The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, April 16, 1867, Image 4
Grff'AND_ SIDNIBBAN. , . •. JOINT 5a511103. 11 . f the Alleghen 'Cuncils then 'went Into MSSIOn for 14 r eka- .21elt7Coatinele. •- ' the perm:lse of 'selecting commissioners to At adjOerfled mee t i ng of the 11.heglievy Sto'gritnrototheTrPol,-,me.".i °'A cam.; council. was hod let.eVerarig r nt their p id SpouintiAlon„ under the act of Assembly, chamber, for the purpose of taktag op cm- would consist of three members of Conn. Scathed bUsiness. ‘ MI, and three Citizens not members of Coon , BILSCT . cocoon , . 4 Theelection for o f of-the coMmis iternbers present; • Blessre. 'English, null, i Sion from the body of citizens was entered IrOln,lfotherall; Molar, Pate, - J. C„ Patter. l Into. chin the I ollowing norniziationsere _., mud, ,less. 31. 31c(Junniglo, James Purl - , aon, A . " Patterson , A. D. Smith. Timmn4s I , ,Tr... telly It. Brunet, 0, O. Phillips, David President. ldeprlar. -• . ~ .1 'lleE undicHs, ~ ,o ntlnd Riddle, .tier. Young, Oa motionnt 31r. nuLtne.tolnntes nf the 1 1 , 4 ,1, :?: . , ..r r t 1 , , ,t , , , l l Y , ..l tt . . ,, ll m a t r o ni 7 . l o l l ,. . l l ,u ,..u . t i b e a n n u i o U g ni ,: , Preeedi ' M Ineet/ " wer° ' 4 " Pt°4l w P i“?‘" t lan.Nr. Mach, E. NV: Peluter, and JOl3ll nedt ng. Tho' final report of the late borough nf ' il. , .ath. Lae el oof fon rcsttltod to the choice of 100 Manchester wag presented and read, .The ._ ~,,,,_ ._. ;,_ _, . ~..__, .„,, rte. Jr., third report had atreany been accepted in C.nult ~ , , .. ,!.., 0 4 _ , . n;t: 1at_1,.,"tt..„,n-7,.,t, yid i r , riir d i wed c dd irdift, Tao repent Shows the follow- it0 t,, , : . , ..'1';',, ‘''..,. `,.."'lii.'" Mg: • ' • • rt t , bteeno era • __ _ . 1n raifooflng members Of FOlinell ware then cr.f.afen. ay halloiont. fn cabers fftt? cOrnmhoden • 8ii.9,11. A. IL hogih.h. Third ward; Jobi , 'II Shefle. Fourth ward; J.C. Putters., Fourth oer'd.. l 't NVITiI Clb. The aleleg..ltlon P olot o rt,,,,lij,g r' the fact itlfaTitTalor'l wh-t,l wet not represented in l 100;111111.SYt.. Too [Witter w. illsia. I l an wee o tenet ff, a hon on motion of sir. itch, ,u,,,,, gentle/non wife bed received Mtn 10;;Itee I number et rotes were declared __, . . • JIM'SLeI i= l h balance on . 11 nand Finer and Penhliie. 5 5 ' A. C. Patere.n. SOliCitnr 50 hi S. Stewart, Collector,. 4,04.29 Vehicle license ou 7-ErZNDLTL'II£ S . , 6; :1, , V7 15 00 '3,0211. Mi State tax Dorongh Boronglxwarretuts.: Interest • Balance Cann balanno on hand ' Amount Atte from Tai 31,;=,! 7 75 Note of Emmoel blot:nue -- (4) . _ Ltena 'filed in la:Toi of 'Boron:SI, Ontetanding.orarninte, none:.... Ontmandln st bonds ............... Amonntnallon,lnaLtrecolvable Total Uldebto4l2CB4:. Offleereashuolare remstaingunnatd.a aro ett On motiou,,the action of Common Conn t o at concurred In, that Dome her to urnsunwed salarice,bning referred to t Fi nance COtrimittee; with flower tout. Too Comodttee on What're: , end Land. ngs,,road and accented la Common ell; twastalcon pp. •The report embodies on o r ; providing that it an itable person be Oceted to act se 'Wharf Marto of that ItOrttOnOf lbe wharf eatending In front of Mandmeter. until snecoser he Only elected. Concurred in, • and ordlnanea read. three Limos and paluted. ' A petition from the citizens residing on Weautnaton stre.d, asking for water 0100 on that street. Referred In Common Conn ell to the Committee On Water. beleet Commit concurred. , • - : • The report of the Committee on Gas, rood, accepted and resolution, ielOpledi In Com mon Comielli wee:Atm - cm: tTile halt:owing . resolut ton is included in the report Resolved, That the Committee on 1!,11I1, ho. and t utry,,,nre :herein etut ton zed re plee' r. gee latntron the corner of Welanfll Avenue • - 'another On. the corner of Tttird andMlddMatreeta, and ono on Ilona tor,. btL err.; to the most tadtable location for the same,' Concerti 1. A Petittonf ftrarindPer: the oponinst.of ' talon street tr. North' Avenue.. Referral ln Comuicre - CounclFLO the Corrunitum ou streets and sewers.-Concurred. • • A petition to grade and pave Washington attest; Manchester: - Referred in Common Council toy too Committee on strode mini sewers. Concurred. • The report of 00 Committee On Markets, In Common COuncil read March • IC was ao. opted; and the reaelettOn and ordinance adopted to Select Conacil. Normencurred . . . ey Crime:ton March 'Nth, And " Com raittee :of. Couferenco rrquosted. (elect Council April MM. lthucurred. Mesa: a Retaliate and Ilrum wore appointed a cam mitfee.- The report of tho Commence has boon heretofore published. Thoerdlneuee provide-4'lor au Increase of Um salsrias el t lVsighmastere. The report of theCommlttee on Margate:, in the Common Counell, wee read, eeceid,.4 and . orehered tn ba'flied. Concurred. A pothered:tor the paring or Davis nlley, was read In the-COMmou Council. and re f, red 1.0 I.ll9,ClMainitttio on streets and A "I'ldui,so,:e Plesed Catemon Council, Distracting the Committee on Regime:3 to contract-with Gamenoll,liennard their system ot tire alarm and pollee title graph. on _the terms and nonditions n they Crepes,Walleitroduced. Thu reading ef the prof Omit was called for. The provides for .the erection, for the ewe} 01 813,00. of-s.asstetereidentiCal,wlth,:thut -Of \Mobile, and ldenticol with thst of pit'U burgh. except Uutettire centred MP ce cloue away antitheft unfelt:Mof bnicsdess thas Jr. Pit Mr. Mil t. stated that be had been lbor ' s y s t emer a mistake when be opuOsid the • now 'proposed. Spies .he .eaelle 11colerstand thoeyatem thotonglily. be cou• Indorse that It embodied all the pectin re quired Ina perfect system. . It compresos all the advantages ot the Cnsionate system, besides having exclusive menus of its ow - n. lie was strongly In favor of concurring' In • She sett:Mot Common Council. :dr. Thomas Bald - that- to had el-a-mined the I:col-lose:I system as thoroughly as poi. sible.• Me had learned that If could tot erod no t alone for a-Ilre alarm. but for a polite telegraph:- Me considered that tho si stern was peony perfect as it could be, and lestrated. byeanciples, that he had himself seen. lie hoped thruestly for , concurrence on the path of Select Council. .! Mr. Myler lamed teat Mr. Same:well had anthorised him to say tha mossheLn Of the city bOg Mc accepted:Al y could not ily"c..* yeneld. ir ha latetie u. w t hat7ll; .- 11;.' . .1.17. der" the had...been appoltited...cledrumin of Um • Committee on.6treets and Sewers:._ TheYiesldant alto annempted that Mr.' s...Fattelson had boon added to too Finance se ntnittem Mr. Mothered toCommi • •Wbarves and Landings,. Mr race - to the ',ose matte on Pollee, and to tholloi timeless, on SaMeys, Mr. PdtrersOrt.lo the coniniit. too oh exteting, Mr. Mothered t i o m the Com mittee n Ordinalides,llr.Paes the CM.; mated o on Vire Ererieen,. Uri Witherell to the Commettee.on Mariects, and sir. Patter ' arm to tie; Committee on Street- ttallroacir. .11r. Thomge °Leered the following: . • Resoleed,'Thht the Conanittue on Streets' are hereby in,trdeted to employ a - pratilcal me0t ,,, h , 0 , pu,rit.o , lli the cotraction of the camdiewer r, .. Res:land wie u lded.. • . Mr. Myler offered the following:. .. Resolved; Tina the District of Manchester' be hereafter known at the Flied Ward, Al. An animated discussien took place eon-, earning Um action of Common Council. in regard. to • the appointment of a hew coin promise- desks tor I/tech.:abuts- The _discussion terminated lu notheeticus .. recce dot-far as ;be action referred to the a " upoentreeer of a npeolnl committee. - Itte report of the Commie iec on Fite En: nes was accete In c Common Cowie& . an d non-concurr p ed d . Common Council adhered-and -requested& cOnimlttee of eon fereneo. •Commeten Appel:teed, consisting of Messrs. 0411 nrel-Mvler. - -- _ Reepluthatit , • increastr.g the mlarleit of the Atesseeger ef Cannella and Clerk or commir _Sal mu _ noreconenrred •• Common Council wen,- ed, god requested a emern!ttee of cola,- enen...ltionera: Hal end A. *armee rdiPM..I. • tmlonemattatea. •.- At. Lida point tee COI:Moils trout into Joint • amnion lot • thealterien Perk tiondril- - stoners. • - After the return of Arm select • Comae:UM tliMr-,clianabors a motion to ad ' Jon= prevailed: COxXO3 correct"... • Maintain' tarelauts4le.sre. Don.. • ham, Dill Faulluotner. Lineup. itart•or. log• ham, Kirkpatrick. tMegraw, EleNeti. nerd, timitti,'Winilsor and Presidentaiddlo.. , Tie repeirt of the Como:theca on Street Railways, adopted .in S. C., April. 11th, was. • read and corn:erred' - The teeth:in Mf Ordering ire gra• ding runt tiavltig ofFayetto street, in the • Second ward; and Ridge street, from Grant • to Irwin avennett, we* cOneorrert Tnereport of the Committees orm , Police. Sire Reamer, and Dose. and Wharf., nod landings were read, and the action of re.. • • loot Co niielleoncutreefa. < _ . Tee report of tbeComMittee on COllll3lOll GrOOOda•WiLit Closet or do fesgislature pre,- " tiding for' . - the Improvement • of. nag grounds, wart presentedand adopted: • ..merielhauber offered a resolution for the • repairing of thereat° around the City to. ' Mo. - which was read three Cities nod 0110°. tdr...DimbeMea resolotiouslinctlng. llio .Committee on city rropenyto proCutro nd ditlbnal deake forthe Übe Or Mamas mom , beta' Mr.:Tatiltianber. 'stela that although ho • ." seas a menioar of .theiVestninitteiton City Premerty,lio" did Dot • Wilk any, action bad been'taken. is the :matte(.. cin -ape Committee from the Select Commit • ared to overlook the claims .of the memo-: frOM the common braucti, and did notask any liityleafroste thdrsf. — HOMO. muted Cann amendment that n Seeable Committee be ape:ileum to moon re • Died c giCes The" rwitilutten as amended win at Mr. larkpatriek presented a petition fmm.Aleat're..tlinimusen & Craw ford, re. . 4. m:ding that , thsY anemileil. at their beret:ye, with water from tobeltY wOrta. - • • • preanntation of -tots petition. Lotr . o rise to eonsidernble debate. 11r: Mali ell elated that he liall-hern informed losttau gentlemen who presentedthe petition (tic. Kirkpatrick); Pratt-. ;Margo of.-tile , Wide , Works 'the •Indisposetion' Superintendent, and bad, for Die paltry • " 61102 of alt dolletrit, permitted a party to tap the main supply pipe. , . 7 Mr. Kirkpatrick' _responded by stating -that he had meorded tile privilege relerrm to at the request' of the Chairmanof th e Water Comniittee.. The Inoneyusliicit - bed . been reef - dyed bad been taithietto the City_ A. mottle: to lay the resolution on the ta bin was offered by Mr. Donna and passed. Me. Smith presented resolution iustrne . ting the Committee on - Strome to, , prepere " an ordinance regulattua width of putt-; .. elleys,,with a view of having no alley bertrultor opened et a leas, klth.thart time , ty feet. Adopted. I . Mr. Dentate 'presented a petition from Trroperty holders for the grading Mul past rig of Jefferson atreot In tie /Second ward. Read and. referred -to. the Committee on hermit! , • Mr, Alegre* Offered the • foliciosingel Width wits adopted: Resedrul. That the" Coretriitteo on Watt's. • Do Sn ila to Ipouire by. What authority Pattleg tet.Duntiesue tiorongb tape - tapped ono of the mein seater pipes helone-: leg to theaty,andiftrolit pestles; have not lisslanflielentmathoryty that -the ‘Watch Mint. off. Mr. littejr4.l.-r.pyit:t .r ogax.of,tpo folipwcigrth gatvre That the City:Controder end Ito is, hereby nutherized to atifertise ter twotioanle for, Lite- creetiop. of a. Market p.onseete De p5.,1.0 for i-0 Mahe fit pe any, as provi.led for With° late act of As s embly. Adopted • Mil • • • 01Petett. Tht) May, te.6lnittEd a communleritiOn (rota tieO. rtobre,:tia, conaratttatinir• Conn. MI9 upon tiro defeat of the ,Commlrdation MIL The communication was. received and Council than Nreat, into caner.. for tiro p ~ of .clecting a suitable Forsou for P., cording t h e lteulator, hot finanY reffined the matter to tr Committee on btreote aml Sowers. ' • On motion, adjourned. • • i r e.PJ n., 2,(r.i t,J GEM 53,:71 91 MEE 11,160 CO . 5 ?t) 77 ELV,GVIENVCi UNTT, 14.—1 u,CoucLut Coulszori Ile., JlAtle Term. '15'2." In II tvarer. stlill3 - . nieeltla N.:Callan, by her reit friend, O. C. Collin. es. Wiliam W1.'61 , 1'111. : All , l ROW to alt. March Oth, tiC, on motion of J.)," A , 197,1e72 for libellant, the Caurt opPoint k`. nllllOl, ironer in tate toblid.ony on 0, part of ilbellaut. Fruro -- JACO!: AVALTEP, Prothomit.T To WK. t•ir n'tleo nume•l re sponsient—,nu Vrlii mkt. , n-tseel that the dePuti tloon of ultreasrs cm the pate of ilbelbott; In abort: es‘e. e• - b 1 b• tatan L. foie me. stray 0f .11,, No, St rl ittk street. Pittsburgh, On T [VMS DAT, Ain T,tlt, lam, at 3ft:clock p. m., when awl tuber° you troy' attexttl. If you think proper W. P. MILLS:It, et•Mv;l(9-Ta , Cato TY Ts;S-: OcITII V, Al' • .1_ rilt: t - rIE) . .. OF VII.: LINCOLN' 311:1101{1- Al. CI NIIITYIt V. f A 11,e.t.. , v rocit:tr. for • M Jun, Su the COOT 4 of co.unon f ilcghen.. c•Art , T. Notice 1. I , ol,oynle ntli•tun lias be. n matte to Ow 461 Kr, f, • term litcarzera- Lion. ann that, at the term of sal] Court If re, in Inc cuntrary. j ut order will r` , hort te :, , ,corpursting Cal.l In `,/ .. V. N I, IN. nthJ /:t.rt, 1-r .I,t).l,nlit. • WVII4..It'IrtbitS , NOTH . C.E. - -Lejters ththa,nn•nry 1,1011 the li t 4e of 4 •AT II A -JUN it. ',URNS: dere.t- en., of -Findley ty, • u cnt gheny noun:). using Oren grn . .thal thr un.:crAgnell: nil wr-ons 10•1.11...1 to matt! state, ithreny nntlll , 4 to wake Irnme•llnt« pa) meut. nrol thus: cla'nthacnlns . . rad ttt:.te , are t , vre.ent thy,. duly sultan tt"" lithleP. Cy,cnter. • nalrith9:l , troth Tn • All ,pityny Co.. Vs. Tif CACC9 J Tut 11.. C. RV. L. eq.. cooool,lce 0r 10 ollEft'r S. • HASLET I. was nirti Starch 7.h, 43 , 7, In the lan. 01 I,omtt,ol • 1 2 :,..1 f t he Cheitf 0 " tf • r 0 .ue :era, 15,, And t ta: will be Xl , OOl and vOOll . OlOl 0-o,3ut , y within thirty , t,ti.t.trirry , 1331ZNISTRITILIVA of A•hhtnietrallno on the edt:Yht , .. Into Of Vltteloe•gh• ~I. hove, h, en gran:l4i to /: MKT. nE 1,re.1111 11,113 g clattl.r aierehlet ea ht setate oells peosvnt UM.. to Jilt Ameleracuril, make perh•za I,lchtcd are hurt tnotincel to p ayment to tlsert,eli = ?.re late e or been e , tl o Inn untW/L:3l,lolll , :rannill,avltig otatni wee ' : orldv, In•rxh. mll4 . - DUN CA,F. STOVES. t -4—"." . , -• ; ,? t5,., , ".- , -. ,, --,.- ,. - , :_-;---_" -.-,-- 71r. 7v - • - -, - ,-z ,'-4f` -i;,-,M,i,.-.'p.:-„4", -„ '., m ,*7.,.1i) 1- :3 - • __ * , A ' i ,A 0 . ~ Vts 91,: ' , 1- ». , . %V , w - S , <°ZBd j ,3. i 14bert5r Street AKE -,.z-sy€ to Vi (ItELIICZ No. 12, 9 t. Ctair.St., Pittnbuigt Pianos - , 413x-gans, = fc, Cel - 0,•21,1 ILY, New York, Co. . . , LEIC TY . 1). H. W. :Or 01:- HANF., r1:::711.2.1N't YIiTENT German Vlottia and Clul i.• garZ,ury "41n r 5,,,n1”..• - pr.usi tN Lt LAC. Wetilve Intro , laced to the trade our eeir per- Persian • .avr: rl 4 T!IV DELIC 4.TE AND' DE PitE:litiN. tEZE IA VENI ED. NI I ikly ' 2'S Witt la conm'Ate.vrlthort Per 3,1 e, 47 *EI C. , AS. 11/ACTIJIIIII) IIY C. n..I)4VORTIE Sc SON; . . . lioi:llw4ter,. =s!2,2===l 135221171 SHEPHARD'S CIiiACZZE.S 317 Liberty Street, P1T15872. CT7S, FA. fet,Z , l • ' Li.:. .. g_iYf , Sealer of. Weighty and Measures. Orrice: No. so NAILS:ET STREET, .lioun.t. - ,D, LILLE, & co., • . Frhor Caton aims, ilitsigirgb, • ." Ifsnaracturcrz .12%332011)(.i) SiaLI:TI:VI(S6 AL:V(3IOU (711 1.(111331:VG 1 1. ' ANcileoll (C) SIIEI3EVOFIL -mvlC2O C£11.71:15.'4 . **T PLACE IN. Tp.E I=l TRIUMPH CORKING STOVE. = • ••MIPEPEtaIIEWINC , '..: - CITRATE Or • - --11TAGNESIA,. • • !WI: 0.. bottlo•ylb poweer• -31Notnettx Is porgtO No aborierrt,rorr toecotobl •to the ttonueo, forbtu:ltch, soar Al . sick ttouoteh. ,o 1 tobt l'e , ' For tato by 111014 Prq..s:ed AKTLltitt Zr3rioltbrtlittt. b'bw ' to bt..1,w7 1)It. s S7EDINV6&E6. orcLck: rzNlr b7_8331". aces Eland far tto 6: Is of all .alrnarne. Of LLTI , Stc . n. au arrou. two ara War riara.• - ba on En 2112 near and Oat. tar.r.mand. Alto, anallnat Vis•aing as,and sad rAna ADenaaa Lnexerate. l nat.= gond o . l ' Cure s'o.r,nV 1 or .1,1174 tr :TAM Ijr.wt.-7 to Ima tor a , n r. 11 • ^^”... Dr. aF , Serven arret. • lIITTriII.T:II..4,II4NUFISEir.v AND ANL) 11.1ntl,Te, Vltta • 4tn:: or FcT. - ttt 't i/VT::, r ei b al 'b eet:. " lA7 Fr n.s. &.rape Nino. lad ulrenllan, Planta. Vitlobn rr 0.11.1an1 rarrongtr Cars 1115tC -the s,” •ut r enb dkrrtrun. brurg [Moon Itiltutpxll. , br, Toicv ottripsmiTr.icit t) HAM WO!: I'i:J:VIJAT Da r . I%W:l . th stn.., nutisit.or rtUsrt bruo.l. Pittsburg!, AtaaTo on l!arid nap , rat stsurthieut Of a— adlOs' e art, lientlornen•4 Wigs, yopnra onaloa, 1, IS pr:rn coslo giltn thr its!W 11Vtitri. rrnYe=cri's halr!nratlrrr dap, In rIDAT APPROVING ADILE. "" ;111':itr' Tr co, take bntn + s ti.rcititcfolEe, rt,upts: , NTI ( . 11 y RI; I r.o or NY llf K1C1(11 . :A. Yon aro rsro - to art' pm.: prod, acid at Ste Lime.i mutt' V -r. /TpERAT., STREET,' Alteßheß7 CitT. iptiros: 4 I:4IC , ORUE IS,WRYSZI. 03[ - El - 1, 1 . / 6 41.-4-11 = Crr Ranker atrid Brolly 4r, IS Wood St., near corner of Fifth. All descriptions of iliocrarment Bonds oonzht and sold Un I.lb6rld.t.gra.. London and Conlanno.tal .livinanico sold at New York rates. Gold, 811cer and Co wins bought at high. est rates, rod fice 1 Drafts issued on New t t ;Tort. _ TO HOLDER'S OF 7-30'8. lisclug wyde upecial arrangements with a-e.6"S" arc c/,' C 70., Our coy: em pendent 6, we are pretumi to concert 7-„ws. into 5-2,08 of 1865. Without charge. Bond. on! Hand for Delivery. IRA 11 • tHeTAY & CO., 213.151,3211r:er5. CORNER FOURTH OD SMITHIIEWDRiS Lb SIZES 7 3-10 BONDS Converted Into 5-20's, 1005 BONDS DELIVERED IM •rPDLITELY. JAS, T. BRADY Sc, CO., Bankers, Coy. Fourth & Wood SU. FINANCE AND TRADE. °vim* of was Perrin:mon Oaserrs, Mogoar, April 15, WM. S The New York Meek quotations today, as received by Mr. P. R. Meets, were as follows: Gold, 13.5%; bonds, 10;1; Five TWenthes, 1031. 107%': do, 1031, 1073 , „; Five Twenties, 1035, Ten Fottles,97%; Seven Thirtles,loe; do 21 and 3d Issue, 105 N; 5.20 Consols, te'l, 10%. Michigan Southern. RallrosAl, WS; Cleveland .t Fitts. burgh, 7ij Pittsburgh. Fort Wayne 4. Chl. cage, ilkei; Erie. OW; "Menge and North. weeteni.X2.3; do preferred, tILI: Now.. York Central, 9014; Reding, 103 %. Gold closed firmer and ductuated. from 135 to larkq. Government bonds better, opening strong , in the morning:but prices yielded under heavy - sales but closed steady. Railroad. were steady at a slight advance on tho *hole: list. Fort Wayne * steady. Cleveland advanced 1%, und Northwestern, common, % per cent. Reading and. New York Central have Improved 1 per cent. Every advance la closely followed by a car. •'esponding decline, and the entire list may so quoted below the real value of stocks. —The Baltimore Sun says The Treasury has sold several millions of gold during the last three or four days, which has tended to 'dine the Poole produced by an idle rumor themping war in Europe. Early In May Treasury. will disburse $2.4,0M.000 in geld lor Interest, which will, no deribt, well supply th. market. 141/1 baldly probable, says the Notimial Intettigeneer, that wur be. two -n France and Prewida upon thifil Lux , emburg question till occur at Leda' junc ture, though there are signs that Europe will soon be convulsed by international strife. Napoleon may not choose touch a time as Gm present; while the grand Expe -1 sitter, Examples Ids thoughts, fors war "rat Prussia—e. war which, It once begds. would certainly be disastrous to one or the other party, and probably to both.- liat so far tm American stock. are concerned under once cordiugenoy, It is not probable that the depression would lad, long. At the com menntitles Cell gold G rose, but it did not last long. The rise In New bore now is chledy speculative, end the ne xt news from EdrOpel tally be followed by a decline in gold sod a rile how tes bonds, There is. however, uperellea enough in the public mind wills regard to the Euro pean war .snorts to make the stcck market exciting and enSettied, .Philadelphis .Ledorr, or eatlrdaY, soya; The recent decline in 5- . ..11s on tne London Stock Exehtmge is attributed to a pressure to sell from traders In Germany during the war panic which prevailed for a pile or. the Frankfort Bourse. Some of the reports 'enest of the war excitement there es neatly or quite allayed, while others favor the opl n lon that there Li still cause for apprehending trouble. —"re observe that soma a: the national banks report compound interest notes 00- .der the bead of lawful money, In their Aptil quarterly stateruent of resources Habil/UV , The of them compound notes, were, In the words of MO act authorising them, s legal tender for all JuZ few of these old nittes ' sn;awanding. Sec , Lion: of the act of Jane 30, UM, en net which provided for the Issue of Imo hun dred mtilmons ofinterest bearing treasury notes, declares that no Interest bearing treasury note, issued under that not. be a legal tender in payment or redsmp. lion of any pole 19saed ay any bank, came toted to clrettiate. pie. Iltirlburt not long since, otided; the bangs that they Conn.% um . hold these compound interest notes al lawful money reserve for the redemption Of.eironlatlmo. •- -Some stockholders le a NOtOnal Bank at Enfield. Conntcticat, paid taxes their stook under protest. end will contest tire right of the State to loop the tax contrary will United States law. The stock be retnemliered. says the:. bent shall be taxed where the hank is located the State law, where the stockholders re side. The State will take the case up to the • Sepreille Court. elahning that local taxation isa power reserved to the State, not delegated to the United ritatell. PITi'SICURWU umutcra Ors= Oa sum Tqrrartuaanril O l a s, MI. - llerva,' Ideognat . , Ap The produce Markets present no new characteristic* worthy or special notice. The excltemen ' t which prevailed in regard to Flour and Gram last week is slowly sub. shilen, and It Is fn be hoped that a reaction In prices Is near at hand. There are all kinds of rumors current In regard to the rolling mole, but, from all that we can learn, the situation remains unchanged. GRAIN-Wheat s In suPPII and firm-Cannot be quoted, as there urn no es. MI:OW:Led quotations. Oats firm but un changed-sales to store, at 03 to 70. We can report a sale of 1009 bush Ear and Shelled Corn. to arrive, at V, ;mil I car Shelled at el. Rye la in demand az sl,sd. and lit- tle offering. Barley Is in demand bat and firm. FLOITIL-Is quiet but steady and prices alumugh.unchanged, as yet, are wall main- Wane We eontlane to uote at to eisl4 for d. good to choice tipr q fig Wheat; $l5 toale for Winter IYheatiand VS to $lO for Antes St. Louie breasts.- Bye Flour In now t quilted at $9.3 to 14 1 .t0 per bbl. PEOVISILONS-Baoon la steady, with reg ular Jobbing sales at TB tole for Shoulders; 11% to 11 lot !tinned Aid.; LW, to II (or c& or Shies: 104 10 /ro for Plain Sugar Cured, and 16t<15;i1 for Canvass° 1 UAW , . Pried Beef V. Laid, 13 to 1311, and 11ess Pork, SEEDS-Clovers/30d Is selling l nscull lota at 41;,:4 to 414. viraolay quint and firufban_ged VOX/ to ea 11.1aXiced is 'ranted at $3. BUTTER -la Coming In quite freely, and while the markets bettor supplied, prices remain tuudianged,aa pot-OS for prime and 38e for choice. EGGS-1n fair demand end 114 her, sales being reported today at Ole to 2.1 c-mostly at Ric. POTATOES-In better supply but un chaned-ashes In stare at ,25 er Ohl fo g r Fetich Blows , and 43,1 a to S {per p Ma for Buckeyes. • 11APLE SI:GAB-Solo or 19 bbls at 15 eta. Salon of 'Maple illoisates 'at 81,0 to 31,15 for g liner :APPLES-On'e.t and unchanged; reuular loin. at $5 to eti per 1,01. WiloNS.-Sales at 0,50 per bbl. Smell seed Onions quoted at IPS per bushel. HAY-Prime Timothy /lay in In demand and firm, while commons dull and bard to sell. CHEESE-Sales of now Western Reserve reported At /7 to M. DRIED .FLtUIT-CoriUnuee dull but un chunged.-small Sales at De far Apple., and 11 to 10 for Peaches. 011.-Lard Oil 1s and fair demand and firm at 91,10 for 110.1, and DX for N0..2. MMI2 PITTfi BITAtIIi prruoLE um Rumuur Osruni os w M O NDAY . nn Grkarra, . April 15, S. CRUDE—The market was quiet but steady, sne.k: while the transacticne, ki the aggregate,; were comoaratlyely - light, prim, have.hodergone no change. Sales of 100,100 and 33, all at 7c, and 700 bids at 11, pachanes included. There were. some ne gotiation& pending at 7 , ,44 for done. and 014 .for all the year, buyer's option, but at. bud .geoents,t.hey had not been nonarmed. Ac bireade noted, the general tone of the mar. et , was quiet, though, there are a good many begun at a slight reduction from, present quotations. if.EYIN ED—There wed net a single opera tion in bonded Oil to-day, at least we had none reported, and the reports from the east wore conflicting. One firm Imported the Philadelphia Market a ablate better, majorityers, and the we ak to no In the reported and. no buyers outside ofspeculators, the most of tho m acro „ 3x ,,ort. boring been withdr awn. Standard white, for summer months. may to, quoted at MX toll, eaten at thee*, pgures having been made keit Week. Spot oil ten: , Do quoted at 2ti for prime light straw to white, and gl to. g 7.% fur standard Waite. Iron oil le quiet but stand • at 401, for round lots, and 41 to 42 to a Waal na, • ell.ltiVALS—The following arrivals Of Oil rnPortod to-dav: It t e r gdo arils lOU Iterrlnanr 16 1 k) Jas. Wilkins 4.100 Forsyth & D. M. kkigarton.... la 4 TON • i _ ' Z,310 JAM DALZII,L & SON, 69 and 70 Water street, LAM OIL lIANUFACTIMIO3S, And. dealers In CRUDE, LUBRICATING and CARBON We warrant our No. 1 Lard 011 equal to the best Cincinnati, or other brands, and propos* to sell as low as Cincinnati or Chicago rates. Oar No. I Lard Oil as• Lubricator cannot be excelled. Dunk Creek Lubricating and standard brands of Carbon Oil constantly on hand. Merchants and manufacturers will dud It to their invereat give me a cal. before ordering Lard Olt from the West. , fete:LlD New Fork Financial NM • illy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Unette•l New Toms, April 13.—Money easy and steady, at G§7 for call loam. Sterling dull at Saw, gold, for first bills. Gold is lower; opening at 1351,1, declining to 131% and chin. log 1343;. Government stocks a shade firm er. Freights to Liverpool firm, with en gagements of bushels acorn at TX§ 311 d per sail, and 414§5d per stesm. WeeLlg Bunk Storement.—Loans, 708; decrease, $1,167,215.' Specie, 5 9 . '- 120 . ,9 :. lucre:me, $717,415. Circulation, 03,702,047: decrease, e 72,526. Deposits, $182,2013=3; de crease, $1,0110.0=. Legal Tenders, 1130,=3,515; Increase, 51,180,711 • I tiOvernments opened firmer, but closed 14 lower on the 'O3 and 'G41.105, but otherwise steady; closing prices for reglatered 1181. IM0109%; coupon do., 10050311021;;5 , 3ht littered 1802, le3 , „ 1 X101; do. coupon, 1 02 ,5 r/ 109%; coupon, '53, lini4§lo2l4; 3 e-40. register ed. li7K§3s; Auguat7.2:4, 10601061 i; Jane and July 105..%§,1115%. The Govern. most Is still a free ouyer of 7.3onMes and sometimes la selling now 6.93 bonds.' The Treasury disbursements are liberal which ,sulds to the increasing ease In money. - The railroad market opened firmly and prices were gnnendly better.. At the first open I board the market was firm, but began to yield at the stock exchange and closed lower. The closing prices quoted by Wm. Heath G Co. ore: Gold, 134%0131%; Ohio certhi. Oates. 244emi- Canton, 43,:f 43 , 4; Cumber. 1and,3U0a1,54; tiniskallver„ 30; Mariposa, 70 'P' do preferred, 2162115; Western Union, Telegraph. 3714G3714; Neer York Central, 112}.1§9.24d Erie, 55%655%. Iteading,oo§92ii; kJ:CMS/11i southern, GGiiietkiii; Rock Lamm, niy,§o.N; North Weatern..umme do pre fernl, 50y,,§50%; lost Wayne, Gel "40:J='4: Pacific Mall, =112314; atlantic Mad, MO Toe Stock Exchange has voted to remove all the restrictions snout notes of broker age In the Government Department, which fuill tend to 'incrust. business in public nds. • Border State bends are qulel , and steady; new Tennessee, 133063Y4; old Virginia, Mfg M; new North Carohnu, Sr; Missouri. Si. liiktll2llb6l And ht. Joe hoods, 0.14022; Pacific bonds ilane 014 rms 11st 115. Coal Is ahares without any s are ann. The klisespecial change. • Mining market was more active and ex cited at the morning wanton, and prices higher. Corydon was the feature, and with sales shares. advanced to 553; Gregory wen more active and sold up t 01325; Quartz 11111 advanced to 2)5. At the afternoon board Gregory grew weaker and declined to 505; Corydon continued the principal feature and 'rose to 570, with a business of 6ixo shares; Quorle 11111 was lower and wild down to =5; Columbia steady at 353; U. S. Petroleum Armor and selling at 4008110. 'Prices of kilning Stock bld In Boston to-day: Caliada 50; Copper Palls 22; Franklin is:; Hancock LW; Huron 10; tale lioyal 5; Mune sota 11; Quincy 23. . - 'Mew Tovk PiredoCe Market. :Illy Telegraph to the Pluabtsoh Now 'Yong. April lA—Cotton very firm; sales SIM* bales at 21;4o for middling tops lands. Flour:vvccipts of 9,993 bids; Musing quiet; California 11 rm and unchanged; sales 3g4 bids and Berko. Whisky quiet and un. changed. Wheat; receipts of 02,933 bush market without decided ehange I moderato demand; sales 7a,b00 bath at 51.00e1,1, 1, 5 tor No 2 Milwauxee. MX for winter red Cana -la, e 3,35 for amber Mate. P,lll for white Michlitoa. e 3,3503, 40 for white California— part to IltrIVV. aye lOwer for riveter:l; Pales 900,000 bush at Ol s iotylA2 for western,.ehten ]hello prthe,Sl.o/ for Canada freot hurley heavy; Rale.4 21.01 hush 61.31 for e1k0,14/1 West free, awl 51,05421,57 for gins 2 and a rowed State. Itarloy Skin qtills Corn; re 'walnut 11,WO bush; Market wlthout decided change, with a moderato demand; part fur export; sales 133,000 bush at 311,23.111.30 for mixed western In store, 51At61.32 fur do afloat, $1,25;t1,2 , .: for new white and naked western, ol,Mfox new whit. Southern, sod 01,3Ua11,51 fur yellow Jersey and Southern. osts less octave, bat wlthout any decided change: sales of 31,0u0 bosh at shat? fth for old and new western, und.72llAlo for state. Cot "gq, .lend.Y; cotes of 150 hints at t ,-'AllOc for Luba, and Ilt for Porto Vol.sea •tertly, with mall males at 57eithe for Cuba. and uAl.ils; o r Porto 11130. Petroleum dull: sales uf btals 10c for crude, Inc for relined in bond. Hoist quiet at . c. Pork heavy and lower; gall* 31,- 063 Md. at $22C24C: New mess closing at Irr:CstifOr . p.hi at/ 34 Old Mr Me's; 41 9 09 10 :5 (or prime Indiana:l3l b7(P32 001orirtate mesa; also LAJO '.bbla now mesa at 11:3137 to sellers In Slay. Beef steady; sales of 215 Mats at about preen:tut pricoli. Hams Arm at lOU Mi. Macon dull; sales 314 boths fAa baser:awl cat 10 Cut locals; ,i 010 p: sites 2 ,0 rjatils 101. ter ; trite ' ;v o ; it:rem:l7ll t.O Butter Ann 111 Wean for tnilm Cheese steady. Stock It, warebouse,wheot, 1,23.4 . i5 bush; corn, 1.117.10: bush; oats, 1. 0 1.- 700 both; rye, bosh; barley, 5:01,33.5 bosh; stale. 2.14151 bush; row., se.,ktt bosh. r. u.—Flour eloped quiet. with prieva slightly In lavdr of buyer*. Wheat ;a 0010 on for wlutcroand dull for spring; No. 2 spring, $3.644.3,09: NO 1 antler. •27 6 0 6.1,35; winter—red and. ember, SMIA.V.q w alto Western, o,7=l.M:white calthartdo axan v73,R11 - arn - rlvrirwll4l . lVll/ Nesters,answer , t - 4150., nominally unc h anged. Corn Wall, sl,"Clpi., 1,74, In adore; sod 11.310- 111,31 1 ; afloat, fat snipping mised 1.611.4,11. Pork quiet. with sellers at 413,70 101 new men. eashiand ethoft,4, regular: buyers .t 1122.C5,0a01i; IthlAl regular. keel qinat and C 1 ,3100010 0011, DOMiIIO/.? in wayerst favor. Bacon steady, at 4(4.;c for Cumberland labial.. lard quiet, with llaaltest wales at. 12 , 40:11.30 fur fair to prime; Steam kettle rendered nominal at 135i011. Tom Tart Csµte littaukei. [fly Tehgr , bo tort. Pittsburgh Gazette.) Dew Yong. April 15.—Beeves under con tionod hets awmar. and Pic icarhot in fir mer with an ultruice of Icily lie cull/ established in all grades. In some mitten cos an advance of 3agle wan obtained In woo:mown . grades. The demand was ac tive and alloffensigs &doily sell; mid the quality of cede was fair and sogrcely gel. ling below leye; bulk of sales at IGuli!.(e; quotations of as tra 1c,4013.4e; first goal. by at fair to atand. Mali; mintier., 10,4013 C. Sheep and lapthu ruled Orin throughoutthe weeitiprlrne grnales *dean. ea i4fy!ic per pound, but the market Owed Vey, at an Improvement; common stock net e.i.mutiallg changed; tint quite& number of sheared atteup Commandedand occasionally as 111 g,, as fXo tor extra. We quote unebrared at .!403 len, the. la. for price for extra. llosis with continued liberal sup. ply of inferior; the stock ruled dull and heavy and izoillefa wore otd4cil to antetill to a decline of fully Ste; even - siting cone:.. 5101, of the trade it was not very active. and the demand from slaughterers was limited In consequenco of the fact that Inferior of feriagg la the prevent - prices of slaugh tered would acarculy Op rethencrative; about nicer don (son male tete morning, al. moat all of which sold at 7(r1)40 for fair to heavy prime corn reclined e...,01370 for com• men sad rough. f,die beeves; 14761 sheep and lambs; 16.055 bona Cincinnati Macke& I B 7 Teleirso N the rlitaborgh ustetic ,thsciinaTl, April lc—Flour Arm with malera• a local domanci,• prices unchanged; suntans *lbw:. trade brands 313016, and fancy brands $lO4llO. Wheat scarce and but little offerings 1.1.0-bushels lie. 3 Boring sold at 03.55, and 200 bushels No. 1 Winter at 33.20. Corn In better supply, and dull, at $1 45, in balk, and $1.91 in sacks; White Wha held at at esuked. but these rate , are norm. light Oats dull at li { esile and Ole demand light and only local. Itye ln war, the supply being better; sales of No.} at - 31A holders asked $1,701n most casoa„but did not sacs food In 1114.190 It billy extent. Barley an. changed and dull. Cotton iOn demand and price. nominal at lOUdn for middling: Whisky null at 210 is bond. Ideas rorksbill and prices ncaninars there was no demand and It could have beam bought at $22,50. Bulk Meats dull andcoald bar" been bought at Wahtge. Loom Bacon nominally Ka lowers dilaonldcrs could have been bought at I.k , Sides at Ile, and clear hlues _at 110 121-o. Lig" try b et27ll ll /Vg. ° iltiterran a ll C ne.ionnc4anged and quiet. (PoVer-Seed retailing at $l2; Timothy at $3,131(53,10. Eggs isle. nay nrm ato ll 023 for prime Inhales, arrival-oa Linse e d Oil Oral at $L4301.44 Lard Oil unchanged. yotroletim IOCCS2 for Itefincd, duty paid. ItatilmoriiMarket (Or 7 el( graph tattle Plltabargh liatette.l Maranon:Mt. April 3.—Catreei Bto good demand and prices maintained; prime scarce. flan: quiet aytd voltbout decided change. Wheat declined SUG none feted at the decline; Pennsylvan sc; ia choice rod $3,i3.. Maryland radsl,ko. porn action at a decline of Se; ado, tit white , At , 111.0 0 0 1,37 nod yellow at sigeol,23. Oats; receipts large; wiles , at TAG ,kt. Ilya sl,ou. Glover Feed leis active; small sales at 913P1112.60. Provisions q M quiet and nochangeti. Lard 132 1.1%c for se , and CPfcr Darrel. Pecan; demand pr gwically moaned to noetbern orders; bulk Sides now.. SPigar. Otrrd.9l fan . tO good .rottaing lut,taleNe. • ,Dry flowSs Toole, [Di Telegraph le the Plttabcirgh Gluettit.) lisarVong, April 11.—P17 goods Market steady with a fair tneutry only for desire- Isle styles: - Union, woolen. fabrics aoo beav shootings or the best makes. sell readily y. at `11; seconds 39, and infester, 19. Sprague has sontwoneed waking detentes, which made Melr appearance lo market for the Fret limo to-day s alloy and Col • orings are good (dr tee beginning. 111114 the goods put At 2914, sehlep is only rialto Cola less than the Pacific. llampton and other maim. in Other makes there lane lmportaut changes. Laofertile Market Dv Telegraph to the littiborth etaretta.) Loularla.k, April 1.1..-liajoa of 'WWI; Of leaf tobacco, stiff , ippoio,l6 for light 100 and modlum buporlino lo or, 100,2bU 411,13. -Wheat noridtiaL Cora blifborl Inkulk, Me; shelled, £CIO. oat,. Woo., lu bulk. Men por',Bulk shoulders, Stic, bacon—rboulart. el4cl cloak •Uldr. 121.‘c,'pocked, Lard limos, yrk.lle, coltou, 230. Vow whiskey, 05.23. • • PhilseeliltailiMaricell. PT Telegraph tot). Vitteburatt llasette.l Ffl.f.APshPitta. APtll /I. — Flour .t/uhsti northwestern essnssl4.2.S; extra State 1115,00. Wheat in good demand; sales of Primo rod at at,54, apd California red at 13.4 a. Coro RRBlOlted; sides woo haahels of yellow at 5.21 ; lout bUßtlela of mired welder's on private' terms, Oats; sales of 2.51:0 bush els at 7&s. Clover seed $l3. Musty; sales of contraband st Sl,OO. • Fisher 8r0....”411 Bs dy%B. Co,. 102 J. Gallagher.... SOS J no. Gallagher. 1600 J. K. Barbour... 100 Yrri`SBURGH ROVE WORKS. DIARSILLLL, FutTroN EWAN AN, Only Mann Lauren. In the West of HEAVY CORDAGE, Suitable for lildiam arta Coal Boat.. 11AW6MIL LAID OIL WELL BOWL Tarred Ropes for Coal Railroads, HEMP OAKUM AND PACKINI °MILKING COTTON, de.. aft. Warehoase,ll4 end 115 Wikter Street, MNIMMNi Kt. Louis Market. 131 Telegraph to the Plttayargh • ST. Lotus, Aprllls.—TObacco in good de• •and and unchanged. Cotton dun and nothing . doing. Floor extremely dull and 250 lower on all grades, except on choice and fancy; good super. $12,5e(113.00; extra $13.50; double extra 615,00,016,7:, choice and fancy SIIVIR. Wheat very dull, except for 0110100 qualities, which are scarce; No 2 spring 1r2,15041.1,60; prime, choice club 1.3; gOod fell 11.1,50; prime $3.0053.6.5. Corn; large receipts caused an easier market, except for choice; price ranged at $1,0601.12. Unto doll end lower. at 7814tqc. Barley uncbang , ed at $1,1201,45 for spring.. Provielons very quiet, and but little doing. Whisky dull at llntDalo Market. By Telegraph to the Masher& tlasette.l • April 15.—Flour firm with a gord inquiry; Nails of 350 bushels Of Spring 'at 1le,50; 300 at $12.75613.03, the latter price for fall, ground. Wheat in good demand and steady; sales of If.oo bushels of white at a 3,2263,25, and ono car hand Of Vert' cholco at a3,45;a150, ono car load of ordinary am.. :her. at I:1,05, for Canadian. Corn ideady; sales of 25 car loads of Nor Toledo. at 11,10 nn the state line track. Oats , unchanged. 'aye nominal. handl, Pork, Lard wad lush' wales unohangod. • Fpm Orleans Illarket. B. Tele/renal to the rlettbul Kt% tittette.l KW 0173.....11, April 15.—Cotton mach an a. ell enlesa,./OU bales low middling at 2.;:tt32 , „lc —nominal; receipts of 6.321 bales; exports 1.515 hales. ISPCPC and Iloilo:ma; no aisles. Flour arm, holden asking nigher price'. Bacon dull; ehouldeni Inc; rib ll;:old130; clear aides 17,;ct Lard In goad il;an at 1:111@l4c. Gold 1a94. Sterling 116617)4. Now Slant Exchange woollen, Ileanplais Market. . . [Di Telegraph to the Plttsourgh alette.l }lateral...4oW 15.—Cotton is firmer b. coml.; t •ribt , bachabge.l; rechiptb.6ls bale . Corn p. 1,1601,25 for prime. data kl4g9uc. 4111317. Floor flren; Sepnrfino 1,11e1 . 2. For .iullateb;soe2.olo. Bacon; blear Si... 11 013 e for built clear hides 1231!•ic; Shou li we SYiegOo. Others unchanged. Toledo Market. • [Br Ttlegraph to the Plttabetrith farrttel April 13—Floor gaud and dem. Wheat—White hlteltigan, ill•Amner, better, sales of former at $3 • letter $3 01 301't. Corn without materil, allanse, fur new No. 1 534991/. Oats Meer at 62%. Phltalelphla faille Market. (IV Telegraph to the Pltotorgb 0a.11,1 Pal LiDELPIII), 15.—Cattla dull; /take of (O bean's t 1.24(ti0. sheep In fate 41. manill sales of ICOLP head at - . 14611)14e. lingo dui/ asol lower; gales of 3,014 bead at latel2c. BY RAILROAD. nrillscraos,roaTWar■• A c.. 10400 It. It. 15-111 Dbl. flour, owner; 1,10 tlo do, 53 Connolly; 2 errs rcraplron, T Maloney; 101 Mils tour, tieghtnyer t Vosk ant p; ,:0 , 10, J S Dilworth & co:171 pigs lead, 13 L Falince sack& & co; 3 pkg.. butter, a do apple butter. Ido bacon. Kell Ititehart; 5 pkgs butter, 30 Ltils apples, Volgt A. co; 9 ..1.3 1.10 sacks rickse. A Dotel; kirkpat rick & lire; du. blooms IS lit, cheese, 111,1.110; bola potash, &Ants Son; I egg, 1 do butter, W .1 Steel a Mot 5 dozen tubs, 301,1 s candies, Means der. pall, 3.10 DD., Smith, Johnston a Cobb;vn sks rye, 1.11110 a Ileettlingt 1 curs tmetal, Bryan a ckughee; 10 bbia niaky, .1 S Finch cars 11111VC3, ttilipt S Itohertson.,..! do C . rt; Smith I car metal. J Moorhead; 103 bhls flour. Id nit a {Citron: 12 Wits 0141101 nm, Shipton s t IC abatis., c boles tow, J Milliken. CLDTDA•AND AND PirrorraDD 11..1Ln0/o. April 15-9 bbl[ apples, 2,10 Vetoer 4 AnnatrOnni 14 tints applel,o 40 eggs. owner; it , r 1101.1104, Shulr, Son 4. II Jugs molasses, Volgt co; bundles ;rakes. Joe 11. licultre,l; We aka malt, Spencer ' McKity;i2 kit butter, t ttilu engs, .31 Ink, .otcssus, Vangonfer 4 SltelArtly 109 1411• coi, W m %WM, t, 111 .10 ts Shp. itr,l; 0,10 eggs. Iwo.. Miteltellt 1 ao lara, lc, oo pe, Hoye S. co; do butter, 5 pt s ., 1 ear potatoes, 00101 t co; 52 5140 oil, 15 4, 3 Clear; 00 Jugs inniasaes, owner; 157 sack% rya..las t.Dun, 1111.5 u 1.1,11 apples, ' shotnaker A I.ang:s7, .f litrbour; 1 cars Inn, 3110cUtterger & MID; 13 bbla ap ple., Pettit a • • ALLaassorT STsTIOU. :Ord 11-1 S dos broosol,lo his snip, 6 bills scat:Sots. Kohen Jim 'IS kßirs bottor. U U uSsacts outs, •sss bLls floor, btewurt Ls:we:ll,lm; borloy, Wall; so bit Is t donna ban dies, 11,111 toy 1.Co; 5111.1 s whisky, Cm mill; bbls cur.:teal, Itololosort sty; 0 bas soap , better lloslnnoo 10 41. do, S 1 our outs. 11 Knox d ion; I bill butter, II aE A Carson; II bra soap, 4. I' tie; ty ; I bbl out:y.l,l4a bitley, Lociturt; 00 00. corn. pkg. seed, ii.netly d Lotbcop, bbls CRCs. souls. sou a 0'; 2 cars In how, Kono•dy ltro; 211 tddrs, Lspoo Weise; 10/ 1,010 Slot:m.oos. Vissuody. ' grr:*?; ZO TY. Cruet:mast Q. IL, Aprtll3.-1" Ltdl Amu, Slinulalrer Lang; 1; do em,Urot Ilettury oas bar. Icy, in bble tepple., .0 it Igeanor; 31 bundle+. Duman, Spencer, entiver a co; 19 pkg• dry apples,. 1,1,10 green apple., Velar a 4-0;3 Olga bides,Kahn .4. co; 0 0140 gour, .1 Waiker, 61 vas oat., ado corn, :ham ebeese, Sturgeon Lino; 1 7 / 1 pkiraltrn, Jae Clonnori U/ Fel* apple 4, owner:6 do pntatnee, Llttln Mecbtlnice3 do ogre, pkgs. lard, SI IV gankln. • Am, c033g1....5r1L1.. A. 8. Apra rol Lar.d. Nawocapar, Lice a 17/ bbis Comm:, C LL 1..c.ec1,a31111bh1,1. W 11cla.a•u; to IP , Le c.oenC, J (;Odin 1, twlls paver, 31arklo coal car - clay, Plclikett. coillll,bla apple., .1 IV Wright:3l , W. maple war. 4 tpyer is col I uos choose, Al W ALLIGHWXY VALLIT HAtinosn, Aprd la.— I esr Iron and nails, Marti.), Pricked & eel t Las Ilse/In, It sk• rags• g• it.Avoin., 1 our ksY. S Klor S eo; 5 cars ell, kon , y4ll& Boo; Tl oks oats, Wicket & sot 4 b o la eggs,:{ pkgs butter, J Helsel!' 2 pkgs butter, 11 menders. BIVEB'NEwa The rlyer co - atingle to recede steadily at this Point with nine feet three Inches by the Allegheny marks here, and Ilse feet re,. ported at OLlA:ity. The weather yesterday was ninthly and chitty, with a sprinkling of rain In the afternoon, and indications for 'more last night, .There bas not been a mingle , transient ar. rival since °or last report. The Argosy, from ''Cincinnati, le due horn to-day, and will return as banal on 'Wednesday. The Glasgow, from Saint LAMA, II altio duo here The loremt, Capt. Shuman,and the Glen. date, C. pt. llare, will positvely leave (or W.. Lout* to-Klay, and paysettgara and Chip. pars ran rely on 1.11/3, ;Lod act accordingly. The Importer, Capt. NON, la next In turn, and will commence husint,/ at once. The Colutubla, Capt. ti. W. need, to filling up stendily,'-and will anon be ready to tat:a her departare for ht. Louis .anti the Cpper Ytwlwlupt- The &merlon, Cep/. Goldiog, is no (or New Orleans, andthe. Eona Porter, Captain J. Porter, leaves for Clucinuut on sucur dap next, . , The Allegheny and Monongahela' rirer packets appear to he doing a tulr business: The Idaho. cleared fur Olt City lest even. log, and: the Zeno Is due here from that t o loKley. Tbe Mitahp 'fennel& appeara to be the most &amulet. Wet in the lirowne. rine trade. . Tee Louisville Journal, of Saturday, says: The Ajax came in from above with a huge tow for New ()Meths, She will leave tills morning. The A.,1. Dakar has got oZ three of her barges safely from We rooks at the head of sue falls, and was working away at the fourth as we left the river yesterday evening. We notleo that Mr. D. Crawford, of Dittos burgh, the special Agent for the Treasury Department, has been hi the city for a tow days, on baldness connected with the do: part:per:the represent!, Wu believe that. e leaves today on the Nick I,ougworth fay Mempals. The st. Louis Dispatch, of Friday, 513 1 1 The Mountain trade la growing beautifully less every day, and is about floated out for this season, Ttiore Is oonsideruble govern meet freight to ship, bat outside of that, a general dullness prevails. The Nymph was unavoidably detained mat evening, but will positively leave teeday. and will Pe Val, lowml by the 4bcona tcmorrow. The tunnago to part is largely In excess of the Ocuidl6l, and many boats era lying Idle. There Is general complaint about dull times, which seams the more singular, when It to considered that spring only just bursting forth. Usually at this time of the year, matters aro brisk and lively. We trust a change will soon take place, which will bring brighter prospects and realigattep, The Memphis jing,oflaot Wednesdai,saYsi The (treat . Itepublic, Captain Donaldson, arrived from Now Orleans yesterday about theca P. M., being several hours hob Ind her advertised time. The delay was caused by the breaking of her pendulums and dootor near PrOvidenee. New ones were Ordered by telegraph from Ylusburoh, to be for. warded' by express to meet the bout at gL Louis, whereat:A wilt undergo the necessary repairs. . The Idadison`Ceuriir, of. Thursday. says: There Is an Important trialnow taprooms In this city between N.T.lthinbridge,owner of the levee and wharfboat lyleit West street, and the United ➢ States Mall company. lttr. Dalubridge sues the Mall Company for slo,ool, for alleged damages to his wharfboat and property. Yesterday and this forenoon was OCeurned t osatnining witnethess. The case will be atom today. • The St. Louie Rep/lb/lean narei The steamer Albert Pearce has discharged her cargo of machinery taken from the wrecks of mummer. aunk Is the vasoo river duciptt the war,and will be ready to receive freight for Vicksburg and the Yazoo river tell morning. She will bring back another cargo of bolters 4e., from the wreck, of the boats in the Yazoo. she brought some twenty-five bailers, several large cylinders, Thelnrge ameent of PO e trip. Bee was due at New Orleans last Sat.., erday. with cargoes ponalsltuir of the foV lowing artfoies of produce;: 14,000 bushels of corn In bulk. 13,061 sauna corn, 1.018 sacks brae, SAM barrels flour. 30 do , toal meal, 667 do k 160 de potaes,4lo do and 604 do whisk por y. SO do oil, ZS bes hay, N; Piet' Mos Menthantliso. STEAMBOATS. I - . 1867. 1867. PITTSBURGH AND ST. LOUIS . . .lE.mbc.larcotLta.o. ecrinpoard of the following splendid steaniers: ESSZNOLE.,_ LORENA, EZRA. FORTES, MAGGIE HAYS. WAUA NITA, NEW YORK. •RMENLA, ODLUMIItia. SILVER LAKE No. 4. IMPORTER. KATE PUTNAM. KATE RORIN.OI4, YORKTOWN PILVER CLOUD No.T. BELLEVERSiON. OLABUONV. 11111CRatA.N. /MELIA_ YOE.. / One of the above boate 1011 leave Porn. Louis and all Intermediate po cm earn EDNES DAY and PAT LOWAY. at I s o'eloce W r. ss. Yrelght and paasenirert rehrlP ,o4 . lo ' .. c ht.oU POllll. on Um Upper Idlsslroppl. Mauls sod Missouri' rivers by the Northern Line Pieta Illinois 111000 Parfet Co. arid kilssonrl hirer oats. Apply in LECK. COLLINOWOOD. EARNER COLLINS. Aar no. or "pi " "I"kono"VrittNttftn=r2l - Q,IIINCY. *LEO-I I :Mt 4 KUK. UUBLIQUK AND. PT. PAUL, I , : RECT. —Tao floe steamer cut_ Biro, c01.11,11111A. Will leave for ahoy* and intermediate ports. oil TtiIIOODAV, lath lost.. at 4 p.m. lot frelabtor p aaaaa a Apply 0.. board or to LAIIK, C 01.1.1 NUMMI/. f apa 11AIINod 41, U01.1.1P14 . Foie liffarri s 'NEW ORLEAND.—The /We prterrorer sltahter . A tit EHIVA GAA. GOLDING. have for the above and Intermediate ports ontc NIIN dOtt&Y.: the 17th Ont.. at 4 p. at. ror frwight or bruar.t or tO 5712 LACK & CULLING WOOD. ADM INDEPENDENT PACK KT Volt HT. LAMM DUBUQUE Wertarga AND HT. )'A PL.-one nue steamer ttPORTEit t'• t. 10110 NOSS. Will Warr aa above on WELttirene.Y. April 17. h. Will ae. ~,,, freight and power:. for II favour% river. Ylfreleht or Pawago aPPIY oG boor/ or to FLACK' h CULLIPTUWOOD. apll ot.erists. IT EVANSVILLE 2 r a ga x t CAIRO AND Pr. LOU/8. Tbr snlendhl potenger steamer I. OtE.N• 1t apt. RIPIraLtY, WIII loos as above au THIS IDAT. at Ip. m. I For frelght or Imo sape apply 0.. board. or t o atr't pl. ACK a CoLLINOWOOIt. •Irsats. .• 1 NUE PENDENT PACK .- ET—vole ea. LARIId 'AND 509111 LUVYII.—The splendid new pusenger t/1117:1;., MEl=l=4 V. .itjtve ' fo v the above an dinterlitealata Pavia on THIS D 'CY. at t o'clock p. tat .ta r ""4 . " " • • aLL pplf ou bore or .ye P" :IWILS - CUIor. Agent REGIPLAIL ,INEEfiL T IA L IZZ PACKET 12ETOPENN PEE NU Ito 11 AND CiNDINNATL—The new and lelia n eacti ''lP-k" ' rent. Ponren. Will leave Pittsburgh on isATURDAY. nprll at 12 at. For freight or paolse aPPIy on ottOrds or to r. liadtvleo I or COLLoO, Aort. LILTING AVERT WIDIIIIDAT AT IS M. —The fleet and e omm.loua Aleou;E • • • . (Lv4 LANNI Va.vaarrr. W. tl. troll. Ckerk. /or Ire LA or cAtie s s . p . Blz i nrard or to fell CHAN. HANN EN, I LI. '" REGIIE - AR WEEKLY PACKET BETWEEN PITTS SUNNI( •ND CINCINNATI —The new and W 111 I..are for U e v ebore and IntenroolLste port; lut ;11A'tiol:• t rAlfitS ' E'V T. el:r7' Otto zeta en A. 4. KANN RE! ro +two :41/4 co :xi TACK BROTHERS, COMMISSION MESCUINTS, I= Petroleum and Its Products .ri rrt II UllOll °met-PC..I. corner of Dud ceand Way .d Irwin .treat. PIIII.ADELP/ILLOYFICE - 191 Walnut at 1C1XX•131: C>XlExt3l .10.XX-aen SOHO OIL WORKS BEFFIT KEAN & CO lILNUTACTURES TUX. CELEBRATED SPERM LUBRICCOR Petroleum Lubricating Oil; Sperm, Lard and Wha.a • IYAILICnt ms Lay OIL wain GUI% • C4U. STA!DtRD BUM% OIL, No. 33 Plorket ntreet, PITTSBURGH, PA WARING & KING, (1111.1310 N MIDIS A) ILO* a Petroleum and Its Products, 4 p 17Q IfIES.XE Wa l t PITISAVIUM. rIDLXLILLPILIA &DULLS'S: WARING. KING & CO.. ..711:.48 la 7 tiralam& PhD:. RENDRICK'S LUBRICATOR. M. ,,, uiNctuend by WHITE, 111109. 8,00., N. York.. E. J. ROBEILTS,.Agcmt, No.l Bt. Char Street, Plitebwrgh, PO. =I Cotton ractor7 OIL Dut Idublneryou. Woolen UM OH, Dart Eurne 011. Lt,ht Cut C. VII. No. 1, Ligta Cy 1 .41 beret, Dart Car (111, No 1100 UM, 1342110.0 NIT ooLoalimur, oacuraeuuna ozionura...a.s‘ror, OF PITTSBURGH. PENNA. fiVAlTlESairaAndftewn WORILII ZD TWIPAIL&PICEVILLE. Orlce,No. 2 Duquesne Way, (N.Y 84 0 16 • 102 L ItAIWELCTUBLID OP PUSS WORD BURNING OIL dl3ran —"Lucifer." 173.1.f56 BUT THE BEST. PETROLIA BLUE LEAD 71/11. OIL ItYVIWICHJS e...iranuma 014 au for we br ' E CO., PIONS R PAINT WORKS. Cor. 3d and Market Sta., EAGLE OIL WORKS, raurvecrarossocrwilles. WICHTMAN & ANDERSON. Definers and Dealers in PETROLEUM. aItrIVTL. AiirlinußTOD,PON. re41."11; 11REWER, BURKE & CO;. 'COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AGENTS run VIZ Pacific, Globe & Liberty 011 Works ' Ample Storage foteroda and belleedoll. ()rode nub advaneee mode oo ,oslenments of ()rode or Refined Petroleum. Yards for Menge Lod .hlpeaeut of Crude, OU al Loerreueeillle. Oftee sae Wareboare.eoraerotamomme-Way and Hancock carnet. 1121,1ErsIN Ml= 1331==i13 LOUGIRREY & FREW, ItArtrIAMOOCOS , Saddles, Ilarnes, Trunks, sad all articles in their Ilse usually kept arst•slass estabUakesentas N 0.102 WoociSiieet, (bales - a Dluteud Allei and 111121 S iT trlT•ll' l an D Olt A it tK A f 7 ilif . AT ILEATIIER it:LTINOIAD HOSE, bununwt.4s4 at No. 58 5#111015LI) 5T., by HARTLEY . .. -. DUMPS & 00 . Alto. AsOats lox Haw Tort Rabbit <;1-um Tlfeiting LO.Z I At Walt INVLS ' ne l lg PhlijrlLTS and BUS* BUM 1100Kba ;;' pallos I PIANOS I I—An entire new stock or KNAVE 01.1..31T1AN0, watch are now con,lderen the best node: also RAO S 3 OELSOULTELVIIAIIO3: I , &. Rem 1330 Award. rtr•O. In 'qr.' of a Arai elan Visas rt spectrally leaned to all sad er.ssaind ssforepasabssisi slumbers enemy:trim atvas, - • . 4,3 1N34 u r<<,~r:~~t~f:~:t•~w~,:~:~:~:s IMEICH IRON WORK& JONES tz LAUGHIES, 1.1TTE13311:7141. 4 12 : 3 3 . "rEmACroluzi at AMERICAN AND CLAIII Bar, hoop, Sheet and Plate Iran Bridge Iron; 'Angle and T Iron; ' Guard Iron; Coal Screen Iron; T Ralh,l6 & 201 M. to the yard; Tram Italls,pu.nchedand coon. ter sunk Boiler, Bridge and Tank ItivetS Cut Walls and Spikes; Ship and Boat Spikes; Railroad Spikes; Railroad Fish Bars and Bolts; Railroad Car wueeh and Axles; Street Car wheels and Axles; Coal-Pit Car Wheels and Axles; Patent Cold Rolled Shafting Patent Cold Rolled Piston Rods; Blower and Reaper Bars. whauxotres ♦N) orrice. 120 Water and 158 Front fits, BILLNO2IIIOI7Bi. Not. 22,24 and 25 River St., Jet:on 01110500. ILL. SHEFFIELD STEEL VDUS. SINGER, NECK & CO BEST REFINED CAST STIR Ma MI AD 0146647.01 MI 11/OL KM. Ycsa7. CIXCIILAS. ease AXD CROY MT SAP' PLATES. , ILIAPTIU AND 8111U-LLLIPTIO RAILWAY SPRINGS, Caere Spring Bled, Cast and• German Plow Steel, PLOW WINO'S 'AND MOW= BAIL SPRINGS, RILES AND STEEL. TIRE, SIOKLG tnnyv t isoNILAAUT T IL. POK OZUVT-UAILS. #4.. Warehouse, 88 WateiBt, PiStalk seLtAl ATLASWORIM ORT OA" 137.11tEN Ninth Ward, Pltbergh. rnomAs N. MlLLElliPresident. These Works *re meow the Lassa us! inset • •• pis *stab' Issmset laths West. sad. We Ow pr te o- ored to Walsh Enginesof Every Desertptton, Boller; Oil Tanks, Mien Iron Work, Bs timid Castings, Bolling Mill Castings. Engine Castings. Machine Castings, General Castings. - ORDERS SOLICITED. nol:sfei PITTSBURGH FOUNDRY. OC=!! A. GARRISON O.: tSaocossore to Bollsosa, gumbo t Co. FOUNDERS AM) MA TS Moootactoron of CHILLED HOLLERS, 11 ru O F e ALL illEt, T Tb r, : 47l 4 B rt ,Ztna =lll Work. Alfa. talltgbrT.rattlnet. of all d• ecriptlane: Bart Mills, Patent Doable Grinder witilt •arlet, of outer natl.... a.. . an baud tAd Sited to order. on apt. Rados 1314 ra• FMB MSEE=I .1'0.119 SiosUhaeLd Strut, IMZEI Iw B FORT PITT FOUNDRY. • ••z lENIP NEYOWS HEAVY ORDNANCE,. *SD ALL SOMA OP ELM CIABITAEHL tipeelal attention pshd t ItOLLINO WILL W.•.•. KL.AsT bLAC.33II7ILAY end =TOR= SEPAIIIS attended to prosalotly, As heretofore, the best iaatertala eitti guars be used at this Irensidry. • Harlan disposed of our old stela. vs are prepared, sett!, NKR AAP larintirm =retracted ender the operidsion nom. to tarnish MAIL ILLCIIIII/.15 OA so. ROBERT LEA, waurLclUßUor t TEAM ESPIES AM BOILERS MD DOCTOR. ENGINES. • Asireuttn i s atoll descriptions nude to co;thir o ..iiikof Blest sad Fm? Rtirlmtirg plrrssozes. PA. 1= UTILITY WOUKS. McLEAN Et SUITOR, No. 83 Liberty St., oppoeile Four% CABINET MAKERS' HARDWARE. Tu., make a epeelags: Imhs Bedstead sad Pivot Calton: Poem Bedstead and Pint Caton: Be dated las est Mope fee Libra slon Tablas, to . They also easalfetarli sad have mmstastls Imads Thema Lambe& ObeleS Latches, al•Leales Window bash anpoossas, Basentrte bash Batten. Malty Inlet V/ Ng the li i.PeiithaVe. W ..V " ' *Whi. war. ALLlll—, L. it"I:LL WALLET STOVE WOES& ALLEN. M'KEE A CO., Wass wad Warfhavise 201LIImilt7 !opposite Omit Wield, . . Mannteetaru agreat variety, of • 0001 L. PAS. LOA and LIZATIeIe ITUYIO4. as weird, me the celebrated Allegheny end ltd Coal Vet:dash aims; alma. the Automat audgentleel for coal or wood. lad the unrivalled Stay of the Mintdre., for treed; a/en, Arehes. Orates. gan ders,' Hever Kettle... Deg Irene and Hollow Ware generally. • 1181.Dtarf.... Of. I. MAI= 'ETNA STOVE WEEKS. . A. BRADLEY & 00. Cook s Parlor and Heating Blom the MlLdstitt suartca. ?KOMI; end TALIN.SLA.N Coal Stem.:?_. PI/" VET sad NSW= Coot Mame.) Zll.l. 1.10.1 3 maahlletart (Woad GRATES, GRATE. FRONTS, iice. 020.1 WI Wertheim. comer of tieeetdAig Wad Kneel, PltUbtdito MatrdOod qrtreet. JAY mit PITTSBEIOR IRON WORKS. J. PAINTER & SONS. . - 141.1111P1=11 1 1111 1 CR ' Iron, Ilabket.Tab and Trunk HOOPS AND SHEETS. ETC) BCII DLILMOND orrsuicrta Inrcomuzmw,, ==l !ARIL; BROTHER al Cay Darr tarALITT SLIM= Mr Mid. Dottie. rtat Dad 0e.(84614 of an Dias. Wiz arnit co4:Main. .041110 Imparrad or - suattaistand to MS 011010 tab wiroloase, Ns. 141 DM .1111111 a, Hound ftresta. Pasteh. ••Tt • - IRON CITY MILLS. ROGERS 8: F'OROEEFIEIZI, lisuuttseauvesof lielbaed,clkawrowaustals&Poltabedl I.3EMEMn. ZRACIaIr. Ornas *ND vas= acas. xch SISYLBILSTIPZ. ITEII.3ON, PRESTON & CO, PEXXBrirsiGrza LELOINWOnX;.CIS, 47i;.;1144TR1M*'3 pc,cl.l4 , ,v_abitotaNw.s NATIONAL. FOUNDRY PIPS "WOILIKS, Corner Carroll and Smallman Streets, Ninth Ward, PITTSBURGH, PA- Wes. 133UEIT'13, MUM/AC/UR= OP Cast Iron co , WI Pipe, FOR GAS AND WATER WORKS. . . . . . . .. pi Kyylye, are sn eiltvertieally ill 10, to flu Sand 1.11 , 111 Tarr I.RXOTII/. LIEN .P lll ....... 1, mult of • MIL tiliill63 1 CIS ID TIM WORKS.,,. THE FULTON JELL 9NB BILISSTOINBRY, ESTABLIIIIIirb /II 1532. Nos. 91 First and 70 Second Streets, PITTSBURGH. PA MANITYACTIIIIrII3 OF ALL SIZES OF BELLS From 10 to 100,000 Pounds. ca,au, isits. fur' is" 111M1- of all .*.es, Stop Cocks °titian or Iron, Or ALL ours. GUAGE AND, FILIEW MR& Agent. far si,l the =treat STEAM PUMPS. I=l CelebrAted - Stesuor Syphon. _Venters In GAS PIPE, BTIAII and 1118 PIT- T/NUS. PLUMBERS , WORE. eta., _e/o. - Part/solar &Caution potato STE.I.K Ant 10E1 TlTriNofn on Its tonnebet - • Th.nly otonuftetorers of a. 11ILTONSS METALL/0 PA.CILLfiII YOlt STEAM CYLIN DERS, a, Be BBIT•3 CELEBRATED ANTI-ATTE.I. ?toy METAL constantly. WO. OUN and RELL CASTINOSentdo to order Sid anlshod with and dispatch. - Portlentor atnentlon paid -to- Brste YostshlnE In &Ms branch.. We also Keep euottnoty on hand all silos of linnet. t. non Nootol tn, Hemp and Cotton , Psallni. -Mom Dom of on Lane ittip to order.' ' ' " A. FULTON'S SON & CO. ' FORT, PITT BOILER, STILL AND TINE WCMICS. CARROLL & SNYDER TUBULAR, DOiraus-runtp. =ulnas PIUE•BOX A CTLINDER STEAM BOILERS, OIL STILLS AND OIL TANKS, CEIMNSTS, BREECHING AND ASH PANS SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND CON puss:Ear STELE BRIDGES PITHS, ORSON:ETERS, ANDIRON PELSON DOGES AND COAL AHOMILL Ogles udWorluaezaer/awoad• Third. • .11hort wad Laborny /trawls. • Pitteibtirgik ,Pennsylvania. airOrdez. 'sot lio 12Matorro addresi be promptlyottendat to. mb742, ms - uvrnas IRON ED MILI WORKS. LEWIS, BAILEY, TALZELL & CO. 11A 2i911 . 121 or BAR, BOILER, SHEET . PITTSBUROB. PA. s 'I N ALN33C 3141. 4 :; 0 1V NAIISAND NAIL RODS. Warehouse, 78 Water 90 Frani Prrrenungu, ea. •114:1111 KENSINGTON, IRON, ,WORRE LLOYD' "iVillA'cic; Best Common, Reamed Cluttton Jnivaaß7obmlron: SICLISCILLNT aka, RODISIISSOQUABILUSO* HOW. BANTh T =ream& WILY)/ TY - sad b 180,7 A: 310157.11 andMAM= B illar &W crrLurnics sad SILIAaLI 011 ratOSIL IBoa. WALL T ZIILD, SO lad lOU. to the nat. 'WROUGHT OSIAIILO sad EMI= res saws MAT Pansbod sad Osmium& COAL BORE IRON. , /SAILOAs4_IIPOSILI,:._ - irebossa7No. WOrtipd!No. Madra sta. .Worts, *fond clreet, inglith Wart. Id pintas Cm shp Pluabest6. - saild4 [YVON IRON, WOW. itinunsoicelus es co., Bound, 'Vlore, Ratan; Boriemahoe Bar Irea;= - - , Hoop and Band Boller-Plata; ipaili..aglLn -- Salt-Paa Iron, Bikettlitur;&‘&a.,lc;4: Wed; ITIT TOW3IIIB iron liemesira4da . , 011akaattWareboasa: • No. 146 . Water St. OMMEM STEELIMEta MILER; BSRR i 'WM, BEST QUALITY: fiST STEEL. Warranted-alqual 40Yy to ellmi NUT. tat. otshmr tuspiema Drat Dan smastle.lilmfustavk 1LM021.14 AVINAIseir_4I.P__TOZINT:CLAIXt Oftioe. 38;Wood Street, - • t c Ilelirnriircruan 2N gir% s L um. ama, OUQUESNE IRON AND MEL WORKS KULMANg RAM 8 g Mt Iron;- - Nails,ATI* ivae.; =I Ga s e s nouns worse HOBBIT et saim4 77712111 .Arturo, - s - crumuts at ueam .Hollers, Olt • IMlL,'Agnsloll4 '• TotoolikB./Eam.,G= troa 71/2,• Wrought km • ilheortWsilt, COB. LIBERTY . SECOSVITS" . PATTSI4 am; 11LPADUN6• DOAN. PROXFSLT. MONT BLANC FOUNDRYys BUtier'lMMti N#4l/".Ward; moo= maws MON =WA 'i2Wrir/112tra!iii(MaEcro" Rolling MU sad Bridge ;Castings . IICIECIBI•110 UNDO Cfflailit , orders vocorptly oak eantlistii'esseitel. • - (MAROC.% itZ•BoNLIE6r, , E. & MA 1:111111WEN costra.l • 1,' , E1:14141A OISMMATI LID 3Hfler N 0.19 East N McCORMICH&GIBSON! DICILT.23 1.! Pig Leadi.jiloc,l liake ord, PIPES and ZIIT'd tare re. enlred an 4 BLit. Stiee d epee mroot 3.4,10. and veforda. - ripe e 0 stet to a). Inches. Also very DOI Ipa for llydraull dams and for Dia. earl. - - ,• - , • eresdtr - eapeetallr 'ask the Silent= 0 - rambers and rroprletore of OIL.IVORSLII .I.7Uk 0 0/2.11121. pITTSBUIWIT ST > WORK ANDSORSON;cfIo .11; CM, OPICO/1:1550BIFTOJOSIM FillWI ILutiiacurra• of leo bat aid' Lo 114 Rl= tits =L.% :Sit ar Reaping and Mowing Marian 111L17 . PLOW wr ima rea==orps. AS Cad C " un°l /I M P .L B Prthi gt.o4 4 EME2g 1:0=C2212 INDUSTRIAL BIJGII. M. 'BO Engine Cu FOUNDERS AND CASTING. Dent and Iles Kuhl nary oI 0 , 001 descrlp on *no. t not Lea , Corner of Point Alley and LIPPINCOTT& B No. 118 Wator PA:l7.lit EIBOUND. . rATILUT Tri CIZCIILABs; EE.AJEW zur..uxu rx Hardware& 0 utlerv. Ais sow rooetrlng larva addttions toor• atoct. ; - which Is offered so Motors su liALirranHAT 1 3. 1112Canillia Corner Liberty WA% Clair Rs., 3Pittiplizrcarias, , Pak... sealSak7l 1111I_ . Y.SSMANN; ' Full. Sireet,b decent , Dunne/ = &ad i gams Needs, :. Gunsmith aud Dealer-in Hardware: Fizas, roods or all deunninlanyalvnirps band and undat Ltailo.• o la.Mr=n 41kai rararall• nnaannnntlaa. r WO. .10 pITTSBOII - GU BEIEWEALIt. . • CARSON, D LatIMTON d;.004 man, tusms Ol 10!' IW JOBWL .icuoDas plum:Kee 7.. r. MIL W. AZiDZIBION, Alleettra The atteatlonof tho aostora ,Oft e two !zeta p.tkotally Invited to oar - • ALES AISS•PORTER.:— Which. Waugh the careful selection entente= our est...bales malUng facilities end Hops from tie yenta Seat and welt, we can EUS/12liet. to 1 - pare end eetastaatery to the Ueda.. . Oar INDlitlir boa Teed Wattle reenemwmtde......t br iori="Mtra vartomertmlltrleasebe partici:ler loleave their ore,e at, bla *eke ed„- pilau Ids old ffiewer'er slt ea: Wen, • • °Med ltlittie Alley, T. IL, BLACK,. CPALMILX* • 171.11g17ti. AL2lcrir, Masse doors stosio Sadtalteld Street, - • PIT fIIIEUfI, trerr kthiorWark. Gauen lb. abortert?notin PA sad awn reasolubla Serms.. Outtealatatzentiom paid J ebbists. 12.14:1.4 taiiry4 warrll. ALLEGHENY IHIEWEILY. ~ gsvlngDureatiht the . old eetabilthed 'Brewer" kneern asib• ALLIWHILtsT owned p a aBefEaIaIII Y, tore mi, 9la bC a m tr. WOo2l4latlallaa O he • • SPRING WATER L 7 L_ • 114,144•-W... 1•41114.4 .4 W. ILlDerieneef the tateLvess, Se feel satisfied that we will be' enabled to glee entireeir aatlitactlen4o .who thed ahraY 7 hrnhtWll* th _pato:Lae., cob cum.,, . • 465 Rebecca StitelSt„" ' ALLEGEIVIT /Will orders leftat BROWN: 1103Lray . street. elftaborst4 T, osW7 , PHOINEVSTRinIinEWIIRT4'.;'' srucze.—....—. SPENCER# MILSIViS'iIIYiI ====l LW - Editor Stittik.7 . _ _ PITTSBURGH, PA. ILDUCIPLIP WATSION. +•+*eo reA , LT/31011E AND ILMIA.4II„ TUB BANANA AND C 01311A/41 DAR. SY IN to Tin UNITE) STATIC MUM. Mkt Ftru-Cllzu litumadvir of MD Una' 1 follows: . . ••LJazirrp—imintos., tor Now 6rlapte 616 a Nop , Wesiolad Hama, ittos. - 113d0. , , Colulbsodet. WID 1250•6:44.661 16t6 t .. C6/16.. 1.16/ 'IOW for bierrP Ones** (aa 40 llavaal. Command, ottIiITURDAY. Prom suuirs WEER?. itLva limn% at: o'clock ar , ...gastinl7. Orlll6l dun we, Goan Tor frotpbt or undo. kiy .- ful doSaibour6l ildearo j udLotes k lm ai 16 SPILLS 11 - 017•37. 2.11.—N0 ISINs of Ladled butthoet of use Coo. Deby bo 661p0d.. - Zatudta Oa - Um freight mut le procured train ULU of:Lea No treldbli Proolvatt bodbWoof ladaug signedod dal, aav~ *.a.IO7.IFI:=BS 07 sTrAutio:AND vadat ulnilF7: - : SWl P etek EVERY SiTIRMAY WEMY *UNFAIR/LT 1 e. mum.. `id. ay SAY a Yr u gr ( OM -- Amt. • - Broad Or, W31:211NO OAF 31.: ; acesno Ad.**. KIWI:us One!, ts.alinrsk. _ j - & _ c, pow-Aso. % No. 98 IlarketStrect„, MIT, Not reeelyrd a eery litriirsCua of BOOTS AND , SHOES; wmcb edit be ri.111,e17 - 01 . Mai? tuDuraturnit' Vflt t r:ltt Bru,lnzgr co,%sVid= wine our irco4u. J. 11. & W. C. BORLAND, , 11 *ARS= 8T ItlcAT.2d disArnx=" worn rtruz...n. .Tozon 10 . FIELDING & BRO 4 • Itutatiitarari aan ikelati`;* - Chisstern. DAlLiaclei ' • BOOTS, MOW ' No. 140 aide at., Anis' hemp. smartar immarsawsimniEws! vegan 7UM WORKS Street. Proprietors, Tin and PATENT Ea !goattlisalii. kloaw, ,B di - CO., 1110, CactiMq. .5,94. t00r 4 .?. L .7 U S UUppr#Q r, gag; - Sie t eet ; ENT .A:IOnMD EZI .416. &CO., • B. WOLF. J lioecessors to WEI Ul== •I'' , STRAMSHIP red, 4:1:o :11:1 PEtslssL-80 cults for sate _ Ault, . , 'to El /I OM ME