~.....,,..e. ~.,..„..... ....,...,..„......:. ........,..........„„:„..:: r . ~.:.._ ~.. I . . - . 1P11...1%; - IWEEE I T Z, . - .. . ..- Ifanker stud Broker, -. . . 18 Wood Bt., deer: toter of Fifth. b floats:m=l47ga vationsotiowf,icalalllrms.e,S Sci Fill . Lane= and Ccptsigoital, Zlsollage so3A tilawircaleratei. .:.. ''. , '. ' c Govi,Bilver aneiCoUtrciaght la WO' trst a•as,es,rrui GOl4. issae4 on New ark. ITO HOLD OF 7.3913. made; —"-arrantemenia with 1 74i - sr CS 4433 -es ilb _Ochs Zureatxral. I st rurtra ,Te ' l . ;B St. CO., iltA -Japv-x145-ers „.„ . 001trB, A.I9D BILITHITELD SP, mu 4:all FINANCE —AND TRA.DE. 0/InOn ov awe Yrrrinstrson Gaarralat FERMAT. April 1E67.- The SOW York stoat MietatiOns today SS received by.3lr. P. It. Mertz, were Mt follows t Gold, lYtt lElghtpone bonds, 109; Five Tatentlea, 109; 'do,. lard, 107%; Pao Twenties, 1865, 109,0 Ten Fortles,o77o Bevan Thirties,lo6; do ad and 3d yam:4lo3Ni &Si Conaols, 107:. Michigan Southern Railroad. Ce%; Cleveland &Pitts. mina& 08.4; Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne d Chi cago, tiliht Falb, MX; Chicago and Bock Islan d. Chicago and . Sorthwesterndi% do prefeirred,s9%; Maw YOrk Central, 09N; Beading, 0914. The gold market is unsettled. Ii openedetst strong et 137, declined to 193, hut tiCatal suddenly to 131%, Govennneßt. Meath*. have impieved. and 1.1100 of lta"1 bre - ter;l3B4, 1%;1633,%. Seven Thlrtitta there tieing Moro demand. ter_tfrrrOe_., investment. Railroad. sharl.Xtits:. without any =Gatti', Mime., Fort WaYnO seallerrythitul , strongest on .the•ILM tua bait edJa'ein the Buropeartorl Or oarsma n . sun°°°l°. • n,a, tai snarglna, aide 94°1°S10' th " 9r=3F the Gato:sriaff.'srr..ippci Causal "4.- from . ale Witild_lawia,°, °P e° ° , pr MIS CleVeland mad ..".`rtar.ad. Company_have deter _iiitsbia us tiing of shareholders to umaidt° 77,,,,,,priety of making an issue] pw reseat a large amount of t° °°l° 7,d in construction. The prop caroled° an exclusive nee of earnings tams. is stated to be In fine nen:. kitsim. and able to earn in futtira 'regular ,dividends upon the; old and proposed new B lares, It is ' out of debt, and its friends are sanguine of regular dividends now that - it is operating for itself, and not with a view of consolidation with another line. —A big lumner sale has recently been Wade In the .I"ennsaleants: oil realer. by Frederiek . A.lloire & Co:. of Meadville. who have sold an immense lumber property In Vareat and Warren ommties to the PIUS. burgh . and Forfeit• Comity Lumber Coot liinnyy tiir two hundred thOnsand dollars. Mr. Bowe retains- a large Interest in the new company. This is the largest real es - titersale that kas lately boon made in the neighborhood of the oil region. , The lands • are on the Tionesta. and aro covered with the:Sliest pier, hemlock. 'oak, end other valuable timber, and mills are lumber lovely enliaiied in getting out the for market. TneChion ney go. Tribune, of Thursday, Says . . Preload mo =artier osents nO I t ares diffetent from theme m noted yeaturday. The demand for bums on apes - statics ner.l ednut •svas again quits active, though In a I stessare checked by the reaction In the grata ma,Miets. The derruind In a leant mate way Is fairly active, thoegh enamel log larably of -renewels..-For speculative tiper=ttotila'uttetrliultirelose, anntoniani the street. The mart& Por i. otre i r Olga. tarts Is quite easy. Tito rates of intermit, both bank and bit the open market, are prrimmumaxe momsire • OBlrsok 07 pila Pircottnarc Daum'. -• • - , Pansay, April 12, 1367. ?APIA adVaslawla near and Cantu within' the last week Or twill:um - brought • shoot a reeling Of apprehensios, and fears , !are now apprehouded, and that there will De a "tumble' , sooner or later. is almost aertain.;Tlaat that present excitement and „extremelpriceslire the result of specula lien, or whit might be morn appropriately termed ”garobling," Is generally conceded, • mid the reaction, when it does' set in, be as rapid as the advance, awl If sufferers there mustbe, it ti to be hoped that It will , metope those-who have been instrumental Aiilirlegirig about the present 'excited and inflated condition of the market. thane!, nufortnately. generally. the innocent have . to sutler as well as the , guilty. , , • • 'GUAM—There lento no operations in Wheat today, et e have no Wee re ported. Oats considerably excited. scarce and higher. We slow (Irene .t C 3 to 121, on track. Urld 63 to 70, in store. Prime Teliow Corn (*belted) Is in demand at $l, and there Ls but little otrering-‘may be quoted at $l,lO 01,12. In 5T.0213: Bye is wanted at SLAP, and • bat , little offering ,- Barley is firm and in de mand, but prices are too irregular to quote FLOUlt—ls firm And In moderato demand • ngd--h extreme prices - has • t e ndency to make buyers take hold very sparingly. We continue to quote at si4 to 41432 for good to choice Spring. Wheat; Oa% • to Pifer Winter Wheat; and 212 to 4 13 for fancy St. Louis brands. • PitOTISIONS—Bacon is quiet but arm at 10 for a:welders; 11%e to 120 for gibbed Sides; 16e for PIAUI Sugar. Cored, and 17c for Can vassal Sonar cured limas. Lard is selling at. - 130 to 13 , 40.,and Bees Pork. $2.314. Bll.oo,3lo—(ll.eported. by E. B. Mathews, ltroom tinunuterturer; - No. • • 323 Liberty street) .. No. Taney art, slrp par dozen; 'No. 2, al, No. , 4340, ".1 Stake Braded, IA; ho. 113,301 No. 3,'(3,50; No. 4, (common) $l. gr oom Brush—ones.) SMO - per OM No-.1,U; No. 2, III 40; No. 3, $l. • IiELT/S—CloVirroced scarce/du! higher • and we can report sales, la store, at $13,50 to al& • Timothy Seed Is quiet and un changed at $3 to Flaxseed la In de mend at s3—ail` BUTTEIL—Tbe arrivals are increasing. and the mantel is less active, with &droop leg tendency, %bunch, as yet, without duo table change. We continua to quota prima to choice Roll at 33 • EGGS—Steady wi to 3.1.. th &demand equal to the supply, and vice= set/mt.:eviler gale!, at tla to Ste. POTATOES—The arrivals are increasing, but the demand seems to keep pace with the supply, and yorime Pasch Blows are eel -king In store, at aSe to $1 per bush. • ..-GfiEEN APPLES—Quiet and unchanged ...receipts increasing. We continue to quote at HAY —P $5 to $6 per bbl. • . rime Timothy Bay rs firmer, and tray be quoted at ell to $27. • • prrrsarrsou prrizoLEuzi3Wk.pmr cesitan Os Iva Pre'matradix Ratters, Primal, dim' la, nal, • CliiioF.—The market is quiet but steady, and prices remain unchanged. at 0-1, to 7e. Pale 01000 tibia offense Creek. (10 gravity) atGM: 900 "Franklin" at fine at 11X, bbls included, free onboerd care, ana.lso at yi. • bbl, to be returned.. The fact that hi:adore :are repOrted drill at 0,35" to 4410 at 011 Qty. - has a tendency to etlffen holders here, aml our Market ntaybo quoted firm, with offered, and To naked. 'There is some In. sei - for Inure delivery, but sellers do not seem inclined to contract ahead at present: prices. The demand • forforwar d delivery comes from tank men, who tiro a little Prehonsive thst there might be an advence about xlio time they have their tanks ready to kll,and to ma a common' but not very elegant pbraseithey want to "make a sore thlue of 0... REPINP.IIThere is a continued fair de mand for bonded oil, mainly • for the late slimmer months, but the extreme views of refluens has _a tendency to retard 011.0111 e 1100.. can report • sale of eSCO harreht, prime light straw to white, at CM board. ears here—i.Vo Mr April, Om May; 500 Juno, 600Jely, and 500 August; e1.53,2:40 barrels, standard d ude w Celivere.V . Philtdei 50)4-500 , J aly, Augot, WO Septembsller nod . WU October. There 1 , 0':0 no oil lemst !net , light re , porte d_we7 no quoted et X tor wt.= light straw to slats delivered in Philadelphia, and 21 u, 2714 for standard white. .111.111.VAho following arrivals of Oil 17.earel,"PrgeTtednr-, l hi gi Pls her d'Bro...„leen 'W. 111,1am:eau.... len I blawhlnticya lon TOt&l .Cl3taiga Cattle Market. • Crricaco, April 10.—Tile fresh redelpts of beef cattle tau. at the Union atock Yards are 1146 head. Entered bears, 1'93 head, at price. reingtngfrom tO s o ,e s for e 012111 3012 en awl bells; 46,0007 for good butchers , ...Snipping steers. and from e 7,11,407,40 tor • good Shinplog.b.oves. The tuartut is dull and weak and prices hare deelmesl from 10 priceyßuyere are bolding otY, nt a genond thhig, ma account rif the Itberal supplies forwarded East, au favorable Now York adVlCell and the - onset. fled elate of live-ntxk e'''rioghV,'T,„„or the Allegheny lo =tract tx liass bought 57 fair steers, weighing 00,7 tie, 516,05; also, 16-head aleers, weighing 3400, at Pi. C. 'Marko bought 10 good steers. Weighing . 17,- 040, nt 7%, Deed bought IG good steers, aVeraglng 1157, at 7%; also, 4 head ut 7, . - AI limey ice. llLlUrket. 't• By TelliqlPtt to Ste Patsbort ti partite ...tltrwArr.ll„ Annl rt.—Flour ull. 1 4 711 rat mug:tiled; $2.,5 for No. 1,.1.LP111,403 for No. .. ir2,33 for No. 2. Outs doellne.l to We. Corn al ull !mid lower; $1,0701,10 for Na. 1 Old, 901 WM JAMS DAUM & 69 and 10 Water Sttact, LAID' OIL NOVA Mid dada* LA 0/11=4 LIIBBIOATENO tad CaABON OILS. • . . wantant our ritA. i LArt,_ _mpo" best ClacinuttLgool=r;NA.,..., to tlar, l l 7 I"rad Oil as • Lubricator nano be "Ou'elgaderce.tt Laurtraticivilardad brae' oitcratatiiiirtr raiataturra wilt ha d . talu thelt interal nye ,aa • cal Wore rAngl l g Lard Ott irons th e West. VIITISBERGIEL ISET2I:Ib si!e_pir:uwrs. assiEr-vrEEKLT •iabv 1 ...--- ' Orrice oirlnd PiTreatikok pAzsTr r., 1 Fains:r, a n f... The Market for ldetal and Blooms con. Prospect of any im mediate Improvemenlittlet. The ind Mations at presentlor the starting up of the mills are about is retnote as ever, both LW:it:Alders ardor ginireadafcrit; ~z,,,le'lit3r.b'' r'ged=r••!;;"tnbe nal mils mix Start u6g/hatark liar, which in already pad dled, but the bar iron _millif, it in assents' most positively, will &Manna fo r remain 1110 until the paddlers see prope it g i o .) , t , , ,, , ,, 7 1. k l a r i 6 tt i li 1' 4. ‘, , p a r . l7 t f ol t i r :lora ti c g e t i I 1 r c° . n e s: r t . , t u TA inn u f le r , . landuuh,iond thrown _doirectlyottotd.he \ rolonOtt M fitTgrdrg..tdb,ll., la veli. light, and our foundry men, to nso s t ST:, mon phrase, ere...loin a hand tyr,,,7i1,7 turslausso-buying only to saPPY... mediate wants. - . Fortwing.- • do sales we have re. ,;,, ,40 d _ • y lie/tons Muck liar ...... ... .. t.. .. ~, g o __es ; 150 do 110.1 Jossphen•tV......:o, op, an . 50 do So. 2. Joirerio- .'.; - 7 •-.•.". c 40 do Juniata B p a glistters.,,, , ---- < 4;°' ..., „„,,,,eafdd (15344.0 -' t 71°W "tWr- se ••-....gtus snaribrzekr„ b_ air Teleit.ers;olo 41- I. l „„ nn e, „" le.g fattit 1 ,ErsrXrrorold• cam :,7-7. Na- , 1 rh'"1,...e5.'4%!_,," ds-avral___..wd watt interest. ; • e.A---...„,:,•„•, closed ..w. w egruire erciiii• I - ';;°;r7' 'Brnniaikll,oit,lso6; • ,oreS„ged'sll,lo..-^-; registered vn. • ~.0. Governmedd .... ~,,i al udx. do ) ~...,,ID4Vannsllol3).s; Angus; 7.30 , 0, ~..rsi ‘nri -- 'Jane add July, 1073(,53106t4. 1 11 4- j aig,oy market opened more; active idd Inglierovith Central at 100 , /,; ; Bile, rzNg fai..d iN lt; liogw gara:3ll' , u gs4. ' ' Vitif ,. Ist open board price. alAif:k.6 , o trod+ greet rates, and the decline war room , area at the Stock the Erie selling at 24 After the session the Market was Um., add the highest prices of the morning were sustained. At the on o'cloek board prier. were batter, nee s ofter Brie rose to 57. Tho whole market woe strong tithe second, board, said lower prides made except on Pe eing% which advanced to LW; Erie touched 5714 at the hut open board. The markets Tr e at al 4;7 l !Fairer'. e' po Pee r 14ti t i gfgo e ing prices at 5;30 p. m_ _.;°.• " Geld ' , 17..t%013514; ; Ohio Certitleatee.24U42 4 4,34:C a nt on,r3so4ss4, =herianilaautdVnvel, 011,4% fad4rPB., FlUEss6S,arie-,6 • 66),•rflud son, Mt Ewell mg. uSgioi 15. d., 07%,126754; LC. 11410311 W; Pdxserren. f%ed; E. I gp/A37:4; x. V. skuev,i; praorren, WWI 1301. Ft. Wayne, ' Wetatd , d4. ' .EOder State bon ne gelet and Steady; Els sourt bends, 94%694Xt Peeled bonds, SOW 45i thinned. and :it. Joe railway bonds, buyy, am; North , Carel/ad bonds 4d. Ste:mettle hares are I 'd t l iTiltel e rgi l l closed at Mit Atl an t i c , 5103 1 14. dl_,/ 504 d. neon. ear./ art morn entire and manor.. !The W olumbia, ining Market o sircaory pened firm at 40 75; 5545: , 113 050 s 50 1 Coryclon, Si SO and Qaarti 1111/, a.' 3.14 400. ----wo-------_ Nee Task Plioditew Market. City Telegraph to thePlasoorgh Ussettal 'New Toss, _April N.—Cotton a' abode lower; sales MdSO bides at 2703734 c for mid dllng uplands—chiefly at 07;4. , guier, ro. celms. 4374 bbls; the market. Is leds of but prices are without change; sales of 71a). btas. California dour In lair request{ sales of POO Ws and sacks at gM015,13. Curtails dour In fir demand; tales Cad bids extra, tree, at $14416,15. Whisky nticbange4 no receipts. The Wheat marlret Is moderately active, but there Is no clecidedebantie; sates %Leal bushels 2i0.1 Milwaukee at Igkitigtd,6.s; brothels rejected do, at 4,2,15; LILO bushels whileCanallaand 601) bushels ',bite 111001- gen at PA; and RAW bushels white Calde r Ma at O,OS. Bye dull; sales of 4310 bushel's Western at t 1,55. Barley dulthsales of 13.0u0 brothels Canada 'West, free' at $1,124114). Barley malt dull, geompts of earn,. ti 1,400 bushels; mark.etlower and moreclolngi sides MAO Stabels at 111,a4114) for mixed west , ern More, closing ;with buyers at $1.....9% sellers at SIM; a 150.1131 bushels nuked west er. id . loats al.lll.`Mi mid SOO for white south ern.- Oats drooping tor western, and a shade timer for State; sales of 37,01:0 bush at WM 7.1 , 40 per bushel for old and new western and 78071ia far State. No reoelpts. Isle° quiet with small sales of Caroline. Cone—RM. heavy. Other kinds steadft no sales. Sugar Arm: sales of= boxes Cuba at lettlle and ZSO boxes it means at private Terme. • Molasses lam• stiles of boli birds at fAtriti for Cabe and BIZIMO for Yost° Rica flops quiet at MOM. Petroleum—crude is tamer; refined in wed steady with small sales at Zile- York quiet; miles of 3,05) bbls at 5.:2,r76M.10 for now mess, closing at 'ZIA , 1 for regular. W... 1321,50 for old mess. 515 AV - 1 alp for pram) and MI,Ii7M.a for prtma Mei.; era'bbis new mess at ka-ZIMB,S7. sell. I ere , . buyer., option, 14.3. and sae. Beet steady; salmi of 270 Obis abold prices Beef name firm at WOWS. Bacon heavy; ,alee of CM- boxes -at. IMlLltt i e for snarl ribbed, 10.4AZIONo for Cumberland Oat and Ittia 110 r bediee. Cut meatsdalth salesof 11.1 riroctrirtiLe.ty.!alOc.fic,,fir_r3l,,mde,Le na il l 0 for new. the tatter on extreme. nutter Ott Waite for Ohio. Cheese steady at 13019. Iderter—S, T. Oltelett -Ann for good and dull for common gs. Wheat closed dull at 42,0162, 6 5 for No. rade Z !Spring, ' end drat end whte Culitbrutil, et 114.30 1 3.85. moderately Eye:d active ull. [ hurley dull and nominal at iMe. for Westerrb_ Corn more lodise and a .hate better; sale& 0140.. uuri buidiels shipping misnd Western Id *LAI 'ln store, sun 51.51 &lima. Oats dull; West ern 7 . 26 , 3 e. 'Fork PIA, Cobh fOr new mess; sellers regular • and- Dupers ',AM. Beet sle.Wy. Cut Meats nominally rin changoth Bacon steady at 10XtiliNe tor Cumberland middles; Lard liMAtbrii for fair to prime steam, and 1BW:40 not kettle rendered. ' CBt Teleerigh to the rittAlbat gh Cil$O7lATI, April unchanged and arm. Tile total stock here liklAttiu hul. Wheat firm; No. 2 eprum,sold at µmono, will very little offering. No ,a cocklt any hotmeguence has come In. A better Supply go offered more freely, and prima are laic 'lower; Nat at OM to oulk and 052210 u 10 sacks. Oats me very dull and prices are :0 Maar; dosing ataticn bull. Eyenactotair ed and quiet .- Barl ey 'steady. Whisky dull at 26 in bond. Cotton dull and nothing doing; prices are nomlnaL Provision, gala and unchanged, and not in much de. ni arid; 50 hhile clear rib baton sides &old at 11%c; mem poek is held at 523 73; gales of 1M haus balk shoulders at 83.2 e; packed clear Intact sides at 31 and snoabless, Inge; bams are unchaaged - and steady . Pith a fair de-, mind.. Lard steady at 12%012e. Potter and ebeese sternly, ith a fair tleMantL tilo ver seed quiet at 1112 With:panty, 4.310. /lax at gleogrt (XL Linseed on firm at et 4f. pe troleum, glat3c for refined audit:lacy paid. Gold closed , at 1.2214212 2 ; buying at 121; aell laspexchge steady. Tao money market wee may s - 2312. • tools alarket. TOY TelegriLphto the I . l44bUrstk . Br. LOMB, April 114Tobseco tiumai and tinehauged. Cotton dull, .at. 110 for-mid dling. Flour—Choice brands very drm, low grades dull and neglected, and the prices generally unchanged. , Wheat ilulli medium gredi.o of spring 1012150 lower aud better grades Bo lower; No. V. spring V.,50; No.l and .BOice 801Ing S7IO 2 l fair and prime fall $3,40,33,60; strictly prima, $3,6503,60; very choice white $3,71;‘, Corn Opened arm but closed )iris lower; prices range at 01001.1 2 . cloning at 41,10 for the beet. Oats heavy, at 8114840, closing at Bef/illc. Barley quiet, at 41.15141,30. Bye firm -at 61,51/141,W. Pcovis mon dull and bualithas small.. 31e8$ posit lower at if"?.. g 23411.50. BacOn unchan Lard, , nothin of Importance doing; cougleeed. held at Ill'hetha In tierces: 135,fg1i0 in kegs. . Bat a / a aarkeit. fir Telegraph to the Pittsburgh tisrette.) Berate, April Lt.—Floor steady; Sales of 300 bbls \o.l Spring at 412,10; hn bbli Cana- do, Opting at 413,72; 100 Ws ambr Canada at 414. Wheat In middling request; sales or :53,0001mehols white Canada at PA: Corn In good demand; sales of 'Mears note Toledo at 61,15, and 11 ears at 41,71, to arrive, all on litate line tract; and 1000 bushels old mix ed Western, in store, at 41,15. Oat. steady; sales of *LOW bnahaLstio.2at 6244210. Rye nominal; Western held at 41,10. Barley scarce; sales of 3,000 bushels Csaatla at 44%5 Stedo active; sales of 1,000 , busttels Clover, at 410, and ZOO bushels TlMothy ai 413,39. :Port and Lard unchanged, limb wines; sales of 6 bbls nL 4 2 ,73. , • • Loulovlllo Market. - -- f dr Telegranh to the ritisbersik harette.] LOrIsVILLS, April FL—Soles of 217 bbdo of lent telhaeco at fell retell, kl.23CirAoo. Flora; superfine $10.25011,17. Wheat nominal. Corn; shelled S7lllkei ear 13:50. Oats 74700. Mess pork a= lookohouldors B *. racked clear rlbbbd sides 110. Bra:10D; shoulders wlleyrr.Vl47,4:2;ic. Lard; tlarcos • Albany Cottle Staricet. CUT Telegrsjph to thn eittsbne,h . llssette.7 ALIIAIIT,' April rt.—Cattle sold frecly eta decline of litt%c from lust week's Miens. The ton price sor best extra Illinois urns wad punts ranged down to GVA f o r common light; receipts of the weetr4COMeol. cheep 34. higher, non •In good retionst.; sales gouu bead Cl 769 c; rctoiNlO 3.Cas limn'. Hogs; no sales; rscolptsol3,(4o heed. C B 7 Telegraph to the Fitttburgh Uskette Faltsectinis, April FL—Clover Seettsl2 013. Futrell:urn;sales crude at loalillic; refined In trend '15%4Z. Fleur strut an d „. c. by t .ged. - Wheat firm; sales Fenusylea ula .rd at $5,504 - 3,33. Corn decline.' 7.c; sales COOP book Scliew at 111,2.5. oat. steady at Vilidee. Provisions unchanged; 'Whis key; contraband advanced Logirte.. Ulf Telegraph to the Plt , shursk 411eratte.) lissvi stock, Apr I 13 —Flour flint and nom. that. W heat—salsa unimportant for Mary- South fle,tl.lo bush Wne erna. qt, Corn—sale $1.2561.30;S 2 IAO hush /Used Western at $1,19, Yellow - Southern at 111,...Vai 1,12. Outs 'NW/50. Cloverated $.12,754515,W. Provisions unchanged. Wtilsity without al. Oration, • , Plirratnall "ROPE - WORKS, DIABBIIALL,FIII7ICON BOLLIIAL, aglu..zowt.r. Ite the West of 1111VY CORDiall Suitable terns.= awl Coal Boats. ILAWSEO LAUD OIL WEII.IIOPIL. Tarred Hopes for Cool, Haustoads, HEMP 011 UM ;MD pampa, cm:m.lmm mrrrobr, a.. a... Warenenea. ll4 l and 115 Water Streets New: eloaaiiealual no .. ' 1:1 M ____—.................. Micas. Market. .. [BY Telegrapb to the Pittsburgb Gazette.] Cmosoo, April P.l.Flcar dull, unchanged. mul !attained demand. R e heat 5 , 9ae loweri sales of murder reeelptsVAT closing quiet at 13,31. Corn opn?A, moderately active, at OLP:6IM; No-ASig dorm to SI,W4. and closed qolet. .17r: ej , I.ot. Oats %two . lomr, closlorLilin„tl, rter4g,roinui luiet,:ilcire,Tget. receipts of No. I. gilarlor rArgo,,,,ll>: nominal. Ideas norlClP.,sei, under dull and depressed. at*lti.l.,, .; int' 711 0,4 ! * obolco smooth.- Dep.s.a . • ..-;. "... e : Walt recelpt...,., - choice shiPOter , n a iling, ri . ' ..... Its. - , g rw f.„ goo ,tierdMMui I .o.4l„spnt AL--MTUOIo sales of ", 7 7,Vos j ah,;341tAti n gf.ig t osrq b gi : ~.•;inliner.soeiptit of the sreelr „p p 17; 0 bans last week: el. ..I.ll7;o7Wgrostocir eli , huntll67,Mit bales. en , Dcar r 13,,..c.. mouussarn ter i„. on, tab , _Fi Ir rd In goal do. ~,, „ m aga. g 134913;,... Corn In re. uneddi. LOU- Mroszt•_ Oats lOCifra‘o. Port il g ttettstitss dttrr, Yrgi l t i rr l frA jjaggilapA. Sterling lareltangs 14711119 isigisk Exultextge tat New Tar k% premium •' Meroplitainenrket. tßy Tel( graph to toe Ptttebureh Oarette. ] Ilexruffa April IL—Cotton dull, and low. er; at:2sa. Itecelpts fort he week; 2,544 bales. P.r.portru,l,ooo. Stook ; 15.G00. Corn, $123 for choice whttt. Oatr, 230 b. flay, eas i er; n 1 aSa27. eteady It e9,Plitlo,oo. Pork, gold; of. ataNo24,oo, Isseou, wear, sales at 131412;l4. Lard, uncbange.l. By Telegraph to the rittatarth Marotta.] • Tot.gorh etprlll4.--Flonr quiet.' Wheat lc lower; sales of amber Michigan, at It. Corn closed at Cc lower; No.l, at hie, and I'o. Rat. 010. 1 : 1010 .. 01 ‘ ,10 Ccd MYe 11014c0. lIIIPORTEI 111 ITTILICOLD , Cieret.43ls Aso Firrsaurtart RAnatosp, April 19-9 bbls eggs, Means A Carent•el lugs molasses, 0 bids eggs V,an corder Sbepard; :Slugs molasses, 1.11 Vold; co; 2 kgs but, 142,4 bbls egg., Campbelld Drown; 4 sacks . seed, 1 keg butter, Of .7 Meek; 25 bble smear,' Arbuckle' , co; 40 bee cars, et Heasletoo; 2 pegs Ilsb, 5 bgs coffee, .1 Springer; bbls gm coffee, T 11111; 4 bbls dry apples head sdn do, 4 kg. lard, J 11 Moanortleo ;lour,. ,4 counsel .14 40 vin egar, 11 Ohl. opples, H bursae; 18 bids rye dour, bacon do apples, .1 • Herbert; 10 do dm Ihe Pettit d Nowlin; 0 bbls tsp. 4 i * I .lEArr, ulAd Pg. SI reitt ' ls:l• l‘ ,l 4 :l 4 bgs se , Shals„ Sou & cot autirs 3 90.17.41M5. Fo let 4 coAd t t d a r t g i ng:le a r I :refits; 95 do do, dfriverf flpe ' l ' ;eor rm it co; 121 skit potatOes, nes ebeelle. IS pegs byte ter. J,ll Qrgan; 9 ears pedaloes, Ilea s l bbls Ilma, Illpleyco;_l. .car lumber, 4 tiouhlgie; Ido do, W car 54 bb's oil, Johnston A Payne; it bills chai rs. mer A Dottier. Firesseace.Cormsraus A Ctscrarern B. IL April 19.—1 car lumber, Hall A -Speer; Ido do. Falllips, Park ben; 3 cars burley DJ Lake; 9 bids elms. Graft' Belted; 9 boles wool. Ilredloy A Son; lot hardware, J Mc. Cutcheou; 1 bid egg", Adair 4 co; S hits urn pies, S D Lofton; el sacks barley, Ft anew, halo:wade do. J L Ray; 9do do, 1 bbl • eggs. elllte,l3 do apples, .1 13 Meaner; Bt do do, eks barley, liewoomer.Goe 4 co; 51 sacks 1 barley, Moliendry A Head• ; I car staves, 15 Hastings; 79 bbls apples, bbla eggs, Foist A co; leer corn, Bricker A co; 90eks Aattm, Iteutjr; kegs • lard, Had **Aso:. S bits fiord, Culp Shepard: . 100 do 0.0,J B Meaner. AS,LIOLINNY STATIOY,AprII 12.-1 car U5lll. feet!, 190 ales outs, Stewart A Langeonale.l3 bias molasses, Mods, awe A co;11 tots eggs. James, IleKLuney; I do do. Herbert A ido- Coy; 39 due brooms, 10 do brualtes,J listen. insole 2.9 hides, A J Ciroetzthsrer do; M LW* seed. Jos Cml4; 9 bole eggs, 11 A A Car son; 3do do, Holten It Bro; 5 dos palls, F Getty; 97 Olds apples. J Tightl3 bids lard. / do eggs. 15 Hetislitton. Pirreenaott AND CowirceLsoues IL /11..• April 11,4 bled butter, iiewcomer. Grre A co; 11l aka rags, Flttsburgh Paper Company; In b ola maple engur, L Volgt co; 41 U. hair, L Stimple; 15 rolls leather; W Wettacbt 540 do, G H Anacreon; IS tells paper, Mar kle co;20 w Wear bbls, J Finch; 5 sects rags, L Uelibraner. . • .2114.Nonalor VALINT UaliAtOAD, April 11.—. 1 ear mills, hiartan. Heckel; A WO do atone, 1) F. Much: GS sacks corn, J ears ay, S U The river rose oensidensbly yesterday and was still SWelling Iwit• evening wan eleven feet In the channel by the Allegheny marlin - The washer continues ekes* . and pleasant, end very favorable for badness at the levee. Tate rase, we believe, is mainly in OW Allegheny. Satant Novres.—The Ida Rocs leaves to. day witnOut fall for Ctootrinatt and Louts. vale. She will take all the freight tact oL fern up to the tune o departure s . Jos f era Mow, Captain. The Itobt. Moore, from Portsmouth er. rival about I*/ o'clook on Titarietay nice% anldesred aplit last evening„There were no other arrivals. The Salver Loge did not got oil mail yesterday morning. Thu Le onora 1g0.2, it was thought ' vrould get Of last night for Nashville. Among other I items, abehas come railroad iron. whieb, eheastreed to take up the. Kanawha river, I some forty miles. The Great Itepublio reached St. Louts on 1 Thursday evening. and tier Pittsbu curtiontsts were to have loft there pt-alsoday afternoon for' home, via Chicago. The Republic. tt I statal, will remain tnare abett a week to loud and make some repairs to her machtuery. , The particulars In regent to the destrua lion by' fire of the tostats Dolphin and 1110 k Fulton were publtahed In the load col. lame of the Gaza. of yesterday, The Dol.] pilau was an boat, but wee In good eon dttion, some eight thOusaod dollars worth of repairs, baying but. recently been put on her. The Fulton, also. was a very gold boat. and beloned to Riddle, co. R g ota boats are complete wrecks. Coleman The Glendale, Captain flare, and the to- Irm tApt.. ,Sharnan, botn r elan boats, are titling up steadily for St. Louis, as i s also the Columbla,t/apt.G. W. need, for tbe Upper litalasiPPL Tee America. Capt. T. H. Golding. le up for New Orleans, and wilt be the first boat out forlhatflemt. Tho Importer, Captain Ross, will load in turn for St. Lontselter the Lorena. The Kura Porter left Cincinnati for Pitts borgivon Wednesday, and tbo Sherman and Glasgow were advertised to follow on Thursday. The Bellevernon and Keaton mused A.:v=24llle on Wednesday. The Iladhion (barter makes the fallowing Richmond the Lonleville papers: . The having left for New Orleans, the river columns of the Loulaville Courier and Democrat are reduced one-half. We'll send another Madison.bulit - steamer to theta after a while. Att- old lady near the ship yards Save the reporter. for the Louisville papers are like .chicken cocks) they crow over the work of oinere. A St. Louis telegram, tinder date Of Wed. need /wonky.: Raver rising at- the rate of an inch per boor. The Ilse in the Missouri Continues. Toe Upper ./dirstsslppi and tributaries ere rapidly rising. A freshet Ia looked for above. Receipts of produce in creasing. The Alumna Line ateamers Mel. Ile Able, Lanaltiary,' Forsyth, Mississippi and Atlantic, have laid up here for want of business.' Freight scarce for an points on the Pllssour 1 balm ht.' Joseph, but paseent germ numerous. The St. Louis and Quincy Packet Company, a now corporation. have bongtittbe Mollie McPlke for 1133,600, Mr. Cutting, of aletropolls, will build for Win. IL McPherson, of St. Leeds, toe bull Of a New Orleans packet; length. 391 feet, beam, 41 feet; bold, 9 fast. The new boat will Lave the engines of the Baltic. A Now York correspondent of the Cinch., nail Commercial, Wathig tinder date of Monday, says: The Commbislon appointed by the Secretary of the United Stales Tenacity. net haying been properly or ganized, , I think. commence businese*The Guthrie American Valve Is here in lull force, with, posh as we can learn, a dtternduation to It through as the only one feasible to the public fur Raving life and property. We expect the Louisville delegation to-eight. Toe dele gates from St. Louis and Cincinnati era a unit, and will 'oppose the foreleg of any particular vulva, or any other of say person, air steamboats, but holdpatent that the boats thouid make their own selection of any patent that may fill the law. Caotaln John' . Willtamtwn Into over at Pittsburgh to induce Captain BeitlhoOYar add Capteln It. C. Gray to come ou and help , 9 but the/ wore 'both so engaged toot they le not leave, Captain It. U. Linty harlog gone Into anew business of making a putout pepper , Sauce. while Captain B. Is going to Cinnit. ' nail on the steamer Dubuque. Col. Guibrle, i or Fred. Douglas, think/ tho delegates will not b ed ads to the Convention, but If they:Jere not, you will hear fromvs, h ite wu I . have "came to etay.o knowel If e can exclude ea be can have hls ogri wan butt rust assured, we are on the war-path. Captain Alexander 1. Tempi, au Old steatnimatman died at Radiate lind..) 00 IWalnesday The nubile will doubtlessrenumber that on the morning of the of Yob miry, 1t69, the N. Gillman and N ennui It 'era coil dal sear Madison, Indiana, by which • the latter boat, while descending, Who, sunk and proved a total lose lierjUietierS! , Once instituted suit for demeans, and t . O ' cate has been pending until a. tow days 1 too owners of the 11111 man •corenro• , wised the matter by payleg the ,owners of "Inn." Br era 514,500. and the null was die. missed at defendant's °pet, The CincinattiCommercial, of Thursday, says ,Ceps. Chan. Beers left for Pittsburgh in lest rile ht's train to take command of the little Peerless, datinal for Missouri River. The Roth trip,ron from Memphis to Cairo in 19 hours and A/ minute, The Lougworlir smote the trip from New Orleans to Loulle In six day. and ten 'hours, w hick is rather lively running. Thu Mo. gave the brag Mobile Aide a heavy run, es etc win crowding her all the way from Now Orleans to Cairo. The Longworth is co slowcoach. It is thought the Morenry can bo raised as soon no. the river falls. She now Ilea fifty feet water in Arkeust. Cut-off. Some forty-two bales of cotton hare been saved from the wreck, end'l99 bales are gill on Cloclomaatt /34111mora lelerlceg 186'L‘ ' :lea - ' 1867,. prrrestrman - Asp ST. Unris ap?..cam.art 7,lsa m e a " . ...., 9.lrgair_ agiliA. • , frau,. rim:xis, Kamm %Vs., • W 41.17 A NITA. . . &t0r Ti a,.....• • .., Allarxu, L s MIMI& LAME No . 401CFO,VAlo gi r " ' D *A. tettIIOVIAL te„ ...alige,ftre-77' . . EL EVLBI N ION, .0..d.."-f.f-4:' .- Mat pm _.,,,- ..,011.2eitiMiit One of the above ...- , peet r ‘a., fad fl[ U ZI) . l ' e t iri - D ltreteut ea..... 0 trprif, - „ - t. /..4. racket re i. ,7.75, co. and lemon ' uo.. it,..l„,weitaffrowoop, aortas b rOlearratemr. Superintendent. 'c.f.. . - t e.,.,) af - ' HIS AND rx.Slll3 ifir 4lll:ll° OUL.—The lualieE . t . . visZt steamer A w Capt. 0011. :DO. elre for tlie abOTO and Intermediate ports Ske SP XDNIBD AY, the 17th Inst., at 4 p. Ps. ~.1.3r fralight or passage! apply on board or to ..'. apl2 YLACK. t VOLLINOWOOD. Apt,. INDEPENDENT PACK ET you BT. LOUIS. DUBUQUE AND ST. PAUL .—The date hemmer IMPORTER Cap t. Joinv Non, Will lea , ro as nboro on WEDNESDAY, Ayr, OM Will also take &dant sod paudigen IIinOUTI Yor freight or ;music, aosdy on board or to YLACK A COLLINU WOOD, 1.11 Agens.. CAIRO .S.ND lag.. LOUln. The en:triad passenger gess:a pt. Le ... LORENA. Will leave es above' on Talial LAY, April 1.14 i, stao•elnek.p:m. • . . 1 on board. or to FOR CINCINNATI and Loutsv - thLA teritt,out re- .. . : .bitoluir.) , The WM.... et. „ awn ,. iti tiE.6.1—,.: —• ~ t 2 .... —••• 4> J. - • Well...ear bore . e . n ..... DAI, the 1../.11 tut "".4“k 9. .1.40. FLACK or. • 1 gc u. &DA 3. D. COLLIN WOOD, INDEPENDENT PACIliaL4cFa J ET...-TtliinT. LOUIS AND 1401TRI BAVEN.—The splendid new 'Jeanette., WM.' • lANDALit • Omat.l. If Will leave for the above and Inteeined late poets on TB'S Dal', the 12th Inatant l at 4 o'clock V" "gb" .rA P 11111 1 (1 0 WilIT ape 011 DEOILUIE, DIU :sigg ia tt augur, AND lar,- rAUL. The fine atemaer COLUMBIA Capt. Damn, Will,leave 444 Shall. and intermediate posts, on IiATIJUDAY. ttlt lath inst.at o 4 it m. oo Tor Vrtr grig&Vlool4, t NANN /1 euLLINs. ,f,11..1+6 Tot.to Maricot. REGirtAn WEEl9l.2araMit PACKET BETWEEN PI SCRs II AND CINCINNATI.—Tha ass and tolandld rlde-stsel pent. :VESA PuItTES Point. Will tau. riuslX4; * be at 1) tr .IL W 6 or pustga at on board, or to al. SAUCES. or . JAS. COLLIS. S. m 1.21 RIVER NEWS. ~ ~~i7i 1 . r ..0 =_-_. LEAVING KVIRT WISDNISISLY AT TS Y. —The heel. wad MOM culotte AILLOUCIY .. apt. Lie to TAXDIGIUIT. . /11. heat,.... • • For Swabs as ramazzlz t. m.board art. Mt CHAS. LtuNd,' Ag"" Ervallitrag:rW UN I.ltit BURGH AND CINOINNATI —TM Am 160 grexiigg.".vplr4ll:: Will 1.." e . above rad lAlarma4l:te ports ta glljitaloi• PJAi r is . me aRp! V.II t ar ..t mbl Dili SA. 1 CILLB.RILIAA 111. s►AR I..ll.L.Brtirryz. BARR. SNAKE do BU~PILBB, ow:emu. to wiLwarlmax • BASIL. N 0.12 St. Clair St., Pittsburgh =EI Pianos, Organs, ♦nd Alaska Alkr Bole Agents On Lie Caletoidled 1311ADED %tY. Neer York. end SCUOMAILCIOLU a CU. Pidtedeltrble, PLlNtte. y o .s - r gy k 4V1.•8 ••UOT?Ae7L•• and • D. d D. W. F..111111'5 ••A]ILIUICAE•• U. GANS. endTD.TUN•B PATEN T ODIUM. The best MIL. aka Genetan lilotte end De ter kevietee islowt. os Isas. .17:101 . ALIXIIII,I3 11111/ LOCQUIRST LOUGUREY & FREW, NixrrAcreasas Or Saddles, Darnesfx4 Trunks, • i t:e .i ==7 !Apt No.lo2WooaStreet, OCtlrtmaDW=n4LlkvuOtlM PL„ Cl=! MAp.BIIAVS MALE. le the PlStelt Court of the trotted htste. to 4 fur the Wretrro Ulttrtet r3f teensylehola. Mich la Admlthar. C. lihror ea it Steembott rarest City. By Tin. of stern otoendiffr of t 1,171•1411 tuned by Vot saki Coon, sad to me date... la area. evil *eh marttior. 1 tr111_511”.• "ler 4 7 :711v line ITY.AIdhO/1, r WthckbT CITY -72g'„T:.e."." '4 ;1113;1701 ' . Vtikr/tlPL ana Uartholf r tetrarih. April kb. tscL &Pulls S ATILT ICI LEATIIIM BELTING AND 11013 E, No. SO itagtonruttzt or.. b EIAII.7LEY. PRELPS_& CO. *La, Laront4tor New Tort 1/041z 00. Gum Belting. /Pawlis on Undo • reporter qvilltT ofLATL LEATu mid GUM 1111011Anr WAIL COr r KM HlVElrousd MUM. !M.l 2100g5.40. f _ - ANDREW UEGU3, =C3 GUNS, RIFLES, PISTOLS, Garda:are, Cutlery & Variety Goode Aa :St. Pair BIM !I kw Eras PrITSEIVAO U. PA. Annumßion of on kind. always on band. liana and riatols repaired. nolasors and Rs more around Lad sea r *so, penknife bladu In aerie. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. CONF*ol.t.tn4Orrae. •' •Ail.ak.nr Apal ltk. 1107. dEALF.D PRI IFOSALS he retal.ed et tuts &nee unui SATIIRDAT. Aunt 13tU, a 3 o'clock p. fur Uradlng and Perth tue followled arson!, and &Rae, ant . _ • JACKSON STRZIT, Rout Future Last to T I Z t /* AV TART , In the /oath ward. ale t. ALLEY. Le the Ironrda Were. 11E 5R03 , 8 &MY F R ANCIS Controller. apkwirl B. R. at DINJAMIIf 1111,01113 LY rum! CLAM SINGERLY /4 . CLEM. (locoeeeon to Wm. 7, ISchoehmen k C 0..) PRACTICAL LITHOGRAPHERS_ ?be ONLY STVIK LITBOONAPIIIC Iterr/LB LISIISINNT %COTO/ TUN MOUNTAINS. Naeutees Cords. Letter Mouth Bead!, L.N.1.4 Circulars, blO Card. , plplomst, Portrait., Wow.. Certtleatea of mel ,, otts. g! , , , lt i At t te ards. to. Noe. pi sad TO owl R,ION OF Cum.LINDfl.--40114 115 W A. S unowni a ..110 opposite the Costolliee keep on amid or make Vi r llTl P eVerj: rd) N ew at~le of 6130 add upwards. Colored mans.oths, and holland, blots. 1100,, Otto. Iliad and Picture Cowls and Tassels. Alto at the some store, on hoed or roads to irder, a hoe stook of White sad Valleo Osiris, Collars, roraeutlameo'a wear. WEST CONIMON mAcnorn ONZ WORKS. Northwest - Storm: o Wes Common, ALLitallintY. • WRILDIS. ALA ViTKII St CO. ' Uwe ori hard or prepare on snort nodes IiELETii :ND OTEP SToNtS, IL:(15 FOE OlL i v i r c lvt or ; 4 0 .ttavliv, MULII3. Re., rye promptly exec. to& ItagtOCA I SOP. a BM: ETTACH & VIRILSON , ,- titICCIIIMIES TO CHlClshillAye A CLARK. Hmnfnetarbre of OAK LEATHER HELIUM.' No. 11 Mao street, Allegheny City. Alen MI iteeartment of Beltlnitat 0. H. AN DE.R.IIiNin. hO. 100 Libertyrittebergh. 11.. 17 1360. 0. CLARK, leapt:of Wong.. DERIARIRARAL SUGAR. TWO HHDS. VERY CHOICE BRIGHT YELLOW SUGAR, Jan if calved and tar rale by thepoand orbarral "'"1"417 U""" l3lrif V. nit sr o , 3=er Liberty and nand Iglr.1111." BARB & MOSES, .1& DOT rHU 11' ASSOC! tiTgla 41 . 10 N j yr) MU - 8, ArtC! It ST. CLAIM d publit bulldlupu • RUBBER CLOTIIIING—Such as rants, Leggings, Boots, le.. of the best quiltty and tratesettodt also 011 Costs, riTar6atretra latlN:Zlniarrieit! trtrije .1. A H. PHILLIPs TaDOOR Oftodeprl CLOTB.--HavingOar:loinsdneed ees nre can n 1 now offer at eastern rates. ADirge stops. band and de patterns, fur sale, vrOoltsaln and retail. J. & H. rettuars, D 7 t id and filth elate Attest, • : EBB. Ativ l7 - 000 IRON WORKS. & MOMS, x.x•r•rmismirtcas, AMERICAN AND CLAM Bar,lloop, Sheet and Plate Iron Bridge Iron; Angle and T Iron; Guard Iron; Coal Screen Iron; - - - - T Bailz,l6 & 2011 n. to the yard; Tram Baihmunched and coun ter sunk r BoilerAttidge and TankitivetB Cut Nails and Spinet; Ship and Boat Spikes; Railroad Spikes; Railroad Fish Ihrs and Bolts; Railroad Car wsseelsand Axles; Street tar wheeh and Axles; Coal-Pit Car Wheels and Axles; Patent Cold Rolled Shafting; Patent Cold Boned Piston nods; Rower and Reaper Bars. WASIHOUNZ AHD 0771C14 • 120 Water and 153 Front Sts. MUNCH 110115 Z. Nos. 22,24 and 26 River Bt., 341:cif CHICAGO. ILL. SEWED STEEL WORKS. SINGER, MEM 8z CO BEST WINED CAST 'STEEL MEHL Illt Kum onu, 0101. CTICVLAst, 0.1.110 AIM Caoat cur SAW PLATES. RAILWAY SPRINGS, Cast spriiig Bteda, Cast and German Plow Steel, PLOW wisas Asa xowss, SPRINGS, RILES AND STEEL TIRE, SWELL, SHOVEL. BOA, NAHA, AVER. TOE 'CALL AND 111AMILSERY OAST STEAL. OBOH-DADS, ism EA, •e. Wareboase„ MI Water fit., Pittsegle. ATIAS WORKS, r oprr STREE T. Moth Ward, Pittsburg% Ti 20111.1.9 F. Afii.T En t President. nese Works are atoms thel•nw.t wo4 moot couipisto eatowildnaeot la the Wwtt. ad Pro how pre- wed. to innusla Enginesot Every Description, Holier.; 011 Tanta, Sheet Iron Worn, Bs Uroad Castings, Bolling Mill Castings. Engtne Grange. Macias Castings, Ginerst Castlngo. ORDEAS soraurria). rinage PITTSBERGIi FOUNDRY. =2 11. ClAttlION A. GARRISON & CO.. ISseteseora to Bollatax, Gant*. Co. VOUNDIRS AND MACHINISTS MO,Oo.footoren of CHILLED ROLLERS, OF. ALL SIZES, . TNm L' 4 ,'"l4;,l::Sfisfra el=gaa Weak. at'. Itslttess . C•ttie titan de eert•tloae: II Tr rateet Deltoid rtede With • variety pt ether patterns, Omar* e• heed WA 14144 tat order, onstteas •oat. 1.4 lA lovable term!. Wks mad NI anbenset • .X 0.119 Smithfield Street, ==l POET PITT FOUNDRY. MILLIS NEPUiWB REANY ORDNANCE, 4WD ALL I:l3aaa 1111rtilL/Llfr CAATTIMa. SPOslal ettevioa to )I,llll , Ltrate PILL hz.atrr Slauttlbilf.lll and IiICTOItTa. Uri Lus ostoosoo to BrompU, As heretofore, tae hasi.aatanete .11 up be mere at tble rousdry. Heels& dammed of. ebe add Week, .1 are preplund, Wills lIEW AND zuraffraa -patte r ns, entistrlissed ander the supervision ofYr, rap PM. to Walsh HAIL MACHIN ZS at *bort so- moll:■ ROBERT LFJk) NAN UT i,Ol illtiE Of STEAM ENEMIES AND BOILERS. Freight Roisters AND DOCTOR ENGINES. sircsittug. °tall desettpt!ont made to otAir Corner of First fad P. Street .• M==Mr;n • UTILITY WOMB. MoLEA.3I & SLATOR, No. 83 Liberty 84, opposite Fourth, worormwaaras or COMET MAKERS' HARDWARE • They-make sheets% of troll Bedstead and Pivot Castorst PO MO . Bedstead 00.1 Pivot Castors; tk dste ad Falesolthts: Mops for *sten. .ton Tattler, te. They also amnatastare and sonstahtlionhatidenumbLatehes. tthrthil Latches, ML.Lesn's Window bash thipporter, ht•Leang Bowan* bash Minos Utlllty blkst ter sad Butt Bingos, 1.1010 , 1-saha Elashrthest trose. hash Welichts. 01, .0. tel:e.3 UK. WISC....4MM L15111.....LL1L L. wan. VALLEY STOVE WORK S. ALLEN. M'KEE & CO., !" I " .",:pw"dtearintir."7 " Manufactures ♦grant variety of COOK, PAZ LOS and It LATINO ITOYMn. anions 0.0100 are Um celebrated Alleahelly and Monitor Coal Cookies Bt."; a 1.., the MILOCIII and Sentinel for coal or wood. and thellllll , ll.lllo Mar of the Zmylre, for wood; aloe, Arena. Orates. ten 'den. borarlnitlea. Log lrons.dfloUovr Ward gonerally. =LS 1111ADLIT.... IL &SAWA ETNA STOVB WORKS. A. BRADLEY & CO. llaaltdetilte Seed Wiety or Cook, Parlor and Dealing Stoves, Among Whleti tutee ado brat. ILUILLICA auNrr. VLTLH Sod aogßeLiticarhyru. COok Amu.) Also 14.ufactoro . GRATES, ood GRATE MOT% Re. Mee and Wu..., toner of Boo°. and W. 4 ptresU, Pitubsub. Satzsato. tl44 , mad I stmt. PITTSBURGH IRON WORIS, J. PAINTER & SONS. MAIMMACTIMMI 07 iron Minket, Tub and Trnnk HOOPS AND SHEETS, =ZM :M33 rEZEI B 1 CH DIAMOND ' OSTMIMIZa vtraraxam, PITTIMUIIkiIi. !ARK, BEDTIMES 4% Co., 11111110MISZCZ1 of • _ JUST QUALITY ILEYEIZ/) OAST EITEILL. Sonar% flat and fotagon, of all gar.. Wa ant. Aoqual to any Imported or inarmactored anla coos try. thnaa ararcknaas, 80. In and 111 neat, 611 *lmolad stns.*. ritlAt•re. IRON CITY MILLS. ROGERS & BURCHFIELD Mann ffetarern Of • geNunti,charcoal,Joulatadt POilshed 03331E131P MCADT. o►rMa &No WAssigres, NO.I4I4IIANNET oa:ISS EVERSON, PRESTON & CO, Prx.rsrt.r.durra TROTS" WiarilKS • Waal:muse, Nos. IC and 117 Tint T !! . 4112p YosewAilsll.4l.ll• rtuotro. r axis's NATIONAL FOUNDRY / AD 'I 3 'I:P.F. WCIII.S.S, Corner C.arroli and Smallman Streets, Ninth Ward, PITTSBURGH, PA. StntlrairXl, ILLYVFACTUREB OF Cast Iron' Bowl Pipe, FOR GAS AND WATER WORKS Mr VDU ars east:vartleanila Pitts, In Dry 13.111 , 1 ana rUT ISIaxIIL ALIO, SAW WWI - Of ;MILL URIX63 YOB cis A3i TIM EBEL ..I,==%tipa'aßTZ.Ved• IMEI TPrul FULTON. BBLIi NI BRASS IVORY, EBTALBLIARED IA 1842. Nos; 91 First and 70 Second Streets, PITTSBURGH. - PA ttiaturAcrusaus or ALL SIZES OP BELLS From 10 to 100,000 roimds. GIAID, BE enter LID MY TAMA = Stop Cocks or Brass or Iron. • 07 ILL SUM GUAGE AND CYLINDER COCKS Aleuts tor all the dllfferent • STEAM PUMPS Bole Agentator the Celebrated Steanr Syphon. . . TIN D O3. PLUMBER , etc.ealer+ in 0 AIS PRY, STZAM and OJOS TIT- S r. ,, t , at. , attention paid to STEAM and OAS yrrmuln all On branches , M T N►Alla° ral litl7l7o ' ll ST A /SA Y IRM , I72i I LiEltot, •, Fa BEIDE CELEBRATED ANTI.ATTHI TIoN METAL unanimity on band. BRAS., UUN and BELL CAtITINCIS made to order and finished wild neatness sad dispatch. Farilealar attention paid to Brain Finishing In all Its branches. We also Seep constantly on band all Mass online," 040.' 5 .. 4 2,44.4 u 4. _ Li sum and Cotton Facalsos. Oat Hasa et Ya edtap Words.. A. FITL'ION'S SON & CO FORT PITT BOILER, STILL AND TANK W:COIaMIS. CARROLL & SNYDER TIIBULAIL DOMILE.PLITED, TUBULAR ILLE.BOX i CYLINDER STE Alt BOLLS BS, OIL STILLS • AND OIL TANYA, ' • CIILIENEYS,IIILLECIIINO ANDASII PANS SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND CON- DENSER,. STEAM ucian, P1P.103, GABOIINTESA, AND IRONura PULSON DUOUS AND COAL !MUTES. 0111•earilljorkseertierlleeebd,Titird i .11hert •ad Liberty =ZHU, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. airoacrs seal to thimboTO in4trets :fit ta • rompLIT attended t. 5t417:1311 ti"T~TT~IIJ IRON AND NM WORKS LEWIS, DAILEY, DALZELL (0 111AND/LCTIISIUS or BAR, BOILER, SHEET .433,073: 10 rrILINT3M. IRON NAILS AND NAIL RODS. Warehouse, 73 Water & 90 Front PITTS BMW% PA. 1414:1116 KENSINGTON IRON WORKS. LLOYD & BLACK, iwrovirmzu or Best Common, Relined Charon .Tnniata, Bloom Iron. KANOHANT EAR. ROUND A SQUARE 3131111 RSVP. RAND. T and ANULA BOIL PLAIT and nLIT ISON. MOW A K and ILIAZAK itl BANS CYLINDER and CS UAW ORMOLU 15014 nitAl.l. T 11/111.6, flu and 16 lb.. so tba Yard. WROUGHT CHAIRS 61001152 S for um. FLAT RAILS. Ponelsod and Countersank. NAILSNCISSIN MON. • L and AMENS. Warohonso. No. WI Tatar and No: A Rasta •Works. rocon4 street. Wynn Ward. ad Janina City dos Worts. rlttatorsh. anod4 KEYSTONE IRON WORKS. HIITCHISON, GLASS di CO., and Wffarcall dun o Hound, spare, Flat and Horse-Bboe Bar Iron, Hoop and Band Iron, Boiler-Plato, Tank and Salt-Pap Iron, Shoot Iron, 414 ' Works, PITI TOWNSHIP. on WOndkinkels mar. Omen and Warellouso: No. 146 Water Bt. add:itt ORESOENT MEL WORE! MILLER, BUR it PA g% ItaxllPACTmiind or BEST QIJALITY UST STE ci Warranted Equal to any to tho BS Ito t. *labor Imported err of Do snouts Blonsfulterro.• artow , A.TTYNTON PLID TO 7INT. 0 itieL , UM MEL. office, 38 Wood Street, IN BT. 011AIRLI6 HOTEL BOLLDINO.i Frrraeonau. Joao Ott. isol. lats:d4l DUQUESNE IRON AND STEELWORKS. HAILMAN, B.AHM & CO.; R,TEIIIII TO AND MOM Jurvien. POOL AND QEESTOWN_ AINILAND) TWICIL Will. The IN/LAM Lira. DUDA EVERY SATURDAY, EVERY WEI RIESEAY CARMYLNO-11. tl. MAIM Tickets. tier oolC Laywfrosa awl Prow. Ireland, Zuglazd 1.0 Apply at theClompjata Triitat. 11511rowlwAy A r. Or, WM. BINGHAM, Si.. • cwllDwi. Adams. isprros °Mau ntlDawsb. V. V1L111.4. BOILLERVOIIILS. Boars g Iron, Nails, Bprinm Axles, PLOUGH. BPBIWG An A. B. EITEEL, wAoratovalL 7"7 Waster Oltireet PITTSBEIUGH. IMMO MORROW a BAINHIII, IILOWIP/C1178.11111 1 Of Steam Bohlen, 011 SUM, Agitators, Tartne. Salt Pans, Gasometer% Wrought Iron 'taloa, Oheot Iron Work, dm., kr, COIL LIBERTY AND SECOND BM, • PITTSBURGH, Pd. • REPAITUNO DONE PRONCTLY. layS4:ol MONT BLANC FOUNDRY, Butler Streot, Ninth Ward, OrrOSITZ. UNION LEON MILTAI, 3 erzuroktiszte›Er. Rolling Mill and ILICHIBET ID CASINO GUMMI, (Ater, promptly and carefully executed. CHLIMICEI .Itit/1801:1111Llt, EBBEHT & MACHUND Qoats.l CEIICIVSATI LEAD PIPE AND SHEET LEAD WORKS N 0.19 East Ninth Street. McCORittICIL &GIBSON, Proprietors, DIALTALS IN Pig Lead, Block Tin and PATENT SHOT. • Nate to order 1 . 11 • 113 sad 0111.1tTel of any re. grand welgbt wt 4 also. tllkoott vat moue Mot SV IMc.h andA DO . t .l r lo lpe l s Pis. lbfo MO 10 ttfOro.ll teetne lead for Dreineere. de meld eePeetellf uk the , ►ttaatlaa 0 -Phoebes. and rroprleters "OIL WOBBB AIM OIL fe=all2 prrresputan STEEL WOES, ANDIOLOON, !AMR & CO., auciosesourroJoarra. soma on ) limmfeetazers et the bed resod Cut Ste ult, and m i ta .21 of Cut e o val, GI ,. Par • Reaping and Nowing Itiaehhi enter PLOWWINS_PSSNION. LX • a I,llGli • Cast & Common Plough di Spring Steel Cites—Corner of rant and Scasitrasta 1a.." above slaa lknurniatala Mem. !MOH MG BIM. =NMI OM IMIIISTRIAL WORKS, HUGH. H. BOLE & CO., Brigitte. Builders. - POUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, CASTING., Welt and Merry, mule to °rim M.hipery of every deseriptlaa toAnutaetared. etto.t not lee. Corner of Point Alley and Duquesne Way, PITTSDIIIIGIII. PA. LIPPINCOTT & BROVELL. No. 118 Water Street, Wri77lol77Wii 01 rarsirr esoul 4 D. " PATZXT T YATAIST =SD - • ormamas, ituiLam. wax. lAD "ViT IS . lIIEti JELA...ELT)wA.uam. B. WOLF. .171., &CO.. Die XI ardware& 0 utlery AL. rreelrfalf lure addttlons toot, rtOrdr 'which Is offered to Dealers at raii/STECEILW mmix cams: Corner Liberty and St. Clair Ste., I.l:lttiolomaziaa, Zoo. oesllol F. MIISSMANN. fittreid,b decent Tunnel and Ch gAlara Streets, f , Gunsmith and Dealer In Hardware. b r V. 17A 4 42' 114:= eak.e.S l , nob onrortnettes. BREWERS, NAISTERS, pirrentnEwu BREWERY. ()ARSON, DABLINGTON & lII= US= m BOP BAUM E===l JOSHUA . ■IIODES s Ca , .. Plttablarli 11M. W..IIIIIDZSBOA. altention of the =stamen of I.oltlro *AMU uparticulai 17 Wetted to eur ALES AND PORTER.• . wmcn, Wool& tbe careful selectln of Igaltiroin awe:inn. mulling facilities sod lion from be yard* int non Won. we tae gnidindoo to Od yore and asUrfonory to the taw]. On LA AMA LL nano. ktgallgotanostroded b7=ircl"'..arillr2VBet;tomar oleamilta oartinal. o Iron Wale antra an kW ogin ad joining bla old Amatory. or as oar nen. Cana of Nano mi WWI Alley, nocoo T . co.A.RDinstriniEn= • Vrire;Ass .41111e3r. Tuve dooriaboTe soguAtia steed. • PITINIBURen, PA Z. 1 .1 kind of Work dollllon tbeibortenaotta awl most Ivasonsble Lerma. rartica.stientloa DOW I. lobbing. Jll.lOl ` U a. Tollllo. =WWI Noe= IZONA3 SWIM ALINSILBNYBREWpY. Raring .lerreitaned the ad established Miner, keens waits ALtali HEAT IigX.WITLY. for merly. osrnenby estsPnell 1 Seek.= los soncid lama the habits Shaves glatandeanianning the msdintecture et SPUNG WATER AIM, • • glade tons rare Wing Wags, and tears oar beauties and long experience In the badness. es reel Wished that sex will be enabled se else entire setter... Una thaletrbo may Wes width their patenagsb isniecrrzr. as cia. 465 Rebecca Street.; ALLEGHENY CITY. WAll orlon Mt si 111103WN 43113233111. BO a 03 Litany strait, rltmlougb. lbo ram ". %Mr 1410):4,11.63vf1' Jul. Xl= SPENCER & WRAY, MI ATi4 i S DIUI BURR' Ale, Porter suuißrown Stout, PBTSBERGH, PA. IiOUILIIIT 'WATSON. NW..M. , 1.1.'4. lzpv.ClLl:3:ll*:rzq RALTENOHE AND HAVANA -n;txx.rdiAvfireinfAiVe:Ar. te. grlttAlea i a A V I °jZa B ;F A3I- . Vet rlzsi-Oblas "11111[9:11 4- 1• 25, t 0 .4.cp. Orlta.. ilk W eft TU. n A rint,' . .Ic= ! 4 :ZE 1.11 Si rMjSr d , i• 1 4:.13 YiLVIS Pr= BROWN WRY". of ta.,, - 17, M r. Y.. wftliniT• • ZOUIIGNI rOfngnaly baying 5iuX69 66666 ""ftznivit ifft.lialt.x: a co., Ag.ts. • 16 trelLaall W N. )3.-.No WU. Lndlo; bat thaw of Wad . .1.11 tot WOW. Feriae Os * must be protronA , Uan 111 n 061 es. tretight recelvaa nox bills of haus slimed of dal of not! AND SHOES. ooOrin JORN rsizataa L. FIELDING & DUO., YaanMnren and-Dealer, la BOOTS, SHOES &GA TEES. N 0.1.10 Ohio St., Allegheny. itepsirths promptly szmatad cm Abe ertsat SHEPHARD'S ;/;‘) ;f:1 317 Liberty Street, MEI PITTSBURGH, PA. EZZI IMAM 1511.-30 casks for sale by 4. B. CAli YIILLD * SON. :011A-N713 CO*PARTIMERSHIP. - TiIeIINDEUSIGNED HATE AS assea aria. %beta i all Wawa. ter their Imetuea, JAS. DtIrdr.A.TH. Ilte name araa erill =Mane n et ereibi. a co. N NEB. r. arzzars z. (miss .7... zira. F. SELLERS & C 0.,, • PORK PACKERS,' And Manutheturer. of Xa AL , ILa C:10 I ix: Few Bacon. Beef and Tongues pill br ready torAettrtrr mg Mondry. Mtn MM. Choice Hagar- Cured Hum Do do do Beef; Do do do Beef Tongues; Do do • do Breakfast Daeom Plain Cared Bacon Shoulderg Do do do Sides. At reduced mires and of excellent finality.. From 1011 eats me shall La rrroMMT roPPLUA Irtth all articles la the TtorlMou trades Ja.IO:MS BREWER sumo & co. COMM . ON ItIEOBAWII3, • . AniENTS Pou_Tina -- Pacific, eob.e & Liberty Oilitarks, AmPlr. sons. tor Crude awl liunsuld W. Lib ard we adssaors nude on caniskunntants of Ong. or Banned Patrolman. Tans far - stamp and shipment of Wade On as Lanseneestha: and M t esa ia neock and Warehouse. Cos at mer ot Mumma W.I . mem risorta. gm*, BITCHAIRT, • 00111LIWN NER9HAZITSI. Flour, Grain, Seeds, MthlYeed, fit. ayshii" 9 7 • ElErni lli . Lair. rA. FETZER k. ARMSTRONG}, 1011111641,11011134 3 maga, for the sale az Ifloar, ersla.)Bsean.l y /cdtar. &eds. Dried Inn., =4 Prodace yMarket Um; corner at lust. alltarJi . rlertVESsN..S...r .- ..& 0..0 KENNEDY .... PRODUACZit 182301 PAI A L u. V ' TB l • S ad liTTa aa. ada Prolls3e.e loQia gaeraU=Z6 11%11/8.4.1. irlitraT. amp ens Ike Depot, Asszamorsvra. Lecata tor ttee isle - atT I. lilia.e,Doenell I Talassa , a sad .I'. Sara.• 0 .11. . . apluira & ilikEl. wax: -1. DUO, late t lz.zirrita a 8.10...' YRODUCit COW XIIISIUM )(IBC TS, receive and sell 11. r, Cons Meal. US. 00. Bea.. Bacon, Lott 4. Mawr. On.. .. York, Dreell gr. Dry trans, rototoe I Me , N., 4e.. , to. ante.. tar otteatlon_ jos to and Grass teed. 7041berf. OD Hama, Hoe I dea. MI 00.10 of foreign .4 Dome... nits, No. LA Thlrd meet, Plinbargb.Fa., , • - :. •- - ' ktgani - R KNOX ift. SON, _Ccuzunistion KCJICH ANTS and "Dsablea fn 7wQL.' ÜBJJL MILL VLED and .1110DWIL ceased -17, No. 19 Dimond. opscals• 011171ia. Ana pony Ott. ' ; ' ' lal1:771 ir • • b . • .I.IY &e. WareGNms•auda. • tles. 360 ALMS. 15LIWE t AltlE11; - CONLIZIS WON MTOCUANI2I and Oulu" to 71:01311 GRAM and PUODUCT.; 5000nd stmt. Dome. Wood and Smithlald. Plttilarg6. 6911,17 T ,rrilLE. Rum) ti PATTON, A-a Wholnsalsavoesss, Connaulon 1333311nai5, and &Wan 1n Ploduns. Mons. Hawn. C 113•33, J 11333, C.%313113•333 1.3.3 d CC. 13036 1:13113 4 = Colson Yuan and 31111133 • tun •n• 13 611 - 4 'R 1:1111M.1111L D. =nom EIMER t& 8R05 ... .,. (Successors Am se sap.: •AndersoLglva.. tirmak. olngti, Nuts sad Gattlo - V6IVA/I reirorts, di.. Nan. 1111 sad 321 above lifth ritcsbassis. wady .:10EIEN -B. CAJMELD,CoasauIs. ep ,It asa Torwsulllng I[gram:A 334 gale dealt. 13 IFettarn Balm . . Cheese. Bat tem. _7lo,Pot uld real • aut MUM NM; sail Pl . O. dap. gaze Volk 1.1M4 107nat meat, ruubenth. RIDDLE,No.II33 Liberty Sty .h.he Cosamteelealterebant, end Wholesale doom, Prodhee. Elaasclee earl Plusbenti akasufactures. Cash advanced on Coaalgenehte. ead pale pe ?mean gene, . • seal -"• ABIEW DALZELL ft SOX,lnann. feetaress of Lard 011, and Commtsslon Mor el:Lams for the Danl.aa and sale of Crede sad /OMR L 110711.1LIDWAAD 1101311...... R. 110053 JHN 1. O HOUSE &IMAM" MM.. =moss to•Joax I. Horn t Co.. liribole. iiromes and Commladon Itextbaats, aon. asset SUOVid sad Wasastusta.Plttonag, enonwi & LANG, Whole we elealantlaGroodle. Mar. Grain.' Wen duets. Provision/4 r 710. Owes., Bat. Cazbon 011. - DICKEY &CO,. Whole.. oda Grows.. 0mmi11...04L ifachsada— sad dealers Is Prods... If• wstar streirt•ssel Irmit •tesei. Pittsbunt6 • NOTICE TO ovirsEns OW' ' DRAYS, HACKS, &C. NotiVellhereby given to all owner* off. Nr&g.- Ptg7gtaitgtfl=gantil! f igftra EVITAII7WAVViIia7rsta&VAM In accordance with an la of aseesaly, ap proved Mareb A ISK.and an ordinance of the 'Cc nettle of Me city of =taboret). pasted April 1 t - Lacesea not Paid on or belbre May IL WC mill be plaoed in the Deeds of the Chief of Po llee, for colleciton. estldeet We fee of SO seats ter the collection and all paratme who neglect or term , b e take oat Limners will Po Stoical Istpen.lty to be re:in th re e r i eth e lfo re tha- N 4Kl ' cilrget.:l el th ites gf•_p's t rerloas year, m ate. returned at tile time thaLleantice rya ta out. otpalarah, "Ut eTEZI OE 1411111111 Z. Each Minors, Vehible Each Two Horse Vehicle a Co each Tone Hoare Vetdclo.... if a) toot Two Horse 5tn..... LS CO Onaltheet and "flusher la heel, drawn by two borses,eliateen dollar each. For each eddl meal norm, used In any of the oboe* rebut. axe tr , ALLIROV.E.CIty ritiAballah 7C0V1A2T1.11•561, ••• feetara PMI2IME ROBERTS &SIMOUTT, ILIXFTACTIMMS 07 Tin, coppers and Slieei Iron:Ware, No. or STIELTXt. • . Tourthetreet,'. ITZTS81:111.1111. IMMO emstantly on - nand • general wortment tiroVEDI, plata..JAlD•uned, I.:weds/ad Blatt 11:1 Illntem•a Cat'? 15.:•%•• Lamy. and House Titre shingt oods M.."4.10c71au *nu 6olesat Awl Re rM3Cntgt.iejifl""i*Z, "i2iM.AW FIRST CLASS ,LOOlll7lO GLASS AND PICTURE FRAME MANUFACTORY. J.LYONB,° No. 110 Wood St., Pittsburgh, Fr.Wra Itilivrearrwewnig . = WALNUT., OVAL and tioIIAIM &Jig ItAIT AV MITI= FILAILLS. CartAln l t d ,..t:„ .lriuk m i tts t T n stra t. ow. ‘ ' Or ekalr=4'=l"d g tzb. D Elta .ru ILDUC axeetited IA the wiV:4l2l:s°ltuttiMale. HOLIDAY GOODS. Aar-lIERS OF IIOONZEATLT, de= oil Lamp ana obszagiers. Lamp Triomf:Om *4, ovriesumvxotariumvr: JOHN ROSS & CO., TmgabilTAMMTlttg pEnSIAN LILAC. W. Wm Introduced to the Ind. our now Der- Perian. INLIni'IiPxIM.DsIitY2IITENAINNDLInDr: Ho Isdrstotlet lu complete without It. Tor sub. WWII Denton. • • ." mAxurAcruntri ONLY BY C. B. woODlNfOrtru & SON, • . litrehestez.B. New York mace. 9A9 Ureadear 14 - Y - C -. TA. 33 Sealer of Weights and Measures. mew No. ft BILIALLILT STREET, OLDIES, BELL 'di Anchor Cation Mills, Pittsburgh, M.anurgotarers of ANCI1011(A) RUEETINGN, - ANC11011.(II) 11111EIETINGII. ANCI.IOB (C) lIIIEETINCIN, &AA RAMTIN4I. 111718=1 PIANOS I PIANOS t I—An entire new Welt CU.'S PLANOS.. which tee now considered. the battened.: also HALNIZ BIWS. CELItEIItATILO mhos. Pelee trowel= onward. Persons in want a t nest elan Plano are ea spectrally Welted to WA WI 'examine bePare posettaaler ellarwhere • CIIANLLOTTt BUMF" 43 situi - m.w t. TWIED FRUITS. . • . so bbls choice half Pestles; .do rorsoters do. si .do mixed do; IX , bushels jOO4 ilnr Apples; sO . do prime do: Just recelvadou commission and for sal to lka trade. ~ 13C11011AK1.11 a L/19e 17. and 174 Woo4.lat • d'(==z4k, BAILROALI3I3: - - FITTSBUR611:611.011814 di• cincaudift. R. PAN HANDLE ROUE. , . . et sad abo.ol4DAT.llalthnta. W. Mina llf letve•ail wows at Man Alan as ealavrat 1T11111 , 014111 TULL Ads A. At. lIIRA - 7;17. 1:34 A„. 111. , . .t4S T. Ma ii&*l Ye= A, x. T.ZI Ic litentenytheZzoamailVik 1 - =1 T. K. . N. cDosuld do —. 1145 r. a= A. at. so itn:En IMITTANCE. swill% twat:mkt:l.. • ~„oarNe dijamo of dm bat.. rittehietatut eXnelonstL .4 bell'0111: en.. tont. te, th.priewpal potato Wee% .4. booth 7oreet. RWhen vorehasing pasts be my sad and the °Mee or the MISBEIZ, cum? mom . . . . . Vaion Depo!,,,Json M. D. NOTIIZEISPLII.III, Ticket Alma., S. P. WWESTERN • PENNSYLVANIA • c ,1111LROAD.—On andKINMINN attar WE.11NJ,50,61,J eery 2d. UV, - the PIM!. gar Trains on the Westere Pennellosals Pat road wall arrive et sod goon Mettle, Federal 5 _ . 4' s ' 1 1. r. V 545 5 ., " 1 '4l". 55 D ' it ! e re 51261110•g_ttol arptit!aol Malt troesarrt .5.1 arm /LIE. 1146a.11 tcharotb•g.Nog OMn.nr. , Sharpateghto A.ll Express lostSa.a. I rcreramaro- 1 arrls-X 2:lWatalttgggrAMAMUt: 4:221•.11. yrcayort,No.7.llo7 , l4.l 6o arioblotidar.at shandb . dr.o 6"t:a3r.x. gm port .ge4 , ....te gharosb'slio 6 11.03Yrat. Sharyttil 06 7:60r.* All trains rem daily except banday. .C447Crarlie394litrerterdy"t ty.Pettialtt stre?:... ours. Bentt..lns Crees, Etna sad Itharpabarg end go al only ithe lots* slop.. plot et *game •IthhiAal Ilhkht Through- Tick."( B " 1 "V n al l ow nth 13 rig o va , ivit _ tuti zp ili g h etar any flat - Irr r iargaga d CZCard a Aem Ftgg i Onia d D l Orlaas liferine ss .llll 7J gega pealing tots Amount In ulna. , atti to at trta nit of the corner, =flew; tatca brill contract. Sorra:Mbar latonnatton app. at Dayrati to 024.4 • JAY. 6.3 LEY/ Age yekterelMeet PePee• PEPINSTEVANLS , CENTRAL ItAILICOAD. • ' Deermber so. um. • Tube atria* sad team the Latina tlepa&r. error Vf mtdoe ton and Liberty eta, es et ANN! VS. - KW Train .... balm reo • la last Una Wall M s. atm ale WalPs No. 1, .. giao • la Nan Trate lAD Briston N 0.1.. 7:101 el Weirs 110.1... El am .Wallbt No. I... Pin) a m I=lsl.lll.x. 800 a m Johnston , ' Se. 9:53 at Wain, Na. i... 1 1 .30 a m Baltimo• sits, lop m Braddock Nol. ii4op a 11111 a. Indnu 4.34 . 01 Wan.. Nal.% e. 4... 4ao p Wants 4..: troo p to Wan , . No. 4.. leap ot W d a o 0 50 01.. Lie 0 pm W f W st l Liao.e.. 141.1 pp - 1111Mma Seam , iokusurra Le. 11.10.0 m vain m ' • .)4110.111 . outore bandayeareepted. TOO Calera Thine lea,. Wall.. Station Warp Bandar N. a elgtittavatAtrrew i le sml Irma eirsSmitoitst Tbs )1411.110.11 Express ertli LITII/0 mita*, fbiladelptds &ammo% LSO p. m. os Readapt. OSICIL-1.13 use Of halt, the Paoneybrante Ctomegmy will hold thabiatinsi reeposEbbl tot e. nersonal Inurflie 0 01 47. .irrawiteg amo. ' 1.610 W. EL 137.C1MTITI. Una. 1867.1867. Tug - rradtrao H FT. %ravine a etilwo . • 8~. 11. a. 8 ., &ND 01.1tVkLAND a F I TTSBUIMIII Talus anise =AIM* at thanalialDopot, IM follows: Lzarn. Azaztif. 4.161.mg01tz.....2M 4 am obMsto 1.E.,. . 2:Xla Ili farmland Mx.. 5.1.3 am Clemaaad B. WO a • . tale & Ygn.Bx Class' Mono 11r....30=pM ca. &Wbp, 14.1. 4:14 a M %Paella: L0..11411 •la -• 011 / 4 .lPa La:, 70 a a 13. & WU. Zx rall Pas Otampolllau.'. 104 p to. Chicago 1am...1:40pm Cl. & - g.. Pa laitsv. isle & Tan I.a. CO p m Ex ." 2:43 a a Cede. itm. .. ... %MD as S N=lng• lez. '4:lllpm Cl. &Whit. alra:laPla M .. ... , •irsV ii 7. ;V T. Itm , Mo4.la *"'" l' .l:9lTra ~,\ ww4tillala . •- 10;1011 - 4. Beta ' •• IMI am •• . 11M0 am folls4lllo •• 14:54 as Bocbester •• IMlp m as: Castle •• 2:45 am W•lo A N Cure 3:30 p m Loetsdala •• IBM am Leatsdala Arty 4:50 pa: r• , .;••:••:. lON p a N. Beta • •• &Map N. Beton , ' 'a' tali am N. Beta •• CM p m LessadaM •• WS as Leetadsio . 4 10:3a pm .•• • •• 7:90 •sa ' No Ualas leave LIM. ' 4111 . 101 M S. IL Oblaw. asuppot handay,....r- - 4r4 BY. atitass daily. decal •7.11.11YER5..4 . -.. 1 Ittelem Az 1. _Will_.Ml FITTSBUIIGEIL AND CONINFLIS- I "' MINIM Spring Arrangement • Oa sad Ulu TUUSSDSY, MAHCH 1:1N. The talus uttl Ma.u..l r Me Dewy 1301211[ at =O 0t Waist streets WOW. - • ifttetwo.L.Patoevel Man to sad tram Indaatolia. IMA.Iu ItQ ir.it texpont, col r. K. MAIL. a. West riew - ton'Acial=aaili flit 7. 71. - Irma IL•Exaspartfieasa•s 410:11 1116•4111. Bovnel ••- • • —.MIS r. - a. I.la 7. ttraddcek's r. _kd fat tonal [March Trask to a= Wen Nelms* IA rme. Vow*. lc. ror=ototo oats to 2 , . • if Air tiA - • IPA ' t CILU44iIE or . rut . Oa .4 snot 17111 DALY. Tett.2Bl7. Amino srt I team. arstre si Pittsburgh D9r4, sums Prti 5i54.4.1 amts. ISlollersom .., /M• Maul. yst TU. Siskim.stis 7z00m0...11 sat.' 'LION to and from 1i5h01ig,.744 LISP. IL Pods Worts A5ecm.....1140 Y 1. AA , A. K. Holt. Aeonsotoodstlott 11:101.116 K. Zrore“ asmi-from ut,g.2:llr.x.' I= 11.1.1. Second hods Works ittom.447f K. =SIN K. Ruud. Church Tralit Rom and • hods *SO A. It wn• (.•411.11•104 Pam, 01 No. 235 Liberty Street. attirkTlf CO., Pittialburgh. Eitra MM:EI ;II BEV° ON IN TOE G REAT WIWI TRADE OP le UNITED ST/kTI:I3. —POKY CALIXFOWNLII. uti.laiPaitiN IL nude and prepared as if dope In Ifronee. from pore redo Calftrainit Wt. aad the Omar of iwpor• Tbe or. crowned . on eall the attention of 'Wine Dealers tel Keefe. to tbe of letter...6l