The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, April 11, 1867, Image 1

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No. DES Firt.b. Stltroot.
F. H. PENNIMAN. / Editors.
T. P. 110 EIVION,
4 N 9 EV...% 1111/1/13eff.
?Ingle C'0p1r♦..».....»...1»....»..»« Rent.
1) . 117 .. 911, 7 (per,wetki. /6 ccutz
17.11 Eubscztbcra. (Dor 9..) 1114.00.
Liberal rad,26t.10. LO Notebo7s and Ayezits.
Three Cop ' es, per Year. DT mall--
live 0. do. , do. each
Too or PM • copies, to orle address, sad
000 ir e to, club, each
This Weeks, Ttrt• Week, Whin Week.
The opening sale of new Spring' Drees
};owls begin• at the new store of Gardner a
:Mowart, on west . corner of 'Market and
Therth streets, No. GI ' Goods are all now
style, just purchased, and 11l be sold at the
lowest figures. Many Of t , ' , re ar's real bar
gaiety-in-id range in. price from 12lie per
yard to $1.11:1; lit colors Taos beautiful, and
In materials exceedin . gly da irable. Prices
fully one-half leas thatilaM emson. Iri con
Stectiun with dress goods w will offer nn
entire new Stock of dry goods at astonish
ingly low prices. ,'. ' '
..A.1,37,5e per yard, ono lot yard wlde fine
llarlston Gingbares, yoiy boat stylos;eatlng
elsewheroal.o;;c. i .
At 1nc,8.33 extra ho!,.ry Domestic (ling-
At Red Bordered fleck Towels, sold
Oaf:whore nt Vsc.
At I#o, R;!;, 73. $.714e, extra heavy Damask
tutill.eout Uhl° LLueni.
At al.he per jexil, beautiful light French
Cloth Sueklu go.
AC ott IT:4 and 61,U, par yard, flack. 'Silk
for Sucquos. . .
Al, 7.5 and Sc, 5-I all wool Delame.E., In all
Alt 3z.75, oxtrn, hessY VI llita Hamburg
.14.250, good Cassimero Tweeds, for boys'
At $ . 1.51 Spriu g cheap' at
Thu ehomest stock of Irench Chintzes.ln
the city; prices low.
Lawns, Organdies, 'French Cambrics,
tired Ilrlillants. New stock of White Omnis,
cheap and very choice.
Prints at 100 and 1.2!e, fast colors.
. Yard wide llrowto
Wretch Muslin, from lee up; 12%, lb, If,.
Huioda Crash, for 12%e, Line; sold every
whereat I.S;le.
We are determined to open the Spring
trade at our new store with new goods at
low prices. Onr customers anti the public
alma have the benefit of our low purchases.
'SILK GARSIE:ITS.—WO 13TO prepared to
show some vary select sty/es, and lake or
ders at very popular prices.
Gennkcn S Srewer,,.
Now Store, West corner of Market and
Fourth stre.cts.
thlillEmo Ginger In Nyrop
Tonnelut's Extract of Beef. Borden s
Condensed Milk. lmpsria.l Bordeaux
and Turkey Prunes,. 'Dates, and Figs.
'Foodless Muscatel and London layer Bat
tiaa, Cress and Blaeklns 7 noted Pickles and
Mustard. Sauces, Jellies, Preserves, Keton
ups, Spiced and Pickled Oysters, Choco
lates, leech Pears and Pine Apples in uiuv
jars, Canned Fruits, and I - Oct:aides. Virgin
Oil °I'M..., Choice Mixed Candles, aB• kinds
01 Foreign and A;ruerlean Nute.•
plan Walnut Candy, Mute, Boat:nazis,
Ueoaoc 11c4r.N.
112 Federal street, Allegheny.
tie to the Cowl nentol Saloon,
Tao best conductoa and cloudiest restau
rant end Dining Room, In'the city, for a
meal 111 for a ilang, at the most reasonable
or prices. lloltzhelmer knows how to cater
to the hungry Inlitiona, and it is no wonder
that the Continental, neat door to the Cost
brace bus enoli alt enormous natronage-
fool Aloe—Apekricling-Wlnem.
Call in At lloltzheimer's• popular Conti
nental Saloon, next rosy ()Lilco
Ilith etreet, for a glass of, gOod old ale,
or ,parkling Catawba wine.
It will to you good. 31aUtibtetured uil
sold b George Enliven, 112 rodent' etreot,
Allegheny City.
Ton, Cala Bay
Foreign Liquors of all kinds at .lostoph 5.
Yloch's Diltlllory, N0..169, 191, 183 .m 1 195
Pure; Drogn:"
Pura Drugs!! Para Drugs!!! Pure Drugs:
ut /caw S DruWs, Allegheny.
The Best Iridtmt
l'or the leant money, at Fletning'a Drug
.Store, No. St Market street.
Go to nemtwee Druz Store
kor Spongem. No 44 Markot etruet.
Sou Can BOY
VS per cent: Alcohol at Joseph S. S'lnClVa.
To Can Bay
New /lops at Jaseph S. Tinctei.
Br Telcgr•ah to the Pittsburgh tiszstti.)
loiring the Neat' the corporation of Now
Orleans sold bonds to the Citizens of Louis
iana for the. purliase .01 raising funds with
to hick to fortify the city agaluSt , the Feder,
al forces. and, after General Butler captured
tho city he made several assessments
amounting altogether to,. seventy-ilvo per
cent. of the gross amount for the benefit of
poor people Of the Department. Several
petitions have been Bled asking that the
amount of those assessments . may ho re
funded, but without BUCCCB9. and Robert J.
Kerr, of Now Orleans, has recently arrived
at Washington, authorized Ito the intereat.
ot parties to act as their agent in procuring
its return. If be succeeds, •General Itutldr
will, In response to the demand of promi"
tient Donsiana rfolicals, bring the whOle
matter before Congress.
A prominent menial:l engineer having
been discovered to have taken plans of the
Canadian frontier, below the Susperi.lon
bridge, the military. .commander at Fort
Erie has asked that reinforeeMents be our
tinned at. Niagara
,The New Jersey /louse of itepresentallves •
hiw indefinitely Postponed the eight hOur
labor bill, bye. vote of 3i to is,
A number of the Fenians who perticipa7
• ted in the riot irrNew York on ht. Patrick's
Day have riven indicted for riot and fele-
MOUS ussaitjul, bills having boon returned
by the Gratia Jerry of the general sessions.
Prominent citizens of Charleston, S. C.,
at a meeting held recently, resolved that
• the freedmen should be entitled, to run ono
' — of their own color on the white m•n's ticket
for the Convention and State Legislature.
t;en..Wade Hampton sent a letter favoring
Ca: policy of giving negroee reprenentation,
and of those composing the meeting a con
siderable prOpOrtloll wen) pemocrtl.ts and
er...messionists. The world mown,
fin Oro at Wilkesharre, Pa., was more
serious than at first reported. Over fifty
comprising,ll the business part
of the town, was destroydd. and the loss will
recoil VYPJ.O.I, upon w sinit, there is only a
light IFturanCe. • •••
President Johnson 13 - reported to have
been quite 111 for tuna° days. Ito wilt not,
01 stated, go to New York, to spend u few
days, after the lOUOI.IrO MOW: Or the Senate.
The Brent I:mtern steamship at Now
York to looked at by crowds Of people, and .
will be open for pubic inspection In a day
ur two.
Henry Clay's birth-day will be celebrated
he No N . York, on Friday, by the Cloy club.
The decline la eaten caused a flutter In
the Now York dry goals market. no Welt.
!matey, and-it was expected some firms
a mild go under.
Anetner crevasre: was broke in West,
listen Rouge reran., La..
The order fur reglstratioa of rotors In
2.; Ve . Orleans With Issued yootrird„..
The llret number Of the Deal/ Republican,
radical organ, speeored la ' , Zee . Orleans,
yr oterdtlY.'
The Mobile tiro department paraded yes.l
to Mae, forming a procession bau mile long.
Thu situ:nor boulnerner 1M as soil L !
`templus, yesterday, try the United tinter
A Radical County Convention was hold at
31emiAlit, yemterilny, lU riPpolut Congroha
lonal delegates. about equally composed of
whites sod blaCks. A negro WAS Vice Vres•
One of the largpet dry goods firios In
ILlehluond, Va., J. Steedimck a Co., was
t.ehed yesterlay tor 11,00, at the bUlt , of
Clut/11.0 4: Co.
' : 1
1 \ I
\ I 4.1
1I ' j
\ '.\ ' '-\
c'i 1
.--1 1 50
1 25
Wednesday's Proceedings
Appropriation Bill Pas'sctl
Telegrap4 to the TlL:ehergh Gacette.'
'tat:num:go, April 10, Ih'
Act to oothorizo the helical Directors of S '
ItlcKcezport to equalize: the oarucat or s '
Supplotnent to the act Ineot . porating the a '
Youghiogheny Coal Company: 111
Act to inoorporato tholMonougabel a City 0
and teTory Turnpike Moad Company In ai
Moth ington county.
„ .
Act to prohlt,it Thu granting of tevurn 1.1.
enses within two miles of Freeport, Arm
4ronz. count),
• Au act concurrent with an act of Vie 01110
Legitaortic°, relative to the Milo anti Penn
cylvanta Railway.
Act mini lug to Courts fa Veda:lgo county.
Act to increase the hail of the Slicrttr of
Venango county.
Act relative to veltlole liconio in ththor
ough of Lawroacovlllu.
Aot to • establish a ferr3' at tho borough of •
Act rotating to taxes for school purposes
In Canonsburg, Washington county. rr
Act to incOrpOrate• the hooch Pittsburgh 31
Co-operative Association.
Act to illere..o the capital Rock of the
Veuango Water Company.
Act to authorlzu tto Oovernor to Incor
ate a Brlag° Company to erect a bridge
, r the Allegheny from the toot ol,,Tnytor
Get, In the Ninth ward, ratsburel.
et relatme to taklog the main of the
people of Indians comity on the question
of a prohibitory law. .
Aet to incorporato tho Dmvcr • Water
Power Company. -
Act to construe the act compelling rail
road aud.other corporations to pay coun
sel of plat:Mil:C.2 in ccrtatil cams.
Act to Incorporate the Franklin rcomen.
ger Railway.
Act to incorporate the Western Pennsyl
vania Military Academy, near Pittsburgh.
The net Incorporating tLe Kittanning and
Rural Valley Railroad' Company pas....ed
The report of the Senate Committee of
Conference on the Appropriation bill wan
Mr. of Allegheny, incied: to pro'
entel to the coneldesration of tho gnattion
iron ruiliOncl 4111. Lost by Clio following
Yeas—Messrs. Blgharn. Brown, (Law
rence.) Brown, (Wercro,) Coleman, Cowles,
Doyle, lirolam., Lowrey, Taylor, Wallace,
White awl breaker Hall.
Nays-3thosrs. Burnett, Connell, Don ityan
Fisher; Blair, !faints+, .l eines. Landon,
31cCoutsughyy, Ilionlall, llidgsis
way, Bayer, Schall, sends: lit, Shoemaker,
Stutzman, and Worthington.
So the free railroad bill Latu forsthLs ses.
• nu. onannn FOC 9PILASEC.
Senator Graham was unanimously nOmin
atoll for Speaker in tire Republican caucus
Thu vote, defeating the act al/owing the
tirle . and Allegheny B.,llrond to connect
with the New York, anti Erie, and .t tlantle.
anatireat Western, was reconsidered, and
the bill paseexi
A oupplearteut to the uct Incorporating tho
Allco;heny Valley .11.allrood. was passed.
The act relative to the whoht imeat of taxes
In the city of Pithiborgh, Wai negatived.
21111Arrnorm , riox MILL.
• The Conference Committee ou the points
of difference on the appropriation bill made
report, which, being' read, wan fiercely at;
tacked by kir. iloyle, of layette. He cold
that to the attempt to retrench, all, Ceat•
mates had stricken out the previewns for
old soldlera and had Increased saladea of
officers, continued State • agencies, and
other appropriations, which anould too dls.
penned with.
Mr. Waddell, Of Chester, sald that It was
impossible for the Committee to agree upon
any one point without concession. They had
agreed to report rather than have an extra
A rota being taken, the report was nega
Lived—ayes, forty-one; nays, forty-nine.
This result created great confusion—ant
atter it had subsided the vote sons reconsid
cred and Wu report recorarnitted,
Ar Naar nt.crtox MIAS r.eteSED.
Mr. Waddell, chalrman of the conlerenco
Committee on the appropriation bill, re
ported that the Senate had no committee to
meet with them, therefore he had to present
the same report. It was then sdupted by a
rote or of fifty-nine to thirty-one,
United state' Rennte—Extra Scanlon.
W•suinoron, Aprll.lo, 1..%7.
On motion of Mr: Sumner, It was
Reaotved, That the Pre.!dent la requested
to communicate, if not incompatible with
the public futon:at, a copy of the...tic nor.
respondence upon the subject of prbdiners
of war taken by the belligerence In this
Mexican Republic.
Mr. Williams called up Ms resolut ion pro.
tiding for adjournment nue die at 5 o'clocz
After some debate it was Informally laid
A. resolution was adopted for the printing'
of 3,00) copies of the army register for 1%7.
Mr. Johnson presented the credentials of
Nathan L. Manly, benator elect from North.
Care/lea. welch were laid on the table.
31r. Thayer offered a resolution, whirls
was referred, for the' printing, for the use
Of Ornate, of 3.500 copies of the rePortfm the
banks and levees of the MISAISPIppI river.
On motion of Mr. Howe, the Senate went
Into executive session.
Life Sey/turCantmlnotort—Text of the
Br Telecrarb to the Pittsearnh Gazette-
NOW Then, April 10.—The Life Samnti Coro
initedOn today .merely urraugod for LOU
commencement Of experiments on etuata
hollers, .itc.,to-ntorroar.
The to•ilay pith
dishes a full text of
the Ittmelen treaty. It contains the Inero
ildtallo of the ousaloa and the Provisloim
that the Inhanitauts may. If they choose,
return and [WWIIn tale g With .
in three years, Ur may reColVil
the advantages and lann unit lea of United
States citizens and ho protected In the free
enjoyment of Inieriy, property and reli
Iron Monntain Ka!grand Parchane—
.Appliestlon for an 111111.12C11011.
;By Telegraph to the l'ittaborg fiaictfe..:
Sr. 1.1,18, April le.—Notices of application
for an injunction againaG Allen, A.
J. McKay,.and others; ;turd:lane. of th e
Iron Mountain Railroad, were screed this
morning, and the application will be heard
before Judge HOMllaller, of the Circuit
Court, on Friday morning. The application
- hi made by the Attorney General of the
SAN 14.120,C0. April 10.—Thu. steamer
Montana, for Panama, Balled today with
litre° hundred and ninety seven thousand
dollars in treasure, two hundred and slx
thousand of which is for New York.
Flour .attire et SFISG,Poi toelay's steamer
6,seu bids to New York. Wheat isctivticood
Milt , Plug 41,5tc52,00. Legal tenders, TO..
The ntenntallip America, with passengers
from New York via Nicaragua, arrived to
Cotton Firm railer,
by Telegrspu fo Ibe rift...rah fisitttr.,
2:zse Yeee, April 10.—The tl rut of Boole ft
co., cotton brokers, of Liverpool, are repor•
led an baying failed per beiple.
FOUR . O - 'OLOCK, A. `M
Nominations Confirmed and
The Health of the President
Havana :Oviee, have been received. The
Republican Mexican Consul addressed a
letter to the tutted Slates Comml,"con,
kilning of the violation of centrality In
polish enlistments for Maximilian. The
abject was brought to the knowledge of
UM Captain G ene rat, who said tic was out.
ite of It, and would see that the recruit
le .
ehould COa4C. Notwithsnding thin,
, to steamer Paris, and the English
winter Solent, took on Ward On tho :ah
, n 6th'reeruite, and several ellog VOIMI9
I have been taking them, the total
• bur'ol recruits which Inv,' left lliorunn.
• lg about, two hnuarod. When Consul
r Tra.s satLatlad that, notselthatauctla
th,surauces of General !dangle, tour
o a vessels had went with recruits, hu
•fed for affidavits of souse enlisted per
.n and other documentary proof of that
a sactlou, with a view of aubuzatting an
1. ial COlnytnint to the hannish au.
o tilos In Cul l y, 13.111 L cotutuuoieatiog tau
a to tho Dcifartuient at Washington.
ALI>OZN, L.OOO 1,6;0:ow - mfr.,
1 .
the Supreme Court tp,lay the argu.
Ix tln the De hero coon WILY continued.
Lr Il'illei concluded for the government,
•.3 followed Ly Mr. CarFiala for the
of San Francisco. Mr. Evans occupled
110 Sell:Minder or tlao .fay for tho claim-
ISenate to-tlay rejected ex-SOnatora
, aC. Now Jersey, no' Mini,-
o Auatrte,,enel IV ltdam Godfrey wa Col
• r of Cuitents at rtilleklelpitla.
lu recalpis of, Internal ll,venuel to-day
u 13:,5,,11.
0.C.1. r.0.5011d.r . i .11011.1'S•110,..k •
.. _..
T to Sv onto po4tponorl until to-morrow
the talon to reconealer the vote to <✓eneral
I:o.ieeall . l 011.90.
;Eater-tor sen,tor, CON er,er CI.II I Zu.
.4aeretary Sewnra's drawing-roan woe
0:older!. Inst. everanit with. Senatorej Dlieo
mats, anti other tootling loon, who cell grnt:
utat ' etl hlrn on the enc.:se of lasi treaty
with; Reset.. Baron Stoeclay, Itosetr Mitt.
Istt•r, who wits present, eta:ea ho whould.
Immealately send Mr. Moatsto, his Secret.-
ry, to St. l'etereborg, with the ratlllet
earl/Ter/. ree.riattOrr..
'Mrs ; ‘ , .P.V! , '..WirrItAtIC..
stoner of AgrlcAilturo 14 somewhat. doubt-
The Senate continued the follow Ing
nations :
Pobtrultslers—inveph W. Lewis,
Illinois; William A. 311112., fine Bluff,
Arkansas; M. F. Loam, Noma, Olin; hasty'
M. Gilbert, Illation, Michigan; !Livid C.
Straight, Fait - burg, Illinois.
Malur C.:sacral sylirevet—Marcus D.. 1..
Coileetorsrd Internal novenae—Chauncey
11. Mill. r, Taira 111strmt, liMulligan; Joan M.
Sullivan, Twenty-2.lrd district, l'ennsyl. ,
H.elater of Land lifilue—Stirrart. Mc
conwa, Nebraska City.
United states Al wrote.'—Wm. Campbell,
Ncyada; J. 11. Strickland, N-cbritska.
The Soo to ref enteil the following
surveyor of Custouv—naulaul it. Situp.
31:ehlgan City, Michluau.
A.,eB4u”ot Intornal hurl:nue—Nathaniel
G. Wlloor, nut h that Got, 111:not,
Cott , ctnr Si Intornal hovonut.—leello
Cady', Iruuman.
I'n3lnaa4tura—lleurr lt. Ilo , a,
Yale, in duns; John S.Gullolat. Aurora, I:,
. .
• 130,7101 , Or 'LAC 1tr.V.f16:!CE.11 . 4 an,.
Governor Morton, of Indiana, hay been ie.
i •
c tett end will deliver nn addrers next
't lo.tlay on the occasion or the celebration
b the entered people of tau Dietrict of C
I Lubin of the antilversnry of the abolition
o Aavery is the Dielriet. when they will
I Jeinea by colored people truer liultb
.11 Ore. :
run DarD:ortvr'D unatru,
IPresWent Johnson was In his olilce to-day'
btt no visitors were admitted. Dr. NorrlD,l
ti e attending physician, requires him to be
kept as Amer as poDaiblc, to order to give
Ittrn uu opp,/rt unity to recuperate. tile Ill•
nenD seems to Prat:Ceti from an affect:on of
the liver, f rum which Ileh K Domicil - suffer.
ad heretofore. It ID not doubted that a f.a .
.lays quiet and relaxation from the pressure
of official buttucas . restore him to
balth. •
TIIC ,41:13,1UN.
The an tlnental domain occupied by •
shin America In about three imildred and
el-.lity-ninethoumml square moos. The Is
la de may Mcrease the domain to four ben
d -d and tiny thousand. The United Staten
ar to pay ten millions two hundred thou
su of dollars In gold, at the Treimory at
W hlngtott, within ten.montlm after the
o change of ratifications, which aro to be
c changed Washington before the Zeth of
.1 ne, or the treaty fulls.
ho State of Georgia will bring its bill of
complaint in equity before the Suprema
Court against Secretary Stanton,' General
Urant and Gen. Popo. The' bill does not
•lutio the nam of the President of the
l) died States, us does the hill filed by ton
S ate of Mississippi. t
. en' York inentocroti and Ltepubll..
can Mate Conv n entions. [
(Ay Telegraph to the riu.burgh tissettet 3
Ate snr, April 10.—The Democrsilc State
Convention met hero to-day anti tempera ,
Ily organized by the choice of Hon. IL 11.
Ogden as temporary chain)" , T' e Tam
rmany delegation. from New York C ty, was
admitted, to the exclusion of all others.
Various committees were appointe and a
recess taken.
Frening Sestion .—An address was depted
to electors of the State, elaimin n hat the
call for the convention, being ha d upon
f ib
the Senatorial District representation, lo
calculated and intended to further nly the
ends of the Republican party . it address
further arraigns the Republican form of
adullnlstrAtlon, ooth in t cderal a d State
politics. and that the State ' Consti
union now restrictuig their dnoVomerao
and wadi - acting their desire, it
Is necessary to amonti It f r tho
furtherance of partizan mealtures. It
appeals to the people to save ti l , Consti,
tattoo from threatened 'combine i t n which
he ats rils representative pa:l)4.les ain
c d government, an Cµll6 upohe peo
pie to conto d e the duty of revising the Con
stitution to the conservative patriotic men
et the democratic party.
. Augmstus Schell, ()come Law, U. C. Mur
phy, IL A. Nelson and D. L. Soy thour are
among the rorteen candidates nominated
for delegates at largo.
Sr ItACr C, April in.—The Republica:lsWe
Convention met to-49.y, lion: John A. Grin
bold both temporary trail pormanont Preal
Errning Sesthm—Thero Were Sixteen can
tlttlateS for delegates at large to the Consti
tutional Convention. A Meng thoee noun
lotted were Hornets GreelY. Wininet Evarte,
Georze.W. Curiae nail George Op dyke.
progress of Clio Paolllc Ito''rood.
,hypeleo.pu to tilt Nam . banal 4... setts. •
or. Loris, April 10.—The Union iiitelLic
ltatirottil Company, Kan. a branch, applied
to the goVerneautit tO-1105' fors hoirolihision
to_exatoluti the ith !section of their road
extending to sail nu river, 1] milts west of
Fort Riley Track laying Ia progressing at
the rate of it tulle and a-half per day, and
ears will reach liol town of lahnn, ilfty
mile', beyond Fort and four hendrcil
mad 61xtyselght tulles lei:et of St. LOU/eh 011
3 1 1
4 P :2) \'
1 , ,:-( 7. 7::-JT:.A11-1 • ' 4 ,_ C'"'X'7l r,,, l it " ZZ
_..,--.'. ,-, ~,..v . .., •--..,,,,
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Spain IlefusedEngl ; pd Indemnity;
Financial and Commercial
• 1111.11,111 . 1" ItHMSED r.NocANo..
LlsNnox, April 10.—The Spanibb govern
ment refuses to yield to thu demand male
by Englund for Indemnity and sallstnetion
In Um case of the 'steamer Tornado.
ATIIHNS, April 10.—The Sultan thi - enteni
to declare war agalng Greece, on account of
the CFaltilatti.ll.s Or hthurrixtlobary lreaults
on the Turittah
I.wooo, April W.-The large.juant it>- or lit
'rondo of the Matadi Stott, tL rowo uointltho
maiket Imre front Goma toy erases a do, n
ward tontleary itt•p arc,
I.nmerom., April M—Tho At0.111 . 11!rj city
of lVii,lllngtoo, itoravlau anti ilt011,11(1.111.t,
from America, tirrlvo.l rev, to ,:y nt
.gaecuatown, Lmolooderry mot to.mtfm.r.
• 712(112WIlL AND (~ S IMEI:VI
Lormon, April 10.—Emling—0O3,,,IN
Flro•Tvrentics, 7,P;;; 111t11010
Erie. :X.
LI vgarooc, April 1 , --etenmy—Coll,:i
c 10.0.1 heavy antl .11tototh.u. I{ furth
er ilea:hoe of 0,00 aut.1.1111..: upland., ail,
to-day of 10,1.1 i. hale., of tuel.ll tog upiana, a
at 12; Or. eann ore
t o
arid maul. attol : market Cloned Otto 0 Oil
nava:tee report co - lit own. Cern 12 , !
far in lied t eater:, oarley o tleu r y,
(Jots, America... lantoloon, per
rwalf oda. Pew* uncltatt Pr.,
anti onehange... Produe..-11.1.yri, k
W." 1.4 wn. decloll.ll I; 1. Ir.n : c t.
and Plg advanced to Ala . . :
al.or or n, 1, 12 .
.Nmv Yr., April Izt—tLo Iftro2.l'.
letter 4.t}'” that 4 general t 1 I al t ,.;
re..tdcrlt th,. (../1.•:1::
vine!. of Tilti.OY and ..„~,-
ugAllunt the 10,1 ITJ:47 ~
lit Which the iwtwa r Of :he lc 111 e
wOlll.l Ito ih,tr(s, 111.31.1fahle
DO,tittStiOn M;141 anc are taat yl , vad
ton %Try painful stunt moon.:
engaged In the Into
heath of Ireland.
The examination In tho case °11...3,m,
Eyre, concerning the Jamaica noird , ,,, 1.
Swing Pro3ocuted ivlth vmor.
Thu liemlan Minister OS iV areiote. t Im,
Franco is hating four hundred and
thou-and brotioh Itn,.ltng rivisyrt.i umntl.o
-tured. 'I he arsenals Itillrusids
ly et work. Anatzla 14 hi, log 313. I.,
tnotiennd munkot3 converted tub,
loaders. Liighind will lute three Imodr , .1
and Tilly th0u...1 Slit lurly convorted
tin, end of the year. • Itii.du 13 Imre
six hundr.l thousand. licninat 0, Het,:
Switzerland, Italy, Frmn, rot toga:, t• eo
and lioluinni, Oro engaged In :31110
It is 5,11 that negotintlon,
Franco apd llolland Ifni the cei•illh 1.41.
etutzurtr were proceedtm; favor.ibty,
Count Mar:nark whit:fully succer.l , l en , -
pondlng tho bargain, by the di.,
tion of tin Dutch I:overtime:ft tolls.. •• 51,
envo of certain claims of tim e 13
Ini litor
C , Mfederution upon the 5511.1.1
of Luxorutairg, for unuald toilet nloontritm-
Sloan oats lOU lottlneittlima, amt. 111 Omat
that Ibmi , slu. the leg.' 311, 0 ,40 z off tilt ,
federation, it oul , l ...older any
Luxemburg by Holland Co a third part) 1,1
no Infraction ol those claim, ]bly , d•
had prevenitod any ttignaemont w:th 1.,,.
French bovoinment.'
( PI/ 11N 1./.10
Porn-AN 0, 31, en, April
Peruelwn. from I.n . vrimol, Metro
Imndondur . l . 3 . ou tilt-n% •1.
1/.'..tructtm. floret, 1..1 - 01 in
Wnrklow °minty, Ireliin 0, end Nortli 1 n: 1. -
It ruoioro.l tGr Kin.; .if
Prinelu would till: limo i . Arl3 1131/1.1,111,3 10
Attempted MlleMe of Two birl4—Af
(refine. In•tler of fortmell—Solcioe
by Phoollog.,
, w y o e t ,,A,t,rit tr.—Thin afternoon t
Young girl.. earnest 1.11,...heth Mar. het:
hose hit Douala. whota
ud t..t.niata itt ,••••-
th.on tett its a it b too t a
brought nab, tattoo houot. hotl
her pocket a I tale of lantiAll%llll, (1111
the person Of nee W. fount! it Lae Cr'd 1 , 1-
tvr to her ntotlatr, of which the tot lowlu,t .
a portion t
"I !tope to 11.0 with Soo In Ile . .Y , tt.
my little kitty for me, not for:sta.:: ittoitt
Jones anti littla baby. We boat dna ltt Ito
Santo way awl lit the 4.1.10 14:4e.; Ili t
it broken. hip litre to Air. tool Nfri. Mel ory.
toot! bye. 11,. /matter, ittool Isle. .Ila
together. Always lot eil one mutate:. We
The attic were taken to the lat•pital tan:
urn doing well.
Francis It Fay shot himself at id rt
Ocoee, Sixth avenue, yestenliat 1,1,11/.g.
and lived butt lenty minute, Ile tool Twee
buffeting from 'onancupt lon for come tint,:.
The Baltimore Election. •
:By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh oatette• •
liacTlatone,Aitrallo.—Thn election to-Orly
pawed tentelet, and orderly. It la 2110.1A1a
Loth the Conveatlon Led handily ear . l ut--
tlett have been; carded , la this eitY by a
small aualeritlet , .
The vote its the city for the Constitution
al Convention la rul 11,416 agaltett. for
Sunday ears wag agalant
Negro NulTrnic In No n Jrrs.
R T. T e l,gr.rh to 'the. I'lttnbur,tl
TUMITUTI, April 10.—In the lIOIILO
OIL t h e I,IIUSLIOII to Du Ike tro u t the constitu
tion the worn "white," to allow enloret I 1:12:44
pin to Vote, the yule stood twenty in ttvor,
and thirtY-flue'against striking it out.
Thirteen itepubliCallS voted rtenitutt Tni,
ends the question for this CULLIOII.
- -
Ep Ike 321•44ntir1.
000140, Apra le.—The Decanter tsto . ,.••
Chance, leatilug boat of tile Monts:alit nee:,
urrlveil horn [l)l4:morning, with IL lull circa
anti pansenger list.
BY Telegraph to the l'illsburrli tit, lt••• 1 '
l'ushaorr.r Pia, April 10.—Thu Playteo era
itro bt,llloll a atelkth and tutentl to hold oat,
Iltronbootek For' Lake Fort:glee.
Lily Talegraph to the ritteteerglt llaeette::
. TOrtnlrro, April 10.—Sil U 111110441, lire Do,
really for Berrice on the Lakes. . .
Took o 0 Specie.
By Telex?. to the Pittsburgh Gurcitr.
iSoe'rci•. April 11).—The uttrztrour
Liverpool, took no epucle.
Inter Telegram,
[it) Telegro7h to the rat,,,,, , gb Gazv
rou,helhh., April 10.-10ver uhoOt Eta
noway with eight tea In
, tho uwni.
Relief for the Dentlento In the Snot°,
.1b the Edda,' of the Pia•burvh
In addition to thu one thou-Anti llollarA
ter the abort., object, ncknOwludued
dupe ago, I hay., Ulla dub ruouteed thn
lowing sunny: ,
LY rota "shadlcal or 6th Army Conn..", .en ‘l4
Fru=ern Piny nen Of "E VlllOlll y 1111 Coot. y
pnny, TOIIOI.ILO, Pa., Der Stumm.. Ilnyl,
kt'r Hon riel
Front Eunt - lilrtalnghnut, unknown, i,
'nquiro Ammon ".; to
Tetu1.....1 4119 0 , 1
.• .ILon. 6. TRAVEr.I.I,
6en'l Ag't, Freedmen's Ail Cort/mlttuv..
a Fifth street, Pittsburgh, 4 pen 9,1 ,, ,7.
- - 1 ---- ... ---
Confidence net rnyed.
A for days Uric° a man giving his nettle
ae MOLD peen, and representing that ho a at
au agent for the Urover .t Baker sowing
machtne, weaf, tO the livery stable of L. It.
Beall, i n Uniontown, Fayette county. and
hired a
right's, horse to tp.,, as Le.l
road, Matealleutd, 10 Sv
miles en rom town. from town. 0 1 08 1.1./ DR al ti 101
tile same do nn not having 011180 tusel
heard of, it IEI onClufted that be has stolen
the horse is a man about fifty years of
age, and previous ba r ber`ting on here ur ney, lie visited a shoo, 1,
grey locks were subjected to tile dyeing
process, at tad hands et "Professor , ' rrin,
after which lid preheated quite a youthful
IlL1)0011.1,01011.Inn conversation with the
”Prof." ho eta ed that ho was from Z. 1100“
mile,•01111, livery exertion in WWI° by 0110
authorltiem oft Fayette county to capture
the venerable I.lorl. thief.
Horrible War tlm Cyrus,
folnteirestlnitlyoung of Salton, 0100,
n la 0101110 n potroloion i•Ju i
Soo pont-to! 01.1 011 01001 0 firn 14/ AS ki.ol•
ling Unit the Out fling bcr `u
'badly at to en 9 se iltfoth In a fun- boors, 000
woo olglitoon I'olloo u 1 agm, Another
7:": 4 1 1 AL!
-A ---
EggURTII awl motg
ifoory, Ogg and Produce Markei' Re
ports of rat by troy pr+per to Vie city, will be
fogyal et; of. Purr,
The Wakhfuntost County Tragedy—
Too of the hoppoked Murderer', In
Cleettnly—.%. ltr,n o let nt ',a.m.—
mes of the tinkhrefed tqtrtlea.
:dotty of our rehlera ale yet faltuillar With
the murder of I)avht sprow, fa WAyhhagtzh.
county, nil tlin night of tYllithdaY, 3Sarch 11th
b o l for of 1.1.11030 01•110 41 , 1 not
read nu neenunt of the tragedy maths: old
ju,t alter 114 oceurrenue,:wagive the follow.
lott re , n no, of tho P rintipalincidents. Alton
eight Wt .:fink en • Utz night mentioned,
n man t, , tetteti the 'must, Of Sproul, and ask.
eh him the way tat the , catilreati station.
The latter Very w ent with the
rati,r Mont; hn Jane to h. pair of t t ,‘,..
lasi, ill,'' Wont. tl.f:C,Il redo from tee
houst', to- . ulna' t lefty nitrose the fields
to lie toe todon teal, Witan they 1.1 gene
lilt ten n.l 01111,1 - 9 1,1110 round the
of VIC and followtot alter.
%%ion at it., Sots they' It necked hint
t i t twt t , prehttny struck him Wiloll
1,4 11 'argil poolOf Wood thy-o, and
consttlerat.l.l go...tatty-of hair sticking In
t::•.I::•::,1;t. Trey then Ind him
I. Lek to Ito. llTl.,ene supporting thin Oa
1,01 LT Izr ClVOted tilt ,door
1.0 , about tint
otti to Ll* notelet, stk.
I: 1, ..
t, ~dt, t Pity y turns 4)
f AI,: and Up,
;el .ett nt: w him, "I 1011 madly
Irt 1,, of 1!, SlllOOl6 Altlllll.l ht:'
lON' aria, tottk her out. or the
toner tent., tr.ok Iter
ond tt, hula 1101111 a be,
it .1 IINTI'0,:V11 , 11LaIrl 11,r on the ILILLA
L' I LIT' I:;tl.tlu tole tnl,l
In to ten o II moneystet °rite would
del, 1 nod him 1,11 -ll° anon, and
V.. h n oto to mt
tutek one
/LIT e '
f, , ,PILLrft no brought tier out of
lug• 110, , 14 1 to. Iti`nr , l
I br01.1.1,r Glo 100,rn,
tnry skid, • Lkive ,If your , then." 1::,:y cotttiostol lent
, to, mall Ide was' °ldiom' They
then tnt.trell of nitonty, but. only
totonl loin tool too skiver 001011.•...
II.,:1;1:..0 td mertler, they ,
teelittsi t•tttnse: its to bread mod crearn
td tho oprot.; end ''shed, the, i eat,
I ie., it, tn., 0111,11,1jea wt M[s, whop.
for twenty-foot ntiors on; ti a
t.ett;; ton noepeued Mrtanti releuseti hor.
It otts t:oikltt a
;Ltd tracettl winch ttitAted
otto:.; ol to tint I.llnotu Inatt,thate .11:tette- I
dtry net Aro. oftcon ro
cdu,t, .% wrd
,Lr :‘vorrilf.n.l , lll pr.', red.
s•tt. ttl Ittol tdottor,, ttet , t hilgently to
tterl, t lol'oW
p fLLII/10, etdorts dto
so on: tIM that o' o o , 110 ` 1
a01nac..•,4 tut, tottiond,
tt eyet tot ote'tel. a 11,0. w. 11-
ty not. Itt nto orerc itted.tkett. Lirr
u .
, ten of thmdeUl
ot de,
t to, eity,
11,111 10, t.u1.11
N Itj I...••••• • Ural II lalfl (HT. , /
Tar a,(l ult,
I t.: deb - 1100100oteP. P, the
I.( o.lrry ttslng thot
, , d Lao/ 1.110 All, of
r,. I, I:.ltorr or Pio rt,:t t.E the
:tot nttlt. deotels
I tt trt ttel tc.i.addt .1 to th tie oe
1L7 , 1311L1A1 t.I fLL'IL,IIII, 10,11 k 110
I 1 , ti
.e of::-n td .).1 L
,ttte that
seen et t 1.14 etty ad
,23 wft, ,:nro
1%1, tr., h.. 1 John
of lb.: cu.,
t 1,41
11,..t well klilll,l
,ore it was ex•
;out, wllo_;tt
• wa-k nill•Art: to
, .14 1r11.1 , ` 1:0.1.1 . ttal,
bat: !Int/. Ou uonlnY•
•u.r 1107 c :i.o..ltted uu
11:1,1 v.', In
burlOg [tie
, •caoss of
. .•. . I 1‘1 1, •11-
. ;1 • .1 •
1.111.1 n at:J~c)1111 0 15LT
;;.• rral,,, , ,:lontn cro
;1,1 :row Loro
,J :
!tho p; .m.
go Ckvtn. !Mt 1.111 , 1
of nut
the deed th,
. • •
•0,11 with.
It, a unti Youn4
L':,:,lt• ;r ttt r.treat n p , ;;ln
11,1,1, It; 141 stroe
•;.; • ;;,;31;;,,:',3..111;t0,t0tt, that. Mt:
ttsr; r:trl:f. 'wet, .%attivtl
• • flitwr It•t•
1.:1•, .101:11 I:1:4, '4lO
•11:i /....110.11. I.:(l,,burglt
; at • l'cattealtar.
1 ‘l t,.;.01 - , la a a cll
;. z ; ulna. Dar-
, tL nota..l and eqlCce.-4 , 11
1,1,1 3,1,1
• 1.....51k 11 . / . 0: ka/31 Ina/Vl.lllll,
torttvro, 11i tho 1 . 4.111loott•
to •!, rlty for
•to e”tvity near
1 . ... •,, :I.I• !, atla Wlll 12 111.. It
hoi” 31,11 r, L/117
. .
.n 1.1.1! fuel. Kwon
t•ls iLKn, 111.1 had a furl
r. -t of ittnltl Mt.
Tli• • 4. 1., solwito:
t:ou of trt.ll , l lhe citlceri elguge.,l In work•
:1••• rer:miled trolls OA.
„, hoe ho., It:. Utah: is lenott Ithsent,
Dr. John 1. Pre,,ly tint tll//1,1, to prelide
I.r. I. Iwnr/It, 01 Jefler,on College, 01.
ere.l triton :trttl 1:1: Pre-v l % 11 , prayer.
Perm:latent Ortraulta
thek ,ol:hott, .1 the 1.010e:111g report:
. .
Vic.• t..—ltuv. .1. I'. I'ress/y und
. _
COSlllPittet . 011 ne,ollltlooB reported
41.1 ttw it repot tlV:th .scekitt.l. Thu resolu
ttrm. 1,14.11,n0i:
IV 111.1.01, Thu ivople coin podlng (Man..
(lon, to,: colon/0a rita —the itoclaintlou of
; ; ,;,,,,,,:,•nro—too (,oloultutlons mill laws
cf ornl ;tic, owl In gcnoral 11111
;Au, 1111.1 pr ;ouloc,, of tile lionoral Govern
w~ nt—:lrll not only in consonlllloo With, hut,
;;;r; ,frrive Their glory 1111:0 Ch rho itiulty.
11 111.4 111 1101 ConAltu
tlou or 011th nlates any oanret.
1111 nut of .1oluiv1;n, It-Ills anointed king, the
I,nvl ;m.0., of 1111 rc vralet! 11111na
cr,rocl , lllg ally authority in, r;r receiving
any Lot, Nom ti; nation ; and,
411 ticoo,htut:un wort:limos-to
bo 111 c ;/roin.inco of the ptarolc,
hcrefor,,, rcncet their sentimoutr; there-
'nut it is the nand of thin
Coate:1110h that Inn alumni...lx ought to
Into!, Orel, her:nine they ethic !acts
lacoitrtvertiblo no they
,01‘ tl ar Seeotl4, Lerman they truly carman
a loot it ar,,orrty undermiood, Is the nem
rout ti - tuai . el the overWhelining majority of
thin people. - •
'that ill thiaptoporedituienilment there
In tip: i no dint - rap, to the Ctittill.n.llt
nor any laett of loyally to the government,
`.11J0 , 1 1.11101 110,0.1 larate, as well L 1.3 thin,
art . 011014 It Ity the eventi Of the war to ho
timely , ar y; niece even a defet,
t I l e 1;.,091111111,01. ahoy still tin it . ..SW
4,1 I,ltietl Whatever tray ha the
11.11 , ,LN Of 1110 A111111(1.. 1:01.11111Alon, ore
sing In tt and 111Afant. 11 It 11, till 1,1110141. 011,1
1;01151 /1 0 lion 4 . 1 , r trame4l by is nation'
11.1, propooe.l :Linen.inwnt dons
o: t' 1, 100 look o n
ant any nio of
an Slatoolor do, It InVOlve ,any
pt too ple v. hln any , evelopment lir any
nipple , ' ion such Onion us
et oti endurnhie.
L. 'I h... it 10 conlex :American elttitelo,
be Ilan . to Ih,: it tel.. loos cone :el ion., and
Innoly in naaerting them, and this proposed
anlen , noon Inf u. plot. 0ce....10n fur
Lill . lll 10 /01
5 . T„, tt, inelittnent of 11110 Conyen
ll' u. oat we Hee Indlcanu It
peritotto to all publla inioreats, and Mo
no.. log 10 11110 vet) cly ' llnialltdi, (but uur
Natlou...t ohould contlnu. to
e Uod and lII+ Christ. Our ruin:, ittl , l
Judge. oholdd 14, WI 40 011 thl, 1.01111. They
opoold instrocted that according to tho
teat:hinge ot 1.110 hoI . OIILI Prillllll, IL IS IK/Lll
hwitlo nl . h told rulnoita.
1.. it Ia inotpor that 4 local
itroottlal lull orgnio bed in MIS ell y.
nu, to the 111111$ of 1(10
1.101114 1111 a 00 tat' 115 11r.4,101
.1040 1111.101 heat
sin. Celieltit.tion,
Lot tattlne • charged not moil. to
11111:1111. ;014 C0.01,1:1,110 tho
1111,11 .1,0..:1ntn.n. hut al-o to lorin brunch
In all 1110 Indilldworlng region.
Tl, r. warceonolderedi . eparate,
515, thin tint, and third amended
anti adopted. o tepurt. I 11 , 0111 I.llm:ended.
'rho couobleralionof the rerouluder 0.50
pootpont . .l unl.ll tn. Itfterntiont oes.tlon.
A condtattee, coistlng Rev..
n,' ]t. IL oll aproun i
Lo t orl u ,pcAk••
Cl') 101 11,11.iveni.4 ,
Till tr.,. Clty :rlttroilli;y 11111 1,01 ',nt"
1 111, ILlPried slaty Lunt.. ter eopy.
T‘' .... kr--!'ooooer's
l I Wosier ll ti(iortmon the Ju7{ "t
by Coroner illlawkoa to en q uire g
0./000 of the Itleath of Martin 1.. Mac, t
who Is exit to harm kill`tl from Mimic ,
colverl by the ltechicat On the Penukylrattla
Itallroml 01, tr l mtlay last. akkombled at the
'Mayor',/ 0111c1rand heard 1110 followlng
,) •
Dr. W. R. / kerorn—Wascallml On
proft..ralonalbr.l on nunlike, altintt. 1110
o'clock, to altemtl 1.. 11raclien; found pint
111 a car almtlb . o..lllllr 0,11,, 500
0101 rttrile
Crook; he-teat IL COlllO/1•.1/10.1 fr.lel 11 re of
the loft thigh, a Immure tit the peloll 0
l i tilittiro Of 1110 hip; t•1.+;11.., M I,IA.
0I 111"
etmlont lu)nricat 111 Y ogloimi,ii i e7
Mortal; kawoceased aster dean at No. 3 , t
Walnut street; they {old me he Mod altont
three oelooll 310roltaY morning; the 111 .1 11-
ries Joel ,100.111111.11 proklyeed tlen,tll.
Wm. B. Stem', sworn—AM condlntor or
tlMClnelniuttl'Exprent on the Prenkylvatt a
Central RallrMul; my trath loft the oily at
II 0 ., 110ek A. W., 011 90061111', the 7th In=tent;
the trate tonktetml of two bakKaarr, ono ex•
me., one eleepink na , l irr . seara'r
ears; we lard toe usual 1101111.1.1' of 1,11,11e
n1011; Cruel:en, the tlrreakrtl, aAs MA ,
mon Ou the Irons mar. The Brat Intlumt mn
1 huh that tanythluat flan 0001111, wok I rltmt
Mt. .4/Meer wlllkt.ltol -down !1x1,,. 1•' talk
watt uhout ork-loalf 11111., Of 'Forth:
!.reek; ;mon alter I toll a Mork; front the
I lute tie Marin was ,011:111011 unttl I felt the
te .I.trahmorm Lad not time lo pot
'lO,ll 1 11 0 111110011 WO 4M, 01110110 g 11l the
rat.; of 1.1,00 1011 ty nolo. an hour, mom
;Ott, the tit ock I cow the inlet eon
go of! 1110 track, tool inummlately thero•
sailor Itfonow.ll by the on
d e I wa.,
ou—the kee wak n t 1 car. 1 kkw the rorankt
tdop from t e front ear to' thopint
form or Mel ecotot lr; 1./1 ntrd to be
t rachltor for be 111101 I:awn J ust. then
tnatfot to 01 the second oar °
rou t;rpr th
trout Oar. chin;; Ilse norm, okl In‘rmm:
1110111. I tarn Ire. forn.t.rtl 11 , 1110 . 1:ma 1,111
of the var. ak AOllll , 01,1,11 1 ,
move, nnd that lv he 00, 1.,11111. I
11 11.1 10,M1 11, 410 e, 010.11 10, 111
1.110 earjl.emat .. rlek ell" mound, 1 a..
unable to rattle the tlrmr; 1 '10:11 a 111 out 111
1,,. o.kta in- etool. of ;to aro; 11:: I ont
kuverod 1111111tm rme; anout I.trtr-tl{.•
or forty motale. au as, a, ttrmrl. - 1 , 1, act
• I I .t I It •
II tLc I -
t: t) f
plßcnl t
the W. 1111111 M 11 r'r
o!.Ul,_ l or,
t 4•Itlellt,1 !in!
been 11.,1:11rnd
I,i; Crt L . V!.. t 1w0; .11.1 no
lit, 1,1111 . 111110 24,1:11.01 1.,
1,..1 tra k, 1.1
01.. , A t t
Int along on; butt/
trill the t4:,prtatra:4o of Ow
. nitnintn on
Lich nolt 'n lth
Jvh.l ..SL;lhrzt e, •sworn.—N
locoolotil, of the [main
, 11l 11l I. li I
11 f •
the enrelent,l nr7t node,)
tratk x!t• i !learn,: the u:
henke,.. Jett then l'eter
• •
1.1 1:. ; ,11 , 11.,1; tnen. knewon ,
t w,re sil”tuttssckty 1,•1 (5 , 55
%, ore roll: On LI: , trir . k, Is
fog, ,natilvol-e, 6,1 rrttk - l.ur Is,. as
111 , rkkk. 11,0 man.. ht. I 111-.1,31W Lln
tsk,oo th , trark, lAn fv,a s toward tr;
4,4:111, 1,..1 I next , avyl•ll ,- kt, ov,r
er,,, In 1,1, Shill •1. - ,•ve
uL unkc, n4'0,411113,1 /Ill" 33 stir ....Mlle CI.,
A., Sot orf the II SLITS 1 skvat over 1
r,e1 , 1 kkere the sr.ari w:1 1 ; %kVA' linnri
1,3. In the 1.11,11,1:ate ek•
1.0 usl•Clit130I11.• I•UL k,
o.lllk, Iserkets,i Ti iu the ilegg4ll ,
1,1 „ 110: think I ,43,n111 In
sulit• ton Tills It:311I; U:.
barrttl F• 13111,1 kit, very muck exer . .l.
111rn t l slrts• yetr,lo.
aL sl.ent Iho prloessot. IT' !tic .s
Moo u: os
A, t.rossrot l t,. Tr , : N 1t0r,..
otonts f y
ll'ss!eon ss, ssworo—Wo.o rater
no tee tlatn; rat poor to try house os,
&A.-pouter , otat see, otst nes: lona Lestoty
err ou oteployess ea ft. , %Vat -ill,
h in tie rent 113 st of Iles trent P,
...see, tors felt toe zhook ; rtY treed fr.f
at 11, so anews and oaw tbs.: the con,
sof its,
trasslat I ...ow eo one roar the tr.s.ts
o.f.OoPt poirtlnA lotherrsoeuer,
atter I lint a., lam Ise woe emir:, or !II
loft 10ta.1.M.10 of the res.l. rostir owe.a l o.ll
tarty stusq fror's th e Cre ek; wren we et,
preeolso.T"lntn • lltgwlt vet up! w e re
woke, wlly be resoo.l the, t..tru.:tloss
Cho truck hes Only reply na, "1
knew." (Soo 0.1.11 roul.l 111 the Ile NI Ibsen
•IIo11':zIlpl The In•t train pr,evoiltng 1
gnu which mut with the accolcar,
dent ogcorrol ibout WL•te:ra
fare t wri Ve
.tre Tttrt
pal miner; 1%.
cros4.; , n
standing oillne porch or it ou
arat annw of atTl.letit li :1 . at.
tneat,lvnt, or 4,, the Lill. 1 1,1111 1
, .
off tract-211.0 w tire
trellt c..itut•lthing, t prt,orls,
trig trot° :110 Irryr tic R.,. On
1•13.1, enl bn 1111,11101. fkbOLIS a :ulna
utter toc4 Woul into the tkatqr unit :u
. .
u , ll,llit, IW.; nt'Am , tle,.
I tact, Men paallngt.lot.,hal: v. a
r.. can tratu *tz
v 6,110,1/ hot., naul WI!
- -
a nd A.o,tlnt 411portnten.lvnt of thp Pei
-ylvuula n. 3.1; t...01.11n0ny ot
tortnerLi., lb, rioter/1 train poi-iin the pte t nt w nitre ti..i
ontent riecurrein.!:t•7: , .t a• it In etirr,i. I a n
theist:env at this lale 6ccitlent let,no
ns Om a throe licw •0114011 Ito
btem In uae; they were all tit no, 1,11,1(
big that li
hoy ha,/ tinu on the traciii on
lain, ( . 0111 , 1 intsily lift ono 0 the., tie..
.I , Ahnetorie, niirora—l alt a puniller
elite ohnittowrii lit. , train it. a P.'
el•n4er, I arre.teil the proioneir,
of the prountl hot,renl% tiler:.,
Found 1,1112 at . point about forty rink noel'
tho r,10 , 1 tram; be nit. In the act ,
I utting on tlln coati I 'truck lilt,, w
threw - up both hand. ittol
vilion 1 relLii.l hitu 1i0:100 If 1;
• •
de! not want to go; 1 asked klat -tact:li
questions, In all of widen replied, -1
dent know took Iron to Turtle tssck it-
Inge, procured a cotters, item', and with the
rosistanee of another young matt Itrsurrht
him to the city; the pri•oner hero
Is the man arrestr4. NNBIIe wr luvret-4110-
ing to the city he m{;10000 ettott to roe. op
coI it ho eleart‘.
Untie/ Freerick, sworn—Live Wont a
tar ter of a tulle heyon.l Trott , . Creek stie
t ‘ lon; at the tllOO of the acepleut 1 w
stand lag lag on the creek bank Wand XI v hun
dred yards from where It erataroel. a men
whose name, I think, Is Burke, was talking
to me at the tone; my father was ahso near
fly, I trouser, the prisoner cottrt: MI tie,,
X tack, toward the east, Itlstrzi' locate-tit t.
minutes before tht• accident nee:tried; the
next time 1 01104111010510 MIA, MU 1.1,111
All, Wrecked, he a as then a prisoner; there.
almwere three men passed tiotin the track
et the ea rn„ the prisoner went up,
ne of them carrying a black 011-cluth [my
o lin./ bag; two of the men were together,
and the other was short were
them; they were all strangerS to Me. After
I )I.IV Wllllll bad °marred, my rattler, Burke
and myself all mental , . •
Groove Fro/stack, sworn—Am In the rttn
play ol the Venunyivarria road at Winton's;
was over the track about three quarters of
tor hour Before Via ...lent; ill la 11110
t ore were no Otertructions on the trat.k;
1 cum' down tile track 1 sew the prlstmer
going up towards where the aceident Ns-tar
red; ite looked over Ills shoulder, at me, hat
sold nothing. lily stin matins war sotto,/ op
on the batik; I askist 111 m If tin Hllti • that
tt.T.ltnnit" Passing op the road. This Kai
about In enty-tlye urtuntes before the tram
ce along'.
The tOstiloony here closed for 1 tin present,
. . .
the jury 111.0"01,111g upon 1 n 1141 . 111r11111011t
until Wednesday, the eeveutheni.ll to taunt,
o' c lock e. a„ when the luvem.h4..k•
than will he resumed at the 'nuke place.
round Drowned
' Coroner Clawson yesterday much - cola did.
vatch from Mclicesiiort. slating that the
holy of a man had lawn found floating ill
the Monongahela river a sherd distance
above that place. The Coroner promptly
started for McKeesport, w here he held an
inquest on the remains. Thu hotly was
Mutilated by witnesses as that of Henry Al
ton, who, with las lather, won drowned in
the river on the a a of February, at Stone's
Upper Coal Works, 10 Elisabeth township,
etahteen miles from the ea, It will be re
membered Iliat the elder Mr. Alton and his
non, In company with three other ince. were
about crossing the river to the south side.
The vnrrent wits very amid, and one of the
parties in the skifT caught hold of tho Ice
breaker at the coal worm', which extends
some distance Into the river, to prevent the
boat front drifting. This caused the skid to
capsize, and theoecopmts were throlVll
the Water. Mr. Alton and his were
drowned, but the others sueeersimi ounw' lm-
Clingmg ashore. Thu hallll.lllS of the an fort ii•
nate young Salt were net recovered until
Tsolity. The Jury returned a verilla 11l
accidental drew:Ong. The deceased nice
youn 101 111 00111 U sweaty yearn, leaves
It Wife kml children.
Aid for tho, South
use. Re. Tracy, of II nntsvilie, Ala., the
eloquent and earnest Southern chaplain In
the Union :Limy. under tion. RoscMlins, Las
been in our midst several erects Uolleetniß
nit from shit catholic, of this vicinity to re.
pair the Injuries sustained in h. Stat.: by
tho hit° war. We cheerfully nu 1 ,11,01 the fol
lowing card of thanks, front Which It ap
ears he has boon thus far quite sucee,,,rw
in h. labors:
- -
The entlereignetl. In the name of Wm
Bethel', Itt. liov. Dr. Qulttb , r. . 4 d hit' . " T " r-
Jog people- in Norte Alta:mum, take title'
leeaus or returning thankit to the Itt. Rev.
Itllletit Deny:nee, the ttAtertt,
ple et 1110 various cmoltrecnalo" , `
I Int, city of Pitt I,ll'o4ler their tete
rennilllllNll llt rendering alit stnl'Illnill"
teeny Injuries that country Fllllllilled
'l."l”nt. late tlt.i.troott ettr.
. Itir_tut 1 tende her third an- . 1 :,ot lipplit, I
no . In brio tit Y let night al Lady filuelietlo I 1
on Inrge audience, though the tin,littirlion , t
' WI::, Itt h li Y II?:-I ' e n i ' L ' i ' f " ::::;i l e u r r ° ,7l; l l:l ' l ' l e n ' o i n t I t ' ll ' : i ( " I r ' i ' :e l c h - l u . i' ' t
di,m, , 1 , - ? . . Jr. ceeleg her tri el-Mat:tan-It" , t
an„. ,,„ .o 'll.tetrtu tap ht . ioreal under the I i I
therefore, for*,,,Podll;-; he ,-,, lner Per fortur 1 ,
Weal the 10i-tort:il 6 111-Ir.II, an'' , teo were , a
i'veli tel t ame Ot tw z., , to Of her Iron: tin,
Loh .:1.-: not the . - tuse lira . dritMati,t liar
seort. of P ,,,,,,-,,, t , .r."' - .}xte women.
etnny Whore fano. :li lortro— Ne i lad r.
will Irltig outlive Cie prerent gl`,ll, ~.w . , :•••, • e • , i•
XII Milaticeore. , fllat we 11-itw htneto- 1 „
tocbitrltet la tt 114:Iit we liever H. , hofto ;I,
there a a part In 11, whole run,.
of the id:alt . :a. iillowlon Minion an Olk•
putt parts In ili-nntty her tl e , aiii, ,IiV7II,
tart part to the tine :it.. terve tart. tililtlti
From her edrier-lii the firs; :let tnear her
thin: call, ,liiilreetur-I the eerT ohtllO-Iltrlehti
rit the wlelie:l, :lintel tour ,w , , 11,11 ', , J11..1 ill f..:
it weak anti vneillatleit Irriei - ii from
crlnto to crime uiltil the very weight a/ bee
etnieitokois aellt eren-toni Islet.
la the n en, iv liere t un it rienniiintiullat, rho
iielerr through the earths, rehear:hot - to
hetrelf the teriihie oven; rhe till Ituvial to
epiit•t ern rho ,teen 1 the 00e aiiet. it: tient.
arehr, :Ole even ereelle , l ii,l her lirrto....
cllottr,iii entlior to :Let trout in.:orate e nee
hold/tor I.iir '4,r. rpellrhounil I v the
manic ut her ::.14.1u- until rile thratiphireil
trout their gaze. ll'', teat in tile oi-1 wita
the f,,, , ,,1e,1i , Fr ILL., 11.1:l Wad Mill:L.o,
wr re ann . : tr ue , , Cr.,:,, tilt matinee In
ri loch. the,plionoter Oar belheria.:, Ite 11 ,
leil to 141., o, tuAt .‘1111,1,1/ 13ii o: Chen: .1.1
hot It riuw ii a ...Ingle wet, O: I!. 100 1 only
um 11, war given lieu, lion, the w ho, Thir
wan out of all ter . , nod rliiialil net lie 1611,
VV.I. Al/ letter i 1,3 110 1•7.1.1 i, fur I -el le re
iiiii,•-lii 1, lines %hi:. lie her thoht lir to
, root} , ~.:!1,11. 1,0)11,.
'Hier en. 1,11.1:: ,1011 . retyeg Ma--I-i-th 0:14
eart , - - til ',la' hiel, Ito.. iiit ii.l,
11l -, - !--ilh • , ',1.• lli 11,?•,.. I/I I,t, .1 :.1:00.
41• 01, , i• 11,, , , ;:. —i: I :..:, roe.
'l,-.,:it., I tt,ii I.,,orite, tor 0. al t. rill in
up :era •-•rirlli to :Y.- hodei. e.e-I a- ei or
:era an ]tiiiiiehre I-iii, ric haie not ii nuntit
I, ,{ OW •
1, , ,, , ' , i•i, :., , r0,11,- , .. 31e. Look
ago iii 1., 'L.,. 101 . . ~, 1, a ti.P.-eI eI-ei
pho - le.r iiecep . ever,lie
talier. erel 1. Cie., in li. i :51 i heri - ty 1,;
:nut i rote 11. dirt , to Ishoiti cot , . rtion.
tl , .IlreLtl , , (.. ',1:6. I. I.
ertiox of the I ilt,eu, of flip Ninth
ll'artl-1 4 repoitt iiiii 1.1 Ontosi,eo rt
Sarni. r C
1.11,0:01, 4 of. 11. CA µ 11g , :oettto:r
le , •or the 0nr.:4 , 1
To, Fire C010p.,,y, v.:, Lie:4 1n ,1 , :pen
-11,11. for the jolri:te:9 L001ar.,.;
• ::gement, (or the porelt,o , :f n :0.,. fir<
moteoL, Mr. .
Ittel to the eluir.fotr: 7101.00 al:potato!
:cr.:Lary. .Ifter it::' prirllml,lry reul4r 1:4
tto. the ;.:teLoO:le
re.olot.on, hl- Me J. C.
11. e I:equ,noY Me'
1, of 1,• the grua here!::,-,
• ~
!!!7•1t,1 , t1
vColv tll/1 , 11114, vl:tutal4:-
/1.1 ntot greltt
of 11,,
!flu!! pro, , ,tlvll ol
ttrin,; a zlttor. n:. :row.
A In:
. . .
Litt to:ork totnraittevi
pc.:11t...: . t.rov. ,ollt
t.` ti 1111!. it iet•-• Itp
p,tpt lA', 01 11% I' to ttLii.e....h3r,4l,
ott,ol lands cnidnata.l./cal sasan all. atcas
+sry 1., the ptlrCtl.tlo of a
l ngille.
cre un.ttC.t.
ward '4ll , .11011 , I Int. Work, rm.! b.
.enu.talttve. o. e•tL li.e va.t..nt
-,n•t i‘ti 2,1.1 11,t,
.r ,
I -1: ( . 2,1/ 1 , 111,111 , r. AL/
11r... .rITI,I tt.
WI Cll4lll, T It
tat , I.
11.,t put L.- U:
Grorge pri.p
ty c:ty
roma Mt.:ica aail pre
chat, 7:tu iol:4lth - f
lona 1:tiono•Iv. lattur
Tie l rr histo ri
Itho- , 1!1. 3 t0 t0z..1•.
a of liorar. from 1.11,
tor, 'a !Lich tirthiii,il to rotarin
wiliit.tht. The waa
i. not nat.
tli it I `le wa , :e
-ornotl that 1.77.0,traii, 10,1 i :011u ;Era
infortuial Itartisiati that 1117'
1: 11 ,1 11 giscii lifin TO laerooaly, to Ia
Liall., for lte ri tho
:lion of tariity•ille
t.a,over , .: that 11:11.
while threo ~looki, th, 111,11 wheel
ert• 11111611,.1. :111,1 , Mtn. re
pa., it to to, ollhai of the coui;Litrate, aa , l
oath win..
ithre-: O !, but alter a loait 11,0
"Ink 04, 11k/i11 .. .1VA by the Ili,
tetol2/3111.401i.; thocoat,
• All Eminent l'lty•lef '
No Cruel I.,teg phy,kiun efulong the molt
umfout, In the ',ate"t l'ennlylv:llll,htuals
louher or hnn boon more aloco,,ful in Ulu 1
in oft:, Oni tlinn L. tll.l , :ine, No. Pt
tinuff. Ntrnut. Luel •
yr,. of ..xperi-nce aCtlOl. pr.letitloo
nr, he lot- on for Ilen-,•u 3 env:nhhr
r•put.Ltzna lye titnatnnatot many Of the
1 1 1..1.1inktn.t la tilt: enlcnil., of lin
man 1 1 1.. 11:11 truutinent tlolere what
Irmo the regular, o: old ethic of inictlce,
anti In, glyrn tnoll ,kl.l.tnntion to till
Cho h.. utve h a
crclnt atten
tire tnelhod of trc n‘ a!ln., V.:tent, I.y the 0141
uttrinun mod, .In,ll -tonal the our.
ully for met'. 1)11.)11 l.nventy•tlve pear,
Dr. I,gii.nllll IS lint onn of y.on eenloine 1, mer
cury, blood tvutna fellerf ,
111) tho use of teg..e.C.le rree foes—V..olln).
preeArra meler till oun ,uf-urvl-loo—us the
nufnut aud monteullulleh:r,:tuihesianlmOnt
flu treats all klailr tllseuf,e+. Ills gte•
dy tool know/edge of the I' ro,olou
ono eb low to D. al cast, from n tllntaneth
lip an exutlonutaut of thulr urinu ,, . Hu e.
in this rt-sin ct Kenn eue,ful Llano
eon plin-lefun w thin our Imo, ledge.
Ills of1:r,• eal ref.lanneu ie at No. hl.f. Grunt
Whee a near and dear relative or friend
departs lids Object. of no little
importer:et:that the tinatilmele clay be buri
ed quietly mot muuridully without the eon-
Intion, bustle end apish general
ly attend Illy conducted funeral, 11,qn In
Vitmliurgh we hiveming, ror b u n cline;
undertakers Jenl a rola . really worthy ones.
Among the latter nope ehtnil higher in the
eNtfination of the Contain hitt . , or these w ho
hare attended the paying ol the Met ami
tribute of respect In triendt departed, a Mee
he has officiated. than Mr. Alex So.
psi Fourth oars:;[. 110 Ina+ lung exputi.
mice In the [4
fat rats Or a diKnitled Inanher, attending
to all the Iletatly. A tiy ollr read., who
mar bane to call In the hervices of an under
taker alit do well to :awe. htr..lilzen With it
call [le keepsa a,Nortmcnt of plain
and 1101coffin._ mei 'utelallie burial euveo,
legiabei with crape, glom.. and at
tend. to the orderlng of IMO gen
eral details attendant Upon nat.:,
A Llcarbm Ana Whnt tame oil,.
Robert Fowler, 01,0 was shot a few e.glas
spree. by' Wheel' Dat
reesler, while etteteptt;
Yule arrest, tool it Ile - arlut;
,testenlay .
I , efere Mayor McCarthy, on 0 ehitrips of as
all.l battery. ti.o bourse of the
hearing n w 010{01 01:111,1 kra HO , losl, who
Obit, ut Mra. dolineton's, It house of 11l
hone, oil l'elle-ylttioa avenue, testaie‘l
that Y0u . 1. , r had co:moaned a tape ea hey
Corson, on clay togia last, hu 0511.0 , to
accomplish hid purpoo. I'l.lo .
11111 s nese
phtou lui 0110110 tool the losahosl u as :weer
tlingly looked up 10 tlehtult el 11,405 e bath
.The Plusteal iltetiirratiby of tbe
Paeltlit S stets U., title of Itrefee.or
lirener , m lecture before Cl,, loan, Mew ,
..I,,H.latioll. at Ila-an le lixll, Oa
T Sari -Aar evenuid..lirril 11:11. fret. Illea Cr
tei , :riven I.llla ,O deer more time and etady
than :lay of t - cal :neat UW111:110
idooeLl it. inn aduai waitleririd will ler
titra on Friday eveidag . —talOdiri. "Yoe
Mountain sernery of California."
,1111 tatend inay expect a treat not often
• irgse to tilientaTa or the
A:trait:tattoo, wan till find tieketa at 1.1143
1 - 00,111 of lite Asto(•.:lon.No...:4ll(lll,droet.
To all other, tick el s Nrcent,,to li. opt... Sled
at lava: titol amide store, and of metritier
of the .I.9axiiiitiOn.
l'omotltterf.--.loon Foley 'appeared f„,.
fore .Ilo%or vo-forday, an•Moda.
rd uti Informal odour
for amomlt and hattory. ,i 4 urrf , di. .1,
!air her ozelm•o_tor lo.inif too 51,71 m; Ii) fo r .
1,11 hull In II,: o•-•mol, w,:
'‘? •
• ,
Another Ontr tge.
A woman giving her D .me as ATleSrae/ft
Berne oppeart , t Delon, Justice Barker, Yes
tertlay, and made oath againtdJuo.d. Mont,
~ r.Bery for assault and battery with Intent
o repe. The in . osecntrlx state,
hat she was wa:klng along the Brownsvllle
on Tuesday evening, near Boydtown,
when Sion tg,otnery rho. her and asked where
he aks going. lite Into, toed him that she
ear on her way to a store In Birmingham,
hers situ proposed purchasing some Duel:-
wheat. Tithe fell Into conversation Which
• continted . hannontously fur almost a
One, when 3/01111:tellery 5116U/iret her by an
ndeci•nt propenzi. •She retorted at'grilY,
ud e"eil4leniL to run tawny, When Sioutglon
n-Y ennell t ner by the ar,t, anti dragged he:
.rte here Ileatter:tuned to outrage
i.Person. Otte .truggled desperatel3 . .ll.mi
teeddlneeeeded In freeing 'herself fans ins
who theseaping Into the Douce of a lady
torrahhigtamed Ittehartiv. A warrant has
• the arrthd of the iteen, , ,,t,
Decreer, residing to Baldwin
nav days sloe,.
- el a young girl Ilaineu .
hervelt at the rcafelcnc% o l••l nn
Teoer,:, Way, by bikini , : co.. imnio ,:
mute nti•tulring it for "slue.
r:ell , el tipOri chrottiel 3 her ,tleutii . ,
plum at the Merry boupital
a l t he the time It
Interveue.t trial tee diy nee took the le
t' it yestent.Ly xnticrct the Inty.
...c . .t.. vain, In flainnt lob3hav IngSe t *llllO,
after the. 13.1 ~take OCenrre
r. liontwllv. rho n alien upon her to It,
1.3-1, state, that. •01.0 ht.! no Urtends in th
cotnarc n huterer, ben. - II nutty/3 , 3f Irelun
winch country the left but a low moral
Sl,Ofkit4 itailon acting 28 good lit
onlioniiive. tool: t.ia litely•lnvu to hen
and t,tutrlts thn tigge o
Incur:nib hy doinr.i Cart - lap
tiuCtitt. $1.1; hbrettol, 41; lo gnettes,
45, vilatoblit stlnvesil ll ll l . lll,llll,,
41; o hitc wick. tie, 41; hair 4lreintoff and Inc
ituntal capon4ea, 4:1; total bill rif coats, 4,V
tiroioke 1, atuitiipid and tin
,it• anything funny about. 1114thrl. Out t
ccii,tiance lot Lanni:en go Ong
0 Ith 1,a1;',.a taco by nioct,lng penni
aim 11
Oat r
Pitrook With It P111114,-1' illip W ray
calm: to !Amelia, of Alderman ilutlen, yes
-I,i-day ..114i 104.1,1 un In format on against
is... M's , ' J.:collator as. unit and liettery. Thu
rio ties reside 111 Iteserve town. , ip. where,
on Tuesday last. Me prosecutor lieges that
Jae4t.s struck him with an oak . tick on the
leirl ii,Juring , Min so much tha he W. fors
cod i,', reulaM In bsei tor teem - -four hours
aI: l•r hi, .ltt all, lirtng linable t raise from
the i•irrts ot Mot Mow. A warrant has bins
issued for the arrest of the arc —.mil.
1 —.....
Notary Public.—W, direr the attest
tiro of our rooters to the cunt In another
re: iiinn id Tioncas slalom:in, I.sq., NotarY
Voi , lte anel heal Estate. Agent, s o. 9,, I, n‘ ,
-ti , N . , Mr. ttuipson attend.i hithfully to
ail anslness entrusted to kiln, it is .pos
sessisl with maple facilities r proems:
ink setvan Were., to those o employ
los servict.s. We cordially co mend ham
to Ice attention of oar rcade . who' may
hare any transactions In rend es te or who
May iteed the set - spies of a !sot 1' oblic,
th her rows
urn would
e marriage
iy and Cleo
their home
nt lord 'for
Cant:lo , lml Wilf•.:-Rachel
,i 0,4 1101 Ilve In that hartnony tf
hand John that ltrvertl of by
a, unnvennl in tl
-tat.. They huye, nice Antbott
Pnra, heluhreJl in many little
the toldst of rum John qul
and not eillet. returned.
E. t ehet “rTeare.l ',afore lduvo
ad trade oath sitalt,t her
de, Linn. A Warrant hto been
Splendid Ithetegraptt.—W#
have been
tas tated with vtunette card ph dograph of
t he late great. good 'and talented Rev. E. It.
N4'3l3 , ter. U. it., 1.1. it Is a tannin/like.
nets of the .distiogulelted clerßymau. and
:ammo be in the imAsesslon of every one
who adttor.Al him to tile. It Isla specimen
of it. 1.. 11. Dabb's photographic art, and suss
tattl, the Inge rePlltllti.7:l wbieE that gels
lury ctdOYs. copies maybe obtained at ..51.r.
Intnh's rooms., No. '%st. Clair erects
The Wheel I ug . ft,/fivencer anti to
Idn or how Illstom could bare a clean face
here. Amply by wakhlrig tt. she has re
ouivud erlouill •'.iolt .soup" In her Journey
I hr . . gh tilts country for all ordlnarl-nbW
tool4. The , :ndne pap., congratulates
tory on aclueving ,weers in Fitt6burgh,
alter pa- Clog the gauntlet lu Faris, London
and Now York. We agree. For neither
p•-ople nor prose here play second Addle to
any In the u ntil.
Yen'-Auction lionae.—.llmurs, J. W.
Ilreen S. Co., popular donlem, have Jo:d
-opy:lyd anew U.
- lion 110000 at NO. lin
street. conducting
upon a regular syalmn and will
hold puldie sato+, day and evening, un Sat
wrdas, Tharainrys and Ttimilay,,, and will
nevnte the other week dap,' ate!
in idivam neu tile advertisement.
11 o runduend the firm to 1110 attention of
oar readers.
Rev. Ales. Clark. A. M., will deliver Itc
lPlen.!l,ll..eturu on elndlynlttallty" In the
1-Irst Method I'herch, Iliad Common,/
.C.llusheny T Ip t Lhla evenlmr, f^r the benent
11,1, MllllOll. Everybody hhould
1:0 111 , 1 It. Loth th e lecture unit the
‘llkf t• 11 ore , u orthy.. Doors open St 7.15
o'clock. Lecture commence at C. Admli•
.1011 . 1:011:15. Tll . lietS sold at the door, aloe
ut the L:l book stores tm Federal street
Ran Over.—Robert Lung., a carter In the
lmplos of William Woman, tobacconist,
et off his cart )rotentayslo: the earner of
Wfoal and Water 4.treets. Before he could
make an e ff ort to rise one of the. wheels
pas-rd OV., his hrenot. In) urine him so 9t's
iverely that there to some doubt of his re-
Lo was taken to the American
Hotel, on Benwsylvtinla 'Avenue, where he
now lies.
Janie• T. Orody ck. Co., dealers In gm'
era:neut aceuettles, corner of Fourth and
Wood ,trert, quote the Fenntidrunia loan
Isectsty art follow , :
Fire year bonds
Ten 102
/Moen t'
Thu live year bent has advanced Otte Per
tent. since brit placed on the market.
tieOrge 11. foChrau, INry., attorney at
law, publishes hts card In another colutnn,
having opened an ogles for the transaction
Of Teeth Inislaess at No.CAr Grant street. Mr.
Cmhran will faithfully and promptly attend
to all lugul busllloss or writing entruattal to
tit, care, and !rem 11.11.1ttlIILILLICO we ant en
abled to sincerely commend him to the Com
munity of large.
I..reeny by lbsitee.—J. L. Beck came tO
the ogle° tit .11slerinan Strata, Sestet - di**,
and made oath against L ititriea hose for
larceny by ladles. Thu deponent alleges
that he gave lbass thlrty.llye dollars to keep
fur hon,tailden ho lit to well that /kaki
when lie tor it, foiled to gct , It. A
warrant has been Issued.
Sn'rety of am P,llll.o.—Patrick Roach
ladure Alderman 11..1. Thomas s.lter
day, on complaint of IVllllant who
w , ne that Pitt threatened to split his head
open with a Houle and made ‘ll‘ ers other
threat,. Defendant was Lela to ball.
Larreay.—ilenry Dunmore ano commit
ted yesterday, by Mayor McCarthy,
n a charge of larceny, preferred against
111 m by wlninm L. Brown. The accused Is
sale to have stolen a cloak from the Prose-
cu. r, valued at 111.
Held for et Ilearing.-11”nry I:l.ekleY
before Alderman Strain yentenleY.
ehartred with assault and hattery u oath
or Starry Williams. The aceumni way ar
rested and held for a hearing.
Itleh Geld Chaffin of every style nail
pattern, for ladles' and gentlemen's SCOftr•
fur stile tit very refuel:table idle., at the
wall known and nondlerjewelrY
it sof Itemilman, Ileyrun elmlne s . , O•
k ifllt btreet.
Arreatted.—laeob Friday. one of the Parn
ties who was charged with forcible e
try by W. 0. Itaeicey, was arrested yester
day and brought beim, Alderman
who held him Inf.:XV for a hearing to-lay.
At n paniiC weeding . In \I - x.511111100n.
Va. the CO(11111o,oncrs were called upon to
.other a liberal reward for the arrest at the
pe root nitors of all murders and rObberles'
in teat comity.
Tnn fnuntly of John Young. residing near
were poisoned by come un
known perwoW, two weeks ugo. Mr. Young
dm.: la•t numly. Thu Yoltoning Is a 1.10,p
A eoloiegl barber named John Putnam,
of Canonsbur tr, abet Its Wife last Week
khe received an ugly thougn not necesanals
17 fatal a °wad on the back part of her beau.
Heading, I'a., baa the Black Crook and
nhcl running at the came time. Fear
ully tlautoritlized.
Go and hear nheut the “PhY.hral Geog
raphy of the Paelile Statee," at ilLatonto
hall to-night. •
rho Iron City Ilouthly wtll be recut} ,
till♦ weer. Prteo 51xty cents per copy
Luuk fur it.
Go and hear the eloquent reef. Brewer
Cl Yalu College, ut 'Masonic Ball._
On Saturday hod Foglerg war
rout a us read to hlua.
()pa 'lll.•tp....utt mea “ru 111 n et
We mei:now - ledge the reoti fo pt ail i
vitation to prevent at the rmal ore-n-
I ntr or the Itcumns of the Allegheny County
s o w for:' League, on Fritlay evening nest.
• Wrong 111.1.—The indeonndont
o rear, have rngtured Lie Wrong 11,0, in
their arrest of the alleged Wanlnngtorr
count' murderers. •
If People would always remember to
keep to tho right when crossing R StrOtt e
v 1,11,1 COUCUBSIOns would be
•.1:. A.," the nrow.nosticator. has turne4
ap ettmtn in the columns of the Chrome:,
tie suys it ;u', freeze again- Prot!ltitous !
nay . ..Leal Geography of the Pacific -
States, a leeture liy Prefe,aor Brewer, ta
n:get, at Shiaeole Hall. Ticgets Weenie.
Pit. Clair iitrt4t, In the neighborhood of
Penn. was literally ehoke4 with vehicles
the greater part of yesterday.
A... has been natleit• to Governor
Genry.d-titles of honor by the Wastungton
and Jetrelon Conegn•
The 'gold hi ...let advertised in the
reiterdas v lost, ,n.. 3 boon round
and returned to the
Play.lenl tleorraphy of the Fedile
Metes. Lecture ro-uight. by x o t. Brewer".
of Yalu College.
A big gun Is to be cast at, the FOrt Pitt
WOrk A. It to ben local reporter in 0. , 0 01
our barhor,
Since the advent ofNtorl, pca.nat
werebartfit have not been even On Lae erreota.
after dark.
Wertrmen are engaged in repairing ten
Newer at thu Junction er /target with Lib.
urt; ZLICCL.
Do tto authoriliee San et ion the erection.
nj woo , len •Leds or tLwrangs over the side
xmliz s I
ylve were vidllesll by heavy old Mercury
mitt ply.utlrul LI how ore or rule, yeeterday.
The I'nn: Office w Endows wero vrioneil
yesterday—U:o tint time in dlx mouths.
',retire by pro,",* Brower, at .Biaaoula
Hall, to•nl,alt.
4'hntlintn hireet 15 lutt W r.tch.tni
thy miclltlon.
A tint o f cattle plague bay lao kcn out la
, Tork county,
la ratrOICOMI is not liable to ally
"MS a dull, dienigroniblo day.
Who Innis
- 4 — •Pvear3 in Cloreland.
COLiTt -
two Inmates.
at Ito rositl.'bre of Airs. .
tia , D,ratt, by the ff.,!. Herrick Jour
31, ID,BERT DICKEY, of 2 ,, .t Liberty, •n.
Mj e. MU& C. EDWARDS. of
NO. Fourth ~ trees. rltt.burgh, ra. COFFIN
A4%111,11,1, eltArl , ... I.:LUVES, and cret7 0...-
acrlytton or Taller)] rurnlAblng Goods farulab
ed. ILeoms 01.,[1.'d day and algut. IlcarEe and.
Carting. , faral,bed.
I•l[l,l,CLS—ltev. Dlll.l li.,r, IL IL, Rev.
Tbinnaa rwing, EW. J a-
H. 11111,r.
j~... WUITE 66 CO,
Wool, Run and vicaulta.
Corner blatatleliettalcf ehartlara atraret•
sad Carrier,. furaabhed.
,"`"...;;;‘,.:1ff91.:17„';,Vrt:".-2'.' the
1:4 h ro
cell S t t .ony. For burim t ot..
Wholesale Agents
American Watch Company's
No. 56 Fifth Street,
- 6 Wylie St.; 3d door from 5►6..
Fine ll'atches, Clocks, Jewelry;
1 4 11.tgracrum - 6ks., .lE.on-act.
tT l'artleul. ation:lon Alvan to I: , Dntrint
Wstcaos, Clock, End J.lran'. £ll yolk Wor.
S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S9l
S 9
I s 9 Pt. OMt 13 J87 : 591
S 9 S 9 .Varket Street, l
S 9
d,'S 11 ti ET YOUR I
S 9 1
• ,S 9
! THE cazwevir AND BENT
9 xisr , rxmiu ax iS9
JAS. ROBB, SO Market St.!
S9', 1)-491
S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S9 S 9 S 9 S 9 Si 9
lianufaetnted at No. aq ISALITH.MELD IST.. kY
Also. Agents tor New York }Wakes Co.
Grimm. Belting.
mw.y. 0. /1.•1146 • turartor quality of LACF
LEATH/tit mpl1:1151 IEI I/11A•
r Eli KIT ETn nwnilllL% LELT N LIOU THost Ez .etu .001
1-"F T ATi m gV!i f gli.. / :; , T ER21 .. A .: 41 ::(
.111 LL. NEW littltiliTUN. FA.
No. S 2 TbintStreet, Pittsburgh, Pa.
oryicy.B.*-ALIBUBT HARTJE. Pres%dent.
.1:01. B. LIVINIihTUN. Trescr.
AMBEL he- rciary.
Dchu.7oll4 - Augu.t Bartle. John Atwell, S.
11.1frtutsIf.n. John H. LlTlngston. John/K. Bon
f. .11cr. -
enffti Paid for Palm, Stock.
Tactical Furniture Manufacturers
Latest s tylos of lUlllllftE constantly on
The Meeple,t, The Beet
!,WAII.II/0,1 . . Tit Rti. YARN. SALS, ROOM
' BUMGIES of the eery ben for taro at
Howard's Livery Stable,
Tlret atreet, near Mounnesbels Hours.
Orem atteutton paid to buying and With
1, 1 er, at f.trary• 1,17
lI machines, used but sbortime. (pestle
redlced prices. :W.ll. 81.111NEll .t CO.;
roll flrtn .trret.
1,11, , J1!111 -.:K CLUTCHING—nut* a.
e . r to
,•^l. No. ZS astd'