~: - Citlittottalhgazelit MONDAY, APRILI.I,, Ttru English government now -mans feats a decided disposition to adjust the Alabama claims, which -.was indignant ly refused evens consideration two years ago. Does this itnproy,ed temper grow out of the cajol' . cor_apileietkup which now threaten to involve all the Europe. nn powers in a gigantic, struggle! 130 this as it may, the second sober thought is frequently u advantageous to govern menti auto indiiiduals. • , . Tux. New York Constitutional-Con vention bide fair to. he. an asseMbly of notables. Not only the State Conven tion, in selecting men to servo ati deie gates at large, but the District Conven tions, in selecting the localdelegates,ex , Whit a laudable disposition to select the best talent and character. - The work of revising the organic law is of seilone moment, and rises far above the consid eration of party. From its nature,, it is destined to last for a considerable period, and to advance or retard the progress of the whole people. Russian treaty was first Waszt the IBEE OMMISSI • into favor, insonitich that when the Vote wastden only two voices pronouncea sat it. What considerations wrousn this surprising change? Do they purely to natural topics, SB 0 7 pc of the boil, richness of Wines , ''' xe r;esio if rg° ' fisheries? It does nesSia,•staloonovt these were die nissoll n :ofecorels7 ?goo. the Senators. ISICY not lot own necessary °r d understand eopleo? ° :oseatn or appeals.% was sllss', o Le awns Bt;liihnt -tomb" be 't solo' the purchase desirable? od . preszat atUtede of the British ifastry.toucliing the. A;absmaea; tettlyisolutiOn m the facts underlying he treaty? • Tho &mate tionetimestomplains that t is: oi treated with Itufficient openness )y taik Fsesisient; that it is compelled to solicit rinformation of him relative to matter* of greiit pith and moment in the m ost deferential manner, and then to nave it withild if he sees flttotake shel ter behind th plea that to' communicate the facts. would be detrimental to the public service! The Senate, in this in stance treats the people no whit better. It has done a thing which they generally disapprove, and yet, after the transaction is closed out, refuses to make any ieSila lions tending to satisfy a laudable curi osity. PROGRESS. Among the encouraging signs of the times, is the admirable adaphition of the Christian to the wants of this • progressive auir., as the': exigencies arias. • Mile the same elements always _pilot ed in_the Chliatian. religion, - yet they, Lave never been developed so fully until theaelatter days. The Church, through • various instrumentalities, isreaching all the ramifications of the..soCial fabric, molding and shaping its. crude ; elements.! into form and beauty."lteretofore the churches were content to • follow the beaten track of duty, careful to_ avoid what was termed new fangled notions, and were conservative to a high degree; and dreading radical notions. Nowthe Church, while recognizing the revealed will of God, is at the same time luting the tact and wisdom of the world in the •work of doing good,. eschewing - the stumbling stone of conservatism, and encouraging the healthy throb of reform and progression. These expaneed yiews are snaking an impression on the world, 4 and will In time produce a rich fruitage. \ It is a fact that is highly significant, and one too frequently overlooked, that the bulk of the generous gifts to beney , olentobjects, outside of the contribu . lions to Church interests, such as for ed ucational purpcoes and. to relieve suffer;l inq litimaOty, in mind and pody, are by „ChrifituonS' showing concltiiively" that `Christianity hos,practical idementif far above the range of the: mere wordling. These things crop out in ituicits forms, as for Instance the interest 'taken to re lieve the. freedmen,: ,mid by *the use of means to Interest and control the mor als and pursuits of the young men of the With the enlargement of the scope of - work by Young, Men's Christian )0103. ciatione, many things heretofore either wholly neglected or but partially accom plished, are now successfully attained. In some places Alie lack of edneational advantages,...ornamentril _and practical, imperfectly supplied by our sehool sys tem,is now secured through the gratuitous l imitation facilities famished by this or . The important work of lying heal. thy food, at low rates,itt pia s free from the temptations incident to, such places generally, and the proyidingOf _means to - feed and elevate the mind, is an accent . plished fact in some , communities, • thronghthe medium of this, institution. At other points simple and innocent amusements are encouraged .. .with a view to engage minds which need such em ployment in connection with the sterner duties of. life. It is well, so Jonas this . . indenominational Christian organize. tion, while usingevery possible means to lift society up to a higher level, should also adhere strictly td the cardinal prin ciples of the Christian system. It is but - right thus to : blend ' the - principies of Christianity; net. by Igniting it, .het by associating: the Christian system with the noble objects of the day, Anythiug that will do good is Worthy to succeed,. and will iii time. . ' The inauguration of the "Pittsburgh - 1 Church Guild," by the Episcolisilians of this community, shows 's. happy union of religlOrui duties wit-tithe cheerful'phases of life. And suenthings are elements of power, which grow rapidly, and beteme formidable by such associated elibris in ' the mimic of time. . : Such forethought by our Episcopril friends will tend to ac comPlinh a Vest amount of good to that denomination, and the public generally. Its Incipient dayriwere not marked with any degree of success, and the capefi.., merit seemed for a while to be in great. jeopardy.. Commencing.' at first with a handful, and under embarrassing eirum stances, ' the institution =has 'gradually , grown strong, so that by the generosity of its friends, an eligible 'property has been -secured, on one of the best and favored streets oft:malty. The new but .&', lio.-266 Penn street, has an excellent Reading Room for all classes, also pro ' 'vision is made for night clessers, for those' . . whose work occupies them all day,:in Mathematics, German, &c.. This lapinc _.. fical work for Christians and commends itself ReferenCe to this institution _of - - .the ;.EPlscopal . Gherchi• in . this . city, Iggesta.ttio naming of some facts con 'ld with the past growth of this _de- 1 nomination In our midst, which are both I interesting, suggestive, and will doubt less surprise many of our readers. At the present writing there are ten church edifices, and Weise resident clergymen. Considering that not many years ago there were only two churches in this city, and one in Allegheny, the rapid growth of this body hasbeen remarkable, and well may be Omatter of inquiry by other denominations. There is no doubt an element of power in in well organized efforts and rigid system, associated with -...._ power to direct and lead in the progres! sive movements of denominational ag gression. 'This is being developed un -der the direction of the excellent Bishop KauFOOT of this Diocese. . I Important movementaliava been made of. late ..in the eitablishment of Mission Sunday Schools, and missionary labor for the benefit of colored people. There I are now five Minim Sunday Schools, four of them established within six months, with an aggregate attendance of five hundred and fifty scholars. There is also a day school for colored children. with an attendance of over ono hruado d ! and a night school for adults ef trail and ; class with sixty pupils. Ao i r: i . t eis 1 foremost. benevolent morel e ` e wit of a i denomination wasthe . . e .' 4 : l Lnin to care i Church Home, wi,iii . ';'- - a men. 'There for children 00,..., 4 ;tat dren in; this ex are now aileui,..'''''' .. -, - -- cellentire 4 " wa r raissionaryeffor,tsof the '1'11_,..,..0 .ry Society of this derma. i MY",''' 17 0 fresh in the ugadOr the pub.: e. .-- A* o ° 4 ,i i h t h e l a b o rs ey a Lay Mission- P „ f, MI. =OBRA W.llO gave a large p er t 1 pub- La of his time last ',Winter in providing re. ' l i e f te e the poor of our city. The move. i merit Wes all. the more praliewOrthy, . because the deserving poor of all denom. Mations were supplied with means to re. hive their wants. This Society has charge of all the missions not conducted by the parishes seperately. It is tile pur- , pose of this society to send into the field a clerical Missionary, as soon as suitable arrangements are made for this growing 1 field of labor. - - ', 1 . IVO ars'ur able to give full. , details., of , , . Oa work going on y. - the.reapective Piz ishes, but'present. such _lnformation as we have'at hand. St. Paid's Church, be sides the usual services, devotes Sabbath i evenings to holding a spacial service for ', colored people, and the afternoon to Sun- day School parposes. Services are . also held in the Ninth ward Mission building In connection with the school exercises. The attractive flee - Choral services every Sabbath afternoon at Tilnity Church, in connection with the regular stated servi e.t.a, are filialar to the public. And the same may be said of St. James Church, .Fifthward, In the latter parish, paro chial work has been enlarged and carried cozwitli great vigor and success. The same may be said of St. Peter's, St. 'Andrew's,of this city, and St. Johnisof Lawreneeyille, each of which are doing a good work in their respective parish. es. Sewing schools, &c., are also carried 1 on , in connecter' laith the various Mis aka Sunday Sehools. . _ Christ Church, on East Common, Allegheny City, is. about to be enlarged so as to seat comfortably eight hundred persons, and greatly beautified. through out. Bt. John's has had its accommoda tians , considerably increased. Calvary Church, East Liberty, has paid off its - debt, and was duly consecrated some time since. St. Mark> Church, Bir mingham, has begun a new and vigorous life, under its efficient - and excellent min ister. The new church on Mount Wash ington is growing; and &oases, much usefulness. From these brief notes 'of the various Episcopal churches ut - this community, there are - indications that this denomination has entered upon a new era of prosperity. , JUST now the country is shocked by repeated instances of special brutality exercised by parents towards their child • rentuider pretense of family government. It may reasonably be doubted whether on the whole parental violence has in retuted. It is safe to conclude that some of the worst cases have, owing to con catenations of circumstances, been re : minty brought to light. It is graceful and poetic Ito speak of the beauty, and strength of, the love of parents for off spring. That such love really exists, and frequently in the most excellent sense, does not admit of contradiction. But, if the children should be adduced as wit nines, and tell all they have felt of pa rental brutality, the other side would stand out in revolting contrast. Multi tudes of fathers and mothers are sobadly organized that they are incapable of em ploying any ether sort of discipline than force. Their usual method is a word sail a blow; and much, of the time the tdow conies first. •Parental authority is, in its very nature, necessarily irrespon sible to s large extent. It sounds pleas. ant to say that the love that comes with children constitutes their best pr o tection against abuse. But If this be so, there are thousands - of cases in which the lot of his little ones is deplorable enough, Menke's PON:miters crabs Begrime nt." On the frth instant a finely equipped infers. try Imre of three hundred and ten men (and sonnet es many women) left here Capin Es. cotredo. • A cavalry escort, conducting a largo amount of money, left .at the same time. The money is to pay off the army. The women part of the Infantry form Is useful varions ways. serves to aid the enemy in by making the so lt ldiers forget to do their duty, to enervate them, to ham. per thaw march. la share their scanty rations, and to make every trooper a fancy man in a brothel. Tree' pertinacity with which this infantry force tollcrws the army ii something Wadeable. I have sum quite a body of them trot °afoot eighteen leagues In a aay, and. then continue the march, of from ten tosixteen leaguers, for many days together. They stand it better than horses. Once( the - roast experienced soldiers of the republic told me that In all his campaigns he never knew a woman to get tired, even when he bas seen his Bohner, dropping in the road from fatigue. When ono of them gives birth to a child OnAtia roadside her c e m r t p h a e n rieoqnu huddle s s a a u n n c d e . -h On an a lr eaem tales the child - end trete along with it, while the mother, tit misty bandaged. cob.' LlllllO.ll the marr.h, arriving at the halting place perhaps two or three hours after the armyresches It —,sem Luitrologi. March 7, Herald • • . • Srsdr.—A spilt issaid to have omarred be. Imam the Liberate. of er th the e Bri tis h . ment, on the stl•veot _ bill. The more advanced and radical wing co , mane an unrestrieted manhocd suffrage, whil of e the moderateg iu t ,. i4de so r the te pt s er f s . ip . h ry e g r il a illitations, 'like thime embraced ht - the act defeated lest Talmo To view of this unexpected condlct of lama-- following effetely upon what was suppoeed te be actecisive -agreement to oppose the bul hronent In by Whin:oil—the prospects of the Derby cabinet am . hrightenlng, and ;11$ supporters begin to hope that it may yet be aimed from dissolution, Pity the reformers of raillimid do not see the forceand mother mombiatsthatwa half loaf is better than a breadiW ;A campaign la seldom won: in a single halals; aml where the traditions and prejudices of osmotic' are to overcome. the Work.must be accomplished by gradual and 11 1 8 telxuWP;W' ; Tio =TOMS Of U 10124., Tao/ venue' of .166.5 have recently beempuhltelted. They in. Slight decline ,ta the muulatlo o the name litate,sa wen Its of thole..A/ elty, as compared whittles:num* of btien Tbl4 tutaliPesned Is Probably owirm . la part to the fact that while the comma's. Lion of the United States nutaluds and as. Distant inantbals was regotated by the number orpersous raturnW, the Butte cen sus-takers were psh; by the day, It le aieo probable that In ISO, alternbe terrors% the draft and the pressure of tue Internal rev. `eerie taxatUm bad been felt, then, w". fir e :a t t . . dispel= :T a r tti,ob=fmtlaltt • Witt C. Smltb, widowota Union soldier, bail bees appointed Unix Librarian of Mintiosota. • GENERAL NEWS —Lady Franklin, widow-of theArctienay. lgator, is In Rome. —Adelaide Plunkett, the settees, is about to retire. from the stage and get married. —E. A. Pollard, the his Richmond lite-eater, has been arrested for non-payment of board bIIL —Dickens will come to this country dur lag the summer, and give read 6s in the • principal cities. • —Byline% the operatic bear, was vigor ously and properly hissed by a Boston an. Mance the other evening. —A man named Terrence Carroll, Iffy years old, on being remonstrated with by his wile for striking a grand child, at Law. renco, Maine, on Wednesday, .17.e..V - bot flat iron and crushed is her skull, Ding her instantly. —A little animal known as the tray-fish eats through the levees on the Mississippi, and causes cses of which ar e , now eo prevalent. the re The wors vas t it is that the re,a' ages of the crartisti cannot he iltiww . r.' nutllit Is too late to repair the doinseva has done. ...„. --ere r'efennos --Among Dee Witte and adro,w7 - ,, .ln that the Cror of 'tussle li_st..);, hedd• his empire is thatmlitonwad potato street. ors W lead bears tb re L b e epe onvanient I f these bears and erect of GO of brealefasting_ala bo dan lo4 , VMS' this bourgeois. 'US - bus. • PmgC"... ... reader tois beard of • Esker • rare.e,odaut of the unfortunate Ithseril.drtik.eirdltti.d,=tcht=oshsis Par . neqr appareht to the imperial 'd uct .0 Mexico. :Crane two months since eari2a.,„.st the boy tO FrauCe, but It so haP- A7,,,i that • his parents were at Havana w ean the lad arrived whoa harge of hlsauntl anoftdameltitrhide, ( woo a Miss Green Georretown,) at once claimed her child, hanrogagthet rta r as rinm inl i o as n m .• B /I " o qu h .' as utlY had been is princely education in Mexico, that Ig he withbeen permitted to sot In accorda . nce with his own will and pleasure. DIMMER'S HERB BITTERS. Tha great Faattly . 24ad!ctrat aad Ltoutcho L= Thew Bitters In etatauttelay the GREAT HOUllatliOLD ICEIiEIIY pr all diseases °Hill r,allon from an impure state of blood, Liver or =II alto the Herb Bitters Adel; YOU will neve =EM I=l JOSEP/1 FLEJLIAIO. Drug and PLtaut slsput, I - .No.lll, Market street. Pittsburgh GHAT HAIR, BALDNESS, DANID -3111 FR. NY I desAll Kor TAN StiAL—tiC DISCOVE A RY CAN ttreIPABZWITH •LUN g. DON linta COLOR ItESTOILLIk ANL) DttlitteLlit.." "London Our Best Bale Color /Witmer'. ..I,4macr. o.lor ii 1 .1`4411.11Z41.: "LOWI9II too and Hair Coloreneeiogne. "London tiair Color Restorer" -*London Recommend Bale Color Restorer.* It never [Lila lateart lite, growth. and civic to the wennest hair, fattens •Ild Slap/. ita and te sore to header. • new growthof hate, cantle/10 to grow thick and myna. 01011 Jt cents • bottle: 1H the 4..1' dozglii. told try IteCL&ILB•I4 • kiell/LNWAIg, .115 Mute* areal. (401 i. A. BELLY. 31 World ft, and 41.1 e. FLAMM% tI4 Market meet, fah. burgh. BAAL 14/31.1t1T, Alleghtny.l 1 an.ViLlniwww • MB. W. MILLER SAYS : - rtrislkllltou. tleptember 4. kiss. )fxsyllS. Moserrven Borne. Pittsburgh, Pa.-4lents:. I think I am enly'doing the part of I s good citizen when I testify to the great Motets nwelved by inn from the use of your Btomach Bitters daring the ;an Iva years. Binning lora time i.e tte ott regions...ln Ital. I had a go vern hint°aa attack, which. In conneehon with dyspepsia, left me In a very weak condition. I was advised to try year Bitters. and, having pmeured a battle, found that they worked like a charm open me, eight pounds haring been added to my weight In the apace of one week, and new life seemed to have been logos. Into my system...Wl so that I have been Induced to ass them every summer nice, that time. As a tonic, / think they are invaluable. • This summer, having bad a similar Mt... land as before, mach reduced.) although ander the treatment of . A No. I physician. / was agate obliged to have VeooilVta to the old liltteri. and with the same , good result, having gained .i.e pounds within a few days. I harassed a half dos. bottles a few weeks slime, and pee wee to use them regularly as a tonic. Wlyon every Moe efel. I remain. Yours, gratefully. . WILLIAM MILLER. Olt CANADA PLIVS AMES,. PINE. 'Alicia sande* from the Inside bask of the White rine, .tiich tnoa ehendhettl to al a. Ea.teru State. and Canada. a honey•llke, tweet ranatanoe, httbly heeled with that terehinlht• .ate principle which tab LIMA' hew , •1••• •• • !needy, in Tertens <Hartle> of the bamtaa qr •eperiallf throe of the mailroom. ttnnes. P. D. rereet, of liostoa, has compounded hos this materiel ornitclue railed POLAND'S WHITE PINE COUPOUND; whirl% has =et with Great boor in those Mandl. whore Use torreathaee and beams are unposed to for firreeDy Affections. Dlexrrs lu Toeing or midal..llo Orr.. Diabetes !bold people, • Stoppso the wine. Ste Dana dlficatty In children duties lb enTOi, Kidney Trouble In old people. • Ulcerated I:Weep. Ulcerated Bladder, Discharge. mac., corpus, or Waal tram the bladder. Mastitis Disease orthe Mawr.. Pain In the Kidneys or small or the bast. Pain In ttetlladdt r, Heat And ncaldlng. Poland'. White Pine Compound anti be fount • roesdrand monument core. It la no Less ob Tamed ua general and bracing constlintional sonic, lia health...rising isismi vi eb es to all the Us...tattle body. Wittotit stet. ingot breitlentAll toe system Inissir antra Or Clltabbbloi toy °nobs bls toast aboosttlobb. Abk rot POLAND'S Witallt Mal Oottrolll.l4 , For sale be the grabs blObsta, At stable bottle. WDO. ILElingltid Great Medicine More. 1$ ood wrest- spa ,i:valOidwAriii,ptoa46e*pkti Jr.. Aden. Express W. Bray is an authorised dorsi ie rearm AdoerWould* for the ad.E.877.1K and Gbmiau outer papers throughout the Visaed &aka arul tita WHEIMBOLIPS Concentrated Fluid Extract aorairparUks tradleates ERUPTIVE and UTAIERATIVE DISEME2I of Abe THHOLT, NOSE, EYEIf, ETELID3, CCALP and CRIN. • Wt. iCh to lel DU. the otteeareece. PUBOING too oil effects of memory and twoostaff Witte. the rem.. as to of DlbltliXS, herealterf VllMln a r‘itt a ti•efe t le•_;:te t 4: 7 "UL" "a TW • Tallier. 51.1sUbwra LA of the Extract of Sampan la. effdal to a plot fedater. to MOM to the Siphon Dirt Drina, on- boot e Is eh is I to • seal 100 of the camp of harsaystilla. or We decoction...matte made. Ab /BITE at! llNit LeTTESIN habllstoed la the hlod , co-Chlniesleal twelve, on the sold• at b f the Extract • f earsaoarill• In certain affe c - ons. y Deniamin T . e h.. cc. Speste lug °MO, °Melee. 101 eleeeme• whine from to execs. of o• calm he states thot no remedy to depth/ to the Extract of iffinapartita; 114 owes te extrawataary, mo so than any other drop am acquainted oath. 1 1 it. beau alrldal note , a took. with WU tocaltits attribute. that U to Te ? t P irtl a rga a t:gt a ===ta a ;Ci a 4.t a r 4 toots etas* tatabaltabte or ituertelia. • HELSIBOLDIS CONCENTRATE D EXTRACT CARBAYLRILLA Yatabilabed upward., of la years. Prepared by 11. T. nruiroLo.. Draggtat sod Chemist, 504 Broadway. N. Y. • Bold by all Bra 4141440. arta: Kw/ J. 11. & W. C. BORLAND, / NO. 98 Mfirket Blreel, Ltd. jut reoelnd aTcery large stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, gr.lg. ib ltl,llll,ll, E ttr4grAlt Vg; urkx4:4:tr.. ?Milli call and ex. rile& W. C. BORLAND, do. Ng MARKET STBEIT, id door from Ifllth N. apla PAPER. HANGINGS, - Grail Grades, FROM STAMPED GOLD AND VELVET TO TUE ClairEST ABTICiI KSOWN TO 116 TRAIL At Ito. 101 !Market Street. JOS. R. lIIIGHES d PRO PEW FOR SALE, IN .718. HT PIESBItZULA.It (=race. ea.ver.,y No. DO, eligibly loured In the middle Wle. • -. 5 Apply to • 4 11. BRYAN, grotty In Londs,.Stoelot. Apollo Bonding, 4th street. MD TIIOSE_, Wllo' DEM 1111 ME 8.. LIAM() lc UP COMPLIC.XION must ptil and whlcu ii.a.MBOLD .IS crarniterElo BLIuAI.YtI BAHAAI,3IILIA any.rl slay aoss. att t o lIELMB.JLDII. OW .st emeleed sad mArttistutillAsirp barrel/ t° , ...e SY ' Se • 1./..141J. j±p.s 172 sadl7l Wood street._ DRIED PE4UTIEB.---S0 batriall anuuts, intzed arid totUrro ?ZACUXS. an Cr3.l,pument, tor Ws low to the trade. apt 3 5010 raw Kan 4 40 A 1 N W e l. • z W AD v... iiIGIET lIIIRgIIT RITES PAID POD Government Seeniities, GOLD) SILVE Z AND COUNNa' JAS. T. BRADY & CO)., Bankers, con Fourth & Wood Sti. sres"ENlim m THE CRDEUSIiiINED CALL especial attention to their • Stock of Pure Spices, . • Oround and allied under their lounedlato /Um 'Won. and sold without &dune:Won. ALSO, TO TIMIS LINZ Olt ccovv.v. - Es;, Comprialell Rio t Laguayra, Maracaibo, ' .• Ceylon, Cuba, Java, Plantation, Tea Berry. East •ladht and .11Iochtt, Every deeds et Cores routed daily, • lied feuund. when desired, m the presence of Gas solvers. su air Ter one COMBISJOION Clilr7ZZ at 93 fro pos ed• SHIELDS & BOUCHR, 108 Smithfield Streets OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. VALUABLE FAME AT PRIVATX SALE. I offer at prt ' vsto We. Ike /ARM oc; which I now reside. In 'Union ,townshlp. .Itosklnguin connty, Onto, 256 A.ORES, About 171 saes cleared. the balaaoe well set with superior Weber. The Improvement. an a I. two4tottfrusta hoes*, with cellar soder thifeause, 1,106.11 ether necessary eatbaltilitha. arid runes osier in every held. Once mite boss the 0. 0. red *Mesh =nu east el the city of Zatiesillie. ourentest to Clmrehes of afferent desoutleatless, sod School House es the tam. That tarsi la etutalderedoue of the best le Masking.= gouty. aad Le well worthy the toile• of persons viable' to boy land. /or further Inforatallon *dame the under signed* ea the Wm. W lit be attend at private We until the swath of Joie. If gold, pus: ealon nil th. fall. • JOU' lIENDZILMON, . . • liorwla,M.Usymmem.W.W. .---—_—__-- H ELMBOLIVS, CONCENTRA. "TIM IL;CTILACT 6.II.IIairAIIILLA +a the Jrini i's!r9ter. apTviavrr WHITE FILLIRIELS, • J. IL BURCH/BCD St CO.'S No. 07 111Laa-la,cot 1111treet, I!I? 1001 !OEM MO Of TB •116 1607, unAncere fLANIZLO. - • BILK WARP ruarxri.a. 44 DIME! Dq.. 5-1 ALL WOOL Do. WELCH ►LAIIILD.. - SIDS! SACQUK.IPLAINIIILIL , SLUZ,EUrtAWD OCAELCT I'LININZLIS. • ♦ Imp assortmositof EVERY DESCRIPTION OF GOODS, UN [UMW, AHD LT IE3 eras val u mu) TIII = 0111MCIII BOOKS. raz BOOK cr smuts. . DA it.r musur 'mammy's. tivt.DZM Tilt/OWILL Bet. noaut. VV~ra "S :SACRA PRIVATL. 11107 W lan. ritaT• FS hiIt OHILDg H. W. 1.... TM PLILADINU saVIOWt. Hey: J. S.lta. THE CFI lusTllls YAWL gnr. Jobs liebto. TiIUVU gra lug I/OLT AREA. Moe !Newt. WM.& WiT21643 0/ THS CHUMX.H. .111.11 P eThox TO SUN OCT STWVICES. U/7101 0/ THC HOLT VOYMIUMION. • . . .•• • . THE 011_C WORLD. (leathern. Raa LOBOS PALVA.IIakTUMIC COSIIIIII. *VON. newel. W. U. St/li D. TIIZ CIULISTILY TZAR. Roy. Latvia, D. NICHOI.S , ILICLI . TV TRZ laliDlllo Of TH BIBLE. V IL IZ LAWS Of SITZILLTIOX. Jelin Beare annals. D. D. Itllleite WU. Realer. UtlUliCkl MK:TWINY 11111LiTaIITII. gagler sal I.ol.o*large .toot of aaiday 6choel Rooks, for 1. . at R. wn.mpi a co., sas.se Yo. 101 WOOD at.. PlUabaret. STUNS QUAlEtiti zo , XaMTIN, • The reaming& Self Mannfeetorteg Con gouty offer to lease. by the Perch. 11 . 1 f SANDSTONE .QUAERIES, • Situated on the 'genera Pesarylraala Eallresg. *boot eon Ddb beloW ffresw rt. ,The 'awns, aro awn tents embed, and ere Wttbont excep tion the best es the Allsgbeny net/. affording blocks of any dlitenelosa sad of the scut sisal. Ity otthe celebrated Freeport nem The hrs. elven. be shipped rltber by neer er by rail 'reed. Ulna beton e ditlag on the grannie. • portion or the whole of tit rent Weald be nit& out Legion., loaned Leto we. Andreas . • THE PUPA' HILT HIP* 00, mi:sr . • • NATOOOO. re. NEW STORE OD NEW GOODS. FILINCE'S IT& MUT, No. la DIAMOND, rrniiinvitmu. Jan{ °posed, a hugs and etc:Contact of• Teas and Family Groceries, Which an being retelled at lowest wholesale re.r...tu,NVATtP°: .5 5:1 2 ,°,1" " " " K % IT. Tuna shneintely (7•55: • ge ' t WM WWII= at apt2:3sl 15 DlAllssll;Plttobargb. AA • LIMITED PARTNEILIHIP ra. Itils dsi-ay bean gyrated between un• denarned for UN impost of earning with bulness of onsunsetina and tonading *ranting Baildion. door. She., Trestinont and suallar sernetares, andiOntrusoter Work ano maly. bald Psrtnarston Ist° be/cooing under the name or • 41. W. BITTNISE, And Is to continuo frorn_dats until the rist day Waren, A. L , lO. CASUE(Ita the aped.' Partner, sad him ter Ma Impost th ° e " llingi e l F irtn " et i . 01 O..W.'IIIIIIIIrIIITR, 'General - Partner, • ANDREW - 0/111aLelEE, Spec. Pastan?. Pittsburgh. March bd. 18117. itairt.lo BOTTLED ALES. • KENNETT,WIIPTEBTON, And Alt best Drench et ALICE AZID SODA WATALIAI. bottled by ' J. C. BUFFUNI & qo., * Lir sit XAAY:Zr BTAXAT. Pittsburgh. IMMO SIILLIIIAN AGAIN.-- manic a. BELLY Du throwed Up De De II anxious to try his bond solo. He wl2l HASNBY AIIJOUIf, for tbooom of sae thootoad to Ate tholasott 408001, tog& of two maths; or &soother :6110 . 0 hundred sod atm womb. Oal/lottlei ticket or. T 1 ,7, asXkolo no' Otto fit rot on. !ate always prosper. - ICES 10Ei ICES - KRl33S r ioe Fealer, No, 34 DIAILOND ALLLY,Pllolsloarsto Orders left here or et Vend street bridge will receive prompt attentlon• Wagons meninx In receive sad Allegheny. aplis.lo • NOT A IFFit the wont diem* et. thee etneattad ulte teem comp .ua et.. sett. attain .1,911 lime? Res reisttty of the utmost was &Own' . • A Ala.mC/E. /1101141000 POCILEI•310014 • *ad wilts • arm of mem INN tad a cola medaL gab IIgWA.B.O will be INN o any ono leaving 4st the apilmri calsolna.s ornci. I SASH AND I ROOR FACTORY. ! • JANES IL LOW & SON, m.. &dupers and dealers In at clads oin.lnß, DAM., SHUTTIERS. 1101IL.DINti5. &e. BC &DLL WWII{ mid HUACKETS at the shortest SIMIte and on the meat reasonable terras. lir PEN BTRICETA near Morris. op poen. Orner Depot, Ninth Ward. Pittsburgh. . aplb:sil • AIR& L. C. O , IIEILLY,*; FASHIONABLE No. 20ImmottA Alley, plitsburgni Pa. Ad Oa latest end snort Instdonale styles of BIINNKIIS and ,/tATS for Ladles Misses. and Chlblern, nspt constantly on bad or made to order on the sitotlest notlcsa irleesTsrf nble. ant.lll ME= 11011/./1? Y•OOWSN AIcEOWAN "c OWE, &ND_ANNANONNTAIAINT, . AB D Owszad AND OiLaziANN. Bro.lss,North 'pleat Diamond, Allegheny, Commercial and 'Woolf. made to order. Orden resoectrally =netted nod promptly a:- eeo tad. Mx. Paints, Wintlow Cams .4 Putty emtstautly on hand. . aptSmid BtriumG AND LOAN Al9BO. CLITION,' No. D. or rltUbergh. Appllcati,n Ibr Oliestir. No. Itie. Jane Term, 15C. Notice la hereby glean titet application at above amber and term has been made for a charter of Innorporallon. The Nose ertLl be ar►ntad it nest berm of Conn mien exceptions ere fled. .JAI3OB 11. WALTER, EM:=l NE PLEB ULTRA. WASHING MAGIONES, NOVELTY' BENCH AND 117 Di WIIINGI26II. ISW/NGS. UNION corr Er. rows, And a MU assortment of Houselsert st ort,hat, GRAMM'S, 66 /Federal Bt. POUR RAILROAD DRPOT, I ' artfontnarter ALLSORZNY CITY. pIIILADELPHIA CLOAK HOUSE, N 0.68 Market Street. BRITTANNI AND SILVER PLATED TA r i v,V V I TM TRAVIS and TABLE CRT. I.7Prbtrllt• Sri% CHINA. DINNER ITS. CHINA :WILES Slab, • CHIN • YAWLS, • CHINA. aPITTOONS. RORER IA N WARE ofavery deg/11;11os LAVA IIARD ItAn/LIES, LAVAVASEL LAVA seITTIX.III3. ELISH SWAY WARE of all Tunnies, - loll Wand a and estalttnade. TOO largest &memo-At comvleta stock eternal,' Wag la to lino la tea ally. rriees and sums Ma sauna as la the maims Bluk and Fancy ClotSacques, w. a. Qualms. • toe. nabM:ar= LLSALcs. TUC. ESIM.IOOINT, OB,,seessor to U. OIINSIVILLITSEB • CO., Flu Jut recolvM 111 the LATlfdr STYLCEI of Silk Sacques and Basques Aad also a splendid aosorUagett of =9 ORNAMENTS & BUGLE TRIMMINGS, A 0,6 • To., Aso oeleotton Of BETTOIIIII. Particular attention paid to orlon. Ladle , trill dad It to ibelv advantage log dieing lag a call before yarclutalsig &lacunae. LARGE STOOK Ladles', Misses' & ChUdren't LASTLIM. (MATIX .BU TXIV X UT TON , CUXURISS Gaiters, Etalmorals, so a ob. so iv smrss co cow 0. Tarn WO MOS; Bronze Toilet Slippers. MINTS , AND OUTe` BOOTS AND SHOES, spirmxes vixszry, A? No., 81 Filth Street. V: E. BCIIKERTZ & CO ap13:171.11M, N OTICE -TO OWNERS OF CARTS, WAGONS, &c. Roam Is Lusby eves $ .11 owners Cuts. Wagons. Cantata. to.. stlittbsr restdosis 11011.S144t2Litis Ws borstals. of LosussoSSlUs. so Pay their Licenses, At the Traasureee 01Iter,_ortleeoroagO aeLaw.. es eme riti* WVlrrtlirrill. All Poetise sot Dad os or bobs SAT let. I$Z will be olaeed Iu tl• hands or to. Streak 4.loestesloar fur ordloctlon. *arias* to OS ha of wane for cella:H*4 wos and all par. sae WOO settee& or rase t so take oat llornseu. will be @abject vas Renate', 10 no renamed Ole, tore a Jostles or be Peace In maid .lioroolo. The old metal platal!pf orerwas Tgars suet be returned at So Us. Mess am Stan oat. or pay PI °tato 'aerator. . *Atli OP LICIL1131:3. • U. ems-horm vehicle.... .....13 75 Esta tvo•borse velatele 0 00 tub f unhorse 'oracle. - 7 30 Las3.o.3one best 7 00 0•10Lbolle• sa4 umbel mite.t...73 b 7 5 00 two bovuu Tor ease •Clalltopal hone lased Di .7 Of 0 UM &h a. vehicle* 00 was ,Racal, Treasurer =M= MNPWMfi . IaMI it 26 and 28 St: Clair Street. .. 1 1=1 / O.IV rag i lt,cl 0, • YLOOR OIL CLOTHS. _ • • WM Do W CLOTHS. • YORNITUBIL• TA II f u ItA T IALWA LA sit Dr. /11.1.141k.P. Also. LrATIAR ISELTINIJ, 110112ill_ • Iltlet &ND IST/LAY PACKING. Delos manufacturers, vs are enabled to and, to am duos,. n an 100 the b ee trade In 01101.1ItS curta as i to actors and goods not be found elsewhere la Os elty. • J. a ix. rimurs. PATENT WINDOW DASD. Fr= IV . .. , U IRVIDOWS ISSUE EARL . .11da : ,la as stashed es to he eas il y t - to bee . • a the Whitlow without r•Juorliii the utak end • g Wade. enabling the hotimuteepor to do Itelzt In hell the motel time, and trlte mach ors cm. It Is o f eouttehe Ihtogeheeel a... .1 build without seeing it. Any win. doW Übe diltaril4 it in 810114 oast. Bash goo kers 't Malletera tame a Sled it uti ariT iiT• 'Teriltarr I* gola L tist. Sue I.ll4o.oleitta ef ts Ihre4 man of as,a/1 capital. /ros Mete Rad "'II rig lezegh wasunwroar. Ito. 6 • /aorta street. Pittsburgh; rani sii, stoati door artill 1 , i to rine inoil, 70 1 9 WA9lts • Mohler° Roll. - , 9 Co., ()Tricia TO inalTAiT, ritialuirgh, Pa.. Muth C, 121. END No. 3.—The Ito D. al Directors of title Coottleare hats deelered the elm quarterly IllirWaad of • TW, AND ONE-RLLP (VD .PER OUT, .1 Yee 0 Goverment lax. 'on btu, stock, payabla theod Ones Tuesday, the It* ot Aprn, ma; at alsa of Wlttslow, Lasder Co., I. ob. Fr and SS Plasstreat. to theta regittarad at Seri York. nod atltba calm of the T.roasarar to time mato. tared at Pittsburat, The xantfer biKll 1•111 .101. On tba Alb day of March ISM. at 2p. a., and fo-opel the Mu daY of As ISM • sPittall a , l. M. ttVTOHtllalllf. &ley. ;""11T" 14 LOCUL. ` LEI & LOGAN, HE Dimlonia Iltdo, Caps and Straw Goods, nave lust °punkt then acts stock of FASHIONABLE COOPS. ise st. Ciatr,se.;.ritilabsirah. Please give vs s ettl batbro pnrckanins lf*. veer.. ap11:z1 WINDOW NILIIDES.--DaVlng • • ".".3 bee t Wag stoat at Shim:lea wears now . cpare to aeU at th• looreet eneh Vbs., elth eetmlceale .or ratalL Th• be won meat at eau be found la thielty, "Al - Alad, a slew rtyla of nhadee Inet read's& (MU and ae• them at Nos. Waal( 21154 Mate street. Liars. malt . • J. 4 li.P ili ADVER GREAT. CIRCUS ~LISD COLLECTION OF TRAINED ANIMALS. ' TWa long estsbllehed'and favorite Circus and Animal /exhibition has been thoroughly re-ors Remixed and completely renewed In rem detail. rgitt'fotergLlA".l7ll7l pANDr AT ad TIN'S, embracing all the par cl aphernalia an adreeete necessary to t a nut am Circus. The Limits or Ine adsertiserneet scarcelY niece tor • tell description of the otitet. or the esteem of the artists employed la this unique ell. tabliehment; bet the proprietors tate especial pride la directing attention to the equestrian Company, which is composed et ell the old fa- • Tonics, Horsemen, Gymnasts and Acrobats tho profeMlo6. • ogre of TRAINED LIONS • au also been pissed In tills sOOl 011100, which will be entered by Mr. CHAS. WRIT& who Inn glee a sensational performance while In the =lest of formidable and ferocious beasts. fend ecalar sh o wseeedlnnly thrllllnitrentn” of In the will be ilse carrying of i LIVINC WILD t lON THROUGH THE STREETS. - ur.e.ged and ituthehig4, eight soldoot own, at the cu. Unto thorough rfectl cony We, the salmi beteg filer the trol of the keeper. The ' . Equestrian Company Imbreees the elite nett., arctic art, and whems names will answer for inanimation, Till Dr. Jtan. Inniortst. • . . Mr. Ow NOYIN, Trainor. Mr. 01 USED. 80/aback. Elder. Mr, CHAS. PAHlitel, Couto , Herat • Clews Mr. U. bIAITH • .05, 0011010 Equertrimar. HOOLEA acarE,_AcrobatS, WILC li The WILCO lino?"' ASS. .rADAIMM. _ Mau. li.•LokralN. Ideartmenna Mlss ES/G CHE We SUE, aqueatrianns, Muter . W. COOKS. sreet boy Miler Leapt?. Mr. as. Moue or. Horizontal Bar Performer. Mr. F. ILOBINOON, clunk Uhler. • Mr. J. HUNTKRIM) le Detest Lute. , Mr. P. PHILLItIi, Vaulter, fic., with a bont. of aux Mules The LEA/INN° PONT and the Trick Horse ”tifttli SUILK ,, will be Introduced by Mr. Noyes. The VOMIO ROLES will he Introduced by Ur. Thayer: and toe TH117.1: CLOWNS will produce mule own credentials unsulated. The xerg.ous BIND thiAltitfr, will the splsed id Dead ef Mencius , will be followed by r:d DecoratedTo =tl; '1'4;114 Tilt = very rarely cant intais country. CHINA WAREHOUSE. RICHARD BREED & CO., x2sacvcormsaxes, No. 100 Wood Street. MOORE 8c MUER, ItszattsetanWlt iwn otesais ig a:I:18813W tinu NES; Valises. Carpet Bags, &c 1 WA two am:tam% of Ladles' Wadi al ways 0111 tuna. N 05.103 and 106 Wood It., MUM ITIVABITBUR. PA. CHANDELIERS, Brackets,. Pendants, &e., EMI Ciretss et,33.<1. 40111 ♦ tura LoWntsuint on foal als4 rtcelvtag aS WEL DON & KELLY'S, PLUMBERS ABM GAS FIITEI/14, 164 Wood Street. = IRON CITY CUTLERY CO., No. 3 St. Clair Street. . HATIOff Mr-halted of ANDREW BUMS the ails* atoact of Hardware wally} ad Variety /cods. at the Lb,. !Dad, it ls ULU usteallas to /rep on bead a Int dal .toe. of HARDWARE. cuTLap . Ras, Rides, Revolvers, Mauls. Vial le ase eePetiod fads of eve valet.. / *ln prtpar. clo 111.1 tads of JOB W 0011; Ortuding Saork/*LoPes.•*., Coutod sad tamps. ad tuella Cal ad Laseillog eteieße. elates' pottee. W. IL SOWN, Manager. shNzwEl BUSMEN' MAWS COMMERCIALCOLLECE, • liosAandBsl.oairStreet. M;ESME!! EMBEM':MSifiI or tam rossmaastilp, per Tor Circulars or Spocioser.. oAdrsss oestirerr eLIA.II.III. or J. T. ycCL 110VDS. przridentituPAT, *ne PRINTING AND WHAPPIND PAPERS rifflll l iTts 1%. ItZW 0171C16 AND WAZEHOI737, Re. 82 Third Street, Pittsburg% Pi. 7171 0/71CL86—.111011111 . IJARTJZ, _Pronlesit. JHO. LIVINUnToN. Thank. . ILLYOIf.L Dinscross—wants Hutto. Joan /Anon, IL Homo., John IL Livingston. Jona M. rOi• Ins. 0. N. Messick. • Veall Paid lad Paper nantoll . • SAMITEL N. wicaznensat Iron Eiroker, 124 Pint Street, 111771117110 H. PA. Jointrium,ort—mcviher fir43=ranti=fm.r...witi conslaumfaU and orders respirettety Jed tad. ures EFFERVESOMI CITRATE OF MAGNESIA, I. • oe. bottlea, to powder. Mils Manned& la a 111!dar=a st a i adaeuleallr sumach. ana febrile caaer._Var sale stnN /Mullis. Prepared by MIT/11,91 BOGILMI, leenpring street. Saw Tot. rab2711.7 suoirr HAND Vlrfa et knowledge bt We voluble art Wight In tea mitort sod eon o Dno- Ueal reporter from London, induct. loch pupil taunt oepornioly and stony tims total& their own convenience. Apply to J. A. GHAT. IBASZTTI OPPICI4 =:1 13ITTSBURAII NURSERY AND I thoWD 0 BIZ N11 , 0 . 17 , 8 . 1L . ;t 0 re ELI. Jr.,) N yeldrthrill AN Omtt D /Lowers, PItY• s rit e i gNatiel . Z . ‘o u thele Alte TOOL ring, great. Vine. szelL tireenheate. - ,Pittsbunth and Oakland Passenger Cum nat the ureeshossee evel7 =tea tethhte. • biteesdaw V. Jon?' PEULCIICK, ORNAKENTAL HAIR WIM. AND PIINASR. roorth stre e t. ao• door from Wood. p TlR atabit r ra 2 211,1;d7rirL0tra .111 I . » given for 807 Ladles• sa..l reallismat4 harem the UMW% Masser. • TEAT APPROVOG SMILE. ROW) lOU HAMM ur r If to, take Pomo it n emArrllii9EOLD, 7131Virigt. orItORTI6tICUIPP. Poore; ewe to get thew good. and at the towed mast price, lA et • 1 PEUZILLL 13111.117, Allegbegy City. spiligt GEOIIOIII =rem& VOW SALE IN - SEWICILLET Um principal stied. . • TWO ACRES OF WELL IMPROVED LARD. An abundance el halt, a neat tllo•Etarf (Ma. t.ll and elz rooms: saw sad itcc g lt. Incatic al bs l ' ''" Valali r ra. "" . Oa Ina premises. FEATIIEHO.-20 Sacks now landing . from steamer Silver Late. Tor aala D) Waal) Dalai DIOSICr d Oh ADVXR MAMMOTH EMPORIUM, 55 & 57 Fifth Street, BOOTS AND SHOES, BALDIORALS, GAITERS AND SLIPPERS, riEw, CARPETS, DOMESTIC DRY GOODS Hoop Skirts, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS NOTIONS' ' RZCZIVED DAILY Br MITHSON, PALMS & CO., A.ND ►BE BEING turosaD OF At P'kiva - te Sale, =I DAY AND EVENING. AT UNUSUAL LOW BATES. MYERS, HOPPER & CO., Ma es:guess ta nuLairi, •aaae,l KAN= LCTINIZZ! or FURNITURE Of Every Description. /WOOL /AD OFFICE FUSAITURE. Ito. 46 Smithfield Street nrsszintsna, PL. AIIPA full assortment of inttabarith Yamaha tnd Ihs ra ltare *casually ex hand at LOWZJIT tIAISII WK. J. C. KOfIU...C. A. Urns; IIIId: ,YII liillllVklV~dl `~ THE GREAT HOUSEHOLD REMEDY. YD Tax ruxua.-z 4ti Plr 4T, !Paned BILL)" CS ZOliteti nu. (As sale Kishler's Herb - Bitters, La ta• City et DlDaaargia sad lava autberlaal .T. WAIINUTOCE ant D, L 1101. Tog. ap keata. to Cam as at 6 waxes the Yaw LaLicum. xtr i . „ 14. u . a. MLIMEZZA. FARNESTOCK d; HOISON, Wholesale Branch Howe, RU Mall.TlCeli gliZraety Odd is aU llisepootablo Urealots. u zzl i sek 81: 1 1r . ta . to *Maine say ono of . , 11U9ILEW8 HERB BETTER!. ... 90 00 ... 00 THE INEBULINTS ONE EXPRESS CORM CAPITAL, :20,00p,000. Dried sad °pasta tri Our Ifferchards and Nuaiteturerr. castutEs ample osey, TOLm Valuable% Freight, and Par eehr. over more than 18,000 miles of Simms Lines at lust and liberallates,savesitillions yearly to Express ithippers.and can be made permanent only by their liberal patronage. This we hope to merit and re. gets% Milo% No. 145 Wood Street, WMI. LITTLE, Agent. MEM NEW WALL PAPER EEI 'UPHOLSTERY STORE, JOST OrIIMLD. •T NO. •86 SMITHFIELD ST., BILLOW 7171111 D. miltB4oolontaislo Us 'Wooled logolo•ntalt ~ tassel of oar booloool. • ew WrloltsT, Nrlth R"fif of l A" p_k_ r" lbe w n is . l.l U " Li -D itt OURCAI CLOTH, llk f rThoopoSJS mad B.ILDDIJI* of all kf aafag-28exrrnrizt.nerRETKL___ . 'OLD OT.LNI)—•6 LiDllll TaULD E. EDMUNDSON &. Co. .. GUM & BYRNE isig uw arrsa n gstrat c ror . aan: HAT, CAP AM) RIB BOMB At No./32 St. Clair Street, left tltetr friezes •nd the pestle tO eat AM examine their .parlor stock. *WS tbe7 feet eoultdent ertli glee entire eattitaellolu. EMI MINZLIIITEr 111Th1r REIGERLY .& CLIFJ& tiltecomers to Hae. 1. Ilduudneas • C 0.,) PRAMUAL LITHOLIMPEER__ L S TUi ONLY OTltill LITHO(' sursAll. WEST OP VHD NO Ault; =is Cud*, Lullhado, Dead LDels, tbuir C Malta, View. esnitute 1 lunation Outs, es ti SfLQ sin Put ut • 8 1:: ( 4 1 or co BLINDS.-401IN A. oppoalts ths WA Posteill i er keep oa r :. 0=o; mr,r,u,....vrzr:7414A,1v01t1 Wthdoar Shade.. ao and aridthk... Waned auo thotha; Bar, holland.. Maas, halle..Witt. Btla4 aad Plotaro Cord. and Tussle. aim at the alma store, ea hand or mad...ea:4.r, a SOS teeth of Waite and Calico MM. Collars tin gent➢ lemen's wear. agarwit. • NOTICES. • COVVYT TRZAscatall c rLc& 1 rirrasca a. IBC. rgr ET PIIRSITANCE OF. THE Sat natitlnadan act rslatluf tok.ll.eisenT County, approved the lilt day oI Kay. tats, and of the emenelseat to said section. al.Pns , s4 th• Welt day or Marsh. UM L EILVID AMIN, Jr., Tleasirser of mid County. twain it.. 00000 that Um Dail , aof Ms alma Wards, Bor. MO. asd . r.wawallm WILL HZ 0713 G and will De prepared to metre the Wm, Rill, P 0011.1) lIEMT TIM FOS 1667, I= The First Day of May, 1867. 84114 Tax es ma be paid at the or rimy, until tt•D SMT Dal' OF LUtII.I3Z, With • Deduction arrive Per Cent. Dleeoaat PVP w Danagthe hole amount of their taxes. There vain,. sor.Csolastloa "lima oa taxes Mutes the siotstb or August." Then will be TU PER. MI taxes retnalstag exhale on the PLOT D.I7.OI.hErT2II:ItIEL r 11711011074 IMAM 2lib. /107. EarNoTicE.—TEMAILLEGHE 1‘201.1:173LX044.27 EXECIFTIVE --CO -1,,g Oa Saturday, April - 201 b, :_1167; 'Attn.orncce th. ' 46 1:0IIRTII . A rat attendlitiels re it Tested: a. IX. th.s for holding the Nominating Lice:mention. and older Dulness of Important..lll then be ocauldsre4. ==l 'ens W. sanDiu, m Att Ch.thOs A. L. elitAllO est: T, t kezetwei. T. Y. Beerni. IrNORTEI CANAL STREET. All persona an hersbi nodded that the anderilarad Irladm 'gradated. to Mow all &seem damages and bean"ce for the areal.[ o! 21011711 CANAL STUMM - la the north aneatany, City, from Let Mao to Cddar mans, Xlll meat on the immoral", ea . ' Mturasy, the sots day Sr eprlltll4ll7 11 tea o'o:oet. A. Yee to raid tbs duties of thole oppolutmeAt. A. O. ALEXAHDrit. JANES rrIICEIRTH. IltilLUS MILFORD. =1 EDUCATIONAL. FfrEITEMENITLLE • MULE SEIdIIiATLY. • The ihuemer sestlea of thL laitltetlan - WILL OPEN JILT- 6th. . Terra.,per torsion of Ore toiiatbo, for: afg.' log, room. light. tr.. $5O; tuition from f/ UP gig. sooorllog to ots•st weaning, 50 ems per Apere. We here reduced Ger semi 00.0 to per ceet, ter the coming go a. rar perueetere. eprTjZ. Rae. O. O• • , revert eteveent. ant. A. It. IMO, A. //L.. rrlamow ~yy~~~7~J•44 ~,~ FOB COUNTY-COMMISSIONER, - JOSEPH B. Ot We Second Wird, AltrXhit7 CRT. tuft to ttto Aragon - of tie Valero Bertilltan ty ConvottLon. Fon commit TurrsusEu. wautu-ArCLEAR, et let township, if...1el North reeette. win le a cnntlldide tar. emits Trottoror. sobieot to the decision of the Mit= Beiothilonis Coast? Coareauea.• • aplo:2i FOR PROTHONOTARY. • • - • D. D. C. HULTZ . . Will be a canadsta for the oft. of PBOTIIISIes (MLR!, subject to the dectelou of ths Dabs Be • litho. Couventlens. ' Ina FOR PROTHONOTARY JICOB H. WALTER, " Rill Dos CaolLlALota foetto Gaol of PROTHON OTARY, rifled to Um deeUa of tko'rolos Beooldleso C oventlol:' -satZeri44Al.T F°9 , TY TREASIIREJE4 DIAL J. F. DENNISTON, ticww.Wiy of TrleadwilLte Outdo will big . CisOldata far COUNTY TIIKABIIiiII.. wldeel la undid:taloa of tie Union iiputntnis (Unt.t.- tlei. M~~:{;;t~dtif:a ,RIEMOVAL. - CEORCEIN. PETTY, - traL MATZ /MIST AHD BRONX.% mars lear6.l his Wiest* N. .60 !Madded St. sal= • RMIOVAL . • ROBINSON. REA Sr CO.. Ilis4e removed ibetr cplSeeti. or 71119 T 19D ISIEUELTLIGLD REFLOYAL,-J• & NEWRIVER. & CO, Costathstosi Merchant sad dealers In Tod. Teed lad ware; tun named to 911 MatiaLTY 1174:17',, Where Utel win be plesaecito see Mix Mends 6:ol=Am:sem ' • WO FIRMED GARDE JSEMS, NEOLESILLE IND EOM • : Palebmets are limited to examii• my stock, minim isomerism to. mot reliable vs/mum to ealtivetioa. Witerertim rollowlag 11E40 al re. doted Mee. ' l / 1 140. 11 2 16 UM 7077 but. PM true Zeryeni Banos... ... IN bum Largo eireL. 80imr—......... •Ca Ter Prenc7. la ibt:'Wooire lisrlpPriumwertra ....4 110 IM Mood.* Muir Coat etßarden........ 100 Imi Marty Leer emalet .41 10:8` . 6 Wane SaraMprected Pi Icel • " Ned 10 lm •• liessier ...... ux, Spa 10 • " While 13penisb - • TITIISIIP. • Ve/ 100 !SIC Peer& 111 tom. - PirtrWbits atone . . ... 41 er.4. 60 •• tDutcb Istrap4ll6lo2)l -•• 10 • 112 " a MI ; ••• lied Top (5traD464700 ) ... -r, MI • Large tilabe 14 ruipla Top Ram Rm. 1011146 rep Mate Ewe.— 01 1! Aberideep. germ 11' " Wades DAM m . . Per 11061861. 100 Mil. larlypastel ....... 00 MI •• Ferly,Tom 21 MI W 3 1 1 / 4 1.fitoa. 11130,...,•••••••••". Mora( s1 17 1 " lope " ; " .:F "' n• IP 50 80 • 66 Moral Dwarf . . ... 600 76' "Lamm Willie 4 80 7 2 1. Lb=re Merroolist. .... 460 87 • " 03 " lattelfa " 10 Ul 21. " I.pywri nuw, edible ...... 1100 97mjsr l itITaRIVAR - •W. 712 C—NOS, Horpcml(tarist an 4 .11elefliman, No. 137 Liberty Street, • . • .411 • . r117711111160/8. P.L. TEAS AND - SUGARS. 410 ,P " X a inte 5U2"0: for 34,0 TA ULA oo a r ir T tx t rZu • V 4, : .100 • . . . . TEA& Another tarot/4 erpizem TM, of but cos Mir:Get from China and Japan, rer dape cmartiatina, - tunny cum. J. H. Gnome, comp Wag ever/Oa:1g GOOD AND OIiZAZ In the vim of iau, ataboat f. ateNtalielow the mammas irking. ARTHUR-KIRK, 17.1 Wedendinrea;,.. " ANDnEvr itzeap, M=M2 =0 IMFtlAna l rOV4 GUM,' Hardware, Cutlery & Tesiety Hoods, k 3 EL air Mid U fie fraifiskidge, irrisniratm Ta. Amman Moser ellittieme bend. Os= awe aloe. re rs soase..seiallere. BAB)/ & - uI 1. 11 r e . Mirt : l,llo6'll4,l, gcliert.' awed uktteertiou Oros to Om dealirolla building of 001111 Iploosta and p¢o7lo c=d=AL WAFTED. noon zscoir. To learn- INClinveler traia. Nona bat i steill one Read avVy• aplareti JZWILLICT, isisioacosesii • Who rut Immo sr afire. An. Persohrali tdr or I.4drerr, W. W.WILWEW,- ap13;18-di 116 MAYON D Witsbargh. WANTED.—Spence . f 11.1.11• B - C. • . SPINPLSCAIIIIII.I2I. (.oven shoetarst) CULP'S ALTA ltilfdyiGTOllll AMP APU NAVY SZVOLVLIW, {or Thiel lout pay coat or glee other food arms In volumes. P. zr,zoinisros, areal Writers sunWerta. aya3sillig Cor. Penn i Wayne PM, Tlttsteg. WANT—AezaiT.. 1 ,, • A stslatly mllabia lid sucowirsl lasur— Inca Oarayaay L 4a.lroas at estaollalatag a oral Amoy Dar Oa, or. mars of 11.• Irestaiat elantlaa of raoarylvtals. toaladlog the cat} et . flttsbarik. ;4beral ter"' ant a=CtUtn COU• trot at Qs baslaw oftred. Competent perm's- Lirrite4' .AdAress r. O. 7ser Pciladieltal.. WAlinrcUe;-0Q0.: :CCikige s; - • • sad places now saa if s tee i ggsesse la . Sraabla l eerZles soil - Oaken:L i 6 4 1 ! leonsaas ani =de in n11114E1014 seri lisa• . sector.' It le elm 'll7 Mar orlsas SALLY as. real own. MOWN le ICI staadard.ss Osar sat . Lt= - No. /Oat. cua: woo. ,AaLA GENTS WANTE WANTED BOTH. EILII AND IMILLIC. Lim" toimaap mai smati. CACI& WY p.lh alp 'work. osilatiu CI tat) nltai ptloa P.M Bela robsuiptins wetly, Adams la.- measudy, .1..0. MA NN MD tabCIIS ITi TWA WIND. tit • To, Pa. EffZEI . • AGENTEL-1.000 W► NALIC AND YiItALL. I -111 , but dunce yet A wear. of Blitorfaa sslns sed tistßrasy Isainnst. Ts. way west as our Bra SSW, gia i rittitMarYilitroul ° , MAI; Com m °ISA By Bon. 4.-T. Saclisy. Is *Bs lissdßms,vol,.,lllustastod...ls.2o at .ondS for toms and tannery, . Adams._ _ • ' . - /..., /..t'ALLOOTT a OS., • , it') lOTA :I :41 HAVE:REMO- WCALLUM BROTHERS, No.' T. Fifth Streo, A aim Ilse of all LOW' and OBerobt"l7l4sfFf. ECEDApLION iIELOTS, Velvets, Broads,' rarsarar )51.111788EL6 • • him ant chola asseitamt or Piano and Table Covers, IBM toms, liti* 1013 ID 1,06 CMl.234Lriego, TOSE PLY AHD TWO PLY, inler/ 11 409 . *ad am? MAIM id: LOW 111 . 1CCd ca . P .U PP: SeCALLOSI •MUM MA 02. snick+. mitre .0 tear CARP"' OLIVER. N'CLINTOCH. & COMPANY, savz nisr orranco FOr the Spring Tr.w4h_ Ithe DV/B=U MUMMA Of NEW CARPETS, i OR Oaths, Shades, iAttaaiten Is called to oar Ass(toot at .. UftiMir WU m MU .. 001115 Great Decline to Prices. E! NEW.:CARPET,STORE Just Opening. BoViliDißoBl.Bt. 001 No.. 21 ITFTII ATREET, • - w." are now olnitinki.eM sun er:24it EH" D UM:bir.-= ' ..n e Amato mi. nit:Acmes to commonest 11.010 Co7OU , OII.B"2- EVAIr *gun" MIL MVOS. Vlll IB is rA i lt ir. onSPlot• ofontloMot ot rthro mad BAYARD, ROSE & CO., it .nrra STEBTP. (moridloar.) tehlkillotiorT over B 113•11 dl Bare. CARPETS. NOW ARRIVING. The Latest Purchase . of the Season El= -LOWEST PRICES 1111121101:7X1 WM. 4017.41LX1s ENGLISH AND INEHICAN Wilton and Velvet, BODr BRUSELEpIi TAPESTRY BRUSSELS, Best Two and 'lltree-Ply higno4 DI LWI!R 800 2 • DiVs4lsooxi. Sal Stagtlirpets. to ithtehe • Tri Are e,n. gotstryna slangy ...to 'grad deil4l paterwsi spit." cr. sal taiM 7ents4 owners., . , LACE AID NOTTIIIIIIIOI CURTAIN, WINDOW SHADES.? (leap All-Wool Two-Ply Chmts sr etas se uswria :Atari Carpet and Ciartodn UPHOLSTERY WORK MI MUT PI lln It and 73 fifth-ltreet. tredted Sista Pitaio.l(eass sad PoneSes. teeend Row, ;: , OIL cLCITIML--/Isrelzoi • reftecill au brims.. caa abirbffer Otleanta t e.t.a rues. Ism noes as band .4 d arstde ibT 1.14 'thalami* amt resit. by J. a B. mums, sani sad a I% Clair MOP* ,1887.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers