El TA ri 11 El .3:MaSIBLE EURESS TRAIL SKIRT, I TIIZ lALWIMA:I3. PringilB67 1 ,. J. Vi . - B ADLEY'S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (OR DOVE UPRINO,) SK - 1 T , n'ttelmollsoema A: =ad ramOntsilelle t ip ../71V.7.1t2"11 TuAILSA PRIEM 07 .° V1IL w 010), iiTYLEB. BALE EVERYWHERE. AT WROLDIALI by all the leading Heim and Dry Goods Hoene m ritlabarelt. *leo, by Yule °whereof remit sad /salutes Menefee- Inters, • VESTS, BRADLEY & CARY, 97 Oiambers Street, = EXPRESS TRAIL, PARIS TRAIL, PRIDE OF THE WORLD, TIP TOP SKIRTS, • FOS GALE AT F. H. EATON'S, •I 7 31.15t7a. Ellirockt. 1867. -NEW SPRING GOODS. RACRIIII & CARLISLE, 4 .r0. 19 .Fiftis Street, Livia JUST ork , r. xi Upl 1:I/D Azaorr , JET. AXBER Aso CRYSTAL • Dress Trimmings and Buttons, IeRIDDI WORE AND IDEAL LAINCS; 151 ZARejlari RIIIROIS I aR shades! NittlirOlSlßßlFtigatilSill Rtilimau AND GIDDIAN 11D. It, pu slam THE."STAR" SHIRT, On 412 d and made to order laitible „Empress Trail Skirt, Itew Otipe tbr amis, ism pianCfr liew &ea Elkins for 1 Whaleboue Corsets, I.,tiyxol Fenn% eoravisis assatattrainf PAPER COLLARS AND CUFFS. CITT AWDOOI7IPrItYMEBOILNerIII find ..lgda act fo l r le =Ars. U l f& W . wet0...0 as low gm may .ICsiteraJobb24 Bowl. a cilium.% 4,e na . . 1.13 WIZtZi Eltreet. `NEW GOODS I NEW GOODS I JOSEPH: HORNE'S & 00'S. fleeing made second *dation to our otrosdy large stock of • .SPRING Gl-.OODS, tee are pretiared to ruler /a Onatteelds. bct.b,ft Drlu aral assortment, la - . . . EmbrolderteLArakereilifc. it , vel. r ro• 'Buhl/4c , tonv i latt Velvatlrlebo re" ns. Valpttre awl Olaagy Lace, /teal Tures4 and Potato Lsos:, .Buttant, alt atilea ant colors, • Ilea 41 .1 % , • • ./I.lcsAadre.ll4 (Homy •-••....Luvillble Empress Trail , 'N In Magi* led A.lartowortmast of Neck 'llt4 &aft _ alt s ilows l tegpta tu i lers.l3blit . yrozia;eo. Vag ' wrlmmlnillltlbmtst . Boxintt Ribbons. .rllarg and-7a.a,7. an widtka. . ODE WHOLESALE 'ROOKS, op • iths, will be found conalleto lo Deputommts. Deal t n "AO Sod it to SAW athAntv go to give u • tall. Meta to low no Yuma Jobbers. • 77 and 79 Market Street. f&Zza9o _ NEW GOODS! NEW novsr New House!. New Goods! . . Wlll, MILLER, (Vonaerly of 2/LION, IfIefLUATA 00., late: •of V U. ZATOX.2,) WILL OPEN • . About .the . fitst of April, . NO., 64 NM= ST. Wl2lll AX EMT= XXX OTOCIX OF TriißmlogN Lace 6 , 04 4 ,• • • • Embioldprles,.ENlKos, Glovekßoslery,.. A 24 W GOODS asalny kept In s PIEST, CLASS TBISIMING . =2l Notion "Honse I=LIEPX'OI=LI I For the Bistori Season. BED - GLOVES, all colons; NECK TIES; FANCY BOWS; BLSTOSI:BOWS, etc., • . 11 Nrr. n3SCEIVZD V. H. EATON'S, 17 Yifila Street, , . 111,01ANLMIXO & 470, w :yams 004 INUOLYISAL34 DEUX= IN FOROOKANDI3OIIIESTIC DRY 4200011. visroat'aiiis.: • Taut nom Main • K"l3"3"ra"-'' DRY.GOODS, nUM3MTGI3, NEW GOODS! A. LARGE STOOK OF NEW. GOODS ' OPENED TO-DAY, WM. SEMPLE'S, VZW TOILE. 180 and.lB2 Federal St, 4LLEGMENr. oirr. =AI 11867. SPRING. 1867.• ABNIITHNOT,. - • SHANNON • es COMPANY, - 111POETERO AND 401111EILS or Dry'Goods and Notions, Oche their /up IN alteactlyo docA Of NEW GOODS AT EASTERN PRICES, - • FOB CASH. • . DEEM 430011% Nam BOOM DELAI‘BOL_PHINTeLGIOGHAS, CABBINEELEL • .47HEMES TICIDA CLOTH COITTONAL.Es, VS/km, BLEACHED . • AND BROWN OHIETINGO AND SHLETLEuB,BHAwLB.eIEIIotIL • ELOILMET.,.OLOVIEL to., He. ' Bccoro are Invited to call awl excallw our foods and Drlces, at • No. 115 Wood Street. • AIIIIII7THNOT, SHANNON . & CO. C. IUOTBOT. • • W.T. arcAENON. won! J.O. 78 AND 80 SILIRRET sT4Err, • . . Pally r 3 rrivals. • . to oar stoekior • • • NEW SPRING. •• GOODS, ' RIME GoomiCl ii • affastAnoincti LACES,• -11ANDILER assu ADD BOTN S INN • TRINUILIDDI AND • • NEM =moats. . anew 710th sad duls. Rest qualify of SATIN RIBBON, all 'Saba _ORTSTAL. SILL= alai BNB= TSUI MINOR, FRINGES and BUTTONS TIN tans /Uszsadrs.BlD OLOTIM;BONECBT and OLOVILS ere/y description. 411 B •lt li M'X'°l l, l l,l 3 a in " ""1"11" uuk.irs .12.1 HODP lalklrli,s4 makes. • MMus at 01018` YU axon/NG kilkalft. llountry , Dealers will and In our ta HOLZ BALE DtP•DT.IdiNT, a Dal asaarlassia at MACRUM, CLYDE _& CO., . . • 78 and 80 Market Skeet, • 27rwrit STREET. . NORWEGIANS, ZEPHYR MOLT AMA LISTre ENBILOIDIOSIEn„_GosissnumED IIt,II,OKISHOIitrS, EASLCE NASB,RICBOhn., LDINN BILES, CORN= HOOP MILIRI74 AV., AT No. WS VIETH BURLY. 7 FIFTH-STREET. BIIEPE N KOZ D TM 1/ } = 3lttTr s . I.IIIAWEIS WHITE "Hume LINEN AND P voL v uta filitevr. 23 IntsziO4.n. ac., ai 3100 BE 717TH errazrr. prime. film AD COME MOM! or BOYS' CLOTHING, FOr the Spring Season, AT TAUT MODERATE POMMEL He. 47 XL axle Street. HALL iomn COL tED ID cr. tun 811. NEW SPRING GOODS, JUST OPENED, 00211711ESINGI All the Novelties of the BeaPionf BattkuLtaalThp<ll24 TIM-Class Merchant Tailoring Establishinent. W.. IIESPENEDE; Dierchan - t ' Tailor, No. 50 ST. CLUB. SERI:ET. JrzwEesnra wombat. opined: All las and saw Huts patterns got op to Ms Wen LAS era WWI 1=1,4.Za pAiio ii1,)a4.1 A 3{;fil BOOTS AND SHOES AT AUCTION. There will be sold he the neaten Hone% IX Federal Wed, Alleghear. Os TUClfial6 dpril 16th, . Comma melee as o'clock and continent all day, trak.2lll2lll ° .tra jo li rp.d r° ' " A___ E ilx " L l M anent anywhere. Vllll%. 10/ V,/ she pardr a t T eanin e w i wilt end tOla an anneedini., ' ante . Auctioneer. • TIELTING BELTING !—Leath4 or sad O Belting: also; GM racksnie, Ito.. (Mattis, dc., of the Den oplatty- IMO .6 Tedoeol 7110.. The but quality of Lulus oh veopo.oo 0.14 at-tn. Lutlf, Rabbet Depot, Na .ad ill It. Vali street. m 01.4 J. & 11. racura. ElicgitOurgit tau*, MONDAY, APRIL 15, 1867 The Widows• Home, About a year ago, the ladies of the Allis. 'thou Relief Association inaugurated measures to procure a lot and buildings suitable for a Widows' Home. An appeal was made to the public, and en act of inner. penal= obtalned - from the Legielattlre. A °manatee of the followingpOrecms was appointed to make nee ..nary arrangements, to collect hilids, and to Porthole PreTalrfin F . F -. not,Elq.. ' Mn: Oen. Robinson, din. Marshall, Esq., Mrs. F. It. Brunet, J., park, Jr., Esq., Mni, Dr. Trevor. Ales. Elm ick, ESQ., Mrs. R. D. Thou:mom, Allen Kramer, Esq., Mrs. J. F. McLaren. During the slimmer the committe par chasegthe old Orphans' Asylum, which was about to be vacated, for the sum Of $16,003, which sum has been subscribed. The property la held by -the Allegheny Wldowe' Lome Association, which is com posed of the Itellefßociety, and the Inman-. Mon is managed by an executive committee MMus ladles, of whom not more than one. third are to be members of the same re ligtous denomination. . The Wan is to Provide a home Mai:lmre. y nomilml rent, which shell be enough te limy contingent expenses, for Stith poor per. sons, Of the Protestam faith en arevmable to pay an ordinary rent, giving the prefer ence to widows with young children. To those nerousl contribu. Lod to this who charay, have th g e e commi ttee would report that the - Home Is occupied by a large number of grateful Inmates, Rome are very old. i Their dark of labor are' over. They pray and wait for a better Home. But the large proportion are widows, some the , widows of soldiers, struggling to feed and clothe their little ones One, who has three children of her own, has a school of eighteen, for each of whom the receives a dollar a month. Ohe teaches the children living in the Home gratuitous ly, and has her school room free of rent. A number are obliged to be out all slay at work, and id this way their children are protected and taught. There Is also a Zulu day school and prayer meeting in the build. lug, and it Is hoped that religious influen me are thrown around the children here' which will save them from the contamina- ting In/stances to which, from their parer. 17 Th I nirn i te h t t le c il h ir er i= l e tt i ri : d ie , the' subscription book win only opened to eat. sons of Allegheny. in Pubilthinf the lob — . scribers' names, the Executive Lemmata° offer as apology-their desire to show how generously this call has been responded to, and, by the strictness of the list, Slow large the number of • citizens of Allegheny to whom we now appeal for contributions to erect additional buildings, which are much needed on the lot; Where, thenlll abundance of room for the purpose. We hope this work will commend Itself to the sympathies and benefactions of those who have abundant means, and that thou sands will yet be raised to complete and beautify a place which gives independent and separate homes to semen,. families of OW'S poor, His widows and orphans„whom he hes promised to bless. Every one who casts into this treaSuryOf the ,Lord is • co. worker with Him, and.verliy will receive Ids reward. ■ . . . . List of subscriptions duly made Jar the Widows. Home Mr. Eagan , proceeds of exhibition...4l4o 78 Mayor hfoCiartbh one part of license Charged for the 15 00 Yrs ite Society. John Scott, of East Liberty, from /l 80 90 , osarrizamvs titaIICISIPTION. Mr. Jas. Park...sl,ooo.Geo. S. Head 1M P. IL. Brunet.... 1,01:0Jon , a Gallagher— 100 Jas. Marshall-- I,oooLlos. Myers 100 Primick & C 0.... I,ooolBan P. &skewsll.. PM Gen. Robinson.— 1,003 A. R. Garrey ' 150 J. Paterson • and H. Alchedlly. ... ... . 100 wife. GOO Andrew Ackley... 100 R.H. Palmer I ... . 100 Jas. W. Carr...—. 00 answer, Borke.t W. A. Caldwell-- 60 CO • 500 , James ElcCund. Walter Bryant.. toe • less . . ... 50 c.o. nussay aoolD.B.R.: . otiiiin;... 00 David Richey-- mcrJas. Caldwell 50 D.M. ld'eancUess 2.*.las. O'Connor 23 Wm. Wade.. ... mo'Banmel A. Purr!. J. L. Swartz i 300 snots 50 JaeobPainter.... McGeorge Bingham. 23 James ('Hari .... 2301Whlston a Aiken. 0 John Dean—......; =James Patton:"... 20 Caldwell & Bro.. iriCD. DeHaven..r.... 23 C. Arbuthnot-- 230 1 Jorama Rhodes... 00 JamertH. Wright swarth= Kirk 10 James 01. Cooper oi.lienry.ithibee..... 10 Joe_ephtdelinight 220• 2111 ton Caughey.— 10 A. AL Marshall... MOiThos.slo.M6theow . 5 Thompson Bell.. wo, Thos. cordon I W. s. H. Walker. am hteCludoelcaßoar 5 Robt.DAMehrane 1210 D. H. Whlte.—..... 5 it. T. Kermody— Dm Wm. Prance 5 O. D. Henn - - 100 Samuel Oyer " • 5 C. C. Moyle 10) 1 11. all . 5 Cash. 1001 James L. Graham. 00 J. W . Cash..... 100 • ! , Mutraa.avnao armoire. ! ! Mrs. Sarah Has. . 'Lingle P. Albree. 100 Ws estate, by ;Mrs. Phillips. 50 James Hanna, • IllireW3leinintdek 61,500 airs. BPrague....." 10 Ills, Jane Taney 500;Alrs.151.Phinerten 5 Airs. Breading.... 500,!Mrs. Barbi:no.— 5 lesbella Herron- G.LeDrsine. • 6 Z. C. Cochrane.. nib/nib. Easton.... 6 CU= Panda 5:5 I. That the flesh of the bog frequently oon tains a parasitical insect is now pretty thoroughly settled. That this parasite is capable of being transferred to the tissues of the human frame, produsing • tearful disease termed trichinosis, has heen_proven beyond a dere are scam of - peop e in every do mmunity who have given up tle rise of pork entirely since this astheathing discovery, and scores or others who est the flesh of swine with considerable latent fear. The imam to be drawn from the manycases of trichinosis which have occurred In dlr. resent parts of the country. may be summed p the four words which heal this Item. rap in While-authorities differ in many other things with regard to this new Andes's. dia. ease, all agree that If ham and pork are lhorovgAly cooked, there no danger in eating either. Sometimes the disease has been communicated by eating imperfectly cured "dried beef," but here, welt danger disappears when the beer 11 tholted. These, and other facts of especial interest to the medical profession, are admirably at forth In a, communication to the 'New York Italica ILeoord, by Dr. Itistlne of Mar a, who has treated quite a num. ber cases of trichnords. Dr.Distine soms up the matter as follows: 1. That symptoms' indicating tluipresentee, of young Diehl= m the tissues are °hwy . ." ed as early or earlier than the fourth day after the theatre= of the [ trichinous meat, 2. That eysts are formed as early its: the twenty-fifth Wry.. S. That, other tank' being equal, these. verity of the symptoms is in direct propos, lion to the amount of triathlons meat 4. That an- active eathartto gtven while the vortex are still ln the Intestinal Canal Is effective to a certain degree 1n catring theirexpulsion and Mitigating the severity of the disease. 5. That youth' affords no immunity hum the effects of the :Meese. [ s 6. rat . T iteltrlify t 7. khat !twang& cooki eem ng kt coxamplichsc [Vert. [infidels—As E...nneigster eets'ilred of Lill% and Soothes Lle Troubles .. . . The rage for suicide mans to be on the increSee in out city, while homicide ere gettleif Very seems. Already this year a number of the former have occurred, while Only threeor four or the letter have talc= plazieJ_Tarlardey morning. another "tato de se. wsa added to the list. • - rot anue time past GeorgeJ. Killer, who was pretty well kriown throughout the city, end who had been very successful In the huckster badness. ham been loans in bulb noes and had given up •to drinMeli ver7 bard. Hie wife end him had several difflau• tie. In regard to his Intemperate hataa and she had threatened to Wive him. This ectallzam his mind, and be had several times when drunk Uuraterad to destroy . Yesterday morning, at atatallottlock. be went into Bart's gropers... which Is on the corner of Marshall and Campbell streets, and asked Mrs. Bert about a grocery_ bill which - he owed her husband, and ROM] he said he wanted to Pay. While he was con. .vesting with her she noticed him eating a white powder out of a paper that be held In Ins hand. Shortly afterwards he was taken sick and vomited. He then went from Bart's over to P.Deliz. Man's. store, Watch .1s on the opposite oor• nor, and atter runtairdnft in the Ulm a few minutes went back to the stable. Shortly afterward Mil. Veltman beard somebody groaning very loudly in the stable, but she paid no attention to it. • At about 2-o'clock • negro girl went out to the stable and there discovered Miller dead. , • Coroner Moors was sent for and held azi , , inquest, the jury returning arerdiet of std. Ode. ' Deceased was about =Cy years of age, and was humpahouldered and slightly lame Of one leg, Be leaves a wife and one chilli.— Louludle °meter. , • *exleis Story. An extraordinary story comet from Maxi.. co thistly° to flour. -/t appears that an old miller in that locality had a Very beautiful young wife, of wheat - he Was jealous In the extra ma, anII toOk out his soutagement of that feeling In thwacking the young being. There was a certain cook, of the male op°. cum young, handsome and fat , winernine to the mill from the hotel tO boy floor, and hearing the distress of the lovely ono alit. and seeing her second. became of course, dreadfully ln love. soma one told the mil ler. Au th• town began to talk Of the eeet l and to laugh et the floury one. One the cook and the lovely one Wan end merrily laughed the Ifearana. =Abet misfortune-nothing woos dews but the scandal of the elopement of the miller., wife and the cook. The miller scowled vengefally•upon all the town, and no time mused bythotaing more was heard of the cook and the miller', wile by any Olio. ',life/Wars after th e miller was pleas. ad to die, and to Inform the world In apeli. Per, which was left to be opened after Lis death. and to be published in the town, that the cook and his (the millers) wile /MA bY planning, eloped into an that beyearasinow end. been baked; sad that he woman bavOgot rid of them clientele but for the jeering of the public; therefore be had ground them .up In a large mass of corn, which` the townspeople were pleased to compliment him for, as bring expending. tr u geh th and ;:eatir j nes, t r e ed he only hopes much as he did the ol remerinder of rem i nisc ence that he was, spared, whenever he looked upon a townsman. .43,20 of the trout walls of the Lindell Hoene, St. Louis, is still standing, and the marble of willsit It Is built Is womb etnigOot but as It 'ts ye* , high and liable to fan at any time, the contractors for the new hotel' cm -magi:midair bow Weave the matorlids, as theishopirs will not risk their lives on would break It down •by means of tapes and dance,' the marble. lIIIYOZTII BY 1111.20,110. Yrrrsenria - 'acme Wares a Cie - mum IL AprulL-4:0 Rola Boor, owner; 1Z do tams,lsCto apple& 1 geg butter, L Vor Co; 1 do dos Atwell, Lee 4 ace 5 bids app ea, .t4, e i r tins d g l u os t n. l lo j bli t st i Atlii r r?e i re ` cfif, Bro; tear hay, iSchnialback a ;Schott; 1 car iron, Park, 81 . 0 a co; 1 do riogrrf , Y . 1111;111 ° Egli= tuT4 118 00 I. llBr . J 8 Newroyer co; 2 cars staves, Baba _ Robertson; lido do, Kende co; 4 Cala ate pies, 1 caddy tobaceo, Little, Baird a Pat ton; pkgs butter, 11 Benin; 4 Olds apples, 1 do ear* Sturgeon a Bra; .0 pkgs raga No. Cullottgh, Smith * co; 2 kids eggs, 2do but ter, Kirkpatrick it 'Herron; OW bbl. Apar, ehomaker d Lan g; 203 do do, 5 Lindsay I ra co; 4 blids tdbaeco, Y Hey!. Ptrreltl9ll9 . rokw Wszig a CgloAtiO IL 8., April 13.-150 bilis Whisky,: 21 Flueli 80 do& brooms, Head & Metagsr; bbls ter, 91 do apples, L H Wolgt & cop pkgs but. ter,Kell & Rittbarti 0 bus soap, 1. Whitest T tubs butter, Drat[ & Belte_ri Das rye, Knox & McKee; bbls seed, Auktistrick A Bra; 4 aka do 16 do rye,ll Rea ir; 1 car staves /Has & Bobertsonitlbblsapples,Nowoomer Goa & col bdls spokes, Hare a Bre; 11bbla pearl ash, J /1 Lippincott; cars metal, Bryan & (Hughey; les bundles paper, God frey Clark; Scars metal, Nimick 6 co; 55 .barrels highwines, &Lipton & Wallace;? bra sosp, Felix A Bon; 100 bids flour, Bhomaker a Lang,• KO do Jl3 Mew:tors 1 car corn, Kell a Bitehart; 1 ear barley, I) Wallace; lie 001 s flour, JB Doe; 100 do do, Beghmyer & Voskamp; 100 do do, J B Dilworth a co; 3 bbls butter, owner, CiarIZZAND PII7BBIIIIOII RAILZOLD. April 13.— J ul bbls - flour, 11 pkgs seed, 1000. &McKee' 121 aka potatoes, 4 pkgs butuir, IS lags molasses, L H Vogt & no; 20 bus r.an. dies, Means a Cogan; 23 has cheese. Kirlipit• trick A Herron; /3 pkgs tobacco, Bhomaker A Lang; 175 aka oats, Brleker 6 co; 110 bbls all, J Barbour; 73 pkgs Potatoes, Fetzer & Armstrong; 1 ear oats, J lacH 9l6l o/1 14 ski rags,l kg lard, 1113 C ullongb, bauth & co; 207 bush duo, 7 kegs apple butter, Kennedy & Lothrop; 68 bills el:lairs, Bedford, Clair co; 18 do do, Lemon & Weise; 17 ski pota toes, J Lecky; 1 keg , apple butter, Stalver, graM:ac:4;43oPiAlig=o.d.3 butter, field; 6 Ude eggs, B air & Woods; 3 kgi lard, Pettit Newlin; bbls eggs, Cook, Bro a coil do do, J sleAlpin; 73 aba rags, Wm Mo. . Kum; bbl. apples,liewmyer & co; 4 elks cneese, Joan Daub; 4 skis potatoes, Van. gorder & Shepard; Wile dry allpies,J D 00 bbls stigar,•Arbuckles & Col 2 bbl saw. l amt. tea, P B Griflln. Prmisumnr, COLVMMU, Cnbnixafr B. 8., Aprll 11-1 car corn. 84 ski barley, 50 ‘ li l ter7 e l B i t s r i t i l7 Y e a oia ll , ° B c Vdrl c e ari ge,._ e /Tr ' ar on; 85 aka oats, Sturgeon & Igo; tia de do, G Whitehead; 6 bbl, apples, 1 do eggs, / Pk& seed, 1 do onions, Steel a Bro; 5 pkge Bob, Wilma a Underwood; do do, Prueley, Starers' & co; Ibis apples, J B Meaner; kns butter, 2bbls egg., 11 W Rankle; 2 'halt Stewartter, Graff & Reiter; ears millfeed. & Labgeribelm; m; c ar corn, Brisker & no; 130 half bola 80b,.! B. Dllwortb a eat 100 Ibis flour, C 11 Leech' I cars barley, 13 - Lake. ALLIORZIT VALLIT RAILROAD, April 19.- 3 ears metal, Mallet d to; I, car rye, W Meek; S bole egged D Striae; 9 do eggs, 1 do batter, J S Patterson d Den; 2 bbls ergs, 1 bx butter, L J Blanchard; bbls eggs, 2 bxs batter, J Dell; IS ski ragebratt at Wilson; 20 sks oats. Sturgoond Bre; 32 sirs oats Copeland; 77 do dq W D Pleat; IM blab do, if LI Stewart; 34 bush potetoes, W kleKaln. PITIIINVION ago Com:ism/9mile U. B. Aprll 12-3 pkgs, Walker. Coe a co; 10 eke dried peacbes, /sahib Dickey a tioi 1 htid dry apples, 3 pkgs flab, J Coariori 59 aidla paper, Markle & col 5 big crackers, R. Itabl. sou & co; 4 kge nails, Newcomer, tioe & cce 19 coils raps, Marshall, Faltoa a Bolbrian. Atizegzar grarioa, April 13:31 car staves, lialya a llobertsoni 13 sacks rags. Godfrey & Clark, 9 bides, 3 pkgs tallow, Stuakrath & Aire, I Wats apples, 1 pkg but ter, J Herbert; 11l tildes. Lapps a Weise; 190 bbls goer, Owens a Kennedy; MO do do, Stewart a Langeribeica, 10 bodes glass, / Craig:gado do, Li geed. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS GREAT REDUCTION IN 1 BOOTS AND SHOES AT Tin , Molar Shoe Palace Emporium. im EO3 MIL MIOn, fel in ?If 01. isL ONLY S 2 00. W. Dave 'made •anusnreep. sadimarkeddown ma lama m tDa.tcn At Prices Beyond Competition. mar EXCLITLIO 4314301) Of all the Spring Styles. CALL TO-DAT FOR BARGAINS. 26 and 28 Filth St., Pittsburgh. W. B. CLAPP & CO. A CLEAR A _SnOOTH SKIN and BEAUTIOUL tiOlirLKXlo7i follow the hoe of HU.. nOhlril Cotter.TeX= irriecr Or BAPS arialLlJ. It ismoves black wits, pl epics ant all eruptions of the skit, apl.Pitirs LETTERCOPYINGPRESSES. . Via subscribers manufactare and Seep tonal., st Wbolesals and Stetall, a him assortment 0f Letter Copting,Pretses, oenablutug thsterul deslgue ..Ith the best eeort muushli., They- tour be had. with or wi th out Stands, at tech . Warszooms. or or thsorthclpai B%►Uonare throughout the coulitry. S. HOE & CO., 211 end di Geld dime, New Teak. de-Ilhictrated Lida tact oa application. mid iinateiwe TN TRE SPRING MONTHS, the Blatant naturally medullas chance. and 11111.1111012 , 1 HIGHLY Cannel! , ham. ixTitecT oe hanbaSAISIXLA la en aaalgtant or the vastest wan, an.6:•ern !M!!!!!D IRON CITY, SPICE FIFTH STREET EIMOSIOBT, altar Penney/rants aftnnuf# • prrrszvauu. IPA. FUZE SHOES AND ( MUSTARD Warranted when ant Rains /tt the Artie% 71113311 *mousy cciaarmr.ax. =a NTS ?UMW eoestantly on hand. Mir/ Ki AIM eIitOUND 8018 SCARED ° IMF= eolitlnes the menuteeture of . all the DIFFERENT KINDS OF oricu, Indd, woeful* Wtiolessle and Retell Dealers at the lowest mute& prick .Atmtne to deal Air, we pollen the patrosage um pane, • Clopped Yea. Constantly on,Hand. orzszostraztassoautooz. defehel • VOIDED LADIES, BEWARE of the Latheloos effects of /see Powder' ate Washes All suet rstekedlee close Op the pores Genie skin, the la short time destroy the ewe. plesloe. If you woolel have • heft, r. healthy sad Soatlatal sppearstme, use liscxsor.D'e . riescr AESArehltsa. t==l NEW PERFLIIE FOR 'HIE HINDLERCEUEF rkslm4 ..Night leasing Cereami Blooshm Core rksbne• Ph■toaa ' 4 1 , 110a nt.nus Caaeak rkallfn& “Night lllooming Ormlm4 A most extrahlts. Weak., .e6 l'Mrant Perfume. .fr . go - ram WI . 4“all= fewer 1754 tdehu 74Anufastand only br ,• I.IIALON as lON, New Y.rk' BEWARE OP COUNTERFEITS. :MC FOR PRAWN'S—TA= NO OTHEIS NEW HATS I FOB SPRING, AT VERY LOW PRICE& mccoßD & Pec.. 181 , 0174:24=c1 Introst. .ps NOTICE r to z TRACTO... , • CONTSOLLneini OirrlCZ. Allegheny, Aprll Stit. HICALZD perwunitui will es remained at tats oalreentil SATURDAY. Atoll 131 b, lat 3 o'clock P. . for Urading and Parini tea ollowing streets and allays, via: JACKnON tITHEST, trout ruler* Lane to Tremont street. SAWeI ILL ALLYT la the /earth Ward. • 0 AitinCs ALLEY to the Iroprah W ard. ' lir.ano2l•s ALLEY, to the Talrd optqw93 lidtiCiD. Cur controller. ar.t CARD T 0 • A Clergyman, while residing - -1 5 • r u a minionary. diaeonred • AO to ~emca remedy lbr Um Cara oillttiOna Wen:Z. O lOM Decay. Mme' of the Urinary andr"Lint Onam, and the whole Intact disorders wry baneful and vicious habits. Gnat ben toms bean airtan mat by tbly noble nu edy. Prompted by a desire to Damn the alltst.; e a and unfartunate. I will nod the recipe for PrePartaii and . mina Ms medicine, in* mum antelope. to any obs - itbe nude it, roll off ClUsoll. .PleaSe etteloie Dolt-paid tOsISS/00 addreased to yourself. ltdfri g. BtatlmsD.elal e mTe,' 73tVis' lIMINFUL & BOILER. NIAHERS P AD SHEET IRON WORKERS, ANL 20, 22, 24 im4 20 Penn 24 Rasing neared a Wire MI end forithtied It. ulth tba moat approval machinery, wears jore. pared to manufacture °Tarr description of Both era In the beat antle - . and warranted equal to Ina, made _ln th e couatry. chimney., lined,. Mg, Win Beds. EMIR Pipes. Locomotive Roll ers, Condensers, Salt nuoi. Tanks. MI BM., tators. Battling A. Bn. Iron. of T InArlaite 'erl Repalrine done on the shortest notice. leLcal arLAILE SUPERIOR COPPER MILL & SMELTING WORKS. PITTINSMIGIII.. PARK.. McCURDY & CO., lisonetetarers of Phelan, c, Bruton , =4 Boit 01ver. Pror te d %oda Bottot . BaltodßLUl Mflo cn tnn gal/ . Tin flat*, Bhoo__ . 1.M% ." Vo! fn. Comantly on bona Tlnneto , atoento W ana Tools. Wan:Zoom No. 140 PINOT 1914.1“ and 120 BB.CUND BTRZLT, Plttaborch. npeolal orders or C.OOOO cat to Loy delarte restore. . m7l4nlttntrT IgrnOBINSON, MCA & CO., Mans onto aciazasoi. Murzi a MILLW, WASHINGTON 'WORTS; Founders midi Enehladdes. Pittsburg!. Manufacturers of Boat and Mallow, Mama Xdalnea. Blut Endres. MU )(salaam Om , log. abating. Castings at all daaarlptlaas;oll Tanta and Stills. Balla.. and !Moat lava Wart. Wk. No. ISt corner Tun and thaithaald auk Wird rants for pirrAlOD•d PATINT ON. JEUTOR for Medlar boliana latlusd Or' 'QUINCY J. SCOTT, DENTIST, .ro. 218 PE Er STREET, 1:73:213 L.e.l4iat'n'.!7 l V 4 i ,, ivvl FOR actor.cum ;cum, ; rryNe. 14 assillfilineel, X Yens. Pull thformatloa,vrlttlthe 1140•61 tastiomfatti aro. • Book on //petal Dimas,. In • *sated el•- •/ . ..4 !Denim. lir.B• e lot toeret Y: rr and ondfor thaw pahl=ara rot .. irltbo teial at Terene.no ettang•r eno le totted. raclo•• anmum 1 ,. .r puts... and treat to DR„ LAW. on No. 14 /road street, Slow Tort.. mmT. ar'THE GRAYEST MALADIES 07 7017TH AND LABLIEBT . 11tI/LN. HOOD.—HOWAND ABOOCIATION MATH, on AD rtayeology a:the Yntotona, and rs. Abase, and IHmases occulter to the d rat nee of on new method. of treatment Inalltation. Bent LA Haled letter envelope., free of ceetp. •tigrati Dr. 11.• MULLIN HOUGHTON, Howard Amoolatton, Ya. tradtdwT. 01/.1a:4:W.141111.,;p:1:4:azi BANKING HOUSE OF SAT COOKE & CO., No. 20 WaH St, coax an or NamAveTZSZT, NSW YORK, • We bey wad aell at the most liberal ca tree prices, wad keep oa mead a nat *apply Government Bonds of all Issues, SEVEN-THIRTIES,' Compound Interest Notes, ♦nd ex evna maxi An Pardlase and use atl STOCKS, BONDS AHD GOLD. • We have *Mee to ear °Woe large lame alsr the exomrecalatlon of the petal. dernmi ler b.- vestment I➢ •nd imamate. of Government le. carat., ad tea convenience of o➢[ Move a➢Q (told customers. - . . . M. /M CONIMRTD INTO n Ur yt-T USS at fiCIV‘ENIIISIi E T LIT= wltak fun DattiCalus, faralsbed oa appflestlot t=l P./1 41ni.9:4,r;-,,i HART, CAUGHEY & CO., Bankers and Brokers, CORNER THIRD AND WOOD STREETS, PUTIIIIIINALii: 031:100E88M TO ELM, ILLIIT4 C 0.,) DIALINS Exchange, Coin, Coupons. As 4 atten4cm.rlls a Uka PIN CM Ii U 11:3 GOVERNMENT BONDS. Amour MUTTS ON LONDON. falmilo N. HOMES- it SONS, SA rz 0 N 0.57 Market Street, Demon/ meteed to Par Tundirand Currency: Collection. made on a/1 tbe prinelpat pedalo el the Untied IS wee and Canada& Stocks, Bonds and Other Securities BOUGHS AID SOLD ON 00XXIB8101. saleParticoine attentive pad toilet parnltus of U. S. Securities, Isehiding U. a. Excel 01 16111; Ca do. U.O. mins. Orders sad Voneberstotagbt or collected. jo10:11 • EOPLEM SAVINGS BANK, . OF PITTSBURGH, ATCORPOR AVID Aso& Capital, - $lOO,OOO. • OFP/OS NO. 77 FOURTH 81SEET, - Presides'. - MIMI' LLOYD. WIC. Yresideas, WLLLUJIII NSA. • THIHOTHIII RIMY 1.7.0 Tn. I . WILLLAte Itett,. • JAesa 1. Hannan . . Jame LITTINCOTT. Janes. Hon. TKOs. Matiox, W. H. WANLY. JOHN D. ettrt.t.r.. WH.LtatktlinON. Bantu' ui 'haws, RUM L TON MOM Piz per tent. latex.' allowed online dep.:one. levet Imelda =dela HoTaTinnent end Mantra. tate Beau: 11m Bank open dolly, tueept Bandaisaletnn nine o'clock. A. N., to roar o . eirt, N.. end an We ni , rda • Y *, "1"5, humeri w DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK, No. U Fourth Street, CHARTERED IN 1855. Open dalty fuss It o 2 coalcik, au on Wenn day mid hatnelay adass, gram May In too- N umber Ist, tram Y to a we sad from No. umber la to May lot. from sto Weimar. Deposits received of all men of not Us than: Oft Dollar, sod a &Mud or the prat, Ma dam% twice a year, In Jean and Macomber.la.. Ursa. has been declared soniPerinnally to Jane and December mos the Bank was outland, at Os ran of las par cont. a mi. interest. it not drawn ant, Is Vaud to fim emus of the dayeeltoraa prinCipa4 and bun the Illtal tonna. team tha trn days or Jan and Deramber compentaing twin a year without troubling the depositor tO WI. or soon to las pus boos. At this rata loaner 01.0 4.9.7=1 lett I k .hr twelve r .,.. m. " Jr 0.5 =41 , :b .,.. 6 , , 1i gi 1 4t u1es pucotlpA at the taloa. Pamizzse-01.0862 ALLISKIL. '. TWO niaromerrm Jahn O. inekona, A. Y. Pollock, M.D.. Baal. L. ntmestack,, debut Hebb, Jame. Madman, John H. libouterper. Jame. MeAnlg. James bhhila. Li Jame. B. . mds, • Alimaadat Spahr. Iwo*. PcmcmiL, abilLUan Tema. , . • virtrpse. _ 441;i1,1±:i17 n. . Pill Y: Kelly, John O. ntler. Pater Aa•Madatra„ Occur, Black. Jeltjhrsl .. 111, lial Bute n, Aioltma. conlisti • AU j!Ke.prA ll i. tlharles A. Colton. Jahn , rett s, • Vau.l...li=g,‘ John J. ir.Prt _ Wirral 11 ' d14 Pew H. Maker, • Wm. P. LLlthard UM. Imm Widt=. 4 . . . =WI-IAS. B. . Itirlifr!il.tx&Tir 810 FR ?.II, Ty11t5.72.5 21 7 4 plead.lortallooT NIL la • new ba(l`64n. laga plead.% and hannintile. AND SO CONSILITTIOnI. UNA and encraello Aganta (Ladle., and tlentaf• araatod rapreneat IN la mai elly and, Cent?. S Lit CRASCI rto Oak* tollea. ad rialtalawr dxraongart Is offend to w e rramt MTII 07toanly to agate. droar'=.,"Z., td.A. JACAVdaI gl., 11 Bolt street, - laa23:ltd • NANNiaddlIM FOB. SALE. JOAN CROFT & CO, kT.A.L . WfrATE AGCNTII. 139-Taarth ■trset. have fbr sea • 'AMU. ..Ihl Stew well Improved. three miles f 'Vlittro. la Beaver county, Pa. corn theipa!Adlasvelg mo tgayette townabl p,Alle erea%tsr. us 11..sprovad. In Lawrence Co.. n,g4w=7.1,7“ . a1f, R=l.le. and three boars I Y 4 rU/ A d ' 4 l .et id ... T .,... ' ttre "" "' Improved ataseaold county. 2.. .151463.7. Mblo, l. and IQVS,, • .I.lnoved WAS 7P1:110-1111 11/3 Aeon la Mir k • - for city DroDeetr. Uwe- 'Weald trade linens two mllea oat- tie. Would make• fin . market a‘,,,,CrfFellle SW, Mats.' • . Imareet _ iftlensts. Brlelt,Daelling, MI . ..pd. me An t e ar b t ly lot . ld be ISlthets en Uorth'i r if. u . i t. .pp r j.t , Brick ouse, ten [doom, On Cheat, Allegheny. • Brick Roue, aLv. rebate, on Bale,„ Allegheny.. /tame Mouse. SIX rooms. on Yoantala .tree In Reserve towarldp.. Brick house, 1.2 ro om . t, land large led In Preeport. Brick house, cr a b( room, and largo lot In Wllklnsburg. tram, house. new, flit room!, with three.nlz or nine Pof ground. 0. Idgewood atatlon, on the P. R. 8., sereu =lles out. Frame house, new , three rooms, and one acre of ground. at tee last named station. Poor tenant houses, of two room. teen, and one trams boon of four rooms and one acre of ground m Bulltown, near the coal Woes. Tea 1-acre lots at Zdgewood Station, P. IL E. lota,Zl by 19 feet, lo Wllklustatip on the P. B. 11..• two. handr•d yards from the station. Flee Jots In Cessna %llamado, up Belcher.. Itus..aesr 'hat. sate.—Twolou, M by Unreel. In laraddoekls Field. three aquaregfrom station. at a bargain. One lot In Tem perancortlle, to ry ISt test, tunable for n asal oll.ltd. yard. W •-• • . One on Ifeneasahela Aver, In Pool No. L One In Center township, tinerrisey County. Ohio, on Central Ohio YL; man be .old trittiln thirty days. The wort. tre val.ble, and would be told eheao.‘• • • }or further Information apply to the above went... snipe: EjOlt SALE.-4arm 01147 acres, adjoinin g ti Masted In P raperi en nlle Tp. Motion, on Pe.en'a. atinorriland Co., Pa., ea which the:. Is et rood Two Story Mose Rouse, with litx Booms. a e. end other Insildlage,• OrMilrOCllrrtUr..l4l,s [cult trees_L It Ls nuaerlayed with coal. Th ere Is • ball Well mit In good order, produclag I ibis. Per day. Th is property le aimed very cheep Lod Rood terms.. • Also, a Yam of DI ecru, sitnettni In One isinttlrb=looltdrigtt,ozetaa, more Ptatton. no impromonents art a Two Story a n lionse. with Font Houma a double Porch and old LOg Barn, Sidles /louse. Ab+ut lin three cleared:Um residue In limber, then es whine oat. linnet and chestnut. This farm wl/1 bowie very low, the owner within/ to go watt. Pommel= immediately. - Also, An excellent gam of 1103 ecru, of which in acre. are ender cultivation. situate In ChM,- tiaa county, ca n/. • in new frame doodling cantabiles - a rooms: about ao I choice limit trees, good fencing. /t Lies 1 within imiles of this I.ldnois Centre' B. It, will ! be soul oa mammals testes. City propetty Lake. Cavort exchange If deelred. Also, la lots Illabotbota kintaithe of Ohlest% thch lot 20 511 M, In Nedsleng sub.divisionof lota. Them lots lie one mile North of the Duo- Ilea of et. Louis aad Alton and Ifichigan South ern H. Ps., and an on the =sof the Elttebtuen. Port Wayne and Chicago B. lt. just a OM. South of the Court Boom. near the new Cattle Unmade, gad will be sold Ibr MO each. • Alma • Farm or aill three la Penn township, Wastmorehted couely, =scree clewed end un der cultivation. M acres of firm-rate phlta oat had othertimber, .1 dwelling boners. I of them 2 stories, the rp. 1 litO IWO • tenata bonne, -with • am-ra Oths se OltAato toenail' In good running order; young Onlatlooo Or grafted frolL The land to ; . e . v b e . rZso tillable i LlAttre, to:O within. Vise bandied - rods of the Pron. t L itattl i a n stl; 21 l anes ni t o a t l t sburgh, nd th t r ra a a r t a eomm-elbetwseher f m P -Ths nom a s la tes. t• n tear acr e nd d r a 4 wit a h thal r Th o e Also„ ito Parnt of 110 acres; alteLthd IS Wed W beatlel4 township. Indiana county. Yenn•a, thous milee Dom =lire Suitt., on the Penna. Llroad. The Improvemth la are. a good two nor, Prick Limns writhe looms a No. I Mats Beak Ban, and all otter ememary out Maid. the. The a= is good. Lad the prim Vert Sao . = cap ternaS. lorfarthat varucatus. onstre of • 0. iIe_TOINJCIL Steal istata".l4eale /Se /09/11k sweat. 1610 IMPROVED PROPERTY • zoom. BeLzazi. saute/ In LairiuseeeiTto. Land liptionlield. as nosing in prioni Awn join to IM MO. Will be meld on reaminable taro. U .polled for aim. Imbrue this opoormoity.. for hrthar rolOrmotioo. apply so flu Ifosilfo- Ws sad Lararimeo ELTLI. ori ' ' Butler stria, Lawrouoarlll.. FOR 8.11. E. COUNTRY RESIDENCE._ Want sena getthil troll the city. on the Perry. Title ydast awe, containing two padoes, wade ball. Mang roesa3.l.llele a and eye bedrooms, with horse le front. The land embraces nitr ite. acres. Than •stable. *each bone, cow stable. tin Urge deters. welt at Water. i.e.; Sue bearing orchard end • genet, taled with gooseberry see cheeses bashes. gran . tees. AceL•a. Cas betted st good banebe Sir Dentiner. by 011111 0 10 Enters and Bay Ediste lannU, and Nol U Smithfield street PLEECIEDALE courrar SEAT one WiTUB SILL; Wasted In Cbartiere lt mile from Ingrant's illation, on the dwubenrllle KALI/mad; OS miles from the GUY. Contains 14 wow. watered nder neat fences and In meadow. Well wa by a never-falling spring. Will divide Lee plot tato two parts, a desired. Ti. property le mom dealrabla dad to offered at on•-rsb thepries the same tine of property le wellies for t ie mute distance from ." it.eleal; t co.. n. VOR SALE OR RENT, CHEAP— s- • ...mat Csuperniter's Station, on Ws Can• tral nalleosd., contalaing 19 Wu; ltnprove amts. two Gonave anew tables, good orchard: all 3n pasture sad good for euttleatton„ Also, orchard, other gams. tn good lisealittes and welt Im proved. which I will sell clasp and ow reasona ble terms. • leo. s cumber of good handing lots in the city and sealants. )or toolbox vertical/es inquire of • W at 110 Grant stmt. aptcsiel opnwalte the Cathedral. FOR fL/1 . 1.2E.—A - JR BALE.—Anlssaiearst lease - ea • ;At EWE., on Enter aural, Platt ut, Ittloy 120 fest, est sratett Is erected • Emma devall*: `offatlng ter Ika per th. Alp . • Brick et s. which will ren ; forllE4 ma le- W.l ele k t • r Ms, " SI % e ra pur o .l.lZni b lo terms. 15., spay at, saa atm Estate fled Mee err • e. HAT/63. fa= Butler !Street. LAWTeineylllo. JOHN D. BAILEY, Stook and Baal Estate Bproker. JOHN D. BAILEY. ITOCIEUIREAUESTATEIROKER - /memo-rm. Bethke taloa eat teO ttlts e as AneUeneet, put effected ea thireeththat with the Pittslmrgh Bthre ot,Tradle, worth, the the of their rooms, rce i t u he Tryhttehal Beak, ass now toro th al et the Aeattoe. Stocks. Ethel.. as,Zeteth. ie.• either at the than mow or oh the mother 'ala of Boot i saraate ss a . 4744ll. ea tete . Vetere to the Wee *Meal haste to the country attended. • Be, lull Yeerth threat. , nett 1)1 , 1 1 ).;*:)/:Itiel-1:1444141;tel P. L. A2ROOD-11/121110a ATWOOD & 11111TR111, BRASS FOODERS, ertAlti, 'Aso . du: :ITrTzivi, Cor. of Erd and Liberty Streets, Above Carroll L PayderaMttairemh. Penna. Ulft4l. awl Heavy Castings rorniaaft precool., Special attention paid to the idling oat and WC r dle ) !k t.a4Wida ' • 8° Uthi Agents for A. &Cameron di Co.'s STEAM PUMP IS BLoiakEs, Tillllo Palm have Inperlar advent:wee oferall ethers, and every one to warranted to glee Inne r...lon. Pump. conetaativ on hand. tellanue WN. I. JOILNIIIOX HELMER! & J 011010014) 1. 0 11.11.10T14:7A.T.a Pltimbore, Elai an& Steam Fitters, Y7T sfarrr .N.XTT/111111krurigh. Zpik. All order. bcrall exemisa .tlsfsPorny mid Pritirtrotßati Tato, Pa=ph Wale Casts, • slaty Chum r fra uh m, and Gas aluittea for dap at am re asonable Pleat. i r"rIV , AO.NMUT D,OnlbY small prompt- Own Haeor 11115170esarlittlam. BAILIFF BROWN & CO Arco. ao Wecierea Ong ALLEGHEX7r CITY; P 4. PLUMMER% GAS MID STEAM PIPZ IttITA ON, keep .lw•n on band a Lo a nsentasset at ormuutssi UM. LIAR. LEADPIIPX, BATH 71185. WABIS 13A. STNS. ISM AND HILLIS ODOM!, Ann all mete. cltia t luting op sedate or private bundlngi nntt UAL . WATillee MAIL -- fatsrN y~ :: ~ l r,• yc : . EXCELSIOR TOBACCO WORKS, __ - R. &WI JENKINSON. xanstuturas, wholesale sad mall &also la all masa. Tonsoco elm szawi. 2To. 8 ritizau. ISTIIIFET, Sklld door tram Baspaadaa Beat% amass Stara Dales. alakelli `JOHN MEGRAW, Usaufactarar viand kirimiesalpad Dealer in all *Ands Tabaccci, Snuff , and Cigars, asa..suaTxx . • metal ii.ortiatat Mackin" Tosscco. Tokasca =maim alma an Jmil. Whoa ItiE . NORTH AMERICA LIFE INSIIIILNCE COM, Of New York, LS TEM Only Company In the World Offering security rem . .. Real by the direct super manna and =MPG ails Runde of the General or Sista Government In addition to the security heretohne peered. we call particular mtention to the following I By • recent rut of the Imartslattue of =ate of new York the Company Is man to make Spe Gel Deposita with the Superintendent of the Insamnace Department, and receive then. for Begleteted Pollan. bearing , the neat of the Department and a Opelificale tnet the eolley is securer' 7 or estate sures under a Spe• g l ee °Atte BUIMI RONA I trreinNa Cl ut AP d lg i erelnalvery. This makesevery Ronal Bent ' lore. or e a re ti to tt i e l lT titan: 11%. .04t) RISSTRICTIONs lit o. rtsv I. Residence or li?..A 4 Rurr . ZrPluTutents t o part .of the Main tle metope. at any season of the 411411 . TT UM' GRACE on all renewal pay menu, non-fortellhaz and Imam jrrEt o.AltnitirorsVoLLAns. Itdar,lrmt="4lin trrile'rth Slat J. W. hitgatit 1 10 TIORN. E. T. Clog & CO.. GeneralAit en s. Pirmistaciu mamma A few more Neettle,7eralelrillit menatrearlti4eve; Arendt. 1•11:1111:dikwT INDEMNITY AGAINST LOSS By p FRANKLIN INSURANCE COMPANY. OF .PHILADELPRIa, °Mee: 433 and 437 CILLESTNIII Dell Filth. • ' ornscaolls. Marie& W. Baneker, Morella H. Loofa. Tobias Wagnr, . David S. Brown, , Sallee' Chant. Isaac Lam, Jacob B. Edward C. Dale. Wedge W. Billiards. George Tales, CHMS. DANCEILK, Frcalde&a. " ELLWD C, DALE, Vice Creole.). WK. C. STEELE. &rectory, pro tan. J. GARDNER COFFIN. • gent, &b 13 Horeb Willa nor. Third A Woodall._ A LLEGHENT INSURANCE 'CO. s-s•OY P11T9808611. !Moe, Ito. iftt YLfth street Zane Black Issu u. es eselatt ell t!•/6 of 7tre sad Manse as Us JOHN DIVTIII, /34, Preddens. JOILY McCOBD, Vice Presidest. 1101 , 11 , 1E1.1,poeretarv. ()apt. WIL Usastal dmi i Haney chi Is, Hosklawn. ' mums Ham' "iL ,1:1 IJECI.(y„ OF PITTSBUROH, PA. Olßse s il Fifth 'troll, Mink Block, • ml. Ls a Bo= OoloVany, aadlosnrell aslant loon or rL. exolnayoly. LION.A.ILD kaLTEB, Praaldeni. O. U. BOYL Vice Preallnat. IttiliZET PA L•YI.HHMOY. Treasure,. .. • ' HOUR 111 , 21.111[11Y. Ear-rotary. • Lemuel Water, e.;;T ri WlLloa, O. C. B 0 ..tv Robert Tatalet, J. O. ans.Tl.n. Jacob 112.1 Pant.. "1..0,nd... 11tigiths. Henry l= V". Bpronl, WESTERN INSURANCE CO., or PITTIOURBH, •LP.X.ANDICII 1(111:KM. President. WW.. P. 1128.11ERT Secretary CAPP. 4:18011.•ZIIKILL.D. taxers' ACM. Moe, is Water stmt. Mute • Co.'s Ware ep stairs. Pittsbareh. William* wenn all Weds of ?Maud /WM UU. • hem institationneanetted trYD/recteri who•re welt known to the eetemnity„ wed who are datemined by iminetnese and Liberality. to ensintain the Mamie, which they have as embed, se offering the beet proterinen SO tam who dedre to Defamed. DinttOTOna. ...Sees: Thomu. • et.. 1. Clarke, Joha R. Yee.% James Y. llamas.. Joat6 'Kirkpatrick, 8. BAU D itapmer. ra.. - KUBElkr. ifacretarp. Page t llr-Krtry Alamder bp. . ; X. A. 11611511 David Losi hn dell WK. P. - . 3 ) J J ~ : MANGE CO. 01171171.,. A. 1.002. WOOD AND 11113111131 A HOKE ooaraar raissu ruts AND W Z 'sist rw jullaCrona. rb John Warts, "lef I. l. John 2. Parka, Charles Artmerls: espy.Jss. Killer. ; John P. Xirtpaulahs W. Vas HIM , /rant B. Bissell. Jame U. Verner. . C. Hen.. lorme. President. JOHN WATT,VIce President. W. P. Dellt)2sß. Beerstary. pallay Capt. JAS. tiel/sDON. GeiVlAst. t• . ,S Z kto Locos turrrassosto a. A. SCILNABEL. KAUFFMANN & CO., UNION COAL' YARD. Best Family Coal,Nat Coal and Shirk ost Itsa&ss ot frytly Bre OFFICE, 00B* ILLIIRIBOB AND PENH BT&, TABD—lllesheol Valley BaLtrosd, near Car. sox street, OULU, Ward. ffielett9 ITS79BIIBBH, PAL. se/ , 1• M. CLAXLT IFAILDLAG ....... L. MILLIL. CLANEY, & Co.. Gas Coal Works, race address, "aux 5117. Ylltebergh, gal LAME B aalt A it g WgZ . aegand stoey darted bent Badding. corner Liberty street and Vlrgln ellen Elttsburgh. /MAN Mt t./I , IP/Clin: Zia.n ilberty street, ender Penn.& R. IL. opt.. Ita Metbanle greet. flitsburgis, d corns rib andamn street sue P. P. W. C. R. rd. Allegheny. All orders What name of the above planed reeelre prompt attention. • Islnghl VORT PITT COAL COOPANY. tnd —Eh!ppm and dealers in LP:parlor rj . 4, 141Vatirstfirit=mad: leg,. corner Llnarty .treat too Virgil allay. Manch corner Try unt Third etreata. Ylttaburtn. Otdata left at either of Ma 11000 . 11 place/ow - al melee prompt attention. roalloase AiWress Boa WiT, P 1 JUNI*. Dlitscronar • J. J. Cinsaisms, B. L. rmixsocrocr, B. MGiucxaar. • WY. ILLAXEAMT, 00005 e C. MUD. JAB. / 1 01T0C411131.T. Wats= 81.1 ,XT. JOECK LUTZ, Lucius 60oni). J . J. OlLLserMwn. Xxaraislt, Secy M. msruirk area), _.141414 FITTSBUIIGH NATIONAL COAL AND RIB COMPANY. • Hine., shippers and dealers, IraWOWS a nd retail, In tne, BEST FAMILY COAL. MOUS' . CFc."l oiasia UPTICK AND 'YARD, owner Youth - and Try streets, Eltuborge. Ya. • • A l arder mo n oliver? n a nd CUT, or BBlDloolli 0000. Wlli eettri, t. tv...ll=dlT -00ALI COAL!! COALB: DICKSON, STEWAIIT CO., HarlaY moored Utak Moo to No, WI LIBERTY. STREET, (LatalyClty Floor NMI) OZOOND ILOON. Ae,,kozarr ir d iu rtn o V vont liinestway, Aube low:eta:market price. . Int - mtudgzkoar.rx vz4b.nzatrgm nayloOLZ evebtaLEs H. ARMSTRONG, • Duran In TOUGEIOOW i t OaIIiELIRFLLE 00AL. "W ' illac htriAllihrar m4 " Corner of Butler and Atorton: first Yard on Ltb• ern' and CITOnr 'Meets. Ninth ward, and Beeond street, near Lock No I, elttsbaryb, Pb. Females and Haan faetnrel • marooned vitt, the Utah entitle Of Coal or Coke at Du /Dwelt cash Orden left at any of their offleis out re eon row L sta.evittoo. HOTELS, BINGHAM HOUSE , BLEiENTH AND DIAREE sTs., Nwrxr,aximxiarmicr-a... =15:3 This new Ina elegant "[ousels sins oven lbr hoolytlon Orgasst with oiling oProdatments of • intar-acese DAVIS, doIosSIPIXOPIIECTOIL rxwr LA PIERRE 1101HIE.', • . 'PM/Ade/phi& TM Inbsafbas imulariggrat wand with , the moat Wecd.:PP-7.-- w iii. gl zr=iroZigil be =dawned la Os Mors Vamr" stAKTI A PARLAY. W.lll ------ ITE 10E78E, PERRYSVILLE, ALLEGHENY CO, PA. !thirty refitted and thretlehed, and reedy to re. COW. eel op W • • • The tabeettber eel en pains to woes. moels.e MA • customers. .food suppers will be Kited at say boor le the •rterhoo. - er7:TrC! T 2, . Cl.lfT, GJLt.TIVA, p v:(04:-zi:q9;f3t GEO. B. COCHRAN, Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law OttIeo—FULTON '6 LLW BUTLDI.NO; So 60 OILLICe 6raarr, corner of /mirth. Eittenl 6 . All Irani Mainers entraMad to Ws gm mill to nere prompt attention. • spilt:ft THOILIS 11112111430 N, Notag Public, - AND REAL ESTATE AGENT, 9CO PENN STREET. apllmlo S. FERMI/30N, Attorney-at-Law, so. s 9 }WM STREET, liccOND FLOON. litOrt Boor A H. BIeCOBBIICS, 4:Lttorztalr .. ectmXimaAnr , S 7 Grant Street. twatacsa Frotapt atteatlon Orem SO all La& a of law • :1.14 HOS. NI. ATTORNEY AT LAW, M.Tch, 87 3P.18.13. ailltreet, !Et1130:•77 PITTIBEITAQII. Pa._ W . A. LEWIS,. . ATTORNEY AT LAW, No, 93 Diamond Street, InIM Jose W. RIDDELL, ATTORNEY OrY/Mill No. Ltd ;0111111171 Ll= H. c. BlACRiutt, ATTORNEY& imuitEttaa AT LAW, No. 68 Grilnt Street, Prrnrsstaciu, PA. • my 94.1411 B. F. BROWN, [Late Loos ClAloo, /coot, D. IL Sao. Com., Cltpt. W. Deu. B. L. raluautock. W. B. Everson, ealce, No. 87foorth 84second door, Franc( ffelign. Goo. U. lickirent. rIISIOSH, 1012113, all MAILS CI Promptly Conected. No charge mute autA dams an oottle4 and than trot amodatataha. =roam 8100 . BOLINTY. SIOU. ADDITIONAL BOUNTY. LOST DISCHMUIES. Soldterr . whe harookitt ttailr ay:Um mall eLles ►ad who are inbenotro AnaUtlid teths addl. 110$11 . $lOO 00 , 0117.1= Lame their cases We {glided to by awns oa or addluslag • - W. J. & BALL PATTERSON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW LINO:LAM AGENTS, fell Ti GRANT Brazil. 112111 SOLDIERS+ BOUNTIES, Extra Bounties, Back Pay, Be., Gonetted In Ms Shortest 'wan/Wm by FHB iia . 4 1a1L1' g. Atrzunp. at Law. soLidawl. M. 1". 11 . VrailrA. JOHN A. STRAIN. Ex... Officio, Matt Wee( the Peace. £ND rOI4CZ ithethrreth.th4 Mee, R. apparels Cathedral, P1TT531111.034 Deed& Sends. Atengsges, Acknowledgments, Depeetnons sad isemil Rosiness seemed wale prempteemendellepsteb. myna= JAN I AP I N LIA2 7/ . 1.1, Ct e fITATIAj aND RIAU. /GUAM AGENT. Otnneonnate of Bauu an of R d Cra i li cu atreeta mvu LalrraA = eavllla ti , prepazatical and acknor4surat of all adada 'at the Lel.' JALNC4Ir, Juana, of th e Pasco and BOW) Paniia sayladMB EUSTACE 8. MOBIZOW, . ALDERMAN AND . CONVEYANCER, 71Peanzylvanla Avenue, het dth !attain ill. we& Maths thee! mu:lmM CHATHAM T. EWING, - Attorney at Law, No. 439 Grant Strad, Pttlaburgit, Pa. vlre Cl° illascatitvreth ( t a gtat :" JOHN C. Accolass, ATTORNEY AND COME= AT LAW. . No. 87 Fifth Street. ilirreaatosts. Bauxites, and Arrears of Pay Biomptly solleetea.. noMisseU, Iztv i a Gamma As. EIAKEAvs - ELASTIC STITCH AND LOCK STITCH Belding Alaohi l ues ' Az Titi SLIT for Panty 104 Xs=ltefarlat I,olMes. CW sael see Qua at Xtr. 18 "11711 Strait. DON'T DE DECLITED BY Moo.rfsb.big Nat tells= adraillselneida of _Ufa rio j r u tedr b at o, b rAizt i a ma d va r g saga Tuner ane.ye warmed 81:8T . UM • Milroy mitreerit.. actemar. ; 825 SEWING . ItAILM7LETACH T i 25. INE Best clam; Llocased Xsettlne to the 17a1tad maws. Aicatemanied eratrirta. Pad $5O to $5OO per month. Enda& *tamp a>4 W/tea • PAUS 11130T13 thneral dawns, $l4 Ottestalt street. rh 0 ad015111; sad Elosualt, suns; Toledo. darDl GET NONE BUT A GROVER &EIMER . Joe a Holiday OM It Is tellable, perinot and berelbretba but Donk bII to call and too If st SHitxM aa HABNIESS b. CAM/LIGE 'Amu .44 Ma new GOTRIIII3I 110.1=02 111611111: Bella b;oing awnows. It In the best far *air roe. Tor. MIS at stoputta NG. is ru - rial RV= T THE pRovEN & atAzu SEWING MACHINE . Is tae lllttata Tbele of Mastnnima. MAIM &lid 142.111311 IS Si • NO 111 ?WM erassr. p ;LI e;titiN'A JOHN T. GRAY, noon AND SIGN PAINIME GRAINER an mama, No. 54 Hand St., Pittsburgh. Plan and Ortiamsata Virwat du.llP- U01"..1 w e.' 4. • 4 4 1 "4' "4 444;reirr" ossol r COULTEIit ittti el HOUIE AMD SION FAINTER, xo. 53 DLIXOND ALUM. PI 53.11. Pa. AM:oaten lets at tba - Bang or gait birman„ w in ....nee peomot attention. - foelenieo WILLLOU H. DROWN, n . . (late (dial fine -1131CIFIrt KOzzoir.) sogaz Jun) itruari.alarssa. • ef TbSrd else tat straits. entweromymviatt..•••• CZ! 1. , : f.): ge) T HAVE • THIS DAY ASSOCIA. VISI) entbene JOHN H. sorrel sad AMY Irlikßl.ll to the .11.sairLeteve end _iteelteg . le tettbon On Lampe, Lamp ti0.1. 1 11.... 1 .;, i t sae sal kinds et eileeemente naas beeandeate%e. beeetotors, endeeth.tra. =OW* ot ZORN BOSe ; . . . rtsmova Atoll Itt to 8032 Wooo street: OTltiiß' limitation • of 010.adis1111., 311.r:1XA91 0011110 teased taloa amine.", oc , fit= OS the 11 ra 4117 retresitl, *plant rat. E294ZDt it 09.- arNEW OPERA ROUSE. Lessee .dll.lfirer.Wllt. H ICNDE WON Trtainrcr HAFJLY tIyEaLMITUN tiiiianement of theil•eat Lyric artist am* cantamice. StikILLLIR. Late of the Winter Garden, Nem 'Cori, trims mill male her first appearance Ihl season in Shale• epeare•e Romantic rllljedj of RODEO AND JULIET• TiMo4"dasol4.selaS."olnlgircto.L'ol2lllOfe,l'erag°2otelOlni. Sul Dipoar 10 • of oisodud Dro=S. far• ARIETIES THEATRE. . • IWean dies" 2532.4 t. Cuuz,) NELLI TIM 111 otlfal 111 Wean 01 the Tem:lUDs aitlate; MO tU. T 4,81. 11T, teeseer eenastlon drama entitled TllB 0 0 11,8 or Atielt- Mae FltiN6 clittLnijE, Master BARNEY mud the entire company In an entire new and oemesilfel pro ' 6 11110114 Mc OT ATolllsloll—Referred Seats. 13e: DI " . t , ' 2ee: 211237. 23e: Prteate Doze*. 114.u°. 1711E21 ar • CADEMY OF MU EMC. TOM LI EVEBEIG. APIEL 16TE 1887, ROPT-RATIO CANTATR. IC:a . 33 y• so. awls. or bt. peat., dla enstoine, Isla th e addition of a One (irctiestra of fourteen insunnients. AD =igloo —Puna due and 1/reas Circle. 030: Family elocle, 50 cents. Reseroed seam :Si:oats eau. tope bad at leiellor . • Kuala Moe°, Nei. 111 WoOd amet. commencing Patorday. Anril 13174 at it o , dock a. at. Doors open at 7 o'clock. Dor • fonoancsto commetica at tie. Tao oroitu of tall ascertainment 7011 beNisad for .the bonen of Um Soldiers , idolise. Um Dot diersiMotian Axil= and the Soldiers , Yana moat Pond. ' to osvp ):4 :41: 7 01117fr i tt , : it TACK BROTHERS, rrrTssoaau. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, axD HBOBESSI PetrOleuin and Its Products, :PITTSBURGH OFFICE—DaDeII's WADS canter at Duqc.esse Way and Inds erect. PHILADELPHIA OFFICE-1.9T Wallas& D. apthrA C.=iMMI O - 1 ox.tan: OILS S . O l 0 OIL:WORKS. Buy I & CO JUNI) TACIT. 1103 Till CiLEBRS ED SPERM LUSRICS-OR Petroleum Lubricating 0116 SSperm,kardand WWI.° 01L, BIM ?MT 011 aUM ULU prrirsinnatia, Ph STANDARD WHITE BDRENDOIL, =BURGH, PA, MOND FOS A 1 CDIGISLAti. Cerny WARING & KING, orossoi ancuitilut Banos Petrolmun and Its Products, 4 DUQUJetArE Tr.tr. PlTia4ll3:E6lll. PA. PHELADALZHIA LDDRI:I3I: wAniNg. ICING & CO.; =3 II[BRICK'S LUBRICATOR, warrE, ono& tr. co., N. York. • • _E. .I.BOBEILTS, Agent., lia 2:3 Fl VI 1$ Be, 111 t. Clair Street, Piltsbuisit, Ps. Easy =stunt/ on bawl Cotton 7setary ID= ra.AI34.FX WWI UU, auk. 11:nglas am. MAC raglas Oil. Dark C. O / 1 9 . 148 ,, f de5er : 11 7 .41..V. Mak Cu 01/. woth.puwer, emoviinvo lqcniszip.akaar,, OF MUM, RCN. PENNA: Loie. ft:PT.:a Them WORE Mice; N 0.2 Dwane Way, otopooloa Bross.) acuraricrnossos or rum warm 3317 R.1.1 - ING Brand— g Lcioifer." lithos - ITOMU4 .ERMSG4 CdRABOX OIL, ENEKA . SPERM LUBRICATIR oat lad Wholesale Deans Is Crude, Relined sad LibricatluOiL9,_ LARD, arra*, wasma AND yUla On" - No. 31 Market, St., Pittsburgh. O. C1.10011137.a.106 ALIO.' Call and a:mans samples and rear eamaeata. BITE THE. BEST. PETROLIA BLUE - LEAD, - OIL ILICIMEZZII MisulAchuscl ay„ad/at Ws try 2: IL Arrsat .0 CM, PIONEER PAM' W0i4211. N.W.Oor.ltd and Market Ns" eau rrrrestrisa. RMLLE* LIDTISOL AT., comiirciluo, Zuwarramoircrillo. WICHTMAN le-ANDERSON. Refiners and Dealerain PETROLEUM. Ali sr, AND DIKI NA ilily. BRETT - Ea; Butirm & co., . . commumzenurrs . , . Atmorra Iva Pacific, Glob e: & Liberty Works Ample IlWrwe tbr Credo sad edoll. la nai cad; advancas maths as wastramsats at Czada w Bawd Pat:mist.. Suds Car atoms sad aalyakeas eterada Oil w as lawwwww3lll._ (Mao awl Waretwasn. coraworDwiaaami ay sad iwawat planet Plusbaxak. , .... intvntalll OUPHINFP COIINITIALE Or BEAL - ESTATE,/ In the. Boretigh of lawriOillist 'By virtue of u order of the thrhbh. 4 (*.al Of Alleth esh . eeyConnty. the eae. totoerstese 4 .6 .d ireattnee °M Joe 0 . "" r Jobs.= 'manor eh Uwe of While= Joloteloh. IritV" g.r e ra s i g=2lB=t weasiesday. !Wei 21114 11087, in that eeetela let• d eAlteg o ltt i !attol is the euW a • point oats aoesb side of Hefty e{, fat s laeeeN Ims=lll n el . ge , glotttfroto the rnte• s .steeghts. tat Moth Woes tbe line o • Butt : Butt: limes. • attemee Of >1 Vet thence In • moatbarly ItO feet to ask wee tea feet. mute; Wheat On • westerly &realm. along Os IgaatligWO.l4" - ° -, t 4 In a and hf lathes. to Bat • le= t rigte s gtraateiltuatbe, on which . Teton mute inowa co helot eabt , or eattoe, • . ' (1 . 5. BATES, Cluardliiiv I===ll BaUrrlStrest. Laes.srale. IF THE tEIPHANW COURT , or &IZALCO Y COUNTY. - NO. •Narels' Tenn ' {,tats ad - deerd. rs co n. rnellyi Hayik. Nadas , . Tuna Harden. aorrßarden,Natbanlalrlarden, DI. emit. Or nnstee. Hallam atellraer. Jaws W a r m s. ana U. Lls Natiant Warms. and Nast,. .Panarina. Oh OM: - Hasid Hayden. s Vaattrit sad a d marts, arUe; Hiram aclasandian aad Ulm arm 010 nal. mad =NA Enda: calidans and Deka as lair of said' deudentt .1,...-surdea sad Cornelia. Lis Nary O. Hayden. adaltna Hayden. Lase Harden and Bananas Ilayden. , ar, grandeldl- • ' nran or said decedent. nine the salldrea of Itersabla Harden. deed, the laat thaw aeing adaore—agedlll, 11 as lit lean nownsanistir.- ,Take manes salt as Louis:ants partblea Hee real name or/arab Hairdos. Sr. deceased, Manna In Allaabota teanatlp. .„„„ • • win be haul on the premises 113 .1114 talirmaktp „ . ore THINOO4Y. Oa and slay of ILI. 1910. sill 0 •4 0 0, A. H_', when and where yen will attaad U tuners. ts. clumsy.lMMlX • gnialrfFllolllor,_ - Pituearign. - Aigrtt a. Ina. ii Vri tail 7 inlaiM i tio l ft tte l.i. LEsIl &TT. We of Boatat oruitd4. legbeny COnntl: detested. bep • IRMIZ.4 to Ito anadmlned. - Ma pelluil_• Indebted soAald taide Ire reqopt.M-maze IMZlOnayl MnS.-.14.1:h0rt balrlng dab., to multi rowlyanthentla for mottlem•M, • • Jon,. W. lasiccrr. JOlllll5. LESSEM, - Adsualstraion. arm CLOVER 1,10 sEED-1 cl,i l w . d l th l gd ? ft z r Aß aan . for •" • cvr.ntrilpt_esa)utritataii. - N. 33 Rlarket Street, =I LEGAL; MMZI
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