The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, April 10, 1867, Image 1

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F 1
11 , 17113LIBEIED BT
No, 80 Firth 131troet.
'E. P. lIOUNTON, /
Y. RLED, o.2•lnesinanNe;
Elagle Copley 3 cents
Delleered try carrier, (per ,witt
Nafi Cuetcriteira, flier 113.00.
Liberal mitictioat to Newsboy. and ♦tend.
Three Copies, per Year, by mall.--
lelve do. do. do. each.--
Ten or more copies, to one addrem, and
one free to club. etch
Thin Week, This 'Week, Thin Week.
The opening sale of now Spring Dross
Goods begins at the now store of Gardner d.
Stewart; on west corner of .Market and
Fourth street., No. .;0. Goods are all now
aryls, :just purchased, and will bo sold at rho
lowest figures. Many of them are real bar-
gains, and range in price from 1.2!M par.
yard to 411.25; In 'colors most beautiful, and
In materuals exceedingly desirable. Prices
, fully one-half less than hut season. In con•
. nectlon with dres4 goods wo will offer an
entire new stock: of dry goods at astonlith
ingly low prices. , , •
At 37:40 per yard, ono lot yard whin fine
. Ilarlston Gingliame, very best styles,selltng
elsewhere at 0314 c. •
At /5-,IC, an extra heavy Domestic Glog.
I hate.
At 1214 e, Bed Bordered Huck Towels, sold
elsewhere at 25 , .. 4
AL 50, 6 2 55, 1 3 . ev4c, extra heavy Damask
and Loom rible Linens.
At per yard, beautiful light French
Cloth Sackings.
At al 1154 and $1,2,5 per yard, Black Silk
• for Sacqueo.
' At 15 and 01540, 5-I all wool Delames, In all
• colors. •
At 12.75, extra heavy white llaujintrit
Atlibc* , good CALSSIMere Tweeds; for boys'
' wear.
At $.1.:4 Spring Balmoral Skirts, cheap at
The choicest stock of French Chintzes in
the city; prices
fawns, Organdies, French Cambrics,
tiredbirilliants. New stooknf White floods,
cheap and very choice.
Prints at tee and 12!6c, fast colors.
Yard wide Bream altdin,l2!,,c..
trout Mmdln, from 10c np; 12!4,15,16e.
Itusbin Crash, for fine; sold every.
where at 1:311c. '
We aro determined to open the Spring
trade at our new store with net') goods' . at
low prices. - Our easterners am! the public
shalt have thu tenon; of our low purchases.
SIL,IO 6 1101.713.—We are prepared L.
aIOW some very select styles, and take or
tiers at very popular prices. •
l; IRDYRR a Srewenr,
New Store, West corner of 111ailket 'and
Fourth streets.
Chinese Ginger in Syrup.
TourteloVa Extract of Beef. Borden s
Condensed Stile. imperial Bordeaux
and Turkey Prunes, Dates, and Figs.
Seedless Muscatel and London Layer Rai
sins, Cross and Illacklas , noted Pickles and
Mustard. Sane., Jellies, Preserves, Kelm ,
tips, Spiced end Pickled Oysters, Choco
lat., fresh rears and Pine Apples In alms
jars, Canned Fruits, and Vegetables. Virgin'
Oil of Alx,Cliolee 31ixed Candles, all kinds
of Fore4m and American Nuts. Philadel
phia Walnut Candy, Nuts, Bonbons, lie., an,
Geoeua !Burrs,
112 Federal sire., Allegheny-,
Fresh Fish, Fresh Fhb
. •
Tho attention of our Allegheny readers is
Called to'the fish stand. of Mr. G.. W. Guppy,
la the Allegheny market. 31r. Capp's has
received a superior let of fresh lish of ull
lauds, which he will dispose of at reasona
ble rules. Fresh ligh arriving daily. Yom.
hies supplied atrial times. Leave your or.
ders at his stand.
(lose the Conti nento/ Saloon,
The best conducted and cldunliost Ilesta
rant and Dining Rooms In the city, for
meal llt for a jkiog, at the most reasortab
of prices- Holtxbelmer buows how la cat,
to the hungry millions, and It Is no world
that the Continental, next door to the Poe
odic° has such an enormous patronage- -
liszard S CanoeWu Cod Liver OIL '
The Purest end Sweetest Cod Lver On In
the world. manufactured from fresh
healtlT Ilvere, upon the sea-shore. It is
perfectly pure and sweet. Ask for "Hazard
a Caswell's Cod Ltrer 011," manufactured
by .
CAswEr.r., MACK & Co. Now York
Sold by all dt-agglats.
Cool Alea—aparhlttig. ISFlpen.
Call In at Iloltxheirner's populur Coat
nental saloon, next door Willa Poet Oflle
no Fifth Street, fora glaaa of good old ale
or .iparkling Catawba wine. —%
' Try the Cough Candy.
It will do you goal. 3lanutnetured and
hold by George I:coven, 112 Falend btreet,
Allegheny City.
Country morehant■
S . upplotl at reduced rates at Spence's, No
:71 Market street, in Cloaks, Sacques, Cloak
log, Ladles Cloaks and Dress Trimmings.
Attention . Gardeners
Landreth'a Garden Seed. and Dreer's dow
_Jar oned4 for at J. W. Elliott. 42 Sons, lon
. .Market street.
147 ii to Fleming'. Dram MtOro.
No. 1 Market street, for 11.tetter's and
brake's Hitters, cheaper than any other
.:II the Irate
:.;prlng Styles In Cloaks, Saviees and Ladies
Cloak Tilenculngs at Spence's, No. 7$ Market
Over Three Hundred
Spring Sacques in store and for sale at $.3
each at Spence's. No. 7J Market street.
Every Ludy
•Wanting one rot the New Sprlpg Sacque3
hould call at No. 73 Market atrnet.
All In WAnt
Of Spring Cloaks and Sacquni. Cull at
Spence's, No. '73 Market Street.
tlo to Fleming'• Drug Store,
No. 51 ;21larket street, 'for good Sponges, at
the lowest prices.
Ton Lan Hoy
foreign Liquors of all kinds at Joseph S.
klacti's Distillery, No, IN, 191,19.3 eDil 195
Pare brews!
Pure Drugs!! Pure Drugs!!! Puru Drugs!
la Hain 3 Drult's,
Tot, (Ha HaY
Pet par cant. .10cotto1 at R9oyll S. Ylnch'i.
You Cam Buy
New Holm at Josoph 5. Ylnt,b,.
Eralyrist - ton to Florida
The Thomasville (Ga.) Enterprise says:
• "E v ery few days trains of carts, wagons
and other velticies pass through Thomas.
title on their way to the eflurdysn -In
search of new Mimes. We saw numbers of
them ntat year on the genie road, but there
S.lnled also a Small stream slowing in the
direction of Alabama. Thus) two States
appear to be exchanging citizens. Oar ex••
changes from every quarter speak of itzt
r.tuie numbers of emigrants moving in
various dirtvtions, lint especially westward.
Memphis seems to be their favorite place
fur crossing the Mississippi.
"Tile war uprooted society in the South,
and broke entirely up the love of the people
for their old haunts—hence the general
change of locality-. ice believe that not
less than one.hulf of the Southern white
people have changed homes since the war,
anti about onedhird of them have changed
Mates. This shows a very nitwit:led state
of tau Southern in lad, consequent, perhaps;
upon the einancipaUon of too slaves, and
their want of contidence In the Justice tu'
• miugnanitatty or the GoVertiMent.n
•,caoreel Harbor Nearly a:looted Mayor.
A election for Mayor took place
this arcarnoon. Tho candidateswere th e
preeer , r locrimbent, Hon. John Abbott, Re.
co ublican,l...tile. Procter, a reapeetaine
harbor, for a citizen's reform tick
et, and Dr. Goodin been r ecei , the temper., news.
nee. Returns ha w re ved train all
the wards but Plallerrille, which wave Ab.
twi l l l'roe to
thre l e ,
itn, and scat.
rn Pi. At
that Proctor had the lead, whiet, caused
Iconsiderable excitement. The Abbott Teen
mmediately rallie d,
de the election or
their candidate wee made sure. P.tor's
vote came mainly Iron, the lionioorata._
tbrienrat. V, IL, Derpntch, April R, to the
orlon Journal
On. InaNs Ewan, hating. In Ms own
terms, "branded" the Radicals us de/scree.
ties, at a recant meeting Er /14,11°,4 the
courant of that city rudely Inquired—" Who
yrtuulled Blair
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Tuesday's Proceedings
C By Tleicr.Dl, to the Pittsburgh li•sclte..
Vehicle license law for the borough of
lohnt Washington.
Act to authorize the Court of Quarter
Sessions of Allegheny county to appoint
viewers to assess the damages for the open.
lug of roads in sold county.. •
Act to change the venue of the cases of
sufferers by the disaster at .1 oh nat. wn from
Cambria to Centro county:-
Tins bill was opposed by Mr. Linton. Ile
preferred Somerset to Centre edunty, and
moved to amend aCcordingly. The amend
ment was agreed to and the bill went to a
third reading.
Supplement to the act lncorporatiag•tbo
borough of Lawrenceville.
Act to authorize the Scilool Directora of
Fawn township to borrow money.
Act relating to the establishment of a Law,
Library in Allegheny county.
Act to authorize the increase of taxes' in
the borough of Tarentum.
Act to Incorporate the harmony Savings
Bunk of Butler county. -
Act to change the venue of the Lennox
horn tc Ida en, from Washington toJ e tfe ra on
Act tupplementary to the act incorporat
ing the Allegheny Va. 116. Railroad Com
Act to tax stock lu National Banks.
Act to authorise thu coustructlou of side
wal. In Liberty township.
Act to vacate the Methodist burying
ground. Amended by requiring six months
notice to be given to relatives of the de
Act to authorize the appointment of short
hand clerk, In the courts of Allegheny
raa rtoa♦
Mr. Colville moved to CILI(0 op the Tinge
act. Not agreed to.
Slate Republican Convention. _
By Telsgrsoh to the Pittsburgh rt srrt April 9.—The neon!,Bean
State Committee have called u. convention
on the . ..tith of Juno.
United Slates Senate—Extra Seeelon
117 Telegraph to the Pittsburgh G., tte.:
vor.moreen 01,11:EIVI IX TUC
W.I.BnIXOTOS, April 9.—Mr. Trumbull in.
troduced a resolution, which was adopted,
directing the Secretary of War to furnish
the Senate a hat of the names, of volunteer
oNcere now in the service of the govern
ment, their rank and' the particular duties
assigned to them, that ho Inform the Sen
ate under what law they are retained, and
whether some of them may not be dispens
ed wall withoutdetrlment to the public ber
- Mr. Anthony offered a resolution propos
ing a ova . rule, that all resolutions calling
on the Executive, or any department, for
Information, shall ho referred to one stands
Sag committee, to Inquire Into the probable
Cost Of furnishing the required lutormotion.
Me. Anthony said ouch calls were fre
quently made without knowing the cost
involved, clerks haying to be ern ployed for
weeks to prepare transcripts, sometimes of
little value. IL would bo well to ascertain
the amount of labor required In suet, and
whether the result would Justify the out.
Mr. Trumbull suggested the 'resolution
be referred to the Committee Co Priiittug.
would-. • .
lir. Thayer said It be tecollected
that during the last session of the Thirty
:: loth Congress the Senator from Ohio
(51. r. Wade) udbred a resolution making to
letry of the President of the United States
in regent to the absence of Alexander Cum
mings. Governor of Coloreds, from that
territory, and bow long he had been ab
sent. That resolution wax mmlitled before
being passed to call for Information no•
gassing the 'absence' of other territorial.
°dicers from their posts. Thayer would
now Inquire whether ally response had yet
been received to that resolution.
. . - . . .
The Chair replied [bat no reply bad been
Mr. Thayer altered a resolution that the
President Lie requested to inform the Senate
wLen Alexander Cummings was appointed
Governor of Colorado Territory, how much
of toe time said Cummings had neon summit
frorn,the Territory since Ills appointment,
and whether by permission, and how much
of said time absent with permission and
without permission, and whether On public
business or not, whether hie salary had
been paid to him during Ills absence or not,
and how much paid to him An salary for the
time he has been absent-
Mr. Thayer said he bad been informed,
by gentlemen who bad opportunities of
knowing the facts, that Cloy. Cummings,
who wan appointed Governor less than two
years ago, bud been absent from the terri
tory darling that time. He was now absent,
having been pure soma tour months. He,
therefore, regarded It his duly to bring this
ease to the notice of the Senate. lie know
Judges of Territories to be absent year alter
year, and go out to them, now and then, as
It were, on pleasure trips. Such absences
have ecome no habitual as to require the
interposition of Congress.
Mr. Inickalew desired Libiresolution to go
over until to-morrow. lie should regret to
have the resolution passed, and the Senate
adjourn without a response from the Presi
dent, and with the ex porfeStatenient of tile
Senate before the country. There were ex
planations to be given as far an Gov. Cum
mings' present absence was concerned.
Tile Chairsaidlf obJectiOn was made to the '
consideration of the resolution it would go
Mr.' Anthony submitted an 'order that
two thousand coldes of the Army Register
Le minted for the •u + e of the Senate. , The
order was referred to the Committee on
On motion of atr,-Pimsey the Senate
went into Executive Sebsion.
Anniversary of Lee'. Surrender.
.fly Telegraph to theirittsbursh Gazette., ".
Seugai - cranr, i. Y. April anal.
Versary of ~sal e surrender was celebrated
today with great eclat.
Megrim-a, Pa., April event of the
day here is the celebration of -Lee's surren
der to Orem., In which all the honorably dm
charged soldleis and sailors in this city and
vicinity participated. There were bonfires
and illuminations, and great enthusiasm
manifested. Over two hundred Veterans of
the war partook of a splendid banquet at
the Bush House, where touts and speeches
were the concluding exercises of the even
Burrato, April 9.—The second annlTersn
he runtthd surrender of I.e was celebrated
Esten•lwe Fire al Wllken-ftarre
Ity Telegrap , l to the Pittsburgh 115e4te...)
EASTON, PA., API - II S.—A very large Ilro oc.
frost at Wllkee-Ilarre tithe mOrnlog. It Is
'Ported that the whole, Of ilarkst etreet,
from the Court !Immo to the bridge, is le
In T o h u l lti . l7n e g d ii ' ifu t r h e e ci l l! ot /I n o n: ;o7U ' refirs ' et
w. saved.
Ls - rxu.—The tiro to-any destroyed twenty
linllhllo Loss about ►IW,WO;'
New Senator from nebssware—Senator
Saulsbury Gone I/erne—llls Sue
thy Telegraph to the Vittsberke (Jae , . lte.
WI LADOOTON, loon., ADD! ti. — Goverotir
Saulsbury appointed James A. !Sayan!, of
Wilmington. Culled. Suttee senator, to Oil
the vacancy caused by the death of Al r.
Ito wltl take Ida teat at onto.
Senator Saulsbury 11(1119C11 through this
city lust night, on 1.13 way bone. :It no re
signs he will probably Ito succealckl by Ida
brothkr, now Governor. t
Steamboat Haraed—Hallrond ALeC/
' •
Mani 'A—The steamboat Benefit,
wlth no habit, cotton, was burned on the
7th, at Strencianbi n God yard, on the Ala
bama men
A Train on the Mobilo and Great Northern
itatirtnnt ama thrown down an embankment
near Carpentnr's hallos . thlajmorning. The
baggage master awl thrta, Others were In-
J aged.
Luxembourg Negotiations the Cause.
Military Preparations Making.
Financial and Commercial
Ily Telegraph to the Illtirburg
LONDON, April Lt.—Ere/ling.—lt is now
known that. Napoleon, deeming the 110651.ta•
Ilion of Luxembourg imilsp.•neable - for the
military security of the French frontier,
not long since commenced negotiatlons
with the "slug of Holland for the perch use
of the Grand Duchy and itsdricorporat ion
with the French Empire; but as the fortresa
of Luxembourg, which la Cao of the strong-
est fortliicatlons In Europe, Is held by a
Prussian garrison, and tall 1 . 11.1910.11 Gov
ernment, backed by the whole of Germany,
firmly objects to the transfer of the Duchy
to France, the King of Holland has with
drawn from any further negotlatiooo tin the
subject. Thu French Emperor insists his
propositions shall be carried Out and
treaty couipleted. Thu national pride of
France bas been deeply wounded, and a
wild anti-Prusalan feeling has m.lxed the
country. Meantime. while the dispute is
Pending, both Prusela and France are
making military preparattons. This threat.
ening state of alifalt, is the cause of the
denudel panic which now oxlsts in Lon•
don, Parltl. and all the principal Clal[re, of
Europe. •
. .
Destts, April 9.—The trisis or Fen
Pritsiners on a charge of high treason c.
nsented yesterday, but were to-day po,tl
od until thug:M. The prisoner lids&iey
turned Queen's evidence.
formerly Torkl,M , Mosol General at Nap
l i te r
thear rp t
, M ,, n t t u e ,
t v o o: Or e Af
m t e u L/11
LOS DON, March 9.—i7ern/ng.—Consols,
Ftve•Twentles, 1111nols Central
Erie, 37.
LCcI: ur OoL , -March 9.—Erenioc.—Cott
clued Cults, with no• appearance ut i
provetueid.. Sales to-tlayol m,Ol, hales 111
dling uplands sit 1•24';: Orleans: 1 . 4!,.
chuster niarhot for good:: and yarns .Inl
witha declining tendency. itreadstiin •
Otto and Ptios ant.. Lent Pm. per yu.
ter, tar :Mixed Western. Barley p
o'o [rounds. Oats—Canadian nod Anterie
:11.5.1. per 45 pounds. Ve.a.,, 451. tor Catiailla
Provisions unchange.l. , Produce—tine roml
pm. parent. 0 Pler . artltSea unchanged.
Government Life Piny Intra Conunls•
•lon—SubJect of Steam Hollers—
.l nrulsibett ignasencern on Great
I:astern—The New rostonlee SI te—
Brokersi Alleged to be In Posses.
*lon of Stolen Bonn,.
Telegraph en the Moseargli Gazette.:
Non Tong, April 9.—The Government info
Sad Inds Apparatus Commiaslon imit again
tri,lar. After a report from Capt. Weeks
that he had obtained a boiler (or testingpur poses, purposes, .111.1 remarks wwre mmle by
Noran Mardi ou the sunjeet of steam
holle m rs, In the course of Which ilk! spoke Of
the new boilers ut the TrsbUlle
serous. The Contunsslon meet to-morrow
at the Detain titer Works, to test steam
Valves, allter-gUllgeS, Lte.
Among the passengers per the Great
Eastern were Cyrus W. Flehl. St. Sucimllle,
the celebrated African traveller, and ltmLop
Jackson, of lowa.
Tto steamers City of Antwerp, Baltic,
Ott two and Brittania, arrived tollny.
Tie deed from the Corporation to the
Un (tot States for toehold to City Hull Pork,
fora port otlice was executed by tau city
an ,horities to-day.'
Two alleged brokers, named Iloburt It.
Steclitotand Itobert IViihart, were Prought
before Court - M d alay charge with having
In their posse,oton bonds to the amount oi
.1 - -teO,Ucu stolen on tile Rah ot Iteceinher
the property of the !loyal Insurance 'Coin_
patties of Liverpool. Neither of Mont are
supposed to he thieves. After air ram:Abla
tion Wishart WHA unit Streling
Wlts admitted to ball to 41,0r001 for a further
Those et Baton nonce Beyond Com
troltingstr P/Snintlonal Destroyed
for the Season—Eighty Freedmen
NV.," OULCANS, April S—The ocean.. I ,
the river at !Raton ltouge are beyond control
.and all attempts to cloco them have bee
The richest Eager regions In the State are
ruined for the season. Mareign erstra,el Is
completely Inundated. The Muck !liver
country, the most productive cotton tedlon
In the South, and the freedmen settlement
known AA flu Soto, have beer overflown by
it, and eighty freedmen are known to have
perlahed In the water, despite all attempts
to 8.0 them from their hapless tutu. .
Chicago !Mayoralty
:11•Telrgraph to the rittaburgb lia /tit, :
Gnu ADO, March 9.—The Republican Con
ventlou to-day nominated John B. Rico to
Meer Telegrams
r By Telegraph to the Plitsbercli Gar ette.
Loriev tr.t.e, April 9.—The river is ilt
stead, with eight and u.plarter loot wato
In the canal. • -
:BP Tel. graph to lti! ttc.l
The SunduT cur , ineWou %111 not lie do
eldest 11 , our stxtp Supreme Court befor
• Strikes in all departments of trades con
tinue Is New York. and In consequence of
there being so many 10011 outer employ
ment riots arc approhentled.
Surveys and soundings will soon hie com
menced preparatory to thin erection nit a
bridge over East river to connect Now
York and Brooklyn. It will be—a- Whig
thing." . '
Dr. B. 11. liarrl4, an eminent physician,
molding In Harrisburg, in., died eeddculY
onTuesday night.
Bishop Whittington, of the Episcopal
Church, Baltimore, hn, published a letter
opposing Monday car travel In that city.
The destruction of property by tato Monk.
log of levers on 1111.1 311.1thilpid
to be very great.
An animal for'more men-and more money
has been Loutni by the Stephen], w lug of
the Fenian Crotherhood.
August Lteltnont'aprivate gallery of paint
ngs, In Now York, will lie thrown open for
Iva days for the bonent of the Ladlos
anthem 1:ellef Assnelatlon. •
A United Stator stout: tlialp tr looliti
Iltte4 out at Now York, by ordur of the gov
erurnent, to carry corn and [aortal°ur to
the Buffering sloor ult. South.
The chat ter electlun, In Newark, Now Jer
coy. on Monday, we, eerrital by the Repu4-
Henna. The Democrate Carried Trenton and
The conference betweee General SICIfieS
Gala the Governors of the States In I/ le ills.
resulted In nu arrangement In regard
to thin LlllllolOttllellt Of officers. TIN: Go,
ernors will contlntM to fill vaeaneies but no
eleelloue will'hu held until the reetstratlo2
of toter.. in completed.
Maxlndium being In denuer of cunt:tire,
Secretary Cowen!. ILL the Instance of the
A .trian Mlnt!ter, tel , grepheal to l'.
311ralster Call/1 pbel I, In Mexico, to urge upon
.1 tierce, the I.Merel Prominent, that all pot.
MGM leniency be' shown the wouid.l.o Em
peror In Co:. be fell Into him bands. Mr.
Compliell Llus replica! that ho fomented the
Tbo Great Eusteru arrived at New 1 ork
Tim New 1 Ork Democratic State Conveu
%odium:Of at Albany iontuy.
IECO1111) MON.
Russian Treaty Ratified
Ex-Uov. Vance Pardoned
Tele.trapli to the I'lttoburgl4
ut NO TON, April o,
Tlll. It"Aldrf TRCATT
'The Sen..te. late thli afternoon, after an
elaborattl tlellate, named The Ku —ta
druerteut. treaty, saran vote. only being In
lhu negat lye.
The ntJhuct lon td'seeresy not I,.,vsng twen
i n:mewed by the Senate, neither the text
of the ItaAlln AtnericAn trehty, nor the
yeas and hays On Its entitle:deal, chuhl he
procuree (or publieatlew. The ~rottorri aro
more than usually ratusett On the' ,hts,ectt .
Ent IL has been ascertained that ainte only
EllrOoll voted against It, front thirty-Ilse to
thirty.e.gbt were in its fno,tr. The Itusstazt
(Sower:adult Wilt tin oniewly teformatl ut
the (wet of Its rattheatitnt W lhuut delay.
VANCE 1,1,
The Drebldent, ttda vuorsqng,
it &Fr:L..l of pardon to Z. B. Vance, 1att. , .01 . -
error 4,1 North ( aroliha. Tti;s pa: don - ati
let (iron the rt. oinlnrodit Of Z.. 1.-
tors Iletidaraoh, Davi,. ,atild
terror, Joith(or, F9411:1 . ,
Roes, diunaoy, laths, na la..'
gin and Norton; I:cprv , iin Da tall% b. Ili. 11, , ,
Niblovlr, Kerr, !triad, antridnp,
Nta.ll. Den:ll,Am, Nichol-en. I:,m r,
Crlossbreuner. Slorri,:s4
Clark and Ingersel); k;nvernorA tte.
, harl.y 00.1 Ma), 11 ,, ,,,,,,Le, 11.
NVeteaur, A. 11. tiat land, t., and
Iter. Paul Itagley.
1,,, , ,, r 14,11. 14:.l VE1:1;,:•.
itl ll .Nlajor W, hernt:ht, co; p. of l.n
, %ulcers, has been ti,trislerust front the th
patiotent of the hurt to the DepTirttceot of
ihteoteh; First I.leutensnt G. W. Pvt....eel,
Corps of Etc.:lover?, tine inert ot:teltst t.l the
Ileteuttnent of the Piet te. Cur,E.4.,t I
C. Peters it relievetl 'hay lit the, lee.
pt. - tweet of ifteeltlngtoth and oil, ee.l to
.repair to 01. 1,01-, nn,l reient. II; letter to
the 31edieal Illreetnr of the Dep4rlotent of
Illisourl, awl to accompany
Of recent!, In N,:, X 11.310/. Oh au - v:1o% et
New IMe.tico he tetll report to the cohuthool
-log general met ehteCotr•ttell ottl,tr'ot that:
dhitrlCL for heshre went.
Isaac NowtOn,•Couttutteloner o:.t gr autl.
lure, appointed Tlteo , lore (
rylan,l, an agent to al.! In the tlt-tt
or sced.i in the •4,1111, t 47 pc!rt•'. tjt, or
southern st.tthttutal t . orre.lon,!t nt, co'
operate. lit the orgutilvaton 1tc1 , 1,,v0
merit of ioullJerit
The Itre.uNtzt LYib t•to,
ton, of Now .1 rrt.ey, as Ifollster to A I,E:t
anti Horace luilmn, of 1111001 r, CO1111.1“,
donor of Agriculture.
- W 011:, 11,1”; ON 11 0 1.4.1.
The Senatt; conTlrme.l tl,, I.otu
Inntlon: Geis.
of nl,l I.luho, LI
11l tilt) nuprono Court to, t.rgument :
the Delawo C.alltnrn;a w.,:cont ll n
uni to-day, and u 111 proamddy arc nyy nov
oaf Ilan, day,
Res4iptionlof Work.
• Ahr
The Whio•linri ilaVy
ed operation..end the atrike ron• ended.
The terms upon whkl. tile coluineuito• ea,
made were that Cork ahouid ou at the
rates proposed by the I . o.l4burnl. iron Inioe
term, but It the Pittaburgh worklnn teen
succeeded lu et:lair: mg the old rytt.,, tee
mill hands a:e to to rely, the
game reruuneretion. The Irlottiotion will
have no elleel noon' Ilittaborgh uruelacte.
[tor, nor Interfere In tile sink,
The 11111 for an InJunellon—Treed•
men'. -times hl n
reilue rofttponen.
Tele,frault to the Plteet.efen t , afett , .'
ArOCters, GA., April U.—The following
dlepatuli wee rent:teed from tiuvernor 'Jen.
the Chrome le 11/11/ &winch' llle that hg/ iu
the rwpretuo Court to-morrow fur tho re
lief of lloorllol,
Signed.; Cox,
Till• Jolson Ineetlng of cane,' for
to-morrow. has been youtpotwol u tag CAltaz -
day. It won ranting' hero all day.
r.k.:Krorr. N. V., Am'lL .13.• I; ion
Jr. Was ek.ctull Slayor...:so, the
oorntle ticket.
Lll,l V. Y. V., A pill ft —The f;linrt l r I , llr
tlund re.ult.l f.lectlon or the I.•nio
erntle Clty ticket. by 1,70 u muJoray
The Ihnnoernts elect nu of lee Abloroodl
and moven of tee Supervisor, The 100311
of Aldermen now ntundl n U., •
Ncw lirtesswl..¢. N. , April 9. NI llos
OAR, (.I(mocrnt) wan ell .... !!) Mayor, mid the
~ 1 1sOcriit4 curry . It majority of the city eon',
Welcome to Captain {Warden or Moni
tor-Merrimac Flame.
SAC Ftl.tatoaCfb Anrit 9.—The ltear.l Or ,‘Er
prvimor. Ilirt night 41t0A0,1i.41 n ,1,1,00113 to
1. aptititi Worilen of l ltgiollor-Mg,rlt.lan
11001 1 .
emmalund the lie W,
tendered the Chamber.. of the 'hnd 01
Trude Roy ,Inv lie clay appoint to recelvo
the eltizetta of Malt FrAziel,co.
Election in I.lvingston Poi Irrlt Ile.
elored to be Vold.
NEW fittl....NA, April 9.—apecial tinter,
N 0.7, In referenco to the election of iell.ll‘.
olllcers, not baying 'been neellvil 111 tie
purinti et Llyinipiton in 111110 to - la - event nil
election prevlounly orilered tborti, tall tee
IMMO !Men held contrary to iiiree
lninn contolnuil In that oriler,lllll election
In therefor° di:chit - 0d null and Vold,
Trade Stelke•lu PhllEttlelphls.
IBy T•leKt.tpit to tee rill•bergh Geettt,
PlTlLelttelllA, April 9.—Tbe Journe:. men
bootie earoentors erased wot k on Monday,
being on a strike for three dollars 4 day.
The tilant.rerit awl btollo elaterei nl 014 It
Solon time Omen for higher wages, but after
Lolling out for sl2 weeks rteammeneed
work at, the old rotes.
Prize Fight In Connectlent.
ity .relerr•ph toll., Pittsburgh thirettrf
Now . 1•oe hon. Voss., April N—.t prize
gth took pine° near hero to.floy lietwoon
Rourke Idol Collins, the cast iron Tette. The
(tor woos foully ponisligel, but dot:hir e d ip e
Icier, lh ennhotilleoCll Otis foul blow. tit.
non rounds were fought toil Rout ko Out
We hurt.
Railroad Dotenliori—Suinola lip
Slew Yuan. April 9. —The through western
train on the Erie ltallroail i duo In JtdsnY
tiny itt noon to-tiny, was eight. boort , behind
time. The detention was reported to hal,
been eutixed by the g lip of a fretalit
train botnewherhAlong the other end of the
Italie Chnreh Horned.
By Telvarfipla tut. I•lttsti.rxl3 I
48, ... 1., •• A Prd 1 1 ..rttr.P - 1 Untlo
oily Church took urn till:,
LONSnydontroyud. 1.044,550,0.9. ur
fol71:T11 • Allesl most re
liobte Money, Oa arta .Produre .Varlet Re
ports Yuen toy out , puyer O the rill', .11 tor
/0111111 on o ur/Diirth Page, '
WI C..
har our hula:y thank, for Important public
'flit (Janet te, us sold In our counting
Irown th, morning, nt three cents, It al min
lain the 111,0 in.Lp 1,1 l'als!ntrnn lii prOpOiCli
fu the en,ulitlatlon bill. I:all in and get a
leztavpi Board of Control
Thu Board 'of Control of the Public
,enctol: of Allvgltony held an ad) onrovil
Ins tin;; Oct' evening. In %leo Sand.kv
,el.OOl house.
Jr, sent I:,,yr, 800, n, u4i.ker,
Itoutr,.,l , llnlap, FranCi3,
Lornu! , , l.t•,t, Loikl,lo : - oult, and
CC hit,.
In the .OJ. et the - Itre,adent, John
limbo, Jr.. was called to thermal,
The Ineeling Av., °pone' With prayer by
Mr. Scc.rt.
'halftime ftenreterot the tom:f
eu: had i•, 0n eallet for the tutroo, of eon.
, u4lurocc.f the prectleultllty of CO/I..•ll,lnting
1t0t4,144 f A4l4ethet,, , City uut
the lute ht,rotr4rl of 311,11,011,tdr.
Mr. Fro Wei. -tete.] lh it hr :het etemzuni•
tetra ottl, J. I'. IClrkerrhate, henTri Super.
Intentret 1,11:0111,1100 44 01.11, to regetrct to
the 1 , 101 , 0.4:41 rOlt , ollilatlOtt or LI. SOIIOOI
llcirtl44, atul 111141 reretvet the follOrrhig ru
I . I7NN'W 1/Le'r or Co uoots,
II ,14.111 , 14r1tu, STarr h 1017. 1
IL 11. t : ! 1 here exemtn•
t lie.a, Ilich )011 refer. 11.• 1110...11,14
till tu11:14,414•44t, thi , school.,
4:1 I ho co,ol:dillt..l,•lty 14 not ve4yArelelte.
frit toy opinion Iu rethart to your 4 /IleallOrl
1 4 I, 1.•1:1,4
Fli -t he Art ron4olhlute Inn ell,
n,l hole:lull ter , chnel inirno4e.t, wnlch city
will hereumer unto duln 1:1:0:1 tll-,ttlet.
net :tllowo I hit y tluy, thr
, in 1,4 tle• I. .: ~ ughtu 1 :111 , 11 JO elo,
[rrt 111 nun,. tloe4 not il/.
I-1 , 1 , 41111 , •.•11,,,01 lureetor-. It wool:! per
-1,-en in•tler to ha, tdlov.l,l
'O,llll ..,t1:11.:Ii 1 / a wl berure, until tne
el the ,nionl }l:t r, nni! I am mellue,l
o think they ou_nn to 410 ~ . .111! hi:lC.3[bn
utu reneu'e:l thli
Lc', 'I I .l.lllLltaitliCl, until the
Slunnny .111110 °VIA.
.i-1'I.1! 110.11.1 nt In:eel-13M of the
. 0, 1,1 , represen•
a 1 Iho%lll I 1.14,1E.11.11 Acul, In the
11nartl Conirol 01 the entis , llamell cit -
,Let r 1.4111 1.4 theft Ina,. ions expire wit hln
,nl. , llellonf , 1111,3
lu p, 11,111 lien; , tulle., It. heretn,fore,
here ,eou,nlend,l, :10111 the 111.01
u June, they , !,.11.1111 till, lure,
ttn war,: 11l tun tronnbniled
wet shoubl r.,:nu - ro reot, in too Nonni
to the •101015
...p1:0.0 [ol.oolll4ler. freni other wLun.l.
1000111'. I ea,. re-rurntnily,
. r. urnuu,“,
• • .
• ^ N 1 ,011111,1,1., t Set1(10/
:1o:11,11. t/1,11,r, 4: t
!Ina I 11., 5 1 / 1 1. , :1e,t, .11.trIct Nver.l
11,,:t...l p t!”.
Mr, Cnrplwick, an of
ph tug,
Cio !i...1 by thu 110.4
• -
lor r:rtda rr, .1-,mamy prrovltlk, I
(1,2 0110 0 oIOItIOO 01 (HO Borough 41
It. w make , no
Or tho ( .01 1,102,1100L Or the Tut,
OO ,orporat ;or, and, whrre-
uo. f.t t• tn
.4 IL:, .I,lr thm: they
: t witn Iho
Li•l Ulu allkhagt: turn
of 1,:o t/1 tas
C:tY ‘• V, I
r 3e3.1.4 In II,:
... . o'l r LI/ 1•0104/ 1/....1. •
1.1 I • •.: • L LI.I
ttltr tt, tffitut rt
t• • / • •
r!gltr. to
I ,f.l.lttlitt 1/t,..
I;:tt - ••••••: • I ...fad, If I,N
rtly,l - 1 111 . t:t.• tatfh./tt.
. , .......
:,,p,.... ~..• 4 lt ”.ili
1 r.......,,. 1 ol 7 i, Q :,,,.,1 4 A L.,,,trn:, nn,l 1,11
,b.• ..1, ~ ,, I , ... - I, 11, ~ ~. i.,:t t .n4li ~•• .t.,-
1.., C 1...
.( Li
1./1,1:“.t; t 1 11,4 kL.
A t-ott , •tt:! , .tt t , ‘ ttot-t• In We-ft,
yivtttit.t. Itt,OrAV/I, tO t.m,u , ltat , tt: of ft.
Nmilotml t:ont.ftftv. !onlti l‘o mitt.ltt
~ ;, . ;taut.rt.t. t .tt :Amu of 4 .4.1 tool Id.
.1... , 11.4 'lll - :, rdnre of Me filitt,f.
ot :lot t111,,11:11.Jc
Pr. tturtrlt, t NA. .t.
evutling, at :C.,
Tlnna C. 1.111 a a., 11. 11,
nilr .t Ii hall' and inynktal ho dzy In,
, anaain..l inn on In,
tnn 0...4 14,0 hurl 0.-00,4•1.41. 1:0.• •1011.
jinng:R.r.. n,nronn,l "I`C v
Th, 1..1.11,01 lla.n•tated the nbi,nt
11..1 5.•r0,t..1. tl,. nt ti,;•
. •
ler ~11,1.1i1 1110,1 i Lica: e. cr , :ou,'At, 0
rippolnl,..l tzr , rnin,, , n
IL‘r . tllO .”1“.211,11, rrrort ti 1 1 ,11.17.,
Tl;r,11111..” Dos
'11,1111411.1 John 1 , 011g1f,.3 ati , l
ern.r.rnlttpe, vona,tmlitqr Dr,
Ir• 11. Dr. 1..1,1,.1. dn.
c t,
ion mot 1.1 ,, ,,r,14, D. D.,
I at ...111.1.1.,.t
I, It 'lg., I.r.E.Dv.ret. 1.1•1:01 . ,11.11, I hr
t!,.• I:onv,ritlon v..1:1,1 11,. 1.11,tr,t
Itov. 11. P., Of Itt.llrtne
Otrlty. telt tottfoot evlopt.Voy :a wLnt Dr.
tool eA1.1.11,111 , i}", 1/11" it pi , l . -
no:3- for to molt Or &for :tenon on
Doloit two some 101,1 olfotcl
;0,10011, 00 11101'1Ni, of others In he
Inott. r It..Dor to Introoto on the rt..:111,
of n aIL n 00 10f4 11,th, Of 4:04. If tht..
1111101 e ere .1000 no lotelllyfout .low t: 1111
1, 1...e0n0• the 1.11“.01111.ry or Dot
ytor . .. ono-a I rto.l out on DD.. prow:.
p).., end it 1.....101 roeolDittloo of would
lilt t.O 10010 04 Daringetnont lilt
11 .1111,1.11111 the 1 1/11, vllllO,,
11111111,11/11111: 11 . 1.1t11Hi . , br.
P0r4,1 , 1,..Pti 4.01..1.11;1g Dy
Thu Cuntral ut Equealum met on
uvennuz, Awn 111,.
Getty, LON e. )Inn hnll.
Nell , Crgvant, and
The minute: ni the la.t ineetinz were
roa.S 0101
The motif li;e r.•pnrt of tho l'tJoetpal
Clere.l ,:11,1 re.el ekrol ot.lerea
to r met 111,1.
The feorittlls.. topert, of the : , •eretAti, ,14
ren , l, od
,ervgl to to. it et fret! two) Illtql.
Wurritutg vivre itiitiel:lxe.l to pnvglleilt
th.• F. C. Neel,. coal,
1101010 repelting
Mr. .lok.oph bolo 1111//tar,i itixtl
01. vire celleetor for the Fath
•Inl• utillutineod;lhu xran.llng
Cwilltilllakeei for [ha• unhultig ytmr tit 10114,,,.,
, / ran , r and
Sui - Lcuan,tioi CrAwford.
I i,n,l i,des.-111,Ars. \ ohl
; yobdt.,,—.llvmar+. Mcevol
and Nur«ll.‘ll.
Ito Friday - evening 'loot our young friend
I.lloll'l Mario., will 110 till teololonl of It
C.,111 plllle usury benollt, ot the Opera House.
I.cll 110 will eooly 10r the first till,, thu
dliforeol role of ../I 1111101." thin oc.
knou lodoe.l by Inv I ~1 astute of .11nke_f -
root lan et 11 le, to e great author`4 Inns
pleee, It 14 11 Inlttivi . of I• 00111 sorprlso
lint Mr. louo, 01,1u1d ultioupt It, }nt lor
11118 red.on reovlva
log, as Il .10,4,0111 u ho 1114 eourugo tool 11111-
1,1111.11, WlllOll 1,110,141 with study 11101 yet.
mak° hOn 1t good lacier. As thu gontlenion
bus nom y worm iod,onal Irlends 11l thls elle.
tho 111,110.111/111 /1011 1 / 1 11,4 1,0 IL Jam. 'peak
-1,14 tat //1/11,11,41,111111/14 11,1111 the fart that
.1 31. Cook, wl,, 1110, tolled luduhttluosly
1 110 1,1,1 111).1. , 011.1.1 i 01 1 / 1 1.1tI1y, both tithe
nlll Leo 10t0.0n,1,1 1111 *era holoolttoooorrOw
night, 0.110101111 lull,, enlu 1,111, IllelthllOg tho
.1112001 of "Thu If orrery of l'a.rls" .111 hl:
pir,oted. We renoonlour Mr. 1.. old: .11/110 IL
loon*, of youl, 1110.1 In 111111 1 11no have
sorn llaln 1111 acceptably Wane ut,,,rudid,,
part.. Ito 1J nover rt.llll, In the 14.11, Wllllll
1110 /111 1010 al *llllll It 1 . 4,411 y 0.1.0011.111., Wi, I
predict for Ills u cho/I'lll//1•1101160.
Agiell/plPd IZejte.—Mattlotte litng ;
PC31(....11 , 141.11,.11 , 1f,/11/1/1 Taylor, yesterday,
'tail nettle tett eherglag t young men named
wait an attempt to 1,1110111 ;
it raise an l 1, , r,1111 of /4 little , Ikololtitr
theliieven years. The leath
er of the little gill on illi.eiietTing the nC
iteett- lit the at tent pi, opiteheil loin hie,"
cg a h v e eW Uh+i, m a r I
r t
. Ml t , o l l l and
v as h t ttugthlot n,
e e f l o l r e e ;
the Alderman. ao
etantillttati Mgt to Jell
111 detuolt
. _
i - • ' - . ___
,,,onir,..:l::,7trshto 1i. , : 1 i 0 t , 1: ‘,,,. ..1 , 1 , 71 I. , . 1 ..Tinettnix of Allegocrly Bible Prweicty.
. entered The twerayoseventn anniverisr •of the
. re
! e i : r a g to e rs . l , .. , : i du u, r. ,, . , i ii l i w g . , t , : , olg o, li , t , l i t: o. C od l t o y .1 . 1 . till „ b l o ,, l o r 1 A lleg he 1/y 11l lee sot le tY was hedd .c.Rt. re Le
trig In the Sandusky street Itaptist.Church.
sources of Danger to the g e „„,,i, e. ., . i
'fine Speaker began by The exercises opened with the singing of an
ra boa t lng to. the
t ant i lr i t i n by Din choir, after which Itev. A.
, Cni ,
, 71 ,, 5 , t l l l t i u ,,, bi , o o n t , we•kitylicily“tLt,7‘l,l,re.,•;:lvto..
, ri 0
, o , ‘. ~„7: - I'.. e ,lc D., reed a portion of the scrip
tures._ Rue. C. L. swill. then otlered a pray
leet-net strong enough. IL h - A.l f ' solon. l .. r..
punish traitors, and 1110 speaker wide:l ' n 'r.'ski"g to,
•I'lvion Croce uii the work 01
.% nation that does not hate treleco„ .a,,,.., * “ .ie soiciely, whose an thversury they had
not love loyalty. - They point us to law :set ~ , mbl ed to celchrste.
,i,„0,„.„„.1i. Of e i t o z ,.„, „0„,,,, broil ~,,,., I is a • estne, the Cerreeponding Secretary
down without crone Inv the. Sonth niece the thee re•ei 1 , following report, which was,
or. tool (hut no effort I= Mode to arrest on Motion, ab.....
and ptillieu the inurtterers. I( 101, Govern= R ...,,,,.., 0 , th ,. ~- , :° • 0 • 1 •
ent.was what it deem: to be, there would „„•,,,,...'
~0 , ',.,• , ', Mow:gest r, Ihe Ant.
Lee 9 place of hiding se secure us to shelter „e s 1 .,,,; • ' -if- Me poi , Yearn,/ A err(
the murderers of loyal men. But toelsy -.' - -
they walk :shout the streets of Mcmpleli Toe neki n e e elde'i ny sw e .
and New Orleans, suroklng their Cigars, aud 1.e.... , that pastor .thegloenr . °°° ‘ etY 'n
ue. hand In raised to tnole, them. - north Cl the ..loto wet _lllegliV-ii..,q, i,in g
111, 111011 early :fluent Inn, 11.0 speaker F re o lli, th e l . en iire 'wetion. flings ere 1..-!....,.tir,.d
-' Said. Was 01/1. very favorable to 00 e..,,,,,,,, 0 and tue eustlellt soh sought Out, 1i11ii... -- _ -
reVerenee 10 the CO.lB/Itiltbln, and espe. plied. F.very ismily round without a Itiblb - .
Malty net to the peculiar institution. Itut . it
nnehie.Or enwtiling to PUrehase, sup
. even T h eyuld speak reverently of its
trot„. I Plied gratnitons/y. 31111ty who aro totally
oe „ ey L, non c n , d i c „ t l e „ ~, Oro of i indilierent to their eternal interyets, will
disti lllndere nd tree In
it :stem and cemples, net moss on" s nen' ree't the bible• And
lonnel inction. In its eyed we are !with- i Many I.t..meibi iitti , t the goo,' result, oh
er white nor Wafer, but only eitigens. To r y the simple rewllng v e the Word. Dow lin•
w In./ chum I.lliR tills is a "white toun'sreoc- 1 port ant then, that ery family, without re•
erieuent" limit lltte support. hthn onoti- 1 gillil tO ratio Or Inn gibige, should gooses il
fUtion. It does not !use men•s r ight,in me • • - sp y
or thy Scriptures' And D good ob.
form on the, Wh o end the length or the.' 11 ,, :t 4,111011/y 1111 attained through the sys.•
hems. Those chern that um m•gro tematie Isbors i t bible Societies.
1 reo manilas thrill . ..l:l:y, forget Met thy M4lll. Isar faith! ul oils, imutry,Mr. Robert Davis,
0,,, i,„„ ,„, „ se t , ~,,,I ,„ I k e 1,„, 0 „,. ~.„. „,.. has pent con.l.i.lernble lime in exploring
ilia',heel 1 ,, 5 , ~,,„,. l ie i r r ,„.„,..,, L1 -,.„,„ per; 11.1.0 Of 0.0 veld, HD monthly rep..nrts
il ,„ „,,,ey. I l i „,,,,,.,..] I„ Ike c„,,,,„. to the inuard have been deeply interesiang,
Den the lee, noel loweß slaver, reCognixed aboundlng In I lailllng Incidents, and eX.-
as a limn, ouil as soon a" Ills ehalas are bro. hileung In a ~iron;; light the degradation
ken. he mar it ,l, to any pheitlon for winch e nd "nein super 1 , bY wiliell we urn Yoe
els nobility idss him. obeitly eurrounded, . well Rothe favorable
Alta, dwelling at conslolcruble length on Ooliorteruittes tor so mtering airier und
tile pow ers of the Constitution. tile speaker n n "l e netlelb 11 .' 1, nee. berm ludieleaY
went on to toy: The Mat source of our =n•Proved by our missionary, mot many
thenger Is the he
pet. power In our Gov. errin g °•••!" liner kind rt•ProOf. and
ern. lint the pet.Olk. ore waking' up to Many u rit Imes! ones have been comforted.
~ „ e ~.,.,...„e„ nod the ~ , ,,,,,,,,„r of thi.. p ow e y . The Ltrierd of 31 wingers represehL seven
I Cleffer4ori Daybl tantild 0./ tne c o il, 0 , r ,.,_ distinct olynominstions, each chnrell being
Feel rsehteil by limo, inembera The mouth.
Loaning the 010011 power lu tlietioVernMent,
Andrew' dolintiOn t
el 110 01/11 to 11101' 1 '.'' ' 0 .'idlngi. ot the lioerd liner been rem ,
taught us the lolly ot the Omin poiveir;' i•••") Meld a n d n" e e greyed bete l ile e=iniit
If he shall teach 10 Illt! duet; to' lion h.• net •W'• ii tee '''. n erne'inF end eenneetnese
sill „ 5 „..„ ~,,s , 0 ,0„.,,„„ in. i,,._ hurl marked all its .leillieruriona.
though partly herr tidy disguised 11. Luc!, Tic, to Slowing Wore will eV-atilt Our work
ter.l Mr. Seward intveliteed Mr. .1 ote:S..ri for th e '' ea r :
to Me pe.apie of Nlncintrion es their li log. Donations {1,514 I.
IVi, Olive Inimlitd at Ohio, but there Is wane. Painille4 lislted ii,Aa
1.1.11. a of If nth b. 11. Tile President I-. in- Pandit,. dektitute 14
ye-led with sOniethbqi 01 kingly power, Falolllel supplied ,I
a bich he note use to the hurt of the 'people. S amities r01e...,
Andrew disloiooll,lo Soille Of the condi:lon- I C011ect...4 outeitamilog subscriptions NI et,
of . mmol c Mgt lire stance tau often Wi th 11,01' Mill,
lona, hat seem...l toiattlue hiteself nal I . te.'.l 1111.1..1
a n
the Kens of the Inu tilted .dates, but 111, I ' .verb -1.1i1ma11... II
I : Red ,tlltrti. ' "Old TeNthtllloo. ./7
lii speaking,( the Veto Power Id 1.1.. i. • Anoood of graids .I'. if
Another source of %Lehrer lo the veto pa.- A mound of ...des 16 .1.1
ue: lie knew not why there:cation ees cagrai, 111 told:ohm le the ,sieve, grants of llible.l
pon our tiliN.trarnout. It I • tinti-reptibli. alvl -, have !seen Moduli, Misearte
cant anti .ieueeratio. It is married In , n 001 , 11110 •=choola, are; to benevolent and re-
Idoubt ,
of the 010p111. lt l, based •10.11 thin lornmiory in.:de110...1. ' .
itl.unilty thet ,no man Is more than twen v I The . oncrlbutlons for the year Just elfk:ed
tYe tbat the lila:riles of the ppople are less . Mk,• been le, than In ~ me prutlollo years.
[lnto the'a will ,(one man; but one seen sous Thls Is rl/1001tt:/1,11., UOI to any dntli
ronnided by 1110 rt . :pies will be likely LO al- Intere-t In Me I ...lane but tO the de-
II l', , e a obi litiolligen understanding de,
t derstanding ot pr05,..1 state of burin
(:++, hilt God's cause
prthelplee, then will the Inlnoslisee repro, should not su ff er. Retrenchment ebould be
~ tati:,, of tile penal., coming directly ulatiled to luxuries unit needle,. expendl-
Irmo 1.1.501. Ile did mil behove that one Stir,.
we hese!, than two rtmoired; that The scanthern (Ott ,11., loudly or a Chrlst-
A mire. - Jr:boom was a•ruster than lA, -ell- sh all i bill n."( e‘ery . natoe, [or the Wrd of bite.
ate. It is only ow gto the tart that elev.. alt le , r. 141,1'd 10r whimOr 1. 0 01,101 elm
en btAlus are Utirepre...advii th at Ntl'irt, tt.ll.llC r 4.1111, be r'l'lll broadcast over the ,
n Johnson doss ' unt tole Congresc What I. I, 1, sioi distract...l states, and
1 001110101 the PresaiMit IA to lady inquira t,ll/..,110 of rwetiliStrUctiOn on ii right Lund 1101
a bat is the lawan.C, execute It. It ls r.. aleuent 1....,..
nosra a n o i e th a t whin o e 0, 1 1., r e . as. is s e e . • tec ogret in alttlollllol that In tictehe
l tDely consistent w Orb ameareillyal goo= 1 10,, Mr . slau.... Welbson.,:o menials, of 1 1 1 1
tin, erreuent, it as not :Oen eii
mploy.l.m Cag. hoard, unit hour the ,orris of au acealent
, bald ter n cent Loy atyl a built, awl It weed 1 • Ile It 0,,,,, 01.1, rl/ ibdo ra ,,,,. th.,,by,
. nearly root Vietot la her crown. to veto the I Nan Cro.r., :Lod no consistent Curistlau.
a 111 of the people. Rut over /0,, 11 . 1014,11 '1111:111111,10 of leek', .11,1 !button will Cl
t'• In direst viols...lon cot the 551111 or the n puce in earn !bat the •Amerrearo Bible Sc
Yus:dilution, we cell Inset. a little veto. everyl clet v :Ls- commenced o ns third ,apply - of th•
rnrldrist end !1“1/11.11111,•• IWO of th .. n. :. 'edit, flitted :state, Tills will r ,gain
i. e l.All..ilder.l if I beCalise ate nice used t , l it. ..L.,,, Incens and a east amount, of Isis,
l i nt l i me 1,.,,,,,,,,„ i 1 ,„ii,... of Ek 4 t. s . i d ar e 1 ie.: It, 13 et de-ign worthy Of the noble Lout
Inferior to tile Li...lire,. of the ladled lint.. that anderinki-dt.
51.01.0, and n
' , bile the Oe Is never vvonal Wlter an open In,ble in every honse, till
the ether Is enen•inutly vetese o ln . thougli hi Inc,: r,; id ear cr.:tarry is hopyiul. let his
one vase Lolls... ant with the m.verionent, 1 Intilley now Into ou r 1110, , g ,.. 0 ,,,, e i e ,..„,„
un.l In the other direetly 0pr,,,t1 to a. 1101 our pur...., rnnitlp:y copies of the Word
The ror,:utipo (or tale veto pow , r Is that Witliodt, will ltot, ouly ever;
lbete linlidlie it, tilat. wittniut IL nut. diOerivan dwelling, O u t every dwidilng of
iorllllo noty be sr:etc:sty. 111.1 111 1 he:,• are the lode:able game shall be blessed wit!
veer arbitrary, It Is t, those who 0111 11,it tlieflool, of I.tte. L. IL EATON.
rehreseulo..l. If n retried, i= wanted. snake : ' Correspnniling iieeretary.
~ le' , ' , 1mPar , ...0 to uli ..t.f.' , -• / The T , ter and Lliorarian= rci,rt.
1;, . r . 0 e n ,„ 1, i. w e p,. , , ionn.l it: 111- , i•it, llt . ll. t1,, , ,i,,, and were 1040 tow --
0p...mei...0ut, lid,. belt., 'then In the / ..b . 1, p ., „,„
~.., k ai„....„
clielnible ludo, hoe , or on isne 0111' "11 , 11- I
V 0..111. /Il gentle:l.n them proceid...l L.. •,, A1 ., i'd... , .: Ili:: APTllii.i , iii ,
anilie filo trecessity for a Vigo Pr 1,11.1011, i ,y... 1/ ,.: , , ". ' ' '' ". A ' ''" '" ' ''''''''"' 2 ' . '
:11/ , 11',1 , 1T1c1,1 i, It:11101g 11/ 21 strong 1410
for llatvur,a ,07i11.,,Et.
Itiatorr• Pterand Night.
11,torl, tbf tra4.l:. thc
r . ep; -ontollve of tr,
I , to,o, Itoolo her erect mi , PV:II,III C II ill,
; City 1,1:0111,c0, the 1110, 11111
f.tshionable utolion, wh:rh er w00•.1,1,4
• .
In our otmtl obi rl:y. Every
evrry n. 11,1 t[ tne1:411111444.11.•
a to.. Opera 11,4 th,,,
IttiVoTIA to ,tiv tri , ato I. 111, ore+en,t.
0 11., Irrage.i.nriv 4,1 tru.ged.un..s.
nll.ll , itec vt the prevlwn; everllng grarpt,
bat tlixt of list utgta It $, It N.. 1
idly' Ittull , 1.444,114., In
Vain,/ A,..1Ltry, 0,,r 1,141••4,14
• •4.. ... ant e.
Lorin appeared. Tile tow wrhiller in pre
, II el oc ti.,01,001 ful traetaly call, .1 to Ita
i 11141 more. t win 111,or:. coolilallow awl In 11111
I dt . ep "ug 111 plot, the pout tailtil tie
portray Elizahetti Eilcao,ol. oe, ithit
enceetaleti In °amt..; 11.11 y ut May s might
Ihut e town. ith.tori, , iii,eaolitig lii,tory unit
I 1,011 o, her 1111411131 v I+lllllll 111 t..
I of the character If Nary., Loll. 1113, from
the hung:mit:on of the Immortal loot,
• [lwo, oi the tootle., in man
l powwele for any other livtne artit ner te, the
C 01113,1103 01 1110 bor!l. The wwitig 131
part loot evening In the role of the
14,11,11 WWI 11.11C1/111, 1,34 grant!, no. poi,
1.0101. r ono lititioltiy to ',role, Irony pride
to oltela tin, from Ihslnin to ateolir• con-
I tempt, 11.Ottori carritel tier part la owterlill
rength awl , 11th alum, titre:lLAor ef- •
few- Tne hart,:, of anger, the , 11111111
of dErnitx, the prOmptlnKe of gloallty, the
• al deep ro,iiiht ,•irlite, which over ,
111 atom are callwl fortly in the trag,hlv, j
pent thrill through the awilence e I
led lw trio groin. of thu netreiPt, felt awl
throlgied only for Mary. Then the soft 1111 , 11
! tender ;tattling,' of the eltreie,'. W 1i0.t,1 gain
the pence or nonti .le,troyed In; the
of Ellruhetli, rehlittei .11 tition
nor lo 110 hoz. oto to low per•eentor,
tir ll elnlllllol tim tictre,
approaellithle7 If the I 111111111 al Lotto
were to ho Judged ulone from the
et/Wien t rat:mm(lll 01 the
iixperienceti in the play ot, Mary tvieen
of ro.•,it., herlet none i lie le—,
hut In every putt title app., tithe., low fee
-1 thin, 1111,1 lerVihZ 1110 of the
world. let It 110 renownhert•l that the
1111 , 1 011011 !Multi:al chat:ewer of
Mary trwi been eollcelved hp Itistorl, 11'1111.1
of two., Italy, our whote nature,
1,11111.0,1, amt whole y :tout lo In il e
e , .; u
tro l . t . l . i , I t i;
, tt r ti 11 111,1 of the g„1, 1 , 11iil f.0 1 . %11 , 11 ,./ l i 1;1
r. 1 . 1 ,1.1 1 ,4
1 113C0V1'11.4/. In the language of 11110 native
Clllllltry preuentw 11010,101 1,4 110 other
iwtrea. can 110, 1101 twee thwan pteise-hwal
with the cola b 1,0.11 2111 temperament of Mel
31111 . 1v0t portriiYel. Itistorr., higlowt. glory.
1.1 her ahitity to not nut oral. Every boot
I of 11111 han.l, each 11 aril of the eye, thove•
j ment of tim intiLlOn * the hoot,
elfect upon the umlience. The
J mind ww. faalifelly Wiguerot vino! In the
I 111:twos/I 1111/1,141111t13 of body, awl the
wellenee felt 0 II 0 Ili
1 he tieptlo,
of the. went 11111111 ere the wool, ere el
!ergot. Rlworl noted frtou Ow memory 111
1110 14111,11 of Scots neared her cwt.
the grlnx executioner, with 111.
glittering ale, 01,111.1 In tho
ground of the 11.11.111, 011,1 1110 1111-
(o[lllll3le 9111111 11'113 ' , hitting
j to her few hilthini atilloirerti, the wool wan-
I . 1100011 from the uctrecs and ally 11011011 the
reality of an...maim, belleve all were
• sat Wiled tool telt relloved when 111,, green
n wakened theta to lite nensuut pi.,
!111,1ng utoleti.
Tcsniget, tares ell no.
onnranCl.ll. Lady 3laehetti. The ;r lees have
hers materially teduced no that all may at.
In tjutotgorn u otbantl.
In . nonhouon Is the hotter toll of a
Ivery hod titan, who mien eopeetal delight
I in paying gctlltttlt ittterittollbt.oottler trOriten
than has Olio. Among the latt-er in Snrntt
Powell,.reslillng In the beeorol ward, Alla
aheny, tO Vtlifout donne!! If °shim traced lier
husband on Moodily night. Tim Indignant
will mado bold to enter Sarah's premises,
and demanded, In a voice of authority. hot
loastooltPti lintoeittiltOtrettountion. The la tie
bumf foiled to obey his wlfe's commands,
and Sarah, Inspired by lila cOnfenlitt for her
authority, advanced mid truth hosted
heavy blow in the Nee. The hltiOrtllll.l/l,
show of reslshotee, lott:Ialled : to earl . ) . her
point. Seeing rho could gam nothing In- a
play lens contest, Nile repattial to the onlee
Of Alderman Molten and Imola oath 14:14111.
tier urtliillailt for trtaa.ilt and battery. The
redottlitatito Sarah ha, hero aryl-iced and
I held to WO for n bearing on Thursday.
. ' Suits.
John 11. Sin ith rertiles In tho ouelen bor
ooglt Of I , ..wreacevillo. anii,ll lit. own rlory
mei 1,0 relied on, is Viol very per.otillb
cation of pence and lUeekneS24.
while Ile wan attending' to the huilsiesA, three
' brother., named euarle.,
George unil.l.uoioit Yost,,Atutek,,lllm with
out any provocation whatever, un,l cruelly
• bent illol 10.11.4 i ills,. AN stioo.l RA he eselip
i oat tl,O ollt,ol.oea of the trio, he rei,lro.l to
the 0111e0 of Ablitrooto Taylor aria 12.4 b,
nn InfOrnoll 1021 ucwnot b2Oll of the part lei
1111110 , 1, blitkrgingtlioni wIl 11 oval - aria , ' oil
' .41,1!I lubl 10,1 or, The brolltons wyro
• 1 °Awl 2L201 nee 12, Wt.., ball for I n.
ho - alb
ppural,•o tllO loot %MIAMI& of the cirlinli
, nal
,Court. When till. linen , hole,
10, 1,+1,;1 it Inforumtloll
Itli for as.tiolt, and the !utter was, In turn,
forced to Said acicarity fora hearing,
,-- 7 - ' 7 . 1 / ~, - T: • T 4-57 ", ! L "
i 41..:, --k: \,, , , 2. •- , .
/ 1 :
l i g ------4 : i':! , , /, ) . '`. •''''.
'74. „ I
~,) ;,'•-
4 ,-.
km, ary 1411,
I•• at, .• ta , ,, • •
t•,. r. I:. 0,
••• •• • I: h
•• •• hi
ft, l•rilv.lni 1 . 2 :5
Tr. \ it frettl I , tins
ill• UP. r r
. .
a1c•1 . ... thir , , , o. v,kr.
li ar` . ,
N.,. \ ~. ~., ; , 1 .“ lk ~,,ry du
rlng ), r
• - •• •
i kli•11 0.1 the e0n, , ,i,,,u,rt
t• • the •rem..., in rrklucel It
U. D. It., who 41eID ered itopr
mi.l 41...0wnt oration nu tho belle[ conterr,l tip. , ” tile , curl , [tile .tli+betolz
t.b.ti of t kur,..l wur,l.
At the voneturlon or Mr. clartes utl:l repo.
''l'•r intent Ih•nht-00 hut:minced Vint tho
I..ectlon of hn , r would Ile next In order.
Mr; Thorual 31eChtticet moved tout the old
IlJ:krti del.hrred unlitniouslN elected, with
the prove,. I etwil eongrekattou be out.
pot t ered to fill :tuyscancies that uhry oe.
cur through Illottevair ram,. The tootion
pre, nod the (orator Itourd was deals..
ed elected. Tim ChooluJas announced tho
, rl , 4enee the I:ecurdlo4 Secretary, Mr.
IV:thethan - 1 / I , lnr; 111.., he was uurLble to ac
count t, It at 11,110.
Alt, the slat:lnt, ur ants of tile pllllOO by
the vongrettat lon, Rev. F. Seovil, It. D.,
teldte.ttett the tucetint; at consitterable
length, th.e. alai panting
nut the alcay atlyanta,:taflo ho gained by a
that - oat:lt kunwlettgo 01 Ito COiltelltm, Wlittl
lle e,l his routart“ tilt, chute awl,/
10, 01.110100111010, anti alter a benediction
by Rev.. . Luca, the 11100t110( atlJouratal.
The following eon and reply of Mayor
M'Cattliy will explain it,in
71, Hon. Ir. C . . .IfeCaraq h Miiyor—Dme ' Sir ;
—o‘tlng to the talartnt tloAtitatlon prevail.
Ing amongit the peoplo of the South. and as
thou oit etti nevest,tri:y ,Gat
e, intuatqi..
rt net Aberol is not extended, anti
e tillet other chi,. of the North aro taking
action for their roller, should' tt not moot
yo, tppto,o, and that of the entire rum
homily, tout once Pall a public , meeting at
the room.' oft!. ..lioar.l of Trade." or Ono
ta t no large,: Ilan. , or the city, to tttlici ac
tion In till+ manta
' Sbnm, very rooteelf
J urtnea,Con r, :C. Cherry,
S. Ewort & Itueletrt,
Jeuklus. • 'Springer Iterenagtt
II Itelleoek, M'Creery Co.,
sellers .0 Con Got - der,
Joseph Dilworth, sturgeon .0 (ito.,
W.J.Meek, (runlet Wallnou,
5111rtto heel, .10+0(110 Harper,
11. Ale.teor, John 11. Her: on .1. Co.
Martin lirlelt.ll .0 Co, • George .0 Co.,
W. M. (.orreiv, U. Ale Donald,
Nilttain Moore, Ilenry Men, Jr.,
Wm.' 11. lilrkputrlek, S. M. It ler.
Head litetzgur, 1.. 11. Volght,
V. (.ant, It. Moblonon CO.,
.1 antes 0. NleCortl. .10110 Watt,
Morgale.tern Itro., John Floyd .0 Co.
John 6111 sou+, !I. Cl/11.1n
Corr, MeCandlesa A. II". 6. MeLtotl,
Jur, I'. Iltrr A Co., nom, - A. Wearer,
F. Seller , A Co., :mut others.
10 I , ll,llaltre of theabove notice. 1 ap
point Ineetln, to be held ot the Moms of
the ••11nard et Treat.," tel Ti ntsolay next, at
lesterilay Morning y spin
4 inan named }girls lined appeared fedora
:Alderman Ili:it:niters, anil atterduly
. AN . OIII as follows: :some seven
years sltleo stIO Will 111nrri.1 to a brick
untidier named James Ilnoil, to srhuth stir
Mora t linen clilldren, twang a happy Wenn'
111 last Lill, when lie limas 10 niot,n Ulla ill
treat her on tIIO IllOxt trivial pretences. On
thi. Mill of deserted her, golno to
•• 1,0t1.4' in lirnirsistnun. where lin still re
sides, roll:sins Ig KISR• lire any substantial
support• stirrilllL be 1 .11111.11,1 for the
arrest of the iletioiltinit Benedict.
The Iron lily Monthly lk 111 Lo really
1111.4 ueek. Price glxty
.veltt4 per eopy.
!Awl: fin It.
70-1107 14 the
.aunlversary of the great
are of PA%
'rit resigenee of Mrs. illeanor, on Ohio
street, iween Lano and Chestnut
direetA, Allegheny, was rtrtially demolish
ed yesterday morning, under the following
A party of wnriztacrt were engaged in ex
cavating a cellar immediately adjoining
the house, but going to close to the found.
tam, 1 he Ada - wail gi - VVe stay with a crash,
and the greater part of the gable end toll
out. Props were the remain
ing portion at once. Mal be tilts ( means tile
structure Wits prevtontea Crum tocominga
total ruin. Fortunately no one w. tnjur•
.1 by the accident.
rut, Dollars for the Workhooar.
County Treasurer A ikon, ye+torday, re—
ceived, through tho rostofilec, fifty dollars
(or the County WorktfouBe. Thu letter was
po,trnarlsod Plttsburgh, contained a ll:ty
dollar bill, and rent as follow,
“Treasurer of Allegheny countr—Plea+o
Toll 111 rt . dollars for County Workhouse, or
- -Ise of .1:al ploynaeut. Your+,
it,,,,`,:l‘..dget . (rein the eloroeraoby,
it (ally i r i,i:e . ee lazed Iverson, w ho .I.tehtlet...
wor k. houz „ . - fled us to the oecesmity for a
The Coup 14,04 t
preen trout snipped by ex
dreii,ed to "Samuel Wril'' thhi city,
and Mite.," and which of ' , 0. -
fat led in finding In the bositessitiOcjeC ,,,,
cued at tho thug of the arrest, .
collar box, which hail been thrown
street gutter. a hermit gum found on Milt
day morning be a little boy, whose father
gave it to U. S. ComoussionerSproul. it
amounted to ono hundred and chtlity•two
dollar/. in default of hail. Well war tom
mated, ant .11ome tr., held to bull for trial
ut the Stay term of the U. S. Court.
Fraud.—Satnuel Bowen appeared before
Alderman Mullen, yesterday, end made
oath against James :Mouth, charging him
with fraud. Thu delentlect, It Is alleged,
obtained erroemlas from Bowen to the
amount of .;a and then refused to pay the
bill, making preparattons. meanwhile, to
leave the neighborhood. The evidence was
.01 ettell IL character as to learns sellout
doubt In the mhod of the magistrate as to
onorall tiering au intent to defraud, and
hence he was discharged ft om cuetody'.
A Pleasant Par ty.—A few evening
since a convivial party assembled at the ho
tel On Second street, In the Eighth Ward
formerly cuntrolle.l by Mn.s Robert
ward, tO celebrate the arrival of the new
proprietor, Mr. Reese done,, who In Mot fu
ture will control the deetlnles of this pout,-
Idr eltabllshrnent. Tno eum pant . WOO corn
pored of quite a n ember or th ufel/Ow roan
trytnen of tho valiant Owen Glendower, and
thu "good cheer' presented tb thew by the
worthy hr,d, was of u quality well calculated
to tickle the palate of the moat fastldlony•
Befo the Young n.
Christian Lectures
.Assocla re
tton.—The following
lecturen will be delivered before the Young
lien'a As.oetatlon of Pittsburgh,
at Masonic Hall. Tittle att.! lubieet, as given
.. The Physteal Geography of the
Pacific States," by Prof. W. 11. Brewer, of
Yale College, on Thuredny evening, April
11, Ist:. "Tito Mountain scenery of Lulls
fornla." by the same, on Frolny evening,
April 12, Pei:.
Acelderat.—A youib named Patrick 51c
,; raw met with. a pitintul accident at Dam
No.l. Yesterday. Ile had been engaged in
putting iiotne.oarA on e. Sragoa when the
axle naveway, predtpitatlng the greater
part of the loud on _MM./my - is legs. lie was
extricated with sumo difficulty, and car-
Med to his house In:Pitt township, where
recelve.l giroper int:dicta treat
ment. At last account, be was doing well.
An Early natill.—Michael Murphy's wife
threw two tinegets of water up,m him yes.
terd ay morning erel ho had arisen trout Ms
conch, and then because be blasphemed a
little sum moned the police and bad him
con,yed to the Allegheny tombs. blower
Morrison discharged Mut after a hearing,
believing Slant poor Michael was more sta
lled agulunbthan sinning.
Dbochar g.ed. -31 argaret..Inuella,ran Irath
Itly who Itau bur fortunes to un tn.
ituent non of ltalot. unve.rod before Alder-
Tuylm.vuster.l ,y, and ituAltuttul legul
rtuve.ling,tßain.:t Stnton large for assault
Ltltuty. 'Thu accoAett wituurrustett, but
iter u beating, sraq Eltethurge.l, the erl
.•ncu being In , ultluient to warrant the
Throngh n Ilitlensray.—A young Anon
m employ of the Orm of smith Friday
..steohty afternoon 1 , 11 throa,ll the hatch
ny of 1.111,11 ilechling'a bonded aare
rnnlollC h urea all , y, nod reeele ea severe
tu InJurle, o dot not Irian his
AMC. Jill N'll. utteirloil by Dr. Fleming.
Charged will, The(.—Prud uzb pan
e, retnio Al.termaan Taylor, y e...aerday.
rharkzed with the larceny or a valuable pal,
, f black pants, the property of 4111 a to Green.
The =chiral, utters hearlrnr, wasi .lischnrg
,4l, the evidence being Inthlllelent to war
rant his Lieu:atter,
commit, e 4... 'ilium ehargml:
!min,: Alder:l.o Mratu sonars time Mace
fah, ob n ta d infirng h d e u a lernd
e M p a e r ,e n L b i i n t d ron ey
V., .:.d.r• and to default et three
hundred dollarsball was committed to lad.
Well, chart:m.l with dealing InOriunterfeit
money, hml a hearln; yesler.lay betoru too
1,11, State* CominisSioner, which result•
in hi: belnii committed to Jell for trial,
aml Mal.antual AloJet lining bold in sl,Utio
for Ma appearance ita x ititcimia la the case.
A Man Jumped off the Cleveland Ex
pre e wv , Yesterday, at Woods' run
etation, while the train ,Vai running at the
rate of twenty Lulled an hour and ensitalued
sertoas Inturtes. It apnea, very earwig.,
that be was not
.1:11 led outright.
John R. I..atinfill. the driver of Car No.
di, that ran over the Child In the Ninth
ward, on , itturtlay. and who was placed In
Jail on a charge of murder, was released
yesterday by the Con - t, the Coroner`e jay
having, exonerated !tun.
Perjory.—Catherine Carter. was yes ter
dtty.cotnut Itted to the county jail, by. Jus
tice Banter of South Pittsburgh on a charge
of perjury preferred against her by Thomas
Curter. she sult9equeutly obtained 4.11
and was released.
The Neu; 110 , 40 Carriage which has been
ordered by tau Managers of the Soldier's
Monument Falr us an object of competition
at the coming fair, have been emapleted.
IL will be sent on from Philadelphia in a
few days.
The Coroner'. Inqnexi on the body of
Henry Bracken, who died from lnjuriva re
ceived at the ainaiih-up on the Pennsylvania
Railroad, on Sunday, will oe conttrined at
the Mayor's office to-day.
Admitted to the Ilar.—John B. Balla
cr. Esq., yesterany. on the molten of W. G.
uleklns, E.:et., was admitted to practlee
ir In the ceveeal Courts Of Allegbeny
1.1 named flurry McCullough,
while wattddnirA crowd of wen Jumping In
reen.diurg on Friday lout, AwAuccidontally
scrtick by A brick and Almost, iiistuntly
A man named LO Vert was robbed at
Bell's Itun, HAM wm toanAtop, on Mannlay
night, of Sal. No eine to the robber has yet
been obtatmal.
C0n.. 11 .Y. cltargeu with tumult
cl battery, was releusett tram the county
11 yesterday, having procured ball to thu
m of .
1.0at.—.1 sold bracelet with Inserlptlon.
The hailer will be liberally rewarded by
leaving it at the oilmen of the G•ZCTI.K.
The Iron City Monthly will tiw ready
this wets[. Price sixty come; per copy.
Look tor Is.
The Popular .e. 411.6. Sr. Clair
ifs of Charles 31. Darras, , died at hurrah;
A Union meetluic Lela at Marlon, Smythe
county, Virginia, on the !Itch ult., was
bream, np and dispersed by armed men,
u1:10 organized anti passed re.lutions de
nouncing Congress, and urging 63 the 3011313
of the meeting that the President should
use his military power let-protect the people
of the South against eongresalonal usuipw
tion. 'these resolutions were presented to
the PUlai. her of a Unien piper ill the 30 , 36,
lie refused to publish them, when he wits
informed that it would not be safe for him
to publish 41y...other rt. pen of the meeting.
Gen. schen cid ordered the affair to be Wye:,
Tux following sketch of Senator Saul.
bury is from a lady correspondent at Wash
ington: ".1. portly, handsome Ul, with
curling, black hair, dark eyes, ndhand
ome ft:Manna, A man endOweal. by nature,
with generre,, impulses and a kind heart,
u man prejudiced, passionate and on,
govern.% who loyes caste and hates equal.
Ity. 1 have seen two pictures of him, never
to be forgotten. (hie, near the close of last
gummer'., ei , In 11.1.1-
bon. hroyilolotti. in his right mind, with a
Taayer.b.aa In hit Mind, 1 met him with
Sirs. Jefferson Davis litho was olothed like
an einpress) gottig church. The other,
tint many days nee, when ho staggered
down the avenue, thu saddest Of all sight.,
an ltlWrlwttutl soon, Llaka“,o-f UICO Stream.
me from his mouth, lie Imporl,oulag a black
zoika tot more.”
I ,
A , erruspendent or the CMOs:mat! fittti,,,
rid:, 'writing from Indianapolis, Says
' , While parsing through tag V n ion doPi"'
few daps ago, I war accosted by a ott
armed man, in faded army blue. lito opt ,
rent familiarity surpriiart me at nrst, tat
I soon recognized him . an cud aeon.=
lance. 1 nrst saw hint tonrbeen years i lig,
workllag at a w lndlaaii In the gold dtirtrtnit
of Australla. He and his three parlor
hoisted by that windlass, from ono shaft
more than 010,000. A few months later
bade him kroodthy, as he sailed from 31e1
bourne for New York, with 1200,003 in rill
In his pocket. 1 next saw hit
a wounded Rebel soldier, ITlrtg on Hi° "t
tietleitt of Antietam. A little more than
year later, 1 saw him as a 17niOn soldier, ly
ing in a hood. in Tennessee. T. 1.11, 2:11
I+a helpless wanderer, dependent ma chari
ty fora dinner.
A Ls', number of th Was
.tant hington
W l , r,
coalmen the following In reference to eil
-1 dell Phillip, e When Emerson was In town
l he tutu to On: 'Your association should bear
Philip,' On being told that the Illness of
ills wife would probably prevent It, lie said:
'3lrw Phillips has been an Invalid for many
years, hut she Is a brave weinaM she enoulil
get all the num.'s In the country' round, and
let Wendell speak' in this conies:aim ho
told us that Phillips' development into an'
abolitionist WAS due to his wife. When be
was conning her. she induce:l him to go
hear Garrison Speak. Ile also 101 l t tos
story: In those early days, Phillips wItY ad
vertised to speak In Boston. The moll re.
solved not to suffer hint. The elements
were rife for an outbreak. Just as he w
about to face the mob, a laconic note from as
his bravo Invalid wile was nut In his hand.
bread: "Don't shtlipahally, %Caudell.'"
Nor LOS. Sifte,.an American artist wrote
to Sir. Ruskin tor advice upon the Hut,_
feet of art. l'ho emmont English critic,
oils dontalvel Las Lad ton readers In the
Northern States for one in any other part of
the ]rand, replied Ina manner that serious.
ly Ides our cent:donee In Ills Judgment and
slisehrity. The harharons manner in which
the people of the North; he wrote, hall con
ducted the war upon the Southern people
and their patriarchal instituons, had tat
terigdestrnyed his interest ti in American
art. True art, In fact, could not flourish
among a pt,tple an depravell;tere
fore advised his friend to abandon all ifort
to tread the true path In art, and to count,.
himself to painting such pictures as worn
suited to the degraded tastoof the Northern
Americans. •
Accoeorno to the Washington corrnßlnn
dent of the Boston C 6 JI4 no - , Butler is mord
persecuted oat of the House than in it. All
aorta °Noires respecting him are kerlbblml
on the walls of hotels and public bulddiugs.
Ile hoarded at ;he Kirkwood /louse, a n d
when that est-W.1.01140ra Wttr cloyed be tun
landlord's Creditors,story woo starlet!
that the hotel was sh ut up because one of
the boarders had stolen all the .li...ins Af
ter a wick of bort ibly rainy weather. eonie•
ot;17 wrote on the all at Willard's Hotel:
tans... Makes the clondsroblacir this work!
diningeauae tatter has stolen their silver
Ruselan treaty ins to jubilant over - - the
its ratification. ^onfbiently antic-Ip.m
171 \TX:LE1XV1 . ..9333a EL,
No. IN Fourth etrept, littaburgh. Pa. C O FEINI
Pt all kind.; CflArk.s. 1./LI/VE.6, Rod every de
scription of Funeral Eurolshlng Goods f
Carrlages forp
ed. .Hooms opecodlabed. day
and olgta. flearee and
Italfans.ocr.s.—Hey. David Kerr, IL 0.. Bey.
M. . Jacobus IJ.D., Thonaa.K.riga. Esq•.
r?l, If. SIIIIer. Pao.
31.ehes4r. Wood's nun and viclnity.
Corner Shedle/d and Charttare etrerte
Bestir and Carriages furalshud.
A-Aliwautlful "liods-acgc.• theisegiist suur
ban place of senulchre, except nue. In this coun
ty, situated on New Brighton rim& Imingalati•-
lr north of ' , Beano.). For burial lots, pt•rinits
or titles. call at Central Drug Ettore of C.JOI.
MAN KY. Allegheny City.
With Inscription on tLe Inside. A suitable to
ward will he ald tLe tiuder It returned to Tllln -
Wholesale Agents
American Watch Cofimany's
No. 5G Fifth Street,
6 Wylie St., 3d door from sth.
Fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry,
5174 . 1418511 TY STREV.,, P.s3:LzLia.
0 Particular attention elven to lienilrldg
Watanea. Cloaks and Jewelry, All work war
S 9 59 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9
, 89 ' 89 MARKET STREET. * 49
s 9
16i9 1 -17ri. 0 3EI $
S 9; S 9 .7flarket Street
'B.9I IIOOTS , SHOES, •&C ;'
$, 8 491 9:
TSB] C9X'X' , 2" 49 1
'JAS. ROBB, 89 Market St.' s" (
,S 9 S9 S 9 S 9 S S 9 89 S 9 S 9
Practical Furniture Manufacturers
Irwt :tn•• of JrUIiNITURZ tonstant:y nn
ii The Simplest, Ile Best
W.I.RA MAIL Y 6.11115. 11 ..../STlOOl[
Iit3JUILSof the very best for hire at
Howard's Livery Stable,
/heat street, near liononerantila Honer,
Or at attention paid ,to buytnee and ae.:11.;
k.rot st
g. 1,1
. 11 - , 5 11011TAH. WIIECI.11411110Wn;
14 BRICK Wi1ICEL0•111toWn:
1 EXI . 1111.•S
LatillT .. I PIIINO I N
4 . 111 4Nn;
.4 cowl.' WAIioNS;
]fort`.4 CAILT2.;
6ed Hu., and Turned 11p.nke• on II•nd
and fur sale at U' n
W4llox WOltitg, Emu
the I...nlleultury • • city.
Cul.r . ll /....i.VORItIenTE.R. CIL
CITY to boy toe
s •t No. 146 li/IANT BTRYET.
500 "nl3 8 OF lIE►ILOCK AND
too COttlts ut.t.liEtiTti OAR ItAlti:
for oak by tho tobvrtber on the EL estetsorg ato.l
etesion Branch of the reon.l Ivabla It. R.
Addreu, It. LI. lUD , . E.,
f!tmbrl a .untY.
.ths machines, used but a awl, time, for "le a
Vlfth •trert .
BAliii Ai. Noma.,
a sr. 3111.1/ ET,
, olt butt.: h alt