19AIMIZIValtyli± s 32M3T81 . LE EMPRESS BM SUIT, -.' SOS NSW SNAPS roa Spring, 3.867, Vi. BRADLEY'S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC cow DOFMXIMB ING4 K it 13 IMF • Thattandsomeetsnd 7 15orta. sum! "Arizr. Ai.Liter.gdiutilave in 4E18 4 . 21 1 .4 .2 61 ?NDE or .UTTLZIS. ' FOB lIALE WESTIN/IEIM AT waoLIZALLS by all the leading Notion and Dr/ Goode H 4.04111 Pltutogrob. Also, 0," Sole trawl; of Patent \lnd Excloolo• Slanolad. gums,• MINTS, BRADLEY & CARY 87 Outwit:lms Street, u - w TOW:. sdaimlMri EMPRESS TEtAIL, ream TRAIL, DUDE or THE WORLD, TIP TOP SlaltTil, ' FORSALE AT P. .11. EATON'S, mb2l 17 3Plfth. SEStreeet. - Eurierroi=Lx L For the Ristori Season. • KID GLOVES, all colors; BECK TIES; BAKU BOWS; RISTOBI BOWS, etc., JUST IttalllNT.D AT F.H.mAercvrii , s , 17 Fifth Street, =EI 1867rNErt SPRING GOONS *L4CIRThi & CARLISLE, At,. 19 Fifth Street, HAVE =ST orpr ALE aiNT O ) A OF ENDID ASSORT JET. 41.21:18 AND CRYSTAL Dress Trimmings and Buttons, 11 kIIBDIIN WORE AND SEAL bUrNMB INGLIBIL NIBB0•5, all NNO , lnli NIA 0/ Es, I , prlcut etyma% COUILVOIINERS KID 4.lt..eVlo3.olDatades; ENGLISH AND ULBALLN 110 . 41Ealr. all nue. THE "STAR" SHIRT, 0a hand and =do to ord.:. Invisible Impress "Trail WA Sew shape for Swint. lig. " Zap antidElar.i 9 MMX l6 7 - Saw .Lrets Slang for ~Ptuleitoue Oansato, katent iNtrami. A con:mitts assortment of PAPER C,iILARS AND CUFFS. . CITY ATM COUNTIIT H MEEC &El TB stlll and r d ;Iv b-, f 4 to sell So log as any lassurn Jobbing - • SWUM & CARLISLE, 72.74 , I 3.9 31918 as gyre s. sot= N EW E°l OM I NEW GOODS 1 JOEPH ROANE'S dc 001. 'Ho . Having Made a detail , : addition to Oat IMMO, ye slack SPRING GOODS, We are proszed to otter Lndootments. War to prim and ostortount, H 11" trader.. • rtioideritti. c=d1...51.14,840,1M1enir • jubbZ... SCLa"gge Itt l e T Tures 4 WM., styloA.L.."'h gcrar . genet. BClttaß• Upai rw. . T Wes' and o.dcr War. ¢Y ' tiv "r %AI "DrctllßlZlVand A.large assortmiat Of learb 6 ders. !bill Treats, Se. 12 = •"'" ' EiLt tunas& TrimmlnElLlbtong. _Val.% awl Yu, J 0... UOS vni looms. ➢ D itan6a l l eolxVta 1,3101 DeP.nlr:l,4l 01 • nut at so was aihr.a.,1%.... Elton as tow as Issoun o 77 and 79 Market Street. fattao NEW GOODS! NEW 11011 SE! New House! New Goods WM. H. MILLER, tro7nanl. y Z &TON, ItACILUM CO., Imo- •at H. CATON'S,) WILL OPEN Abet the First of April, N 0.64 NIRKET ST. IX RNTIB= AEW STOWE. Or Trimmings, Late Goods, Embroideries, Ribbons, Sloes, Hosiery, Axel all GOODS 17J=117 kept lay, FIRST CL4138- TRIMMING NOtion House. CS&BI3,IIIcCIOLDEOS & CO., NJ MO! Wasos. Clmis a C 0..) SV ROISCSAIS DIVII-R6.1 1121 : FOREIGN MD DOMESTIC DRY GOODS Mach, 04. lacr4o.eoct rt, Sed i rl ia rrso Oen Dluamplgainum. DRY GOOD BLACK LIUSTILES; Colorai Alpac a s, Dress Goods) Spring De Loins, New Prints, Freud' avd DommUc Gingham, IWhite Goods, striped Dimities, Table Damasks, Napkins, Irish Linens, Sheeting and Shirting Nub Hub, Cassimeres, Tweeds, Jeans, linnets, Bats, Ribbons, Flowers, ac., &c. A LARGE STOOK, Wholesale and Retail, WM. SEMPLE'S, 180 and 182 Federal Si., ALLEanr.rr 01Tr. Da:VIS 1867. SPRING. 1867. AIatiMINOT, SHANNON & COMPANY, lALPONTABS ►BU JOBBZUS Or Dry Goods and Notions, oft. their Luxe sad attrullQii steak Of BEW GOODS AT EASTERN PRICES, FOB CASEL DBMS GOODIS I Z , HISIS 120008. UfnaigaTlCENT.ikelge, CA-1%114E0T CiTdTeUT,AWEN.4[WAVALSCS " Mirrialgra Btaleg.4/17;lc Bares u e laTned to . call sad examine 0)0 goods .od slices. IsS No. US Wood Street. ABM:MI:MOT, SHANNON & CO 4 C. ANSICTUOT. W. T. SWANTON. as::wr J. O. SWIM lON. 7 8 AND SO MARKET STREET, Daily Arrivals. in addition to oar surcidor NEW SPRING GOODS liiriTEssisurezo-M.• Lams. BAslDELl=B,llll l lm 7 m,_ MASH AMID BORINEi 11188814,1 AND NECK 81BDONS of irresy width sad Owl'. Meat quality of T1t111111810 1 ../ 1 118108, 15 1kNa lBA tit L ei BuTToxa Pull Lao. isoIItOBIZET and ZS of even , description. _ MA W ET/X. Or MISS just received for Ls. dtaitTel NU %VP tail ME. all:oaken 41.001 Ilan of Grams , f Anti IS Ell SU - GOODS. Country Dr And In our „HULL iambiS urmAirritzwr.. tat assortniant Prida. . • MACRUM, CL Y DE & co., 78 andn 80 Market Stieet, I r0ii:,441 TEIE PLACE TO BUT YOUR DRY GOODS, IS LT T QL NEW ;SiTCOJELE, J.N. BriCIMELD & CO., "Mo. 67 Ziff asTatot nitrebet. Dill WHOM Sift Of HI 100 r LINEN MEETING: Into , / LINEN: IRISH LINENS, warranted pus aw • BIIIETING IICILINS; • BLELCUED YLTSLINS. from 10 email IN ELELCHED BEET liOUB DE LEIS'S 2• mots: • CILLICtiIiL trona 10 cents apt HOUNZEZEPING GOODS, • rail amortmezt: lig 081 IBM NB STICK 11 TB MI. 87 NARK= sTnErr. 27 &We° FIFTH STREET. LiavoliANDl ?ffsfirllN T 4 7 .' unue.. • ttIEgiHICTISvu. Y e •ACTVAREIT.I LTAC 7 tillirlf s l i r. 3 ll4, 6• NW T 1:111ATS. Ali., AT zrzrason" NO. 47 MTH STAMM. ors Eft'BEET. °V s rEfitlns 81,111VM • u"lll6l4o l, Tra l iM AhlWafgarlVA" M==3 LEGAL OUPHINIP COLILT BALE Of BEAL ESTATE, In.the Boronskot Lawrenceville. ily virtue of au ord.: of the Orohits's court of Allegheny County. the undersigned, guardlaa of reran , lea.se. Joseph an 1 Andrew . J. Johnston. mieor children of Wi it lliam Johnaton. 0. Wednesday: Watch 27Sts, 11361., 1 ce All that rtatio lot of ground sltunted In the mild Borough. bounded as funereal Bei/inane at • yolot on tbe south tile of Boller street, 2l (met 3 lecher, in an easterly direction Mut the corner of Sala Boner and Allen street; silence: nstendiew in trout, along _ l a c k th ine of Butler ?„ . L . r:;,T, 4 =Mril f;:: I:.g.Vtg,' fee t tide: thence pi • westet if direction, Mang the lice of sold alley V feet 1 Inches; teenu to 10 • fen= direction ti 'a.14.1,`.1.1t.;,°.`::';.1,1. h ot la erected •tw0.141 - 1/ noes. P.. tot totes • nengn on dal of eels, neon appll cotton to G. S. BATES, Guardian. Batlerfltzeii. Liwrentavtlle, IN THE MATTES OF THE U/ DI EiI A M: Vafl.l7l.l;.:TrtVa Y .t 77l :l 3. t g. Qommnn ;..r4,tegg.l;::ol br.l,totr,:folttEffi;:: decree sad ord will be made WOrpers g sad Cowd en'. er .'NI 'A It tot AIP I' v,kr et, tabl NOTICE—W...eb.t er ea . lettletters . " admtaistra• ba t0tb.E.V , %e....0 . 1t Lr4%.11. o pr ‘Iray hating beta ou=d d tt areetsAMlrigard,. .r to said ecater. :Mal: pm,„„ , Ll l ` erv l ra 'VP 4 "`Y lAlffeVirrr tt i AMY LE6NILTT. 44114111M149:1! 11011; 11 746 tril4ittAttrOlt o.'ea,ctti., 111 MONP&Y. 111LA3VFACIttlF.11 OF • PITTABURAFII , ' ',tissues r dory, April 6. lOC'. c7r......• given in my last letter several voles, er for ' mule, to gain the prOperi ions Of Stearn boil ers, I. ei.. to get, at we right ear, the ecr"f .. dotal proportions. we must now teen env attention to the thickness or plates used, the way of Mining the piste!, the mated ' els, and style of construction. The thick ness of boiler plates Used throughout rho world nary considerehm. %'or a forty- , IRIA .1131.41., Intended far a pressure of one loin ired and twenty ponnds to tun equate 1 inch: the plates tit the American boilers r vary from one-fourth to 'lliree.etrilillis, those of French and h em one-fourth to fire.eigldhe, while those of English boilers from ‘i to 1 4, the thickness Yarling, however, with the strength of the 'lron used: the best American beteg tile tousheit. alum according to Clerk, the host Tott-shire (Lownioor) plates will hear a "tensile strain" of twenty.tottr tons per square inch, the best Statibritshiro (Thor neycroft) twenty-one tons, whilst the best American will withstand the enormous Strainer thirty-ono tons par square inch of section, and as the manufacture of Amert .. cart iron is Improving considerably. in 10111.1 piaces, It will eon:it:into almostexcluaive use In thlteountry (i. e. of peel to trill net look al fire cow Ns greaten era of this noiuhbee. Aoodl. %great deal has been written, and much more controversy will yet arise, as Mille USD of tho BO called thin plotes, in the manufacture of millers; and It Is our twain. don duty, as far as our experience ant knowledge can aid us, to denominate the rupectire d u o of thin and thick plates. in one of Sir Isambard Brunel , s experi ments at Woolwich, some years ago, on riv uted Joints, it is suited that % ince riveted plates were practically an strong as 7.16 oil inch ones; this is the Case with lormandlua aesine; but circular seams arc different, end the strength tocreues with the Le noes of plate. The strength of cylindrical parts of boilers Is due mainly to the per manency of the joints, and this is owing Nora to the quality than the thickness of tile Won used. Thin iron Is lled w more likely to c ompresistat and solidihen in the roils, add—therefore must be necessarily I more pure. sound and stronger than thick iron.. A consideration. however, must be made in regard to different brands, and as they differ In the strain they ran bear. we will only take the best, 1. e. the brand that nu withstood by experimint the greatest striate. The strength of boilers it in direct proportion to the thickness of the plate FOC s, l and inversely es Wtheir diameters. practical reasons the plates canno e t e m u 14 uch less than inch track, nOr mor th inch. If thin they cannot he made prop erly tight, and it thick con:adorable WM. culty is found in riveting them. The rend. tog force which cylindrical holler will bear without permanently damaging its structure may be oonsidered equal to do rib le the tensile strength of the iron employed. The ordinary tisneUs Strength of ;mod malt , able Iron Ls sd,ceo pounds, one-third of this, hoverer, may be regarded as the extreme toroo It should bear. say 111,M0 poundi, but yet trotill this sum liberal deductions neces sarily meat be made for &Wert:nee In qual ity of Iron, and also to bring the pressure within the limit of safety. The following . numbers representing the strain tier square 1 inch of section ire reduce:el for this purpose: . Pr. in. of see. Common Yorksithe plates .. ............ 11,50 e I'st do. do. ........ ;...., Wei COmmon Staffordshire plates l 2WJ I /lest do. -do. 4,000 'Best American 5,500 The thickness of plates, as to their aura , Why, km au important beeriug ou the Just Mon and maintenance of hollers,. no der, Otto experiments nave a 3 yet been . maths ' (to our knowledge) 10 tills direction; el. though It is certainty true Coat;; I-Own:War plates are successful in ties cou n try, hilt 14 of the ram brand fail after a few month. , usage in Englaud. This plainly show. that thin plates are best' the wear and decomposition of fire plates Is trifling in connection with the blistering, furrow ing and cracking. Blistering and cracking only occur by reason of tenth.. heat; if 1 this heat be coeducted directly to the wa as ts.st m It nomm to the Sainte, the any ge nt ure of no part of the plate will in any way eareod tint of the water, which at 133 uads le .230degroes. Plates that b li ster po and crack ft: Wray fall, oceans° they do nut convey the beat with proper rapy. If plates were inile!telY thin tbcY wont , ' conduct the heat Ptheltelv fast, for in• stance, water mgy ha 110ile4 Ina piece of paper over as intense an heat as Wet Under- Death a boiler, and the Inflammable Neb silence will not be destroyed it conducts the hest pracr featly as faeb ea it receives it. ' Jointa and double tbleknee.s of metal give way sooner than thinner I parrs, and alel and rivet heads, for the saute rea son;i If the strength meld be primary (' inch plates . would be adequate. Of course a great deed m st be taboo into consideration of the tile uteri of boilers, as to thickness of pliVm. muse We wonid not like your reedan to r table,y with the I idea that scant 1" iron is adear for 10 diamoter boller. • Oh, not nho th ickness of ' plate mmt Incrome as the diameter. per. formates eame operation. Boilers of Ibi sLarg diameter are not much .1 some in s part titer tho country. This tylo has Its evil. the same as all graders, arid .m we do not wis;..- to argue the reapectiVe merits of large , venue i:nall Ideas, we wet not offer our 1, 3 „ I pr,1 0 1,,,,, on 111ber; bet may eteto that the style of boilerin u se' mile teamwork' of England . Franca an •Igium is of the clam commonly knows es .the egg—ended upright cylindrical boiler, . of the average dirnenslom of 6 Inches 10 Imnes dime eter,2o imam high, and ith an interns' due 4 Inches diameter fr top to hattnet. Them boilers are gene:all . made of %Inch or 7.16 plate., mostly donbls riveted f % hair seams. and exceedingly well stayed inside. This Style of boiler is pert liarly aPPPoelde for rolling mills, not only es nernont Of . the ease steam la generated of the dues of pedants. furnaces. but also 'on , ac count of taking up so little room. Itme Dollars may bo placed In any odd corners., and this alone is of great ituportance,w here cramped up for room. Terre is a style of boilers built. in Orleans (Stance.] of an oval section, being 3or 4 times greater In their vertical than in,their Der some sections. The best and most StoPrOved formula for finding the amount of prossuroher equare inch the shell Lof a cylllical . iler wi I stand with safety, is to do ble [thee tral a al lowable on tbe iron per • are Inch of 000- tion, and multiply the SUM by the thickness of the holler plate, divide the product by the diameter of the boileeln tactics, and the quotient will give the Immure In pounds per inch the boiler may safely bear. VO e most note, however, whither the boiler be mingle or double riveted...las the two styles vary Much In strength; a seaM single rivet ed 162 mar two-thirds of the weight that will Multi the plate, whilst double riveted property fOnr•uftbS. Drorldlog the rivets be property wocerd and prOportloned, (VAS we Will treat open nereafter.) . In d arge boilers with Internal dues, espe ciall when the boiler be of cormiderablo length : the Aare require. to be carefully Strenghened.. In some experiments. Mr. Yafebe.lrn. of Manchester, England, made on a bolter of 7 Inches In diameter and 10 Inches long, with two three loch diameter flues, one of the does.colpsd with 100 pounds per equate Inch whilt the shell would bare required 300 pound s to rend It. I lie reoommends rigid singe, either shrunk orriveted nu the flues at Intervals, as they ' would he Calculated to strengthen the con ductors considerably. There is no ads , take that in hollers Is` 111 Inches or rfl inch. es lowg s omethin g wanted .bealtleS the mango the goes have upon each boiler head to keep thew from Swage lug. Thu Is a great evil. but can easily be rem. I died by ewes stays, or ench like helea. The weight alone of, say a 1 4 Inch flue 20 Inches long, will glynconatderabio•train neon each boiler heart, when the flue has no support in side. Too much Btream cannot bo i arc . ed epos this. ea the flues being, as we Mght..Y. t Chief tomblehars. t. o greatest attention should be paid to them. eepecially in inter nal fired bolters (Cornish), which when Prof ,. idly manufactured are, accordinto our ideas, as goeal, economical, and as safe ea any ta the world. We have beardof humanf am in this neighborhood of WM class of boiler being tried and pronounced& Imbue; Dad e, e believe that they Were lionerfort/P wad and we do not Iwo why they ebould I fell If they were properly manufactured. If COrnish boilers are fallaniesdt seems strange 'that SO many shaeld have been used end Still aro mantifaCturoLl and 10 conlinut use In Europ I remain e. yours. &a., Jesnesret. Ilsr, Kerr, M. E. IJ!iNi•OWJ. Peri! , of Frontier Life. plaza's Galvcsion Bulletin glees the follow. log accetint of an adventure In Texas: "The Et I'aso stage hid stsiiped for sop ' per at I.tve Oak croak, not far from Lances ter, on the outward trip. The mules had been unhitched, and were being led tO wa- Lorene hundred yards distant, when about forty Indians, concealed under the hangars( the creek. oened Ore. The the stag°, and the whole party fought the Inuisns two hors. before dark, beating tlvern off anti kilulipg three. It was decided to remain and gab% again In the morning if the Indians Miele to renew It. Jest as the Ilezican cook breakfast a reinforcement o over'twoannounced hundred Indians came up thorned. f Bet *even rounds rematned. and tide r ted Uri the safety of the-whole party. aril ',lt was decided tO abandon the stage Ind animals and retreat into tho Mountains IMO! SO 11100 ammunition retnetined, al though some still desired to remain sal fight, believing It afforded a better chan escape. Finally they !started up the hill Tho ilndians delayed the pursuit, perhaps twenty nittintes, In securing the mules and plundering the stage. This m described, as seen by the escaping men groin the hill top, as a fiendish and - horrible scone. One of them n e ver been through the whole war says he saw any thiesi so like the do. scriptlon of hell as that pell melt charge of human wolves, tumbling over each other In thole eagerness to seize upon the contents of that poor enough °peen, and its long eared hut defenceless melee. . • "The limile_an bid under • rock. alter ► short run, and the Indians passed him, thus permitting his return to the settlement day and a nal( in advance of his companions. otter passing over the Ida they turned at right angles and crept dews &ravine tea. ochre , P e n etrat in g hien grow some , scrub , this Jungle they found a cave widen °annealed them until dark. The Indians were lust seen by the- Mexican pursuing In the direction taken by the :oher seven. At night. the fugitives started on foot and livedrfor Ire d on - a hawk; • dove, and a mule rabbit. The drive, divided tote seven parts, served for ono daYl the rabbit. was feast, and the hawk wen conserned,l•llland claws. Sleeting thenekt stage on the fifth day they got provisions, en safely arrived In the settlements with Out he7los IMO a rasa." IMPORTS nT nAs Tnoxn. Pis-ram . Zan, FB2? Waksr• A Clue on IL It. Aprll 8-1 cot corn, II Boor. A anti; 1 do bar. lov, earsna, lington d to; 4 ears metal, Nisei.* k ret 18D 1 , D13 DOUT, IF; II Myers A co; 411 dr, do, 5. Ithlworth It CO len do Seglimy er & Voskalnp, ,In di,. 141ininakor A. Lang; 1 cat leShers. 140143 111,4teyi 1 car e 9 t MtRaT ;19° bills floar.l , o A Moran; ICO do do, Head & 01s3 gat? 1 car door! and sastt,lohn Grallier; 100 3,423 DOW, , Grata= A ThOrna Ire d do, ; ISO do do, Uttkpa trtek-J. 11 si 001 , 1 0 UT. I' wner DDIWW. F sentninF; in hales t0w..1 Meyer R Son; 1.1 dna tubs, 65 do. pate, J S eirmyer & co; 1 I Mit MPS. 3001i1011n1 31 bids aPPles , Cull , it Shepard;f rat emirs, Adams A 90.1;4 Olds npplcl, It p tt f'ir t k 1 11 ,0 Obis ciVOCR, H & • 1. 3 .1. NDPic•• STAhWTTT oskamp; do ;10, V snsorder" it Shepard, 25 dor pails, Ellonnakur .0 langi sks storerseed, onions, Irk A Pro; 3 hl• I dsy ',pules, 1 bills onions, 91 tirgroll & 1110:5 fl o c W Rlrkpairlck A, Pro; Ice 1,1,14 floc r, on nor. , 4;1.1MM...thy * Alin Birroitrann It stknosO, April a-11 Virg,. Mitt lir, OWOOO3I sngar .1 a New myerlreni 22 410 mot , Ural A Witter; 001 Jll rss ICI I 2 CAW! pots -1030, L volott .11 1,1314 Obis oil, t: II 030 . 0? 01 410 dik, 00003011 & Valor; 1 lads bailor, It Ilea Jr; I ) pkgs pais oats, W J Steel A Ilro; Wings molasses, Shalt, Son A en; Sado do, Voila & co; 21 .10 do, Vangorder A Shepard; ila oks oats, Mc Alpin{ :Si 3,310 auples, Ilerlxoll 7 bl,lO dry apples, Ulalr A Woods; 1 car pbtasoca. Vangorder A Shop. aril? I? sk• oats; W Bingham; / r i b; s eat, royal. li do pearl barley, 1.4 Hawo 2 his butter, I do eggs, II Riddle; 03 obls dour, 140 Its . potatoes, Bhomalier & Lang, 15 oks rags, Mcullough. Smith co; • IS Jugs molasses, ) Park & Br111;60 do do, owner, IS/ bids ell. ll Uly. Prrilistraog, Coil:mans & CINCINNATI IL. IL, Aprll6.-30./ bbl. Sour Shonasker A Lang; 10 bbls apples, 5 pima butter, lira( A Rafter; IWs flour, B Floyd; 21 pkgs fish, WII Kirkpatrick A co; 10 do do, Stdoson A wailase; 5 1,31 s butter, Campbell & Brown; 5 hhds tobacco, J IV Taylor; Ido do, F. Ma gma, A co; 1 car wheels, A Carnegie; 75 skis oats, Kell A Elrchart; 3 sacks rags, kleCul. lough, Smith & •Co; I car mllifentr, Scheel. bash A Schott; I car potatoes, 018441401, Bar ,- per A Hood. I Ar.msoustrr Sra•rsow, April .02 cars wheat. Kennedy A Bro; 1 do stare., Italya d Robertson; 68 ohs millfsel, 32 sk. rye, J S. Arthers; 3 bbls beans,: sk.s ory , apples, S k gs lard, Mercer A Hohinson; 304 Dbls dour, It Knot 10 Son; lea do do, - Stewart A Lunges , . helm; 1 car wheat, Win McKee A co; 1 cask • I cheese, .1 Baldlngor AsszonkriT VaLurriltsu.noan—April o.—. 44 aka rye, Dan Manikin!, I boo butter, 4 Able eggs, .1 S Pattenion 2050 n; 5 sacks flaxseed; Laughlin& Bro;0 pk,P, seed, owner; 1 hid eggs. Hislr A Woods; 8 sks corn, odo rye, 40 do oats, J S tiewsnyor a co; 1 car corn. C limiter; 50 3,bls oil, Warlisg A King; 106 oil bbls, J Flemlng. PrrikallnOn AND CONNT&LATILLA H. 8., April 5.-114 coils rope, Marshall, 100011 & 1.4031M001 21 tons metalS M W ickursbam; IS kgs nails. Atwell, Loe co,• 7.) whisky bids, 545 ./ 8 B 1 lush; rolls leialher Hammett A Soo; sk i s 0:10. WIC Illogha , m; 6 bbls crackers. W F Ar,rodroug. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS ----- GREAT REDUCTION IN BOOTS AND SHOES ITEM Popular Shoe Palace 'EMpOTIUM 1113 S fIU 311 E SIIO!S. FOB 111 PIT 0111'14 ONLY Y 2 00 We lute, matte sett an et. cc?. sad mule s very llt.ha La the itttre• V. prices Beyond Competition ,JITST ULCEIVINU NEW C- 001) Of all the Spring Styles. CALL TODAY FOB BAIWAINS. • 26 and 2S Fifth St_ Pittsburgh. W. B. CLAPP & CO. EEZEZ GILMORE & LIEBLER, li.ufactarers, WlDAeroale wad Itctall • 1.4•1cr0 TRUNKS, Valises, Carpet Bags, &c. ',Q► largo agoortmeot of Lao floe Ostobolo al aye on ban. • Nos. 101 and 106 Wood St., CITTSIIVRtiII, r► fel9:01 r 1 ULNA WABEIIOUSE. RICIIIRD BREED it CO. 33111X.C.0N1ME1N11.19. _ No. 100 Wood Street. lIDITTLN NT a AND aILV MR rt. AT EIJ TA LZIW•iE. T EAT n LAY s and TABLI CUT . - lAViIA4I+, CHIN AL:n gETIL • CHINA 11/ILLT d KTEI. CHIN*. Vast.. CHINA nrITTUONn, RUHLY N WARE of 00000 desdrlplina LAVA CARD Dandia-TS. LAVA Vifin-1. • • LAVA merrroowl 4 . IND LIbH tiTONN W ARE of all vartetlea. 11111.1.11ceesale sad retail trulc. Tbo largest and moat stock of evert thing tn line in DA City. Friona and terms W. tame sa la tee n . ...De dile.. • :aD SHEPHARD'S CRACKERS 317 Liberty Street, PIITSBM3GH, PA. fal.sl.l ALCZAND. MIR J. I.ooollitli LOUGIIREY FREW, 11ANCTA/Trit..9 Or Saddles, harness, Trunks, " 4 st&T:=7.11%1111:1=T ke V 1 N 0.102 Wood Street, (between Diamond Alley And Fifth tll Ti [ITC. fittletEATT tll ' toolL'Uobens, Bazars At'Co.) ROBERTS & SitERBATT, ILLIVVACITIIIIII OP Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron Ware; NO. 61 sairTHrIELD STREET. Near fourth street. Hive constantly on bwid • general aasortrnent of h COVES. Plain. Japad. lie...deed Mock TI of /All!. Farts Bir d Cases, / eatery. scotch Miners Lamps the y louse Furnishing amend Rene which will sell IN hoiraale mid lte- p,pßtttentto. Ift•oo bg n alidkorJr.b Work. GRAHAM &. BYRNE 'hying V. 72,711, 'or en RAT, CAP AND FUR BUSINES At N 0.52 St. Clair Street, Invita Mar Mends and s t o c k pa hies call esalatne silt superior stock. wthey Cal/Papal. will give antlra satlataalloa. ANDREW BEGGS, ITTMECI GUNS,ItLFLES, PISTOLS, Hardware, Cutlery & Variety Goode; le. 3 St Clair Street ti door from the Bridge, plrrsnosau; VL • Millmanßion or all Mods always on hand , duns and rlalola ronalred. Scissors Dl an rztroand sod net. ilao, penknife FIBST CLASS LOOKING GLASS AND PICTURE FRAME NANDFACTORY. J.LYONS , No. 110 Wood St., rittabuegit, EfT.S7 a bglalnSilfgrX6rv.liNif . . 23 roma WALNUT l'n`a."l:retr'llarMatm I=i'; I'vnAtarta: virai.itrttuT."l-.1 -ilringitiPhtND REGILDING executed In the highest dityl ao f the alt. arrowsIdUEGI 46TE.... PLOVER-SEED.-75 oB Is ..1. 1. 4 ° ' clover razlnligi;t7,•4..te. for ~. .n.ne• NI ark.a out Vint die. tri.l PEAR' ttill.-3 casks for sale +. J. B. 07.6141111,1) • 4 SPECIAL NOTICV3. clap TO INV.LtiDS. A Clergyman, While residing IttFouth Amerles a. • wisolunary. discovered tare and simPle remedy for the Cure of IS ennuo Dram . ; Diseases of the Urinary 6 en4 .1 Ocgane, and the whole trtinordisordere brought on by baneful end ytelons habits. Ureat non bars have been aireadY cited by Ibis noble rem- It. prompted h;'. dee Ire to beheet the sella and outurtunete. 1 will eend the recipe 1.• prepnrlng and tonne this medicine. in se Lila envelope. to lily One who needs It. DMZ We A MIK. eorlose . post-paid CllVeTe.tatite wldrovve.: b yo..clr. • .11141gPll T. LIMAN.' on D. Bible Hun.. Ad Ira n• dt 1.1 H IV M. UAUYIIILL & Co., BOILER MAKERS SHEET - IRON WORKERS, 1 1 L.. 29, 22, 24 and 26 Penn St. With teeored a lure yard and furnished It With the most approved Innehlnery. ern are.pre.. pared th e wanufeet ere ry devcrlptlon or 15011- e of made In the rOYULIT. Chimps!'. tlrrecter Ins. lllreiteds. 1.4:011101.0 1 re 11011. ere. COOdrll•ert. bait P.m. Tante. 0:1 Still., Agitator., nettling Pane. lloller Irow, grldgvev P ear l'ann, and sole reenobtoterery of BAUN . 1.1"11.1.'14 11011.4.11.5. Itopalrlnnoone on the 10 — LAKE nurEttiou COPPER MILL & SMELTING WORKS, PITTSBURGH. PARE. BIe.CIIRDY dc CO., Hmvfartoren of elleatttlo R. Brasiers' and Bolt C peer, Pressed, Coper Bottom", Raised rtlll Bottom', tipelter a.ol p der. Alto Imports". and Dealers •et Metals, Tln Plate, Ptmet - Iron, Wire, to. Coneteratly on hand Tleaken• blathlnes and Tools. tlarehoosc. No. 14u PIN sT B 1 lIZAf trl 14 e•po BEA` , , N 1) STILEET, Pittsburgh. p. rpectal nrdefs of C•ppce cot WILoY de.Brd melemWderr Rrittlisll% SON, BEA a. CO., (damn on to TiOurttgott, MINIS & Mann,) WASHINGTON WORES, Founders and Bluchistlits, Pittsburgh, Manufactoron of float and Statlortarf [dine., Blast Easton, 11111 Inehinarf. Steam lug, Shafting, Csalogs of all descriptions:oll Tanks and d !Jolter and Shear Iron Work. toner: o. IS earner Ttrat and Smithfield rits. garagenta for otrr•liips PATENT J fult for reeding Sobers. tail:rag 10 - QUI-Niel' A. SCOTT, • goon cram Also. • Farm of acres. situated In Cone- Mrellifttr?me Vgralt: Moro btatton. TM- Improvements are a Two Mary Fre,' Nouse r _w th Four Rooms. • double rbrch and old Lug Par, Spring tioUee. AD a s 100 r oa k. eared. the residue in timber. soth a white ok r locust and chestrut. This farm will Dc sold eery low. the owner wishing to go west. Coasersion immediately. Also, An excellent Farm of Macros. of-which noun under cultivation—situate irt Chris- - Man county, lilltrols. Improvements—a new frame dwelling conialniug t rooms: about 40) choice fruit trees. good fencing, de. it will within 2 on e of the 11 Mule Central N. Et.; will be us d on ressousble terms. Cite ProPert7 goals . r part exchange If desired. Also lo loch 10001301 c. 0040045 of Chicago, each Su by LO. In A:mister's N or t h ot lots. These lots lie one tulle North Of the June tiou of ~ Louts mid Alton awl 511ctillein too lb ern M. 11... and are ou the [Motif the Vittalaurgh. fon Waist sad Chicago U. It.. Juss miles bouth of the COurt Mouse. near the new Cattle tiruuuds, and will to sold for •001 each. Also. a Farm or 112 Kr., la Fens township, Westmoreland eotnityr =acres cleared and un der cultivation. 12 weir of Urn-rate will cost sod other Union . , 24.dt:us houses, I of them storks. the oth I I sorry. with tenant buss, with • pat-rule Steam i 4 000 111.10105 order; louhg orchard of gramd Cmlt ~ Tbe land roillog, e• ere sore all 141.11 a. bilme tone ll mad sub tot with ne WWII laprotes; ittwlitt one bundled rods of th ver e nos. centrsl samosa; 29 tulles east of [ -Molnar/he and three mile/ west of tireensburg. fartnlis pD•as anti/ and cbgib sltusted In s good mclit° bor. hood; seers .40 Is underlaid w coal. air title Is good. Aiso. • Farm of 11l serer, situatrid In West :l' o e t Tg 4 tallsTf w rrtri h i?.. „l o ' e c e i tt r ltor.ttita ll.;. ; A:nt Railroad. Ills Improvements •re. I good 000. store kirl , k Wrote with I tools • No. I frame Barth Dacn. sod all other net cost> , out bold. begs. The Ills I•gual. and the price very luw, thd on easy term. • For ftlittler partscuLars, capture of (9. 11. TOWER. keel gstath Agents lelA Fourth elreet. sea NASSAV hragrr, SLR" YvlLl. }`Oil SALE, . • DENTIST, 218 P.EXX STREET, mhtS. vr92 !griII:MEDIAL INSTIL UTE • FOR SPECIAL CASEti, N0..14 Hood Street. New York. • f u ll,protlnnttoll. with the highest DratmonNt fr. 11.1110. n DNA an Jpeetal Ditgallll, Yeast ealed rw eiloye. sent free. Seße surd and fur teem and v.. will not rorsl U; for. ss sdesrtletne g!:t . o r t I n: r t Vo 'Y ti I Irtfe . trashed. " Zn u el tIT:T. rlu 1i.r.g.P.`117.1;4•:,f;.V.V.rY0111.t LW. notaddre r. I4IIAVEST MALADIES ur YOU'Ill AND EA DIM 211 . KAN. kIDOD. —tit/WARD AISSOC:A fION CAS A IN. on the l'hyslulogLof Die fusions, ands Kernel. Abuse. and Dtbesses peculiar to it e tett tie of man. with Reports on nee , method. of treatment employed In wa r mstitution. eel. In oiled irt:cr rrivelov”, q cculd.e“ A d Ire. liuw-I,i'MV.PA". BANKS AND BANKERS 11116T6 110 ESE OF jay coozz & co., No. 20 Wall St , 14 - .1 , 87 sml 'ell •l Me mon Moral torn:tit (Moo, bud loop on ta.a.l • foil supul, Government Bonds of all Issues, SEVEN-THIRTIES, =I Compound luterest Notes, e orders far pure:are . ..l mefr of STOCKS, BOND 3 AND GOLD, a. 1.1.1 to ur oglea large rooms fur tamo,latinu oil. putate .I.ausod fur la ,tnia alcuaug.4 of lioveru men• re , Pc conseuleacc at war mac ao.l - " T " IltItT IF C.,V FATED ItiTt FIVE-TV. EN ri.- so UOVIIt!..II.CaT CI eclat, mita full particulars. Curuisheil apt+ 10 , 00 , •P IR JAT 0111ZI: CO HART, CAUGHEI ti CO., Bankers and Brokers, CORNER THIRD AND WOOD STREETS, PrITMXICUAiII. PA.. 8130C.USOILS TO HANNA, BART tr. CO,) =I Exchange, Coin, Coupons, end P.'"i'll's:et"ll .11 11.1 or lon to Om P.' GOVERNMENT BONDS xreimir LIU k , TA nY. T.W.YUO 4 . 11.213-8 N. HOLES &, SONS 3B,ALIV3ECJEVLISe 57 Market Street, rtrrs.numm. p:rslle received in rar Tunis sed Currency YO the . . } Stocks, Bonds and Other Securitie BODONI' 2,ND SOLD ON CONNISSION .... . , I:artlc:Ll at attentloo poltt to MO Do,ohOoo ma ILI. S. Securities, Ineuding U. 11. FIVES OF 1101 l; tern - is: o mm. U. H. CURTI VIATF.6 OP . Orders utd Yotteberebouglit or collected. Jed‘cel peoPLE2S , SAVINGS BANE OF PITTSBURGH, IXCORPOMITED 1886 Capital, - - - $100,00: 01:FIOE. }W. 77 'FOURTH STREET, rITTSBURUH President, Vice kresidelit, • TISUNTEwS: Alma . LLOTO.. WILL 1•111 R 1 r A, """TT. W 1 1 "; Ul7. iS ' LL4.I . 2t, IC. P. JoxMs.J 113 W. M• 0 1 ,11:1 W ;i . .. S. fSLLOY. Secretui cud Treasurer, SIDNIN 1. 105 8035110115 Piz per cent. tst alloyed on time &visas. Itir Men t m a den liorernmani tate Beata! es. Hank ooen dolly. ezrela Sundays. from nine o'clock, A. la, to toot o'clock, r a•. and Wednesday and tlaturday arenings wont al to Ott TVI nine n'eloa. PAINTERS 11=3:11 JOHN T. GRAY, 11 , 11113 S ANL) MON PAINTER, GRAINER AND GLAZIER, No, 64 Hand I St: Pittsburgh: Min sad Ontemental kfloa of ever, deeerlVe lion door to order. All work , done Prodlld l 9 eSS et reaeotkatdo rates. ISS W • COULTEIL, HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER, NO. 63 DIAMOND ALLEY, CITTAB'II.I.A. All orders luft at the Shop, or amatby molt, 111 rcorlya prompt ottmltloo. ftllnaso WILLIAM li. BROWN, (Late of the arm of Mum( & Moan HOUSE &ND Sum repormas, ME logiVlalv:E•Lq.ia9 3 o TIIE PARTNERSHIP HERE. TOWORE extetlo K under the cure 'of MAI& MULL, PULIUiI i ISULLILLN, Was Dissolved January Ist, 186 ll' MUTUAL CONISENTf /el• A/ABM/ALL disposing al his Interest in said firm to the eentalning Darters, tinee the business at the old stand. 114 4214 416 WATZUBTII.IiF.T. A. id. 111A11813.11.1..L, 11.1,131,T0N, 11. L. TIOLI.NI•le SEM IHAVE T 1111.4 DAV ANSOCIA. Tt.D wyn me JOllti H. B 0211111 and JURY. El:alti.a In the linniTtettire and dating In Carhon 011 tamps, Lamp Oneida 01 andaliere and ail kinds or tilato ante. Tit- bull." 'Mil b,,,,,ocivietrd as lieretol , te, uncle( the den, name and ttyle of RHIN YAW 6 CU, FOR BALE, JOHN coorT & =I So. 139 Fourth Street. hare for sale log .Leres,well Improved. three miles from peiputorr, in Beaver connty, Pa. Acres, Improved, in rayed< township, Able ghee s county., one mile pour Mansticid. iso.lterea, highly inipmtved. In Lowrance Co.. Pa.. two miles from New Castle, and three hours from Pltrairorkhs su Acre., Imoroveo, In Indiana county. Pa. COI AC,. Improv.d. In Payette county. Pa • IVoal.l mote • splendid 0100 k form. ImProrkd raltas In Ohio. imillD3, cotnekT. Alto. Unimproved lauds la .11 msouri and Wore. lel Acres In ClarireounlyoVrra. Would trade r iVii " c Y re..! ' ilo " le . . ll eS out toerr rlol vo Would mat flue market garden. r:olmproove menrs. •lIOUSES, sirlek Dwelling, with all modorn Improve- Aunt , lot to or 011 feet, on North Canal .that, Alle ahem, Brien flown., ten rooms, on Chestnut .1.-net, rooms, on Rebecca street, Allealt•ny. legame lions, sit rooion, on Fountain at rei In 'Rea,. to•n hlo. Ugh k hoot, 13 room's, ao,l lot in greeport. Brick house, right rorims, and large lot In Wllklnaburg. 'frame big... new, SIX room , with sic or ntwe acres of .ground. •, Edge wood titntion,-on the 11. miles 4.1. la rame boo,. new, thr. e roand one acre of ground, ut e last named 'Lotion. Your ten tot 1100...5, of two rooms rant., and one train- hoe, of four rooms and one worn of ground Is tsulltown, near the coal Woe . Ten 1-acre lots at E•ltteerocel Mallon, 0. It. It. Six 101,33 he .P 1 tr. WllkhotoPp. on the I'. It. It.. two handfed yardi f ou. the elation. Flee Juts III• force to...hip, up nher s Hun. etr llt • toll este. Two Will. 2%1141 u1e X ftet, In ttre•sdock's PIO& three eq uaree.froin elation. at a ba.g . aln. One lot In TC.l.perance .1110. be op 16" 01' . it"VS,',l'..cr://,'0,1: Uc 012 Monongahela river. In Pont •••o. 3. One In ri VIIV1"1:.!rs.rrd".:?;1?n thirty Lent. a t 7 . ..hese works aro •valuable, and would be ”i daTj' f farther7fier In apply to the i abova 'o • HLOU4` B,ll.E.—Farm of 147 acres, e,asted r 0 Tr• Westatur-tand Co., r wijoinlng orapeeille etsolon, on Pena'. K. It , on .11101 there Is • anOCI T an ntory 3tolle Noun with 61: it 0.13114, • Ilare, Car•lage flue e, and other buildings; an Orshard or different fruit freer:lt Is underlayed with 6al There Is per day on It In g nen order. produele V • b.s. per day This property Is offend eery cheap and =NM A COUNTRY. RESIDENCE, aIT snr.anr BIDE, On Om PIN NHTLVI,3I)4 lin.ll.llUAlii Wlibla alter Ode from the city. The [mime la en hotly w, suboaritlarly convoilent la l ard, r a r iTft. '" li . ri:: 2o Tralt `Td°':atfr!tVg; linturea throagbout. It or.cuplen on:mm.l We site on a ani of One acres, yan 0f... 1410 la the urino al roreo, the remainder Ming well mlaht clia,lluointa:ltaMthm. There to • Oa: 11y Sl ue surrnti slings tires.t atirm ti , e. cOnalating ;IVl.lnle:rl."algtitai'""" 13IPLIOVED PROPERTY atuate la Lawrenceville, an. g. razjang In prices from $1,1:00 u,s Will be eold on refsonfble sena If anylled Embraro this opportunity Y., far iber I olormallott. 1..07 W. and Imam. , t.M.ce af U.& 13.e.T.F.5, street. Lawrenceville. VLEVITDALE COUNTRY BEAT Lisle i ice Chanters Valley. ona.b•if tab(' frOM Ingrate• "tailor, on the ti.tnhenellie Railroad; 4 , t wiles front the eIY• Cont4le• .4 acres. .11 Under fled tithe and in meson., ii atateii by a ni•ee.f.ittng wing. Will divide the tlt tato two runt, If draireri. To. pron. - et? Is most the and is oiler. one•fourth he prle. the same kir, of sallia , f o rof o the same dicta ee from Enilritl VOR S LE. — A FAB MI ATilroad, WALL 13TATION, on the Central Ra with trifllll4.'; r•li7s;'37.l.l'lg:\Terf"lM'lttMl. AT Coal. YARN oi the etentianellie Vali road. eight rants fr•ps the (illy (report? on Penn's.. ave. nee and eienie• avenite improved •nd nolpne tit, and In all parte of tee cities sod s u bunit u Y/LitliS liigi tnqules of p r ite lh" alt 1)) I t t ' leT rtil'i'sdle M 19 VOlt SALE —A nine year et tease se au Lot i 11... on wee. Ni ard, dint t vraett,, on 1•1,1 ch is erecteel . • frame d angina, now ra eller for •.5 pa month. •I•o. • llrle• of l r. °ma. whlrh will rant tor VS. he •k -11.14 • tOtn‘ of 0.0. or sl.Pal per sear soon. anYI on Illyerai arm. 1I ay toted soon. for Lerma f ax apply at 1110 Ilea) totals and In.. ranee Odic. of O. r. BAT.. fen Butler %rent. La•rrnee JOHN D. BAILEY, Stock and Beal Estate Broker. JOIVJ D. atux,v, STOCK AND REAL ESTATE BROKER Haring taken out *town:anion as AuCiloneer, ad erected an enema . ..zit with too rgh ho n ard of Trade. securlne the use of their rooms. above. the Thirst h nant, ion now pre- VerVlrentellmrtug re t . i . " :lVle ' r th n e o := ' s rooms or on the premloa. YartiCular athentlon pall:. as heretofore no the sale of Real Ithlate at Private sale. sales of limit kolata In the CoUntr7 attended. lime,, I , 11 Fourth threat. ne LETTERCOPIU - PRESSES ENTLY LLOYD. .. WILLIAM DEA. The sobsertbers manufattare awl Keep nor sale, t Wholesale and ltetall, a large assortment of Letter Copying Presses, combining_ twat eful designs 'with the hot work inaustop Teey my be tied. with or ' , lame tilAnd at Vier Wnrcrootes. or of the priocign Otattotiern throughout the country. orner at Third mut Market lames, EOM= THE NORTH AMERICA LIFE IN SURECH CONANY, Of New York, IN TUE —, Only Company In the World (Menu securit 'parapeted by the direct aninre slalom aud contr y ol of Its Viands of the Nenerai Cr Beaty novern melee In addition to tee sonorityfore offered. we call parelcuiar anew lon wileolloWler Cor • recent ae.t of the Lerlsl•ture of the State of New yore. the Company Is aunortzed to make epeeist larportu entli t he dueerinnud•Ri of the InsuranceDepsrespent. and recelee there for Registered Colieles. nearing the Beal of the Department and • Cenlec•te that the fuller secured by pled, of public notk• eked., a dpe. • che Trust created Ty the Act of ernlature In favor of the At/KYR •ki INtlelli•NCE t: ÜBCAit erchesleely. Thla mateseserf labored Polley fte,,re to the holder ae a Ra ttans, Bank Note. or • United Runes Bond. ItlisTllleiTlON- In 'I tarel, Residence or the ()Pleats Employeneats styy part of the neltkil Pt. , . or EuroPt. at season of the 5:1)A.1 - ' GRACE on all renewal M - A L. LL POLICIEN ate non-fornlting and lianne- Manly Indlep•staele. inept.. er MOM OVER ONE MILLION DOLLAR/1. All Insurers are lotted pea...nine and cola pare their polIcle• with then of the b•PlOrtb America." N.D. mono 4N. President. J. W. MERRILL. ecreeare. MEI! • T.CAIOK A; CO.. General Agents, PITTSBURGH BILANCH, N 0.67 Fourth street. A few more !naive. Grtment cut her Arrnclee. IG men GYA:dAwT ELM INDEMNITY AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE. FRANKLIN INSURANCE COMPANY. OF PHILADELPHIA. °Mee: 135 .10 , 1 137 CHESTNUT ST., Bear Filth. Charles W. IlLneker, Nu...calf. Louth Llarl4 to. drown, eam uel ant. Isaad •d, J•cob t< rdmoth, 1....1.rar I C. Dale, •dd Fairs George EDWII l • 11,11. C. V.ce f•residera. WM. C. HTt et, V. J. G. 4 ILDNEn t. 014 IN. Agent, ton-^9wls North VI: rat. cur. Third t Wood MI. ALLEGHENY INIOUELNCE CO. uP PITTBBUILtIkI. - kkZoo, Zi ILI o. 37 Ilftb meet Blot Block imam skalaks el lasts of nre kadMarlas 13ZCZE aroter In Btocas .d 11..suss, i/ Fourth et.. lliarke's-Bulldins.) N.4COX't SA L'7. ASD ATIC'TIONEE3I. R. HOE & CO, 29 sod 51 Gold !Kneel, NOW Toni Sarltlostrlted LI.O sent ostaPPlic.d.. mh: von No. 235 Liberty Street nab Vl,l, BLINDR.—.IOTIN A. S IGN o a r In e r marlats , •L'ickTfeWlNl. l'a;tltr, leer .11; ands_nr.v: ° t.nro ' ptlt to order.. vtrl.,v;f oos • ; •k1 -, 1;1. an/ o. " "'4'7l7h,'"A T H a:fel . .. Alto Ultoo " r •••n d or meta- too der • '1•1; Canto trltttts.2 , 4„, ict getilemoirs wow. JOHN IBWIN, Jet.. Preside.. JOHN D. hIcCOIID. Vice President, C. U. IIONNELL., beeretarr. OspL. WK. DL .. Gemara Agen DMICTC) RS John Irwin, Jr., Capt. W. Dun. John U. uni.lora. 8.1. 7.l:mutant. 0. U. Hussey, W. U. Everson, Harvey (Mild., Hobert H. Hsu% T. J Hoskins., FTSZICI • eelltrs Mutat 1t.7 v. (ho. It bletire:r. _ - - PENN S LVANIA INSURANCE ••• C.,Mr Alt Y. OF PITTSBURGH, PA. Ottlee,lll TIM !Street. Hank Meek. ILI. Is a Home ColinVsaT. lExiiiEcn • • 01 Flee exclusively. LEONARD ALTER. Prelude:a. C. C. UOYLE, Vice Pres: lent. ROBERT PATRICK, Tressutef. HUUH APILLISENY. Pacrelary. Dlnannomii Leona,: Walter, thyme Wilson, C. _C. Uo M P ylc, kloo. - W. Evans. SWAatrick., J. C. Lapps, Jacob Palmer. J. C. Pittner. Josiah Ring, John Itineracy, Jai. 11optIna, Acincon. Henry bprout. h1:17/ WESTERN INSURANCE CO, UP eirmsußtm, ALEXANDRA NIMICer.. President. WM. P. IfYiletitllT, a...re Lary. CART. fentenkiii. i Knl.D, efenetsl Agent. Ros Waco, oh mire e . Pittsburgh. Chang Co.'s Wen a- Insure against an colds of Pere and Marine Rests. • tome Instltutionnianaged try DireCtinff who ere well atoms to the OinhettanitY. and who deter=inve beinseptheas and Liberality. to mete taus sue character which they hare as euaieo, ea °goring the best hosiectiOn to those who desire to to trauma. Mex. Mr:ICI. I Rees J,Tholek.4 R. Miller. Jr. Cb... J. Janice Ssolui.y. John R. McColl% Ale:soder lancer. Jame P. Herin. Andrew setter. Joseph letrkpaffleße David M.Phlflp Rimer. sea WA. b. Es . ..s. WA. P. HexucuT. becretary. pEOIPLE'S CVSURANCE CO, 01710 E, V. Z. COL WOOD A. 151) 713111 eMll A HOME COXPAEY, _ TAILLtiII YULE AND bU.V.IN SLISEB. LISJCSOIse. eset. Jolla L. Hamalse trigis P iA h .l7' Jobe F. lOrtpati.k. Frisk Bissell. U. Manson Leiee, PIiILLIM, President. VATT. VI. PreOdom. te.reterT. BON. Oran All. Wm. 1 . 11111 %e. John Watts. John K. Parse, Capt. Mullet. Wm. Van Kirx. lames D. Verner, WIL suns W. T. °AnUN LA. be cevt.Jay eon • • E- CIINABLI. KArlrliANN KAUFFMANN & CO., UNION COAL YARD. Best Family Coal,Ntit Coal and Slack Arany' on Ls od to or nod prom ptly dellv efts] ocr OFFICE, COB.. HARPABON AND PENN BTS4 YARD—A.ll.O*mi VOlty ILsliroad, rmar Car son .trtet, .Nthila Wald, I=7Z • W•111,•NO LUNING. al IItLLLIL. 111 ,Tebt,it Y 31. M. CLANEY, & CO.. Gas Coal Works, ShiPpere WO dealers In SDPERIOLt GAS AND YAMILY COal., SLI LOCK orlee &eery.. BOX n 7.5 Vlttaonret, • and LOCK nom ny Aneeneal U BN EIl.tL UM VICE, aeeond yore Plusbnren Maxine rank 11,11111Ine. corner Liberty .tenet and Virgin all,. Pitt btrVt. stIANCB UV FlCan, N D. 8 Llberti creek under Pann'• oppo t., &le strk et. l'htsbUrnh and rorner An. derson latreet an , V. V W. e. IL N. Al, (bent'. All °riles left at • litre of the above place, till pronto, eseedee altentlon• 1.1:013 14 . 0 KT PI UT ILAIi AL 140 .I"AN Y. A hppers and deal.rs In blipetior Flallll7 end hicaux Coat, Nut Coal and tilana,. centre' OY. nee second story t ut ISAVID.• Bank Build ing. euruer LlSerty street and Virgin alley. Branch (inlet corner Try and Third streets, Viturnirert. ;bids • left at either or the above places will receive praintit •tointion. Possolltee Adair... Bow 587. Eqiitaili • Ali. , DliinCione: I J. J. 011./..eig. H. L. TATIAIIITOCC, IS McCIIIAIST. WV. RIM. ear, . ()gonna 0B flub, JAS. bOalliinsainT . WalTell DUSAN.. J 0112( HATS, LCCIUS F.04.,D. • J. J. OILLIWIA. rrven. I A.ll. ILSOLIIIII, Seel, S. 14111,1•1 i, Trea.a.r. 'W. El, CIAASY A , 1.0.. )id:y.j. FITTINBURONI NATIONAL COAL AND ECiE COMPANY, !Anon, ablppars and dealers, nrboleaala and ratan. In We BEST FAMILY COAL> "CUM vocal rio3a.c3. lsoli. OFFICE AND YARD, corner Fottnh•ad Tr) Plttsburen. t'•. •tl orders for delivery In the My. or 41‘IPIlleni Well, will meet prompt... lueme•illte etteh &lon. kt. A. eCH h ABEL. hoperlntendent. COAL! COAL.!! COAL!!! DICKSON, STEWART & CO. ii.Ltur removed their 019. to No. 567 LIIIFJITY STREET, (Lately City neer mplumNyt.gt.oh .7 Are 11111a."IVIV :lo n eL ' on BLACK, At the lowest market price. - sir k.t orders left at their oelre, or ul to thorn through toe mall, tall Do atr ym od : elto promptly, CHARLES H. AD NISTALONti, DEALS". UN YOUGHIOGILEAT i p CONELLSVM.44fILLE COAL - •ptl a U/MU: Cool. Slack, awl Desulpbor ed Coke LIN WiCS , Nish AD, [Corner or linter and !tondo; first y don Lib en,' anti Clymer streets. Ninth wad, and St eand street. near Loet Na 1, Pitt burgh, P t and II anttractore.l imolai ed with best arida. of Coal or Cake at the wrest. c rats , Crders left at any of their Mikes 1 ret prompt attention. Mrl BINGHAM KU 2 ELEVENTH AND 1M: PS=Lgal+l2.P~'. This new and thaw:4llo..l.v, *notion of guests, m 1131 1 ,11 1, 2. OP • Pl= T-CLASS Ij.OTEL. OURLIS D I PROPRIETOR pal; HOUSE. iottuadeiphia. Tneabsalbsts lensed Lthls Ilo• ' lt ass been IIETITTE• ••• • r aux, o .as yo u ttl rungl . ANT g!agt Is n 117,P"el:trolgrorin= fitTgs=es:l44 ars rem= Was= 'gal On mstatnine4 lathe basin Y la the tAst lathe ...Pao .O.l(¢R 1 t VAN' - WHITE HOUSE, PERRYSVILLE, RUMEN CO., Newly refitted and fwal.hed, retdy calve gateau. The suhmetber will not sp,re pa ne to mmla•e his customers. wood it. ppera scrtred at any hour Ist the arrest, - aptotit T3lVy. Viladliic PRO ' J. S. FERGUSON, Attorney-at-Law, I 250. 09 FIFTH •rim% •RDYLOOn. PRONT TlOnv H. H. McCOHMICH, A.ttox-sao3ft.c&t..ragivvy S 7 Grant Street. Trompt ottenUOn glTou to atl Mod. of low bUstnus• TOOL ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 07 r.. 1.2133. Eft-root. C===! El= W . A. LEWIS, ORNEY AT LAW, No. 93 Diamotd Street, -hen2P. PITTPHURUH. PL. JOHN W. RIDDELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OEFIVEI No. 133 FOURTH STREET PITTSBIT4OII. PA QM H . c. sisciumuy ATTORNEY & 110UNSELLOR AT UW No. 69 Grant Street, PITTSBOUGH, PA." B . F. BROWN, (Late Lacs Clem Agent. U. I!. BAn. COen..l 061ce, No, 67 Fourth R., second door, prrrssinten, PAL, P 135101.;, MMUS, BD PE IM 01 Ii Promptly Collected. No auto =de mall dab= my-settled, nod thee amts mods , ate tea saVZ•Cdo BOUNTY. $lOO. ADDITIONAL BOUNTY. LOST DISCHARGES. &tidier, who nave lott their discharge certtft atea and who are otherwise entitled to the addl tiord BlOO bounty, con hare . their canna at tended to by catily on or aldr. slag W. J. & HILL PATTERSON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW AND OLAEN AGEN'DI, MM=M SOLDLERBP Bouwnis, PEIISIONI3, Extra Bounties, Back Pay, ke“ Collected In the Bhortat possible thee. DT A. BROWN. JOELN - 6twrnentt Lam. Ornee. Ho. UM +not .w•e, 1 , 11,1111111.0“ I:M*WT JOHN A. STRAIN. .01-7-arIiCERWILeaNT. Ex-Otricio, Justice of the Peace AND POLICE MAGISTRATE. Oldee, 112 Flfth St. oppoalte Cathedral, PITDOBUBOLL PA. Deeds, Bonds. Dortaaersa, Aeknoveledfolddid, Deednillona and all Legal BUALLOBS executed lalto orosapteees waddlanaldll. =MD LLLINI LANCET, NOTARY ND I'IIBL 1C rTUOBT A IC II E I NuT/ T o F6 PEACE, A ou RE r es o d • T rets. Laereneee . lla era noreend sualition 'le en toe purees.. and sale of Beal Estate. the Dolleetloo at Ileum WM:RIM peeparaDoa and acknowledgment of all kinds or Lora, GonverLOCear. l k n l JANCZT, Jostled of tee Pete .U lnd Notary rubllo. mrZno3l EUSTACE 8. MORROW, ALDERMAN AND CONVEYANCER, 72 Pennsylvania Avenue. hat of the Wig') u 4 wile MO= Ellett CHATHAM T. EWING, Attorney at Law, No. 69 Grant Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. ar Commission tin utdo, enntrxr. wan Iry M.. 111...0rt att.... ,tatas. JOHN C. BicCOMBEI, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. No. 87 Fifth Street. P ,, mT 4l zareenao Banntlea. and Amara °tray 1. as. etca..olo ERCHART TAILORS OPENIIG. LW L D COULITt 1650611157,01 BOYS'. CLOTHING, For the Spring Season. • AT VERY MODERATE PRICES GRAY & LOGAN, - ;150111711t. Clair Street. HENRY G. HALE IMAM COL PAIN AD St CIAlt SAIL NEW SPRING GOODS, JUST OPENED, COMPEIBLIfiI the Novelties of the season 11333 3313 onlyfoand In I First-Class Merchant Tailoring Eatabllehment. tans:nsr 'W. HESPENHEIDE Merchant , Tailor, No. 50 ST. MIR STRUT. NEW SPHINN GOODSJose , opened. /List and new sidle patterns got ay In the West Last sobi:onl Vw - ' — Tmryw - w"n• e.- HERLEHI & JOHNSON(' PALLOR =OL~Z+ Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters TIFTZI 137141 T 3PlTTlElltcrass-Eis. Z.". - q ", , 111 orders by mail esnentad satisfactorily Ann ' ~. promptly atte tdec to. . A. toll line of Bs= Tuta. Purer. Ir a sa. "'eh' Water eloasts, ista. haneliers, Vst, sad oas Shades for' was at UM most yeasonsor• "2-1" Pr rd . e . rs front conatrY P.M .. bY mall ProMS ly attended to. _ JelPllll ------ tram Hose of • El=ma!! BAILIFF, BROWN & MlZg'co. OS SPeclersal En.. ..fL LE G NEXT" cirr. P 4 pixamEns, GAS AND STEAM Mr!. ITTILIO, Imp Um in on nand a wire • assortment of fIYDItAIIT3„ WUXI, • for am LEAD. LEADPIPIS, BATH TUBS. WASH BA. ofBUM latil SSD BEtA2O3 COMM ono all maw, • Age foe =Mg op Wale or prristo bondlogr with USA IN ATElior iT41.11. talecleo IS, DRUGGIST& DRUGS! DRUG6IBI! DBII6EIIII JAMES T. SAMPLE HAMM BURT THE WELL KNOWN DIU). HUIISZ UN CUR. PEDICIULL &BD ItUBII.OON bTd.. A.1.1.101111NY. ''. l „ L te Wlll keep on bane a fel mir leasorucent of all kludsel 3cria tud wtdcb will be emu cheat.. wax any alba ..,sae In the two elites. rteeuiptlous carefully prepared by a Irate cum cfra Wet. m y_ Il b t . ttu d de err ItS.TUNECICY sue PAX CT BOA„ .0 --- - Ocuoussuktiza & SON, V. J. Outufsesorers lumi Plata. Is Pittsburgh Mitts Lead Woriut, crtzioroezis Is e PA. PURE WHITE LEAD, BOOM MOB GiarE 33l3 S & ? L in% I B LUE ""4.**MesuAllott% rAlir' N 0.140 Ohio 11. Allelhe n Y • Bewaring "maw . 1 . 0914 91 " 4• ,„ (A.rrop ,,, , drat Feurthla &mt. Op Ilt&lrik Lam, IMO tgrNEW OPERA HOUSE. •nd lianara r. V. Si. 14 PSI' FV.N. heunry HAILLLY . Greaten 1, ara.t.e vat or tee .N.nrteeenti Centray. Advt. of the .orld-w , dg 1114Lrluele i Queen sad tilArd Italian traxedlen.. X r a•Xe/WCIO.Vir. / • wnnlrill sops. sire lo only. To-lift her great reprenentaln QUEEN 07 ENGLAND, WhichWIICIIEUL ne pro , anta I rent splendor. Prlce• — sl. 111/1. 43 .0113. Tuenlay evening, as AnT QUEEN SCoTLAND. IarTARIETIES THEATRE. (PUN ST.M . . Nr.... ST. CLAM) Znaagetnent and drat apoeneasee of the ben.; tila. and aounnplisned Patand,Ml , &etre., 1 ColnlttY 116LLE. ob. .111 make Ler ebut ‘tat •venntS la tao Menseldrattiale l'a tontora caned La,. Om appearance . 0 add •haaenaptm u l s i e Wwn r • g f b k wod, MSS-; nr un oe enure company VII h. ruCri Or ADltirilos—lte errri rrats, 75e 21,03:13 al/11.7. 95.; wrote Ito icll 11.1••• o. LECT.II RE S, WFUEDEUICH DOEGLANS,; THE YOST DISTINGtI9IIID 7 Man of the Colored Race, VD ONX OF Trl FIRST ORATORS IN THE COUNTRY, WILL Druvisa CREIYT - LECTURE, /MEMO Sources of Dan Danger to the Republic," CITY I3ALL, Tuesday Evening, April 9th. ShU Lecoln Is Independent canny Conn*, TICKETS, 50 CENTS , Tornio at YeLOll . 3 and ICLVIZIL & 330. TREWS Music Ylorts. Naecred teats, 23 0 taq23. For sale at MIL. -, LOR's, three dare La advance of Me Lecture. 7. •D I.l* = OIL WOIMB dc CO SEP ANIES 4o,smona 4car. Lob: O=x-81 SOHO OIL WORKS. BEM KOBV & CO KINIITACTUELE2I TUT. CELEBRATED , SPERM LUBRICI - 111 Petroleum Lubricating OM Sperm, Lstrd and Wisa-a Oils, 11111-11611, LIMAS OIL t TIM MIR ALSO. STANDARD WHITE BURNING OIL, -No. 83 Market Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. smarm FOR a ciscuLe tt. WARING & KING, COIESSIO3 MIDIS LID BROM a. Petroleum and Its Products, 4 DUQUESXE Tretr. PTITSATIBOIL. rsurvsrrat► AMMO= WARING. KINC & CO.. =117:3.43 Phtta. 11011101MM0101 1 1 litraatrtrctured try WHITE, BROS. & CO., N. York. E. J. ROBERT'S, Agent; N•. ISt. cuor Street. rillisbargis, Ps. Neap oaartaattl ea Mad • 7 lirgr,N4 Oil • Llabt , 01 1. ItruX Car VII, ploo, gn ai , p ,i t serew-u C". wOOLDUIDGE On. REFINING COTMCX"..A-IV'ff. OF PITTSBURGH. PENNA. %%Yr& WORMS LX ?ESP! ILLNCEVILLE. (ace, Po. 4 Duquesne Way,- ensTancton aridgra • auorururruassi or Fuss wear' BURNING OIL. grand—"Luoifer." iriLles EIJMEKA OIL ItiOillit4 KAXIMACTITZZ6II CIF EUREKA can sox am, Ty Celebrauni EUREKA SPERM LUBRICATING &Rd Wholesale Dealers la erode, Refined and Lubricating Oils, Lal% W 1113.11 AND nut' OlLa. 1 I No. 81 Market. St.. Pitubtugh.: O. 0. DTC03131.1 , 133, , Call wad examine samples and read caruneatea. 13IIIt THE BEST. PETROLIA BLUE LEAD, Pas on. unwise 11.1startslare4 only and or sale try T. 11. ErzAt t co., PIONEER PAINT WORKE, R. W. Cor.Bd and Market Sta., I was ffrrenUatia. Pk. t IrIONTILA.• • -.0•41.• AZDALIOS. EAGLE oriWiiike, maskfurrrazzocmrnie. INICHTMAN & ANDERSON.I Rearms and Dealers in i. PETROLEITM.', cgrg...S,IMINATe grarlciAl BwrvES, avenue a. CO.. COMMISSION MERCIImus, LE/WM /Oa TEL Pacific, Globe & Liberty Oil ••••'. Works; Ampleyttanyteln Crude.dleatod 011 Up.' era. o sa.ra• sldo Oa.Conelotaort Of __ .r r_:P r'''T'""or..Drag. V OOlVO tCgirIOOL torf r 1111. 0c...ww.e..' f '1.11:1 ... ...... •1 BOOTS AND SHOE". SPRING STOCIV OF BOOTS AND SHOES, WHOLESALE, Al Greatly Reduced Prices, ORURO I KNOTT'S, Xthloo FOURTH BTRERT, raTi i b l ikat rift22i) RLila PI al. from ASTONISHING I •.. BOOTS AND SHOES • At Less than Cost I Rantlit Pala sttaroad rmss the TAM, to an ...puss and We to oth /nod roods.% 1.0 price/ . Laza IL cast to walla Mom. C.. 0. sad sussing foe pm:musts es. al fainnld stood of J. H. &W. C. BORLAND, , No. IS • WM= NTN.LIM door . en= 7. 111 . 3, de• spl MS.S 3 W . • QM] PTICISISITUOM