r ir A . CluVittobultglinette , I.IJE9DA7. LPBIL 78. Ise7. litt AXERICAVI CultrniCT. When Mr. lilon.sce Gorxxxv an. Detained his intention te write a History of the-Great Rebellion, general appre hension prevailed, which was shared by most of his admirers; that he would prove inadequate to the task. Not that lie waesnpposed tote deftelent in natu-. ral endowments ler so high a purpose; but it was conjectured that his profes sional discipline , ind_his active partici platen in political movements. in this country, for the long period of•tliirty years, had'measurably, at least, unfitted him for the function of a historian* They who succeed as newspaper writers, and especially those who rise to real eta ince ce In that species of composition, at tain a condensed and sententious style., They use only the main pointsof Briar. 1 , gement, and these aro comp- ressed into 1 , the fewest possible words. Details, col- t laterals, elaborations and - embellish ments, :they mostly exclude, because there isnot room for theta. Longhabit, in these respects, induces a sort of sec ond.-nature which is not easily over= come. - • Farr minds are so versatileaud , flea as to Work effectually historian two mote distinct methods. ; The on the—Other hand;pioduces. Many of his highest special effects, and , contributes to the gene - al: beauty grid valueof his perfoinitittnek by an entirely iliffsreni manipulation of histhe* elatioration, the .drawing of all hints, • sugzeatlons, surmises; facts, and infer ences, to one •fecits, serves to throw the march of affairs into; stronger perspec tieeftwAsclose.."llll'lol3.4.r imietbc'd can, the-Motives by which potential actors - were influenced, and to reveal the rela tion to'each other of causes and events which would' - otherivise seem to be dis connected or In'congynons. Moreover, the historian has space for ornamentation. Deis not restricted to the necessity of presenting his thoughts in skeleton, but can round them out Into appealin gl ness of strength-, and beauty, for cognition not alone to common sense • or comb, but to all those sensuous fac ulties which commonly exert a greater away than the understanding. Gnat LIE has happily disappoint " ed all the forebodings of. failure that were felt_ , "If, has not achieved so-de cided a success as to take place in the front rank of historical , writers, he 1 1 ! prodwied, almostimmeasurahly, the tl • ' book on the war, and the causes which led to it, Vlach has yet _issued from the press. Indeed, it - seems quite improba ble' that his 'mirk will be superseded for halt a century; and the final historian of , the Great War, when he shall appear, will find therein a pi ofounder apprecia tion of underlying principles, a deeper philosophy of cause and effect, a truer delineation of the chief actors, and a wiser forecasting of results, than in all the books that have so far appeared. What is more surprising still is the admirable balance he ntabltains in deal . ing with Men against whom ho has stood In an attitude or sharp antagonism through all his public coiner. He com prehends their position and estimates dispassionately the motives by which . they were impelled. lii speaking thus strongly .fare do n ot wish to be understood as iodinating that rl-ttirter's work, either'in concep titl., adieu, is nublesaished. , Per , D. die _state of nun in gener- man I.;s works; are liable to criticism, Defects` orb dfaceinaide iu the most ex cellent. . But the wonder is that under the circumstances of nearness to the events, of sharing earnestly there K —and of existing personal exasperations, ho has connived to nithant .evants so, faith eiwith large a xnessureof impartiality, The first voltirpeig devoted to a pre ' • sintation of thdt ldng' train of causes, • mainly Palnandi, ' but often recondite, • which alleirstad the people of-the South froinihoscof..the North,. and at last led thereloAdesperete resortro a rms as the ;thily-eipedient that held out an assur ance of separation: - When this volume was issued some montheago, a large sec ton of the people were inclined to deny the accuracy of his. portraiture, or, at least, to charge him with an exaggera , tion, on certain points reaching to the region of caricature: Much . ..of this cen sure -is hour abated and withdmwn. With the subsidence of the excitement of lhe struggle„ southern southern men do -not ' conceal that the discrepancy between so cial institutions in the North and South, was at tlicrbottom:of. tlie:estrangement. And skis accords with universal experi ence, that the political institutions of a nation repose on one basis, and its social organization on another and differ ent foundation. Attempts will be made :by argument and persuasion, and, If need be, by fraud or force, to reconstruct both so as to render them congenial and harmonious. The shadowing Mr. - Onasb.sv has - given, the picture In this respe4 may be - varied by masters who shall reproduce it In the lanes. A. shade may be deepened here,or lightenedthere; but the , outline. he hatidrawn will remain essentially un chained, and the general expression will not he greatly modified. In the . second volume Mr. GIIEZ.LEY enters upon a field repugnant to his - tastes, and for which preparatory studies bad not particularly fitted him. its ven tures within the confines of milltivy ope rations, examines and criticizes the plans of commanders, pronouncing judgment on . .the details bf -execution, depicting battle-ftelds and tiled complicated ope rations, and. summing up the conduct and result of campaigns. Complaint is made that ha discloses 'earnings; • Shat -he. distribides praise and 1 • m at aa.+-. Row eleeHhould history be written? What the student desires to know is not simply i the end of great contest, but when and how that end was helped or hindered: While Mr. Ga., y .111, bet careful to let his concep tions of the merits" or demerits, of-par dealer commanders atpear, he has pre. suited the facts so drily that every reader: hair the material out of which to form a judgment of his Own. preparing these volumns Mr. GILES zav has tendered an important service, nqt only to his .:oeuntty,.. to his Ms ' toiicaf iniesilgation; and has given his lII* on honorabie. place in permanent literature. - _ ..Etnrstio, who assisted in pro. , curing au abortion upon a woman of Louie, has becn convicted and inn . fenced to three years imprisonthent to the Penitentiary, The puniahment was moat too light, for examples. are esiseci. ally needed in these peculiar tidies. - - Si. Lotus wants better drinking water. It is suggested that the supply bo drawn from the little .lieramec river. ICLIMETI of .the prominent citizens of Chicagohave memorialized the Board of Stealth, praying that rigid sanitary measures be at once adopted, in Yiew of the approach of the, cholera next sum mer. NO movement towards reform has yet been made in this city. If the dread pestilence appears in this country during the present year, Pittsburgh cannot pos sibly escape a visitation. Her streets, alleys and by-ways arc In a wtetdtedly filthy condition, much worse Let at the corresponding season last year. ail prepare for the scourge whil ld e ye once t it is time. Sanitary reformshou be made general and everybody should see to hils premises, and do alibi his pow. er to aldWie energetic Street Commis stoners in cleansing the city. The dan ger is Imminent, the work must go on. W u have received the initial number of the flepulAiran, a Radical journal published at. New Orleans by Messr recom- s. S. L. Snow:: Co. It . bears the mendation and endorsement of Generale Benue and and other Radical leaders of the 'North; It is a neatly printed' folio journal of twenry.eight columns, much smaller than Luis paper, although commanding ten cents per copy, or sizteen dollars per annum. It is in teucely Radical in tune, and will be de• voted to the interests of the Onion Ite• publican party. We wish it all the sec cessAho.eutorprise should warrant. TIME. CINCINNATI/all - 11 d a rare feast I of dilated whisky list. week. ,Over.one thousand barrels of the beverage escapea at the burning of a distillery,' into Deer— creek, and the Mild was 'pumped up to. the hasin which supplies the city with water. Temperance folks were thus compelled,:to .1 -adage in mixed drinks for once to their lives. Tn street etis will continue to run on Sundays. in Baltimore. It is anarrovr minded, policy' which forb ids their run ning in any city, upon the Babbath. Tem Odd 'Fellows of Michigan will celebrate the 46th anniversary of the In. trOdUCCIOU ol : the order Into that State, at Detroit, on the 26th inst. .1 , . Tan Congressional donation of Wad to the Indiana Agricultural College boa been purchased by G. F. Lewis, of De troit, f0r5207,843, min. 'NOTES FROM TUE CAPITAL . . (Conon ondence of she iittaboooh Goottto.l '. W.osumorox, Aprlllo, lesr. A great deal of interest is manifested among the genenms people of the North On the qUestion of supplying the needy multitude in the rebel States with food. The joint resolution of Congress mag en appropriation for this purpose ni p so long and warmly under discussion in the souse, and so many and yeusious were the amendments offered, that I observe the public are in doubt as to what shape the said resolution finally took. It may therefore ho ;well to print a oapy of it, told here it is: ntac RESOLt-noN—No. 26.1 [Pu A:Resolutionfor the relief of the Doti. tate in the Southern end Southwestern States. Rewired by the Senate and House of Reyresentatires -of the United States of 4.merica, in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War be and hereby is empowered and directedto issue supplies ' of food sufficient to prevent starvation and extreme wato any and all classes of eiestitute , or Letpless persons of the people in those Southern and South western States where- a -failure of the crops and other causes have occasioned widespread destitution; that the issues be made through the Freedmen's Bureau under such regulations as the Secretary shalt prescribe. And to that end the secretary or Warts hereby . authorized and directed, through the Crimmissioner of the Freedmen's Bureatt, to apply so much as he may deem necessary for the purposes aforesaid of the - unexpended moneys heretofore apprOpriated to sup ply freedmen and refugees with provis ions or rations. Provided, That the ex penditure shall not extend beyond - the present appropriations, already - made for the Freedmen's Bureau. Approved, March 80, 1867. So that really no definite amount was set apart by Congress. General Howard his, however, on calm:dation with Mr. Stanton set aside "out of the moneys heretofore appropriated to supply freed men and refugees with provisions," 000,000 to begin with and this will be made to go as far as it will to supply corn and meat—oork or bacon—to all classes at the South who are suffering. This supply will be distributed through the agents of the despised "nigger" bu reau, at the rate of one bushel of corn - and eight pounds of meat per month ?b each adult, and one-half that amount for the same time to each child under four teen years of age. This supply, eked out by hunting and fishing, or perchance by smite regular work for wages—lf the chivalry at the present stage of "chival rousnesa" can see it to that light—will, it'is thought,-carry them through to the first of August, when fruits, berries, early vegetables and the like may be had for the gathering, or bought at small prices in the noarkets, at which point the present needy ones may take up the bur den of life for themselves again. The reports from South Carolina, Georgia and, Alabama are really distress-- lug. However wicked and lazy and thriftless the people there may have been, it is the dutrof every Christian to give out qfi his abundance to save from, dis tress,for want of food. It appearethere from statistics which may be considered reliable, that not less than fifty-tbsec thousand people—prinelpally in the three States above named, but many in Vtrginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, nd Mississipplare absolutely, in dan ger of starvation. On the basis of dis tributlon above named, these yieople will consume by the first of August about 135,000 bushels of corn and 6,200 pounds of pork, or its equivalent in bacon. The cost for purchase and distribution of this will reach $450,000. This la the lowest figure, i. e.: it is the smallest number of huogry.we count upon. This will yield to adults one pound and five:sixths ' per [ day of uncooked corn stadium-fifteenths 1 (a little over a quarter of a pound,) pounds of pork or bacon, to sustain life. TO one accustomed to the abundance which thrift and industry . yields in Penn sylvania, this will seem indeed a narrow margin over and above the bare susten teflon of life. It will bo perceived that'i the law au thorizes such a distribution 'only as Is "sulteiennt to prevent 'starvation or C. 2 . Is trente want.". Thus'an opportunity afforded to the benevolent to add such samaras of money or other articles as they may desire to give, _which can be distributed through the New York-Fam- lee Relief Committee, I think, of which Be te l Id y l! , : r , t A rd N o ßrlgt p la ari o i r , respc . md 3 i t r i ll what - shape private -gifts should take -is open for consideration to each. The point Is that the government has undertaken "to prevent starvation,T and over and above Abet these people must depend upon benevolence. Thus anything like :luxuries, gills for the sick, the delicate or disabled, clothing, etc., etc., =at come from the abundance of the Norte. It seems - well, however, to avoid giving indiscriminately to wan. de ries agents, telf-conadtuted committees of the Soutb. The movements I. have heard of there, have been - consutmed on the basis of aiding only the disloyal. There May be exceptions, and dinibUent there are. I know that one aid society-was started in North Carolina and a paper issued with a "Whereat, The people of i the South are suffering for food on so count of the wrougs and oppressions put upon them by the people of the North!" Now on such a paper your correspondent for one would be unwilling to write his name for a largo amoaral Then, in an' other case, money bad been given to ce: c. . tam psrties--church partirs—in il to South for destitution, and they refused to I give a cent of it to a suffering widow with a large family, on the avo wed groundtbat she ought to expect to s uffer tor she and her family and til this way Ways stood up for the “Yrnalts," and in site bad justly brought upon herselfwhat she was enduring! What, therefore, is to .De. avoided in going is, that your money shall, While going to the "church parties" referred o--tor they too are susceptible to star- Nation, if notto the elddings of comdown, mon ense—also reach the lonely wi hose husband died under ter starry, tanner,RADCAL. St Mystery finlesd—)L Rapp need Mar tiered Woman Fouisd. The B.lchniond papers have for some weeks been epecul atmg on the ciru stances connected with the body of a mei dared woman en the Dunker farm, Immo four or five miles below that city, on the 'kith of February last. 'Toe Ls-miner of Wednesday last .has a lengthy account, needed, " The Dunker Farm Murder—The Body a tile Murdered Woman ldentilloi— ', Yrolialsinelue to the Idurtlerer--1. he Lys I tery nolvedit The mystery has, howev er, I not been wholly solved, but the theory and I been the Ereoniter's article haves been solved fu tills city, and in a 'manner I, \ Tti=cti',el to parties neti w on ho w i llt l tre " gultl:r n . and which show; also, that the victlmis yet unknown. Aci.tording to tho Litchadisal or.- ....hit aiMeard that about the Ist of Jan. nary last; bliss 'Victoria rooter left her father's honey, in thsootilund oenuty, to go to Richmond, wheuce h e *as to come to Baltimore. on c. visit to her Meter, Mrs. Col lets. Owens, and by some ineana was not brotherrm afterwards. On Tuesday a of the mlasing young lady arrived in Richmond, and on navitig described 50 him the Clothing of the woman found rent , tiered, and certain scars and marks on the body, at once conqlened that it was the ,mod of policeiste On going to the Weil headquarters, the young man thought. he tdentitiod the gloves, lames awl. he articles found on the Murdered wo. ! - Mati, as having belonged to Ids sister. This revelation led V, the - articles inserted in. the Richmond papers. end the olpolals in tat became Batted ed that Vonoriti Fas h ter woe the vietim. A young man mimed Aurelius L. Brooke, wster. ho was not seen in company with Mists s e w er. . and who, a'retr days ago left Richmond, I was at mica sospected as tho anther of the ta. it was supposed that he had COMO Ito this city with an Mie, r. Lafesette't Brooks, and telegram'. w e e re immediateiY sent hero requesting their arrest. On • Thursday morning Moulder hir.Brooke was arrested by officers Dames and nelson, at the Baltimore anti (Ado railroad depot, as , he was alighting from the cant, and deliver ed OTOZI to detectives Smith. Daimon and West, expectations d mfm c ed a phtium i dur intg e hey d u y g l e n r s. who, they had resume to believe, Brook was irt the city. On Tuntaday night the of- deers repahol,to the dwellimrot laraOweris where they Maud Mr. Attreliee C. ili, mks, anti arrested him, on the, charge of having Mthe itomicide,Mut int they did so, Miss Victoria Foster, the auppoaed murder. ed lady, aopnaied front an adjoining COMM, and announced herself all beteg alive end' well. • tit emirs° Loth gentlemen were at once released, and after duo congratula e:,?laaandmi:e runtatoar';':.:: giirCrre"a'9lltt chagrined, no .10051, in twine battled in vti,o, they couslaurod tta,hig tlaing."—Bati -re Sun. --.............m... DB. CDASIiIIF.II , B ERILPIIEEM. LA. COSIT'xibITLION roun, C/lIIVEUIL. It has long %wan known/that the hair. DTI:102 tat exertion. by exciteeet„ by d.sesse, and lm P sn " Pf ' s .ilttA"ll4l..Th" to t et:e"rltr'elhYg'g.:vir:?, sw.bBlElt:has provided a complete ant. data, anal at ter same tuoe a bestia futaed 1,. dressing for I .Z 1: It'istnstriilleVi pu teat bas.evei been preaux.ted to the public. • • IT IS blilt AUST. It wilt not soil Om toast linen. It will not gum the hair. It le Irse from the alls. ree andreable sme orlt of sulphur. It relieves the .sip of ta ble s upit.ant Irritate u, l'reecuu the hat: from - sailing on. even after les,. evinees the ne w tar ts to v row. It wilt restore gray hair to its nat. Derr In or the gooney will be refunded le every Inesance. is this preparation le comparatively eel It this country, the proprietor. percent the troth alt t ale of well %hewn verve& as to It 4 excel I * nee. Three , !oat ta French and Logitsh. ' tole sgeht for Pit Ctimrga. • JOSEPH NLE.111.160, Druggist, What Itwayne'd Ointment W Iteb In from VI to 45 boors. the moat ouch:Late mom of Tet 1 1 -tit. will van z—lt wlll cure . . tor 3-1t OUI ewe as Chronic Erysipelas of Ire ISce. 4—IL sr 111 care bait IS new.. oc/141 lies.l. b—lt wt.& care ItchMs 1'11...5,1 Eruptions. tr—lt win coslOrely care 111 1110 1.71/tases.. 7—Use trarbVit's 07071.11 NT YE scratch no '14'1317`, Dr . frebazne. 00strunat, .•, ••11C1'. Dr. fitaayss'S pistases:, I•TVITISU .7 ..t.rot, , •TF. 'TER' , ••ITC11" lIZVER3LNOII,I .lElr lit". ••ITCII., •'7STTEK•s •41C11'' TO 7.1111. ••11TTEIL" .1101'. r h, fir. ••11LTTItlt•• 8 TV!. a lON, Frill. Ibl i rptl sre s. a 4‘,11 Vy 11 ' ()VILA All a 10 •KF. 74 - I A. 1, 15 Market street, 050. Mar 14.1.. 31 Wood st.. 40. i. rt.E3dlnti, 84 t St.. A. ToltllllNClL..cor. 411 bad laariet streets, rine , burgh: KANE R DEULTT, •Ileghear• • an 1412.111.1 DIR. W.IIHLLER SAYS: Prrrenll.U, September 4. IlitA. Mining. HUM:Senn it faurii. Pittsburgh, Pa.--ent et I think l am only doing tit; part of a gool eiiiren when I testify to the great Pencil. received by toe from the use Of emir stomach BUM. dostri• the lot flee years. Sojourning !or a itme In e oil regions, in Mi. 1 bed • /se vere 411.[. attach, which. In connection with dyspe pets...left me In •very weak condition. I [ was advised to try year Slams, and, having procured • bAdle, found that they warted like charm open me, eight pounds having been added to my weight to the space of one week, [ and new life see.sed to have been Infused Into my lectern. to much Bo Mist 1 have been Induced to use them every summer el •ce that time. Al [ a Conte, I think they are invaluable. I I This summer, baring had a similar attack, (end as before. touch reduced,) although ender /the treatment of . A No.l physician, 1 eras again obliged to have recourse to the old Bitters. nod whoae same •ogd result, having seined sly. pou within fern days. I • parchimed • ball 00[. n bottles a few week.s since, and" per , pose to use them regu'arly ae • tonic. WbbinS YOU every success. t remain. Pouts, gratefolly, PINCH ARIES, - 00 CANADA PINE. There exudes from the inside bark Of the White Tine. which stows abundantly In all the EMU. litmee and ly Ite Cena da, with t • bonepilike, ieeet eutietance, highr`med hat terehinahl nate principle which has long beet valued as a remedy, in •111ollie MUSD. Orals human sys eopeciallythalle of the 0000005 tLasu • Dr. this es O. W. !,west, of $OllOO, bee ellelpOrleee4 hobs materitl a inedklue milled POLAND'S WHITIC PINS COgrOUND: which hex loot with Vent rarer In those maladies where the turpentines and balsams are supposed Gibe valuable , Igor tirarelly Affections. Diabetes tu:yating or middle aged people. Diabetes In old people. Stoppage of the urine. f - Tim same &Meet, in children dining ale night. °ravel, kidney Trouble In old people. • Ulcerated Ilia net's. Ulcerated Madder, Discharge at mucus, or pus, or blood from the bladder. Bright's Mee!" Or the Edileye. Palo In the kidney' or smell or the back. Palo In the bled& r . Heat and Scalding. go., Poised,. While Pine Campo will be found speedy and permenent ure. It is stoles , to b;' valued as • general and bracing conetitutionel ' tonic, welch Demists its health istleing. ItadaT V,As.fotlltAeitig:reel7.tr,g;,-.14 :',..;',cc; I disturbing any one la lila usual .seeentiOn. reAv.kieor,tiliti„i7•%W.S.Fl 1 al ci s l : U 0 . !sior battle.,,oC. I r D i .. Wood street- • ' ape NEW ADVERTISEMENTS,' 1117 O M Mb LILLM, ddoxos Itopross 01. 41 an aulnalt.ed Ageng so roomsnartlannenta for No G4EXTTA. and all other Daiwa throughout tha UMW &Wei nwsd [ha • BABE BALLS! BABE aims HARMAN'S CELEBRATED BABE HALLO, 11231213 P.As AN ES, EATS D DOOKN. — (at! tttttt ment of lIILSES, BATS JOID BOWL% r":TZVTIVIV,Vd 4 I I «f:iV ° "--- -swag- sow*, ood duvet. Ir== Tniroua TICIPOLI! TRIPOLI! THE BEST POLISH NG POWDERS EVERPRODUCED for u Pu t rgo ft Iggrgas GP'" for JAJM.F..s DOWN. 136 M =MI • rASHEINABLE MILLINER,, No. 20 Diamond. Alley, Pittamrso,Pa. 1 Vitte lomat and most fashionable stiles of oNer on the ler az. OST. A BLACII MOROCCO POUREI-11,0011. a um o i leerN a r b a "bi ll !Ape,. igvtii Ito!? the StINDULES--1. sacks reathen; • banal. IJoer bklos; runt 110 stoamer liowerksa, io serlv.. fo , DY spl4 . IewI•I.I.OI..;KLY 41 , CO. tx t...l l;T b7 S-11 13 2r um ba , g u s lv t2 jr. ct x r i fi c r o OLD PAPERS : • 1 , FOR BAIL, ALT T9lB OFFICt. aplC.OO To LEASE—LowellingUt l y,t ub order elegiblr w ia them Cit "*"" 1.1 be le v eed to • ••. 11 . --- n tins piiieburutbe. *entire furniture. le., menmonth.. InnnedUit• 1•••••• •.• spuortt even. tan , :ernhu puttvanriour.,,_ -ROUSID.--On. Saturday, April .1.3413, IST. • MEWL FOR A LARGE BIM Or XONEL Drawn on F. Ball d Co.. Plttabnrirtt. ibe mat eau bare tbe 6•11201.7 <slang bI•E., p BOAS. rnklna rrniperty and paying for tale aNyerblae ment. st 114 . 11rth street. ayillfl7 OB SA,LE-Ain Excellent Pair of 11011.e.115. e 0 Inches diameter and 14 I.lt tool: two ISS Inch 0000 10 each. rtes front e.mplete• &um.. good DOCTOR ENGINE, -for or o atufrtaheir • lola neat of Ocilla . . Ina rolliarrmilL factory. Eagan . . ° 1 1113011 111. BOLE & C ... an16:041 cor. Pant idlrl • Fry RENT—Three iiirge, com fortable su.ll,well Mashed roams.; with gm situ. atud r /is • healthy Jpsd dedrabls /quality. suitable tsi ass large Walls or two small faatllln• qnV✓st the preasses, /14 STIfILT. soints6o FOR sAI,E.—ONE TO STORY • Brick' D•rolltea 110r.a.,•a }pahote 7 Waal. Poeong Ward, alloghara, pith =GUT 8.0401 0 . entehod garret, good collar; gilt sad .oratet Ia the house; all In (cod inur. leaetra of 8/1.115 Et a HILL. heat Estate Agents; Na. 91;8e ... swat. .2 , ptcro SLSEI AND DOOll S'AETOUT. . JANES H. LOW & SON; lisnufacturers and &alas hi all Mai Oc Lisa. Doesok-sairrriptisortaitsio., • SO OLDING II , I glke. -, • Scroll Work and Brackets At the shortest nottc• and ea the moat remota -•- _ me tetras. smar Morro. ppl7 o . l t. orifir:ilEllst"27llllftri...ds NOTICE. • • __, . THE UNDEHJOGINriy has . Ullll dey titivated of hi. entire stoat of 'BOUTS Ain? ittiOZO to s.ot a. Ir. XeCALL.. who will continue the Dueness ►t the Old etnn4, 334 LIBTATZ tlila.T. • . ~ . Thankful foci the liberal D►trenste iastoters bestowed, I Would ►st •centinnanee Otithe mine J. D. sanALLY. • ru Ist. I$T7. a.l6izo EMI rirrsurnaa. • FoS BALE. , A GOTHIC BRICE RUNE, Bltnatoantlii2l.llo ol.ttiZtr, tbe latest Sieben style of arohltectore, contalotog ataat e t eros enty4_toic."Zqa.tra"ior ;S A ga Igor Ir ;Wet r te . os 'oroameatee Witt, froth shad. , tr... "b" te r" 4e. can seta - toed a taient 4 “at re:rm' tit aod b Ohlo river for els at atlas• viroollirther particata A. yrs.auat.re o aura. No. 4. DOIIIWIRO Wty. 13=1 B r 311E1ICANTILE 1.11.B4A111( • LEFORES: tISTBA.I WSNIALL PRIIIIPS, Esq., STILL LLCTI7II.I AT ACADEMY OF MUSIC. Saturday Evening, April 201 h. Scloicr—Till; WIT ARTS. Straete. Mallfarts of the hews. 00 Mins, To he had at the Llararf Roams aea from mato loe rs of tar Come:atter. utd et tbe awn. con epee at 7, Lectaiektr; r gp THoo. N J. B. YOEliaff, Jr., • Cerroaltu rrIt=I;Li.rI7,FII,S CORISTIAN Mw77 PROF. ALFRED P. BOUM ELL, OF YALE COLLEGE, On Mushy and Friday Evenings, APRIL MTN MID lOW. At Masonic "Hall. Syruivr-00A1 AND COAL MIIIHP• uToulCalicke.Tß-54CZEITS•wa..Mliciiitir„, Asi"c: 4. 1. 11. nor amis. Le , tur. commitu.. roma CIEWILCII BOOKS. InncuirsiliariCs. Urn J. r tb: tIIUI.IVAtitMVUp ey ;rat. w PV.•7 7011.DR1LD1741: lidigli"NlNA Mir Joiat ' 1[771 ew 1. 17..1km , v i n TS Full lioLI WEE-. Mom 64,1,11. DOUBLE W 771111.13 TIir.CUUBCD. 7 Vial:*7 TO frolaDAY IMILVICES- _ 01 , 11f107. 0/ 711 Z. liDna cODDONION. .D 7 °Tl7llcilf3WeillitaratlrTO COD Y . DIW. Iraliortsl47 THE e11iD777•31 TZAR. liViDribie,;•larittl D . YU ELIDING UT InerWrii Of ILITIEDLTION.. John Bawl liritlaNitit NOW. 8.5 DUD= VOCIDIDE.. 93 . 1.1LVAT 1 1 44. ATV, ntock Orsap 7.ova• "I. I. R WELD= t CO.. .1713.11:0 No 6 101 WOOD UT., Ilttatnagb. NEW STORE AND NEW GOODS. FRANCES TES MOT, f Mk= DIMOND, NITIONVIADIL Just upsutd, large and ciil" itpct of Teas and. Family Groceries. . • Wilde tie beteg petalled et lowest wbolesale velem Call aud aee Cu goods Ageees Te 7 them, sod lene well be ible to ffor . Toup. *else& Tenn* abeelately .. ME2 11101 nozzaTe. =WM 0111 WIT. (I..s(e of Noboru. Harney & LW.) ROBERTS & SHWLATT, munTrAcrruzzas 07 Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron Wire, No. et sarrztramn ernmer,. Neer roman arrest. • PITTEIBUS OI3 . nave constnall7 aanand Bloma of elf...VE.s. glans. Ja=rapgrun.sa 1,40. b igleltarard'ne.: as la gneral. watch %bey ral winni ng s Re til. • errallliarotabWAte. =rd. JAMES sovrii __-..1 • • NE PLUS ULTRA WASHING MACHINES 2IM NOWZLTI ZEIIOII AID TIIII; w w,GivmsiriaGe.i VOION OOTITE POTS. And • pal aunrinseni of licramk•eptig tiootion GRAFTON'S, 66 Federal St., NAAR aimrtoAu warm Alas.:maxi cm!. pirEn FROM STAMPED GOLD AND VELVET TO TUN WIPES? Ililoll ILIOWI II /it No. 101 Bftrket strert. Jog. R. IIOGIEJES rY IMO , spilt OSICUT IeCOWAN ......... MCCOWAr i noler PIO AND_ORTAXMAIadria , XI& AND ONAIdESS AND CibsAssaid. 00, Nestle side at Diamond, Allesbeni. Commaref al Sad ale n !Wk. made to-orser. de n rmetxpritiltr:krintr= raw; surdisatJJ on tISSIS. MMT= CO ---.------- IgirENB YraBTEP • Merchant Tailor,: No. 14 WYLLF...! ST., tre.nalg of C Bt. Cab: Meta ti 118 farms of nous 151 Baill • 1 CCPArriNci - S . LATEST STYLES UT I . . Light anti Dark Sutttngs , .. AND AT. , PRICES VERY MUCH REDUCED. CALL Oro 'Ex olds. .6rPartienlar attentlitit will i• IWIM W th e STI 1.12 turd PIT of all g arhitote., OWEN B"Y'PNE. No. 14 Wylie .Street, Ur 0111. ASHLAND If ALc. _MIiIL , 22:T71t--------- ------- Earn OIL WORKS, • ...u.40,... 0 •• Eureka Carbon Oil, .... caLisassas Sperm Lubricating Oils, I GICEIdICAL I,INI3IMED - OIL, Wholesale Dealers in Crude, Rained and Dibricillitlig 0/1 t. Lard, Pperut, 7i , bile _ Dish OR,. C. C. NOBLE, Agt, 19 Irwin Street, # • PITTSBURG B. ORDINANCE--------------- rel A to the OMee ef ihmoraint Oe • . y ilacetort,),. Be 0 auto% ewer.. by I .. St led swa n : memo* cas ILI , 6 1 , 1 i, =9 114 . / i r a44 2lles . h the Itecordlt 2 ltd . ni tor linaYharapeijilr byd mitn Om consent *et. riereialit. on stitc h ed Dewar. to apg War. ' il ' ll :Vretst El:eintrZfa •••• may lie I: tg ;?•"::.= P . 7= and 6""'". 01'40'1 LTC. 2. ' All moneys rec•lved by the Iteguistor for regulating lois in the oily shall . PM 2 01 blest tor , tIM By Treasuo er. an , e lie sr &vote b lirOrtr7Vr li:mo " %re r IleVgatoMitail meet. for bit services Ma.= of MOO pet A.m. unit. Pig, 4. Than MOr ordlosnece part* of um.ea eeonlettng with Ode ordinance are here blol,eind enacted into • law this the lilt day of Arra. A.. D. LPL 3 ~, uicußi R, President of the in 'cot CounclL I.ltesit D. Macsmows Clerk of We Cele c ; •kti 0 7 1 1. Prelatical of w the Common Council. A"'d &c i r U klflL D" COn goit'eouncli. N ORDINANCE to authorize Atoe Grading and P . eying of tine Avenue . Three 40$ t . r, 1,1.7,:i5itLu1,,.., enacted by Ike 149..41.1lCirtsTeVir:rVis{20:rarSert gtifflri; ,-,. rt....ortty of the gum her Onsunirtre so d 0 toots, he. and they ere hereby authorised d directed to Invite and teceive proposaLs for We grading and paving of ottio avenue. from he de wiea to Polon Oust: lloue street. IlLom Lecock etreet to Itlver ****** i Monterey street, from Tarn. eves. to Carroll street; bueMeld street, from Eider. Street to IS aaaaa Onset, In e toe rinu ward; U. 111., from sAst Lan t , gieari.',: Iggll.l.%=tatLl•bal`g°„Tusl r.. • • Weird igerati.. 41.22. That fur the tiara ca dercarlor the iii;trati. etw:rx.°lll::o2,l4.r,rarnr,•;, r:,,`2;13111.,11:nrar.7:::::,' loutte.Ynnta alleys respectively, to protarthm to the tool front in them ....elite. eon:prig., and boonding and a s as aforesaid. OW. S. Test as soon as the rot and cern.. ISmild insprervmetits shall be fully ...Oslo. , it sloill h o the duty of the elem.( (...iiimiulauer to moms si. apportion thew.. Ai.. the several lots ...or sod a1=f..2, 0 1/ 2 ,t a r t L vv ilt ,l lt nirl'e..iittig tnlg r gl z .c ' sod 14hirieupuii pr,/e ,. .1 to mprVi st re . L';' tsboldg, Mei'. same r.,\ =at'? the timonongrealtli of Pentinvlrstita, entitled - loA: o 'll°,V:l4 l .. r t, , Tr. °,l} "VUn t,h ft Bowesa of um qv 0r..!,.f MA 9. •ud ' hir other " X.l. 'i'litaf :filaili.i>Ps"YolittiraCte"ltiont-or .oillet with, or be 3l Me foregoing. he and Use sense is tort e repealed. Ordaied and Mae to • ism thia, the el.. antis 4.07 April, an maul. 006 thousand ` 14 """" d 0 " "4 .laritcup m u, President of 0011001 Council. Attest ZilieiCkltreirecT&nelV 01,1 , President Ol . Colotc " ..rn Connell. Attest Mork s BO. of Goinnaue o .? Drigril. t. 2 rru hl“ NOTICE—TO OWNERS OF CARTS, WAGONS, Bcc. • sou. I. beraliT given to obelus era 7,1r=dg,t 1 n 3 :1 1 . ,, ,Tet." "' , Fay their Licenses, jggALTßlls7l%lYiVtlton*"'‘b 00" 147".1 w%ls:rar.t.rtodg.r..l:7,o,,,nigtgi Col 01 for eellreilon. .011011 10 his fee ofsons".llht: ig = le :t i l l :se I tr tit IC ' elA d 1 ItlaVe: inhe .0).1 to a penalty. he recovered Le fore • Juni. of the r care in so ldso Borough. 71m old Metal plates of ereviont yaws melt be return. at tha Same Means ere takes oat, or DU Carats therefor. BATIS Or LICINSFA. Bach 4me.borse vehicle $3 76 Eh 0.... vehicle 0 gio Each f uraione eerdels 7 BO ... .. .. 7 00 tWit:rshiV: ligne; * ir L:erVi ea . Wit by 900 irintoi.ab":ll:l,l:ittn:!....."' -7 of 100 U. JANCEY. Treasurer. Lssrl=mu ---lc. FOB THE SPRING TRADE. Al 28 and 243 St. Clair Street. 0 ::':.17:4 1 0.27.?„t=tvi.. - Wg'lla of 71AXou. otprus. •V• u lliiidnrin , irAirLS AND CADUILUE OiLlitVirlal, Air Da. all ADZ 712.1fU5w.0. Alio, "AilU BELTnN, 1 ginlghfik 3 r A ca ix a. Being istannfactwers, we are enabled to oiler traderebants. carriage meters and the retail ggdi:ita=snethlOAris and pada nut 7 ... n. Futures. i.pioo PATENT WINDOW BASEL PATENTED JAI...BULB!' Ed. 1147. WASHING WIODOWN NELLIE EAST. ThistiaW is so emended all to ta amity tas Did from the window without reme n ving the sash 0 2si d b i er el ' of w o r t arrif.nT ti me , on =nen more ease. ft is fast canting Into geserat new lkon•t build without so•lng it. •ay win. 4 11_ 0 e . n itt b ntilt re " a s elute Vrti l l Si at early mfr rereltorybit gem met. litre meincoments of fered to men of email capital. for blahs sad eorint7 tights apply It JOSEPH W•SIIINGToN, No. el Tonna Weer. Pliteliergal room sit. assail roes is. ma rrsarrean, Tons its A (Mins , . Witte 9 " WAY CO. i TIWIDEND No. 3.—The ward .... at Directsra of this Corsimal kime declared the regular quarterly 41,140114 of TWO AND ONE-HALT MO PEI CENT, 7.ori.ent.:ltriNggytto°teilneVa Plo2l7,blai to ma ol7Wleslow 'Laufer A Co.. Not. '7 end 20 c lue str.t. to 1110 . 4. reghliemd at Now York; and et the office of as TreaUtra to thomi regis tered at ?Menorah. The Vander boas Wide. on We Mill day of March, il. lee laiff. at, p • oh. and el' , open the Prat d o _ , ~, wiip olli,MOS., ttee . Y.l . Apr. GOURLEY 10. LORAN, Dealers In Hats, Caps and Straw Goods, nave Jest opened Weir new stock of FASHIONABLE GOODS. tie Bt. Clair Si., Pittsburgh. . r " I. L , ._,. illease We sta a salt beine Param hi Vii i r SUORT is RAND el DATING. — A ,perfect kmevri.dge of Ude velesble art 1.292 t la tot short and easy lossou, by• pato tiesi reporter from LonACW, Shileha• • bob huhll %instil separately and at any time Wanit DAD ons courealeace. *Poly to J. A. oskr,l • 1101 S--- - -11 ° — rra rent' PEW FOR-BALE, LB 1111 Milan I'iIIiaBTTICILIAre CHURCH. yr.(er. c. &meal%) 110. 1111. MitialY limat'd 1 0 At middle alele. Apply to Ili 5, DItYABi. Broker la Londe, Stock', Ac.. aplia 2 " 13'L1 ial''''."'""et MAVX 114Mtills—it1.1 1):111.9191: 10.710 4. 11""glIfitialtirlt 5 1.50e,' n No 112 main Wood Math =_ 11111. *SOS. la DIAMOND , t'ltt.b.re• of ail Grades, LIST OF APPLIC4TIONS FOlll I.IOENtiVI TO S CM. I.' quott. Laid lc ' the Clerk's IMLIce, op to Aprll • • • Name • •litrld. Itce. • Wm. Pollock. lATVII, tot PlArd. l'ltts‘RtrAls. Bizaiir.Lrui• - .. .• Ent. Little •• •• John M. Keler, •• `• • B. W. lEterasey, • :: PaLllcl Kenner. llock. ulln. Mot M Po •' 4000 L.tz. 9thapsoWKor r I.L'oTg Lstrl,' Jere. Mex... •, Fred. Evert., other gOodll. - Wm. Ilmloce C .• - Ouckeobcfmer A Ca". ir. " " Jobe, olherron. tavern. Ild Wsid. PlitabFgh. Jots A .Ihomos, •• If oiploleo• Tog& I` . • il•Ilk La 0,, .T -..ph Whey. .• •• T. Monday, 11 troll Cells. TrAnris Li Wolk. • 11.4.:;.XcW:1117111, ms=:s sa Ward, rlttsliTrith . ~ Raba Lava. Peter 'McGee. " .. oar. Corcoran. •:: : " Falls. I.) , a c 11. ' .. •• JGre. C 09011114 L... •• Call. Boit. eating Cann, :: • • 6 it 4 l4 1 7un, rj ' ether roods. ti9F4:lViliZ. -:' " `: Haab iltsget aid. ta:Vra. 4th Ward. rit4A1A.,440 Wes Meow, .. it ' g r e ' tf person I r k e„, n •. . • John snefiradv, • •• ' .. J• .N. Anderson A Bro te.0...• ••• J at. M. ssoonl sr. eats[ AcusG:: .. Mlels. Walsh. •• • •• Jai 8. Mansost, M. McCullough, Jr. a Cc... 0. ff, '' J. K. IlAnstusa, hseern, :.1,11 Ward, Plitetsurgth B. M. Masker. " •• ' .• 'A:all:11 ' 11;s ns, :: •• ••• " ' •• Nichols* Mirk., Lowis Duellt.r.. Ann ALA:Lorena, r. nlet iller• :: li ""t lh&%b o..i • .g.Ve:lr,U hSieVA .••.•• -• •• Chas„Onnvelsn, • •••• •. ' ...., .•• V.lh"igSf,:gat'g• I .... I t f . i • l i i Lig .P :: :• 1 7,,1T.1tt.r,?:::,1.7., other gd'il.... ' t :: V.:;,;..ll,;!:•lie'l::6riay.ern, gth Ward, Plitslrh. , AV; e s se , l; t d .e r 1 , 114 Is . : •., 1 .1004. ,lattioll. ItT.fik'olg,.. eolIV,':17: . ,h kl.sereu., •• . • • .. trier Yinilltiy. •• . • ••I"..talet Dune, • • ... . Jtals Ma P 'Ades, eal.:F 1t.,7 at lirardirittalpriti. rot. V.A., , .. , 1f.T1:;1 , 7,::',....th.r o i, 4: m......-..q.L:::;;; 1; .410 r , I. rittqFgh. John intortpd. Wesel, Mb el!rd MleeMenrgh• . ft l ?!' l it i :::,l*. r• 1. ..• t •• •• sisS>s. .^."... '.. Gso. 'arable, .. Sato. Crater,estlois.housa. ..., •• F.lls. Botstster,. ... 4. Lt s. Woudssand ~• ood., .• .. iron Cr."'7;otrs.A. Nth rtd, Pittsburgh. 411,11 Mere n. , : _ Jas• sirwa, r., .. .. licesql,Cravara . Is. ° ? . sledg 'taint tr... , " :Caster Walt, • • J so. Kessler, 4.... .i.4_.......Tit1! ii.7eTft!l'iellt:...... '. . ...... .., Jszol. &Oar. 0t...m.;.g00d.. • ' .• f1 u 1a1. t .,.. , .412 c er , tares. la ward , ► llefh;'7 , Them. r.;lael, . ' :. .. Wm. Burgen, .. Tram... . .4 .. Sailer Blear, .. . •• •' --- : . • jos.' i ray, Jas. 11cAllater. tavern, id ward, Ailetheny. Velar Yad, •• •• •• Adam ilrrl, Ilecry all, rallua hoe, •• Wm. tourbworab, .home. ~ •• •• •• •• Chas. Matter. %arena, ..al ward, I.llrairo7 irr•l't , ans. . • ai •• rorar "layer, •• Val. punt. eating house •• • • •• •• J. is Closer, •• •• N' t•lrbols, •• 1 , .. lierdias, •• brim Verkel. •••• •• •• • •` '• •illebirl.• Jnbo I•e7 . •• . °Uwe awdr. •• a. Imre, ath ward, AlleeenT bareader, /a. M.: 6• ea. tavern, :. J. u«i „u. u., J Ja. 1/1 Eton...llller. Unarm'. .. • /Luta P•molch. tavern. 4 . .. •• • Ilic. ErabennoLl. •• Thu. Burgos . . sating bonen. '• _ .• ',mon Vnuans Lanorn. Donnie of Ilirmiiiiakain '" Dnorta 'iron. , filch. Haviron, .. ' Dominick flatinirc,.. •• .•. ti.,-,trt,tr:r ~...i.i . 41. , licico:of Dirmlnikkam. '. vol. .tone. ..• • m ' , M. nonmindt.. •• David Bran. a am:. 6ther so , da_ lait . '. c. Di 'tier, tavern . .. Unto' of I. ulnf . in •. John GoliOnvf, . .. A•at. Mololob Jona 0 rola. .. ELM. Lloyd. 4. .. 4111"1.t.Vri!fitort'dling. ' n of . L.. wre...ce•lllo ••• Joh__ Jamul. , Goo. hobo &co. K I. zoe• o ". .0". What'. bou.e, John hell., Jo. . uhrmt a Co, other zoo • Veltj b Klan .• / mei]. litoltruslm. lust. Talmo' a Goo. J.. llutrancr. exag bonen. 11"cil?` .b t`r. Pi1f1 . 4 1 .% 0 . - A•e r . • .: o t ilm v er pod_ s, of Iffonotoshela. 4,, 13ux.op or eomta Vi ola t• John. .• •. .• IL Shr. Thom. l ae etegoga, ..DO. cr u A . .. Ott. ealrtbeum• .. Jobe nehrmg. tavola, it sales R.OO •. . J O llO V,llmyer. of et . r ..... H.U.Scroator & to. •• ... Pd. Nebel, :: .. John A. S pt, • Wm. Mall, Were : JscobSceeld, 1 .. T.,,, Koesr I Marvin. • " ... 1 ..,,,,, Coo Ncaltael. • P .. Petrick ....nett. •••• Cath Presar. ent l M2 l ..". :: • .. ' Jar n tt ' Se7other anal • • NU • Weebing M. Cul. PeomM. '' Ittld ale Township. . .. cults., 1.0010050401% . 1 IrCeol li altetrb, W= '. 1. '`Z1L . ,,, -: A.U.. Brant, • J. s. Met *omen, [ J urt;L u geg,' .: 1 Jobn Carson, ••• yi.i.7 1 .T.llnctrs7el4l:llgiel4, ... Pond; Payette Michael tweltb, 6. North Fayette J • cob llutendorroailnibouse, 1.10.11. dandt111afg,....7... ~..;*.t.o I tie!,..ll..ll.ott.cnam •: Mahn . 1 tr::!;1 0 r 1". "`' ; ..; 1 Jobe Ids wets, .. c.r, .. Jona Beekerd, ••• 3 . 1k 10 A1 1:1 0 . 0 tPanr; 0010 otheeloode. 51T. Varergi, ,1 w ia., J. tl.ll..mssel. ..: ill. 01111111901.0. T;11.0!..171:47:‘ Mi=". 0;10 71,00 • cargr 001,ower,r. Pe!th tnclVor;;;Atttaket, taern. Peebles Laois rtelolsy, linen., reetwe• t t ote r IMnalorier, '. NeNave n.,... i alt. •• I Cheri Wlit..mter, 1. •• h.... •• • John Harmer. tavern, Ulchlsad diehard Turner. Clan uorbsy •• • Nom • banes litn4 1 "'"" 1 r. Sglti. :: ' MIX:: 11.."!frt:lisad. 0011 WOO. cut, NtlYNlttc%. t ..... i•owl:e ht. 23.12Tp.. inChilltd 8110100. 7 ho s. Motdoskey, tertuvdel.Llisit , . . .. .. Ihc ,4,.. .. .. 11 ma.p.ctgr- 7 Pbsler Townadp. J two Hashes, :: Ved•::11 Town 11. T.o4:rVil'itn. tallow house. •• •• Hiram Edmendion, savant. yerialllte TF.. Uttmar AnberlY. Junes NktPcn, .. A.S. bloom. Patr•k Oslleithets •,•. Jame* War,. • Voldl3sestr . . Conrad Needle. .. P ehte'rKlg'rernie lA, •• /Motel WOOOlO, .... ~ Jule WM ells tke Quarter Nes 't*" C.' o ' n ' trli 11 0 1/ to 1=2;7111 1 0 0 4. ' it ' 9 . otAt t e l i t a r. u. i./ beArtaw A the mipllcattoris L o an restdlnabemeten the ahreltetly andemew" bearivers, ea TUESDAY. the lOth 101%, Ili acne time or bro.rtotavourotro oo of Dorsi. ro .ialog ...IA of Ile kinnouzsbeis sad Ohio riv ers. on WbUNT.IJAP. the 01 Yen et oaoe g:Ntrgf the ' el fe:tti rigtillilo P rgAt r" ' g •ppllcants am redemted to 00070 op ttlelr rate* tnimetlately. 12 Clay hate hot already done eo. .pla CO r Cart Cents • acertll M MIMI TEAS AND SUGARS. • GOOD COOEING 800.1111, 10 110,. :"•• Sioollorl 00 . •. • t •• •• TA RUE ••E •• •• 1. 00 ETTIA GOOD 7S . 4 " .• •• 100 100 111101 EXTRA. ._ 7 Another forgo lot of razz'' lost car! Direct from China and Japan, . _ . rut ships Coastaattna, Eastla Castle, J. E. Oresuam, combating auct7tblar 0009 AND I.IIIILAP to the way of Tema, at about. ; • 90 Cents Below the Osmium rites% ARTHUR .ICIRIC,„. 1.12 rederalstreet, ALLLEGUIrair EMIZI IRON CITY' CIITLIIIII CO., .N0..3 St. Clair Street. -Mem purebased Of •31DIIVW BIGUS the ro l . l fll, it. .? f at tointartd C lrg Zell tag= to keep op band • graletasittocs of • t HARDWARE. CUTLERY. Urdu, Blahs. Recoircri, rbdola:lialdeVactl• garso"pPre"plrettetcisn'orrleitllVlinik" 0" WORn i kirtudlun iluonitllchmore, Se.. CortleF Btelitlll .4 tumor, .4 Insklog Pest and l.aueelllog lamps, at ihcrtra I pollee. ,_.. : ' . ..".. W. u. now., ilemigen InhZ:VII 11 - OTII FROWN, 747 Fifth Street; BOOTS IND SHOES BALBIORALSI AND SLIPPERS, NEW CARPETS, DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, Hoop Skirts, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS NOTIONS , USCILIVEU D/LUAE BY SMITHSON, PIM Si, LND Alit BEING DISPOSED Or 11.. t Private Sale, DAY AND EVENING AT UNUSUAL LOW RA MEI MYERS, HOPPER & CO., CEdeceasors to H. B. BOLDER, lgent.l 11.A.NtrIAZIMILB3 or FURNITURE Of Every Description. SCHOOL AND OFFICE raIIaTIIIIE. No. 45 Smithfield Street, urea full asSortmeat of rittablzigh Ituusfau tuna Nue - Owe 43.1.61...117 es lund v. LOW CIAALF rIIACX.IS. • u.}. xruni...lfil.. C. z0rn0.....3. A. 1111.21. mtalor6l ------ MILER'S tit BITTERS. THE GREAT HOUSEHOLD REMEDY South rtr.n•:e TU TUT PTIBLIO.-1 have this opened UTAIICU HOUSE for the we of Miebier's Herb Bittern.' la dm CRT of Piltsburgl. raid bays authorised T. I•III4I.STOC.S. and D. 1101.TO1I. my Aseuts, to c•rzy au and %amZ. mo I.t4t saso• 111581411.. WM= LaNcanam. Yank, N. I➢R El= TAHNESTOUS & 'BOLTON, Wholesale Branch House, 20 73/Liwe3ot latreot, EMT= Bole lky all Baapipee , -- able DralMlais. %btuVs- W. ak s butt trial to .conulacu say ono of medicinal ErrsumEla , s SI Ufl urrrEus. BIERUIDTS [pox EXPRESS COMPANY. CAPITAL, $20,090,000 °wined ssa OD.mt , IX; Tr/ Our MerebllltS and Manufacturers. alitailESlll EXPRESS. Money, `-'iralnables, Freight and Par eels, over more than 33,000 miles of Express Line, at lust and liberal rates, saves Millions yearly to Express Ship ar t s, d can be made permanen o and by their liberal patronage. This mre hope to merit and re ceive. Office, No. 145 Wood Street, WM. LITTLE, Agent. ~Ylltlns rownsll9 EM7I NEW WALL PAPER UPHOLSTERY STORE, JUST °PANED, AT NO. 36 SMITHFIELD ST., JOHN G. BROWN. Oat. To accommodoto Ito Increast9 _5!"555, .1.1. 55 .11 o rln d l 5 0 Ir " ' T . VW trerm zgra: w t ,!4• .6 1.),r sad BZIWIIIe of 511 912.9451-30 5511T971151.5TRW5Wi • WA" STO.Nu-90.9151, 95 TILULD 551/SZT. E._EDlittaiDSON & CO. mhlo owax =la& w. F.-ax.aur TEAS. GRIM & BYRNE, p"'" UAT, CAP AND FIB MINES, At N 0.52 St. Clair. Street, Invite' their friends sad the public to rail had eiheelne theirSaperlot stack. which tout Ohl co:Manzi glee snore sattehectlah. =IMMO wassits .... ams, CLAM SLIGEBLY & & ai, G.. F. solutcluisa • Co. .1 PRACTICAL LITROGRAPRERS__,_ rulfBllVr aT tga li arraii°Ni t it Cad., 'Atter sok4b. Vg:r u b 411 =26 ,- c=it; to. Nos. IA so IFSI PM. OWN O F A; I usoWN CO 110 l il t wriOrZe: 'ELl:try I".airel9.l'Llemirt an "Igf4V.A' ollods—pr4a gel ou sad alrwsrds e . g* llso , styt OE Window Shades,' 111 SO and wpwstds. Colo red Ott Cloths. Buff. ooll•nd. Mats, Woks, Ono. =soh itglad sad Picture tbots aadTaassts. also at tiot assie stassvos Mad or wools too der, a ' toe stock of Watts asd Calleotthltts. Collars ter gvatlemca's wear. 11114 MIL ~...,... C oTrT.7rt aso Cruz 11rug4..pnt,... ar E PURSUANCE OF THE :le. sealoa or .n act relating toLlienheul County. epproved the let day of Kay.l9 l l. aud of the amendment to said section. approved %Unita day of March. 11146. I. sect AISIVS. Jr.. •XL lesaurer of said County. hereby give notice that ten DoPlientes of ttoe arieral Wards, 001 , onto and To.ruattlpt. WILL HE and I will to prepared to receive the COM. Slin, POOl LIU 115111.1113 TOY 1561, ON AND AFTER The First Day of May. 1867. orwegaruntw slltinuts4 . Deduction of Fire Per Cent. 'Lllicount la prompt payment to any Rasa Paine tne wade =ant of talc Mdse. ' Than ddill a no !eduction alloned on lila during tee nionto of ' Aorta. 'There v sining In be TEI rza CENT. added in taxa rein unpaid on ton 11110 T DAT 07 SIP7SIISIGB. npLoriOnor rirrersunou, Yuen etc. 1117. OrROTIE,--TILE ALLEGRO. O T COUNTY 1t351P1733 1 .a 20 . 431.7aT EXECIPEIVE COMMITTEE, WILL NEXT On Saturday, April , 1 1.0t14 1367, tu oincr..ftuclunuAlc , .110. POVILTS. PITTS 1117813111. t a fell h tbilnoss of lef bonuses w i llthou be considered.. By order of MME:M!= RDIICATIONA L . IgrSTEEBENVIL LE' FEMALE SEMINARY. TO° Boomer swim of tht. lastitutioiti WILL OPEN WAY 6tl3;' 12=6'1:ea strF:zan 1, 1 4er W . :::.llore%irol'artrlfrUsT , ..: ll7,s Cent. ter =4 cotslaft ?'" viret rZirrY. D. 13.. r. L.D.. XXV. A.. AL RIM Zuegflrnryt natal:nit CANDTE S -......1 pm A ssEstnLy. WILLIAM B. BOLS, "AtZtreeCtill'aijidrittogniaal can CO tr.ilU.._ comnisslontEß; 1 ")" 'NNW , otm.s Ana JOSEPH- jlnloa City. satttte I th. vor.• • Fort couNon ,i'lLniliUltEa , WILLIAM Id'CLEAN, • , Of Pitt tornado, (forsaellyNorth nlettn. ntil M s candidata Poe. County treasurer, sublect to lba decision of tba Union Republican a CoantllOren Convention. FOR PBOTHONOTAIII. D. C. HUM. • pill be a candidate for tbe Otto or racernim. OT AIM autdeet to ttio &edam of tho tlatoa I'UOTHONOTAILY . J ACOB H. WALTER, be • Carktbleu for the Were of riCOTEIN . UTAST, salleet to the &dela* of tb• tlabot Sebebllein Coarcetloe. stiter.T. pit COUNTY TBEASIIIIES, Mil. J. F. DENNISTON, Aroma', of Irriclitril Pan 01Lard.) VIII ba Ca•Oldsu. for COUNTY Tiumstniza, umbloct ttuidedslen of um Milos Iwpablicsa Carry all.. rivrestrzan. 1%. FAUN GRUEN SEMIS, VTIOLEIALE AND RETAIL. 'Parebasero.aro Molted to ow:doe NO' Joel.. erbleb comprises tn. moat reWole oltriettes la Wootton. We oder tem following kind.. st. re , dated rotes. The otrictslse Tory NW. Lvergroeu Sweet ....... . ....... OXI ban,Laroe dore.4. or Sso, ........ 'lPir ronad. 10010 s. Wood's Early imam extrs ...... 50 too ••' ;Wood . . Lorry Coosot SOO Nuts . Long Scarlet Itbort-T0p........ tO 1600 00 i. W Reded. frornto-r00ted......—....... Tmtpp rooted ... se 100Onototer WOVE .... ............... 1 100 00 Ondoner Yellow SO st.on moo ...... too •• W OO .... ... Per SOO Vas. Per rd. bv' IrtattlNlZl;el.l tos `••• %Viols lion 46 !. •• lied Top Satrop-10n0ed)....h 60 SI 4 * Largo Won. white ........ 60 'WfIT ao t0p........3 its is •• uoldes • 410000 •• • Perils/let .103 bet. Early Ponlel 11,11.oarka. ........ ....o so 40 0 . Early Tout cv,tarai: ........... ..... . I N tp .." Royal Derarf liarrosrfa... ...... . 0 0 borte White Yorrovsfat .............. 4 SO 76 ' Bize 0 t Eye Xerrootat. ................ 4 Of ...... N 134 0. Braise Otocelt " ........ 0 • Itssort Snow. odlslo pods 16 Toll ragsr,doe . . o) 101groas TL T0YA.2014 as 111.24 per dos. P 117151111 811 1 /, IT. "lELIVC ), E. ,, Horticulturist and Beedirman, • No. 137 y.Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. PROPOSALS FORIRON WORE. .r Sealed Proposals w ille welted ai mt. oesa nutil I o'clock on rit10.11.2. the 30day of X. 1 .1 11/67. fortesemsemy Iron work for ter=r W.reakabee LlghtAterrsay Straka 01 Y. asv. ri.s and on time for this wort canto obUdned on surplice lion to this oller, or to Ueu. W. Z. rattle. on. oarlatending Maths. at Osit Part. Cook eonn math imea win be required to oe delivered on or Wore the 10th of - . Tune. Orr, on board of • yawl either at Buffalo, N. Clare... U . Detroit 1001110, or t7Yaia. 111. at tat op. Ll.l. et UM bidder. Mat Month. of emavew mo» be et.. In the Old. She lion most erlil amount to about 350.0:0 Dmeds, of erhten ationt tco,oo 601 br boll. worn. and the TOW. mill be csit-tron and ten. • ion rods. b lees ea res. _The Board reserves the tt o Ye the Po.l. or to rein. to rec. 10 may part or wort sebich may not bothstrict.eonforanity with Irgthilft?=realltTritArtal rptutgetrtlii Hoes neerstory cribs Tra..y. two lat 4 n I be r7=readetiliZTMarlidach /4t7firt gat . bo b"" aecot t rodriliti l d ' eltircent rgre r xra.B.T.l.o.l of the acceptance of suck hi thy accessary otm• 11.1512.°111T74.1%. raida thlallment Of the coetraci will maned. Thema for obi. a• Mader prancers to etch tho Iron work. wording to tala drentolls .4 spectheatious. tau; be dietinctly stated. "4 =Lila the prlatW Arace e, Vir: %v.% .0 --80-1.2:411:1 , vitr xi-4 - I for Irmo Walt tor W acaroals.ce Lisht-hou.`• and then.elmed In another sa ve.. and addressed to the Chairman of lim ~ _L ig retll lll ...to the requirementeof this adverthement. A. !ninon sabmittinn prop3.l me! Oa yortMOt AUG Wltarall the olyylkAg 01 the taus .1 to time &advisee hertintefore By order of the Ligias-11. ea Board. W. if. BBUIC BICE, Chalithan. Troyer , Departmeut. tellee went-home Board. weehleaton D. C.. April I. 1107. a El BELOW THIRD. WANT& ANTED.—severa- dlr. Owning Under would Ilk* to etweill , • - In private Waller to work. morning aid OWon lug. Or their boarding. TOO bOot of ifere* fiat, xfentwan CI. Tall onilelf.. WANTED. .A2l. VA:IOC:6= N3Ce Tolman the jorelry trade. leone bee 'tsar one seed Moll • Ja•dreee WO:VS IIIWILItY. GALWITI WANTED. liSzklemormaaa. , %Pilo en* engage sl ones. Apply persogeng to, or address. N. D. is.twook ap15:3•41T 116 DIAXO/114abarga, WANTED.:—AIMICtr MAWS; 61.tIICZA 0111111N13. <ems +o, COLDS AVID B.DEINGSOII,II • " NAVY EZVOLVI3I3. for olden lea Or giro other good arm In exchang; • .1. IL JOHN Ouse Wester* nun 3"7"8"" waNTr.n-•ems'• •atiea, awl sacessatal_ WIC* Compsay ti dulnits of uta gra Assno tor ma_ or more of cattails. of Psziriltsals, listadM tGettf Iltubargh. - I.lball tams W exclusive eon• trot of tvitrialttoss anted. CespdaStplaiclia Ittyttad to soot,. ♦ddrat r. O. Platattleat- IairANTEII.-400 cletlis. anAd .. - sad ; entre sow ' est et em • ,•,to u TVt__ rifitraWatarliutatss iihisat=t,...= formes are sada Warellaa= s 2=l: 11/StOt. Et ill WI Gall thisit rod wait. Sinew Is the atidodard. Coa!stara r I 'oases& saris ars iiildrUS. j. . 0. Tit'aint. . —.. ' I swot. ions w. IaDDSZT. Cluirmas, A G ENTS WANTED' A AND In ovary township and constr. to sell nwin7 PO- O. work. It oostoina Ott pitesi rotln tAe r t 4:4 1 " ~, ragoock INANTND.-- A'a l• UAL/. AND If LitALX.—Tbs rim= Lterett.7lknoVrPa or irr ..Naly tat IA tall d*titut,po o i mr s . 1...3 0 1ti0 . butiocissa Tolutooutila!tratoit. Ma.; Al for sums and WTI 71;414Mm A co. anDrrisirk laralr:Ts CABPET'B, O IL HAVE REMOVED. iiOII4R.S, mix° %iv ,. zsztv """ 3 " 4 " No., 51 Fifth Street; • aliw Itat at ilium ma dedilado psituu. MEDALLION VELVETS, 0 - OIStOLUTION OF PARTHpSHIP. • MPAGTNEINSINIP 'HERE OB a a-mistiest betneesilhe undera , Ssed under tits name of TAT& II SVII. LA. eras Ms solved by -Enfold consent as the ot dry of April, 1 3 f. to entire interest of J. V. SS -1.1.11 turbot been parthssed by J. Y. TAT C. soh . w W continue the rlsoblise, ties nod Sumo fitting business in .11 Its breathes. Tim nue of theism lires will be settled be either of the subscribe.. at toe old stands, =r /Ahem.' street, rosebush, and IS reelesel street. Lite guny. All puttee 21,1010.11 S lkenittinft In debted to tbe late Stu en seep:mil:a So route a ssz uv us e end t. JOll M. TAT! SniturlUTC.Tas - JOON F. SAY ILYA,. - - famtimarsb_ GAS AND STEAD =Me. in ALL rrs ca "`t=c l = l =ris 9?"l.A" 2AS FLITURES,SINKS, BATHTUBS 10101111.2 LlANic c i ams. . easitautly preload awl mula 10g. 0. .140,33CDZ atr. grA1611713, • N 19 FIDZICAL WtH T. Allaglttay And IllS• 1411ZRTIC STAZET, Plitsbarals: • •VIIIVIII-rate 810 M I L ?) 1 1 oan sl'.. os sis pro $3O ... sho wrinoter max, us allow Ouldste . mh, U 7 g4, - wes.xt , and Oononsbie, XO ccrxrximos. woo soot czkergrua Agent , . (1..41ei mid esmuo ubsus In 'wanted to totems VI to eve" City sad Coux l l. 3422 , c11.a301 tO to MM.]. . tkO •rllllXLStart: 2.XPLOTIONST II 021 , 14 - RI Mt LTV . gil i tligr pl i gsr <11 4 05%701 ' Z: angs, u. w.IA.ULSU/1 CU, 11 Soso= Woe, &MAXI Ms • 11)Zinif MI i~ g • s „• if 61aUli Vetfets, Mae% zdrzsinr. anusssza. _ A largo and encase assortment at Piano and: Table Covers, IOQCRtI cam!. lOW Y.EO m Ili. 011.33.is‘ois. THREE PLY AND TWO PLY Inigraims , And rrirryTarist4 of low Dricd CaMOND MCCALLUM BILOTICKA wistb.mstr• biIIPETEU OLIVER , bt'CLINTOCB & COMP.A.NT, HAVE MIT OPZIKILD For the Sprbag Trades Ttuar Splendid Assor6i=t of NEW CARPETS, oil cloths, Stalin, 8G Attaktlos 11 colloil to oat ft* stook of unounsto WU ID Mt COM Griot Decline in . Priem Tru"r3se 5ai1..13 • NEW CARPET STO I Just ,Openirw.- BOVRD,ROS . BS CO., O. 21 FIFTH !STREET, !DECO'S!) moos. • are a.W ope ate . ear IIBST 6TDO= or GOOD., .antecia[ eruTttda[saue•~e LINZ, those the D.S Telautt.tatee to UN e 0.11 .0 S. OIL ias . .111BIDOW RIZATIEIk .111761=16111u0Ds. amotp.. ewai of now sack TAM& ta. BOYARD,Rose & CO., st rlm s. trnurxr.twoa4 goer.) warirriaarr' eier Bit. • SNI'M FT.BI/11AILY, 1867. WE OPEN. TO-DAY, osi nom stock et C) FL X: 0 311 'l' SS Comptisteg the Itestkettzens audit to /sprain. Three Pits andSisg- Usk Tapestrw 'Brigusiss 'Witch we now eta at WHOLESALE AND Rum At. Ms lowest inter sines the wv. . itIcTABLAND & COLUNB, Nos. 71 and !8 Fifth Stunt& • Beeoild ?lacer. ova inn 16:di's i1t044 MOM BEIM, EilllM & CO., Y.USTIFACTUIii.ILi OF Lead Pipe, Sheet Lead, FIDBANTS, Fan, SD KS, Bath Tubs Wadiitands, at. No. 167 SKTISSIELa). • ST, eirrist34lLrA• • CANDELIE Brackets, Pendants, Ste., tos Cit Etas; a,2lc9L COiLIL. A Urge assottimat as awl sad recabetiitit WilLOOli 13MITS, PLIJ3IIIER9 Gis frrilaus 184 Wood Street. mungd "sae arra. z.rearzi Tr= ' TM best ettnery Enos - bea m .r mall: 1 ites that eaa D. t..ra Is tseits. - Alba a sew style at Mouses 'last receivd. lawl as 4 see tadoi ils 0.6 = sad S. Clair suns. gam • 4. 11 /I. MUM* n
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers