the tombs on • wegon. Its Iscnplaced In • cell he remained motionless,aave breathing heavily, which continued to Increase la if he were labor ing bum compressica of the brain, but It finally ceased and no further attention was paid to yesterda lilm• until between two end three o'lock morni. Pe in the cel cl with him ha y ving Obngwoveredrsons that life was extinct. Ile v. cold and stiff, and bad evidently been dead for• some time. Doubtless he wan in a dying condition wirers brought to the tombs.. and If It should sole. oat. It will not be the find Maumee of pen.ns dying from neglect under !similar elven...we, the supposition prevailing that Inneoelbility was solely caused by Intoxication. Goner ally speak tag, pollee &Boer's. not as hu meri. in the diecharge of their duties as they should be, their constant association. necesenrily, with vagabond life, rendering theca callous to adegree which often results In unfortunate humanity being cruelly li.ll with. We cannot forego the belief, from the clrcurustancaa attending the use now referred to, that, In the proper ouex. I cruse of their duty, the police ehld not have allowed the man to die as be dld. The feet that he was unknown to them,a stranger. ahem should at least have prompted further inquire as to hut condi tion than whet appeared. se he lay In an Insensible state on the floor of the coll. • Coroner Clawson ennimoned nn inquest, and a verdict of death from Intemperance was rendered.; Dr. G.M. Kicker examined the deceased .and Oared hie belief that death was canoed by "over etimul salon.. Deceassel is apparently mbout thirty-five yea. of Inge. medium height, with brown hair, and no beard. Me wore a woolen shirt, dark pants ands black coat. The body will remain at the Mayor'a °Mee ma tt' ten o'clock to-day. for IdenthilesUon. Before Amerman Taylor. The . Bullies= and Colbert% reeding in tho upper end of the Yifth ward, do not ape . iltar, to live on Such friendly terms an neigh bors should 'do- Not satisfied with bodily abusing club other they 'have taken re. course to that very expenslVe style of seek IngsatWactlon by gotta/to law. TesteuleY Jarboe Colbert - appeared before Alderman Taylor and molt an efOdurit charging Timothy Sullivan with threatening to take the life of Mrs, Colbert, and, fearing lest the said Timothy might carry his threat Into execution, prefers - 0d a charge of surety of the peace against him, on which he wee held for it farther bearing On Wednesday, the lith instant. Timothy Sullivan, hot to hatoland Ida neighbor, preferred a chergd of assault and battery against Margaret Colbert, wife of ;Prosecutor lathe drat men. Wined case, in which-he charges her with throwing sundry buckets of water upon The water bed not it. nemustomed effect of cooling in Ulla case, but only served the more to excite the augry Mellows of de. poen t. 1% is to =hoped that the satisfaction do. sired by the perties will be obtained. • Trial List For Wednesday COXISON PLEAS COURT. • 61. Samuel Fahnostock vs. Owners Steam• best Dictator. 73. Allegheny County vs. W. A. Herron, et. al. 74. Same Plaintiff vs. Executors of John LIOPPOn. to. kuttall and Kirkpatrick vs. Owners Steamboat Sowickioy. • 111. Itoburt Guru vs. Itigdon and 'Mc- Dowell. vi. George McCombs vs. James Bowan. W. G. L. Addison and Thompson Lysle vs. W. 11. Drown. 1. Wm. 11. Weber vs. Owners of Steam. boat Patrons. 2. Mary Jane Patterson vs. Daniel Me- Kano. 3. William Farley vs. John McMahon. Common Mao Court: Before 1100. Thomas! Mellon. 11. W. C. Twaddle . TO. Benjamin O. Mus grave. Ikdoro ruported, Verdict In favor of plainUillor the Kum Of M.,613 J. M. Bohn vs. It. M. Bide. Verdict for defendant. William U. Wardon vs. Kiln. Moore & Co. Action for broach of contract for the dully - erytif oil. Blain= took a Doskonit. Elsewhere we publah the ittivertlarw ment of Messrs. , behmidt & Friday, the only direct Importers in Pittsburgh of for. .elgn wines and liquor., N 0.409 Penn street. T M h e s in r itnh eh t no Wa a nti oye p d p a i hsi g ne a r r ep y ute. all Um fine tradu of this neighborhood. Their stock In very largo embracing atl thu cele brated brande of German and French wines nd liquors. A hoary Importation direct from Europe Is On Its way to the city, and wu will Inform our rvadurs upon IN arrival. • Plittsbarcher, Pelledelphlan and Chleawolan Accidentally littled 111 4.Xllfornbs. - We clip the following account of an acci dent from the Enquirer, Placercourity, Cal• Ifornla, In the hope that some of onr readers may know the friends Of the unfortunate men killed, and communicate to than, the Intelligence of their sad fate We are indebted to Mr. 11. Penny, the foreman of the camp that wog butted by snow , elido, on Saturday morning last, March 5.1, for the following partionliu - s of the lamentable occurrence. The camp is a log house situated a short distance east of the large =nett being run by the Central Cecilia haliroad through the summit, and contained at the tins, of elide fifteen white men. The avalanche took place about half past four o'clock, all in the house were in bed, smashing inwhile the roof and cov ering the house with snow to a great depth, Mating prisoners of all within it for from twelve to fourteen hours; the bunks, winch- were arranged around the walls, protected all, save r. ot the tomato , . who were killed. M Strowbridge was on the ground with a party of men as soon as be got new., ot the catastrophe, and labored with great energy and determination =tithe succeed ed in liberating the burled party, occupy ing, es we boom stated, from twelve to fourteen hours. Ten of the fifteen were rescued without being bilmod, two were body bruised when taken eat, bet are now doing well, and will probably recover In a short time, and three were killed Out gatheredhe following particulars were by Icon infonuant from an examination of the papers of the men killed : Thomas Inglis was a Scotches= by birth, being from Pdeblestdre, and was nixt?years of age; he hadbeen ten years in California, and had worked at mining In this county, near Pine Grove, formerly; be came to this State from Pittsburgh, Perm sylvardet, whore he leaves a family. James Duffy came to this State in leC4, and for- merly lived and worked In Sacramento: he has a brother and other relatives in Chi. cage, Mewls; he was about thirty-are yearn or age. James Meanie was about twenty. five years of age, by birth an Irishman, and came to this Slate in MI from rulladelphla, Vs, where ho too relatives. The three bridles were brought down on the railroad on Thursday last. One was, banal here and the other two carried below. Closing of the Reason of Lent. The season of lent is rapidly drawing ton close. it bag beau rigidly observed In this community by the Catholics and Ep!scope bans, and the services In the churches Of those religions denominations have been of an unusually interesting character. This evening at St. Paula Cathedral wilt be corn. minced the impressive office Of the Church known wan Tenebrae, and It Will be oOn tlnued to-morrow and Friday evenings. The chanting of the Tenebrae is ono of the most impressive and beautiful services Of the Catholic Church, and le well calculated to inspire th e faithful with devotion and excite sentiments of love towards God, and deep compunction forum. The odic° con sists of some of the Psalms of 4/avid, ap propriate to the festival arid !season a, the year, with the from tho epistles of St. Paul and the other meted writers, the lam entations of Jeremiah, and select passages 'from the fathers or the Church. The psalms will be chanted by a tull choir of priests, together with the etudents of St. Michael's Theological Seminary, and will be very solemn and Imprentre. The lamentations will be sunghy Ave vetoes. The Cathedral, no doubt, will be thronged during the of fice of the Tenebrae, as more Interesting service is found in the Catholic Church. Next Friday will be "Good Friday: , so call el In commemoration of the good to sinful butuanity mixing out of. the death of Christ. Senday will be Easter, the close of Lent. In the Episcopal Church the sorvices Mu tes the Passion week are characterised' by more than ordluary solemnity. Therals a special "Gospel" •ppointod for each din which embrace the sacred record of all the venal illebleot etch the.hayloure passion. The penitential psalms are usually intro. duped. Mere Or /OIL Into the, serviowa and their pl whole character Is made' to partake of • dee p tone. The week en with the y uEasterenitential Even^ service, which te as of the deep mystery of the rest of the saviours body In the tomb in anticipation of the ithaurrectien. Ml:== Mr. Charles A. Miller, • gentleman of de cided skill and a lithographer second to none In the city, hag opened an establish ment in the New Apollo building, No. SO - Fourth street. Learning the business with Schuchmas, and having had large experi ence we feel itettelled that Kr. Miller will socclied In drawing to himself by the ea. °ahem.° of hts work • large share of the _public patronage. lie will furnish wedding cards, circialars, business cards, bill beads, advertising cards, and everything In the lithographic line, In any desirable style, upon the shortest notice, and at the Most reaso Mi naOle tarm• We ma need anything Miller to our roofers wh o m y need anything in the line of lithographic print ing. Lie studies to pitmen, and will orders entrusted cam and attention upon all orders entrusted to his execution. Important Teleigrophle ItersWivemeeit. On our second page will be faced an an nouncement of great importance to the business ,commenity, from President Thurston, of the Pacific and Atlantic Tole. graph Company. It tea nape' Idea Intro. duped, of -making the telegraph wire. an. ewer the purpose of the mall for all busi ness correspondence. The rates bar been materially reduced, as will be sews D 7 the advertiwiment, and business men baring important orders to transmit to route spending houses, will at on.; see the great advantage of the system Intioduced. We hope the public , will appreciate the more• meet started exelnalvely for their accom modation, andbestow a liberal patronage On the COmpSny originating It. r Card. Dr. Hobert Hunter desires 'to notify his patients and those requiring his profusion. al services; - that he will definitely close his Wilco in Pittsburgh on the evening of Saturday, aprti trlth. Dr. Hunter's practice ts confined to &free- Hoes of the chest. viz: Sore throat. catarrh. Oren., bronchitis, asthma. consunap- Hon and heart disease. Parties wishing to avail tiremselvee of Dr. Hunter's experience in those affections should embrace the earliest opportunity, before his return to New YOrk, fora person al interview and examination, alter watch they can pursue the treatment without dif. acuity. Hours—D a. a. cosr. a daily. Office— Merchants Hotel. Pittsburgh. ♦fsetern Valve/idly The examination of the atndente of Mat. ern University will be held on Tuesday and Wednesday of the present week. The next term will commenne on Thursday, the 18th lost. The classes m the College, kielentifft, Preparatory Classical. Preparat ory English and Commercial Departments are under trio Charge of eleven Professors of experience and are afforded the beet advantages. Young monde:drone of fitting themselves trtr buelness .111 be under the charge of an abeerapitehed accountant and a moat coo oessful teacher. Per eighteen dollars stu dents are Instructed In penmanship arith metic", book.keeping and other business In ten and a-half weeks. Want of Pare Water On this subJect, Via Cincinnati Corona , slat thus dUatos: With a °mach:atom that the water le unlit to drink. people will abandon..them. solves to the we of such deleterious and nervedestroying beverages to tea, coffee, whisky, brandy wino, ale and boor. The adroestes of Tauperaiusl may Preach ,pray and sing, but they still de it In rain, Before we become teetotalers the city must gnat anise a steady supply of pure and wbole eome water. and until the supply pipes are extended further up [lvor, and oeyond the roach of an eddy t t came near put. ting a whole city to bW rung, It cannot be had. Temperance reform in Cincinnati must begin at We Water %Yorks.' , • = . . . , . Elsewhere wo pubilill the business card of the Outlet. Saw mill, feet of ()Mid street. Allegheny city, of which MY: lasso Craig, le the proprietor. Builders, I carpenters and others will dud at his estabUeluaent, at all times, a largo stock of season Joist", 'Trim. mere, Window Frame Stuff, linbaMe. Sills, Plates, Scantling, Decking, Boat sad Bottom Flank, Spoutiog. Palings. Lath. am Which will be disposed of at rates as yes seeable as them of any competitors. Orders for sawed stuff -will be Ailed . ywoMPIT at very fair and inducing prim. We earnest ly commend Mr. Unita Id the patronage Of our reactors. Temple of Honor. • t A now ahelal Temple of Minor was Istatl• tilted on Monday mOning ‘ atTemPlarq on Fourth street, Under the name of Equal ity 1t0.20. The following offerers were elec ted 0. P. E., Ellsabeto Holmes; li. P. T., John It Holmes; 8. V. E., James "Ellen 11. V. T. John 8.1 J., 11017 Utl ter; It. U., John Element 8. It., Wats Won -0071 U. It., John q. Wakerteldt 11. V. It., W. U. Vanhorni 8. T. Mary blettlethush 8. o.,ytsan Holmes: 11. 8.. Peter throat S. Past T., hash Hopkins; U. nut T., W. K. llolmtm. The 80010 l Temple will meet ln Stewert . s Hall , Oath street, AlleltitellY oltJt even' Friday evening., law • Attempted Outrage In Allegheny. We have to record an attempted outrage upon a young lady of Allegheny WY'. the clreematancee occurring on Sunday even ing, ith instant. Cella Dugan, living in the family of Dr. White, Dentist, on Federal street, was called upon that evening by Charles Russell, an acquaintance, and she _consented to go out walking with him. When they hod proceeded as far as the WesO Commons, two men, their faces covered with •handkerchlefs, who seemed to have been lying in wait, left their place of conceal ment, took Miss Dugan Iran her escort, forced her to accompany them to a mere retired spot, sad there endeavored to vio late her. Ales resisted end attempted to cry out, bat wee prevented, one of the villains holding her by the throat and covering 'her month with Ws hands. When aliewas well nigh exhausted from her stout mist am°, her assailants, hearing some ono ap preach, 110 d, witttoot having accomplished their dendlsh cicalae. The following day persons, made complaint aireinet the naming them as John Md3ratuoy and Thomas Peterson, whom she believed to be those who had attempted to outrage her. Yesterday morning the Allegheny po., lice succeed the nosed at. Infuse ed In ln Ann streeta rresting, First srerdse- .• Moßratney endeavored to escape by a back window but retreat had been cat off by . Campbell,Md. who seined him. The 1 prisoners were conveyed to the tombs, and after a hearing before Mayor Morrison were committed for trial. Peterson is a mere youth, and hie real name has be anew talned to ho Russell. The young roan, C has. Russell, who went ant for a walk with Miss Dugan, end disappeared when Ids compel:. ton was seized, was els° arreated, on ans. anise but being In lengno with the maid ants, but was ralcaeod. alter a hearmg. Either a Husband Murdered sea Wife • • Desertea. We have been placed In the possession of the facts of a very =solar disappearance of a young man named John Thompson, who came to this city from Winterville, nix miles from Steubenville, in Ohio; in cola; fumy with his wife, on Sunday last. The young couple put up at a respectable hotel and on Monday morning Thompson left his wife, promising to return within a few hours, since which time nothing has been heard of him. The wife naturally-felt very anxious to discover his whereabouts, and yesterday informed the author!. tie; of his disappearance. She thought ho gambled, and was fearful that= had got into trouble, but she refused to entertain the thought that her husband had deserted her. The dleappearance n e wty strange.aud Inasmuch as thy married couple had lived happily together hones not seem probable that the man abandoned his wife in a etraego city, lie may tof...P treday, as the pollee are on the lookout for him; but Villa whereat.= be not discov ered, suspicion of foul play might reasona bly be entertained in connection with Ids .disappearaneo. A Chance , for Prentabie 130•11111111. To-day we publish the miverusement of the favorably known Union Chart Compete'', of Orangeville, Trumbull county. Ohio. This Company manufactures tiray , s Union Charts, which in themselves are fortunes to thaw engaged la their sale. Larne profits can easily be made and the employment afforded is equally suitable for macs or fe. males. Liberal reductions mulct° agents. For further particulars address as stated in the advertisement found on Our second page. • James T. Brady it Ca, corner Fourth and Wood wee% dealers In Government Securities, quote the same in hew York to day, as follows: Gold ' • ISt . . . V. S. Sties, lied ILO U. 8. 2 , 11 - 61. L r i lr _U. S. St:m.lBQ U. S. Consols, ISGS 'ION U. S. Seven -Thirties, Vint Series IMI U. S. Seven-Tian:les, 51 and 34 Series. 103 N December, 1w Compounds ..,..... 113 Illsat Avidlent. absembled Lot ovehlog et tho emend rondltlon of t h e Opet atlo oontuta of the Hey mokore, by tho scho lars of Mae Y.rnest, 11341 bY 0m:0.,' of amateur performers. Few musical en tertainments have passed off lately, which gave more satisfaction and. real enjoyment to those In attendance, and we congratu late Mas Ernest and those who participated In the programme, upon the glucose achieved. Notary Pablle.—The Commission. of Lieutenant Wm. I. Patterson, as Notary Pblic, has Jun been transferre d toour able and esteemed young ft lend Nall Patterson,, who will hereafter attend to the dic tion pertaining to the oftlee, at .No. Groat street. Persons neodlng the services of a Notary Public eau call upon no more trust worthy and capable onicer than air. Pat to mitt. • a Co for (named Jones) en the Utrmtnettam Passenger listltem prosecu ted. betore Junket Ammon. Elan Heck man; for refusing to pay ten cents, mark tomary . sum charged tor earn - taget baskets on the cant Freltssing colony he attempted to eject hortrom the ear. and to epeetead Ma coat . torn. The woman ap ed aul p a il the amount respired. • Iteeerdins isipatator.—The Committee on atreets and Soarers of Allegheny city, have been lustructod by Councils to motive applications from compliant' portions for the above, poldtl9m For Manes information apply to or ad• dross .1. A. hlrtys, . Chairman of Committee. The Pee Joe and delaside Te legraph Company announces in our advertising columns a eeventh Quarterly dividend, out of the earnings of the Company up to April Lt, on all paid up stock. at the rate Of ten per cent per year his Is qulteptandsome, considering that t h u company la compare. Lively new. Tavern Mobbed.--The tavern of Joseph Odlardon. on . limaldleld street, Second ward. was burslurlously. entered, through the sellsrolut Monday toorateg, add Mold the barroom was takena box Of the best elders and threw or lour dollars in currency from the money Snorer. The Employees at a glass manufactory on the corner of Denman and. Washington streets, Birmingham, would not Do so rude In thew speech in the hearing of women who pass that ray, It the authorities were to remind them to a tangible way that such conduct la reprehensible. The Ilod Carriers, coal beavers and @borders of Cincinnati are on a strike; abio a thousand men in the rortiandsomie quar ries in Connecticut. Since idorrisaey got to Congress everybody wants to be a "stri ker." antra Parana IJpa for young ladles with ugly' mouths have appeared la the east. Thla Whoact. The inveuttou withtee that. would kin a girl gutta percha mouth! Open for Inspection—Mayor McCain thy., mord, says the Chronlde, adding that °it will best . the light.” Can the. namo be said Or other magistrides hereaboutsl The Feet Aim of Wheeling deal rob' churr.layards and hack dead infants to planes. Tito Clarksburg atnnibals do it. There le no truth In the rumor that a Street COIIIIIIESSIOUBr vas drowned In tho mud on Smithfield street. 7eaterde7, • • The Pious of Temperance ozcorstontsta to IloKomport, yostemlny, did not hays a dry time. lis Won Esq., Sealer of IVelghts an publishes ins card In subthor d ums, column. • • Only 41600 were. pate by the State Usti.lae tura for provers last !session. A tlatrbe gliaind Is adrertlsca for silo In snoWer Column. illeaaville rejoices La a big turnip weigh lug 13i,4 pounds. A Destructive giro v;sitod Akron, 01110. on Monday. lat - Ori bad a goad llama at Eric Bead our new advertisements. • • A Tratb IStranwar thaw Flatlets •An Indianapolis letter.writor MVO .While passing through the Valois depot armedays ag fad e das adcosted by a onco 1111.11111 army blue. Ms SPOs rent famlllarty surprised mo at first. but I soon recognised Ulm ailanuld This is not the Ptaco fora biography. Inn the history of this man issurileiehtlyelf.P . Menai and intorosting to deserve at lotus • passing notice. ...Yourteon ' , caress° I drat saw Um work. gat a windless nthe gold Magmas bag of Australis. • liaised his threw psrbiern 1 ‘ 01 ." tad by that windlass, from a single •sbaft.,' more than eight Mudred thousand dollars. A few months later 1 bade tum frdrie. with ed hundredebou for ow 'oa, two d thousand In. OW* of ex. change in his pocket. I next saw him a wounded rebel soldier, lying an the field of Antietam. A little more tisane year later, I saw him as a Tinton soldier, lying In 510 i. pits/ In Tonneasee. To -day no is a helpless wanderer, dependent on clarity for a ilia. nes.. • —Tito Eon Antonio (Timm) Eerolit =OE the Limo will soon come when Teinolostooll of buying leather fro= Boston, will ocli It to her. Already soma very flue opeonootos Of TOlioi lost tor Inwe Welt produced. PRICE' THREE CENTS. Singular OiseoveryorrreasareeTrove. A. etrignlar discovery of treasuro.trove has been made on the sea-beach midway between Seaton Betrays and West Hartle mot, England, in consequence of a very boisterous sea rolling on the coast. all the surface sand has .been washed from the beach for upwards of a mile on the West Hartlepool sands, and layers of peat and gravel are now exposed, in the midst of which the discovery has been made. On a Sunday afternoon a fortnight ago some workingmen were walking along the beach, and being astonished at the unusual ap. Pearance of the surface by the deposit of such a quantity of , peat, cariosity Prompted them to turn over a portion of It with eir walking atlas, and they disclosed several coins, which were embedded In the peat. The coins were quite bleak, but on being subjected to a little rubbing they discover ed they were Spanish alive r dollars, about the Ora of an English crown piece. A far ther search was made and a large number . . were mend, bet as the tide aPPriniehed the scene of thefflabor they nad to desist until the water receded.' In the meantime a re port of the discovery spread abort the town, and hundreds of persons flocked down on the beach to seared for the treasure. Some perions are repotted to hada obtained nine- ty or one hundred of the dollars. - - Alb:wither several hundred, If not thou sands, of the coins have been recovered, but as person. are not generally overwllling to acknowledge the:umber they have found, a proper estimate cannot be made. The wins are of the reign of Catalan the third or fourth, dated from 17= to ISM, and are m gcodstitte of preservation. Some gold coma, a gold erucids., and s gold ring have also been picked up embedded amongst the peat. 'The dep=lt oft* many cotes at this place Is • amounted for by the fact that In the year MO a vessel called the "Duck.. of , London, came ashore at this pertlenlex spot. The wreck wee purchased by Messrs Shera ton, Whltelock & Thompson, and when it was broken to pieces about three hundred rounds worth of Spanish dollars were found concealed to the timber of the ship.. The vessel had formerly been .engsited In the slave trade, and belonged to a aparthh port, but she was captured by an English inart-of. war, and afterwards sold to a gentleman at Wolwlch. • • —The Cleveland leader says that a Ger. man hear Xenia, makes a livolihood catch ing and selling red birds. Ile selects a bush where the red birds congregate, pours on it boiled linseed oil. and places there the bait. The birds light upon the bush, and their feet atickhig, they, flap their wings, 'and these stick, and thus the birds are helpless ly stuck. . . • =I BAEZ—Standar afternoon. at PC Jennie Baez. (relict of Bolters kis.. EN., deceased) aged= Yes.. Ynneral from the residence of her aon•in•law, Bobs. E. Bay. No. 33 Boyle street, Allegheny, - W.FLDN'T.SIDAY ArtruNooN. at o'clock. So Dr.^ seed to Perrysville. The friends of the (sadly ara reacectlesily Baited to attend. NNW ADVERIT3EMKNT9. A LEx. AIKEN, trzimiccum...s33=EL, . ?to. LW ?mirth althea PULS. tvl , l ,ll Z ,d . DOrrllia of all kinds; cak r Es. uLAJ and e , very scrtptlon or Inners! roads/dug • famish ed. Booms opened day and night. Deana and yarriage• furalshed. • titsastancas—ttel , David %arr. D. D. Bay. M. W. Jacob., DA), Thomas Ewing. /ail, Jr nab IL Miller. Sao. nIL T. WI LITE & UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS, Mannbenter. Wood'. Hen and 'Walt), COFFIN ROOMS AT MANCHESTER LIVERY STABLE c sad Obarttars •S eetS neaum sad Carrtanes !trainee& HILLIDALE cErazirEilar-frne b e "tma Om 10301 subnr tiban place of sepul. except one. In thts ..tatted attosted on N onadelson road: branennte, IT nor th at Allenbony. - For - bartsllolcupeval:' or 114.. nail at Central Drug MOM of Wm.. Allesnear Clog. . • rffr A. FEW of the worst illsor den that Villa mmAlnd uine from morrop• Awl of Um blood. li.rouLD'S Us- Is.traMLLA Ls a remedy of Um utmost value. splbalwr :89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 MARKET STREET. , T. t To Nt. CO 6 $ 33 7 13, • 89 Market street, . AND OLT YOUB , :BOOTS, SHOES, THi CLIZULPIST AND ZEIT • 3CD7 4172T1F lAuand.:s EfOODS WT. Jith - 110 Bil, 89 Market St. 39 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 LOMB ILIVITMAX.I. .11. /L. SCIIXAELL. KAUFFMANN & CO., UNION COAL YARD. Besl Family Coal,Nnt Coal antlB4ek ~ on AIWA land. and promptly dolly. mod to oder. ail= cos. isatauspr ArD sal; gAcIW-I,Aiggrr'UO 8a In./. new au.- IMBZ3 114. K. ...... lf. MINTIOUS ..... MISXXL. WM. N. CIANEY, & CO.. - Gas Coal Works, 5/kippers dealers 1317PNR10 JOB S . AND YAIDI.Y a toAI., NUT COAL and e Post °Dee address. BUS. 557. Plltsbargh, WON 'L'igititilsWa2, l 6...d Stoll Pittsburgh Having Bank flanging, eonterLlbersy insect and. Virgin elleY, Plttehtirgh. DttANCtt urrturs: No. 5 Liberty meet, nagerretuo. H. 0 PPO• site Ned:male street, Pittsburgh. and earner*. derma eireet and P. Y. W. C. H. D. Allegheny. All orders left at either or the above pier.. will receive 5050 0l attention. ' • talteSt FITTIBLEGII NATIONAL COIL AND WU COMPANY. item, shippers and &atm wholesale and retail. me • BEST FAMILY COAL. Sous Coal awmueL 1113apozlit. OFFICE AND-Tialt, corner Yemriti and TIT streets; rittaberea. all ord i ghn for a t eltvet7 la th e gr. autuatet . .11. ' Aff uStiThri, arri. COAL% COMA* COALM DICKSON, STEWART & CO., Having removed theft castum to No. li6l 'LIBERTY ' STREM (LAW, Clty near NM) SECOND ithOlt. Area r i a . e . pske d v h T ad Yo OB e .11% the 10‘ost market price. _ ArAil orders left at th eir °Mee,er e t hatltepn to them threlaga the mail. will he For- 44`0111' PITT COAL COTIPAIST. .- —Paippen and desire* to N.Dak. Fey and Massa Coal, Nut ()oat and Blact,fieUi 0 • lice woad story Pittsburgh lash Mal lug. - turner Liberty stroet aud_.VW .1107. Ursa& calm eaniiligWry auti =l ,O W.." Pittsburgh. Ord.. , UR. St ulna . or nu Won places will reoelluunsukat_lr ob. litsb•gb . Postoptoe AdtlireriEno:s7. r • .7 J. Ott.l.laril. . I H. ,_IXXXSWXX, •B. Xcellinsirr • ' WX. xxxv2.3.s. Oil O. Hai% J.S. IiorrOOXISIT. W.1..= BurAprr. - 'JOHN .1/. 30 . tia 1100.,,, . .I..!•tuuivg,lgtit.g.Lf.l4 ..4. Bee,r, ; A. w. Want. At CO., Irlamagenii. 1 -.1•1._ nasal -Es /161BRI8TIELONG, x. ) . = Alia tx I9II°EIMTIMdfiIInInFAITILLEA WM. Colaoilleekoms Demaapwirfialea odic ONY/CS AND Ir. JED. 6221.01, of Puller and M 011011: gistratd. OIL M arti aud Clymer' *Meets, Ninth ward. sad on yeeppa . .theet,near Lock No I. ettuburek Pa. lamMiu and Manufacture.* annum.* rub ta. toed article of OW. or Meta at tao Wrest ea& Orders tuft at any of that/ 0111.0 u wUI nodes Prompt aMaatlon. Dlllllll, CLUB IL CO., Practical Foinitare Ilanatacturers COL PUIrl MID btad. Latest styles Of irmianthass. coastsatly CM BARGWIS SEWING MACtIINE.S. 151 x =emus•, used but • short tine, for sale • reduced Rya. WX. BUMMER CO.. rvah ~;~:i:~.\~lp:i:}11:1 i„~ a;4k=~ Iffijn Wholesale Agents kmerican Watch CoMPBri WATCHES.- No. 56 Fifth Street, oPecrarrs wanorna HALL. WATUICESI, CHAINS AND AT A UMW !MAUL PROFIT. AT WILL 1. WILEY'S . 6 Wylie tit% 41d sitxtelteen acarxtrros jOnNSTON & scorr, ' DMZ= /3 • • Fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry; SILVER-PLATED WARE, ETC., , Na LLBLiter X.lttallbULXlo34 3P022.13111 1 14. . • S/1. rartlaalsi stuntloa Orlin btoartiiX Waft/ma. Vloclu . sad Jewolzy. £ll Inielt Us. THE NORTU WM9 LIFE Pinkie ONE, • Of New 'Yoik, 11l THE • • Only Company In the World