• rwiti CAIL`RT REPORTS, Oier and Terminer. • Bon. James r. Starrett: mart mat Thur.d ay at the nano] hour lock, and proceeded nits JOE'S Tua RICKIWAY.Rour.zur CARE. mac of William Smith, indicted for ay robbery, on oath of Adolph Naylor, ler at the Allegheny ArSenal, the jury a verdict of guilty. The pi4oner was need to the penitentiary for four years ' so Offense, and having, during the ores . b een convicted of assault and but for that offense ho was sentenced to. oaths in the county Jail, to take effect the expiration of his term in the Ven-. StiIDICTII 07 NOT GUILTY. • rue Marshall was Indicted for the Inc. of fourteen bags of - the value Of ten rs. the property of S. Marshall. of Cl In- The Jury found n verdict of not guilty. en Scanlon, also Indicted for larceny acquitted.. LIMOOn CASynt. Mt:Minder of tha sesttion was mainly oVitt to the dL pnenl of liquor eases, odis Culls, wim keeps a tavern (Jog. no. M 1) on Fifth street, oupotite .tne Court Me, Wooarraigned noon three Indict-. 1 nts for'aelling liquor without hoc.. L.l Lion to (Lna.,h was Made a few days since, d to rensunA spots whirls it who bused td, but after thorough examinatiOn it , ta •covered. that tho motion could n h stained, It wus therefore withdra ot wn. e Cella then pleaded nuttecinitendeei:to all the htd letmon LA, and wmtdenteneed upOn o to Puy a. gun of eighty dollars and the sts. n the e.° of James Mulherron,l against tom there wore ton Intl letinente,Blllll l, r en was entered, and a flue of like amount Imsed. Patrick Burke was tried noon two indicts Onto for selling egos On one was maititteed, and On the other he was ntenced to pay a line of etrsitind toe costs, Jalstel Williams. of the oleo wery," on Me street, was next al raigneddipon ewe dletruenta for selling liquor illegally. Ile Id contend, and pat in for def.nn the elle. tattoo tout fat hail 411,1,0,1 , 10 f nix interest el the Ilm ores of this tc hart. Collins, June laat, Alderman nylon exeenting' the bil l l of min, In chief de consideration was ated to be wig. , he Indictment charged the Bulling of iniuty v Williams stthacquent to the alleged sale bat liquor eon tin lied to tee bold without ll• enee by sotueinely win, not db:ptiten, utol he returning , othcer, by direction of the 'strict Attorney, returned persons oft creed selling liquor, hoping by 1.41+ omens o secure the responsible party. Edward arlcer mod Collins, besides W lithium, were eternise from time to time. The weight of he ns to the prOnrietohip tile nos e e,. attetued to bear against rs rolls the lace of his living on the premises :übsegnent to the alleged sale to Collins, of hem the officers called as witnessaa tools to have little or no knowledge. The bill f sale could not be prrainced, Altleraturt Taylor, In whose possession It was left, liel ttfctug that tt was mislaid in removing his 011100 recently. District Attorney regarded the sale of the tavern mythical, ainti Collins, the idlest. , pure p imaer ' a myth. 'The y tavern hail been ket. oeudy afte da, ad all atemort s to close p it ha a d nal e r d . T.hose n woo had ben , . selling, and all supposed to hare anY kon nection with It, were returned, but the bar keepers had been so tryquently changed that was round. lie itossible to get nay of them Into COurf; anti e after great difficul ty, Mr. Williams nail been see . ure d. -iSeiWv 11'TkIB"ahttellrl=!‘tl'ortiltl" peen Judge neerrete seated, in chat Clog the ,aryl that the evidence .for toe Common wealth showed that the tavern had been kept open for along time In defiance of the law, and efforts of the officers to secure the gulitY Party or parties had proved Ineffec tual. The Indictment. charged the defend ant Williams w selling since January, le/7. Two ma r c h had been produced, for selling to March and May, MSS. to which de• ten taut had pleaded guilty, indicating that ha had been pofprietor of the tavern. If the jury tml weed the hill of sale spoken of was noeit iintiterfinfe, but exentiteil in good faith, about tile time stated, In Juno last, tile defendant shout.' be acuutieed. The evidence went Leslie.. that Cooli e. to whom the sale Witif alleged to een made, had not been seensaleout the place, but that, boys pe l t been employed soiling. who were ehanged front- time to time. Jury out at adjOurnment. asornen w newsier . max. Edward Barker, one of those returned for conninif the "BOwery" saloon, was next ar raigned upon indictments charging elm • With selling liquor there during the Menthe of September and ontober lasts The prose cuter was •he returning facer. James Me. -.Callum. For the defence-Indictments were shown, Indicating, It, was thought, that de. fondant had already boon penished, but u ' on closer exemitmtion the t•inilication o was teat the defendant had offended Tiler to the Brat of September. not covering the Unto referred to in the Indictments limier consideration. Defendant was indicted jointly with Charles Collins, bet the latter not being, present or eenmeatable. the Ju were only sworn as to Bather. The verdict was oguiley.` , Mr. Coyle, counsel for Bar leer, requested the Court to mke Into con sideration till severe punishment imposed In previous cases, Barker having been tined CO) on each of wo Indictments at last teem. The Court said it w.ttlsposed to be lenient, and calling Barker, Inquired of him as to his knowledge abutment , veiling Of - 11qm , itt the Bowery, drat aillitlilletertng the usual oato and telling hint heeleed out nay any 111100Iq criminate himself. Barker made a tutemtint7giving the names of di ff erent barkcepep , employ,ed, and stating that while he himself was selling, he handed over the funds to Williams after retaining his salary. Sentence was deterred till Sat urday. Adjourned till kriday at 10 a. u. Common Pico,. Court. Before lion. rheum, Mellon. • D. W. Lloyd vs. Frazier Brothers. Before" reported. Tile jury found for the" delved ex tr a .Cratg ye. Dr. W. .7. Sni ith. Action for wort; In painting the di e t of de fendant In 1.11. , " rieuvige. Verdict in favor Lt hivor of plainuff for 4.101, , :. Charles C. Small vg. Jaw , Burg. Tile platntrff cold to defendant two oltheir es, agreeing to receive the amount. of m value In lumber. The defendant, Ifftwever, retamml to - rural:tit Pie lumber, al IM:01 g that the inthei were t reaoutol, and had been bold under fal,e representations. Verdict. to favor of plaintiff for ;IZ )- lame.) Ilaward No. Ownersaff the steglner llawkeytt." On trial. • Wearies. court. IlefOroillon. II: W. Williams. • re. Robert. Morrow, nilmi . Istrator of John Nevi, dce`.l. Before re ported. Verdict in favorof plaintiff to 5.00. motion for new trlaf. Ll:wrier E. Dann •s. Itobert ]sorrow, ad ministrator of Jolly Seel, doe'd. fiction: r . P uy out. Victoria Stoner vs. J. C. 11Ind1cy. 0 trial.. • For Fr/ilny• • C 031.4.1, PLEAs corn. 72. J. 1. Smßh .t Co. vs. W. A. McClurg. SO. David Lontonwa. Joseph Myers. SI. Beriturd May vs. O'llsrit R Mar inn.. OT George Burns vs. Rio:. W llllum Hunter. S 7. Walitvork S 3.ltitiory vs. Singer -:• 90. Merrick e.a. Houck it Bro. DI. J. LI. Kohn vs. It. . • • 95. 11. W. C. Tieeinlle vs. B. S Busgro. 7 o. 4. W. G. W nrilen vs, Kier, Moore .t 5. John Strittel vs. Ciev. rata. 11.;17. CO, Tiomucycortvr. • • • st. Mart: Sterling's executors vs. Benj. Conrein. • it) U. Fornatinlz et uz vs. J. 11.1tehren and Vreiteriek Fisher. 05..1. G. Inivis vs. John S. M'Call. 56. Y.G. Davis va..Tnlui F. Sagit. cs..l.4;awits v4.llenry 05. Henry P.,.ltiltigur vs.. Jr.r..alull TO. Mary Ann Dolly vs. James Mann ray 72 W. W. Es.,ttrtn und George Miller VS A Young Man In Durance. ' A Young man giving his name "us Hugh . O'Neil was arrested and brought before Al deratan Mellssters, yesterday. charged by John Duffy, F.5q., proprietor of the Travel ers betel, in the/ Third ward, with' having obtalbed hoard toghe amount of 42i by falsr, esentat ions. getry stated 'that O'Neil saidho was an agent fur on in.:ranee com pany In New York, and had a largo sum Of money In otto of the hanks in tilts ell y, when the truth was. be at the tame tittle at tending a course of lectures 011 hook keeping In UntraCellege. O'Neil. on being brought tie a :Is with the uingistrate, beeaute vir tuous t( ly Indignant, and began to defend by a frothy langnage great In nothing hut the vein of irate spleen that burdened it. Ills enthusiasm in t:reseed to such an extent that the .Alder .nian was formal to conduit 11101 to jail until lto should .become sufliciently ealuied t have s hearing. Assault aud Ilattery.—Catherino Yea. ger wait before Mayor aNiorrison yesterday, charged with assault nd battery on oath of Itubccca JOLle, TllO latter is a lady from amid the ' , trued hill. or Wal e. . to which lice strong love still cllngs, and It f. thentfure a matter Of Ito surprise teat elle should bereme Irritated Wiloll the land of endeavoredity t tadueed, This Catherine en to do on Wednesday bad, cal Hug all who .TDO, from thence by theundiguls fled tl „ W e s of goats. Rebecca cave Catherine , epie of her mind" tu return, and the ,nlettaltscr of the Welsh kncsiked bee down for it. Thu ascallaut, on Indus arrested, pen aid the costs awl was dbeitarged. Mrs. hseing no dtspositlots to prosecute the case f urther. whipped /I lut,—lleory i4;4011+5, ILCCOrti jug tl st tate atement ef Jona Horner, cum ulated an assault a ml nattery on the Penton of the latter, yesterday, ,mmedvbere in the Seventh The accu , ml arm, am:44A nd held to ballfor llearing. The enact/. before Alderman Strata. Henry W LLUI, appeared before the .1110 Tialiglelt nail and made oath LLVltill , t Henry Thomas for the perpettut ion of a similar of fence. Lie, too, was held to :tall fora hear Int:. MollClonva 1nn ,101,.114 vcry wicked :van, havlng'n vein of malice tu Ills Coln poultion that noth -11 i ing coo appease. Yesterday gh Fitz patrick came to the allee of Aldermun Strain and instituted proceedings altalkst McDowell for having Mai ie10:11Y eta to stoma thu cover of a large peddling wagon, which belonged so the proaccotor. A war rant has Mon issued for Diu allDtchcoMol i of McDowell. • • Beat alith • . Broom.—Sarah Nate ap peared 1..1 . 020 Aidertilittl Strain, yesterday, and made oath eburginit Lilly and Eliza both Howard with 4s,llitilt and battery. The proacentris, who re tides in "Ilardterab hie.. testides that the mentioned at tacked her and beat her with a broomstick. Warranty 'tyro 155111.4. P.ll. It. ..I.3E_l:EitrrZ, Bander and Broker, 18 Wood St., near earner of Fifth. drarrripurms . of Goveriameist Bonds ongtt and sold on Moral tortrai , London and Continental F.aoliango sold at New Yorkrates; Buyer and Coapons taught et high est rates, rod Gold Drafts Wised on New. TO HOLDERS OE 7-30'S. Baring male special arrangements with Sag Coca do ' Bonds on Maud foe Delivery. LR B. ➢MeVAY & CO., Samara. CORNER, FOURTH AHD SMITHFIELD BIS taitl FINANCE AND TRADE • -- Osilises cm Tn TR W P thar, I 1 G I, 1861 , AtirrTni I. en n Apr il I--._ The. flew York stock quotations to -day as received by Mr. P. R. Mertz, were as follows: Gold, 1:17!4; Eigthtythue bonds, ilkii.; Five Twenties, old, 109;;; do, Ittil, 101%,i410774; Five Tiientles, Iw3, MS, Ten Forties, 9111; Seven Thirties,loii-jr.(006; do 2d issue, 105%; 5.20 Consols, iiiii,lo7l... Michigan Southern Railroad , 6714; Cleveland ..t.;, Piths. burgh,ffSi Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne it Chi. °ago, III; "Erie, Si!,4; Chicago sad Roca Island, 83.1.1; Chicago and Northwestern., i do proferrml,SSl; New York Centre , i . -isi Reading, 00'h. Gild opened eta decline of 15 l'" ree l • Iron last night's closing quotations, but In tiMalisenctiot news item Esrope and tile un certainty of our securitieg, rallied again to 1.37.1,G1:1;14. Five Twenties opened better, though the whose list was weak. Railroads opened Willi on Improved mar. eel, and tinder heavy purehascii, advanced from 3: to li.: per cent. FellesylVelde Style Bonds are offered from all.tho Philadelphia Banging limmes at about 1 to 3 Per mint. above par, and a commission eau he ob.• tamed for lute Nought In this way. James T. Brady a Co: report government bonds in New York to-day, as follows: 137 ffold • -", ' C. S. Stx4iis 1661 1 ' do fthe, Ithi les do 5.20, 'Set .. e:74 do fthi, 11510 liff i . do late, new lul.' .. AndUSI, 7-515 106 June. 74* + .—. MP f. lo , ; July, 74:01 —The Philadelphia Press, referring to the recent hurry in gold, and the possible effects in case of a foreign war, remarks: A little thought will convince any one that , however complicated the polities of Europe might become, this country woul I not starer to the extent that many to Imagine. Ou the contrary, we should 1,, gainers in madly important. respects. First. our breadistuffs and provisions would be In demand, as the gralu•groie lug districts tit northern Europe, whlcu are Tien our rivals In the markets, would mistime less than usual.: Secondly, our securities, as long as we are at preen and prospering, will be likely to be sought lu 'preference to the dileillilLieg securities of belligerent mi. Mona' Thin Ily, European capital will be dist iiiged from many of the usual invest. inenti4 at Flo me, and will lis attracted by tilt luerattve• and inviting enterprises attic! are developing here with. great rapidity botliNorth and South. Fourth, these am otherpremustances will make such an eri large e at in the earnings of our railroads ill me productive value of property gene rally, that the recup t eration of the euntr; from t i he Languor resulting from the as will e much accelerated and increased Withilut amiroviug all these sanguine an. twin:Wens we may safely conclude that mil tinantthi machinery, if war should Mica: .t abroad,. would receive much hies is ,at some of “croakers" are antics patin• . -.11 -petting the circulation of the let. tell S tea securities In England, a London corre pendent writes as lobos.: An kinerican banking iris in London have list Issued very Important little pump let, giving the history if the Ended State - bonds and iecurlthsi, what they ale, their least and the interest they pay, ivltlc the alLonnt stated! in English us well as American money. The pamphlet will lie distributed .brouilcust throughout England, and att It proves co elusively that the in terest:from our bonds to twice as large in gold 55 that from English consols, it Can scarcely full to encourage investments. —Thu specie movement ut New York since the lot ordanuary lust shows receipts O.IIIK3rUiLI .. . [0 th 5 ,1.1 4 1, ,, unt. oti Imp Or. frnm forastr. Port; to nTao!' hupply. export..totanAgn port; 10 1110 . . ere s6,MS.s:il-Inho . alfm a. law of /11, Twin statement In very favntabre, Turf that the receipt. Of apecM sineo_ :try 1 have about equalled the ahlv- —The New York, Financial CI, niele DThe coarse of prlceo during verb,te fnentris• not been what would be generally supposed, from too dullness of trade and the necessities under which many holders of products have been placed. Throughout the Interior there has been a .protracted stringency In the money market, and it this port a curtailment Of the usual fucls ties tor credit, en that, es a rule; stocks user chandise and produce have newt r vied with dittieuity. Tile mute of the I taro and of the trade ul the country has dm:ea u very marked caution among ' • • -•• • ' , connection with a ehrjale ex .:M.ll[lOn of lower prices, 110.8 naturally zaused merchants to realize upon their imols as early as possible, a course which hay produced a settlint wealcum. In the market..' tha the other hand there has been a very general curtailmentler consumption, espe cially of those presiders least h.ssontial ti subsistence and cOrtitort. The pressure to taxation, the depression of trade, shot th exhaustion of means following 1 3 1. ' he note vagaaL expendildres growing ut of as prevailing inflation, have neeessltatis anteing all elaSSei a diminution of exp.:tikes which it might be expected would ptialue a perceptible decline In Valeta. The get. smut result, however , does not wholly vor respond wits expectations honed upon th . operation Of them, causes. The qeotalion for some arlicl,s show a very tint tan fall in prices; but there are notable creep tlOns to , tills role and especially in tto case of food ' od prod ac he. CENTRAL I.INE-NTOCR !MARKET. • Ornca 0/ rue PITTAIICAO G ,TtIr.DAT. April • on•rld./4 . . The markOt for cattle has been more ac tive than Tor several weeki past, the sales in the aggregate being unusually large, and ppma are well sustained. The de mand. Is gradually improving, the attend ance of eastern buyers increasing, and tills week the arrivals were larger than lust wet:l:omit as a general thing, the c.sttle were or better q uality. Prime to extra fat steers may nequoted at .1 to it,, greys, though there were no rkles above 111, and It would tak im exceeding tine drove of rattle to hrl u, t the oulnlde quotation, 9 elI. For stonk . eattle,there lo a very fair de mand, an d' sales were made st from s' ; to uccoollng to quality nod condition, and il for the present, these may be rezarded tta entrern of o f mar get. There 1.41,1 small attend of the Philadelphia deb, legation this week,imt as cattle are getting Matter *AMMO in. Lancaster, Chester ether- adloininv COuntles In the cu.:item ahJ part of the State, WO may expect IL large number 51 buyers from the quaker lay wittim Ulu neat few weegs, • MOOS. 'The market has been fairly active during the week, though light- Wore, such as are emulsify of hipped to Now York,have eurfered ;‘, decline of fully one cent per pound, and ven at the ;incline, the market Is dull. Good Philadelphia and Baltlmore huge are' in tlon fair lowers m demandpared and stea wit dy last w, thougheek a , Inn, h we now quote at S to 8 1 %, against 814 to and 1 , 8; Tn-day New York llogv were mel line ate to 6.sl,agosinet 7to 7,51 Motweek. We have, among others, the following of-kera tin. reported t Glass, I,llTurty it Co. poll 733 head to Stager It Im ling' at from 7,1 , 5 to 8,45; aloe, 377 head to Glichreist 1 Co.: at vi ph; 1112 head to dg at 6,51/; I_lllloo to 4lnir• ph, at 5,30, fledges It Taylor, o car loads at 0.4 to 7/s'. Crouose. Etnerlck & Co.. 130 at Sto 8.4. o Singer Imhoff shipped 01 bead to Plidadelionia at StO ; 57 5 to gaitlonore at 0; and 157 to New York at. 7. I'. 1 . 1 Or b 7, ou 3. ght 5 ea[ loads for New Vera at 6,3 u to Al. Johnston sold.l car loud to binge lushoir it Co. ut 7. • salter. rho market for this class of ' . stook eon tinur4attaily, and while goal to extra fat mutton Sheep WI readily, and that too, tat extreme prices, bane:ton and. Inferior were in hewed demand and dull. Waott the former at Bto al.:, though we heard of ono drove having been void at 0,01, stud an other at 9. Common Sheep dull, Imo a a quote nnininuilV at 4!; ! to 5'4. Lieeser it!Co. report having bought 15 ear loads; for. Philadelphia Market ut I to d.' 51. J 01.611.021 sold. I cur load, averaging 7 8 . at 73i, and ! an other ear loud, averaging til, ut 8. I mamma eat.. or 01,11.6 rOtr. l'ac Wal,,C eiromo Arum 11,1887. Gltas 1 La f ferty aoht 15 head good 111inola rattle to Duffey, averaging 1250, at ti,bv; ale., 18 head not 8,35. stolen & Tiiitnro hold lilemen tel head goal Chicago cattle... ye ' aging riW, at h. Smith it Talmage to dull 3. co. ia.s head light et.lcers at 6! l. that , . Lafferty Fe Co. Sold CO Itnatl lit sathe• lot cat tlO TO Todd at G!4. IlitypoLl to l ' Ouroy .% ! . ..,. 2 . 34 head good cattle, Itretraglng MO. at suers J. T bmP B on -In I'. Kiernan gi fairish t, a.rs itt 7,0, averatilng 1135; Mao, 49 hood to 87!Ll o nnYter. Iteciag log 1,15, at . 8.12!4. !ii .... n tt. Itetortuirk 18 scud, weighing .11/,..1 . ....., at .e . „ KlCtityll to Ackers 1 . . I . I ~ .4 . . . welehing ut 7,. Hlemea Todd to Hathaway to bead g at ood cattle at CO brad. Monad to Wood, Harrell fr. Co. head. 20,720, at 7 Kiernan LO \.N era. 4Z head, of yrlmn flit cattle at 0, W. I =I Ipy Tel, griph to tie Vituburrh U.—Cuttnn dolt , Mitiall nominally tit -%c; receipts '235 sales; savor Lao bales; Corn nigher and firm at 41,12 coulee white. Oats higher at cotta ~ quiet and' firm at aria 37. Pork, Bacon clear e1i1e5,14014!.:,,e. Lard, ls!,,v in tierces. • JAMS IMIZELL & STA, 69 and 10 Water stre,et, LARD OIL 111ANUFLOTTIREB3, curjj.)E, LIII.IIIIeATINO mad (;Wu Wu warrant our No. I Lard 011 equal to the Den Cincinnati, or other brands, end T,rop,o. "(V Vo`..l,','it'ari.'l'l`ifit`.-=,",';„•.;;;;',Abo ale , • • I , u , \ Creek Lunt g anal et r,a,!anl brands of Carlton 011 cone tautly on h0n..... Mu.. .haute and 'manufacture, Will Lad It to their twos"! to Flee us a Cudl before ordering Lard COI front the West. fe19:193 =I OYFICE 07 THE I . lvrsnonnn Ii AZYTTS, THITZ.fit..T. April 11,1,ti7. The general markets are apparently le., . . •e, and not so;inneli exeil ad, but prices, rally, arc wep 4Ilit11.11)0 , 1. lie excite; 1 I. in Flour ant Grain appears to he silt.' IF souiewlintoshilo in Groceries, Pro= •1:18 itr OM yf Cahnr vOlllll - 104 it steady trade, ;With a demand • fully up or, th0u,212 price'. are IV Ithlut qnw Ige. —Wheat 14 155011 M uneheeged; .V)4l 1.11,11 No.'_' Spring at in-" cln ; a St 1 . 1 .11 mixed Whder Oats scarce end 1i..11/i!..7. In ~:5!:,- ‘t bU, on track, and G 3 eta and prime ut 41—tndu ""Prl lye Is in demand Id , 41.-A, arid lnle -- -eu,N:12..2 .11r1111.1 quoted at to ,Ipp MI lo cl Eilffe ley 14 $ 1 : 2115 4 ''''' - 'T , G"l' 3 •al owl 1.11101:k.1111,--,,.._ ~,,,,,,,:r,t-,..,;:1T;441.1:. I: 7,1,',11.1T,3.1. ~r,,1hr(e:14.75,1',1:Vi1ai11.re,11,,, ,1,1,T,,.,31..i.1,11tiutei,„,1,_1 quoted at :/, „ ~, „., to 11 fur Porto , Led; _ _,. 2. tr , oil' 1 -...".,,,,,,, Di+ i for C1u.., ,, 111 , ; ter N . eu, ,v. 11 , ( „ C en ., ,Ilt-o, It II 20,• ger "zr I- ., ' •Te- orl'eans M01,,,es 93 lot') a0 I,jOilite'e.-1:.:'; to 12, fur 11ooguon and C r • 's FLOC 11.—is tees netts . ° but 1101, uevertlie. less. We east lane to tirtoieut ;IC; to 414'; for• Stirlen' W; 415 to 41a for Winter Wheat. sold 41S 10 610 for Fancy brawls. Sales of in.:it r Sorlitelliiiiis at 51,1; and ni'aeltin''. a holey Si. Louis brand, at eh , to 619. itve Flour, 5 , ,a). I.lluVllON,—lt..con is steady, with'ree ular jabbing sales id lo to t, , 4 nor Shoulders; 11-,t, to C u m ilibeed Sales, dad 15'• to for sugat l Hams. Liird, IC le 1.11,;, and 41e , s Pork, SEEDS—Cinverseed is In fair demand and grin, with sales at 41'2. /lainthy seed is dull and tinclian tied—small sales at IbbiLlS. Flaxseed to t entree out In demand at 4.l—an • 11.1. Y-13 to demand, athi prime The reby A,dq betud quoted at ► to Sale of I ear fair at 25. 1117TTEIL—I.4 In rather better supplyjand le market is a sllt.11.• how .Wte rime to eloqeo Roll at Si to thane tol at . • • tilt FES .11'1'1.ES—scares, told Lt demand ut unchanged. We trout Moo to quota at to 0. I'OTATOES,The olemhea Is rally taotal to the suplay. alai the marloa hi Man with regular sales of prime Ptakelt Maws in store t 1.5 e tot!. ,11,1.ard 011 la in, f Lir de triand amid Or $l.lO for Sc, I, anti for N0..2 PIG AD—Firm,ales E—Sale 4 to store, at 42 por 614. DRIEDLT—IInII mold unchanged. rirrssutcu 11 YE[BULEUri /1)11111 ET OFFICE Or TOO l'ITT:10111011 (101 . 0000, Tllllll , oo l ', April 11, 11 , i/. C 111.7 DE—The market WaS etendY ‘ lll.l moderately net Ise while grlees have undergone 110 Q.d.otable change-o i ., on the spot, and 7e for May. Salo of 4:,0 hhl s, In two lots, at C 11; geo... for Aprll, t.eller i a lion, at On; 1000 on spot, at g;,,;:i.) , 10. 1(0 at 7, 1 , 010 roturnoU, and 1(0 .10 at ;. The receipts 'continuo liberal, and 011010 'there la 110 01-000,11. g the fact that the Mock to large, 00111000 are arm, and 1110 Olfcrolo sett lire .not, a. nOllOlOll , tie many are led to eaopoae. Telegralll4 105111 OIL Cll5. tOalar 1111010 at 00,35 to $1',40, if correct, lea 01111 further advance at that point. RISED—TiIe that.there an pro Eve E ve Vd Digit Iry for bonded 01, hue etitrenal ptho marget goineideratile. and hay. , are neore rtuinorone than eelleri at preeiort iinotAttone., We can report A sale of Votl ibis prime light =lrani to white. 50 lie de livered between finguet and December, buyere's option, la :See, dellveroti iti Phila- Inz delphia, and 0015 etandaril wl, 11e, pri. : :ft Antra core hero. For mediate delivery pilaw light +straw: to white tuaeitial at aad at if:. l'rou oil Le quiet and un- AI:RIVALS—Thu follow lag arrtvale Of oil were roporteil_to dav Minor .t Co e.ri IV, man ..... R. D. Cools: 5551 ...2feei it. P. Logan ...... Ilgine P. I Dilworth 3. Clebor s. Jiro—of... 4 .i Total Now Nark Financial riartere_ 11y Telegrmgh lathe ititooer,th• Now YORK, April 11.—Money Li ani stipple and easier. Call loans on goer [Vents and stock collateral; rated at 0 44 Prtru.. e11st:0-tante:if s. ‘•.11,1 11,1 10,1 excited, and at the 6,0 weak.. I_ t ht t e 5 t ,,,.,1 fro. ix, to tl,l. Sterlo4 weati Cr and quiet , priempal drat. w a r relkse; to sell kt any rat, t .111 on I.llls are negh.cted. t:.wert.taencotaiet bet Itrniert rrtte, were , emi iron; 11,:%tL 107', 110 Jan okry .11.1 .1 ely, IJ7t,tt August -3; lltft June ktnt July, alhere wa; vette cheerful 10e11:14 fltA o r , ; ally ill till stock Exchance this uftel Loon. and a sharp recovery tat maw.) , troth last evendig. There rwas a good demand for all the leading +lmre+, milt 11l to rover short contracts. Tan greatest advatire Wele it Mks which (.11 need. )esterday. After call thete market lA, nem h eak alter naly, but oa 1110 whole rattler Light, than at the boar. Pr lees Inure losierdtt tno `red 'check to, trd. after Cali bade al - tem.:a to nearly the Ma he twice , of tile Morning market, but were umtin lower at the second hoard, and mhiequen,tly toll an kdditlonal frction MT. Skid. Beath .t Co. rennet the following prices at 11110 e. 11.0,41:fj.,; Ohio Certificate!, 2.l` , Wfj. s ;: Curd°, if 111 4: Centherland, 2-J.,4,10; tfkiekstlter, Ilarifneot, 7;0; e^t"rn Union Tel ft - , , ,,ift.;:0.,1 New York Cen- Iteadlng, tett;4l o; ,t3, Michigan 'oatt her., ' 11110(110 Central. 113: Pdtknurgh, Toledo, 117,t,,i4 11'; Beau Northwestern, 31.f.gd.;:: do preferred, Ze. , ;.,i.f Fort IV a) ...Wei.n o.o Border elate bo e, bond; deli and a fraction lower. Missouri 017.4 ,6 1 PandlC 0 . 5 , flaunt. hal and tit..loo 1 11 130 1 ; new Te 11114,4 1 ,13 cleatnehin shares nigher and ilret. Paelfle Atlantic Nll•cellaneous blot 11001 and more e on. 13 tick ver, . Canton And WeNterll 1:1111111. coal sharers quiet and unchanged. 31min1 market gaud had firm. Coln of Ink 315; tirecory 13; Lury . 'don 49:04,5 1 Yt; AlaCrlC•Lil Flltg 1111,,,4013.2,.,0caittl 1.1,ce; Ilming stocks lilt in Boston 100101: C 1.1,1.- .1. 1:,; Copper land ktftl; Franklin 111; Huron Ef=2=ZME Illy Tolevant. 10 the 11.otte.', New lioug, April 4.—Cotton; there 5 , 1 no decided change; tales of 2515, bales. at 27' .14 2.. e for Middling upland.. *'lour: recOlida, 77 Darrel.; the market 14 1.0115 c better for Wok grad.; In all other kinds there. Is no de/tided at o ence; sate. of 7 , 01 barrels, at 410.25411,3 5 for I mperial., Stat.• and wester., 1111,00W13,1t, forrltrn we,tern; for cttoteo do; $l/A/5a1./.. , 5 1 for 1 hi/loving hifund.. of extra It. 11.,154,15,7 5 for trade brands; the market. closing dale*. CAllforulas liner Mtn. but less aettem ouhot of 1./ barrel. at 115.50p5 1.75 Whisky qulot nnotaulg.ol. Wheat: recelpts, 27,01'. wohels; the market I- I if, tit better. nut 0 let or eta - lug; sales of 19,L,01.0.11... of So. 2 51.1- souk.l at 12,0 , 4;.: .7, um! 0;100 bushel* of elate I.l,fornia at. 411,25. 11.5,11 on d0c 1 . 1 . 1 ;bang, salon of 111./ buhltol., at 111.5501,50 for Vll,- ern, the hitter pilot On ritr.,l.o. Lola 41,51 for , :anadu free. I:Arley; no t terial alteration; soh , of 24,040 barrel.' at 5.15 for Canada 'sent In 0011.1, urn 41,20 tor do flee. ItArloy malt dull. Corti; receipt., 2;141; the ntadivt. Isle higher and Innq tore; .of It/,..00 bushel A, at 41.:.,111.:11 tor mt.. ell In store; $1,32 alloot;$1.15Plor acw yellow southern anc111,251l 1.2 , for now a t i 2 ,1 Weateru. Hate; receipts, m 155 bus.; ark ot !teary; tales ot 20,100 bust ,e 1.4 at 7/ft1071 ,, for oldnod WeAtern, and 70 fop ;State:. Moe In dematni; sales fa 10311120 for Caroll• n. *drat; Coffee l no sales. engur I n gold detuund col tf.f. higher; .1 , , of 7uo takth, Cute at 1414110. and mu h.; Havana at 11 1 0 1 111.;0. salon of 700 114.14 at et Ousc, for Cuba, and f 05111 7 4. for Porto Petrolell flop. finllll to beam. qUillt at if Crudat ate and 3 2742.. Mr Relined 5ff.57). New Pork it allude firmer; 0111.40 of .1 pa. 1.1.10 122,411.12,15 for nevi IneA9,ooll n ta 11 ,o 0 for-coalt; $22,01422,25 for old do.. $19,..119, - 15 for prime Indium.; *21.57 1 1 ,22 .f. 0 ter Print. In., also, ) Mao at 122,2.122 ;17, seller and MIS er, April idol May. Boer; sales. of Ili toll at provious prices; tierce beef , aOll 41 - s', salvo of 070 tierces at 419 for prime wino and 10.110 mess on privato torn.; Burt 11,1,00 411615. flacon; eLLII, Of WO 1.41 la 11!-4 for slant ribbed; 11 1 ,1 for long eleor utal.ll l ,;r. for tellies: . Cut Meats dull; satlos of '215 pings at t., , Mylu My Shoulders; /APIle to thans. Luz,Unchang.4 enact.. 01 460 10)10 at 12. 1:1.:4144c for now.' Maier dull at Ito for iThl.3 State. Cher. stout]. r, ft.-41.h5ur active and it.lvano Mg for gml.l and choice ;truth., and .1010. mntVILliY for common maklttlerior modes. Bias* stale* and tiro., at,G4 for No. 2 smlng.und 41.7 , ,i12,00 for No. I af,clnll. 1151 at $1,5,141 for western. honey dull and unchanged. Corn d Mtn with u to t /2 4 port. emand, at 11,0/ afloat for shipping mixed wed tern. Pork Ilroi, It 422.10, Cash :Vol regular, closing wall buyors, at 422.441, regular, and sellers; nl. floor active and 11. u. Cut Meat) quiet. and noutlnull3 - utichang.ol. 1.11,;VII! , : for short ri 01..1, and 101.0 for Cumberland middies. rn t 711 3 ,.;.; f o r futr. t prime ateu, and 1 . . g .;, 014 c tor kettio Ten- Iquimiltlo Market. iir T.legraph Le the l'lttseurgh tO,“te.l I. orusef tit , April 11.—Tol01cr , llrtu for grief leaf; 0.1100 o 1 I.'.i koeshefelk forllght common lugs to Itriglit feenufsetn. r i ng l o ot, Flour superfine Wheat. quirt. Corn ear hulk •. shellcl lfais 7511A5 , In bulk. Nees pork, •ir22, for nun; ',boulders; hulk bILCOU shenklerso clear and IV:, for pr!rues tierces, Whisky free, 12.:3; bowl 2U. Cull.. Blllwaukro Market. TiOrgranb to thr I.tOurgtt Oa zettr 2 ll.—Flour to dull; ^e c u extra, (V 2,50012,75; extra, Wto.nt o.• 3 . for No. I; $2,40 for No. 2,:tod $2,05 for No. 3. ihttaiiillrt fit ti for N 0../ frnsh. and 63c On W.I. COCA 19 , ittiCt. Ittsl,o'47l,lli for now aholled. PITTSBITRGH ROPE WORKS. MASSILILL, FulTroN BOLLM A,N, Oat, 31aurSaoturers to the Weft of WEAVY CORDAGE, Suitable for Roam and Coal Boats. HAWSER LAID OIL WELL ROPE. Tarred Ropes for Coal Railroads,' HEMP OAKUM AND PACKING. ' CAULKING COTTON. aa., ar. Wskroboona, 114 and 115 Water. New' Suocnsattui• Han' . dull:Pl9 Chk..To ',By Telegraph to tie RibsWO tlaxette.; Cutesno. April 11.—nour bold wan ex treme tlonnest, boTer, arc not in pay the extra l a! altiarr 411,25; it biter Extro. 417.-5; 11 , t• . Sprint: Extr5,41:,5e013,50; Spt atrin . upert el lne, 411. tr nest steady land quteg the decline noted esstents); No. 1 grin;; , closing st..ady at 41. 11 7 d • i 1: Corn—\n. 1 soul at 41.0V4E41,1c, but slosSequentle reeedel to 41.11; at 101101 it owed non; So.P. cold at SrattMe. Oats opens ti strmus. and afterwards weakened and deelmed 1 1 .,tgle for Winter; receipts of So. ,01.1 ut rdj,efCte, and (teen F.L7 , , , , 1td.6 at 57! Ose, but closed quiet at 51, 1 ,4a0.t0. Rye ne glected and :ta lower; trltlitig sales of No. 1 at 41,4.1 Barley hold tlrmlY , and totnMe . .• bons show att advance of So on Rejected; sales a t toe for Winter aml nic for fresh or celpts of lots by sample, and 4101,15 on the track. ProVlf 1012 murko L ql.llO w bou tllta terial °image. Mess Rork sold lye cask at 5T2,75, and buyer min montta at 411.1. LlOget moderately actlee at sl.sllafda lll for light stook, and 67,123W8,00 fog good to CLOW° smooth. • • • Chaeinnott Market Illy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] 17;am:taxi', April ll.—Flour unchanged 0101 arm; super allahl; trade brands a 13.50 ttitl.oo; loony XICAtIS. Wheat Iletn, scarce, and not enough offering to establish nuo. tations; choice spring would have brought 43;50 X winter red sold t 43,10; Corn In good demand; sales 7,110 U b a ush at 81 sacked, and at SOaSle. Oataremain dull and prices nominal at 70c; receipts large. Ilya us . changed andjonct; held at 41 c. Barley unchanged. Cotten dull and prices-nowt nal. Waist:7 nrm- In bond. Provisions arcu but nothing done; mess pork art,754 13.11). Buff: .4leabs affilac lOosu hut...some country packed sold at these TIAN., Includ ing packages: In ‘...,1X11131 . 2. 1 .5. for shoulders. 614e8 and clear antes. llautS 140 for plain. and 11415 , 4 e 'for sugar mirekL lard ilrm at P1.44(1130. Putter and Cheese unchanged. Seeds; clover timothy 43 , a 3,10-41 ttttt and moderate; flax 4 - 1,531.LX,50. petsl arm at al.4o(Xl,42—supply rObaCell la good dematnt; _sales 300 hilds. Sugar arm lit 11!.56011c.• Coffee . 25132. ac. (iota b 3 jilff:4ol. Exchange steady. r • New York .DrY 00045 lwrtet. liy Te rirraoh to the Pittsburgh Gauche.; New Nov Yong, April 11.—Dry Goods steady. with it fair inquiry for nil BMW. styles Of •otton un.l woolen goods. at prices showing tittle varlatiort for lance and Unseasonable aylo.t. Cotton wool wort tick slow of sale, and selling at ruinously low rates; for 111.. stance printed calicoes 'Of domestic make square cloth, selling down to one still ilug per yard. They are. by no means latil styles, wherea,new style. In stripes or new patterns on the mine Cloth sell uiet., at 17e. ,t o nneau heavy brown shee q ting'. of the best makes, scares and Wanted at tile; sreoluls at . Ax-, and common goods at We. Toe Lawrence U yard wide 'sheeting , are steady at tsit', nod a flue no. nt WCc. Dool i. at Ilse. C repperell bleached wide shoe, I eff.red at reduced prices; via. 47 ; 717!i.e; 111.4, 571,; '11.4, 771,5. other styles no_ particular change. 111;difoJacket. I lir Telrosph to the Pittsburgh liana:x.l Purr., tn. April IL—Flour Ilan and mod orttlo.ll. active; sales of fal tail. at 612.5. for No. I ',wine; 617.541611,./ for Western Ils kerls; 615 i: lb fr xhite Canada ad West heat In n good demand; nod .2,IWA) ern. W white Canada at I-1,25. Corn retire; sales of !+7 earn 110. P. Toledo at $1,1,e1,1 0A the State track; and 6.16.61 Liusheli tnixed Western at 61.15 ln store. oats firm with a html Inquiry; sale, of 111x01 bushels Nit. Western at lire in store, Ilye until/an, ed. Seed.; quiet and ..titeder. Near Mesa Pork lietiVP; bales of 150 nhls at 61.1. Lard trukt tat 13 , ,1c. High". in. unchanged. NC hoots Market. ny Telt:graph to the Vithitourali Sr. Lout,. April M.—Tobacco heavy, lea( ranging trom 4:407,n . ). Cotten quirt at 1.50. Flour --...tock. small and holder, very firm, particularly tor choice brand, impel - lino ratiginl teem $1u,.::.d.12,5 0. , Mnge...et f1.1,5r,15.;e; treble extra. ili.,sa 4; , .. Wheat opened trio but elmed weak; spring ter Prim. 4:. kt 3 f.:n 43, , i9. Corn opental 11” n and higher bat dull. at 111,nirl,11. trite fu r .M.0.3e. Marley grin et 11a. for prime 'effluent eacl.o. Rye A.fr 41,4 1 . I,lone quiet. MCA Port 411.50. flutain —rhouldere cleur ribbed clear tdile", lialtimore Market. 'lll Teterrrph 1..1 the i'llt}lll,h Mat ri moat, April 11.—For 1110 Coffee there. IA ei fair urntantl at 'UAW!". gold for fair, nd eold for prime in bodil. sugar, inactive. , ateitily; sale" at leal0a; gold. I. lour, 11101; City Wills extra, I.S.witc how eareet. extra; II 1.5.11j14 :5. Wheat, !trek and ....dee• rev; :1,1" seta red. Maryi.iki red. 1.3,(rit.1 111. corm Itiioy ant; ad...need ; white. Ye/W w , slat; nit Tea. 61.1.M1,1:. Oats, .1 ull int Tud,:r. lire, sl,h!.. Clover nerd; 1:0 Provnifon., quiet and i n red. ri hiakcy, dutitaiOua • barely reale- Were!. . New Ortratow Market. , : • y Toleargph to the tUtWburrl• •-•• , rtfo• • N w 0111.0... N.. April 11.—Cottou unellau, 11,1,1i14,4 , 1,0011. 10W . ..1.1.111N, at ;.....rcolpt , , 1..12 bolt,: i• Spot It, Mo. :••t• or IJ' e t.glto for prime to chute, Molao•ro wotutual. floor uctivranl ttuther: outw'r. - f1ue,t13.5....Q1.1.1'5. Cora I tato Purl. derllntkli:rUc; gut - CAD-1 . 11,, W.,C; clear, Loris Iru, 1.1,,k11!...0. toll Sterilug 1414'.119. New lurk sight exclunge, '•,,tautaluut. Plallatlelp4l4 „•root pp Tel( graph to the ritttburs'.4 (I•mette. I 1 , 01 tsar Lents, .1 iwil'll.—Flour Item, wills a tante Lome dentatal; northwestern extra, kit,.,; extra , 544,44, CI, Wheat 4, niet; thttiforn Is at 1.1,44 4 and Slate red at Itye °rut, at $1. 4 '4% Corn) there Is an matvano. lag tendency; sales at yellow at 11,07. 1 , to NIC. Itetruleutn 'lnlet; white Whisky; boles Of °Os/Leah/tad at 111P011114 BY ItAILILOAD PMT S.:6011 Vont WAY', * C/111,1111 1 It. Apcll 01. Is appleo., tdo egg., clo Coln tr. ohrinird: do. Voigt o; alo Card° DArlDsgton ,t co: 301 Obis flour, .1 Grier; 011,11,30,3 IL Do, lou .10 do, , honotker 1-mm7;100.1011 0 , C Loccli: 1.0 do do, E. II ern S co; 10.1 do tit, Walt WIDO.O PlOl rngd.o Illarkle: 10 duckt Klrtiottricg, tiro e0:.1 do dO. doz 1.000.0, It Ii1.1.11e; t rkxwool. 1V" 11 .rker; KW.. broom bundlca,llcEltoy tr. CO; =, flacks !dr:Cullom:II, 1,11,1111 d co, 7 00 out'., Vi 3 :Keck; i 1 crock.. t 3,111.4 I lots to .1 K 0t0.D.; 1 mi. hdy. Kell d lifichart; lotrley, .I Shaffer; Ivor stated, .t Itobortdoll; 11 kgs bard, li Hod. .1 , 1 115 • 13 `. 1., 'Y, rye, 3 , , J card metal, 4.71.0 tionrhetol;3 do do, Bryan .1. CdoiDicy; d do Nimlck Sco. Cm:et:tam , AND Pirresurtort listLueso, April car lumber, John 'Grimier; 10) plow - points, L/ lt lingers .t. bon; rolls loather, I/ Chestnut & en; 2 grindstone, Adams .t 'McKee; 127 half Ghia 11114, Watt & Wilson; IT lads eggs, J 51cSinn..5 1 1 6 21 1 1 / 0 clorerseed, 1 do apple, & Helier; 4 IMIN scrap Iron, Jones • & Langtillo,• 3 Ibla molasses, Stolle 2L con; 13 Jugs do, Volgt & 611:17 pkgs prod isee.36 Jugs molasses, T C Jenkins. ILO 110 do, Vangorder & Shelmr ll ; 15 s ka rag, II .10 apples, AlcCullquitlLMnali & co; Jugs molasses, S Huber; 20 Ws inegar; ti Moore, I car corn, 7 I.l.l4clover seed, I bbl butter, Itohlmon 2t, McKinney; n 7 25 shoulders, Atwell. Leo It co; 323.4 bush potatoes, 11 Rea Jr; 3 pkgs proluce,.l Herbert; 30 water pipe, II Collins; 41 sari oats, I 1.1,1 cider, J 52cAlpin; II Vas cbeese, Chun - taker & Lung; 1 ear oat, Vivetts & Ken- nedv. Pirrannnon.Commara & Com;blurt It. It. In , ll 11 bale noes, A llooveler A cove bol bandlea, Wolfe Aem 21 auks outs, 14 lade apolue..l llowen;23 .04 barley lOU Mile llour,d tdettoor; 12 bole nobles; T en klee; 25 pkgs produce. Adair A McKee; 5 bide clovereeed,l blob. ogee, 11 sacks rye. 3 Colic leather, John 11.41; 5 Able ontatnee. 51ilchell A Son; by bids Ibmt, N !:wart A en;; 3 Idols, 1 boo salable* tobacco. Megraw A 00; tobacco Jolm Grazier. • ;50-1.1:011161.1V ST•TION'..IPrII 11.-11X1 b 113 1 .0111 floor, Goo Strati!: 11A) do do Stewart A 13tror milieus; &Kb maltose stoneware,ll Sleplteee; 04.2 rags, At Pomley;1112 pea ....w.ro• A goes; 177 do do, I Palmer; PAI do ilo t bed- Oen A Thompson; l 411 all o, C YAgle; We lard, liephatu A Gmbher; 4 bge clovorzeed, .1 Crulg; 1 ho butter, S Dyer. • 211.1. - erillENT VALLILy It•mttowo; April 10.— cant pig metal, McKnight. Porter co; 40 Wile malt, .r Mitchell; 1 car oil, Forsyth Bio; gs butter, 4 ,10 egg., .1 11 (Mahn , . bilk gretine,NßX).oll& boo; lot scrap Iron. T Ntalobey; 4 bbin eited, I boo butter, 10 do nlrlcx Shlptou Wallace 35 eke ts, Adams A 04110; 10 bbln oil, Arbuck oa les A en. Prr,itonon Ap rll 10.-1 ear tan bark, 1.01.00 a Wei.; Lig hellopaper, 51arklu co,• bble eundrles, Kay A Welch; 1i• kge butter, Pettit A New ; ma t Yroily leather, ii N Ilnintott; 23 eacka lieu, Mel.togitlini 4 yolk leather. NV I , Me Latignlin I lila new.; Arbuckles A co; 3 1,1•14 glue, E mercer. pEits LAN LILAC. We have Introduced to the trade out new per tutu, Persian Lilac, ONE OF THE MOSS DELICATE AND HE EXTUAL7.I EVER Ih VEN IED. No luira apnea l complete without It For ale by all Dealers. MANUFACTURED ONLY BY C. B. WOODWORTH Si, SON, lioch ***** N. Y New York Brace, 120 Broadway. DEN...MIN WINCE., • TM la 1 . el..xle SZINGESILY CLEIN. 1,....t . t050t0 to (NO. V. ISclitichmark a C 0.,) PRACTICAL LITHOGRAPHERS Tbe ONLY STEAM LITUOGRAC iNktiT TUE MOUNTAINS. linvlness Cards, Lett., 'leads, Donde, Lancia, Circulars. Show Canis, Irlylornas, Portraits, View,. Crolticairs or IMpovits. - Invitation Cards, Sc. Nos. TM and Ti Third st.. non fat I)ITTSBURGII MIIORT-BAND AVADEId OW . Grant Etrert. Opporlto the enthral ., OPEN DAI AND EVLNIND. In.lracllun In Standard rhounEraphE Elven lu private batons In tins and by 11. Itilwrt! ternESOn., Ao,. Mils upotl rmionable tern.. fea;ol9,bwr RrirElL VEW:J the river remains about stationary at MI& point, with scant ten feet In the chan nel by the Allegheny marks last evening. The weatter yesterday was ( . 001 but plea: ant, and all that could possibly bane been w de a s s in . d F f r o e r i gthhots t r c a o n n a t a a c tnio° na ca o c n et.,. .aloodr boats xpe enceeri considerable di:Unity In pick ing up anything like a paying trip. hrhelat 'Norton TO l'illlTrElll,—Thr tine Packet, Ida lives, Captain Joseph Ilrown, will leave for Cincinnati and Loin, - ilk, positively, on natorday ut r. There hos been no transient arrival stare Our luSt. report. 'rho Ezra Poner lel t. Ci n nlnnati for Pittsburgh with pretty goal trip, Including three bond red tons of freight. The Itot. Moore, frotu Portsmouth, was due la b stnight, nnd will doubtless be found In port this morning. Capt. James 11. MErratte, of the Emma. No. 3 was in the city yesterday. t h e E ta ,ngagel l m the heCittetnnut un ew Or ans trade. Thu Wezttuttreltuttl (aka It Pat AII/I . gil 11.1) nOw loadingai 'lnetn- nail for Now Orleans. The :Over Lake will leave for the Matto gold regions this worn Inc at seven o'clock, with a very good [Op or but only a moderato freight net. She will doubtless pick up all the tre/ght, she can carry f.Jlow . . The Lorena. Capt. Sam Shin:inn, Is tillingg steadily for St. tool', on in , s Glendale, Capt. J. it, tiara. These are both good beats, and we 1111V0 110 liOltla they wilt both. get good trips. The Coluintda, Captain Reed, IS now In turn for 1110 Lipper Mississippi. and will bii the lint boat out for that Point. Thu Li 0 here. Capt. Joe Drown, Is up fur Cincinnati and Louisville. .. The IL J. Grey, from Louisville, was due last night, unit wilt i t be, found lu tort this morning. The question has repeatedl been but to the Lotesvllle papers in regent to Gm ma chinery oil the Richmond, as to whether It Wax tint the tollll , that wax lonlit f..lr Intl employed oti the hatch Stradmr. As v. ill flu seen by the . follow lug, tile Jour tad, of teat city, acknowledges iit he core; ... i'live of the boilers 000 ell, as th.imachinory were taken MIL of the . we 11.1m0 w n 10.0 price sure steamer Jacob Strider, and were made at Cincinnati In ISO,u, expre.sly for that boat." .1s the bull and cabin were Milli at Madi son, and the boilers and engines at Gificlie . natl. we moilit see a hat I[l.o tint Louisville papers hay.. ill claiming Ulu Illellimoul ho a Louisvillu boat. Tiler 11111111 of both la.l I. ton and Cincinnati are stronger than-Ltiose of Louisville. The following named boat Wero to port at Cincinnati oil Tiosls.: New York, Shamrock, Wimanlta, idly 1r Cloud No. X, LAwronae , Cairleltu, Pride. mill, Nightie i., 1,a0M,4112. dollyx.i 1 1 1 1 ig n km i, i ~. .1, r , mall. .10 ; ~k 1 : 1 1 1 ? , i 1 r , , , . i. Munernr, Havana, I/arling, %V estiniii eland. The Glasgow, hate Milan. 00. and slier maid from bt. Lonis, and tile .111110 00.2, from Wabash river, arrived 'at Cincinnati on Tuesday; and the Flora lrt..r, sled - man and Glasgow were splvel Um .1 to leave there tor Pittsburgh 01l Wednes.l y. A St. Louis telegram, und'or date of Tots due, says: Arrivals are numerous, and re celpto of product, heavy. There Is not s ill ncient room At tile Wharf for .1111 rtraillera, A loot from the Missouri has )11,t brought a heavy 101til of cattle, tohtLeco and grain. Thu Go:claire tan arrived from Pittsburgh for the Missouri. situ Irons timnorrow. and willrun In Gin packet lien between Olualut soil 0111110 City. The Golden City has arrived 'from Cincinnati, full of 11.,5••1 I ger.. She will got a goisi 1.1,01 hues. Capt. Russell left some 11155 ago i, for Pltt , ba , it 11,• topurehase another tow bout for the. M 10. 01001 plll Valley,Complany. Ilix thothrlit he moo liaoe . Sertireti the Ike, for 4[11,1010. The Lean,. tile Joarnol ['tient, et the nhui icntitl ea follows: I: bpi I, ;neatly re,„•retteil that e1....1 I 1 iio arrive Ili olay• IlLibt, that her esll.ll.....vulnietry and glebe. 11 1 altvearalieu on tlic . water ill 1 Wit Dave been olvaxly seen and tally Item eche tea. .10 It we+, bows.. er, ..li, Wa. 1 v100...1 by ear people in thoasan.l n, 1111.1 le 1,1101 eO - to say that te.dstnl.lo..l our me the poptilation Went aboard of her het worn that 1111111 and iiil.l.rilght. After w liitl lig WI hot, tar tile erow a to I inn out, we 14'0[1041 our Wlty All .1 SS the .51100 \., to lire vaunt, mail leaped thence to a pit.. i 1 11..., , was bolded to her boiler deek. rile Mow.: 110.1. s the levee Noel:M.01 ell thane.. 1., It man of modest Illein or delicate trill' 115101 reachtng her by regular route. 1 poll reach ing her cabin, we beitot it de11...15' packod from bow to stern. IV.. thought that the croa .1 on the Great Rep elate wa• ilnute nxe, but the crawlots it tug the Richmond far euryas•eit it. COtelueled l[y Capt. .1. rt. 111. _Neal ill person, we w err •liow ti thrOit[th the entire La. t, her opsololl. cabin, her pal ler , like abates none, to I.er telet vntet?', then , C doe. It through the eat retry. 111 1, 1 lt"P tt , [ ll ' ll t , til the after guard., ale] Inteugh e.. ery de. 1 partment, inmiuding LI 0 • rt,tte tte[ths, , wile re we foittet 0 Cif,: ere. .1 llt 1011,1,11- Gs examining .01.11 a•liti I tina her in ....G.. I I and poaderous • i rigima. .later L. caletal seres . , It IS late [l,lla.r.tte J[el,i eat that the itiutiir.tani ix the. tenet 'wile 1. r t..,,,,, I .amt, taken Ill's II par - In:Wet - 11,.11an. ever [ I.tilLe On 11:11 a ext, It a ales,. 11, 0.01 at [ itepul•lte 11 Wore niar•ele, re:i.ellett• Ana titilq he-hut t he iliehrnoh.l[l.. 11.01 11 -y ii.o. -. Loma' ami comely. • 1 tie ealuns of tee 1:. - }elude are more gorge..., e et! toll, and 01 114111C11 1 10, those lit the ILictilinnet more elirotot iota is...telt:l: a Inie I, , ntatoolne of the Iticliitionii have 110,01,1 to ti/e orcom fort, forming pima-ant pal le, laud lied none. coin lento), 0 nen. h W i ... A.. 1,111 ',IV A 1:1 nitre 1 heir Ine.ii• xers[...i. an 1 he a la . , ate •lor. t[an with their lira[ tictitillaa -, lotto regular Ityjer arch, .+ oat f.[•tit t 1i.., in. nO, ance [lit a fro.% ol ni the 7114'11 1,1 , 111. EVeryt 111110 is C 411.1 , ,, 14.1,11/1 5.11.1 I:IC- I gat, We have nn thattol that. o•eon by 11.10. dight, she r 0 11l sit in the water the hal tond [nert omit nano..t. 1 here IA nll 11 , 1 , d n0 m05.... the Great iteleml i m to to .i.... , the 1 1 >a. ' 1[ 1 ;0 1 . 1 1 1 • 11 , 1 11 I 1.1[1 ) I : l?[ ' l i r•••!.. l ti ' l ' ll ' ?•l l e[ . : .' n .[ ;‘ , ::•[le ' [ 't. rivalry stloll.l es 1-1. 'fee c ILlchnitnel ale near., [.[. orl en, ...tent 113 MI r f (10,1141.11 l I. lill,ll. 11,110''' ~ 11:11101 V4l. I. Uteliunnel ore not eo•eanine[i venietil 111 we ha[l,Zoeen I. to • Tilc c .11., lariat 1 Ea[jo[e •r , tit ~,.... ~ , ~.,.• orlini. , ." , w , ~ sts,:libOISLIIIS•11 1,111. Ilp 11l 1 12011 ft yt1511.1,1,1.• Cane,..,.l 011[011.er l'oetle-, ott • 1, 1 0 111 111.V11 Cairo, struck the eh:: t" rut Black haw I:, w. as run and eteeal, a; [w. l[nr• Viiweil• !ie t0 .:M...1 a tp , a brought 11111. 0011 111 , US tit 11 1 f alit. tt, Om nets of the 1111.1, um", ...Mined I. 1 110111 11 frelalit elillplexi on the reed ixthey alege, the lie gligenee orr rare On the part or tilc, Lr Say, tite Lontxellitt J. , 0111 , 1 The Collier, a towoh from to w of mad, . tlext toed for Ili, while trying to get too of b the catial, got hurl IG:rowel veiled to gel barges 1., I igti shecould get t lo•iii oil. 1..11, noon thee were rately oil, an, w ay re iolrlng. STEAMBOATS '- ,1 :...2 - - CM 111112===21= i..40.0(Nt eornpot , lV ..1 of the f01, , , , r1ne•1d....tta• N ,,, r.: 111.7.10, INMILIt. Jt •1.11i1t.. it AIN, NEN' "Witt:, ARMENIA. . Cir I.V ft It LA KR. No 1, 1111 . —ItTE.. KArK PUTNAM, E ha. 2. 111[1.1.E.%'EltSyN, go LANtiiiW, A11t11.1.1 , , POE. Ost. of the 'tto It•vo for ,l. I.onts and .01 Int..roa.lll t. rn w Dr. Y ,A I Wit) AV, SIN •• • el..cs. r. N. IP nil polnts Ilialrll ul.sod Missouri rivers by tilt Nortlo.ro 1.1 u,. ket 1111601.1 itt•tr iNtrtit Co. and MlB.OOll nlyer bo.. ....1 1 01 to 00 AR, mAr.sEs CoL.I.INS. Apia, t.npf.rlntrndent. No. in blr*.rt. Ftrar3.) 'Veit MEMPHIS INIII.L A.,,1.. S` NKR - OILLEANs.—The 90taa......... 4 . passenger “t•1111(11. AMERICA Cant. 1;oLot so. Wilt notve for the xl l lll,l totem. dlate ;Porta on WF.DN abI , AY. the Otti tn,,L, At 4 IL It , ITh ir"‘b llVAr l 4 . 7.i . ; l.ll :l 2 N ' l:= .l . olA r ts. f.NPIIEPENDENT P.ICIt - i I T Zj. 1 ET Foil ST. 1.04/10. 111D11,..1 , 47. ..-, AND ST. PAU L.— 1 to. One ...Imo o r - IMINOTT4:I4 . Cato... Jolt:. Noes. Win tear.. a, ate,4. , n Nt EON EstlAl..A pr I 17, m h. W 1100 tat fo 10 , And , 111,1r11. 1 for AlLsotol rt l .. 4r. , For e Dela ill. or 1,, 1 ,age ape l " , on board or to FLACK & CLILLINU WOOD. - apt! Agent.i. • F O IL EVANSAILI E. , ~.1 i,...,,""'...44, - 4._.. CAIIII I AND Kr. LOUIS. " ' ' The aThendld passenger ~ 11111311 C 1 LoREN A . apt. S. Slit AN', Will len vo aa abort, on THIS DA 1. APOI 12th. at 4 o'clock p. In. For fre ign, or paiaagt. apnie cr. 1,0341/. nr to stet FLACK S lA/LLANO tt, volt-, At .10.5.1 'l4`oli CINCINNATI and ,-,..n.T"'"..1 4 4, .... LOULSVILLE. ( vr,thont re- '.',.. T w K pl a2; 7l. steamer (~,pt. .1. itßowN. WOI leave As above out TillS 11..t1 ,the 1 . 2111 last. at 4 o'clock p.: , , ,,.. ,,„ r „A , or, . 1 CK J.pq 11 I DI 1 I‘l'Wlol , 1- Ag' n "• N I DEPENDEN't • PACK- . , 01:-. -; 4 .. ET.—tronwr. 1.0015 AND 111,4- 500111 lIIVEIL—The aplendld, new pan... noon at. mot, 111.NALF ' Cart. Jon , : M. 1I .5,:,., WIII hot,. for the oleo e and Intern... Oa t ,. too. on THIS I/ AY. tbe Plth Instant. at 4 o'cit.rt. 1). to. For frelgyt or ',tea., •PlOt on to.aot or no .1 Alf2o COLLIN:, Agent. /OIL KEOKUK, -.- DU nugur. AND ST, PAUL.- • The fine ateatner OLUMBIA PAO. RID,: (VIII Rare for Atroie and Internse , ltate pur 14, on SATURDAY. to lath Nato at 4 I, 111. • Fur fralght or paa,age ..pply ft, . sot or to 111.01:15, CULLEN t 1 tt tILO L i ",,,,.. •t 1 BARN 0.13 S CoLL , S I,)K EI , LAII WEEK UV 1...rrf:14.. ...PACKET BETWEEN PTITS. 110111.11 AND 015171 IN NATI.-1 he in, and ante:Ohl a11te...41,..el packet. • EZRA PORTER Cab, Po 0100. WIII leave Pittsburgh on 1 4 / 4 1 lIRIJAY. A prii 6, at 11 111. rut' freight or pasaago apply 011 1/01/d, or to • _ 111 1- 1 1 ; 2C1 A N I LEAVING EV1.10: WED:USD •Y AT a Y. --The tiret and rutorn.lo. Alt,itteY Capt. Lew Is VANDC.I.II/T. r"r"'"rn. ' TAUS WM. Cl' l2 " li A:. A II ' A. P I7N ; ' ; n : , 7 rd " 11TV,11.T'"gT;t7;51fINT',:-F,', • BURGH AND I'INDINN AT( The Bey mud WI 17,1n u f: !,..`•:`,l`.`l':.' END it trK , A Wlll less,. for t. I. above awl Istvrm..oliste Forte ev. Fur UnDA.Y. frelEbt or 113.1.1‘1,e,ct,it;r, , i 3 . 1 , 114e.rd . 0 A r to 11.34 UkIAS. BARNES. DIANUFALrfURERS NATIONAL FOUNDRY AND PIPE. Vi740•1.-lEZS, Corner COrroll and Sumninon Streets, Ninth Ward, rurrsuutual, VA. WALE. :.1 LIE3PUC'3U, 211ANUFACFVOCIL OF Cast Iron Bowl Pipe, FOR GAS AND WATER WORKS My 1 . 1p , ,S are all els,. vertically In VIDA In Dry Sand and 121 , 41rr SANu MA Also, a full acsort [swat of MEAL CASTINGS FOR GAS AND TUTU BOERS l the i• t t•u(US \s'or~L~ towY m n ~ ake u[ ItK'CJLTC MEM THE FULT 0 N BELL TN 11 BRASS f OUNDRY, , INTAI3LISHED IN Th 32. Nos. 91 First and 70 Second Streets, PITTSBURGH. PA MANI/FACTUREILS or ALL SIZES OF BELLS, From 10 to 100,000 Founds. LOBE, ANGLL CHECK IND SAFETI VALVES, I= Stop Coelis . ol'Braxs or iron. OF ALL tIT.V.S. GUAGE AND CYLINDER COCKS. ne~o:aforsl the diCertnt STEAM PUMPS. =I Celebrated Steam Syphon Pvalrre h. IIA9 1.11 . v. STEAM amt GAS VIT TINti, I.I,I:3USERS . rte., rartfrulsr attent l .l ,, t ,, lu trk.AM ." U 46 brxucta, ,Alrh.,y A. FULTON'S 11F:1'10.1.1e PACKING FOI:nTEAM CYI.IN- I, 'Zit , . A., its ItlilT•S CELE itl: ATM/ AN TI-AT.TILI- TloN 34 ET AL slut cAsTINGS trovie to mudf11,1,, ,, 1 ,glt.ll ne tins,: and ,ligpai.J . h. attklalult ,ial.l Co 144.1ri 1.01.11111 C In %II Its Llso no hand 02,101010., •11.1 ti0.1416111n, •ttil C.:ou tucking, Oran Buts of .01 tuo A. FULTON'S SON & CO. FORT PITT' 1011111,-STILL AND TANK W OTZj ~S. CARROLL & SNYDER, I= TUBULAR, DOUBLE-YLIIED, TUBULAR EIRE-DOI t.c Y LIN DER STE.% 11 BOILEIL:9, OIL STILLS . AND OIL TASKS, CHIMNEYS, lIIINECLIING ASI! PANN SETTLINCi PANS, SALT I'ANI3 AN LI CON - - - I)EN sERA, STEAM IiASOSIETEILS, AND 111.0 N - • =M= 001•••ndWorks rorarr heron d, Thlrd .hd Wherry Eitre•tr. . Pittsburgh, Poiaiasylvarda. rs re nt to the at,,,,..1.1re , s rt.‘all , ol attezded wh7:l'nl "Srl-iISIJVIIUS IRON IND NHL WORKS. LEMS, BAILEY, DILZELL a; CO I=l BAR, BOILER, SHEET , tut r t 1. of t 1 ..0 .t tz o I .41.N37 "1-1=1.5,1V NAILS AND NAIL RODS Warehouse, 73 Water & 90 Front 1 , 1111,14 .- I SFIFA.r, 'Ulu vrt:t.k t zi rued .FFtkec c.n.l IF 1A,10,41 rlc 111,1 Nla , of 0111Frenc PITTSBURGII, PA. KENSINGTON IRON WORKS. 1.L11171& tik C K , 11.11rTACTI711.113 or . Beiit Common, Refined Charcoal Of TEll•nlny , 10 , 0 V, sth , t• tov.er iver, 11,r4t , Ist.) and is, con, itvn nl.ltt•l•tr.: to In Ino :.•r -d went on titn,f Juniata Bloom Iron 11.:REitANT PAIL W 11. IN d nOILLUE IRON nuur. AANO. T and ANGLE. IltoN. 11011.}:11 ELATE ra 1 ~l IEKT IRON. MOWER aud RCA VElt NAM CYLINDER and lillaltl) Olt YINOEU IRON. eItALL T RAILS. J 1 and IR lb, to the yard. WI:M.6IIT ell.tl IL , I and :WIRE: , for'auna YLAT RAILS. t'unched and Omuta/sunk. ('OA SCRF.E , . IRON. MIN and NEIKES. I, &re 1...., No. SO Water and No. ft Parte at.. Works, rUrand street, Eighth Hard. Jul nine City tin Woran.Pltterturan. ault:l4 KEYSTONE IRON WORKS. ME HUTCHISON, GLASS a -CO., listufactorsrs of the dlfforont 11111 Round, Square, Flat and llorse-Shoe Bar Iron, loop and Band Iron, Boiler-Plato, Tank and Salt-Pan Iron, Sheet Iron, &c.,&c., Worts, rtri TOWNI3IIIr, at Hanon[.lel. fits, Waco Rua Warohouse: No. 146 Water St. sr.117:111 CRESCENT STEEL WORKS. ItIILLER, BARR & PARKIN, BEST QUALITY CAST STEEL, Warranted Itqval to In the Mar eit met h t." Il ut anett• t otnre.er lho•ett or ot Em .31 . 1:CLAL ATTENTION rAID TO Ellt E VAST AND OLE STEEL. Office, 38 Wood Street, 111 NT. CHARLES If OTEL 111.1/1.1 , 11i 0 . Juuo 1.11, DUQUESNE IRON AND STEELWORKS. HAILMAYT, ILAHM & CO., MANCLTACTOILIIIS OF Iron, Nails, Springs, Axles, PLOUGH. SPHIHO AHD A. - 33. STEEL, D74-a. 77 -C/Paster 1121t-re.ett PITTSBEEIGIT. MEI I`ll jt 0011.Elt MOUBOI9 MAITIII,CIT'UteIIi OP Steam Ila Hero, Oil Stills, Agitators, lank., Salt Pans, Gasometers, Wrought Iron 'Bridges, Sheet Iron Worts. dsc., COIL LIBERTY AND SECOND STS., PITTSBURGH, P 4. ILKI . AIItINU IU PIEI,IIETLY. m72-1:1a1 y i N I! A,!,t Butler BLANC FOUNDRY. Butler Stroot, Ninth Ward, or rosiTY. UNION UM: MILLS, P. TIT 83 3317 XI.C3, 3=C . Rolling Mill and Bridge Castings , I kfCINECY AND CXSTINGS GEURIII.I% pray:. promptly and cariAully executod. k.THAKCIW. IZEASONOLIILY.. ERUERT b. MACKLIN% OrtsX-1.: . MANUFACTURERS. . COMMISS'N MERCHANTS __ CINCINNATI . 7 I CO-PARTNERSHIP. ~- THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE AR 1-4-10.A.LIT'11' bt.,lt'AV.T..`-'':A`.kNET."PrtI'LL.Wf, wilt C04:11:11, x.. `...rtwrore. Y. ,t F.LLEIL6 & Co. On and alter MONDAY, Ilarolsqntl.,lddr:. tree, .'1:1las, acid ars..., L at usisn Ilsorad..as 1 0 : 10,- . 1 ----- el riSlicsloll TOLL AND SHEET •• LEAD WORKS ;,. P.L,..., it. aw=--- ,L. 5 ,,,,, ... ,,,, . I osr....rs. AIMIra. L . .FS. SELLERS & ot Line C 0.,., Mall —. . -03 A. Af MCA A. at. a 5.5 Ik . Y. .30 e. W. -r poRK pAc k Ens, ' l ii;, , :.: iii; . 1.,;,-L...rAtS';:': 11. ii.;‘,' I: '::: 1 bl.l)quald do, .... 6:Ca r. Y.. Br= A. Y. 111c(01thilii &GIBSON, Proprietors, , And .11,..,:..5r, , r , of 'TANCE. 3LI s a. FL )04 C ) IMa : ' slam -4 , nurilt.P.T.E.nun New Bacon, Beef. and Tongues i 2 411.•!istil— . 4. Or CARA Wilt Is' n 5 , 7 for dellrrry ou Monaly. 2411. last. Choice Sugar-Cored Mitts: Do do do Bert: Du' do do Mel Tongues; PATEN'I' SHOT. I- vo do do nr.ufast .fawn: • 1 -t plain Curt,' Macon Shoulders; !duke to 0,14 VIP e..ds. and r NEVI'S t f mar rss I Do " " Sith' s • - ,„,..,,„, ~,,,,,,e . ~,..„.„,„.,.... iAt 1,113,4 prices..y . ..s excurunt quallo. .1 , , IL.. and or or•rd . l'itu .—Callure du Inc. to . Fu. Oils rate a u du" .....",u , u , ar‘v auPPlIe 4 3, luuUr. I on e s Ilg la rLpu for Ilydrauil I ,Atl i ad artlelea In we t 5t,..a. ,, 0 trade. UT.. mud for Orson sa.se. J a o:rti o id ...iv...stalls , ask the atoutlon 0 , . . n . n .,..., rhanZraausl rrorrletisra of 1 or...r..WER BURKE & CO., • OD. WOlllOl AND OIL WELLS. : CII3IMISBION JIIEBIVINTB, f....."qurl --- I I rstaNTS FOIL Tillf. PITTSBURGH STEEL WORK i Pacific. Globe & Liberty 011 Works, .A. Ad.pi0md.,...., for Crud. , and liagnad OIL LIU. Oral cash aqvanree n 0.4... uts coustgractuta of A SOEMION, COOK & CO., Crude or 11.11 stud I'e:rot...ft. L I Aida for storage . 11CcVa r n ' aMin r o u t i sf ' : '„ %are 7 I ' l lr g alg.ira y IBUCCIZEOI3B TO JUNTA. BOYD A CO—) i and Hancock wee.. rltteburglx. rnylasarS No. 19 East Ninth Street DrALEas Pig Lead,, Block Tin and Dula:D.on of toe re: t sg r ne n c h C T. S r.,. I'. ...... . ILIDCILIDN. KEIL & EITCHAIIT, c.t li"' GOIMISSION DIEROHAIITS, in I AND DZALIMA IN Reaping and Mowing 'Mach Flour, Grain, Seeds, Mill Feed, &c, I 3 " iLBYJ ` TY IIKEI larAlsbl7 P 3011. Pa. SSE= FLOW WINGS, SPRINGS, AX • I,ll= CIRCULARS. L. Cad *di Common Itiorigh & Spring Steal, once Corner of TA t.nd Hs treets, •••• • • above the MouWougabelo Botoom. 111,11 ,IJOLE OEM INDESTRIIL VORKS, BUELL M. BOLE & CO., Engine Builders, FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS. 11 on 0,0 t Curuer of Point Alley itud Duquesne Way, .PITTABEH4IIII, PA. LIPPINCOTT& BIKEWILL, No. US Water Street, " MANTTALYVV.IBIS or rdTENT rATYNT T6Il !MED.. rATZNI ZOOTEKLI 1 "11"3""4. aItILPAND 111085-CIIT Ei AL AT . MIMI I E. B. WOLF, JR., &CO., L BAIRD tg. PATI'ON, 1 ...-, NV bole.loll rwe. s, Con,..nrnslon Ides/chants 1 and deurs It I . nntTure. Flour. Paz - n. Cheese . C / • 1 Platy Carbon and Lard Cll. Iron, !Valls:111.4 Cotton YES. an/.1 all Prtts , urst, ndann , aeturts terse Jae now reorlvlnn additions to our stock . 7°"' ii 13 o/11115eno / .od • •Pl•n . Is vadel, 1.1 01,./.1 to Dealers at I g - r".."....J. .. r.... .... t " ....... 3ELargid.r3aIRLXST X=.374,.....T.Canf1e 1 €• ... REV TIER 61 BOOS.. (Successors Corner Liberty and St. Clair Ste., i. v?,,,1.t114i,iit ii=iliwt4T.TZ'lf-tp".. x..iirt.-1:,,,,,x,a,k,, mr.". v. nugsraPl reworks. tsr. P lies. 12e and 123 se15:10/1 t rood arrest. anus Filth Plttsbernb. le=as / JOHN B. CALNEIELD, Commis-._ sale 'A`:::::l2."Zirt'egl4S',T./gtl'Lt'es,Zhistr -I.e. Lard, Pork. Paean, Floor, Plat, Pot and Poarl Ashes. and 0110, Drl.3. rratc, and Pro does generally, 1/105. 111. d 141 rIO6I. street, Pcolarzia,._ DZALIESIN Hardware& O utlery F. MIISSMATIN, Fifth Strect,b Owens Tunnel and Cts atheins• Streets, Gunsmith and Dealer in Hardware. Ylr, cis.. good! or .11 deoeriptions •I , •nis en Lan An., tools: iLs: :ow m.pnalth rg n don SEWING rii.A.CHINES. BAKER'S ELASTIC STITCH ANO LOCK STITCH Sewing Machines An. THE HE,T for-Vamtly purpooes. Call H r sec tntm at i.ro. is rinh sired DON'T BE DECLIVED BY wurltt.lng half col u mn advertisements of. Inf. 1,13 , .... uWet • 00V to a BA. EH-1.••• Wiled for ati tc,rl 'van, sad is by gill comiec. 7 ,C . IV - ca. MO 3Plirtl ant:root. Ma I.I.I.II.TEET'T 825. SEWINC-MACHINE Mu,tete In the Vetted ntnt..... Ago nt.'vv.:1.3...11,r. Pay 450 to AtuU F i .; N. ' llli,t ' ll ' gg. ',‘,' ..T. P n r.t,ttltr:v. 614 Ch.-etunt etrret. 11311auelptax. and . 441 :nem tuft .amet. Toledo. tibia. de3dg GET NOSE OUT A DROVER & BAKER Far a liollday MIR. It ts nclts.ble. ' nerfect and heretote the best. Don't tall to call and set Itat NO. IN rurni STREET. HARNESS & CALUILAGE MAKERS .I....tdst , The new . cl!g LP. & MEI NO :1 SWING Before burble . ellewbrre. It ts the belt for , helr rue. Yr: . talc at roe.. FIFTH te . la FlrrrltE. T TUE unoyEK 64. BAKER ' s SEWING MACHINE t 4 Tb el.. of Medal:item. Please " N. , Ile FIFTH S ['KEYS. DRUGGISTS. YOI ./L 1. AILLI.I R Y. 6,01.11J1b6. GEORGE A. KELLY & CO.. Wholesale Druggists, HAMILTON WHITE gldctlY Pure. CH ART/I RHIK HITE LEAH. PAINTS IN OIL, MI color. ij - = l r" i HT+ T uitrasTlNE. .iroIL, I 2AI traUHU.HU,at. v at,4:49, DRUGS! DRUGGS!! DRUGS!!! JAMES T. SAMPLE HAVIEII DOUCHE . THE WELL KNOWN WORtr COintlN Untt titi CULL AL F LEU EDE DENRAL AND Y, will keep on hanrtlf.ll aasorttnent of alfklada of 30171:110* 4:31.113. And which will be sold cheaper D.. an 7 other ,aae. In the two cities. ercteriptlona carefully prepared ny n Ent- cmsn drayght. noll kinds wf PEP.FURERY and FANCY WIFE on hand. cern SCHOONNAKEEt & SON, Pittsburgh White Lead Works, PURE WHITE LEAD. BLUE LEAD °ROUND 111 OIL YOB PAIN- IltAi OIL ISABBILS. No. 111 FtiturthM Up flair. NOTICE TO OWNERS OE DRAYS. HACKS. 4 :IItC. Noll, Is bervlTY Flynn to dl o .loefe of Wo/C . on, Dray, Cart.. Carriage, Itugslea. ; whether maid. tit or von-realtlent In the City of Ellt.horgh. to pay their ••Ivences at the Treats Lutes Unice of the I'll yof Pittsburgh. forthwlth, I In accordance wlth . an net of attaedtblT._ rlrtnti.nedllMll•t;"c•ittyo;•"f 7•Wa c ell P .11: • 17 I Vl ' ttleenres not paid on or before tfay 1 t o be placed In the bands of the Chief of Po , Ile, for collection. subject to his fee of 60 rents for the collectlon thereof; and all purest) WOO .014,neglct or refuse to tate Ott LICCOrtr will be pet to • peu•lty. to be error :red before the Mayor. double the amount of the Llcerse. - The old metal olatrs of previous sears moat be returned at tre time the Llconse. are taken out. er pay S' c"I'IttVAIE LICENSE. Each T oe liana Vehlcl • • •7 50 Elton wo Florae Velorte poor Hrs IS ro Each Two Hors o e e Ilaclr it 03 nthuses and Platter V• heels •Irawo by two horses. eighteen dollata cavil. For each 0141- 0 , 0 . 1 !t e r s e turd ,oany of the ab•ove vehicle one dollar. ALLEN DER. Clty Treasurer. • Inttshor, ll . Fo'ollarr I. !nor fetnil 1 GIOPOSALS FOR. LAYING _L WATER I' IC.-Srall .1 Fro posts'' will be received by the Water'llounnlttee Until I= tEPlock P. 211. of , Monday, April 151 h, rot LAY WATrAt ril'E. on Duque.° Way. Cconmelvania Avenue. Water, I.llwrty, Cutler, Baldwin vulton, Colwell and prlde etreeta. to,lnclude dlea'ne. repaving where ne cea•ary; making require , ' COAttrellOn at the Sr..eral oro , il streets, cutting and connecting . main plpe,•.,il cot:lnt.-tine the Fame to the setts far. tin of ton noperintendeut. The Committee reoe•ve. the rtgut to reject ell bids not deemed ratl..lacury. acidity ut the contract 'lll be famished on appltcatlon to anCa74 JtiSKl'll FltaNClf. Sup.t. pIANOS ! PIANOS ! !—An entire new stock or KN .t CU.'S rtAN. , ,. which are nen. renelderell the hest made: alto HAINES ANUn. Price froma.C , upward. Verso tn. in win. el • drat class Plano are rf speCtfUlly Ineited to tall and examine before nunclnulnir els, here CLIALILIArrrE BLUME. do o 43 Fifth stroe:_ 1 IME.-200 lib's. white Lithe tot vkle 1,, OtairiEtatatuN. FETZER A. ARMSTRONG, FOLRADING CONMION 11.1(1143IS, for the ta!e or Floe?. 6rkin.SlColl, Lord. Sutter. Heeds, Dried Iralta. and Fru:Jeri . ..trail!. No. 14 btarket Street, turner of ' , last, Elttaboratc, Fa. asarinDT ( )WENS at. KENNEDY. •—• PRODUCE GOlat)11 , 6102: MILICC , IIANTS and Wbolreale Dealers In FULLEItIai AND DIMES. r HUM. NALT. YLOUIi, a:UTTER, Minn. I'uTAToLn, ♦c., and to Praandona and Produce flirlt'AtP,%Zf' kitissru r g E jl. 0 " 6- x.ign.u.t,.. ,r.,a/onnallA apla:lrd J. Sit.. • • ED. T. STILL.. WM. J. STEEL & 8110,, late ..,,aucx east .1113dIfe,t("171ClaiA'at'.receUr and sell Pion r: Corn Mani. Oats and Cum Beans, oaooo,l-,ard, (totter, &.,...,Iflg;,:trVi,%!?:;-7.ailre.l. tar attrallOtk,pald to and lirags Beed n . Feathers, Oil Barrels, Sloop 7...1e5, 1.1,e as.c of f Orelgn and Domestic YrUlt.S. Nu: 1 3 2 tidrd .10.01. Cittaborgis. pe. ieuon T. EX00•••••... ........... .11.1eDlliNe 1300 , IT .... KNOX & SON, Conatniasioa , .... PLEOCII .1.010 and Dealers to YLOCM, MILADY. MILL FEED aud ruoDucE general 1. Ho. 79 /Dimond, opposite CDT DAIL elle gb ~T CDT. 1517:rr g g ii ; .geHAN l T :° In FD. Commie tilUN LICE, v,Kutwitr tfrollritit I d• •LAY,, tc. Warchowla cud vacs. hos. 38 nd I6N / . 1:1 , 1N 6111.K.T. Morsis furalabed. onsfirnstent..ollelted. oci X J. B. •848 31 ALNE & AN3EIL, COMM IS. SION ISY.W.7IIIoNTS and dealers In TLOUK GRAIN. zed I'ILODUCY. Second street. between Wool and Smith/kW. ratstomen. andlOy T.l ItIDDLE,No. IS3 Liberty St., Pittsburgh, Ps.,Coto ma IN slot, gte rchaut, and Wholesale Dealer In Country Produce . Groceries stal Pittsburgh manufactures. • Cash ulranced on Cocalipaateuts, axial/aid for Product ititllet 7 ant; JADES DALZELL fla factuTera of aOil and Commlaefon Mer chant. for the out. ue .01 Isle of Crude and Maned Pctroltuna. oa. and 10 1'144,100001, Ad•unoos main on Comslanments. t. JOAN I. 11011.3 NE . BROS., Sac rlshOlitd SO Jolts Hoc's. Co., NW , . sale sod CoMmisslun Alcrehant-s, to?. mei of litalt2.ll,al4 and Water streets, PlitstrarKla. fent CllO 71 AKER Sr. LANG, Wkole- In InCrrocerles. Flour. Grill. Pro: Flab, Choose. Ult. Cart...al/11,. Nos. 177 and 174 Wood Otroet. :roar Llberty.Stront, Pittsburg! , Pa. roslUl. ~ DICIS.EY &CO., Whole dealers It Produce. No. re Water stroll and 1.6 Front atm. , . Pitrabordh. . JOON billt-TON Al. Slii rroN & WALL ACE, II hole.. ale uNoCNICS NDI , N4 qIUCE DiCALEY.S. NO. 51X (11 AL eltt iLurgh. Jal,rto, GREAT WATCII SALE ON TUE y,opular ones rice plan. giving . ..very pa tron a handsome nd lit nib eizoatch for the low price of leo L/olhare. without regard to .1.14 a. and not to De paid for unless perfectly sattsfac tor, en Coln! Gold II tntingNN lici+o to En, . Nlas lc Cast d bold ate. he 90 to +44 Ito Ladies• Watches. 100 to SO 311 bold Hunting tx•r II a chtn, nel to 00 00 Gold Hunting English L.erera 00 to tIA M. Gold Dui. atches Lel to 90 Sm t.t id Iluut . a . American Of aches Indto Sdn :Meer riuntlng Levers in to ISO 6.0 Oily., flaming Gup eye 5.......- I Ow (told Ladles, Nt Ltda. 1. 1 00 Hunting s . . . to 7+ I 1.100 51INtilaticou• :diver it +t-htz. 50 to IN -.WO Hunting oils.. Ni atthe- . • .... to ed hodo !escorted +telt s. all tintif ... to to 7+ ia-Ev•r7 Patron obtains a %Vetch by VA. Or ranarmant, olio . tilt : 01 1 whlie It y lit Ita Tbe-sdeartl+ers wish to immediately dispoze of ho ;Lenient nt stock. Corti...le, m inanam the .licles ate p,^Ll teal..l eat ah t opts. and well mined. Holders are entitled to ; the articles name! vo tin, .rtllle s upo wan ply =ant or Tea Donlan, whether It be a tch worth .730 or one worth less. .1 he return of any of ourcertillealts entitles you to the article nmenecl thereon, upon payment Irrespective of its worth. and as no article ealu“l leas than $lO Is named on any ctrtincate It .111 at °nett. seen that this is So Lottery, but • straight forward legltimateTransactlan.uhleis may be participated In even by the most in l.e .lldions! ill f. ..rra-iu pon ttorty an . o an chi:ant p - re win. for t te . j.t l n o .lPe and ToTt o s4 " t o g l Yr . tiNe .nm j.3.. '1 1 0 ; Agents.. those 'tatting ttan'oyment tins Is. rare oppOrtunity. It Is a legitimately Conduet ed husinesa duly authorized by the thrterr.ulent sad open to the moot caregul scrutiny. Try us : J. RICELLING . CV.. lent all lei iiroadway. New York. 37 li'ood Sired, RAILROADS. BITTSBURGII, COLUMBUS & CitiC!NNAll R. R PAN lINDLE ROUTE. IR' 0 CO., W.-Ift osacYtam-G-1,7.. X. D. . PENNA. Pa. LEUCOHRIIMA AND Female Weakness. A pbysiclan of twenty-fly e years ex perfenee offers • yaluable and powerful retook!, for the above named complaints. It is a compou od 41.overed by the celebrated Bouts 1 11:x. and expel le nee bat pato - ed ern cieney IC 4e. (renter than that Of any P-oody taut - m.ly bard lao-preacrip lion. with lull dire 21.103. for uo will be sent by mall to ' - .•ny one enclottak 10 cent. to 13 It. 4 .1.:01.1 Ito LT. Elation Lb 111 b le Mute, gear York. mtUrt.yaittswy C4IREAT REVOLUTION IN TUE WIN CAL FO OF THE UN ITEDITTATILS. -PURL CALIFORNIA IiIiASIPAGNE. rustle and prepared... if .1.1. In Foote, Poet Pam Catiforulo la Inc, owl laktnF tho place " 1 . 1 ." tea The undersigned would roll «e ottentloo of Wipe beaters and Hotel Ktepert tbe lux letter, which may he a eorrea Idea of We quality of %hely Wine. • "CONTININTAL 110•OR.,_. • Plll3-..T 1 9•.. "Mssens. nountas ir.ll..°;:cotlrrpl'..tf,";..V.sitri, that we (hail. It the t.s'Atia:rl,lo2 Wive ere hove eye, wk.:4. V. e .11.11.1%00e ylsea 1 joa u Klc rhr , t [Cal • ry-ear Cedlfenii:Ch.notune. ttltil`Calltil co!.. IB . ller oh. N• .Y NOTICE-TOLIEITILUCTORS. ,yi: ° ,,;,T.;!. L , L .4; 11( . .:re1. "' ; '„ . ~,L ED ,1 05A!..." wl It. a: , l ,t lock 012.011.'1 Arl! lath, at o clock p. . (A. lirialrigasl 1 sr.ng lollowlo, '''''''''''''''''''''''' fro= rootare Lane to rrrATMATeJi.I.I.I.y. In the Fourth WOnl. po:t.( k 1.13. DIANCLI. City Contrude,. ,•1, Letllrcrll IntWM - 0 Ind >a.l nut c„, Points NN est Sad bouth- • weet ,ueehwer, Tickets be' lure end red the erAee Or the • ratsugo, COLLII3CS I CISCINNXII F. g, ,tnion Depot, (south M.D. mtlrn6m.srwr"ll.Tlcke!, Agent. JOriN ' LL l : l l . l:lo.7li. 'll:lltk•e it Zf!nt 1 W ESTEN. PENNSYLVANIA after Rtrri','AV-agGRISAN •rT :a, 1,7, the 1 . 5.Fe12- u R , Trams on the \Sestet,. Pennsylvania ]tat I road will arrive at and depart from the rederal ntreetAlepot, Allegheny 1 -111'... fellows: sn,. Olean, shgerwg No 1 6.355.4(. Sharptb`a No 5:100.1t Frgetv,rt No. 1 5'.70,11.,31111 6.Maar 5h pees Nu'. 90114.0. Sharpsb`jrNo 7:tn 0.55 Ms press 10.40 ss• lfrs'ellof , NO. I Pharps`g No 1.11. Shat peg No 3.10.15 atat oparptbla. 13S ::vh mss. Snarpsh`g No.11:50 a.m flail I:=Eapress........ 2:058)2 Freeport r.x..3barpsn's Non 3.5 d Pal hharp p alfg No S 61 5 0 , ...'Irreport No 1 6tt,51,14 6Larpspla No a Eharpsb . g No S ;:50r.11 All trains run duly except hunday. Coma:M.. o n Tickets—Yoe sale In packages 0 Twenty, between Ahrgheny City. Chestnut street. Herr's, Bennett. Plot Creek. tuna .04 arolgood only on .the malts stop ping at Stations •prelded on Whet, Through Tickets to Bulle ad sr ay be purehaiml at Walkerr n 's Stu. , Mice 0 0. lot. Clair Street. at or huspenslon rim. ' Ve t" t:.dvhvimgah..2r any slat for Baggaae. except for Wellltrig par ,1, and Melt their responsibility to Usa ISPAPUZO DOLL,. lu valor. All tACYake ea of e " ut; ' ,l l truonll%ls(fat':ll-,-.7".1,1,' 17,P.1%—`1. • YOr fora., Information apyr!y at Depot, to JA3IIS LE) ELMS. Agent. Federal Street Dera.l. E=3 PENNS ELVANLA CENTRAL ILAILItUAIL &SWIM Dettrober Bib. 1966. Train Wash in gton leav Libe r t y 10. poled., oar m and Bt. u folloter. nIva.DITAUT. 11 Train IM) mil ay Expreasi.. SW a Pam Llne 1:to • te Wall, No. 1... 6,30 • la Wall, No. L... 6:37. ma Mali Train..... .0:01 a 131 Itruiton No. L. 7:60 ain Wall, No. L 9.50 s Wall's Nu. .50 sol•-elvelletl Pk6C IHI Jo .ltl hernown Ae. MO a co, Wall's No. 3...11.0 • m IL9 p Braddock No 1. 11:4O tr. Phil. Erpreaa 1:0.4p m ihati.Ex. t:10 1 m Wall, No. L.. LOS p m'AP•II, No. 4... 4:50p en Wall , NO. 4... COG y Wall'a.No. 6... 6,16 pm Braddock No.l. 3:00 p ail Wall , No. 11...1.10p m Wall's No. .. 7:03 p Rut Line. 10.45 pm AllOOO5 Ater= Johnston P awl limiprant mato ' p 10= m , •0•11 v, outer@ Sundays ex.:apt...l. The Chore. Train. leave Wall•. Station every !Sudsy at 9,15 a. to., reuhlna Pltuburgh 10 , 06 m. Returning leaves Pittsburgh at 1 2 :6 0 P.m.. The arrive at It ail, litatttm at Iso v. a. . The Baltimort. KIEITVai nil: arrive with the Phliadelphla Evora" 1:50 p. Sandaya. NorICIL-10 ease of lob. the Punallvania 01. B. Company .111 hold therdscives rupooalble for national harvatie only. and for an amount not axe...Ging php. 1.10 W. H. iIECK.WITIL, Iran. 1867. THE PITTS al./ Eli 11,1 T. WAYNE & CHICA- Eh It. IL., A.ND CLEVELAND & PITTSI4U Akin B. B. Tralns arrive and leave at the Union Depot. ne 101105 i: LILAVA• AUISIVi. eilleago E..... 2:23 a 0 'Chicago Ex.... 1:33 • In Cleveland Ex.. 'OA an Cleveland Ex. .7,3 a 1 1{k"11 . it ' iPf. ig:lt . k . lit: . t.t. t7* E tcl . 7 ;: - Ii%2 Pant a:1 Colcags .7 ~. 7:00 are CI. & W.: am 11:5. p m • Chlcago Mall.. Imio m Chicago Ex.... SOO p in CI. A li'llg. Ex 0:450 n Erle & T. Ex 6 0. 5 Pf. Chicago fix.... 0:45 o o Chic. Ex.. ..... v:300 m Wheeling Ex., 4:35 pto Cl. IV bg. Ex 4:elp at l!epartfrom Allegneny. , AreV i ln Allefl.y. ri'....eL.7..m•.i.041::rt.1irt: '''' aAs : fcl . II:20 am , Wellsville •• 4:56 am noctiester •• it= p.m' N., Ceetle . 0:44 am e t Ali Ces'e 3:cOp m Leetsdale . ILISI ni Leetsdale Ac •a 4 6 00 pm . • • IMS p m N. !Win •• p no• N. Beton . Sal am .N. Be in . 1-• a:l5 p mLeetadele •• 4:ID a Leetsdale " 10''...A p ni, • " 7PIS am No "athelveve rms.; ii:/ - 10::5 a. - la. MI.. o u , g h ~onndse. 4. Ex. ant,. WIT. L dec 7.1 Y. E. 51.1E1501, General Tlek.et /WI 1. prrTsßuitau /AlliD GONNFLLB - B. H. 001513FA111 -- • Spring Arrangement On Ind aver THUR.:SILLY. libileri 16TO. It, The trains the Depot, corner at Sall ane Water nrestot. 1 . 01101 r.: ,Leolms AP Mesa • Ptia.g.rgA. FLlttb'sl Hell to and from Uniontown. 7:1) A. X. P.M Mtbruse. • • • .. 1:00 le. et. 11:ble. Y. 'West Newton'Aece.mod.n 6;15 Y. 13:1i . e. Y. Cleat M'Keesport itetan•n .11:CO b. X. 1:50 Second ••• •• U. Israddoek's bands./ Chnrelk Trein to and from Welt Newton...—. MO a...pt. 10:031. If. lot Ticket/ AsPFAIM , T. t r . 1111.011,01kiegbit01. . _ A LLEGUENY VALLEY RAIL. ffingEMß (711.4.NGE OP TIME. Oa and after FIitDALY, Feb. lat. ISM . , trains I Ica'', and arrive at rltt.Lurgb Depot, mama Pits and Canal streets. at follows: Larissa Anise/ First Yelsklminetts aceomo..S:3 o A.Y. I:30 Y. Mall, to and from 2d.a.ng..7 Loa Sill m. Fleet Soon Works acsc.bom. fM A. SMO A. K. Holton doccoannodatlon 12:00 N. E..vr.a to and from Mann , n..3:151. a. lidel A. N. Second Soda Works Aosom..M3UP Y. 1:701. Y. Bandar Chorea Train from mid tom m. att Sods Mont.— 1:00 P.n.. 0. IM a.M A. It no% ..It FRANKLIN COTTON WORKS, E. HYDE'S & SONS I=l 1M1=323=1 COVEBLET YAIZN - , CA:NUL KWICK EU= I=l V' EST CANAL nTitEET. betwee.Robinson and I..eoebi Allegheny City. rig. I'. N.—Ail orders oy mail •ttevduJ to. n 09,19 FIRST - CLASS LOOKING GLASS AND PICTURE FRAME MANUFACTORY• J. LY ONS, No. 110 Wood St., Pittsburgh, ps Kee on band ato order, the FIN ItrT bTl'Llf. nd tilLT.manufactures IttrgEW to. ID sod WALNUT, t.t./VAI. and W./11MM bilttlldltt, PoIITItAIT and PICTLIaIt FRAMES, Certain Cornice, Bands sod Buttons, eoneols, Tripod aud Itracket. Tables of exqutatte dealgn and work= anallllP.. ;LI/INV , AND EitUILDfNO executed In the highest style art. Xie - 1. • RIC ItuUk.KATE. noLn3lltwo BUSINESS 2LLVS COMMERCIALCOLLECE, 6 and S st.Uair Street. = N A a.Neering, rcumauslifp and Arithmetic, time unlttnited sad up , thliirtis and Penmanship per quarter • tlui:a months .ithip, per mouth •olars or Specimens, addren N. SNAPPER. or 2.V, IdeCLATbiIiNDS. GOODS. BRONZ E,G ES and Chandeliers.- Oarbon Lam. Also WABBA: BON IIIL, Isbo JOH] 04. 4,o•••.•rlArier pRIVATE DISEASES. O7TIC ISM FINN BTRIXT. near Him& • • or nine cure o,touts 11111411 entire l y rivate and. ter from two to e, by s ol new and. L treatment. • Also, itemizer Weaknera. an. all °the. Mama.. 01 the genital MTSea and heir arovetron. Cure warranted or moy el. Mire boare-7 to In a. ar ne ., I tore:and I,uae no 3 P. O 100.... a letters. it.. W... 00 . ,11,10 ETTACIFI & "'EASON, -1 iILICCE.I.nOIth CligonglAN MANN. Menolheinrent Of OAK LEATLIER BELTINU. No. 11 Oblo Wee. Allegheny (Illy. Al. full .portroent sa posingH. NN DEROIIN.S. No. 1.0.1 Liberty Pitisbargh Va. OYU. CLAIM, boot. of Worn... .1.17 iWeO VOW., vrg. frkizi(?:-7,..7.,Agur0.vi E. FILZU . K. A.LIVATI4I3 A CO. 'g ave *. band or prepare oa sbort.otlee Ii St WILIIYur : • - - do . do •. "tor no , anter" do do •. ”Coullnental" do do . Moe Lead.. for Oil Keener.; Red Lead sod LltharE.; c ,dor. dry and lo oll: Vor T. II NEVIN CLL'S. G.. al. W. pornor Third and IM art t Sta. MADISON STARCH AGENCY.‘ J v.t rreetvtd. • . Peul 141111 3/1 .•• ta11,.. do. Ito •• Cur- dn.: 01 •1 . - rOr safe lovr w trit - • '2on n .h B Lr e .l .. • cal WM./alga Lro[iltL.ll V(004 Higly ta q 0 . Iffi