M ID MaSXBLE EMPRESS TRAIL SKIRT, 'THZ N2W OILAPZ 703 Spring, 1867, J. W. BRADLEY'S DUPLE E ELLIPTIC tol soosza arsura.) SkIRTS, WlMrlto Imadanneri and moat eomfbrtablo neo t d I"BcsALVL W=Z l E V *EVAID. Lida.Tir-"f i;O:LfrA4,ll,l!} - 411:f - AT ITAPLIALL3 by an the leadtne Nebo& sad Dry Goods ffil3lllll. Plitsbargh. Also try bole Umbers of Zateat out Atelaely• IlastUre. VESTS, BRADLEY & CARY, 97 Chambers Street, saicvsritr Toll. EMPRESS TILAII, 'was TRAIL, PRIDE OF THE WORLD, TIP TOP SKIRTS, P H EATON'S, . tea 17 33 . 1.11M.81,Weet. • XLIEMCkIFLI I For the Ristori season. KID GLOVES, all colare; NECK TIES; MINCE BOWS; BISTORI BOWS, etc., JUST EECEIPED .AT F. M. EATON'S, 17 11M1 Street, =EI 3867 . - . -xEw SPRING GOODS. , MACRIINI & CARLISLE, .ro. 19 IWIII► arid, HA va JIIVT OPLNEII• STUMM) Amos? =NT OP• JET. AMBER AND CHTSTAL Dress Trimmings and Buttons, 8 /Matra° WORK END NEEL LACES: tOPEEIS ENGLISH /HERO all shade° KNGGIM GLGVES, s!srlut COIIEVOISIZES 01.0 WI &Widen: X/SULISEL AND ONEEEN UM T. all slus. THE "STAR" SHIRT, On hand sad nup4a fo erdea: hirisible Empress Trail Skirt, New sh.Pe for 19Drlag. "Xa - J4 20XaNlar New Erne /Skirts Ibr ISF7 litualeboirs Versits, Patent Forses. = • PAPER COLLARS AND CUFFS. CITY AND 000ITTEITYLIZCIELNea will find enr W'nol•sale Depeetmeat well etoeJceel with w•de mutants Oar ureir We. wed,* we gauze see Somali es law as any tureen Jobbing - a one. • - • RICRIER & CARLISLE, m0...19 Neuth. sllll:reet. NEW GOODS , ! NEW GOODS ! IC JOUR HORNE'S & 00'1 lame Mt:xi a seco- . nd addlt/ma to ear slrads stook of SPRING GOODS, ware iniipillea to adir 1141.einaelita, bold to price aaa liabuttninnt. . • ZmbroUlarl. Bandlutrehld.. lkiloveli. n oslem. natl. Trims .4 Meier, New Outer Dress 2. - nuamirs, CoWeed - Sad Verret Itibbee-e. i fir=gr ui legr d ulAte . e . l4,.... Baum., an reales end Celan. . Goners Ilion[. Buckles tad Beak nee Up.. run.. Ladles., Misses and Geate Berta, Drj r z . ler g Llfe t z hr, tgriblalaaorama Trail akin! i s =id = Goats , Neel Bows. pluipestors. Mart •o. Olarreson•• mr Oblrtj. l lTALV:r " thiot. ' 3 7 °W.r ,. '2 l 2 rair * k andialVtall —b" ova vuoz.zau,r. somay op nth", .11 Do found easaleto.lobul Dammam.. Deal r u irtlldtelt:dvtatMlll yo to (1 . •• s!A:ullii: w •, ITAnt Itßairliet femme r! El GOODS; law ME! New Ho* New Goods WM. H. MILLER, Mn!Ana MACIMM & &&‘• 4t1,- OPEN About the First otApril NO. 64 MARKET ST., 11.2MR1 31rZW STOCK 07 :Trimmings, Lace Bona, Glues, 'hosiery, ind att GOODS esaally kis rs & FIRST MISS_ TRIMELING Notion House. Notion DOM; McCARLDIESO & CO, .0 miximnacur. am a Ma WHOIXIPAUC DZAilesill la fOREAN AND ountricsay spool. 04 logremims qty Prziaumuk rE 1867. SPRING. 1867. ARBUTENOT, SHANNON & COMPANY, LILPOSTIBS JOBBERS 07 Dry Goods. and Notions, Offer choir largo arid attractive stork of ligif GOODS AT . EISTERN. PRICES, • FOB CASK. DRIES GOODS. WRIT/. GOODS, DALAI N. ES, PIUNIS. GINOIIAMIA . , OGIGGICA TIONADLOTAS, OA.NSIMERYS, COTTIONA DNA JA•Ne•-I.II..ZACHED AND ANoWN SHEET/NOS AND saiNUMINVMA4II. 4 2n, Bilgall are 11311 tell )0 CSII =Q elllralllll Ora looW awl wawa, W. • .. N 0.115 Wood Street. ARBUTHNOT, SHANNON & CO. J. a. ITIFICILVIION. 78 AND NO MARKET STREET, Daily Artivals oddltlos to oar ettottia' NEW SPRING GOODS WRIT EIIBII Z O%tmuu LACER. lIAADILEHILI REM ISAMU AND SOABIET TAIMMINU AND NECK RIBBONS, of widib usd attads. Zest slater of 1 31.1711 , Z18802f,_.111 - __w_ M. eft vbTAL.. BLACK sad M inVbf. lll ll4. '"' ENTANki,nosiviy and LoV Zs of every dome peon. d itn i tiTYLEOUtipl e last racelvel hellos I_. HOOPSIIRTH, all:make& • MI lest at GERMS. PD+:NIBNINUDOUD3 Coaattv Dealer. 0.111 Ind to our WHOLE SALE. DEra PaRT/I.ENT, • tall awe:me at Zanes:a e. MACRUM, CLYDE & CO., 78 and 80 Market Street, RAMALEY liasaiAst Opened LAItGE - STOOK OF FINE SPRING CLOTHING, ED Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods /Sabra:lag all tali NEW STYLES IN THE wbkh 14 offered as GILEATLI" lIILDOOLD PAW= am last. seam. . lisus Fp* Nitl4 as Lot as' — VW " Cassimere Saliva hits $15,10 • Cloth !ti • • • V. 3,10 Paper Collars at Cost 336 LIBERTY STREET. = t ar s, one door atom alsasgr. RAMA LEY M . T.!•1F 1 17,7M 1 1 : ALL THE NW STYLES HATS AND CAPS Pat ELPIIING, lad ant sail at 30 Per Cent s Less Than Down Town Prices. We sall our BEM BILE nut OLTERZEZ aims. at ONE DOLLAR LOWEIt than any ether Row laths GUI. • Call and Be Convinced. 884 . Liberty Street. HEAT DOOR lIICLOW ct,ormroc EMPORIUM warms TAR MICILINTS SAIOII rrt COMPANY CAPITAL, t 20,000,000. °alma as 4 Oparata4 ST Our Moraaata and Nana/Lauren C ARBIES BTEXPRESX.EroIter, Valuables. /Wight and Par eels, over more than 33,000 miles of Express Lim at fast and liberal rases, saveslililUons yearly to Express Shippers, and can be Made permane nt only by their liberal tronape. This ore-hope to me it and re. oeive. • _ Office, Na 145 W. • • Street, sablraSS WN.I.I'I I IIS, gent. go CHINA WAREHOUSE. DRIEDRICEIRD., l ir ~., Mo.. 100..W00d , *red. B EWW4IIIIIIII and TAME/Wit L'.rubtgrand• 1 sal area% Vi. 4 Elifit ZetAo • • 9 • Eraitl i t a MAA oßzery dun! UM sireiliMa wiak 'ot au Vaziailu. VA VAGT.7.3 • nit vim...AU .d relate mete. _ a Theirmst• •A daMcasitAlat• Biota .10•07 IV And Sates. M r. ma IA the easier/ "IbUm7l L 1• NEW SPIW ---- N r MAT& IifoCORD & dO., mu frOODSTIIIJIET, Ars Am Tsang . ___ IS A SPLENDID SOCK or HAM Uri- AND STRAW GOODS, At Ter7 Low Prices. ANIIIIEW BEG6B, VIAL= ti GUNS, RIFLES, PISTOLS, Hardware, Cutlery 4. I'ariely Goods, It Mat 14 d i rt frui rirrnersla,p?,. Ammaatilen et all kinds ahrsTopn e baid.. _ "" la =l. re = d ie rll1 1 4. Tams.' BELTING I BELTiI ar and Oust BeAttor; Si/ Reee..6satete. an, of tn• eI reduoed pried. The tm4An r i zein s tae c titine Andy ; inky 41611—Leath "jiitt.1-211 r a, :mum, Zitv: SATURDAY, APRIL 6, 1867. COURT REPORTS, Oyer end Tenotner. Before Hon. James P. Sterrett. This Court met on Friday, at the usual hour, ten O'clock. Till. RAJA-DILASET CAMIL. In the Case of David E. and George Ball, indicted for felonious assault and battery, and malicious mayhem, on oath of Peter Delaney, the Jury returned a verdict of enot guilty omayhem, , and as to the other charge, asult and bat tery," they tomfd defendants "not gnity of the felony charged, but guilty of a misde. meaner in unlawfully cutting and wound. log the prosecutor, Peter Delaney.. In the In dic charging mayhem, the dr/en dows were ordered to pay the coats: A MO.: 'lion for a new trial was entered. JOHN LUTZ ON TRIAL TOR DAIiIIATIV AnWe elated it would be, the case of the Commonwealth vs. John Lutz, Indicted as a common barrator, was taken up. The pros ecutor Is Conrad Eberhardt, tavern keeper, of Reserve. township. The Indictment charges the.offense terra.; that the de fendant brought a number of vexatious suits against tavern keepers for the purpose of private gain, whnst. acting as a depu tized constable, dolug baldness for Alder men Humbert and Donaldson, In the Fltst and Fourth wards. M. Igtrartswelder, Esq., appeared as colonel for the prosecution, with COL Duff, (District Attorney,) A. G. Cochran, and Jacob Whitesell,.Esqs., and Gen. P. H. Coiner and Jacob IL Miller, Esq., for the defense. Alderman Donaldson was called and tes tified In substance: October let, IWO, Lutz made an Information against William lien ger for illegal liquor selling; a warrant was Weed, and the defendant bad been din. charged, or which no record was taken; Berger had been discharged, because no att n.:sums appeared against him; could not state wby the witnesses did not appear. Constable John Barber had the warrant for Berger, Philp Belisteln, tavern keeper, of Alle gheny (entitled that he had a conversation With Lutz about the liergercese; went. with Jacob Whitesell, Esq., to Alderman Donald. non's 01110 e, but Lute wan not there; next day saw Lutz In the "back room" of the Al derman's otdce, ondpoid Alm twentyll to dol. fors to Mee Me ease! George 'Belie:mit, also a tavern keeper, testified that he was arrested ID December last, by officer John Barber, for selling liquor. Barber told witness he must go to Donaldson's etdce, and witness 'said he would be there in an hoar. Alderman Donaldson told him he had better settle the case, or the Prosecuting Attorney would make him pay more. He saw Lute after a while, and do said be would fix It if witness would pay him thirty dollars. Be-came , back in the evening and paid Luta thirty dollars "In the back zoom.. Lutz talked with the Alderman, and then told the wit. news that he could go home—that he (the Alderman) would call the case up In the evening, and he (Lutz) would keep the wit,. misses away. Alderman Donaldson saw recalled, and, examining his docket, (produced) testified that be could find no entry of Burger's ease. The party, had been discharged, but there was no record of it. Be slated that Luta paid ULM nO niOney in Genyer case. lie bad nn docket entry of tichmidt's case. Tho informations were payer Sent tip. lie also had ad information against lir. Jones, dated November 10th, NU, [Or setting liquor on Sunday. He had no docket entry in the cane kf.r. Jones Was Called and Mended that he Unpaid the Alderman eighty dollars for settling two eases against him. The infor mations were made by Lutz. The Alder man declined givinga receipt for UMW:oaf., but told him (Jones) that be would "Liarapo the eases off his docket." • Alderman Donaldson again took the stand- Ile stated that he bad •no informa tion agatnet Peter Wacker. but had one Limited J.P. Wacker, made by .oincer J. dm Bartow, Nov. ath, for selling liquor. There was no docket entry of Wacker's case. He appeared and was discharged for want of witnesses. An infornuulort was mao e by Lutz, Nov. 9)th, against George °omen echmidt. lie was discharged, Moo for want of witnesses. No docket entry. The Alder. matigerther testified that be bad an -infor mation against William Einstein, dated January 11th, UM /le was dlectiargeo for want of witnesses. No docket entry. Also had an information agaieet Joseph flier. stein. made by Lutz. July 90th. tale. The goo in- this ease was marked paid. calpt of fine marked, signed by John Lutz. - Another Information against Die:stein, dated Dec., ant, 1808. Hear. lee had, and case continued until Jon. nary. The line was marked "paid" on the Information, but no money bad ever been rectelveCi. Lle iirointeed to pay but failed to do so. Also had an information against Adam Gloater, mmulellov.sth, ISM. Pocket entrymarked -fine and costa oald." Two other Informations against Wm. Einstein Were sent to Cont. They wore dated Nov. 11th and Zth. Thant informations were never acted on, being held over until June term. Also hod a docket entry against Adam Glossae who paid his line and wee discharged. Dlerateln pleaded guilty, paid hie fine. and was discharged. William Einstein Modified that he was prosecuted for selling liquor on eundayt wee arrested by ogicer B.non asked him what the co.ts would be; he replied fifty dollars: witness promised to rates the men. ell a day or two Etter, when barber came She him a second time, be told witness that he bad another charge against lam, but that fifty dollars would settle both eases. He (whew's) went to Alderman Donald. son's ofilee, and pail Lutz :duty dollars, "In the little tack room" They agreed to have a bearing In the C3llO next morning; (Lutz tra wl & seg ... caal im t=l b a t t e t ' n e e loc ti k n t e hi ta. t ct, nine o'clock. The Alderman faith ' , Are you ready (or a heartiest" Witecoo sail he was. lle thee asked Lutz If he had his witnesses ready;Lutz mild he had not. The • Icier. Man asked "who is to psy the contr. Leas replied "that's an right... Gerber bade commitment for witness, but after a eon veraation with Loin, it wee agreed to let the commitment go, The witness was then discharged, but WU' subsequently arrested and held to ball for Goat on another charge. George Mehlly was called and oorrobora. moneyin's statement as to the payment toto Lute "In the little back of. lice." The Alderman was not present when the many was paid. Joseph Themeln testified that ha was arrested by constable Jobu Barber in July last, in the eveming, on a char of selling liquor on &mazy. Asked if e could not give ball until the next day; at was told that he could not, that he must some riot away. Alderman Donaldson had lett Ms mile., and Surber went to the Alderman's house and woke him up. Lute was at the office. The Alderman came to the once, and told witness be must pay $35 dollars or g 0 to jail, Wines! pale this amount. • Lute then said to witness, "Mr. Chile y (Sheriff) wanted to see you." Went with hint up to the Court HOMpe, and was put intojell, although be (wham) was under llati Just returned from New York. Get oat of jail nest morning. Was again arrested by Barber. in Doceiaber last, and again paid 03 to Alderman Donaldson. Joseph Lotink testified that he was sr ' rested on an information made by Luta for selling liquor on Sunday. When present fora hearing Luis could not prove the charge, and the accused was diacharged, Alderman Donaldson stating( that Lute would have to pay the oasts. Wittiest' paid no money in that ease. George Mouienechtruhff _oorge- -..schundt neat Metaled that be was arrested for Illegal liquor selling and taken to Alderman Donaldson', office. Lutz at first asked flits dollars, but witness asked him if ho could not do It °beeper,. Lutz agreed to take gA and the mists (tire dollars). The money was Dahl In "the little back room" In Alderman Donaldson.s office. Adam Gloiser was aim arrested by Lutz for selling liquor, and paid fifty-font dollars and some cents to Alderman Don aldson • wee not returned to court. Alderman !lambert was next called, prt. doting his docket and other records. Ile testified that Matthew ZirbaLreterltichner nod Jacob L fog were prosecuted before him byLutz. The docket, entries warned not mad square. Lang was returned to °mut. trill tried and acquitted, and the others paid the t w T ee he rf m t b o e ze l. B. for m us r m auff ... d t i; o m U t u t r a r t d f b a: malty of go. which was divided Go lf:11d not reactive any money Mem Lutz la the case of Lang. Mr. Swartzwelder, upon the principle that a "common barrator," like a "common scold," was • "common antenna., offed to adduce evidence that a variety " of sa er lts were pending against the accused for bar ratty...,The offer was overruled, the law re "galring notice to be given of Inch matters as were p reposed to be given in evidence, whteh al not appear to have been done. The Commonwealth having closed, Gen. Collier, for defense, dealred to cross-exam. ine the prosecutor, Mr. Eberhardt, which right was conceded. Mr. E. having been be. fore the grand Jury as a witness. - Mr. Eberhardt was asked whether he and other- tavern-ksepera "ad not oontributo4 fond and . entered into an arrangement to prosecute Lutz, and was cautioned that he might answer or refuse to answer as he might Meat Be did not refuse and his re. ply was In the negative. The case was not concluded at adjourn ment, and will not be resumed tllgAlonday rnorWng. ' ' D FFFFF et Court. Before lion. if. W. Williams. Wm. M. Moffat is. Olmstead & O'Connor erdlat in tie for the aura of praltd. City of Pittsburgh for use re. William Ward. The verdict found In this ease was as folffilta: That the plaintiff, under the act of delletobly and ordinances of the city, given in tvridence, caused the sidewalk to ne repaired and mourned in front of defen dant's Property, and that the expense there of amounted to the BUM stated in the claim upon whirl, the Ad. la. In Vitae/0e WI. tsau• s 4 l- and the Jury further find that the 40- fondant% pavement wu in reasonable or der before .01 09 to tho time when the gut ter alongside thereof was - washed out, cans. Muffle curbstone and pavement to be no. de:waned and to give away, end that the negligence of the plaintiff and the passes. f i t i r d nill irut sirg ln oo i m mo ter r y a , p Aa r. n,t4,aktiaminig th use o? defendant s pavement becoming out of rev f t egli4aratel . n o ry il are not advised whether constitutes a goollarlnsellir detfhetortpral:. to:the claim In this easel therefore, they , pray the opinion of the Court, and ff the Donn Offal be of the opinion that the plain- Uff'a neglielkice as aforesaid constitutes a iitiod defense to the said claim then the Litz dud re f f o i r theflefendstai but lithe Court t he opinion that the negligence of the said plaintiff oonstatutes no defense to the said claim, then we lind for the plain tlff tha sumo( VIM. Dr.ooo.B.Po,ieron.Dr,D.M flake . - lion for the raorary of a balance of salary claimed to be tine plaintiff for servioee as CLOVER NEED,-711 Bushel assistant to defendant In the practice Of his ,: motes/Jon. Thsamonni Invalval is about P A."o.CXo,ae bed received thls nod POO. On tawl. . ir Mbar Market and lint ism The Public Debt. zatt, • The following le the atatootent of the public debt of the United States on the let of d.pril,lBl7: I PROT nrinlNO COIN INTERMIT. ThepereenS. Bonds $ 154,011, BO 00 lilt per rent. Bands of 1867 and /me IS cn.041 Lo Biz per neat. 8e nd5. 10 81....:.«... ne1.753.5.0 blz Per ten%. 5-9 20.7 ranslon food aelso3C—ooo 00 1.1,500,0t0 ,L . f 7 /4..tA,l a ta . : . CCERroCr :a r ta year comp , d Interest .I pE 13 ,32 :(7 4 ..X co f° year 743 Note. E6Z.t30,160 Metered' Debt not presented for -- jp•rment 13,E3,638 3 • DENT NEARING NO INTEIIEST. A. NOD a $ r 5,117,20 CO Fractional Currency Zi,217,94 (told Cortillcalea of Dep00110..... coo D 3 ZorAi.Dzat...... AMOUNT IX TRU TIZZASIIIIT. Currency Amount of debt, less cub In the -- Treasury $2.521,423,070 The foregoing is a correct statement of the Public Debt, as appears from the Looks and Treasurer's returns In the Department, oalst of April, ISC7.. • Hun hleerricoec, Secretary of the Treasury. The Yallroad■ in Pennsylvania. The annual report of the Auditor General of Pennsylvania on Railroads bee boon le aned by the State printer., Slngerly .E Myers, and sent to the Legislature. It to an Oat,. orate volume of nearly six hundred pages, and shows the statistics of the Maltreat's of Pennsylvania, as follows: . . Cost of steam roads • Length of main lines 4353 miles Length ot branch 11nm e 4 miles Number of pessengers 17.734,210 Number of tone carried 4.900Z,WS Cost of maintaining roads, ma chinery. and operating 50,034143 Receipts of co m panies 10,099,7 w Paimengere killed 13 Passengers Injured Employees kiled . . ... 151 Employees injured `27 Other. 14111m1 - Other. injured • ice 110. a DAILItOAD.. Length of roads 'anti miles Cost of roads itt2 , 1.1 , 99 Number of passengers carried.. 37.444.991 Total expenses sl,4lsall Total receipts 63.410,541 /filled or Injured NEW ADTERTESEELENTS BEAT DEDUCTION IN BOOTS AND SHOES IMEM Popular Shoe Palace Emporium, 601X11 BOK ros 151 511 Olin, ONLY ON 00. We have Ihede a el. an meads, and masked don , every Lid n‘ In %he glove ♦t Prices Beyond Competition JUN? HELMIVING NEW GOODS, Of all the Spring Styles. , CALL TO,DAY FOB BARGAINS. 26 and 28 FilTh Si., Pittsburgh. W. B. CLAPP & CO 101=1:13 GILMORE & LIEBLER, illzootactarertltiolesal• aad .114 tall TRUNKS, Valise; Carpet Bags, Be. b aira lane Assortment of Ladles. gatclielf p" 012 N 08.104 and 106 Wood MEI SHEPHARD'S CRACKERS 317 Liberty Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. (61,64 ElE1=1:21! = LOURRRRY &t FREW, =I Saddles, Harness, Trunk's, and ill articles In (Dern...n.l4 ken' Ia am-clue enaldlelamenis. N 0.1.02 Wood Street, rSetereen Diamond Alley and 1111.13 M== 5yr.:6T2r.;,..u... l a7l 1' 2 " " - ROBERTS & SRPI.REITT, =M=EI Tin, Copper, and Shed iron Ware, ao. 'array/Law SIMEET, Near Fourth Street. PIT - nil Neon. Hass poosunatty ent hand general assortment of rtrYI.S. Plaut. Jas. tied. rseeeed and Block TIN er•itl. Palley lIININoses, tottery. bonen Mantis Lamps th ey ouse I%ll+llo/Ins Good. In whlch will sell NV Nokomis and Ite. anTaTlVlVlnnr!tr """'n!fr9g3Cl4 13=3:1 GM! & BYRNE 11" hag [a la, i sra tar HAT, CAP AND FUR BUSINESS At Na. 82 St. Clair Street, Luella that, Mende and the public to call and examine their sepal*, elock.which they feel. confident glee entlfe naltalsotlon. sable:via TINANOIat • OU C A T CA O M r A r b h a ttUis, itY e , i j I SEWER ASSESSMENTS. - No- Is hereby siren that e/I the who b not pald their easesionente for construction of toe West Common and Beltenuttlttert Hewett are renutred to hey the item, forthwith, the epeeist Committee to whom 'the remonetrances were referred, 00,12.5 repotted the opinion of the City Solicitor that attessmentah tog made Cunder the Act of Attemlity and confirmed by amelia,. no eJteratlon can now be made. U. MAlttrEttlitiN i Cite Treasurer. .T 12911 IN 1112161V1LT 11111.11. CLAIre SOGEZILY & CMS. Clauesson to (leo. P. INtachmap & C 0..) PRACTICAL LITHOGRAPHERS, TALIALNYT"RATI iTinlkifttSlZTVelt. Buzz,... Cud., Latter Head., Bond", Labels. Ottealall. Ram Cards, /alalatau, Portraits, Cartthaatea or DePaasta. lavatatlon Uuda. Ma. Boa. TS and T 4 Tided at.. Pitts hareh MI GEORGE BEAVEN, • Candy Manufacturer 431 , 1 dealer In !DIMON AND AMLIUDAN PIUELLS NQTn , &c., &c. . Na 112 Federal Meet, Beeped door Dom the PD.. ivatton, 1.11110 • CITY.. Pl. 'WEST COMMON' 111ACIIIINIE BTONZ WORZO. ?foram{ Corner o Wes Gammon. AtzsauFarr. /BCD% •I/I VAT= • CO. Haman Minder prepare an short actin fIXASTIT AND /MEP STONER, )LAOS lON BISEIVILEY VAIILTd, de.. HEAD AND TORN tiTt/NEIS. Ate.. Re. ten promptly executed. XXIOEItEXA Elms ELL WHEREAS—LettersorAdmtii; s • !striation to the Wale of RICHARD AL. LEY, late of rowlekley Township, dae'd. ham been granted to the undtruldned. Ail persons Indebted to the mild estate are requtred to make Immedli%arment, and the.e bailee claims or demand. &lost the t state oat., said oneneet, will make own she same without delay. Wm ELIZA ALLEN% , WILLIAM ALLEN. }'Ad. EC= I.IOILINOS I PIANOS I I—in entire new stock of BRAHMA; CO.'S V/A which ere now considered the best made; also HAINES DMA. Olt LYS BATE rIAN tlid. Price from IMO upward. Persons In want eta Militias. Ilene are n sp.:Mite Invited to call and tantalite before parebaaing eiseerbere 17j de E 11L1721E, .. 42 Fifth nrr• t iqueuEn CLOTHING—Such as rt.,Coaiaetat..Ats. ants, Lenin's. Boot., Ate,. Coin` rzt t ittv...4 44:5,175i; M:=lo2 SPECIAL NOTICES. CAUD TO INVALIDS. . . . A clsreymew, while residing Liberals America ~ s missionary, die corered • sale and Glide i r remedy for the Corr of Nerrous Weakness, 11 Decay, Diseases of the Urinary and a nal Organs,-and the whede train of disorders b ght on by baneful' and vicious habits. Great em bers have been already eared by al. nobiw rem edy. Prompted by • Ogre to benefit the eMlet.• ee and nnfortenate. I will send the recipe fir preparing and nein; this medicine. In a sewed enveiope, to any one who needs lt, Pastor CHAIM& Please eCCIOIIa It POSt-plid CLlTelrelope addressed to yoooeelf. =MMI:I 731.240.7:0 00 Cle7):1121 Btatfr.. DJ. vriAnt !!Eli PERFURE FOR TEE ILINDICEXCUIFF old Ws "Night Illeom'ing Ceren..i I=MEMI Phalan'. '•Yiih* Blooming Coresio:s 6i 1 .9.6.437 M . 14 3 , Planlmes Blooming Ccreno,' M=:tl Phalan's ../Vighe fileensing- Cars Phalan', "Night illooreisig Cr A molt cgqrthlte. dclicate. gaol Fragrant Perfaag lictgleil from the rare nag brawn : o, flow e r trot which It Woe its .00. Mannfootnrod only by PII&LON & NON. New York; BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. ASE FOR mIALON'S-TASE NO °TREE, 12rWX1. BAQNIIILL & CO, BOILER MAKERS AND SKEET LEON , WORIIERS, Nos, 20, 22, 24 and 26 Penn St. Raving secured a lame yard and ftirnistsed It with the must approved machinery. wa itrispre pared to mminfacture every description of Boil ers In the best mono, mid warranted equal to any made In the country. Chimneys. Breech ing, biro Bed{. Stearn Pipes. bocomotive Bolt ers. Condensers. Batt Tons, Tanks , CHI 888., Agitators. Settling I• ans. Boller Iron. Bolder. t l i il i rgallii , 4ll. l rl i e w elitikilanter t irs of BABY - Bepzirinc done ots the shortest unite, lefts.' Cscitt B UFEIiIOIt COPPER MILL & SMELTING WORKS PITTINIBUEGIL PARK, BIeCTIRDY & 11suallse losers of Sheathing. Braaten , and 801 l % ‘, M e t,sl, l l;rlt i r tluspet Lottoms, Muted 't a ut £l :..' , J: 4llll, t l M.PotrW:Ag:.`l,l72l;‘47.ea Tools, Warrboose, No. 140 /MIT 811111 r sod 140 Mei NINI) STISEIGT, Pilaborsh. Special orders of C.DM ens to any desired users. a2711:cls:dol• arsonursoN, REA & COy Mcrae on to lientiaos, Mime a Mimades,) WASHINGTON-. WORKS, louitdersaud llactilegl4ta,,Pltiaburik Manufacturer. of Boat and iltallunary Stem Zdelne., Blur. Engle., MB/ Machinery, Gear inn. Blierilei. Canton of all descriptions:oll Tank. and 811114 Boller and Shoot lron Work. ° IV ••ffl" B o ell rtlY; d anairvv. J..rt:ror firearm boner. 1011001 10.'11 ;UINCY A. SCOTT, DENTIST, XO. *IS PEXX STREET, EEZI2I I - REMEDIAL LYNTIT UTE FOR SPECIAL CARES, Ell. If Bona litre'', 11 4 41. Ts/E4 rail Information, the A4l4otertsnoato4, 6.40. • : wk . Specks(' D4..4. In a sea 446 ot• es toys, scot free. *elle sew, mad stud A.or Flea stud you WS auf rocrd It; tor, St adverU4l•S ph,alelans axe rurally ts 4 P•sts.• . 11 Soa1r•- fornees uo 4tranger boold Knelt. • Inas p tx•stage. utd , liett to Wt. LAW IMNCK. N 0.14 Sundays., hi•wr TOIL EIZI=E2I wira E-4712AVEST !MALADIES nllU n.-H O WARD • ANL, KARLIN:IT MA -110 WARD •neeJCIATION Lenny& the Ph)slolog7 of tne Passlone. and the Errors. o. Abvee. and I/ I.ennes peetillar to the nest nee of man, with ltepone °anew aintbods of treatt,ent employe./ In thin Inntltvilon. lieut aealr•l letter •an opc,. hen of enafge. A direts /Jr. J. tIMILLIN HoLII/HTIJni. lionrattl Anton/Alton, rhiladelnttln. ra. tat .1114:// WT. BANKS AND BANKERS.. BANKING HOUSE OF JAY COOKE & CO., N. up Wall St, Comma or , NJE Esc STRUT, NM TvELIS D;lVr:e!'erara -- tell et the roost liberal comp veva LetaL,S♦ tall revel ' Government Bonds or all Issues, SEVEN-THIRTIE9, Compound Interest Notes, ♦ad es rent. orde • tot yourcl ' as4l.l tale. of STOCKS, BONDS AND GOLD. We bier olded to rm. ogler large room, for tb • 1, 171/9131/odallonef the pa mit clem•od for 112- TegUrctit to end exec-nog., of tioverumeua eurhlea. sod the COPTiIII4I.4I , of our moot sod tiold eu.lonera. NV V 11.N.TIttftTIEY ItIttiVIVITZD INTO IIVE-TWENTILM•t UOI'RILSIIIIO.I . HATES. Cl , eulot. lett!, full WrikuLn • I'•rnl•E.d •Wiestloo. _aro.74/1. JAY COOKE CO& HART, CAUGHEY & CO. Bankers and Brokers, CORNER THIRD AND WOOD STREETS PATIIIIIIMUff. PA.. MO OCESBOIIB TO HANNA, HART k 00 I'). 12=113 Exchange, Coin, Coupons, And particular all-MUM paid to the par. cha..o sale of GOVERNMENT BONDS fal - SIONT inIAVTB ON LONDON LES & SONS =I 33.1LNJIMERJEL No. 57 Xarket Street, Deposits received In Par Tends and Currency. Collections made on all the principal points of the United Plates and Canada.s. Stock's, Bonds and Other Securities BOIIONT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. • Particular attoutlor !mild to the carob*. &ad lc of U. S. Securities, Indadlag U. O. ISIXIMI Or INM: do. do. 0...1ik0; ' tr. !J. FMCS 0.40 c U. 11. CERTIVICATY-4 U P irIDERTILINXS3. Ord - inlaid yooobersboogka or 00/lenell. OatOol • pEOpTi.itTs , SAVINGS BANS OF PITTSBURGH, IXCORfORATED 1860 Capital, - $lOO,OOO OFT/OE. HO. 77-FOUBIBBTREST, President .lilee &remldeal,. TRUST/MS. Hump ILLOrn, WILLIAM JA•ig I. 11.../NNTT, JAM an LIPPINCOTT. W M..li t ..J a c o N:L. ,„. I j i i t ; 71 , x . WILLIAM . LiNIUMIN. &entail ud Treasurer, SIDNZT I. TON BONMIORSI PI: nor cent. interest allowed on time deposits. loresl w e nt. made in UOVCISIIDO Island /Italie. t.to ilecuelties, Bank open dully. except Bundays, from nine o'clock, a. M. to four o'clock, P. a.. and on Wednesday mid /Saturday evenings /roma six to nine o'elo ck. milli rill PAINTERS JOHN T. CRAY, BOWIE Alit) MEN PAINTER, GRAINER AND GLAZIER, No, 54 Hand St., Pittsburgh. Plato and Ornamental Slim of eYerf dceerlP. (lon done to order. .1I Work 60130 prOMIAI7 reasonabt• rates. W . COULTER, HOUIE AND RION PAINTER, SO. 03 DIAMOND'ALLICY, will A r o c de ve p e om A t ahenben, o . r- meat fla=lo, mrnxtenn H. imown, Waa acne fir= of BnOWN A MOlusols ) HOD= AND RION PAIDTZDA, 1221 Oraer el Third antl Makin streets, FITTSUVRQU. von SALE.—Farm of 147 acres • s. situated in Penn To., WentroorelandCu..Ps! adjoining eirapeolife etation, on Penn•A R. 11. • on which there is a Road Torobtoryt tonal:louse' with elx Rooms, a 'Bare, Hou .,a other bull4ings; an Orchard of airereat -fruit trout it is underlayed with p•el. There la • bait Weil on It ingwd order, producing' -P t per day. Thin property IS °Serail very cheap and gOOCI Also, Pasm of. 131 acres, situated In Cone nutugh township, fndlana COOntg. Ps.. about 24 miles from the Went Penn'A Rthiroull, at Liver. mare Station. The imprOvementa are • Two Story Yuan Houthoeth Pour Rooms,•• double Pol . ch and old Log nun Spring lion.. Alt •ut 100 aorta cleared. tile residue In timber. snob se whit oak. locust and cheststit. Tele farm will d very low the owner wlsitlng to go meet. Possession lmmedlably Also. An excellent farm of 130 acres, of which PS acres are under et:titivation. SitUtte In Chris- Lian county LLLnoI.. Impeovementa—• new frame dwelling containing 6 rooms; about WO choice Trait trees, gOed fencing, Sc, it lies Rhin 2 miles of thelltlnoth Central R. R.; will be soidon rouonable terms. City protiothe taken In pact exchange If deelred. Also, lo hots in nonthern buburbsof Chicago, each Lot 30 by LPL in Redesere ol iota. These hits lie one mile North of thejtanc. then of.. Louie nod Alton and Richtgan Set:th- Peta IL. Rs.. and acorn the linear the Pitutoura h. oet-Wayne and Chicago It. R. just 6 mile. 601 ab Of tad ourt Houe. near the sew Cattle firounds, will b. sold fur Awl each. Ala°. • Tarnr. aall acres In Peon township. Westmoreland county. =nor. cleared egg eo . der cultivation. Vol acres of ant-rate whit oak and other timber. 2 dwelling !tonnes, I of them 2 stories, the othwt / story. mitt • tenant bons, with al:lnt-rate /Ream sawmill in good resul t , order young orchard of grafted fruit. The lane IS rolling; coon , acre is ti fable, with Mee ton soil and soh el, with never falling springs within one handled roils of the Penna. Urines NalNoao; 28 miles east ofrlttabureb, and thre miles west of tireensburg. This (arm is plcas aQtly nod digit. Ighosted in good neighbor hood; •Iterf SO. IS underlaid with cosi. il, title In gOod. AI.. • Yana of 116 germ Wanted In Wes Leatfleld to trultip. inebuza even tv. Penn•• shoot a miles from tiolthe nuuon, nn the Penns Railroad. ?ha Improvements are, a good two story Ifel.'3 Housewith a zooms • Nu. I tram, Dank Barn, and ail other necesury out bultd• Inge The she Is good, and the price very' and on easy Lerma. Sorf.ttier part.ulars, enquire of M==Ml FOll SALE, A COUNTRY; RESIDENCE, On the PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, within. 91minutes ride from the city. The house is a ttruly new, substantially convenient in Its arrangements, and tastefully Orluilatrited in• side and oat. It has tint and cold water, and gas Suarez throughout. IL 4i:copies aCommaodlng site on a tot of live acres, imrt of whicn Is the Original forest, the remainder being weU adapt ed Airmail. and resembles. There ls a thrifty Orchard orderer( trees. The surrotindlng s are all attrarti - e, consisting ordietrate rcsidesmes alike character. Tor fall particulars. apply to IMPROVED PROPERTY Situate la Lawrenceville, .4 epriantleld, ad- otos. ravolog to prlecs hom 11403 to IP,OZO. Wul be sold on reaeonable ten. U sopped n. Embrace fbf. 0pti0n...117 /or foithor inforroaUou. apply at Lho 14a130. tato and asufanco Oflea of O. S. B.ILTZ7i, Jail Batter Street, Lawrermenlle. I'LEECEDALE COUNTRY 8 E 4T ra /On BALL, el•tisteMn Chanters Caller. *mortal( mile from InaKm•s elatlon , on the Ptetibettellie Rallroad; 43i; miles from the city. Contain. II acres, all under nest Once. and In meadow. W. II watered by• .... -hatin tonne. WlLLdivide tba plat Into two parts, I f desired. Tn. property is moat dee:rabbi and In offered at otte.foorna it. prlec %Le .em, kin.. of property Is selling for toe lame distance from cliy east. t. poly to aptlitt B. JloLaiY & CO., Its &mirth at. PI! Or,_==E SALE.--A FARM AT WALL /STATION, on the Central Railroad. with f7lPlo.4lCil'avt ri eg..o, ,. Twi.V a 'sitv 4 eT (KILL MANY oo the ronobenviri l lital,rz.). eight miles frl•m the City. Property on Penn 'a. ave. nneareliNentee arente. Improved and unimprov ed, and In all arts p of the vales and suburbs LS TO LET . ingalre of \WILLIAM W &NM opposite the Cathedral, No. 1101iraei sieve_ I.4Vie SALL: —A n iae years' lease A. en a Lotsituate on betler street. Ninth ward. by 120 feet, on Ii erected a fr a !. dwelling. now Noting for MS pemonth. A Ise, a lirkk oft rooms, which will relator 1.1. In.l.- log •• total ortA4 or i 11.060 per rear, rod wilt Le sold on liberal term., If ar,p.ecl to seen. For ="lta 47 °17 " s" KeaZ". re, Hurler Street. 1.a./nneevine. JOHN D. BAILEY, Stook and Beal Estate Brok JOHN D. RAMEY. STOCK AND REAL ESTATE BOOKER /teeing taken out a commission. Auctioneer. and eft.rted an engagement alth We gittsborgh Stool of Trade, *sensing the use of their mums. above the Thiso histsonel Bene t lasn noa ores gered to soil et get.lic Auction. Mocks. Bonds, geeurittes. Keel lesta , s. Ac., either at the above MOO:1110r un the premi ?articular estentlon paid. at heretefora to the We of neat total. al orlvem we. sales off:teal estete In the country attended. Mika,' 1 2 - P.rtb ettfte, note LETTER COM ING PRESSES, ~:s:. 4 ' .;4-. _ ~,e.-4.;, - --...,.5.„'-, ,% 1 1. .4 .. : 1 ... :r .;... , ~.., - _,:-....4.;......-, _ ~...&,..,....g.„. ... ..-- - The eubwrlbers manefacture end beep for We, at Who:mitt analteun, • lark, amortment of . Letter Copying' Preues, =ablates tasteful .lemigue wllla the best work. medanlup They [clay be bad, Inltt, or leithont Stlod.. at Pelt Wareroome, or of the principal !Natio/tem throughout the country. R. HOE & CO., 29 and 1l Gold Street, New York kirlllooratedl.l*4 writ on appllcaUon. mh2.:vn) I= 235 Liberty Street. 0. Emb vlll II MIRY LLOYD. ..WILLLIIIII AEA. PENNA. =M!2TT FIRST CLASS LOOKING GLASS AND PICTURE FRAME MANUFACTORY• J. LY ONS, No. 110 Wood St., Pittsburgh, "Cogan head and manufantures to order, the STYLE uh , GILT. kulltWuttl) and /4 Wear+ 111 1 4 4 ACrel i ttiVtrITTSM I nati Cornlee, Banda sod ileum., Consols, Tripod and Braoket Tables of exqulelte deelint and worktrarrehlp. ILDI *No REGILDING executed ro the 14" " I t ilt3S7J It 44. .1116 " Dt11.. TT. ao3:1111zwe 47 STUDY' NIDE. 11. B. BRYAN, Meier In awe. u... 11411 /state, 5770177th rt.. (llurke's Hailditur.) N . CtilL MIALT-aXI. AND AUCTIO:VErJ/... WA ROMP CVYYPCO. Z. Al. Iit'AILAIIAN A. L. 111LLSIL WM; M. CLAPiEY, & CO.. Gas Coal Works, 74 VAITI , 1`"..:IfA,Bay.z.l'az.2 ivx. 0,::„ saunas, !{L'S Lel. Pittebutge. end LUCK j' arlitirftVi r i l c ily s • nq story Pt h Dadra Peel Buildlne K. .cutrier , Liberty ag:e bu' lt and :4'..r.TL'ilttiTyrigrtereihe r " Pc A n N ? a d e/ I L r . j o U Ppo- "' ant Ile-haelc art et. I litanurgh ' iord