~` IN 1 ate"itte,ibugh6L4v gATVEI43;APUTGo: IMd kiftrito vraarnado Yeitordity in the Supreme Court of the trnitod Statea; on behalf of Oho State of I,lisslasippi, for an indinctlon to restrain the enforcement of the3lllltary GoverninentSet ktorney General STANsIMILFa rippettißd to resist the:Arden.- The petition *is filed, and the hearing Trent over to next Friday. , . , PRUSSIA. - Dist summer 'Prussia ma e war upon Ans Via; under deceitful and fib:lmq pre. texts, but really to consolidate Germany into en° nationality. Never was a cam; . . pain conducted with more celerity, or. Witklergei piomisek of Complete sue, Europe was - astonished, for ont or. -comparative: weakness no blos . Doming of power was anticipated. France was appalled, as if a giant hand was uplifted to push - her from pre-emi nence. The moment was critieal. Dan _ gers of Interference from without press ed upon Prussia; but she was regulated by such admirable self.control she knew when advance and when to recede. In sight of Vienna, - with her grasp al most on the coveted prize, she turned back, wisely resolved to keep what she could, rather than risk all in premature ly-endeavoriug to consummate her de signs. It will be remembered that upon the conclusion of peace the Germanic States were organized Into two . - Confederuclis; 'en'elgortherii rind the other • SOithern. The idea conveyed to the public at the time was that the former would fall un der the influence of Prussia; the latter of Austria. A month or two ago France received an additional shock in: the an— : notincerneht 'that of the ttates of this Southern Confederacy had put their armies under the leadership of Prussia. The imprpslon .wati that this was a new • arrangement, in contravention of the spirit, If not of the letter, of the treaty of . peace. ~lt now appears these neibtia , _ Irons were perfected at,the very 'ximmnent when France supposed the Southern States were secured to Austria, and kept secret through prudential consider ations. Quite recently, France, has acquired solde'Voit of title toi,tho ditchi of Lax - - eiutiOnfg. 'ln' consequenee Prussia has . made the grand revelation that for the last six months all the Germanic tern=' . .tory tram the frontiers of the Swiss Con ' ' !- federatiou to those" 'of kuarii., - Holland; Belgiuch and France, has belonged to her, and also Luxembourg and Limberg. Of . treaties . .Vratice remained in - profound ignorance until this disclosure, What must be especially mortifying to ...French priddis the cool irony with Which • the Gernrin newspapers assert all these arrangements have been entered into'in _-vindication Of the principle of it athinall ties of which France has been the boast ed and arrogant champion. What may yet result born these revelations can hardly be egizjectured. THE Board of Trade et Charleston, B. C., held a banquet on the 9,1 instant, at which Governor Oltr, made a speech. Of its quality this may be taken as a sample. 'I would, therefore, say to every man In South Carolina who has not been die. franchised, that as soon at the prober or der has been issued he should proceed to register and prepare to vote for the best rasa that can be selected .to form a con sutution under which we and ourpos terity can live. his your interest, fur ther, that the black man=shallicae with You In the common erection. I have heard a good deal-said:of controlling the vote of the black man. It has been sup posed that his.vote will be controlled bY personal infleances, notvritlistanding his. convictiJa.s of interest,..but you are mis taken., 'rlaat vote is destined to be con trolled, not, by peraonal considerationa, but by cuing to the black man and talk ing to him in private' conversation; and proving to him that his interest in South Carolina is your interest;: that tin - White mates interest is the black man's inter- LSO • • This is good - ,common. senss..' If the . leading while . men of South. Carolina only accept iltesi inculcations,- and follow, them out, a' new era will . dawn upon that commonwealth. The "white intr.restris the blaCk man's Inter '. est." :Nothing cantle plainer. Andthe ...Converse of the, proposition is Equally true, that - the "black. man's interest is -the white man ' s -interest." Mils is not the result of new relations between the whites and blacks, Superinduced by the Emancipation Proclamation - and -!id Military GoVerwient Act; but grows out oftheir•coczistence in. the same geo graphical limits. The welfare oc the two races was always inter-dependent, though < • the whites obstinately ignored even whits-the blight'-of slavery Was as . conspicuous as the,light of the at TIM Gaisznats who led the rebel ar mies...slut:log the war 'know they were conquered andthe cause they represented Jest. They know, moreover, that hav tog Wow. OP =A n,gaiast the govern malt, pad been hopelessly defeated, they have' no Political rights except each as the conquerors In thvlr magnanimity may allow. This they do not hestitate ~ on all proper occasion's to , say. Ileum they advise the prompt acceptance of such conditions of Reconstruction as y. Con , rress has seen fit. bx. impose. Herein they differ essentiallyfrom certain classes' of politicians, north and south, Who are splitting hairs about' the - rights of men who . hafo — cTearly - lbrfeited ' all they ever posseesCd. — Of, Gen. Robt. E. Lee, Gen, Joseph . Johnston, Gen. G. T. V. Beauregard,Lient. - Gen .lam e s Longstrect, Lieut . ... Ger. Wade EaMpton, Iliklor-Gen. Mebane,. 31,4°r-filen: Ethel Barksdale.*4.,-tilen. —.chalmerp,the Georgia COMllitUtiOßCku: genius for solviri; vexed , ' qiesliorri . of state"is mit; Ali, highest condition of _intellectual health or ingenuity." This means ,they ate hot tiichsters rind cirdb * bier's ; but .understanding what they staked - when they :took up - 81'ms, have net trapudenee enough to claim in defeat :the-prerogatives of victory. Ty e Republican - State Danatalttea hue limn notified to meet at.' Harrisburg on Tuesday, the- Oth. Instant; to debanuine :when' the next State .Conyention shall be held; and to consult upon the general welfare - of the party. We beg it to con -eider ihat-laPt year the Orry was, in the moat formal and 'authorized manner, ,pledged to eriacta priaperFree ltaltruad Law,.. and , that, this pledge luta been shit:net-1:y violated. How is it proposed toheal tide 'breach of-faith? . _• _ • r,Leglalature of ChM • has, seat to the people for at the election next Oetokei, a Amendment to the Con: to as to make @tick Men voters, and to disfranchtse-deseitetii... JtAX(ltilr• ed thoconeurrence of Abreolfths of :the members of the Legislature to , do lltis •et 7t WO One, -----------__ ' REVIVAL IPICIDENTS. The progressive steps of the age are as marked in the movements of 'Christianity as in any other department. This fact is demonstrated beyond a question, because it Is so clearly manifested in 'every pos sible form. Christianity, in her greet mission, uses instrumentalities elan to those employed by the world in working its great system, In these. days of re vival power, the mode of Operations dif fers somewhat from those of former years, there' being a createer relaxati on from the 'rigid and exacting customs of those days than formerly. The union feeling among the various religions. denominations has worked a great change:.- Questions of miner im portance, which used to loom up 1 and trouble the Camp of Israel, are 1 now-lost eight of, or kept so far .in the background as to not breed-disturbance. The same union efforts now so happily conducted wets unsuccessful In other years, but time has worn away the ob stacles, and harmony prevails in a very I marked degree.. 4 It is surprising, the field of labor which has been opened to 1 i laymen in these latter days,• and the I grand success attained by their cooper. , ation with the ministry. The bar of separation between the pulpit and the pew is lessening every day, and' . ,soon will be a thing of the past. By the lib eral use of this lay tiower, there has been embodied into many departments of church labor, such as the social pray er meeting and Sunday School, the sharp " culture of commercial tactics, prompt tress, and variety. Old forms have van ished, showing also the adaptation of Christianity to the wants of the age. Now, long wearisome prayers are not l i tolerated; addresses of the metaphysical cast are discarded, and singing of the nasal style IS laid aside. Addresses most now be crispy, practical; poluttl, and evangelical; prayers simple, direct, earnest and loving, and' singing must I have the ring of melody of the . most 1 1 popular cast, embodying too, words adapted to, and which will, burn like fire. These reflections serve to introduce some incidents-which have occurred der leg the great awakening In this city and neighborhood. • , The training young men are now re ceiving in the various churches is devel oping rich fruitage. 3Leny young men whose talents have heretofore been bid den away in a napkin, are now in active, vigorous exercise, under the progreglive regimen of - these millennial days, not only for the good of the public in gener al, but for the uptailding of the respect ive churches with which they hold church fellowship. This labor is seen, especial y in the Sunday School mission work, and in the social prayer meeting. Of late, some of the pastors have given it!) the charge of a meeting at times wholly into their hands, taking his seat with the ' people. By, this means latent power has .been developed. Instances are at hand where the add week -night services,. L for a 'season, have been conducted wholly by the young men; in consequence of the absence or ill health of their pastor. And -it is but just to say the result has been, higlily favorable, not only for the respective congregations, but of much substantial benefit to the young men themselves. • ' An unusual incident took place some days since, in which was , developed en element of union feeling, which is as remarkable as it has been rare - heretofore- Two •r three . persons • who had been 'awakened and converted in a church, whose usage la . to execute the ordi nance of Baptism -by-sprinkling or pour ing, out of respect for their conscientious views,Su regard to the mode of fulfilling .this h command,were publicly baptized by immersion in the - Pita Baptist Church 'cif.this city, the pastor of the Presbyte rian church preceding the ordinance - with . . sermon. This union fellowship by two denominations, with views dissimi lar win a doctrine of thie kind; it is pre- Burped does not compromise the peculiar 'tenets Of either sect, by the -prostration to the.. ground of exclusive dognuus. While ihe Presbyterian polity recognizes any mede • as Scriptural, though ens.. tom dictates 'a: particelar and preferred one, we suppose their liberality does nut recognize that the Baptist mode is the essential and only scriptural way. On I the other band, we are justified in be lieving that this act of brotherly union does not convey the view of bur Baptist friends as ignoring other modes of Bap-. ' tism as invalid, or expressing close com munion views. Within a• brief time a young man of Catholic education, an honored member of an old Catholic family, has been recently received into a Protestant church, without being re quired to ignore, his baptismal vows of childhood in the Papal church.,This is a !Medea of liberality which callenges the adherents of Rome, or any other body holding similar views. Verily, the ;world moves! The unusual revival power prevailing in these cities and neighborhood has brought out the work of the good Spir it, by the use of instrumentalities not usually regareed as the most potent. While an educated ministry is desirable, indeed absolutelymecessary, at the same time, God secs proper sometimes to use the uneducated in carrying fosward his work- An evidence in at hand : A re vival of unusual power broke ' out at a locality, in close proximity to this city, in the bounds of a charge where the pas tor was unable to give but little atten-. Aion, owing to the calls of duty at an ntherpoint: The"necessity of the occa. slim brought Into service .. tho labor of two, Zealous men, . a blacksmith aid a inkier, under whose conduct the meeting was carried on, and liars is still in prOgrees, with great zeal 1 and power. . God hail owned these in strumentalities, uneducated and wire.. lined as they. are, with abundant success, and many souls have 'been powerfully awakened and converted. The topic is worthy Of enlargement but we forbear for the preoent. Tnz Board of Commerce of New York have wisely advised the Secretary of tire Treasury to continue the policy of con traction until specie payments shall be reached. The .indatlonista have , had their day, and will scion be 'among the rao‘taager to get deliverance. from tua pertaluty and doubt by fairly touching bottom. Tun sew- York Republican State Committee hes . declaieil in favor of "im pl4ll4 aln:l'otite,'Y at:the north as well as at the South. Tnz governtnent of 7agiur has had filled at Ban Francisco, an order for $lO,OOO 'worth of leather for army use. For the non-daliserT of a talcum:oa t hobo. Strasheigei Obuuned ti" verdict (or auW,.is against tho Western Upton Teletroph Cote• puny, in the Elnpezlor Court of New Tom. The defense sot up was that a storm had Prostrate& the . wies, thus presenting the foririttsliog of the ilispatett.. Aftbe Ohio and bilneimppl B.siironn do pot, in Cinoinnail, yesterday, a Mr. King Ya# POW Of WM. -----_- - Tire.Warman, /Indiana, lifurder—Th• • Asmassin and III• Crime. Lawrence Hart, of Warsaw, Indiana, arrested neat !fount _Vernon, Ohio, last Friday, Loma taken back to Warsaw, whence he nad fled after the perpetra• Lion of one of the most frightful acts of bra- tailty on record. About six weeks ago. Lawrence Hart took V:vstigs.cr,LlT , lseirt.eid I,°.Z weeksafterward the child was missing. Its mother made inquiry as to what had be come of it. and was told that it had been given away to amen living In Ohio. Net satlstied with this, elm succeeded In inter esting some prominent citizens lathe mat ter, who began to make an investigation, wbereuporn Hatt having_ ten, afters long search the mangled body of the chilli was found in an old well. At the Coroner's in quest, Hart's wife end others testi. fled that, from the very rt' treat of the child was brutal and c ru el l to the ex treme; that be whipped and beat it without mercy atm.; If not quite, every day, and that on ono ocandon he spent nearly a whole day in. torturing It In every way tee most hellish wantonness eonlii sag. gest, first whipping It with a leatherstrip, then ante n stripe( hoard, until it was not able to walk, and thee pot it down in the cellar, where it laid down in the damp and chilly atr and went to sleep. Then he tools ithe poor chtld mater, tne cellar nod plunged ts head Into cold e and compelled It to remain out of doors until its feet were fro , zoo. Ile then took it into the house, hung it up by the stairway, by meson of a strap passed around the body, and held coals of Ore on a shovel under Its feet. After tor turing it is this manner for a while, he took: it down and made It walk the floor backward. and forward, occasionally' lashing It with a leather horse-whip, until it fell at last, ex hausted and senseless, on the door. It further aeare that the day the c with &stick of some kind, until it was eo exhaust ed that it felt asleep at the table while they were eating breakfast. Upon this Ilart - fiew into a rave, said, •'l)—n 5 on. I will see If I can't keep you awake," and thereupon self ed it horsewhip and whipped the ma s id for some time, and finally struck it a evere ' blow on the temple, either knockeds list or ' the butt ante whip, and its head against a stairway, causing two more severe brul.es op the back inset of Its head. lie thee allowed his wife to put the child to bed, and she states that she tried to re. store it, but died that night, when Bart took the body easy. Beiignallan of lieu. Itoseerans We find•the following statement in the Catholic Trtepruvh : , . "Some two months since General Rosa crass . resignation was received by the au thorities In Washington, save as a spe cial to some of our dailies , two weeks ago. Nor, ui that special asserts, did his brother, Bishop Itescerans; write to tee President caking a snspeneion of use decis ion: but he wrote a private letter to Al.r. Johnson, asking that he refuse to accept General ltoseerans. resignation,, on the ground ttmahts services and sacrifices in the cause of hie cOuntry merited a high po-. MOM In the army' for life. But Gan. Grant, who so shametnily betrayed hint at the bet end battle Of Corinth was too well pleased to hBretno opportnuity.of ridding himself of so able, and therefore dangerous a. rival, to refuse to acceottlie resignation of lien. Roseman, And ill thus gratifying his own personal desires be cooterred , a favor on Gee. Boseerans, who could not be prevailed upon by the pereumlous and reinonstrances of his friends to recall his resignation.. "The General and his son are now engsg. ed In ostensive and successful mining open. idiom on the garter coasis,l_. WANT SUPPLIED. London Ale, liotticd_Ales, London otter. Brown Mont. •To get genuine Imported • adore Ale, Porter or Brown tltOtt,'hu.beefi al.loo 0 it_ inipossiblitty in this city, notwithstanding that Mete are few tonics mote suitable for weakly_ pereouraud IDraitAg. The want ass et leag.h been stpp•led. A laic , assortment of the finest brands, comprising Inuclay A Pull.' London Stunt, Bus ACoOt I ale le, Camphetps noptch Ale. ee..)ustrecalye4 at Jon t Pli PLEB ititl'n BRIM SLUICE. iso. ri Mutat street, ani is stud by the cue or single bottle. al the burnt rates. Also. a, complete stook of the lout thin. , for medietnal purposes, md Campbell's ',putting Ale, the noes, attic t In use. lieutimber 1110 Pince, FLESIIIf G'q 1=271 INT MEDICO: DEPOT • No. II Ilt.rt et Meet. DRUG AND rATEI ie , e Ointment Will Wha Sway 1-1 t wl lan e e Iteb. n from 1! to 13 boors. knee WC Mott onstAnalo ownte of Tel ter. 1 1--It +I I can rysipelas Cho.lac Eor ton Nee. 4—lt wit cure !Isle itaens. bgald Head. li—lt will cure Itiblnc riles, VI grcptions. I—lt. will riot:Art.ly tare sll Slag Diseases. 7—Use iserA733.3 iriblig32 agg scrsheri no 11117811'1 Dr. Sioarier Oftstairsg, liTICTTI . ..ITCIV Dr. giseigss's friistsseist, •orrrrEß•• "ITCH'i I TESTER,* ••ITVell TiS7kl7. 'KNOWN •“TET rEIVI ili, iiTICTTKR•I ` , ITt •-vrcii” To FAIL ...TETTEIro “ITC11•!.. •Inc:rTrat., tlerpEll. °4 ggl b 7 Dr .P .,r& re . IFA E N h .nz la: 7:Aes, 03 Martei otrret, 050. A. KELLY. 37 W oo et.. JO. Fl.tilliNO, %I Marker, sc.. A. Tirug.Y.N. Cle. cur. 410 and 'Markel vireii•MU , burgh: SANS A Dralirrs Allegheny. . suls:Lharres HEAR KEELSON! • BTHEIDaTcIE.7I THE DEFEN:dEII. ' When • gardener apprehends' an attack Man ma ottelde enemy, what dote It dot It A : Zhao tinge 7111 DaTtseecti. Thehum in sys. tam. at thle season of the 7es - . Is trelemturred by morbid indllenere. The atmosphere ts full of them. • Evcry change Of weather toys the feeble open tor thtir attacks , What le t i be dune In order 74 bal3e theist more., but ever active, Lisa Irrnamuretrag nut DirSgaCha. Do Yea sok how? The answer Is shorty—the meal. widtin the reach of all: lit totems the eimi or gan. rid the oerVons system with II MILT. Ten's BITTERS. e the etontarl, regulate the latorele, rouse t he sluggish near, c.a.: tb• 'sydrlts, enrich oundpo 017, the 'Mal current, with B eT ° .ll. sOgirtr7una T Dr i tz_ V.B 7ci . 3, an ' : rs ‘h rl e d w er ay tre , capltil of health Iw.pregaahle. If Yoh will to l: ,, Mae hlllous heidoolle, totannittent freer. lad! Anton. and Duran[ Thltattollll—to total, to a s Ite plentitude. the blessing of •41 spend mind n a found body,' use tats lummparable prat . till, and restorative. It preserves Instils to healthy. and renew& it in the weak and Milne, PL VS • ARIES OR CANADA PINE. 'I h re exudes from the inside bark of the Whi e rine, valet, stoves abeetelatilly in all the ff.a.tern htatei and Canal& a - Ike, 0•001 macaw:ice, highly Irevel with that terebtoilli - nate principle which bas 1005 beep valued se remedy, in various else"ea of the human body. especially those of the isicituous tl aaaaa . lir. 0. W. tweet, of Eastoy. bas Cm:abounded from this materiel a Medial:Lc called YOL•Alilrli 'WHITT. l'lN'lt COlfrOlfbilli which hee al:10101th Irveet favor in those seeLadlea whore the turpentine. and babbnlbla areisuppoted to be valuable. for Affections. D)aMtta In yoanr or middle •ged poop Diabetes in old i people. - . Btopplure of the brine. ..• The name dß:Malty In children during the night.. , . Urayel, liidncy TronbLe In old pcopie. Ulcerated Itlaneys, IJlcereted 'Mulder. Discharge of mucus, or pee. or blood frOM the bladder. s ' Bright's I)lscast of the 014001., rain In the Eld4 eye out small or the back. . Pain In the lit .1.0. Ilest and Ikeldleg, a.. Polend'• White tilne Compound will be found , t speedy end permanent cure. It le no Ices to be valued ea a gene al and bracing conititutlonel tonic, which Ise .rts Ms health.eletng enlist ed. Lo all the tls nes of the body. without sic/- ening or ne sweetening the ttle In any way, or dieturblng any slue in ble est net avocations. Act for POLUen'il Willis. 0100 Oo0roux0; for we. by the gridis. gingen, or aloe. teittle4 as DR. KEYS!: 'd Oreat lleillelne ewes .lie Wood eireets i . . see NEWS u VERTISEMEN Inf. BING • Adf, stda744 Of -1164, 64 IVO &real. Is ad sor ted Aged to near. dAvorti#orooots for the (1,1tR771E, and altpapas throughoui 010 Ziositod Matti arid the Omta+. „.,._ VOn'TOCUTV CHORAL SER. • VICi..-7be must AFTERNOON SEA VICE Tell be sung to TRINITY CIIMICkI. street. TO.ll(rltltt,W. at IN Wel o,lc TR-PLYMOUTH CHunCEL HENRY D. la10”lag. l'catoe. 'Oll *reach In the a , CADY. MY La,Vel''. 10,1101C stUVI• bltaltNlO, at 10,a o'clock, sod7;i to toe eaculag. - - itgir'Pß EACBINFVEB It NA B. LIATN. at 1M.5 a dr. a. tn. and 7,11 P. m., Tit.)l.lll AVE:. .E. CHUM:Went. narbuttaavenuefiu verstreet, Allvehmtl 21a.'11":. i`rir 1111 1 :a, StV•rceZi 116-11ELIW N OUR .- THE FIRST etIItIsTIA Niles heny NI, of which •70661'11 KINU Is r2.ltOr. tiii UM coot • plellon of t .clr am. house or woreolp, sr I I eon. dune to meet In EXCEIenIOII lIALL, corner of 157. s :r1, ‘ Pra; : g Meeting WElns tt)' Lyn r..{INNIdu at 7.No'cloce. FIRST BAPTIST CIIIIRCH —nes,' Vane the NEW CNA I'EL, Fourth street, above r , avers . nab , ath morning. at lOIa o'clock. Y. n. and In the event. et o'ctoct. nABLIAI kit•(.11001. at 2 o'slock., nnee • re eurdlellv Invited. °Theresident. of the ratter. MN. JAIIES O. DICIEN/I5ON• le No. r 3 llt.athala street. \ IV.NlVElfttlo.ii C --. :lii --- InIF!T ...nu. b pr m , 112C5r CORNER t/Y g 1!..A, A .uo4lsl7:i.N. PrOaciti.i a•. .rid 7 r. A: -- ItY . ISp R NIPA le at LOS A iii 1:. ._ . . r. . b_ t 24,7 baton' at ge e .ol. All pc , p: k t 'ra l Al°T,e, st° ma rio If eVollll3r The Dcl, trlna j of ItecoPallll , . tom. Iar.TIIE NATIONAL CONVENhiaH TION• Montt, bald in Philadelp , prealded lathy the iloo. W. Strong, Julie of theSapwrne Court of rentispivanix.will meeeat on toe 000 INST•N I', at IX P. .... 1. f.. Pl Vatted rres bpi it lan Church. on Seventh street, Plltsblirgh, to take meraureito hoe the Con atitutlon of lb . Vatted States of America so' amended a. to recognise God and Chrtstlaillty.' Adermses are expected from dialluselsbed speakers at bums end from abroad. Churches 'Leveret:kid to the moor meat i will ht re It en stemmed next IlsObath from their pulpits. TUE $23,0005000 STATE LOAN. WE WILL BELL THE BONDS OP TBZ oan; of the State New van' of Pennsy 5-10's, 10-15's and 15-20's AT EASTERN RATES. THESZ 1301i138 WWI SIX PER CENT. INTEREST AND ABE Free, front Taxation. JAS, T. BRADY & CO., Bankers, Corner Fourth & Wood Sts. .1M TROWELS TUOINELS, I HOW. VA.—Bricklayer., and Flute:Ws, Vow. VI. caches Endes di Dli.tou'a. Alto Bricklayers , accveta, • ad* auarh 'At.' Il /or We at • 3—A. 1005 Zortiett. CM= SetWS 1 SAWS SAWS ',wow.. Pp.,* Jackson's, and D 11, nport•• Nock band, pan.: and rip saws. Also, Bock nod c0,00ggvi , ,!11Ltrr 1 ag b ,:,, , , 1 ,..... rTr.=,'lo43tlaws, r sale :at 1118 X DOWN . % 136 %trod Wrist. !! STONE CUTTERS' MALLETS. - STONE CUTTERS' MatLEM—Jost re iertilra‘tr Vo'r giar:rni=rirotri Mona (Anna , 3 , -oLa, ouch aa liallat Polois t littto.Li _sad Droves, made trout Mr best Cat cl /or West , .BOWN'a, 130 Wood .txt t. 3= AtiTO?iISHING 1 BOOTS AND SHOES At Less than Cost H•Villg Just returned front the East. ere • yr 11 not end able to sett good roods at less rrte thault cos% to make them. Conte and aranal for yourselves. at the old . te nd of • 3. 11. & W. C. BORLAND, No. or MASH= 8717311.T4d door trots nn.b It. arm CLOTHS, CASSIMEHES, TWEEDS, !US DOTI' W For Sale at Very Low Price WHITE, ORR & CO., 25 Fifth Street. . DIAMOND SMUTS, t made, twit /Ma( *se Most dears) , t➢e market. Aloe, • complete and 11.07101ent of 'The be Bkagt I • tcultv • HOSIERY, &t the Old Stand Stocking Store Fo. 71 7117115TSIZT JAMES PHELAN. tiff. PLACE TO BUY YOUR DRY GOODS, 13 Al TIIL NEW 'STORE J. 3L BIJIICHFIELD 8 CO, No. B 7 Teltsaxim.cot lektreet. LIT DOOR TO 111 SO OT !U. LINES efir..rrimit rILLLY4 LINES: ir.L4/1 LINE%B., vat-ranted we A.; SIIIICTINtilflISLIX 8 ; 11N BLZMAILD MUSLI3S, fromlOnat•aP; BLZAIIEI.) BEST IBMS DE . LAINE mats: CALICti£3. from la tent• .17; lIOUSLKEELING ii 00176, a fat aseuruatatt ill 011 i I3TIU Nil 110 CK IA 1U GU. 87 MARKET 11111iZIM • ritssor.irrios OF COPAUT. NlSlt e llfil . ..—Tr oa maiter i p,tedaglot e re VO ffi tifVlr B .,' ;I3INOUN. soder the h.taftOk POBIOSOY. Mat:LTAN At U I. wee oiaolvett by leatavl calumet on the 301 h dor Of March, ISC. The bedbeaaa34 tlabil , tiee of the late ens have neve eateeted ane oUt be settled by M. oet.A.T.AN VU. . No. 73 /*girth street. where the boot. Of uld ritueurgh. VW. McCLEAN & CO., No. 75 Fourth St., BANKERS, AHD DZALLES IN THREE FINE ILLUSTRATIONS! ~LOIDut re regardlo4 the cll7. 'of rivet Im portune to our sad SritANOZES TM ITINO THE CITY. 13:oks open for nubforip.. U.. Address W commuutesUoui GEOUGE W. PITTOCK & CO., Dispatch Building. au rirru UTII.LET. Porta:Lee Ilez 1400. Ylittburitt, reuu•• Gold, Silver, Coupons, • 0.6291:. ) Bank Notes. Occ. MASON! C BOOKS. t ma , WO ES Interest allowe d on time dehcialta. Collections tosAle and all basin.. In Batik • a line attended Sold* PenUMW.. l and Me ans'. We also bay and ten, on colandasion thl arket. New Sark or eisewbees • Nosde..letoek and miscedatieous warlike. • apii:•44 L W. GRAFTON, ,Htt. 66 Federal Street, Nama SJIcaO•D Dsro7.l A.LLZOIIIO I2 C/Tr. F E=2l:l House Furnishing Goods. Stoves, HOLLOW WARE. &C., AO , l nmenfactater of TV!, COPP= AND 1511ELT MIN WANE. doodad, apouttdd •nd 400 Wort promptly attended to. apittile J . W. ELLIOTT & swig, hurserymen and . Florists, X MISZIIIKEI AND GIIICZNHOWLS et It Wien south of the nay, on the le eiio eTOii ♦am IttranaT732ror. No. 109 Ittar4eiltree4 • AAeress J. W. ILLiOTI . 8O 1,. BOX 611 Pla.bursh Y . u. 64e . COUNTRY STORE FOR SALE The stook, lINLIZreII sad good stilt of a store to thrIVIIT village about eight allies from the clay, surroandad by coal also, one of on? yr rellrosrli. Tills mord ts doing Wad* sb se of about. throe lbw:2oW dollars a asolth. .11c2/011for satitog, - going west. INr farther yartlealars Inquire of • J. P. 6111.rnr, •PS'e7e Corner of Youvth sad' le PROPOSALS FOR LATINO E- WATER Pler.--leakil nwiliwall will IA received by the Weter Committee until 7 ONCloek P. E. of MoodaY, April 131 b. Tor LA:VINO 'WAWAam_ bo etna rrnasrltaola Ameasa, Dotter,ltln. Co wal s t d P`tae caret s. to Include diff pc. rVO•7!_ clip l r 'c . r*? s ,srl d ' e t i g o " e " ffliTAV FlEFlFtlair.7r.: uon s ot ion'eloperintand.S., 3otoptteag ra n t: torols6ed a6 "°..1 Wi . ltPll . rassou. mum.. EXCELSIOR TOBACCO WORD, & W. JENKINSON. Itanufaelnxert,legatd:V dcam m TaDACCO AND 11140•148. No. 6 I.LDL6A.L eTRILILT. Third door from ° ! *" ...afttagit id a.n .olll. Braoeh Store at aalco. alma,. • ROM'S • FOlt PALE. • . • :MODERN STORE FRONT. Comalata and pearl! now.. Jaat atria sad wlll. bsold ahead• eau bo 'seen at No. OS STRICT. To parsons building or carscUtg diralidllll talo atoms tWa Is • slay • • PLITIBEVG, GAS AND STEAM .- YITTLIaI, IS ALL ITS SHAN 4/17.13. d °LI= •I=`.2° igniZZLN .1 Pt" CRS FIXTURES, SINKS, BATH TUBS is a " . " "W-Nsit xrvsax3 e. Conetsredl on bend an.ltmle to order. .111:03131ir gr.Arg33. • Eta 69 yrDisciL STREET, Allegbani, Rud L T IBERY STREET, Pttanurol. apl-wileTfrrias DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. THE PARTNERSHIP HERE- steilsttlot between the tinders'ined u o der the name of TANS likVl LE: sr. Qls solved by:soup:ail consent . on the_ li . t o f li T t i li4 l li d s i ;ln i e d i; 4.r:s e t t ee Ll'::a Il i 7. C. h swill continue the emu abler. Gas zed Steam ittlug business les all its brisnobes. The of the of the ssill be settled bz either of 1 Llbert7 acct, ritubnt L 4 aml 7o derai tree[. All ' Mg; a-meat, and thorn mar lne tl " ' id" "id T(31'.4 CO ILCIID3IY[ LID ICI CELLI SALM EZIESEI F.'.&. BIERSCII & BROS., X 05.40 AC 42 St. Glair St., Ella continue the manufacture of Sugar Toys, Cakes, Fancy Goods, ADI, In -- ,u word. e~etrthlne In t'lll2,l2lVb,°tr Sited up's -t . • ICE CIMA.M. SALOON, f( tbe Where creams o the finest fill.fof, and lb choicest cakes wilt served to ladles and gen !Jewels. Coffee, T a, Chocolate, Oysters, oar dines. and ererything in seuon, will be fur Dittoed on short notice. Public patronage Is respectfally solicited, I re . st PeTill'il;Vitalgtglt;.'"ii. !'ae/L.l.itt.'en.tairno. mid opening will take pia° e twiliti, April 6th. aptliwill j CUOFT & CO.. REAL ESTATE AGENTS, 510.'13 9 Fortrttt Street. isre for ell YALU'S. • 106 \tree. well Imp roved, three ranee 'from Brighton, In Deaver county, Pa. 94 *era. Improved. to Fayette township, bile Flung county, one mile from Menseeld. 140 Aer.. highly Improved. In i ...enc. Co. Pa.. two miles from New Castle, and three hour from Plttsourgh. 40 Servs, Improved, In Indiana coentY, Fn. 433 Acres, Improv.d. in Fayette county, P • W lia*Tri Velriti: At e 111110 s. Also, unimProyeanlanos and to~r .ouoti, tow.. Would tr ZS:4==a ,T,Yrl.O un, m O6• \ HOUSES. • Itrlt_.k wtak all modor . n rprova , Molts: la 53 br :al feet, on North lAn Atte ITVrk&nn, ten rooms, on Chestnut erect, Aert.b; te, eli roo.o, on liebt:ce Alsegromy_. /ratite Haase, all rooms. on Yount. otrret In Reserve tuna hip. Brlrk host, IS rooms and large lot In treeport. Mulct hoist, Mall rooms, and large lot In Wilklnsburg , irr om !loose. new. 111 rooms with three. sin or On sere. Qf groan:l. t at 011..., on 11l U. gamin miles out. frame home, nee oms. and one acre of ground. at tit la roomsmed MAU.. four tenant houses, of to rooms e•en, and one tram. lonise of four roo and One adra or ground In guilt/Jou. Ikea( t •=E LtYPt. • Ten I-nere lots at Edgewoal Milton. P. R. R. all lot s , tw l I trete .Wlltlnsborg, on R. F. 11.. tern banded yard. fete the steel 0. Vise /ots In - e losnehlw. tip totleher's Ron. se. 10- toll sate. Two to.. 5711* feet. In liraadocles plel4. three squarre:froin .tattoo. sta bargste. One lot In Temper...ell.. 55 10sy et. sultabls c f , o , r A teq ern aket • One on Monongehels, reel 0. 1. 1. 1.1 0 ne L'rg.hri.% T,•,, dare. The. works nre eaßtsbls4 and wont." Ito • ebron. Tor forthor totormattou stool/ to the at. outs. MISIILEIrS HERB BIT THE GREAT HOUSEHOLD REMEDY TO Tat rUOLIe.-1 hare MI. Say opezed SIWIC LIOUISZ Wr tn. sal. of Mist'lees Herb Bitters.' In SUCH, of nth/burgh. and hay...Lt./Dor/mi. a. T. rAtigurueL sh.l U. H. 1101.Tt) , . 4 . say AirtblA. to Oaf, OS Stlki nuo B. the SSOIS• 11.3/16111.1L1L. 71 , 11. 1 . , 14, 14‘t PAq-PSTOCIE it HOLTON, *olesalelkanch House, Slisarlr...ot SEWltroot. FIITBBIIIIOH Rigel by all Respectable Druggists. *rife oak bat trial to con, lace any: bar medicinal value. 6111311LEIVEI lIEIIII BITTERS smut THE MIN CITTMONTIMI ViILL AL lILLUT About the Eighth of April Tl‘etac muaber vlll can taln • COnT2l.l=o2; OT GRAND CIIAtTLa Of AILISNIAN 44L.V24 k; WA51111:4014,24 At.TIIISIIMNiCCILArTER MAG IT aMI ON IC MAN U AI.: 111.roN le Jtpcl.ritUlir,24 C.-1.1•711eu TTAALANA *NO TS NPLAIIS MUU (MUSA MASONIC C.11,&11.T: lIITe ITO CISCLA• 114.04 IC u 1.4 1 ,0% NEW ItAsticio 1.142111.2. T. DOCELD_; STIEW ART'S ACEMASONS II UAL• I APOtaIASO AWN 1 To-We LEXICON ONIC i;lfiret.S.X.-11AS10241LY; /JAM AND rillnlES; FOl . WO by J. R. INELDIN & CO.. T. 102, Wood. Btroot. ITZI3 WALL PArEUS, GOLD EINDOSNED PAGLOII VAPOR; WOOANEL D r AND SI AAraDLE ISIS Knoll =err.° PANEL PAPRS, for Par lors wed Velllsors. In New Designs, at Jro.lol X. 11111067 STREET ow sum stsvato PITTSUUMIIi Jos. U. UUGUE3 & into pEnstax LILAc. We have Introduced to the trade 09f new per lame. • Persian Lilac, No lady's tfttlet Is complete without It. Par sale by all Dealers. bIaNDBACTUNED ONLT DT C. R. WOODWORTH & SON, Iltsehester, R. T. New Tort Unice. 220 Broadway. rota ;ull, 0201 , 011. lILLT li. 74 SNOIX/ILABS. ' CEORCE A. KELLY & CO.. wholesale Druggists, 37 Wood Street. tleTgvi i n i.ti y para. yroAllwin. rAIININ IN 011 ' 'II " 1314 .. .1. TIMPIENTINZ. tK O itrICV I OIL, WHALE Oil« .o'4 kW. Mar" I Tr Ai 211”Udliss,st• _.,... O.LET. 1 A FINE STORE ROOM Wild or without se 12CILL0 3 T DIMLLING oontallang eleven roma.. with modern improve— menls 1.414 'oscines yard adjoining. Located. Olathe east side or bmltbristri street, near MUM. [swan or Broken utd Baal Estate Meats, bbss. fres& """ """ f° " 1 1 . 17. oalinrix a tow. 1,14 • • NE ADVER • BLREL LIJSTRES; Colored Alpacas, Dress Goods, Spring De Lains, New Prints, French and Domestic Giughains, White Goods, Striped Dimities, Table Damasks; apkilltij Irish Linens, Sheeting and Shirting Muslims, Cassimeres, Tweeds, Jeans, Bonnets, Bats, Ribbons, Flowers, &e,, &C. A LARGE STOCK, Wholesale and Retail, WM. SEMPLE'S, 80 and 182 Federal St dfL LEGZIENr CIT E NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! 11 \VINO - Jl:24' RETIALNED FROM THE MISTED' CITIES, ONE OF THE LARGEST, OD BEST SELEITED Stock of Goods IS TUE CITY, WHICH WY MO: NOW YRLYILLLD TO *ELL, WHOLESALE OR RETAIL At prices as low as can be found in either city. :LW. AUL INV/TYLD T%l CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK. iIeCONNELL & CO,, S Federal Street, Allegheny. GEDEN WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Porehatkera Ikea lavitrA atarairk• noel , . web comply*. th• mon renal:go-varlet-l ee esatlvatiott. We otter th• following Made at re gaoled rates. lite quality is stet iellriteolt IWboa.e...a Street • rge awed, or Sugar. EADISIL Per Pound. 100 lbg. Wood's Early TtsIBM ' t e i tt r».le .t.t....... • 1p Wood's 61017 ea 100 " lEariy Long Eivalet Gttors.To9 100 " Whlio TonElotrooted 101 •• Ned Torolp.rooted ......... •-••—•••••• 10 103 " Sommer 'Wolfe 100 " Summer 100 ••80.01 dos ...... BO 1G• " lipanlat ....... EO TUILNIP. Da IEO TVs. Per 1.. d. Early Whlt4111.000...•."..1110 43 01. s. Pat OuteD tatEsptleaved) SO 00 •• ellow bunt 44. 10.1 Top . 80 . •• Largo Etlobr ....... Vag: 41 : I X: 1 1 1:317.1 . 45 13 • • trz ,.... ;aer BOP PEAS. Per Boatel. oofi 1:1M! Earl,' Pullet O'Rourke. ty Tom Thumb ...... 'Carl} Frame T.arla Charlton. floe litshap!l , llyrull I . .ourt Fal. I::;.YLV:n P ar r rtWn Larie Whim klarrootat... • BIWA Eye Ihlarnartfat..•-• tunic Cuamplon of Ragland • Britisb Queen •• Dwarf aucar. edible pah 66 30 • Tait toga, toe 151 A 11% groan TILDLN TOKdiYJ. at F 1.7.1 per dor. PaCkats. • 3. 3:EraiVaar, Ilartlculturllst_ and deedunan, • N 0.137 Liberty Street, PITTSBURGH. rA. Ire tn.. ZO .. 00 •• ZO • 50 •• 50 •• 50 •• 76 •• 75 •• Zs •• 5) •• = •• MM=m TACK BROTHERS, COMMISSION lanai' Petroleum aml its Products, • Pliisnuuon ornou—Dalsell's Bandlnn, corner of Duquesne Way and Irwin Meet. rtWLADZl;PHLtorsic c—ninwanot .91mn • SsmuEß m. WICHE ILO" • Iron Broker, 124 First Street. PTIVADVAGII. PA. JoigntrriLVlLa SiraVioan', Ites= IlleadoN2.ootwby slgiVtAlatr ..!!!,Xnifid tiraV Conslanments orders re.poothalgiV- MSS. S. A. STODDA3T, Wllloyan at X. 40 7 imam Alla. rg:l T tll ' groT u sTli gi§`PAN'krlf. 7 VriT IfAltogia.llSlttla hilt. 1 3.11 )1 310N Von :f the . tar.- h. l'""13.11310- ------------------ QM FROM $l. OU $lB TO $3O .119 2 A, PIE DAY, eon uelly be mode the .yr. round..TITII OUT LUX, ISt • new •1111•••• l i g ht. ri= " • • 4tt 17:1117 rAtt: r a 41=7 'gr.'. , een) are vete4 to rev Teteat to to ever, City 1 end County. 5 WM. taa,mos to ',via. =OWI. sod rassuatus xxrporwarr 1 7 U. to Voirtatritr tolVltialreemen"ll Y on ''' . riiti- Ontss, U. W.J.ILOSSON & W. 11 1/0 , 10 etreet, Wallows*, 114. •. - . • ,- goat s STEIL awi al( No. (6Stoltbileld Meet- BANS NOTICES. QUARTEIIa IMM3 • MIMIC II AN TS' A N I) MANUFACTURERS' NA TItiNAL BANN Or PITTSBUROLI. 1107. - I«. LI kIsILITIE • Wit .................... ..... .. $ imp. co "" 1= CO Duc Del:K.l.ll4m C. 1.01.1 141Ancltney .... ............ zkr a . ,00 171,952 14 .• . . ilvidends 'mats and Earnings EIZEE2 . • Notes .4 It 1113connted ....... ...., rn..1 , 9 90 Ilaut.lng {louse '..,..215 SO EAR,PLO 00 U. P. tiorernruent reeuriti :.epecto• and Legal Tender Notes 11.314 62 Nat. Mutt Notes and Irraettoull Cur. 2.3. ,13t Due by caber 8ank553.941 Taste Snot KIPCI6. 6.a , 0 certlfy that tbs abort. ,St correct abstract from quarterly itepOrt , tO j laylr b inCr of • &tarn arft:w.,3 -61-SA-lITERLY ILEPOItT EXCHAtifili ISATnth,BANIS 07 PITTS- • Arm 1. DC. Votes and DliU D1f0i1t:t.1 .c. 11 1, ` 44,130 ‘l. . 4303. , E 0 00 fond depislted to secure Deposits.. 23,C01 00 U. 5. 7-30.t0 secure De =PlT' Lo:ti.il;!ll'2lT. CO ttonal Banks ......... 19,60 CO Clreolittlar 2•Oles or tate . so CO Itemlttancea and 70,5/0 40,311 ZS lath ............ Duo 1111..15 ...................... Mos 71, Real Estate . ......................... ,1311 r, Taxes Cod /far.... CnyUsl i Lock— . . 'National Ulrciatallow SIALte do ..... .. . . . . . . Individnal 4441,212 46 United 04110. Ikpoi 95,001 Pa 96 Duto ISmiks ............. : ...... ' .... 41,201 IS /62441ng5. 4111.4•23 62 certify that : o - e above Is e true _be_trer a o r t statemmt made to Um LOmPtvoo m ezf.,T;., QUAJITERLY REP OUT Or CITIELDIS, Sil. TlO l3ll .Itli/NAL SANK 07 rrrre,- 4.0 U• tl. lbnda de M. bernrltles 414,010 01 pe: • , tp ale Legal Tender Notes 134 330 04 liatIon•I Dank nob a 13.7001 A • 11:1`311; Ilewlt from N 13333 13 3 3 31 banks lte • " 1= 4 40 03 Due Dora otber Banks and Itarttern.. ► 312 71 'Peale and EIPCII. 45 • 11.7 es 17 Deal istabe and Bond and blondes. _.1311 re Capital stock xtlOoll clants and Walkers. I eerttry that the abOTSlS . ht t T c tbrX t u r g:r the Cent:her aVl•w: 'QUARTERLY DIVIDE:I 1111.9 T NATIONARA T r c P itTCoomYnYTA..I Late The threrters of tha t Haat eave r oll oai edo lared a I re trterly Ideed of THRICE Plait [ VEN T. 4at:l:tl 4olet.