DRY GOODS, INVISIBLE lIIITESS TRAIL TIDE NI.V, SHAN& 7O Spring, 1867, J. W. BRADLEY'S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (OU nounix. spntni(t,) SKIRTS, The fiend tom cat awl most comfortable sttic i at tro•I Isom! NEE ALL FAShjOht hitt ' . the .cralrealn T ue"'tur,"WOALL), and TIP-TOr IiTYLES. • FOR SALE EVE[ ICRTIERE AT Wfit+LVAAS by a thlruhn Icading nod pry Goads Mut E e. ll l'uralt. Ma by 1.11 I)wdera rataal and EZeill.6l,o M o, ILLUitt, tU.era. WESTS, BRADLEY & CARY, 97 Chambers Street, IMBEMI CM= k . EMPRESS TRAIL, PARIS TRAIL, PRIDI OF THE WORLD TIP, TOP SKIRTS, FOR SA LE AT F. XL EATON'S, , n , 21 17 F.1.111:a. 131-root. 1867. -NEW SPRDiG GOODS • Ai CARLISLE, Aro. 19 Filth Street, LUTE JUST OPEN & I) A t3PLENDID At3SOET EENT OF JET, ANDER AND CRYSTAL • Dress Trimmings and Buttons EJAMRITRO WORK AND "REAL LACES: .Ut'Ei,ll ENULISIL RLR RV . ..S. all shades: TRU t. 1,11 01.oV El, Spring styles; COURVOIhrEIt`h KIU G WV ES. all shades: - ENULOIR AND IiKILILAN LiVeIEILIC, all sl THE "STAR" SHIRT, On land nod =do to order Inyisible Empress Trail Skirt, New slaspe for Spring. 1567 ".Ir-.70 2ELLEC3r4III6ISTIEI.,, I= Wholebolto- Corsets, Potent .Forms IL complete assortment of F•APRR COLLARS AND CUFFS CITY AND COUNTRY . MEECH AN T 9 wlllll.l our Whet. sale Department stocked with um suitabe for their sales. which we gnats. - um to sell show as any Eastern Jobbing Rouse. PLICRIM & CIRLISLE, • I+3".cr. 19 Sl2t}s /Stroot NEir NEW GOODS 1 JOSEPH HOB,NE'S & CO'S , Having made alceond addition to our already large Stock of SPRING GOOD' Wo sic Prepared to or, inclocctoests, both In price bud assortment, to . , • Blanco!.loin, Handkerchief-, n w Cotoren ano Velvet 'banana. • ()Wotan and Clam, Lano. Baal Tnread and Pointe [.ore. Button, styles end color, Corsets; Belting, Buckles • 0 ;1a 1 ,1re!!!: ' STE • boring Under Wear, •. Alga I.atlre 1310 (Bose, . Inatelble real! bklatn'ln blnale and • Duplex.' A large assortment of "(lents' Sleek Ttes, Enarfe nnd BOWS. tinspendent Shirts. fat Fronts. ac atorrlion's Star Sp,gla.srilgs,goitinets;.liat Flower!. Trimming NI talons, 11111tet It!him rlain and Fan , y s .all widtas. . . • • . . OWL WHOLLSALF. itrbilifi, all etslrs, wit be Retool complete Ina/II Departments. Peal ire will end it to Mete . advent•toi to else as coll. Prlees al low at Pastern Jobbers. 77 and 79 Market Streit. fer2.9o NEW GOODS! NEW 110 USE! New House! New. Goods WM. H. MILLER, (vormerty or YAWN, .11LCItUll CV" I.te Y. Y. EANU.N.S.) WILL OPEN Abolit the First of Apr NO, 64 IMIKET ST. WIVE AR ENTLUIS NEW BTOCliur Triminings, Lace Goods, Embroideries, Ribbons, Gloves, ilosicry, • And all GOODS nsnally kept In • FIRST CLASS TRIMMING CM Notion House. Intl 01,8 "JIL.IISiri r g r aDOELI For the llistlri Seitson KID GLOVES, all colors NECK TIES; FANCY BOWS; RISTOB.I. BOWS, etc =I V. MI. ETNON'S, 17 Fifth Street, CO., CAPP2,7O9",..LT.Tt • . DICALMISDI • FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS No. 04. 17 , 17c,c.c1. TI Ird nom atene Diamond AlleT,) • •Stall • 117115.1SUBett. A. DRY GOODS, TRIMMINGS,. SEASONABLE GOODS French Percales; ChanOway(anghams; French Chin! ze White Goods; Shan ts; Balmoral Skirts, Hoop Skirts; Print 1 French and Domestic Ginghams; Sheeting and Shirting Muslims; Tickings, Table Linens; Napkinq, Towels; Cassimeres, Tweeds, Jeans, &c., = VERY LOWEST RATES Wholesale and :Retail, ral WM. SEMPLE'S, 80 and In Federal St, aLLEGniurr tart% 01,13 LEVEN SHEETING J. M. BURCHFIELD & CO., No. 87 r.fLeti - la.cot 121t-ree3t EU DOOR TO THE SIGS OF THE "BIG BOOT,' Have the beat and cheapest stock .of SHEETING LINENS EIZEIEM 10-4 LINIEN SHEETING. 11-4 LINEN 611EATINO. 1 4 LINEN SHEETING. 5.4 PILI OW LI SENS. . • 10.4 SII TINU SI USL INS. S.4SHEETI\U BUSLINS. OA SHE STING MUSLINS. TABLE LINENS. NAPHINS, TOWEL?. CRASH. STAHL LINEN. MAP.SEILLES GUILTS. 1/I.IIITY for Spread A full assorlme at of g,odm of tu cry deseriptlo hoods. pil: .390 1867. SPRING. 1867. , ARBUTHNOT7 SHANNON & COMPANY I.III6IITERS AND JOHDER± OF Dr Goods and Notion Offer tFotrlnrge mY citracttre E,toz.k or NEW GOODS AT EASTERN PRICES Eil Un rL S AY?T ?S iZZ I I T .. K I.s...P S..I{6 . DOIt ne, tAanIMF.ItEd. COTT C 0... A iitls..lEANn ItLEACIIEU SNIP BROWN SH KETING6 tilt ISELINTINGI3, SHA OILS. SKIRTS. Ht,61F.11.1', GLOVES. ar.. r. Ilnyars are Invited io call and ezamino ou goods And prices. at N 0.115 Wood Street. ABBUTLUNOT, SIIANNON L CO 7 AND SO MARKET STREET, Daily Arrivals., In • 411:100 to our stoo.klof NEVI SPRING GOODS, writTE GOODS, EDBILOIOEIZIVA LACES. AIANDISEUCHIEES. SASH AND BONNET TOLIIMING ASO • IMECIL or every width and chada, Best quality of SATIN RIBBON. all width. CltibrAL. BLACK andT.ll.lkl- HttiNG Van And ttliTTONd Lltir Alexandre lin, (I LOVItIitIIIISIEUT and GLOVE, of e•ery de...Cotton. NEW r TILT. 0 r HOS r. Ina: received for La dle., Mine, nod CC Ildreo CCIttiETS AN° HOtt? SKIRTS. all mtie s. A fall 'lnfo( ENIS' Country Druler• will find to our WHOLE eALE DETANT,SLENT, a fall 2695ortmeat at. Enatern Prices. MACRUM, CLYDE & CO., 78 and 80 Market Street, EME3:I 2 7 FIFTH STREET. NORWEGIANS. ZEPHYR KNII' rttAWl , , 110SIVIY. OLDIES LISLES. SILK AND KID. LA cF.. • EMBILOIDERIEN, NOM ENTITIDIED lIANDKERCHTKFS. FANCY ' YANN. RICHOSH, IIoNNKTEILK,, Lezipt43j,LM,.C9lLS/LT liour DEMNISON, 9 , NO. SIT VITTH IiTREET 27'rIFTLI STREET. bu N 'lNFiTN;o• l :l l, lf.% B &? , ''' DRAW X 117rablllgiTgLIglE\TEN itiTTC.t6,RT KAY ill DMA 3, 1; /1131:ELLA2. IC., AT IrENIII3O3PN, NO. 21 FIFTIIHTI27..y.T inn, nr.ill (Lath o nOf nntocri, Barnes Iltr.)","'"Arr ROBERTS Sc SHERRATT, ..x.ksoriorcnr.r.6 or Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron Ware, No. 01 SMITIITIELD STREET, Neseroarth Street, rrrrststmon. Hatfleonttantiv_on band a general aleorttnent Tot trkt'Fin. Min. Jag tnned. Linvot.land Block W ARK: Vast, Bled.tisites. Cutlery. neoten Hiner? Lampe and Ilouee Fornithlng In Reneria. which that . will tell Wbuteeale and lte rrennyi attentlno given to Itoollng, Liven:lnle t and aa . kind. of Job Work. inarM•unt WALL PAPERS, GOLD EIILIOSPEDPAULOII PAPER; WOOD AND !MARBLE IIIIIATION PANEL PAPEIDI: TINTED PANEL PAPERS, for Par- Lora and CoILLOC". In New Designs, at .XO. 101 0.11.181 C ET STREET (Near Ylfth !Urea t.) JOS. B. UUGIIES & BRO. BIWA! BEaas, 0/ALLA IN GUNS, RIFLES, PISTOLS, \, l Hardware, Cutlery & Variety Goods, No. 3 St Clir Eked td door from the Bridge PliTtilltgUll, PA Ammouttlon of a 0 tlnde alwaytoo Land. lions and 1010.01 a rePairad. sors around mad let. Alia, peakalfa Nada, Bartell. , WEDNESDIY, 17, 1567 110RIUBLE 11*P.DEll A Woma Drown. Km Child Of n Neil:fib n er In Ilorret—She rise.. ("ea...of lee on the 13001 to Keep It Iteneoln the Sorfnee—fho 04110 of Another Netgltbor Thrown Into the tttfltEMMltCl • .I,e.ritell From ile Periloon Yo. ltion —Trio. Terrible Deeilii Com:vatted Threrm Vinutrttie Motives—Ar- rest of the Female-Fiend. from the (1/1“go Tttp,, 1:o.; Twentyllrst etreot, tin Keen Stile and I: , rasikle stre€As, Wits 1.110, Saone of a series of lahilman outraccs yesterday afternoon. Fdr many months must, a woman calling selfltory Ontonagon has been reacting a moan frame cottage to the locality M ated. She repreaente bertell aa a mar d woman, but rismorm reflecting upon her charae ter be ve been current connecting her name with that of a negro in the neigh• borlux,d, eum,equently rho has been shun mql by her former neighbors. This' woman has always been an eye-sore to the entire neighborhood, and the female portion of this community have ever stoat in dread for the safety of their lives, as her threats of murder were both loud and frequent. During these brawls she had frequently threatened the bets of the children living in the neiglibmheod. ' The family of Michael Kl,Lltalgil, residing 1 at ISt Twenty-fir,t streutper next door neighbor, has been in the habit of rceels , log something more than their share of her animosity, and these people have been ful ly aware of the state of Ler feelings toward them. Yesterday afternoon their little girt, about four years of age,had been allowed to Play In the yard, and tor is few minus the attention of both parents was directed te from their offspring, by being railed to the front of the bobbling. On returning to the rear fir ill° house, to look after the safety of their child, which Mettle moment had 0000 to elected, it could nowhere De tired. Idstant sch ri Institus ted about the h e o ar use anti yard.. In the course Of these researches, which wore I.rticlttated in by a number of persons, in cluding two policemen, seine one advanced to the vicinity of an out.lio.o situated lit the yard, and beheld a little girl crawl from beneath tire s te al-like covering, which had been raised on posts a little al.ve•the to level of tbe,ground. It proved to be the da u ghter of Mr. Kaysnagh's next door ael4libor, named Patrick Pidgeon, a child about live years of age. At !hit It was vol. ablO do speak, and of roarer could give no resgon fur having been lu such a fearful preilleament, but when it gained sufficient ceneelb.ness and breath to articulate, the child instantly accused hire. 13rannagan with the uotioulssion of-the evident intent to commit murder. When Mr.and Mrs. Kav anagh lietiel this recital, their fears inertia red ten-fold, tout the search for their own child was prosecuted m all redoubled en-1 orgy. Adjoining the low fence separating the yards from the Melo:senior Mrs Braving. , gun stood n. barrel three-fourths full of vain ter, while on the ton there was limiting large cake of ice. ;More for the reason that :tie search should be thorough, than under any expeetat ion orlihding the body In that locality, the lee fells lifted out of the watts„ and there to tile horror of tile bystanders' the body of it child came to the surface. Itl was the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs.' Sehorier, and life was not ittlite extinct. lint its con-l: was such that no medical \ skill could save it, and It died within a few 01011.10Ut8. The body bears evident marks of great violence done to it, and the neck 15 almost black from efforts at strangulation. The 1 . .11111 slew, spread like w i ll-tire about the neighborhood. Among all these people there was 1101 teen a doubt eXlires aed ita to vale could be the perpetrator of this second outrage. The author of the tirst wasinnananously accused of this, and this feeling became only more decided when it was known that she had endeavored during the afternoon to coax several other chil dren within her yard. Crowds of i7eople began to gather about the premises. Everybody Ilytrig within a block or two was there with the exception of the alleged criminal. She barricaded every 'avenue of ingress to her dwelling, and then placing herself ate, window. with a hayonet for a w.pon, elm threatened_ Instant death, should any one possess the hardiboal to come near her person. t e etrict curs vetlience was Instituted over premises. Evidently for the purpose al malting her es cape, being under the impression that the pollee had abandoned the vicluity, the made her appearimce in the yard, and was Instantly secured by officer hi. 0. Barrett. But not without a severe struggle was oho ai last confine I win te easel the Twee. vtleet ithhW Aittiiiegh In charge of two Dineen , ' title demote fonglit and ieslsied all the way to the station and the air was tilled with bervoleu sins tercel !earful oaths and bias ,henries against both the living and the deed. This lahrunau Creature is about titty years of age, and presents in every respect the Most fearful type of low degraded womandrsod. 'Pilo little girl whose lite war saved by nothing less them a miracle, is 11103 t pO5l - in her eau. She statea that having coaxed coax. by ,Mrs. Brannagan Into her yard, she was suddenly !wined by this wo man, and while her cries for help were sti lled she Was east into the vault. With re- Markable presence of mind, perceiving a small opening at thu rear, 0110 struggied:Der way towards the aperture, and at last sue ceeactl- la extricating herself altogether. Although she was enabled to move her limb s:s he had apparentlY lest all control over tier Voiee, egad lentodaring all her fearful strugXles ebb was nnitte to give a bin gle 0000ey 10 attract attention. Thu popular eseltement in the vicinity where those outrages occurred is fearful, and uhno,t. beyond the coat rolot the police. The coroner has been not 111.41, and an in. 41 urea over thn remains of t ! he little w ill be held to-tlay, when sti colditional and interesting facts will no doubt be A Not - Oulu the Art of Nov ig orlon — A - Slolatore Vessel so toss star Astons Ile St ilthuot Elsner Hells or Steam. The latest invention of th laud that It is our province to chronicle Is Itf thu nature of a piece of marine r.lachineri, but which will obviate the necessity of steam, 11.011.Wi1l all tau Same timed° KRA? with the 11.01.1., thus discarding the calls 111 . 01Wr,1 and yet receiv ing the 11102200 power from four fans or sails .Of O 50003; In short the 111 vest non is nothing more nor less:WM II wind luta chip, the in chinery of which is Tory attnplo and O. II Y 1 kept In repair. I - , Au upright tower, scventfeet , In height from the deck, compered of woott and hob low lit- the middle. alter the lashiolt of ti Pump, contains . iron rot which IC attach etl to a ]evolving.bead on; the top or to tower, and minim; through this I , ump or tower, to a crossimr restlog'l,oes the kuk n, Where, hp the ineanS of two miter wheels, svorklute at right angles, a lire acting shaft le nastle to turn an ordlim Propelling wheel. The rod IS con:tool to its proper place In the seater Of the tower by means ofjouruals. Capping; the i tower are two miter wheels war SIM: 01 UM revolving helui, and through this bead p the counter shalt tO u Melt the wiud mill i 9 la. tacked. These fans furnish thorrotiso power, and arc composed. of four oak frames, in the form of a common window frame, the sp..ce 11l tile centre Immo; occuptol with canvass working an Iron rod, which, by muses of halyards leading to the decks, can be roofed at vi I. A ruversitot motion is obtained trom the double wheel en thu Propelling shaft, Mutt worked by a clutch loading lit to the cock pm ill Iron kitting (ruin the re volving head to the 11relt; end 11011 there by a set-ncrow, and working on a suient of ' a circle on the dock, coald. thou vigator to lay her as close to the wind as any ordi nary sailing vessel. The credit of thls invention betook. to Captain John Powell, a mitive of Brooklyn, who is now engaged in budding a small yes. eel about the sm.; of the famous lied, Whi Of and Blue, to be worked 00 this novel prim elpie, In which he propi.e4 taking passage for Camper - about the middle of ilium tiumt. The dimensions of his vetisel will be us fol. ills,; length,_ t.W.J1114-ti, feet; breadth 01 beam, seven met; depth of hold, three feet 10 thu moo of storm., Le 'can easily ream take In hle culls and Itemett Ills vessel to, will , a drag. Captain Pow,ll feels confident that he can make between six and seven knots per hour.. In'an ordinary Itreeze,—.)/. I. lit rata. -; ! =t= Many of our readers w ho have admired the exquisite tracery of limit' structure dis played in the denuded skeletons of wawa, may be glad to know bow td make such pre nitrations for themselves. The following method bus been communicated to the Do. bailout Society Of Edinburgh, by DOCLor LL. Dickson. A solutton of caustic soda Is made by db. solving 3 ounces of washing sesta In. two pinta of boiling water, and adding one and a half ounces of quicklime previously ela. Cod; boil for ten Win Mee, decant 1110 hlcar solution and bring It to the boll. During the ebullition add the leaves . boil briskly for 90190 time—say n ur 2 occaslonally adding hot water to supplytile place of that lost by evaporation. Take out a leaf, put it ' in a vessel of watt:roil:el rub it between L 110 angers under the water. If the epidermis and parenchyma separate easily, the rest of the leaves may be removed from the solut o- Dun. and treated in tile oasis way; bait n then the boiling must be continued for tome time longer. To blexchlhe skeletons, m about a drachma of chloride of lime wi th ix a pint of water, adding se Mcient acetic , lick' to liberate the chlorine. .Loop Vic IeaVOS In this until they are whitened (about ten min ute/. taking cure not to let them stay in 'too s long; otherwise they are apt to become brittle. Put them into elerdi water, end gent them out On pieces of paper. Lastly, remove 111001 from the paper bolero they are quits dry, and place them In a I,ook or botanical press. The Nine Pipongled itinte. One of the VoLerana el the war of. Itill., Col John T. NV arnerrread before the IlistOriCal . Society Of l'enneylean la, at its meeting on Monday evening. un I nteretatug and detail. ed account of the circumstances attending the composition and publication of "Tile Star Spangled ILanner.' ,. .l 1. west:lest printed by inmitonlit Dues, of Ibilthnore, to whom it was Winded by the author soon after his release from the /11 . 11.1e0 vessel on which lie woo de during the tneirlollolo Ken 023 which mical 11110 immortal effusion. /t was drat sling by Ferdinand Durang, in a email frame house adjoining the Holiday / street Theatre, to a company of young vol. untecrs caged together for he - purpose of listening to its inspirmg e al.. The air 111 . 1 .. a "AfifteroOn In Heaven' . 'so adopted at tho suggestion of Mr liey n tl, as it Is peen tarty appropriate to the words and eent t alent. of oar great national anthem, it gain. et' Immortality that could scarcely have been secured tor the original song. Tho circumstances attending' the grit prod Den of "The Marsellaise , have becOrne widely knew by 0 populu pelt rtcure; nnd the ineltlenta related by Colo Warner pom- Flees a tooth . oeuper Itereet. to American eitizense—fhlindanhic n frt., • . ... . . . .... . _ . BS . Editors: On Friday evening the SPE C T—aIs " NOTICES .'. ! FOR SALE. • i 4 r mt. Mr. M. Johnston, a. colored gent lean . =----------- -----------!------ . --' - - ' '-"'• - -------- of talent and nrnlltty, tiellvcre4l 4. lecture at , CTA CARD TO IN VALIDS. i JOHN CROFT ifr. CO., the Congrokatfonal church, nee refereer, I •-•-• ' • ITIIi ; N I N O S :Th. A C1,,,,en. Wane retillek la- eolith Ansrlall I HEAL E.iTATF. AG ENTs. • -nutl,t, ' L libtory told Defenee ef the . ~, _.„ ~ d . ...,,,,' a ,;,.„,. , African lime. in Amer... , Mr. John,tria i 4 ' '''''''' "' ---- - ' No roOrt i t S ts-e•et• "'e F ' ' ' ''e •-• s lf alervous Weak ,- quite. s. young rein , yet, notwitloantnto,t rr'n...• , .r -a -0:c.0 - aa, Early 1- • 13° '- ' IPINY ' . i / IL! . / . a a .1 , LIFE IN SLR INCECO 1 , , . RAAmmuNCE. CIA the Inclemency of the weather on Fri.l.fy 1.. es?, wises, et the. Urinary end i.,,,,,„, 1 • I • FARMS. evening, he spoke to a afeel efnlient,f. Ile ' erimn., Ind Co ,4 4 .4. 4 1 c !ruts erdtsirOct a s bro,, ! presented the tIaIIIIS Of the co!ore 4 l tnipull,- ...% 4., 4.‘a ,NI amt yid..., Nags.; EC Sores. well Improve!. three talks frooi • Of New York, , tiOti in the States in a mnner , II 0 ,, e , for. „ .. 4 , . • th e " ! r.44!-- I lIMEOMen, In ll.arer county. P.. . • , 4 . , 4 4 3 , 1 4 c a red las Mils noble rem- 144 Act, s, Improved, 10 Fayette township, NO,- Is TIM 1 chile and convlnCing.' Lie shOwed that the 4444 ; 4 „ • -4 ' 4 : 4 - ' 4-4 ' . -- ----44 a . 4 - 4 ! _ mic ,.. ! -hen, count, or, n.lle f revs Man.nal.t. ! 5......5....-4,,,,......... s' in the World whites were responsible for the condituatt , fw.i• 0...5te,•.: le - s desire to hedakt s the ' ..i , fai i ten, i 1 r sed In I awronre t .... ! `4....., Con. faun, .„ ! _ Of the Weeks at, the pre=ont Cline. Alm at- , ,•I nn,rtnnate. I • 11l sand She recipe far I g o " Z ,‘ ;‘ , l lll . -.1.,6 .1 ' '"`' ' ' ,1131ic...'.. ‘•.`-'' '''''' : ( T,:i,',l,..f:', C c ”,T r lg.f:',' l t r l j,..:J, ' ; ' ilaZi s' ,;, ' , " l, 7 . , ter dwelling at mule lenatit upon the part • pc,arlng an 1 c 4 -4,. 1.1414 Intalc!Se. In • Walt. 1 ~,,.... tltkeri by the colored WWII 111 lite r ar. uent ' , ~.,..,,,, f„ ~,, na, ' r yea. ha e.t.a. aoeuty. ra. w.... , 4 - 44,4 4 44 nmant - °so oAcred, . i 1r4r444,...1. In Fa, me cont , i... . 1...,1,,,,, ~,, , ~,,,,, 1.4r,0f • On to shots what wen , the:: r1.4,14t. Ile Un- , ~,,,r. 1,,,,,, ,efj., 1,..,,,,.. 'tht,,,,,,,, , Weald r5,..,,,,,,,,,f ~,,,,,„ f.,,,,,. ' we ra.i enctirtoar att.:, lon to the fone.. founded for ht• pe?plo nil the rlghte, civil, • . h.,....„,. ,„„ : :, 1 , 3' 1 ed.o need. It, Fn 01 4 4M Ac 4, Socha oral polltlrnn., v. - Ith 11 power nod el., ' • :' ' -• • Impruree ~.,.:,, ~,,, ,„ ~„., ~,, 4 Ilr a rorent MI- 1,.. 4 4,4 4.1 4 tlllnols. Alm o r,Lir m - ,: r -- ! 4 ;, 4 , !! i - i. 4 , 4 „. • •,,„ m i! ,. !!!! ,,, of Nato 1 : 4- ,... Mo. 1• •,,,,,iy If ,•,' ' . ' ...1 irellto that spoke well fur OW 3.lll,:lkerLltlCl I -1-:' , L"' I . JII.EPIL , r; IN MAN'. 55,,,.,a Ir . :, ~, ~f., • • tn. 344. 444. 4 dal P. ta-,41 4 ..4444 tt4. 4 44,...er , V4 4 ,....n. also the met. which he so ably and tlt ly rep. ; . 4 . -4 a . 4. 14 4. 444-44441 b • H P 4444 1-144 a‘a , E• Y• L LIT. 1 """•'°- -- - - - "Nerd, leas.. Would tra.le 'of 6 Jl: , j , ”er.nr - 1 , •• ^ .. - n.r.• - • , • ..,,,,,•'... ,',.' -, , for ming Cerrta. PholOceoe ' "Night Blooming l'arrtlt. A too. oprir!, doErMo.rt .- Ammo , 11,1 from Om faro t 14,1 1.100.1111 . 41 r fr , .l !Orb It 1m m. its name. • Ilmufactiar.4 only by I.IIALON & MON, !New ]'or BI:WARE OP COI7NTEItrEI FOR .OALON'S—TAI:I; No oTitEil :Jsir• J• ZL 04E LIEBLP Y.lnurnolurorf D , znd ealers In TRUNKS, Valiseg , Carpet Ba t ,„ Valise?, k largo I.6o:lr:tent or Lrd:es , .` Ltellc.2l3 al all 06 4060. 7.tios. 101 and 10G Wood St., =M= MEI LNiAIREEIOUSE. BRIM BREED & CO., =MCP C.J.XI.rr.r.XLEA! 110. 100 Wood Strict. nItITSANNIA AND SILVER I'LArr.l/ TA BLE, WANE. TIZA.TDAYn NiA TAIILiS C CHINE I/1N al Zit. I&F.TIL ('NINA TDILATaLTA. CHINA VASK'n VIrIINEt1111:r1‘- n,,,lnllna LAVA. IIAID/ CALIAn24, LAVA VASCn. LAVA SCITTOONS. EHLIMH STONE WAR!: of all rarlttleo, DID N wbwe.oale And 1.e....DAD . .. Ttle lergret ant most complete Ltoel ofl vary Iblor In ILI , Hue lu Da: ally. - Cr:aca and tanna the Sanaa Asia Dr 55 - 1/ Tv ........ IRON CITY SPICE IllibLS; FIFTH STREET EXTENSION, .Irear Penrsayiratsin ..dre nue, Prrrsnunciu, PA. PURE SPICES. AND MUSTARD Wazrente4 when our name le on we ♦rU --- - , ,, ----- f,- , ,7-- - .1.,...,- , '-' : ''' . :'• .:'"-:-•-• '. l :.: Z- :4.- . . ,, •:‘, , ,.....--'-- • ' The eubseribcre manufacture and keep for sales at Wholesale and a large assortment of Letter Copying* Pl' CMS, combining tasteful designs with the best work -11111126 bill They may bn hod. with or wlibbut btands, at their Watt:mons. or of the Pflllteildti litatlO¢Cre 11.00rhOut the country. . 111.110 E & CO., 211 and . 31 Gold I.llrect, Now .1 Y.ll .1 , 4-111untrat!. , 1 Litt. amt. 01 appllcatlori. COOKING STOVES. Jr , t: No. 235 Liberty Strad _ `OR SALE A Fine Driving and Riding -A UENTI.IO,IAN utr I.AIII I nyllra It•!.?: 4 • STA R• n. P!().1t0 Prealdritt, J. E. T,V.:01-: General Agents, . .1 . 1 - 17h3/("ItULI 131t.ANCII, NO. 67 Fotirlt) street. A few mere .rtivc. valcarro. 1,1 , a I..nv Arenclea. r AGAINST LOSS BY TIRE. FRANKIiti iusußarac . :: eirRAPPAY •OF I.4IILADELPTaI.t. • odic, .1:15 nod 137 scar Clvwlep W. 11 , 1 - .11.,.7, ", :n .1 11. 1.0 u!!, r, re. 1,1 ..±arnticl Ant. J. G. 4. I:10N l:Crel . L. gent, cur. Lti:GroiT:,:vt , /Ire a. 4 Jri!LA 1I IN. mr....7roan John Irwin, Jr., ..;e4., Wm. 11t5...1. John 0. i,0,t,1100C. 0. W. H. Esorson, h.', rt. it. 11m,, Ll,lLtaeon. Fraurt,..s'cilerz: (. 7, 0 , 1e0 P.P.,. IDENN::'i/..7-11`a.A Mt:UNA:WE C OF PITTSEU99II, °A. 0i11ne,311 , 11114 Street, Eautt SW. 1. e. lio,o C.,rtpx..r.y, sadlniurc.l.R.ln.i. "" W l Y .g . .;llll . Vs ' T . l ' . 7 erm, r„ oo,st. - t:. C. 1 , 9 Y LE., Vlec• i'rc.Ll 1i•0t.... - - Ito ,Lt . EUT I'ATIV.CIi, 1 r..,aiurer. 1 -. .0011. :4P.'ZLHENI, 5. — ..1....r - Y. .. euza.i.;s Walt,r., 1 . q . ..0rge .. P .. ! , ,, , 31, • l, -C. 1,..710, ~..O.)A. s.r ri... L , ,, l'atlirk, 1 r .‘,..‘,.) .1:1 , , , , J.. 1. n V 0,0,1' i 3:i. ii..li , A.. Ai.., , .... . Iv t•IM __•.. -lktr.4 . . ti• r,r7 WEtirfrlECti cp auttre. . Will IlltirJ re. Lga.CL L 1,1,115 of Fire me! atiin. A illrecLor l ..e:lknoleu to premr.e. the ct•ra,t , ther Lave CtaT!tj, th, thO! 1. Lex. %Il l i • ' TM': • ! 1 i 111,am V •,. `. V.~. L..... i_3s ~._ IL S. CO:?. M.:1? PIFT.Y A 11111•11.: E.14:,11 jo:',l E. 14:1,, • oON4. 4., A,.‘ , , , --------,---, - - 1..., AAU VrItANN•••....... t• A. FOCIIMAra. , I I KAU FM.A.NN & CO., ' MOH NAL WY,/ Best Fa ly Coal,Nut Coal and SI adi Alw,yl . on 1.1,1 00.1.1,2:7.p:4 ..QUI. OFK{cli. C 33. EL , E.F.IZON A D PENS ..TS., Y A v Valt IBM 1•ITT,'BUIV.111, l'A. .Y..A, . .4 L. MILLI.. .• M. CLAAISI, & CO.. Gas Coal Works, 11• r: awl dtelers In SUVEIII.Ii GAS A . 40 AIYI Dr II.Y t ',UT CO nn,l LUCE le EN 1,11;.1 . f1 . 47 111, ' ; ' ,COUA .orr Llt.erty tan. , 311 , 1 Irgln nil. r, Lt,rty butt,. tuna It. IL. oel. o - V;,,),1e•...,1iarn,:1t; >;t•t,, .. r - All ord , I , ft at • Itner th, at;uve places I, rd., 1. 4 . 0C1T pri"r COAL COI*PANT. and. kni rn in t , upert,r V. , 1 111 5 And ht. a,. Nut Co:O. rxi Qt tce 8an1,71.1u11.1.. log, r3ro. r Lb,rty stittt an.l Vlrrin y. Itrapril com, Try Thlr.l etrrtt..., l'lttst,Urgh. °rat,. I. ft at Ott, of the abvtr Pi.ece 1..111 pron.a.t .at.nttun. Posit:Mee Addresm LW:OO7, rittettigb. J. J. L. FAHNS , TOCK. WU. M.N.,: AUT. , Jul": J. J. lsn.L3si , ll,l , ..•t. I Al 11. 2,01.16 y, ..i , eer 50... Tr. a:tur. . R. MI, C1.21-NIX st CO.. Managers. Ist ~sq • 1/ITT!..!IIVICGSI NATIONAL COAL AM) ceKECOMPANY. Mal )f login, Shlppers deAlerz, whole.nlo mad retail, la 1.1.. . . BEST FAMILY COAL MX - Ext Goal • ra.sa.cl. Oil'ICE AND YAM), cur., _Fourth anti Try Wee,. All ..r.:rrs for dr;lvory In thr. ~ O , t roeot West, will otert prompt...ld Inono , llste ltrr.- 11. A. HAIN Alt!. 1., tend. COAL: DICKSON, STEWART IR. CO., No. :$67 LIBERTY STREET (Lately CUT /lour I!II!) tiECONII Fllolt, Are now prcpar. , l so furnt,h LUMP. NUT COAL Olt SLACIi, tor.c , t ord. I,!t n:th,Lr nflice, or nd Iress,cl to Shunt thrvug4 cke 1u41,, will tn 4 to p!-atuptly ul y tl:bn ell Alt LES it. )111 It!! sTRON 41, LLALaIt YOUCELIOCI I ot EN Ytpt CONNELLS VILLE fa,turt, COIL 31s orx of Conhislnetc. and nemdphnriseti Cot , . Vit'F. 1 A NU, Corner of ❑ IN and Morton; first , 3 . rd ,ty to l idler ntr. eta, N Intl, ward, andon 43 , ron , l Itrtrt, Sot, 1'1.0 , 1,1,11, PI. Earollies and ga t ,NlNllltfartUet p : 11, l ill:ti tp or t uso a WI the artlclL of Coal t at Coke " Or ', le.s Ira at ens or tltt;! r ours rrlll r , cel prompt a...ion. • ELEVENTH AND DIARKE STD mnoca..ea,s3=r-.X.=1,12.. moot:aim:l of guetts, olth all the eppotot montS • yin.-ir-ci.x.ts HIM: L. CURLIS DAVIS, I A PIIIIME lIOESE, Philacitlphia Itiou 032 S. FERGUSON, 11 . fl. 31e.C . 011.111Cii, .a.ttcarxLcy.vet.m.,,,, VP.O.i. JE. 11.1.1 NE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 07 FlSth E3troot, \V. A. 'LEWIS, JOHN W. RIDDELL, OFFICE: 13:i FOURTH STREET, ..erttr.m !lANC-c. M=S COAL, COKE, &c WEE llxvltut removed their 0M!..e.t0 HOTELS BINGHAM HOUSE, Thu new and elegant anon open far lb P/OPIIIETO/ 1 . d,g:rm,twr rite $ t.Crvron 1:171-.• trasc.l ua. firOrat, HAI., a t4,,n R.F.TITTer 4. • r El, 1$ A S NNEF. gr.,-Cts., Hotels IL:luta:7l ,ll a tA rt , tl;rB Y. A 4 VA1[1.4 . , lArurrE ziousE, PERRYSVILLE, ALLEGHENY CO., PA. Ne,sly r. ,ILtt nna rral!c to rt.- Tleso , Acrl! ,, t n:,t I , lne 0.t.0.. his rutt-tut w:II thr n!!.Prn..”ll. PROFESSIONAL. Attorney-at-Law, E=i3 !..7 Grant Strect • From,: attcoll ,, n glvc= to s.ll lino. of =MEM ATTORNEY AT LA.W, No, 93 Diamond Street, ' PITTSBURGH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, =i=! rEMBI . • . lIIACEOLELL, ,ITTUa EYd COUNSELLOR AT LAW, No. C 9 Grant Street, PITTSBURGH, P. BROWN, i Lug L.... Claim Agent. U. 6.. Com.,] Cuq•,No. vi Fourth St., second floor, rr'rreuunuu,PA. Ltp,ms 07 pAI Promptly Collected. ' No cin.rge made until Calms are Ltillel, and u but a modelain tea. S.lOO. lIIOUNTY. ADDITIONAL BOUNTY. LOST DISCHARGES. eethliers who have lost their discharge certift 00,3 and who are otherwise .11.113.1 to the eseldi Utica' - SIM) bounty. esa have their C." at tended to by calltsid on or addressing IT. J. & HALL PATTERSON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW AND CLAIM AGENTS MM! SOLDIEIIS , BOUNTIES, PENSIONS, Extra Bounties, Back Pay, tkc., Co!lect,d I¢ ibe Hborte.t pox Bible Liz., by 1-'x. 1111(TIVN. .1011:4 b. L6ItBIY-. Altnrileyk at 1,44 r. No. 114 lflUtt etruet,. VITT4BIII. rnt,r..4 14, j OILS A. STRAIN. Ex-Officio, Justice of the Peace AND MLACE: 311,01efitaTa. 01lice, 112 Fltth St, opposite Cathedral, F!V liii.4l h,td, hoa: ]long Sae , nowledam < en DcKlt:nue and n.u‘ t i a d , wan promptniesand Ma pitch. rnin:sl I ) t'UELIC t E PTIIE A NI) Rh: ftL c d ai l FiL :r Allftlil. Office, corner of Isn Cc: and rrILVOr .itreets. Lawrenceville. - cl.l alt•otIon gtven totoeparefmee and talt of I,olF:state. the Colltdtlon of Itenta. andthe pre•matton and arknowledgeoent of all [lnds of J AN CY:f Jostle.: of Um L'eadd and fidtary rdl.ll. s.triortitovs; ALDERMAN MID CONVEYANCER, It 'Pennsylvania Avenue. Iv( sf ktugoa 0p09t5 Chthara Etret na72-2..211 CELATELCII T. EIVOG, Attorney at Lag, No. 09 Grant Street, Pltteburgb, Pa Cr Cox:rasalon , for (nlo. Ileututr 7. Weal ,Ir Ont. Sileso , trl an•lntner Marrs. rarlemAl 01131 C. IIIcCOIABS, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. No. 87 Fifth Street. 44-r..,..1=5. Bounties. and Arrears : r l'sy raoturtly roltreted. o 4 LIERCH.ANT TAILORS OPENING. A 1.111 G! IND COIPLEWASSOI TIENT OF BOYS' CLOTHING, For the Spring Season, AT VERT 3IODERATE PRICES. GRAY fi. LOGAN, 'No. 47 St.. Clair Eitroot. ar.1,3 H,ENAY G. HALE SOLTIMEST COIL IBS SSD ST. CBE SM. NEW SPRING GOODS, JUST OPENED, COILCI L.•:1 \Ei All the Novelties of the Season :iuch ea is only f,und la • First-Class Merchant Tailoring Establishment. MOH HESPENHEIDE IVlereliant ICo. 50 ST. CLUB STREET NEW SruiNu GOODS fast opened. AM Int and new Uric patterns got ap In the latest tut ern styles t0b4:1159 PLIIHBING. GASTITTLNG 1. L. ASSVOOD..B.FO; . ROCA rums. ATWOOIt BRASS FOUNDERS STEAM AND GAS FITTERS, Cor. of 3rd and Liberty Streets, Aboso Carroll 1 Snyder's, Clttsbursh, Penns. Light and Heavy c.ungl furntslara pro talc attentlon pall! to the ilt{fri, out and repa Sc.,lrlme or till Ote-antbo,ts, ytnlllnb e. Se. Agents for A. S. Cameron & Co.'s STEAM PUMPS ANL/ BLOWERENGIN ES, . •rbrz,, Purnne have annerlorad= s ltr:g. ' *y,:;.n.1,1F.'.-.3:.!V,:nTl4rrg frtS:unc ...... . ......... a. J061 , 80:t. lIERLEBY JOHNSON, V'Vt...a.CPX • XCJ. EVia Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters YITTII STREET EXTENSION. PX•X3'El:oasra-33., Pa, /114 orders by 1.111 executed utlesctortly ana cq e ltttia -Tubs. Pumps ' l ' U"S ' ii r es ' ;l?!. ' d ` .!; rtraxle at tae moot teuaaaLle from country rxtrOx.ls7 mall Prompt -11;t1!!!1:le!3 Iffifft BAILIFF, BROWN & CO,, No. cr. 83451 ..V• , o ciora3.lEl4.o ALLEGlffixr tirr. P 4 • • PLEMBEILS, GAS AND STEAM FIVE 1r ITTELtb, ter p alw•ya en hand A large ~ortment of riDRANTS. 'BIIIL=T LEAD. LEADPIVF, BATH TUnn, WA:111 DA. n , NS, lEII AND BRAM. COCKS. ami all mate- Da'. for 21DIng up public or prteCt m:idtcr• nll5 (1 snATSItor ,!•”"rM AIIIIISEIIIENTS Elf OPERA ;1012F.E. I.lk, lIEKSON - 11,-i:I,Y eVI-.2:l2:trllqi THI , .1 - 1:11 , AY EVE' I!,‘ cotnp:lmeWary e: 31?. SIDNEY .W. wr.lll,t wlll 11:11e. In gee.: pl=i et - .1:1L - ELM.MMEIEIT. -7- Ic.i.nc:ns OF MUSIC. TUESDIT EVENINU. &rIJL 16IH. IE7. ISOOT'A 01.1EltALIC CANTATA rr .7C-C 0 - 5r .nlz OX' is, , nattia.thr addition t , rt , '.4 rtuattententa. ttr Ore,. 4 1 -0 0 : It..,erved teata2ss•nta or ha r.t tr.toe, m vet April nth, at I,, , ,, , pe r tTat o'clock, per. lona:tn. , to 7... The vr t,l,,,cr.,rtnirrornt ne.l:l Co used for Ihr the Maine, Ile 501- ktr, At., Lunt ar,d the r2,l,llcre 31 , 0, turnt I, and. 3,11: XIS F:7,4 - r"VA I: lETS ES THEATRE. .1" r, Perrot t. of i.e Irt•nn fte and aeromldtahedPaa tos:lc:l: actrc“. Crt Ertl: 1: BELLE, who will appear In 111, ntllltary ,alralps entl.ttlert THE {LES, t}t nt•lt . Mt ,/ ILAN E eltirdn2llE. Mu t-r BAILS El and Iheentire company In ants 11, new and Meer , Cod proeramme. Vitra, or anurearttn—lte•erved treat. 75e: 1/11,6 iArel, 50C; 4.11 crr.:3sc; Yrlarric Bolts, la/ .01). OIL WORKS& CODIPANIES TACK BROTHERS, COMMISSION MERCIIINTS, I= Petroleum and its Products, rirTsuultail OFFICE—D.I.. Building rot Duo terne Los} oud Lewin street. L k1l1:L.1'111A ltYlrIC 3-137 Walnut st COSI, sa: OIL ra : SOHO OIL WORKS. lull & CO I= CELEBRATED SPERM LUBRICCOR Petroleum Lubricating Dili sperm, r....rd and Wha Oils, EBILLIGIo TIMMS' 0110 SEUL GUISE ALSO, STA!I)1RO WRITE BURNING OIL, No. 33 Market Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. SEND FOE A CIECULA • dc7m.4s WARING & KING, camasiosinEßCUASlS AIB BBOEIB3II PetroleuM and Its • Products, 4 /1 UQuEs.irE 11Par„ PITTSAVICG 11. PA raILAI/351.17L1.1. ADDItEe.9: • wAmeac. KING & CO.. .T11:115 IS7 Ws.'East St.. Ptah.. 11ENDRICK'S LUBRICITOR. =1 WHITE, BROS. & CO, N. York. E. J. ROBERTS, Agent, So. I St. Cletr Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. • Keep constantly on band Woo l " . I M . 1 "... ',';', O IL. 1 Dark Car 011. No. I. cotton ractor , l OIL Licht t " l : l L 6 F . ' c-h. put. car uu, N. 7- 1 I.Trt V:filCl n e ' .7.. ". L. w . , 1 , ,c; fi 1 . a 1N. ,..- - n031:06T W OOLDIUDGE OFIL IIdt.EFEILYG . . CI 01tdr...e...2V - 11", OF PITT6BURCI - 1. PENNA: irgior - l. L 0... . 4:4 1 ;,,,d Tress.r. WORKS IN TEMP/ ILINCEVILLE. • MCC', NO, 2 Duquesne Way, (Nflcr Ell.per.stox Brldze.) ILAIIIirACTURERS Or £U.ILX WaX BIT RNIN G OIL. . Brand—"Lacifor.''' WX.165 EMMA OIL TyORILS, )74,-icrJ.c-rur..6 or E U.ll.E.hd C4RI2 O.Y OIL, r The Celebrated EUGEKA SPERM LUBRICATING OILS, Ar.lWbolussla De Lien, la Crude, Refined and Lubricating 01Is, LAND. CrEltM, WIIALS AI)N 11.811 OILS. Nu. 31 Market, St., Pittsburgh. CI. NOES-TAM. .L% -6 - t- CM' and examine samples and ITO cemlneatee. n 015,014 BUY TUE BEST, PETROLIA BLUE LEAD■ FUJI OIL itzrix.Eu lianntuvared only and for sale by T. //. ./9 Er/I.X ti co., PIONEER PAINT WORKS, N. Cor. 3d and Market Sta., =MI M IM! vrm......... --D., AZDAILSOF. EAGLE OIL WOIMS, Loras o 22. cs e. WICHTNIAN & ANDERSON; - Refiners and Dealers in P ETR OLEUM. OYTICE. BF.CONP 141 - 01t.V, CVIt..NEII.ILL.N COCts ST. AND 1111QUEsNy. WAY. mri....113 BREWER, DUREX 41/. Co., COMMISSION MEILCIIANTS, • AGENTS FOR THE Pacific, Globe & Liberty 011 Works d i Ample storage for Crude and 'Retar OIL Lib eral cash advancev made ort constenments of Crude or lietlnoil Petroleum. Yards forstorage and blapment of Crude Oil at Lawrenceville. Order and tarot 1 . c sburg], • mvi ornerof Dugnesne s 7 and liancouß tarot, Pitteram BOOTS AND SHOEB. SPRING STOCK BOOTS AND SHOES, WHOLESXLE, it Greatly Reduced GEORGE F. KNOTT'S, Jro.loo FOURTIE STREET, FACTORY. No, 30, 32. 31. 30 nnl 31 RUIPtoN bTREET. rtiILADELrISA; A. AsToNlsuriG: BOOTS AND SHOES At Less than Cost! Moine Jost returned from the East. we are 'silting and thic to sett good roods at it.. price. than Iv coat to mete teem. Come and examine for yourselves, at theold stand of J.ll. fr. W. C. BORLAND, • so. 99 MAIIKET BTICEILT. 'll door from Itilth et c 7. r ao FLELDLNG & BRO, ux 71.XL.D/SU ltannfactnreen and Denten In Ousst cam. 314Ciaioc10 BOOTS, SHOES & GAITERS, No.llo Ohio St., Allegheny. RoPnirinn VrOonnlT onoontOol on ADO .bortnt not , . . cen-outs 7333 pIOAKLANDTTSBUIRGII NURSERY AM) UHEE&MOWIE`h—JOiI& R. & • • MURDOCH. InlroeeWn to John Murdoch, Jr..) &WW2:HYMEN AND YLAIRISTI, PIUS. tmett. Po.. Solicit atteution to their extoOMVO steel of Fruitand or ,smeotot- Trees. Era greens. timpe YU." , nod Uroenhoust Plouto• rittsttoren nod Oakland Po.ttOg.r Con MN. the b1,r13 , 10135e1l ct'or) muostes. , . (LOVER SEED 7S llnsbEls rarlyed att...., sad for 'sir by ,ILTZEIL All.-115THONO: ta Uri Ilia ClB. LI hi MI PITTSBURUII