The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, April 02, 1867, Image 1

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No. BC Siftl3. 1133troot.
T. B. PIP:MR.IIAS. Edito r s. •
JORIALI RIYU nuone,,lNAnag..
lie(tiered by canter, (per ireakl.... - -.1% aerate.
Hatl (peryear)
Liberal redactions to Nerve boys sod Arcata(
Three Come., per year, by roan
Ytve . do. do. do. e,eh
Ten or more copies, to one Wm.. and
one Nee to dab, eta
Letter From Dr. tl. Hunter. of New
York, on Chronic Con%nmption
]lnving pointed out the usual swayful,.
which occur In consumption, I purpose to
explain In this and subsequent 1.011011 tne
auvetal kind; of tins disease, for it must
not be supposed that the symptoms arc the
Fame In all cases.
The most common torn, of this disease is
known by the naMebf I Chrenic
and generally beging with" a alight dry
It Is called &onic, !meads., of its
Flow PrOgress. Thu old physicians used to
regard couoh as the miner, because it 000-
1 1117 Precedes consumption; but we now
know that it Is but tal, effe ct. It Would be
titliteas senstble to Say bat pain caused de
cay in the 'teeth, as tiMit cough produced
tiLsease of the lunge. COugli lei but a symp
tom of irritation In the lungs, and for a
Mao time is scarcely mere than a dry hock
ing, Its cause Is the Presence of tubercles
In their first stage of development, and If
the patient were to die ' l suddenly of an in-
Jury or an acute disease, we should And tn.
berries studding the upper part of one or
both lungs, and lookingl prectsely like mil
let seed. it is rer, ctimmokt to find the
lungs of those di log of fevers and Inflam
mations tilled with email tubsrcles, end
that, too, where the health of the lungs bad
never been •snspected. Indeed, many 01
our friends who regard themselves as per
fectly healthy, ere t hus carryina about the
seeds of their own destruction, deposited In
the lungs during some recent cold, and
only awaiting some future exposure to ren•
der them active. , and develope the disease
of which they are kilo germs.
Chronic Consumptiont begins differently
in Afferent eastls. A person apparentir
In perfect health:Las au attack of entarrh,
or sore throat, and when this subside, it
leaves the dry harking cough before alluded
to. Or tho first symptouils a spitting of blood,
which may b a
e considers/ble s sed of a bri
• Ted, Or only eligleireak lu the mucus. 50
many eases the twf sign Is aeh illgseneation
in the back, followed by more or less heat
in the point of Mei hands, or an afternoon
flush on the cheekii. Then again in many
eases we dud theltamis and feet colder
than natural. Tlo4patient' probably does
not feel this; but th ese in health, when sha
king hands, immediately detect the differ
since. Should tile 11 Ushing or the cheeks ore
the fureriehness of the !lands be followed by
,pri,p/rettion at nighk trnt patient. is often
Bought to be sufferin from lonsktd ague.
'The stomach in nic Consumption Is
not usugily much tilSturned Mall after the
disease Is firmly efdablished. it is by no
moans uncommon forjthe appetite to remain
tau/ until illarrhoea 'sets in, when it be
comes ° and poor. In females,
, aonthhjirretpdarftylisCOMMOn from an early
Period Of the disease, and arisen front the
deeility produced by the state of inn lungs.
Atter hectic and night strode are fully
established, the loss of dash and strength
takes place rapidly, and the body may truly
lie bald •to co.on.e. away. Ina severe ease,
the Inlets soon show the loss of flesh, by ups
nearing ant ger than natural; the ell , st be
edmes contracted, the featutesi Sharpened,
ad the eyes attain Mere tbelr WOrited
clearness alba brilliancy. •
The clattic expectorated changes with the
dltterent btatteS of the disease. la the emu.
suencetnent there 13 110 expectoration. Inc
the cough 13 tiry,, but after slime the pati
ent coughs up a ir,,thp mucus. Thin Is
smually titer, bet thins and then - etintalle3
I lola raunt of yell.. or draw cole,rol matter.
Mal later, tile epui tecomes pel/oto or of a
yreenish yellow. When the deposit of tuber
cles foll9ws dry bronchitis, the mucus Is
llka et , r , h, !doc or bides Jelly. After thy"
tubercles sox ten, the sputa is always yellow,
nod parts of It may sink In water. tiotne
thanes the mutter expectorated 1139 a Iced.
tell, and in otters a sallith taste. There - Is
little/ann. often none at all in the part al.
feet et. There is, how ever, commonly some
~pressien In In euthing and pet haps succ
essional stitch in the side.
_ - _ . •
' In this form of CO:11111M min.:, patients be.
Move themselves always "flaring Letter;'
lint, unfortunately - , to the eye °flue physt.
vian - theyare steadily growing worse. They
.lo apparently improve, from time to time,
but It to only In seer:aliases, and is soon
followed by a relapse. during which they
sink ton worse condltion than before. If
we take the care of a patient with auftererd
Inbereles, ho spits pus for a time, hits jet,
-.met night awn,,. with loss of oppetite, flesh
and eirenvtli, coughs incessantly, and can
sear 'ell - sleep at night. Then The cough
gradually abuses, too expectoration be
tomes tope and of a better lor, the fever
rind perript rations vanish, and he very nat
rallyy tuuraines himself rapidly getting
well. Should he gain several pounela.ln
weight, which is frequently the case, he
points to it as on evidence of Improvement.
inich arose; for but a :few months,
and all old sys to ret urn—hrefieferse, night
cough, and purulent erpcolorrinon,
and, vAtiiit hem rapidly disaptioar Then ewly
acquired flesh and strength. A temporary
improvement In symptoms therefor. no
3.volence of ten proved health, unless it he
accompanied by finch changes in the longs
as show that the tubercles are Wing id/sorb
ed. These changes for the better take
place in Cruet e.t.a of Chronic. Consump
tion, bet they are always followed by cor
responding changes for the worse; and at
the close Of each sticceeding one, the eye
of the physlmen readily detects that the
constitution of thepatlent Is. step by step,
giving Way.
NOW, It will be aiikcel, why Is this' The
. reason is easily explained. Consumption.
as I have already eh d, is camcd by ruhrretes
In the lungs, and tubercles by irflotoott In
the airstabe3, conaequent upon neglected
colds. catarrh,. bete throat, oronelittls, ac.
This irritution'ma occur many times, mid
ezlst for a long Lune, before tubercles are
deposited. bet sooneror later a more severe
attack time usual la followed by the rapid
defrost , of urinary tutiorclea. The cold dis
appears before many weeks,' and the irrlta.
tion beau, withdrawn, the tubercles cease
to loan, Rear In mine, however, that those
already deposited remain. Months may
now passe way before a new cold revii ea
the Irritation, end causes a further deposit.
Thus tubercles are deposited in SUCZeSsire
e , frits and at differ - het times. Those first
formed are the firstAO syle fa. As soon as
they arc ...Pelted, th. patient Improves,
until tharecond erupt/it-gins to soften, when
he again relapses. .ieow, at: once softening
of tubercles a pare of rife lung breaks
down; hence, a 3 the!lungs are destroyed,
Woo. by piece, the body wastes away by
successive relapse:sal rinii these perk - elle
improvements nostrums' and villainous
compounds of every Ideserlption obtain tile
credit of effecting the temporary amend
ment, wlacn, in reality. they do harm in
stead of good, by interferiug with the prop
er action of nature. By swill means most
Valleata are tampered with from the day
they become Invalids to the day they are
rant In their graves/ Cure is only effected
'by - carefully ride:nit* the treatment to the
stage of the diocese, and onpiring the
TfalllstieS directly 0 the affeCted part.
This I shall explain when I come to speak
of treatment. ROI Mr
1 1Oralanta. Hotel Pittsburgh, April I, a i l
Chinese Ginger In Syrup.
Extract of Beef. Borden
Condensed .1:111r.'i Imperial Bordeaux
and Turkey Pries, Dates, and This.
&nein:9s uscafel nd London !Ayer ]tai
ulna, Cross andlacklasi noted. Plc%lei and
Mustard. Sauces, Jellies, Preserves, listen
ups. Spiced and Pickled Oysters, Choco
lates, fresh Pears and Pine Apples in glass
Jars, Canned Fruits, and Yegetalifes. Virgin
Oil of Aix, Choice Mixed Candles, all kinds
of Foreign and American Nuts. Philedel
pida Walnut Candy, Note, Bonbons, dc., do
11 Federal street,/ Allegheny.
Itesaril OF Comaelt's Coil Liver OIL
The rureAt und'Sweetest Coil Lver Oil In
the world. • manufactured from fresh
healthy Ilvere, upon the sea.sbore. It Is
perfectly Dare and sweet. Ask for - ultuaurd
A Cualvell's Cod Liver 011, 0 manufactured
CA4111., Uses ..Y. Co. Now York
Solg by all druggists. uw
Oysters, Oy , Oysters.
The oyster season Will Ruin, close and in
anticipation of the event, lloltrlieliner, the
popular - proprietor of tho Continental
loon. next O.r to the Post' ()glee, t Ilth
etriun,reetilves the most luscious and temp'
tiny ottilralves to lie obtained. la Animus:
Call 10 and eau for yourselves.
French. EnLlisit anti American
: , (Nt VS and COsliwtici, tor ,rtb, by
I lnrlT. Druggl , ts, -111.221ittny.
lon (moo Buy
Foreign Liquors of sll kinds at J °sopa S.
Instlllexy, No. 153; lei, 1,3
Ek2PAlrd 'nod WM ljewetmh
Ichole,ale and retalt, by lime R Deurr,
Illugglsts, Allegheny.
Dye Colors rood Dye 'Stuffs.
For sale by KANL K Uncrr, Druggists, Alle
• You Can nay
PE per cent. Ali:Mull ea .To P. Flnch.a
-You too Boy
fio% llora at J vseph
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Artificial liftman Esea,
Adjusted without pain, by Dr. Spencer,
U4ntlet, IA Penn street.
District feeling of G. A. it.
Pursuant to General Orticr No. J , from
Distrtct headquarters, a large meeting of
Post Nor. 3,4, 35, 3,3 S and 44, was held at
the headquarters of Post _No. 3. After the
usual buslueas the following preamble and
resolutions were offered and adopted:
Wnancaa, The Pittsburgh Port Las pule.
tithed gralis, a two and a hull column arti
cle (or the benent of the Grand Army of the
Republic, headed, "Oillcial Expo, of the
Concern," k.c. Therefore be it
Resolved, Tlott the thanks of the various
Posts of U. A. It. of the District of Alle
gheny, in conventio 11.C011iled, bc and are
hereby tendered to James P. Barr and his
associate editors for their kind and liberal
use of their columns in promulgating the
objects anti alms of the G. A. R.
Remited, That as said paper is not gener
ally known or read by soldiers and those
who upheld the Government In her hour of
need, that the editors are respectfully re
quested to republish their "0111elal Expose"
providing they dolt at the cattle COAL: and
we hereby pledge ourselves to advertise the
fact of Its. republication In the various city
papers, so that it will be an object to the
POAL and that we will request all soldiers to
forget the prejudices they formed In the
field, and for once purchase a copy of the
Pittsburgh foal.
Freyla Arrival of
Spring Goods, at Garolinera Monster ral
aCa atria Emporium, No. tio Fifth. weer.
Calf Boots for three ilohar4, at Gariinicr's
Monster-Palace Shoe Emporium, No. co
Fifth Street.
Sliiipers for forty eepts, tit Eartlint Moo.
titer Palace Shoe Ef01 , 0r10.,. No. 60 Fifth
Sllk Gore Garters tine, for one dollar and a
quarter, at No. CO Fifth Area,
Go to Flentinten Drug Ntoro
O. E 9 Market street, for Coe.i
Cure and Cough Ealama. Sold cheap.
Go to rietnlne'• Drina . Miore,l
No. tO Market street, for the liov. 11 - 11.4 en's
great remedy tor Consumption—Sole Agent
Henry Wonsan°, a noted burglar, was
killed by oillcer Thomas Scott, of Ilrookiyo,
New York, on Sunday. Hedrst fired a re
volver at tile officer, who dl.covered him
unaer suspicious circumstances, and ( the
Ciro being returned. Monnane in tartly fell
dead. The °nicer w•as Unhurt.
The stake of the carpenters, coopers and
painters of Philadelphia, for higher wages,.
took place yesterday.
The projeited strikes( spinners at 3tan
chester, nilampshire, for ten hours a
day, has bson anandoned, and the work pro
ceeds us usual to the factories.
. The United States Supreme Court ad•
',owned yesterday, for want of a .il/0-
Henry . It. Linderman's nomination, at
Director et the Mint at Philadelphia, war
confirmed y the Senate yesterday.
The reported match fore prize 11,:la be
tween Joe Coburn and John C. Heenan
arose out of 'an altercation between the par-.
ties inn It")N. York se ambling saloon, which
the pollee opportunely stopped. It Is stated,
however, that the 'match is Ilkely to he
' An Iron war steamer, named "tam. Mc•
Cullom," deigned for tho service of the
Mexican LtneralK, left. New York on Tues
day, tor Tampico, with two artillery batter•
ten.thousand stand or arms, four tons
of powder and a largo iluantitY of axed ate.
munition. Several Liberal army officers
were on board.
Brooks and Tit!ly-, charged with the mur
der of an ohl lady near Clear Spring, Jack
son county, Indiana, tome months ago
were taken from the Jail of that county on
Saturday night last, by a mob, and hanged.
Late Mexican advices. report things no
fast approaching a crisis. The Liberals
wore almost under the Walls of the City of
Mexico, preventing' supplies catering, and
over three hundred persons were In prison
for expressing sympathy with the besieg
ing forces and fulling to t pay their quota of
forced loans. ' Maximilian's Governor had
resigned. Tho singe of Puebla had coin
menced..Muximillen`s army at Queretaro
was completely environed, rind the people
of Vern Crux favored asurrender to the
Liberals concentrated outs , de. The whole
French squadron.of war vessels had arrived
at Ilavana from Vera Cruz, making an im
posing display. .
The Inissian-American treaty excites con
siderable cli.icusSion, and it is stated the
present feeling is against ratification.
At the meeting of the Peach States Su
preme Gianni, rit,Vashington, yesterday, C:
B. Parsons, of Cleveland, was appointed.
Thomas A. Rayard (ion of 'lion. Jame, A.)
will probably be appointed Senator from
Delaware in place of Riddle, deceased.
A dro .lolit.tonis Printing Ink (,stab.
ihebmrnt, to rhiin'ihifiltla, yesterday. morn
trig, remelted in Inn la's enthliated at 95. 4 ,0
on which, there was no Insurance. -
"Louisiana Tiger" named Hilly at.,
tempted to rob a ;awn broker then in
Philndelphia, on Sunday morning, and
a - Lien surprised by the proprietor showed
Light and beat Min with bit "Jimmy." The
"tiger" was caught and caged.
The new rnilroad machine constructor
has been tested In California, and Is covet t.
crest a complete bUCec,S. Tint machine
levels track, lays tics, deposlis,:ralls and
nails them to their places. It Is estimated
(says a dispatch from San Francisco) that
with a coinplemenx of two men it will do as
much work its a day as two hundred men
without the uld of the constructor.
Lake navigation is ru-opened. Tho
Steamer Evening Star made her first trip
yesterday from Sandusky, and will run reg
ularly between that city and the islands of
Lake Erle.
The livery establishment of S. Warren
Co., and six frame buildings adjoining, in
Toledo, Ohlo,. were destroyel ly fire on
MOnolay morning. Lacs, 4 - 23,0e0; Insurance,
A meeting of the citizens of St. Louis was
held lost night to devise Edene for the
mediate reimiloing of tlin"l.lndell hotel.
The dye wool mill of Harvey, on the out
skirts of Brooklyn, New York, was burnt
on :iatordoy. Loss, i14e,040; insured.
Governor Throektnorton,` of Texas, has
telegraphed to thu effect that that State
will Immediately reorganize under the
reconstruction act.
The. : lmecial committee of the New York
Board of Commtinaen have reported aualnit
the Perk tile for a Post , Men.
Alfred ft. Clark. New York Custom !louse
clerk, haw been arrested to the author of
the lbrlzed pay roll last week, by which ho
realized tl.Ole.
The internal Revenue officers of New
York continuo to reit. whisky. Yesterday
they took possession of four hutidted hor
rid,. which hatetteou lel leved . trum LI bonded
warehouse under transportation bonds be
lieved to he worthies, Its a similar pro.
eess It Is thought from three to four thous:
r.nd barrels have been removed and realized
litte steamer Costa hico, belonging to linn
rtuirße Mail Stettmehip Company, mail e d
yesterday from New York. for China, with'
a full and raluableteargo. This vessel
sent out for the purpose of making the woos
section between Shanghai and Ytikoh6moi
• Isaac 11. Sturgeon and John O•Falien Fier
ier Lave been unanimously elected Presi
dent and Vice ?resident of the North Mis
souri Railroad.
The California delegation in the Home of
the Thirty-ninth CongreSs. Messrs. Bidwell.
Stegner and Webs . . sailed tor Caltfornia to
the steamer New Yor lc yesterday. , Megner
and Higny are, candidates for re-election
and hide ell is a candidate for the nomina
tion tor Covert..,
Mon enotll , l“te., wus
ilu.yol of Circleville. toll°, 3 , 46tertlitY,
elity,even uanlvtlty—o. /11,05 l•uxou gain.
British Financial Allairs,
Irritation in Franco and Germany.
IJ - erects:, ..if tail I.—Regret IS generally tilt
pret,ett by the I , rets arid In political circlet
at the proposed bale of tut, Ituteilan posac,
shins In North America to the United Male,.
ri;ore:, or tho mffiget before the
lions° Of Commons shore Mat the revenue
Of Great Britain for tine last fiscal vend . ex
ceeds the 1,41C1.11111f. Or tilt Government
by .1:2,WW)0.
rwse stns A: BA.
'AV.:1'001...11,M I.—The steamship ,ore.
vu, from the Clyde, bound for Poston, flunk
ut Tea, during a severe rtorm, on the MI.II
t:.\'CcrcursT IN Fit 0501 i A:tb OrnUANV.
iturssims, April I.—The appearance at
antt•l'rus,lan placards in the streets of
Luxemburg creates much excitement in
Pronto and Germany. No answer is yet
made to thu complaint of the Prussian
Commander, and pending the settlement
of the affair the irritation is increasing on
Loth skies of the Rhine. • .
tn 3 tailor.;
thu w 11:to impolothm. ~f t
es the tormtv hmtm :nova, 1.4 'm
ut,le to do 111.11 Icohl et. work ,:m:• , ro . t,to
The t oanl w
tin,: , tilr
Penton :L1... Tot mm hot ho. ,eht
-1.:1.,; mot,. turhott
tepot , •.: t1mol•ho.,; emthtteo, well
u-teltt .1, :Int ft , tr•lho... lo
,tovimet them. 11 comitt,m,
tenh,:l, I. Tlo•re .1,94,11,en
the 11, !ill: I:
tin,, 01 tho 1[0 ,, t011 I'. 11, othtl.o:,.
loony :ho tionter, hove op;10 , .1
tear. en, ont it:e 1,11104 le pot not the
urcertry loolltrig• for -cheot.." tiont rat
11111 am /4 C . nrzoc,. , 2, ;hot 11l lot•jottm
eoz.tlhot tho etneato, et t
QUhro,rewx, I.—rho ate rn, Otto Ti,l ' '' "'""
entlnhoo Tn 0 ,1,0. I.
Iron.. New York, Imo ato [yea.
Loneox, April I.—The graginan mail
steamer, from 1110 Janeiro, arrived at IJe
i>on. rho brings is report that au American
man-of•w ar had gore up the Paraguay,
hearing a progoidtion from the allied comb
American pow ern containing the La•ts of
negotl ttlons of peace to be submitted to
Yana Krona . , April I.—U.S. IlumPaleelinod
In ;S.
1.4.,n0N. April 1.-Etentr/v.—t:onzolm,
vou•ool., il 1— EL..loirt•.-1. ottem
clo-ed k1:111 l'j.l for 10 Zflli I upland, mol
1.0,1 tor Orlvans. I:rea.l,tutr+
urichunge:l. Prt,
u r th1:1. ItglC0:1
La 4!, eel. tither,tl. Tr,
duce mmlittngt•tl.
The Senate in Extra Session
1r Asmnoio , , ..tprll I, 1 , 7.
SEN..Ii4 Q.
After praycr by to .1:••c. Dr. t
Chaplain, tilt: Pt - cf.:dent cullot the unto
to order and tlitecte.l to be reu.l the 1 , re..Y.:1•
mation of the' conve:ang
On - motton•ot Mr. AN:1'1111NY, Its .
solved that u Conimlttee of two atom: or-
LC mipointod to watt on the Pres:deal acd
inform him that a quorum of the .tunute
Its I toomolded and aern roatly to 1,,,C
nay coma...rata. to ml6lit do pleast.d to
Ikte,sr, ANTHONY and IIENDLI:,.N
were appointe , l a, tn., corrurnr,,.
On motion or Mr. .1 N I 11. ts y, ot.dor.
et! that the 141 lly bOgr of electing I o kettie
o'clock, natal °there oet orderc.h alo.,
the i.tandlnir commtltecil of the htmate
riontiouta ilurnoi the i1,1,-cht
Oa tnotton ut 3.1 r. 1:11.1 N, tLe ,enure,
at a quart', poet twelve, wuat Into Exe,a
-liVI: t•elatott.
115 I:roadway, Nl:u- loch, April I, I -0 .7-i
To on Aaron:. ',nil to the Ts.,, cr dis ',ewes"
The arrangements havt: now been ones
pleted for the :11;1rd:tali:an throughout the
United States of the commercial nett ,rani
tall _parts of the world, I:Mho:tot! at New
York by the A... 6 .a.] Pre-a of no . ' Mls' ,
The Western Colon Telegraph Company
have entire charge of Ilia teachtncry for the
dlatramtion, and Its strents wall receive ups
pl,cation troth all ler:ions .rho 1017 desire
to obtain the news for lo,nr .
I i.
Tip: salt, Mine:v.:palter publeautiou wMI be
COlitintictl as heretofore in charge tat the
Assoetated ('rare, but the new branch of
business now tit npiocil will lie Under the
direction ofaten. Marshall Legerte, 115
laroadwuy, Sew leek, who has eon placed
by the Telegraph Cot:loony at the bend of
then ew bureau, to lama all cointiolidei.
lions of Important. rolm add
uld be ruseed.
Agents will be appoint.' fOr nil the prin..
pal eaten and Moment . the Colon, wiser:it as
practicable, and wishing to eulo
emit. ran apply to the than: mere
of _the telegraph cokes tor InfornastlOn.
Tho.ennimercial public will now be turn bth•
od with cohabit , hilellicenco at :t very tea:it
erate price, and w Ith the abeolute certalnty
of boon{ Protected Mike :against motpapo-
Meta and spertillidnrii. Tile agents of The
Associated Preen at all points wall do wlttat
they can to facllltate the work of tristrilan•
Aloe, both for the f , G.'413 or publlc—Venve:l
-entm rand the interente of their twine !pals'
(signed), .1. 1%,
taen'l Agent AseuclatealPitte.
Chill end Peros•len Prlva :The
DlMenitlee 10 Colemble—The
tlellone .11111 Ike liepubllen.
ern Yona. Aprlll.-1110 at..nlor
Chauncey. from Aspinwall, In - Ingi
In trea.uro.
The Panama Zhu. of the - -1,1 ult. saysn'The
eteaanet C. It. Copier, detained In Sew lock
on suspicion, Is now willing under thMilag
of the Col ambles Government, inalert he
name of Itayner. She had received six tor
pedo bats no hoard, and storied tor Janial.
ca. The • tar things the• suspicion Clint she
1 , a Chillian privateer well founded. and
then she will prey on the hicanl9ll cool merne
oft Porto Rico and Cuba. It also says it is
believed the Columbian Mini.der at Wash.
le ;ton has allowed himself to be impe.opi
on by n p .rty of CM 111111.11 agents, to enable
them to evade the United States neutrality
Tito notorious si saner Meteor has turned
nit at Callon, and it I, presumed she will be.
caste a I'erl,lllll Or Citation privateer.
Thu difileulty between tile President f/1111
Congress of Columbia contintie,
The revolution On GOMA:MOM hall been ell•
tirely suppressed.
Other republics were tranquil.
The negotiations between the Smith
Amcriran republics and the I; uropeati petr
el, bad not yet rertelted a tome, nor has
tile preposition of the United States for a
conference at Washingten been accepted.
The United States steamer Woteree arriv
ed at Panama, from Callon, on tile Mil.
The United States sloop of war times
town was to ball for San FronCISCO immed
The Melones !leveed, with I,2eellales
of Colton.
Sr. I.eme, April I.—A New Orleans nnecinl
to the E. filthy /h siolarh 010.1 thh 0 4 , 00 . r
h\thtthh, Wlth hhth.4 14 enlton, ww.
i..sret the. morelng nye thin
pole, The Melt Iva" owned In 01. 1.01111
OM WOO VILIIII.II lit 4.52. , , 00. IhMht.,l
1 101111 the. Plmenla. and eeenelly, New nrk
Enterprise 1 . 12,1 and Marine, tine
New Enaland Mutual Marine, II 1 . „ 0
relca, l'lttsburn; Ath.ntl.o.l oh.
Loula; and the lloalmen's Insurance and
Tr.!. Company.
The Mary'nut' Convention-Abe
ter to tone,.
llALYtaione, April I.—Applications having
L been tiled by eerti.lll persons enjoining' the
sheriff from holding any _section tor the I
( onvenLion notletri.(.4l 1/y the lute I,gisle
lore, ,Ititige Martin, Ice,l(ty, in IL,' ceperlor
court, raid belxii+ re(ply to glee hlc
ion, ctbl Intruntied •
he Wl/1/11/ 111.41.111/1// 1111/1 /
hill.coniplatnent's 11
401 lilt 11111/,,
p o le, of 11, Illglloll,lll / Ills rivie tee' , pee,'
Freedmen in 33issihsippi
EIcoIIII6IIGMO OF 1113 Tata,
Another Indian Massacre
The Ilus4u Treaty Considered.
The CM2l..i - -.011., of the Frtalrttn . illth
tearsl.• rta...llllt. ttf a rt.port. of Alto Cour,
that, at !ht. Ilarttta int ill. Ntatt• or 1111,1,-
tattpi, dm Ina J.:unary,rtattisttlt anal,
date or l'icksarg, l'rttruati,. I:th, It 1„
oral A. C. .a+slstatit (Itantnt-lont r,
front n hlch at apt, ;sr:. laha:
mana, att.l !aair I wart: t , frattsl than
lust your, Irlitle It Is ..t.tat t.
{amt who
treataa the tretaltnen CAnna;
obtain bona. Tit , ll..nallt , slonta . who
to . charg , l of I. thtt 1/:.rrl.. of
"tate!, a stalt. o that S thole
In sOnle lin e up Inc. the
oreolored 1 , ..0t•te are Moe Mt. to thrt
from the ol•ter nett Ic. , t• toJltr.•••I ' , Mt. , et
Vlrgtol.t. North C.trelom, ,utit l'At••1•.-
nu. ::1141 Acr•mnr. of •I•••4tn
and elute:lrma nte. to tar refer to
Nit.t•e•tipto, rrt;eettht•l. Itnrmt: •t.tmntre
nu ration, • • ••te t•• • 17 !.)..1,4 ut
exeept Itoe, lilt. )••••;;•t LI.
A lett, front the wife of A , 11-Iles•e.slo..l
:arm) . otheer, recelvea Leer,
cotthino , tto. report Of the f Apt or
I , tholn/, at the thoeth of f el:ow
Ono! I:sok in, els s. ire s.rol ‘ollnlren, 411,1 tn.
...nolo Isere .nievntere..l, la all
C , O0:1,1 it n , cep
re,ertte.l. • ut
monttp., In for
n1,11 1 . 1 .y to re..!.....:,p10nethe.1 at,
ts.e:c by the es - cu. - I , lmhz,, tole,• or linthot,
I;roo7,11: n.;:slost bait N0•1P0• ,,, . 3, ‘•
"Tit LO. r pAh..l-1,.., hi/0, .71.! th• Oh.
I;APO 111- pro,lre •to Ith. is !en .t., it 1,
woent deteLel h t p , sltien to tnr r. o.
110 reptthonl ith IOS :31 1 , tome :Lent t rn e.....
of .al:
. , ,67,1
o 1 1.1 , 01, Perot , he wa , ove,
v. - I,ll,nril. ernliv
17.,:n As t+tftra Comtnt-,nni•r.
t elaf.vf. tr. ait, 10 ;:firt ••ft,te.
Ile report, tiro opir in
trp•fr,:ton.yrith 4, hi .tr•III•rs anfl 7.-11 pt:;•;',
f•ornif dttlIr•:: Efcr, t•if xr,r,forl .0 .11 ,
fere,. !fart, r•r ot.f atm, in
I ri•r•-101-n and t1::•!‘
offt of ref tf fr:-• I :fr• :At hr ; tr.
pay 111 . , a f o, Iffrffiff-..ft . . 11,511u:4f
ffl,funnt ftlfrrf.r.ft•'..• :.cap y: 2 1.1•••• t.
010r...ft proir:ff tit fillilrft I,lllt, In ft:,
r•rrft: ;l r . Ir•nr.r• air vi
crert.o•o abh.tr3flffrrt tr. 4r1fu101.4,
Jr:Ttly. '1
A to - Inc 1 urk Puit front
IVeshtn.iton:statcs: Depart:mtt onle.Al.
%hist tioner.ll thiticr. chatt4e. tts to
the peraort of ati.c . rters to ',tee' n I un election In I\'c.: \ to
•troit. Th..) . were not ,IlnAs.cci nut .1 it
month ittt,tr the of notion.
The t-cutites , Foreign /lc:,
lowa were In st,...tort lieu I ours t tutirre
log on the t mat y with u.acre
conitille.l art! .locittnent autlited, but no
conclusion arrlisq et.
'FlIn lowihlttre I.
witde,... nn thi , treltehr?..
went et the l're.klent, latt hq.llhlj.3ll(n this
The Senate ha, rejected, I, uglat 1 , 311! as
Iteeelver of Poi,lle Manny, t
!to The Preshlent sent ton nomination,
F:1•111,11: core, AND 711 E 111,0,1 . 14,-
. .
Tbu iioVl,llorel Of ,I.:VVI/115.111.11121 - 11 States
are mtrlying. to grLthn tnitltary rrvonvtrue
tlon net bef , ,o the Supreme Court for a .1c
The not tonal debt Intl bee axed aced lit tet•tt
anilliona during March.
The enrollult bill relating to 3lttomorl
unteer, 1.1111 found, Thu
WO! unbolt thu qua,ltlon of Ilk power to
olgu It to the Cubloot to..roorrow.
drisncou . will probably be 'con
firmed on the of (ion. Itoserrnux.
The R.dan treaty In tol erabiy eel t“ltt-of
- - -
Indiana Trento!enema In Arizona—The
Military and she illoverisment com
plained et far tiasiolenro nod Irian ,
tiara F.. 4 April I.—Litte
from Arizona reprement the I °aeons troll
illevutnit. tin Ilarch lit the , 247/11.!0.3
Cut It train retuininvi ~,,, riiiiw,itt to
Loper, la the cleivitrof Date Free:, In ll••iI
three twin, wounileil one, awl ca retired
twenty . ..lour anitnnlii, four guns, three pls.
toll and three hutidrGrl rounds of nun lintel
ion. Date tint, /Wen of the t 1111,4-
ere, wan lot inerly a Willltary rtation. TUE;
people of A complain of the Ind ,
leaner: of 1.1, unlit nry and tile Ind I iTereneepf
the novernininit etine4rning them: cm ragas.
The ehlii I orphei,! from New York. lint
rived. Mile Jacket, for
Flour active; price 3 II cm; extra,
noperline, $5,71. IV hent quiet,
el to he Re
'The Groot lARtilell Ito.
bolli—,loollog . of (111
•to I/11,114 tit rosh . ipl4:
Eel, wits attoollhtl ult
rlty, 1410 UPI moot doter!, I
wwthltoattot that the look
rico to outtoe,st Lucile
as 411111011/C(1011 111/3 spot,
of wealthy tool
were appolntod
rope ottlto
It too 0.1111, Of prly tl4
yes, thtt city at
port to the moot togs troth
till the retotited ohm Is
AISII., WIII DUI 111 tholund
0:IIIIIIspot at tho fairly opt
tpol nth, the e Itolo mom.,
r , - ,, 1:11.1ing fif t 1.110 Is
Itiver Tellesfr
'ht. ClApril 1.--11 still'
plo It tvor moo, 1,,
lot ...ling. vu n.,t. at *1,:o.
the Litul.-11110.
ll' 111 111 must
plUOlsts , ut 1.11 ,
1111,1 spirit vta,
shout,: be. vio •
I tnJ commit tens
lintluenthth ulen
Rturun lout en°,
Isintnitteu to ot
nUrltt tu .1;410,
nosed. ISlgar
0 nountla.l now
111 [41141i.. Thu
'wort •r,al
•r 4,111 , 1,1
1,1:0 ntri
Opening ut, the Bids
lt,tr.isr.ptto, 51,1:11 1.-111.1 s wore open.'
to-ttast tar at ILO loan. A itottt,ooo
at aVa percent st. IP+ bi , l for at par,
and aboat licrt3 t ,tio millions at ,t
for rent. Went Itt.l for from parto ON
O half
P.o . cont. For prvmpon thn 00000.
wontetttLy attoat :Pt oplllous
Ofilailat?; Proxlesa C0.,.1.ty Cook., k Co.,
alp! 1..1.k 1 CoPttot About niXt , ,eo lollllone
at premiums ranging 110111 1-1 , , per
Ilm,romp,April flartforkl
2,734; linktli,h. M2110,11.1'
for 1:,0:4111r1.-1. year. 1;•.t.
ootall 111111ority for
I,..miti.; 11 prObibly thleated , oVahout
tou 111'00111 V.
Nona icn, total I.—For Governor: llavv•
ler. 1.G.1 3...ttllain, 1,131. 311.1,er of Coo
tf urkweather, 1.41, Marl., 1,115.
1" .11.11 1-111r.11.—Itet urns from
.rt toying In Connect lent give 1.1;•
11,, i 1 1 / 0,1 . 11, 101 abOut Ole majority for lit.-
orttor. Tile remlt 14 afloat, and doubtful,
lett the Democrats claim the Mute.
NI AKILI.--New 1111,41 county
h;th rn,11,1, 10,1 , 5.
,1111,1 11.1 IA ILI, count,Y, ,, m‘pwr.3.l
with var.
April 1.--Protn recolv.
n„171 101 bta.thlrty . .t,o town
by 31,1, i , r31),h0 , .... ' 01 Lb.:
i,Latti re ure pr0!..111,1y Rep
f1.4,1 - I,r, April 1.-1.11,:11,11 ,I , 4•Tnrwral 1
1 . pro,:t!av by mnion.
tv. 'no I n-linwrati rnrry 1,111,,•.-
,Il,trn vlx:,l, In t 1,1,
11, , , , h1. 1..., In Inn .2.1,7111r1 it'ns. it. nnt num,
!he, 1 1 4. ,t,krk-
Ivontinn ,11...11.1t+tri,:t. Th.. Il t nnner,L,
n 111 lit':.. ono ill' tnniorlt vln Elm
,an ,nnte. will be I:epubill
• , Anvil I.—, Mitt of CO
Ititlll,l2-..1.,,ni,. 1,01 (I.onvocral) W 14% re-
n.lorlir, a onion gam
ovor hi+ ..lvvtlon It •v . ,1_3,,Ar. Thi• Coun.
t.II -t.ta 11,:not , a, an. 1.1.1 Union.
NV Ilkan . , Union, was
tin, Aorll I.—Thu Stunieilm! Or,
tom 0z,...1.t0 .0110t1.. Thr whok: Lnlon
1 1 ^ , oh•o;m1 It.rztot 2,7. a: non - 11y.
2:•”, Art the niunielpal *lee
t•utite Utoort Itmolhlimto
:ty houlmlA. Ring for 311...1 - ,
It• .;.,0 to nmjorpy.
2.2.222 2•22..t•ti• 1.' 2 22 212: 22! [Welt, (1 2 21:121d1111021.
TVA. 2212 i • Uhl:. 222tirli i - 1110r1',,,tia on U i : vt.rte
Mlchls‘r. Mote Elre
I: , 'no:, •••It••
Arot oV-.10.ty
• ..00l will olect t!:clr -rule
'l3:-/:ot ANL/to.t•olltv of tie :it:lv:fat., to
•••Jatt,anonal ronvontloo. eqy
IL or.tjorlfr.
uo• • :1:z I 'o tf,u io.m.•ratb.
Coo.ertol,,e Ciiiirentlol nl \o•11-
'. amolt Colored Ilan
011 Ilse Slloni lard—' , lnto Mewling In
Irreeplrli‘e of Color.
A1..X1 I -.X Cin,..rvAltvr , C-on
a nal .
1 , 1 a It.llo,
tne -11 -
~~,. ~i ~.
r.:to to 1,14 . 111 l•
ir .tol, Mt.
the, that
• ! Aoll 11,1 the,
:11 11.1.1,0-t
I, V. 11.. L'i-Llictr.:
Volcr, to Ilnid
,111.... t,
1-A!Vt: e'r
A.l t
1,110n..1 one,
IL,. .{.I• an I
N. v.. 1. M.
:row ro,olun. :en. were . . ptel
r:oo ',1.:, '•eirre-e. the ~:trego,
ter I of umnon, •rl.l lint
7r111.10,,,v0 titiq runtln; wt.
!kw of.vl,rts In the
r.ct:ltt,v;ttlnt , t
W.'n ~ ~ h:
~ ... 1..1 tt:t. 1.1 - 0-1.,1ty Irc,•
n ”.lont , lwan nn,l
1....r0rl Iftlo.t . for Iho
c of ter Stat., mat 1 , 0
le.lleat Mat 1.1.0
c; .•1,11•1 tut os the 1.111:4 4111”.1,t
•‘l:' 0. 14. r0g,...1....10n an.lelrc.ll.oll at
••'nt, f.ri
1.etr0w . ....,
1: , 41,1 441 4 11%11 occaple.l
thlng• ,1•1
A ttttt rurr xrn ntmrnrrr In Ch arley
ton-3111/tary t aura tttttto.
itn,treot car
,11111,,03. t0.01.y. .r.‘ o.cot,
rtre, ton•I It.r.o.tne;
ly tooot otto“ntl
t0 , t,t , 1 Its IN, .13tIon tout,l.. Th.101;1011
tottvorlo,lott Ot•otttletly, I,lllg
ot , tttt,l IltlcAttoo . ./ to rt -4, 01113 Mon..
In ctevloal Vat (tea %Plc 11i1tireti.
Intorott.ll , slag promptly mcnt to tlonii
• arid ..tend of legtihaTtt inlet(
to,t; tOtargo• of lit, of the rllttatottler,
t, ..It, n 1 l ho 11,,t1g.ttett ItelOrtt
roptio,t LoUrt to-Morrow.
Ex•fonte4vinto fieneral
Maryot, April I.—Ea-Untifetlersito en
eral rtnith ttankhetitt, lately City Attor
ney, we a nrie.ulte,l by an It nknorrn tootasrtn
MC:S.O.'II'O3Y bl,tht nod be2ittot to death. Su.
btelon point, to u pottecunin lately
[tett - tont it hit re.toe.t.
FOI:IITII I'AGE,—Thr paltst and moot re•
liaLie .ILinry, Oil and .I.farkel Re
p,ri, given by any inipernn the tag, will be
oil our Page.
To Sub.-rigor..., -
Suh,c , ere, changing their ,(laces of re4l
- will rho.," leave their new addresses
et ooreounting room, so that our carrion,
stay be enabled. to deliver the ti.tzerre
without Intel Clor termuTor the
>lnr trill remain as imul—lincen cents per
week iicliveced hy carrier,
Din ind a brief stay at the Capit9l lust
wet tattled the 'tuba, et the l i ceneyls
'tomtit Military Agency fur battling the
Halms of her Sold hob for bounty. buck pay,
pansl,lllM. ' Mir letlowdAtigen, 11.
Stewart, late Sheriff cif Alleghtela
Cflll lli l', to the .Igant o were surprised
to tlml the not It ninciture, us we hail
1,,.„ 1011. h u t, i ieetilring tunch labor
and it fatrtlllarity tuu
Ith tau law, Mr. Stu.
at t. unsuited by Col. tient:, (Mao a i t toutsyl
anniand tins thor systematised the
I,nehlr.! nnll i,ilu tillllll . ollll with ru-
Übe.. and liasst nil:whet for regisiiarliiif
oie log the ',drams tdttibi of claims,
a. bather let' itrreers Pity, holm tv, addl.
tninitt bounty, frets these
ti cords NV It easily thu
Ibt of Cillittl.3 Med, vie:
linnet; for arrant ol pay and haunts :yogi
•• pnson. , 577
it additional bounty
111 11.1,0 Ilicre have linen ad hist 1,71 ,
l.cav yet ;ie
I dernan dr.., tin. al, of 1 he neon.
ev as 114001.1.11.,11 wt. , olle.ol tour
,t etl ter-. a. 1.11/ tonal elnlent are beteg
101,401110./1 the 1,0 1,0111111.1 Y
raug...l and registered at the ligencv and
for C allus eat at the bettontl Audi.
tore oilier In the T 1 .04,ury Departinent,
w net u 1111/00 UlllllOllO t114110.a101 applications
p e
per tbnt tor aaalellol4l bounty are iyesent
ed liinn all the etatev, in addition le the
0111,1110,1 Last to numer
ous are these claim, that the Auditor ends
iintiessible, except by general circular,
.to acknowledge thr.ll receipt. Any delay,
!be:Clore la Pennsylvania ehiltuants near.
lug On rate of their application, Is from no
built of Xl r. all. lie watches al
p r0gr...... of lints. alid 101 , 0011
0 ,1,0.41010 001111101111alirs 1110 1 - 10111141 1101
clients all over Me Slate. lie and Col.
ewe. 111,0 111/0 . 110.1111 111 0119 101111.1,1. allll
a do all in the. iron, to expedite the
emination and ,ettleinunt of every
ei xa situ on the NVIOIOIIIO. 1 1 0, 0 014 ut the
pecinl Mertlug of Council, novint: flay.
Laqt evening luith 1,1;10,, et the City YeQterlaY was the First of Aprll, nnl of
Coning!, ileid It gpi.ClMlnectbur In their' Cr. • enur, attuu del with all the character
' apectlec chatulse, tn City Hulling, to take Istb, of eilectlug lay.” Peoplitrun !Other
:tetton regarding d bill recently Intteluced • and thither with all ,orts . of luiteeeltell
In the Legblataite, to authorize the Pltte- goods open their bachc, whtle oFerythlug
burgh C., Conipany to coliect Iron , (hap,* to the shop" of an 01,1,:„1 wto In
ple or wet ConSULII , II, the govetainctit taut, ,le rana.l sera at Ivll extravagant figurer
ltupoied upon chatcorporatlon. as live dollar , per Ccal. .\nimat oho Durer
I'lll.llo 'were present Mess,. Barnhill,: than an chone harnuche or a Imstirlnn- ear
logeo^oo, wece foic-.1 to toll in the •sl...alts of
11rtolx, Coltritn, ore, pure, Mt•Olt;'•
;;;;; , 1 1 . 1 , 0 t o long vel,l; ill, rocked
wan, McClelland, 310.'111,1n, teNOlll,
;;;;;‘ ,, th ~; ;„ ; ;;, ,0 , ;;; ,, e
en;; ,. o 1 14
Muherts, 1101.5, ',Leer:, Sloan, Tontl Imam, Igout ;,,,„„,;;;;;;, „„ m;;;;; , ;; • r ee
Turey, erner, lVel.lon and. Prmident ; potent,' en lop, very umtrao'hilly holdth,"
Sm.l. ' till Imes,while here and there tam lobe met
Ti,,' 1%0'10.a 0.010! 1110 1101.1.111 g a youth. preportloned Moot., slender,
had 1.0111 called foe he purpose of Raking' tr;thl ni„. stheei t ,„. 0 „„. ; 1 , 1 , 0 , e ,„ 0 , 11
tato censlelerl4lloll 11.01,1a111 ~, t .llOlO bill, 000 ; hely, reveling et 1 110 ireportanee of I le. a
Powering Gas Com pa. to ley': the aton, trudged by 11 11, hie trial ,If
ernment 111.11 1.1,11,111.111,.. pyrauthl on tile Moms. flow many
311. Slagle, the tltty Sollcitor, NVIII then
vatted npen and staled that while In Mar, ;;;,„, treoy .-„,., ;;; „,1 1„,„ „
re.burif. last "...e l h, 10'1.011 been Informed I,veled In
hi v e eoo winle Inlld mannered
"r nl. " :""r "rniinn ' inn ' Mllll.l's .rermn Ihtn paroxysms of rare,
th " th'' love
broken teirrels shattered time
how 'Loll for gal. 31 r. Itlgham had charge sLagthing of the demolition or h”,..”-
"r 4 • 11 . '" 11 " aPll , ';'fl'd hold geode, reminds' Of OW foci That 1/311-
'"' 31 ” " t• lel trilly tile! 0 ; bureau ,Rooms broken to
any ophoon imen it, thooght 1 atoms hy Irelng thrown from a 1411001,
the entlrtly oneall..l ler, awl um 111001101,7 c,, n „ e „ ; d u g . , 1.;;;;.;,1„ 111
1 1 , 1 ,4 s , ;" , s ( 1 , ;• I '' ; ' . 1 1 1 1 7. , ' 1 0 0 1 ; 0 1 :- . 1111 : 11 ' , token h•il ' fl uid lntorinatlon before Alderman I.y...l.l:gutted
Conner. rhariong Win aWI uhrliclou, tnis
-31 r. II d net h01p0.... that tho' 1.111 , the , ; ,. ; ;; ,„ . .,„ ;yed „ ; , ;;;; .. re ., ;;; ,"
would there:ton Ihe price of gas to double 1 ;;;; le I , e en . „f fora
1110 11010111 a 1311 W paid. Tll. 1'01,11.11y ,I 1 /1/1.1 5 „. 1101 ..
decree:lu 1 110 Iprlce of gm., atdi an tnerea, ;
t th, IVOIII4 I•e., 'llp,, Mom:Otto., A Sn•plelonr
few minutei before eleven o'eloe'st last
eheape rhanpr t; ~ night, 11 re. Tattle, rmltllng at 4 , Scalthflehl
Mt, Coarale - thcarght that 1 hero 'toot be I .. tra ,t, .00, 0 the tallo,qllg e.5.,11)/1.,ha11,11t. Of
something beyond a po'vlston providing
0e„ , thte the eellee, ee.;
1 11.1 the tax slmuld be levied open the ;-• "+"
.0011.5111111•0. I 00110311 IC A br tWOOtII, /311 Ics, fur thu our.
31r. . oNcill 10110151111 pronto-' 11..0 0( getting some klndlltig wood. .kfter
Me end resolution:
W1101:0.14, II h., 6.3t4 , 1 tlett the, procuring the fuel the holy mentioned pro.
15 nelo boor. the Leg/slat ore, In MI ; cuedediutO an Inner apartment, where/slit'
ProPm" , Inerca - s dlicover.-.1 a Mau ernucht.4l down belthel an
4 the 1 0 ;; fo“ empty dry gooda boa and some ,traw.
te „, z11 1. 1%; t o t
L,"'""'i7t to 1 1 1 t 1"\VIOL herOISIII not In he expected melel,
;,;,n; ,I'll.; the elreninltances, tho lady returned to her
i ";" " " cola pantom, from whom 0110 wttlibeld the
n;".n";'' '
knowle.lge of her .1 I,covcry until the trill
"' ! " ,• 11 . had rear lied the upper 'tory. husband
on the first l or Ju lll' ly, :111.1 ; of 11:11, Of the ladies, who wa i s , leeplog 111 an
1 . I ' . •
~1 , 1 , 1 T, Ci ... ‘ 1 7 1 11 , 0, 1 1. 1 . 1 r, 11 .. „ / 1 1 . S .,1 11:;11 , I , T , 11t 1 . 1 4 , 1 ,, 1 1 1 e r1 , 1 1 1 . 1. 1 1 v ill i ll; -
( 11 ,„ 4 0 1 , 1 . d: 1, 0 , 111 , C.V their an, thole- ~.; ee;;;;eae, „ Aye , el the Went[
Reet/...1. Tint we, 111.. , explored the cellar' tea moments
the citron., of gab-burgh. In select Of 1110 1/Iyll . oi c ool I 11.1 Ivld-
Common LOlOOll, herens I.rotestagrAmt
, " ; ' ; l 1 ; 1 1, 1 ; 1 11 ' , 1
the passage of ~...1 bill and sok [ni l it our
hat 00'00 1113 h<ing
diseeeered an In 1110 d
the hr. 10:0 of the hatch-
I men, 1101.11,011 w Indow the front 0111111
tre:•le ho pore, a matter of lit:le difficulty.
lo;i:lnuen,l17.;l„i,;;liii;l:oll:,(0.0.1,101101:1"l;,lilljloll.l;‘,",l;i:,i'Y; It
doubtl.7e, intended or rob the home,
a 111011 intention
• 51:01,0 1 01 01 11..
p t ; goihn, gran- Ill.orderly Hotline.
ford. ("Allah, Leos:, ;McCarthy, Mei, ell,
Morro 0, 1 . 1.11,5, set; ,t., n, Thom ts• '"" belle; "
son, and 1 . 1 . .-; leht ; the 1 1.10 , 1 ward. In Ile °pule ;
.011. M, the remine; of lan or phy, ,thn d.,,,,t1p0,14111C1. - bqr dorneti
" win, Ills
•M..0;.1ey -1,1 , 1 Liu'. 11r.•11:1 , 1
,'•11 11 , 1111.. tit, 111 lie (1 , 1:1001 Of , of proprerty, and hence ;they haye'hecomu
oent steel, of the Wast. eppe„„,, before
"";";'" 4"i 001 to ill" ' rima Lynch, yititerday, aml after heing 'lull'
i"ri (00 ": " 10.1 " i ,:rorn, depoted. and. sant, that 010.,
,etnl;:cd. '
' lams, 1.0 •01 ne of_trequente br,11 . 14,
The (11;10 of the Common 1,11'1,11 eerte . t , the h ,,,,.. heser the
I V ;l l . ,l 7li ' ta l 1. 11 1 ',1 / ' 11 ' ,:i 2 1 7 U , 1 1 t 1,1 1 . ;o ' l, l l 'l tl.:/...11.':','•t•1+ Liu,e
I ° l c.' l
r a t e. Ann frefe.,,
1 ~ , ;'',„a lie magistrate. ;who
)I r. 're , ' the [01100:1:; re-nho ; 11„ t. „ ;;;;; thee;;; „ ; .,. II „ mot , The. 1a.., In
111 .'
;, the („„.,,;;;„, .I.cenrlty, gave an opinion
"""";";' ; not found ea 11/0 In lilaelo.lone,
1.1.011 00 lattletog, to the fel:0010g effect
1 ' "• l;";;;;i •-r” o. It rt.1"...111 1114 right 10.1“;“, thvir
It.1•••110I4 a. s 0 loom, wtteout
"nd """-tn4'6 eny ont-rte Inter:ere:we." It the 01.00.1
" "4 "0" i;;;" " ; not law, it •ounds won derfatly 1'1,10,000_
I `,lll .
Allegheny Itullettn—No. 1. rtegnlt• College tt0111:1 Ogell On TIICSA:i7h.t.
Mr'' , "`• ,nee then tee gun:lre:l :trot fifty eeholat,
le,te I the tr `' gave !wen ant :t /large number
ylc throog:: :0 ,, 0: --,i l , g .trt, ,„ be the
.10.11 , ,ry 1111.1 t Wltl. rill ~e.t itha n ! Itlstore. L*lrger the
:It el: trtete:l :tuthenttle.. :he tnstnaKeatent nf Le , l're.:elent
.N; ~.: 1., it....1-tv.l by t: lentetlfactl:ty,
, t '' .‘"` 4 '
, fu: tgtinni 01 the Count ry. For 11,o:forma
ng 11, rr:p 11‘11on of yttt.::‘,..:ll, In
• k 1 the ; ttvt tf
,laugl ter+or want. to
fgte t-u,gr.t,l, lo rp.. no,,t
f o r
.111.:gbent, by. 1 Word although for 4t 0 „, „„, n „,„ at.i0n>,,01..01001,1 lowio un.llool..lulay
dad .101:0 nri one: uf th, n;on.
.t.or I. not ' t .101 0, ttp. gif 11”.
Itotr.l 'f r.ole t:f on. rt 111.1))
x. 1111 , 11 . 1•%,. • 1 , 1, +
~31111 ,W tho
Mr.vlFis an , ltradt. of tile rite of PILE.,
%.111 11.1,0,n, I....nnth,
ttll , l ,7111, thvreforo, sun ett.t, to the
thetr WO, hot).
t4ll.lf.,th,tr to, s L 1.1.1,. can.
Irvin intormtal . -- o. , taat• itt
310.1, Ul that no ta•
I=ZINEEMEI vote of the svh!cl.l
wire he; petent.rote, tool vv., reg
rom thr. grii, or our ner,,ebor over the
It t• nnder,ood that n n.,,,,aper. to I,
cltt, angler tho aentlennin In
wird y ...nude. to coniloci I. until..
....ion cad ',air.. 41nratton. a.. .a only
re.i ul res. the cad-rice.. tin. Aplrll our cit..
tato, ....tic I.le, In Choir me.
cent action on con.oliilatlou. lidiente.l In
the manly attitudo they assumed azionst ' •
that 10-tutting measure. On Ills Onset,
A tesbleut of .I.leglicny and 0110 of your sub. , Dolohan rejoice, in the belief
sentient, that he Is a very strong map, that, In fact,
Irons Donnelly.
. he only lacks the opportunity to relieve
Jirthur Donnelly
Hercules of the weight of our planet. Ite
guest t " Washington Douse' ot Jernes
Moran?, in the Diamond; but ill the course I Cell
Celt named _lid
Ilan: to, who, In a %Tin
ed ocone Iv 1 its" one evening be quarrel. aerially short spare of time WAR pummelled
:shockng uanner. Dunn determining
ed with it lellow-boartice, and aveortllng to Li he should not be done up In that stylis t
his own Meet:Met ens badly used. Prosecti- without rotlress, repaired to the 01100 of Al.
lions followed In winch Arthur had - bad 1 dermal Taylor, where he thwrged William
luck:. Ile w ma ...pored to pay costs, and Zoith,,S°X.ltlf,icatf,'k‘sP°7,°,un an unppro-
t. noon
having neither money nor friends, therel crwthro .d and after* tiearitii.i was co..
VMS no recourse loft for him but to go to tallied, in default of WO, to the t Conner
e be will have abundant opportu
jail. While. Imprisoned epirlt of re. :
I ill i t l y ' on r eveloping his iMtellt strength. •
wage became intonsltied, and regarilliios of —.—
throats to send him "over the river for per-t . —An unfortunate
Duty," he, prosecuted ?loran for selling , named Julta liana, was arrested last even
liquor on certain Sal:Math dos., Donnguy : Moon Penn street, ill it stato of Intoxication
l~bn,e:f, as ho swore , psylng for .0,1 brought to the She tante, that
for himself and friends. In thisv se he al. I she arrived In tide city on the hest of Jan
. 111 Bemire a conviction, nud was uary and has surveil three the
Only staved from i
to pay I county Jail mince. Sloe" her a4lvent among
Portl.l of the co.ts be the systnsthy felt she hits only toll ;yed her IntertY for
Mellon by the Jury. I us ,s.; t Meaty-tour hours, adding 'all her free tuto
0;1 front .1•11 I, but 101 low big up till purpose molts together. •
of reyen go, Moran hat turned the'
tables on lons. est,•rday morning, Taxes —All who pay their taxes to the
Arthur Iv. , seined 11y the sheriff on a eop/0., county Tretoutrer betweig. Slay Ist and Au
butt having been enteredtotalast hint tor gust Ist, will l, allow 011 a reduction of flee
malicious prosecution und false Imprison- per cent. If paytingt lin Made between-An
-1,10151. i 1111ire,n 1101, ,n,..,;11•4,1 el 0111, en-t end September Ist, DO 11 , 1011 We
'idol before Alderman Lynch, for perjury, I will be allowed. If not paid until after tile
moraltalleging that he testi:led inioely In the ; latter date fiseptentlier lull fearer rent. ictil
Court. To a, er this l'llll MI! 11, : be 11,1,100. Tax•iiii) yrs will save money bv
wets 3 rts
exPressell idol- I nearing this in mini sold acting accord
self as determined 11010111 y pursuit three Ingly.
prosecutions which lot had. already 1 ost
tell against Moran, Ind to bring "three and COMllig tied tb Jail.—All inthvidual re
twenty" additional, if ho could get the pars • joking In the historical appellation of Le.-
Des who drunk at .loom's. on Sunday to' fa) tato Johnston was before 'Alderman Jas.
testify, broadly asserting that the lionsu I N. Taylor yesterday charged with wilfully
was hold on Sunday as on any other day; I obstructing the execution of a legal process.
swine that the front door was not opened. endeavorill 1.0 pat 111 strong defenai,
It; ids present 110911 1011 the bare, 100 but It proved luipotent and he was eau,
indite lie Will lel estopped in los purpose, I mitted to the dreary conduce of the Coonty
d may, upon calculating the ;glances and pill to awalt trial. .
the probable cost, conduits tlmt tile oildiN t
are against him and abandon Ills purpose). Tire 'teem-rt.—To Santee' T. ralsley,
- Superintendent 11l tile Fire Alarm Tele-
In rain.= 1110 nitotrt ~,,, Of our readers • graph. we a 1
iodebted for the anne.r..l,-
to another letter from Dr. Roue; Hunter— . "...ri n k, fin 100"0 fStarch tilvfn acre
In 4.olltllllleiltle of It I 0 remarkable series on 'light 0 . 000 1 0 no fire; hone.. however, bring
uffeettons of the Throat and I,nn gt—we general, The losses inettrr.l amounted In
the awgregate to Insu ranee, $373. Blows
not, do better than 101010 from wt editorial
•of the New Perk Tribune on the sumo nub- struck on the big bell [brut:J=l(l[od.
The Trib sari.; °To such as aro !
rlOt alimiiiitily Ilunersloils to new ideaswo Hank Stelemente.—.l large portion of
would cOluulenti the marina of letters hp lir, • our second page to day Is occupied ts Rh the
Robert limiter, which have from time to qsarterly statements of the National Banks
time appeared to our columns, with tegard !of Pittsburgh sad Allegheny. All present
to the nattire.svmptems and coratillity of a healthy balance sheet, showing that their
lonsitin !Rion. The tied that the author Is n I affairs are null managed. The mercantile
regard . oral the: ought,. educated plitarrlan, nOtrunutiity are referred to the state meal y
di ' , " ' lot ' rive Iliu"" letters their val." — as tintY contain valuable Ititorinstten
that Is tonoded cm their combination ate j
medical Itsioa ledge and learning with prat, !Eonhero° attached to wngial on
hi." a[ n,, a quality whichu‘"." ; Wamte armed tool: !right, vmdcrilay - after
torrid, I tael 1 to the ptigmenc of ill who floor,. and re. „ h x_ The animal was caught
posses It. lye (Idea kw can read themrroor the b ook or the ,th e glarny river, but
and resist the conviction that thu author; lief „ohm. was „b a rtered considerably
creaks front knowledge." ngninst a stone wall In rear of the Pitts
, burgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad
Coroner's Inquent.—Coroner Clawson , : Company's office.
Yesterday bold an Imiuted•ou the body of"; --
the female child found in tlie riletitralist Impudent neesieg. —The Allegheny
graveyard on Sunday !afternoon, the par -1 County A.oanaliOn null hOl.lO, Vet) . Impor
dealera of the trilling of which was 001 s. taut woe [tn g no, eyenthg
linheil lu yesterday's issue of tile tvazgrre. ! room of the First Preshytertiin Church. Ag
fir. McCook held a pert 'Wale , . don
the burdniwer to ha trattaacteil is Of Special
on the remains, and gave so his Onlisiuu; Intererd and importanento all the membera,
based On th tha o t
rath id thst the !Ma !tlied sr -
ius la° th .• au. •Rettnance Is earnestly Urged •
yieldin, e child had ro e :
verdl g ct to Imam dance with [be Nati Was ;•rho f ttshurgh2.llegtairy and Manch e ,
tenilereil• ter l'as*rtger Hallway Comptmy bee carried
The Erie and Pittsburgh itallrorid Cour. ! about twenty per cent. more Maple daring
Tinny Want tile privilege of nitauding [nth' I the quarter ending yet:defile: , then eey
troth tram :ticw castle to Mit city. Cih"r r?" 112 thin r.teinity.
( r ,
A few tlay. since we oeueell that the
r‘prtott ttna ',touter terra O f rtn the Pittabertth
Ann le to the •uuthor of
“1::1411,11 ltard! anduotch Review.,"
before Alderman - Taylor yesterday,
ebarged 1, lib malt:lon+ lot. The of.
fell.e!ronsl.ted In Mho. Ilymtn'breaklng op
a oluele hedstea.l tadongolg to a neitfllbor
Mary Roger, Annie -t It, by way
of 1,100 001100 for her net. that -he 11,1
thought the pleve 01 furnaure valueles4
and Puan iu /.ad nervl•of blndllng 000.1,
had drenoll-hed and horned it portion of
tale couch. tier want all not sulllre to up
•e the holl.mation ot Mary, and,the dr.
fendant wa, lherefore 'forcod to enter ball
lo the tutu of 4.1 u for a lontrolg no 11
A little loPore one o'clock ye storday morn
ing Mr. L.I mini I'. Grainer. rmidlug in
MM.:lure township. near Manchester, was
awakened by a noise In the roar of his resi
dence. On going to the hock window of his
chamber hedteenvered two men In the net
edirnhing over rho, root of inn, kitchen.
Ile turned back to get a revolver that was
in a "oink at the [mad of ills bed, but In
crossinit the Poor his loot caught no, and he
tuintilmi over a chair which fell noisily to
the door. The tumult thus caused, doubt
less. peached the ears or Om intruders. who
ilycatuped, leaving liclund
therm in the yard. alieu hatchet with the
name of James Ryan branded on tine han
Those . parties who rendered material
aid in the ereetton of fortifthitions around
t his city In toil. have failed as yet to receive
Any remuneration groin the General Gov
ernment. Virtue is Its own reward.
The Treasurer of Schuylkill county has
the latte,i ottlee. In that section, having
elestel an half hundred thousand dollars
In a three years term.
The Wee.hlnchun and Reading Itail.
road, to Lai miles In length and to
cost nearly two urilllious ••t dollars, will be
1131,111(24 I.l4itie of the present year,
The Fleet NOonett Bank annountos ft
dividend of threetper cent free of tax eat of
the earnings of itho pact quarter. nand
The Republican %t•te Central Cent.
ratitee mot. et the Lochlel House in
Ilurrieharc, on the tell lost., to nx a time
for holding the S . tute Convention (or 1,7.
Hungry Folki wore In Court yesterdaV,
the continuance Of the et ieion from ten un
til three o'clock, tinder the new rule, pre
ventitir, Indulgence In - dinner nt nowt.
Iteroverlog.—Margaret Allen, the lady
who woo Injured by being thrown trout a
wagon; in Maneheder, on Sunday, le rapid
ly recovering from her Injuries.
The Ladles residing on the south 'Weft!
the Monongahela are ridpte,ed to paying toll
on lite upper bridge. They declare It to be
an infringement of their rights. •
Cannella complain that Leg6lators are
ne,iligent In El-004111g Carly COplo4 or Impor
tant. NOWSIIMpert have. the same
Ml.(' for compiamt..
Enr.:ll. E. Toorhody, recently of 't.
Hark,, thrilllngham, ivnti accepted. a cull
Proud F:plzeopel Church, Sharon.
I.lbel.—killings G. Childs. entered
snit yesterday against a reporter of the
Dispoleh, cwarging him with libel.
The, Gazette 19 the he local paper in
l'ittatrgh. I I IA delivered at I 5 cents a
The work on the Third Presbyterian
Church, now in course of erection on Sixth
street, is progressing very slowly.
A Large number of Influential citizens
left for Harrisburg last night to urge con
solidation. F
Sweeney, Bell & Co.'e glass factory
wus partially destroYed by are
on Saturday.
A Friendly Bout is to Lake place In
l'itt,burg LI by noted pugilists. Pollee
shpuld be about.
iderk d 'o. have removed
their wilco to the corner of First and Smith
ileld rimers.
A rrcat number or our bm+lnesb houses
are being painted. Light colons ureaCoral
retlernl Street, Allegheny, has been ob
strueted considerably of late by the planing
of empty boxes on the sidewalks.
Noah !Wort; of Bridgeport Ohio, died
iuddenly on Sunday or heart license.
Tree. are being planted around the West.
Common, Allegheny,
The burle.illf: Free Railroad Law has not
Yet ?a,sed
Nab•ertbe for the eeeee .—lt 10 only
fifteen cents a week, left at your doors.
Coll.—The unction Louses are crowded
with furniture to De sold.
A little girl engineer at the Venan
go oil ..ells, at 1.7.1nr are 1,10; railroad depots in Penn
among our retail dealers Is be
conduir. very - brisk.
01d Boren% played ,somo 'queer pranks
yester , lar with latltos , gklrt.3.
!tent• are as high in the neighboring
boroughi in in the City.
Neirmyer di Co. have removed to
NO. gli Liberty String.. •
The 11aees of amuse meat are Very - prol,
porous 1$ spite of hard times.
Ten and f' tree have been introduced In
some of the fa,hionable bar-rooms. .
There were live vagrants flu the tombs
loot night.
Four ear loatla of sheep passed through
this city en route from Chicago to the east.
A %amber of rafts left this city for Cm
eirthati yesterday.
A Rt able was destroyed by II re . on Sitar
day on WeiTter street., Allegheny.
Workmen are engaged in putting down
gar piped on layette street, below Bidwell.
Cleveland Is moving to st i Alabama.
Oil Is advancing In Vanango.
U 4 Wl , l, E— M AC/1 U
11, 55 LE
eI he LSII . E A :1111.6 ULEY, • of IY• od 'A
THORN—DAIIRAGH.- - On Thursday craning.
arch I.dh. I.:, by 11,v. S. I:. Heed. at tbr rea
-1 . en, of the br.,le•• father, In Pitt township,
THORN. of •Itorbray, and
M. DAL:RAUH, at corm, place.
BLACK.-1)n MOlldlty. April lat. Atli r. M.
Mra. V.LIZA A. /31..a.C1i. argot of the late Col
harnuol W. It
Not:ce of funeral In evening paper.
NIcaTEEN—On 1 nndaT. Marsh Mat, JAMES
STEEP, In the Mb year of his age. •
The funCral Will take place onTuesPAY 111011,
It 0, at loo'clock, fr'ont his tale it'sldence, Jack
son's alley, near Wayne strcet. The friend.' 01
the family are respectfully Invited 16 attend.
17MTX)=1.1.T.A.MCIEI Et,
No. itid Fourth sine.. Pittsburgh. Pa. COFFIN::
of all kiwis: Cit/LPF.S. GLOVES, , and crery de
scription of Funeral Furnishing titxxis
itoonia opened day and night. Hearse and
Ctrrlagra furnished.
haradir.nota—ltev. David Kerr, D. I)., Rev;
M. W. Jacobus. 11.1)., ThoinsalCalng, Esq., Ja
r•Ltl.ollllev. Faro.
W0041 , s Ran and vlclnltr.
Corner Sheffield mud Charlie,' street*
Bentre and Carrtaxos furulthed.
twautlful i`Cod's-aore,' the largest subur
ban place of sepulchre. except one. In this coun
ty, n or tht." on firs , Brighton road. Imm e diate.
ly of Alletherty. For burls, lots. perudt.
or titles. call st Central Drug lit Ore of COOL
Allexbeny Cite.
B Cu u3Etl of the very neat for hire at
Howard's Livery Stable,
First exert, near lionontabela Hoare,
Or at attention pH! to toying and aelltnat
Itoree. tine... e.n• d r.. feta
The bleuplest, The Best
YEArts. BALEseuoil ! i
Ye l 2 27 FIFTII %TALE?,
..pen at No.lo FEDZIt 11. :STREET, Alle
g fully ou SATURDAY, April 6th. • handsome
. ssoriment of SERINO IDENNETS. 11•10.
CA ES, •nd DEAD DltESslfts. •Iso EHEN•II
Ef Eb. to *filch she Woo di:Lytle the atert
tlon of the Ladle, aplifenS
testamenfary upon the Estate .of CATHA
RINE BURNS. flecca.ea, late of Yindley to•n
-shlp. Allegheny county. baring been grautA so
the undersigned. all persons itid•bied tosg id
Estate, are hereby notified to make Immed iate
p•yrueut. and those basing clalm• against sold
Esf ate. are nolf lied t pre.ent them duly autism-
Mated for settlement.
• A. 11. EHIRNP. Ex•cutor.
mlii:u6ll, Elmira) . . AllenhenT Co.. E.
. .
nix machine., uacil but ot,rt Ilmt. for sale
team-in et - 7,:aarai ec-co,
:7 %lb et:teir
1 0 1*M:sawn-do ki, WWI
— Wholesale . Agents
American Watch Company's
No. 5G Fifth Street,
6 Wylie al., .Itl door from sth.
S. R. ... ..... ecorr
Fine Watches, (Ricks, Jewelry,
Air rartlcular atientloa clven to BasoalrlnA
Vixteoet, Clacks and Jowelry. All wort war-
S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 SO SO b_9 l
99 89 MARKET STREET. 7591
s 9 C> -13
s 9 SO Market' Strcel, 1591
9, 3 ~S9'
S 9 I
, JAS. ROBB, S 9 • lilarket. St.r . •
,S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 f. 9 S 9 .49 'S9I
31ASU FACT I.:ltElt9 OF
AM) ,
Horse and Mule Shoes.
Would call..tga;:tlcltyln:..lobe,l2
UI o a
ur Moe..
Very Superior Quality.
03 Water Street, end ►t ' 116 Zino
street. Pittsburgh.
I_4/O.A_ El ) 1 - 11 :° _ ,
No. 19 East Ninth Street.
IicCORMICK &GIBSON, Protorlelurs,
Pig Lead, Block Tin and
Make to order rivEs and SHRETS t l anr r•-•
nutted .elehtan•r.tae. ',beets per equate. foot
i ' tyrs ' tle
we for
we Would 15%. - the attention o
Plumbtra aid Vroprielorh of
• /
Manufacturers of tee bostrefluod Cast Ste
Sonar, Flatand Octag of alt nine,, Saw
Places„ Hoe, Fork sun silocu on, t
Cast stool, Con
Moe for
Reaping and !Rowing :nubin
Cast Common Plough dc Spring Steel,
ettles—Corner of Yin' and Rousizaats
above tho Monongahela. /lona,
FAClPllMtPMPAVriatf lti actur li er l :
No. 82 Third Street, Pittsburgh, Pa,
. .
JNO. B. LIVISIL3TO3, Trekr'r.
MANUAL RIDDLE. Kerr - n.l.
. Hartle. AtwelPer. 3
HA:Pulsar,. John H.' at
kin. C. H. Merrick. -
qnsia Paid for Paler IStoe r k
CUEDEL9I= O 3 IRS 49..1"
.ro. 92 Federal Street,
J. L.42iCE,
lntz Window Curtains and Chair Corers
Cleaned et Beglazed without unpacking.
Nos. 135 and 135 Third Street,
Between Wan'. and 11.1tneleld
IZSV111:16." nurTsimitnii. p)1.1
Q.II.IPEMOR 0.4 K T.A.7.I^SED,P.iir
Earintactured at No. 58 SMITHFIELD ST, bl
Also, Akerkt.. !or Now York Bubbo Co.
Gum IBeltin g.
LAT'ak"ln t rlltt 11'11111Sn% . ,r L A C "
PAII!IVETS and BUIL% Y.L 1.1(..04.4ne. . -
No. 118 Water Street, I
MANcracTcaiae 07
PATENT 7002 Hip
ic_lB :Os
TaciSCIIRWS OrnIICCILY ,O;'lnArr.LnLE:l4....nrth,7E.67.
c.Elll' ETC A SSESS:III ENT& 10.
Lice Is hereby Veen that all persons who byre
not palrethelr assesSrucuti. for the construction
Of tee West common and Eteltcontlitreet Parsers
art required to ray the same forthwith, the
peclal Committee to whom the remonstrances
wre referred. having reported the oelelon of
the City !Solicitor that assessments b leg made
under the Set or Assembly and confirm ed by
Consuls, no alteration tan now be made.
in, itAtlYEltlittN.
Cite lrestaurer.
Practical Furniture Manufacturtrs
bv. oa
Latet ttrlvs et rtrnmrtutz ccrstsway