The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, April 06, 1867, Image 1

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zcno. soortroot.
T. P. no
irceran . s. zawn
NINO gi so mmisalea.
1111111101 P. IMO.
Mail! *OW Nat .
Dattrand bi earls. (perirserl••••••• 11 on"
Nall eabeasibers. timr7. 6ll ;••••* -111 " *.
Laing. riplastkass to Nawibayi 'ssa Assam,
, • 1117.115 TDB IFSLIILI:
Theo' Capes, Perim, 180
.11ve do. do..'doe m0b.... ISi
Ten or more copts, to CO. sd4essi sad
Os• tree to dab. esali
CITY rx.El23,
. mount nos,
A 4122164 :without VI Dr. BP 4 nefir
. Der114.4,-231Pran Erre:: •
Letter frolia reddlas, X. D.
HO,Sditeimear Stessr, Now Oarsass.
• Tb the Miter ter the Acaosne:.
*Modern toy May teeouununicate
tOthopublie some - facts on Ismail/et 'Writ
......140144.0l lea greatest genera mportance.
Oil lows 06 0 • when twos practlang my.
profession at - It ew-Torlr. ml3netP become
lareetPd .try frequent colds; there was ewe.
*taut irritallion and debility, which acted
be Mil . general system somuch HO My ace.
Petite and general strength failed, end I
wee rapidly ahllanginto a condition from
which. I Vane too well the ordinary mos.
- ace of medicine could never mint:ate me.
Dr. Bunter was then actively MMus - sing
his views on the proper treatment of 141 of.
feetions-of.the respiratory organs, and I
ypisify Unpinned with thairecienUne
oorrectnass that 1 went at once to consult
him in - my own. case. He examined me
thariughly, - .and After_rualthig a careful
diagnosis of my pee, prescri bed for me
=eh medicines as .he wished me In inhale
through the 'adnilrable instrument he has
contrived. ,
I. followed Dr. Hunter's advice correctly,
and in the carseitSto =Oath I - was reward
el by finding the irritation of My lungs
; Mind, and a strength and tone imparted to
~..thaberhich theY hadnot-beddre. I-still con.
tinned for several months, however, to in. -
hale his preariptlons. and found continued
impriffeatirit .arid strength as the result.
The obstructions of my lungs being thus re.
moved, the blood became vitalised, my ap.
petite' increased, and my health became
Although it is now six years since I had
the happMess of rnaking Dr. Hunter's sc..
nindiMerd excellent
health is mainly Quo to his selentUle treat
- ment.and, with this conviction.' Cheerfully
volunteer. • Statement of .the facts, as they
may prove useful' to others. As a%tnedical
mewl: hate :Ito floatation In pronouncing
Dr. Hunters panties the only rational and
successful metticia of reaching the lungs.
." And having myself experienced its happy
effects, I would moms:bandit to all who are
in any manner suffering in the 011e!ne Of
respiration. A. lotus Si. D.
• Certaseaevabarer in Syrup.
'Pennant's Eitraet of Beef. Borden a
iliondented rellk. • Imperial Bordeaux
and Turkey Pruned, Dates, and Mee.
Seedless:Meal:sr:el and London layer Hat
'. Etnir. crolAndßladklas..noted Pinkies and
Mustard, Anuses. Jellies, Preserved, Eaten
unt. _Spiced and Pickled' Oysters, Choco
lates, neat Pears and Pineapples in glass
Jars, Canned Waits; and Vegetables. Virgin
Olt nt Afar Chace Mixed Candles, all kinds
or roman and Auteriea . a lints. Prdladel
'ph %aunt; N ata, Bonbons, /te n ie.
• .
tisoaos Beim=
street, seamy.
. . .
:nut Best-Klaaws Ifonfe.
Caswell„ Mack & Co.'e Combination of Iron
Phcophorns and CallsaYs.k.own airerro -
Phosphorated Mbar of CaMays. Toe iron
:'restores color to the blood; the Phosphorus
- tenpin: .wsede of °the norm Clime, and the
Callsaya gives a naturtd., healthful Umtata
the dlsestivecusans. '
One pint contains the virtue of one ounce
of Cafissytrand Otie "teastaandnl avain of
PhOsportui. Manufactured by
- .Caseona, bloax . .l Co., New York.
For Mile Wall druggists. s.
New backs recelyed atylttock's, opposite
postodlce4 BOWS 'Secured; Loire by Jolla
Jiavanaboaleof Two Cltles by Tacks=
V Durand odition);Hcarevisad its Wonders.
aratHallfrarec, things beard and seen by
Swedenbourgy it Open polar Sea by Haps;
New Ariterlas by Wm. Hepworth Dlmin and
.IdissLoolse .11(ellabach , s Historical Navels.
Go N she JDooilaestal Malmo.
The besinonancted • end cleatillest gestalt•
rant end Dialog Booms in the city, far a
for Ping, at the most reasonable
of prbees.Alltcbetmer hoots how toaster
to the hungry milltoite, and It le no wonder
that the Cent Mental, next door to the Post
office beeeti w ch an . tmen:nons patronage.
. . , .
be Mere Anneyane•
From'. squeal:mg the head Into troy braces
while euthig for s phOtOgrsp.B.
Debbi, M; St. Clair street, hu Just Introduc
ed the Istesiamatences for giving eau nod
grecefel pikittoms. Pictures taken in an
kinds of weather. • • •
• llRWlldiag Aultadelo.
OAF tot 4 Varied properly la s'photoirroDil
IT the UM of Maslow resting =wane, only
used at DLIAPs rboUvraYh Ileadquarterr
Xc . • 44..916.3r •
• lenay Poattion. to Intetographs,
Can be obtained by tin, new sad delicate
msiealnairy 15:11 - resting;j net introduced from
the East, at Dabb's art villein N0..55:1 St
Clair street.
Mese. Braes sad Itementr,
Only tole obtained In a photograph by the
atd of the great Saxony Beat, PIS Introduo
ed at DPVIGIIner7 26, Bt. Cleft street,
...Cl4lo4oo , P 4 otoirsPhe•
Beetiied in pleasing attitudes by ald of the
snug Barely Hi tt , just Isarodoced as Dabb's
gelleaTNo.2 lB L. Clair street
Etereoseople Iftewo,
suit'reeelvea' at Mock's. one• the P. 0 .
Views of all places and scents of note and
-Interest In the United Stmts, England, Ire
land; Ektattandpreseno, Germant. - /tmly, to
Coot itoo—opsiallog intim
CaMoat Voltzheltoer% popular Conti
naatal !lidott, next door to the Poet Moo
on !lab otreot,far &Ow of good old 1/e.
or rparkllOg Catioba RIAD.
i .. .
. .
A Wen= Stock or, young fruit trees of ail
daseriptioas,light frosti their tannery. Tor
1, • • sale at J. ff . =lett & ' Zan's, No.lCe Matt
g street. .:,
• most !gavotteat
Plain Morrow° Balmoral torgl,o2; defy any
one to Bell aa good an article and n*ke •
pront fatless Wan VA Opus House Bhoe
Patent Leather Tip high cut high &almonds
ehlY 111...% cheapest store'in the city. Opera
1 1 .4 38 Ski* Blare, to PIM street,
As naeeav,
Yon will And a line assortment a rocket
Books, Wallets, BUJ Holds s, Gold Peas and
Pear-Us, Pea Knives, do.
.Try - the Cool& Candy,
It will do you good.' Manufactured and
eold by George HeaveMlLM Aden} street.
Allegheny City.
6,:t.0 imitator. Rms. stem
No. Si Uarket street, to get rare North Cu
alias Tar, at the. lowest prices. •
Women, Murree.* . •
Bilk Ocini - Conisreas deltas, good
only 41,15, masa chap. Opera Haase shoe
It We Ever lold
Deets end Shoes ettesplre eertabliy donovr.
Calf e*d refl. OlVive Eaese Shoe Stare.
ir om ign Liquors of.lll kinds at Jour& L
111:41,1 MALllern No. VA 111. 110 sad=
Go to rlossalsor o oDraer Store.
No, G. Market street, for your One Toilet
Soaps. '
afore Goss Goods:
More .Rew Goods. Opera House Oboe
In the Advance• •
Cann be beat.: Opens some shoo Store.
You Om Soy
Alcohol •$ Jowl' S. Floch'lL
Ten Cas Bay
sew gay* at jOsepk B. TI 54.11%.
j ri......_ , „_ ...i x.,„ Y
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Conseltdatton In the !tense.
i s
Speeollofhlr.W' on.
Pearasylva la Rani.° d Die.
ozigdnatiori. 1
Protective Legislation' Asked
Th. Free Bridge 8112, Passed
Special Dispatch to Ms Pittsburgh Giusti.
5. IT.
Tsai corsousamos PUISD PINALI.T.
Mr. Chadwick offered an amendment, di.
Tiding the middle district, as provided In
the bill . into two districts, making the city
of Pittsburgh one, and the boroughs and
townships betWeert the rivers the other. In
submitting the question to &vote.
Mr. CoMille opposed the amendineat, as
the bill re ed n agreed upon by commit.
tees fro • ~eny county.
Mr. mi t„es id he was always in favor of
consolidating', but thought Mr..Chawick's
amendment proper, inasmuch es it d would
give the people between the rivers a chance
to decide upon the question; but he would
not endanger a project he wu so much in.
threaten In, by opposum It on that ground.
Thlretol o,be would support the bill on the
ground that the act would place the city of
Pittsburgh In the position that her great
wealth and population entitled her to. In
stead of Dann g her annual products appear
In the statistim by tan of thoosaads, as had'
been the cue, she would appear Inner prop.
er poaltion, conntbag her resources by hen.
dreds of thousands.— .
• lir. Chadwick's amendment Was voted
down. and the bill passed, wlttiont a
h. am It came from the Senate.
The following bills have been passed
To humus° the onammsation of Anse
ountoh eny 'county. •
o Moorporate the citizens Ferry
Company of Pittsburgh.
Act to Moorporatethe Seminal,' and Ir
win street Bridge Company. ' :
Act to authorize the increase Of taxes for
borough piaposes hi Teritneranoeviiie.
Act to require to the Pennsylvania-Rail
road Company to keep watchmen at East
'Sl:mph:auntie the act incorporating the
city of Meadville.
' Act to change the time , of holding Courts
in oceans county.
Act to IaCOIVOTSUI the 011 City Passenger
Railroad Ciorepani.
P73III'iLTAZIA. 1111.11,0.A.0-2/15G111ILIA2101.
The Sweat Committee appointed to in
vestigate the charge of diserimiuntion
have reported that the testimony sustains
the chimes, end ask th em e tin
to pro.
teat the citizens of the Commonwealth.
which ;missed to a third roadie.' on Wednes
day night, is Senator Ingham es bill, pure and
simple. It wil opposed by the Pennsylva
nia, Railroad interest.
111.01T11 07 00111XITI 1 111.
The Special Appropriation bill bu been
reduced three hundred thousand dollars by
the Senate Ylasinee Committee.
An act to . h3eorporate the South Pitt&
burgh Cc.-e:.Peritlve Association.
Act to incorporate the Building and Say
ings Assoclathla of Pittsburgh.
Act to increase the capital stock of the
'enue° Water Works.
Supplement to the set incorporating the
Merchants Bank.
Act to incorporate the Meadville Sevin es
An 'act relating to public roads in Rostra-
Ter township, westmareland county.
-Blur. Blahs= A supplement to ',the
Rule Cotton Manufacturing Company._
Mr: Taylor had called up and passed an
act incorporatMg the Monongahela Valley
Railroad Company.
, The Appropnation bill - was coesidered,
and owed the Committee of theWincle.
Vatted Stistat Besets -Extra Session.
• WASISINOTON, April 151367.
CILIPOIIXIA vavaaaaat.
Ifr. COLE presented a petition from the
Veteran Corps of,Californla. Ile said they
served two or three years, and durb:hr that
time w ere successful in then, eenUnt with
various Indian tribes, outdoing the Ap
and Comanche In New Mexico.
=Fere discharged neathr ItWO miles from
home and received a more pittance to reach
Callfornla.Henow ashedthey Wallowed the
same rate of transportation given to other
disc-larvl soldiers
Inferred The ~titton aces to sorer their car a t=
APTI3 as 100 Y. -
On motion of Mx. Sots it was.
ELSOlord, That the Secretary of the Into-
TIOr Inform the Senate whether Lewin V.
Bogy is now In the employrocat of that Be.
panatela, and if 00, in ,whenapacity, his
duties and coutrensation apoouqedi
by whom, end hilt nstructions, II say, no.
been given to him, and by whom.
IttoOLTTION TO 11215 L.
14. SUMS E offered a resolution. which
he said be would call op 10460110., that
bir.Willard Saulsbury, &Senator front Dols
ware, bovine appeared repeatedly on the
tear of the Senate lc a condition of taOX.
cattail, be. and to hereby expelled from the
Sena m otion
On motion of Mr.l3llEllai.AN, the Senate
went Into Executive Session.
New York fleshed's{ Ceafarenee.
New Your., April b.—AL a -meet's , * of the
New York Methodist Conference tbdail
Bishop Jones, in prOMinding questiOns to
eaudldates for men:Marsh/Pe Indrnell that
changes of public, sentiment must be notod.
You cannot reach people, he said, by s ser•
mots preached ten Testi , ego, and he
wnowocad make his misusers succesetul la
society, would apply his intention to pen
otheal literature and newspapers. Profeo
sor McClintock, of Drew TheolOgleal Semi
nary. in the course of some remarks chars.
on, recommended the sending out of color
mi awell ea matte men, welch salt/meat
was applauded.
Fort AapM Slasascre Discredited!.
ay. Loom, April s.—The reported massacre
at Yon Buford is not credited here Letters
have been received from Fort Sully by sea-
Peon In this city, of latex date Chao the
one upon which the story;a based. ilia
report all well and make no allusion to
the disaster. Gen. Stoteman has no advices
of the massacre, and disbelieves tlierePort
- •
Data Sonia PI '
hanagarcars April 6.—Tho Ifattonal Vow
Tention of the Beta Theta PI Is A be held at
the Saw House. In this elf?, -Tnesday
and Wednesday next. Delegates from an
parts of the United States Val be present.
/111101101.11• CHvYN Brute , .
NIW Oaaases, April 4—Another crevasse
Is repellent broken in Deck Point, Madison
Reconstruction in the Su-
en. Boasean Confirmed Brigadier
The Austrian Ministry Again
Ratification of the Treaty Urged
1.40231 . 11110Ti0a IX Tax nor laisas cOVit . t
Judge Sharkey end lion. Hobert J. Walker
appeared In the 8121)11=0 Court this morn
ing on behalf of the State of iiissistippl.
The former rose to subunit a bill of cow•
plaint and prayer that President Johnsen.
and his odicere and agents, and especially
General Ord, be perpotuallY enjoined and
restrained from executing the act to pro.
ride Pir the more • efficient government of
the rebel States, and the act euppleuseutary
tberatO, and powers of injunction and sub
pea nee be directed to the parties atbreSabl,
with any 'other , Tellef that the Court may
deem proper.
Judge Sharkey remarked that the bill had
been printed.
Attorney General Stansberry mid he be-
Mired It was the general practice to Obtain
the leave of the Court to die a bill. This
bill wee against the United States, and he
desired to appear at the earliest possible
moment to object to it. He repeated there
most be a motion to Ilia a bill, in theregular
Judge Sharkey replied that was the mo-
tion which he now made. Ile was aware, of
the magnitude of the subject, involving, as
it does, the Important and delicate question
of the eoustitutionallty of congressional
legislation. 'lt wee of grant moment that
an early decision should be arrived at, as
much toivehlet might result by delay.
chief Justice Chase to Judge Sharkey—
You can only now move, to Ale the bid. and
it will be in order to allOll5l It the next
meeting day.
Attorney General Stanberry—l am ready
now to resist the grautLug of leave.
The ChietJustise—We don't propose to
bear the argument on the motion out of the
regular order. 'The motion mill be flied.
Judge Sharkey—l will now die the appluss,
Tnis he did, and the Question went ave
until next motion day, Friday next.
, env. nesse... arecmioa.
lion. L.ll. ItOttlieestt, of Kentucky, was
confirmed by the Senate Brigadier General
in the Army. by, tt is mid. three
or four majority. lie was fivorably rec
ommended to the liiiitery Committee by
the following members of too Douse of
Representatives i Messrs. Deanery. Min
nesota; Loggia, 1111120111 FIATS, Dockland.
Eekley,Egglmtoti; Bingham, Ohio; Coburn.
'lndiana; Van llorn, Loan, Illisouri, and
Miller, Pennsylvania.
The Sonata to•day confirmed the follow
ing nominations i ,Minister Baskin.. Alex.
'soder Ashoth, of Mississippi. 5o ilepubile of
Crliguay. •
Coruenis—Julles Morris. Michigan, Cob.
loots, Prussia, Thos: Filthy Smith, of Ohio.
al. Panama.
Pceimaaters — J. K. L. Maynard, Waver.
ley, Iowa; Henry C. Smith, Pomeroy - , Ohio;
James Howell. Shreveport. Louisiana; Ed.
win M. ilooiey. Tentonvilte. Michigan; lien.
ry Townsend, Warren, Ohloiltiebel WIWI".
ben, Middletown. Pa.; John Bradihaw, Kent.
Ohio; Henry L. Bobinsor., Washington,
Ohio; Charles L. Mullion, Cambridge, Oble;
John IL P ohl, Shelby, Ohio; Oliver C. Itow.
Deleon, New Philidslphia,.obio; Mahal* J
Creine,Weilsvide,e); D.W. ii.Geo,Pcioria. Di.;
fismoot Itexthgeo, Clarksville, Tennessee;
Richard Barnett, Vicksburg; Misaseippl;
Jacob. A. Kausler, Jaction, Ilissimpol;
• Leroy S . Brown. leLthet,illastaillppitlallus
le. Carter, St. Joh., Michigan; Minim IP
Tailor, Saginaw, Michigan ;Noble W. Wood'
Desett, Iowa; Robert F. Steel, Genet..
• illinols; E. G. Barker, Mount Vernon, lows;
J. K. Rankin, Liwresice,lCantas; Donuts
McKay. Macon, Missouri.
Collector of Internal Itevenne—Prederisk
W. Curtenius,Booond Distriet. Michigan. •
ASseSSOr of Internal Vivian—Henry
Raymond. Sloth District, Michigan.
10II111TIO 0 s rtsricTSlL:
The Senate rejected the following naming .
Postmasters—lL Dr: Ander..., Wutibig
ton, Iowa; Wm. K. Tillotson, Ovum, litchi
gan ; Abner P. Multi, Lye.. Ira: Mose. li•
Kirby. U p per Sindwai W. ra:
ler, Toledo, Chloe Jealti . mirk, Say.
mour, toddling.
Consul et Ravenna—George 0. Barclay
' Assessors qt internal Revenue—Adolph
Permian, Plitt' district of Wisconsin; /no. ,
M. Glove r,Th trd district of Missouri; James
Clements, Third district of Michigan.
United States Marsha—Simnel A. Jonas,
Western district of TonneMee. •
Peruilon Agent—rnui B. Curtiss, Dineen
City, Missouri.
The receipts of customs for the week end.
Ing March the kith were 52,17.101 10. •
Brevet Brigedler General M. U. Hardin Is
granted one yeeir4; leave of absence, from
June Ist, with permisaton to go beyond the:
sm. The leave of absence greeted Brevet:,
Major General Pleuants is further extend-
ell sth months. • i 1
01101.1111, TO RI/01 7 .
BrevetMejor General Green, of tho 26tb
infantry, Is ordered to report to Mineral
for aisgn
iment. Brevet MajarGener.
al B. W. Getty, Colonel of the nth Infentry,
is ordered to Mort to Lieutenant o.ololl Bberman.ißievet Ideutenaut Colonel F. W.
Schaurte, of the 111 Cavalry, is ordered. to
join lila company at IfOrtlartiallo. •
The Senate icAdar rejected the nomina
tion of az-Senator Nesmith, of Oregon, as
Minister to Austen.
It 11 Sad • motion will be enteral to re.
consider the vote by which Lovell H. Hens-
Lean was confirmed Brigadier General. .
catisossia L A. TIN SIMIAN TSIATT.
The following telegram was received yed
BSI Yatormaeo, April 5, ISM
Hew. R&M& M. Stanton, kocretary of Weir:
I learn from. gentlemen who has recent
thvisited num pa ia h
rts of Mmian Americas
at Da velu ), e
le greater tan supigl.
The ret=f ootdrte
rustsli lncairoi,
U. W. ilaiiacc, MM. General.
A-Utter from Qaartermaster General
Males expresses surprise tl. .t objections
are made to the acquisition of Russian
America. lie aqs f.
CM conceive Of no greater boon to our
POMP° Ingham. I should value Restart Anted
ittre TVeirionglir mines,
b a.altrig
Liebe- acqu i s ition fore needed to secure Ibis
great will be omitted."
A letter trom Commodore John Rogers,
says, be thinks the listssian.Amerlean so.
quisition would be valuable, and U worth
anything the prlee would boa hessian..
DiPUTT 0011Wleelosice Or 1090•110 e.
Edward D. Nell, formerly Superintendent
of papilla instruction In Minnesota, and for
three ) ears one of the Secretaries of the
p r esident, bOOll appointed Deputy Com.
Missioner of the Department of Education
'Mint to be Orpel see.
Dr. Livingston's Death Confirmed,
Lennoif, April/S.—The * Budget gives gen
eral eatisfaction, and is well received by
the press and members of Parliament.
AU hopes for the safety of Dr. Livings
tone, the African explorer, aro abandoned.
Later &deices from Cape of Good flops con
firm the report Of his depth.
• •• • -
11,11 C OF IISOLA.31:1 8.1:1II0F.
Tho regular weekly returns from the
Bank of England show that the bullion boo
decree/iv] one bundrwl and eighteen thou
sand pounds sterling.
.. . ..
Ns:atm, npnl s.—The North German Par•
llament will adjourn on the GM instant.
The Prtl3gen Government is about to rube
a loan Of thirty minters of Molars. •
. -
DI7IILM. April S.—Etening.—A desperate
rebel who was recently taken prisoner in
the lista near thtswlty, arid who gave Ks
name as licCture,provos , one xamination,
to be Col. Manor,. prominent Fenian amt.
tator and formerly ofilcer in the Uolt.l
States *orrice.
• • • •
Lrycnroot.. Aprilsteutuer Den
ark, from New York. btu ar et
rtru.l out.
Loxunx, Apr 4.—Ecenoly:—Conaolli
6.9111,couds,:;4;1111nols Ceutral, 7C34; Lri•
Ide carom., Aprll S.-. Evening.-Cottedi
and unchanged; o.ono
bales. The Manchester teal ket It de
tendency. ltr•astuf.. cirn-ed dem.
Floor, western. closed. at :Ms. ni. Ntusat
Ni,. 1, red lillsrani‘oe. California
white.l3l.ttd. Corn, Its. 3.1. for mite.' wes
tern. jitney and lists unchanged. Prost..
tons unchanzed. rtltrOil:11:11 declined te.
lc rat. for retitled. Spirits of turpentine Cie
ellnedta Vs.
Frisstrotte. April -Itrning.-Cuttest
States bonds. 70.
Pacts. April 3.-Seenieg.-I.7nttnd States
bonds SS,ti.
Affairs Up to the 23d Ultimo
Nils 'loan, Aprll S.—Parses Attiiin,olthe
Mearnahlp Alabama, giros the_ following
summary of Mexican news to March t 3.1: •
Vera:Cruz was Ina state of selio. Sixteen
hundred men with floe pieces of artinery,
were Inside. Provisions nets high. but
there was no blockade from the seaside.
Outside the city there were three thousand
men with four small Napoleon fh.1.1 po.ers
Men and guns were expected daily. .11.11
was in Queretaro with ten thousurid Into.
with no money or provisions. tintelde
there were tvrenty.flve thousand Liberals
Merida, Y 11.1.3. WiLls al.. in a etette of
stage, but still In 'communication with
Sisal, the seaport of Merida.
**other 81'roar erroluttun—Street•
of Port Au Prince ntrett■ RIM
:ism Yore, Awl' S.—The Havana
Oorrupondence of March 1, says I sus In
formed by passengers on board of the steam
er Barcelona, that a revolutlon In 11.51 1
Which tied taken place el. of the most
Woody kind. The lose on the part of the
Revolutionists W. very heavy, and the
streets of Port An Pilate Is ere Itternry cov
ered srlth the &ail.
This Is the fifth sttemPt to Put
Geffard`t Government, and Ls at tut cps.
cenful .0 far as Oeffrafd ii. eone,rnel.
itie Tribunes Havana correspondence, of
the 'sae date, sari Gefissil succossled In
getting the upper band Of the Insurgentui
atter a deoperate engagement, in which
many HToe were lost, the rrl , ols being I.or
ribly cut to pieces bTtbe eh 1)114 and orojeo-
Ail. of Geffarl • • partleana The d
streets of
Port An Prince, wens strewn with the dea
Iteeenstrnerion In trieginia—Geeerel
&chattel.: 0 Registrar lost.
Messmer.. Vs., April 3.--oenerel Schofield
has Homed on order providing for rogberst-
Wm. There la to be ono registering °direr
for each magtsterial dlatrlct In countlei,
and one for each ward in cities, whose qual
ifications are to bet' hating been on
odiner -in the United buttes . army, or '
being n loyal Mille* of the county
in which ho seta, or of saran other county
In the Sumo ba mast nave •b lob chorea..
o f ma far ma poeslble, have the confidence
of his folio...citizens; be shall not he it eon•
oram for any ogle°, on othoer of the strmy,
or Freedmen's Bureon. The appoletutems
of all
t o e bleore to be mode by lien. Schofield
are O hen the reoomnarndatlon mode by
an examining hoard of army office..
glom yogic Dry Goads Market.
Inter Tong. April o.—The Dry Goode 'mar
ket is fairly active far cotton geode, anti the
prices are quiet and arm for etandard
hheerings, some styles eeconde, euch as At
lantie 11. and Ameeitertg A, selling at so ad-
Vance Of 34 C•tit. bat far lighter Intakes
medium and light weights a conceselen of
cent. ts yiejded on MI came style., such
indlan end Orchard. Brown i e Mooched
Mashes, of the beet melees, are flew sad ill
request at full prizes, bat poorer grad. he
log subjected to a alight reduction in the
scale of equalisation. Changes in general,
however, are very slight, indicating • very
steady market. rl . llllll In gOO , l reqUeat at
full prices. Print Cloths gm weak and can
be bought at Mi.
• BevolUag C••• of Cruelly.
The following details', which bare just
rotas f
to light, exhibit. in every feature a re a -
ed system o eroteudte torture that re
calls the ages of Pagan peremution. On'
Prince streeStow York, there ls an Ylnui 1
for orphans e nd destitute children as , tinder
girlscare m a int a ined rs of Charity. where
are from childhood till
they me able to fulfill a situation in Miami
"do for themselves ~ One little girl, named 1
Mary Ann Yarrell, thirteen years old, was 1
taken by from this home on the 01.11 of May rut
• Mr. Vandbi residing in Piemonte 1
villa, about M sm il es from limiternmes, to
perform general housework. some months
after the new home Loma to erase unsold*
fortahle for the girl, and elle Metered
Tory bad treatment, which she could
not disclose - to any one being locked
up _ If MO .. desired to 'go out. The
poor creature WOO at. times strippon 1
naked. tied up by the wrists. and in this
Meaner she Mates podtleelv, was lashed
with a whip by Mr. Vanderbilt, till the ten-1
der fierh was comp . ..lately mangled. Mord-
hie as Ole may mesa, the torments to which '
ion woe subjected afterwards were more
acute. Ain. Vanderbilt., who had bean a
Pled,eptator of the bloody proceie, op.
l the glare etatinuent,
what. atm emir/re - pod to be a plaid a OippuCl 1
in mit, to tie blZllng wounds, which 1.1
Mated tbe Mast utensil agony. Last Wed- '
'each the girl WWI to bo pissed se ta. I
'nal on the rook and, watching an Cpport.
inty prtrrident ly vorichsafal to Our, silo
made her sacs and lock refuge wh en i the 1
Wiifg,ltL'Alri,a. t.v...6.4,-00.1r,„.faIshiant!)
lu ndition. llue then related the borrt.
bledtail. of th• cruelties =doted on her,
which BO aroused the istdiminUms of the
bearers that • resolution was forut,
ed to proecerV to Vanderbilt,* house 1
and lynch hire forthwith, ..illutihrlred and
UnahroUnded,“ but theexecutlon 'Attie phut
eras frustntted by the Homan Catholic paw
tor of Llaokenstek, who threatened to do.
nounee the individuals oennented with It.
The girl`, statetnent le barns out to the 10,1
ter by tho ;evening appearance eho pre.'
sented. lter head is onreterl with Sella"
lurupa her teeth duplared,
the the +bite
o of
lle her
eye* hardly discernible, face swn
and deformal, the lips sent, aucl the. ree
mender of her body one tunas of 00[1..1
underclothing. which not WM
changed for 0 long time, wait hOrough l y
maturated with blood and purulent matter.
ghe is now under medical troMMent, but.
bar ooptiltion is likety to be hopeless. She
was handsome sad interesting, and bore an
excellent character in the aayluin where she
ha d
bean for eight. years. Venderbilt and
hli wife were arrested by order cf./ostler.
Drente', end the moo will come before the
Mend Jury at Ilacketuttelt this morning.
.lies.turd pope,.
Leonard uyek, bank PrealSont. In dn•
ranee at 24 7 Torii, bu been released on
bail by order Of the Government, it alswass*
lea that the evidence airernst him is not
surnclent toJnitlfy Ms Mabee detention.
Ella TAU was rwlsooSl from $230 t 000 to OA%
. •
■OUILTH PAGE.—The fulled and mad re.
• ziable Afonry. OR and •Preduee Markel
port. glom by any paper in the tpY. Wf" be
found arbour ninth Page. . . •
To ISabserlberis.
Subscribers changing their places of resi
dence will please leave their new addreseot
at our counting room. So that Otte carriers
may be enabled to deliver tbiOazerre
without intermission. • Onr teratts tor the
year will remain as nenal—fificae etude par
week delivered by carrier.
As4nalt of ft Proreselonal lehoo.lfter—
lier Operations in Pittabowirb—tillo
two Jewelry and other Ousels ID:MeV
Yesterday at noon, s, young maatimpleryed
WI clerk In Illehardsonls jewelry:establish
ment Visited the Mayor's riffle°, and stated
that he had rowan to believe a female
shoo-lifter had 'been oporatitig upon the
stock of that establialtment.. !Imitated that
a valuable gold chain belonging tO Illottard
son A Co •
and Which was among the stock
but a few minute* prevlouslyi.had been
found upon the floor of Ideraildenle jewel.
ry house. next.iineir: As the chain had evi
dently been dropped by the thief, he luau
toed that a eddied deteetiv might were up
the cue, more eepectally sin e
ce tne lady ens
peeted wee looking through the stock of the
*Linea McFadden & Co. The clerk refused
to mak. an lernrmSlloo. bete thattunes
of, regularly qualieed °M Or m an "attache
of the Mayor , . ernes" voluataded to Oct in
the cepacitx of a detective. Ile eletted the
store elf dichardeon A Co., aed asked one of
thei st if he would make an Information
again the lady who hod stalen the chain,
but that gautleman war positive no more
goods were mluing and agile had hie chain
returned, he wouldnoteruccrita. The de.
leeriest was Dins lett thout any definite
authority vet.reupon to bade as arrest, but
resolved to keep • watch upon the move•
merit* of the ladl. From Meeadilute she
walked up Market street to Carnahan's shoo
store, welch she entered urn staid a few
minutes. bele came out 101 l entered Moor
hut a lOW minutes. der 000 t Vita, WWI to
IlOrna's trimming store, from whlch the
crosed over Dm sthect and favored Mtterum
& Glydele more with atoll. Iler movements
were so auspireOua as to ulnae ILA detective
on her trail to call 10 11 Ls Old other members
of the police force, BO
oOnledeMtes, if
there were any, might a/so be thuovered.
The officers followed the wore= Born to
Si. Clair snort, and Jost an sbe get in sight
of the M. C lair 110101 she ran vary last MD
atm reenhed ot, .and pushed the doer her.
Medi) , shut. The odium followed, but soon
made the illsoovety Unit she esuped
IrOM e ode entrance, end .10 on ber way
to trie dekacarreage, which had beefs
wattled at the door. The detective far
while was nemplussed, but followlng
inn carrtagei be arrival at the depot
a tear tniouto• otter Um ledy had tabu par.
lake on • ta .lion we. sheet Wm,
h e
out for the Ilan. lie looked through the
tans and an the Objeet Of hie search
tu nearly an entire change of eutume. in
stead et • bonnet else wore a hat, stud she
bad Isel ethic
rice lure for plain mob
mere duel, with which she bad partlallY
mottled her feu. The °Meer appro•ohed
ter and told her h
e edester , / la Wit with her
a fear tub:Mira
if Inunnallatel/ etlapl
cloed that be Was a "cop. end used bun
if It n were nocao. lie replied ees, send she
arose from her seat and with frankness ad..
tented that she was In a bad hon.
on her way to the Meyer'. ofnee the hand
ed the °Meer two very tiaavy sad vlabable
gold challis and premised LO Cabatantbally
.1.1 bun if he • paid lot her depart. lint he
would net 111140 to such., prop's
too: her to tun towns. At an informal
hearing before Mayor McCarthy hoc person
'was. ararthed and a largo peke
under her skirts was ducoverekla which
were two test clues of bugle trim.
mlug. , a paw et gultera, Mid another
gold shndo. The ottomans:ewer..
.10.0011 id Morn* a
by rum 4 I.:Ode and ea
C.. tone of the ',Add chains not retroned
i e
by ILlnnmadeort R. Lo. and Ihe other ten by
liebteman, Sleyrau & Moine, 11111 Wee;
jewelers, the
were Wen et by Me.
liernatme, show driller. On tl 11 street.
'The isouran. who to e velars hand ^. MASAI •
very harulonue, terns out la be a prole.
moual thlrf named Marla Thorne... carry
the teelow Hotter, anus Mrs. Morton. She
wee just on low ret urn (rein the West. lied
stopped to "tie up" Mubarak on her
relate hOuse. Mos was arrested telt - oche.
ter, la. 1.., ewe° year, sago. Led centeneod to
four yea.? isapri.mlecnt in Slog Sing for
professional thop-Ilftio•. she tarre
her thee. hut nrori tier release, again Loutmnced her nefarious rweepatlon. Ater
rhetolinapla Occupies a place fu nearly all
the ere, Liu' gallortis' l 10 the conntry, mid
she hat Dena Mineral with a "cut . . lo the
'bike 41.,:ette. We eongnetalata pollee
upon their success hi &treatin
ile g
um:A her here as
see Liu ?edited the skill of /ow b ite
east std west. Sin will probably base
• hearing to-.SOY, „nett all her Cage now
Wendt the hoe a good cismspg roy a long
tern/ in toe Weetern Petitteetiary.• Alarge
Saratoga trunk belOngmg to her le In Phil.
nderphla. ' where she shipped It on
Thursday last from Cleveland. Doubtless It
It stolen goods
WO qua.LlLlc•
of her 0 telt to the waster - a GILLen.
She li It twenty-M.IM Yeare of aids anti
la warningly a woman , of reenement and
oeual.lerublo education. tic May add that
we undaretand she la a sister of Elan Noble,
who got Into tenons troulde la this rgy
some du Or all year. MO. wourlettinfl W.
(dent/sited funds) rather than splicer for
Tenspel.ol.oo-11041t01100 of llesart
lint many months ago a taw gentlemen,
prominent far their seal In the good cause
of temperance, established In thin city a di
vision of the Sons of Tout perante, uumberte
it '•t:" liraduelly the memberanip Inertia.
ud, till totlay the roll numbers hundreds of
our respected and toduential citlacus, and
the .1 tv telon is as rich and powerful as any
In the State. A fon months ago we noticed
that the members, finding their old quar
ters too contracted for the large rdoetinvi
held, leased the ma mifloent publie building
known ea Motart. Hall, on seventh Stmt
and let about to teak* It a worthy and at
tractive phme of resort and meeting. A Mite.
mitten of tasteful and experienced gentle.
men was appoint-alto superintend the for
nfshing and interior ursoirements of the !
and the were unilmitat in procuring
a ppropriationb e
s, to that the etenittien should
be mailo worthy the canoe tannish it was'
de algntvl stined to be deilleated. The gentlemen
to this Important task purvued
their labors In the moist satisfactory man.
nor; and the formal opening of the hall took '
place last evening. We ope
to describe the Interior of the hall, as we
could nut do full
wi th to ha illegal:de:and
grandeur. •It to, itheut exception, the
esayest, and richest lodge room In the city,
and we doubt whether s. temperance hall
can be found in this te will do
me , I, than favnrably c ompare p with 'lt. The
doors are caromed with the rlehost of llrul.
tell, Um window. arti•hanged gergeously
with then:MA I n ntt Of curtains, tee mill.
legs pro frescoes! dateling colors. the
walls are painted lancet style, and,ln short,
everything In and abont .11m hall is or the
prettiest style and workmanship. ' 11 Is •
credit to the oily and to the ladies and gen.
tle men Who oompoeo the divvied.
Thom assembled last °venial open
=lran% g a u t Ui t e i lle g o Pea le: andl ' Ten .
mon. Thn exercises were pleasing and the
best of mimic was in attendance. 'ate of
pleasing features Of the evening was the
preenntatirm of a richt:, Illustrated mid vie.
gently bound full sot of the vOrke of Will.
lam etetheePeSte .1.1). Dailey, Egg.. O. IL
U. CV. P., us a token of the esteem of the
mewl/ere amt their •ppreollitlon ef Ills ear
iiest labors tor and fidelity loth. , greet cause
of Temperance. Capt. C. W. IdeLlenry made.
the presentation la a brief and per
tinent speech, and Idr. Bailey responded
in tile happloot style This evidence of the
appreolation of Mr. Itailerogreat exertion,
to provide and stidably Walsh the 'magn
cent hall
use of member., was a Put
recognition of his ehillatil upon the friends
of temperance. ,
TIM ibittling throng separated forthelr
homes at e. late hour, all
pla.set,epoldpx of Storart Hal l d with the
New Itetreatment NAleell.
VOr a long time our city has felt the want
of a refreshment seloon for ladles. titter°
persons' ol culture snit refinement would
not have their sense ofdelicacy shoced by
untidy apartments. sloveuly Walters, and
Inattentive proprietors. Title want Is about
lobe stipplled by Messrs. le. A. Alters& 24
I to who have titled up a msgmtllcent
Ice cream and refreshment saloon at
40 and 42 St. Clalr street, whie4„,
will be thrown open to the public io•
day. To these wbh hove ever patronised
h e ar it would be
wi l e superfuous to
commend t m, but to those have
never Pod that pleasure, we would state
that for suavity Cud
to their
guests they are not equalled in the two
faot they eniudnato your almost
every every
wisb. Remember the formal opening
of their establislunent takes place to-day.
Deal a Woman.—Jenso Crosland appear-
D .l before Alderman htfpi xo•torday and
m vio „ a m cnargtng i .certain Franz Ron
with assaulting and cruelly beating the e
ponellt.d wile. The parties reside in Pitt
township, near the borough of Lawrence
whale Crosland allegro tholaxhntt took
girs. Crosland hut been conttned to
her bed sluee'the attack was Made On hoe,
being unable to get up by reason Of the in
juries then renotrod. flea has boon arrest.
$ wad hold to ball for a booting.
Iteetlog of the Beard et' Trade—Con.
At a meettrug 0 t the Board of Trade, held
yegterday, the Committee apPolnted to pro.
pate an Act of Consolidation reported that
they had accomplished their mission, her
ing reported %charter in the form of an Act
et Assembly. The report of this committee,
1s herewith appended:
The first question to be considered, was
that of fixing upon the bouudarlas of the
new corporation, and In this the Committee
thought It proper to extend them so far
at least as to include the two cities and the
adiseent boroughs, with such Intervening
and contiguous tenacity as was required to
give symmetry and compactness to
th so
whole, and they have accordingly been
The-Committee deemed It batter to leave ,
the question of wider extension to be deter-,
mined hereafter.
In devising a prat for the eettlement of
tbe separate debts of the present corpora-
tione, the new corporation should assume
Mad provide for the payment of such debts,
and that It should at the same time receive
and have the control of all the property
owned by the present corporations, with I
the proviso, that In every case where the
' debt assumed by the new corporation , ex-
I cabled the value of the property received
Dy Sy slush excessteofsedpeabrtashoyni,:ytiundtll7.
debtor d i ietriet.
Thus any of the present corporations
I which ;nay possess property equal in value
to the amount of Its debt, the taxpayers
therein will be relieved from all apprehen
, son of any , future taXation beyond the
accouilt required to defray Use current ex
penses or the city government.
in defining the towers of the Corporate
anthorilles, the Committee were of the
opinion that it would be more advents-
I goons to masse them somewhat larger than
, heretofore, in the belief that many of th e
' minor details, for winch the city must now
have more especial authority from the
State Legislature, would be more wisely de
cided by the City Legislature, who, with
better personal knowledge of the euejects,
would act under a more diret responsibil
ity to their immediate comalctnents. They
have also endeavored to wipers., more dis-
Unetly than formerly the legitlative pow-1
ere from the executive duties.
The illation of a Mayor, under this act, will
embrace a wider fluid, an on him alone will
devolve the duties now performed by the
thirteen prenent chief men:lstria. ,
It is therefore proposed to relieve 1110
WOO the moor pollee duties, and to conilde
each duties to a pollee judge, sod also to
elevate the Meets of Mayor and Judge by
relieving them from a dependence On petty
fees, and providing fora sui table compross-
Lion for each In • Axed salary. The Mey or
would then be enabled 43 devote the whole
of his time to higher duties becoming the
chief tuagtstrate of • great MU ,
No ebooge Is trknie wedeln the school laws,
the echoolo remainitur under the regulations
note In force.
The Committee; In conelesion, observe,
that as the Legislature will be in session
when this set will go into operation. in
January nex,. any defletencleg that may be
found in the bill may then be supplied.
The report ..11 signed by the following
members - of the Committee: Maier W.
Wade, T. J. Iligh sm. J. Heron Poster, C. D.
Brigham. Yells H. Brunet s Jas. M. Cooper,
H. It. c.rwsti.n.
Owing to the limited ettendance present,
no ectlou was taken on the report,
A Ward About Okhotsk Books.
Iles. Col. J. li. Clack, unintentionally, pet
haps, aimed • deadly blots at ono of thi
groat and growing Interests of our city in hit
address Work the Teachers' Association
en Thursday last lie alluded In e very tin. ,
kind (to use • harsh expression) manner to
- the quality mad character of the text books
now 10 common use la the public schools
of this neighborhood. Ile appeared to labor
under the holy horror of politicians and
wiredirorters interfering-la , the text book
gentian, which is not • new one, but com
pletely ignored the fact teat the adoption
of books upon merit alone Gas been for a
number of years carefully guarded. One
Directors have Committees on Text
nooks, cemtwieed of Intelligent gentle.
men, who carefully . examine into and
coming* the school books presented for
adoption. end decide upon re merit alone.n
--rtitsl.4ons OVPIT Yner, and Lila not en u
eOMMOti occurrence to hare the same series
of telt Molts bronchi. before thetionarnittee
each year, In order to foist them upon our
penile schools by liepodmice and Ito pm ,
tun 'merit Gala to rettottimen .1
there. The reverend gentlemen perhaps
forgotthat even while hp was delivering
Ithr aldreas upon the thbieet, a score of
agents from Ea tere Mod It'esteru houles
were In the city, aptively pngegeo in their
nt* to mists out the present text books
Inure. a
lit order to make way for the
entrance of their- own. This, provably,
was not ooroddered 'Kite
ange l' h a t their part, het It /a strange that all
these - representatives of pubiLthing
houses hare tonthined t 1) throw discredit.
upou the Wee published by e. Pittsburgh
noose. It l ea snored of regret 'to us that
citizens will be found so short slglitedh pan
• question clench
importance, as to
lend thcinseiree lii adding stramtets, who
sire mortised to crush out the text book
pad Whin g bruluess here, and to dostroy the
eystem of pernisnent mitfornalty of the
books In non le our publio pLaces of educe•
lion. lint the copibined effort:. of the astute
ItbeihN4t o tests clotto a publishing business
here, which more than rival, their own' in
Importa, cc. will meet with nO favor from
the intelligent gentlemen who comp...4i the
the duals Of dlttegthrl Of the eamens
politic ecnoola. 'those •efforts will be
vain, se thinking Men can readily
aLsoreer the &Veneto:ls Intention of
monopolizing the trade and effectually puts
tie i g ~,, end to the publishing tnolo of too
at :::rg,arortge°7lr.vr„ht m erit to
the books published hero, and the pueblo
Want no change. The enterprise, akin Wei
=erg! or .9r Own pribtlishers is asu aisle at
guarantee that they wilt remain In we In
tore as they here been In the past, far
1 shawl of foreign competitors, and elwaye
furnish text books op to the thtlez 'S he
subject hot much Importanoe, and we', sin
curtly trust that her. Coi. Clark and ail
other gentlemen who hone en educational
in e terest et heart, will discover the trap lu
t which the lo
Would lead thpem, end ublisher. of
cot Standcalities
home taterelita, at host until inch time es
the gall, or W oat shot/ a enperlorlty In their
publication., Which as yet they have felled
to do.
Met Owl,
On Monday evade , ' neat ItUtorl, the great
tragedienne, will give her initial perform.
ante at the Opera Monts, appearing In the
historic role ..Elleabeth Queen of Eaglioni.`'
roe to.say any thing commendatory of the
lady, at this late day, would be but the rep
tition of *mold story, as she has been pro
nonnced.' by some of the most competent
critics In &wove and America to tee with
out sin equal on the bowls. Notwithstand
ing thieftict that also le a groat histrionic gen
ius, nature has not outlawed her with per
renal charms to the extent that gents of tho
gushing reporters of the metropolitan raw
would have us believe. On her arrival in
title Country they. few into tentacle* over
her healthful eyes; Silken hair, declaring in
rounded periods, that she had skin like
Nuoutmentalalabaser,o Tith all (a ot do.
bhp Ls • neat little woman, w pit nat
all classical yet pleulog to tho oye, arid rx
mites seems to lack d unity; in short If eho
were any person ohm than the Italian tree
she would be described as a plea..
leg, intellectual looking woman, but. not
beantiful by any Means. Mut a nd si oss
ed of aornothitig twitter, talent, w e have
beettatloo in Paying that all who go La
see her ./ 111 be charmed by her power.
n e e...span: which comes with her con
slate of fortyawo humans, aulongho mare
some actor! of acknowledged ab ility.
IM :=CI2
Flom present indications the Iron work
ars. lock-out Is at art 'end. A committee of
the Wolters , Union of Wheeling vletted this
city yesterday tome:dor with the Union here
on the eltotithen. They aver that the mills
of Wheellne will resume work on Monday
next at the old prlec—Cuse dollars and cents par toe—their demands
havhie been nerefeled to by the manufac.
tuna*. 1f this should prove uolt will doubt
less have the etrect of gaining for the werk
mau bore the terms they damned. 000 of
tha malls In this city partly resumed opera
tions a few days ego, and It Is thought Will
DO hi Will blast In a few days. •
Right new cars pro being huge for the Re
becca street branah of the Pittsburgh, AIM.
Wheel glut Manchester Passenger Railway.
They are to be muchlargar than the present
ones, fleetly cushioned and gelation, In
short, it is retention thatthey shall eclipse
soy other eat of f similar vehicles that aver
came to this att. Whim they are placed pri
the tragic. which wall Ito In a taw weeks at
the furthest, thta branch will have Its ter
minus et Rooth .Itue, Instead of Beaver
Moat. Manohester, as at preeenk This 1.211
Do &decided Improvement tutd Lacrosse
the popularity of the Robin:au grout mute
e. greet deal.
Dowerlion and MaretY.
A young man named William Dyerly
geared! before Alderman Thomas, of the
g4ghtli ward, potter:lay, by oompulsion, at
the instance of his wife, trbo oomplalued
that be bad not only deserted her. Out hid
also taken %kelt marrlago eortlibute with a
rlelf to destroy it. It sepias that-lyorly
word to bla rdotterts, and upon Ids irlm go
ing then ap4 demanding the emarrtago
lines.e he tbreaumed to disembowel her.
Cn4ar allegations the magistrate ro•
quired him to enter bad for auretY of the
Immo. and also to sootier at Court for 4c . .
Wag his rife,
Tom T. - Ewen.. Plumber mad eastit
tee, 163 Wood Street.
Tom T. Ewons, Plumber, Gee and Steam
Fitter, No. HS Wood 'street, having made
Material changes In his place of business,
announces that ho Is now ready with a
largo, fresh stook of goods and materials to
rmume his business. Ho continues to re
ceive orders for all kinds of mechanical ser
vice in' his line, and guarantees salient ,
tlon In the execution of all work entrmted
to htm. Ile gives personal supervision to
Joos, ena employing none bat the Tory
best and most skilitu l of workmen, Is ena
bled to 'turn out such work as will sustain
the high reputation which his establish
ment has long enjoyed. Pumps of iron and
woad, shake, bath tubs, and hydrants are put
up at the shortest notice. an elegant stock
of chandeliers, ell lamps, globes, pedants.
brackets, and all other articles of gas tit
110gble.. will be found at prices very reasons-
We take pleasure In commending bir.
Levens to our readers, knowing him to ben
care wor thy skilled mechanic, and In ovary
way o: public patronage.
Seller for the Suffering . at the Mouth.
me to acknowledge the receipt of one them
Band dollars from Messrs. Esker h Hearin',
Trustees of the Harmony Society at ECODO.
my. to be disbursed for he above purpose,
without regard to race or color. by N'. F.
Mitchell, out Superintendent of School. at
It is creditable to the patriotism, intelli
gence and Christian feeling of the good peo
ple of Economy, that they should take the
lead in this matter: They have waited for
some day., hoping that there would. , some
general movement. but in the absence of
this, they have concluded to send their con
tribution without farther delay. Should
there be any others dispoeed to do the Same,
1 shall be happy to forward the amounte in
accordance with their instructions.
Genq Agent F. A. Com., 37 Filth street.
PITTSSII toe, April 5,1867.
Aalt,ltrated It nod listtel7.
Adam Potter appeared before Alderman
Miller, of the Fourth Ward, Allegheny, yea
terdeY, and lodged an information against
Charles and Thomas Sptowl for aggravated
assault and battery. It appears from Pol
fer's statementthat the sprawls weie ern .
ployed by him to make kegs Pit Ms shop on
Ohio street. They bed tinesbed a number of
the kegs, end Potter Wee about to
them for their labor, when dispute arose as
to the quality of the work done. The debate
became quite animated. and Prater declared
his fisithln t heir limbos:testy, whereupon the
brothers attacked him, knockinglhem down,
kicking hem In the eye, and otherwise Mel
treating the unfortunate Adam. Wgrrunts
were Issued, and the norowls arrested, when
they were forced irl give ball In the sumot
PM each for It hearing to deyi
Crescent Plteel Worts. 'destroyed.
About eleven o'clock Thursday morning
the Crescent Steel Works titillated in Pitt
township, near the city line, caught ere,
and before the dames could tw eitinguiah•
al, almost the entire structure was dela
trovai• •
The origin of the fire was purely acciden
tal. a spark having alighted In bome-01l
which had been scattered on the floor of
the spring department. The worka were
owned oy Mtwara Lllller, parr. Parkin, and
t the time of the conflagration contained
p 5.000 worth of manufactured steel. all of
which is more or leas damaged. The build
ing cannot be replaced fur lens than 113,Ufa
There was an Insurance on the establish
ment 117,050, which will folly cover the
loan. We understand thefirra will rehrilld
at once.
Body Found—Coroner's toques/4. -
A few minutes before eleven &clock; yes
terday morning, the body of a woman was
found flouting in the Monongahela river at
Port Perry, a short distance above Lam No.
'2. Although the body was greatly deem-
D.ed, it was recognised as that of Mrs.
Campbell, who, it will be remembered, was
drowned in the loughlogheny river a
couple of months since. We are informed
the nusns4 of the deceased tuts been
sane ev er since her demise, and was rent
by some friends to his relatives in Irelands
few weal:, ago. .
Coroner class= held an inquest on the
remain:A, when a verdict of found drowned
te T h e e
body will he I nterml at Port Perry et
the expense of the coonty.
Pittsburgh Cutlery Company.
W. N. Ogden, agent for the famous Pitts
burgh cutlery Company, end dealer in opti
.o goods, alll open tO-,11‘5" the elegant and
commallous salesroom, No. fb Fifth street,
under Masonic 11tH, with a largely incr....
ed stock. lull lines of pocket cutlery, em
bracing the handsome end elide, manufac
tured from the beat i ritt•bUrgtl steel, to.
gater with r razors, table
knives. carvlug nue k
revolvers, pocket
pistols and everything usually kept in em
it.. drat-clues establishments, The stock.
of spectacles and optical instruments will
selected, b coons
l t e o t hbe
p ve ric yl s a wrghei ce d
e very
article found In either of the speciali.
ties are very remanent. , rave Mr. Ogden
• call for an. , article in the way of cutlery
or ...weal goods, at No. 10.1 lf Lt. street.
William 'stoner rmides.ln the ancient - bar
ough of Birmingham, which, however, Is
too limited to contain him on certain Ocese
Mons, that is when be has lmbixed
cleat uusntity ora particular dohl noted
for its strength and weakening influences,
and generally termed "Uld MOnongithels- o
tin Thursday eVening William was attacked
with one of his expansive moods, and he Ito.
cordingor repaired to this side of the river,
where he amused himself by calling teepee
table people all torts of hard names, wind
ing up hit revel by knocking down a tier
man .named Anthony Tenter, at the corner
of First and euelindeld streets. Tenter am
peered before Alderman liumbert ream,
dry and lodged an 'lnformation against
Stoner for assault and battery. A warrant
has been issued fur the arrest of the ac
By advertisement elsewhere it will be ob
served that the partnership heretofore ex
isting between Tate S Seville, the well.
known and Doped.; gas fitters s.nd
en, has been dissolved. Mr. John 21. Tate
has purchased the interest of Sir. Seville,
and will henceforth conduct the business.
This boils° woe established some thirty
lour yearn ego, and has long held a high pee
sltiou among the business men of the city.
A large force of skilled and competent
workmen are kept constantly in employ
ment, mad great care l• taken that all work
turned out will sustain the high reputation
of the establishment. We cheerfully com
mend Mr. Tate to all who may need any
sore lee In his line. ILS he will be limed to be
an honorable and fair dealing business gen
tleman. Orders ran be loft at 227 Liberty
street, or Ito. be Federal street, Allegheny.
- I{ Indosepae.ts.
• • -
Wo direot the attention of our readers to
the advertisement of Messrs. John Croft
Co., the well-known and responsible real
fmtato brokers, No. 1:12 Fourth street. A
taro bargain to capitalists hollered In the
le of the productive coal works of tinern..
soy county, o. For persons wishing to
engage In that business, we can Imagine no
butter chance us the sale is Imperative and
, no re,p•rd to the value of the property will
be considered In tae prpre. For thriller in
formation Inquire at the oftlee of Croft .t
Co, IDs Fourth street. -
Claikoge of Irtros
The eapartnerieblp hitherto existing be.
twee, Samuel Jr„ and David.
Robinson bas been dissolved by mutual
cument. The Banking business will be
contsnueNt by S. ninClean d Co.. at No. 73
Fourth street, where collections will be
made ...dull business In the banking line
attended to with dispatch and IlbnnilligY•
They will also deal in tioVerhineet socuri
ties, gold, con end bent nothe.
conedentiy re co mm e n d d the new firm.
COMTPOII 1 . 10111111 CO4rt. ••
110(01.0 Don. Thomeat
Jamey O'Connor ye. orneri ateam tow•
bast Sox. Before reported. Jury oot.
B. IS, Vatt•oorhte vs. M. B. Brown. folitn
ed ~
lavuot Tor toe recovery, of a num or
attached In the bootie of tho Colorn•
Ina n insurance Company under a deed of
trust. Verdict for defendant.
W. Beater and a man na
med Collins were arrested Ana brought be
fore Alderman Strain yesterday. °barged
with hawking goods around the street. arid
sposlng or them without oaring •• license
to dose. The charge was preferred by of.
neer James Brown at the earnest ealicits-
Mons of number of oar prinelpal meg.
chants, who ailing° that the partlei named
here to of samples of goOda below
the llllrka price, f ly materisiliy
ring their business. Trier Mire ban for
hearing and wore released,
at a Qalll.—Catheriao Ann.
' ,trona waa karma dunce Barker yeatenlay
Verrla d il2 i ge 'b ol
detcnas Catkertneallere;
'het 8110 found tke main In ker back rind
inay, the, wind bad blown it, and nnt know.
ink the owner, bad quietly appropriated it
to her own we. She wan forced VA PM tot%
for a Learingda goodey.
Dr. Tollia's letter which we publish to.
day, Is another remarkable Item of rid
donee added to the long list, certifying the
genuine character—and successful results
of Dr. Robert Hunter's extensive practice
in the sneciali of throat lungs.
The endorsemen ty t
of the
Dr. Hunter's and
by nundreds of medical men, who .have
been cured themselves or seen their friends
or patients cured by him, must eventually
answer and silence objectors. Facts, ,after
all, are unanswerable arguments. go come
It may be important to know, that Dr. Hun
ter may be consulted daily at the Mee.
chants' Hotel, on Smithileld street.
Another Veraton.—Stephen Spicer, the
colored man whose death by drowning we
noticed In yesterday's issue, seems to hare
leaped into the lionongsbels river instead
of having fell lo accidentally as we stated.
A rumor is afloat that ha jumped into the
river from tear of the mte, who, is
bed best him s short time previous
with en iron bar. c
IFtweelved llls Coiumissiosa—Mr.
Wlllias Jr. reesived his COranahnliCM
as Notary Public, yesterday, and was sworn
in Immediately on Its receipt. Mr. Wil
liams iraillati• opening an °Glee at 74 Grant
stree . 4 - bet for the present he can be found
at Alderman , s odlee, Fifth street, op posits the Gathedral.
w re '.•...2.—By the breaking of • wheel,
some care of a ft eight train on the Connells
yll e Dadtrona were thrown off the track
and badly wrecked, at Sautes station, two
miles below West Newton, on Thursday af
ternoon. Passeoger trains were delayed by
t i h fd In a two
r m s a behind
a t t i malet.
r N 3
O E b g d m y ,
was hurt.
Itev. L. F. Xiamen will preach a sernien
to young people. to-marrow evening, under
the auspices of the Young K en's Christian
Association, In Christ's It. E. Church, cor
ner of Penn and Hancock streets. Services
to commence et half-past seven o'clock.
A full attendance U desired.
fittrety.—.l. L. Itratuard came to the office
of Alderman Humbert yesterday and made
oath ageinet Lizzie Musgrave for surety Of
the Dere°. LI aszrte w arrested and held to
bail (Or a bearing. The parties nettle in
the First ward. •
Michael Melanie., a deck-hand on the
steamer UAlu. came 'eery near helot
drowned fn the Allegheny nen . yesterday.
Ile fell into the stream below the imspension
bridge, while drunk.
At Drools Avenue Is
the place or bui.mess of Alderman Henry
Ttomn9 for the present. He will have •
better and more convenient °Mee shortly.
Thero were eighteen deaths In the city
r the week ending March 3let—ten melee,
tight females; sixteen white, and two col.
rod; eleven children and seven adults.
Plated tableware of all - Emden: St
a v&
ede f a as t h le i pnraicbeaet
store, (O.
Itrth sireet.
Gold and sliver watches for lolles and
gentlemen at reduced pnees.St thejewohy
•tore of Itolnemart, Mays.. & Se4let
Fifth street.
Vino jewelry for the Utetort occasions
cam be aLtained at the loweet pries at
helneman, Ileyran fiddle% No. Fifth
The allaersTllle P iyer hallway
.ka Commlle un aid them in keeping Ina
treats tn. repair along their route. . .
A Dull ru offered to the House at nor
rolburo, Thuredor, to allow Dnfluenon
boroush to borrow looney.
The Iron Workers at Bedford Mull.
Cuyahoga oonnty,Ohlo. have moaned work
for ulna dollars per ton.
A portion of • won Boyd
ELM tell yeiterday, abgbtly injuring • boy
named l'etrieY blab. . .
A number of rafts arrived at the Alla.
gheny Irma:yesterday from the pine re•
One person died of old axe fa this city
set week, and one died from the smallpox.
Tbe probability ls that the 'Mattes*
County 13111. wilistot pass the lattlhilltra
The School Teachers of Allegheny
city have heg their aelariea increased.
The h
is almos t il erman Cainel
l/tailed. le Church =Man
We bad a slight ealow storm yesterday
uslugled etch rata.
- roar persons died in Pittsburgh of eon
enq]ptlna last IrCek.
Alderman Lynes tnussacted no bus
ess yesterday. '
The house carpenters' etrlke In New York
continues. A number of employers hat"
acceded to the demand for higher wage&
An Imperial report comes from Vera Cris
to the effect that Lambed° had been attacki
ed by Melt* nod routed; sub, that Corona
had beep routed by Mejts, in attemptlnif U 5
Join Escobeco.
Fires. at Cincinnati, on Friday mornin ,
damned 11. Varies spies mill to the erten
of $5,000, and McHenry .& Carson's gas fitting
establiehment to the amount of $15,000.
John Stedler, • Detroit detective, arres t
ea yesterday, in NOW York, Harry tilt:fart,
WOU-knOIM confidence man, who, SIX
months ago, cheated a countryman out Of
$7l, 10 Detroit,.
Jitmes Elliott. who SO matched to Or&
Charles Gallagher, of Cleveland, Ohio, on
the oth of Jell, for $5OO a side, recently clOs
ed an agreement tonight DAvittlof CaUfornlat
for 41,000 a side, onthe 10th otiday, in Cana-
The United States District Court l'of Erin.
sea has granted an injunction against the
collector of taxes on lands belonging to-the
Pacific ilaiivay in that State.
General George 11. Wright hen been ItP.
pointed Commissioner of Railroads and
Telegraphs in the State of Ohlo.
The suffrage resolution In the Ohio Legit....
'attire still hangs fire on the amendment.
Mvsprus, Arndl s.—Wentber clear and
ploanant. flavor Inane slowly. Burliness
very dull.
Friday morning, Agra fan, nt
the reed .nee of bpr brAtter, g.glia Robinson
allegneny Cite, Moe lAN F. ciliglCK.
of the time at funeral will be In the
ZesCl go gesontcci.
I;o4l.W3ellS:liyt,* - .4e , e3m04:1
No. Waren:lb Wrest, Plttabeeeh. ea. COT/MO
of all Ueda;C KAPPA. Id LUVie,_ sad every de
scription or Funeral F 1111111114111( aloods remise.
el. !room. opened day and Wen. Hearse and
C.:cartage. Wretched.
tweitencss—ltev. David Were, D. D., Rev.
M. W. J wobes. D.D., Thome. twin/. Sed...r.
liter. Kau.
Maae‘ester, ood's RIM dad dictalq.
Corner Shedield sad Cbaridare dtrasts
Beale dna Cards.. tissanded.
tgantlfra..oed'wera• the Islrtriz:
IT nortL of AI X bey;,
ausehtsµ used bat a *hart time, mr sale
,winced prices. ' WM. IarIENER it CO.,
77 Ttfth
NtWare for WARD'S BREAD. The largest
seal best. Ilse BMWs "H. W." on eTtry
None else Werd`s.
CITY to tali Um
Is at-No. 146 BRANT STILZWI,
throats by the eabvtiher on the it tuba,' and
0.5806 I/mach al Oka Peawnlventa 8.16
Addst as, lL 11. TuDor,
Cambria %num, Ph
741 ,, Va
Wholesale Agents
American Watch Company's
No. 56 Fifth Street,
Wylie St., Sd dqor from SO.
Fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry,
Ea PT* Lrasant. STREW.
tar rirtatalar attention sties to Bassllloit
Wstooss, Clocks sad Jotratry. All wort
111. V.171-4.1L1 SET
With Beautiful Guns, for
$B, $B, $B, $B,
Steam Dental Establishment,
No. 278 PE3N STREET,
• 6-
Teeth Extracted Without rain.
ape Imens before order
ne clselbtg..9KSat.l3llcctlonrisran:64.l Intlerr
'B9 89 89 S 9 89 89 89 S 9
. 9 t 89 MARKET BTREI T. 89
C:0 ° l3 ta19169
i 89.1flarket:.farret, gq
atm esT tiotra. -
to 8
11 139 9
89 xi a• wiEcazi clx.r - Ir
89 NO AUCTION 0001.113 ZEIT. . 89
JAS. R 08 8 ,89 Market St.
69 • 189
IA!!1= 1 =
No. 3 St. Clair Street.
Haring pneetrated of ANDREW RIGGS the
maitre stock. of Hardware. Cutlery and vwkir
ds, at Its above ts their tat:tett=
to keep on Land a Are clans atocz of
Gala. Rides. Reeptvera, Vtattins Tackle
Ter= nods of
Or,; ` :ib tt7)
Ottuulag Runes, Scissors. .tt' CuttluF Stencils
and cramps and malaria teal.and Lanosltlng
litatipa, at /tartest noble..
W. IL BOWS, Manager,
Practical Furniture Manufacturers
... Lt..rt. &WM or 11:111NUUBit coastantly
1113ti61Y3 Of the ee,T beat for biro at
Howard's Livery Stable,
Tint meet, near Mononrabela Howe,
Or at attention paid to baying and selling
tie.... tom% .t ~, rw • eia
Ttm amplest. The Best
Ir WHZELES Wusui•e
WAPILUraIp Tuna Y.J.E.S. aszalmom
/Garth skirls_ amsdoor tram Wow/. iNtuDargb..
Always ow ham/ a gen•ral assonserAt et Ga-
liandA Varla: G•mlewww n 1 W 51554
Tom.. Beep. Ein•rrt Chaim, Wavelet.. Ae.
good prma 155 ..oh will bs glmw for DaW
Or g:esttimill.,"""tr."''_th:cgral'
08A r la r ".16.
17Lirig 131 831.a3r.
Ital. &son xbirre Smlthlteld dtreec,
errirsillinsau, PA
Md of W"kdaoe the aborttat motif:
Sad reasoable Ur.. ranicalsr . attentlea
paid ao Jobbio n it• 1424:M4
noslum+, BELL & CO., .
Anchor Cotton Mills, Pittsburg', ;-•
Yana fsetuer. of
Jurcnou (A) 'MEETINGS. •
Alguld0B(C) !MEETINGS, _
4.4 14..TT1N.. mr15:10
bI:SCULIDOItB c Lou A. a maxi.
Mutufsetarers of
No. II 01310 111.1141, Allesteuz City.
Also full assorts:l.i of Belting Krs ii. AIL.
DLILIONIS. Liberty 11.. rlttsbarilL
WAIL 0. CLAIM. HooL. of Worts.
1.17 •
. MURDOCK. feaCcetaiirs to John Murdoch.
Jr.,) hUKIIO3YhtIE.IN' AND FLuitteln. Mid
i with, Pa., Solicit attention to their attendee
Moen of Plitt sad Ur..amental Trees. Leer,
greens. Undue Vise. ILILS timed:loam Mute,
Fluntoreb and Ontland Paa Cue ran to
hbrecaboe .“n. aver? Arincit Minute. -
H. B. ItICA-11.1N ,
Sealer of Weights and Measures.
Once: 111 ch. SO /UMW =SLEET.
14.1.0 M I.I4 O rMRTfIIQ .
A. Fine Driving and Biding Horse,
laqtdra $ PATTI/MOWS ISTABLIGIa, Tate?
atm, • salaam
received one spring stock of Meade* ye ore
now prepared to sell at ttnk laves% rash Vie.%
eta , . .lessle w eedet. Tee b•es fumes—
mem th et eau la n the sit] , Mee. a aa '
stv le °lnhales Instßeceived. nod ee4 rase%
at Noe. 21 and Md. Cur •treet.
rad! u. moan,
L t l