COURT REPORTS. =I S=l BefOre lion. 11. W. Williams. _ Samuel C. Neel re. Robert Morrow, ad ramtstrator of John Neal. deceuto d . 4 ' tAou to recover for personal nerificOG ran dom]. Tho plaintiff was L nephew of Coil. John Noel, of 311 Id In town/ do, and resided with Lim for a period of eighteen or nine- Lein years/and up to the date of his death: The defendant Plead the statute limit,. • thins, which cut down the period to Me Bears previous to the institution Of the ot, a November. 1560. Dermas° elide...! i that isintitihad been treated as clothe , !, etc., anti co ot o school, properly siothe not coma as a servant.-and that standing in Lbrelation of a member Of the family,lie. w., 01, entiled tu rtrcorer for any Bervienti rand mull; mai further, that if entitled to ~ ! ~,y 0 twr„-by way of compensation, he had alreally,been paid ell that Lis services were worth. , The testimony , Indicated that after the plaintiff became of age, he talked about leaving, and &Ay something for lilmeelf; that Col. Neel In need Ilium to stay. telling him that he wotaltt"Pay him w " ." although no apeclfie amount was named. The defendant remained several years longer, managing the place, and attending to most of the bemoans. Ile again talked of leering, when Col. 'Neel assured hint that hit _OOlittl not got nit iig without Lim, owl that Le would "pay bin as much ne lie could get anywhere else." This induced the plaintiff LO ['Omuta unt I CoL N.'s death. al though Vie amount of Wages Lad not been fixed. Jury out. Harriet E. Bunn re. itohert. Morrow, ad wilitiStrater-of 'John Neel. deceased: tin trial. The action in this ca. it simper to that in t h e one above noted,the plaintiff claiming for personal services during her reliitlenco with the decedent. Oyer and Terminer 'Bolero lion. James P. Sterrett. Tub, Court met Irmlnosday:at the usual LIMO. ten O'clock, and proceeded with j ury Wald. . TSIM 13..W.ULTITONN OCTILAOS.CAMI. In the case of Philip Ilelst, Indicted for asaault and battery wait intent to rape Mrs. Sarah S, Smith, the Jury returned a verdict of i`griiity of assault anti battery." =I Arthur Little was arraigned to answer a charge of assault and battery, preferred in September last .by Margaret, Dab Jere. A disp mu occurred about some apples which defendant insisted upon taking, end Ohl take, notWlthstAnding tho Miami of the prosecutris to the property. Thu violence uttered on the occasion was •the subject. of Indictment. A clear ease WM'S made nut by then>secntlon defense, and the main witness for the defense, Michael IticAboy, preyarle tted to such an extent that his testimony wad dit.cretlittel. • The Jury convicted. and the defendant was sentenced to pay a tins of lifts , dollars and to lieu days imprisonment In the county jail, • StMon, OP ClLENO.tocoxtog, Arthur Little, defendant in the above cote, before tnitelleett„was mired what be lied to Bay, anti went on to dottal 'the dlr• cutnstancre of the Coon, prevaricating to co en a greater extent titan Ills Mr. ht'Ahoy, had done, an to the difficul ty about the appieS, the tokiltg. of which by him bad buou relleted by Mrs. 1/ahlern. prematd with Mu: feel. that both hail toot ' coaled the truth itcout too matter, Judge Stern= require, Little ant srAbcky to give ball In the agla of three. ItUntlrett dollars each to masa ore charge of larceny. ntenwar ZOLSTitr li - till/Ma J. Clark was arraigned ripen an ittotetruent charging that. On tbo night or the . 201 h Of Decembet, he aseaulted rid the highway anti robbed John liisongart of forty-tiro dollars In note, and some ten dol. iti`fraetional currency. The proseenteri Eioengarf, testified that he tended in Sharpsborg. On the night in question, be te-eon ten and eleven o'clock,. he was re. , turning home frmintalma's tavern to com pany with Mr. NOI3, ultent• gone et short distance front the tavehi ney two men ps.vied them. Went wit h Soo an far a o hie house, house, awl just after he hail parceil Not's door, he (witness) was Seized Mom behind, as If in a vice; just at the moment a light canto from a window rip' salts, and he recog nized the defendant as the person hav ing hold at lilm, with hw hand in his pocket, from which the money wee taken. The oc currence took place.cmout forty steps (ruin where witness lived. There was another man present besides delendant; asked do fondant what he Was doing, when they both ran away. Alto: tiles had gone ho misses his mono;, "'Utah ho remembered having tuna short time before. Mr.Swartzwelder, of conn - sel for Vic ito. I Sens, tri opelting, stated they woubt ha rely - 00 muck upon any positive ti .r they. Mlt offer, us upon tile !allure of the Com- Inousvenith to runt. Out a mear case 01 iden tity, Oho rent question involved. 110 main talnitt that the evidence of Identity was by 110 means conclusion. The croseen for states lie Iceogilizes the accused by a flash of light from nu opposite shMdow, but was unable . to describe his clothing. ..1 /Axons lust in the case was brought oat itY the defemel on cross-examination, viz: that one Singh Smith was arrested for the robbery, confessed his guilt, implicat ing Clark, by stating that 1 hey were to coins sti. Smith paid hack halt the money. Tine _fel . found a verdict of 'Mot g u ilty,". and the defendant, who had beta under /710T111,1L =ORB., CAS C. Wlllin lor, so/ ten doll r 500 3.N. , un trml Smith was. placed on trlal for down and robbing Adolph Nay lor nt the Allegheny - Arsenal, of B,ln the Filth ward, on the nlgnt of February - last. The cltBe was adjournment. T List For Thursday. cosoloa 1,7,45 rucnv. 70. ,Tomes Howard VS. owners Steamer "Little II ovkeye." 75. d.Y 6mall Y. Co. vs. W. 0. McClurg. :S. Joh I Moyes vs. Manchester Pc,senger Thallwav 20rupany. 70. Noala.G. Craig Va. Mira. Smith,ot al. 77. Charles C. Small Ts. JoaaS Bm.h. :AP. David Linton vs..loseph Myers. rt. Bernard May vs. O'Hara er. Magian. W Gnome Burns vs. Bev. William Bunter. 0. Wallwork Lt. Mallory vs. Stager B. Ith Illus. • FS. Duck - Creek Oil Vetley Compeoy V 3. A L. itoblueon..___ DIST RICT coral. 51. Mark Sterling's executors vs. Beni. Coursin. 15. VlctorJa Stoner vs..l. C. DindleY. D. , Forienol x et ux H.ltelaren and Feetierick FLMer. 65 .. L. G. Davis vs. Jolla S. N'Call. .. J. G. Davis vs. John F. Sanit. ii.Davia vs. Jimmy Sehnellbach. 5).e Henry 11 eitiinger an .vs Jeremiah Knox. . Mary .5.1 m. Dally . James Milllimar. Common Pleas Court - Before Hon. Thomaa Mellon. Andrews 5 Armstrong vs John Ennoble, Before .uported. The Jury failed to agree and we - a discharged. D. W. Lloyd vs. Frazier & Brothers. Main illT is a pluiderer and contracted with the defendn nts, who are master builder,. for the platterl i ng ..f a large dwelling notice in Al lechen3 . Defendants care two notes, In fl, pal me I—one for $10 . 465, and another for til4,oZ. A flat tho work bad been completed the ,lefe dants alleged that it had been no badly 41that the damage, loth!, building ne amount ,I to more than the claim, and re futed tlpay the notes. Stilts are brought on each tote, and the C 0.8.1 tried together. tin trim. . * Nei! York Dry Goods Mnrket [By't'e igr,tph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] Nra . loos, Ahrll,lo.—TheDry Goods mar ket remains rather quiet; very little change in prices, Brown Otectings of heavy stun-- third dankrs scarce and tlrtn. at 21 for best, 1.:0 for seconds and n tar Interior brands. Stundurd shirting's bring 17. Bleached shirts' Jugs, best makes, scarce d Walt; how lurk mulls 40 Wamsulta 3?.!4 and hiasonvilin 95. Prints in steady, lair request; IS for Mer rimac W; 1.5&17 for D brands in dark and light styles, anti 17 for new styles American and Dinh:Jac/lids. and 16;4 far other_ styles. On regular 51 square cloth diets a- bteady and fair request. Denials and stripes ref( slowly and continue depressed... IllempblA Market. ' (113 Telt kr• TM to tl e l'lttthurgh 11l cstrms, Aprll hi—Cotton dull out nom- In silk . .:ki - C_V4c. Cora firm at i1:294:41;2Z- Thu other markets aro urrthanged. DRUGGISTS GEORGE A. KELLY & CO.. Whojesale Druggists, 37 Wood Street, 11 AIIILTON WHITE LEA IL rttletly pre. ell A IiTEH OAK lIITE LEAL/. PAINTs IN OIL, all color•. Loollot„ , si.ord. TURPENTINE. OIL I ' WHALE OIL. , V M. 4I E/lE 4 . ap:otan DRUGSI DROWEIS!! DRILIGS:!! JAMES T. SAMPLE IdAVINO KocoriT THE er KLL KNOWN . HoysN ON COIL FEDERAL AND ItVUiNaON ere, ALLYIL N Vrlliteepon h 3c, necta ful t itl a e .m.. nrur s ii i n . t of all kinds of and whlen 'all be role ehear,r than any other ..esme In the two - I..reeerlptlona carefully prepared by a eat.: C , 1 , 0 dra gala. all Mane or CEIIFUSIKILY and FANCY tl 0^.50 SCHOGNMAILIFAL ts. 601.17 • Pittsburgh White Lead Worki, PURE WHITE LEAD,• OLDS LE AD! Li OIL DIR/lIN IIAILLAILO,D IN (AL FULL PAIN. II No. n 7 Fourth , Up *Dale. CO. 4 Cm . . DrALET. IN Fine Watches,-Jewelry, DiamOnds, • IU X—T. a 173E111.1. • AND . • French Clocks, cke. Nor alai airentlon Rims to the KKFAIDINU OF WATCHEe. .Yo. 22 Fifth Street. aeNISOsYT • MADISON STARCH AGENCY:— Jolt received. 4 , 0 s boxes, 40 Th ., rearl etsreh; ••• do.. 1•0 •• • Glen do.; sO •• lii;venottiost tit - Arch. - For .ale low to thy etiNdo UV She agnts, 5(1110.11.AILK.10•S LANG, Is, street. MEI I PIET. T. Banker land Broker, IS Wood St., near corner of FIWI. Ail descriptions of Government Bonds closed and sold oil liberal terms. London and CoOtanontal Ezzthooge Wd et Now fork rates. Gold, Silver load (3zrurella bought at high est ratoo. rad Gold Drake boned on New TO HOLDERS OF . 7-30 PS. llaring m.ds wpeclal iirraiigewnents with a"C637 Glocals.c. dio are prruared to Conre[t vz,:rivtr:Evrorri,..7z Without Charge, Bonds on /lend for Delivery. IRA B. NeVAY & CO., liStastaalK.erta. CORNER 3 FOURTH AND SMITHFIELD BTE. 1:1.04:cs FINANCE AND TRADE, orries or ram PrrsishtsonCiarwrra, - Weorms est; April 10, 1E67. Tho Mow York stock quotations to-lay at received by. Mr. P. It. Mertz, were as Gold, 1:5.1; Elgthty-one bonds, 1091 Fire- Twenties, old, 106,7,',; do, lbl, in 't-3(; Five Twenties, 1505,`, - 107!4; Ten Forties, 07%; Seven Thirties. lorei. StiehbSan Southern Malr.f.dilf , %; Cleveland A Pitts burgh, is',; FittsbUrgh, Fort Wayne A Chi cago, Su!,i; Erie, 53%; Chicago and nook 0:014.; Chicago and Northwertern,3l!; do preferred, 591 i; !.:usr York Central, Reading, 014. Tho gold market opened at a decline from the closing quotations Of last night, 131 , 4, but soon rallied to 1363,., and closed strong at LYM.',. tiovernMent bonds all suffered a .I,line of to !; per cent., and Five-, Twenties of 1064 detained 1; on the news of the London quotations; at the close, there prevent," a better feeling. stoc k s WO much depressed, but, under heavy .purchases closed 9rmer. North Western, common, and Fort Wayne were very weak on is. favorable reports going the round in the money articles or leading Journal±. Loral: stocks arc dull, though prices ten yet main., tab ned James T. Brady & Co. report government bonds la Now York to-day, an Pillows: Gold LEM= MINIM MEZZO 1311511121 July, ; .Ih.e. Compounds, 1 . .4 1 I rater la the ttuy, 3 h'cloek, telegram from rl.lllattelhhlu quoted gold at —Tho CoLtiMlsrimlC: Or Internal Revenue hal deCialld that banks are not to lieLipt, from their profits the ittliollllL Cr inn paid tile State and municipal authorities eat tile shores of the htocklteltler, talc nru re s sired to include that amount in estimat ing the tan eu their dividends and raided stlrplas. IL 13 proper Ilmt stockholders shonid ire MO - Miami of title de0...n.1010 Limy may Include theirr,Vortion of the m aount thus paid by the hanks (or them lo their estimate or the distinction to which they ere entitled In making their states metals of taxaslu income. —General trade has been showing some little untirovement during the past tow days. The r.lud, genial weather hue brought out. hosts of buyers'and •atforded holders Cl large stocks of goals an prort It nity of alcortatning the. vie tea of teal• cipdo mere. as to their disposition to buy and the pnces they are wilting to give. It Ii as tonishing to ti el, now that buyers and sel lers have Caine together, what a stiirlt of contiesslon prevails between the t wo classes. The one, iTeogniglng. the iosseii already settered by the largo dealers In tlib natarai shrinkage which everything has undergone, and the other, the 'equally tier tinent fact that the people lint,: been con suming and will continuo to consume leech less than they did le the "war times," when everybody NGI.S making money , have color to a mutual understanding which cannot fall to give to the impetus it has so long needed.—rhifo. fres, • —There wile considerable talk in (tenurial and mercantile circles toslay conearning the failure of Williams, Young wholesale grocer,. For some time past it an known that the tine aas In dielcul ties lett it was generally bettered that they wDull weather the storm and collie net ell right. Mr. Young informs us that the Ila bllittes of. too Item are :Omni prim., and the nuns loot up In the neighborhood of 1. , 3.0uu. They have made an assignment to Id. F. Eainc_s, 11, W. Ilnividale and Wut. wart, and tbe Chicago credltoi s have granted the firm, collectively and Mills (- dually, an unconditional release. During the war the beetle made comparatively Ill ' tilt money, and the 10tiCe5 entailed during the past two years by the steady ticpreela- ULM in the value of goods, and 1110 dullness of trade, completely swept away all the capital or the arm,—Chirsiya Tribute, = Orrxcz or TOE Prr - rarr aoa GAzrrrs, WYDNYEI..v, April PI, 11,7. There to apparently lees excitement man ifested In the general markets, though In moat commodities a very grin feeling still exlste, especially In Flour and Gru.lo, and prices aro well sustained. GILAIN—Wheat le In Milted supply. and firm ' .butit Is Imposslide to give aceurste gglataLlollS in the absence of sales. Corn L. tem nest In demand, and $1 lo anwrigered for prime Yellow for shipment. Rye la In demand, with Sales reported at $1,50, and lost little offering. Prime Spring Barley may be quoted at. $1,15 to $1,..W. Oats arm and higher—sales in elevator, at 6a—may be noted at 413 to 65, in a retail 5550. 11,01711-Is. flrm, with . a steady local ;1, mund, but without quotable change. Wu continuo to game at $l4 to 311.51 ior Suring Wheat; $l5 to VG for Winter Wheat, and $l7 to $lB fortune). brands. Rye Elm; r, $O5O. PROVISIONS—Bacon is steady, with reg ular jobbing sales or. 10 tn 10V, for Shoulders i• 11% to PI for Rinsed Soles and 13i.6 torlri for . Sugar Cured !lams. Lard, 13 to and Mess Pork, SEEDS—ClOverseed 18 In fair demand find lire,, with sales at 111,W to ILL iinomY ed Is quiet and unelmagoil-4.: to 1345. Elaxsoed m searceund in demand, though, no far as we loan learn, there are bat few buyers above tir,Fh. • POTATOES . —The demand Is fully equal to tie supply, nod the market is lire, with regular Sales of prime Pearl, !Stows In store at Me to el—mostly at !Cie. - GREEN APPLES—Scarce and in demand; wales of good to choice, lu store, at 13 tot; Per bid A S/1 ES—Firm and Pearls arm advancing. Sale of 10 tons at lair; and 33 tons enfnmon Soda Asti at itetined Soda Atli Is tolling at 510 . and Pot, 005. MTTER—Pr:mu Roll Is aterolv with a de. fnanq °gum to the topple but arichnowal. We continuo to quOto at ZAS to We. Com mon Butter Is dull.. • EGGS—In demand at Me. • lllL—Lnril Oil I. In felr lomand and Hrni at 41.10 for No. 1. nnd nOn for No. 2. LEAD—SaIe of plait at lay. I.lslE—Sales of white at par bbl. HAY—Primo Timothy b. In fair demand, and If anythlngoi shade higher, a solo hav ing been made In More to-.lay at which is considered a little ahove tha market. PITTEBURI; Li PETROLEUM MARKET Option or Tun Pirrroustou Gainers, Wcortasuas`. April In, 11.4'. Citldl/F:—The market Is quiet but steady, and prices, although unchanged, 'are well atotainefl—li 4' to t;i7 ', on spot, as Well an all thin month, and 7:to 714 (or futon; delivery. Sulu of IMO bbla for all thin month; set il,l' A option, at l' , .„';:tiiee name delivery, at rig; to Mils, on spot, at 70, Mils returned; and lie bbl! ...smith's Ferry" CIO to 47 gravity) at A - telegram Irma Oil City to-day re ported oil lirm at p!,k) at that. point, R . Well 1.1 an advance. The arrivals were larger today, and it is probable that'. they will continue no for some dupe to come. ItEXINED—Therc Wll.l rather morn In quiry for bonded oil to-day, and while a Ilftle firmer feeling wan apparent, prices are not any better. Sale of WO bids *tam dant white for May at - 27; Mil for Salill., mouth. at Same price; 500 for J uly, and Wo for August, both at 2d; 1000 for firnt half of Mac at 77)4; 9)0 prime light straw to white, Mr April, at 2F,1:, , -ali delivered ' , In Phila delphia, ane lOW bins stundard white, tor April, at 21%, at works. It ' was! reported that ellghtly Improved prtcen had b on of fered for late month!. ire° otl In quiut and unchanged. . —Sines the above wan put In tVlie. We have a sale of 200 bbls reported.for April, after the :kith, at ().1. . Altai IVALS—Tbe following arrivals of oil Wfirti repmbeil today: I Aladdin (Clo.. IVO Brewer &Burke. ''..,25 Fisher & 8r0.... 7000 Stawhinney It Co IFM Fawcett & 8r0... 1000 Forsyth & 'Bro. • t-hel LI. Bushnell.— .. '2WO John Bonn 4,0 EMI msmsio Market. HT Telegraph to the rittsburch Mansur.; B rr•sto.•2lprli 10.—Flour llrtni sales of NW/ 11bl...bringat 412,50, white Canada, 4150 1.',,W; white Michigan is In good demand, but transactions are limited In consequence of the scarcity. Witeat—sales of 3,050 bn No. 2 Milwaukee at 12,65 ft 2,70 and Canada spring at 43,05. Corn active and strong. closing: old mixed western Leh , it 41,10; bales of 0 cars new Toledo at .1,0'4;410 on the State Line track . and 3,000 nu old mixed western at 41,1101.15. Mate Ilrmer with gocal InqulrYi sales of 2.020 bit N0..2 western at 62ciord held nt 6210 at the close. Bye nominal at II ',50 for w esters . - Seeds g enerally weaker at a de. cline of 12015 c, dln moderate demand. rock, /Ma and hlghwines unchanged. Mt. Lottla !Market. EBY Telegraph to the Plttaburah Gaxette ST.LOTlB.ApTlil o . — Tobacco—tbeotrexlng s are largo and prices are unchanged. Flour very firm, and fancy brands sold at el7tim, Wheat higher; $3.25 for fair to fall.a3.7u(b r choice white lota of No. choice Boring to arrive held at 131ug7 . Corn buoyant and nigher at al,naftl,lzl4. ()ate 11.1.1V6Seeti to o,lc. Burley arm ' and unchanged. 11. y.., very arm; $162401,55. without SRO.. Pro. viclOne Wet anti unchanged. lard quiet at I*6a.t;*;. Vihialty cry dull at C2,lotir.,lJ. Jll3l ES D4LZELL & . SON,' PrrTSBURGH ROPE WORKS. .. 111111811 ALL, FULTON t; BOLLOIAN, 69 and 70 Water. Street, - Only Pi.ofattltiers In the Weft of LARD OIL MANUFACTURERS, HEAVY CORDAGE, And dealers to CRUDE, LUBRICATING .d bnltable for kltsam .d Coal Boats. • CARBON ob. IN, ,aan,ant l. ono : 4 ,1 Lank Olt equal to the I ELAWSED LAID OIL WELL ROPE. ." Ctreloant, or other arand, snot propoae on to scil a, lOW as i:lnel coati or Chime° rata, t aired Hopes for Coal Railroads, our 1.40.2 Laril Litt as a Lubricator cannot be excellol. HEMP ,OAKUM AND PACKING, Doelt Creek Lobrlcating and standard brands CAULKING curros. ae., ,t, of Carbon 011 constantly on han L )407bants awltoanulActurora "11l end It to l' WlefettolllNO4lll4 I.llltl 115 VVeler Unrest, Interest to sine us a call before' ordering . Near dl House. ' Lard 01. from the West. ft 19.13. J doll:DM New York Financial Ina tt ett . :By Ttlecraph to the PI tokurgh .rosette.' flew Yuan, April PL—Money Is lu fair de mand with an Luerem.lng supply, and the rites are unchanged. The Assistant Treas urer ifs-day purehatted half a million of idal notes, 001,1 (11 tottive and ettCltrsi ender the European IVIllOr, ,µ Well have not been con firmed. The bull interest le to the moo:t -alent. itovernment sold fiLtl,etle. Sterling IS firmer. but unsettled from the sante saute, and It. Is next to an Impossibility to nego tiate Cotton hills, In consequence of a de cline in Liverpool anti the rumored faillues them that of i tutor lioutz, of Liverpool, hai reported per made, the alleged fah of cottonto 11 , 4 pence In Liverpool la uncon firmed. tankers intend generally to cover their own bills with Rohl. Cloversonents are firm but quiet. Slues of k-I, 10.3 ; scieta; teglstered rive-To unties of '62, Indi-Aglat?i; Coupons do of ',I, lie 0 ;i le,}:; do, 'O5. 101;2. G 105; do January and .1u Iv, Int! Xl(iii,ll reg. tatered Ten-F0rt1ea.,7, , ,W,i -towed. Seven- Thtrties ; 10;;Idt;L: ,; June and July, ItAt s ag 111:;t4. The railway market Opened heavy, and a heart-tit feeling war marked. Prices de- Cllned Inl.l per cent, right through the list, the greatest fell luting on PO tenure li teal ;toe k Island. ; After cal , there it as an aver age truprovetnent of t,: ; percent., and prices were still better ut the one o'clock !ward, A It-action took place St the second boat ;I nail there was a sharp decline. Thu market was much depressed at Um lust inter,' and still lower prices were made after call, tin der a strong pressure to sell. The market closed Unsteady and rather stronger, Tlit. following were the clostog prlcca at 51:0 r. a., reported liy Wm. Heath S Co.: lield. Lii , „,• Ohio Certilletitita.23ry:-;;ta; Canto", 4114 IP (C umber I '... it -1; I- • .0102. 1 lan; ,t2I-ti-2; Ott , 5 . 't‘ e t - ' ' .iltiruttisa, 7; do nteierreil, 1-e„2li1; Wcatern Linton Tele...nit-11, Itsii-Int.; New York Cen tral, ". ,, a ,, •",; Elie. :..1' ti:-00 110,i-on, I: . .: ic,,d1,4, , ,,...,it.. , ; tit ;chi,. Sotithet n, G , `,, .te'a'l linnets Central, 11 - 24114; Pittsbur-;e, ~,,,,,..; Toledo, 1171411 , ; Rock 1 , 1and, , 1!,:e atp., Northwestern, ilivalin; do preferred :e t Itisst „t iterr 'lay tot, 50 55 1. ; Eactlic Ntdl; igie.tfilal t a Atlantic, Botder state bond, dull, liti—ourl,tteiTtm. nensee, l-1. ill Ineellatieole shares ;le clinch! Ina reused 1; rat. Coal 51101 ea bens p and totter, it. pet fatly ( tlntherland, tn...., marhet 01: , 1 uiet ar. 1010er, Ill egory, Is' ; Cory I don, 454. gum 1011111, 21; Aletnedn, tag, Coo - undue, ell; amt ..1.11.• tfuslitesn ate" ;lone In eitlted Statca Pelt oh-mato ~30.:r..). P.c. 4 of mining stocks tad ill lUsstott thin day a ere ad follow, :Copper FAD, 21II; Frank -1111, 11; ll:wets I:. 4; 1.111,13, ‘l.:. New liorlt. l'Eotltzto Market. :By Ttto,ratOt to the 1 . 0.1.01,7,11 tiszetts.j SellS Yuck, April 'O.—Cotton less act Ivo 0 . 011 scarcely to Ilrin] roles , ted Bales 111ld twin:Ids, 5 1 - ;11 . 21'. Vloor reeelpts le ere leelsdhe market was :Arlie.: better 01111 more .11.10g, - nreel 0 , 1 valtetng, ehlon'y upon tnolluto and good grades; sales lit 11,0 , bids lor snion1:00 :Awe 111,11 was tr.ll.lSl lre. for ...Id,. 0 , rt. rn; 41.1 Oa 11 for etn.deeOlo. lit 11:0,1.1:C.{0r shinning brands; extra round hoot. 0 , 3 for lorado brand, tflu tua.r:rrt eloslng doled- rallfornia ;lour market Item; sales !,..010 lid:11,1,V). IV ho , ky quiet; sales of Ilse lads Oil ...stern iii 60114 at id 10. Thu Wilest market a shade firmer and Very qua]p, nuts, of 1,55)1.1111 N)). t 1110,10 G:1; 'YU bue]le No.' do., rinll bll.ll bete CallrOrlt Ls, id 'lO. Bye .SIC sales:2,loo duet) al St 1541.1:: western retad Intointo»t 41 lee CO 00,and 41':.:; for Barley quiet; sales 1 1 1,11.,,,,, a; pie for do, free. Parley malt dull. Inn re,elpts of corn were :1,0:n bush. The market we,. settee 00.1 exette. l ,and :II 3 higher; sales . 2.'d,lrer nosh 01 d]] to, 0.1"...0.1 weeder]. yellow in store, .11 :10:er new sout l eeree yellow an-oil, and 513.1 Sifor neo white souttann. The recaniet• of Oats were .1 0 ] Loch, mot Id.]le :setter; ::47, for state. 11dre nonttnal. uerree aria and Mule{ .rith ate tan, Ortn. WI , :I a tsar dee ond; sales Cl se' , 1.:41]... at e],010, 1 ...,00.1 Olds Ilavai , J ns oa prlsate tern . lielas• sus In a"• .l demand and at Lee, rste.] 11.10 nt lde,,,c tor Porto Idlecynol ledS for Cub 1. 1 . ..Ar0:. 11011;11101 und stedde of ie'r, for erode, 011,1 lor ;rerentel 10,0.1, 11.0;) 'lnlet sad firta at ....ell-5. Leattler—lletolts,k sela 0,10,0 )))))“ • . _ lug- LLL prv.viou.quirt /111 , i 2.1e t ,411,; VO I}, p. 1 ,41 for , ... !or Text..., r r % all !oral, roil: ruo r it Su:01,11.1 , nlO.O, 010., at Sro 1,,y Ml,-1.1:104111. at 121.165, re,runi.r. 4 ,1 111-,7.51;1. , 'Srf rrn0t...x3.1 21.7 . 0. tr: 161,1,0! preva,i, iiillll,:irai, at I:aron 1 , ;,,t2 for 11-00.1 C. /I' ;e. for ,ort iiipar. dull; rah, at for and for I.:lrit Hl 111000 inand and rather timer. ratt,i it Win for n.dy. yd. , . at. 10, 1 1110. CLicv,i etigoly, ut 1:.,11:'::. 51.;neY etenily at 7 for c.. 11 loans. Ntidling 11110 at .zo!t1 for fir-t. Amtricaa hold grater. opening at 1.4, iiil,:oditg to and cloiiing at int.idikii a lib out 00000. Ir.dgilt , t., Land drooping; tingu i ,inLizt,:i., corii pi, end Le - rz, - .1. M.—flour liettcr for 10,11- um and good privet,: •it* , ...1.5' for low graile , St ',tat 1111100. at for O. t Orin nt !or lull and nhippic., ads,' v. i-tern. 41,1 r ta ortolv, and 41,31 agoat. iiPiadY. 71 :17 ,, for old and 14tPitiir0i fork tirtioir; ealoid 1,011 Intl, iner , at $,:• , ..,11; ILi,u3 nig*. tar; closing for tell ' vr,,, at ca.di V.3.lor,gutar; f a a•tl. and rtigitiari Bev( ..inti•t nod ntgady. lilt Olralii .1;111 mid ling., tn (4, foy Cutobta laud tlt,h 110,. Lard 1110.1, 1 at lint liii,el"frr (Mr to prime nloa,n, and ha , k..ttio ten dered. Clnelnualt Markel. Ity Trltkrntph Put,! , :lrgh 63, tt CIYCINNATI. April le.-11ottr Is In gums' de mand and prince w rre close at n f.r 0/01100 of 2.50: salmi teach 1... r, latrrel-;11.. WI Van., le on the Mg hot gra•leS; i`nPufflfte• $ll tra.lo brands; t1.1,r5d05,75,11.1.11 rant, the receipts are 11.111'. au I Cia sloe; Is reduced. w heat Is unchanged I•ilt firm, and there 13 not ranch offered; No. 2 w inter ' at 4305. Corn is firm at s'.• In bulk, and II In sucks. flats Is dull at 715.:, sold the supply is better. Ityit It livid xl WH4 tut small rules. Barbie to unchanged Knit firm. Whiskey fa 11001111 any nnrhOugtll. C,lOlOlll 1. 1 1 1 111 ant' prices are unsettled and 1101.1. nut at 2.74,25ie for middling. • Alests Pork Is In moderate dennand at 422,51, but Is lint at 4,'22,73. Bulk meats aro tie 'its; 001 for shoulders and 01 1 /0 4 , lilt small sales of country at these rates. iiseke.l. Bacon Is wady and unchanged ilt :.S', I It j, told 12Lrtii Lard I. hunt firmly ul W:4 ~, 01111 boys era at. 12n4ft 12 1 .,e. Butter is., good local die and 1701:!..,c fur emus illott• /drat.. are dull at ledikie. Clot:cries are unchanged anti steady. Cloversets' is retailing id Ill; nowt by at 4-44:;il l fi Flex Pl. PC11,1,, at 4,"2,t5.:42,95. Coal has advance.' to IS: afloat, for dtmelliougheny.. tiold clews' vacant! at haying, and L.:O ss•llltig. The InOney van., u4, - L.- chungt, firm, lotylsg at par fuel nulling at isle per aunt. premium. ChleMign Market. :By Telegraph t.. t•arstte.; • cittcano„tprll 10.—Flour weak wit it sel lers at yesterday's prices. SY Matt 111'11 and closed inactive at a nominal deep,,,, of .11:: 3130, at $2,37rb - 2,:20 i—early at 42,100f'2.11 for No 2. Corn opened moderatcly act to, but subsequently weakened and Of•ellnesl and close.' with sellers anti no litlyers of NI, I at 61,07. Chas 11.110 0,111 ;little lower, 0109- Ing betel. at l'siliffifsl'.it• for No 1. Ily.: neglets tell and Stile lower; 1101 rules 41,is for . No I. Barley dull; sales - smell at Sin for refs:el ect. In store. Provisions druids , leiltl and market rather more actismi new pork for cash trio nt:VL. , :ill22,Te. and lius sirs fur the month itt 423; light iness pork .old at 4 23 : 45 . SlV(iCkVlCkleit 11:11111 fink:11 11 9 10 r0 1 e ,, a 1, - -. '• Lard mOderatitly netivc nk 101;a1k, Culk Steals macti ye; derand nominally tinchaturs ed. I.lve Ilogs du I and 1u415m lower. aL et:,sl tor 0.013 - 11n011 118111, anti 7,11,th7,15 for good shfisplu g• • Unltimoro Market: Ent Telegraph to the rat-burgh osrelfc.] Illenrznone, April 10.—colfee firm and llto Mock lo Buhl. Cloyereeed l.i lu fair .lentand nt .11:1;tte - 0:1,7.5. St gar quiet 00.1 eleady at . lOctrloi,e for gout to bur refleang. MOW. KC,S, Wed! Indies MOO: largo; nos:dom. tiour firmer; N0rthwc00irn.+13. , ;2413.75 for flow nrd treet extrn; f:;,7Z.ty , 15,1, 1 ,,, r0 h 0 !. bo . pernne. Whout *name; .111100 Sootbern choice at corn ad vunced jrUte on till arades, nefelf at 44,1061, 1, C 0,01 , Rye, 41,f6V,1,rn. Ptovlelone quiet 11011 un changed. Intik 14l I.bli 11010i1141. — Whisky fe 101 l nt. $2,00 for Tree, laud $l.Ol, In 40. 1 1 0 . tales. Lenthvith, nnrket. ;By Ttlettrapl; to the t; rah Gan Be.; ' LormelYmt, April lo.—Tobareo 001100 for all kr - m.0;01110. ot, 210 111010 at 82,50 for eon,: mon logo; and 82,0/ for non Ir. Cotton. '220; for o.lporilne. S ham b. 1111,1.11f1e11 to slo,2bk 811,•25. Wheat nomnod. Corn, In hulk, roe for ma, t1.114i Unix, 756 , ,k, In Milk. blesJ pork, Cl 2. In bulk; •Inadderti, /0;.; for P.kell; 1..11 Silolligi.tr6 9kse; clear intloal ,iamt, 12; chmr Itare trldrity, 12,2ra $2,2-, In Mud, MOM I un;ThTvrPJm!! (By Tel( good; to the Pltthinirga One 1 l'inhaoccriti A, April 10.—Flour; there is an advancing lc...holey and priev , ore ntii boc-highort salcs nfirthigOstern extra at 111,50; fancy :ate, 1.15,50; cuperline, 00,50, Wheat advanced sc; cities of Coo at 1,1,25. it) c $1,54. Corn advancing, salet 300 hush, of yellow at CA. Oats foto . Whisky; sales of contraband ut $l,lO. Clover teed 11'2?). I= (Br Telewmpb to ter l'lttabargh tilucttr .111,1,..tv6e5, April It, —F'lnur dull; double extra .12,2:413x, ext ra .12,00. Wheat dull and iO{V/21 . at 42.75 for No. I and t 2,15 for No. tt,:tto for No. 3. Onto steady at Me. for No. I (moll tee& mt., 73 for No. t! tIIII.Q. Corn Clroly 0141,1) (or No. I 01.1 retelpt4. Pro v I.tunu null, Itle, , J jan K uotu La at IZIM=!!3=I3 .: Tel.preph r, the I'M/ale-eel , 6....H.10 I Cott. , nnelmnge.l; dieter MUill.,ll, nothing; .1 , .(11g. r toter active. tel. 4,13,110t41.1,:i1. 1 , 6rk.,11,11; dull: clear tl , led, 413,00414,1 e,. itterlit,g .NOv , Yyrk szt;ttl prUllliti.• RIVER NEWS The river varied bet little.. either way, during the twenty-four hours ending Mat evening, at which time the Allegheny marks Indicated about ten and a half feet. As eunsblerable ruin hi reported Cast of here, there will doubtless be another rise in both the Allegheny awl - Monongahela hirers. The weather yesterday was cloudy and close, with rain In the afternoon, and pros peels of more during the night. line noes is tolerably active at the landing, though there are entirely too many boats for ull the frei , ht that Is Offerillg. The hobo left for Oil City last evening with a larip, and the Ida Rees and Urn da urn due here [...lay and to-night. 'rho river was at attend at till city yester day, with live medal half feet In the chan nel, Uoitod States Marshal Rowley ertities the steamer Forest City for mile on the 20th ut April. Oho lea neat and icinalunt (al lit tle craft, awl with some repairtim ai ! re• pauttlng, tcouhl make a that rate low outer boat. lye understand that there was "Mg din ner" on the Dubuque yesterday, at which capt. Gray, Gen. Wm. A. Caldwell not other prominent indivldunls parLiCi pated. Thu Dubuque is, without doubt, one id the 1110=1 cOmplitte, substantial and beautiful iteamer3 ever 1,0111 itt thin point, and the will create conhicloraidu of a sennation a lien s it u reaches the place after which she Is named. Toe . .l.ll;erlett, from Nashville, 14 the only transient arrival we Itaye to report.. elle hail a very lair trio. The It. C. il/ray, from tintlsville, 14 among the. Ilret hnnte aloe. 1 he Argosy cleared for Cincinnati with n good freight Ilst and nulte a no oilier of pas amtgersi The Maggie !lays turned over what freight. she diail to the , Artimy. The Ihibuipas left for this Upper .1110shisitilil early 111 the ufternoots with splciiind trip. She hail about an the !relent alto conk' take, tail ens crowd/Al will. passengers. The Defied lie wilt tune an liege teitron to the Northern Line Packet Company. 3laggle !lays, we understand, Ales wlt lel rawer from the Condloiatt packet trade for. the present. Veriadir Capt. Iltmilenion illiCllll.4 10 "111 Up , ' fur the low Witter sea. son which 101 . 401 in ). approaching. 1 , 10 rel., wit that something about the etin mew el tile Great. Itnpublic gave way the drat night out from New Orleans, Gllll NO are int:ailed to place credence In the no. port, as others. Ise, .she w unlit douldleas have !tern at St. !rule Liefore this. Posse. lily the telegraph may throw some 1103 uu the matter. The Lorena, Capt. Sam Shumnii, la !Ming up steadily for St. houlsi n o t ohi tw reiolY to leave to-morrow or moot day. - The [SM. - , Capt. Nora, will ho in turn after too Lobate, The Ida !tees, Capt. Joe • Brown, 1.1 at ttoopeed for Ciacinnati . tied Loolet Illt e birth* Ilk. The Ila 04,11101 and reliable heat, and Capt. Itrtorti Is u vcry popular oilier, The Leonora, Capt. 1/JViS, IS M. for Na , thyttle. Tito Coltantrut, Capt. ii. 1:1,..1. to now In turn for St. Loot. and the Upper MI.- and u 11l be the Cost boat out for Uweu pilots, elle will •10 . 0tAlt dot n bb.; p ut tatodale, fo r IlarP, tho "lode pendentn let for 'et. tool, and will peat be eady to take her departur,. Copt. Jas. Mythic .1111 re char., of the of 1 ' 'l't: `torte Lake, Capt. leare. to. day without fail tor the Idaho cold rvgloo. oad airpolot. , lll thr tier , Ite-tctr l Pee .encer. an 61111 , 11,1, elsool,l hour t Lott to uttod. (Ito telt:l:tatted cetertal ne uter, wit. a traeger on tilt. I'll[kt:ethane armlet Thu Lent l'ener an,. telVerthanl to leave Clue , htisti for l'tttsitur,h C lTneat.ty. ' rho tea L,.at snet i;rnatt, en route trent .Saint To:11. au, at. Cam, on iloretuy ait h three et Iron ore in tea. The J llaal No. e, en her any front Nashville to t....110:0 , 11nti, a la at Me (00 •uttu, lug. The Pelle vertent, ell route rrOttt i'iltsionegli to natut nne, left Lteriutt.tti LlOllllOl Cr 1,0401 Istr,werattle tt eeinen 0, t at Lew:lv:lie en beraertyTl Mete. It,r the at, vist!t . .l be twenty tofl,l 0101 10:0PIC L. , there, taking etT N. , 0 ...M . 0. 0( cortr,— 'r!le New Orleans Times of k r1.1,1y ,I,.tklno of Int 5:11.:51 I:epobilo, :say, Not ::1,5:10:,1114; largo I . ow Ili of citlf.ont , aria othurs we 011 11.0 ..01.1Ion to , t, ::real I:o; , tn aatl %lion tho hour .511 . ,111,::,. - ..r7 51.1.1 , pt,t The It:l:ding antl fr 0141.: In Iroot of 111.11ntealtior w cup:v.l 10 czol.w.l.,::AtOolock 0.51510 It Wit:. 1111,•1141:1t.: sOlll 01111.4 her •nter., cut of orderuthl 'fad to to at -1: fat,: to, af..lclttrop until atfer data. IN.:V.l'lf' aim tlfc rd.. to' n and art, of cdurse, dents can not aa gtate.n 11.1 of, and MI tile ni•ftt trip of f..rvat Itcpubllc Caidam W. It. Donald ton will give:de any Irked:. a , fait! at magnftleent rteauftcr. '/"t,ltt p::,itc'acuvlu+ tone full Cl thrfasalf fa..,en g..l, end elfu had to refit, mono' apinleaLta exptc,da . ..l {k 1.11,41 , 3 to trasel ULL 60 tine tt Ira". • . tt. M ter Baird, of the J. I/ Perry - , has l a , n au a r t i t d $1 e•,0... by the entire. Stairs i./evrrnment, In paymeht for the thennieri mintiral nullsoverrlits w tech were tiara tiering the WI, fur htiverioacat otirie,ea Capt. Love Ili:kill rind Air. Low. of Item phis. :MVP laieght nue ball the sitheni-i -31.10s a at the rate nl, •l !Or the v. hole heat. on. Loot. liukill reinutailil la.r. and . Deb :Ilecjorm will iio In Umbilici.. Thu t , MI w 111 C01.110..10 to the Memphis unit Lvansv.ile (rale. Ci.;%t. 10111 ,,, ,ChettowMt, late of the liar -1.00,1111,1 commaritl of Ora Arm:t all. 4,1. Cho:moat! tot Ilotolto, Caputo, 1 , . sanney taking charge to ctllt c. The Aru:Will. , well ellentl her tett, to %Ais.- hor s t. and will creator tretglit far all Inter, mesh Ate Pulut. an the ":110 ut. Touts tell:goon, under globe of ling o liar, !NJ,: I:lit, rising slowly, Tn.., 1M two or three Icel. totnlng down the Nils , rot:IFL nblionents to New Orleans nro Ono ly to he larger Olds neck than Init. Frel.tht senree 10/ the .V11r 11 .03.0 , ..1 friar hir e want 104110 bare. Thorn 1.110 boat e Mating for the Ohio. in .1.11 11011 n on her of firCallielS 100,1 Mg for the 1.12011111iti11., I IV, lan 10A.ling with tioecroment freight, motel the Ole Itherson contract. Tonnage for the incouttiltis Ed yet lt,parelltly In (12. ern, The 11110 :54.0.1TVT nnreee. forutshol I,lth lin thratni 01.1 mtiehlto•ry, pro, mg tole fait. ...rile ts now entlrely °wiled by IVlittler It. ter d. Stars, and vies thin neck to 1.11124114. The St. lnulo Driao.-ret, of &Molloy, says: Two mere Motto loft on Cutimilay for the moinaiiinii. The Ct.'Jelion, Captain Mike Vul l mful, touilun to :tool lb In 11101 Ong with coVernincht freight for the Upper Btirsourl, lell , itsr tile. Slcrlierken contract, and will ave on Weilnenaay. Among the latent mining new. oat the Upper Utssourl, IL the tlincrivery of very rich and exten tire Cop -Ik.lo to the valley of the Muscle hell, atomf mlxty.llVer miles from Helena, Montano. Thin to of great interest tlf boat meo, on will he Celli front the fullriwlng, el Men by coo of ourcortv.ponileuts: "Men who formerly worke.l h. thevele- Mot c.l Come:rut/01 Is lilted Cvliforrilo, sly net then,' tievomitil. f witting from :ippon,. on e ce, are the richc.t. they ever know d Ylll4 h 1 tem of no smolt importance twour CiLIZIIII,, LI,. 110 ore will tuokt Ini nmelteel in Ct. Louln. llsteaniboaluillo b ill lie rco,onable to their frotailit charge.. Mtn new 1111111 of wealth will tro finuicillately ivy/Mot/lei end at they generally return I am, 1 think there 1, 00 ilhoht het their !Igor°. will encourage Its speedy iicreloll mesa. There In in good Lard rtkol to the 1/1011 to of the, miles. tile piece of shipment, which In four liumlrei lilies In.lew Fort }tripe, as the river rile," We learn silo, that a large eminent ot k i n. will be thl s year to ct. Irian points west of • St. Joseph, UIPOIITM LT HAILROAD. Prirreattaort,lrOarr• & Cn taxa° It. K. 10.—lhhols tobacco,/ 111 111ertland; 1 Wm Bingham; 215 oil bids, Jam. Wilk tn.; 11 bile apples, Mali . ft; 15 .11, do, 11 Holum; 3 cars 'metal, tilmick t co; 4 110 .10, 51oCullough, Smith ,t co; 1 .r malt, Pollock t co; I car slaver, Maya t !Whom won; X 111.1 s tipples, Staihtnyor & toe• n 1411 1 1 ,1 Xdo talks, owner, 15 bxe rum., It K0h 1...0 t co; In ,In, Shrivor, Spencer & no; 51.1.1 s eggs, I box bacon, W J 01001 .t (Ho; • Ohs rage, Pittsburgh Pamir Co; le 11 0000 ulls, Haworth. fdcDonald & co; sdo to, p Irk patrick & Ilerrott; 7 lon tub', Knox It 0rr; . .71 100 washboards, Walt:nor°, 110110 a. co; I cars metal, Jan Wood & bon. CLIIVILLAND AND Prrisinritnlr ItAIL.OAD, April In-10, bran Poor. Little, Baled It Pat ton; Ird dn, W 11 Hagan; jai do do, C.. 11 leech; I car lumber, J Oraeicr; 1 do do 4 & A Hays, 115 slor potatoes, S pkgs. I. U Volgt & co, list bids oil. Little t Mcwhling; El bill. chalrojledlord Chair Co; 100 bushels corn, Campbell It Brown; 2 pkgs butter, Kell It Bitch art; 7d bbls rye AGM . . StelVtaL Lang enireltn; 7 pkge produce, 1; Ileaslelon; t bar. Ilrots eggs, Herbert; 4 rolls beather, N Ilottstott; 18 pkgs znople molasses, F Jon klus; I Irbl dir,llllolo, Sou & en; 1 1,1,1 eggs. nlearm It Collin,' I car staves, Emil Schalk; II Wigs ormidco; Forger & Armstrong; 10 rIO do, Vaugorder It Shepard. • rerTtostruun, Cow:Maus & Ctsrerroraxl It. IL, Aprtl 10,-5 kegs tobacco, T J Black more; 1 be samples, W It D Ltlnehartrapkgs, Volgt & co; 5 bbl. eggs, Graff It Belterril do in, 05 do apples, Ad•lr.t 00110 do dry 012. C C I. box books, .1 1. Brad; bids eggs, Dll llowitoo,• 1.1 rye,J Trick; I ear 0010,11 Ingham; 1/ Ake Oats, J B bleu nor; 51 prgs 11s1r, Runt It Orr; Xi sacks rye, Stewart d Langenhelm; 10 Ws apples, 011101±; 1 bbl lard, 1 sack dry apples, .1 II Colwell,• 72 seeks potato., outs, Stur geon & Bro; 79 pkgs hides, O N llotIstott; 2 cases tobacco, IA Ludwig deo; dl caddlce do, A t; ltnst. AxxxciarsT brAxiox. April 10.-13 deo brooms, W France; 33 bblii apples, Kennedy A 1.01.1w09; I 001 bettor, It S A Citroen; I fix bacon, J Craig: 7 Imo flaxseed, II II Suydam; I cur elutes, Italyu S Itobertson; I do do, C Ido buy, Pitts. Man. It. It ; I ear oats. ntewart .t Lange:Ando.' ear not alnen, 1,10 nate, 0 wens d Olds deur,lt Hoes S You. l'irreasenen .site CONNYLLEIVIL. It. It. April 9,--12.3 ski] onto, Wm Bingham; 1 cur stone, IC Henderson ; . ..3 kg, mills. It kgs n, 1,1,16 sugar, Newcomer, Goo & .co; do4to, Watt d %%limn; I do du,l2 Ilitarletont . 4 kgs butter I Mt! onions, Et Cooper; 102 bills sheet Iron, * F Armstrong; 23 coils rope, Marshall, Fulton d ALLE(lllBttr ILAILMIOAT, April 0 I car clay, liith ridge A son; to bush oats, 30 do core. J Stook; 7 pkgs butter, 7do egg., Illity; 3 do do, 3,10 Motor, J cutely; II 91m oats, Vickers A 1106;12 Mils potato,., Nc wmyer A. co; IQ itlits feed, IQ 410 vats, Bricker d ev. STEAMBOATS 1867. 1867. PITTSBURGH AND T. LOUIS ilMitValc " ""Y.F.,;NZ! '"' EZRA PONT 8., NIASIOIIC NAYS, WALTANITA. NEW TOSIN, ARMNIA. CC/LUMINA. Ktt LAKE No. 4, IMPoitTElt. HATE PUTNAM, NATE 11,HINSON, YOIIKTOWN CILVER CLOUD 240.2. BELLEV ERN ON. MINNIE. IitIENNIAN. AM F.1.1A POE. I,e of the above boats alit leave for S. Louis and a!: intemediate ports cn each Wg.t.NE.- ln DAY and SATURpay, as s o•eloet „ Freight and parsengerr r reel pled thrn.r. 1 ° o ' . points on the Upper Stlaglesippl. •nd Missouri rivers hy the Northern Inc Parket Co., Illinois Itlvcr racket Co. add Niger boats. Apply to LACK. COLLIN LIWOOLc. LIANNEd CoLLIN2C. Age rat or Capt. HAZI'I. siIUNIA N. No. VI Water target. top &tali's.) INDEPENDENT PACK - „, r. ,4 ET hT. LOUIS. DU111.714U/....r. AND ST. PAUL .-111 c. Waal, HPUILTYIt Capt. JOHN Irate as •Ilorn coo WEDNESDAY. April 17i L. 11111 woo take ft.lght and pa , seceera for lesotul rlvi, Fur (felt Ot of IDD , a/S. , aI.P/Y on board or to YLA(::K d COLLINGWOOD, Agent., I' OR TUE if:OLDr....ta MINES UY MONTANA A:4l IDAllO.—The nr.t ela44 passenger steamer .11. V tilt %Ali 11, Nu. 4 'lOOO. Command., leave o 1 a 1.,: on Tiluuni, tY, April nth, taking freight fur 04. Louis and all 1.010. 041 the .111.4.iiiri river. sot Irelgln or passage aPPIT 0 . hoard, apt F 0 It EIVANSVILLE, , CAII:0 AND sr. Lovitt.— • TilP.l.londld pas...pant atcatucr 1,114}A Pahl. t 3. YIII'NOO, iC3VI2 an sport oo Tills DAV, April 110. at .1o•clock p. to. For frelatt, or inv.,. apply on board. nr to .09 11.01'4 ,*. I:DIA-1St:W./DD. A "mu CINCINNATI ant1 .7 ,e44, , LOUISVILLE, (without shlpplo , F.l.-TllO atearn,, t I "" buy oT Uis DAV the Il b lust. at 4 o'clucl 04 a p,to. .IN O. FI,ACE, or. Aavota• - - INDEPENDENT pACK-1):-.;,,..,1, r.T.—VOILFT. LOUIS AND .1)11.1 IL VP:IL—Me ,plcuditt pa,coger amer • Cart. .1 , 110 N. 1141,0, for the end rton.ltxt,• 1101. 1 on THIS I),Y. the 11th Instant, at tn. For p •14.11 4nt tn. , a or. arm. n IAM KS 1011.1.1,, 00.•01. l; oa KED (LEK, ,i)U— gifrArlt 1111QIIF. VAUL.— Tnetinel l i A nner l'st.t. Itcno, Will troire for and tottrma.llate putts, 1. , 1 !ilk CU lat Al. 11,, th Inst.. at 11P. nt• ""rei' fr '2 l ' . r tNirjf , 'L7. l l ' N ') i , no.. or 10 sri Bodo:erg 001.1.150 Ag'"" . 1 Pr ;t WEEKLY r -rr,,,rztpi , rAt'XICT lIKTLVEY.S 1.1010. .7 - IlUI:(41 ANL) iSIi.,CI,,SATI,-1 he saw Lint tylen,lldelde-nt.rel.pattat, F.7.ltA 1.4,1:TK1t Cat, l'oniF.H. 111 lexvo I.lll,lttarkli on:1,11;111,Y, 15 , ;1 , . .1 12 21. Fur ft rlghl or { , .....C0 ou board. Or 0., V. ItAlt.F.. or • REM! It_ I El: UL A "V E LV ja A.C . 11 , 1;/ N ATI TAcht.T.e . PVF.Iq WE1 , 1,1.21/Vi AT 12 M. comiu..flotto Otilclrr. ror frt .11.4 nr to • f , ll HAHN E . '. . .• 1,114:1111,411. .1:1E1 LW "„, = ik BETiVrY... 1'117.1 ti 1.71:011 AN!, 4 . 11,1!NN ATI —The rlc• an.l .1en.11 , 1 Ugh: .Iral,g, • ' ,11, . 1 1 '0 , . +l.t. 1 , . 1.. IlLsbiara, , , II I,•r, Tor r and 1ntr....11e, Vor, y_r, 4 I avid y of 1 , 1 JAil byCOLLIN:, I Arrntn hi SEWING LaAciiiNES )EST E ('SE WEED, ALSO FINKLE & LYON Lock Stitch Sewing Machines, vt!'cb on I+ , ll +l4+-4. Iv, pa.-eZma..r t:4.‘ io an, ~ttr., r turnit twcuty Wartsnle , l t+.l++ ••• tr.. ==MMIM3I IMEMSME tort, lo,• .• • . 011 rAT or •r. Mr.. 1,41,1, Arect mil I ,:or J. . . . MI•• 1. 1 . Wll,a, L..a okar ma= . . . iNIIII.IITII..aLo Cokr.., • ,d $1 Kee sln.ets, /II . J. , •••It.1“, .toort”. *tr. et, gtx, and i , ther•• ttrs.l.lall.l ry,,,` for •it . e. Crtrmlec t ti 11.i•ut ft.,Ltt Yrk tiTLI 'AtaZ.I . I',WAIN I'll, Az.nt. 11 . 4 if , •v+ i'. t GROVER. h. BAKER'S ELASTIC STITCH AND LOCK STITCH Sewing 4/1161.11110S Tlfir 1117-T r V•mflr •nd tht. .10. IS Firl4 Street 13E.1.11:11L11 ED 1.111 floart•lthz Loa en, Inft I got lii<4, Mt MAL IL ?.14 ittn vars.; as, la by •:11,,apc 1.,pr0.' to IS .I' , _ I. 3.13 vatircrot, 11.4 trrix.vr En SEWING MACIIINE Ht. cheep LltNeol,l Ilneilno In Mr ['Wt.' A4•nto‘”nt..:l4 , v, Ty.rt 6400 p, n[: •I . . 1 . /111t: 1:111 , 1IIIC 1 1. n. r•I Agtutb, flit f'hr.tnut 211...1. IMI Adriphla. .1.1 121 GET :ONE ULT A GROVER & BAKER fort Itolblay UIII. it Is pernt.l, nod bcrefora tLc Last. Don't fall to call awl sra hal EMI= BADE. g/11aEtlA CAI/111A G E ;. . : ii., 1 GLOM L BALL M. 1 SII RUM IN . ii.lere bertha ere. It li the be el for i lieu. um, For •sl at I ne l :n. NO. Is lIIFT , I .091 Y. 1. THE GLIOVEII bc, HAKIM SEWINC MACHINE 111 the IlltltnaVhule7A Meehen Fltace and exam!. It at NO IN FIFTH .41'ItEET, FILINMANtOTTON 11..011KS E. HYDE'S & SONS Are ownrykoarwal to 121.111.1,11t0 COTTON Y AItN. +III'ET MIA IN, VAT ILL ES YA ILN CAN DLit WICK = =I W E , T CAN m.KrienET, betyrt.on Itoblnpou •nd Lacork, va. p. ortivrt. surntl...l tn. n, ...k xis_omir,ssx.o.wa. ODINIBUS AND LIVERY STABLE, .710. 410 Pens* Street. RAIN it PITCAIRN, Proprietors, air Omnibuses sad car - flues furnished for al trains. Also, Carr/rasa for Funerals, Weddings sad rattles, at snort uotlos sad res.:unable ruts. Ptable Open Day and Night. 1.2:0.1,..111. MEI= S4I:SGERLY 8 CLEIS. Vlacceehors to Uco. r. tichucbman S C 0.,) PRACTICAL LITHOGRAPHERS, The ONLY 8TE3311.1Tt10011.31 • 1111.: xesTA a. Lle.tistV.NT Vi N.7T Or TIS 3iOUNTAINtI. Lumens (lends. Lotter Beetle. Ronde, Lithete, Cieeulerc thew Card,, Diplom., Portrait, V lewe. Certificates of DLptrf it, I Card, Le.' Nee. 19 era 13 Thleil at., rm.. T. !IL BLACK, • 41/51.21...13-13.037 - . Three door. Shove bzultielleht Street rrrrecrtUßUH, PA Every land of Work donc on the 'Nall stiart , tlc and most rensonable term. Puticular T. ,, t 1e Jnblo 1104:o - 4 WHITE LEADS. . I'd - re 'IT. It. N. & Co. , Brawl White Lead •I do , do do "%drotdontor" do do •• '"Coottnent&l" WI • do Moe Lend, tor Oil Itmlner.: • /Ltd Lest owl I.lthance; 1:01.11 dry and In oil: Yor sale ILL T. If NEVIN & SV. env., Third and 11111s•krt St• DEM AliAltA SUCAII, TWO RHOS. VERY CHOICE BRIGHT YELLOW EDGAR, • Jun rt Weed and far eale by the pound or bar L rel ""er''lli r"'". lartl o ILEHHIIAW. mbtb . corner Liberty bud Mutt sirrets. CLOVER NEED.-74 Unshells Prime Clover bred trrelvytl , or, boa for 'bib by YETZEII et A 1:1ISTHOSIY. bat, enrne, mart., and First. sta. I EVIE.-200 bbls. while Lime tor .atc by • J. MANUFACTURERS MEIN IRON MKS. JONES & LAUGIUNS, TX"rl9.lEll7.i=l-C3r JEL 31/21%7ACT011185 07 AMERICAN AND CLUB Bar, Boop;glieet sand Plate Iron Bridge Iron; Angle and T Iron; Guard Iron; • Coal Screen Iron; TlTaih,l6 bC 20 lbs. to the yard; Tram italle,punched and coun- ter Hunk Boiler, Bridge and Tank BicetS Cut Alall4 and Spikes; Ship nod Boat Spikes; Railroad Spill-erg - - Railroad Fish Bars and Bolts; Railroad Car wueels and Axles; Street Car wheels and Axles; Coal-Pit Car Wheels and Axles; Patent Cold Rolled Shafting; Puterlt Cold Rolled Piston Rods; Mower and Reaper Rars. WAIMHUIId2: litiilOYF/CE, 120 Water and 153 Front St& ISKANCIS HOME. Nos, 22,24 and 26 River St., 101,7 , CIOCAIIO. ILL. SHEFFIELD STEEL WORKS SINGER, NIMICK & CO BEST REFINED CAST STEEL SUM, FLAT AND OCTAGON. 07 ALL um MILL, MIMAT, CIIICULAn, ltO AnDerg COT SAW PLATES. I= RAILWAY SPRINGS, Card Spring Steel, fast and German Plow Steel, BLOW WIMIS AND W.IWAIL BAILS. -, SPRINGS, AXLES AND STEEL TIRE, 61 , 1(1.....511./VKL.. Slut, lIAIIE, ViIIIK. TI/K CALK MAL:111NBLII BAsT STALL.. CIIOW-BAlts. At., lc., Ac. Warehbuse, S 3 Water St., FiltsVgb, AirLart WOMiS, .11 0 117' STIREE Tt • Ninth hyard, l'lttsburgb. rnomks N. :ttlLLEß,Proildent. 1 Thr••• Work, err am• , ra' thv larre.t And moat W:tl, sod Ste nut. pr. -lartit t, • En gin. 01 Es vry lloscrlptlun, =! I=l3 tic Ilruadting.., Bolling Mill 124 Fling% Englnc (:,,,tlrtv klnchirte Cafttinp, Ge.lers I Ca-llng4, ORDERS SOLICITED. PITTSiIt Mill MARY. A. GARRISON & GO., Illel., to 11.:Ima, Garrison S Co. SOBERS AM) MACHINISTS EC= CHILLED ROLLERS, OF ALL SIZES, 1,1, ,Ferl. /Inc, Copper, , 11,e ^tr•wr II rarr .111.1 1.1, Nth, 1,1,1“LlIs11• 2:1,T . t.1 vat, patternk. 1.1 1 ,11 ,. //13 1,11. / xa.:1,14 tv nutic• ad 4 ardlou., :Jr°. 'J.S:is lib nerd Street, .1, 1 . 11 , 1 4 1t111: , 11: VA igal FORT FITT FOUNDRY CIIkEILES . KSAP NEPHEWS IDEAS']'ORDNA NCE, AND ALL KINJa lli FIXAVY eACTINtI4. . . rAlt, Fa 10$1,1.1N" . .• MACHU:FM' .14 IZITOUT. . . REV AIRS skit,•l.l to ttrvmptty. - At—tt.c ..att [tat% nur erFAT. tieed at Ole I , l , u.uo!ry. II•t rt onr old ato , k, vrre a.lta att . . allo arnov at. 1. attrns. Cc , D:ll , o. a M ,a. CH1 r . 1,,,n of Mr. pa. Vl. bl 14, aintaLN A I L AN C 3 at shorty MI no B ERT LEA, M A N vrAin U1{14110? STEAM ENGINES AND EGILEBS.' Freight lloisters AND DOCTOR ENGINES. SgrCa, lln,da ofgl d, f 4 , Y0. Matt to order Corner or First •nJ Ferry jxi•rs PI 2 . 7.5. , P6711. PA. , UTILITt womis. IicLEAN & BLATOII, No. S 3 Liberty St., opposite Fourth, • mmturAarrynnuel or CABINET MAKERS' HARDWARE. Th , Y tn. , :n •perlalty or Irnn Itedstrad and Pivot Ca...rn: Porcelain, liodatoad •nd Pivot Clotors. lit Stopg for [stun Rion Tatolcr, in. The al. reanufarture. and hay , . oonstantllon banes Thumbs atch... eprlng hatchr, /el.ran, Window trash eupportor, •1.4,11.• I,oentrlo Ha. Bolton. Utility Nhnt for and Brat liln,a, litlnd•anne. lianxinnta. sof Iron.. n 4•11 /11, 151:oao ALLZW.....1115. L. MIMI. VALLEY STOVE 11,0111 ELS. ALLEN. NI'KEE & CO., Ow.. and Wareham. 301 Liberty ■t. 'opposite Baathilleld, Manufactures a gnat rarlety of 00(.1K. FAR -1.0 it an•t lIKATI NU ISTOV Kt, among which art , the kelebrated Allegheny, and Monitor Coal Cooking braves: also. the Autocrat and Neutinel for coal or wood. and the unrivalled liar of rho Empire. for wand; also, Arches. tired., fen ders, .I.r/fettles, Dog trona and Hollow Ware gum rally. mht munx AETNA STOVE WORKS. A. BRADLEY & CO. Itknoruture every valet, of Cook, Parlor and Heating Stores, Among eohlcbles( oele boated LIIRESA and. TALISMAN (Coal Moves() £l.l. DIANA TXTEILAN and INONSIDES (Wood Cook elovea.l Aire manncaetare GRATES, GRATE FRONT'S, dte. When 111141 Warehonon, corner _of Sonorni and W. 41 strests. Pittsburgh. Antssnee on Intoond tatront.lawa PITTSBURGH 11101 i WORKS• J. PAINTER & SONS. .C.C1....1,11/. OP Iron, Itabket, Tub and Trunk HOOPS AND SHEETS, I GEM BLACK DIAMOND ifVer£IIIY.i3JNTITCIOI93II3. • ^ PlTivßUfiOlt, rA 1..4.1t1t, BROTHER as Co., Manufacturers of REST QUALITY lIICI , INED OAST UTEISL. &quart , . Flat and Oetaxon, of all rises. War ant..hrgioal to any Imparted or manoractnred ttk thlt eou and .. °Mar ..vb.., No. Ifi .4 ldl Flret, as Neonnd Pat... Larch .11 IRON CITY MILLS. ROGERS & .BURCHFIELD, =9 Refined. itsorcool. Juniata & Polished rESIEC3EIIII% . 7..1.1.0Dr. Orrzes Amp WA.usliecths. UT. 003:135 • EVERSON, PRESTON tk CO, prx..orsrr. rat.r/4 InA3INT : NVOIKI.I7g. enouse. N.. If 3 mai le7 Fltal .tre.topt,. Voila ~,,, la Mali's. rltutlarali. Fa. 014Anu4Awglitvo0 NATIONAL ' FOUNDRY AND PIPE NV COILI2ES, Corner Carroll and Srnallman Streets, Ninth Ward, PITTSBURGH, FA. WM. SMITH, MAN tri•AcrUntir. or Cast Iron Bowl Pipe, FOR OAS AND WATER WORKS. Z7•lll,P.l. 4 :erlTLV.Wl, l . —r .Zrs l on,l l giL'i l :T7- mint MBA CASTINGS FOG GAS . AD THEE VOW. j':..ZVLVV . 01. 1 i.'17;.";`,;1 ° ,70ri, 13 0 , 12 . 1%`." - feMISO THE FULTON DELI' IND BRASS FOUNDRY, ESTABLASHED IN 1102. Nos. 91 First and 70 Second Streets, PITTSBURGH. PA I= ALL SIZES OF BELLS, From 10 to 100,000 rounds, GLOBE, Intl, CHU DD WIT! LIVES, Of All slum, Slop Corks of Brass or Ikon, 0? ►LL GUAGE AND CYLINDER COCKS, Agents fur ell the afferent. STEAM PUMPS. 1=1:1 Celebrated Steam-Syphon. IGaters In GAN 111 PIC, HTEAM and GAn FIT TIN(I9, FLUMBEILV WI/ILN, etc., etc. FarticulAr •ttention paid to STAAM And OAS FITTING In all Its branches . . - The only manufacturers of A. FULTON'S ETALLIII PACKINti FOR STE.AI CYLIN DERS, Ar, BAIIIIIT•9 CELEBRATED hOiTI-ATTRI TIoN .S.IF.TA constantly on nand. R .. BA., and B UN and CASTINGS made to order and finished with 'matures and dispatch. Parllcular alttntlon pald 10 Brans nnl,dalnie In all Its branches. We al. C,) cunatantly on harm all 1111.3 010110,1, Square and ttfllto , l 11,00 and Cnltoa 0010 Bolin of all Slot, 01 up to ordrr. A. FULTON'S SON & CO rnbi r,s FORT PITT BOILER, STILL IND PINK WOTtritS. CARROLL & SNYDER E2E= TUBULAR., DbUBLE-CLUED, TUBULAR. FIRY.-801 A CYLINDER sTEA.III till. STILI.t AND OIL TANKS, CHIMNEYS, BRE:EI:RENO AND A.SII FANS SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND CON DEN SEBS, STEAM PIPES, GASOMETER.% AND IRON . 11ILIDUE 3, rliasult DOORS AND COAL SLICTES. Otis. and Ws sits corner Second, Third. .Short sttd 'Liberty Streets. I Pittsburg]; Pennsylvania. aarlyrd,s lent to the .hove oddress .111 ho promptly stletoled to. t0117,1a 'VIES IU-VIILTS IRON AND NHL WORKS. LEWIS, BAILEY, DALZELL & CO I=l BAR,BOILER,SHEET -A-ND .r.Aasner.. NAILS AND NAIL RODS Warehouse, 73 Water & 90 Front PITTSBURGH, PA. KENSINGTON IRON WORKS, LLOYD & BLACK, KA.IFUrACTIMIII/ Or Best Common, Refined Charcoal •Juniata Bloom Iron. OBBOBABJ BAB:, /BOUND a BVUAE Lima ANOLE MON. E===! ===M=l CYLINDER and UDARD 011 ■INUEE IRON eIIALL T IIAILIwIIO and 10 lbs. to the yard WRODGIIT CHAIRS and NTIKES for Dm. FLAT RAILO. roncbed and Donato/rani, COAL SCREEN IRON. NAILe LOU tIYIKJL.n. Warehouse. No. NS Watar and No. n Marta sta. Works. &erred street, Edger!" Ward. ad Moths (Illy Us. Works. l'lttshurch. au7.1.1s KEYSTONII IRON WORKS. HUTCHISON, GLASS & CO ., Itthareetnrere or the different Mee o Round, Square, Flat and Horse-Shoo Bar Iron, Hoop and Band Iron, Boiler-Plate, Tank and Salt-Pan Iron, Sheet Iron,&t,, Wort.. PITT TOWNSHIP. ou Yonougalkcla river. Odice.d Warehouse: No. 146 Water St. m117:10 CRESCENT STEEL WORKS. MILLER, BARR i, PLEKIII, YANDTAGITPERS OP BEST QUALITY CAST STEEL naeall• Planalsotnro. MEM=EZi=!Mlii;E=Miil IMMII3e=I °Moo, 38 Wood Street, IN WC. (MAUL= HOTCL ISNILINNO. Jtuao 180, WM. tclEttNl DUQUESNE IRON AND STEEL.WORKS. HALLMAN, RAHM & CO., 1147107./.=llll/1 07 Iron, Nails. Springs, Axles, PLOUGH. EIPHUIG AND A. B. STEEL, &a, ==l larobtoor street. PITTSBURGH. OMAHA. liOIIIELI WOllllB. MORROW & BARNRILL ataituracrosaas or Steam Boilers, Oil Stilts, Agitators, Tanks. Balt Pans, Gasometers, Wrought Iron Bridge', Sheet Iron Work, Am., ac., COL LIBERTY AND SECOND BTB., PITTSBURGH, Pa. • szi•AiniNu MAN ritonrTLY. MONT BLANC FOUNDRY, Butler Street, Ninth Waid, OPINAUTE UNION MON MILLI, 1 .. .1"1"1"81.113117...11.<3,10C. Rolling Mill and Bridge Castings. IHRINSET AND CASTINGS GLUMLY, linters promptly nod carefully execotyd CHAROILB REASONABLE. EBBEHT & MAOB.LLED. uc16:114. MANUFACTURERS. COMIYUTRS'I4 11-FlCttAblit CINCECNATI B,IEA_D .1311 AND SHEET LEAD WORKS No. 19 East Ninth Street iIIcCORMICK & GIBSON, Proprietors, DrALII.II, Pig ,Lead, Block Tin and PATE\T SHOT. Make to or,frr Pll.l-4 and Sti66TS ”I" sue re nuts, rt woleht an.l 51[4, pur equart toot 1•, It, and upwards. I•:p.,—Calibre Inch to I Als, very llghtr , Ve for UP/r.“ 11 am Itn awl for 14-11ttyr. woul.l ..pectatir ML the attcallon o rhal/I•ere aud I . r..optlctor: of 011. WOO KS AND OIL WELLS. pITTSBURtaiI STEEL W-011E. •WDERSON, C(?(JIL & CO., I= htunfactorcrs of tt , bortroOned Cut Ste ropuo, Clot an.l lOqun.uf 1,11 Ctrs, tiur Hoe, For: w3moot Cut etcol. Ou Stool for Reaping and Mowing Machin STZET PLOW WIXOM, Opairmas, AZ . LIM IOIIEULA.R.S. Cut. A: Common Plongll b Spring Stool, Vetch—Comer of First .4 Acerestseets. h'e••. eh:me the Motemenhela letuase. sertette INK MIR WORKS, HUGH. M. BOLE & CO., Engin(' !Guilders, FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS. CASTING. , L.ght and Hovey. made to oiler. Machinery of every deicriptlon manufactured on sho.t notice. Corner Of Point Alley and I nlna 0,110 W Ay, PITTSBLEGII, PA. m 1,20 vr4 LIPPINCOTT& Olh No. 118 Water Street, MANC7.I.CTL'IIII:o 07 I'ATEE'T I'ATX2IT TEN RRED.I rezzyr ivtatiED CIRCULAR., if lULAT, 211/9. ILND CRTHS-CUT - E4 W E 4. J. , 1n01, ILAILIairiVAL.I B. WOLF. .TR., &CO., Dr.ALLIIS lx Hardware& C utierv. Are now I . ..relying Intro nd.lltlon to our .loft . . which le„,!‘ n V) Dcalere 2]LEIIk3T77.7EILIV - 1 =. 23.101310:41. Corner Liberty and St, Clair Sts., snm.l7l F. MIISSMANN, Fifth Street,h elsceen Tunnel and Ch atilans Strets, • Gunsmith and Dealer in Hardware. Flret c' n=o e au.!. of nil 4...erliptloni al , n - arn s olf rahj nn.: nold nt the lon/ Ilt,rmlrlag nynahl iv nn nt6nrt not.. n. BREWERS, M A - ESTERS, &c pirTBURGIi BREWERY. CARSON, Db RUNGTON & CO., CLIMES, !Aunts 15D 110 r KALIL'S, JOSIIII.7A 11110 DEN at CO., Pllfebrirt =I Trtc Rttuatton of tbc castotocrs of the twO Etnu• 3. Du ticulat:3 lavit,4l. to .•15 ALES AND PORTER. Which, through or carv.fularlEction of Matt from our exteptive paiting facilities and lit;hs from the yard, talitoko,l West. csa goarautee tb be pory and aauaractory to the tia , le. Our INDIA/LUC highly reeo=boaded by physle-laua ft , r fatally use. aslrbtr. ANDERSON'S rustoin,,olllbleasehe particular .0 leave their re at LIE erste° ad jo lulug his 014 Brewarr, or at our velco,, Corm of Doyesce lizy and Buter's Alley, n0:t,070 : ALLEGHENY BREWERY. Baring nu reburied tn., old established itrewery known as tlie r ALI.Y.O II C_nY FIRE.WEILY. fore meriy owned by tipmpoell itechm, wee would Inform the public that we !Intend Cot...bluing the manufacture of . . . SPRING WATER ALES, Blade from ip Watt,. and from oar hrtllttra and lona . eivcrlturr In the boat..., e NO sat tentd that we ald to enatlrd to 'lee rntlre sallcfaction to ttLode who may favor u with their • 11911.119V1EC 40C/.. 465 Rebecca Street, ALLEGHENY CITY. sa-All orders kn at FROWN A 131.1ARAM'S. %OA I.d.orty street; rlttsbargboull be Pro.Pd7 attended PIIORNIX STEAM. BREWERY. SPENCER & MISTERS IND DRIAVERS Ale, Porter and Brown Stout, PITTSBURGH, PA. It4•:Ul. &V.L :(tl,rrrrrr7QJ STEAMSHIPS. BALTIMORE AND HAVANA N. HAVA-N A AND N Ev; ESS AY. CAE ' $1 THE . UNITED lITA.TES MAIL. . The Tlret-thees liteemehlps of it&iine matt as folIooe: •HIBILLITY•-I,7Ndlons, for New (Yr!eine vla Key Went and HIT., Thos. A. Hain, Commander. WFUOESUAY. April 17th. •.C.III/I` , LOCO tons, for New ()Henn, and Havana, Command, on nATUI:I)AT.' May 1.. b. Trona 11HOWN'S WHARF. F61.1...3 11/I1:T. At I o'clock r. M., pn.claely, on the day. an nounced For freight or parsuge. EaTtng nusurpassod &sumo:iodations. apply to ' 116.2i1t1i It. WAN), IN & CO., Agents. • tirciatls Wn•str. N. 71.—N0 bills of Lading but those of the Cont. ran, van t& .Ivied . Permits for the freight most tu procured from this once. No freight - received not Ibis °lidding signed on day of sail ing. - nold RTEAM TO AND FROM LIVER. NAM, AND QUEENOTOWN lIRRIARD) TWICE A WEIIII. IbeINAIA.I4 LINE, salting EVERY SATURDAY, EVERY WEDNESEAY CA11511511 U. 5. MAIM. Ticketsold to' and from Ireland, ERRIRII Be° laud , Dean any and France. Apply at thellomf any's Deices.. JUAN U. DALE, Agent., 15 Broutiray, N. 1.. Or,ltiNtlitAll JR.. oCOMII Adams' Exprest Pittsburgh. NOTICE TO OWNERS OE DRAYS - . HACKS, &C. NoLie! Is hereby glyen to all ownersof Msg. one, Drays'. Cants. Carriages. Ituggles, wNether resident or non-reelthnt In the Cltv of Pittsburgh. to pay (bell...lroner. at the That nrwr'svetioc of of,tbeltt.burgh. forthwith. In Record:awe with an i. wbfembly, pros. d 190 an.f an orthualteeof the Cc totals of the city of ritt.burial, 1,1..5.1 April All Licenses not paid on of befotle Vier will le placed in the hands of the Chief of Y Ilce. fur coll. Wen. subject to Ha fee of So cent. for the collection thereof, and an persons who neglect or refuse to take out Licenses will be eubject to • ren•lty, to bo recov erect before the Al %Fo r, double the amount of she sc. Thu old metal Watts of peewits. rear. Anal be returned at the time the Ltrenaes weaken outs or pay :3 cents thereb e. NATE* OE LICIINOM. Each One Hone :Vehicle ............ Each Two Horse Vehicle Each Your Horse ....... .••.... 18 to Each Two Horse tract „s, rawn I: w w o Omnibuses and Thanes - r ! ..r 0,141. " o. " . ,er n' L ' lL ' o .r f at, - .Ye ' r tract "..1',:t1,11:131C1t. City Treasurer . - Feb ..... 1. rarer fe4,a73 - PRIVATE DISEASES. urrum as. 4 rElliEl LIT/MST. nee BAWL for toe ears e, it of ell Median of a Private n.• torfroisi two Lehrer days. by u rntlie y new and ash, treatment. Also. 'Seminal Weaknest. msd nth. elected. of the genital organ, aid tint: 7 itei :; ?.:i .r tro2ol.4l ° :Ot n al e . y , t r o a 1.7a l " e o . Ictters. 1/r. W.. V". Peon ascot. VEOI 11.-50 labia. Extra Fain T ""r. 1¢ .tory and fur r•le HMS lioN aUI Co.:LarMasket and I int ot.. CO - PARTNERSHIP. Tri E UNDERSIGNED HATE AS eoelatt.l onth there in an branches .or their burin ontinu.. Ja L. lilNd r EATIL The natne arm WU/ ce &s heretofoe. 1U F. SELLERS & CO, PORK PACKERS, Azol Maloof totaroro of 3La IL Eli JD OIL, a New Bacon. Beef and Tongue's Will to , rosolr for 4ollvery on Mototor. Zith Choice Sugar-Cured Slams: Do do do Berl; I}o do do Beef Vongurg Ih3 du du BreakfaA !Sart.; PIAlu Cured Bacon Abuulders; ,du doi Sides. At re,lnde4 rotor: , nod of exe..llcet quelltr. Front this rate thuil ho rrtularlr .uppllel wlth oil article. to tae 1:/oviAtori trade. BIIEWEIL - BURKE 4'; CO., COMMISSION NEUHINTS, tatENTS FOOL TWO Pacific, Globe a; Liberty 011 Work's, Ample:to:owe for {;rude and itadnod ldt. Lib eral cub adva.ees inado on eunstru.kettta of ,htCru or ReOned Votroleom. T•rda for storms and oment nt Grotle at L•wrzacoollia. liMee Ind Ware) guar, Corner of Doqursta aad Hancock. wee:. 1'1.14140c1, loySO.alO P. SLITC.ILLII.T. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Flour, Gr:ln D , Sfreds, Mill Feed, &e, 341) LUSZILTY mr3411:42 PITTNIIULIGH. PAI --- FETZER & ARMSTRONG, FONIEDING An OMNI ILECILESTS, . tot the sale oz Floor, Grairt.,llscon, 1.1.5 d, Nat t4r. Needs, INNNI ?mite, l'n.Avec generaity. N.. /5 Market btrect, corner of Strat, Pitt/by/101. Po. - - • ••• • • - - - - "'WENS is KENNEDY, •-•PRODUCY, COMMISSION 10XIII.`11 ANTS •0.1 Wholesale Dealers In rui:Ettiti I 1 .1111.0.• lit riturr., HALT, TLIJI/11., Lai - rzit. EM4.7 , 3, IVTATuLB, de., and In Provisions and Produce. S , ocrally, No. 70 YZIJEU.AL BTILICIET. oppo. cite the Ballroad /17.i..21011.02. Agents for ins sale of P. Y. 11004. Donnell /I Yllniao•s and J. liana`, Halt. • •5015:174 • ID. T. 61 . 3... W:11. J. STEEL & num, late &mt., eta. , DucE cult- MISSION atEUCHAIITD.receire and sell:loot% Corn Moat, Oats Jul Corn, Beans, Raton. Lard. Potter, CO, Ergs, - Pork, Green and Dry Fruits. Potatoes, Lime, Salt, Do. ['Articu attention lidp to and liras, Peed, Feathers. lar Oil Harrel, I (pop 1 otos. the vale of , Domaace //Mita, Do. 13$ Third street. rittanitth. 1014, 1'11' p KitOX tr. PON, Co.l3and/11111011 LEECH ANT 6 mvt 1/ealea, la FLOM:, tiILMS, MILL FE.7.1) and PRODUCE acaaaaral ly, Mo. 7I Mlamand, opposlta City Mali, Ana- Ahcay Clay. • lal 7:ra, 114 1 1 V . CRAWFORD. . Commix s ION itERUHANT lEll'lO II TAI uLousas QUE, HeitiVIRUN, FLEE IMICIC at:tat/LAY AR. Wsnda.o sad OCtu. Nis. 365 sad 365 VENN liTlt6ET.Bl.drsaa turalehed. Catuticarneraz aollelted. • ocl J . MUSS M 'BANE & ANJER, COMMIS WU!: MICUCHANTS and dealers in TLOI3II GRAIN. and rturiWCZ. deeJad sirceL tetweett Wood and dad (braid. PatsbaraD. aptluy LITTLE, /LAIRD is PATTON, Whedesalearncers. Comreirsten :111crehantne and deal... In Produce. Float . . Baran. Cheese. PUN Carbon sad Lard Oil, Iron, Nails. Olaas, Cotta a Yarrn anet Plttrburgh ratatufarturcat general', 13 tad 111 c.cond Plttsbnrgh. P. Denazu....arla. D. Dziatara. RESUMER Es. "MOS., (Successors lleyiner a Ar.derson.) Wholeaale ()talon in Foreign Fruit.. Nuts sad dpiees, confeetione Vk ' nCerki=l. l l4 .. r7Peth l lqtt! ' 4 - (fiarP. * 17 - 4(11 3 . 1 OILY H. CATIFIELD, Commis ." (ton sod forwarding Merchant and whets rale des! to la Weeterd lieyerre Cheese. hat ter. Lard. Pork, Raced. Vino, Fish, Pot tad Pearl Arne., and (Jun. Dried Irma. and Pro duce generally. Noa. 114 sad 148 /leant atrnet, Pittsburgh. ktIDDLr"No. IS3 Liberty Sr" • rtt.burgh. ra..Com.lnnion Merchant.. md K 'hulesalit Uea erin Couutry Produce, Unwellea szni rlttlln:rnb o n fancur‘e. Caen utr...c,d on ally.Cuanigna.nnte, and pald. r.dacc gener • aO2l JAMES DALZELL ts. SON, Mauu fax.r.n. of Lard Oil, and Conorolsolon Mar onant•for the puroblue end isle or Grade and Refined ratrolonn, Non. Ob and 70 Water street. rl.l. rg ix. A d V‘nees made on Cow:Oat:m.4. _Jir o m u x . . N noca i r o wtr E u a oust i .at i nocfil, e Cresoza TO and 1. lex " 3 " atie and ,:omrnif,lo2l St • 4.- and War... iarettT,l l lTta t tor7o.. - SCIIOMAILEIt. LANG , Whole ., sale dealers Mari:merles. Flour. Orals. Pro: duce. Proslstans, F:ab. Chaose, Salt. Cul:Ou Ott. u. 171 , and 111 Wood &reel, laasr latbartytitreat. Pittsburg., Pa. 000050 ISAIAIi DICEiEYEg.CO., Whole ., sal., pr7ers. Coddnlgslon Me:Than:a. and cpg.Va . L . :101:1M b, Z , 44 1 .53 . 1 . 1 s.n r and ZUIPTON & WALI ACE, bole- IN ale. GROCERS A2:111'1/01 GCE DX ALE/14. No. G .I.lmth JOITS rt..l - 170 ... Wll. /WYO. J OILli FLOYD CO., Wholesale a Roc Ells, No. 171 Wood 1.1 1.11 1.1b.n1 street, Plltaborgh. :114 (Z.REAT WATCH SALE ON TOE a -A ,opuly, en prlog. plan. g!‘111 oven' pa tron a handsome and Itolmhof - 42ton for the low price of Ton Dollars, without r, .ard to value, and nut to Ix paid for unlvea perlcolly eallarac. 100 Voll,l Gol,l Hunting Watche3... r. 5 ,1 to 6 1 710 1. Marie Ca. ed Void Watcher to SO It., Ladles' Watehen, Xnamolicd.... 100 to 30 an 1.1,1 1111111111 E Chron't Wa•eher. 70 to .10 . .30.410111 blunting English Leeds...2ou to Gold Doric,Watches ... .. 150 to ;so 001 d Ilunt l g American {latches 1 , 0 to Sol 11110er 11 tEntlna Lovers , 1,0 to 1 7 11 5011 Sliver Iluntleg Doplextr... ...... to 00-0 :in (toll 1.2.1105, Watches ho to 3,1 1.110 liold blunting .... ha to 75 GNU Allscollanenne Silver Watches... to P. Hunting Sllver Watehea•... 3,1.0 Assorted Watch .11 lands /14.-E• . ..... very patron obtains a Watch ny • this ar rao.tcfnent, costing but tin, while it tear he worth Id,. No partiality win be shown• - iti The advertisers swish to liniucsllately dispose of the above magnificent stock. Certificate,. n wingea the article, are placed to sealed enerl ones, d well true.!.lloiticre. are entitled to the articic•Dlriled on their certltlcates upon ',m oment o, Tea Doliars, whether It be • wands worth IrSO or one worth Ices. 'llstotturn article of our certlncales entitles you the r netued thereon. upon payment errespectirs of Its worth, and as no article valued less than $ l O Is noted on any certificate It will at once Ire sten teat this is . , be Lottery. but • strala - bt forward legitimate Transaction, which may be partlelpared In even by the meet Pmlnflow, A etude tertiftrate will be seat I,y mall, post paid, uponrreelpt of cents, Ilse for SI. eleven for id:. thirty•llurc and an eirjant preollgm for StS, slaty-els and Wore vAesble menu.= for 510, nue hundred And most superb Watch for Ca. TO Axentsor those trishlnor rwiloyment thts tea rare opportunity. It Is I. gl.ltuattl conduct td autherired by the llo y rrrnuolat Ad auctupcn dr to the most