The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, April 16, 1867, Image 1

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Pr /LED 87
zwc,; 86 %mirth litre
F. B.
11 PE`SpiIIIAN..... jors.
T. P. 011.- ATON, i••••••
Traln: , _
Moto Motes I cents.
1-)611 " . ° 4 t 47 t.Trifo. titer coati.
Mott notOetthert;' (per not)--- 118 . 00 .
Llboratridootioto to Iteitraboyi .4 AM.&
Three Cornea, per Tear. by IDall..•••.
litre • ' do. do: do. each....
Tan or tacos angel, to over address, and
.oze tree to club. cacti
• Bd. •Ail‘hirtinEintent
Of Gardnor & •Stavart!a, on first Pate, In
, to-dars Cenct/e.. -
Fresh Flsh,Frish Fish
• The attentitin Of our Allegheny reatlefs is
called t9.the dab stand ofittr.
la the Allegheny market. Mr. Copes, has
receiVed - e'en - parlor let 'or fresh fish of all
kinds, which he wiildispose of, at reasona
ble rams; Yresb ash arriving daily. lam"
Mos antiplied Martin. LiaVa your or
ders at hinstanth .• !
'br - y adiureg aim c•rpots
Tao raoraing, April laza, At ton' o'clock,
vrlll ,ba wad &VW() *Rapala NOll Anc!.rn
Itooali;fdasl 271 filth street, large assort,-
moot of .1;7 goola,olotloy oaaalmefoa.
81 ' °4 aiut Jeans.. Aix, a lotCof millinery
KOode, arid a aplendtd barortmeat of Now
CarVeta. l'icaiseafocliera, dines With atterul.
Nee ♦dverglement
Or Gardner d tediart's; 034 first page, in
to-dare Giciciti: '
Hazard CeinreiPa Cod Liver Oil.
Tho'Llireet yid Sifeedeit LVeir Oil hi
the sannufseture4 frpht fresh
beeli.islivarLApqn thh , sea-shore.
perfeetly,pyire and sweet: 'Ask for 'greened
Ciswelra ricer Oil," mairolacturea
CisivaLF'lace 1k Co..liorr York
SoLl kir iliilgelark. rw
Go tp iiii 3 OOuttuental Saloon.-
Thotriatixmaddel.ed rind-oleardiest nestatt.
rant and Rt*,ll4oxus Ststbe tar a
weal lilt . ter t i tinniarittinisonable
• of prises. AisliSclielixteX linotca hole, t 6 eater
to tiniOnoirS'illtlltotin; Erna novnindir
that the Continental, next door to thri Post.
agree has such an enormous-patronage.
Atlimtgperg . keat • :
Of Giniinkeia Cninioixton 'page, in
to•ans's Gazelle.
'To retailers or Dry Gecle, two eget_ great
lettuce:winks" baitog 'rellatoclt' Fhlat Mre
sell at die toweit eastern cash times and
cut goods In any length at the piece pews.
J .T.lLtauza & Go.
• • ka Market street.
Cool park - Hog Wises.
Call in at lioltsbeimer's popular Conti
nental auiloori t nalf:doar Co the Post Offlea.
on Fifth Wool, for
, a glass of. good old ale,
or sparkling Catawba wine.
Of Garclner Stawari?s, Unit paito,
New Tliinieti.
anal arrived, at 55 juad 57 Fifth street,
large aspertineataf aew carpets, which iril
be sold ati,rlces to silt the times, Call, ex
amine, and becciarttleeti:
It mill . do,yoa gixid.,ldnanfa cturod and
sold by' Federal !street,
Allegheny Clty.. . ,
•• See Advertisement
Of Gardner ft Stewart's, on nett page, to
ie-daV'a Grazed&
Pure Orrfiral .
Pure Drags!! Pure Drugs!!! Pure Drugs!.
at li.eftr26-DralPs.Allegberty.
totelga Liquors of .411 kinds M. JOIMPIi 8.
pnalearilistintry, - 716; 189; 191. 193 and iso
- . .
y r Moe advertisement .
...Gf Gardner .t Stewart's, on first page, In
ip•dars Grawils, : "
You v Bay
99 per cant. 21..10nh0l at Joseph 9.lnch%
Zest Cast Buy -
Rew.liops st Tooopla 0: rifler.
.1L By Telegraph to the "'Mahwah Garotte.]
Rover:iv, Johnson has declined to mood.-
ate hilaheir as - claimant with Mr. O'Connor
in the application of.Georgla for an injunc
tion against:the operation orthe recon strnc
lion sots.- /nhia,rearwma. to tho incitation
ir.73a'eon eiatea that lie would hnve to
decline; Intaninahna he deatres to aid the
--Solii.4;od."47.oninyu:"."a that Ulnae pro;,.
ocedings maid and to injury to that section
of the country rather than good.
Advieesircern'Lotilstiila - state that Gen.
S.berids4...bas. by thel erect of hi% recent c
dere, abatiluibli, tted,..the bands of the Cavil
authoritiee, so' that" Gdiartioc 'Wclia;" who ,
under the ecumio tloa, tias;power ; to, make
'removal; anitappointmenta , In:Annaba ca.
ens, can do nothing without first obtaining
his consent. The old Pollen force are retain
ed, but. are mete - reapectful toward Union
men; and freedmen Alma before. Colonel
Thomas Adams, Ylonroeis.Chlef Of,POlkee. 15
continued In that °dice. although an effort
Is being made to secure his remeYali and
the appointment of General Skphet4oriziirr
fy Colonel of 16:totoret1 ,- reglment, In his
sensor rayt darland, bf Arkansas,. bits
prepared a pititiori for an Miunctlon
againnt the etIfOrCOMOLIL of the, shenianza
bill in the:tate:id, and Will Make a - "motion
to file It in the Supreme Coast neat week.
A man named Lewis Linder stopped the
eau/ageof fi rw Ifej. deiteral CadWalsAati
In Chestnut etre et,fhilidelphisiOn
saying ho could pot go to church In Sunday
care, and laidWiltilitant allow' anybnolcialde
tnere in a carriage. lie was affected and
held to keep the peace...-
. .
The populatinnof Philadelphia, it is said,
viii be inatitsed 100,000 by_thnotlection of
I,4gne kehantaa a navy yard. •
The °Meant the Pilot newspaper, at I.lto s
ton, wee partially bruott on• Monday morn
leg. Loss 410.600.
A r mieggeary of Lincoln's Deatb—Dem•
oustrattora by the Colored People.
r Telegraph to the Plt•shargh tiaeettes.)
Ricusiosii Anvil n
coneuernortited the anniversary Int:
colnle death today. Two thousand met at
a grove in the cage of the city and were
addressed by two whites and several col
ored speakers.. One of the whites made
radical speech cautlotileg. them tO beware
df the politleal - designs of the whittS,and
twilit on equality before laws and In Behests.
One MAW...catered speakers-Mada • eon.
normals . .. , speech.' lie was raised at the
Sotrthi thahe were his people, and ha want.
.1 to be at peace with them.
To-night the theatre was densely crowded
to hear addresses by R. T. Daniel, city At
torney; ,Vim..ll. McFarland. President of
Councilihnd Idarsailuke Jennies, au ern!.
neat, Meyer, delivered bYlitvltation of the ,
colored people. Solon ltobinson, colored,
presided. All the speakers gave their ad.
vice as to their , new relations, and adv..'
Intentions ofe Ind to suspect the frlendly ,
white citizens of the Pouf%
by dullgeleg getnorho were forming - them.
- Into secret segfetfila fdr political purposes.
Outside a large crowd of negro°s were
standing dissuading others from g
, DegfqgthreapeeelleS, whets Longees
t lon sif posetibetsveen-the whites and blacks
was Mimed there were loud cries for peace.
Admiral •Titateber.— Vatted Whiles
Oary:Denorateri with the. Order of
. } Firss—rso.omeos to .
captain Coels—neelprocity. . Treaty'
Between Um Islanste mid the United
. . .
~.,,,-yeid April-M . —The Herad's carrels
pondeftt at tioneMln, Mindmeti Islands;
writes that Adintral Thatcher, United
states liar , tlits , biin' dtletnated. -: cry Um
sing with t e order of Kamehamena First.
There has been a mooting held to erect a
monument to Captain Cook.
The Chamber of Commerce of Honolulu '
was agnittag the question°, a , reciprocity
treaty between the Islands and the United
states. -
From the statistics •Of iSai It appeared
Gist the-exports from the United, Stator
were larger than those from any other
country. - - , _- , '
Gen. liforgn - Smith, the new American
Consul, bad arrived - at Honolulu. • .
. • - Lake Navigation.
Telegraph tothenttabarga uarette.,
Dowcinr, N. Y. Ayrlt 15.—Tho Dunkirk
Harbor Is now cyan, and the Lake clear Of
coon tale south ettoot of Dunkirk. - •
ir,f7,,..i::: . :7i.;.:;',J . .: 1 : -,2
li t P' -AA
...S1 50
The Luxemburg , gitation.
Spain Accedes toEnglaud's Dew ud
The Russioas•American Cession.
By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.]
• [By the Coble.]
flser.werowa, April IY.—The Sieamer ral
myra, from New York. h. arrived.
NoOrf, April 15,—sriar, bne yielded to
the doMand undo by the British Govern
'hoot In the ease of the steamer Ilttorla r
TOO WAS,. 11,17/1 I,6IAGVAT. ' •
lanes, April 75. The • Iliazlllan mall
stparrier brings fichittlonal Intelligence that
e Emperor of Brazil ,111 order to rolnioico
Lie army on the viVerparafraky,l3.o called
ttie riational g i oard of the Empire into ac.
Vivaservice. Tata cafac4 much discontent .
among the people and provoked some op.
.posttloato the aoathitutacoot we war with
1,D./.0171.1 . ILLICSti MEDIATION* .
Aprlll.s.—The mall steamer from
P.toJaneiro hunt rived. Sboreportsjtvai
rumored' there that the fpedlation of the
.Uatted States had been summarily rejected
DY Paraguay. ,
IFINAZCIAL ..urn midi:uncut.
Ltvr.nroot. April 13—Erening—Cotton ciew
ed arm at the following antlinneed quota
tions: Middling uplands 111, Orleans 140;
the sales amounteitto IS,COD bales. Previa•
lone tied:Lanced. Breatistuds—Core; mixed
Western Pis. 6,1 per quarter. Wheat; white
California I3s. edeles.3l per eental.. Pro
duce unchanged.
' I.oheoh, Apra -',ls—Everang.—Wbeat ad
vanced Is. per quarter." Core wan last quo
ted at 435, per quarter.
11.,eireen, Apnl VS—Evening.--Ponsols 101.;*;
live-Twenties Ii; Illinois Central sly;
rnass.sOnr, Aprll 75.—Amorican bonds
closed at 16?$.
[By Steamer.]
ins zuzsununo grrSTION.DISCI7I33LD
Taw Toss, April 15.—The steamer tile.
mania. from Southampton on the:34lon
The racial North Gems= Ggasffe of the
MI, in an article referring to Z.he eventuality .
of war between France and Prussia on the
Luxemburg question, says: "Luxemburg
would by no Weans compensate ter the sae•
races which would ho entailed by a war,
even If victorious. France would only once
more evoke the former and now happily
extinguished enmity. France should well,
consider the Question on all aides before she
uttackiria people. defending national In.
tegrity. 1 War would also certainly place In
question that • demestle which the
t ranch Government has striven to achieve.
The 31orsiteur Du Soir speaks of Damning.
sen , s uestions IA leavin. .the • whole
favorable Impression, alt g hough several 01
his assertionamight be seriously disputed.
He hes plainly admitted how desirable la
the maintenance of relations of cordielty
between the German and French nations,
and how disastrous would tea war betive t n
theta' countries.
The atonitrur adds: Count Bismarck.
pointed out its dignified Isnguage. the Sects
! shy that Germany should take no Just ana
-1 ceptibillties. of France into aeconnt, and
also made several important declarations.
He admitted Luireinbarg was an hide.
pendent State, of winch the - King of
land could dispose et in the exercise of his
sovereign rights, and ripen his own mums.
atbultyy jle did not attempt to COntoit the
Indent:thin fact that the inhabitants of the
Becky of Luxemburg experienced strong
repugnance to be incorporated with Ger.
many, and hail:Misted lastly noon the influ
ence which the desire oi maintaining pa
cific and friendly relations with its power
ful neighbor must exercise upon the policy
of the Prussian government.
THE CESSION 01 Er9iumAmAtuc•-I,CT
- -
In the British ileruse of Janie, in answer
to Earl Clarendon:the Doke of Bucking.
ham sold: Within the last two hones a von
t nunieation has been• received from It. Pe
tersharg. confirming the impression that
the negotiations•• entered upon with the
United Staten for the • eelvton of Ilnattan
America. the authorities at Ot. reterabnig
had not beard of. Tee queszionta, no doubt.
likely to create great feeling. an d even con
siderable excitement, bet 1 trust it be not
allowal to the minds of kinglisneneri to have
any madneweight.
purChase, 1 cannot; myself. think
that the cession or if so be, or
the territory la lineation •la likely to have
any euall overwhelming lntiaeraa upon the
brogreas of toil Oneness, opening/re* qqr
lood. established. an the other side of too
Atlantic, ea Kann sigiyi, g{l7 be maglned.
Coast, Ifarcb 91.—intelitgenee }received
hero from a Creole bottree,stlitet that two
treat, enemmters had taken 'plaarin Crete,
remitting in favor cf tee Chriatiana. The-
Cretan Aasembly had decreed Political
mil:misty • and respect for the religion and
property of thellitutsaltnao.. -
• - _
Carpenters' atrilos Appliesut an End
—Colored Lawyer to be Ad..
milted to rriseties in 'Supreme .
Court—Two buicides by - Madirtiry -
• —Cincinnati Counterfeiter Detaila•
Ills }:xp tot tx—Ya Diseissi on Loud
..island, termed Blenlngetis,
(Br Telegrapb to the Plitabergti Uszette.
Few Tong, An:till—The Indications are
that, the carpenters , Milne will soon end,
and the mon return to work at the old rate%
. The Supreme Court entertained a manna
to admit A. Bradley, a colored lawyer of
Massachusetts, to practice In the Courts of
this State. Ito was referred Wine Commit
tee op eh/treater.
Two suicides took place to:llity, bOth by.
hanging, viii Them:low .Dettritdr and Betsy
The counterfeiter. {Prieto, why was M.
rested In Cincinnati and brought here, Ints
made a
. t
Statement of ell his trona covers alnety•ilve foolscap
caatel., termed meeingeti. has
prevailed for sometime • put ,
places on Long Island. It attacks persOns
In noun health, and Is ifellevedlY ints/- la
fort)).eight hours. The inerebrune of the '
brain and Spinal cord aro inflamed, and the
whole muscular system Is inibpsated to
strong contraction; reaction mut stupor
renew into which the patient sinks sod
;Ilea in every case, so far es heard from,
except one, death has supervened.
:Spea ger Colfax tar gi defer ids intended vis
it to Culorado mall after the July session or
An attempt was made today to rob acid
murder Alpheue Dubois. principal et a pub;
lie wheel, by a Swies named Jose - 1M John
son, who was arrested.
Advices from kern state Unit the new
Constitution Is etillelebuted In Congress. as
well as the queatku of granting toierntion
to all religious denomination.. The latter
qUestiol2 gave rile to an exciting scene in
'he Legislative
Gritted States benote—Extra Segatoo.
tdy Tsiesnaph to the Pitubursh timettej
WastuPwrcr. April 15,
AS'lttiont tranmeting any public. busness,
the Senate went Into gam:Miro session.
When the doors were opened Mr. Pucke
tt./ offered the following resolution;
Resolved, Thai the Committee on .Prfn4
fog be authorised to miter Into a contract.
In tie name of the Senate, with some proper
person, U.:furnish ocsidensed or wynoptleal
reports of the proceedings :n 'debates, the
same to be free to the preen of the country,
or any nuthorlged agency thereof. end: Con
tract not to continue for a pelted exceed
ing one year, and to be the
henate for aperture'.
The resolution was referr to a ppo in t e d elec
Committee of three, trt bo by .
the chair. ,
Mr. Jeri:Mon moves! to reeres d
lo soler the
vote by which the Senate passes reic..
taboo to sojourn on Tuesday afternoon. •
Mr. Anthony proposed PS extend the Mate
till Wednesday.
Pending the question, Senate adjOarilefl,
szaiziand Conntitet [opal Couperulion.
Pr.Telegrapb to Um Pittaboxb Oates .3
Belem°lut, April 15..—The Constant-Weld
Convention la earrind by MOW InajoritY..
lc amtembiPs at Annapolie on too
, s‘l Wed
ne/C1A3911 MAY,
Reconstruction and .the Su
preme Court.
The Motion of Mississippi to File a
Bill for an injunction Refused,
By T . Qlcgraph to the rittaborztt Ilasettc.]
WASHINGTON, April 15,1.
utesteetret ease.
In thu United Stathi Supreme Court, to•
day, Chief Juattett delivered the
opinion of the Court in the case of the State
of Ml.lsslein vs. Andrew Johnson and
0. C.Ord. on the motion for leave to filtrate
bill, as 10110W2: •
. .
A motion was Maio some days linen on
behalf of the Stato of Mississippi for leave
to filo a bill on behalf of that State, praying
this Wart perpetually to enjoin !and -re
straits Andtare Johnsen and E. O. C.Ord.
commanding in the district of alleslssippi
and Arkansan. from executing, or inauy
manner carrying out certain acts of Con.
;tress. Ted acts .referred to are those of '
March 21 and 22.3,11?-01, commonly known as
reconstruction acts. The Attorney Gonaral
objected to the leave asked upon the ground
that uo bill whlclimakes the Preeldemi, I. de:
fondant, and seeks an Injunction against
him to restrain the performance of his du
ties, should be allowed to be filed in this
' court. This point has been fully argued,
and wit will now dispose of It. WO shalllint
it oar umelry to the question presented by
the oh)ection, without expressing an opin
, ion on the broader fasces discussed
1u GM argument, whether in any ease
the I're:3:dent of the United States may
ho required by the powers of this Court to
perform purely ministerial nets required by
Paw, or may be held amenable in anialse
otioirwise than by Impbadimentfor
Tho stogie point which requires considera
tion is this: Can the President be restrained
from carrying not an act of Congress
situ be unconstitutional t It le assumed ey
the counsel for the State of MlssiaelOet
that the President, In the execution of the
reconstruettort act, is required to perform
mere ministerial duty. In this rummy
lion is, we think, it compounding of
the terms mloisterel arid executive, which
are by mimeses .equlvalent In import. A
nihriterial duty, the performance of
whim may in proper cakes ea required by
theherel of n departurlint by judicial pro
met:, as tre in respect to which not Mug le
left to discretion. It to a elinple definite
duty. arising under the:conditions admitted
or proved to exert, or taltased by MT. The
ease or Martury h r. Medi-son, - Secretary_ of
Siete, (let Crunch ill) furnishes an illustra
tion. A Citizen el. been nominated, con
firmed and appointed ajustlee of the peace
for too Instr.:ter Columbia, and his mm.
tulmiou Lai been made: out and sealed. Meth.
lug retnideolto be done except delivers',
and the duty Of delivery was imposed by
law on the Secretary of Mate. , Jit was held
chat tile perfOrautnee of tau duty might be
enforce , / by maadatirms, issuing from the
Court baving.jOrtielicelon. - Mang carestron.
dell; Postmaster General. ,tersua Stook.
ton ,and.-as: 2
4 As act
of- Conk-Pass-, 311sct.c-he Poet
matter... General, to credit Stockton
mni Stelrm with such sums Os the Soltettor
of the Treasury should Sad due them, and
sums s
refused to creclit them with
sums so found due. It wait held that Me
! crediting 'or money, seas e. ministerial
duty, t h e performance of which might
Amerced in mica of these casm. Nothing
was ltd. to tvcretion.l. There was_ no room
for theexerciso or judgment. Tee law re.
quired the perforkaance of a single specific
am, and that eriormence it wad held
hdlg Lt gbe resort by. mandamus. 'Very
: allure= is the d of the President
' in the exercise of th uty
ierpower. It is his daty
to ace that the law. are faithfully eximuted,
and among therm laws are the acts named
In the bill. By the first of these acts he is
, required In mairti getscaqs to command in
the several Military
f orce to and to detail
n fin Mle
ent military for to enable each of.
ncers to discharge their duties murder tee
law.- Ily asuppicinentary set other dutles
' are imprniml On. Um several eetuteamlang
generals, and their duties must necessarily
bo performed undo; Lite supervision of the
President, as ConamandenimCidef, The
duty thus Inchon , ' on the President la no
just sense minteterlat. .is purely mem.
tire and pontical. An attempt on the part
of the Judicial lieraztutent. at. the hover=
ent to onion' the performance of
ouch duties by the President, might to just.
ly enaramertzed, th language of
ostice Marshall, man anion" end oleos.thief
site extremes:Me. UM true, that in tee
instance before as. the interposition of the
Court's net amain to enforce action; try
Lila Ex •
ru e t c u to i rq e d u m nd in e r
such a a tla tlon on a al d
er leg.
'elation allegryl ea lie encomitttutionell Dot
n - c are unable to perceive that Ma Orem=
principle taro liars the mom = or tho general
whiten •foroble o Judicial inteMer
enco with thooterchia of bee:o;4We alliere-
Men. It was admitted in the argument
' two the application now made to
us is -wither:sr precedent, end 'this Is Of
surchweight'agalibil..! it. Hatt *theca sup.
posedi at the harOtratthis - Cicart. , woutd,in
key case. interpose to arrest the execution
• ee etteCiineltutenoM! set o Cclagreie,
can hardly be daunt.% thet the iroviroati.r.
with that object, would have Leon hereto.
fore erldressed-tott. SuotiOcartaltieSl time
been frequent. Tire constitutionality of the
act •
fel or
ntr e
'-d anu e ry ' a tetn
M - a i T l m e t t e nt
pad verineuent Changes to the relidlye
importer:co! of EMUS and" ItheUWA:
and was by inany.• id/Wised tfi
Dirgerryegua with - disitstrope tp
Interests is P. 1.114011110 InlaGe; WC no
one seems to earre.hhougbt Of an blrellta.
tine for an , mhauction malted., the moon-
Mon of-tberietby tint PreritleSt. And yet It
is Ottiteult to pereelVe wpm. artist principle
the epulteetion nowebelot• us eau be allow.
ed, and similar 'aPPlitili3oo4 'in Oat and
other Mike CPll4l.'h ate burn Chilled:
halt that no Men iteellcition 'era MCC be.
fore made le tiny cum, Li:idlestes the general
judgment of the profession teat no sects
applimtion &timid be entarteinecl, It .will
hardly bet contended that Counties. Casa.
torpoM In hey ease to restrain tire ....IT
Mont of arr. ismatmegtutlonal law, and yet,
how can the right he Pl/Mel Itilerpoaltiou
to prevent such an enactment, when
the purpose le evident, and the. execution
of that parpruci curtain be. disthigalsbed
In prhmtple froM the rightly filch interrws;
anion amine!, tho execution of ouch. e law
by the Priddilent. Congress Is the Jeanie.
tire depart:nonce( the Government. Tee
Neither ea r n
the egth,litivo depextineuM.
. Neither can realrelpol, fn. 1.111 hake. by
the tudicint dern.rtmont, triongli the spit or
tmtli, when performed, are, in proper ca see,
Salient to Its teignikatice. The trepreprieLy
of each leterfereem will be clearly seen
:fi'.°lgg:P°l7r , V2 fUtiPlitll„7l7;
reinnetion praye.l for be allowed,
tile President Athould refuse Obedience,
It Is nersliass 10 observe that the Court has
no power to bnp - iree Its proems. e If, on the
other hand, the!Presldent compiles with the
the stet
Congress, and range Clear xeeete
the stet ofle It .1301, that
collision may occur between the. executive
and the legiststiy.e departments of the Gov.
ernment. May not the Ipulso of illeprelere-.
tattoos Impeadh the Provident far itch re.
Masi, and In that case Guild this Coati la
ternemln Pi:441(.0f the President, tbdis en.
dangered by complignep with ita inandaus,
and restrain by lidenetion ta m e
gehttO of the
United Stater from sitting as • Rogry
Of Ifiriumehment • • Would the strange
Oepectatle be offered to publia wonder
K an:attelarA - try Ude- Court to arrest
the proceedings in that Gourd These gum.
those answer themselves. to true a MAIO
may ills aft origluel bill In this (Mart, and
It may be true In stma cases that such bill
may Milled sisal:nut we Vetted Staten; but
n ace fill:)Hutiagle4 , that this 00,41 pee, tie
hurtsthollonot a trill to enjoin the PresElent
i his ePlelW duties, mid that , no such bill
ought toter received try us. It has been sue.
'rested that the bill eonteins 5 prayer that
if the - relief sought henna be 'bad Sager;
;Andrew •Joheforn, Preeldent, it may tie
guarded against Andrew Johneen an •Citt
nen of Tennessee; but It to plain that relief
epaulette° execution Of ; an ;et of Congress
Audrew Johnson,lS relief againet Us la. ,
anctiOn against the execution of an act of
agrees by the Incumbent of the pretiden-
ttal ollt co, and Cannedbe reoelved, whether It
desorlbes film as till Preaideht or simply as
citLkon of s state.
The motion for lef t. ? to Ale the bill, Is,
th The or p e inon
hieing been delivered, the
Ciao!. Justice announced that the Court
would notait on next Priam, it:being thrOd
Prictury, tied Tlntraday would be substituted
as linottendaY. Ile 011E1501.1051 In theme)
Of the =AM Ot floOrgla against certain
olilcores the Attorney general maims no ob.
jectien to the Piing of the bill, and we will,
therefore. grant leave to die that bill.
Mr Sbarkey.—lt the Court PleMe. the oh.
joctfpata attempted to Ado
seems to be the attempt to cop:drab° Pre-sr
dent The bill Is notated, 6201 I 0111 reform
It to Cult the views of the Court and present
lt agate.
Chief justlee.—Leave to the the bill Is re
fused. When another bill Is presented It
will be considered.
Mr. Sharkey.—Do I understand the Court
to say the application can be made on
Chief fuitice.—Oa Tb nrsday.
In the Supreme Court. in the cake of the
Peterhoff; her tackle, &a. vs. United States,
Chief Justice Chase read the oplutonof the;
Court, holding :there could be no legal
blacked., of the Clo Grande, that river be-
ing in part neutral, and orderiag the rest°.
ration of the ship and all the cargo, Amyl:
that which was contraband of war; and
that which belonged to the owners "of the
contrabied portion.
The Court say that the trade between
listamoras and Loudon, even with the In
tention of supplying Texas from the former
place, cannot bo declared unlawful, for the
reason that the general principles of Inter•
national law It:4l . th the conclusion that
neutral Usde from' neutral to blockaded
pelts by inland navigation is lawful.; nor,
say the Court, will It be inferred that a
blockadaof the hie Grande was intended•
It was nit so expressly declared. That
Ayer wan as much Alexlcan as American.
The President seat a message to the Ben-
ate, enclosing communhattions from the
Secretary of the interior, , Attorney Gen.
oral and Secretary of the State. The former
has no illfOrMAtloll on the subjoct of the
absence of territorial otllcers from their
-poets. The omen; say inch absences inva
riably. have been under leave previously
gmated,except Lathe last leave of Alexan
der Cummings, which was applied for by
telegraph from Deaver, and granted after
ha reached Washington. The paella noces.
any formach leaves of absence is stated. In
the tables submitted no parted the expenses
have lama charged to the Government.
Tho /Oat:la¢ Minister. Count Wydwi.
bruck, has warmly thanked the Secretary
of State for am kludness and promptness
with which be acted on the request o( the
Austrian Emperor relative to
The Senate Committee on Indian ..14airs
will, after the present session. visit the ter
ritory west of Rhesus, with a'slew of select
ing a locution for the Indians Hof that State,
and their prompt. removal thithrr. They
expect to leave for Lawrence about the
of Slay. This act is in accordance with
a rebolutlon adopted by the Senate.
nonmariess constant°.
The Senate confirmed the following norni.
nations: Postmasters—Leant Sesehti
Middleton, 0; John Y. Thomas, Indepole
donee, MO.; Mores Muultegan,llll
- M. Lewis, You du Lac, Wisconsin..
70111164.5105 S auscrae.
The SenatereJceted the following Col.
lectors of Internal /Lorene...4lmA'. Moore,
Third District, Mo., Allen Y. Richardson,
Fifth District, MO. Postreasters—Abner P.
Dubin, lowa, Moccs 11. Kirby Upper Sandus
ky, Ohlo; Norman K. Bream, Van Wert,
Ohio; SumuelJeffreys, Wooster, Ohio. is.
diaa agent—Tin:lmm A. Smith, .Macon
City, Missouri.
Edward !Amore bal been detached from
ordnance duty at Jefferson banana*, Mao
sour', and place] walling orders.
valow riez rtc ft/t1.0.0 , 1). •.
The Secretary of the loterfor has received
from the President of the Union Punta
road, eastern division, an affidavit !eller
iktg the completion of them:month section of
toe:K.l'4par milea Of, that, read, and the
Government commissioners have been to..
structed to examine and report on the
ACIAIT 00NT11111121%
Thomas Ellby Smith, con firmed last week
as Conan' to Panama, but tbo doy otter re.
considered, today wits &min soatirmad.
it la rablerstawl the irmate has pattpon
ed the nomination of Colonel Capron, es
Commiestoner of .I.gnsul lure, until ne.xt
December. The friends of the present
eumbent, Imam Newton, say be will then to
prepared to resign.
Doing the ‘anelversat7 of the death of
President Lincoln, the bundles" et the
depot of equipment and • clothlui were
draped in mourning and flags display.' at
balSmast. Thetas" of all the public build
ing*, General Great's headqusrtere, Head
linerter" of the Departmental Washington.
end many other phase throughout the city
were at Imitates" dories the day.
°swum. csall Gan area atca noCala Li.
tele of the Supreme Court reads as
at•roegs Issued out of this Court tit any
snit In eqntly shalt be served oa defendant
sixty days before the antra of said pro•
ewe." ,
Today the Court ordered UM, inbpoenne
to issue against defendants in Um Georgia
0111 of complatnt ease, as prayed by yeti-
Dena. The Court wilt allourn In Day, and
as the sixty days roantrod tly the ripe can,
not occur between now and that than, the
return day4nust necessarily be at the next
- regular term of the Court In December.
If unbar procoudinipt tri the cage, according
to this Interpretation of the onto . ny legal
gentlemen, will, thereon, be poitposed
1 until that time. •
Cones! Frank 4 .liarron is nominated for
*arab al of Lon talanka. and Oluo r nliollesior.
otconneetoint, as Consul to liaison.
ilesilltedlop (a North and Month dos
11.0—Procamsailon of !7e
le* Belot's,'Thereto — Xs , It6prisopt.
, mem ,ter Debit,.
By Tplample to the Platte:dab Gateits.)
Astir yeas, April
commandant of military district So. 9,
embracing Borth and Booth Carolina, has
tuned orders tinder data .er
South Carolina; Aprli 11th, Betting forth'
RV. the general destitution. prevailing
*Meng tbeXMonllsl.l44 qr i 94 distriCt rea
ders mammary for their relief the adoption
of extraordinary measure'.
lle, theroftwe, orders that no one shall be
impflabood medal% c=ept upon cony!.
lion of freed; that Didgmeitt or di:cacao for
I the payment of money on cause, 01 action
;dialog between December 4, ion. and Doe
14. lad, strait not he me forced by exemitiou
against the property Or the. person of the
ilatendantt that IS hula", Coroners and tub.
"Maiden shell- 'Upend' ibr- twelve months
sales -of properly on habil lies
contracted prior to December 19th,
sus; hit proceedings, for the
recovery -ref- Matey for ' thit put:Mesa
of negroos are sespendeet tint In Was of
property by. exception
. or order of Court.
there shah be reserved to defendants, hay.
log rerolllcs denending upon them, Insole
m ento of busbabdry,.lionseholq gouda, etc.,
to the value of, five hundred ,thilera, an d
that the property pf absent debtors shall
pot be taken under. the foreign attechment
preceso. T. 40 Order IllsO the Pr":
tine:rif carryinjr yeadly werditsll4. oscptt
alg d ur i tirra 'art run " ral re:3:1 4' 1%1
military commission. - -The pun . l: 3 l , lm . esti e e r f .
g:3, th .l. 4 jajtelt s ra 'r ldit ' lalty 11 given
of NOM" anti 00010 parollna
it reprieve or pardon persons a
and pentenced .by Will teen:wand to re.
ml' Mies and ;Minim
CaaudisTos, April tonere' Males'
Order IthYthat the execution In Civil Suite
for twelve menthil,, gives general salts,
" ge ° 7;oUit Ollffin•POr, Published
at Columbia, has been purchased by its.
liash .and other cohered men, and
.Ivl.ll Ito
as siconserystiso argon.:
Anbreliy bind Illtinary Despaplm—
Coby Sou nein—
Zn-Vreadaltallts nag bliy Seer
niers Insinibeneceb.licli . 'seem
on Painsma. - ' - • . . .
!us Telegtsphto.the Pittsburgh nstettnri
Anvil 1g....44v1Ces from Pan
ama present a pletetre of atuprohy and milt.
tory despothowha Colombia. Mounters bad
Snail/ Prokep pto Congress by tannery force
aod .tcoprisonod slaty-Wen Senators and
nepresentstl res. among thew ex-rreeddent
hie rival at the .T 7 election. jt
was - expected the next ' oh wt. of attack
World au mamma, sad the state of
that n a me would in all likelihood declare
ltself independent,
CITY MIDI SllStallki.
IrfOuat:UlLermlion7PAGEce..—wiTh:t m +tA E: fulte ... st 7 a .„4. 7
7 re•
Nl* pi eettbi ctyloc!itn the city, Ota - be
Au Old Alai anldeaa Hl■ Wiley while
eltapitsc watt w Axe, mad Hangs
lltnatell to • Tree.
By the Pacific and Atlantic telegraph line
we are placed' in: - pasaellsion of the par. Oculars of hue of the 'most horrible Magee
dice we have over chronic*. The IMMO ti
the dark dock was near ttar quiet village of
Mount Morris, Rome-alai miles north of
Warnesimrg. Greene. county. It appear*
that Martin Cane, a frugal and Ind astrtomi
farmer. had been living for some time past
on bad terms with Ins wife, although noth
ing beyond angry words had ever mimed
between them. On Sturdaynight Cane arose
from his bed at about ten o'clock and pro.
caring an axe, returned to;Ills ohJim:
her where ins wife was slospingunconscions
of danger, and dealt her two blows with
the deadly weapon upon the-head. The
first blow terribly trantured the skull, while
the second !mewed to have been welded on
by the arm of the woman, who awoke to a
realisation of her husband's latent to raur
dor her. The old map th inking he had cc
oomplishoct. his d yurposu Of murder,
fled toe geld ad) * his house, and with
his suspenders 1.1 er . succeeded In
aommitting eniet , . ging himself
noon an apple tree. rm we, prompt
ly given and the neighbor& sttrneMd to the
house foetid the intern a dying condition.
and her husband and murderer lifeless, sus-.
paroled to the tree, as staltsi. Medical aid
was at once summonedier the poor woman,
but sae sank grodurabrand expired last
night at eleven o'clock. - Thu tragedy crea
tat Intense exciteerent ,
in Arreene county,
and hundreds of Persons.dtrrnig yesterday,
visited the scone of da Ooramenoe. No sow
tine is assigned for Vane's' horrible deed,
and Mint induced him tO to perpetratlon
itimerecoejecture. ltedassrversixtyyears
of ago and hie wife was but a few years his
Junior. In oar next edition we will' =idea.
vor to procure fuller parttorders of the her.
rsblo tragedy.
. ..
Relief fee the Reatb—lteeolatione
Adopted Ned Addeo:does Delivered.
The aoloorned meeting, of the citizens cif
rictsouratt and vicinity for the rollers( the
starring South, was held yesterday after
atthe hoard of Trade liooms, and we
are sorry to nay was but bnt poorly attended.
.:This meeting was called:to.order by the
President,'Mr. ticerge 0. Thurston, who
stated that the mecum iraa ready for soy
Suggestlens front paella present, where.
upon IL. 11. Kerr, Made a short ad
dress, in w Wehrle shut:lei; tithe famine la
iroland twenty years slims and stated that
Pittsburgh then raised weer ben thoneand
dollar* In Moot**. and over thirty thousand
dollars worth of (cod and clothing Is the
enuntrv. If we could do Ito myth fora for
eign country, could we not do something
for our own starving countrymen, Tne
Spotter &leo en earl! to Our Mid Ore In 1845,
t ra d n rm*r elgil n :lls %tut :rte . :IT:T.:WI;
SOnthern State. ho vouch:idea by stating
that ho knew the gwrlneke el oar farmers,
nod felt cound..t. tool the/ would not no
eonearol to to vele, for "the Lord loveth a
cheerful floor," and offered the following
ADDIZER AND //140117T/01111.
With charity for all and,malice towards
We meat respectfully cat the attention of
the people of •Ilegheny county, tet .
ern States, In which a large portiott clout
fellow briars are deetiturent the neceses.
ries to entitle tiro, starring . unto death for
the want or 10.1 In te ~ ntwof Vicar. We'
plarefore twolte..the i tiligpation- of oar
&mum throughout er. thus t to assist
with their (ample) mean by contributing
whatever they can spare to money, bread.
studs and all other kinds of produce that
our people In their generosity end enmity
may deem proper to donate.
Too accounts which reach us daily of the
destitution of the Southern people fill our
heart. with anguish for (no entering poor
of Gist woe-stricken country. which calls
loudly on the benevolent to assist to stay.
tog the monster !nervation. Then will you
Pho era blasted with plenty •hy a litinuiene
rovidence refuse to aid too nufortunatri
Will It ho sold of our people that
they mood all day .111 e, end teased
to bestow • their mite On Isufferleit
woman and chldren, when we Lave
fed and tiothod tae sublecte of the
Queen of Great Britain and others. We
trust that miscue reproach will not he cast
at our doors. when by secoling what we can
see re may he Shahan. of saving the lives
of tbomando of our own people.
Then, tritons Rod Automats, qf Allpehe.
ny County, "tip unto others as yob Woul.l
have others do onto you." and to the. Mime
of God bestow your charity on thee* Who
cannot essist themealreft (Po
~W eiCira YON
thename of to starriest all ages.
soxev .04 conditions, to fervent Yonr j
moans and assist is alleviating tbe 'lllnet
distress that pervades toe hoer slootharn
people. We appeal to every human bean
to do all that mot be dace la the holy cause
of preserving' hie, liens of our fellOrbeltb I
sans In that portion to our °Daimon genus I
try. Therefore.
ResoZtvd, That• committee ot nee be ail.
pointed, whose duty It will be tomtit nubile
meetings in soca :ammo in the Country as
may be deemed inteinable. .1 - hat the clergy
lie requested to cell the attention ethic:Wl
et:overtire congregatione to the <flatten Le
thy booth, enti that • pollectien betaken CO
in aid ittf the sprferill Vero?. TWO Said cows
;Mhos designate Spreeete to &admits meet.
in the. country. Thai our friends end
:tares he re eareind ,to :donate what ewer
they can spare In corn, flour or such other ,
predate. IV thOY timer Mica prober m neMbw. I
.110, the hod of alt- Orr., nod merry end
ramp...sloe touch Os /wens of ell in gotiwg
!rpm drain our own slosh eV blood." jet
es exhibit to hie world teargoOdoese
soul which will redoundfto the bobor and
amp of oar country by overlooking past
tilrereerre T h atermos, of tree charity.
• lissetivia esl4 Cfnemittee, etta the
Ca airman of this meeting. are requeSted to
call en too different cffiloors or our raft
:end. MA M 0.411510 1.1, transport free of
charge itirgie. , duce donated to toesuiterleg
Beath. Teat mild Committee give notice of
the fact id all the ally pepdnfriendly lathe
object. • '
It was bare stated that General G. W.
Casa, President of they, POW:lunch, Fort
Wen/ nod Gplaago Ptilrintd. Lad oiarod
the sea c 4 the road free of charge to Parry
provisions, gc., to the otifferlog g e fithern
Rev. W.l). Moore read extracts from sere.
cral letter! which 00 IttAireeently reetitresi,
giving distressing' elescrlptloop of the
tionthertifetaima •
. Rev. lather TracY, who was Present. Vt..
pr, beetion,reff Peeled tO addrets the meets
• log. Ito to
Jaques_ and made a
most ploqpept apipsd. la .1 .. 00 stated
that he had recently traveled t rough cor
sair, mine ties In Alabama, Georg -Tannest
see, and lieritunitys That he foil beleegod
to the Federal army, higromglatient hot
yet having been accepted. In inset 'pith°
counties tie had peeved titre:sigh, - the pimple
ere 7MP:int any -feed, escept that which
they ere recistrtiOr from rielossi, soul la
many cases they carried the corn twelve or
[Mean mile,, to keep them from shirring.
Where our armies famed, the country was
anent glens, end 11 ,8 4 1 Pili will left Winn
which td subsist. lie Dad coma. *Oren.
Union laminae; whose fathers bad deserted
that section of the country Id the earl
peat Of the w and joined the Federal
arulY. Many of ar
whose widows end orphans
wore new abmarly starving, and It Walt that
clams of people who noW Once the greatest I
claim upon us. Ile spoke from his own ots,
eerrations, and whet tie said he knew to be
The address and rosoleGons am printed
Steve wren unanimouslyedopted, wherii-1
noon Mr. Kerr asked that his name be left.
off se chain:minor toe committee, M 241 wit ,
gelded Mau name Of Jories, Seq., to fidl
the !Method. The request woe grunted.
Tho Preeldtrit thennamed theCommltteo
who bare power to Mid to . the number, ell
vacancies, and transact any business they
May deem eat for tea furtherance of the
movement, The committee conolots of the
following, gentlemen; Douse bonee,' 1.
ChM:maul Ifestint' Feltz 11.' Brunet, W. r.
Moore, Jefenh 8. Travel% U. 11. lierr, D.
&liars abet S. Stein. 1-
• tni, 01n r o e o 4i s tlrill I =l 4 1 . 12 :1 1 0 nbriTe
Committee will moot this ( uesitayi after
Q oloctim,.the rooms 4140 Uoikra
• The Ilaymakeen In- Costume.
Where is * treat musical treat. to
store. for So , filktt,
'the rendltien by Was Slinstis tabinted
scholere p asstatod. by ametepr performers
Of tbo o atone cantata of the Llaymaker;
lb Celt= O. Al gm net invented' oftiispnt
teraininent will. be.deroted to patriotic
purpcues, trust • tbat • largo and ap,
preciatire audience will b e in attendance,
Tills is posttively the last rendition of tto
liarrpanars, by sl los 'lima, and time. with
igii etteuding wilt mist the greatellt Tana*
cal olferbtg of the Seale.;
judge Mellon la "going It alone'. la bold
Inc Gotirt Vila wont. dodges titcrrett and
• woliaina are abeetit from the city, Gm lat
ter at Uniontown holding special Cond. for
Judge Gilmore, and Judge! M:Orbit find
iItOWO IWO indmpolled, . .. ,
Pare Water ra.le Building..;
Two local Matters are agitating this coos.
unity to th • coesiderable extent, exciting
Much discusilon. The City Councils of UM,
_manifesting a more enterpnsing and pro.
gresolve emit than its predeceased,. gave
us a fire alarm telegraph, and the gentle
men mainly instrumental In securing that
Improvement, the necessity
which existed for public buildings, in keep
ing with the importandi and rapid progress
of our city, took Snips M thatdirection, and
haye so far progreesed as to secure. a very
desiniblif piece, of pr operty , On Smithfield
street,. adjoining tho Custom Rouse end
rose:Mee and also Um:Passage of nu act
of assembly: providleg. means w hereby to ,
construct public buildings In accordance '
with the views entertained, which will in.
valve al:Conley - of perhaps half a" uliUlon
dollars. The Ore alarm telegraph is canoed.
ed to be a very necessary_ acquisition; and
has already paid for itself ln the valuable
merles which It has rendered, in prevent
ing destruction of, property. The co
comity for a city hall,and a permanent busi
ness habitation for 'city officers, Is alocreon
ceded, and we believe couldlude been pro •
Tided yearn since with decidedly, more ad.
giunage than akPresenia
II But there is another question which has
. been the Babied of grave consideration' by
many citizens. in large communities all
matters looking to the preservation of
health, aro of Um Wet said htgnest consider
ation. And what is more essential to pre-
Serve health than pure water. That which
we now drink, - the doctors say, - and not
without reason, la Impure. • tier water
works, commensurate though they were to
our write when wetted, arenot sonow, the
public health considered, and with the con
tinued Inertias* of theeity suburbs on the
river Allegheny, on either side and.above
the point whence the reservoir. are sup.
plied, must, of necessity, render the water
stUl more impure.. liecently rather exten
sive improvements were made at the water
works. in the way of addition to the forcing
power, rendered. Inadequate by increased
consumption, to which objections, however,
were urged by those who had In view the
aktrneu, if nOtpresenf nommity for &change
thesouressorsupply. From the stand point
that owleaterla now impure, affecting the
general , bealth, and that therefore the ne
cessity exists for a change in the coerce of
supply MEI the Allegheny to the Youghio-
gheny or the gtaktinluetas, the question is
seclowly.put which Ii of meat Immediate'
importance. the .erection of a palace for the
Mayor, go., eta coetof half a million, more
or less, or the expenditure of alike amount,
or more, to provide pure water for public
consumption: The ..consolulationo project
may be considered in both cases. The great
as proposed by the consolidation act,
will require peaks bulldingleammansurate,
U it will UM -require an thereased water
supply. "The water works of Allegheny and
the baronet/ on the south site are In the
same condition wedge of the city es to the
aerate of Supply - , iia purity considered, Al
legheny receiving her water from-about Um
same point sei.eittethargh,. while the Mo.
ongaheis Water Company receive from
Monongahela, a short distance
above Dam No. I. We are not die
poood at present to discuss; the mat
ter further, as to the relative Impor
tance of the prolectik.. To street tbeelestr
ed Change In the-water Wargo, will require
acanthi ...hie period of time, and as yet
no steps have been taken In the matter,
while tor the erection of the - city buildings,
noon the site =rationed, arrangements
have assumed definite a¢ legislative au
thority bertha been obtalaW, the purchase
of the ground Voneluded, Sc. The argil
meet aa put, IS not against the erection of
the public bundlers, and purchase of prop.
erty.tossiasety.bilt =M.llie matter of pure.
/tern of vastly more importance, and
enouid be or have Wen) -first considered
and provided fur..lL la not at all unlikely
that the present animated - dlamelien of the
question may result In some tangible so.
=treks Lahti* 011 Werke.
We can rarer eletak of oommodiLies min
nfseteral la this city, except upon the tes
timony of others. It to otherwise with the
"Eureka Labels OIL" We hare bad per`
tonal *opulence with this ',Aeolian% hair!•
miter for more thanawo year. tea large
Cotton mill, on journals of all epteds up to
90,t00 revoletlons per Mixtute—on engine
dales-engine lathes—oo splitting sand
ere,ll etachiets, and on Moms. E , ory
Other substitute for entree oh, except this,
ban been • failure. We hare convinced our
teltea that the Eureka Labile Oil is better
these sperm. especially because it to in Ili
mature mart mauling and more cleansing.
advsntage tilt to the Sperm Is
that it requires are to eight per eent-lese et
it fors given urines. which difference is
compensated by th e tempera,
tartly low price of the I ; Cimits. -
It it t acitharityor others that we call
the attention of our reader, to the "Caere
col /Jarred (ht," smeared at the 'Eareta
Oti Works. We are assured that this Is a
complete telotraleut for, U npt an Improve
ment on Linseed Oil, for In and ens-door
painting. Specimens of painting shown to
as are as doe MnOTUt . .S.4 - W .10 . 14 '4 a
unouth and lustrous surface. If we Me.
take not, It is destined to topercede the use
of Liaseed till for paint. We mirLso our
painter,' to kits It • thorough total.
Those and o_ ,t l tor oils are far male at the
elite of the Works, No. 19 Irwin street,
where the agent, lir. C.C. Xenia, Is always
in attendance. See adyertisement.
4 Piiu►argb Day
Pittsburgh Wee never more worthy - of lta
game, "the smoky city," than yesterday..
.1.14ral vo the smote, witteh, ordinarily, from
Lis constant presence, denizens can with.,
stand, there was dest,ur that inecallar kind,
mingled with gut, Thleh rendered the day
dtsagrerabls In au estriune dogma
fennel:if rain had made the streets dry. A
tholspell was betokened by lowering
Mob a ant brims° nn the dust,
can the stooge to whirl about sa acumen
ding. and the commingled compound found
entrance to the month. nose, eye,. YAP,
mingled with the ham and whiskery, pore*.
lattsi everyabere, the coaled, illeanest of
parlors not being exempt, whilst the at
mosphere was darkened to the enrol pt made, gas ligh t
for tgo transair:
i t or kus i ,atisa. sitnergtug from
oqr domicil, ' a . Meanly . ..boom
a coesidersble proportion or imoke
sloth congregate and proceed, et as Lour of
the day when m,amilog men is.
some their avocation, tore we reached the
sanctum Opr cal:l2We had asetuned app
pearanee of a weekie mut, In a vain endwyr:
' or to amp optics clear, sod we egheilenwn
tbe 'meta; of Itsviatldsgomorimi fro m
...Alm- Al th ough not as dlisagrataboi.
nor as detrimental to health; as it London
fog. Wo dwell In ritteeprgle. yeale4Ay was
te. Melte ttle -Opt trAlt4.4i As. In Muth, ••
iistuokY MO'''. Yee n as we utter It, oar
throat from theeirtot Of theistic" ttupts
the truth. . -
A 13setallgs4 Herne ..gee • - Sale—Ware
illtasseetts Pe teems or Taste.
We desire to call especial attention to the
advertisement =Other. edlagen -
Gothle house for sale; sltuateal on the lino
a; ,t 4. 1 4 0 .0 001 t 00 • ; 4 0 2, euger
war, to Cale Of the most pleasant neigh.
borliceds in this vicinity, and surrounded
by schools and ehererma of ell denc,mlee.
titles, The hoaattileell, Indeed:.. model of
arclutectural oesety, end one of the hand.
somest that weber. ever seen. The ample
grounds being elevated above the street,
the blinding removed 4 ft 11010000 Irma
;my other, and the aMolnlux property being
sPaelcuteand 1014 ens tn similar heeenter.
Makes IL ambles all lb* advanuotee of the
country with the conventenees of the city.
To persons In scorch of a cheerful, Beals..
fpl end eel home-oeo that Will please the
aye and re lie the taste, sad ho a continual
source of p eistite and comfort—we would
recommend the ezatatnaUon , of tllj que
DefolP elliewhete,
, .
vaissmoss Voss Court.
Bofors, not,. Thomas Mallon.
4, T. Smith 4 00, Tat owlos 4.8A 01 7.
Bofors reported. TOO foxy found :for the.
plaintiff the glum of 1C44.39.
el Twaddle Ye. Ilenlataln a Hos•
myth notion to recover the entOntit of
y w o promissory notes,one for .11.000 and toe
other rqr $1,400h also for at,040 for boarding •
defendant atta.hiellenalttor, and agal eland;
ed by Malting as • Ids • porubn -or• share of
cpmtawsioil pa tho of amanita, Idafen
dant. averred thattbe two notes sued upon
ware given by him to be paid Para ik
homner on we:Net • Of the Indebtedness of
plaintiff Weald partly's, whieh indebtedness
was a lien on property transferred by the
plaintiff tO defendant, and that, the Wn-
Any conld halm 00 jun'or legal claim on de
mld ant for said. notes tonal he latingniall
the lien to the &recent .for wrath they
were given. To the remainder of the Olann
defendant pleat set MT, by.-which be made
plaintiff indebted to hint Intim sent of PIO.
WI trial at adjOnfemollt.
. • .
Trlol Llat For ZlOnday
4,43)4449w .91.94.4 c 9114.1. ,
91. J. 11. Rabbits'. 1L
4. W.U.Warden va Ipqr, 41,30r9 CO. • •
ia.4oba:ll. 44114,1 411elitdrn Tunspa&
tatun comisso v.
13. 1.). L. Patterson 11. Brown vs.
James A. Gray. . .
Ti Calstlln Garver vs. Cosirinl UsroT.
99. Ilsory Woes vs. Jon Eborly seal.
IL WM. Adana Ar. iamea
lsabolia W. Greer vs: It. Vir: Guthrie
et ai.
43, Wlll. ittrbi Ts. Janimi °Malan. •
SO. Loots 4.1..c0rny et sl. t I...lames Low.
Candidate,* br epee are cropping out,
Lades the ttme foe the meeting or the 41e.
tralatsen ronranstAng annVent4on aßproach•
ea, they are becoming spore numerous. Re
side a Senator and assemblymen, thereat*
eanOulates to be selected losCoroner, Com
missioner, Treasurer, Prothonotary and As.
'anion% PiitaA *WWI.
l ,
. ' !\
'- - 1
. .
Another "twenty Inch gtm," the sixth in
number; was cast at the Fort Pitt Foundry.
on Monday, under the direction of that. cel
ebrity In his way, Col. Joseph Kaye, the vet
eran foremen of the establialiment. Prepa
ration, for the casting were made last week,
the mould having been plao4d in the pit on
Wednesday. One hundred and forty thou
land pounds (aeveaty tonal of the best Ju
niata iron were placed In three furnaces,
the largest quantity In one being et 3,000
pounds, and the remainder about equal
lv divided between the Other two.
The Ores were Lighted at four and a Miff
o'clock Monday morning, and In three hours
and a half (eleven o'clock) afterward the
furnaces were. tappel and the molten met
al begun flowing through conducts at
opposite aides into the mould, which was
filled to twenty-seven, dur
ing which time a stream of water
passed In and out of the core barrel at the
rate of twenty gallons per minute, the wa
ter lncreastng temperature in ten
utes from elrry to one "hundred and ten Mi.
grees, and in forty minutes to ono hundred
and twenty degrees. The canting was
complished successfully, and WittleUt the
slightest accident. The weight- of the gun
In the rough, when taken from the mould,
will be about HOMO pounda. and d i am
nii,Mo poundsilts greatest diameter
nienty-fonr Inches, • at the morale thirty
eighc by ninety in
-length one hon.
fired and eighty-nine inchea, bore one hun
dred and flllyweven inches. The canter .l tened for navy service, and Is consid
ably shorter than others of calibre
heretofore cut. -
When finished. lt will be tested at the
proving ground, for which a ball weighing
one thousand pounds will be Weal also
nine charges ot mammoth • powdery the
flrat three of sixty pounds each, the next
three of eighty pounds, aniPthe Mat, three
of one hundred pound. each.
The "Lock eat" as an Ead. •
The "look out" approaches an end. The
workingmen, unable longer tb hold out
against capital; are about to resume work
at the figures offered by the iron mustard
Mach actual suffering from want baa been
experienced In the ranks of the strikers
and they are forced to yield, without hay
ing acoompllehed wok single good from
their long continued strike. We. believe
the iron masters are dlspeSed to deal fairly
with their workinginen, and from the less.
es sustained by them trees the strike, any
unprejudiced person will judge that the
paying or the demanded price was • male
ter of unoosstbility with them. Labor is
worth lux marketable 'mine. no more.
no less. The workingmen, we believe,
conscientiously thought that their du.
mends , were just, whim the iron
'masters krieir that to run their mills
as the prices asked, would sink
them into bankruptcy and ruin. lint we
trusts tree understanding of the Cate haS
been reached and thnt work will at once
bd resumed. Yesterday Painter d Co's ex
tensive mill resumed, the peddlers accept
ing 'Lae per too, and we understand other
mills are about to follow the example, and
thus ends the great lookout which has long
paralysed the trade of the city, - and kept
hard times lurking about our doors. After
a resumption of work trade will brighten
and our merctients • will exnerience butter
times than they have had for a long time
past, ,
aisosic lb L,—The Jame* E. Mordooh
Association, Which numbers anions ita
members many of our Dios; talented ems.
tear elocutionists and dramatic performers,
vin give 9 ascend entertainment to-morrow
treeing. st liasonle 11.11. The programme
largo and entertaining and all who attend
may wifely anticipate .an evening of rare
enjoyment. •
TRATIIIf AID Nova' Cizoos.-.Thts great
traveling eirens and collection of trained
animals i.e.:ming to Pittsburgh, and will
spend several days 111 our mils , . lt Una
questionably th e greatest ushowo 1w the
world and embraces many new and attrae-
Use Matures. The horsemen, gymnasts and
acrobats are the -most expert in Loup
and will delight all who mei have the
fortune to witness th eir da ri ng feats. ve•
rs.b.dr aliould make arrangements for see
tog thls grand circus and
ni 4 k agerle, Mora
Ats par- ...vaina• it. can sg_aW. • •
synranta Institution, '
1171:11tr er : rot u ell " eill;rs 17. gr '"bLYV`par"
nonnonl In many respects the superior of
Wilted, appears to-alai/tat the Now Opera
Locum, in the LailY of Lyons,
V. 1.131117 Tuarrna.—A. very excellent
bill to oilseed at tills Prat class place of
amusement. and it to weal' thronged...An
visitors. V.O arrow of no more pleasant
place to spend an evening.
On the evening of the Vet day of Mara,
the grocery and housefuralabing mere of
C. F. Lucas, at Deena Vista, Val:Abell' town
ship, a short distance up the Monohgabela
river, was entered by burglars and robbed
of goods to the amount of spa. Suspicion
at the time was directed to no one, and the
case wet placed in the hands of Alderman
strata' 'dstectlreawbo proceeded Intro:lc
tt op. They obtained s. rise which led to
the arrest of 'Unwell Douglas, Thames
Mangles and James Mansfield. They were
taken at klired statiou,ou the Counellswille
itadreed, and brought to this arty by officer
Wilmot. iho house of the elder 'Magi.,
who Is a man worth about one hundred
thousand dellsrs, in F.Urabetp township,
woe searched tor the stolen goods, but we
believe oar C few shirts were foxed, and
Identlhedsta part of the missing articles.
The accused worecach held In the`enta Gf
three thousand dollars torte ill attendance
at • hearing before Alderman /drain Olt Fri.
day nest. If the partite arrests: prore the
guilty e 1..; tile Independent police desayve
great credit for securing their arrest. The
DOEWstal , are brothers, and Mansfield la a
youth who Tholes with Ulm.
Elsewhere we publish the lint of applies.
Ilona for lleeosa, prellkved by the eilleient
Clerk of Court; John U. /frown, lkoq. It
NCI be observed that the new license law
has called forth more npplloattcom than
have been made at preelorte slttingeof the
Comma board, we publishing today no /ess
than two lnmarod and nytydve l•
1•40 Llcanao Board w thait in Quarter
atoms Acme, on Monday, the th" th instant.
at nine o'clock. a. al., for hearing the appll.
cations of parties residing between, the
Allegiony Monongahela :Worst on
ocaday, tile instant, at the samettm
lot h e aring thekn it
application, of parties - r e.
siding tooth of the Monongahela nod Ohio
rivers:on Wednesday. the let of May. at the
same tame, for bearin applications of par
ties melding nm - th o f
the Allegheny and
WO rivers. .
Applicautaare requested to prove hp their
Wes immediately, tf they hare 110 already
done so.
Dr. Robert Hunter desires to netlfy Lis
potiouts and those requiring his profession
al services, that Tie will definitely dose
Ills °ince In Pittsburgh on tho evening of
katurd•ty, tern rah.
Dr. Minter's practice is confined to area
therm of the chest. Mx; tore throat. catarrh.
Oxen., • bronchitis. asthma. consetall•
Lion and boot disease.
Partin wishing to avail themselves of Dr.
punter's experience in those - affections
ebonl.l embrace the earliest opportunity,
before his return to New York. Nora person.
al interview and examination, otter welch
bey con pursue the treatment without dif.
lineal. -
Doors-9 A. W. to se. /lolly. Oflce—
lilemhante lintel, Pittsburgh.
CelebraSW, one , ' wedding day In the
tombs is not a vesture:me, but henry
Furl.. of-Liars Yarn% unfortunate to
this extent, on Saturday. lle was married
on that day, and came to this city, not with
sterne. As be was about to start on bin
La mamma attended, tor no goal
rraion, at an attendant at the flonnellsellie
Railroad dea:it, and elolontly assaulted and
best him. 'or this .be was arrested. and
ledgal in o tarots, where no remained
until yestenlay morning, when he was re..
leased upon the paymentota Minot twenty.
are dollars for MS giVarderly 0011.1iDOZ. .
Admitted eons. Itast—ln the Court of
.Common e'en*, yesterday, on motion James
H. Hopkins, lieq., Wesky Wolr , Esq.; ut
I Wastsinaton atenty, was admitted to the
bar at Allegheny county.' As a member of
the "Firth Heavy" hr. W sem senders dur
ing a portion Or the rebellion. and his sehob
rustle attainments rendered his. serylees
quite necessary at the head qaerters or the
ant battalion, which did duty - at rrnstseet
Virgil:o.6,par a bonsidetrylea time Osr
his Onalileetton, fm Coo legul PrOresekte
Lim upon
be no donut. and our
,tlint upon Als a , ...,M0n to our Oar.
rt .T r ewe or Toll e Ttla ' B onTiiratr .lth"kere'eer.
Clove romolit'Sectultlei -theta. "Mere
No. York. todoy follo t tr e s e 3 th the
B. Sixes, lad
U. 8. Slgoo,l, • • i•• •
• 8. Eltzes,llll'
U.S. r0011,V306.
8 . -3044/Mertes
U. 740% qd ,
We pees in error In swans that Mr. W.
U. fibelleby, suaukbr Vogng, Via IgsoA
-11,11.4, of the late lamented /dr. Aulloolt.
Shellaby of tee Arm of Intellaby tt. Sat+,
clay, to marne4 toad& alter 4me 4epos o s.
. .
Ain letelleetwel Treat.—Tortight Prot.
Alfred P. hocked!, a scholar Anterior to
none in America, lettings upon a tubjectof
deep Interest to an audience of this 001011.
borhood,—.Coal and Coal Mbilrig.g The
lecture is wider die adspices of the Young
Metes Christian dasoclation and doubtleas
a large audience will greet the • learned
lecturer. We drite. attendance upon the
Dart of our readers, autsnring them that
rich intellectual treat will reward all ho
71,11 Masonic Hall tonight. On Friday
crating the subject be reneged.
Waseanille Libras* Leaturas.—The
Young Men's Mercantile Ltbrary Amadei"-
Hon announce four leotures additien to
the course just closed, the first blnhietivill
take plate next Saturday evening. by Were
dell Philints on the Loot " Art. Following
that Henry Vincent. the great. Englistione
tor, will deliver Lectures on .Wedneectsy.
Thureiday and Friday evening of next week.
The high charactex which:both-time gegn.
tiemen enjoy as Orators will be sufficient
—ftrantee of thi Vded audiences which
guarantee - a the mow.
will greet them
at N 0.14 Wylie street, cinder Ashland
Hall, we observe that lir. 0.1011 Byrne, late
of St St. Clair street, one of our most huh.
losable and enterprising Ultras, has•litted
uy a store, at w ee number, with •
stook of gnods that, venture to say, has
never been surpassed in this city. With •
few more such houses Intl Wylie street will
become what St. Clair street was a few
years ago, the mart of fashion. This is one
rp . the signs of thettnies and plainly
esterthe direction that ;he city IS taking.
...The 117Wela Baseball club ' held as annu
m election for officers yesterday. with the.
following result: Preettlebt...l.lll:•Garassut
Esq.; Vice Pratldent.Deablc blind M. Ddfiec...
rotary C. Ilagee,Treasurer4Thoplaste...todu,
Executive Committee. IL: B.Bl.l4;Capt
Cern C. T. Ealug. Gramm Curry. J. Webb
Lade. The flygela Is the club we runwltb.
and we are bound 00140 chronicle any de
feats it may ender the com Lug meson.
Death of immialui. penbler.s.Captals W.
11. Coulter. who. nalt .11n arm In one of the
. 1 11M i t n Ifts i ns%1T PUn trlIrthay P tr e ee n tse anb
land goonty, on aoudad, morning. He filled
most aceepusbly the poslthie or Pirost.
Maraud of the Twestyeltst. , EMMlM., and
was held la the hlittleal .stem by AI Ja.MS
George Strain lobe Alpidatant Hanna id
arras In the State IlonsepritePresentativea,
it is Bala, has been appointed one of the
city wilco by Iditypridellarthy. He bee had
considerable- 'experteiMe •to the business,
and bore the reputation of holing an officer
of more than ordloaryatiresdneeal AL Hat,
rlsburg experience may have beeneadvan
tage to him. •
Pfsllsting on Eisnaday . .—Por indulging in
the amusement of. netting on Sunday In
Pine Creek, J ustioe Smith; Of Bhaler town
tome, yesterday, fined three Germans.
Red our pollee been k little more industri
ous they srpold have discovered. on &sudsy,
quite number ha,
boys, engaged to like
manner au rats In the Monongahela.
Certain parties now In custody, in an
endeavor to esiatalsti their innocence of a
grave charge, by an alibi' have discovered
ttiat by so doing they .ii provetlientselyes
guilty of lirriilary. Stranger things have
happened. • •
An Insane blaii.—.7arnes Flaherty, ar.
rested by the Dolton for violent assault
upon an old 1111112 at the Plaint. was Myr:tin
ottarge to the Directors of the Poor luster
day. He is mums.
The excursion of Drrfaloollo. 42, or the
Sons of Tempentnes, •to McKeesport to.
ntsbt.nromteest to be !amok* attended by
inemben, of the We, ..
IleaLlDO' Deli JIM beg= deTeiOpea Moto
cerumg toe parties alleged to have Deem
mummy:ale the Sprat:lll murder, In Ruh•
First is:rho Field .— Mr. William B.
Boss,, a wel l known oltlion of Allogbony
Coy, sonounoenblmaelfas • candidate for
A fleece Plebt, iesultlng Irons bad
whisky and Irish blood, took_phiele °We's°.
tory street, to the Path ward,' on tlanday
evening. .
The feerehants are Ping tor a lank
trade. a sure consequence SO follow the end
or the lockout.
grlead llttlea, as.braws a ixsapany
as was aver rectuvwd wL411,a1,1 a ramal,W,
shortlly. • .
Attention it ;invent:l to se advertise
it in soother column of dentribto loans
to rent. .
The trgraurst7 13 • thing of absorbing
Interest to strangers and the stockholders.
passoare.r llm companles are
all delsig •beavy bw ra dziell ay •
The Tall Is pretty well Inhabited and In
good unitary nondltion. , .
firma =reel Is breaking up as a btu&
hes. thoroughfare.
. all .lo:writers of the city' improve.
menu ars going on.
The Cholera attracts atteit.l
boring in neigh
The 'widening. of
_Virgin alley I &molts'
suggestion. r
The Fro ilteesabont . the city are in
The liesilh al the city Is remytk►blT
The Stone of the Wart' Souse 18-ernrOb•
liaal-aatata la gradually coming dou.
Lea. Thomas WILIIIJas• b In town.
Lottim7 Denims , • .
n• Teieezatth to tee Pineal:We Gazette 7
Dorton, April IS. , —ln the Superior Court
to-4Np, Judge Morton seeteneed Luther M.
Barrie. and James W. Harris, btothern to
• fine otlld ness 7JMO COON for ban =Caged
•lottery bol. . .
Mare Crevasses Inrlitellhirolleiitallibra
Of Volum La Slaw Ortessa-
ES. Telegraph toths Mubarak asetts-i
Haw Ontssys, 'Aptllls.—Two • more ere
vamps oocurred 4 Bayou La Fourche on
Saturday,. threatening . Mistress In • the
Parish of La Fourche.
The registratioa of voters oommeneed to
day: The msjorit • a applicants are Mischa.
Cho Now Task AMIN'.
Venial Er4i
(Br Telegreph to lie Piltstrargl Clasette.]
AssaiT,dhriVa—The toll for thei
premien orproetnutton. 1n - Neer Tort. eras
Ordereellos a tided reading In the Assembly
Myer Te le`rwtaa.
B 7 Telegraph 19 tae rltlAratilk eamitte.]
Larnill , TlTar hi filling
slowly. with eight fast et water in the canal.
Allegheny Couricill Proceed
ing* OA Fourth Pam
DT tb. Bov. ACr. KUnk.ll7. at Chan's Chunk:
Yount Waslgairtoo, IL VAREISg, to IILTILLI.II.
C. McCLUILG. all of Allrglonii connt7.
. .
iri...011 Friday earalaii; tba nib lartaitt:
NATI:IA.24IEL Itt KZ. La the 47th year of ale al.
The htharal senteu will tat. Ose• al the tee
teehcaof :bla Thm IS. Star, No. Mt
'Ptah Atree;. at 1 o'clOet TCOD&T. • •
AARE—Monday afternooa. Vi o`eloek.
Jean's ..Al;' feeling or Yelpers Dare. Nui..
deenuedi nen 41 yearn. - :
Puttered emus the residence at her
Robt:E: 'Bay, No. it Bolls street, Aakshgan
Winlastax•lii.TCHOW.l at IN o'nloak, Ia pro,
sten to. Perryville' The friends of the fatally
In reepeetfully Welted is ettend. •
ci.aryclizza.—ou siobath arternoon, - Ancil
loth, MC, Dr. JAPES
' The funeral will take place hum kW TOCtdangt
Wifklusbarg. Tclocar. at I et• 04,94,
R~`i ~ ; ~H:~yj :~
No. INlNoialb reot a rat%ll.
4 i00117a11
4 •lrgint t :l ; Literal tirazthln Md i 4 4 =.:
B .
°mud ear 4 u4 Helm* sad
( =W.:Vn rii4d sen Nrt
at. 4 Mosta. Witac r 44, jp:
, I•tnit 305;
MarAcettstar, Wood No dun sad
C ralgtr ilai lgengtra a ." ""
U 1112.0AVIC CEINETEILY:-- rhe
Aanumt••Uoraecx.• the lalrest war.
Den Wu* scupato. imarpt, vas. to Ws ems
iy 4 RtmlY
144,eissall at penal ant
, 44 1 4 tif , 4P,T
a 41:f.ii 4'3711
II : :: I
Wholesale 'Agent?,
itnerlean-Watch Company's
No. 56 Fifth street,
mircisrrsitasorni HALL.
wAv;imi, CHs /ND
6 Wylie 84, 3d door from sth.,
J. W. scam
JOHNSTON & scorr,
DZILICS 12t • I '
Fine Waldo, Cloeks, 'Jewelry,
No. 21411 tEBLYTIC
Aar rartaaniaz levirarmirlat
Wat,www, Goats sad Jewelry. All wort war-
20.721 1 1217 -
ry Goods
No : 439;
.1 1 00 331171 t 1rC6117X11.:
Spelt* Goods.
Tim open lags stock of 1311134 GOODS, In
all too saw styles, suitable for Ralklua Butts,.
Wiest. Parlor. Carrlsse sod klantok bros...,
from ILSViSei to 111.26 par yard. all sum, Cheap'
tad desirable.
At 37% centr, tine Trench and Iteoten Gingham
Black sad Colored Alpacas, all ortees.
At 75 and 131 X cents. Bgall Wool Celebes:
Silk V. asp globale. very low. • ;
At am cants, Silk httrlre Drew 200da • •
Breath a sandier, Cambric and Bytes lawns.
A 137): eenta 900150 and Oulatingered Lawn,. '
Printed BareollLes sad Pnreales. • ' - -
At 5o gents, good Dankest Table Linear.
Mareelßes gains, In Wane, Pink, Sot II Blue.,
Al t/1.75, White Hantaarg Qellis. -
Napkins. 8074. rool-Toweln. ehesO. •
At rtVg eents,Bid_ Bordered Beet Towels.
' Brantllal Stock of new opting ghawle.
.At and 21.55, light Wrench Sacking Cloths.
110 - 11 , 01od Plaid Cambeler, N ohmage & nein rat
At 31 teats, 71gazed WOO., Brtlllanu. •
At 25 emus. Peal Sings. - • ',•
At 15 mitt. Conon Home. •
At el 60, bat Bfd Glovei In the city.
Mack and Colored Bilks. very ' • • •
At 19% cants, yard wide Itablesoned Ithee
Beelna. -
At 193 g end:1..147h: Sod Earn 'Prints, wild
At 55 (*.ate, 71no Pillow Idnalln.. • - -..• • -,11.4. 10-4 .
Btalare end Stwetlag Lineoevv--
ices the Very Lowest.
89 89 89 89 89 89 89
'Pi. 0 Vg33
89 Market area, -
Zig %MC= CI=TY
in& ROBB, 89 Market 81.
S - 89 89 89 89 89 89 89
TnaThor BBaplest: l ;te Bast
la 'BEMUSE& inzauxils
Wtzattrtzt Tuna WE% BALIIIZOOY
ERBIL tlliSli & IL
Practical Foinittve anufitMam
iian uirt WWI or 111361 : thrick coasurotly oq
BINGLIS Oliver, bent= hire -
Howard's Livery Stable, :
Pun Str.t. SLeS. ItCutoarrjwiln Ham..
Or at Attention paid to :goyim sad waling
;pm.. Sinputai kevt Livery
itrz VtOBY4 -Nornmest Corn/ o
' ItaIDIL 'ALIO/LOIS - .. 0.
ILITheaL=NlOo - PoNooi ow Wool soLlos -
111ABTR AND nice ermarO, ILMIII • NON
11=1 TOPN
occooptly Y/LIONS iLA'
ruocznauna TomincirA.Na WARN,
- Yonsibotarera or
• eau Lawnute samara,
" sah 11Ob meet, AllettienClty i
Alm OW batoroorirt of Beltiiiir at C.-6 Abr.
DzorrONHA leg Liberty as... Pittrborte.
P. . bIZ4). to. CLARY. Copt. or Worts.
...51 PLAIN WAGOItti; ' •
ISOBROIL grows. dowriu, noes a
• HOS= !UN itairss AZILt rotus:,• '
Zoruseci HO* WO Tamed ISPek.....b.aa
and an st primacy& WAGON Wosucl, sear
the Pouttonittary. 4114.4.4., cam.. .
:.p11:p1111 •:ooLicitiar: TOUBXSTEII & CO.
154. meitissa. Wo.llXt • abort ttme, Arr. tat a
ridneariices. WX. IXIKNItiIa 00..
er .
GOOD NEWI‘. • • :
=agalre for WAILLI , S .111LIA.D. Ma_ laziptss
sad be , 2be taltials "11. W;” oar iriet7lo.4"
Naas also WaLd's. solt.10:•30Inni
1M C01D1107101113111,13T UAX Hi=
Ite Pale by the tab. ilbse wail XI easburi aii4
MO* BIWA OS the Pasinslinalt. B.
Adams, • • B. 137211D0P,
• Ibeat'aztt. •
Cambria Kum,.
A Fine Driving and' Biding EOM,
. -lowa 0131 UntAN os LADY. '
s ari at rwmataima irrAin" Tut;