IP9E3C. Tt.I'AIJUELTZ • Banker. null - Broker, IS Wood St., near corner of Filth. dezeriptlCmt of Elbecaninent BMW' boned and sold on Ilboral terms. London and eonlanontni 87.03Ang6 gad at New York rates. Gold. Silver and CdsGsanabOngat at high est rates, end Gold Dress Issued on New TO, HOLDERS OF 7-30'S. Hannit.ad• special arrangements wtth • 41 - .2.D3r Chascolcc. 3133 °2.% , ;fiZIE-;', I ::P;;Zt:LTA D .91*. d rg.`°"" t _Banda oo 13113K3 tor. Deltviry. ItIeVAY '3 "JEEtaziaLers.. DODDER FOURTH ADD 81SITEPIELD FINANCE AND TRADE • Grimm Or suss Pvt.:saunas Gglirrrs./• ssernanay, April 13, 1107. The New York stock quotations, to-day, as received by Mr. P. R. Mertz. 'tvere follows: Gold, IMM; Eighty.one • bonds, .109; Twentres, 1962, 109 M; do, 1864, 7...1078e Five Twenties, 1035 i• 4063;; Ten .FortleataM; Seven Thirtka,lo6; d 02,1 and 3d . •issno, 10.5 M; 5.53 COnSols,."6lt 107 M. Michigan Southern Retread. SSM; CinVeland a/IMS ' burgh, SOM; Pittsburgh, Port Wayne ft Chi cago, 94M bid; Erie, WM; Chicago and 'Rock Chleago are Northwestern,32%; do preferred,l6x,; Mew. York Central, 1.9)i',; Reading, MM. The gold ularket remained ere all day at . Governments have slightly lm. proved on Ylvo Twenties of 1962 and 1865, May and November; the balance attic list Is unchanged. ItailrOada aro I‘ll b e ttor, elevelund & Pittsburgh has advaitee'd 3) Fort .IYayne & Chicago 334. North WeiKorn. attar being'34doclined to 32k—an traProTe. men t of ;Ilea yeaterday. tcew yea Central tlechned - IYi. under the preseruptirm teat the bill to increase the rate of taro could not be passed over the povarner , s veto. Readmit advanced V. 4% The stroutteStatock Gotha whole hat to Fort Wayne; there are tint aboei 203 abarta hold by weak apeoula tora.and'ln order to bring the new stuck on the unirket at par, It will tie fteeesenry for tho tonnagetnent• to buy up the Boating stock and, advance the Price. The Stook sold. stgitithlS morning, but 91% to now bid without bringing out any sellers. !hock Orders will be promptly executed on aimralszion at the honking Ileums of Ph. IL Martz. iii •WOod street. . James T. Grady it Co. report government bootie in New : York to-day, as follows: Gold i 35 — XII.B. ,Visas IEBI lea 109,4 do 'M9O, this! 107.1 i to 501, 11115 lesys do 1040, new lulu • Angara, 7.305 10 a June, 7.Xti .. 103'4 . July, 104 S Dee. tsc{ Gomeound Interest notes.. 115:4 Chldago Repubhatn, in referring to the y rasont excited antVirdiated condition of the clonvend Grain mail:eta, Says: yea.' Imola' day gold was 147!.4, and to-day. by the _latest report, it is quoted at Ytg. Tno differi,mCe In the premium on god is not so great Bs to cause ouch a wide ariance In prices of Produce es compared with lam., year. Tao question are we on' the eve of a coutmethial panic! Is property, whether produce, .e lice ts per ithable, or reap estate, better ibett money, epcls as We hav4ll, in the shape of national' honk lashes ;or government seenritissi • Where Is the secret spring of the extraor dinary advance in price.? Hue a "corner" on grain. been effected in Liverpool. New York, and Chicago Simultaneously t Or le a general European war ' , considered immi nent,. as reported br.the loreign tits patches to.day„ during whiou Acids u'dl be Mid desolate, and crops prospective de. stroytall (Sr Is the Secretary or thefreas , my' secretly contraeung the currency to the extent of acme three millions of dol. tan per month, which he has the power to do, inconsequence of which a general huanci•l crash among , rash speculators is antimpntetil . ire leave our readarelo naive ttloykl lineations for themselves. --lbe quarterly statement for April lof tho'National banks - of Oat °icy of New York shows a 4,Areaets of aa.5,0e0,000 111 their re aontoss compared anti tbelrJanuary State astslow 171 s: ”J difertrl/80 .0 , 051 fol in 1.00. Mod disconnts, A.5,0c1,- 0a00; In opecie, 0,1500.10; la compound tuter eel allabotett; ire:other lawful money, 17,00el00; in miscellaneous it. 11.14. itt,Otd,OPU. Toe correspUtidlng decrease In liabilities to chaily In deposits and balances dna to banks. : • —The late rise In gold has again upset, mercantile calculations to each an extent as to seriously damage general trade, which hat given decided Indications during the past few dais of a spirited revival. _This • advance causes holder. of gem-Ist° regret baring uncle any mnicesslons In priees,and to unsettle that harmony and nonillion. which Iras beginning to matofeAt Itself be tween but Cr and seller. The lite:tontine, ' In values are the bane of letritittette bush. nes..., and redound to the benefit of nobody I outside of the clique of speculators. The ri,sst two or three day. have made the 14t ter wJotee, while the consumers are again holdiu_g back to see whether the tide or af. fairs wiLl resume Its former channel. The demand for money is active at 7 per cent. for temporary limns on good fitOCk collate. rule. placed commercial paper at thort time is placed at 7 to 9 per cent. per annum . discount.—Phile. Press. - prrreonuictill BIAJiIiZTS - • . thsisisa easza Pri-rournott fissarra, sapn-aky, Ap,rll. 19, lard. There was conshkeable excitement In Flour and Gram aortal; the greater of the 'week which nasjest closed, lint to-day, tin der the in iluence'of the advice. from - . Ch icago on Friday, the "flurry" seemed to be subsiding, and the feeling' prevails to some ~ extent that a reaction will now set In. In :Aber articles. there bee been a fair volume of business .in the aggregate..without how ever any material eh/mgt./I In vaiile. GlCAlli—Whesi 15 in limited supply and a re ., Oats 'coming in more liberally but aas s.anged; Falco( 1 car, in elevator, at 13.5-- sma ll ...ilea in store, at 10. Corn is In tie. mend &Ad Hullled 0 0 00 1 Y; Priem Yellow would eel: readily at et, on track...sales In s t em . 81,,10 to 0,12. ltyels In demand at . .1,5n. Barley js scarce end In demand.. FLOUIL—Is Te:eited but arm and un ssaassd. sc a; Wane to quote at to • alt-y 1 foe good to cho:ce Spring Wheat; $15 , ,§ to CU Inc Winter Whin:liend $lB to $lB for fancy $ t.Touls brands.. drys -Flour - Arm at. 0. 50 . - PILOVISIONS-IMcnn is steady, with rest tilarJobleng sells or 10 to es;; for iitmulders; 11% to It Co, Unwed Sides; 1514, to :3.4 for • elver Sides; to 16 for Plain depth Cared. Beer.6y,c to Ite tor theimiase 1 llama. • Dried 1ard,13% toLVA and Item Pork, $lll9O. • - otl.—Lard 011 le in fair demand and Arm at 41.10 for No. 1, and inc tor N 0.2. • SEEDS--Clorcivecd is scarce and higher - and we can report aides, In store, at 1113,90 to Oh - Timothy Seed is quiet and au. changed at 43 to 13,23. Side of VI bushels Flnlcreed ats3,lll—an advance. • POTATOES—Steady bet the supply le equal to the tic:hand; sales Of ISO bushels peach Plows, lu store, at kl; and P O O do at 9.5 e ~ , r ushed. - • ' 431:4:EN AtTLES—Clu!ct and unchanged; Baler ° rear:fawn to fau• at 0,50 to 31, 5 0, and climes 5ij1 5 .5 0 to $4... BUTTEI:—Is corn Mg in qufte freely,. and as a coasag e.,:met, the market Is weak with a 4,000 1, 11 sos,dency. Wu now quote prime 11411 at 93c to 350., EGGS—Ia good ciOmaaa at !mc. • I:UT—Prime Timol:"Y flay is in demand and drrri while commog Is doll. BEANt's...prime amen w,Lltte are selling in store at $1.75 per bnsn. - SOSGLlLit—Sales at 450 to We. • LI3III-151e5 10 store. at $2 Der bill. 11G-LEAD—FIrza ;.aloa 1000 piza atiOX. DELED . IrttUlT—Doll nod unchanged. PITTSBURGH Pi:1110LE VII IDIARKET Osstca os rtrialittios HATtlnta.l.S. pill 13, - M. CRUDE—TIm market was agaln mode• rarely aatlvo and steady to.day,.though prina3 are without tpootatablo change—G.3i to 70. Sale of 6003 barreli,to be delivered on present water, at One; IWO for ea rli,buyerts opt ion, r lit 7, and lieu (40 to ti g Spot n,t. ravity) on 7. Them Is sonic inquiry future for Mar and Jana, with 7c postoaylUe maid no obtained, thing, sellers do no t seam but as a getin.n9 -act ahead to any extent at inclined uo present prices., tZwitOured with We early part of-rho week, market la a little snowier and prices 51:.. shade better, though, It was occasioned . i.7.wtelY by Mak buyet who aro Tho sm to Ilb :it'd , ' Woks at torment prices. mla notaln:., i '!' -h e eastern orL foreign advises to warran. ,etl Improvement here, 'and It Is argUed. 400 • with good reason, too, that 11 IL had not, been or speculators, the market 1.0-day would f not lie above Ca If that. At 011 City, holders also have stiffened up considerablY. aria an advance of from 55 to 30c per Uhl Was estelillibed during the week. REFISED—Tbere has been - rather mote inquiry forbended oil during the Mat. or twoood if anything, priced, are a amide. better. We can repOrt a sale of 13ve thous- ' and barrels, standard white. to be deliVerwd , frons June to October. at SI-10M 'Julie; lia* July, lew Aug., ltd Sept., and 1030 for. Oct.. . also, lOW standard white. for all the year, rmyerts option, at Mt—delivered In Phila . aelphia. spot ell, In the abseneo 01 nay-ha quoted at Di for grime light straw -to arid . 27 to 211 f, for standard white— . that ia,,there are offers tobuy at these ---- urea t noptth there are MIL low II say g o t. * lets. Free cal Is dull and nnetklatted; now be quoted. At 40 to4l, in fifty or one hon. tired harret lots. and 411042 In • small way. AlllllVal.n.-Tbe following arrivals Of on were reported to-dist , • • Fisher KA Mewl:Annoy a t„:0.1trO oanittnian IX. D. t:0chran....7500 John Dean 701 Johnston& l'aina • . • Tote, 7,326 Tots. 9 %tea...41441m0 tbb aces &Ca% Tots! Ceceipts that week Total lieCrAgia ALSO JIM. I a9;6/4 JA IS DAL'LELL & SON, 69 mad 70 Water Street,. LARD OIL BLOUFACTURERS; wne deovstr, 01417DX, LIIBILICATLSIGund CAKBON •, tat warrant our N. I Lard 011 equal to the best Cluelnuatt. or otnar brumes. and propose to sell sr low as rtuelnuati ar Cbteedo rate.. Our. No. I LUG OLI as a Lubricator cannot be exalted. • . • . • .. I.lnok Creek: Imbrlcatlng and standard braa;da of Carbon Ott constantly on hum. • find Mere:ants and manufacturers mill lt to their Interer, to gbre us Lena before ordering Lard OP Montilla West. felibtan New York Financial Matters. illy Telegraph to the. Pittsburgh natette4 law Yong; April I2,—The money market was cony towards the close of Sank hours, and first class borrowers offered money at per cent. on stock collaterals, and no Gov ernments at 52G per cent. The bank state ment on Monday will be very • favornele. The return loann will show a decrease of about.g.:A/o,ooe, and deviate $1,2.50,000, while specie will Increase irou,ooa, and legal ten dere 41,..00400. - Gold has been eery uniform anti aware tnroughout the day and fluctua tions are only equal tog( per cent. - Loans were made from list to 1.32 Der cent. pre mium. and afterwards from: to G per cent. wea poldto have gold carried Over till Mon day. Government securities were firm -at nu advance of the rimming, and the demand to.day rose largely on five-Twenty Coup ons of VA bail the old Issue of '6.3. Tile fol lowing are the closing prices: •'Retrititered 11G011Oi4; Coupons 2 31. IldbileWa Registered , a., 3 1.10 Coupons 1iti%010931:5...1.1 Coupons - en, 5.2 u. Coupons , 05. 1a133a11a134: do. January :and Ju1y,107 , -,V107%; Almost 106f2106%i Junaundi My, 105%e1051. Tim • Railway market assumed a Mit' tone this morning and a general receL7.l7, ; from the lowest. point of last even_ lot. six; I was the featureand ranged from roa r a ft,,g The market is somewhat Irreg a t a bl a b. Stock Exchange Call, baton done . er prices were made. AL 11'. at par; cat; hew :lore. Central y a lit- Erie 57% The as tom.- cl tie lower at the aw sigh ' est point after one pared with the a r OHM inal/17. • o'diiPek* Tut • t • Co.eport the following ta.: * American gold, 1:5244 "Certificates, 24%eti%; Cadon, 41 ;ay. Ob. Cumnerlapd. 3 f Uji; QVIC.11 , 70:; 1. 6(1! r 11:1O;3 14; i 0 jle d g ° r/Y1, 1 7).vii and iis " ; it:W . York entral, trii,-,%; Erie, siiisP/.; lintleon Riser, It .a , aaaia, 100(Plaq4i 'Ceatral,Italai)107%; lchl tioathern,tAi% nc,0,,;; Tin 0010 Cuutra1,141461 0 .,:l Eittebergh 70O7viri; Toledo, 1190111kar /Opal. Lased. tOx,rieo; North Weetern, tigt do preferred, iskif,,ges; Fort Wayne,:iNtai , . Border butte bonds' generally steady: new Tennessee sixes, lagtkli4; Old Virginia sixes. U• 1085, new North Carolina sloes, Oti 47%; Missouri axes, flOiginligliannibalnutt St. Joseph bonds. 71114081. Pacific bonds, aii4OSS. Steal:l4llp snares active. With wide fluctuations. Biala° Wail opined nt 119%; toll to Ismi at stock Marnange nod to IC. and tall to 113%. Atlantic Mall, li all, wan. coal Novo, quiet and firm, C u land higher. hUscellaneous shares goner. ally lirm. imports for 1,110 week—dry g00dg,i,107,9Z; general merchandise, 5,09,3 L . Mining market generaly doll but: rather firmer, G regory rows from 9a915, and Cory from 56115; Alameda sliver drmer, at 83er, Columbia, WOW; On - arts LILL high er. selling at ;40024.5. -Changes otherwise not llnportstrit. New York ProOnee Market :By Telegraph so the Pittsburgh Gazette.) New Yong, April Lt.—Cotten a abade firm. or, with 2,80 u bales. of mutating uplands at 27027%, 0910117 for the latter. Flour °lewd quiet and Arm for high gmdes, and dull and heavy tor low grades. Wheat quiet and arm, with a moderate milling . demand. 420342 GS for No 2 spring; V 7340 83 for So. I liming; $3 g 1,03 M, for amber stare; 43236 335. for :tate 'e.t.a. and V 301330 far atom California. Rye dull 01.1 NW 55 far western. Corn quiet and very firm at $12314 61 30 14 store, and 311101$: afloat, for Mi.,. ping mired wmtern. Oats t - palet at 736:0c for old western. Pork dull; Wes of 560 htla mess at eL2I closing with sellers at X 22 87 m mesh and 12355 to regular buyers; $220) In mail and 14135 to regular buyers. Beef quiet and unchanged, haeon steady at 10%.. for Cumberland middles. Cut meats dull and drooping. Lard dell and heavy at 12% 0131ie0 for fair to prime steam. Coal unchanged. Leather—tiemlocir, Bales steady...4oMo for "Pianos Ayres; 290310 for light weight; MO3lO tor middling nod heavy do; Von& for California llgtit wedged; eJ42:1,. for middle end heavy do. Wool reeds erately active and ursome cases lower pri ces are accepted; aisles of 00,0X1411,4 .f/tlic for aoutestu, fleece; Menu for picked lock.; for tubbed; 21633 e fur California; 22 , 4cVsiefiir Texas; flops quiet, et Nea p.drideum dullicrude. 16e; reflood In bond, 27627340. 'Ulu Coffin 1.11211, heavy and unchanged.' at 410;30 for Rio In bora!: $l2l X 12,25 in . auger heavy. sales of bluls• Cuba, at 100 10 210 1• P43llll',Mico. 275 boxes Ilavana, at le% 11144. • Molasses dm; sales 2111 this. Pot Is, aim, at 052 7 060 wester:reenter or Werli.sestif The excitement In Floor hall Mutinised. and therehaa been. a lurther udranne of We ay. The advanced prices have eneeked the eensuruptlon. Tlse Mode to ducal, will; moderate arrivals In prospect. Tno tendency la up at the close: with a good 'bumneas in California and Oregon dour, which Is becoming popular with the trade. Wheat fluctuated' somewhat, Sti tt-lough prlcits fire higher at the close, par. ticularly for white, which Is - tn1;00 freely. Large sales of California and Oregon at • iota closing at Cie extreme rates. Tbe el was reduced to :Wont one Wilton buskela sound wheat; also eonsilderattle In. fertor eprlng remain., which is unsaleable. gye advanced, with a largo business. Closes strong. The stock was reduced to 33 , ,000 bushels, widell is lot! , ferthl , eparon. Bar ley bee Peen In fair demand. awl aflld et. ir regular paces for bonded Unproved, walla free has declined. The stock Is /e -duced to lent than MX hundred thousand bushels. Oats Lm been In brisk nesnand, sad ativanoed materially; at the close there was a strong stock of spout 1,400,00 mall ets, 66 en.ual supply for theseason. Corn boo been in active demand, and excited at times, clueing buoyant)i toe stock was re.' diced to 1.670,000 brothels. I Pork has been offered freely, fluctuated rapidly, and do. Duped at the oonedeelon; the demand was 40110 spirited. Beef edrimperit the mock wee almost exhausted. Cotton nee neen un. !settled. with only a moderete business; holden were not willing to submit to the decline; and the badman has been with manufacturers and exporters, with steady prices and a fair trade: 11.10 coffee at easier rates; fair to prime 1734019%0 There was moderate business in petroleum• at theclom there was some Inquiry for exliort on enc. ulatiou; crude was quoted at about le l 4c. and relined in bond at 27'.40. for Mamba& Whisky end closed at 12,30 for western in bon; trade was ekletly eoutlard l 4 Ooar traband. ' .• Cbscinsiatt Market. • Lay Telegraph vi the Pittsburgh Usaette 7 CINCZYNATI, 4prtl 13.—Flour unchanged and the demand continues local and limit. ed; Superfine $11012; Wads brands $l3OlO, and fancy Medial. No good Wheat In the market and mall lots of Inferior offering only; nothing.transpired to 1/2111.04t0 any change In prices. Corn dull; prices gage lower; No. 1 sold at Me In elevator and Oft In sector, bull there was a firm feeling on the part of holders at the close, bat no improve. meet in the demand. Crate very, dull; No. 1 offered at 07e. Bye and" Barley nominally unchanged., Whisky dull at MO In bond. Cotton dull,with no demand; prices numl. nal; middling could bare been - bought at Mc. Provisions dull, but prides nominally unchanged, hoidens ask previous prima but concesatons would have been mane from • the rates ked In order to effect sales. Mesa Pork held at- - 1r2.73. Bulk Meats held sit WHO Bacon ny.,3lKelV/03 for Hansa PI (013740 for plain and ISelblrm lor sugar firmly Lard held rather only at 1.4%0 1.5 c, but 100 tierces were ...procured at 1214 e. Batter - Is In very light supply and Ingood demand, at 3g03.5e. Beg. and prises declined LC. 171 11 1 a,Abe 49PP/Y is better. Clover Baal *MM. Inklothl. s 3 . o e (33,10. Flax, eked Ileum 0,00.1 Linseed oil firm at 11,42(3) 43, with a fate COMIIOp, tire demand and llglithiteCk.Lard CM•VIN e 1,15. Petroleum, doll at 4C443 fOr refined. duty paid. Money market is Won at %BS. Gold closed at gl,as buying and 111.3 0 .ntehanao.ateady. Imports for the past week, were, 0,318 barrels of flonrildolfal hush. f corn; 8 3,730 riposte; 11,03240 rye:4,ol 110 barley:6,o/7 . .00 wheat; . 6,310 barrels of adds. key; LiOT bales of 0011001 1,000 barrels of lard; MG boneheads, Pal tierces and I,7ol,oMl pounds or cat meats, and 1,553 barrels of. pork. Bsltliaore Market. • • CIO Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Oateite.7 8ALT132021/.. April, 13.Cofreo firm; Sleek light. bales, I,luU bags of 810 In baba, LBS gold. 'Flour, atxady, sales llghi. IV beat, scarce and steady: at 3,60 for choirs white; for winter,' Sae and 8 MI for Bed Fennayl• vests. Prime Corn. 'Mal.% for tall 'White, .and al,_ for yellow. Oats, advanced lc; Bales at NOM_ Clover seed; retail demand °hied:ly; steady.as Sugar:dem. Frovt• ,inns, dui); Cat shoulders. 9831 , ,e1 Keane, 11 1/1111c. Lard, 131316; Bacon shoulders. 1l 13 1034, Weal NO WA far ribbed. =E1=1:11 EBY Telegraph sotto eltUnurgb Onstile.3 Bi7r/AL O , April Om; Wet, MO bbls. opting at 1112,50;PO bble *Una rn tptilor at 0134 3. Wheat, palter nannnal And. rte. Corn, & &bane ,weaker; luaus 01 lu roln new Toledo, on 8.1414 1 11no track. 1.103,- u* bushen.l old' ttiLted leastorn. at 01,11 In otore. 'Oats qu let. &mall Wet of )1 0.2 &rem, tarn at:Wein ostnne. Barley, Can 0 , 10, noml. nal, at $1.3010r WeateLlt .0 IL' LAW, Merl Pork and Illgh 0.110111X4011. = CBI Telogrspb to the Pittsburgh Ossetic 3 Loutsvizi.h, April 13.-Dolmtur-o solos of i l hndo u1it.7513/18,15 for shoortine. Floor at 5t0,504211. wheat nominal. in tin!ls,l.so; shelled; We. Orte—bn k 730. p6:lr kr-- Bulk mesta—nhonldors tßio Heek J, • 11aron—e6•roldnrr,8i5esclen: ardor, Or.. Strusr 14;44,010 for ter to rime. Cot n !VW Inc raw, Witt/pity free an d nom. reels bond V.,Bifießo. '• • Sr. Lodi. llfarlret. legisph tolr4lrlirtburgb lluettr./ !rm. Arprll 13., , Y0br,c00 ! ' I • d x o tr l. asi ,a14i.1,8 r s t oV . So u . t / e ,.. b Sp t a a t ged• amelmgyqu e buyrs bod eb g mo g, r 10b.51330 zt abieWalCoraro. mg forinedlom and lower:Mixed and at $1,0'101.101 Cie:old& h ite ''lo heavy. drooping et 11 . • Whtekeyt Stria Sumer, at 12;1(1 ,• d 11,M for band. •• • - CDT • ST. Flou pric h • • and ded I , yelm , 111711 I rittladeipbla Market. , errarb the sbi OaZettp.l ;Lanai...um, April l2.—Y Lear dull, mitt; rn extra at $l4 50; oxtra stale at *l6OO, & Pearce; state red at 3 5, California 340. ll.ye, ill 67 Corn • has a deellb• ....deney; sales Of 4,000 bush yellow at 164. Oats tend downward; sal. at 6fc. arm, sales of Cuba at 1034 e. Whbay, band, at al Oft llo4lolealtt qutet) sales ••00. at SC4. • • MT T 1 Ps 1 W tie ; re ,1 mgt' 01 Sop.. I entsl.l arc; ETPIEBITREE ROPE WORKS. NAEISRALL, MILTON A: ROLLATAN, Way Illaaalictoxera fa t4a Wert of HEAVY CORDAGE, Saltable for Mama and Coal Bolts. HAWBEILAArD Oft WELL ROPE. Tarred Ropes for Coal Railroads, HEMP OAKUM AND PACKING, cauwuso COTTON, at., Warehanea.ll4 and 115 Water Street. Near Itomonzahala Roue. dalltpol New Orleans Market. T4letrapti to the klltsburAh tizzette.) Nr.W OitaAss, April lA—Cotton unchan ged; Bales of VA* balm at Wiiiiirac for low middllngizecelpta, 5.290 bales; exports, 1;10 Patna! Sugar and molasses nominal. Flour firm and unchanged. Corn dull tad prices unchtinged. Gate scarce and higher, at WV liSc. York, no sales. Coffee in fair demaa_. at 21615‘..M. Gold 137!4. Sterling excn,.." 4614(tt9 Isms Took Odd; %air, peenti. Elempttle DluYse. ki t e - t Ey Tekkerph to Me' Plttetwailw et , and Mastruteb April 13.--CoVcripts .23.5. La er; muldling 25 to :t314,, unchanged. flay porta WO. Corn arra.,rilrMer, m 856t17%. lower, at 348.313., ,t.r.otted. Otter markets j calo Market sr' • to tee Pittsburgh Casette:l rB T T d_,„o rr- Atiril 13.—Flonr quiet. Wheat Tor.Orme , Tte 11 gan, $3,93; Amber, 3. Corn 7 and- opened 23 better and closed to ,„,...ue'rer; sales Now No. lat 97e/ak. No. at art3o. Oats a Ikeda firtnerottut held at Me. .11111traokes Market. T.degraph to the Pittsbure, °suns.] _ ' Hit warr.se, April 13.—Flour dull and lower at $l2 fur Kood extras. Wheat 2e bet. ler, atsl,4i for No 5, $2,70 for No I. 112.30 for No 3, sad $2,1)51 for rej••owd. Oats 534,030. ==! 13 , Tclevraph to the rlttabargh Oarotte.) gin Fasectsco, April In—Flour arm, at a 6 ,5o; Oregon. at 0.75. Wheat there Is little &limit $2 was uttered, and It was bold at $2,0562.10: Legal Tenders, 74. RIVER NEWS. _ The 'doer continues to recede steadily at this point with but ten feet In the channel by the Allegheny, marks. The weather yes. tardily was cloudy and warm with even , appearance of mere rain. The Ears Porter, from Cincinnati, is the only arrival, with a good trip, and the Ida tiers, for Louisville, Is the only transient departure. - The A rgosy, from Cincinnati, and the Glasgow, from lit. Louis, are among the first boats due: The Lorene. Capt. Shuman, and the Glee, dale, Capt. Rare. are botli announced for St. Louis forthwith. The America will bo the first boat oat for New Retrace. Capt. Bead has deferred the departure of the co. IPtltbredel'rYtelthe V l, ' Pe; 44-"'"'Pr4 Until The Argosy. and Glasgow loft Cineinnatt left Cincinnati for Pittsburgh on Friday, mud the Rate Robinson wee tuivertieed to follow on itatuiday. The towboats, Bengal Tiger, Hercule., Besolute, Big Alps,Star. Tern game, and Eagle arrived at Louisville on Friday. The receipts of the Great- Republic - front Pittsburgh to Mew Orleans, are reported at tythr re thousand dollars. Tue J. Baker wue working hard on Thursday to get off her bargee, stuck on the rocks at the head of the canal at Louisville. As the river was rising there, she doubtless has them riff before this. The Savannah was the Bret arrival of the seaeon at Bohemia. The sae-Bement was gat. t. Times say. .liTnon her hurri cane deck Maxi the- popular river veteran Capt. A. ficOowae.nrot on the guards there stood“Judgeo Breads - , comelacedly emit. log, as if mightily pleased with the - honor. of occupying the ofiloo of the Voooortm;utt: of iota We make the following extract from a Cairo letter, in regard to the .Great Re- Public: The Stud Itopeblic arrived here ast night at 10 o'clock, about an hour etc hind the gilgoar. The .beaters and eh' pumps, or condensing apparatus, an ac count of tne repairs on which you copied some days ago from an Orleans paper, and widen had detained her In that city con siderably beyond the time alio expected to remain. had only neon repaired in a tem porary manner, salt was found necessary send to Pitraturgh, probably for some pat terns. and the engineer Intended to try to make the trip to Inc. Louis rather than de tale the Republic in New Orleans. The re- pairs answered the purpose until the boat reached Donaldsonville, seventylive tulles above New Orleans, when the apparatus again became almost uselcas, and, although Partial repairs were again made a various Gine% the Republic has made the greater portion of the trip either on one -sherd, or without the assistance of conderishilt et. paratua which, of, course, very materially redue4- her 'peed. With all this dhoti'. vantage, however, she has come to Cairo in flee days, parsing the I'. W. etracter, J. C. Stron, and a host of Similar try; and, during those flee dayi, has discharged A. hied° quantity of way freight at Natchez. ticksburg, Lake Providence,ldamnbis and Hickman She has =binge of Gnomes and locionS, 413 beer kegs, 1 horse, 1 'beggy, 1 bale merchandise and 5 bores for St. Louis. 'Leh is crowded with passengers. line re. enlace Mettle trip from Pittsburgh to New Orleans, were $53,050. ! The Cincinnati Contmerciat, of Saturday, says: The Dart name In tram Pittsburgh yesterday With a to, of pool. The Argosy arrived from and returned to Pittsburgh yesterday, full of freight and people both ways. She reshipped. for New Orfilaua on ills Westmoreland, Memphis .0 the Anna. :Hilo, St. Louis on the Nightingale, and Nashville:on the Emma Floyd. She Lee 150 toes of core and hour engaged at Galileo lia. Her epeeiaragent, Jesse Burdett', will have Ids frame Mike on the public lauding • space, in front of the Memphis Packet Company's oMee, completed to-day, wnere he will eetertain his friends In good style. The Argosy strived at Cincinnati on Thursday night, and was advertised to leave Tor Pittsburgh an Prldiry, as was also tee Kate liebinson, Sherman and Glea gC n. Cairo telegram, tinder data Of Thurs day, asps:.The Great Republic passed up lut night at 10 o'clock. full of paasengera. She las 75 barrels of oranges and lemons cods few abater other freight, She hail come the greater portion of the distance from New Orleans on one wheel. The en gine condensing apparatus on the other be. mg disabled. She has still come op Mind& Cl five days. and discharged freight at Natchez, Vicksburg, Lake Providence, MeMPids and Hickman. The Alice V. aud The kin are well laden for New Orleaus. The Rellevernon was also .well ladsned far Saint Lotus. The Vernon has CO mut. gangers. The questinn is often asked, - t'What is low- rte s Illgelow, Ms history of the stmun engine, sayer' "%A lowpresaure euglee condensing lit with an appar atus for condenaing stemn into water, so that a vaccum, nearly complete, Is formed In one par of the cylinders; Just before the stroke of the pis= into that part takes place, the resistance of the at. mosphere being thereby avoided, and , steam of only a Moderato pressure being required. Capt, John A. Dales, late of the infliee of the Westmoreland, being still to ill health, is undergoing medical treatment at the Cleveland water-cnre estabLtshment. The Commodore has been parebssed by the Engineer's Department; trotted bts•es, for 'MAO, sod will be used fn nevtgatthg the Ohio. Capt. Andy Frasier. late of the Nora, hits taken command of the Bob Foy at Cloths. nett, and will commence keeling her for toe Tennessee river, to ran regularly in that trade, In connection with the Camelia, Captain G. W. Coffin. • The Collo correspondent of the Cincin nati Coutinerciali contrasts the Great public an Itionsamia. as follow. • The two d really great steamers alluded to seem to command the admiration of all classes, but, singularly enough, no com. panson is ever drawn between the two. leach boat is perfect "In her way," and thoy appear so totally unlike as to render com parison almost Impossible, except in some few particulars, no, for lostance, the mate. litchmondbeing WUM-1.13036 of e in O advance of the th 11.enobileltl paint o far la po f sive, but not In finiab. The appearance of the cabin of the Mammal is extremely neat and chastely elegant, which, to some ayes conveys more beauty than the gorgeous aud 'truly magrulloent cabin Of her rival. Thus each cabin is perfect after Its own style. The outside appearance of • the two steamers is quite as dissimilar as the In. shle, yet, to different tastes equally beauti ful. The Cohabit° m singular, almost odd, in her outside appearance. preSenting the oft-times valuable charm of novelty, as she does not look lice any other steamer afloat. •The Itlehmond Is fhed on the outside almost the same as any other west ern ateamer, with the exception of her ob. servatory road position of her pilot house. But her extreme length and graceful out lino glee ter a very beautiful appeatanco, making It almost impossible 'for an nouns. iodised mind to deolue between the two boats. The unprejudiced verdict seems therefore to be, that cash heat In her peculiar style, perfect, and, thus far, tumor. A lae Memphis paper says: The Greet Cohabit° will be here this morning,and with her will home that distinguished boat builder, Capt. C. W. Batchelor who has pro. Jested and latinehed some of the finest rem eels that have ploughed cur mtnlend sea." We ore happt , to knot , that this veteran is In the enjoyment of robust health and pro. miss. to Cronin/1y years in the enjoyment of the honora he haa area, and many More nets designed to win. The Julia No.: arrived at Cincinnati from Wabash Inver on Thursday, and is =noun• eed rb load. for Nashville. She had over three hundred tom of bulk meat. The St. Louis Democrat save: G. ti. Bras or very - lately.wes, In Pittsburgh. hie purpose being to procure still another towboat for.tho elisinselopP Valley 2Tano - Company. /t le conjectured that he may Wive purchased that splendid Inew towboat Boaz, for which the owners asked seo,too. , We - heard It reliably stated that within the last sLr. months a towboat and par? ea realized oult: c ri i rnd trip from gila? ri r ' e . o elp% being a t E r Atl. This ;rad; towing bargbe some put wen , No won der +here Is talk of it - St. Linde end Mom. phis Towing Company. No wader 1 0 412 ant has gone Into the towing buspria between Pittsberlite arid St. lonia. /Ili Wild Duck and bkx ye till great amQun of freight, came us yens ay. !. The stage of water along the lower Kip. - ' . 015010p110 exciting unusual Interast am/ at. Ventido. Tlie floods of whiter along our !water bonne. haze extended to the lower !country, nvergowing and devestaling !the rsi..l Is ell directions. /lege orevlsses have broken tbreligh the levees . and ' ha ' neldl. moot of lie sbit,o, opposite Vicksburg—the beadily ef that Canal that woe attempted to be run around vicksburg—has beeno vet , flowed. sud all theinhabltants thereof were drowned: It was a negro rendezvous, or Plantstirro. and 00 C.OUbt, the ditch enema- Pawed their destruetiOa• ney Wen IMP. FeeltdP , h 7 vow, - 1867. Ida/ 1867 PITTSBURGH AND ST. LOUIS I . •Lc3cat Madae,. MILOS ENO E composed of theH, tolkorlogLOßENeplenalel.lLatosinare: EZRA PORTER., MANDIE HAM WAU ANITA. NSW TORE, ARSIENIA. COLUMBIA. •• NILVER No.* KATE PUTNAM, SATE EU_Mr, AO.Nr , Yoll.F.Totele • mummy - - Budavraulos.. - MINNIE, IS „re forEL Lards . AMELIA, POE. One of the above hosts _,• •• ".... 0 00 WENNES . 000 WI inft i ..nnediernray, , eloel P. M. DAY and arg= f th rtirat t tt 3 ppirt on the Dr rle Northern Mae Packet Ca~• racket oN atA • Xnurourt t• h.+ bohIrICK.OOI43N(MDOD. EANNLS &c V alionttinitAxiiip.i.tend.. , .. • V.?' Ito. Wster Street. Dm - tale.) QUINCY, REG-figSg RUE. DUBUQUE AND la. PAUL, ntascr.—Tlie tueitvmer coLUMBUL Card. Ban; Will leave for abate and Intermediate ports, on U rall4LY, MO Inn, t e ea Do m. 7 °" 4 ll.llSim&lii.lVoublY, 4 i • *PO 'BlitNall • GuLto Agaa44, Von DIEDIPIIIS . 0 4NDj u dr za t NEW ORLEAN/3.—Tbsan • mares, er Osamu ASIEHJEA East. GOLDING. Will leave for th e above and intermediate pens ea mmuN abl/aY r , the 1701ppl11 y mb., at 4 P. E. • for Mahn o a on boar.l or be WS a C .1) . FLACK OLLIN° •00 Arta. INDEPENDENT, PACK-1 ied ET FUR ET. LOOM. DUBUQUE earl) WT. PAIIL.—Sba doe steawer MPORTER... Joirx Not& WI leave aiabova . on WEUI.ZIWAY. •pul IV h. Will use take freight and paratagers for Issontl river. For Veleta or pap, apply on board or to FLAG% di OULLINGWOOD. Agents.. FOR EVAINSVILLE CAIRO ADD ST. LOUD,. She soleadid passemrar steamer ' I...KENA Cant. B. Snermid. win leave as above on Title DAY, ate p. m. tiros. freight or pupae apply boa Agents, • apai FLACK. A CoLLINUWOOD, INDEPENDENT PACD.-14,p;-,..A, KT...YOU OT. Lupus ♦ND 5000! 11.1Y88.—The aPitadid new Cementer worrier • ULIiINDALId • Cant. lonN LI. HAAR. 111 leslre for the above and Intorntedlate ports on THIS Dar, at a o'clock P. tn. For D'elallt or passage soya,. board or spa -J AMS COLLINS. Agent. L IPtEGIIILAIR WEEliLl m gE i t IFACBIIM BILTWILEN WEE PY *T' CINOU4NATI.—Tha near and aplandldalde-wheelpacket, }Zit& PUNTER. Cant,Pnaraa. Will leave Pittsburgh on SLTH/SIAILF. aPHII6 at Ili Per DUOS Or PlAlaaa apply al board. or to C. BAILmr. or JAM. eutaass, Lien" REGULAR ,WEERLYEaS i g N (31 N NATI PACILIIT. LECYISIO KVERY WEDNIRDLY AT 12 Y. —The nen and coma ou lons AhOOST Capt. LIWISVANDIIaIaIri, W. D. neon, Clerk. r" tr'44l°' OK tall CHAS. BARNES. Rfattp ril r i gat i t lIIIRGII AND DINOINNATI —Tko, now and EaVIVIC H IMI..Vortrt.: Elzati =ciao ir. Will leave for t.e above and Intormodisto gotta ev..l - 7 Si/ DAY. • ?or trolA tore ausito ipoly on Ixratd in to JAMAS uLLNkei, 0t5404. HAANwm. ( . ( I ,IIEAT WATCH NAJLE TOE l ''' rocitirati r soV is9rd e rtoriXeCil CT; IVA; Prier or A vg, mu., wi th out. ni Ard toealoo. and not to OS paid for nal!sa part.tir satlsfs. tort• • 103 Solid Gold Mantas Watches...EEO to $7lO - 101 It agle ed Golo Watches MO to WO • 100 Ladles. Washes. Enameled.... 100 to WO 230 Vold ifuuttneChronlr WD elms. 2/0 to Eti DV Vold Huntinv English LAT.'S... bXI to kW • MI Gold Duplte Watchas Ito to• 00 503 Gold Ilunt•E &makes V( sakes eh to WO 501 elver nilllllol Levers 50 to 1.50 /00 elver ktuntlo.t. ch.. 71 to WO WO Gold Lades. lhes 00 to 200 1.000 Vold Hunting alines GI to 75 1.003 Miscellarmout sit Ur Watches... 80 to 100 ^ 500 Hunting haver Watebet. tS to 60 11:‘"' 4A7r,t01,::t1,thait.0i';5....ia,.40,,t. 75 7, 21. "'11;1: I,l"VgAiLlt,t:k7V.4l.' it to. De Ihe advertisers wish to Immediateir . disPow 07 0100 .have shamellemt stock.. eteteltates. naming the aeries are placed In steel envel opes. and well mixed. Hobart are enUtleel to UM articles named on their cerukcates spoil pt)-. meta •Tee wheetevit 021 16 watch worth 4750 or one worth lea. The return of al tamed m11111,841E. entitle you to We article tae thereon, upoh payment arespectlre of la worth. and 0000 article vetted let. than Sit Is named on any teak:Mate it will at emcee, seen that the I. se iii.itterr._ but • straight . ferward legidaudeTraamethati,whieh may, partielpated in eve.. by • the molt gastidloas I A single eertileate will be seat by mall. post aid. upon enceinte! IS an lire fur $l. eleven for tinny. three and an elegant pendant for toesiztyona and mostantabl premium for $lO. hundred and iper. match for SIS. 'To Ascots or Mom. wishing employment tb is Is • wire onnortuoity. It is • lrgirimatsly condact ed business dolt authorised by the tioveromeat and open to the most amens) scrutiny. Try as I Addreas, J. RICIIILINO it Cu., isklnal 149 Broadax,. New York. FEnnUAIII, 1867. • WE OPEN. TO-DAY , our new . Stock of Pt. I =l ' MI Comprlslng the klestFu terns made to Ingrain Three Pin and Lug lists Tapestry Brussels, whtch we now offer at WHOLESALE AND RETAIL At tae newest prima alma the war. Menial= & COLLINS, Nos. 71 and 73 Fifth Street... • Second "too/. over Hem Ylner's Soot Mon felt:ran: aserr. LEA b. PERIM'S' • crErmatammus.mana WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE raysomoczo DT 3 EXTRACT , - - ota Lim= Ls= • CONNOISSEURS T tT le tt i TO Hi TWII LAB to bli Brother at WOROZOTZB, ..omaloosnur • -• .y, :31.1 AYH-1W OA aid applicable, to Melo SAUCE is Nltzariztm MST vannerr o pinion, lb.. ZOOG. or • ort moat . soma Ifs lICZ 7:fl/323E. The amen °IOU moat delicious and nuirall eel condiment having caused many wsprlncipled dealers so apply the name to emulous COM POUND.. the PUBLIUIs acerwEruLLy and AAA. surarLirceneated to pee that the calmer LEA en muss no InqQl, au Wiry lABILL. hitipPEtt and MERLE. Ur. Manufactured by LEA i Ti=l,l9, WII C rear .101:IN DUNCAN'S SONS NEW Vsittli. ' AGENTS FOR TIM. .11. ociclirror . J. LANCE, AND WOOLEN DYER AND SCOURER, Chi= Window Curtains and Chile Cover Cleaned & Se4lazed without unpaektng. Nos. 183 and 181 Third Street, altwein Wood awl EmithEold. ItmlikaTt T.1.1.11•1MITI One PA. LEUCOEInIiSES AND • Fenno/4 Ireakneris; - A. physlidati of twenty -Eve year. trperience Wren a valabla atd powerful-remedy foe the above named complaints. it la a compound discovered by the celebrated Bane trans. and experience hal proved irr em clear, to be greater than that of any rraraly pre, tonalf used 1 he preacription. with lull dtrectlons for ors, wilt pa Cent py mall to any nue enclosing In Mate to ' . - DR. /WWI lioLlr; . mia=.,lll-lawr Station D. Bible .11inuie.1A tOrTork• .I . N TIIE NATTER OP THE AP. PLIC .TION Or THE / INCOLK agYOlu. •I• CiEDIETEBY.: ef_Allegheny county, for • charter. No./1.140ne num. 1107. the Lona If C0L1.3.12 Peat of Allegheny =mete. police 1 1 heLeby glean that an apolleatto. e tont above Court (or • charter et incarcera tion, and that, at the next termer add Court..ll no eonaeleut roaaan be shown to toe contrary:. decree and antes Inn be made tneorporaUog Bald fnm•tern. 4.. NI.3 , CPICAILetna, Inh=nwa Attorneys for Applicant. BIERIABAILL 81:16A14 TWO Km. VERY CHOICE BRIGHT YELLOW SUGAR, ni caved sod Mr role Iri the mond co barrel 'aal+mll7 U.'"rlJ am m 69 arasHAw. • m 69 corner Marty awl dyad strew. 10 BBL*: LINSEED OIL received wd raru ". etwat A. ' ILLLY ' III - 00., VrIlowl.ml• !Perrin. IN ilrmwt 420 DOLL putt rece4v. • • 64 ""%itlai. A. RIMY * CO. nott nrwoni•ta Wewnor Ntre.l Q in / A 41/11-30 casks common,"." "a" d irlel7s nun &Kw. TIDIED PEACEJEB-4, bbli. V.lf for sal. b 1 • . J. 9. O.I.NIRILD BON.. I.IIUTTEB.-IQ - ball bbls. fresh tha " r for .. .1: 1 11T CAPYIXIAD & ROL 1017011.- - 5 bates otatoom to ••••ersive crliiVelizl,o for sale by inC/41 N-PakiI7F imggial k MON IiORKS. JOlfli•% LAUGHLIN'S, Six.z•raes33-criacarzt; :t ,~t :CIS 1 Doi,Hoop,Sheet mind Plate Iron Itriekge Iron; Angle and T Iron; Guard iron; Coal Screen Iron; T naiLy 16 & 20 lbs. to the yard; Trsunßalls,punchedand cents. ter sunk Boiler,Bridge and TankßivetS Cut Nails and Spikes; Shipand Boat Spikes; Railroad Spikes; Railroad Fish Bars and Bolts; Railroad Car arneebi and Atlas; Street Car wheels and Axles; Coal-Pit Car Wheels and Axles; Patent Cold Rolled Shafting; Patent ColditolledPiston Rods; Blower and Reaper Bars. . WAILILIMHZ AND OtIICS. 122 Water and 153 Front Ste. suAlecu awes, Nos. 2424 and 28 River St., Jaws - CHICAGO. ILL. S:: MLR STEEL WORKS. SING,NIIII - CK 86 . CO ILLAll7a.croargs or BEST ItEFINED CAST STEEL EOM, IMAM of ALL 18118. was. ArnAy. CLIGRLAN. GASP Awp Mow CUT SAW PLATES. XLLLPTIO AND BEMI-ELLIPTIO RAILWAY SPRINGS, Cast Spring Sleds Cast and German Plow Steel, PLOW WINOO AND XQWEE , SPRINGS; LILES AND STEEL TIRE, SlOffi.L. SHOVEL. 1105. E FORE TOE tatow.B.mi, Warehouse, 83 Water 84, Pittsegh, solatk4 ATLAS WORILS,I . monrciAr 13TREE T. Math Ward, Pittsburgh. TIZONAS N. MILLED, President. These Worts are among the beet and most , complete astobllsement la the West, and are now pre- end to tonslatt Engines of Every kleervipUon, • Hellen, 011 Tank,, Sheet Iron Wort, Rsi'read Castings, . noiung Mill Castings, Engine Castings. Naentne Castings, ' General castings. ORDERS SOLICITED. 1301):p63 FOUNDRY• B. GAURIEOA ........ B.UICWLTSUN: A. GARRISON & CO.. thancelsore to Boller.. ClaDleon'd Co. • FOUNDERS AND RACIIEVISTS li.euutectarers of CHILLED ROLLERS, OF ILL L'M! Work. Ate . .., ;DMus emi r . urretloge. 00.11 de eerlplloue: Bark Mill.. Patent Double Grinder ra.,LlV:dafortte.r.rlTT=2l42 rumble erms. Mica .but Warehouse, field Street, feblethi PITTSBURGH, PA. FORT PITT FOUNDRY. CHARLES OAP NEPHEWS mAXIIPACTOMMIS OP HEAVY 'ORDNANCE, Asp ALL MINDS 0/ lIKAVY VA137117611. liPoedel emoottott trold to .ROLLINtt MILL PLAULLINZBY and =TOUT& MIPAVAS attended t 4 DromPUT, Ao heretofore, the best .Matarlallirta alwayo 7" 4 '1 2 . 0ur ar old, stook, wo are pretnrad. vet NM IND rillitOrl. Oonstrueuvdunder the supervision of Mr, Ak an?, to 102010 NAIL MACHIN= at short ho. Mee. poem ROBERT LEA, ILLITUYACIIIII.III 07 STEAM BIOMES AND BOILERS Freight Roisters AND . DOCTOR ENGINES. aa-c.tiggs elan desert:oms made to order Corner of First and Ferry Streets, .Metre PITTSBURGH. Pt. trritxrx WORE& MCLEAN tic SLATOIt, No. 83 Liberty Bt., opposite Fourth, s or • CABINET RUIEIBE HiIIIWARE. They snake a sgalty of Iron Bedstead and Pivot Pastors* I ealain t Bedstead and Pivot .Patton'Bidet. Tutenings: Stops for Baton. lion Tables, Bp. They alto manufacture and hair. lantatantly On ban daTham bLatebes, Spring Latches, M•LemVs Window limn Supporter, Zrzentrio Bun Batton.Utility Bout ter and Batt Hines, (triad-0G ILlmainse, ad Iron.. hash weights. As.. an. imeet ICLIZZ. ALL1Z.......1111. IVEII3. yALLEI STOVE WORKS. ALLEN. &PKEE & CO., Whig sad Warehouse SOlLlborty !opposite Bnammfteid, Martaracturea a great variety or COOK, PAB LO/I and IiZAU A l l eg henyW4. ansoug wrath Cool the celebrated end Moaner Coo , Cooking MOW; al., the Autocrat and nominal ler (mai or wood. aud the unrivalled Mar or the itnpLre. rot wood; else, Arch.. Grate.. fee ders, hue. Kettles. Dog Mona and hollow Ware generally. m he _./. 7511.17,,D11 A STOVE IWOLUSS. A. BRADLEY & CO. litamesevette evert vadat? of Cook, Parlor and heating Stoves, Laws/ villa are tea - eels biatal 'II.I7IIEICA. Tliorw. sad TA' raal•V (Coal illowa;) Pt/. KLIMA VIITSILA.W IRONELLIMII (Wood Cook ato•aa.l Also maauftetura GRATES, GRATE FRONTS, Re.. _ Otiap MI Wants . we. earner of istand and est. Wo d attests. Ittlabarsti. Sultanas on nacos d fatt Jalaati PITTSOURMI IRON WORKS, J. PAINTER & SONS. IWITWALTMIXII2I OP Iron, Ilabket, - Tab and Trunk HOOPS AND SHEETS, Atlealal PITTIBIIRGII. IILACti DIAMOND • VITCNITMCDII, PITTSBU Co,RGH. 88. JPARK, BROTHER As • Kaaufacturen of Bin QUALITT . RUIN= CUPP MIMI. Naar% Plat and Octagon, of all wet.' War saw 4..1.1 to LOT tamorta4 or tamataciarod to 47. • Wise and marabou" No. WWI UM TRH, SS Weed lumina. Thttal.me. IRON CITY MILLS. JU*EIII3 & BMICHYLEELD, ZSdh l o4.edillseoslaueilatis it Polished 0Pa2:126 TICS 4 /1 1 0171/10110. Se X:21;1"? o• • " EVERSON; PRESTON & CO, pr-Avrarr., ra.rm MOW WIDIEEtS. ...111101251 4 210.. 111510 lm f n42' *KM =Worn P el 411X•iiii1:4:4:141 NATIONAL FOUNDRY AND PIPE WCIO.II,IKS, Corner Carroll and Smallnaan Streets, Ninth Ward, PITTSBURGH, PA. WIVE. SIDA-Lti.-.1=2., EANUFACII:TREII OF CaStlrOn Bowl Pipe, FOR OAS AND WATER WORKS. 8 1 , 13 rxha i gg cx jai M, Dry meat or CASTBCS POI CAS ASS iIIAM ERE c lzutt e :pr o r .u t=egu ro pari t a k end. MOO° I THE FITLTON- BELL IND KISS FOUNDRY, ESTAItLIFIIIED Ia solo. Nos. 91 First and 70 Second Streets, PITTSBURGH. PA IiLLNIIITACTURLICS ILL SIZES OF BELLS, From 10 to 100,000 Pounds. GIOBI, LIGII. en AID WRY TWA Of All atzem, Stop Cocks of Brass or Iron, I=! GUAM AND CYLINDER COCKS. ,Agent. tor al the Efferent ST.EIA.NE PUMPS. Bole Ascents for the Celebrated Steam• Syphon. Dealers In GAS PIPE. STrAlf and OAS FIT TINGS. PLUMBERS. SOROS. ete.. etc. Fartlca r astesolon paid toSTAASS and OAS YITTINIS In all Its branenes The wily manataernreno of A. FULTON'S STALLIO PA.C/CAN lOR STSAJK OYLLS DABS. a. • .14;11 . 111T , 9 CELSEIRLTED iLTAL constantly . on hand. Lilian., order .d finished:ltti the .4 d ignite/. Particular attention paid to lime Vintstane In all Its branehee.. We also step constantly on O band all .. of Sheet, bona. and Bound Alum. /ler. sod Outtoll elm Hose of all insult up to ord.. A. FULTON'S SON & CO, mh8.1439 POUT PITT BOILER, STILL AND TANK WCYJELIKS. CAUFALL & SNYDEU, MEDIA% DOUBLE-TM/ED, TllBl/LAB FIDE-BOX a CYLINDEIISTEAM BOLLICUS, OIL STILLB AND 0/L TANNI3, CHIMNEYS, BREECHING AND ASH PANS SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND CON. DENSERs, STEAM PIPES, GASOMETERS, AND LEON BRIDGES, PRISON DOORS AND COAL 811177101 Wise aadWork• corner Ilaeoad, Third, ',Short tad Xdbetl4 Streets. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. atirOrderil oent to tho above oddros, win Dt promptly attended to. m 117310 'VESITVIUS IRON IND NAIL WORKS. LEWIS, BAILEY, DALZEIL & CO. 11•IilIFAZTO11613 OF BAR, BOILER, SHEET wAth..w - im x-iFtcoro- NAILS AND NAIL RODS. Warehouse, 13 Water & 90 Front IPTITSBORGH, PA. CkliS KENSINGTON IRON WORKS. LLOYD & . BLACK, 11.13971=1:1112391 or Best Common, Refined Chareoai Juniata Bloom Iron. MERCHANT BAR. ROUND &BORA= LEON HOOP, SAND. T and ANGLE IRON. BOILER PLATE and - .1111/ET IRON. ROWER and REAPER RARE CIMINO/Mani:l GUARD OR FINGER IRON. (MALL T SAHA 114 and 16 lb.. to Ina yard, WROUGHT CRAMS and tiPIICES re. suns. PLAT RAILR, Flinebed and Countersunk. COAL BORY.EN IRON. ` N itr i areb n o " 86 Watairdsd No. 6 Mete sta. Wert.. Renaud street, Eighth Ward. ad joining CRY OW Worts. Pittsburgh. atißd4 1 1 TSTONB IRON WORKS. HITITHISON, GLASS & CO., . . Mmitt of Ma 411tarent Elm o Hound, Square, Flat and (Horse-Shoe Bar Iron, Hoop and Band Iron, Boller-Plate, Tank and Salt-Pan Iron, iSheet Iron, dm., U., kr. , Works, PITT T0W3.1411% oa Youonsakr. Orleo .4 Warthouse: No. 146 Water St. o:l?,EpltiT SUM WORKS. MILLER, BABE 8 PAU% .icunnacrnaizas as II::T QUALITY CAST STEEL. Warranted Equal to any In tea I I ke t Inea he e Nmnnaeda o x of DO. • OTZOLLL ASTINTsON PAID TO JINX CANT anU DIN Office, 38 Wood Street, IN BT. IMAM= MITZI. BUILDING. PISTSIICHGE4 Jw. lath. I. imam DUQUESNE IRON AND STEELWORKS. HALLMAN, KAHN db co., Iron, Nails, Springs, Axles, PLOUGH. MUG AID A.B.STEEL, IA Dire, , . 77 "CCriater 1611tx•Eset. &nada ti t itAns . "'" ww— siiiiim —a ffollllll m"x". . MORROW & BARIUM, ILINSTACTOZEILS or - Steam Boners, On Stith, Agitators, Tatar. gait Pane, Gasometers, Wrought Iron Bridges, shoot Iron Work, Ste., COL LIBERTY AND SECOND Whin PITTSBURGH, Pd. =Pummel DONS rnogrrLlN ..724:t4 MONT BLANC FOUNDRY, Butler Strad, Ninth Ward, OPPOSITZ UNION IRON ROLL. X.1"1"1 • .. 1317 . 11 L 43-3 M. Bolling Mill and Bridge Castings. lACIUM ID CASIOGS UMW. c m. promptly and carefully executed. CUAB4/1111 itir.ASONABLX. =UMW & DIAIOULIND. 4:1•1 kr, Ell ivj vAsii Iwo a .14:1M/ tz , =l4:ozlatkei: V4= CINCESSATI I-ASALP PI2IP3P. AND SiIRIM,. LEAD WHYS • N 0.19 East Ninth Street. MCCOIMICK &MESON, Proprietors, DZALEE Ll' Fig Lead, Block Tin and PATENT SHOT. Make to ord.r rtritil and IMIXITS of Erie. nY _ - ;,,lL — pibp.r.laulAglrrn i el s E AL% very lino, Pine tor tornisull Hama and for Drains... ld especially ask the attention e Plumbersand Frontlet°. of . OIL 1110 1 / 1 1/6 AHD OIL WELLS. . pITTBBVRGH STEEL' WORE &MCKEOWN, COOK a CO, 1:6130011:600BB TO JOBE& BOLD & 00 I ILlaufactrzerr of tall tart Mood Cart 800 ums, Irlat and Camas, of CI alaaa. 00 l far Plata. Flora /ark asul ahast Cast 80001, Car Nea Reaping and Blowing Machin STILTPLOW WINGIS, IS LARS PIILEGIN. AX . JAM 011LCU, Cut & Conunott Pla¢gll & Spring Steal, Ofica—Consar of First sad Boss stria* sbOTOI.Iw ZlOnougatall* HOU.. ft:l7:d• HUGE U. 80LL... lIISNTSI 011.1. INDUSTRIAL 'WORKS, HUGH. M. BOLE &. CO., Ermine Builders. FOUNDERS AND MAME:MTS. CASTING._, Vght sod Hem. mad* to order. M.tanery or every description DriSSlttraCtitivd on sho‘t notice. Corner of Point Alley and Duquesne Way, PITTISSIIIIIOII, PA. mh%zras LIPPINCOTT& BEHULL. No. 112 Water Street; PATENT GROUND, • PATENT TES IrEtZD, _ PATENT TIDOTffi r D Carkinan, aIII ILL AND 43105114:1171 .4216. W. . Jen:dm H~,RDWALI:tE. B. WOLF. dB. &CO., DIALIII6 Hardware& 0 talerv. Are now receiving large seditious Woes stock widen la °Tared to Dealers as EI.4I6IIMMEEILig .IPWILT.OOI2IIIII. Corner Liberty and St. Clair Sts, senik72 W.littaslialzraky F. MIJSSNANN. JWUI Stred,6 etunen Tunnel and C 1 athans Streets, thussalltliaad Dealer In Hardware. lint Clans oode ad deaattethedeltraye hyyd sod golds!, the totetket whe& Bee t gete, don camnallv on...plotted. Yelo•de 11:M2V,11 ikeit El F:4 :1 RITTSBURGH BREWERY. °AMON, DARLINGTON & CO., Bums, limes en II inun, 1212=E1 JOSHUA RHODES & CO., NlUsburg WE. W. ANDERSON, Allegties Tito attention of the anztootoas of the two lola/ L partleolot ly Invited to car ALES AND•PORTER, Snien. through the eareful odamiloa etlialt from extenalve snaltluir Lenitive end Hope trent the yard. Zest and R est, rre ens irnarealne to be pure and setlefeetory hp the Undo. (Pm LNDIJIALE hes been highly reamounded b74llV7llan. for . Alf 00 DEMI en nne itonson erl3l please he into-. ht. old lire 0004000000.. Cone of humus way sad ladur's noll3oo T. 111. BLACK" CO.ELMILMMIZTIMEEt• vrirsoxi..6.llevy • . Three doors Moore Badtbdeld Street, rirrrasoman, PA Neer,' kind °Mort done on tbesbortest.botle WI most reasonable terms. Particular =mato. paid to ant.lne. 414:7111 J.OII.IIBTOISAVN TWILLS BOO= T1103[1.11 21.1101nt. p 11 :i Having perehesed the old ietabllshed Brewery knewa ae the ALLEGIBLISY BRZWIRT. yor merly owned by Campoell t Beam. we would Infirm the pubile that we ilataottemalantog the SEEING .WATES ALES, MAW. tar= Pare Baring Water.. and Beta Oar recuttles and long experience to itte trtiatneeet enuresatislicd Maitre be minbirelia tire satisfaction to those who may am uswich their SWAIM% JEW db co -465 Rebecca Street, ALI.EGIHENT CFTC • SAG orders left at BROWN t GRAHAM'S, at B tended 03 Liberty string. ritaabarill. will ba Pna.3l4 ea , Z. a's►T SPENCER & Re AYE ripp Ale, Porter and Brown Stout, PITTSBURGH, PA. I:Do L4.11,',1:1 - : a e3 f :I RILLTIMORE AND HAVANA Arxx. s 17 41 4 tiONVAleta rT arosts. 11)13 IsAVAN • AND NIC °Mal KIS, CAI. BY UM THE UNITLD ISTATZIS YAM. Task IFlrss-CRass Maaassalps Of Ws COO / sail as follows: - -•• • . ”LIBXUTIV-1.2120t0na, for New °Xmas via /Ear Weal. sod "torsos. Thos. /1.; Bain. Ommunander. Wl D N LSD A.Y. Arril 17th. "CUBA" 2••• tons. for Now dries. and Halmos. —. Command, on PATUBRAT. Nov eth. • Irma BILOWNS , WHARF, IRLL• I:2 OINT. at 2 o•cloek I- X Frectrely. on 100 dare at. noopeta. For freight or m i ll, baring annorPanat• adoommodettoos. allot kUr.2lBl - 11. Weare FLD • C 0.,. As..ts• 16 Itrzus.l 666 v. 1e.8.-.No BIM of Lading. bate/toss of the O. roar will be Mond. Permits Ibr the holed. most b. proem...o_2.m Ws alas. Xo &elan motel.% eat Oilla of Lame dined oa day °natl. note STEAM TO AND PROM LIYEll• !VOL AND QIIENNOTOWSCLOW.AND I 'MICR • WWI. ITN WRAY ISNX. sidling EVERY SATURDAY. • ETERY_WEDNESLIN CARRYING U. is. KUM Ilskela sold U. and from 3e. , land. Germany and From. Appls at thsOosupsors Mks& JOUR 0. DALT, Afto. 15 814.41M7 Or. WK. BINGIIAIh a..: *OWNS Adams , Nzpousolllce. ttsbiaziO. 030 M TALL 40712 C . FIELDING & DUO., BOOTS, SHOTS & GAITERS, N 0.140 Ohio St.; Allegheny. e otin.t. Alrial Mow%ly assailed an ,ths .portut SHEPHARD'S CRACKERS 317 Liberty . Street, rU ~PITTSBMIGH, PA. PEA= 11.811,-30 casks for sale Sy J. B. CAN1L111) A MM. COPARTNERSHIP. 1:76 a91 8 . 1 t 3 M 11 ..e5. business, JAS. 1.. DUNSICAT/I. The name arm will 0000000 u heretatore. 7. BILLI.P.S A CO. 7. sacra! a. ow Err J. L. zicrarara. F. SELLERS & CO., PORK PACKERS, And Manufutnrcrs of MI Jae. 3FI. 3:1 0 OIL ; New Bacon. Beet and Tangoes Will be ready for delivet7 oa Monday. WA Wt.. Choice Sugar-Cured sans: Do do . do Been Do do do Beef Tonnes: Do do do Breakfast Bacon; Plain Cared Bacon Shoulder; Do do do Sides, Atduced prices and of excellent quality. Trom tell we Mull be malady supplied with all articles In Me PrOtatOn BREWER BURKE CO.; ainirissiounucaiNlß,' - • Globe Liberty Pacific, Globe & 011 Works, Hain Crude and 11011datIOU. Mb eral dada •dvanoe• made oo Ya r ds Or Ornde or lkdrool Petroladcm. Yards for Inonws and sillpaent of evade OUol.Ladrraneerilia. Odlesa nod Wariboodr. Corner at Ltuorkrand War dad Haneotkoloool. Plstabard6. myle.siS Irma SZEL.. KEIL &"-iiii-ai-Ave 3aTCZAZT. 00 EMISSION NEB,CHAIIM Flour, Gds, ars of 7., mr , w 349 L.LIPSZTy /1111,,Feed, rarrsßukett. PA. FETZEB & ARMSTRONG, PORIARDLNG ISI CO3LIEHOI for Diesels or Floor, Gralr4iDneon, Lard, Butter, Seeds, Dried /run.. Nd. If arket duvet. corner of First, risuburih. fe=rall fraNamirt OWENS m KENNEDY_ • PRAM= COMALIONION miNCHANTB sad Wholetal• Dealers In 111/1.7An7 *2W DOMES. Ite .111W/111. ILALT, ?LOUR. BUTTES, tkifitl, VOTATOE, 41., and IS Priradollo wid Prod., Conorally, Ho. 76 IrSDINAL L'A. °Dino atia BAHrood DoPot,Ar•OOICLIT.. Agoras for M. axle orr 7. Lino's. Donnell a. .7.111aan , 0 and J. ICAnr , . Bolt. .914:1743 IVY, J. ISMS., • 12. T. J. STEEL Ss HBO, late LT V 232141261 hem, PRODUCE MY ifiliClLANTS,lrecetTo and sell Maar 1-;:r t iai . sg..la . r . s i ll,llCorn i , o lutej.. d Dry Fruits. Potatoes. Ilfte. ate. atltatlon paHoo d to and Onus Seed. Yeather2 Oil Barrett. p 1 oles, the saleof foreign and Domestic 7.0115. Na 1.32 Third street. Pltubcrgb. Pa. 1514,111 101r2 NAOS., .......2.273122 =OS - pp Euvoi - & - SON; Commission aeo =BCH ANTII sad Donlan /1 FLOOR. GEAIN, YELL 7XED and PBODUCIT. general- IT. No. 79 Diamond, matte City Ball. Alle gheny MY. - Ist lirtr CRAWFOUD. G0Z131144;* A. , bION ISZBOLUSIT laPMMZTAL. BLOOMS OUX, MEMO= BCBAY MON. nal /MCI and CLAY, Be. Warehouse and 013ce. 00,388 *Ad 308 PENN ISTBAST. Morse* Zmlehed.. Constsraments solleted. - WII&NE & /MIER, , lIXIIMIZUS. A.A. SION MERCHANTS sad dulers in FLOUR. GRAIN. sad ERODUCt. Second Wan. bat.. Weal ann Smitaghtkl. Pittabarch. ITTLE. BAIRD & PATTON, dtt 9 M • ..MBIt t o n. • 111101 r. 21711,.....-1. B. nsmcza....sne. n itiTXML. p E YRUER & MOS. Aticcessors to Rattner a. Anderson.) WnolaealeDealers Istrorelgia Irrnite. .11ma nut Wm. Conrectlan. Bnimrsal reworks, . Nos. 12e and In firi7ood abave Finn Plttsbarzli. tvliav TomV B. CALIVIIMILD, alou and Portrardllyi itazalaat and viola. Ws doers la Welders BeaarTa Utatean. Bat. ter. yart, Bacuak.at i ar,_ _PIO, Pot lad , Pearl 11.11. sad Pre-' duet aortlicrild arut 11/17mat attlatt. riltantratl. , H RIDDLE,Na. 1132111berty Bt PltlsOargiu 22, - ,Con.claganlltnrolunt, and Wboleule Dealer In Country Produce, tiroussiu and PliUDorihmanagnotnr,s. Coon sdrsaced on Clonslganzorto, and paid for Produce goner- AMES DALZELL h SON,flitunt beta:mere of Lud 011. had• Ootranistlon a...1.1'0r the porebtee end tale of erode had Befitted Neuidestret. Nos. OD and 717 Weft* , Mott. JOUST. HOSILLIDWAHD 1101711..R1E. a 130tRi :Tom I. HOUSE is. BROS., Mac ., csssoss To'Joicar HotrEca sale tirosers seat 4.Nrearalaslos blessbants. -me wof thalthaeld Lad Water streets, I.ll3sbans teleh. SCHOMARIaIi LANG, sale dealer, InGrocarles. •lloor. Grata. Pro: dote. Pronbaoru,YfUtt. ctmule. 1144 Cuban CU, N. 172 and 04 WoodbUnal. nauLlbany e Stran, • • TELLIAII2 DICKE , " &CO., Whole. d. sale Chows. Commission diem Junta: and dealers la Praises. No. tel Water atm% and al Trost Stroott, snireimegl, JOEX 611. TON • WALLACIL SEIIPTON 8. WAVE ACE, hole- GILOCESUS AND PROD OCZ DEALERS. No. 0 ellzth BMW. rittabeirstE. lanutel NOTICE TO OWNERS OE DRAYS. HACKS, &C. •-• • - NotlelanbilWbby /Ivan to all owners of Wag ons, Drays, Carta. Carriaren. the 1". whether nasldant or non-resident In the City of lvraft , .:wBVVlVll=l.sfragtt. In accordance with an set of osaawlrty, ap proved March 110, OD and. as °Minium of %ha Canoe:Ds oftho etty of rittitorgth palmed £7Oll 11, UM. aD_Liotesoaanot paid on or bo th . Way 111; ----- • trflrbeTplseedin — tha bands of the Chief c e n t . lice. fur collection, subject to Ws fee of Ss for the collection thereof, and alllsthsons who neglect or Tenth to take - oat LJeethes will be tabled to a pentlq. to be moor [red before the Mayor, doable the amount Milne /Aces se. The old metal :dates of Previous sews most be returned /ththe time the Cleanses Intakes out, or pay ZS cents there, r. _ _ linT Td UIL LICILDIFFE. - - - Lath One Here 'Petite le • 760 Each Two Hone Vehicle'..» l7 oo Each Yonr Horse ...... dr Pack Two Horse. 1600 Omnibuses mid Timber n gees drairn by in., horses. eighteen dollars each. For pcis addi tiona Horse used In Aar or Ile above vehicle. one donne. 8 AL.I.INDIIIit. City Troaurer. Pittsburgh. Yebruarr 1. UM. roludi ?no& lane/ Mk ' • =MIN faalieJar (Late Of .800.11. Banns a Oa) H08F18.113 & Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron Ware, NO. 61 511131/167ELD, STI/VET, Neu Youth Street. PITTSBURGH. Bare conetantly on hand • jetenl assortment TINt kl TUVE& Plain, Japanned. Pleased and Block wALBZ. Vance Blrd,Cae es, Lottery. !ketch Inners Lame, and Henan Patlll.llll. Goode to general. 'Wen they wlll sell INDolesale 054 Re. L'')" FIRST CLASS LOOKING GLASS AND PICTURE MANUFACTORY: .• LYONS, no, wood et plttaliur~le, Ireeperm hand nadmanufsetoree t ordtri the /MOT STYLL or GILT. tualtWustu and wmarirr_, OVAL and tigllAll6 MlltitOkt. PUBTRAIT and YICTUILL SWAIM. Curtain Congos. HAW. u6 Buttons, Cemsola . Trtmal. and' Bracket Tables of eaqulsite OA'S sad workmanship. GILD/1.1040W ItZGLLDING - eieedeei in the b rglannirOVlATT.: twin:MAWS = HOLIDAY GOODS. A4. T ILIP s iIAiI OF BEIONZAGiII*, Oarbcm Oil Lamps and Chandeliers. Dump Trlmniniy £c. AI. ys . WARRANT=tes No nad retall.lN-rIPLOS - IVZ CAB rWM .Doa JOHN - ROSS & r'• 334EI"'Xif.MATZ!Vri pERSIAR LILAC. We We. Latta:tithed to the tivle our nevr per. fume, Persian Lilac, OLTATi.7I24IIII,DsViiITIMAILL: NO ledy.n toilet Is comylete ',Maui It ler sale by all Dealers. IiAINITFACITUDI.D ONLY ET C. B. WOODWORTH & SON, Uochestor, N. Y. New.Tark %Mae. 1199 Broadway H. LIZAZWINI — , Sealer of Weights . and. Measure& 0111110 ft No. 1111UMENIT sirmar, 1.11.0. • TATA j 0 1,;..j • OMEN, BELL .& Anchor Cotton 11Ms, Pittsburg!, :ANCIfOIi (A) AHEETTNGA, ASC 2RAO TNlNOgglkilly PPIANOS I PIANOS I I—An entire. now of SWABS A 00.iiIPLADS.arklelt are now considered the best wade: also HAINES DELOS. CZL.II33ATEIS MAIMS. Price Prom WI upward.' Persons la want al a fast class Pluto are sr spectrally Welted to call and anantlna berm iinrclualon , elsewhere - • a n - . he 13 PULL street:. D ung. b r a F a LUILS. p..b.; 20 pe gewter• do: ts o m il ixed d*: bash d olo good mar Applt.• SO do palms do: J•strealdTadon caosadaallin and fot talelov to trade. 61aSOILAKIR t LAZO. (rll ' /I. incll7l WOOS irtivet. `_'_f ~ ~: T.Z. ~;:~ PITTSBURGH. COLUMBUS & CNC WWI R. a. JIOUTE. on roar sou ....... a. • 3.45 ta :bsed3,37oc:l4lll4•uce4tosne. tr: .30-7111X11 DIRTANCE. SAVIlie .11 HOURS TIME. oast 2,1C/1.1.31101:8 op CAM'. Sir•No ror s.rotmcgreen rittabamt Ctsclnnat .o but c ONS 00. So to Bt.l.onte. Cairo, nd gp a principal taints Well =4 BWI. west. - woe. purchasing Ticksts be me and end the office of the (010111t3 t CIRLUITI I, 1 4 .• _ - Union Depot, (south side.) 31. D. 21107/11CRSPAVon,Tfeket Alma. ti. F SCM.. Genes.' Ticket Jageast. jOteN 111Le•EB.. 0. E. Agent. mnl3 WESTERN • PENNIITLYANLL RAILROAD.—On andayggiggii alter %VIEW: BDA t • Jan.' nary td , LW; the Huse:i ces Tralne on the•Westare - Pennathrsala Ital road will arrlve et and depart frogs the Valenti lime' Depot. Allegheny My, as fellows: •umrs. i . 1..... p. sttrpeb., No 1 DAILY' nuns& No 3 11:201.2i Freeport - No.l trrSt U.N. 2101... ~,, ... ..,40 1 / 1 .31 itKI.'""4:11::: Free ps t r & N o! r; l i t. 1 bharps'ir No 3.11T5 5.1 e. shat peg NO ;Hu ins., Sharpe) 5 No 4 I:50 P.M. blimp. if IN.* ii aa A ., Kw... 4:213P.41. Snores. 2:03P.X Freeport No. 2 s:o3P.N.liharpsWe No 5 2:301,N sharpeb•kNo 5 502 rat. PrealiOrt. tio 36.00 r. 15 sharPeh . [NO 5 2.02p.N. lidarpso4 No 5 7:14 r. IC All trains run dully cue rot bundly. Cotnentuat!on Tickets—For sale in paeltures o Tv eat)._ between Alle2beny City.. Chestnut street. Hen's. llonnett.,FLoc Creed. Vas and Slurpsburg, and Rood only on Line truths slop. illt:LaYlat:l'Lltlig W 1 116.1. t. OS7 be pnretineed at Walker's Shin Urine wo. 3 St. Char Street, Mu duspentlan Neldire. Pitt*. bomb, and at the Oepot, • llegheny City. • The Pennsylvania Railroad trill siOt WIZ= any rlat for.Baggsge, oncept torlienrind 43.. pare', .41 Matt • their responsibillly to Unit ricnoranz Dol-Cilui In value. All bairn:* so ceedlug tall amount in value. will lui St the risk of the owner. untrue taken -by speeds! contract. For farther Lufortuation apply at Darrel, to JA.111.8 LE,I PERTS. a4vnt. DU' :•N - - Federal ) beet Depot. PENNSYLVANLAL CENTRAL ... EA/LEDS.D. eem b er • Trains LITSIr D e And Ims r of Wublartoo 001 • • tbothaos Vapor, O. m, toUOIRS: ' DITAIrt. FOVITTV:A2:: all Vain Ilan as OF•114 No. 'L.. 1:611a OS •Clocl e a , sl lo:5r • al War n e • la Bradd N. 7. ock No L hid pat 4110 Wall% No4USG r o &WsN. .. y W 6.. IsoSpos W• 1 1 ,4 No. 4...14:5 s. PUS Una 12aCe p m JohnltOWS UK , p lu Mall Troia.... lat) a ml Fast Line Lao a la Wall's No. 1, .. Gal • al Balaton N 0... 7:50 am Wall , . N. 1... Mae am Johnstown 11.e.'11050 AVM Hal thaw* Is, L2O pia WPhila. Kaman 1.04 P m all N. 4.*. Map go Budd NO N .I t 1 p Vialra No. 4... 7 olOpsa Altoona Ace= and loatammt trait aU Maus =owe azerptad. 211 a Church Trains leave Wall% Banda) at 11116 a. al.. ruching Pittsburgh a. at MN eradf a U. met Lb leaves PlUabergh at ULM p. sod armee ///. Wall , * Mallon Si 2.10 p. • The BaltUopto Ziptass . 0/111 marlba aslth the Philmmtpala =wart at- lOW p. Nerzcs.--In b o ld MM. ranasylmatha R. yompany thamselmm renamalble fo r a namonal tame. min sad for an =WM 1304 1867_ ...... WN0 - 1867. c'sE~s, ; tia3M;;; at the Union Depot, ea laatvt ICltdotiro SAO•a C hi ca go 2:10 • !Chicago Ex••.-10=5p W eep,* Es-.11.21•1a 4.1 L w6E. lit D a Mmo E4O p Erie t Tea Zs 4015 D CPI. Ex IWO 3, Pt /1 Wm. Mx 9:40p ea LrrlE[ 1a ILIANT47 .I rlir•ta •• AIM 1t.1142 am asa New Ca et ie Sis Lootft4l.l. ::112 N. Beton •• 2,11 toeetalsle-•-•• IPA •t• 4110 •is .•• FiWad tale t Yga. IWlro•se CLAWIDi r , iv!. ens a at calamm Tra • a VI I . In% W Calueo ar 2 1 . :141 ' . e:I6yID N e Him 71= Leetsdale •• lana • m •• Ltdd am 'Beehestet •• p W4e & N Caee I&Opm Leetsdale Join MSCIpm N. &Via •• Sid p m N. lir •• p m Leetsdale MSS p No Iselm leave rituk• bergbea liunday. •• • dm 24 Ir. IL MIMES MP(;MM -InTTSBIURGH AND CON VILIS B. JU ammo On - SpingArrangenient • ard alter ihe "Mg: gr' } ' 1261. aat ot . BOSS sac Wu= Mee; as Maxi, • XIX tOLXISLX!% trabherere. 7:fx X. tax r.x Xrprees. • .. LW P. X. 10X0 West Newton Aecimmoins 11;16 P. 1:110 A. X. First 11.13.eespart Atexeatx.Ltae.L. x. 1.10.1. Second ••ID9O P. r 4 LS P. X. IsreddoeVe •.. tie P. ir. LS P. bends, Meath Train - to sag from Wert. 10X 10:i0 1, Ki for Tlekeu &veleta X. W ISTOUT.ISrot. CM -A LLIEGIIENI VALLEY RILL. AuAD. 'CHANGE OP. T. k On and after /GMAT. Tab. Ist, • Mt, tram' 1 leave and arrive at Pittsburgh Depot. corm Pita and Caul Moats, as follow,: Tina Elaktnitnetta kesxabo..ll.lo.l..x.- 11107. X. Mall, to wad from Ilitko • rig..7loA.7l. CIO?. 1. Tight Bala Worka Acc0m....9410 L. N. am A. Y. Halton Attaatamodstion A.m . . 12K Ks Labials d ham ttaltaltattla r. th. 11311 A. X. giesozd B e adWorts A.-tom—C.lpr K. Lamar , Sunday Church Truth Com and Is Body works.-- .... 1:00 7. M. IC:COL X I hz.o nicaTnur— Ruch. No.' 285 liberty Street. a5h11.,151 PENNA. MO CO., . antegotme•e...., dr4 HEAT HEYOLIPTION IN THE 'Js W INZ TB.A.I)I,OIIMHZ lIBTLED 5TA.2123. —MULL 0/LIM7OILNII. haIeIP,LOMZ, made end endued as It done In /rune% ham pure Oulforuls %Ilse. sad laws the pica of /SP"' Led Oboupsies.. The eadersigmed weeld can the basal.* of Wine Dealers and Noel Keeper, to t h e Ibllaw.. Int letter, "idea may be • comet idea of the quallty of Lbelr Wthel - -.. CONTorlrus..iteresb. t . . immushea.rnia, tkt. 'Kb. IW. "Midatts. Boccrida a C0..-Geuthsess: 13s, Ins give= 70. 0101700a3.110.. IS ehowelgh Lest, we vie pleesere le molar gust we thank II We best ...el to Wipe we heve -WM used. W. shed .1 mice 'Ast r al& ou on MU of esre. Toon trot • J. Z. 2:111OBLZY AL 00." Call sad tog ceid Centersda Chum m7l pedse. - bal2 01.03:HleIS A 1e... 30 Ue7 St.. K. r mkspin ~ - INLIVATE MEARES. a . orriar.**rzios warn, lira DIVA& sof Om own a, o of in &in., bra Orionis lw =dorm two to 102 r dayi. Man antis sly new sod atL troattailat. Also, &Solna' Weiluillo. .84 melt. thitaide of thO collar arrant awl then Com warisated Go reffnoWd. Mft twara—.7 to le A. ot., Ito aous_e NWT*. Da. W.. WM Pass snot - on, WHITE LEAD& • - • Pore H. N. & Co." Brand White Lug .orno a Xta •- r.. • • do - do • • , Coaunantal" do do ' Etna Load.. for Ott Renner.; Ned Lead and Lltbarge; (Mora dry and in on: irm."l'" T. T H NEVIN & nomar bird*ad Mattes:h.. MADISON aTAIIICILAGENCL Jost recelL ed. - 2Ca Oa lb cal boxes. 4915,.. ' 1 . a221ita2C2.: 114 •• Cu do.• • • 30 011331 m 43103 136.3013. 1 . 03 - 33131 103 r to a Ch4a th IICHUALLE. b" ATMG. • ! N0.. ..L...4 stc.cat. lDle.-200 bbl.. white Lime 4114 J. E. OASIPTZLD &1111 N. A N APPLICATION- WILL BE Made to got Mclnel Eon ao4 John Cask Mooed I:7=o Quientor. • =Mita wv- - Trrigni nairomiLi - 44
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers