IRE PITTSBURGH GAZETT E. --___ • rifhWilLIED BY PBNNEIIIN, & CO., AT GAZETTE BUILDING, laseo. 86 Wittits Steer:at. F. B. PF.33IIMAN. a r. ROI:STUN. Eattatik 'JONIAII KING. I gu dy a mlLnme.. NELSON P. REED S Single Copt's...... I costs banyorod by tamer. (per we5kt.......16 'sots Matt Subseylbers, SILO% Lltiessl roduelloss to Newsboys and Menu. TEILIIES 102 WILEILLy Three COpal, per year, hl ma11............$ 1 50 Ytve do. do. ' da each....— 1115 Ten or more corder, to ono Adams.. and ont tre e to dub. cub CITY ITEMS. This. Week, ThIS Week, IDle Week. The opening oak, of new Spring Dress Goode begins at the new atom of Gardner & Stewart, on west corner of Market 'end Fourth strects,,tio. C 6.. Goods are all now style, Just purchased, and will be sold at the lowest dgures. Many of them are real bar gains, and range in price from 12%c per yard to $1.25; In colors most bettutifnl, and in maternal, exceedingly desirable. Prices fully one-half loss than lest season. / 0000 * ',section with dress goods we will offer an. entire now stock of dry goods at lett:ol3h logly low prices. .at SP*. per yard, one lot yard wicte line lCsrleton Ginghams, very bolt "Ties , Belling . elsewhere at 6134 e. At IStX,c, an extra heavy Domestic Ging. At 12340, Bid Bordered Beek Towels; Bead elsewhere at rec. yo, 614, Ty. YAW, extra heavy Damask and Loon Table Llnene. At Slav per yard, beautlfabllglit French Cloth Sackings. ♦t 611214 pad 111::5 per yard, Black 511 k for Sugars. As. 75 and 87%4, 5-4 ell wool Delay:Les, Sn al oolors. At 4175, extra heavy white Hamburg • A.taba, good Casalmere Tweed.% for boys' Wear. 'AA 15214 Spring Balmoral Skirts, cheap at WO. The choicest stock of French Chintzes lh the city; priCea low. Lawns, Organdies, French Cambrlcs, ured Brilliants. ;Lew stock of White Goods, clienp and very choice. Prints at 100 and, 123.4 c; fast colors. Yard wide Browrn 31nsi1a, 12%e. Basal. Muslin, from 10c np; 12%, 15. 160. Russia Crash, -foif • 1.014 c, title; sold every where at ISN's. • • Re are determined to open the Spring trade at oar new Store with new goods at low prices. Our cestomers and the public shall have the benefit of oar low purchases. SILK (Unite:m.—We are prepared - to show some vett. , seleet Styles, and take or ders at very poptdar prlees. GAZDYZII & STrIellIT, Neer Store, Were comer of Market and Fourth streete. AnOther Care of Coollanmptloo ISTATOIIiNT OF JOIFF 0. 9,0106.1. X 07 TORTL paean, ALL.EIZIII COIINTY. . I ReS'lllichniged from the United elate., army In January, PTA on account of a wound in the heed, from a shell, and a dis ease which the army phyeician pronounced CONSUMPTION. I 'had a terrible cough and fell away In strength and flesh and was unable to do - anything. Shortly atter my return from the army, I nude application to n -physician of my neighborhood and, afterwards, . M.:Li:toper In Pittsburgh . .of high reputntion, whose remedies I used faithfully for five Mbnths, without any ben efit whateier, but rather, grew worse, and wasted-in flesh and - strength every day. In . August, led, my mother took me to DOCTOR KEYSER, of 110 Penn street, whose skittle lung cases , like mine had been highly spo. ken of, and put myself under his treatment. The doctor examined my lungs very care fully with his LUNG SOUND, and told In that my left lung was badly diseased at the upper part, but 11 I Was careful be thought oei r he co mo by following his directiuna elm.; hich I did from that, ay to Cals. I y Improved under Dr. lieyser , s medic es hem the first week I commenced to takathent. , and my general health ;111.3 Improved, and my cheid, where -It was winked away, and where it paiced — me, has become full and strong and free ire= pain. I Shu now do a full day's work, and take • great pleasure in giving my testimony in favor of Dr. lieyser/s treatment and medP eines. Joan G,WIIIOIII-11, Turtle Creek FITTSUIDIOII, April 11th, 1%7 Chinese Ginger In Syrup. Tourtelot% Extract of Beef. Borden s Condensed.- ABM. Imperial Bordeaux and Turkey Prunes, Dates, and Figs. Seedless Muscatel and London 'Layer Ital. stns, Cross and Blaclaas , noted Pickles and Mustard.' Sauces, Jellies, Preserves, }Mien '.ups, Spiced and Pickled Oyster., Choco lates, fresh Pears and Pineapples in glass jars,'Catined Fruits, and Vegetables. Virgin Oti of Aix, Choice aimed Candles, all kinds of Foreign and American'Nuta phis Walnut Candy, Nuts, Bonbons, Au., Am • 056501 Baavisr, 112 . Federal street, Allegheny.. Go to the Conti mental Soloon. The best conducted and cleanlrestilestarb. rant and Dining Itoome In the city, for a meal dt for o Lklng, at the most reasonable of ,prices. Roltehelmer namkra how to cater to the hungry mllltono, sad it is nd wonder that the Continental, next door to the Post °dice has such an enormous patronage• ' Oar aprirg altylen • Consists of the following beautiful gar, manta: The Aspasta Sacque, Itlalorl - gangue, 3111Itaire Jacket. early Spring 3tan tle, .Duchess Patletot. Judith Pehstet , the Zaire. Jacket, Stills Paletot, andadl of the latest Parts and New York spring styles, Spence, No. 73 Market street. Spectacle.: Site . ctsclesd Speetneles! Peroecoplo Glasses In endless variety, ad. jested to the eight. U you are . suffering 'tram the useof common glasses, go to 00. seta's at once. Ile will sell you a pair that will relieve you cheap. Cool Ales—%posktioN Call to at !Thalheimer's popular Con tl nentalSisloort, next door to the Post Odle , on Fifth street, for a glass of gctod old alo ot_sparkling Catatrtst Try the Cough Candy It will do you good. Manufactured and hold by George Beaven, 11l Federal street; Allegheny City. • Over Three. Hundred Spring Sao:Knee In store and for ssle at three dollars each at Spence's,. No. 73 Market street. Eal= AssOrlment of gents' calf floors in . Fitts burgh, from $3,07 upwarUs. Orin♦ floes harm tv1.041.M. I=l Spring styles In Cloaks, Sseques and dress trimming, at Spence's, So. 73 Larked I foreign Liquors of all kinds at Josoph B. ri z onrlDl.tilbary,' No, IE9, 191, 193 and 195 Pare Drag*! . • Pure Drug's!! Pero Drugs!!! Pure Drup!!!! d Drell's, Allegheny. Slippers 30 cents, Sllppers 50 cents, 5119p050 50 0015t0, Ilorss Snot Ssons. • Every Palr,, of liceAseald Shoe!, dol4,llll.lllLllted, 6PERA HOUSE 5116.6.r0rt.: ;LOIT!Ot rriloll, In tho city for Boots and Shoes, OPERA I for s Silos S.roar: Boot !Limk ID t h e c ity, Boot. and Shoes; Urrsa. Sllol:S.rolM___ ' ' tiatisflustion. Guaranteed .in every eive,.Civen...l.l ,, cas Suannvou.n.:, • • Ilarwalns, In hoots and Shoes. Usataa , novas Beo tiToll.t. . S pring Mock, Of llonts and SbOen. / 1 011.. SRO STORE. ' • You 9.99 n Bu 9$ per Oat. Alcohol at Joseph S. Pinch's. Too Can Bay , . ---t. '''',-- . . , , ,;„,,... _ . ,-- 7,,,,_...,i,,._,, ~t,,,,,-r0,.., , ...,,,„,„ , :=,,,:,........4.-...!,....----: ...,./ .- - • , .„0..i,,,X 1 WR, - ,/ , , ‘&42• - • ..;_ , ~ ..?!.-7-,:r .. . • ~,ii 1 - ' ' 9, - ..-•;." u / 1 ‘ - 1 . t , .. 4 ' ,C 4'..: , 7 , '''7l. •;:-'4,3:' '' -7 -- -• -., - . aIVF "'—-_ J: ,1111 -7.,3 ‘ ' ... 1. r4 . . t.'" '-', '- '...5--.; ~,- 1 \ ' 1 ' i ' '- .' '' ' 1 •_:-_,----k.„---,...„.....,„,,,,,,.-..,';_-__-- tr - - - 7 ,. --. . ----- ' S .,'": , - _,___,_ _ __. , _ : tf'...V.7.7x-- -j--- -- - - --'-' - -- . . 1 -- ----- ----- -- ~ , ..= -__, : - _7- , --r - 1.-- VOLUME LXXXII.---N FIRST ONE O'CLOCK, A. M. HARRISBURG. PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATURE. LAST DAY'S PROCETTINGS. Mr. Graham Elected Speaker of the Senate PRESENTATION TO SPEAKER GLASS H ARILIS Eivas, April 11, Iti7 MEE • The itet to Change the rate of interest, and the act allowing interested parties to testi fy in court, were both lost. .I.I2CTION OT Br/AMIE. In accordance with the C one titutlonal pro- Nqelon the Senate proceeded' to elect a speaker. , James J.. Graham, Of Allegheny, was elect .ad, the Democrats voting for W.A. Wallace, of 'Philadelphia. - ^eaker Hall, before retiring made a fow Speaker remarks, thanking the Senate for thel[ aup port urlu g lila term. HOUSE OF REPRESpiTATIYI::.i4. CONYISSTON TO INT.TIOATC. lit. Waddell • offered n resolution that a committee to appointed to investigate what interest 'officers and directors had in railroad companies. and be allowed to ills their report with the Clerk of the flows Do. foro the first day of June } . Agreed to. =1 Mr. Markley, of Montgomery, offered ft resolution of thanks to Speaker Clem. Ir. Zlectaing, of Armstrong, offered si resolution of thenks to the Makers of the florist. Both resolutions were agreed to Speaker Glass was presented with a china and silver set and gold watch. from mem bers of both parties and the house onlcers.- Speeches were made by Messrs. Waddell. Jones; Davis, Quigley, and Clerks Benedict and McAfee. Speaker tams, In hls remarks, charged _the Senate with the defeat of the Free Rail read Bill. At twelve o'clock ho 4loclared tho adJouraOtt sine die. LLTEST CONDENSED NEWS City Telersots to the rlttaboryth Gazette.] The annual report of the Now Yo•k Me thodist Book Concern shows the profits to be user $30,000. The payments for Bishops' salaries, traveling expenses,to.,werealt,ll4. The total assets of the Concern are egie.,,,00, mid Bowes ..• . It is reported that bait tho village of Froo port, in Maine, was destroyed by Ire on Wednesday eight. ' EasterPs farewell engsrement at :few York commences on the 2 . 2.1. 'She will start on her return to Europe on the Pith of May, talons with hoFtwo hundred thoosanil doL lots In gold as the profits of her tout in the Crated States. • A panic occurred to the Philadelphia schools yvster day over is rutooi that color ed children were to be' admitted—teachers being informed that if such was to be the fact their white pupils would withdraw. The distillery of Nash Co, at Cincinnati, was destroyed by fire on Thursday morning, caused by en explosion of stills. Estimated loss over aICO,OOO. • Au enthusiastic Yerdan - meeting was hold at St- men Wednesday night, Ono bun • deed Joined the Seventh Regiment and a considerable amount of money W. sub scribed. A report from Mexico is brought to New York, by steamer, ti of the lAberals were bombarding Vera Crux on the ad, and that Maximilian was at Cuernavaca. The Maryland radicals threaten to call a State Convention of their Own. in oppoer tion to the conservatives, and trouble is ex pected in consequence. A meeting to endorse the ratification of the Russian treaty wilt beheld at Tammany flail. Now York, next week. Secretary Sew- • . ant Is speak on the occasion. The rooters and shoemakers of New York are now on a strike. The boss carpenters hold out in refusing to pay four dollars a day to their workmen. The M. B. Conference at New York adopt ed a resolution deprecating the increase of theatrical and other worldly amusements. Chas.D. Morton, Collector of the Port at Buffalo, died suddenly yesterday morning. The latest news from the 11.11611 country Indicates a general Indian confederation and a bloody war with the whites.. coun cil was beld•at Port Dodge on March Al. Gen. itosecrans. It is hinted, will be the -•.- - next nominee of the President for um Ans. trian Ministry. Over nine thousand dollars base been subscribed by Radical Congressmen to the fund for the distribution of Radical does. meats In the Southern States. Sonntors Fessenden and Ferry voted against the ratification of the Russian treaty. The reeds opermult of Thomas Starling, a broker, arrested in New York for forgery, was to send letters to prominent merchants and In this way obtain their signatures to be used to forge checks. Aaron Jones, the prize fighter, has been challenged by Jim Lawler. of Boston, to light him for'a purseof 112,0Q0. The decrease in the resources of New York City National Banks, as shown by the quarterly statement, is le23.000.(100. At the burglary committed yesterday morning on Canal street, New Orleans, there well SAM worth of Jewelry stolen• The thieves were captured and the values Ides recovered. Dat , ' Axaoelatlonteamar Etch mnona—lsmorance Company failure. By Torgraph twine Pittsbur,rh Uszette.] Alvaro's, April - IL—The Dental Associa• Lion of. the central States, which ken been in session for several day., adjourned to - day to meet at Lord!stile In December. The Richmond left for Now Orleans this afternoon crowded - with passeners. It Is estimated that ten thousand perso g ns ruined her today. The Yranklin Insurance and Ranking Company of this city failed to-day. Its liabilities are estimated at S.Theue; assets, S.IAOOO. • Feico Fight In California. [By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh U arette. SAN FaAsetsco, April S—The prize tight between Doom* , Harris and Tommy Chant'. ler, stakes $5,101, takes place to-day near this city. The "fancy" from all parts of the Faclfs tc enast are congregatml hero to witness the tight. An amphitheatre to accommodate PMA) people hat bee. erected on the ground and seats are selling at fabulous privet. rho San Jose Pogrom] Is running special trains and every kind of vehicles are In use carrying the throng of people. Kentucky Demoerrutte nominal lona Mr Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Garet e.; Loriermtz, April 11.—The State Conven tion of L talon Democracy met to-da, and organized by electing J. K. fleder y goal, chairman, lion. Aaron Denting wan nom , - noted Governor, Judge IV. 11. Kinkerd, Lieutenant Governor; John Si. Harlon, At torney General. Itc.intions Were adopted, Sending greetings to Connecticut for the late Democratic , victory. A ...JAN { will he held tonight• to ratify the nominations made. Rleeooatn Legislatore—nollroad Con. sollastlon—noterage to Women. Wls , April ll.—The WisnOroiin Legislature adjourned eine die to-day. Among tie bills owned le ono vinsolidattug all the Wisconsin railroads running into 11.11waniiee exeunt the Chicago and North Western, and resolutions to amend the Con. stitation giving Women Ito right Of suf frage. UNITED STATES SENATE. Matters Coming to a Crisis. WILL THE PRESIDENT OR TUE RIME YIELD. Discussion on Adjournment = W MMUS °Tax, April 11,1667 Wee . Inted.To6 1,1031 DILLAWARE. The President submitted, the credentials or Bayard, who was go:Wiled Ity taking the oath to support the Constitution of the United States, aTal subscrihing to the Congressional oath of loyalty, TI.G. OD 0/PICL. Mr. Sumner °Tared a resolution that the President be requested to tarnish the Min stool in his opinion compatible, with copies of any official opinions which may have beau given by the Attorney tionerai, hello lion of the Treasury . , or by any other officer of the tiovernment, on the-interpretation of the net regulating the tenure of office, end especially with reard. to the appo ments by the President g to office during the recess Of Congress. • Mr. Sumner said ho understood that an opinion Mal beim given which went far to wards the nuilideatlon of the recent unfair Congress. It would thus seam we had nal lineation here in W.hlogton in the exec.. ti•is breeches of the government. Ile an. derstood that according to these opinions the President was to exercise the power of. appointment during the recess of Congress, notwithstanding the recent act of Congress, which undertook to regulate the tenure of °thee. Now all know the astuteness of law yers, and It was sometimes said lawyers drive a coach and six through an act of Par liament, or even of emigre.. In other words; it was about to force on the country oflicers who cannot 1.10 olllears under the laws. It seemed important that before the senate adjourns It should know 'the precise state of the question. They !mould under stat] whether any such opinion has been given, and the reason for It. Thu resolution was agreed to. The . resolution to print three thousand copies of the army register for the year . lien, was mimed; also. the resolution to print five thousand extra copies of the report on the repairs of the Mississippi levees. Anthony)tir. reported Duch the proposed new rule of the Senare, that all reaolutiona culling-on the Executtre or any Depart ments for information, be drat referred to a Committee to report the estimate of the probable Yxpenlie, and that the retart be made without delay. Cameron said there were mane re., sone why it should not be adopted. lie thought they bud trouble enough now with. out being ,farther embarrageed by rule,. ()ejection. being mule by Ulm, the tie . .. 1.- 11°o went over. AIIIILNY. Of .SCH.r.ITOILIAL 000E0.502. COM . . Mr. Thayer called up bin resolution, Calling 00 the President to furnish Informa tion tomut the !Practice of I.:over:tor Cum mins:. from Colorado Territory. whether!. had teen ill during his absence, Se. At the suggestion of Mr. Cameron, Mr. Thayer consented to let Still resolution go over again informally, owing to the absence of Mr. Pant:ale, On motion .01 Mr. Williams, the Senate cent into executive session. urns . autismn nusuitsir—titissirion or ao- After a t'ecret Fession of several hours,, Mr. Wilimmi called up thb resolution for adjonrnment sine die on Wednesday, the 10th Instant, anti moved to amend by Insert ing :Saturday next. Slr. Howe emggested Monday. Mr. I,ssenden opposed 1110 resolution. lie did not believe the Republicans could anal., to their constituents if they went home without welting for the vocanmes to be tilled. Slr. Chandler was willing to lo take the re. sponsibility of adiestreing w. If Andrew JOhnenn as no oinitikele in the way, It would tat found out by July wiolther or not they could run the Government without him. For himself, ho would not be driven iiito coustirming Copperheads and .rebels be. Cause 0 t Lterlt If eictle vaCiineiel would remain ensiled: Slr. Fessendertroplied . that the President I had as much right to ; , ay the Senate stood in his way, as the Senate to say he stood in their way,: atol as much right to say Le would Mei a way of Moving . the machine without the Senate an they had. The Pres dent did not commit any Impeachable of fence by nominating °dicers, but he would if he failed to nomuutte them. So long as the President preferred to nominate his po litical friends the Senate bad a right to reject them. Slr. Concklin was willing to remain as long as might be necessary to induce or com e the President to have some regard for public interest In the character GI the melt whomhe sent to the Senate for confir mation. Mr. Mow° was perfectly settling that Of two oMces ono should betilled by a friend of the President and the otner by a Repub lican; but lie did not understand that the President was willing that this,shOuld be done. : Mr. Trumbull hoped the Senate would Ilx a day for atitournment. The President. would thenaend in nominations for all the vsmanciea_ Sir. Sumner opposed this, urging the ne• resell of remaining to one th e tenors of office t enforced. Dlr.Morton favored the fixing of Monday for at tourer:lent. If th e Senate and Pres• Went Muld enure inge th er at ell, tn. could be do e by Monday, at 5 o'clock. If tho Pr.' ent eontinued to send to the Senate one c ass of nominations, and th e Senate contl nett to reject nein, there would he no end t the session. One or other mon Y Mid• Were Republicans to yield and confirm dem retie nouttuces! For one he raid. no. Was I eupposed the President would yield; Hew nut 10 the President's couddence and c o ld not say. If they both Perllint, th e count will say there was uo use in their • stow g here. Mr ameron was In favor of fixing a day of ail) ornthent. Hu would prefer Wedrie,... cloy a four o'clock. That would afford ample time for business and glee notice to the P•esident what they Intended to de. if the President refused to meet them by that t s. u then they could adjourn and go home Mr. tamsey hoped the Senate would go Into e. motive session nod settle the ail. Journ eat question tomorrow. The Senate, by .0 vote of against 11, went oto executive seemlon, and after some time 11.1ourned.. FROM MEXICO Dom . ardmeni Of Vera erns—Expected Fat of {be' silty—tlaxiadllau Ea. eap .d from (ASOVeliliro. Illy T Itgrapb to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) • Ns Year, April 11.—The steamer Dior° Cast! brings Martina ;Arleen to the hill. The I rititdi malt steamer Solent. had re d c arried, Vera 1..V.1., with the cargo whit, she carried. and which could not i be le ded, as the Liberals were bombarding the p ace, which, it was supposed, could tint hold out long. The Imperialists at Vera Cruz a ere quarreling. 001.00. and Cuarez ,al °signed, and General Toboado was la com and. Th setae was closely maintained. The mute was cut OR, and the" last bullock in the Ity killed March Sist. Tti • United States creamers Tannery null Tali a were at Vera Cruz. 'rhellacana Moro roOorts that Ilaztrull• lan was at Cuernavaca, but don't 'ARM icon he got there. TRADE STRIKES. The Carel:den of New Torii Entowr. Inc Work Direct T rent Builders Wood • Carriers. Strike—The • New I Jersey Iron Workers. 1 By Telegraph to the Vlttsbursh Gazette.] -- ' New Yons;April 1 I.—The carpenters main tain their strike. They have appointed corn- In Mee., to engage work direct frOm - parties Ilwarnig tO 11111141, end engaireinentS are Made to extend pecuniary aid to those Who need it. The wood earners have resolved to strike. it is stated the strike of the iron workers irnNew Jersey was bionglit. about by evil dismised uursons without good reason, and there is a prospect of these persons leaving, wlir the miners will resume work. • --...--..-- !loathes. Weller from Cnilfornia. t By Telegraph Is the eittibursh Gazette.] Now Tonc, April ll..—The following ills , pittAi bus been received by the Southern Relief Batumi. tun; "The San Francine° Famine ltelicf GOIEIMIBFIun will send you, Intow days, by tra.fer, 30.0u3 in kW.. tO assist 10 relieving the sufferings at the Sotfflt. . r igtiolt____ ....._ I Now York Republican Convention I hoffrnife to theColoresi Chimes's. MlTel.grapli;l.o the Bltiiburgb tJazette.) Sr InACUPS, N.- Y., April ll.—The New York SUL 0 COO.llllOO, 1)0I0r0,1011 t, adopted resolutions Instructing the dela eat is at largo to support an amendment to the constltution giving suffrage to colored : sltiAmas. THOMAS 11. 5 KLIIi. CLutruaw Meer Telecgreen•. Telegraph to the Pittsburgh learette.i,Anrit 10 -lover rising slcwly. 5i4 tout Is Woo:mut uy sitars. or,. Aprilll.—ltiver foot sod Weatnor clear and pleasant. PITTSBURGH, FRIDAY, APRIL 12, *1367. SENN EDITION. FOUR O'CLOCK, A. M WASHINGTON. Georgia's Complaint to the Supreme Court MOTION TO BE HEARD 50-DAY Civil Tenure Tod the senate. THE PEESIDEST'S HEALTH Wool Sauiples Recefred. I= WAnuaoiox. April 11, 16,;7 Dahlia Supreme Court this altertioon O'Connor asked leave to place to the, bands of the . Cierk a 1,11 - 1 of complaint' of the State of Georgia, to enjoin rivet star)' Stan ton, General Grant and General Pope from • executing the act for the Moro eliciela gov ernment of the rebel states, and which he would to-morrow nab leave to tile. , The Court replltql the gentlemen might now the thee:lot:on for leave. Attorney Stanitkerry, Mlle, of the (;gato notice that ho should he ready to resist the motion. 1 ht. bill from that at illoasilopt In the fact that the llruaident Is not named. ❑e felt . It his duty to say the Secretary of War destreo he should t-ke On Dimwit the entire manage ment of the case on the pert of the defence 'rho Sour!, In reply to All expresieil desire that an arrangement be male so bOat the cases of Mlx.leslppl and Georgia cool.' he heard to-inorrOw, and the order of urg,..ent untleestood,. said It would think afoot the matter as it WAN DM now prepared to make a definite statement. Tnc rescue or orrice AS. Tun SP.N.LIZ. lt Is the opinion rklAnine of the ahleat laa.- yers that the Senate should not adjourn. un der the provlaiona of tile civil tenure hill, until all the vac...elms have Pra.htential appointment and senatorial eon d rmatiou. In some eases the Senate has rejected as many as three nominations for the same office. It Is understoal that Senator SUMIlet . 3 resolution to bad reterenCe to an °pin lona Attorney General Stansberry, Mr. Iluctalew In execultsve ye-ter day, to the effect that the provisions of Lie tenure of onlee bit: were pr.pectit c only. and did not apply to vacancies existing at the time the bill panned. I= Tile President bent In a largo number ,of nominations to the Senate to-day, Mil mllue hunter Brooke. Postmaster at Cmelemail. 2116 1111,61,66106 6011 616.1.11111.1.4.6. The President will to-niorroar send to the lienste the documents relating to the Inter position of this tiocernment In behalf of nhouid he tall Into thu hands Of the Liberals. 1101116,1101 1 6 COO 0151110. Tho Senate to -1.11,y eonflimeit torell 11 Ittmomo al a 13r1011er G eneral to the army I,lc , the follow InkLi Posttnasters—Joinpl; J, Wyatt, tit..loßepli, Mo.; John Alextuolor, I.ns illgloll, MO.; 11 L. Coale ~ Wabblto. ton, loan; C. C. 1:;oton Ilavaus, I'. C. ntovens, Spring tle1;1. Mo. Cooran. L. Wllnnms, Carrollton, 10. • Iteccivor Of l'ablic Moniev—JoDu son. IfoOncrlilC, Nebrualra. IndMu Agent—Wm. of II:11101 , 1 it omens Agency. The Senate rejected ttt nil low lug nuwina• t lonc: Pension ..I.dentt , Lierit3 olr• Macon City, ILlasnitri. Collector Of Inferziar Revenue—James 11, Ullmore, Fiftb U. ttric Miesontt. Poltmesterc—Froderlek U. 1.71 e. .IrTursonville. 1 nillans; J obn Mn l'hetri,ie, Bloomington, ludtann; W.. Lee tiler, W yandotte, ttiotAlbor tU. (;lark, Toledo, = It Is understood the mate to /:rucutlve serlion to-day refused to allow the debate on the Ituastan-Xtuericaa treaty to be pulp 'Abed. Several of the henstors, It Is raid read written speeches. The vote agatn.i such puolicatlon was about tha name as In favor of the treaty. A cabinet containing dtsitnellen sample. of wool le now at thoTreattnU D.Partntnttl The Presidents of the National Wool Grow ore , Association and \Vont Dianufecturers Aasoclation are Invited to visit Wathing Gen and examine the earoples.. autru or van I;ALRIU.NT. The President is much better to an• , able to attend to business In the ionic Secretaries itrells, Browning andM i CulloCl Attorney General Stansberry and Pwtmk ter General Randall, had Interviews silt him title morning. A number of vlAitor were preeent, but none admitted. the l i ma dent yet being able to receive them. The Senate ratified the treaty Incenti made with the Chippewa bands of .111.154 ippl Indians, now residing in Minnesota providing for the sale of a portion of ,th lands occupied by them, and for other ros creations to ho set avert for their use. Stompllls • ties Death/a—fol. urea tittzeos Apttoed to Newt Dele gates to Slate Cooventlots— , Adml• rat' , Semmes Lectures ea the Ala. Dams. (by 7elegreph to the Pittsburgh Gage Magnus. April 11.—The Conservatives held a large and' enthusiastic meeting last might, and appointed delegates to the Slate Convention at Nashville. A man:Minn visa adopted asking colored voters to send dele gate. loth! name. Admiral Semmes lectured to-night to an immense audience ' for the lament of the "Fanny Thurston Society.. :Subject, "Thu Alabama, and .her course as viewed by the laws of nations.. Stidotlidt Affray Between Edit - • nod roattnamee. [By Te' to the rittilet tali I:atoll,: KAntisa hyrll 11.—A. shooting affray occurred thin iifternoon bete:l-en A. 11. Hollowell, editor of the Journal nf mem. 11.11.1tranch, pommowter thin city. 'four shots were tired, hut neither party ere. hurt. The alai, grew our of some commonte in the Journet on a letter from George W. Mclivan. ep. Mal ugent of chieflUce devartment.t G. S. At'llenry, clerk of the post Mik Oe here, ordering him to take poseeselon of the office awl nut allow Branch to have any Intercourse with It. Child ileltialllg Case. Tolearaph to the rittstangh Palette.; !law Toni AprillL—Johanna lteamllng, servant. In the employ of John Minturn, siding In Hoboken, I. W. COMOlittlOt to oil, charged with having to cruelty neaten Mr. Mlnturn's daughter, aged two and a half years, as to nonentity endanger herdlfo. General Buse-Crane nu the Austrian . Mission. (H) Telegrarh to the nit.burili 11 ate tte. New Your, April 11.—A Washington spe cial says it Is reported tho President will nominate - (kneral lioseeruns Minister to /223 Man Freukelseo llaYrel. - B• Tele.rAph to the I'ittsburo cixtAttc.l SAX Faanctsco, April I.—Vlour active; extra, at s6,rd; aaparnne, tlt 45,75. Wheat active and prices unsettltd, at , 11:n twO Ades aro reportod at 1403. 1 Legal Tenders, Toledo !locket Illy Telegraph to the rittaburgh eiasette.l ToLcoo,' Aprll 11.—Yla or firm, Wheat firm hod he better• MIRA /11Clifgrio. 6 3 0 1 ; Amber• gAol; IteAl Corn 10 14c better; aules Now 2:o.1 $1,U161,0 1 ! . , data Geo.. Dyinvood IDIII named EU) Telegrtv h to the l'lttsou gh . PROVIPZ7II . 6, It. 1., April 11.—The Drowood mill of Wm. Chase & Co., et North rrovl deuce, was burned thla evening. Lossl:o,Uoe. Imola EUROPE. The flutoueatt Situation PACIFIC TONE OF THE FRENCH ORGAN Euergetic Note from Bismarck-. NAPOLEON REQUIRED TO MR MILITARY PREPARATIONS. Very Warlike Appearances THE. PRINCESS OF WALES DYING Financial and Commercial. CONTINUED DECLINE, IN. COTTON UT Trivr ityll to We 1 Ut.Lurjb lia7ett.3 MEM VAMP, April 11.—The Moniker contains au editorial on the Etiropeen etiolation, the tont, of srhtnkl Docldc and tranquilizing. • 1.1.71110:Y. l;•2lrl>