The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, April 08, 1867, Image 1
THE PITTSBURGH. GAZETTE. PIIBLLIIHED BY PENNIMAN, I & co., LT GAZETTE MIMING, sico. as ainsth orrircelt. r. a ramnaaara T. P. 1101/11TOPs JOSIAH ELM) Bm i n ' ARMOR P. REED, =II hines Myles • $ Ofuti• Delivered try ourtar, (per wean......: 16 cents. Mutt Bobsetttits, (per r0an..—.......11 1 3. 01 : 6 ittlorttl tottocticou to Newsboys nod AMA. TZRY6 YOH WILILY • • . • Three Cont e., per year, by ISO llreL . do. do. do. each.-- 155 Tea ortsore copies, to one address, and oae lire to tine, each CITY ITEMS. Astineael Unman Ryes, Adjusted without pant, by Dr. Sp ear Dentist, teiltenn street. Attention Feastltes. to - .T. W. Elllett a Scots, No. Me Mar trot street. to buy your shade trees, and got them planted. " ... • - Of Alt the Mze•Deat Testes. • For weakly and. debilitated Invalids. own mead ostollne old English Bottled Ale. We Lavolately had occasion to use some of IL , procured at Flenlina i s Dr.g Store, No. Market street, wbieh we Lind to , boa prows article, such es we have never seen In this city. Leave atonuch Bitters, for a change , awl try some of this Ale sold by Flaming' and Our word farm you will bo the gazer . And Campbell% Genuine English Ale. 'Chinese Wager In Syrup; Toutslot , s Extract of Beef. 80i,1,u s condensed -191 k. Imponal BorucauX. and' :flukey 'Prunes, Dates, and Pigs. 'Seedless lgoseatel and London Layer Cui sine. Cross and Blaeldas , noted Pickles xud sward. sauces; Jollies, Preserves, Eaten nps, Spiced and . Pickled Oysters.' Choco lates, fresh Pears and Pine Apples in glass Tars, Canned Fruits, and Vegetables. Virgin 011 of 41x. Choice Mixed Candies, all kind, -or Foreign and Arnerleanliate. 1%11 ado'. Om Walnut Candy, Eats, Bonbons, ad, dc. ' °sown BasTrai • ill Federal street, a/leSketlY. llasard St Caswell , . Cod Liver Oil. The Purest and Sweetest Cod Lyer 011 in ithY . world. autroilsetored from fresh healthy 11Were, upon the sea-shore. It is perfeetlyhare and sweet. Ask for "Hazard. a Caswell , . Cod,lover Oil," insantictered . _ Cprorr;tt., liack .1 Co. New York Sold by all dreg glats. Go to the Continental Saloon. Tha best eondboted and cleaullest Rattan rant and Midriff Rooms In the city, for a meal fit for a plug, at the most reuonable of prices. Rottebelmer hooves how to ester to We boo arPrdflltotutl, and It is no wonder that the Continental, next door-to the Post office has such an CIIOMIOIIEI patronage- . - Cool Aleaporecting Wheel. Call In at lioltxholmer's popular Conti nental Saloon, next door to the Post °Mee . oollfth strorot, fora glass of good old ale. Or - sparkling Catawba wine.' Try itts Coast' 4.-Nandy.- It will you good. alanufultirot scut sold by iietaim Beaven. ill Federal Isir&t, Alleg/YukT.CitY• - - ransela.24 l lah and Xxnerlean Snaps and Cosmetic:4 for sale by liana d .IracrmEtrudgPda.dneahadY• Paint ioas4,Whltewaah Brushes. Wholesale and 'retail. by Kama L Dinar Dregfista,./..lleiiheo.T. Dye Colors sad Dye Stuffs. Par aide byliiirs t Dnurr, Dnhiglele. Alle gheny. Ton Lan Buz —forelgn' Liquors Of all finds at Jostopb. 6. -- anal 'Difitillery. }lo. 184 191. 193 lad 195 'You IMB 807 14pprtislat. .11490ti0l sZJoseph S. rindo4 lon Casa Bar New naps at Josepll S. 71nahoit. -LETEST.CONDENSED NEWS By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette. In the ease of Nicholas Carr, convicted at Wilmington, N. C., of manslaughter. "and sentenced to be branded, an order was re. calved from Gera, Sickles, as commander of the District, prohibiting the branding, on the ground. thab It came within the law of ' Congress against maiming. The Judgment • of the Martens amended, and the prisoner was sentenced to pay a fine of 42,000 and be immiScased for twelve months. .The International Ocean Telegraph Com pany are pushing matters forward, and ex . Pert to Dave land lines laid through Florida and a cable to Cuba by drat of June. • In the Methodist Conference, in session at New Tort, resoluthini were adopted, on Saturday, endorsing the Congressional poi- Icy and approving negro !suffrage. The _City of Belfast, Maine, LI pledged to the amount of MYSO,OCO the Belfast and Moose Head Lake ilallroad. The removal of the remains Of 'Bolalerll died In the vicinity , of Cairo, to the Government cemetery at Mound City, has commenced and is rapidly progressing. The male Spinners In the cotton mills at laudatory Massachusetts, have been on a strike for ten hours Once Monday... The mills are all rniiningliS usual, and wilipret. ably continue, with new nelp. James illsbrotieb, defaulting Cashier of the First Stational Bank at unison, has been taken to New York for trial before the UM ted States Court. At Eastport, Maine, on Friday last, a fire broke out in the building oneden's wharf, occupied by Mr. Liland, gr The ' 'betiding was consumed, together with two adjoining buildings. Loos. M 5,000; mostly insured. At Litchfield, Illinois, ja fire on Sunday morning, destroyed Derrie's dry goods and grocery store. F. W. Stahl's hardware store; nYoke A Smith's grocery. and three other -buildings occupied as snares and saloons. Loss 02,000: insured for. 412,000. Captain John Rowell, of Brooklyn, is building a vessel twenty-three feet long, to - be propelled by four sails, arranged like the sails of a In which he intends to cross the Atlantic. A new counterfeit ten dollar bill on the National Bank of .Cherry Yellen N.Y.,'" In circulation. , At a meeting of the Workingmen's Union of New Toth, on Saturday night. It; was stated that four hundred and fifty careen tors, out of ntne hundred and fifty on a strike, had reoelvedtheadvanco. In Brook lyn, It was stated, the strike had both en tirely successful._ - Anthony Casa, who, a few nights sines, stabbed and killed Stephen C. Variant], in New York, bets been committed on the yeti. diet of the Coroner's fury. Four hundred and nineteen deaths co. curreglisiNew York last week. Nathaniel Oakley was arrested in New York, on Saturday, on a charge of engrav ing a plate to print .tzLetlol2/111 currency. Liuganso • Tacna.—lt was a wise law of the ancient Jews that the eons of even the wealthiest men should be made to serve an apprenticeship to some useful occupation, no that in case of reverse of fortune, they might have something to "full back upon." The some estate in Turkey, where every man, even the linluta himself, laust learn . thole. Bow fortunate would It be now, had It been a law In this country. " Would to tied I had &trade!" is the cry thods - of returned soldlers, North an of d Southus an ,who find themselves ruined in pucka, with no Immediate prospect or gaining &livelihood. It should teach parents that whatever elm they may give theirsons, they should give them trader-:tea' Yor ker. Ma. Wean mikes the following OrDiana - Um of hts connection lath the Democratic Utah t tan old and much esteemetl - Rir; sonal friend, wahrut our knowledge. 'DU , ' our 'name up , at. the Manbatten Club. It oncOentared, not strangely, sharp °mad. two. and mu laid over; but finally wept through. The 'itenbettent is a Democratic Club. It e should not, theretore, have up golled for totmlseton, net belonging and never-empeot,ing to helms to the Demo. &ratio Party: • Titans Is now lIVIng in Lawrence county. Ohio, a itentlhman wit* separated from his Is tie, 111 Pennsylvania, many years ego, He came to SoutherrrOhlo, arid marrW P.—, of Itertetta. Alter the second witeis death, a daughter by the tint marriage broughtabout a reconciliation between her father and mother, s,pd they weroreatarried .more than twenty yearn alter the date of their araration—tho drat wife becoming the Oa Tin. World having declared Lien. linger to be vine refa - it terrible of the Bennblican Vevt9. tho Springdeld Belibblioan retorts that ••ft does not become the unnatural pa rent who dropped him on our door step to hpbrald newith bin inherited taupe." -) Nitt. , ...) , ~ . .., . H . )1t 5 initi-, •,-. i , L__ I ,„ i ~,\ , ~..., , , .., , t VOLITNE T.XXXII.---NO. SI FIRST EDITION. NE O'CLOCK. A. M. FROM EUROPE. Political and Financial Distrust. BRIG ASHORE AHD BARK LOST. France and Holland Trouble PRINCE IMPERIAL SERIOUSLY ILL. Auttrian Empire Mescal jug. By Telegraph to tho Masher:4k (Watt 7/111.1210 DISTILII:IT LOUDON. April G.—Thero is .geueral trust. in political and nnoncla 1:0.61.2012 1 all over Europe. BRIG ABLIORE • • • .Ltvenroon, April G.—A allspaten Las Lena rocedrod :whleh states that the brig Lam/ - both, Captain Degre, from NeW York to lla. vto, went ashortiat Bremen, during a aide, and was soriotudy damaged. LOOT AT ETA. LONDON, April 6-2 r. IL.--/OLOTIONAIOI.I /DO boon reeelved in this city that the bark Nicotine. which recently left New Castle for New flavea, has been lost at eon. No date. No further parttealaTO• E Palms, April C.—Notwithstanding it was wittouncod that negotiations looking to tho acquisition of Luxemburg bad been sus pended, it is known that the Emperor hesi tates to release Holland from the engage ment. • I= raommcs, dprll6.—Baron Itatanii, Pres dent of the Connell of Walston, will Imme diately form a new Cabinet for the tutilan Goyanoxient. Aacrrirra atm. assail.. . . LIVIII.POO I ., April 7.—The American bark Elizabeth is reported &shorn in Balch: dur ing sanitize storm. TES ILIVOILY DILL. .Lownos, April 7.—at • recent Meeting of the Liberal members of Psxliament they re. solved•to otter determined opposition to tho Reform Bill Introduced by the Govern. most. They propose to orfne the subjectto a test vote as noon an possible, and conft• dently expect to carry the majority of far- Dumont against the bill, in which ascot the members of tee Derby Cabinet wilt resign. PIELNCIAL AID CONYISLC,At Pass roar, April 6.—80nd5,71514. . Loaner, April 6.—Earning.--Consols, 91; Erie ISLlllinoLs Central, 7814; United States Bond., ,llg. • F/1.&31[70AT, April 6.—Erentag.—United States Bonds, ,S PAWS. April G.—United States Bonds, NIA. LIV.IMOOL,ApriIG.—/Sterring.—Tho Cotton market closed beam with a downward ten dency; sales smo bales Uplands at 1216; Or leans 7 12. Breadstuff , . market entire ly un changed.. Ey:minims dull. Pork, Vs. Gd. ,Beef, 1278.1 Al. .04.311. 4.b. Cheese, ells. Lard, 4Ai.' ,Petroleum,lo.l. Spirits; la. 5d for standard white rosin, for common, and IC .for fine; 011is—Lleseed,39a; Sperm, 31s; White, .14r. :Tattier,: 9741. - ' Plg Tallow, Wt. ,Linseed. Cakes, UV, : Spina Terpenttne, S 7. Pants. April 7.—Bourse fiat ; Itentea- GG francs; U. B. bonds 77. Inv Tele graph to the Pittsburgh Wasstte.3 llew 'form, April A—A - Pavia letter says the health of the Prince Imperial tained a BOP= shock by his fecerit illness, aua and his general delicacy of .constltation given an omen of an early death. .5. Vienna letter says that moat marked °Metal attentions . are mug to the Italian Minister, while the txxlluess shown towards the Brasier , representative wee decided. - It is thought the Amulet; Empire will go to speedy and complete dissolution, abuld It not be lairtrelllattly trait together hy m n sharp war with either Russia or Pr.sia. a contest with Stasis en the eastern frontier being most 111c,i7.„ • . MDR RIOTS LIZIRIE. Authority of the Bheriff Reßisted. Gotllsoll GLUT ADVISID ➢f TDI SIICifIOS [Sy Telegraph to tea Pittsburgh Gazette.) April 6.—The Sheriff of-Lu zerne county telegraphed to the. Governor that a sextette riot exists in llazeltoi; and Foster townships, in that county ; that his authority In resisted with success; that arm ed and organized forces were socessarY. and that be wished an order calling out Captain Ellis' company of Wyomieg veter ans. Soon after Captain Ellis, telegraphed .chat the Sheriff had ordered hen oat to quell the riot and asked farther orders: The Gov artier subsequently telegraphed to promi nent citizens of Luzern. , county who advis ed him of the exact condition of affairs. lie then gentian order to Captain Ellis order ing him hold company in readiness for future orders, but In no event to move without orders from him. It is unollicially understod that the cause Aid the riot is a strike for o higher ; wages% the majority at. tempting to prevent the minority working. • llnlled Mates Senate—Estea Saul* • MT Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] • WASEIVOTO I , April 1,18G7. eonictiLT anti nuroirr. Mr. Anthony made a report from the Co mmittee on Printing against printing addi ',lona copies of the lepOrt of the commis. stoner of agriculture, tint providing that six thousand copies of thaw, heretofore or dered be fornished that officer in order to meet the demands upon him. LinintALlTT Fn CHATS AlleSso. AU. Chandler said the Senate had been remarkably liberal coward nominees; and a an instance of how they expressed their gratitude, he caused to be read a newspaper, article. The Clerk read in sobsutnec, that a eOniplisnentary serenade was on Thursday night tendered John W. Frazier, recently confirmed as Assessor of intermit Revenue of the Timm Distxlct, of Pennsyl - Weida; TM. gentleman is reported to ba ff l e said, In acsnowledicing the honor, that a number of his radical friends ' had invited him to return to the folds, , which he declined. He Old not feel Under any Oblige tone to the Senate, for he wax appointed to au • Yu...ov: routiesur, he was still con eerVative, in. favor of JohnSOn, Brant and the Supremo Court, to contradistinction to Sumner.Sterens and Butler. Ile was against the radical element, trampling*/ the con stitution under foot, Ana the injury lot the eniTeney, Sc. Noe , aim= cr. Mr. SUMNER did not, on Wee expected, GM uphill resonation. for the expender' of Mr. Saulsbury; 1 .: The Senate Went Into EV:entire Beesion• I . Prom California Overland—Mormon Tabernacle—rori Buford. ilaimacro— Beverly of the Winter. I Dy Telegraph to the Dlttaborgh Duette.) Mew Yost, April 11.—Ed ward IL 8011, who left *ere on the 11th of December last for China angJanan by the Pacific Mall Line, reached this city today, returning :ram San Francisco overland. Ile furnishes the following items of news: General Connor arrived at Austin on the 1701 of February. Mal. Lien. Chittain, on the 15th of March, was ea route to Salt Lake City. 'I he Mor mon temple and tabernacle at Salt Lake is advancing rapidly to oomplotion, No foundation • exists for the r eported massacre at Fort Buford. The winter has been. as generally report ed, one of unprwaidented severity., Thou. sands of cattle, horses, mules and some few fa wn ° , on with cold, and number of atations on tkei Overland 'Mall Line had been kept suppfled with provisions at area. cost and labor, paws la many for rend. cring the roads Impassable for miles. In athwervr.icingledq' forof LakewndCjirty. below 7 th a e . rui n e f t oe n. several days during March.. • Geis!rid Pacific ilattroaa—Western Ex amples—Survey. Complet,a. illy Telegraph is the Pittsburgh lissette.i 89.9 r F9.lAmeco, April S.—The eniveys of ton W Ra e a n d ,taomSan romeno C teOn atr a point opposite this city. are so far completed as to develop a favorable line less than eighty. three miles In length. The present; route to tbe State capitol, by water. Is about ooe hundred and twenty miles long. The ter. Minns will be on iloat.lsland, lotbe Bap, one mile and • ball from the city wharf. It la expected - the road will be completed about the time the 1148 IS opened trora the Nagle= Otani, FROM. MEXICO. Queretaro Advices to the 12th Oh FIVE HOURS' FIGHT TAKES PLACE. Americans Arrested at Matamoras, FILIitrSTEEING Ecang: SAN TI AMA. fly 7 - elegreph to the n ttsburgb Ga:etto • New Oat seise, April G.—Brownsville dates to the OA, Monterey to tleiTilb, Saltillot to t the 97th, and San Luis to the 90th, loco been received. There were no neW featnres in the steno of lueralutra. Tile Republicans are nut Lllsposed to assault, but hoped to capture the city by starving out thelmperialists. Letters from well known merchants of Zacatecas say the Inez news item Queretaro —LO the 12th—WaS LO effect that tile tinyattempted tonally, but were tin en in with 15 killed. l'Arflero Diaz was to Guadaloups, one league from the City of Mexico. Rive Palacio was iii Tucugoga with a fore° of 00,000 men. The reported capture of the heights of Tamimpto and theJortilications of Locouse Ss antheritattvely denied. • • • Nee .• Tone, April 7 —The Herald's specials from San Luis yin l;niveston, deny the report of the defeat. of ii,eobedo. on the contrary. it i.e said MaximilLse•A farces tieMe we - trite from Qeuretaro anti were driven back. after eve hours hard tight leg. Both armits are Ming' reinforced. I•i-co bed° has drawn in hi, hams, craving open one road from the City of Mexico. 'Forced loans were levied in all the Lilr etxt cities. 'Strver..l Americans were arrested at Bag dad for assaulting as Mexican guard. :Theldeo4e4ll3LialltOr at Washington has reliable information that S.inta Anna is or. ganixing a tillibustermg Mee for the inva sion of Mexico. Thu ratty is known as an Migration society, and has many miltary nOtAZies among its members. ' Stenn.hlp lawnehed—Enxiarnot• Dn • rlng . rtaren—hafted tor Europe. ;1)7 Ten:graph to the Pitn.burge Gazette.; Nnit . Yrdm, April o.—Tho be:an:0111p Cleo putria, built Mr-Arthur Leery. for the Pa cific 'trade, was lannehmt she to 1,100 lons regime - 1 . . Derind the month or Marsh 14,171 Idol. grants arrived at Mr, port. Mrs. Senator Soradao and Capt. listens, of namittnillark's Cabiuct, sailed for Lumpy tad ay. - - The .111ssisalrpl Clay Tchgrat it to the rittsuu EU li,zrttr.: Nun' Alut.n 01,, April ti,—The 1,000 ahoy. continue untavoraule. rho Mayor of hate Rouge telegruphs that Hall'. Ltlee to in 1111 naluent Linugur. r Minn Mx, the I.elinnthrori•t. In an CEOhlinge_ W 0 tied the fol ton ing—nal• Miratile pen and ink portrait of lirsslilx, the phliantlarepist, which eolith° read with 10. terest by her numerous frieMlb andadunrars hereabouts : "Here, then, Is Is. Dix: A sedate, kuully He ife r holy by bloat. really about Iliftydilve years of age. Oat looting yOrlnger. Heifer above the unalints size , at ,d, when stamiing, presentrag a ooturminithig 11 Kure. Her fah 15 hot very dark, ari,C.he low silver threads are only otissre Able the strong est light. Her eye, the distinguishing fea ture. strihes you at ilret as 'Mich, IL In en clear and InarloUn a liennh u epeakg, hut It Is, in fact, gray. Ile: fate is attractive, anti While denoting ..rang ti.raeter, In lighted up by a very t, neillutorr smile, widish seems to ripple about the eyes rather than the lips. She dr... , at black. end Iv 3 Ila be coming severity of style. Aliout the neck she Wears a White anoLe gambler, creased tu front and fastened with 6 gold moss. On her Angers ore a Variety of Laid ring . ..anal., - 3.0.17 - ratutible except Llia wl it Otto brit; 'liant pearl. They all look Ilk. sovenirs f the past, are evidently presents. and worn Want souse ple... V.4.0 . .{.10u erMrleeted with her twnsv a otent l ailss o ron. There Is a witching persuasiveness so tier voles:, and a clear, cora:Went preelslon la her accents , have the roust e0111:11.1.11g r the ' listener. Any ne who hears liar .peak ran I Understand oil y her tones aro on quieting and imperutlve to the innarle, assess wild est ravings she Ire.s olson coritrall , I by tiro magic talisman et her voice and the perfect cora poems of her man ace. I so a miee, s his '1 loroineis L. Dix,an line its an ale., of MO Stile 1 I ITary In Al.' bany, answering her numernus letters, I whine she doesln n boil, pt vend ine nand, and with much celerity. she only found I 'here for a few slave or weeks lurlng the I ....stun of the Leglelolure, an,l Senators :and members of Assembly are fre , nently dropping:in to consult her about new asylunr. Ilan 110 b o na but her co try She travels alone, stole , 110tela, and l clines the nuttier°. lenders or private hos prtallty, 11101 tat lens to dine snit toe, s which would loollOpollau tiro 111., whit.. elm has • devoted to the One grand par -1.00 of her life. .To oil applications to (aka part In fairs and !es:teals. or tU be present at nubileilanionotratlOns: the mirror:n/1y soy: , no, tier letters am mars ally addressed to Treatim, S. J., wilere ehe lian a room 111 11. e ensue 110,0.1 a blob rho toiled In founding; but she only biny there it few week, during the wlniai year. HISS 151115 u cosmopolitan, unit her only buena In Wheir oho 1140f/ens so la: laboring In her philanthropic In leeloll. Au oho never asks or receives any “Onalinne for her own use. %May be presumed , that she reeolVed an annual Income inert nor privt,t e in ves4 mentsi, which places her beyond any anti.. ty about bur own support- in her habits site la very methodic end regular, rlatug at 5 o'clock so the moraing and retiring at I ' at, night. One hundred Thousand Machete. Celibacy lo raela—..l. Nparteku taste. not Ipruciticable. The/here...of celibacy in Franra,and ea penally In Peat., Is ;WI •II Eth.,eo: of tlibell3. Mon. The noverneacht which wants vuldtors, the tuartulacturers IL he 'taut, hands, the farmers who want laborer...end last, hat not lewd; the women who want husbands, ask everybody - , era each other . , ark In perplexi ty and modern 001/0. by two's the men marts I" Here Hyacinth preuchtl againaL cc: - blracy at Notre Dante, tile 11U.SPietrell preach Ir.:Hart it at the etrcet corner); yet., its one of theM a:41,0[1130y remarks, in all hour's walk from the Madeleine to the Bas. the, one May 110,V"meet at leaat a hundred thousand it:WileUlth. In former times, contleuva this writer, an unmarried moo woe ObliGeti 10 exhaust ills Ingenuity Su framiLe excuse) (Dr ill) thlt al tint. "Alas. lam yet the VU:LOIS of betray. ed liffee.ion.". "Ala., le yvtilain all tonal y has made ateay with all ily ftune." 1 am like Worthier, 1 GM I in lovor Al e with a win Mall was Is 101,1aly Warned." ...Mall. 1 bane ettirereti mile," 'Alan. I am like Antony, 1 dare not mention the Sethe of her I love." But no ve dared te 000 W Itie dual napealleitco;li e appealed to the eon/. passion of lilt friends tor a temporary mks ' SOIXISOIX and they, credulous, Were %filing 'tO eXei Om, "The poor 1 ellow. he a Intone ' form spite of tilluvelf " But all bot tletha Chant:WU SIO, From the top to the of the sov seate Comet t h o eabloAtto a. atistleeritt 10n..1 am a both- clor, 1 Late been a bachelor, and 1. always I will be a bachelor," will rearrins are •IA ler- Woos formerly excuses. i.l will licit marry, l u s t m° I Whit trillxted my youth to my l days," 4 .1 w not merry, because in lon it a n t, too innelbto dresSa wife." ..1 will not may, beeMage i want to barn peace At t. Otne.""i.will not marry, ISeeSSISO I want. to be able toe ing the evening where I please without being ultilged to give an account of Myself." "1 v. 111 not marry because I dread a mOther-in-larr more than hydrophobia and earl hqUakeg n The writer who laments these flats wares learned, and remembers that In Spurts. celi bacy was COnaldertd-nsllserece, and tint at a rtn yearly testiVal It wa.. the custom, fordowomen to drive all bachelors out of the temple of Venus with myrtle branches gathered on the h.mliirs of the Enrolee. As certain dillleultles_stand to they of tie way tolltal of this olassln custom, ills proposed to Impose an 611111Uti tax Instead upon all unmarried men,—feria Vorespondoice Nco., York Arming Poet. Royal Ocoeslip 111214 Scandal. Al.Ondon letter glveq tile thiloW hag: The queen hits lulu oth ten-habiliments of woe, and (rumor has it) Is Ihtlutng for an 11. Igiule person 'to supply the -pia., of the late rthSCOLCOUSOCI. It is well known that the Court Itself, 01000 Prince Albert's death, ' ho bouu the demoralized, and the m wlt r tr i' a 117.3"ah„ 'al= completed the work. y Teo :Uttar/age 10 110 W Altai to be an unhappy one,l the I:rtiree Tech loving hls first wile only, arei marrying .the Princess I:entries simply 40r t he sthe of getting money to Lupportldonsalf and food. ly. 11 is mote Clem Cellft goOlp-dt Is a wen ...I.:mi.:a.' fact—that; the .Prille cells AlotrandriA Is baling it very unhappy sort of a• 111, Ilex nusba tol is ..-very Molested, and PlaYs the part of a very ty rant tu their SWIM:AIe MO; At iii sal./ that helms kept attliStress in ills OWe hOlithhOW ill the person Of LX.I) . AUSella li------,1 for this lest your, that he ficquents tho lowan it of 'lva 11l ',noun, .0110 is now cra2 in Well Stith the Dowager burliest of A a widow twenty-00d years of erns II170: I 'c a rd to the secondcharge, a bleu} of mine --ft New York...who was bound to see all the eighth and know the ropes of the Me tropollsassured mo that while visaing these pl .. aces, the Prince of Wales mall Cal. pointed out by the detective who iteemnpa Died him. At any rate, tau Prince is going' TO Paris to attend the opening of the Ex hibition in Ma. and the Princess will not accompany blue On account, 01 family guar yotS, . PITTSBURGH;': MONDAY, APRIL_ 8, 186 KOND OMR FOUR O'CLOCK, A. M WASHINGTON. Nominations Acted Upon. LATE MEXICAN ADVICES. Illness of Thaddeus Stevens THE RUSSIAN TREATY. • [ll7 Telegraph to the Pittsber:AGare3to.l W•RUPIOT011, April rsurrrino INV.TIOATion. • Tho Committee on Printing, on thd 'order on the . 11.iuse, mot yesterday, to investigate the purchrums patter made last Novem ber by Cornelius , Wendell, then Superni tendent of POlllO printing, atILITartV raouniums. Tho Senate confirmed Geo. 11. Thomas to be Major General by',.brovet, and Thomas L. CrittLittlen, Daniel N. Sickles, James J. Iteynoldi, Benjamin U. Grierson mud Nel son A. Mills, Brigadier Generals by brevet. Neu in.kiloars ar-rot , trot. . The itenato confirmed only a low to -day mut rejected Adolphus Jones. Postmaster at Cincinnati, Ohio, John Steuart, Coßec tor, Jelin Boyle, Amasser or I.ltm-nnt IteVO ntio, Tn',.nttli district, renusylventa. Il rtalse.t nerzieVe necatt, a. The receipts of 1 nit:lrina 1107e00e for the week were 434,W.5 no3ll.lerrio.ea coxitrottn. ' The Striate conilnund the nominations of E. It. NBrton, as ',Lambe 01 the District of . Wee. Virginia; P. LI. Winter, as Marshal of, the Sontherit Distriet ot II lealealppi; jam' J. Ctutile so Postmaster at Bran, Meier General Eduard McCook to be First. Lle , ,ton i tint in the Fourth Itegular tax.' - - _ airy. nuOttie NOXINATIONS, Thu 51 , nate rejected George M. Robinson as hocolver of Public Money at Dinnaskit: Wh.condin; also F. M. Field us Postmaster at Lexington. 'lto., and W. Delfts as Pea master ht Lgoomingtoo, Ind. • • acticas arraies.• A gentleman here, well Informal On Mex ican affairs, illsbelleves the report by way of VeraCrua, et General Escabedo , is defeat. The following is au extract from aletter_ro calved in Washington to-day, dated Vera Cruz, March:lid: "The imperial Commlssione.r at Puebla feat.; by con fidence a, and this shows how little the people litre In the surreal of thu Empire. PaStangert from thp interior report that-Gen. Diaz was attacking the City 0 1 Puebla, being already t o y l . t b i ts h o e u i tr pr wor s ts s ar g reat p a ced Gin plaza or wit:M[lsam] by tat, time they have undoubtedly been captured, and lieu. Ulna wilt be loft free to march on the city of Mexico. where ballad already illarge portion 'of his army in good Position-" ittADDECS atiVaan lion. Thaddeus 'Stevens has been col:dined to Ms bid ever nines WednesdaY last, from ,generaPprostration and en sanction of the esiled- this aftdr noon, but 11r, tierces Ras too 111 to see him and other Inquiring friends. utast,' vrisszr. Within a' few days past them have been large contributions of facts, from Tarim. amerces, COacentlug the character of the Itusslan•American territory, nerVlag to show that comparatively little has hereto. lore been known concerning It. In cons. queue° et these new revelations. thorn Is a better prospect than there was a week ago for the ratification of the pending treaty. FROM CALIFORNIA. Floodalo Arlsosta.-11 1 stern Attacked by iodises.—Neobew of Senator Back stair Manly U•sio ded.—Steato p :Lt se Com petlttpo.—Ald for the Destitute boosts. Elly Telegraph to the Pittetargh tiatette SAC Fusacisco, April G.—Late advice from AilzOna Territory it ate that great damage has been aulaitoned by Ii toots. Ari zona City was Inundated and several hous es was hod away. The Apache Indians had attacked the men In charge of tho• Mowery mine, and tilled I ono and ~Ww, ounded several. °scar Beckalow. nephe of; United Sena tor litiekalew, of PennSvlvants, teat den gerouely wouncied; Ap , Inciting were kill. ,ed and a number woodded. The savages I were *ell armed with guise and tides. Tne Shins Archer and St. Charles, from New York. have arrived. The ;California steam navigatimi and Cal. Morn* Croons and Mexican Steamship Cowin...One latter known LI lieu Molls daylsiltrics, have combin ed to obtain the wit h draw of the Anchor Line Steamship Ore. gon route. The pride of Insights bag been ralecti to the old names. Leading bankers and capitalist* of this city have purchased the steamships Idaho, Montana and Oregonian, and purpose plac ing an OppenutlOn line of steamers to New York via Panama. it Is understood the vessels already make connection on the At lantic side. An enthuainstio meeting was held last night to aid the destitute People the Southern States. Governor Low was Press. dent. Over eleven thousand dollars were subwordied, and arrangements mole to make oollections throughout the Facie° Express. navigation, railroad, stage and telegraph companies offered gratuitous kervices. Ewa Irsaketsco, Aprll,6 —The ship licit wing for New York. cleated with 15,0 5 0 bush. nig of wheat, and 1.100 sterns of dour. Flour, V3.00(0.50. Wheat; good shipping, $1,731U1.a1i i Legal Tenders 73c. FROM LIU H. The Reveled! Movement Isabel. tlanlC—Qaleinde at Latest Adateee. Eby Telegraphic , the Pittsburgh liarettot.) :dew Teas, April IL—Additional newt has been received from linyti. Tne rovolution• cry movement was led by Victor Chevalae, some time Cu exile. who landed secretly at St, Mere.. General Sows bud boon elected President, but declined, and until another election the present government , will be administered by the prinelPnl Secret." of State. General holnave• had returned from and taken command of the northern department. All was quiet at the latent The and th e revolution was _peaceful. The political movemente, general diecon tent and the embarranded state of the treas. ury are the Cannes. Sbooll Affray—Probable Murder. :uy roirxr.pb to the PltLabarrh Gelet g.) • ALDAIrIf. April C.--A shooting Blimp Oc. carted here ti le evening, • Which MLA likely whiprove fatal. Two young m. 11, named But, le andMcLaughlin. whe walin gather were assaulted oy ail third. k nagmedto. Ellis, who tad had some misunderstanding with nutria. Approaching, lie sand to Metric."' am going to sheot yon," where upon Battle ran utf and fell Just as Ellis fired. The shot missed Its atm, when . Ellis, turtling. fired his second shot at McLaugh lin. who had not moved. The ball penetra ted one of his lunge, and it to reported ho cannot recover.. Ellfs Is under arrest: - - The Fort Buford Bassesere.—The Ee post Unfounded. [By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh ft a set te.l ST. lAMB April o.—The reported umbia- cro at Fort Buford - is unfounded. Addl. [tonal evident° MIA been received bare the shape of letters from Fort Pace, dated February 47th, which make no mention of Mrs. Col. F.ankinqs arrival there, as repro. stinted in the letter published lu Philadeh phut. lion. Sherman hoe a letter from Col. &Laurin of slate subsequent to the time the Itrsager o Is said to have been committed. Recent Disturbance to Charleston.. Illy Telegraph to the Sittshargh Untrue. I.4IIOILESTOII, April 6.—(len. Scott, Com mlssloner of the /reed In ell'a Bureau for this State, has Issued a °Dollar letter to the freedmen, deprocatingtbe violent assertion of theLr supposed rights, and urging them to have reeourse to the cciarts for redress for wrong& TWA letter refers to recent street car dleturbanoes. LOOINTIUO nlSollpial Election. • CU, Telegraph to the Plttsbareb thut•tte.] LotrisVicto, April 7.—Phlllp Tolupp_ort, lode pop de .1 Democrat, was rooleeted Ma) , or yesterday by 4.014 maAlly{ total POLO polled 9,072. Canadian rarllamesit ny 'Telegraph to the Pittsburgh fleretts:2 OTTAWA, April 7.—The Parliament Is pro ronued until the lath of May. Discount on American invoices cent, CITY KND SIJBURBAII. NEN FOIIIITH PAIIE.—The fullest and most re tinue 3foney,i)(l and Proguee Markel Et ports gitien byany paper inS/!e WY; will be found on Otir iourth Nge. . TO Stabscrlboria Starrenbiullg? sPging their ;places of rest denqo will please leave their new addresses at our counting, room, so that our carriers may be enabled to dellyei the Getryth 'without intermission. Our terms for the year will remain as usual—lllteen cents per week delivered by carrier. • • iftaild'lCllrletS-4 Chaste or Murder— . Onenner•e Inquest. • . - About OneVOlock on Saturday afternoon a little ' tOys,Mimcd Adam Bens. Rae run neer by Car .11T; Of the Citizens Passenger arillwayilt ; th i gterengh of Lawrenceville. andalmostl ' 11l killed. Tho driver of _i, the car, John 'Veit, wail arrested a short time after th Aseeldent, and taken before 4 . p 7 t4,7C0 .. 1 14 . 1 who .tistriltred' him to jail: on a charge Offeerder. Eorguer_ght aou being summoned, held an ineuestOsi Wept:Sty, when the following , facts were els4ted lia .hiridence A dllehdef 4foligAonf sworn.-1 am eontlneter 1 of car 31,ivtalisit ran over the child; was in side eollectingSfarNfelt a jar and ten to the , rear Of. . the Oegatigi_rsawthe child lylnit on the track atm( it ad been rem over; there tas op pergesik On the front platform but he Orlveri-thenecichint occurred in front of Wainwright 'street, on Ilutier; the car was goiegelhatly, the heroes only welklng; ' the ecelderiyhappened at ten minutes be.' fore one oklieek on hate rdity afternoon, April 6ththealriver is a sober man; never beard of him Porter' an accident before. Charter C. - Aikthaon erforu—Fail standing on the rear platform of the ear, which wee goltig at-nmoirrateapsed; feittwo distinct ' jam; jumpedand cil.overed.the child; i mi picked it Mar se ittei track and errand it Info the boost andlseut fora doctor; the child weal:KW, wheracarrini it 10; slid not beer Ony e halloo. John W. r Et sworn—Got Into the - car ,td. the Com . and was coining Witte city t when nears onset street felt alert task ed out and se amaze pick up ;something; I could not see bat It was; . think certainly .that the dew did not know be bad ran .'over the etina eras driving Mow and pay. Ang el-tenth:on a call !ruin a po , enger wishing to green; ell the driver said was that he naked ene What, was the mutter. and ap pealSedttalableorrys the ear whitlow as , down; did nertheas any person halloo stop. . John Denteriaworn—Wo tdout three hen deed yards beta the mar when the necideut esmusred; SOW. little child crawling tn. ward Me lugged between the two trecks; the ewingle ton struck the child on the halal, awl ill on rolled under thaw Steele of , theesr• loaned at the driver in atop that he beef un tessera child. Be said he did not Omer it. , Teigettild was apparently going awry from home; I feel satiated the driver h I did not known., eti tun over the cellit • Dr. James- ihrtnhaon, sworn—Abbe% One ~ recleek on Saturday Was cadent° seen child 1 which woo IVTlOrted to hare been run orer by it ear; wens an,LeXatattled the child and I found a number Of wheelie on the child. all of which were entricient to rause death in any person; wee evidently run over by sou' wheel. [ Jacob (Ili, soars—At the time of the mei , dent eat standing at Dane aloes sew the , child when it vase about els. lost from the I hors.. endued et the driver very loudly Land think the driver beard me; saw the child pies.' tip; the driver-looked In my face w hen I lialiond; I kal hod three times. Anthony oga, eworn—W ae la tny shop at 1 the earner ohlXnate to Dana' Law tee child fell under the car; the driver vas Wealth: loan oppOsite direction (eons where We , Mind fell under; car nu a atom olotance ' before tt stopped; 4 - 113 O. note! ast of Wale ' right street; think the drtver did not see It; ti id not beta 'thy true helicon raw the acct. 'dept through the eludes,' of the shop. The jure rat:trued a verdict that the , 10-;t cane ta Ins death by being . PAC Went •lly rcurovarthy ear .1i0.3i of the Citizens Passenger ....133111340tes IP szetts th e 'thEdtiver Iron any borne in the prinufwi. An epplimstans • will bewiatio, to-day In the Criminal Court for the tlhCharge of I.thgtelt 00 bail. . -- . An inneer In Trouble --- Brown 13.1Wedlt act °Meer Jeremiah Smith were arrested on Saturday 'and brought before Mayor Morrison, elitrged with having committed out, aggravated as. malt upon William El:lst:ha,. on Troy 11 111. learn the dielteditioll of the latter it Cl , . peered. that 'taw...Chad some diftienhy with Elnatelo about money that the latter owed the former. The quarrel matted In Einstein s hoving U ',sr sou vlolentlY• where pon the assaulted party repaired to the collet of Alderman Mullen and preferred a e11en...0 of assault and battery. .1 warrant was tasuml immediately and placed in the hands of Odic, Smith, who, In company with Dawson, proceeded to Troy 11111 fur the purpose 611 arresting the accused. They oetid Ltalteitt la roar Route , ' which h f o refused to leave until theoremic would show him his warrant or authority for making the arrant. Strange to state, Smith refused to prrld nee the warrant, but trildeati drew forth a pistol and tcht stein that If he resmted another Instant he would blow his br•lns out. liawson. Inspired with courage by thoconduct of Smith, placed his hand m his breast poket aunt mule a aim liar, threat. felinity, violence Einstein arrow. panted them to the Wilco et Alderman Mul len, where tie entered boil for a hearing anJ WWI released. As sOOll W. he sus at liberty he proceeded to Slayer liOrrlitOp t a enter. and Coale oath as stated. Smith entered Will In the sum of five hundnat dollars for a bearing and Pas eon, being unable to 10 ,1, security, eat tooted to remain in the lock up for the present. If the facts In the case are as above stet. eti,ane conduct of Smith en thle occasion was highly reprehensible, and he should be autarchy' dealt with for assuming such ar bitrary powers. Einstein had a perfect right to see tiro warrant before no wend take a stop,and if to tad knocked his as sailants down when obey laid hands upon the ~.:nurt would have Justified the act. °Moors sheuid remember that there a limit to their authority. Auscultation nod UnSouod. **** 's Lunn ‘i hen Larestc. who was the flrst to intro duce to the medical profession auscultation as a means of duterchinl nu the exact state of the lunge by listening to the respiration, he met with out little favor. The novelty of Me Invention excited not a little atten tion, and , Its being cri different from that mode of examination which had existed since the commencement of the Chrtellan era, up to Rts time, ISM, It was denounced ' as quacking, rind unworthy the dignity of the profession. IL la need!ess, however. Lo observe that at the present day. Ismonce's mode of examining the long. IS, Dream° form or other, resorted to Sty nearly all med. Mal men who make any preensions toward the cure of lung in any of Its Man ifold varieties, Isihiease it Oct mote Shea that the human mind should exert itself In Its dew>. Lion to that science whose function it Is to ameliorate the condifdon of the human race, especially with regard to a disease which annually sweeps its untold millions to untimely gravest Our answer lea plats One. IL 10. Anil do. whoever he may be. who adds hut a little to the .cumulated lore of toms, la entitled to the need of praise from which none but tt blgot,who diadres to stand still, will demur. We desire to Invite ettention morn especially to anew. instru ment, called .L.lO fa: SOUND" partly the rn. vention of Dr. Keyser, of tide MCI*, which. ho claim& nets to the car, us the microorope does to the eye, and Tandem the normal and abnormal intends, i the w a l ls ms oins, f thi as p s lain to chest 4hei car as though were made of glass Instead ad uptake flesh and Stood. Trial Lint for Monday. CO MIMI FLEAS COURT. Alexander Elliot vs. Jacob underrn . Nlmrgurut Dour vs. Lambert. Knoth. . Hebert. Caldwell ve. JORII AleLaugh et ha. Henry "Daly vs. Ephraim IL Trlmblh. ~satnuel Inhunstockva.,ruers Dictator." Ilrows &An:alarms TIL Jollaley s . 4.• RO a Lang ys, Morton strolls. 1 1 11tnthers. , deferl. Ti l t art ._~: . ~~ 47. McClung .t Noble vs. rlttabnlill: Alle• gl 60. S. C. Neel vs. 160500 E slorrow, trate, 51. Ilamet Donn vs. same defendant. W. l'bllls 0500510 vs. 11. Fleldbu..ll. fl. David Chess and 'Lunen Kirkwood vs. Benjamin Column. 55. J 41240311011 vs. Franelsks 801100. 12=9=3 In the Court of Common Pleas. Saturday, was presental the petition of Mary A. Leech, by her next friend, Oliver E. Cornelius John LI. praying Leech. on for divorce the ground of her h dese usband rtion . . She avers that she was joined in marriage it wi thed him on Nov.lef.2. lived anti cohab with him, in all respects demeaning `herself as a wife should, Until' September nth, 1861. from which time he bus wilfully and ugalicionsly deserted and absented him ; self from maintainy and habitation, and refused to and support her,as he was bound to do, without any Jost:kr res. uaDle cause. le 14 per Shocking Affair ossthe Pennsylvania AAllto.llll—Train Thr wet from the Track—One of the P ties Arrested. Ono of the most atrocio attempts to de strop life that litu,conie u ler our notice for a long time; occurred about one mile east of r i Wall's Station, on the enitsylvania Cen tral Railroad, , yesterda Tao-Cincinnati express that left the la n Depot at eleven o'clock, was thrown o the track tit the ~,, place designated above, by encountering a t number of ties and a couple of kegs of nails,, which had bee plated across the rails, the Obstructions e tehding the entire breadth of the road. The engineer, Robert Kerr, did not notice anything in the way until within a short disce of the barn. Cade, and the speed of the t t rain being very great, all his endeavors to atop the engine proved revent the approaching catastrophe futile. With a ermhlng report that could have been heard for a great distance the locomotive dashed against the ties and nails, the coneussion throwing it headlong to the other track . While the baggage and two of the four passenger cars followed suit. For almost a quarter of a mile the half wrecked cars, cow freed from the restralt Of Unmans. sped onward, leaping from tie to tie, until at length the engine struck the end of a steeper and capsized, burying In Its rules enghmer Kerr and another em ployee of the road named later McCauley. The track ou both sides, from where the ob. ' etrnottons Were placed to where the ursine stopped, was torn up, presenting an ugly scene of destruction, while the two ears 'which Mal followed to the locomotive were considerably shattered. Three men were observed standing clove to the obstructions, two of whom decamped. but the third was arrested and brought to this city, where he I wits looked up la tile tombs for a hearing. I lie refused to give his name, and on being questioned as to why be did the I deed of which ho was charged, his only re- I ply was .11 don't know.. Although piled by a hundred lzuerles he refused to give any thing but that same reply, and Sat ia the furthest corner of the mil during the greet- r part of the night with his face buried lh his hand., moaning low as if to himself. Si groat number of those who have seen him, dnalailla s a neness. but that will be gluate for to bo determined by tie-medical frater nity. Sines his arrest tan evidence of his criminality has ruultlphed. McCauley and IC-re are both seriously injured, toe fanner haying had one of his feet cut °Timid bluing broken, while the other was ' severely scalded by the steam from the 1 boiler of the engine. A. young men named Bricker, a brake man on the train, was injured tolsoch an ex tent that his death is loosed for each hour. LQuite a number of others were morn or less abored, but none aerie...W. The motive that those wretches had for the uerpertrittion for such a hellish deed cannot even tie guessed at, unless It was with the expectation of having an opportu nity a ff orded them for the robbery of the mall and passengers. —.Since whiles the above, wolearnitbat at an early hour this morning two men named reppectively Peter Howard end Thomas price, were arrested on a charge rt com plicity in the diabolical deed of obstructing the thick. They were arrested at the Ninth ward coke oven.. We learn that the name of the man ar rested at the scene of the catastrophe is Monahan, and the police remember him as the person arrested on Wylie street some tae mmy h. ago, while begging, attehtleu being attracted to him by his playing "tummy... and throwing away articles of Mai given him as be passed from house to housed Martin 1.. Bracken la the name of the brakesman injured. Ills right thigh la frac tured, and Wattles is internally injured to such an extent that it is to ne cannot recover.: lie was taken to his t.arding hon., en Walnut Str yearseet. la the Fifth ward. la about th of age, and has a wife and child irt re y al,Ung at New 1/ortrico, Weatmoreland county. =2 • Ilissont.—To-night Mated., the crest dtaL Una artiste, the tragedienne who tuts created a furore wherever also has appeared, ill the ' • - - . oil or new world, will hold torahat the New . Opera lioeso. Theoccasiort will,prove a memorable soup all vrtm attend; it will call forth theth, fashion and beauty of the two cities and neighboring localitied within a radtits of fifty miles. Certainly in fashionable circles of caciety it will be re garded almost equivalent to crime to fall embracing the opportunity of .annntrand bearing the magi:dam:lit queen of tire tties.t. Ideal world—"the InlaillOnary Of art." Al ready a large number of vents have been dis posed of, but, thanks to the discretion of Manager Ilendersou, the space has not Mt Wan reserved, as choice quarters nate been a3Agned both nigh for new comers, or persons who are t o ly In deciding whether to bona attend c o. c The Lex book retnalea Dorn end e urge those who have thus tar delayed urine . Beata to make early application. liisturl appears night in the historical play, written for ter .in the Italian lan guage. entitled I . isaboth, Queen of tug land. The Idea o f be author accrual° have been tothrow together, regardless o: plot, Many thrilling and deeply faTeetilig seenes in the life of k.itrabetli, iu enter to display to the best nocsible advantage. the un equaled abilities of the great historian. It Is Impmeable tor us here to give any outline of the striking parts of the play, nor would ft be of soy service to readers who may, attend, It we were to pnblish the en able tragedy, Once Hastert and the taiented troupe accompanying her, will interpret every line by peculiar, remarkable and em- !sent actinic. Tomorrow evening, Itivtorl appears as Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots. If the Immo , tal INCIO above tha grave;to-clay he could ask no Minn, reoognltion of his genii. to pro teeing the powerful tragedy - than Meter' deserves for Its interpret... l ton. But. all will be in attendance, end unites the world bus conaUltied to deceive, Illvtori wilt not fell to enrapture the brilliant said Intel• llgent audiences which will greet her In Pittsburgh. - - VARIEVES TIIMATBIL—The great farce and take.olf eltastore-bere will be prainced by the immense company flaw playing at the Varieties Theatre. Now f/ALS.CtiOI3B are offered each evening. . CITY IiALL--Fred. Douglas, the colored orator lectures at City flail tomorrow night E=2l/2 . . A German, rejoicing Id the horticultural cognomen of Grab,lti Plum, has been indul ging of late In the rather questionable amusement of beating his wife, Annette. This drama of real life was anything but pleasant to the sensative sr eaker reasel,w ha being desirous of thversifying the porter onaa before Alderman Taylor. Saturday, and made oath against Got- Irib for assault and battery. ~ On the appearance of the o ff icer in Mel domicil of the unnappy pair, armed with documentary authority r, to take possession latter body of the pagandom - Plum. the grew terribly indignant and picking up a chair aimed a blow at the head of the ' g policemen. The adroit. ly dodgedunsuspectin the missileraral leaped to a back door just In time to provost Plum from i dodging him. !ere Annette Interfered and endear() d, by sweet words of gentle plead ig. to dinsuade the officer tram the perfor !PICO of ILLY duty. Dot bet efforts in an an orthv cause proved una vailing, and the ungallant Benedict was arraigned before the magistrate mentioned, when lie won made to give ball In the cam of three hundred dollars for a bearing on Tuesday. From present appearances the affair w ill be amicably adjusted, as Annette Is Barely erserelsed over what she foolishly regards as her has , I, inprmecUting her liege torn. •The best place for tiotlelt , is the windy , where, le tbe course of three months, lie might learn that there le neck a thing as a man perpetrating an msanit and battery on his 'Metter-hall.. Caiataie ttttt litene.y by Exibrelts—A rrrrr 113==ii21 Acting upon infOrmatlon received. detec tives to this city were on tho look out, Sat urday, for tin arrival, by express, of spank. age of counterfeit national currency, nd. , dressed to uSamuol Well, care of Sialsmund [bees, Pittsburgh.. The persons named recalled at the Express orrice, received and re. cce for the package, and were soon after arrested by a detective. who was watching for them. U'n fortunate ly,poweenr, for the cads Of Justice, the plirragr • us nolfatind to their pomession, the'rekr. 'caving, it 14 supposed, after the .cue.... 4 okpockets, adroitly managed to ,1161111ederato In the street. were taken before 4 Elrataillaitrildt Sproull, who 4 ,,,,e5s for 6 hearing on a charge I • iikm .eutiterfelt money with intent 'gum is a Ylttaburgher, end Well Ic frei* ,• hilatlelphla. • Illobbery or 810,01,0 on, the Mongol*. , bolo. tine of the Browneville pickets, shortly after leaving that port on SaterdaY night. was robbed of a package of money belong ing to the Adams Express Company amounting to $lO,OOO. The money was In the sate in the clerk's office, where the messenger WE. lying asleep. The thief, 11. Is supposed, took the key of the male from the pocket of thenes senger, while the latter was asleep, uh straetekithe money, getting off at the next landing—a. place called Beeville.. No clue to the robber has yet been obtained. Jewelry !Stolen Diary2dagraw appeared before Alderman Donaldson, on Saturday, and made oath +wenn Rebecca Davis for larceny. The ac ceted is charged with havlng purioloml from the residence , of the prosecutrtx., the Fourth IN and,s oot of Jet Jewelry valued at •15,00. Rebecca was arrested and made to give bull In take 51101 of WO for hear u 6 Morrow. t e - ii ' I • - PRICE THREE CENTS. Almost a Dae—An Actor One of the • . Principals, The cafe darlio has not been recognized among our staid .burgers of late as a recti fier of wrongs, and it, therefore, is a matter of some surprise that any person in the community should have the temerity to re surrect the barbaric practice. Yet such a man does exist, breathing the pure oxygen of heaven, In a small room , on the second floor 'of Airs. B--a` boarding house, On Third street. lie Is an agent for a mercan tile uss ' ocitition, and claims to be a worthy scion of a noble house in seotland, distantly related to the author of "Kenilworth," and withal• a man of good address and many gentlemanly attainments. g e nt le m a n room , on the tense floor with thi is a hietronie cuss, who is, at present, en gaged at. the Opera !louse, and who, a few eveeingaaince, ineulttsl the bernchman by peril:Ong from his chamber a valuable umb Ila. On their meeting an altercation of avery implessaut nature occurred,which terminated in the man of noble antecodeam retiring to . the narrow confines at his room and directiog. therefrom in to mortal combat. couched h igh sounding terms, that would admit of neither explanation nor apology. This epistle was received by the knight of the sock and buskin with all the gravity dread contents merited and a note of aacep. tames was dispatched by a third party to the gentlemen ou the "second floor front." Thu latter out abo the encounter and onut making the neceasarY f Prep arationst:t for an °veldit last directed his t roll d ot rida her y valuables to his friends in Scotland. with the full expectation of the duel having a fa• tal termination for him. arrangenieula were made by friends of the would , . com batants to have the affair come off 'Coal 11111, early on naturday morning, hot by this thee the coarsen of the actor oozed Out and the redoubtable. Scotchman had tits venom appeased by an apologetic note from the player, promising that Ca the future the Umbrella a the former ahould be consider ed sac red as the escutcheon of his father. Thus what might have been a very serious affair, terminated to tie satisfaction of all concerned. That Tritimphal Arch. Who that witneased the grand soldiers demonstration In this city, In September last. does not recollect the ,magnidc out tri umphal arch erected on Pennsylvania Ave. nue, This arch will be the subject of con troversy In the District Court, Mils .week, Michael L. Malone, the constructor, having brought suit tor 'compensation. It was built It seems, at the Instance of committees of citi mat of the Sixth. Seventh and Eighth wards, and the amount of the bill rendered vat two hundred and any dollars. After beteg referred trom one party to another, in his .ttempt to secure his pay. and every one detiv in g any responsibility, save two or three pert.pd who paid their Share, Mr. Malone forced to bring suit, and there is a strong probability Of his being awanled his just du at the hands of a f The partie whit have paid their share ury. are John IC Ell. s Inn, Esq., of the Eighth ward, end S. B. Cluley she Jacob 11. Walter. Eros., of the Sixth ward. The Seventh ward Committee to al leged to be cl ai mult. and will miae a de fense to the made against them, about one hundred and thirty dollars. Perhaps, the matter may be arranged arid the trial thus avoided. Shooting Affray In the Etchlh Ward. Friday night a tlikgranef ul disturbance occurred at the houoe of .4rs. Johnson, in the Eighth ward. The police were called to suppress the row, and in order to do so, they arrested a young man named Robert limier, who seemed to ho the pr,inclirsl actor in the tumultuous scene, While ofIl• cur Dressler was conveying Yowler to the tombs a crowd. of roughs interfered and ro.ened the prisoner, whereupon the police ' Man tired two shots at the crowd, one of which tool: effect in Footer's right thigh. Notwithstanding tho wound, he escape & Y was re.arrested on Saturday and lodged Su Jail. His wound. though yery painfal, le not of a dangerous charantuh. Young lien's COrtetlaa Asaraelation. Professor brewer, of Yale College, loo t res Si MI .011ie flailon Thonrday and Fri. diis evenings of Oita week. Llslectere on the “Itountain Scenery of California . is pronounced superb by the Enatens papers. The lecture will be free to all members of the A.,soCiatinu to others fifty cents. Tick ets sun ho had at the music and book stares and the rooms of the Association, No. 21. Eifth sitter These lectures are given by the Association for popular instruct iOn anti, we hope , he pulnie will attend ilium both for their own ta.nelit and to somewhat lighten the expenses of the Young lien's Christian Association in securing them. Larceny xis Itallee,—A follower of Ace eulaplue named Dr. LiOnekee, of Lawrence ville, appeared before Alderman Strain, yes. torday, and made oath charging a tailor named Anderson vith larceny .aa bailee. Tits proiecutorulleged that he gave Ander son &quantity of cloth (corn which he ex pected a cult of 'clothing to be made for him. eel f. On Rom gto the “Knight of the shmro , some days after, he was coolly informed that 'the clot ta was non ear that It had disappear ed he knew not whither, This explanation Y elled to satisfy the Doctor, and be accord ingly made Information as stated. A war rant taus been lamed. The Pesustsy or. roo . lah Act —James .Stepleton, a man of middle years, melding Platll3 street, attempted, yesterday,'lo perform an nupostiblothing, near haring his la. through his follyalt appears that ne was nn the front platform of car No. 0$ on the Citizens P.S.CIIgCr litallway, and no it was parsing another ear, which was coining In, attempted to Jump to UM set , mid car whe both were In Of mum bo il thrown under the wh mot mls and very fortunately - escaped with Ids life. Ills right toot was badly extolled and will prob ably have to be amputated. So much for rocolutrtito.s. The Free Whisky . Bill.—The applica tions film for tavern license, under the new whisky bill, up to Saturday noon, num bored one hundred and twenty-elk, or an tivenl.os of twenty-one per day since the Arab instant. Clerk Brown says the neat list will be a largo one. As the peminna Opera ting under licenses baring some time tO ruts are not tie yet applying for a renewal, and the majority of tense now applying are about to embark in the business. WMO idea may he formed no to tits, liberality of new law as compared with the old. Declined to rte.—Pritchard Parsons. having been elected Supervisor of Jefferson township without bib knowledge and con sent, and to his Ilwehee, and being melte. ted as to prevent him discharging the du ties of the °dice, petitioned the Court on Saturday to accent his reaignation and an. point some one in his stead. J. It. Large, Esq.,presented the petztititi.lind sugge,ted the name ofJohn Payne. The resignation was accepted, and Mr, Pains ooPoottod to Ell the vacancy.. New Runde,. Paper.—The Lender has at length found a rival in the Allegheny Blotter. a now Sunday quarto paper, print ed In German, and to be issued every Sun. day. The first number was laid upon our dock yesterday, and after careful examina tion we found that It contained much bet ter Enpfith than the other Sunday journal. G. F. Bauer, Esq., Is the editor and proprie tor of the now paper, and we, wish Slim the succors worthy bill enterprise. to will be published iu the Dispatch building. The Leader, yesterday, contained the following paragraph: "The Clurrite, Doti. Ong the enormous advance in rents in the city this sprinz attributes it to the strikes of the ni.cnanics for higher wages o Not so. Too (;•rarrr. never said unything which could he so enistrued. Careless read ing is a grave fault, especially In nu editor, and the Leader man moat Plead godly to misrepresenting our views ou the high rent question. Beat a Boy.—Mr. ilarksiono Is a music teacher, awl lives on Sloth street. lie has become quite familiar with sweet sounds during the many years of his professional life and has beat time to everything from a triangle to a violincello. Ile attempted to change the brat oil Saturday by beating 4 little son of Mrs. Ellen Kemp, for doing which he wet arrested and brought before Alderman Strain. who held ham In adigi for a hearing. Stole en towasownles —The Court of Quarter Sessions, Saturday, 'granted a rule on William McCully nod tt. F. Vottle, of Mr ming tc show sh ould y their appoint ments as deputies not be recinaod, because they arc not residents of the town. ship in and for which A. Stele. la whom they were deputised, was elected. Tbe rule is made returnable on Saturday next. Common Plena Conrt—Vetere /lent Thomas NWliOn. James O'Connor ca. oriners steam tow boat The jary d ischarged c wore un able to agree and, srure by the Court on Saturday triarrausr. Court Will meet thin (Itonday)monalng at ton o'clock. See trial lid eialletlara given. One of Our Aldermen gave aAventat• hen% member of the Plttsborg h. Bar • sorer* thrsoddng on hatunlay, whereupon the aboend .Itommy appeared borore • neighs boring magistrate and instituted no lam than lour charge. against hla &mensal, Ile would dentate. have add tendede list had las legal knowledge es any further. Asianlt sad Battee7.—A South named Edward EulMbe was before Alderman Tay -10, yeatarday, charged with committing an asMult and battery, by besting limulle Cramer and Adam Hall with a club, and auneeouently etriking them with Wines, Tho ku..cused gave bail, for his appearance at Uctirt to answer the charge, A Bridge is to be constructed over Chor tlers creek, on the line of Baal:lP= and North Fayette township, on th Pi e ttsbuh and Neblestown mad, with a sixty feet Span and ten feet high. The location has been approved by the Court, as submitted by the VieRCIS, 51016r11 Patton, John It:ing, Jr, and A. M. McFarland. Gave Hon.—Patrick bleSteen tru before Alderman Strain on Satarday,chargoel viih the larceny of a coat from tho clothing es. tablishment of A. Aronson. corner of et_ Clair and Liberty groom.. He was liberated on giving ball fot his appearance or the next term of the Criminal Court. Contented Election,—A petition Um been presented to the Court of Common Picas praying that the election in Harrison township be-set aside, for Irregularity In the matter of selecting School Director', or in designating the tern. for which they were elected. Warrawt Isaweel.—Rosenburg appeszegi before Alderman Strain, en Saturday, and lodged an information charging Jacob Shuck with having cruelly beaten and abused him without the slightest proven.' 110" for the assault. A warrant was I,,sued. Deer Creels hrldigs.—ClLlzens havini petitioned for a linden over Deer Creek, to West Deer township, the coon has appoint. ell c...§ vlawera Me.sars. C. SrtiVely, artist, P. lintetilson and A. Marvin to locate and re port as to the necessity for the structure. The CAI il•qtteag on the body of the child found Scarf In thn Stath ward. n few days since, terminated, no Saturday l a =verdict that the deceased had nome'to Its death by •lolenee,nt the bands of some per sons to the J ury unknown. Committed.—is:cargo Meitamery, whose arrest for larceny wo mentioned a few days since, was cOmulitte.l to JaU yesterday by Mayor Sturci.On In default of the requisite ball. Issassranee.—Trie attention of our read ,s to directed. W the advertisement of trimly reliable and successful' Lila insu ace Company for a General Agent. No Sentences were pronounced In the CrimLualtiourt on Saturday. ant the sea. aloe was occupied in the transaction of the usual miscellaneous business. • Histori.—A number of choice orchestra boats for Ristort's !italics can be obtained at the office of Weldon 1t Kelly, Wood street, one door below Sixth, Tom' Down.—.ll.frarne block Of buildings on the corner of renernl and Wylie streets preparatory to the erection of new houses: Yeaterday wee Puston Sunday. and Sunday will be be Palm Sunday, and the ono following, Easter. The Gees% Republic excitement hen died oat. Ittitori is the crab which now create. 6013311tintl. The Iron 4Yry eloothly will be ready this week. Pries sixty =MS per copy- Look for IL The Iron City allowably wlll :la ready talc weeir. Price sixty cent per copy. Look for It. The Leader objects to the brevity of our Reins and the routing public to the length of theirs. • The 'Lane gas lamp in front of the Unto. Depotaias been demolished. Tito Income rotor. will not Do pabltsh al Into yen. Senetble. - Profesoor Dean, Pallemai of tho High School. oconvole:.c.nt.L Yogter, tire Washington county ix, demi% Is repenting. The Peanut brigade will bent the Ope Rouee to -night. Th• afluilat Ward waste a .tam are .aglaa. rifle EKIa steam ere engine IS agSb. Sa service. There still talk of removing the Poet omen. The Public Scheel• resume PeUteh day. The aDIM IS two feet deep at Ebensburg. Etlat• /rown tiled wOith $17,000. DIED. NT FICK .—On Friday Leon:ans. April hth. Yla JAN II AIMICK. Iler funeral rill take planet trona We maiden - of her tor.tbcr, Alen. Nintlek. No. IM Noblnao • atteet. Allegheny City, on MONDAY Anna :1000. at IltlieloCk. Idiar,whinv.Avoio:l46l:4,v4:l ALEX. AMEN. 13 - 1 4 .7373ELF1LT.1333.3E1101.7 Do. We Paiute stmt. rlttsborse, CO FF I N of all kinds; cii.A.rrs. GLOVES, ars:levers de scription of rll.l.llYornailelug tiosst• [smile r& Dooms opened day aO4 olj x. Bram and ti foruc4. s rise.excle—k lsb ily. David Herr, D. D., En. E. W. Jambes. MD., Thomas fres/G1...4.. J.- ..b ?Mir, Sao. R. T.WUITE & CO., UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS, llanchautar, Wood'. Run and ;vicinity. COFFIN ROOMS AT MANCHESTER LIVERY STABLE Comer 8 heMald &dad Chart' ern costa Keaton and Carrianus furnisbed.! TIELLDALE CEMETERY.—The ber.utlrul the Isubur ban plans of sepulchre. except am In able Marl ty..ltasted on New Brighton rued. lutlelltutu• 1y north or Allegheny. For burial lots,pe milts Moretitle, call et Gcntral Urag Ipmoroiukt.s FOR LAYING tht WATER rtec.—Stalrd eroposals will be received by the Witter Committee until 7 041.700 k P. Q. of Eooda7 J Apotllslh, for LAVIN.) 'SPAT PtPE 'on Duquesne Way s run optimists Avenue, Water, 14tiertt, Butler, Hautw Wulton. Colwell -and leride wire eta, to inc lu ded arn.c. repaving where tie ecvary. maths required connection at the sev eral cross streets. elation and .conneeting main pines, .d comowting therm e to the vatiallsos tots of tun nupertntendent. Committee reserve the right to rej ect ail DMA Dot se.rool talislantcry. ttetalls 1 te• contract will be furnished on appiteation th anvivr4 JUSZPII I'Etal4Cll. slierasow arhiannt.T riuthol CLUB. •--••- •• - SaLIiGERLY do CLEIR. (Sumasors to ueo. 1. nay:Lao:an & C 0..) PRACTICAL LITHOGRAPHER& Tito ONLY STELIt LlTliutlirarelle ISMS. LIBILMENT WEST or TEM MOUNTAINS. Bum., Cards. Latter Beads. Bonds. Labels, Circulars, allots Cards, DIRIOIDI4, POMILILS, Views. Certificates of Deposits. Invitation Cudo. te. Nos. 7Y and VI Third at.. Pitts- WEST C 0111210,7 ItLitHINE 13TONL WORKS. Nerttoresl Corner o Wes Comma. Aszularorr. /RUM AVIV/TYR J CU. Have oo basid Or PmPgms os man noUa LIKA.KTR •YID /TIP STUNILS, /LAMS YOB Isl./JD-WALKS. BREW CRY VAULTS, at.. HEAD •ND TO STONES. ata. to iVrtlren promptly ozoeuted. PitiCEDAKZA 501,11/.Z. . GEORGE HEAVEN, Candy liM 11.1aufaotnrer Awl dealer is 70111.1tihi AND .I.lllBCile ratan. MILLIS 200T8, tr.. AC.. Nu. 112 Federal Street, 3.00 Ad duo, from the First Naeloss Beat. A t.T.ILIMICNY CITY. VA. EFFERVE%CING crrnAirr. OF MAGNESIA. In IS on bottles, to powder. This Mawr:eels la • mild et:mattes aed •pertene. eery acceptant • to the Momacti, deg Lead mite. sour et Met etosoleb. sad aligned:le case. For sale by 111.51 Druggists. reepa-ed AUTlitia LSt Spoturs.reet.2,!_w__________lllb=.l HORSES CAIIRLtGES AND SUOMI'S of the very best far hire at Howard's Livery' Stable, lificatrett, near Moe Geishas Hoare, Or st atfeetlon pal to Do-Mg and aemns ..... . tt..wr Ywet St T.lgreirgr, ell BAUGALNS SEWINC MACHINES. mutases. need but iisbort Um.. foes • redued prtees. WY. BIIHNICH s CO.. rein SI Fifth •trr•t• CHEAPEST PLACE EV THE, =I TRIUMPH COOKIRO STOVE, I. at 8a 140 unAw_ ITJZZT. 000 CORDS or nEatILocK AND los CO111)544 CB EMT]U2OAZ HARM fore ale Dr the sue" , ether as the V estsbarg aj34 eesaa Breech et the Pee ;Mimi. IA It. Address. R. E. TUDOR. X.beasbarg, 4:413br1e (Putty. 1.3, I= DUNSEATH & CO., Wholesale Agents 1133=1 American Watch Company's WATCHES. No. 56 Fifth Street, OrPOSITE ILABONIC WATCHZS, CHAINS AND ►T ► TT AT !MALL PSCOTIT. ►T WILL T. WILEY'S 6 Wylie 84, 3d door from 516. J. W. SCOTT JOHNSTON. & SCOTT, DILL.No Fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, tILYER•PUTED WARE, ETC., No. 114 Lll3lllLTir STENS. 1 2 .1ttailaux - fsla., 1 2 .03:123.14. fir Particular attention Alma I n 41,1121.111 Watanea. Cloaks and Jewelry. All watt war• 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 S 9 89 MARK STREET. t.Tro s9 ,IEL CP 3t1 . 33 ' 8 9 89 Jffarket Street, AND UST YOUR : 9 9 1800T5, SHOES, &C. THL CHEAPEST AND BET 89 ,1 MT TECEI CSIT'S" ~,o1 No AUCTION UOOD SEPT. i 9 \JAS. ROBB, Mt Market St. 1 89 S 9 S 9 89 . 89 $9 $9 ITTSBOUGH LIGHTNINR ROD WORKS. 6L1M5021 . 15 COPPER TrBULAR LIGHTNING RODS. With Spiral Flanges. TEL Rod has the power to carry off as mach elcity ea twentd.Cowtoon or f.; In other words le equal team:rid bar or ironshirty Dreher , In circumr.rete. It does not r.sti it cannot get Put of order. oncehas re , rived the drat prcml =t= ' l ' t a :r y eree: b!sPelri r t i llPe i d r AN ' t! it bee been recommended by reverm hundred Professors In the best Scols d Colleges rn the Dolled States. as the be ru st ir Rod an ever iv:, et. rt. In this list we may name Ptillotu• Dean. Crofts nor cif Nature erten., Pittsburgh dice sel.00l; George Woods. President 'Western Beirut - Fit/ f Pennsylvanie, and 1.1:. Pcreldng. President, Pittsburgh Female College,. Am the hualreds or buildings upon which • this Hod was erected within toe past year In this vicinity we may mention tbe Locomotive Worts; Banner tett. Mill. Allegheny Ir louring Mills; Pint Preabyterieu Church of nilegnen, Second Ward liebrol Mouse. Pittsburgh, idly Poor House, Clttaburgh On Bridget's hutch, fltts• burgh, •c. do. to the surrounding °entry mane of these Bode have bet erected on resi dences or public buildings. It may be examined on Me Lutheran Chums a; Johnstown; on the Disciple. Church at New fleeter on Dr. nerd'• residence Hiceoryi on agiltdett;.;• of EPielre Jance• Lawrenceville; N. M. En ton. Mehet e • port; Wm. twist. Frankfort *rep' gs p. &J. W. Large, tillebettdown; Col. Wm. Miller. fort Perry; P. Baler. beetle bland; J. Lockhart, Carlo ,sorag: L. W. Lewls, bbercsburg; J. Y. Freedom. friend liaker.towu. Sc., de, he. Mats hod it adopted bylol who t lightniet horde wherever it le Mtn Ahmed, kodan experience of ten years we hero never nown an instance of damage to a b..lidlug Pro • maser try it, wal.e man di y instnecet niceve Trld 'r s ge-v d e a' t>e?: ir:a7tu tee Iro n tSt cellede eommunitlee lettere attention is co the sub'ect. Mum we are almost deli? tht ed on to takedown the iron rods and erect e Munson Copper B.A. Price 30 setae per foot and $3 for points on each rod. Our 'Foramen will go to nut Part or the country without comae:barge. LOCKHART• At CO., 11A3U1ACTUBJCILS. B~ggoeue Way, below Hand se:Bridge. - • - --• • = . 611r83 ror : od - t • • • co. • at_l3. It [TOSS]. ..d Coon., Worthoose, otteet. ml.22,s6:stiottfr ON CITY CtThEIY CO., No. 3 St. Clair Street. llSrtnß porceased of A NORM': IlefiliS the oaths Stock of Hardware Cutler, and Variety b. de at ma above tand it la teeth tetaotwe to keep on hand a etas s etas . atm. of • HARDWARE, CUTLERY. Gans. BM's. Bev:doers, Pistols, Istdor Total* and snorting good. of every 'Win, Inca are also pp pared to do all kind. of JOB WOOK: Uri d Razors. lotatort.. • e....en tt stencil§ and :lamas. and making teal and Laneolling Swat*. at ahtruat molded.' R. IL SOWN, Manager. mtutityll 1 WALL PAPERS, GOLD EMBOSSED PARLOR PAPER: WOOD AND EARBLE &Atrium PANEL PAPZWI TINTED PANEL ?APED'', fur Par. lora sad Ca In New Designs, at MO. 101 . AGM HET STREE T. Yllth !Strut.) JOS. R. HUGHES & BusiNEss MAN'S COMMERCIALCOLLECE, Hos. band 8 81. Clair Streft .E. Peapataal Charter. Book4Ceeplas. Fesuaanslalp sad Ailthmettc, time unlimited ' 1140 00 - Arithmetic and Penmanship per quarter of three months Penmanship, per month.. for Clrenismi or Specimens, address , N. 11111-FPBS. or .1. P. IicCLAISIONDS. M=l RUE, CLOSH & CO., Practical Furniture Manufacturers COL PENN AND WAYNE STS .trio of 71:11131/1:111i ungssaatly aa T HE E T i t i rstrga rr al. Be.t EWINC MACHINE', Is WEIZZLES TRIM 12..5.. 2.28600. 21 FIFTH PSTISEET, fal2 JOHN PECK, - 011N4MENTAL PLitrUblgte. gg roorth stro.t. one dz.,. feoni Woo-I. raleburgn. Ales). on hand •gesvral eseormient of ad, dles• 14., Bonen. Carle; Genilemvn's Wigs Topeka. genelpa. tinned chaise. Bracelets. tn. • n e good price In node 'rill be given for RA_ .1, enj gendenien • • hide quits done the nvideseiviinnor. - lals2l:tGl Te M. BLACK, 049.211rMFINTor3Eriri• • .9• • Marie doors at - no titolladeLi dteeet, PITTABVIIKI H. PA Every kind oVicork ease on the abersestaoel and moot reasonable Leernit. - / . 11.1=1. SIMI LI. Dead in Jahlene• leit,r64 ROLILES, BELL h. CO., Anchor Psttoti Mills, Pittsburgh, P.tartufutaren of ANCHOR(A) PIIIEETTSGS. A 8111.31011 (13) BHEETIEGN. AtNC 11011 (C) SkIEETINGIL, 4014 a vrrt my1.5:2) • WETTACH BICEASON, - TT sUccrsauius TO CH AMMAN a ci..A.u.s.„ Monufsetaress of • OLLIE LEATHER BELTING, It. It 01uo 21:21t4 Allognsny Also roil assort:was of Beltlsa at .4 H. AN. ILISOOIn. No. ISO 14serty P. OT.O. O. MARX. Osos. of Works. dsrf PITTSBURGH NURSERY AND 0/EL•ND GSZENMOUsIits.--.lolille H. . MUKIJOCk, Isecoessiers to Jobe Murdoch. Jr..)DIIIICOLUThitit AttD YLitteln littts;. es" re, sOliCii attention to their extensive Mote a troll sad Or e sasentel Trees. ever- Yrresu ereiss Wee. and tideentiottse Plants. Pittsbereh and Oakland Pthisuider tiers rue to the case tier, =telt& minutes. hiliumairs S. B. .ILarCIPIN, sealer of Waghts and Measures, °Meet No. VS ILIRSULT STREET. c. DIIPPY =U! A rime Driving and siding Home, left AOX TLIEMAIf OR LADS. 12qqirt riarr)OB,IIBTABLD. MM. 7a1324YE1 n UM 11231