DRIr - 6100D9, Tilt ,INVISIBLE EMPRESS TRIIL TILE NIi.NV DRAPE YOU Spring, 1867 J. W. BRADLEY'S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (ON /DOUBLE SPIIING.) SKIRTS, The handstearet and meet eoreforttble RAGA- .ntrOduced. BRE ALL /A1011:I ZIN...AIto, the New Mee. In PAWS THAI IA rittDK Ur THY WOULD, .d. Tieor ISTYLVL FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. AT WWI:MALT DY all the lesultesZonn .d.DreGoods Moulmein PimDer . % 34, Bole th rew. of Taunt had . 6.1.01114 Upers..4 . . VESTS, BRADLEY •Sa l CARY, • 97 Chambers Street, BM* TUBE, -226103 , 2viT EMMEN TRAIL, PARIS TRA/L, PRIDE OP THE WORLD, TIP TOP SKIRTS, FOIIIIILLE AT 1 F. H. EATON'S, I'7 WiStb. 1113trocet. 1867 . - NEW SPltEce GOODS & CAIZLISLE, Xf0.19 .1 1 1111 i Strad, HAVE JUST OPENED A SPLENDID ASSORT MENT OF JET,'ANCRER AND CRYSTAL Dress Trimmings and Buttons, 11AldBUINI WORE AND REAL LACE; istlPEnn KNULISIIRIIIIIO.IS, all shades:- Et:6lJan uLovra, ardeatMea; COIDINOI9IIOI I 3 KID GM) . shade.: ENGLISH &EDWARDIAN litlatElt.T. an slats. THE- "STAR" SHIRT, Oti hand and made to order Invisible - Empress Trail Skirt, I= •"1-SIIEI XLT.IIIICir I= Whalebone Corsets, Patent Perms. = PAPERSOLLARS AND CUFFS CITY AND COUNTRY ItERCLIAN TS will dad oinr Whet-sale Department well stocked with taut. suitable for their pales. which we guaran tee to sell as lowa. any Itaatern Jobbing Douse. MACRUM & CARLISLE, No. me *ulna ISltroot. NEW GOODS, 2 NEW GOODS 2 JOSEPH HOME'S 1 COTS. Having made a second addition to our already large stock of ; • SPRING GOODS, Wars prepared to offer bodocementa, both In prise wld aaaortment; . Embroideries, Handkerchief., 6 Woes. Hosiers, lingle•Zeineminxe and Fringes,rew eagle. Drees Ichantimp coloredawl Valves Ribbons, Gall/re and Clancy Lace ' Heal Thread and rolliteLace, Beduins, all sty ' lea And color.. Correia. Belting Heckles mid Belts, Wine tir. fans, Ladles', Misses' ge and Bents` Alex Under Wear, andre 111,1 illores. lari,lbla Empress Trail likl=Bliagia and • = G eats' Neck Ties. !carts and Bow. Suspender.. Sun /routs; &C. llorristnOb liar Starts, • StgralmtmlrAd 11.ntrilwal=. TYlalnldebons,Bolr oldet Elrod% an Yany, ll ttu. OUR VTROLRESALIC ROOMS, up - stelis, wll.l . be fraud eornelete in WI Departments. Deal t. will And is to their adrant• ts to MVO es Prtoes as low as Zestern Jobbers. 77 and 79 Market Street. • NEW GOODS! NEW HONE! New House! New Goolls • WM. WN. H. MILLER, grel ly ia ge DUMMYA C0.,--liito. -1 WILL OPEN About the First of April, mai NO. 64 NMI ST. WITIIAX ESTI= NEW BTU= OF Trimmings, Lace Goods, ) Embroideries, Ribbons, Gloves, Hosiery, And all GOODS teettally kept ltt FIRST CLASS TRIMMING Notion House. MD SA.TICHZPiI REDUCED PRICES. Conductors' Bags, TEAVEUNG SATCHELS, I=l F. 'ASK. EATON IS, 17 ;Fifth stteet, mega: clAnn, RICCAMBIEN 4 & CO4 mum Wsr..s4o4 CA/Ur; C 0..) "'iNctortaisALE.DELusras FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY DOODS We,. 94. VlTemckci Wt. vardncross Man Diamond Anew__ posit nMaWilki LIM ~ • -- c~' DRY GOODS, TRIMMINGS, ' FRESH ARRIVAL NEW SPRING GOODS. AT 12 1-2 CENTS, 13eantiful Prints. AT 12 1-2, CENTS, Fine Wide Bleached Mmlinc AT IS CENTS, Extra Good Prints. TABLE LISTtSS inisu LINENS 16EZEM 13TEliED DIMITY, fat'ilkivads If =I I= = = C-4.lllt;t:T§lS,' RYet KOS ASiL.,TELIOVii. t.W.X.Vra* kt-kr*UWBQN's. A Very 1 , ar , 40 stwk SELLING AT WW UTESt Wholesale and Retail, AT WM. SEMPLE'S. 180 and t&2 Federal St., aLLEGIIRA'r cirr. orm M . OIJR.7iLIiG GOODS, V J.M. BURCHFIELD & CO., 87 MIX iaxls.cbt E3taroc•t, BLACK BOMBAZINES: BLACK FRENCH TABISE: ' BLACK /BENCH MERINOS; BLACK WOOL Milani ES; BLACK REPS; MOUILNINO ALPACCAS: MOURNING BILES; MOURNING SHAWLS; MOURNING CIIINTZ: MOURNING CALICOES: 310L'ILNING HANDKERCHIEFS BLACK CRACK VEILS; • BLACK ENGLISH INLAYS; Wllb • Ital amnia:tont of DRY (ROODS No. o'7, REIT DOOR 00 THE SIGN OF HI "MG lOW mb7G STREET, 78 AND so Daily Arrivals. is o oditton to our 'ammo( NEW SPRING GOODS, WHITE GOODS, EMBROIDERIES. LACES.. HANDKERCHIEFS. SASH AND BONNET TIWILMINII AND NECK RIBBONS 12=I Heat nastily of all widths Citlibrw.L. HIJACKd AMU= 3111180,1111NGE.1 d B UTTONS Full Line Alexandre GLOV VS; HOSIERY sad GLOVia of every description. NEW STYLE 0 V HOSE jam received for La dles, Mimes, and Clldren. tiCit-ETS ANU HOOP IdEIIITS, ell mates. Arun linen( GENTS , FUNK LYING 1.100138. Country Dealers will and la our WHOLE SALE DEPARTMENT. a fall smart:me= at Eastern Priem. MACRUM, CLYDE & CO., • 78 and 80 Market Street. 11;j1"010114elEeFiRriV 1 / 2 1 0 11 4c 70aNSON HEIILEHY & JOHNSON, Flambe:6, Gas and . Steam Fitters, MEMEL lITIMIT ZITENNION • W.X.X 6 TAlEricru.r67:l.. all orders by mail assented satisfactorily end I'uto. PnmDe' stns. -Water Closets,' BILL. Cbanoellers, rend. ts. and kiss Shades for, sale at the most reasonable yrteee. • - Orders from country patrons by mall prompt ly attended to. eon Elmo of ererydeserlotl BA . ILIFF .11110WIV & CO, • iv.. SS Woclora.lls3t.# ditILLEGMEXI" CITY. Pd h, PLTIMBEIIII; GAS AMID :STEAM PIPE TITTZun, keep alw-ya en hand a lam asiardnint'• or HYDRANT% SHEET LEAD. LEADE/E% DATE TUE% WASH HA. MEE MOH AND BRAE OUCH% and all mate. Hale Rix Eating .up public or private buildings with HAE. WATER. bTEAIL . laNtrao PLVMBEVG, GAS ArUIP STEAM • zurratie, lig ALL ITA BIZATZOILLS. Camtallattend.d to try uwicaeed mid pm uoa wortans. • 0.1 aasolimaatot • GAS FIITUBES, SINKS, BATH TUBS 111647 "• 7 8 ws~ras cl. 05/IThiff-Dg•NT (kostantly on Deaden nude to order clb ES H 0,159 Federal Street, Allegheny, and Y 9! Liberty r[ttamreu =ELI iiitIIGGISTS 11. Y. 11190120114.85. 1,, soar. .A 4..41 CEORCEA. KELLY di CO.. Wholesale Druggists, 87 Wooa Sired, i (mini, ioninz rarnestrit, mourinA, , CIIIAIRATE POTLNIL QUININE. NEON POTLESUIE• 101)111811EPUB, 111=LT/I MIMS. CHEMICALS, lITAADAILD lan DUIUGUNII DBUI12811: JAMES T. SAMPLE HAMM BOCAIRT TIM WELL KNOWN PUMA HOUtIK UN CAM. 1/1:081CAl. AND 8.08124134/b1 ALLEULIENY, keeponhanos tallseaortmentotail kinds of 73PL11C3-13. tr, eaten will be add Weeper Al. any otter aao 1n the two cities. flesertptloas carefully prepared by a drab reeltb• LII kinds otriIISIIMXBY and 7JINOT SWUM on • • oeeo d. SCHOONSLULER & SON, rith4bargh White Lead Worts, PURE WHITE LEAD. BLIIS LEARARIMFA Zak 1011 PAIR. 701.111011.1.• t. 111 p Biafra. TOBACCO. CIGARS, &o. 1)OSE BUD BOUGH AND REA" aWritnEUTIOLINIQ'uaIs, And other rioted Braude of • a rCVELIM.C 4I4COO • MAnnfutAren b 7 IL a W. JE31837110031. Fifth door from hampenslon Bridge, Allegheny. de1137,036 JOHN M EGRAW, =:MtEMO Tobacco ; Snuff and Cigars, se =ase= erßxisaiErr. • imerzi azsOrt - mat Smoking Tosseeo. Tobamo rorai &limn OS Italia . , 4iitcrtittibitql,toacttt, WEDNESDAY. APRIL ft, 1667. COURT REPORTS. Oyer and Ternilner, at. Beare Judge tterrett W. Mellon Court wet at ten Vel Jet Tuesday, and took up tho 1./. , V110711 - 3 00071. T 111 , 111Gl1r: CA..... . Wm. emlart, an chi man, was Indicted for the murder of Patrick Collagen, aged about thirty-the yoars, by shooting him with a ride, the ball taking effect in the knee of the right leg. ITtille the shootingl, took place ill Lawrence county at tile residence of the accused, on too heaver river, Calla. gas died at the Mercy hospital, In this city, (where he one' taken for modes) Mien. dance,) bourn the Justaillet lon of tote ease at. timbal to Allegheny county, on thu mein leg Of July,ll/th, heal, Collagen crossed the Beaver river, from the Laever can my Mae, to Seiner:a, who kept a layers, (but who had no licence at the time,) for the r erroae To ' elTa ' n '' o c' eT e sO W Ulo " :f 7,',,,1 ,kook. Ater t‘`,,"'l`ieh,,,". ver county aid e obsett al vet her moment of I Ids house and approach Celled:au, u Ito Nr.t. standing at A untie.. apparently talking to some one h,lad,,, gain s within live or as fort of him, pointing the guts, and our a ear. Cullagan then walked away, and Sellx!rt Ttlt4l2llett Was Itn , looseq, Intl 00011 coins Pet again with the g... NMI omitto wards Cunene, rteuently 11 shot W. tIVALNI.I.Ia 041116.441, Vk ~ ave ato tall. This wee .tlser(ecl bd. Iwo meld AOOO.lllO river, but as to *hat previously twurred, of 1.4...141.0 (10011 I,ssew 1.,...41110.Z. fitter lvoing shot, VOltih,gts. ...I toeless.] by these who came to t0....a.1i10.01 , 0 Ii• tic 11l all llttolle. tad ...di:we, se. t ss. es hoard tit nay that Ile ,‘ WA !A.... , 'sit , 1 t tor Istiootiiig has. i sol i itospled totasen, allot moduchig 4 res olvor, suet ki lade 51100 1e....t huhu!, bite re. I %Is . = :r.,..7'. 1 ..1 . s b i,...:d . ' l4 ' ri ' s l a 4 li L is " .\' el•it u e i r l &t.l ) - g litAta ..,.,,, ks.i.ve. i, , k , e l lsselre v. stud having re. I ghou, Itii• - .1::, , zr, , , - ,:',‘.-... ~.,.....-,‘.‘,1 t;‘,7,,t,„‘ir„i.: 1„,...., ........,,,,A t..... t'.. , ) .0,m.1 * ...teller'. N,(0,1.1... , ......tiso ...v...noss a t to (tie shoot vs,; 0,11w...u5. Ina.l.o..rea at sateest's four (lu:is:. v.r. woissee • • TLAiltars'Sta eal sopPmentest tertel. buoy, 1....dutu.....• At:l...wed\ ath.1....1.i:. Ceara., Bel., uat.l tn.: aiulialoau kld I.ou. rollier nail Jaenb .U. ..vi11.,,A....,.. )toe fasts vltelled by the 'o.n , sasiosseis.sivia v. o hams glveti• The no. vuo.a. 10.1,0 t). deseased were teems's. pers. *sea assiut the wends. Al the limo Sox the delouse, Mr. Illiter slated that the drostasset weal to the house of Mu prisoner toll made Moisesf very annoying soil trims blosturre. end [het the accused had 110 inten tion to kill. as had lie been sottlsweed he might as well have allot Collagen through the body as in the lag, having Oral at Mal, as appeared, at the kbort distance of sixty feel. Death had resulted front Collagen's refusal to submit to en amputation, which the nature of tiro wound rendered necessary In order to save life. At most, Mr. alliler thought, the degree of the °Reuse was la oth log more then manslim gin el% I..crt. Collier also rpoko on behalf of Alio defense. The pri.ner, an old man, bob lit cut In Lawrence county for eve or six years, and never Leon in acy trouble. Ills mouth wan don al. No ono Save ho and the deceased were present, at tho lime el the shooting, and hence them was no evidence as to what had ocourred,rseepting that the Seoeaseti was observed. 19 Descona 'across the river acting as if he was trying to get Into the home. It amid not be believed that the prisoner had committed a wilful, deliberate- murder. A row had occurred, or something had been done to arouse the passion of the prisoner. An outrage must have been committed, else the prisoner would not have indica te.] his passion to each an extent as to cause him to say that if he had failed with the gun he would have ssfixed l s the object of his wrath with a revolver, at the same time exhibiting such weapon. There being no ospeelfic intent. to take life, the eisehee of murder in the first degree, 11 was for the defense to show probable cause, but tats they were mtoppou from doing directly, no eye outside the parties, save that of tic Al. mighty, having witnessed what had occur red , . Col. Duff elosod on behalf of the Com - . monwea[th, not mitned that from the evi dence thorn tons nothing to justify the pas slon into which the prisoner appeared to hare lashed himself, nor was there any thing to be inferred in Justification or cc case for the shooting. Deceased was oh- served looking Into a window; the prisoner approached him, pointed actin, anti bursted cap. li..cetused thus baring an Intima tion that the prhoner would ext•cutts a threat which he may have made. walked 05, and as Ito was retreating, the prisoner re turned with the gun, followed deceased. and shot hon. The only explanation the prisoner gave for this was that the deceased had refused to leave the premises, and no snot him. From the declaration made, and tho two of o deadlyammon, tho lase pit , sowed an Intention to kill,and the prisoner ma. reeponseile for the consequences of his act. " Judge Sterrett, In his charge to the - Surf' clearly explained the law of homicide, ca. plaining In what the different degrees eon. slated. Under the Indictment the jury could Arid either of lour tienlleta: murder in the Arst degree, murder In tile second d gree, manslauger. or nt guil To con vict of murder tattle first o deureo,t ty. hey most believe the killing was "wilful, deliberate and premeditated," or with a 'weenie to. tent to take life. To convict in the second degree, the killing must here been with In tent to do great bodily harm or other culi chief; by the use or a deadly weapon, manner calculated to destroy life, the law presumed an intent to take Ll:e...llausLaugh ter Is the unlawful killing of another to host of passion, and without malice: no tresspass on a 'lllll.ll lands or goods, and no words will Justify killing; there moot be both provocation one passion, based on adequate legal provocation, such as an asesardt upon a man's person. The fact that. t➢e deccoied lost ➢u life by re. luting to have his log autoutatcd,dld not excuse/ tho prlson.r, t➢e wound being t➢e solo cause of death. Ms 1i0..0r thou re (erred to t➢e facts of the case, a blob were In u vory small compass. The Jury might gather some light concerning the transac tion from the statements of the prisoner after the shooting.. 'lolled excused himself by smylug he had told deceased that he would shoot him if he did not go off the •remisos, that the accused told him to shoot and be d—d," that he did shoot, and Lbat he would "..hoot him or any other damned . man" who would not go . 01(h:a premloes. The p riso neri wits Itkolv to give the best 01.0040 be could offer, end under all the evidence the Jury were to con. elder whether he wne guilty or warder In the drat or second degree—their dellbenl ttort, thought. Ms Honor, should ho no con tin.-S, Ha "reasonable doubt" was enter- m . . . ine „ d. their verdict should be not g uilty. The jury retired at tour o'clock,snd lifter an: absence Of shoat. fifteen colonton,re• turned with s verdict of '.gtallo [!•murder to She second deserve", and recommended the prisoner to the mercy of the Court. Court adjourned' fall Wednesday at ten O'clock. DUlrlet Court Before Hon. H. W. Williams Joseph Flemink vs. C. W. Porte:Mold. Be fore reported. Verdict la favor of plaintiff for t113,7L . Alexander 11. Burns, executor of Alexan der Burns, deceased, mt. Joseph Young end Mary, his wife. Action on an agreement concerning the division of the estate. Ver dict tnifavor of plaintiff for VAi3,144, sub ject to the opidion of th e Court _on a guess. lion of law reserved. Western Pennsylvania Hospital vs. Ail. glow County 110/31. Action to recover for maintenance of insane paupers. The cause bad proceeded for some time,w hen It appear ed that Judge Williams was ono of the di rectors of the liesPital; for thin reason the ease was lemma to be tried before Judge Hampton. A. Aaronson vs. John B. barber and Fred erick Braun. Plaintiff with the consent of defendants, conforred Judgment in favor of the defendant Frederick Braun for 341, be. mg the amount of rent due, with interest, and costs of suit, with stay of execution to June 1d,1867. At one o'clock Court adjoarn ed; attorneys and suitors in cases on Ulu /lit having gone to dinner. =I W. J. 011.0111 r. J. LULL MORE LIEBL Ell, kl.2111AC111111 3. 1Ve i .:10 TRUNKS., . Valises, Carpel Bags, &c. • Irtr A. large assortment of Lullos . Hatael, ii way. on bauo. N 05.104 and 106 Wood St., 1'09:V4 J. LOVOIitIET• • PITiVIIURGII, PA. A1...5M./II FRIER . Campbell a Jenkins va. steamboat re Trial Mot for Wednesday DISTRICT COVET. ..... . . trole um." it. City of Allegheny vs. Hrs. Niuninith. /S. W. M. Moffitt vs. Olmnteatt&O'Connor. 19. Leopold liellbrunervis. Adam Feenlng. Z. J. P. Wileon vs. llopalun and , Maillgna. 24. John IL Iriwlng vs. Ellsa hturehali. Z. David Soles vs: Duncan , Hamilton et. aL V. Dr, ties. S. Foster vs. Dr. C. M, Date. DInICIIII d Ilobertben TB. Wm. Boyd Sou. 1. tunnel Ehrgott vs. Geo. W. Int bridge. 93. Jamul! Stoop Thos. J. tinnier & Co. 24. Coffey & Cochran vs. Thos. Burns. T. Th omas Valentine ve. S. F. Polfryntan . Wm. Adama vs. Dr. James Dick. 35, Setraattan Hard vs. Joseph $ 7. tier,. W. Cough va. Andrew Pearce. 8 James Drown vs. J.ll. Path & . James ()Tensor vs. towboat rex. Whipped liar Annie llay, if the veracity of °Meer Seth Wilmot can be roiled on, resides in Skunk Hollow, near the borough of Lawrenceville. Of course she is a quiet woman—who aver saw one by her own showing who is not —and yesterday her peace was disturbed by a certain lire. ill'Causland, In this manner: The latter called Annie very harsh names and threatened to smack her In the month, Miss Bay retorted, in a lady-like way, when Airs. bi'Caushuld atruck err in the back with ustick. Suffering from rain, she made 1 her way to Alderman Strain's, and while she cried, tudatied tha t the whole affair no marred as given abov word for word. lire. M'Causlnn , l had not been arrested at live o'clock last evening. Itfroied to Qnts.—Andrew Jackson Taylor has for setae Limo past, orcepled a house on the estate of Idlchmel O'Hara, In townallip. The latter being tionlr out of re-possessing the premises, gave An, drew notice to null, which the man with th; Scotch risme raluscd to obey. Finding per• tnittalon fruitless, 0 1 1isra appeared before Alderman Strain yesterday and made oath charging Taylor with forcible entry and do. Lather. Officer Seth Wilmot went last even ing in quest of the accused. . The New Court gloom did not work satisfactorily in the Di trict Court yester day. The case on trial haying "broken down" about noon, when the next on the list was called it was discovered that the Interested parties "Read gone to dinner," also those In the next and the next.and the Coml. concluding that "all hands"inight as well go and eat, adjourned till Wednesday at ten a. x. • mgt., an Insane man, was 1r !street yesterday, and for the present, Tbommis arremoctciai ° r committed WAIL Z. Ainhbntli School rre.critallol.l3 Tho rrvvidenco Sabbath a• has been the recipient of come rateable do. nations of late. In January It was present ed w ith a library of between three and four hundred volumes, from the -North Church Sabbath School of Allegheny, by their Su perintendent Thomas Beckwith. About the same time it received fitly volumes of music lwroko from Mr. A C Ferris, for which they return the donors their thanks, hoping tr od will bless them tor their liberal donations. On last Sabbath they were presented with a very fine organ by Mr. Lewis Peterson, Sr. Dr. T. F. Dale made the presentation speech in his novelly happy manner, which was responded to by the school in the following To:elution,: IN ease., Mr. Lewis Peterson has most generously pi esented to onr Sabbath School a beautiful and sweettoned Taylor and Far ley organ to aid us In our singing; therefore be tt. . Bemired. That we tender to Mr. Peter son our most sincere thanks. and further. Reseterd. That we recognize In Mr. Peter son one of the earliest friends and patralla of SabhAth .charts In our neighborhaxl, he having furnished In his farm the first room for their acernnme tai Inn. Reodred, That with our thanks to Mr. Peterson,, we, the-teachers bird PuPlis In the Providence Mission sahlutth School, pray that, through Jesus Christ the Great Teacher. to bless him In this life and by Ills grace prepare him to unite with the Ito. doomed oz this and all Sabbath Schools in rinsing praises forever in the great sane ! Wary shove. 111. ;Cleolion notnros or Patton Township. s‘onerviSors.-MOIMI, Cunningham, 40; John Graham, 40; 11. G. ituElroy, e 5; John Sylvoy, Assexaor.-Isanc %McGinley, 42; F. C. Mc- Clu ro, 05. Aolsiont Assessors.-:lndmo T w hin. 67 ; liciiiinlo,lo; David bhaw, 59; Thos. Me Masters, s 5. Authfor.-Samool MeKinoy, ID; William /irsay, 07. 04h of Dirrefor/,-Isaac GT; John C. Mrtitnnis, 05; Jambs Carothers, kk; E. hunkul, J , O l O Election.-James Barr, 42; Thos. McDowell. 43. bisprelor.-Christio Graham, 40; John Soom, 0 7 . Tinenship Mynsurer.-Jobe Cunningham, 40; Cunningham. el. 21;,,Dtxhip eirrk.-John Morrison, ST. • 8,;;;;;;;Glo.-J Mot Sylvey, S 7. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. GREAT REDUCTION IN BOOTS AND SHOES AT THE Popular Shoe Palace Duperlum. UM ECRU SIMS, FOE TOE .PI: 01:11 1 11, ONLY 8.2 We Inv.? a t.lCttlran lin evP.../mutvlld... every Minn In tins store At Prices Beyond Conipetit/on. .11313 T lIECEIVINO 4G-04013. 6, 7", Of all the Spring Styles. CALL TO-DAY FOR BARGAI N S. 26 and 2 Efth . St., Pitbburgh. W. B. CLAPP & CO. mlar W. E. SC111111111: & CO. = Selling at a Reduction, FALL AND WINTER GOODS, I= BOOTS AND SHOES, Lad Miura, and C 611.! ran•a Clota; °oat, Kid and Calf Ittano am a. Button. Care. and Conarcta Gaiter.. oaf pen t Ties, to • (Janda, Ba;•.s and Vont , . Fres