El 13 g EN - MIELE EMPRESS TOIL SKIRT, T UZ IZZ , Zr SaLLIL 708 Sluing,' 1861, J. W. BRADLEY'S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC ros rioviaz SKIRTS, . • Th• bandana:Lein and moat nomfortabla style yat .ntrodnead. SEE ALL PAS nION .111AeA• D. El% dr i a z e re i E T V; Adtf4 FOR mum EVERYWHERE. • • AT'WGPLICSALE by all .the leading Notion and Drs Good. Howes Is Pittsburgh. Also, by bolo ulna= of hubs. and izelonlvoidanU.o. • VESTS, BRADLEY & CARY, WV Chambers Street. malarinirT .11X14 TOSE. EMPRESS TRAIL, PA RIS Math PRIDE OP THE WORLD, T. TOP SKIRTS, - POE RALE AT P. H. EATON'S. mem 17 7E41112. Eltreat. • 1867 . - NEW SMILING GOODS BLACRIIII & CARLISLE, .Pb. 19 Ptah Street, HAVE JUST °PYXIS II A SPI.E.RDID ' ASSORT MZ.NT JET. AXE= AND CRYSTAL Dress Trimmings and Buttons, ukiterrne WORK ARO ARAL LACES: RIIPLaII ZNOLLSH =HBO ftli s all stades: OOUBVO ' ItaIIYSVet Vat VAT wn: KNOW:RR ANDUNKKA.K ERRIAP, au s!.u. THE "STAR" SHIRT. Oa hind and =We to order. Invisible Empress Trail Skirt; ?relr dmPe for ftrthg. ago.' "Mall 33X4E1C1, New them Marts for UM whalebone corsets, Patinae Forms. • comolate issortmeni of . . . • PAPER COLLARS AND CUFFS. CITY ANDCOI7I77IIY MEECH/WM win and our Wkelssale , Depertment. well • sleeked wills go'd, suitable fir their sales. which we go araa tee to sell use low as ►aT Swept Jobbing House.. DEMUR & CAIILISLE, • Weis lelt.la Ilatiraert• In= NEW GOODS 1 NEW GOODS 1 JOSEPH HORNE'S & 0013 ; Having made second iddltlosi to onr alreSdr /lute stock of • SPRING GOODS, We are prepared to offer Inducements, both In Drive and assortment, in 7Wsbro!doles. sare Ifsadtereblefs. Was. Bedew, Bogl Trimaillts .thp. ' d Mates, Few styl e es Draw Colored sass VsleeSlSSlbeas. Guipure sad Cluser asap. •• ' ' kle al Taresd sad relate Lass. • Butnaw. all ss7lo sad colors, •. Corsets •Bolurg, duals, „ . sad Bens, liras operaiSsas. • 1 Ladles% Maser and Ga me 'erodes tinder Wear. • Alex snare Kid Gloves, ..laWelble Krems" Trait ; M l= 3l .lo , sad A largo sasortzogat of Oct'ns Reek Tim Pura! and Bows; Supandrits. EWA tronla. ie•• Marrlson.• Nur KUM. ntrgiltaiggons o le m ta z Eat dowers, . Miamian al abcnta, .Bonnat litbbann, Ylals and Pang • ail width& OUB WHOLISILLIC - ROOMS. up Mir& 1.11.1 be found ewe:Acts lo pal Doom:mum Deu sre will find It to Abets tolosat to tau u • toll. Friuli as too u teeters Jobbat% • 77 and 79 Market Street. • • NEW GOODS' NEW HOUSE' New floqe! New Goods WM. H. HILLER, (Palmerly of 217 . 021, 116081111 i 00., lota or P. Li. t6TJB•BO WILL. OPEN About tbi , First of April, NO. 64 MARKET Z WITS AI 7.11711= NICW STOCK- 07 Trimmings, Lace Goods, : Embroideries, Ribbons, Gloves, Hosiery, iv* all 600115 tugually kept In a • FIRST CLASS TRIMMING Notion House. ost.111:•11 PLISITOIFLI; • - For-the -Itistori season. KID GLOVES, all .00lora; NECK TIES‘ FANCY BOWS; SISTOBI`BOWS, JOIST RECRIVID ► F: H. E &Tc N'~, 17 Fifth litrecit, ItT2G3 G UM 'ti aw, wisaa ¢ ., CO' WHOLEIAIMI DIN EMS /ODOM AND DOMESTIC DIY GOMM sh 7 co:o4Wcocti:i art. . Salmi balm Moro Dialsced "11 111 ,tritUL ra• NEW GOODS! A LARGE STOOKOF NEW GOODS OPENED TO -SAY, WM. SEMPLE'S, 180 and 182 Federal St, ~dLLEGHEJirr oirr. MEI= WHITE FLANRELB, N. BIRCIIMILD & CO.'S, ATcr. 07 Marahricolt lita NI SRI Of W 110-1007, GILBERT FLANNELS. BILK WM FLANNELS. • 3-1 DENEF Do. 54 ALL WOOL Do. . • WELCH FLANNELS. . ÜBE! BACQITE, FLANNEL& BLUE, BUFF AND SCAELET FLANNELS A large snort:mat of I / EVERY DEt3CRIMON OF Gopps, ON HANDS, AND AT LESS RICE THE CB BB 101131113 MGM ap71.90 1867. SPRING. 1867. ARBUTHNOT, SHANNON & COMPANY, IMPORMUS AM) JOBBIBS OP Dry Goods and Notions, Slifer tech large mid attractive stark of NEW GOODS AT EASTERN PRICES, Fon csin. DIMES GOODS, WHITE GOODS. DB.lo4 t lNttal c S i Matili . ( M aims. . COTTIONAIIIM, JILANa GLEAMED • *SD SNOWS 'MEETINGS AND • SHINTINUS, BH►aYLS. SEISM MUSLKET GLOVES. *c. Haim arc brit. Ili call .4 azamina oar goods audilOces, at . • N 0.115 Wood Street. ALCBUTHNOT, SHANNON & CO. I. a. aTzpareami 78 AHD 80 MARKET STREET, Daily. Arrivals. In !dation to air stactior NEW SPRING GOODS, muntaxisu . Lams, nimouzuenzairs, BASH ASO BO NE! TEI NlEtall lAl3llti R NECK 03(111. of sTet7 WtdtL and dude. . Bad qoalltf of BA.TiN HIAHON aN widths CRY BLACK and Alul/fl3 Mg. MING& 111/7AGILA sad AUTTONIII t a.i.tran AID @WV ES ;11013LEu N and l A W STYL LUVZ t gOll jait. redielveltlAr dies. 1/I.saa. andetilnlran. - La tICEASTA AN LI HOOP AILTIATA,_aII nuke. fall Itaa of ULNAS , VIT.N MmHg GOUDA. Conntn , akr• wM And la oar IV HOLZ VALE DCrAJAAJEINT, a to/A Wortmat at Lutarn Pilaw MACRUM, CLYDE D CO., 78 and 80 Markel . greet. =MI DRUM/113M CIZONAZ A. LVSLT ...IL Y. 1110003A0., CEORCE A. KELLY & CO.. Wholesale Druggists, - 87 Wood Street,' • HAYILTONWBITE LEAP . _61.71017 pare. 011AEITZU OAK WALTZ L,L..1.0. • PAIDITB IN OIL, all colon. - • •LCOHOL k . I SPTS.TURPICSTINZ. LINSEED WHALE OIL. TARNISHICS, PAINT ABOMICS,te. apinde DIIIIGIRSI! P8 . 117G13111 JAMES T. SAMPLE LEAVING 'Ewalt? THE "WELL XWOWS LAUD 1101.186 UN COIL TIDES AL AED fLOßltiliON UM, ALLIA/111XY, Wittkeep ea bead& full setortatentoteil Waded tad wltteb wN li be eolYeawr Dan sal deer "mos In the two Sian. Presertpttoes wwwwly prepared b 7 a Suet- &SU uto. Di tutu a( eILIISMIZZY end 7A.NOYBOAIII ea bead. CHOOW , & 808, " • ' Pittsburgh White Lead Werke, PURE WHITE LEAD. ELMS 741 A 7111 D 66011 ND OIL BA MONJUIL IL 7.011 PAIN IS, to z 67 Fourth Street. 16p Stair. AUCTION SALES BOOTS AND SHOES AT AUCTION. There telil be eold eV the Atoll= House. Ite Federal street, Allegheny, On .ruesday, 16th, • COMOMICIIIS at 9 &cloak sad tontlaming an day tITTAII=VaiWAAgg4 can of Daunt auroras's. WI.. lM ataa ay ma WY. MUM famtilac find Mb an cscauling ..nt kISSIT Daaaldat mu& A. iniGATE,• spa • Anettoutr. AUCOONSALES. • • 110 dOsifthflold It.. opoodto Post Ofero. Day aid weaning Wes on Tuesday. Thos. d y and liatorday, of Boots. Snoes,, Oe r . liostaty. mardwara. Straw It T'wosoarr. Oroeerles.; Conte !tarnishing ood., Bit.. biotin:ea, AM. Private saki On MeH 4 .)tikeellicsdarasid Friday. EpekWan non Jvlsltars Wes.. • H4l/1 ZULU, It on manta fad sold on eannaluton.- •• • • • J. W. ODIUM at CO.. spll.llreall:s •AsHHlonearg. BE!.tii.ve s BELTING —Lea th- How trasl• G ui. "* ill,g u r,itt 4111,,'Itrft red m, vices. Tha ity at La , lng al ways on 6.4 at tile In d ia /tubber Depot, AO and n bL Olalz streets . is a Bs, .1111LI1ris toe, hightened and purified by oar national .1 16 n r. and to protect the industry .of the Zitege itbbitaTh ASfv.Vitkl State, alrerul y taxed by the debt imposed by the er,. Rebe ll ion, firm every tamecetkary °or Resolved, That we appeal to every honor able Republican In the Legislature to save the party from the dangers and disgrace that always tollow.dotibtlul legislation; that we call upon the taxpayers of the State to mark the conduct of their rearesentativell, and to insist upon% fair measure of decen- . cy, integrity and economy; and, lastly, that we rely open his Excellency, the Governor, whose course in this regard wn warmly ap wore, to laterpose his Executive veto and exercise his official Influence to nave Ctl from Partial and extrav ag ant legislation, and from all that is talnt.ed with even aim. picion of fraud, and so to prevent the spreading of the idea which' seems to be gaining round that oar State Government, instead or afforaing a sure protection to the petiole, is In danger of being converted, by an immoral clique, to schemes •ot plunder and oppression in the name of law. TUESDAY, APRIL 16, 1867. msNurA.crusrs OF rirrantroun fEassra.—lfi 31r. Beckett'. letter of last Monday, 'for Inches in nearly all the dimen• !lOUS read feet.] • EDITORS i'ITTADDROLI GAZETTEI—IIavIng treated shortly, In my_last lett.r, upon:fn• lernalfluedeoffers, I wish to dwell, for a short period upon that subject, as boilers of that class predominate In this neighborhood, There can no mistake at all exit in believ ing that structures of. the above grade are as good as any, L 0. If they be well made, carefully strengthened, end constructed of the proper proteirtious; bet still It does not necessarily folloW, that because this style Of bolter be useful - for one class of engine., performing, as AT might say, "land service," that they be applicable for "marine," as 1 stated In my first letter of this series, that one style of troller-was not imitable for all grades of engines; because, for instance, upon a steamboat, where we require all the room we can get, it is not right to 1111 up the best part of the boat with a string or group of boilers of the above • class, while struc tures ot s different design would not tate ripen much room, and would be more dere lite, safe, economical and - substantial; but still, If people will persist In preadamito Ideas, they might even build them propor tionable to the requirements, and also con. Eruct them In a proper manner. The great curse of this country is, that mauulaottirers, endeavorieg to make as meet, money as they can oat of their work, will alight 14 and as loon as It Is out of their ' hands, and paid for, they care not whether hundreds fall.vietiMA in Its unsuitableness. MIS le a grave charge, yet it Is true. The great motto Is No. 1, and let the rest take care of themselves. "Oh impend Oh morel.'" As spoke my last letter upon the strengthening of lemma' flues i2l a brief way, t will recur to the subject. Any, one gated with common sense lard humanum tsr errare,) will bear IMO out in my statement, that there wants some great rudleal change in the constructlen of this class of boiler, espeotally m detail. The flues not Only waut strengthening by tranverse stays, but the bolter heads want to be made more per manent by means of longitudinal brace!. Sometimes In this locality there are mess pat to; but if they are, no calculation is made for the. differential rates of aspen. and although I am perfectly aware that the dues are also stayed to the boiler head., yet they are also of such a kind as Might be altered for the better. A good form of stay Is a rod Of iron, say 1 4 Limnos diameter, flattened at toe one end and well riveted to the hues, I. C. if the holes be well marked elf and drilled, nua the rivets 111 the holes well, and terminating with forked and fastened to Si, nefs bolt." fired permanently to the boiler head, by means of a "box nut, " a good wroeght iron pin coupling the s tay swell eye bolt 'together. This to should split at the end, tio as to allow for turning up, as it would prevent say disar rungetnem natural to the ebulttion of the water. The Idea of a box nut Is very good, for If we Imagine that the contraction were too great, by the stay red being too short we can easily remedy the defect by elect. ening the nut a thread or two, and, if It be a good lathe-cut thread, by good manage. meat It ,will never leak; ant If we think our expansion be too great we can easily tighten. .A very ;rood :trongthening brace . for tines Ia tingle or bar Iron, placed trans versely underneath the flues and lathe shell; this will sunport, to a groat ex tent, the supprincumlient weight of the floe, and, by not being fastened to the flue, , will not counteract the expansion. iron certainly become. excessively crys- Wine, according to experiments, by re peated contraction and expulsion, and of course very liable to glee way under pre*. sure. According to oar Idea., holler plate 'is CIORSIDRTEIhiy strengthened by °old roll ing. A boiler plate roiled from 7.11 to 34 of an Inch cold was found to hare. Increased (by latrbairn) la Arength nearly fifty per cent. The manner of fastening plates to one nether Is matter of great consideratiou, since of course the joints being required to bees permanent anti stand as ixillell pressure as the body of the boiler the greatest alien. Wm Is required as to die mode of J.:MIMI; the plate,. in joints particular attention and care to required for the proportion, not only of tho lap of the ehem, but also ea to the diameter and patch of rivetti, and what Is of momentous Importance how the meet Aoles are to be made. A holler sheet ought to lap one a half times the diameter of the rivet from the achter of the same. This Is important, especially le Min the holes are pouched, Since, in CIISC of a diy gin etructed punching the machine the les action of the punch upon the iron cracks the plate; fora poor punch, as one might ear.tears in. stead of cutting the shect,• when the lap la small the evil la worse. The choice of di exacter of rlrets is not to be taken at hap. beseech but omit bo calculated. Teeproper diameterlef Mete Is on proportion to the the thickness of the Mute; it should be twice the thickness. Tile . .pliche or rivets, ordis• lance frem center to center, should be thee e times the. diameter of the rivet for single rteeued seams, and four times for double melded seams..ln our opinion all longi tudinal seams should bo double rivetted; In Commit, etc... circular IMAMS are not of so much Importance. Als I have before stated, all awkward parts• of the boiler, odd In decade rivetted seams the rivet. ought to be placed at au angle with each other, and not oppoilte, as la sometimes done. I shall, however, treat more MX. this when writing upon explosions. • klvery boiler makerilfconselentious) knowa that thehanchleg oteheets injures the iron, end not only the Injury the .piato receives under the tearing pressure Of the punch, but also-that it ts a matter of alinonLlMpoa. 111b1ULV to get the holes where they were intended tole. Take a six loot plate for Instance with holes to be of a pitch of liS i inches, tin utter folly to think that the holes can be marked ref with any accuracy by using a tube smeared with white or red lead, and, independent of that, the quick motion of the punch very often does not give time 10 /he men. eupporting the plate to get the sheet in Its proper position, and the punch deeending tears through the etas's; where It ought not to do, and the I hem:y tie 4, L 4 or even % Marren. And I' the e , osreenence. gonletluxell the hole la phiggedisp. anti re.panehed, or else *they let It gal and when the plebs la placed In position ready for riveting they /led they cannot properly •riret it, as the holes are not fair) tea - :in/1" II then resorted to, detect with • heavy sledge hammer, which act is almost caber/Straus ip cur mind, im cutting a man's throat. The drift does not cut but presses the iron. -and with re• peated blows of the ells/tie, something has to go. either the plate spina to the edge of lam or else cracks from bole to hole. and then the plate (ought not In be sued) le pieced inn Ore and the °reek hammered over Invisible, and then "fiesta respire." Any One acquainted with the routine of a small boilerahop will bear me out in this state ment. If persona will persist in the use et the punch,/ give a new Idea of my own (er qui ,oast dlicet) of • ten:emergeerrangemeet. that wouldensure accuracy in panelling. /dam> • a table with a teed arrangement similar to that of n planing machine,. but of it coarser. pitch; In tact, make the feed ea that it would move the (able exactly to spit the pitch Of hole required. Sappoee we bad punched oar first hole; by setting the feed aright, the table. with its plates upon It, would move exactly to tne required spot for the next puncture, and stay there until the punch recedes. This would insure semi. racy, is of course beteg altogether mechan ical nothing could Intervene to stop the traverse. Also make the feed ao that It could ho altered to colt any required pitch. Any goodmeateualcalengineereOuld, ftom these Itiesa,design such a machine. I feel perfect ly satledeci that It is the only method to in sure accuracy. A etc foot Plato will re quire the support of at least tour men due. log the action of poaching. These men get tired of the weight, do not move with proper repldny. and the evil is evident. This rude manner of punching se taally inckens any menet sound ideas; be. Bides the evil of punching doea not only lay in.ten Irregularity of the holes, but also in the bale nelt being anywaY ariProaching • true circle which really la the proper shape, aline the rivet being perfectly round (or at least should be) It is impossible to meite a nine 111. / have seen some Plitardirgh man. afar-tared rivets that were nearly of an oval seatlOn, and independent of that they had II regular burr or Woe relining Magi tudinally, projecting, may be, one - sixteenth 1 of an Inch from the main body of the rivet. .4 great many rivet =whines are very rune. I They May innao a pretty good rivet, of not a good one, striae the tietion of some of the machines is Hails to alter the tartan,. or even (if jmay nee a now expression,) flaw the iron. to ply Peat letter Isbell show the , means to Obviate the evils arising from punching. I remain. yonre, rancevat lieenarr. Y. 'Resolutions on Legislative Covens. L on. reseiwtlons were optimal. Tho followth • animals , adopted at a recent meeting of the Union. League Club of New York city: Rewired, That the facto communicated to the Assembly by the State Controller, show. the that the grunts already made to rail. roads sad other objeala by the present Leg. Islamize will swell the rate 'elation...which' in Me and 1W was lint 2% mills, and which for ten years put. Including the period of the war was but a traction over mills-to more atiande mills for the currant year ex • hildt so increasing expendlturo which La at once nratetirdsatori and alarming. Raciest, That apart from those appropri ations we have observed with mortiaastlon and regret, that the course panned by a majority In the Legislature in granting val uable franchises for the benefit of corpora tions, with apparently small regerd to tip rights and wishes of the communities cf. fectisd by inch grants, and under ensues. stances which have created grave dentin whether the same have bocce induced by a whtcn have rd to tended tb:" generaleou 611VVIIT., lest an irresponsible and nnscrupalous loss by should be exerting an influence upon the Legislatorsincounattl/le with the State and the safety of the people, Rewired, That Snap:melt WbAteVerinii. takes of Legislative corruption. strikes not simply at tile integrity of the party chiefly respOtesible tor the abuse of the power en treated toll, beta arise root of our repubil can instllutiosuibylmrg theoonfidence of the people In their niers, and bringinx the government hate ontampt, we totali ty declare our convictions that every mete bet of a corporation who consents to offers bribe, and every menfber or a legislature who accepts a bribe, offends against a me 'stilly, and injures and insults the country, and that such wen, whatever their party or itanalug, deserve and shonla receive the execration of all good ettnens. Rearms. That it becomes Ma National 1 -Tololl Parry, which bee saved the country fri)m destruction to Which it was devoted by Slavery and Rebellion, and - their North ern sympathiser., to .estilhit a Pubfra —A letter from Austin. Totes, to the CIA ethriati Gazette. warn* People againat eml grating to that region until the lawless eon dition of things is changed. H 3 fArAuwriAlizlraliiiii: GREAT REDUCTION IN BOOTS AND SHOES MEM Popular Shoe Palace Emporium, ILTS 808 3111 HOU, NI 'as eft 011111, ONLY is 00. Re Cate made sweep, and muted down !eery 14101 In We store At Prices Beyond Competition JUST RECEIVING NEW 4134:3 0335, Of all the Spring Styles. CALL TO-DAY FOR HADDAM. 26 and 28 PIM St., Pittsburgh. W. B. CLAPP & CO. RAMALEY Has Jest Opened A LARGE STOCK OF FINE SPRING CLOTHING, Gentlomen's Furnishing Goods =MEI NEW - STTLEi IN THE MARKET • Which stilt be Orem , at ORELTLY REDUCED PRICES Dom last season. ruse Sprin; Nestslfs, iu Low 10, " Cutisrre Elasirss Fulls " " " 515, Cloth Dress Slits • • • $25, Paper Collars at Cost. 336 LIBERTY STREET. OD site R'arne, Oboe Moan. on e door above 111.11:11.'4” RAMALEY HAS JUST RECEIVED MEM NEW STYLES HALTS AND CAPS ^ , Tor BPHINII, and •11l sell at 20 Per Cent, Len Than Down Town Prices. We tell our BEST ELLE aral ciBSLYZIOI, at ONW. DOLLAR LO WELL thus any other llamas is the City. Call and Be Convinced. 334 Liberty Street. I'IRST DOOR IILLOW tin CLOTHIPIC EMPORIUM. • b 2,1 LEA is 'vicunas' przrua WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE ruonowacAn SY • EXTRACT era Lints from a COMOISSEURSL GYN . YUMAN at lUD. TO I. *Hes ILAe to his Brother WURCUTIL.7I, MT COOll saw • • m., ,•••• a u R Systheir a f Dca Is List !parr :oral 0r MX.1333C. .1s inage.l CL thu The success of this mart delicious azdimarleall- ed condiment having caused many unptincipled ' dealers to apply t3e name to artitionti COX roves's, the YU ULICts sturnurrill.l4 . and wt. n5OOOO mutated to see that the name or LYA YitURINd are upon the WWI PPE'S,. LABEL. at,/11011 • d .or/it:able to =1 PaaMig6=3 JOHN DUNCAN'S SONS. N. TOR& AGNXTII VOIL TILN V. ■ oclo:l3lrtvr 111:13=199 .41 U. SORLIDOU. BON CITY SPICE! MILLS, FIFTII STREET EXTENSION, Altar Penossyfrania /vont% ' , minimum. PA. PURE SPICES AND MUSTARD Warranted wham one name U OIL the AIIICIO. FRESH coin CORDTMEALL weld )27Z FIMI , toastantly on heed. COMM AND 431/A)UND 16/13713 B,OAZTICI) Ng= oimilskos the mantlaciare of all the DIFFERENT KINDS OF SPICEN, Wblen we oder to WM:deeds and Detail Dialer* at the loweet mallet price. r aiming to deal ratr, we gotten the patronage at the gothic,, • • ' Chopped Fees Constantly on Band. sTELlVELLElldr.seonexnut. e1e29:n73 NEW EATS t .on SPRING, AT VERY LOW PRICES. McCORD & GO., 7257 c.. 183. S/17caadt atroot. Allit rs~~~~~ i'[c~ ~Ce~ DEALER DE Fine Watches, Jewelry, Diamonds, Pd 37.0711.111. 1717421-Rigir French Clocks, &o. Mel l y Was:W m to Me liI4PAIIIINO OF Jib. 22 Ptah Bred. ate:lsDs77 /AAA. X. D 44 ALL. ITTUUSIS .IEICCUIELISICIMIL • OBIBIBUS'ANI LIVERY STABLE. Jra. 410 Penn igfregt. RAIN & PITCAIRN, Proprietors. ST Pa/rats:lW and =Miss itindaed /Or SU trains. -Also. Carriage's for rasters/ s. Weddlsal and rattles, aa abort, Jotlea and rauoaable rates. Stable Open Dap and Night. nictromns.• zfULOIL'iII4I44W:4:M rgy— • ) o urrAtms. A Clergyman, while realdlng It/Booth America .., ~,,a..lo.ary, die covered a utter= simple remedy for the Curs of Nervosa Weakness, 'Mir Dees], lalitl/G• of LIM Urinary and Iflesulnal Organs, and the whole trate ofdlsorde brought 3, or by baneful and Mamie babies; . Ore t num bers bare been already eared by tbi i no le rem edy. Prompted by A dente to benefit e aMlet. .1 e CO and unfortunate. / Will send the lee for. I PreParlot and rain this =edicts. I n a semest envelope, to coy one who necks It ryas or Crane. Please enclose • post-paldearrevempa addressed to rearm= I • Address JOCEPII T. Miff 1134 denc.ol ERIOIIOO D. Bible Eloase.n. Y. t.: ItY. Nrwm. BARNHILL 84 co., BOILER MAKERS IMO SHEET IRON WOE ! Nog 20, 22, 24 and 20 Perm St. Havingred • large put and flivolshed fi with the moo approved MaehitlerY. We are_preb earedpared to manufacture every description of 8011. the beet manna-, and wannoted equal to low Wire any made Beln the , conntry. Chimneys, .Breech. ds. enema Pipes. Locomo ers. Condensers. Halt Puma , Tara*. 031tive Boils Agitators. /Settling Pane. Boller Zr,,. 1110lIN.,18.^AiTsin Vi e lOlTZLl° '"*" " • " ' U.N. BdpaLrLordone on the shortest notice. lorded " LA7iE SUP 01"' COPPER MILL & SMELTING WORKS parremusen. - PARK, MoCIIRDY & CO., Manufacturers of Shea Way. Beasters' .d Bolt .pney. Prealled COM: BlLtuni, Halm! ntlll rarsTr. 41r U . siteeliTy n r, WM! to. • Constautly on hand Timms' Muhl.. sun InTeli i l)l ENTiraViult u Yttaitla! " " Da orders of Copper ' cut to say 44.1,44 pattern. 21tyti1:41rT port SAILE.,—Farm of 147 acres, Oirtg,"6:ll:aTilfaira t tr on which there is • good Twontory ntouiloo se, tVitlrTi:lltr.r, IT, tri',...s&austivoit.. fr rA trees it Is uneertayed with coot. Thera is • Deli* ell Tait in good order. producing this. Der day. This property Loitered very cheap and 4004 term.. •Yarra of IL scree, situated In Cone. MUM. Indiana comity. Pa., about 23‘ rage. from the Wee& Penn , a. hallroad, at Liver more Motion. . The Improvements am • Two 010. r .froll u ZhV.l 4 , 90.1 t It acres cleared, we resadue in Wooer, such as white oak. lomat and chestnut. This t ermwill be sold very low, the owner ;Mating to go west. Poweraion Immedlately. An excellent Anna ion , Macros, of which In urea are under cultivat situate lu Chris. tau courny, Illinois. Improvaroula—a new Lame weltbig conialolog 6 rooms; about MO choice fruit trees, good reming, go, it Iles within Smiles of We Illinois Central M N.: will be sold oa 7e0en50141 terms. City ProtetilY when lit pul 01C412i, if ;loafed. oath LI; i lri g nlatttgr 11,?,TZM lots. These eta one andorth of thermic. um; oral. Louis sod Alton hilehigart hearth . ern its., and melon We Itheofthe Pittsburg/1. rows Wayne and Chicago K. It., Just 6 Liles South ot Me Court Iloa, near Me es w Cattle biroands. ud will be sold for Ohl mob. Also. alarm or VA agree le Peen . township. WesUnorelsed Comity; =times cleared arid na derdettlgivattllM sties of nrsi.rate white oak 7;se o e PtotyliA ree.ell3l house with • orst-rate gleam eaernillt 10 mewl eleg order; 700 NI orchard of rutted belt. The lama is rot/Wig Vete sere le, edit, lftee, to. 10 1 l .4 euweil. with SieTer wings; within one hundred rods of the Pune, central rialitoadt IS miles mat of el itsbumh, sod tbtee toil and t ar ,h 41 , 71 tooleriaid with coa l s The Also, • Wine of lit acres sttotted to West ok raWlr:na.. ktaltroa4, The 21:0 , 0 , esotota are, a good two. story Strict Worm with rooms. N. 1 frame hank Bum and all ottur necessary out build latt6T.ltZ t• $1.04. hod tie DM* vet) jimatErtanc parsicatoro anoltnit of h2 Neal /rotate Ogent.WlV lnKllW 'nrin moat. TSIPROVED PROPERTY Coax= or Nassau Omar, NOW TURK. I. taritOHINSON, BEAL & CO, Mows or, to Bontasolf. Awns i Mrumxi s ) WASHINGTON WORKS, roluatiermand Etaehlial4ta, Pittsburgh, Manufacturers of SoaS and Stationary Steam tdalueo. Elam "amine% Mll/ Macbinary, Gear. Ina. Shafting, Castings of all descriptions: Oil Tanks and Still; Boller and Must Iron Work. Unice: 'No. 1.4 corner Sint and Smithfield Its. Mirfidenta for kilifiraillYS PATiNT 1.11- JSUrtibi for feeding boilers. arQUINCV SCOTT, DENTIST,' xo. 218 PESIT STREET, PITIIIIII7EGH. TIMM - . • .-• IarEEZPIEDIAL INSTITUTE FOILAPECIAL Amara, zrco, 14 11011441tregt e 3.314 York. rulllnforrnatlon s lb theAfgheal tertteaunkaa. IXalso, It Book on Bgeetta Detente., Ina dated en velope, Sent free. lie sure clad esadfor tow ong yds. el//. not myrat et; for, as advertising Uhl elflans are generally felymoste.e, wi th out re ferences pertranger e Muhl be trusted. Enclose MlNCE.tarnp postage. and alreee go LAW. No. It bondelreet, New b ib. nol2ol:erS eir - THE GRAVEST BIAILADIES 07 YOUTH AND IA ULIIIiT MAN. HOOD.—HOWAILD ASSOCIA rhoN /CSSA_Yti. on the Physloloxy onto, Pardons, and the Errors. Abner. and pom.* PannUlo he the tr e atment mem with Reports on new methods of lmployed to MD Institution. heat to seated etter envelopes, hoe of coat,. •ddress Dr. J. ortILLIN HoUGHTON, Howard Amotdotloh. Iltilladelvhla. PA. 111 aletderT. 1 :yfip ) : 4266 emi mit 01 Ns BANKING HOUSE llor JAY COOKE di CO., No. 20 Wall St., ,MP, ° I.III,7 , MLE:%3II.II,VIr'' Government Bonds of all Issues, SEVEN-THIRTIES, Compound Interest Notes, a. 4 ca.cmt,,ardets for putt au and Silo of 5T0603, BONDS AND GOLD. Cfe linen added to nor *Mee largo room. for ttssascommodattonotthe public dents cid or la. vestment la and exenings• Uoventment se eurlslet. and the convenlen. of oar moos and (told euatnmers. ci•VaN.TIIIIITIE9 CONVERT - IEO INTO rIVE-TWENTIIf-i at GOWCRNIILhT RATILS. applea itrul.r 0.., wit! l full particular., furl:Listed on tI JAYCOOKIZ 41, CO - HART, CAUGHEY & CO., Bankers and Brokers, CORNER THIRD AND WOOD STREET:, Prziesztrasia. P 41.2 SIICOZBBO33 TO H/NNI, &Lief 4 00,) IMM=E3 Exchange, Coin, Coupons, And portkolar attouttott WO to tt>• par. ammo sad eele 01 GOVERNIIIENT BONDS. rii3014110 , f1f,M4 , 104.144 N. HOLMES & SONS 3311L.Ni3EXIJ3. No. 57 Market Street, Peit...1.4 In P. I,44..4‘'eVg:TiVAC'PS I "h" tbil.tXt= Stocks, Bonds and Other Securities 130110113 AND BOLD 03 ocnixrcalor. Part tutu ottentlor pald to the purchase and U. K. Securities, IncitidLuc U. B. SIXES 07 1771; • do. do. swan.: U.S. 0 icalitrfirg UYt Orders .4 Vouottetabosght or oolloci.xl. .0.10:4 • PEOPLEW SAVINGS BANK, OF PITTSBOOGIf,, ArconponATED IBS& Capital, $lOOOO 0771116 NO. 77 NOVITH STUNT. Presidos, HENRY LLOYD. Vies &mildew, WILLLUIL TDUBTEfIi: limy LLOYD. WILL4 . I! E. l'a3lj.ljarnZn. lest.ll7llslPalt, W. . Y . GondLY. Joan D. OCULLY, IVILLG&V /17 , 11140 X. Santry Rd Truant, SIDXIT I. TO 10111101 St Ploy pe r m canU Inuntdernnauamon t ands il/lu tate Pecorlcles, Beak open dolly, except Sundays, from nlne O'clock, a. IL. to tour o'clock, •r. r.. and on Wedneeday and Saturday orotund. finced elk to. nine to. , lock• ad 214,111 11 1 :1 1 flviafzkir_o:rAqe)otzji DISSOL OTION OF CO-PARTBERSEIIP. THE CO-PAIITNEBRELEP here. totore antstlue between the endprelsweel: under the name of GII.MUItt, BIYPguN # CO., In the mining and other business. In the county' of AneltheeY. Is TIM DAY DISSOLVILD hz tetanal ennilt. The uederal aed. DAVID GILADDIE. alone Is authorised n nelog the ekes of the late arm In settllnj op alt4nellietreve Ana rfelrtiteEP, " i'A WOStaili , oar. W. J. Ifoh AMITE& zatalliv7ll:7, as ME= lIIAPAIV THS PAY 48190Ctfor • Tit D with me JO I HN' H. &Uri& and AMIN .111NABLII the Manufacture and dealing ID Cuban, Mt -Lamps, Lamp Mood.. Chanda Mere and 011 Muds of aitaaa.ara. The PURIM./ wpi be nun duaied berapfere, =deem, &mon ' ," Sudety!. of JOMN&V.I3 & JN ROM —WIII.eIDOr. April Id to No. W OH ood Wool. rnhllloro • NOTIVE.—By IlmAtation or rattnemblo, Xr. LEWIS rowg 4,o{Sed to be ra member or our limn on the arm dey of Febromn met ape:srp PARR. KrOMMY fln. 1:011kimitl LA PIELME HOUSE, . . Phi/addphia. The Nubile-titian a. 7 1, .. leUed flo•Orite Roes. net beenitIMITTIV. ruicasilli• X,D IN Abl ianr,K. .44 la VOW rb , : p r ua4 ritti Ow by, Fir p i r s ciameittai fire:filigrela g :lll " ll; mantablest In lgilactut as la thoput , • 1n•41..0 A /MIR • TAMMY. Wiurz novase, PERRYSVILLE, ALLEOHENY CO,, PA. Newly matted ..d flan:lloNA aria ready se rp, ogre AIM SU. • • • • The entaeriber will not spare pans to Worn -bablele tat customer.. Uood..teppent : WWI* served asy boar tee afternoon. byliaret 21.1v0. vivramatimL, !rotor, JOHN CROFT ic CO., SEAL ESTATE AGENT2I, 1119 Fourth limn, hare for sale 12=3 lO Ames,well Improved , three mllm from Brighton. In Bum eonuty, P. • Is Amts. leaproved,n Fayatta townsidP. Abe:n:My, Om , from MAlnfleld. es, Improvad. In Lawrence Co.. Pink Ails miles from Isms Castle, and Woe hours from Pittsburgh. - A.G148. Imprved, La In county, P. 433 Acres, Improved. In Fayette county, Pa, Would make splendid stock farm. Improved farms In Ohio: Indlans, Kentucky. moot. Also, unimproved lands la Missouri and lowa. ISO/So-roll. Chit Counts. rows. WO Old trade for city property. II Acres two miles out the Perry 1110 rood. ;Would Inaba Lae burtet "%Men. 'NO Improve_ meats. • HOM Brick Dwelling. wit m ilt ...don tilnProxe um Wm lot ed he MI feet. on North Canal street, B:le h kTolise, ten fooms, on Mel/tint sheet, A n i : rniLmae, nix - my., on Bebe= 11 4 4 . eee, Allegheny. I i I , Male gone, six rooms, on Fountain greet, In iteserve wallip. Brick house, in rooma, and large lot 11 freeport. , Brick house, eight rooms, and I rge lot la Wllkinsburg. Promo house. new, . mug, with three, stx or nine nres of iron it. 12 t Edgewooil Mallon. an like y. 1t„,1t., see train out. Frame house, new, three M.O. god one sere of ground. at t he last earned station. tour tenant booms, of two room. seen, and one Irma hone of four rooms awl one sere of ground in !Milton:l. near Um Co.!raine. Ten twiere lots at Edgewood Station, P. R. R. bin lots.= by 121 feet, In Wllkinsbu -g, the rice R., two hundred yards front the station. /ow in ' , nerve township, up ilotcheris 800, tear thii toll gate. Two lois, 2u by leri feot. In Braddock's Yield, three square.Cfroto station. iat • bargain. One lot to Temperancerille. 66 by fi et, suitable (be a coat yard. Cul. ORKS. (lie on Monongah A ela ri W ver. In Pool No. 3. One In Center townshlp. linen:wry costly, Ohio, on Central Ohio work inset within thirty days. These are and would be sold cheap. • For farther information apply to the above a .•03 WCWIEL INALLICEI. Salute la Lawrenceville, and nprintileld. l& =ang La palm from P.= to 111. M Wlll Woold cat reasoicabla unto If almtled for Wen. ExotroartnU ooportooltr. s • for WU= Wormslion, apply at the iyijaip, Lt. and Lumeues O. at 0.1. !UTZ% Butler meet. Lalneuerrlll.4 FOB SALE. COUNTRY RESIDENCE. About seven lune, (rose the city, on the PertTs , ram clank roach containing two pastors, wide tall, pawn, room, Niemen sad Ihe bed room. teen Sires. 3'men 1 .7.l2bit.V=.f.."Z; "Ole, two large cisterns, well •f wales, So.; Atm bearingorchard and /smite Ailed with gooseberry and currant Defiant, grape Thick dc. Can be mad 00 • good bargabi ler purchaser, by applying to !Tr= WILDUN. E:T=EM VLEFAMOALLE COUNTRY FIEtT twit SALL. sl . notod to Cbartloro raUry. to -half MU e Rom f foim t o Otattoo, OD the V.7.171-t " P.lt Wrlt ra atered try dwiry, VIII 4.1•1 •• tlm 1;414 lota two Puts. at eterred. Tao Oro rty la moon &amble ami is petered st outo.fau b slot rotor Um rune tine of oroporty Is Who tor I.lto woo dist. w from too el cart: /to ly to awe 11. Me 411N1 ►CO.. In Count, M. JR SALE t: RENT, CHEAP— • rum ~, Ca. seer's Bette., e.a the tea. rel . ESlroad po Wal./1 llti scree; improve. sent mat:oases stable.. goodorettss4.: all 41:1 e tqe re ere toe Mare Jr. Also. av end o el. Perms. In 5004 lerstllsts an Wet Im proved. Irbleb I veld se , l'etteep site et., ...us ule tome. ' Alio, a [umbel' et (sod balldlsl bats ln the ells and sobstb.. - Sur ranger Pertlettlar. legslee or ill jt.LIA it WARD, itlllirsat area, - grate Ms I.laLbetlral. araq6o3 IliS 111110 year* , lease • Lot sUeme 11.11 et Meat. 14 (We Iran!. by ITO feet, bleb Is erecied • frame : . igl i g g e:freLTerrbleti log total of or e1,0;0 1 E 'ter, -end will be .1d Pe 140. , 1 .o=4 Ile plied go soon. Tot litg :FLO 01; th e ketere and I.e. re.* U U. a. abTra. • fele Better Street. I.m.rrreeertne. JOHN D. BAILEY, Stock ea Rali Estate Broker. jailar D. /1 4 / I .ET. STOCK AND REAL ESTATE BROKER MID ALVITOISSER. • andrME MA= alt emem/sstes .liertioseer. ogrrtal al magatement vitt Me rittabargb Boars/ of Trade, securing the a.. of their rooms, above the Tetra Bat/meal Heat tam slow pre pared Is, sell at ?obits ♦setlaa mocks. Roods. Breorliire. Heel Ettale, elther at the above 7.. or at LEW 1171111311.11/. • Yuticnler aitehllba. PAUL IN heretofore to the sale of /teal /male at orlvate tals, eel. orltesl UMW 111 the eanutry - .beaded. 001 es. Ilb Ifoerili street, • • • - nal y ... slik',lo fideje7.llly yy Lei P. L Arwoon..saursow .roxsis.4. M'CA fIILST• ATWOOD .4L BRASS FOUNDERS,' • STEAM AND, GAS • FITTERS, Cop. of trd and Liberty Streets. Above Carron a Boydereilittsbinb, Plena Glebt and nom, IrelabeADer.Aneir to ore r. epee al ante:Mos paid to Um Attlee obi and marine of 1111 Ualaerles, SteamboatA, Jeoning zaii• #c•- Agana for A. &Cameron & Co.'s STEAM PUMPS • _BLOWER ENGINES, Pumps bees Intoerforsevistatss overall Otb... and every one Is Irsrrsztdid to etre utte !union. rinena onoltantlif on Lane. fe2s:sie WIG toassox,' TrEULEHY &JOIINSIM =4. ,M.P.ViALCITXCIALX.• Plumbou s Gas and Stem Fitters, rim STUMM EXTZNEHONe rs'=TT9.blaTFla. PM osders ta tZ i c iaVl i eented saUsiacterily ana ycem .. o. ♦ iFay.ll4l,olticre.gqtafrllt and etelHlsdies tcd moss seasonable Vera nmeans trattendato. u7Pluv " matt Pr°"'" 0 ant Hose of em7dsaaTildlon• BAILIFF, BROM& CO., ' itirca.l3B 7Pectorraaelt, 4 0 azz,EGREA•r• errs; Pzi. YIPi glared ,., tts.g, suorkmat or 'HYDRANTS, SUNNI' !MAD. Lumurs, HA.TH.THS3, WASH BA. lONS, IRON 'AND BRASS WHIM. AM all maw egs for Siting tip path& -prtratA with OAS. WATIHos I•TSAN: , lauhmn TOBACOCh CIGAR:: &o, lIKOPTATOII.TOBAZCO 'WORKS • R. & ONKINRON. lor i ntimo mut . ewers la 1 " 1 1 1 P!t"Ti• ionecto-ARD am ine, No. 6 EZDERAL EMWEET - Third door from Surporistos arid" Brunch firm', 466eirittreol!4"‘ rb JOHN .ME KAW, Manntacomx of and W•olistje;ad 1141•11 _ Bauerto ul •1241. al Tobacco, Sala tad Cigars, aAs im,swaT• isrzweimarr. • general user= t Bistokl•ir Toaacm PIPu T 04409 &mu ahr 70 44 mad. *MN p ~~ .:. sitit; NORTH AM:lam LIFE BMW COME Of New Tim York, 'Only Company In the World °feriae merualty guaranteed bye s direct roper . "talon aod [: T o of Us randoof Use Generator mate Government In addition to the arimarlty heretofore Offered. ere call particular attention to the followl:g oC ii.P7sraVUotre RlaLtare of onud to _thooo. make Poe cla r t eposlts doperlatondent of the insallitire fleXlttnaela. and t r eoelve then for Berl/dared PoU 4. hearing th of the Department mtd • Certificate the t the me l la eecured by pledge of Penile !Stook. nada. a Opt , alai Trust created by the Act of Legislature In favor of the NORTH allyettlOA INISIMANCK COMPANY exClultrely. This makesevery Neg. tatteredßrAlcjoire..arectirlitomV rider La ad . . N . RESTltltr Tal 4 ln n TlavelValdeLe or the Ordinary Zroployments to say mart of the T nited Bleier ...Katona. at Ley ...son of the VIIIIITY DAM , GIt•CF. on a/I renewal,pay- Manta. ALL POLIQIEM are non-forfeiting and dhtelT ladiopotable. Ineoze• er MD OVER ONE MULLION DOLLAS. All 1 mowers are lorfted 10.22121. and tom- Loflgz, • with Mow of the ••li arid ihrzn - BILE: pruid.si, • B. T. cooK it, CO.General Akents. 'Timms:Bon BRASOV, N 0.67 Fourth street. At4Va. "e wL re."l4"`"ll=sriT. INDEMNITY AGAINST. LOSS BY FIRE FRANKLIN INSURANCE _COMPANY OF PIIILA DELPHIC& °Oleo: 435 and •37 CHESTNUT ST.. Neu FLttb. ICRO Charles W. Dancke D r, Dl Hord WIL e-ea H. Louis. Tablas Wagner, . David n. Drown, lease f« barnitel (Pant. Jacob D. tooth, kdoard C. Dale, George W. Richards. Georee Fates, plias. DANCEEH, irssldent„ EDWD C, DALE , Pied President. WM. C. STEELE, Secretary, pro Soo. J. GARDNER COFFIN. Agent, mb9wls North West car. Third I Wood ats. ALLEGHENY INSURANCE 'CO. or rirrauvueli.—Utics. No. Pr /Ink greet Bank Block RU lames M melee: all Wads at Mee an d/tiring Jolts nivrter Pa.WM. JOH DO N NE tu. rraaldenta C. C Beeman. Capt. WAG D enteral Agaa JOEE Into, J r J r.. pt. W Dean.. &kVA. u 1d.001 , 1. • ntrnestoek. W. H. Everson, m.ve..T Mir, Hobert H. Davie, T. 1.0.1=424 rowel Wien. Charles Um, - Geo. D. elcUrevr, pEraverLVANIA INSURANCE CUALPANY. OF PITTSBURGH, PA. *Mee. Itt irtith Street. Rank Sleek. Tide Is • Hard Compel". sutd Lucre, scalar. prwanit. • 211VVARWE, Vitus.liousy • Leonard Wetter, &It Wllion. •C. C. &Wu. kino. ZvahA Bober& Pat J. C. pm Jacob ralater, J. C. 11.5 1 / 1 ... V O 9Ol .7• JAL H. hou ps Jo hn s. : A. Aer.on. Hon , " Smoot. WF;447'. . Al/ SZT PI TTSBURGHEIIN 11V8IIILLNCE CO, ISAND Vs NIXICZ, PrelWail; W 4 l : i l .1.4. AL. kiii LOILUZ/lILLLUM...I Arent. Office, SO Water street. emu a. owe wren Hos._ eh etUrs, Pltubarrh. - Will Elmore sultan ot• ILLId• of tire sad Xastne BULB. &hems Institution managed by Dtreetors who ere well known to the eostsoulty, sad who en deterauned g J.H..rosevimitu sad ttheralltY. to =haste tee ktat Mu hue as. ague, as offering the br itprotection tO Moos who mecum to be teem& _ _ _ alas. James Me J Auloy, A. 1601.120. 1 . 8;444 aley. D k asl.l IL Loss. IDlam del . pEOPLIFAS 1N 0/7/01. X. Z. TAILINU A HORS 00EPAN't ME &ND L BUM ' AM= • DOLINCTOtte.A ft Wette r.. . ---- • aftir...em." att Nya.. ~t-pial,tr-. „...v" Ettre, ' irank it. letea . ... 1. Jaaxs U. Vernar, wm ' O ki Here Lem JOHN 7i.laleVrieit=litt 7:11 Ni " Vat i lie. ti MON. Gen`l AO. I=2l COAL, COKE, Bce LOOM . 111 /r1111A.X.... KAUFFMANR reel" . - - UNION COM. Vim_ BeslFamlly Coal, Bat Coal and Slack ♦lWala on han4 and prowPUY dell. easti . to order. OITIOL COB. LUMMOX j 3 PUB irra., Y►Rb—►lleßOea Palley Railroad, new car. sod street. Ninth Ward, EMU WI. Y. CLANZT WA EDIAGI C 1721.11130.. L N. ElL.BrialtAX J. L. MULLS.. WM. M. CLAINEY, & CO.. • Gas Coal Works, nblppero.d dealers In SDINCRION GAS AND FAMILY" COAL, NUT (DILL wad eLACK. Post. onleo udprees. ERYX. 557. INtlsenritt, and LINAL brit2/11=7/UP;;d atm' Pinot:niel Boeing 11. k. LIU earner Liberty Mee' and Willi, slier. eittebeegti. BILANO/1 UOIFICAS: No. 8 Liberty Imre; under Pears'. R. R.. oppo. me Merlanole street. flllabare B. And rumour/. !lonian street one Y. Y. W. C. It. 11. All.ottenr. • U orders OD at • liner nr the oboe. Auto .111 .re prompt attentloo. WPM". PIT COAI, CO VI irssi y. A. —al:tippers and dealnn In finpartor nanny and Swam enai. Nnt Coal and /ilk., aananl or- Ike wand atm Plitabnran Sarin...Bank /Scald ing, carnor Lrxrty an d 't nen alloy. /Stanch office, owner Try• Third atreeta, Ylttaborgh. Ordata left al either ot the &bare pi ace• wilt twelve prompt a ttentloa. P•stogfeel.44u... nom 057 Elittsbliii. 1 I. 4. oft.tnarteri. rAtrxinr., 0. yeescausl. ' WE. innaitalitT. thjon j an 0, liaaja, Jan InonTudagnam, ' Wat.ran kkarAlrr, Jcarx F1A.114 Ilikn_Tl, Jl, a. OILLWIL, LcuMSPrei • t. j A.. H. IbfaLIIIII, UV,. ai.Unraii% Treasurer. W. 711, CLAMMY 411 - IMO. Madsairnang. Jal:q9l • ' ' FlTTBliunoll NATIONAL COAL AND COKE .COMPANY, .hIPPen old dulere, -wholesale had ralsll, la the BEST FAMILY_COAL. • _ Brume Cfccol. eases ll.lavols. OPPICIS AND YARD, corner ?murk sad Ti? streets, Pittsburgh. Pa. Ail notfo elivery lan he City. or 130.1eaeht Don Wear, wirt me prompt and immediate aiiee - it. A. eVIDN•IAILL.. thaperin reagent.- COAL!, COLL2I. COALLM DICKSON, STEWART CO4 . Haying Yeinoveyl iDatr Ogled to • . . No.. 667 LIBERTY STREET, (Lately City Flour KIM SECOND/X.4OR Ara now proparld to torniab goal Yong blmtbany • LUMP, NUT 4 :0A.1. lltg SLACKy fll=lerin soe:though U = m ani%ovkoatatadg tayl to Promptly. kbat CIIIALBLES B ABBIEITBONIi t YOUGHIOGEMIL e 00BtELLEIJILLII 0061. atteeturem Co e !. Butler a nd 476" Cense of Butler and Morton; iirstiud MI M arty as Ulymer street.. tbliatti ward. mad .11 &mail .treat. bear Loge No; Mawr:rib. Pe. Famine. end Zwunteturm. auppliell with Um beat ankle of Coot or Uake at the /oxen essit rase. Orden left et ebY of their ogees . 1 : 1 1 reeslre prompt attention. • PAINTEBB. JOHN xuues BUM METE% GRAINER MD GLAZIER, No. 54 Nand at. Pittsburgh. Moth and Ornamaital Mo. of sun diners- Uoo done to order. All Iraq dodo fprowifis roasonabbi rata._ foamy W. I usICE,II, . ROUSE AND $lOll PAINTER, 10. ea DIAMOND ALLEY, rrrran , a. PA. n t rae a el prompt itteutt mat n 7 VLUARI H. BROWN, ontoottboarMuHnowxs Atlonui,) liOtBE AND arsrfaumma, fa alriklalmilLarket 'theta, CM Las.. = Mansaips le the 'Hatred Court er the . Culled States, la and ter the Nrettent District of Penurytrutle. eittieg la - C. kiluoras t • Stelmhuat Forest City. S hPinit i ntar eo:7l, d iulfolu d alrg=ra i ra= Orli and triasil lute. 1 sr ill extrune tom'. that CUOTOIT. lo City . _ et Pillsbury. as It o'cl.t. In she e t Cr the tiOsn D• OP P11.1...1ff the fITSAII BOAT Poltar C *lth the bewe auseAtery: tattle, soparal and teraltare. THOMAS A. lIUWLICY rattsbanthApra 9414 lta. AptiCtl • GEM EL COCHRAN, Attorney and Counsellor-at-Lem. GRAN , BI Ofece--7UBEBTTOK, d LAN BUILDING, No. 150 comer or r0n238. all legal bedew entrusted to hi, care will r ••• Mire prompt attention. ataltzta _ - THOMAS SIMPSON, Notary Public, AND• REAL ESTATE AGENT J . S. FERGUSON, Attorney-at-Law, Szoorp Tcoo H. H.McCOUNICK, .11..Ttarzacry.cht.....Taavir, ST Grant Street.' air M D s! r y"te 111' -21 a• mat attcadon 6 of tam THOS. u. BAYNE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, .Ih7cl. 07 1.1.033: afro -f. PITTSBURGH. P EEI w. A. LEWIS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, * No, 93 Diamond Street, jouri W.- RIDDELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 011:nois 3o 715 FOUSTII , A MEM H. V. HALCURELL,, ATTORNEY& COUNSELLOR AT LAW, No. 89 Grant Street, • :bll3 PITTSBURGH, PA. TA72I CLaCsl.cca claim Meat. V. !. eau. Cm. Mike; No. 67 Fourth Bt., second doer, 1181013, 10111111 P, dB /ULM 01 Idl Promptly Collected. Ho thugs nude until elatate are 'HUM, mad thee bat • ma:retina fee. mittaal $lOO. ADDITIONAL BOUNTY. LOST DISCHARGES. !lordlees who DM. lon thetr dlseliarga earth. =tea and who are otherwise =titled to the oddl tlooal 1100 bounty. tan hays their cases at tended to by aidllair an Or lidaregtag .W.J. $ HALL PATTERSON, - CM MUMS 42 'AWARD CILAIY MESA few i •1 °Luiz srazyr. SOLDLEiI/P BOUNTIES, PENSIONS, Extra Bounties, Back -Pay, &c., o.2l.lseted In the Shorten young* Um. LT A. M. BROWN Joan a. walk; • allak xa a llrEttl=. solakitara JOHN A. STRAIN. . . IHan J, Thaws. Cbm. J. mart.. Joita B. Mecca., Jame. P. Josepa Strkpairick, 13.7,2192"7'4". suniirr. Demur?. MUTE CO. ..D AND MIEN= .6.x.3DiartaeuLicr. Ex-Officio, Justice of the Peace AND POW= ILLONDNAIII. Mee, 11.1 Filth St. opposite cathedral, PITTRAUKON. PA.. De ltito. Andt Wre It=b2=tb IrltA promptness •Addlspateh. lay.l2Al JAIME NOTARY 11:71HILW/178TIO AGE N T . PICACZ. AND lizaLmarzwrs AGENT. Omeroarnex et Boalcr and flavor streets. Lawftr.na. j=r4=tribl Carl EIF=. ge,plTn2floa a tad setainriactimaat a nd tM of all hods viumax JANCKY F.!itice at as Pews aa4.llozump. • • _ Et STACB a:MORROW, ALDERMAN AND CONVEYANCER, 'ft Pewnylvanla Avenue. hot et the basin ati matte Oahu Iltrest arZ.:22l PTTTBUITILEM, PA. CHATHAM T. EIPFISG, Attorney at Law, • Ira 410 Grant street, Pittaboriti; 130twalulaitar far OWN Xenthety. vuglohs. Ilissoort one other Stares. naellwo JOHN C. IticCONEBS, ATTORNEY AND MUSEUM AT UW. No. 87 Fifth Street. " P• 7 ilzll7sjteiriaX"):sl4:4=l BENT IN USE. WEED, ALSO FEELS & LYON Lock Stitch Sewing Machines, Pth chalice on Dori sides. If the imam. 40ce net regent them mpertor to say other be Can letntn it tm•apest be tereat7 per amt. la me. Wameate4 fonr•mn. T. N. Patterson, Ovum. avenue, near M. Ms USU.. Mr.*. A. Maim st two New Basle. Mrs. Bell C. Stevenson. sbree loon from Mon. *eterure.r, on Taror 11110. Alleibll4lClii• Mn. 0 . ', WSW& Molter.) .*OOOO and Taylor d. 27.111 aft mad street. AltegitenT• C. Posser,_2io. TM Medford apeet. Miss M. Lawreseeville, near . 'Sentra MM. Wentxra. Limeneettlle, next da r t* ear. Lees Chianti. . 3„ Y. Bowan. Jugs Lthirty. • Milano oasts, Carson sad MeLee streets, Et c. miasma. • ' M.aleherds. NIP... west. 7. ss, uses, Zosep6 strest. opnodt• Pittsburgh Heat R s?.tt: ra= its :Pt Imo oneedos, Mow. Yates. tifrAPP= Infest Hibbs. de.. stssoned !saheb. Preach Yatterns. . .11,ttiMUI WAJMED. _ LOMG,•Anesit. RII:S.i 1175 want stems, 800 7.0 1, 0; 1, , GHOVEII & HAKEWB ELASTIC STITCH ANO LOCK STITCH Sewing Machines Axe Tat itser for YAWIT 104 • • Pox Poses. Call s sad sea than et XO. /8 iltlite Street. irkidl:Dso3o3.6)l, - 3 :j llaarualag MU adman adaertasements bf lalta Saar 11.a.t1aas s bat set a lalillna4f. X. 1411.4% we beta tally tested for am toga yam, sad Is by all man* tent Judaea.pro sae •••• • • IWO. Me ari 1111telliOta aokstaa 825. BALUTLETT 826. SEWING MACHINE Beat Clb Lloonsed Machine Ix the Mated metes Aeestevaa tea eeerr.b.n. "" TArr'"lll.4llll°Z.tisel:l42S•erlS. 1 14 Tr " 4=l:. Orbal".44"""dall GET ONE'BOT A GROVER & ILAICEE Nor a • Holkhry Chit. It la rellable,Perted and Waft, Um bat. Doa% MI to mil and seclt at SRO . HARNESS & CANIIILIGE CUM D. I Willi ; um. llaronbnftaeLnw .~uL klyi tett Sordid, use. For satitaV - -noeutsil -110. 1111/ 1 / 7 11 MIX T. aE GUOVEgt & 111161.614 IPIBEWINC MACHINE i 'MaZatl l l" 3l ` 4lalm 114". 30 18 IT/TNllll=62. BAUR & 310E1E14 416,14LCOEIMMISICIT . • ABROCIATION litfintliti„.Mot. I dad & T. CLAIR STURM nT 795 . , " g • FA RPoolal alloation. Oros to Clo , dffloUN_ sod Oulldtsir of Coos Roam , *ad ooloilo Widows Fes,' OIL CLOTEIR,;-' -Raving tr prime ...ow looviriltztrtleletbs at claws este&lam swot ois had sad de for tam vlutttale gad retail. J. • H. PHILLIPS. a LA 4 M. cials 111 •,J •41. •ti MfEl MO. fig ITITH STUNT, II , ThT =1 MM=MI ==MMI TEIZ A. Z. IL L. WILL HOLD A Grand Anniversary Fesilval, IN CITY HALL, Pittsburgh, . . MONDAY AND rufsnAT Eir2MIDI2. Aprll >Z74 & =A. at 734 o'clock. The ohjetts of title Una ere: Fleet. Th e Pyles ot meths to the r. eepeeLall eNtabled eehllurs, %hear widows as eamthes; een.th. The morel and tellectual ',glom of esiore4 nee. - - We theretbee to itenezete petite-of/Lb testes,' county to 112 LP tiS.• • - A W Dealeetreeee e .111 w astees. (iced ee =we and a u means other rathwal means of ookaplotat •in ee 'applied by toe Com:Mita,. cards of ad/Mulct!, 25 CENTS snob; Coll. den metes MreMe yews, 10 OENTC each. For Al i e . at . Mt eiromlneat . Pees of Me. two . A. OZALE, 'scot waancs, • Charm= of ColualSiele. • O. w. Warr, T. R. hosts. aut2tibl PTITSIIIIIIGH, PA. iQ u,v $lOO. GREAT CIRCUS TRAINED A TifTPIAT.R. 2121 a long aatablished led faeoilt• Carel/ and • Animal gablintion be. Wen thoretighty 1e.... , mired and condoetely renewed 10 ,rut dealt. Alinth'. eeMbt_ll4/011;trrAratitH Prtiroa4V! t; r,sra. embracing a 4 the p a Mget , nalla . and adjaecte nacesaara lola ern Was* caveat. ?lie limits of an adeortlent arid acareely ironies for a fad emulation of 'he man.. or tin salmis OHIO to croadoyed le Om an es tablishment', bet the porprUlms Wm ..pftia ridein diroetiag.aUcation to the oenaeulan Coop.r. 011th LI eempomd at all um old Z.. Torl Borseinen, Vresasts and Acrobats La Itta praftmlaa., Aug. • , TRAINED LIONS ' pu.d le Dia • etlbltren.. 4 tnelt 111 be enterer by ler. CRae. ;REIM& above. nee •wasatiosal prrfoyearee whirr la tae realm of rheas fonaldarve axe fauna. bents. • • eanweblair tanntaa ambers Or UV INC WU" tbe • ran *ad asebatanaleMitt n Aleat wars, aL .ged ana tube barrenly st, The natnal balsa imam th e utaroaglt eanuol a or the beeper. The L Egoestrian Company ratbrabos tba- CDs OM* errata art. salt Whims wenn wUI answer far tea astertlaa. !Dv X Dr. JalL ',Mar Ea. ilmabrirt. r 13.. W. NO Mb, Trabarr. btr. T ar,lealtD. ilarebseaitLier. )11 . • 11001..t.alCal YE, Acrobats. Oa. ltrat:o Blerrit rAftlifigia • Maa 1.1-Ltlitai.: rabanteetrib• ZeOrni IL Dena.. ebneetrlanna,' ateatar W. tX)trale. treat t.. elder a Lettbeer, Mr... KO in ar,.Atarlabsen Der rarresann. Nor. F. ItoaLSlSt_ NTaltella Baton Levier. . Dlr. a.../.1111L1211. Walter. 0.. with • ben al aew lbe LZAHNICD PONT sad thaTlickbors. • `llllllzatiLet• will be Intrbanard by . N. alum 'fbe CUNICI /LIMN will be Intradoes4 by Dr.. Thayer; arid the TEISOLIC CLO WAS will predate melt. owe - The eargratts DA n NIALVI S JT " . 1 1 . rltb ab/elidl4 bane. btenolarn, will be/OM/wed b 7, rot VSVairb:re r L ir artrelg; TrgeO:ll #tattalA ' , MIL/111T .lea la 0010 eaanlay. • - • ,:ri:_~}:.:y ~ OPENI.II6.' / I,IIaILU COMM /BSIRMIT 01 BQYS' CLOTHING, For the Spring Season, AT vEnYaroDEBATE PatICES. GRAY ic LOGAN, Re. ft ft. caift•sio . ft, . HENRY G. HALE LPDcil Ws m ere NEW SPRING GOODS, All tie Novelties of the Beason, r First-Class llfsrehant 'lnflation • Establishment. W. MINED; Merchant No. 50 BT. CLAIR STREIT. xzw apicrare ()QOM, Juc opened. All tai ' . and new Etna nettents got nip In the IntentWnon ern stria; whetent W. J. etzlecal. non. u:131113. MAORI 8; U=l, Itaa2ll4 "teakr*W7mal.". R.O K , $' aro. is InttEturntizr. tawsr Curt BMA SKI air.A . l.n.frortgast et Ladsre Maws at. Nos. 101 awllo4l wood et, - Prrrasussa. PA. AATBEW BMMh GUNS, IMPLEA, EIBTOLI3. Hakim., Ottlery Tarietr Geode, h. 111, air kat Si iser he the Ship: =swam= ra. •mom Moo of all Wads slants ou lama. - eau am! /IZoloura===lllo. t 11;97 SE W OPERA Less egmedllsaseet WY. H ENDE6A.I3 ........ IztAkay aa4waticmant grim art.lo. WILLI lc!, MADAM .• Late of the Wlaterqardan, New Yore. 'echo wig make bar woad appemaam la LAD? OF LYON& PsIVIn• 31. Ni Iredarsdalt-Lerlim Wedding._ Ba.nnlay—Kat.theo—Onr Azatzlellt IarTARIETIES THEATRE. • (FINN efingln. 2734.11 oi. CLAIR.) • Serail appearance oftversatile anUale.nUns NELMS 11GWal11). To.niGHT. toe nen Sensation Amami entitled THE lei./ MAN OF AliMI. ML. PEA,:)[ ellitln ttL. Master if AuNES and the mitten company In an malre. atm and be pro gramme.. 71[CLAS 07 Antosason—Revorycg Hnatj. ISM; De... unto. Sus; GMH7,Yinm; rrtrata /50;714 44.40. • arALLSO9IC HALL, • • Becoad yeti rmaaa of the ; JAILS LITIDOCIIIitIC Istuallin. IR7SdAthatllli7 'Evening, *pru IT. Istm. Th e ei..texte eottrtaloatent •11.1 eotmettee with the three set drams or ZfiLlo CST mazasAv LIB; or. it Tutors Cone. ot, falperea 0< the cools tut:note of UNWLKRLOTA3 Lontutittm, Reenolloo. ....... A. M. RAT. Atterott , ciare,itatlOs holes Waltalleott.• LouTTUE LAE& - Th. Theta to catalog with th e 111th e 0.4 Of Obetspeart tasto t re f ol m i. of Doorsopenot3i 10 7 . 'cloth. Perron:moos to eotrootheo at to I. GO CLAW, _ arACAIDERIF awsic. TIIESDLY EVEHM APRIL 18TH. IW, .ROOTqI OPERATIC C4I.I6rAINI. The S a pmaidor o,• Wlll be reheated to costume, with the addttlau ! of a toe orchestra of fonneen Instruments. AD azattox Yana ette mut Urea 81.00; Ifmatty.ta•Me. teem. it . ese,est mate 33 pent•• :Ott t o be had ra k et; raj, t t at 10 o'clock A. N. Vans open at Welgok. per. - 1 . 111121.1.11. to eamateace at 7fe. The profile of Ude manatee:mat *VI ba amid ler the Ocoee; of th e Seidler* , Home, the hot- . diem , Omit= Asylum ant the pagers , Storm meat rand. - • 2 - aellazte rgrIXELIP! HELPS Pariatritas snit, A VA, Asi tumor. AND COLLTAITID& Or JUST OPENED, CUMPZISINiI Baca as ts eil7faund la a' =7:l