GAZETTE. IHE PITTSBURGH Antsimmuan PENN Mlsi, RE AT BB No. BB Wirth Entreat. P. B. PENNINAN, )Editor,. T. P. 1/01:18TON. JONIAH HIND \ !inane.. err.mas NELSON P. SEED, 'MO S: Single (krples cents. Ellbrawl by cantor. petwcekf..,•»• cents. flatmestberi, (pc 08.00. Llbuclretiactlps co Et evrgboyi and.. 41.03114 213tiv.6 nia wavm• .. .. . Three &pled. p 6 yee.e. by rd.d-••••••• .. $ 1 50 tire do. i do. I do. each 115 ~ Ten camera eottes,..l IS to one addresn, add . one Free to o ob. cub pITi ITEMS -a cis]. 711 man Eaes. 'Ar t Aimn4ted , itbout pain, by Dr. Spencer, Dentist, 2.51 Penn street.' ' [From th e Chicago Tribune.] . ' FM WS ggestit grestr. CmosoO, . To the Ed/tom-4 think its duty Lowe to the public, as well asto Dr. Hunter and his practice of treating the lungs by direct . means, to slate Home facts regarding the treatment of my case some six years slam from New York. ! , • • ,My health commenced seriously to fall In 1352. Tlairilring's Mange of climate would benefit me, I came to Chicago in ISO. In. stead of Improving, however, I continued failing, tmtlt the worst form of diseased Icings developed itself ,la unmistakable aymptores. I bad at veriOns times homer. nhagee 'of the lungs, copione purulent ex. •pscsorathims, night sweats, - !meth fevers, .00tertant cough, and prostrating diarrhea. So reduced had dbocome, that at times I had to be bolstered up; lest I should Deanne „,,tb4 by_the profttler expectoration, which was very Offensive in its character. I had been treated in the ordinary manner by physielanslrom the earlier stages of the disc/tee, but without avail, and they now convidered me Deyonit.the reach of melt. eine. All felt that I had bat a few weeks to live. while Viet certain MOMS that such was my doom . - 1 - It was under these circumstances I wrote trope Dr. Hunter or New York, whose views on treatment 'of th e Dings by Inhalation I had road when I had reelded near that city. , I received MS reply', asking MUM queetiOns, which I answered , lmined lately, and want afterwards received medicines and Inhaling Instrument with 111 , 1 ..„ d . irsetIons. - Thin was • early in 1050. 1.. menced at once. and from the nrst.he emu) teel that the medi cines sent mo w acting ma tbel tinge in a manner I had nee before experienced. I began to Improv , to the wonder of both fnends and phy c.,,, went went steadil on, until the symptoms 1 have described gradually alarammered&. My selength began to return, and the lungs , once none performed their functions healthily, so that in thiee months I was We t. /Kr to soy officeo; and still I went on improving until m health was completely restored. While u dor Dr. Hunter's treat , meet I gained weight about twenty Poerdis.and have guinea further singe; In farm, I have continued In good health ever idnee-nach health . as I had not known for year. before. •.” I have no hesitation in saying , that had It ' not been" Mr Dr. Hunter'etreatment of my ease, by Inhalation, 1 mast certainly have died within a few weeks from the time I - • drat consulted Mtn. Many of my. fellow eat irre q 01,Chicagrenew my case well; and I state th ese facts detail because I think some poor invalid, suffering es I did, may, by the-same means, be' restored' to such health es I now eh) cry. - :".10=14112Pccizai/V. = • -. Oar son, James P nter, some three years of age was afflict with consumption of the lungs for which lie was discharged from the • anny.'-fle win ex mtnedby four army phy sicians, who all greed ,that he must die with the Ww_brought him to Dr. KEYSER,Ko.did I nod stielet, (now PE Penn street,) Who, alto sounding his lungs, cora -1 Mencent'tWtreat h m, and cured him sound and well..ille Is ow well and has been for the past three ars. Others af fl icted In ' like wander canli kewise be cured. ..• JAIL= Psi aria. • • Idaux • Ass PAIN TEM. Temperaneevill , Sept. 51141E6. A GREAT CU EBY:DR. KEYSER'S Fee - TORALSIKUP. I live In Peebles township, Allegheny co : 1 had a cough and spite ling, which °enamelled about the fourth of February last, and continued eighteen months. lemployed the best physicians in the country, and my cough continued tins bated until early in October. At that • tirrne I Was .edvised to try your Pectoral • ' Cough Syrup, which I did, and after I bail taken one bottle, I was entirely free fruit the coughing and spitting. thad de spaired of ever getting Well, and I think MAR should be known that this valuable remedy will do for others wh it hes done In my case. Jens at e. 'Army. Witness-IL IL Eons.. Peebles township. A case of five years' standing cured by DR. REISER'S PECTORAL SYRIA'. • Dm Rtivssm-Hy wife has been aflllated with a cough and whic h, for breathing for , flys or six years, which, for several years. back, had gradually Increased to violence - - Tho complaint has been hereditary, and she bad been treated by several .physicians without any relief. In this state of heresse -n1 procured some of your PECTORAL COUGII SY ItUP. I bought the first time a lily cent bottle, which retained her very muciii I then called and got a dollar bottle, which cured her entirely, aid she now has .'- no trace Of the former diseape, except weak• peas. I would also state *hat I used the . medicine myselt for a cold and cough. The medicine cured me b taking one dose. express my y entire satisfaction with the - . medictrie, and you are liberty to Publish this if you desire to do so. Ws. Wrosos, Alderman, Filth ward. CUloose Gluier Vs Syrup. - Tourtelot's • Extract of Beef. Borden a condensed Milk. Imperial Bordeaux and 'turkey Prunes, Estee, and Figs. Seedless Muscatel and London Layer • Bab alas, Cross and Bumbles' no Pickles and Mustard. Sauces, Jellies, Preserves, Betels ups, Spiced and Pickled Oysters, Choco lates, freak' Pearsand Pineapples in glass Bars, Canned Fruits, and Vegetables. Virgin 011 of Aix. Choice Mixed Candles, all kinds el Foreign and. American Nuts. Philadel- Phis Walnut Candy, Nuts, Boalxins, Ac., Oxonog /SLAVIN. 119 Fodolll.l street. Allegheny. . . Oysters, Oysters, Oy'stars. The oyster sewn Will soon close and In antielpatlon of the event, Holhelmsr. the popnlar proprietor of the Conetiental Se. loon, nen door to the Yost Office, Filth street, receives the most luscious and temp. Una of bivalves to be obtained. In America. Call in and the for yourselves. I= Served in the city aro found at reasonable prices at the well-known and popular Con tinental Sat clan, Oast door to the rostoftice, clan !o Fifth street, where that Imhof epicism artist, Wl2l. Ho'Label:not. Presides. Untie. Masm Splentyrl =Uri birds with beautiful ear . ttes; aquariums, Ite., for sobs by J. DI. ELLIOT r 2 0.100 Market street. torlecolos.• Drag More, NO. St 'Market street, for the best assort meat of Pure Wines foe Medicinal per poses. ao to fleealoes Drag Store, No 81_Market street, for all tho aenulno Pitent Ikadlatnes, at the lowest. rate!. Go co Fleming's Drug . Store, For a cellulite remedy Tor the Cholera- No• et Market street: Go 11.0 110132121 g.• Prim. Starer No, 84 Market :street, for tne beat Tablo Oa In the eat. • " • - Pronelay English and,Anierlead Soaps and Cosmetics, for sale by liens a, DitlllT.Druggists,AUeghear. OE = forego Liquors of all blnd3 at osePh 8 . /Moo MAUllory, 110, 139, 191. 193 and 196 Paint mid Whlllowash - Itsmuhey Wholesale and retail, IT & WWI; pruggigta. Allegheny. . Dye Colors and Dye Storrs. For sale by Smug & Dr. Orr. Droagboo, Allo gLoOY. YouUn Mr • eoholpt Joseph S. Finch% Q21:1 , you Cgs Buy Haw Baps at Joseph B. Mob,. , - ' - Steadman's paper null, near Frankfort . Kentucky, nu destroyod by lire Warms: day morning, involving atoms of 1p),003,-upon whirls there wan l no Insurancei. 1 , __ t I & FIRST ONE O'CLOCK. A. M. EARLY TELEGRAMS. ELARRISBURG. PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATURE. Bills in Place arid Bills Passed BILLS REPORTED BY COMMITTEES Onr Senators and