The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, April 13, 1867, Image 1

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REiD . '& CO .,
WC , . 00 Ettroolt.
T. P. ILOESTON, 241 "ras
Joni NG 1
NE,La t m l is. RE I :D t itsists3 . l.
Slagle 3 amts.
Denys.a by cant. (per 13 Gents.
1.11 Iftex yeaf).--•••••;—. 8 ."'
Lltterst ralsettom to Newsboy .4 4e.4
I tre. 001/f;ell. per year,
Wive do. do. do, each
Ten O
Or - mote more vont., to one addrenb Sod
one Tree to club. each "
Nee Advertisement
Of Gardner A Stewart's, on first sage, 1n
tOday's yazette.
Chinese (Sayer to Syrup.
Tourtolot•B Extract of J3cef. Borden
(knadensexl Milk. imperial Bordeaux
and Turkey Prunes, Dates, • end Figs.
Seedless Manieatel and London Layer Bal.
sine, Cross and illacklaal noted Pickles and
Mustard. Sauces, Jellies, Preserves, Keten
ups, Spiced and • Pickled Oysters, Came
lutes. fresh Pears and Pine ADPies In glues
Jars, Canned Prints, and Vegetables. Virgin
;Oil of Mx, Cholas Mixed Candles, sit kinds
01 roreign and - American Nuts. Philo-del
plat Walnut Candy, lists, BO.bOnS , at, an.
. °zones Barns,
' -117 Federal street, Allegheny,
Sec S4lll,l.llSeinen".
Of Gardner .t Stewart% on tint ri.,ge,
Um' diem. 1 , 4120112. Tonic "
(Morelli, Mack a Co.'a Combination' of lron
Phosphore.s and CaliseYa, known as Ferro
phosphorated Elixir of Calisaya; Tho iron
restores color to the blood; tbo Phosphorus
renews waste of the nerve tissue, and the
Calisaya gives a natural, healthful. tone to
the digestiVe organs.
One pint contains the virtue of one ounce
of Calisaya and one teaspoonful a grain of
Iron and PhOspborns. liimulactured by
Coulombs, MCAZ a Co., New York.
•For niacin all diuggista.
The New Cat's de
The 'llmperinhallati Pittockla, opposite
the rost.ofece. Imperials.of "ills.
tors .ami family." .Also. of "liomfaatl;"
"Lueola '24lmm:eV , Betty and Emma Bo•
gal, and other leading Darneseses the
Black CiOok, an produced at New
York. Also, a large assortment of line co
pies of popular pictures, Le. in "imperial
Freah . Fl.l., Arose Whih
> The atteetlon of our Allegheny readers Is
called to. the fish stand of Atm; G. W. Capps,
in the .I,lleglieny market. Mr. , Capps. has
• received a superior lot of fresh fish of all
Mods, which he will dispose of at reasona
ble int..' Fresh fish errlving.daity9 Fam
ilies supplied at all times. Leave your or
ders at his stand . • :it.
See Advertisement •
Of Gardner Stewart% on.flrit page, in
Waters Gamtre.
• ew,lßooksi
anceired Dila tionk at Pittoclea, opposite
the FOStOnke. "A Journey in Anhango
Land," by Dr: Cl:LaMar; "Sat Loringood'a
Yarna;""'Lion In the Path;" "Black Shoop,"
by Dr• ilnycs; "Famous Americana of Ile
- cent Times." by Parton; cLinles second
Loye,", by Jails Kiranah.
Go to the Conti scold tislooo. •
The best conducted and clew:Most Iteetai,
rant and Dlrilna . Rooms In the city,. for a
in cal at for "a {king, at the most reasonable
of prlceit lloltchelmer Mums bow to eater
to the.hungry millions, and It Is no wonder
that the Llonibsental, next door to the Post
once has such an enormous patronage-
Our oprOm !Oyler
Consists of the following beautilnl gar
ments: The 1ay:4331a tiacque, Elsiprl
bacqueddilitatie Jacket, early Spring Ilan
tleV-iluchess Paletot, Judith Paletot, the
Z ufra Jacket, Stills Paletot. and all of the
latest Paris and New York spring styles•
Spence. No. 73 Market street.
To retsfiers of Dry, Goods we offer great
Inducements, having' full stock:which we
sell at the lowest eastern cash prices and
cut goods in any length at the piety price.
J. FL BARI.= & CO.
501llarkot street. •
• See Advertisement
Of Gardner StewnrVa, on firet page. in
to-163'8 Gazette.
Po Moro Annoyance
From squeezing the head into iron braces
abilo sitting for a pbotograpb•
Dabbs.% ht. Clair street, has mast introduc
ed.the latest appliances for giving easy and
graceful positmas. Pictures taken in all
kinds of weather..
Wlll satisfy the Incredulous that "some
things eon be done as well . others," and
that No. CO Fifth street (ander the • (Vera
House) is the cheapest Boot and 81200 noose
in the world.
Cool Ales—Sporkllog Wines.
Call to at lioltslunnieVa populaP-COntl
nontal saloon, neit dock to the Post Unice
on Fifth street, for a glass of good old ale.
or sparkling Catawba wine.
Striking Attitudes,
Only to be gamed properly In a photograph
by the ueo of new resting machine, only
used at Dabb , e Photograph Headquarter.
No. hl St. ChM . Street.
Easy FosWorm ha rhotegyaphoh
Cati be obtained by the new and -tleheate
machinery for resting. 7tiht. I.t""Ced from
the EMS. at Liabb's art gallery, No. ht St
Clair street.
Ease, Orseesod Beauty,
Only to be obtained In a photograph by the
allot Dings : eat garony nest, jolt Introduc
e...l et D. L. Dabble tlalfory PG, St. Clair ationt,
• I
Chilldresea Photographs.
~..Secured in pleasing attitudes by aid of the
great Seiony Rest, Just Introduced at Dabb's
gallery N 0.% St. Clair street
. Try the Cough Candy. * I
It will do you good. Manufacture(' and
bold by tleorgo "leaven, 11' roderal street,
alloghetty City. 1
See Adviirtlsemesit
Of Gardner ft Steerfiri.'a, on Ent page, In
;to-tlfey's Mize!, •
Pare Dritgat
Pare Dntgan Pure Drain!!! Pure Dru
at Fiala & Drult , s, Allegheny.
Foreign Liquors of all kinds at Joseph 8.
riaoh's Distillery, l!yo.'183, 191. 193 and lid
Bleats Hewed Calf Congress Gaiters,
Silk. Cord, Only 52.75, at the Opera noose.
Shoo Store.
CAWS be Beat,
For quality of goods, style and, prices, the
Opera Ilona° Shoe Store..
See Advertisement
Of liardner & Stoonrtia, •on first page, In
todara Gozr&s. •
Undoubtedly, Boots aml Shoes . .
Are sold cheap at the Opera House Shoe
You Om Buy
9.8 pet cent. Alcohol si Joseph B. ?loch's.
• • You C. Buy
Row 110 De et Joseph S. Final..
• Railroad Accident.
- tilt Telegraphic, the Pittsburgh Usnitr.)
llogros April 12.—0n0 passenger ear,
three freight Car. and a baggage car wore
thrown off the track on thaPortsmonth and
I.linconl RalirOad this forenoon, near Can.
dia, and precipitated down an embankment
fifteen or twenty feet. Several persona worn
badly infused, but li 1s believed none fa
tally. Among tbsul were Mrs. Campbell
lira, Manson, of Pm tan:myth; Stephen
liatebelder, Express Messenger; Joseph Walker, of ' Winchester, and liattuardel Ben.
nett, or kaphine.
WomanYoleoner Sentenced to Death
tby Telrgrabb to the Pittsburgh (Metre.] •
itOBTAIML, Aprlll2.-7'l/0 Sorel yolsOning
ease to concladed and Sophia Bourclalre con
demned to death. She protested her Inno
cence before the Court. Her [renitence was
opposed by her counsel on the plea that she
was contents. A Juryor matrons have been
ordered to Investigate the matter.
New Jersey Lewis*stare. .
j fly Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette 7.
Tassror,N. J., April 12.—The Legislature
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mord. EUROPE.
England-Spain Difficulty
Latest Commercial News
Losnov, April lg.—The fleet which sailed
for (Wats earipthls weak, took out a per
emplOry demand made by mho British bov
enment on Spain for instant redress in
the case. of Tornado and Victoria. , To this
summons the Spanish tlovernment has
made au evasive reply in regard to the
steamer Torpedo, and given no answer
whatsoever-to the alai . = made to the case
of the Victoria.
ILSC.Ii OP r Atli-lA=2IT
tonnow, - April -12—Stvain Lt.—Peril= ent
Las adjourned until thei lith Instant, on
account of the Looter holidaso.
Loxenpuno, April 12.—The'People of tlus
city and province ate generally deenledly
opposed to the sale of the Grand Ducby to
11 . 3 1805 CLAD ILTANT&SA.II.I.II.
Funomcs, April 11.—The United States
iron clad Dliantonameh and the steamer
Augusta Dave arrived at Leghorn. tau for
mer excites great curiosity, and attracts
crowds of visitors.
— Livenroot, April 12.—The steamers Gold
log Bier, Erin and City of Limerick, from
New York, arrived out to-aay, the former
at Falmouth, the others at Q neon MOW..
The steamer Columbia, from New York
arrived at Glasgow to-day.
LONDON, Aprlll2.—Erening.--Consoliaelosod
firm. live-twentles, 74; Illinois Central,
T0l4; Erie, nit ,
LIVLIIPOOL, April 11—Afferscon.—Cotton
'heavy and Inactive, but quotations show no
change: sales !diddling Uplands at 1/1; Or
leans lireadandffe buoyant. Whmit
California Orm ' .at its per canal. Corn
-4M per quarter for Mixed Western. Barley
and Oats unchanged. Provisions firm; ex
tra, Primo Mess Beef 1153 per 340 pounds.
Pork—prime mess, -775 fiat per 100 pounds.
American Lard 493 per cwt. Bacon—Cum
berland Cut 4M per cwt. Linseed Cakes do
alined to Li 103 for thin oblong.
FIZANGTORT, April 12—Errning.—LTnited
State* bonds, 75X.
Resolution to Adjourn Tuesday
Next Adopted.
By Telegraph to the rittaburgli Gazette
WASIIIAGTOW, April 12, 13C.
.I.YSIDY6ST. • '
The President submitted a communies
thin from the GovMnor of bieSssehtvetts
enclosing an attested copy. of a resolution
of the Commonxealth • ratifying the pro•
posed amendment as the Fourth Article of
the Constitution of the grated States. It
was laid On the table and ordered to be
fir. Chandler offered a resolution, which
wae agreed to, directing the Secretary of
the Treasury to intOrm the Senate whether
he or any one authorized and employed an
attorney or solicitor to represent that De
iartment before the Court claims in a pend
ng snit, what counsel or solicitor Ints em
ployed, what tee to be paid him; and out of
what fund and under what law and authori
ty he had been po employed.
The Senate resumed the consideration of
the adjournment question and debated un
til a quarter o'clock, the arguments
presenting reryl much the same points an
heretofore m. Finally the Senate refus
ed to pOstpone the . consluerution of the res
olution till to.triorrow, by a vote of 14 to 17.
11r. Stewart moved an amendment to Ix
Tuesday next, at 4 r. sc., as the time for ad
journmentsine die.
This was adopted—Seas, nays, 11; and
st four o'clock the Collate went into Execu
tive Session, and subsequently adjourned.
. .
Stearn or Nantiat tan Arrived—The Rafe
Case—hip Platattallar—Antielpsiea
Trouble With 8i1001 . 1111131 MclraerteY
..-Pfeeando ll2 Against Blatt.
iffy Telegraph to the Iltuhursh Gazette.;
New TORY, April 15.—The steamer Man
hattan, from LiverpOol, arrived to-day.
In the safe ease of Win. A. Lanborn, of
Sterling, 111., against Slim C. Herring. (or
damages, for theloss of an amount ['Money
burglar:ha verdict was given for
Twenty casks of gin hod been smuggled
on the ship Ariatides, from BrnMent Part ef
venial was seized. The ship Is liable to
con negation.
In anticipation of serious trouble In the
mining regions of Mania county, Now Jer
sey, Governor Ward has Issued an order to
General Runyon, of the State hide Corps,
to bola two companies of the corps in New
ark in readiness to march at short notice to
the mining region. in order that any riots
occurring through the agency of the mi
ners May be speedily quelled.
• By Telegraph to the fittehatsh Gazette.)
Cuicsoo, April 11.—W. B. Keene hook- , es
tablishment was destroyed by Are tomlght.
Loss estimated. at .150,01:4; Insured for
By. Loma, April • dreg honse of
Scott end Steiner, b urning et and Washing
ton avenue. is now with &prospect
of its total destruction. Particulars not ole.
tairiable tomlght.
PORTLAND. Kilbourne
.f& Co's carpet warehouse, was badly dam
aged by Are s a ve d, an d
:Many of the
goods were saved, and the firm are fully ins
wired. The upper story — whore , the lire
originated, was occupied by Bowen I her.
.rill with fancy goods. valued at
which are a tdtal lees; Minced for V3,01e.'
New York Dry' Geode IS •
•CIIT Ttnegreph . .to the Pittsburgh heretic.)
New Tome. April 12.—Dry • Goods—Cot.
ton goods to hitt request, and price. giallo
uniform at tie for hearty brown sheeting.;
blO for seconds; 100 for. inr,prioi; 14%0 for
Booth's (4 19a for -Cabot A. and Bowlght A;
200 for lidiawmut C and Lawrehooee 14;c
for Lyman C; 'Wu for fdassachusotts fine 11 li,
and 12c for Kennebec. All desirable makes
of bleached mention in tale' doalland• and
prices are firm, but at lout knew uuntcce
are selling at lower rat...l.s for wide sheet.
logs, the titles aro down 1077, nod MI
to Prints in fair demot', and prices
firmly supported for all good styles, but In
ferior patterns are selling at a Wes Aown
40 it shining per yard for standard cloths.
[Or Telesisph to the Pitt.bergh (inane.,
BALTIMOIti. Ho., April 12,—Tbo 11:13110 . 11611t
case o[ urogg & toughen , of: Chicago, vs.
rirokely Fel:0411. of 12111 ally, for pork
tgelPUtebilgttingeu&A,63lfogooslltgor &.1,0,
A' verdict was returned for the plaintiffs ior
1.30.00 e. This was the third trial Of the edge.
Anniversary of. Leary Cloy.' Birth.
Telegraph to tee Pittsburgh Gast tte4
Now YOZZ. April 12.—The anniveruary of
the birth of Henry Clay will be celebrated
by a public dinner to-morn:4. •
Capt. Anderton, of the Creel, itgutern la to
be Lend/trod a public. dinner.
Death of a itanher.
Yelegrehe to the Tittsbertb Oteette.
Lootsvtua, April D.—Lietery .1. Lyons, of
the banking firm Of Lyons Ca t guy
York, died here yesterday, and woo buried
WellanO'Canal Opening.
COT Telekreptt tett., rtttsburgh Cinzate.3
oAwfulo, April It—Tllo WeHind Cansl
win De open for veeuns on the ;nil Instant.
The 'water W to be let in on the ;•nth•
Steamer Aria Arrived
tpy Telegraph to the Tlttsburab Gazette.]
. 13orTOS, April 12—The steamer Asia, from
laverneel, via. Lalifar, arrived 'Lore this
Ai order ,at toots% Idle—ltemarknblo
Ociect too Of she eirsloroo-11, it
tol.lteessigoirest Fr she r inth of hla lets,
: Prom 11,1 lonlorille Ycionsi, Arril 1. -
In not Issno Of yesterday morning we
gave the tell part had a, of the cold blooded.
ik"'ilssinntiOn Of the old loan, John Vollina.
to Ills doorway, near the corner of Eights
teentli at root and Broadway, nt about eight
O'clock On Tuesday night. We knew at the
110,0 of writing Oar formOr article who was
suspected of perpet rating the fiendish Alcoa•
lint with:iota the name at the inquest of
the pollee authorities. who did not wish it
known that suspicion rostra noon him,
mr,,t who richt ty conjectured that tin thought
ho had auttleicittly covered lila tracks bo
lded him, and would thorritoto not seek to
fly the city.
vss TRW. Of sits mennuncrt.
...boot one hundred yards below Collins,
hens° the murderer hitched his horse. upon
soft, unpaved ground, where the tracks
wore distinctly visible next morning. Those
tracks revealed the fact t hat the horse 110-
one hare foot, and but half a 51100 open and
other foot. A man's tracks were also die.
covered, which revealed another fact. I. c"
that some (1110 went from and returned to
tile house to Isle stocking feet. Thus, one
fact was certainly and tinitenianly estah-
I haled.' The murderer had ridden to the
tinily of his victim's house, had removed
his AIM'S In order that his footsteps mig , t
give out no echo, hail stolen to a favorable
point unheard, murdered his man, returned
to his animal, sod tied out of the neighbor
But there was one who was fortunately to
situated that, by the hash of the powder,
when the weapon was discharged, she saw
and recognized the features of the murders
or. His name is Sheppard—John Sheppard
—and Is a brother-in-law of the deceaod.
She sow film Co.: down upon the opposite
side of the street, saw him stop Into the
tn idd le of the street, saw him ere upon de
cow:et], Haw 10141 recognized his features by
the bash, and saw him run off immediately
upon disc h arging lots weapon.
who ur. aviosfs went uts ctertu.
John Sheppard, more amiliarly known as
Jack Sheppard, earn e to this city from Pitts
burgh about twelve nears ago. Ito had no
property upon his arrival, but In the course
of a year or two he married either a sister
of Collins or his wile, who was possessed of
setup money, with which ho established a
coffee-house,cockhlt, Sc,. On Main street.
atOr near the corner of Preston. Some - few
weeks ato hies wife was compelled, from
bOme cause to us unknown. to separate from
him. She has since been making her looms
at the house of -Collins.
Some two weeks prior to the murder the
accused introduced birio.elf into the house
of (keel:sea and atm..] him fn almost every
manner hatred could amrgest. About the
same time he was heard to make tile sigma-
rout threat: "I will riddle him (lecutbied) II
I can get him out—l'll bo revenged!" -
revs:Noll..., AwelvltAv zed lna.
We have alluded. Initnother part oft
article. to the fact the the horse that as
hitched near the Ken of the 'murder had
one hare foot and half &shoe upon the other.
On examination It was found that the feet
-of ritompard's horse More ill brlell condition.
Tracks made try a man in his stocking feet
were also discovered near Collins house.
When arrested, Sheppard's socks were
found to be muddy. As it is a long di,
lance from Preston street to Eighteenth,
the larcrenco la natural that he bad ridden
down for the purpose of making quick time
back, is order, when the new. or the mur
der would be spread abroad, that homtgi,
by being at borne so early after the hour at
which the murder had 1:000 commtteti,
create the Impression thit it was impossi
ble ftw him to have committed the deed,
and timothy establish an alibi.
Talc sme,.
Shepherd. wes arrested at Ma house about
one o'clock yesterday morning by ' , inlet , .
Barry Klcby= Jubn.ltogers, Tom Antic, Jake
Kayo and John blister. Ile was hresenlvd
to the City Court yeAerday morning, but
hln examining trial eaa Postponed until
Friday morning.
Druggluc nills Altol.ll
The Iltd , rao I:rpm+ has a protest from
[Jr. 1t..11.4 re inr, of that city, against" the too
common" CustOLO. Of Pb1 , %. 1,,, .s rescrd ,
lag . nlent"sptriVs for medical purposes:,
of this custom, he say,
.1 have always, since I entered upon the
Practice of medicine,. protested against it
as both n phys.rot evil to the patient and
a great moral wrong, erranng appetites
which •wery certain to carry many victims
to a drrnalterd'? grave.
'To ray nettling al the moral Issues at
stake.l have thought, and still think, there
are the •trougost possible reasons to be
toned, both In pathology and PhYslidear,
for Condemning this practice. I have only
time now to mention One among mane
of these; but that one, It appears to me,
shOws the absurdity of the position occupi
ed by the pro Cession upon this subject, Teat
reason la as fellows: All must know that
whisky is almost naive:l:ally prescribed lea
enartirapaurn by the great majority Of OW
sicians of whatever school; yet who diais
net know that wooed. and Meets upon
drunkards are far more diflicult to heal
Thenat upon Llano wbp are teraper
ate. how can It be possible that %lin
k,/ can have Or eleita a healing action upon
nicer, in each delicate tissues as those of
the lungo especially when Wier this that is
taken into the stomach taunt And go to and
through tho luns - before IL is dsibu
ted over the syste g m! And t whi s
ky or
its equivalent caitiffs.* healing effect in
convalescence • from nay disease, when Its
dtrect action In the sa m e quantity greatly
retards the reparative prOnesaea rintUre,
surpasses my ctenprehension. When seen
In Its true light, the whole theory of beat/It
from such agent-els too absurd to be tolera
ted. And a little rellection must satisfy all
Intents:on; people how thslicolt It will be to
have a lasting beneAt wrought by the tent
perauas cause; tint II this root, among others
which VISUAL reached and
destroyed..l .
Joists Drigitt and the Tories-11e Char
goaCtbo Almstarry With Deeeptsois.
In the debate on the Reform bill In thi
British House of Commend, on the evening
of the 25th o 1 itlitichq John Bright took en
active part, end at the clean of a long and
able speech thus exposed the duplicity of the
5 1 tell the Ilonse frankly. and the Chancel.
lor Of the .ExChequer will believe, me when I
say that there is not u man .In the Dense
who would be moral glad to give Lb; warm-.
.eat support...l, whatever it might ho worth—
to a fair and Inmost mod nee on this quo.
tlon. l regret what honorable gentiem en
opposite, led by the Chancellor of t LK•
ceenuer, did last year. .I shall never ceue
to regret It or to blame them; but• still I
would help any Government to bring
tide question to a loot conclusion,
lint, or, It seems to me impossible
so assist a Government ylnett will
not. ton P. frankly what It iniends. what IL
stands by, and wt:at It will get rill of,arit :eh
invites us to come into its confidence, and
yet is the most reddest Government that
probably eve sat On Diode bmiches. [Cheers
and laughter r .) if honorable you
this aide wore to treat you us you treated no
last year. I Would .(101101113Vb teen, In 10e
siroogest language that. I could Ode. t hale
too wa ys and-1 scorn the porpo.e of faction
flood, IrOni.vil cheers], and if. lam driven
how or at ray, stage or this bill to minted,
the y
Goverilineht. it Is bei.aosu pon 7 the measure
the have offered us boars I is Mee the
majka Of deception and afsapplintmeut,
and bccamsel gill be no party to any Monel•
are which shall shoat the great laxly of my
countrymen of that position email:at power
In this House on Which they have set their
hearts, and whit:l4as I believe, by the Con
titution of this country, they may most
justly cirri m.. 'Loud
Death from Hydrophobia.
A meet alstreedng case of this terrible
disease occurred an Friday labt, at Glasgow,
/do., resulting In Um death. of i
leacoung man
a l g hiaaa years of age, naed
ton. lie died at the residence of Mr. W.
blauplo, five miles from Glasgow, In Onw
ard county. Where ho had been hoarding
and attending retinal. On the 7th of Do
orabid dog, was bitten
ic o h n
b th e
treatment of physicians. tetto cauterised
the wound ann anode such applications an
tended to allay innatnallon, after which a
tuaa•stono (the property Mr. James
ley) was applied and remained an 1-1111,
welted forty days, when ft dropped off. Ito
particular alarm nom felt for his safety after
this. e.a. It wad thought the preenutions
Wren had dispelled al/danger of Iddreptin.
Ada. Da last Wednesday week, how-,
ever, decided symptom. were manifested
In his aversion y
to all Ilulds, he bay-
Mg angered tho darevlol.6 Wit.. aeron)
headache. Phyvicht p us wore call e d, The
symptoms gradnally became more and
more alartalny, till raving madness ensued.
us manifested no animosity to any ono,
and atietned to partially ~,,,p;;;;1-0
friend. to near the tlmo' of ells death; hot
thorn seemed '_a terrible desire to do vlo-
Immo to 10[1:01f—to tear his bosom open.
Several times hn essoorae to tato some !wee,
Isnewinghls need of nournmineot; hot each
effort woe broken elf with a summer and
facial contorttons nor' ible to witness. The
wibinessof his behavior Is described as
frightful In tile extreme. in sink. brief
G e d styendi at o h f e
h s i a s m e r g a e t und:eln k s e w r o n v a e r lt i h d e . m e a a n rt i, -
vanesa that hod over been characteristic of
Thv... l .y Otani. on emetic was ad
ministered, which nlhtyyedthe parosynet, to
a great eatent; hat trout CIO . OTOSIIILLIOn
tett enAuedboulever ruv,vol, and graLlualll
,booomlng caim, be sunk Dag 4e0,11.
Wrritm the hmt few years. Boston and tho
t a ,rn. pr Its immediate Vicinity, nit Ithln
a radius Of fourtoon trifles, line. lost thine.
fiCe churches by tire, and St) groat bus tho
rcpt become on tills clubs Of property. 11,00
WMO Of the best Insuranwroilicintdcwlino to
issue policies on churches. home of the
tires heave been the work of incendiaries end
were the enrelessehrs of the persogs
1.110 bolia Ingo in cluargo.
The Mississippi Injunction.
Georgia Next Applies
Three National Asylums.
iVwsumurow, April 11,1,67
mssuaratmat INJUACTION O•
TI.IO Supremo Court room will 110010t1
arowsled ta-alay. All the JOStleS were pres
ent. Tb,, 2allsolassippi Injunction cam was
before the Court. Ott a motion to Mu the
bill, Attorney General titanetasarry made as
lengthy argument In oppamaitlon to the mo
tion. den:Fang. An Origin.' Jurinalletlon of
the, and goners J. Walker nisei:oln
Ms support.
,NOTllee 1,111,1,1031 A.Se.
On the eoucloslon of thu art; untent In the
case. Ctierle[lo'COMlOT ntove4 for leave to
lily the hill In the lie011:11. em,l. The Cider
,t.ttl the Coot t w 01/1.1 liike the me
(lon aolvl:entent, and If further ar
gument was desired the eooneel would he
Pisantro sottyinni , ast
The. Board of Managers of the National
_teal um for ilicableit eohlietc beet
Pie Ohl Milani wan llepart
Were. received skinning the duet:tibia uf
the &Adler:Homo, near Golarelobi, by the
Leeklature, to the National A..yhon, and
the purchase of R tato and bantling near
blilanukce, tl le. Three eat turn, will hero
utter, be opened to ail 4lisat,ll. volOnteer
eolaiere.• Nearly Quo thousand were
cared for, or assisted, by the National AV.
lulu within the tout quarter. A committee
was appoint...LT.olB.e proposals for too non
building at Miltratinee and select either
Whits Sulphur Sririrlirrc or Garton, for the
location of the new septum in Ohio. An
Executive Commlttee to take charge of tic
asylum aunt' to administer outdoor relic
wins Rppolnto.l for the year, et - lit:alai,:
General Butler, Governor Smyth,
ken and General A:vainest°. •
The re ports show the number of disa:de.l
soldiers having neither money, home, nor
friends, Is much larger than supposed, but
the board are cif:tercel:led to make full and
ample provisions for all. A fund estima
ted 5.54,000,CC0 placed, by Congress In their
bands for this purpose, will unable. them to
do this work fully and well.
000 arktostoss-runex ISJCnen.
Three clerks at the city po.uxico.t . .ro
in/ tired this morning by as expiation Of
gas la a room of the rostogice 11,1161, n
which gnu is made by a' patent apparatus.
Their names are James A. Kennedy, 11. 11.
Doubleday and L. it. Moses; the latter Per
haps memtally. They circled a light loin
the room to gad the... Scot an chstiurtion
to the ntehlnury. .
NOLINALTkONS cosi/inv. , ♦sa
the Senate continued the nonnuatton 0,
Lel W. etultt., as rental:tater at say
The following wore. trjecir.l: A's,: et,
Internal Revenue—l::in)end Ilictletter, etc
onti 1,04,
31011 e) S-1)1,1,1 Ityun, Menorna,Wl4onsin
F. Jinwtou, Ito.;eurvrt . iir
Ciitomit—JCitin tout SC. Louir,
innstrre—Newton Mien
blunter Crooke, Ulnc ianatl, Ohlu.; Curti
C. ntono, Wangivion, 111.
The authorities of Nebrasks tlarins
cu presented to the Interior department,.
the question was robed whether the 1.1 , L1
granted to the State cinder the tumbling
act of the letit of April. hel, should be dedi
cated from the lands graqtod under the met
of the Gtb of Septernbe , , tell, granting each
new Statc.So,l , o acres of land for the pur
pose of. Luta:nal improvements. The icc
retary of the Interior decided the grant of
ahoulit not be &ghosted from tliAt of
1011, but that the State was entitled to the
quantity under car& grant
-11111.41N1 LAI. a4LYa.
TOO commtssionsr Of the General Land
I Onlee has trans nalited to the Commissioner
I of Indian AiralrAb for delivery to parties en-
Utica to receive the Same, tlighteito patents
_covering 11,7 acres for Reuses treat lands
In the State of 4untuts, befog safes of trbilse
lanai ender the aht of October 4th,
LATE. co:mg:mum NE RN.
tly Telegraph to the nut:mesh Gale: te• I
Thu prise fight announced to cotoeptf
near hoe Irenciano, California, ott
day, between Looney ilarris and Tommy
Chandler, tilt not take plane. the authori
ties having I interfered, as It was their
duty to do.
People are warned by the Mexican Con.
syl at tyalliingtori a:minst purebising min
ing stockS from ow ties betel ender the
untbority-of Mesta:Wen, the property of
all 000(1 haring heed Condsettoth
Eforts aro Wog made to induce the Gov
aroment to authorize the exploration of
Colorado river, the oelluf I.oing estireNoal
that It le navigable from the Point where,
the Pacific Railroad crosses It to the Gulf of '
California, n distance of 1100 miles.
From Mexico It le repotted that pebble
Ilse been captured by the Liberate. '4
reopondent, writing on the 11111 ult., thinks
it itupo‘elble that Vera Cruz Can be taken
by wasn't, no well is lan city defended by
walls and forte mounted with heavy gun,
The Imperial lets had gained confidence and
the siege t,y the Liberals continued,.
An armed force, tailed Go. pliblie
Guard, exists In Richmond, ye.. notwith
etanding the order of lien. Scholleld dis
banding, all :;illitetry organisations. Tide
force way organised by the tienurat
bit, which made an appropriation of I lo,boo
;or their expenses. Their :present duty
consists lb gearding the Penitentiary
but will be relieved upon tuu amt.,' $4
some expected regular troops.
The anti -Tammany Hall Democratic or
ganisation la !,'es,/ York City, refused
mission to the Albany Convention on IVell•
nesdny. held a inceting on Thursday
to contactor glint netion wan necessary to
gar° prover representation at the priming
convention, and a resolution was adopted
expressing the detertninaUon to oppose all
candidates elected by rho Tammany "ring;'
and to 'elect all proffers of tornpromlee or
aglllation with that organisation. Convon
pons wpre appointed to meet In Oeeatpflgt
districts on If aridity evening cegt.
Th., Come League at WitsbingtOu sty
was addressed by Senator Sherman on
Thursday et.mning, upon the questions of
the day. Referring to tha astlop of Con
greeoi, Ile said af the &media of !'resident
4ohnlon Iltd lama yielded_ to the rtbelliqu
would have continued and b dthdutl4g
war progreaeing at this time. It was ma
cesHary, therefore, to rn-Orgitnire anuletl
a!, the ';nt:th. Ile had received letter
trout Governor Worn, on tieeigia, Stating
that reconstruction was 'going on rapidly,
anti that the measures proposed by Congress
would soon be urgLLlo,ced In.
ati ' ltubrrtti pope boo -en
tered Upoll rho duties of PreAltient. of the
hoard of lisaualnation, nior 10 'Mesita , at
Louisville. i ;
Colonel Win. I. Stryker . late of the Untied
Slated army, I. aPtueuted Adj rout Gen.
crul ol hew Jersey, it Once of Gen. Stock-
Um, resigned.
FOURTH PAGE.--The iullest and mos/ re
liable Money, Oil and Produce Mar/A Re•
p o rts given by a riy paper in llie 641, Unii be
found on our Aura% Page,
Oyer and Terminer
Toro llim..ln I'. Sterrett.
Thin Court met Friday at. the Urinal hour,
en o'clock', and proceeded with Jury Units
In the cone of .iamb. Wllllntui, reputed
roprictor of the Bowery Saloon, on
trent—lndictments nulling liquor without
leense—tho Jury fouml a verdict of guilty
0 One IntlieGlnent, and not guilty on the
alter, hut to pay the coat.. Sentence de•
Charles Baker wins arraigned upon an In•
letmont elntrglug hlin with the lareuny
Will tried, luniultted, and d -
.harged by proclamation.
INDIeTZD Yon raor.,orrrr
Ezekiel Merriman, eonSlablo of Sewickley
Peron:eh, was indicted for profane sweat--
log, on cute of Mrs. Sandt M'C enough. Too
jury rowel a verdict of guilty - . Sentence
deferred. .
arail Blecuilough, tile proaccutrlVin the
c.wc, NI .4 tried on an intik:truant
rging lour with resisting tametable Mor
an, trtilliit in On act of nulling goods
rogulmtly Irvl.l upon aft her property
v e rdom guilty. unit tne ttal,•utluut recoil[
lUellded to the noirey of the Court.
Morris G. 1.00(19, colored, was tried is
w,l time tills Jury fulling to aux., on the
Irish trial) for this hirently of I.lgi 1 ruin
1 . 11011 134111. The Jury scut:land.
Pollee slicer, indicted
fornegault nn4t entlery, W2ll
lierh E. Itehinson, the prosecutor, to pay
the CUelf.l.
Christ. Keplar, Indicted for walk:lon, tut.
chief, was arqultto , l, and the protateucrlx,
Cnrollne muith, elreeted tV p.l the costa.
Li. 0. o,,,hart, Indicted for larcrny, on
0411.1 of .1. F. Chatonvy, Was
Ilot.ert and .Iml,, Robb tiara pullet e,l for
. . . .
forelbly tit:taming 110.4.56i011 or
pr.•mtnoe in Jetforson townstap. Verdict
not guilty, and ounce nejuglly ,11vi.i.•.l bo
ior.•n iletentlant4 and WO prosecutor
Juno It. Large.
100001 nett cash,
Common Wealth vs. At [Chad Crlll and Coln.
litouweelth re-Cheri.' Cross,
itssenlt and huttery, on Oath of William
lioson, and Com matt wealth vs. Rudolph
Druse , niw, William Lninsou and Thotima
Cot - hock, indict-L.IC riot, On oath of Lewis
II likey. three metes were Tried 10000;'
-,.10,141. h 1.0110.1 npacario: col otouto./ for
the defense In the first looms...if for the
oeormtion In Ill* third; John Melton and
It 111:001 Owen 9. eto Coon tt. I tor Mae
soli, prosecutor In the women. arid battery
lee 4,1,:11.1t1.11t in the riot cage. (lob.
,011 h:‘,l lb.' ror Ile silted that,
on the Ictli of deauer), 1,0 went with lirusne
de am: pctson to the tavern kept
by flilkey, ot Woods /tan. Drusadow's ob
,Ject leitng to ineutre of 'Mkt" . whether he
taut 010010 100 allraat ton Chat be 1 Irrhiaido. 1
110.1 tiriiooll WITItiOWY la the 00,1,0 Ott the
evenlng before, and wpm,. got ear abing . Ip
bear what we, geld. 110400 dented haring
made the ollegittlon Ms own responainll-
)•• but gave ar his authority. .omo:bee par.
mitt. Dome further Words pineal, 011041 al:
the persona tit too tavern, eseept 111000
who boariMil Mule, Vv. ordered 03 Wore.
Robson awed that 11111ey caught 1,110 by the
neck et the 'tool that ate 14,1,14 hu
(1 , 0:04(1(1) 11100010 Ott the 1,63 A ..t
nub a 1.01001 hn eintlit not
fry (01.trlICIC litre, 11,0 blur{ leang glt to
om b. 111,0. It appeared beyond 11001,1
that 10000100 hail been very to,ighly used by
souse pereon, 41111 then, was 00100 condo:wee
that the ; , artier charged were trtptstl.Slbto
for the vitganric the torero keeper,
gave ..the other Ode.. The repel. present
it: the tar room, 1110,0 looleted
r OO olifputing, when ititnefis or.
ist ail to retire creep: alketrderica Dob
son replied that It was a petilic haute and
they hall .0 right to rensaluiik lung as the,'
chum. Iltikey Zoo'4 ipyial 0( Ll2O to pot him
out, Dreitnit realstlne 11 y bartklug 4
McCorm iiinicleel 11 Ilk, - In the atdo, ratii
Ircusieo 0 also tincred vf,sunro
ttoot•tt.rly. 1111 k y nut Ore ony Wows
struck, o 0 lag t confusion, net slier
the row was i Leer the defendants Croll end
Pros I did not lent. lasi tag to rurk. the W.W.I.
111; .t ordered the perty L out three
Do!.-111 1.46.• ltill Or. (0 AtY..a. snit
struck the 111, WOW. Mrs. Milker test iilel
lust k114,10/11.10 pot out Of the 1100001101..00
retUrtl , l tll,l struck her twice, when the dec
reeilaoro Croft goal Crteifi carne to her ottslA
,to: O 0 , 11.! , 00trt they • vro the partitot
n ollytt,o paid 0 sw :on .401'.
Irrus , at this tam., 01,1101 Mrs, IMIkeY
kpig 10 ',meet her liudhanit, at
lell1L17.0( I.[llllll<l . mit of the dear, and
she se elMtre`ti for help. When tilts was oc
'cLurrinif Illik‘y wor rn,aget 01111
ilicdonnlck. TOO o.3.•submitted
by counsel without argument, end under
YLO of the COI rt the jury found e.
rverdigt of "not guilty , lit the ease+ Ot the
Pon; rtionwen Ith 011011ael ernli end
o ig ries, proseeator Monsen totily
th setost,. and in the ca-ii of the Common
w vs MaiiMph Presides., Wiiii,lll
llobean otail ati 11 0 " d.
foiled 100adowT;to eo gr et eta ty !-; ,” and
teiek etel Imbeoci “gellty or aciatrit and
battery." :smite., deferred. `,
.01%( • 11.11.6 4 . , ..
The torintnrytion nt the coo reported
rurleg Jury !Jog• tar till. hlncela tnrm. The
July in ntt,ndonc,lnn thtf
chns-gt;l, watt tie, MAO" of the Cottri tor prompt atottion to tacit
udj tuned MI this (Saturday) morn
ing al ten o'clock.
Comtwon 1 1 1 en% Court.
jlefore 1100.711 mm. .11101101 t.
Joll , e. /Ltwurd en. Owncre Of steamer
tie Hetwkvye. 1 1 1[41013a ...eutrirotrAl 0111100-
huolAut. to low a :tut laden with eon 1 to
!Ail - . 10 100 ouy 00 o.a 10.1 111110 and the
cwal 10.1, and the twit wae hroto;nt CO re
over !th tido, VeleilantA nlicgtal tke
accident wn left cotton! t he Mut:int! Wee un•
01.1.1a1.1e, und obi rorult
,of fooof dunce or
rt:lewd...a on then . 11,11. Tl/0 jury fooll/1
111 laver et the ddittntilt for th e sum of
,V.lft. 'A Alio fell nonoent claimed.
.Itho V. Smith rt 0). vr.ttddtries A. 11on11.
IhrlotlfT, uohl to Ilel.•nelant /4 indent war.
math: 11l welt boring 111.1011 e, guarantee..
Mt 11 to work welt and glee nolottleto "Mt.
(notion. Thu contract Drive woo 4.1.4 . 1 1 1.
1)011 . 101.1.11t 1111111 $ 1 . 5 1 .0 na`en or:rr‘%l.ff
.01 the relkaiuder a hen the 11,-01 , 110 YOOlllll
have hmout ennreenfollf to we depth of fitly
fed % _Hier eimrltnent Ina for /01010 time
0111, 1110 ntdtratne, defendaet pronounced
It a fatinre, not au Itl . loll RA common well
horlott 'Therefore he ford.ed to
any tho 41,1111 claimed ae the letiniice of the
purCll, 1110001, whereupon p',.ulntltra
pefondnot :iverrod 11AI lip 0.0
4.1 l ldrO,l 100 P,aln4ltt, but tuil henetuullr
411utt010..1 10e000 to oho amount br
his falluty of the aptatratue. 1)11 trial at
adjoorO pent
Dlatrirt court
I",ofnre !Inn. li. t 11141.0
Iflarlot L. Litton v 3. Itol.frt Marrow. oil
nattharotor of John Soul, ilec'il. Ilona°
reported. Verdict for plwintill fOr thulium
'1 lota's, Stoner Va. 4. C. 11100107. Partin,
krit Owner» Of adjoining Into. °d Ktcou4
.trot, In the city. Whilaug to ex - envoi° a
collar on 111. lot I,OIOIA - the foonduljon of the
limo.° 'of !no pi:Attain. iletidahoit agrconl
with liar to do Lilo work with 11,0 grenteot
00111!ma care ond ntlikapio " Or well
wad glow" (dor.. to provinit the betiding
twang orsokoil or ',Aldred—who wooing to
'pay twtot hints of the Coot for undorpinn lug.
Pit:antis!' allogoti oho work wits 00000101 in
Knell a earoloto nod unoklifoi unmoor Hint
lily ori.llnl Lida lie into anniii woe•
oil, anti other *l.O lamsgelt to 1110 attiOtaa
01 4 - 2,OLAJ tin trial at taillournnieot.
Aringter Core of Coulson:lMlap
feral- sonar or joits r TOZZLZ
I was dischargud from the United States
nippy In January, ISO, on account 'of i
wound in too head, iroui a Buell, and a die.
case which the army physielan prOnounctid
CONSUMPTION. I hail It tort - Pilo cough
111,0 fell awry In strungth and nosh and was to do artytilin;:. Shortly alter my
return froth the army, I made appifeatiori
to a h ny,deinii of my belghborhood and:
afterwards. to another In Pitt/march tit
reputation, Whole remedius I used
faithfully for non months, without any boa-
Mit whatover, hut rather grow worse, and
wasted In flush and strength every day. In
og n,,t., y mother took mo to DOCTOR
hEysh:lt, of I'3/ Penn street, whose al;l1 10
lung C 11.1 0.4 MO wine had been highly goo.
knit of. and put myself under his treatment.
Tau &tater examined me lungs very Core,
fully With hill LUNti SOUND, and told mu
that m y ion ping was Wilily Mt.:mead at Wit
uppor mot, but If was careful Ito thought
Ito could cure me by following bledlrectlona
closely, which 1 did from that day to this.
1 gradually linproved . under ' pr. licyserhi
I . o 7 titUVl r lic e l i tl l asVM
improved, and iny chest, a horn It was
away, nod wbere It pained Lae
become full and strong and Imo Irma pain.
`I eon now do a full dare work, and tato
In plying. Me testimony in
laver of Dr. Neyser's treatment and medl
alum. . Joan U. Wallowa,
Turtle . ( m*,
Pars uctin it, April - 11th. na.
Larceny so itsiler,muriti. 7.eigler np.,
reared before Alnertmin Johns yesterday,
awl preferred the above charge against u
man In Birmingham. It Is alleged that the
tiemied titanium' from the deponent a geld
ring valued at. twelve dollars, anti has elect)
closed and felled to return the sawn, and
hence the suit. A warrant wag Mound.'
A Friend or Di Ilamoolty.
We cheerfully make room for the follow
ing cominuuloation which pays a deserved
tribute to a medical gentleman whose fame
and ability is known throughout the coun
try. Wu heartily endorso the writer lu ad
miration of the subject.
It must bo truly gratifying to every hull.
valual having Linn well being of man} , Ind at
heart, to know that there are still true, no.
Me and great, minds striving to solve tins
deep-IMlden mysteries of human Ille. coil
exerting their utmost powers to ameliorate
the sutler/rigs consequent upon sickness and
This is - manifest, from what the great
wheel of prr green brings to light from cloy
to clay,' through the elaborate treatises of
come of our most able use sisal men; nut
silly is regard to drainagv. snweraget tl.r*
gage, the purity of linters, as., but in re
gard to the compounding and preparing In
a eelentllle manner the remedies necessary
LO special Casio and the cure of special dis
eases, such as consumption. scrofula, Sc.;
which have so long been the problem of
medical science.
. . . . .
It does Mu heart of a philanthropist goal
to tani the energy of inielt men, th
°ring hy manna investigation and research
to add fresh anti glorious laurels to the
grunt temple of that science, which it is
charged has not kept pace with the other
learned selencea ,
Without disparaging, In the Mast, the oth
ers who tiles been COntrlbuting,,each
in his own way, learned essays to the grand
object 'Of the amelioration of human
woe, wu would Mention One whots
has, known long and well, hoping he
will pardon us, however, for the intru.lon
of his Oahu, la thbrotherwise general com
munication. It Is lir. Geo. II Kepler. Years
ago he entered Into the regular .ttnly of the
healing art, under the tuition of a celebru
ted physician in the unst. fitter years of la
boric.. study In the office, inn visited the
Medical Emporium of the United States
and entered the Jefferson Medical College
where he regularly and assidnously attend.
ed the lectures of the then already celebra
ted ProfesnOrs tinngllnson, Bathe, Wigs,
Mutter, ran coast, Mitchell and liouston;
nod learned from them the healing art, as
taught in ita greatest perlection in that day.
This wan In the year Pot. then return
ed Mono and settled dews. in the ',acts, of
medicine, hat by no means wan ho sealed
dot. In its windy - , but lie ermanued Its re
seareliew to that line, to
net only
that not one miler.' pearl of medical truth
should csearto his notice or Lo lost tO ids
memory, but that tic would climb to eml-
MIICO and renown If posslble. by his Minns
la the ptogresolve detelOpuient and nufold
meet of its great principles.
With this great met in view, he M.& later
slay 6.1 after a number of years practice, is
found again at the great medleal cuiporl.
mu, attending another course of lee
: tares, at the no less regularly chartered but
Pregresslvo College of Medicine, Wit "PM.
ladelphia University of Medicine and Sur
gory; thus showing file [wlllingnois to, snits
apes truth wherever found, on Chrlitian or
Ol heathen ground."
With a mind thus open to truth, and di,'
[ position to thus lean every deparment of
Medical Setence; was it any wonder that he
should tuquirc, °w by is that our country
Is en flooded with useless nostrums I or
that he would sort to satisfy this seeming
want by su nplying Its place wits the more
!Melanie emnpOunds of Moral smuctier,
Pectoral, Lung cure,
These are but the ...mita or the prolific
brain of a sett:Mick loan, brought about by
the ilftwlong study of a riblect suggested
by the lost confidence of the people in med
ical science.
Ilad the modlnal akin of tha general prat.
Lltloner enialintalned the onntdeneo of the
ootamnnlty, no patent nottrent, would be
gulped down to-dar; nor would "Dr. lie).-
sere. 0101 Searcfoir.i . "Long Lure," or
"rtetern! Syrup,". ho found exei,ling Ir
eminency as they ern now doing toe aklli
and of Co many of tho practising
pripociann of (hi: couutry.
Lot .the great work Of elucidating medical
~imb)ecta and medical solemn, Co on, each
medical wan to strive to Orin,: 01:11 eon.
staler to the uttnierl perfection, and confi
dence In it - with - al 'clone,. will room/ be roil--
tort:l, and all .inutlile compounds w ill
readily nod their way Into prLecrlet lons of
the dayourt.hey ought.
The Speaker Elect or the Rennie,
10 notietoz the election of Senator Gra
bora to the lipteikornhip of Liao Senate. tho
{tort is tiu rif TelegraphchooenytO pay him 1 110
following handoome tribute:
i•W.. announced yesterday flint a fatten.
of Repot/limo ...Morn had decided on hen
slur timbals, of 411.1 g imay, for Speaker. Ife
einet.l to-doy. 7nio to t ornplimen:
Ist:WU:lly Lento ores. r:ti nasals h..., by Mu
purity of his Wo o ' by his court.ns and gen
tietuonly bearing. by his strict tool
attention to moms.., by ills Monti
eat go.. sense, won the ellnfidenve and e.-
teerg of every member of IL., north:'. ato
- ithao+L to tiddiitty, he never otters a
slngle word for buncombe; mikes tin effort
to get upon the Recta-4; never .peaks omens
them in a necessity for it, but when he
scoot earnestly nod alway s
mauling the attention ao.l roopqm 1i..,
Senate. The elevation of %e. L. ratio:a tot he
Speaherstop of tun :emote of ' , nosy Ivan In
wittiout solleantlon on pin port, Io nu 1,01-
denim' Mat a quiet, earnest, honest man,
whose ammeter Is above ....pinion amt re,
proncii, can and will be apprecialoni Inputo
lie lit. We senator Graham
on no. elltelina, Lind his conntit in hay.
lug anch a 11114 n to represent them."
olliewib (role; . Aisisplesy.“
iartc« way the venni:tor thu Corouer
ry alter holding an inquest on the body «1
James W. Algeo, on Friday forenoon. lie
ceased, is rusidsot of the city, had for some
time past been Intemperate In his
and on Thur.:lay afternoon: Went to the
ol'ittstinrgh lionse,” In the lownond, In an
Inturicatud .tuts. in She evening he woe
ILSO , II.,IIDy the Imr-Leu per in hare fallen
hack in lils chair, with hit head Lu«; over
his breast, and breathing heavily. lir. O.
fdiCool; being mimmoned, said the man
woo laboring unlit, au attack of apoplexy,
and porni isat ton best MU far' progressed that
.14•1\(h would i:214U01. Ile expired nt teak - DA:
Friday marntwz, harl«if /I:mains:it all the
while :11 a state of Insensibility. Dm:eased
Was about thirty-live years of ago and un
married. lie served In the army, enlisting
esa private in Company I. Penh l.enricylvii
nin v ohmic:um was proton:Ad toe kAeuum.
nriCY, ankl feet:teed a wooed which render
...4lllm Y cripple.
A yottng lady named tirace Matthews, who
testae* on hirer avenue, Fourth ward, Al
leehony, appeared before Alderman Mellon
yesterday, end lodged au information
ugaltut Archibald Glass for alnliatlon. The'
prosccutrlY states that the yoUthful Amid.
hold WA, boon paying gallant attentions to
her Inc something Over a year. Ile of length
gained her coniplen. and In an unfortip
not& hour of wealrnersehe fell a victim to
Mk wiles. Ile at Prat promised to marry
her, thereby making all tho reparation he
his power, but oilier cottn he -I prevailed, a nd
In an Interview hold bet woe., tl,o - oartte4.
on IYr,is ec lay. in Utterly refused to fulfil
prowlse, telling her to do her worst us
no would as noon be In the peniteutlary us
not. This rookie:goness caused the young
lady to prosecute, and the cousequeneo was
that Archibald was arreated yesterday Dud
elude to give ball In {Gee for lily uppearanue
at court to answer the eitariM
Omen. livid to 8011.
On Sunday morning last night watch-
Men James Eagan ant ligorgu
resiod ii,oinher of tim Mayor's special po•
I ieu fOrell salami E,lward Owens. on Wash
ington strait, charging him with attempt
ing to force, his 053 Into the realdoorm of a
lady, living to that locality, as ha unusual
boa mcnd., 144,11111 g I.olls had a hear.
las Lofpro tho Mayor which resulted in his
holm; discharged ream I.IIU been, {Ma
~.3r Inn or Sal for diso.lorly
conduct. The dismisnotionicer, fueling him
ant( atigfluved, all Mann Alderman
lionaldnon, anal mado oath agitimit Fagan
and Towers far assault and battery and
illegal arrest. Thera was s hearing had is
thommo last night, at which ovloonce was
given 'Audit:ming ofilcur Owens, anal tide
imentud Werti ha d to diva bill in thu sum of
eSuo for their appearanon at the next session
of Val Criminal Court.
Dr. Robert 11RQtnr dysires 1.6 angry his
nntleuts keel thaw. requiring his profession
al services, that ho will definitely closo
bin ranee in Pittsburgh on the evening of
Os , nrd ty, April titb.
Dr. Hunters practice is megrim.; t aeon•
thins of the chest, viz: , S,rlro throat, catarrh,
Ozenu, bronchitil. asthma, consump
tion r.nd. heert
Podlies wishing to avail themselves of lit.
tlunter's experience In those alrectioas
should embrace the eat - gout ortunity,
before lilt rutdrn to New York, fora PO.Oll.
al irlter. lON nod examination, otter womb
they auu pursue the treatment without .iit.
lloura-9 A. Y. to 1,. St. 11.1117. 011100
Itturchanw flotel,rittAburgl.
The appended table shown the approxi
mate earnlup of the Pittsburgh, Fort
Wayne one Chicago Itcllway Curing the
month of March. 1567, an compared with
the onion portal of the year 'bah
14P. 1:0 1 .over 1
Pr= 'Wight...4lM
11.+1.432 001 63 $1011.1.1 IA $47,0:7
•` Vas/onset, 1 . 7 •••
" Matter A 6.5 0,1 •+,'7Y7
tit 7r 111 2 7 e r, 100 .....
2 . 3
.. ~ ~/k19,34, 1 ,5 91 4 d,14 ,
Xam,logo from An.), Loller.m. 31,7+9 tvl
do. do. do. ido W.O, 1,7•4.171 td
Increase over IRO, t.o
Deorease from INkilo tivrt,oo. roamer 1,111. 10
dV. 40. dO. 1 , 44.44 4 r 4 , 1 0 1770 Ci
', .;-k : 1:4 - ; : l t \1111 77
ti i t
Dr. Robert Hunter
This eminent physician, who 11. been so
Mainlug fur It number of weeka In our
mid. , announces that 1,15 visit will be
brought to • close on the 27th inst. lie.
((enter is is gentlemen of thorough practice
and skill, and deservedly occupies a front
Place in the medical profession of the world.
Ile has made the diseases of the throat and
lungs a SPenlaitY, anti upon those particular
organs is regarded as tliu highest authority
upon continents• it,, hail been very
successful since his advent into the city.
and will be followed with the gratitude of
hundred.. whom die has grasped from the
Jaws Of death end re.oreil to perfect health.
At an author Dr. Hunter stands equally
well amongst the Dirndl, and his essays
upon pulmonary neseiisoa have already en
tered Into
Itteratore of England and
America. The sulfuring should lose no
time 11l eollsolting the learned dOetor,hs
perhaps no bitntlar opportunity will be of
fered tor a long t iine to secure the advice
of such un universally revegelVen
Clan. lle remains at the Slereitant-i /fowl.
The Soldierie League library.
The (urinal opening of the Library of the
Allegheny Soldiers , League, took place la
Malta Mall, Federal street, Allegheny City,
last evening, as per annouricomeet. The
meeting wan organized by the calling of
F. it. Brunet, Esq.. to the chair, after which
a prayer wan °Mired by 'lbw, J. 13. Clark.
Thealtairrnan m,de a few opening remarks,
alter which Lieut. A. P. Callow President
of the 'Soldiers' League. delegiod Col. IL
It. WilliztUlS to state the object of the estab
lishment U , the Library, which Col. W. .1111.
Cul. It. 11111,110 Roberts, CM. J. It. Clark, Cul.
L,Sinith,F. it. Brunet, J. C. Patterson and
A. Leggett., severally wades few remarks,
and the meeting came to a Mo.. by Lle.ut.
Callow returning sincere thanks to these
who had lent their aid in the formation of
the Library.
Charged With Wised t.—John Patterson,
a colored Individual, was 0rr.:4(.1 yester
day and brought before Mayor Morrison,
ebareed.wlth the larceny of $l3 from an
other-son of Afrie's sunny clime, named
John Dinsmore. The patties bad been
hoarding at tile house of Mn. Reed, on Pod
"tre'd, Allegheny,.Xcol.Yiug the sumo
room. In this chamber Dinsmore bad a
trun r containing the sum inentionell above,
hide be alleges 050 abstracted by Patter
son, the 11,1 of the trunk having arit been
',eyed Opel.. The aroused had, bearing,
which torn Mated In hi. being committed
to Jail, to which Institution ho was convey
ed by °Meer Campbell. •
}Wadi/alt.—Margaret MeAda.s was be.
fore Altierutan Mc fiance, estortlaY. etiettit .
ed, no oath nt Nanny' Tonrooltun. With
lag wickedly anti usulisioully puked it stick
In tile mouth el a little daughter of the pros
ecutrix, thereby inflicting a very patnfal
wound. If the 41cp.Itioll of Mrs. Themp.
con is worthy of the act was one of
Ilentlish cruelty not merits the severest
<tenser° of nil well uicanteg'people and the
utmost rigor of the law. After a partial
hearing the ace,...1 was forced to furnisiL
bail In the suet of SSM fora float hearing on
Tenspernnef; Evrinryloti.l—Untler the
auspices of tevlslon 4.1. Sons Of Temperance;
a gratet rally et the Irmtals of the great and
goof cause Will take place pest Tuesday
evening., at McKeesport,
__,Meineers of the
order aro invited to paitTcapste. tinniest.
tickets may he olttsgast at Theme, Steel.
olltee, on Smithfield street, or at Mr. ,
J. Bat icy's, No.le: Fourth sleeet. Thu e,
cursionlsts will leave at aLt tgulock r.
and return at midnight.
Pintit—E.tward Collier, a re.l.lent Of Pas
lure lane, Alleghear, was arreatad Yester
day ails tuffught before Mayor lflorrtrom
charged wills an attempt to defraud a cer
tain Jane MeCAnce out of watch she
alleged also earned addle in 11:4 family as a
domestic. Tae case was atalealqwdf usted.
Illegal Nell Ing.—Yesterility A. I:. Wash
ington charged L.I ward Rogers, before Al
derman Johns, with selling INCIDC illegally.
A warrant was Issued and the accused ar
rested, hut atter a hearing he was discloargs
ea, the cri;tenCo not being sufllcteat to war
rant his tieing held to bail.
A Cosnmlttee of experienced ell opera
tors have exttuancit the wells Of l'lthole
and report that flee aggregate production
of tee wells In :1:1 barrels per day. the ag
gregate estimate of the pro.lueure is lan:
barrels, a dillerence of lit barrels
It.y. Dr. hinirs, of Cinch:matt, will
Attach a set tuna, :eeleorrese evening, at the
Acatieny of Ml,lO, under the auspices of
the otaor Chnstian Assoelatlust.
!services to enuituente at half-pant sloven
o'clock- A full attentlanco is desire!.
Itorsatol to De v etsuni,^o Sprau
;or 4.1 Frhlay young loan 111.1311,11
Anders°, who resl.led near NU/Ann - all
when at borne, was so badly burned al
natnie•on well, at roble, on Frblay last,
that ho dital In nix bournalletward. •
arre.tetl Ott Thurkl.y anti 1.11:1,4t 13. silo
Allegheny match how. Livtng very
ttruno un.1,11-ordr7/.7. rte hnil nut bobmrdl,
up xturlielently last night to 11,[111iL Or kin
tmimg aat at latorty.
A New Poesnalee her been eatablishca
t Allegheny county. Janice Ster
ett bus been aimeintml puatruarttr and
enry The new tioftodiee
s on tile heaver road tour, miles west of Ai
judg-mene Itio Criminal Court
to-day Judge oterrett .hl pronounce Judg
ment upon such offenders we have bums eon.
T:ctea outing the March 1.111, and In whole
0,130,1 sentence. has been defer:rd.
11.A/re Alderman Jobnia—llargarel
.owrci charged Ali]. Eliza Ciuthingion
, •ita asiiaull and battery. A warrant waii
.al and the aced arreated
o ball to answer a t Court.
tigt. t 1• Crawford. or Franklin, who has
luweil thirteen wells without success, has
his tootteenth attempt stru ck I. and
his well is producing about thirty barrels
Tim, recent revivals .of religion In
Yrunkliti 'ewe been attended wilt, marked
sitcoms. Two hundred and tirtimino we-
UtAhli.ll.l4 to the church-urn reported.
Greenville, warren 00. , li reaping
liarveat to her churelleS. 4 great religious
revival bay commenceStbure *lllth
Ls aLtended -WILL mantel success. '
A gentl.mau of this city hne papered
his room with certificates or oil clock. The
novel papering cost originally over tit !I'.
three thousand goiters, in malt.
V. X. C. ,s--Young Colon Prayer
'acct.log thin (Saturday) evoulng ot
o'clock, lo CtIrl,VA MelLoaLlt hpueopki
Church, Pcon street. •
A 1111 l dna EbteT Vf /inn.l.l. C. Foley, of
Clelrti v td, ra., full Into the river nod was
few days Waco. The body Las
lot Ilven recovered.
English it ills.on'is great agricultural
works so Now llailailelphia,olllo,weru clew
tloisl by, Ilre a tow 'nights ago Lobs
P. A. 'tenth. ta6Cil. Erie
Ilia}dace oil Monday last.
etfltlr at all..rt Illness. Po waisevouty yeArs
o.( ullu.,
Oat of inaliciona ip*t. aotue unknown
white perunn 0100 6 negro in Wheeling,
glit infer° Lot, dangertausly wounding
A. Commotion .of General Paigenger
Auenia of the, principal, rullrOada of the
country tiF„aembled at Cleveland ytaterdaY.
tioodale , a woolen mills, nt Steubenville,
which were erected In Sell, wero burned
clown on Thursday LW. Loss *AIM,
linu. Rafael d of iharon accidentally shot
himself wLile 4unning on Thursday last.
.lke will hardly recover.
There Is n Gorman In this city who daily
.edify U.
"butt" tor cprove,nlond.
Dr.A. fa. netouoloss, phyValan to the
Board of health, roporta but mete tlef,tha
to the clty laid week.
SlGtoil hatd rittallurgh turned out the
moyL huildeouble audit, LICCII to Chrlatentilow.
Ina Lori was rlght, •
Mn. Cosioutito Johnston, of Union
town, Pa, was found 'dead in her bed 4 few
nights since,
Enter hugeleven beer breweries which
In.ulaoture about two hundred barrels
per day.
James quail, of Washington. nt...
of twort ltnumu, stoloonly. pn Weauostiny
night. .
Nomehotly nays tbat them 1,4 to tw no
~ c h.,0g0, , 1u gent.lemell'.l Dante MIA SWUM.
ricersineperis out weal hire girls es r e
portcra.. They Provo capital news gather
Thfi Court,. Irtll meet to-day a4O dlApoie,
of Ulu unual, Saturtlesb busitheas.
Lacer boor ta five , cents a glass, and no.
reauc Lion will b Wade this eevam.
~ 1 1gp s :r o . i Tn h g 1 7:. 7
t r n ll on s:Le w el:- . killing dogs
Nnodny beer selling la to be rounded on
Alfred brewery, of Erie. watc-re
cently th,troyed by Ore.
Woek On the Tionesta ranrotulliwill La
eoultneucect next week.
' The Nieto Steclical Society meets in
Chit elly nett. June.
Rlatorl eelNhrnted her forty•lllth birth
day to rniaburgh.
One Permen lied from cancer In Pitts
burgh last Week.
aaaa 1 caves of swan pox ore ruported
In heaver.
Radially. and now onions aro la the
Marriages are very scarce aow.a.days
miserper . clau.rae is growing mitre
reanat. are getting v.„ty
—Punch thinks that the Fenian. are the
rising generation.
—The nlantidg season in Tennessee is un
usually backward.
—The city of New Orleans hen about 111,000;
PS) in circulation of city money.
Blethodistschool bas been evened at
Lavelois, one of the suburbs of Pans.
...-rinohoppers have destroyed the wheat
labia.. and Kendall counties, Texas.
—lln Fano o'er county, -Virginia, snavr ha.
been lying on the ground eluee tbolith day
of Deeeinuer, 169 i.
- - Vnder the death notices In the New Red
ford Mercury is that of a parrot, which died
at the ewe of forty years.
—Tho newest thing In the danClng way, In
Paris, Is a caution in which there are two.
ty.four dancers representing dominoes in
the game of dominoes.
—The "Gold Ridge Farm," in Prince
Witham county, Virginia, was sold a few
days since for lad,O. , o—at the rate of WO per
—A brute In Richmond, the other day,
after nearly atarklug hie wife, playfully
broke her leg. illo little boy met the police
after him.
—lt lima been settled that the commercial
flag of Germany shall consist of three
stripes—black, white and red—a combine
uon of the old-Hanseatic with the Prussian
—Env. J. J. West, or %cloche'sea, England,
has refusedlo read the burial service over
the corpse ore emu who was washed op at
sea, because .•be did not know whether ho
had been baptiand
—Two Cincinnati merchant% who had
purchased goods 111 Boston for years, cat
Its acquaintance entirely the other day and
countermanded a 41ee,103 order, because
they could not rind a glass , of ale with
which to seal their bargain.
—John ikovide .a = ludled Zr.r Bissell, or
'Nna' London, Huron county, Obto. out of
nthborrowed Ids team and ran away
hid daughter. The unhappy oonple
were found at Tlflin. Scordle was sent to
pad and the girl taken home.
—The work of emancipation has been bo
gun in Brazil by deereoin i' the freedom of
the slaves on the publio domain—about
titter thou-and in n u mber—on condition
that thoy enter the army. The wives of
those that are married are also treed.
—We) day last week live men were cross
ing the Susquehanna in a small boat, below
Binghamton, N. 1".. when one of therninmp:
ed uverboard,mmi timing that so was not
going to cross in a boat when he oould swim
au well. The boat was capsized in the ef
forts of his comrades to return the man to
the boat, and four of the live men were
—The April coupons of the limner, teem
are non' in course of payment at the Dank.
mr, Mouse of lien... =Merman d• Co, New
1 ork, and also at the chief banking houses
of the various cities of the United States
and Canada±. The number of bonds nub
scril,i for up to the Mit of March is 17,340,
the bends, andai.he) ttS bowls amounting
in all to ti.. 300,000. 4.1A,N0 of this sum Lau
boon subscribed ulnae the lulvortieemeny,c,
the payment of the April coupons
—At Intlmneralls iveently an "Intelli
gente contrabnfld wad told by his employer
to take 1/.1.4 csrringe cod roll for the young
ladie3 01 the family, who w re at an
log party, and was instructed to go to the
door, ring the bell and Inquire for them.
Aleut midnight he returned alone, and on
inquiry It wgsuseertalncd that het ad taken
the dining-room bell, nod, driving to a
strange. boo., nut In the carriage and tang
his bell, an he had seen the milkmen do.
Finally, concluding that no one wait at
home, lie 5A11.0211.1.
Quetta—Clubman New York and
ticie• for It.e, Season, &v., ate.. die.
quoit playing has undoubtedly become
one of the recognised summer sports with
American at 'A few yearn elate the
came was cutly known and played by a few '
zeetell or Englian residents in the country;
more recently the game has been encour
aged and patronised by almost all classes
ho take a delight in rat-door pastimes.
Tue game, lisei f, le of ancient origin, and In
da3 sof yore, wherever field sports were
recognized on the European continent, the
women devotions were incomplete wlttwat
0011 ground. Every public lSrPi Private
playground bad its quoltieg clan, and even
the roadside hotels had
their rival assocla•
lions, who often rim; la friendly contests
for the rhar.ZP:naship among the rural por.
• lion of illtfereut districts. Thus, with eon
' want Practise and rival matches, the game
reached quite a scientific pradtios.
With the decline of Wwling saloons, or
•inine ' and "ten.! pies, the game quoits
supereesicid, as more In keeping with the
Malebo( the devotees to healthful recrea
tion and exercise. lt did away with the
spirit. or gambit/lira and the unnecessary
expense whiz:: the former entailed; while
the latter is for amusemeat only, and the
great beneficial advantage Of beteg Played
In the open air. Last • year a number of
club match., were played In this city,
Ilrooklyn, Newark, Philadelphia, and else
where, which gore ta the genie a papilla,:
ity haretelor. unknorii. Alen champion
ship matches by the leading player of one
State against he similarly "pitted!' from
another State, hence the games were de-
nominated match.. TOr the championship
of America.. Mr. Wm. lioia•son. of Phila
delphia. ut present kcidds the proud title.
River TViegvarqg
By Telegraph to the I , ,ittabarfi h iiasztted
Loclavaci. April IL—The slyer la ,rlsln#,
slth tl!i tact IA the canal,
11/MEM—On,3rAday morning, Ap r illitts.
t 3 13'014. IMOD), EDWARD., 3./t3.31 3 t.
to et.rge Itrtett. aged 31. years.
Funeral from the I . i:tido:me. In Oakland, on
Skrvimak, the 13th luttuat. tel o'clock 4. M.
Carrlsgee will Hare the orkce of Walrman
thmilfriou. corner of Seventh and thialthelettl Ott.,
all o'clock.
lirSt).—iin Friday, the Vith Intl.. tttentY
minutes rata two o'clock r. Mr. nttelinatan
RENO. saw,/ al year.] month and Tl dais.
The funeral will take pll.-e on ttl.nliarn J. -
T5c,00.,1, at 2 o'elo:k, from his father's resi
dence, comer of Benton street and Franklin
adlny; Allegheny City. The friends of the fund)
are Invited to attend.
mriv3Disipm-isarn re,
No.Funrth street. Pittsburgh. Pa. OOFFINn
of all kinds; CHAFF-M. IiLUVEn t, and every de
•aerlptlon of Funeral Furnishing nods farolab
ad. oprnrd day and night. Hearse and
l: triages furnished.
Itaruncrucs—ltor. Daeld Kerr. D. D.,
K. W. Jaunbus. Thom.. Ening. Keg.. Ja
-4,0 11. kllllrr, Ka°.
R . T. WHITE & •
, 'UNDERTAKERS AND E3iltAl3lTll3, •
itanobesLer. Wood's flue and Ttelnity,
Cora.. Spaniel A was Cherthuro etreeb
Hest. silo Carriages fundsho4.
hrauttnil 'llod . c.aere.• the largeet enbur.
h. piece of repulabre, except one, In able coun
ty, intoitted oo Nr ve Brighton road. Immediate
ly north of Alletheny. Poe burial tota.molts
or title*. tall at Central Drug store of L a
CLANK. Alleaheny
\I°A• L. c. 071EILLY,";
0. 20 Diamond Alley, Plttatiurgli,Pa.
/01 the 'meet au4 sows fashionable stylesof
BONN Et ar,l HATO for Ladle. Idissesh 004.
h.114r.n. tYpt eonstantly hasid or soa4,
Cider sbe 0:1.011../ notice. Prices Irtry mum,
of the Ten best foe hits at
Howard's Livery Stable,
IFlrat .Ir..t. wear Ikvaoagabigalinate,
Cir AL attsialon luaLl 111 lAslag am sailing
kvla si 14rtry.
a A v ..% era any 41 a 3 a akq
Wholesale Agents
American Watch Company's
No. 56 Fifth Street,
rirt.,) le .4 1VC‘,.),Y(M401.110
6 Wylie Bt., 3d door from sith
Fine Clocks, Jewelry,
Pittsburgh, p4522+. , .,
Partlvolar alteralon given to Itenatrlng
WM.:Les. Clocks and loyalty. AU work was.
Z73:13 TAT
Dry Goods Store,
No. 69,
TO aaz-trw—lrcorrrt.
Spring Goods.
nave open a lan. stock of Dl l / 8 1 (11).30 , 3. In
all the new atrea, suitable for Walking bolt,,
Street. Parlor. Carlisle and Freeing Dress,.
from 19': e. hf. 25 per yard. all mew, cheap
and dealablo.
At at': Cent., line French and Scotch GinghoOns
Black and Colored Alpacas, all price.
At 1.5 and 131!S cent., 1-4011 Wool Delalnes. -
Silk R arp Mobatra very low.
At 3T7f cents, Bilk Strip. Dress Goode.
French Cr guidlea, Cambric and Sw W LaVl2l5.
At 373; cents Stripe and C...lnta Figured LAW..
Printed Marseille. mad Fneslee.
At 50 cent., good Dazonale Table Linens.
Marsoires Quilt., In Whits, Pink, 4001 - .1. Blues
At $2.75, White Hanninarg
lial.kins, Doyle. and Towel., Ouzo.
At 1234 cents, lied Bordered Buck Towtie,
Beautiful Stock of new coring Shawls.
At g i and $1.25, light French Sacking Clothe.
Strips and Plaid klambrica,lialosoon iovrineSs
At 3102111., Flawed White .
At 25 cents, rant iltoffe. •
At 15 cents, Cotton Hon.
at a. 50, beet Kid Gloves in the CUT.
Black and Colored Olin. very cheep,
At ISIN cent., yard wide roblet,und Sheeting
At 12i: c... Light nod Durk Prinia, *3ll
At 23 cent., Floe !Blo w •
-4. 1 1 -4, 10-1- Sheeting Muslin, Chesil.
PLlow 0v...e Shooting Livens.
Silo tug.. and Cloth Steel:Les.
Prices the - Very Lowest.
The Pennsylvania Salt Manufactuting Com.
pang offer to lease, by the perch, their •
Situated on the Western Penusyleanla Railroad.
about ants mile habits' Freels rt. The quarries
are now being worked, and are without exee pe
Mon the bast on the Allegheny rlv.r. attorshog
blast. <irony dimensions and of the thieerqual-
Sy of the celebrated Freeport stone. The Dr.-
duet emt be shipped tither hy river or by rail
road, there betas a Milos on the property. A
portion or the whole of the 'rent would be taken
out intim., loaded intoears . htidress
89 89 89 89 89 89 89
3E3. c) ci2T3E3, Is,
89 Market Street,
BOOTS, 1110 ES, &C.
I S9
wrzczi emx•rm -
JAS ROBB, 89 Market fit.
S 9 89 89 89 S 9 89 S 9 89
Practical Furniture Planuracturere
st7l.! of ITTILNISIIRE entst..u, cn
e T t r i m ;Implott. l ll. I3est .
1. NV lISELEII W11.134.)N18
WAiLanwrzo Tun= YIARS. altraBooll
C KTri;
" )Tritll,o3/71n P.Vl.9liliTat>7l:
Mortised Ruin sae Tented ?took,* oe 13 , 24
and for sate 2 PrpreStra WAQON Woutte, near
VeePealtaatiary, 411,hen• Cltr.
ayla:oal t 70/IRSITER eon.
etx mastanes, used but a short tisue.ifor nat
reduced sakes. 'WIC !SUMNER
TPlrth istrott.
to bar u.
For .ala by the ratorrlber on the It enabarg and
Cuson Smelt of the Pellaryl.las R. R.
Addzeu, 11. 11. TUDOR;
Cambria coaarr. Pa. ,
A Fine Driving and Biding Horse,
.d rove .
0.01 WWISale DraZdaill6 'Now "%nth .1
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