The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, April 01, 1867, Image 1

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No, BO Firth lEitz-..0t:
F. B. PENNISSAN.4 Edieops,
V. P:1100STON.
Ju"Ail /WI" I Itualnemllanag's
el pelt Copier rearm.
Delivered bp airier, (ptr Is cents.
liabgulbers, (per year)
.I.lb4ral redectipai to.Pieweboyv end Aie.t.l
Three Copies, per year, .....
do. do. do. etch
1.11 or mare copies, to one address, and
one free to dab, each
Artlacial !Inman _Eye.,
Adjusted without pain.- by Dr. Spenser,
I tint, 2:4 Pena street.
Chinese Glower lo Syrup
Tourtolot's Extract of Beef. llorden'.s
( °MIMI A.l 11110. Jinmial . Bordeaux
nod 'rurkey Prunes, Days, and Figs.
Muscatel and London Layer Ital.
hill, Cross and Blacklas' noted,Picklcs cud
Mustard. Sauces, Uellies, I'r . 6ervos, lietca
ups, Spiced and Pickled Oysters, ChOC6-
Iritce, fresh Pears and Pine Apples in aim..
jars, Canned Fruits, and Vegetables. Virgin
toll of Air, Chola° Mixed Candles, oil kinds
Of Foreign and American Nuts. Philadol.
Walnut Candy, Note, 1301111019, AC., AC
GrOZWE B.lvnt
m Federal street, Allegheny
IlisrAra Calssrall'i COQ Liver Oil.
The Purest and Sweetest Cod Lvor 011 In
too world. manufactured from- fresh
houltbylivere„ upon tho 4a-shore. IL Is
perfectly - puro and sweet. Alik for "Hazard
Caswoll's Cod Liver OIL , ' manufactured
(.7,tiVELL, MACK t Co. New York
N:old druggl.t.t.s. Yw
Oyateroi, Oysters, Oysterm.
The oyster season will soon close and In
anticipation of the event, floltzheituer, the
popular proprietor of the Continental Sa
loon, next door to the Post ()eke, Filth
street, receives the moot luscious and te3321)-
ting of bivalves to be obtained, In America.
Cull In and see for yourselves.
To tOautry Merchant+.
Wo aro offering toll or Staple and fancy
Dry goods, at Eastern prices.
.1. W. llkoesu d Co., \o. i'l Market street,
Go to•Fientlog'a Druz Store,
No. r 9 Market• street, (or the lieu, Black
berry Wino ever brought to Pittsburgh.
Go to Fieroloc's Drow store,
So. ro Market itreet, for all ktode of Can
to:min Wiftes antlErankl. •
foreign Liquors of all kinds at Joseph 8.
kinelr's Ulatilierg , No, 153, 191. 193 and 11Z
You fun Buy
poi. cent: - Alcohol at Josouti S. Finch's
Ton Can BUJ
Now 1/ope of .345tiopil R. Finch,.
Ad,jaurun►ent Until July.
WAsn:Noros. March 50, le
The resolution offered yesterday by Me.
G.tMEIiON, asking the Secretary of War
hod much money was paid the Ealtimore
nod pale Railroad during the war, what
Cadre were charged, whether higher than
paid °til l er companies; Sc., was amended, on
motion of Mr..IOIINSi tV, by including the
Northern Central and Pennsylvania Central
roads, and adopted.
arch 12..CINDEP.
The rule of the Executive Session requir
ing nominations acted upon to be returned
to the Prentdent after the close of the ...-
sloe wan, re!clutled, so auto allow the nomi
nations FIOW pending, to be continued 'until
acted upon.
Tito Ilbaso resolution for the appoint
bleut of a Joint Stunting Committee ou tir
.tinanee was 's mended by making it a Joint
~ p eciabliointnittee, with power to send for
persona and papers, and take testimony us
to Ott: best and Latest lmprovements Warms.
Mr. SAULSItt:ItY Mitred a re,olution for
the appointment of a joint committee of
three senntoreanellivu Itemenentati ye.• to
ln , comPntit , the remains of the late Senator
Riddle 14,111.3 home. Agreell.o.
.Mr. SUMNER gore notice that on the
drat, Weanes , lay of .1 uly he would call ur.
tie %11l for universal suffrage throughout
he United States, lie had-4 eit3on3 to be
. ietvnthere would he a quorum preltent,
Mr. TII VEIL called up the bill to extend
to the State of Nebraa ka, tue privileges of
the id:l.grunting land to States tor the citab
lidluteut of agricultural colleges. rat.ied.
1 01.1.EltoY up thotell to show
,uouttupleln of the flooze of ItePresentu-
Aires to Ore, hie salary for the present
year: Paeoul.
At 10:0 the Senate Went into Execution
,C. 41011. and at t.! the doors Were re-opened
V. 1.1 the l'resldeilt pro t(1 , 1. teetered tile
lltite adjourned tilt the tirst Wednesday
Cd July.
• Mr. THOMAS presented a memorial from
!the Mayor and members of the City I:mm
.4, of Baltimore, smelting Congress to assist
the pcoplu of Maryland in forming a •State
got - eminent. republican in form and in nal
sou w tilt the spirit of Ole age. Beferred to
Inn Judiciary Committee.
Mr. ITESTON tusked leave to °lre,n res .-
Imam tendering the thanks of this 'louse
id General Sheridan for. the removal of the
issuislana °Mears, Herron, Motiron and
Shell, from the ollices they disgraced, anti
.Ato uppciinunent of loyal mull In their
Mr. 4Y001) objected, and the resolution.
' 'rite Senate Joint resolution to authorize
the eruruantling.gertorat of the army to
permit traders to remain at curtain =Alta
•ry pouts, was fp.i.used. •
Thu Senate joint resolution In reference
It , the reinoVel of Indian tribes, was tabled
kigiodnat 41.
I lr. motion of Mr. IitiIiTIVIILL, tho Judi
ciary. Col:molt tee ryas ituthomed to COlll.lll-
m•olltrlng the recem,, thu Investigation of
alfalfa of the Union Pacific liatirotal,
watt pa.sar to Bend for pet-ioni. and palters.
The netnite amendment to the Douce roe°.
I atom for the appointment of a Committee..
Ordnance, was concurred in; ale°, the
reaointiun for the appointment of
tiomtnntee to accompany the romaine Of
Sr eater to Delaware.
• .
!:;evoral unimpOrtwnt billa were pasned
3111,611[11 . ACAIIeAdV 11,1,110•TION.
SClthSeli,asited leuve to or, a reso
lution directing the members of the Mouse
who were members of the 3tUhtery Commit
tee of the lost HMI.: to prosecute, during
t ne_reCes4, the inrehtigatinia of the Inittlage
,meht of the Military Academy.
SCLIENCIi moved to suspend the
Diuogreed to-37 to 47.
- The SO:M:0 bin to confirm certain Halor
by the T „,,, (,ottulallither for :tooth Caro
11n,, to
' h: the Army, Navy tool Nu-
Corp!, wee reierred•to thu Col.l.ll.lllLite
on Chao. ,
• '
• -
The Solute pita renolution relating to
tlto transport:ale...Jr troop. uy tile isthmus
route to the Pacific States and Sort thrice,
W 1 referred to the Committee Ott Sallitary
.1./r W aLi re.
. .
6onato kill- appropriating aye thou
and dollars for MI stud
'Urphfluj Hotau In 1150 I.:l.:filet of Columbia,
was pav-ed.
. Tag, SI/Wall till tOextend to Nebraska Ito
prov.ion, of Ito agricultural colluo 1)111,
v. as wawa. '
Mr, 1.A1 , 1.1:5i °lured n resolutlOA Wet the
teport of the Congreestonal printer on the
perchuse or pan, be taken from the table
God Tpferred to the COLIGG Moo on Prlnti
WiLtj, cower to tllVe.tlgat4, and send for per
toils, Downs, An., during recess. Adopted.
rcue run constun,e.
The oVE.4.IiEIt breseuted a message troni
'lke President, stating that In giving hie up.
;. rovu l to the Joint resolutiell NC/WIWI:1g lor
effect the not Jur the mute
,p,icaull pus erwhout ot the rebel state,
he Jld so It !Imbed tno
ure., to ( I t S 01"), ilhsl not because ho had
/enabled objections ho the Origt.,l and
supplementary not. Usillf tuessagu seas laid
en the tulAu and unterva to his printed.
Thu s 141:1.1.•TAli El: unuolll.ll,ell btieCt commit
. .
Couttnitteo to accompany Inc body of
t-enator Riddle to Dela waro—Mourra..Nicti.
01,ou, Yarnswortn, Lilosabrenner, herr and
Committee on Ordnance—Alessi& echenek.
Logan um' Mater.
UO!AMMAN) to Wait on Tito Pre6ldent—
ileears.llln and Brook,
After the tran•actlon of some minor busi
ness, the SPEAKER, at t. o'clock, In a fow
brunt worde, declared the House adjourned
Li/1 ale Orel Wodueltloy of July.
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$ 1 50
. 1115
Count Walewski Resigns the Presi
dency of Corps Legislatiii.
The Household Suffrage Question.
Financial and ConunerCial
Ex•noysr,on or .'AM Are,
Loanun, -Laren Eyre, Of
Jamaica, recently arrested, WOO acquitted
utter n snort examination.
The early sale of the Grand Duchy of Lax
embourg to rnsuce, by Holland, Ls probable
1ti.,11.1,210,i Or t•01:3, WAL.Wfilfl. •
rants, March .1. Count Witlewski has re.
signed the Presidency of the French Corps
imusineseris LETTUR To Till: core.
Tile American tif.llll sloop of war Cann,
tbLlgutt has arrived at Civitit VeOChill. Capt.
llopkins, to whom m 11.6 entrusted President
Johnson's letter for delivery to the Pope,
subsequently proceeded to Rome and exo•
cutial his commission.
r•GrSSEI.S, March ZI:-.-Placards hostile to
Prussia and favoring an alliance with
France have been posted up in the streets
of Luxembourg. The Prussian commander
of the fortress of Luxembourg has com
plained of the insult offered to his govern
Lottoott, Vetch :tl.—A ilispatch from Bell
grade states that the l'etriee of Soreim lctt
t hat etty yeatertlay for Constantinople.
Lormn,r, March ;`„C—Z;ciiing.--Ccnroi, for
money /:rin ;;O; 4; Illinois Central 7);
tics 75;4
FRANK roar, 31arch
tweed Vitals, March ".i.l—Afiernosiii.—Five. twen•
Mardi 29.—cotton market be
came quite dull aml nrlei r fell off billy !.;c
for middling uplands, which are tiuoted! at
Idemiroolt, March 1.1--.E.enici.—Corn
Cd Gad. Other articles unchanged.
[fTj.l' r. I
Vooo, M - arch M.—Tne steam ;hip City
of Paris, from- Liverpool, March . ./tIL mol
qUeerISLONS, on the Met, arrive.l hire at
Ii o'clock this evening. She Ming; 7,4 pan
mm kers.
In the House of Commons On the
IYlsraell, In an abl and brilliant stwoch,
proposal tile rovernmeril reform scheme.
lie Bald with views to the reform nuts sthin.
the government proposed a household suff.
rage franchise, with two yearn residential
and tax paying , conditions. toot of 723,(k0
householders In Englund and Wales, non
voters, this proposition - would en iratichime
gi;,efo, increasing borough vottra to
'rho principle lett Isil,neu householders v.
wit votes, who, as they lila not pay
their rates, would not become : qualified.
The gOvernment thou Slit it desirable, and
uttered to give compound .householders an
opportunity to obtain the privlleg,* of vot
ing upon their fuldlllng taidrcon-ditutional
duties. lie Uhl nut state. however, what
form the opportunity would take. Ile then
enumerated rho fancy franchises, navel):
rt vote to every person who pays twenty
shillings In direct tat, is in pteisesslon of
t y pounds insavings batik or
funds, and to membersof learned pro-,
tes,donn. Ile contrail:sited the statement
that any posseisor of four franchises would
have a vote In addition to what he was en
titled by reason of being a honsehulder, and
explained that th..: person who raid tireus
ty shillings, either as income tax or asses,
ed lux, but not taxed. had under the tieun.
cos the privilege of both franchises. The
Government proposal to reduce the county
franchise to the linear, pound rating.
Inhfratili estimates that this scheme Iconld
add nearly one millioa rub:radii imroughs,
and ;:i.o.nni in counties.
hit. gla.l sumo novtirely criticized the
scheme, declined to accept Irlsraell'a thr
urcs, regarding three-fourths of the new
voters no now In lluckram, denounced the.
I dual Vme its; a gigantic fra;til, and expressed
the oplaina that the bill Would :ever pass
Mi. Lova:ar] oth F tUpporten of the Uov
ernment oppO,ed tho bill.
The lAbetaljournals ' inchul!ng th e Tines,
all con,lder there 10 little: chance for the
OW, and call for the abantiontavnt or tha
t/aunty prinetple at Can, that pthpotatiou
alone being fatal to tha stholt,Eamaa.
C. G. Squire. op:minted to act as Juror at
the Purls exhibition, Loa been arrested on
some liabilities In connection with his for
mer Inter-:meanie scheme, and woe detained
us a prisoner at Dot:abler (hvitle.
It Is stated that the Popo mires!? to allow
Italian troops to enter state, to help the
Pontilletal troops to suppress lirliptudage.
Antouellr 0pp040.1 the pronosltion.
It is ennnoneed that the ' Enitscror of hos-
Oa has extended amnesty to ail Fre - riot:men
tatted to Siberia fur GOuipllaity In Um polio',
In the North German Parliament tile
ameedlnent to the draft of a constitution
ppieldlog: for the freedom of the press and
right of puollu meetings was rejected.
On the Sir, fllmlstone called a :sleet
ing of We membes.,:d the Ilona° of
Commons underdeed tOiiitreti tile sslor .ll
of opposition tO GovernMell Reform tall.
French Bear Guard Imb rked.
Fears that the Imperialists trill
Declare for Joarez
Ncw rote, March ."..—Vera Cruz cOr
rekpon den.: to March 13th ktate4 that Mar
shut Benin° and tile rear guard of the
Trench army, tin Egypt.lam., embark
ed on the l3th. More Limn half that corp.,
which Ci It:Malty numbered at,e, remain
under the soil of Mexico.
French nags of Mexico anam large gel.-
tity of war material Were suld to the Impe
rialists by the FlonelL The city miss in it
state of aelge, martial Ism wAs declared, an 1
the gates CIOSCd. It is feared the troops le
eb, thu city Will pronounce for Juarez as
110011 as the Liberals appear In (rent Of the
annmunleation with the interio r , c „,
nit and unit' of n doubtful character is
obtained from
h was rumored that unximlllnn had
agree..? to abdicate If .lu:frt.'s wheld consent
to abide the olecislou of the peep!. er
aptinst esuplfe. Lut the rumor IS not
can armed•
Thu youncr prince, Torten mitit.,le Men
ow by his-father. end a., rn
rUirie 20 Now 1.0114.
The Inter-tleittitial had Confederation
Mills—The Lumber. Tariff.
OTlratqA, C. %V, March la) —A otessagn
the cable to-day trout Provincial secretary
McDougall states ti,C;, the Inter-Colonial
bill passed the Committee Of the Mouse
of Lute mons by 11 largo majority.
letieratlon LLi also received royal I.o;e2it.
Active preparattons ern being matte to In
crease 1.11.: tariff on Mute, tins season; An
Amerman millionaire eat Chanties river
has comemuced to constructpe rs Lir tto
boom. opposite tubs city, intended to 1.14
the immenseoloolg, of saw-logs widen
have lhato cut during the :rioter on the
L ppcS Ott.:lWl,
Discount on Auterleau meek.; toe the
week, 75 per vent,
Important Treaty with RusAa.
The Price Seven Killion..
Asks for Instructions to Protect.
Extraordinary Session of the S•tu ate
$214,000,000 Since July 1886
U. S. Supreme Court Meets To-dap.l
WASIIINO rox, March 15G7
T:10 President sent to the .i,ienitte in Exec.
utiye Cession, 'On Saturday, a treaty with
- }tursin, by . which that power surrenders to
the United `tales sovereighty over all nue
alan America and the miriteents 11. lauds. It
mpechilly includes the strip Or four hundred
mites Mpg which extends down Diet:oast,
thus neatqy excluding British America from
the the mean. The treaty was laid on the
Lible. and wall betaken up next week. The
cession OrCilt. Intense interest and MIDI •
untlnl pd.rtles regard It as ..eguilicei ; . it
of the Russian policy, in view of the
impending European complications on the
Eastern question. I:us:ifs cedes lice ArriOr•
OCISII ZerritOly fiirXhe natrio reasons that 10.
dared Napoteon• to sell Louisiana. In the
event of war, Russia would probably lose
this territory, land by parting with it the
Czar secures the friendship of nur iiMeerit
meat. TIM Engll.llrepre-entutlye is deeply
chagrined, and it to said Sir Frederick
Bruce will telegraph ix) Earl Derby fur lu.
st ruyt lima to protest against Its acceptance
by our Don ern meal. This acquisition more
than doubles the United States Coast on the
Another Washinginn, tau
LlJth. zap., it le true, , :hat tla,
Preialeut communicated 1.6 the heriate to•
day a treaty with Ituslia by . which that
powevuurreuiliirm to the li.'n'itea States the
overelgoty over all liits.iau Arneriea atel
teljaceat. i,lands. The priee,to he paid for
thl territory . _ to ahout .Th e tromp
i..igned early thliinorning ant sent to
the ,enate ,Lortlt - Litre
11,ruhi•., WaAilagtoe tp e ciai ,rayrr the
treaty wa, fully rll,creuil L :Ile
Cabinet. council on Friday, Igor trra cyrn
rag the It:rt.:o3m Anti,,,,Tror ired
at liel stare Departure 12: the ergoti roee Ationx
beteg brought to a satlAturtory coneld,on
at ton o'clock Saturday toot orrer. Thu
treaty 14 . 111 have_torre - ratiliedby thu kerrate,
and both or Coeur°.t coo, ur
tk rag an ap rdo
riroprratiou fur thu payruunt
or the purchatar Caduy bercuct the tteTty It
rot auttomplichedlicut..
, r rut: .1..171:.
Th. to-,Lay' tullou inc
u copy of tuMretned to each coo
utor :
Waccx,r, Oldect, of intertrt. to the
Untied :skarn , reo m tnaf the. senate
nhonld he convernnt at to elms 011
Monday. the arnt day of Spell next, to :r
-eel,: and act upon sorb C4,11A1111/IdelitiOllS 11 , 1
may he mane to It, and on part of t
erutive, now, therefore, I.Audrew John Non,
ire-ideal of the United niater, hare ron,ml.
ered It to be my duty to ten., title,my pros
cnitontion, declaring that 1111 cm: aordlnary
occa.lon requires the nenato of the I sited
Stitl,3 to convene for the traneactron of
ter.tner.s, at the.l ap:tol, ltt the city 01 Wash
agton, on Monday, the M, tlav of Aprll
nrxt, at twelve o'clock on that due, of walrh
all who shell at Oat time he entitled to act
vita that hotly arc hereby required to take
WY. under ulc hurol and seal of the
Led htvie, st WuThlngton:thl. , Pult day of
Nlarvh. In the year of our Lor.l, 1 , 7, and
of the ludepentlunce of the enite,itNtutea
the Nluety4l,lt. . .
Awpouw Jon,.
By the l're4l.lent,
.IV/E. LI. wow•co, Secretary of the. State
The Semite to-day eon:lre:lA the following
notuinKtion4 : . •
Collector of Internol Dever:or titineral
Janie:: IT .titcrilmaii, of l into, Itrig 111 . e-roil
Louiroonit. AEsresur of Internal 'Revenue:
Lt. McLunii, Tenth Mettle!, More ;
lioatrus.cetet IFDITsat Croat wett, Ittuoin.
Ingtoo, :ootlet G. 010101 . , Pero, Mi
nute. Reiei-ter I,llnet tteunthetutel
lout, Ifereiver of Pub.
tic: Money : Davlit Ifeintotirt,
E To he Colonel of Lulu - fit otatee In.
y. Captrin Itittnotil ilrlititzTe, of the
Come of Itogliarers. Collector of Cuittoule
Jeese.til. Harrtrun, Dubuque, lon,
The Senate rejected tho following :
General, by brevet, brevet Colonel
Jltees It. Wry: Itegtster of Land Vince, A. M.
Traver City, dllehlgan; root
mod.ers: John B. Itodgerit, Verdun, illInoir;
John C. A. Young, lAtehnold, Ellnond
Matto, - C. l'ett,ree, Elkhart, Indiana:
/:1A SI.,
Speaker Colfax WILY In the lA:dr f
hinstep•futlfer having 014:ed the e11f.14 of
ills yesteraay, and 14 now regarded
~ .ut of dazge...
It 15 bap:yell that, all the bills which bawl ,
v.... Abed the Itouse have become laws by thu
Prealklent rlgalng :her/3.
'fllo receipts from Internal Revenue are
more than two lianCroil and fourteen mil
lions of dollars, 'taco the first of July,
that Is for three fourths of this year!. it la
said in ofnclat sources that there is oh good
rreason for supposing MT.". from th is
rOllreff will fall below the estimate, In
f et It is confidentially hollered It will ex
ceed them. 'rho meatus tax la yet to be col
lected, and,' according to the provision of
the amendatory act Of the second lifinant,
w ill be collected by the ;loth of The
condition of thin launch of national rev
enue Is 1:111:0111,1glitg, notwlthnigniling the
depression that at first night would scum 10
threaten a serious deficit.
Innt ,. .SII:NTA,F.OOIATION 011051512115 5 .
The :rational 1.1r.001n Monument Associa
tion has been organized, with ...enntor Nat
han as !'resident, and Bum James Ai. tid
as Secretary, Zion. Burt Van Born
and Wretterica Douglass us managers on the
Won of Lew torn; Bon.. John 4. Andrew.
Massaelnisetts; lion. Snu.tylcr Colfax and
1 I ou. Sidney Perham, Missouri; lion. Shel
luietrger. Olikl; Bishop Simpson, Pnonsyi•
.b..; and John Conner., 'California. It is
proposed to ',rat:, a monument In the city
of Washington euultnemurati,e of Die great
euranCiplLlOn and universal lib
erty Atticrl,.. Con tributtons ure to in•
ftrwar.ted to Lien. Spinner, Called Stater
A nerntem of :to:totters of the Ilouso Wilt
tce,,rl Washington :luring the execto
live session of trio emento to look after the
appointment of Feder:lt omeer.; to their
several I.: . ongressional tlistrsets. It Is sup.
pore: ::o , session Will continuo for a' Week
or ton tiny..
USITC,,,TCA Sri rtemst
The ratted esates s pren,c Cllllll wlll re
yes,ort to-morrow. All the Judged
are expeete.l le ho rwet.esit. 0101 the eseett
tmo of J uitlce crier, t 1 lioN trill I. b ull
11113 N.
iititcE FIRE SP. Lk IS.
The Lindell hotel Destroyed,
Linitoll 110101,
ttu 01 Oil, con.
tlooof, if not lit lto 1001iu , it,: tot a lly a c .
to ;Ire la, is 0 goo.]
itual of ulystory ILI:01110v 0,11:a 01111 u tiro
liut 11 ml reliable uonnl, aro flint it
out, 111 tine of the o`.`ol !1 - 01:l 1011110, in
Ito, 111111 co:Molt:kick,
Lut It. tilitrulL.lln! .01‘11,11,1 till anti:
iono At I.nlvtl, It., v.:, 00-
1111,1 to rcotr.-, 00 :tow - , lint °viol,:
to Ito.,
41111.01 r. 1011!1 , „;
IL 4railuiilit I tn,nvl till IL broke
11 . 0t , i1. and :100Ie0
;I, nh , . , corner
of 11,0 loon Ili ort !. piiint
'Ore riottly
11501 .0, II lilt tile
1101,1, the • •••. fioot,
itnil it..i_a no,
It to tt.i• •110, 10
Ar , Iti •••iiii 11. e ..I.llllai LC
-1:,41.. ilit. part too toolillot;
ot vi hut nOOll [4* 111.•
realit , 010, aioi coticl4,
lt rot, vilri iif sir
rt..,1,f .1. ' 111,1, a ,•• 2LITI
1111:1,11, .:1:11 4: 1 1 1-11 , 1, 01v1114
111:t , },llll 1111,1 t. fk . C/lI,L. IL.
It n,'. ruin
'lc. li, r, ,
Ur pri - t o ,
w ,•••••t
Iv., monllCaitr,r .•
1!.(1 1.•,! 1,1,1:04
4,1•11 . 1 in:l,o. Jtlalti:y NI, 1 orl,..livcoirlyn .
r• 1 1
ss-,,,t• torc,
:1,111,1 for Atc,J. rut e cat Llt.• WMI, ',Vt.:.
The, were shout t 1,,1re.1 tt,p,fit
th, hotel. A Jar:, our r
, N )I,liDiu
c•! of fan”i“-• The
I,terhol-t tLelr per,n,l effect,
tug to the raeituit.••nt nh.s the
4111,t•het that the laht , ” I.e
ant:: too ..:u• - t.,
:0..4 from Eh:e t•outve willpro!”o.,ly
T 1,.. t!.t•
lor• tlpo, • It,. t :4,111,,
rlr.• ~.••••; of ; , ,,,t)
et,,n f ro7n,.
he rel,ill,l 1:01.4•., 'out f,11.1,•r
01,ert, [tie
11 , 111 t•%. :ti '' Z 1 1 , 111 110 it... 11/
t.. eth•ct It.
Tfi•• , p Ikt ••( M
.~~~.~ I~~r~L
Atiulatc, Un:t.•l Lout,
Mound Lliv, t,.(rArl. Ilutuu:.ll,.me
Wens cc , Felt R 1::41, inc
113 ti .nd
l o .LL Nt'n4l.lnton,•lvflorv , ,, ~. Lot:,,, 1.,
9!", :11 I . ,tritH, National, 11,-
Thl,4 fi 1411, tial
lbeftint•zt ~
'0,1001“..1,1111.y thAt
:7.( 1.111.
rrox. T:te• M. , or :LI • -11,0,11• . :il,
provvrty - ht. airCitir
tu , nly per sir, If tier, c•
1. lilt 11.1.•1vprce.1,1,1 v. 1.1 it
illet,ll,o kit 111.,y
The Queen to be-Overthrown for a
----_ _._
ate 1,150. March .t" , .—.1 tetter , h..,
1 5550
'l+ln,t. e.tetel that a rovoluttonery proc•
turn v.:on !eel h ~, .n let e1,..1 trout ,telle.Lhy
pro tJtre.ot. pereen... ealima . nil C:Aißli. to
arty I tot tho overthrow of the I.;:ier , ll, end
the ,nel...lttot 01 of a Iteim!,:tean govern,
mot t In eei.trt.
'I% 011111 ,r):: hnt chllttl3 . .ll,:ppeartal
In 3 at 'met,.
Ot,ritui.: eaettange tett to .4.. pt.. 5 1 unt on
the L.!,1, mot on the ..5:1111e CV,DitU.: 2,, to
lii , Kentiont.
,Anether ri • tk la reverted,
Evaded Proper° Ella mei atm. Tho Ll:en
%ere and Iraaqa n, , e
.Itty e4:l. A 11-0
0 t , w iLllo-t .!ate, ef•
Tay! u. 4.4 defeated, Lind Ile.: In ea, G
VI., ISO W:I letl 111, +vat, Vie
,x 3, .1101 a a trustwortny ~noree. ,
A 113 alerts.. Ajtair to New Tool,
Ns. • York. starch 21st.—.1tnystertoeswt
fui-, rivolvlrof suprososl Ist ardor and slisan,
pear 113 a prosolnesst physosslutl. Is at.
traottatt of attention of the pones . . sln
Friday maid. a ptsyslesan, al :sit! ride!
to the beard of health, leporse ot d wt tno at,
tiOn hods: that :1 1V0... haul last wet her
death hyinestant tool that three taco,
a Leon nations. were 41,piCI011tl, \-1,3 at it
Instate steelgoastasi The pollee visited the,
plaese nut no Cornets or 61.311 00th 1 , 3Z.1 , 4 :dot
the dia.:tort/nu:sell not -la ,- .n neon.
- .. .
Thiyl • ,
inion of American Tertian organic...
thins Koenig Impraethiaiile. •
1%116 lleltirlek, no alleged Prnstilan for
ger. a ' nt Tonilnhic, IVJicei...i.t. was
Tong t to New hark, on aaluritay, lietitjtig
-been a1u0..1 under the extradition ti'eato•
gra diary 11...iett canign It effichle in
groo lyn on liThlay li ni lit of liott week.
A welnil ter succeeded In victimizing the
J o
Now ark ClFiteetll 110Un0 tinkers on Satur
day t the amount of f1:,,c00, Ly lorge.l pay
robs of eier kit. The tlovernineut ..t the
lone: .
A ientirrel about tobacco ',alto., in John
Tlll killing bas brColieti at New Caid h., D e ...
were on Saturday - . Thu fratricide wad
lode, d In Jail.
uief. lir. scars luta reelect:it tile l'reilikinii
ny 6r Brown Univ., ally, nt • Providence.
itho.le Juictot : to accord, It 1:1 unxeratood.
the i;eneral agency oft;. ,, liurtnogY L'Ontl.
ern doeatlunal movement.
rots, the .rno.smenger, who recently rob
bau LLo 40,LLer,1 Lo,irCii Corn 1.¢117, at IKe nt
.I.l.l.isils,lisps, of LMUULYILIO./sr.t.ll , IC:.
!are, and run away, wits Caught on Sotto rslaS
ufte noon mow 1:LLItil.1101 . e, and nuost of tho
rot:na cu lita por,o.
A trite tight between rrnow l•rew,.); it:
J(1:11 plionni Jame, lieninotrtl, of Montnno,
[red in KILIIBII4I, oul.roAre J 06, 1 ,1 i.
Ono' hundr,ll und blxty•tiVe
tlu 'were loUrrrit, or,:iiiry;i!:„; over two
wat.4 Um victor. '
lur,rray E., 'lath i:Rvulry,
r,lciktroyowtonlay roc
e lata Uenry W. T. Mill, for many
Cori sul.tfencrai ..f ilelit! a in it New
has left by his will the sow .4
10 as the nucleus of a load for erect
Year '
of ki
moiiiimeot to John Brown. In
he tnonurnhot. in not, 4111 within
:ore, the money Is to go to tile next
to the brave old martyr of liberty.
La hoer 4q7:12 , , ,, i of the South tire
nee released iron. ti.e miserien of
y than they are turret to undergo
xtrenie lost tires of liEteuing to
C. from the
marriage in New Yon: ,'ors 001,11 ,
W 041,000,1 ;0 cow,tolonea of the
tieing too drunk to F”y "y,s."
bri lc
FOUI:TiI I'AG E.—The 'allele awl mast re ,
ii ii bze .worry, Oil awl Produce. Mai
g etc given by any pop, in the city, will be
found on our 'mirth Pug,
Judgment Day in the Criminal Court.
Not touch In the way ol sentencing per.
sos for deeds done In violation of the law,
of t which they taut neon tried and adjudged
guilty, tratoplred in thu Criminal Court on
Saturday. .huolgo, Sterrett..l Mellon were
on the [tench, Judge Stowe coutmultig Ins
dlspe•cd from thetlmat.Gal. There f ull
attend:wee Of !numbers or the bur, the la,
ger portlen haying Outguess, but quit,' It
number were proomt to hear the rdsult of
the conference of the dodges upon theme.
medal :15kIng Uniformity In court hours or
liltlly APS 4 1041. The. d0C19101119 announced
The prisonerh . :luck or box was of in:m:11-
(.11,1a capacity lo atrard accommodation tor
tpa•llll+oner+brought out lip Warden
Mint, ',vow In number, to receive ,aul
tenCe. Floc rannapitsi - the box, T. W. Hau
lier, ra+pet Folber. Frerl. limburger, Peter
crow:cc and Charles KOVIIIIC4II.III. arla The
o.lore Pork, lonnan 00 , 1 .tan Israveh hero
given 00ata natsble. All except Planner
ut.l Konluel,[llll t. •tn C 01,10,1 Cl /are cry,
t lie eriutet of whirl. they are convicted bu-
Ing forcer) . and fornication. Tim array.
woru disposed of Li tans or.lcr:
Inn unfortunate roam;
S, how case .wn haul reporhst.
took Irmo .7 , 0111 1:04:11,, a follow board,.
In 0 00111 IhttAturgh, n pochut•lansk con
tsinlng .411110 thirty dollars, dlspo-ong 01 the
money, netordlng to hli 074'11 conk...don,
in the paynomt nl mundry tonal' ~, ,t in moo
a lilt!, Jo] I I floatnnt Innu Ilughnoy beer
hal!. Intere...vion In 111. bohnli .001,1 11110
from the Penitentiary. Tlio polasionont
1111j.,..1. L0'0111011(116 1110 comity jad,
1...0nt0 - I:ably I 4,11 1, and It IN be hoped
I <.lbor N ill hen,ttor totstain the good ch.,-
I:Ltor :L It 0 110 slated Lu bore prior to (110 .11(00,10.
This ,‘ Pot', Crow 0:n-n,o, 11,01 , 1
ing 10 the te,ltuohy 0: 1 - 00 4:e
The L. - OT,', wai pnt:Val.lieLl upon to ho 1011, nt
111111 foUr Wonths 1h IhU Lowey Jul!
Ann I:rugh ur, next t.i.o 14 the
fit: "
onotu, whn. in lenvihg the CISIP1”) .
ti A ...ohn A. Erl.e, of
took u :tit her Co n nne hotatoio . ?1:1
r.rt a :um:het-hook conte.hohtt
',me). t :or or. hottly_ntibue , thent. to the
Lot, ny. rho tot znarrnul, tool the I.7rart.
1:,,11 I up,,t.nrttl: , los nutolo by the
4 :01,1. 01, I , ..nutng sentence lot Vito
1 neMan
t 1.. I 4 , 1. Werh for it,tlllat!tgl, e”rnrr..wit
I.i Atrwri,n. P01,an15, , n. Tl:erhnn ta_jll,•
~, untler
Jury toun.l Clo t morn than
n,O not In, Only
%nit tin loi,enntrlx. It :in,
t w
1,1,4 to In, ~o1;14
!n,' IL lliatinf N's.s rcninudn.l (Or
tin, bein,;.
...• r, rrr I,lnntl, trl.lut 1). , -
lareC/3/7, NIP/
!adng ?y who
was cooolotro k. rlday n aantlodarol•
Ina In: plot, of of -form, trial and
•o On :no 1!,.. A nod adt
fd: trod fug - la 171
f..o t, W. lO 0 1 , 00 , r l , .
0 0 :4 0 .:,1 , 0,- 0 .11.g. 111(..,0
.1 tr , t., t,:t..1, , rt wttt t.trt•
!,t t•t tt,
, ttl-1.•• t
tll 0t... 4.11i1 IA
II r , •11
10/ :Ll' ctl tt
'lt: , it , 11, rout t11.5t
t r
, ~, eJ
. . -
II • ' 111•11 r.-
•1.: ht•
. 4 - ;1!••!:
rr••••,•.1. .0.1111 Its 1uA1tr,,,,,••
th. rope. , ;•••,.. •
t n'••11., In hte.!: • 11-
• Llw Cour: :Le pLinan.
rirr to !1, , pt - Illtellt:Ary for 01. y“.r.
T. W. F laroo r at ..c.av 1.1...1 of ~t.n•:1”,;
or 16.1.,• for
4 •
tor .1. , :0n,e. A ..C4N.Olran, :woo'
trlal, on ;no groo .- . , !...0r0n , 0P WY.
,•• 1..o•:oo , no! 30.0t:i...t ,o• L 1... 4...1.
(rut pro.,f that tur ta.ttuta...ut a a, !erg o ,
Urns,: Ow tact at1...r./0; Lt amouate.i
not?ou, ov,!.ora. F‘J
to t... at.. 1..:o fenlant'a a Ira!,
• ntt tot ltut! got Into some
In. tun itol of v„lti rtyora t or
fro . n Nti. tick. ft 4.. nnittriatlttil !no,
✓ int A, Qr . 1` . ...1.4 ft.t i rtiry i
!y ttto !LODI 01.0 of t ' lrt• tronottesl tit it
II {I ma a lorgltrv. alitt by. proof
ti/t, for,:ttry tiro!: liy ptirso.,
inn sirttnatirit. Proof
Ittoin fettirnii.l orittrevtist tkint
tti a ittro. - triin,sittino 111
,114/. 4ot to CHID 211.; CIL.
/011:01:11,..: at I i.,
3:11.1 I.:ir it'ss itgLit,n t i
111.0:1fIg ivr t.ntin , ~, to.ltistiti
Iv the viortowsloo that It .as a .IttigerY•
itx pry- :1 that he hail trot littnattli Inttl
titt, , itti, anti that tie twist have n not ni-vessarily initly guilt.. Mr. Litt,-
rt, tio tho r Mann •I ittri
avtirrvtl that if opportnolt..7
• givtot 1:ot.-nouli1 ittonrinittritto
Upon Cho strungth or Ups state•
meat tht ease 1! lu itovlponurt 101 two N not,.
' , mice:cot ot ...serge I.olvl , carpenter,
No. IC intntlisett et .111e:shorty:
phemisy In Clay, be,;, which left me a Ith
;meal whltdi 'acted' all hummer, and any
gradually waetlnic away toy strentrin. I
Cad several nesters who treated 01y ease
for pleurisy. / left the City after I reeover
ed 1r 4, n1 ;deer's) . and went to the tionnt
try. ; 111,0 tiallett itt at - teat - sr ti he Itilti
my left lung Will WAX:v.', and H u tt 11 settee
long were net dons 000,1, I would We of
eentemptien. I 'lnge , . on thls
Almut the !addle of Juno my eontrit and
;mut tMase Wf.rxtt, and
pet a oak, every olay, and
e I 01 ever getting well. In this suttee( de,
pontlency, end knowing the general belief
•tf Incurability of consumption, I by d
of ,ure., mii.llo b.,' lir. 4 - eyser,antlatOt-
Ing bls a:100111,nm. In the newspapers,
OA, Induned In tictehor ant Cali on [lle
I.otrlor 11 0111,, 1 . 1:1111 :.treel,ll.l had
r llllll 12,1 In 111 1 1101,1 WWI 11 ri
101 d ins lint 101. 01
:"left vrtL,' very 01000 tlinetveul, but he
I bought 1,1 111 {trent autl perseverance
0 use Ills medicines rind
get ell. At lite 10:e 1 CILIII,I on I.r. Key
er pe4 we, over ch.. Sad ,
thirty ' heal In tt taint:llo, and way
eft er
ll'y proArnteol 0.11,1 1111.1 to couch night b l unand
I I 1 . 0,1111/1 . 11.-.1 the ItorAce's treAtment
Itt Oetteter, with It fecitlo ; broken ettnettall.
'lOll . llllll centnt uml IL fattlaully Leith the
present tfinh. Tito Doctor's utethelnea
heloetl 100 from the very stert,An.l 1 could
gratlually feel myself Irelllnv ell - minor 011;1
ettuat 011t1 exit , Monition ' , lessening. I.
have gat
preatly In flesh and consider
Ittyrelf well; till tin, tuttisng rey !mtg . has
eesoletl, ntel lIIV general Ipialth is In o very
getm. AI my relative. friend.;
:mow tit lite atlvt.lo. tl statre Of I . I Y
110,1 cstruertllnary ri eovery. one of thu
medicines given Inti by Itr. / wee
n Inc.! It Ine ellll IA: 00 (;I'll,, 11010 h 1 limit
Itt ettent.....ron ehtiet . ti
ticonto 101 to."
Prristaiimu, March Al. Le;7.
Tr/stl I.lst for Mond Aprll
melt. •
M. tiutiO V., 1.. lI:Da:As,
A..lllectlotook vs. Clar..leromy etul.
4. 11. Burns exor l'ooogri
C. 6'. 11:•tera.
Wyst. vs..lll,%;hroy [loot,
13. Flatboat "Elk" va. stew:ll:outlro
-IG. Victoria Stonor vs. 4. U. 111.11.,..
17. W . Clark Co. vs. 0. 11. gone..
4 . W. B. 111.:11111 I, 01111.010 i .111,C.11.1101,
111. /..4,110111 V 3. Adam Fessing.
1`05010" rcrks.
• •
Laward .11311 Ir. ti.,,,t,40
••• • • •
Setritel Itt4ltlllitli4 Iteettry .Inno et g
7. linh :ro.v.• vs. .1 , 1e6.014.nv ete.
C. Webeltet Vs. C. 111..a.nlco.11el: 1113.1
chri%l. Volt.
Alcl.lArrnlek , v 3. A. Fulton A: 1, , 0n
13. H. I..l3fAtornon old A.ll.
• X. .ray...
ry Lalgel vs. Ihirri.ra Fang /fiat Wer
i. Slewiloont Lo Clair 73. 4 P. Miller.
Jnlneß Howard vs.-Vial/111a: Eat, lc.
t:tephen Deitr ye. Pittatturigil arm
ecietinirg Turnpike Company.
TAlien,111' Colley took from
this cowity ,all Wdatera
on Saturday, ilcultoulit Tin mium,
eil of larceny and sentenced to 1t,.,, year4'
imprbmamenti William Tate, connote I of
a similar offense, tens -
scut oter for tam
yclirt, rnd Fred ilOrlltalrg.lllSo cony toted of
/halt, the eine 'year. OM willar eanumi, earn
taco faith in eitimplim Ito penalty of their
eritutet through haeeutlye clennucy. .
M'! allnnl
Itrother•• e w e Prol2ol.l. Intent I•l2le—ltemainx of a
Ronne. No. fit Fifth Pitro.ot. ; 12 1 121 10in,.! to 111 4.ralrey med.
.; Tow of our readers, 2102M1 122-22, Inn, (Ii!- '1"2•..ter•1u..2,2 1,n., while 22 couple of
Cl to nOtiee the meg:llE2o22a 112210 Iru,t ; gentlemen were waiting through the
-102.1 eleate.l ut 12 Iftla .treet, ley . 11111 o list harlot rr.,11,1, IL”Sevolli: wnra,
w. , 11 known carpet dealers 51m.2222 - 4. 1 1 1 . 122.1. they 21 1,2 , 22,2•2 .1 a 2.22,,.• 1222 y 2,22222 e eighteen
tuns Brothers. The structure is 1v II 111, :5 11”,!:.1 ton, ly2ll f I • 1,i , 11l et
, glut 21 rOlll T.
01.011101 of MI tiding is, ally ell, poi np 12. . had .102 en 111.2,1 a few .ruck.
city, and compares more than Invora.! •2,1,2"5 . „,,,,„. t r ,
Illy with 1110 elegant iron front 1.21,1221,21 10. Y 1/ya 'pl.,' 111 Ina el that protru2l22,l' be.
!muses 121 its m2ighb0r2202.221. he etvie. of r 42 1 2•2 22 the lid 01,21 the „ I.le, 00011.10 s 1110,01-
arCht teethre to 01101310111, 10/100, 01.020,, : lot lire, 2.1.2 Melon 2,2 to the content-. to
of OrnutuVutat lon Is f 2211 y made up 11l the! 1222. v eoi rope.-1 0 , 00 . d. 01,0,, 1„12
11011, 000 Omit uppearanee or the 121/10.41V0 1 , ,11111 , - of 0 female
; and which support. the room!. but ThoOgl,
tit, 2. were no Mori, ripoo 1.11.•!
0, . 0, 1,1,4 0100 h
:rent of rho 1,1121 ing. It Is four stories „.,„ „,• e. Ito Rol lin
high. and forms quite a 2:01,1212,212, n feu- , In enar., Loa el and 22222 It,
1 2 r 1 handerrhod 222 Melt seero the only 22 rap.
ure On one chief lerrotp. aro. lon 2,2 or. •. • •
2,„ , 22Ing- 2 ,t12.• boy. cold n 122 2221. little girl, 'l'''. We th ne lghhorty22.2l,, house, at least toe largu -2 I•n the
portn, °erupted 12y the 31 es,s. Il'uldlorn. 2112 ‘v t 1,0111101 1. 1,,,, g 11 1. ,, 1k 00 0 F,1 . 11,1 • , 1. / . 1 !
Elle ba-eineul 1.4 ell iltte2l salesroom I !I!" f 2,14, 11 `"r,
the lull ""di'e! to
-2221,141,22,,,,,; AL
„,,,, the i,„.. 2 . 22ar t , ,,, t
' tone, but the 2,121 holy 1224121 220 heel to
paehate, or 210 1 0 5 ri. 0 ,1 2 . 2 2,2 1 11 . 1,,, si l ,„ tins mat ter and! ail 011110-1 forgo:l22u tr, un
opened.• Much of the packnig and 2.12ip. 1 1 1 . 1 . th222 , 21222.04v2 . 2r:.f v 0 1. .. r , 5; , .2 , 72; t r , 2 , 1 , 22:,;. ,
. 1 , 12L t 2;2 , 211 „ 3..2
plug 14 Oono here, humus, 2. 2- 00 .4 4 for " ' " ,, " ,,.;• !° X . ",i' . '
drays 2 142121 01,111,1.1 troll. that pool:. T 220 r 2 12'2 ;
luodutas of then oon portion 221 th e 2.tet 1. .hero 1 -2 0 f 2 m , 22 1 .• ! 1
not Int,fer.22l with. tel etedonlet at 22 j .10V31.1111111.1:1.10.0111, 111,010
neVer unnovu I by ace:m.l2st lountil 12222 . 1.22-
ges 11l the F Alit stre2 t door. The 1222,222mnt.
In day 111110 2- 1..;h «:,1 11,011 5ky.122,211,2
heavy sloes on the nr•••i floor, mot hy
slows 24t the front and rear. In 2.111...1.-pOll.-
10000 11411 be found a very bog” asun Lawn:
or Olt
t roths of the latest patterns 0114 122 all
sizes, omestle and 7111111 carpets. rims, air
rarta•24,.‘22 ~t 22. Ito might imn,12222 a 120,11
1.00,111 g append,. 22L,erve21 here for .212-
,2,1 g /110014 to 1.10, upper 1: 1, It
largo box U. bask:el of stout tonta2r, 2.225•
22,2212 2111 . .10012g r0p1.,•4701 V. - 1110111/.0 , 11,0,u11-
14,110100 01 i 0 4,1 op er ao, 1110 0111,
alit, pi I, haz t tt ton 222 22.4 tend, tmto
1 , 24 roof. Thu 22a-ket 100,0, , Ipoll
grnOV• , 11.111.1 13111.7 littlfl 11,-11111.11 lahnr
Tell. 2r 21 to Inest any 021212.10 t of 0•2.22.212 t.
1.222411ng a pearatns u 22 Imoo., In 1000.
Ilar only to 1114 112,5 e, and Is worthy of ex.
zpn'.llolloo. are 22 psd- 2,1 broad a 22221-
Ing stalr., Melt 1 , 2421 s to the mem ales.
00. /rota the 12,2•1111.11.... -.1010,0,222r0,
door- mid indeed the 1016.1 - 1.0 , 10.0 01 110.
000,1 AM I: eto. 1001 1110 r.l,
door is 22r thaternot or 41,Ti0 1,011101. 'I 1110
Is oar/. 1111110, 0101 no 1011, , , llO 242,20
house in the 011.7, and ery ft.o ill 11 , 1., , 111-
try, Ilusuoopted It 220 largely In it.. Intertor
Li rungemeht.s. The ‘.224221 10 cry 1 , 0011-
prpm.lllllo.l.l /1,0 011.1 111000111.1011
20.0r.inco. Lest floor tlev2l,•i
to 11210 00122221,212, all•I if , Ear 141 ga
11 /I poll foes " 01
plll.l 60441/Ce. 1 . 1:0 0c1111).14 are
21,211, am! are of narrow 01 0.00.1 pOlll
- IL Vlr,zlll .bite 0101 111,122 y 2.22rn1-122•21.
The unt 10 the Iron. .22.2.2 et
i• throng, It 1101.11)1, 111,1,
22- 2 ,2, 4,0
• `shov e 5021222224. The pane. or glass
the 12.ttr aro the largest in the
l e y, 122021 g thlrt.., fret 11m11 211111
nts 422 et • 010. 'They Ore 2•1.5221-0,22
, nris plat, 1•11.1 LIM
well to Uppt,,,lt, fir thy
1,1121124. 'I 1.e1,2.45111,..1 la 1101 fr... 01
.100 ulo ,1.01,! ,110 and
2102.224222.222 lu 1110th. !MI only three feet
4,2212 22.• .A 4 0021 0,11, tram the ,treer, '
tu...222211,0.202 . . 2,11 , 2 2.042 0,1:
, 010,11111, relparktl`.ly 00,1,
nothing tawdry or 111 2.2 12,
app.2l22l.o2ents. 4:vvr4 tleng
• ,1.111 yet or 110 mast
1001,1111•,0101 :nee!.
r2ais. 2422 2,12 4 •le of 1 12.
10., is WI.: al
24,2 erfuited or 221,1mn:
inattlng, curtains,
as. A 14220. ton entry 't
areh ratinlng the ren224 l .
of tee L'..11212, , g, 010511 tel
12:412. 2 042 eh 12202.41.122 of tilts
2212 11 1121-1 that ha. a 11.222
2.221t.. 1 212. for the prop 2• 2 -21,22142
arpets.7 tie 1,2121.t222.22'.1
supenot 2 at hat rreylved tree,
va,,-..2111- lode, 2• .22..11y 2:
2220ther •1242 - 22 02 r 22.2 f tron
on this for .,en to 2,22. e 51:
p• 11411011 11001 110 , 1,
100..1 o k 111 , ILI 1,,
Or feel to attempt arty far 'le
of this 2 rally le 2,t •.242srm
fo/h, 22;2, 222 r 2..2i , and
reL.her• t, pay 111, ,k
e 2,222.• thelese:,., 41242.'2. 1.2
‘1 f
la R I
..r a a ••
II 11
,'-` ' ' ;
, it
n p 1
111 ,:11,1:
1:r . "111.•:e I
,•-•. tlii• h.,'
1,1.4 up rt trn.4lt,
rnr n tuti.,,u.t,,k..
t 11.1,11,
n.rt• t!!nt,T.
r :4.
1-. tlilr.
on 14tLn.
e. ..1
Ina 4 , Owl: ILprcar,ni e In LL
i 0
n ulnaV , LA{•;/r,
,tentul. Ti" . 5.• a
ry , ccr. 4,1,1
II: . t'onr OE
I • ) ,
tinon oirnil,nit c.iviniin..
nis pkti.,.; li .10ii vvry 111.1
ilonruinii; in, rattvcrit ha'
1..,i. , 11. ,, 1.
11“nrilL.I ititir enrpel,, tnaltini.,, mat., int
li.ii,i, 11,3,011:41 Covet. &C., .hr , W::1 .1,0
..10a1J.I In MI it,, nn , lern 01 ,....., 01 ‘in'y
,1 tI 1 O: law , . 11, bowl: in :. .... i i .
:n.n.l n i ulo lc P.p . ,111.1111,1•11 , 1 i,r,:.e. ,, ft:, 4in . ..i.
l,1“, 11 111:0• um to ilviii inil...intni..:. in
Ininuty tool iinloo. • Tioi drip inuk .on.i.ii,:-
ally lii oil einlllo to ;:rt Vl` It • , . 0,0 t.IOC.L .
... y y n o
01 110. ~i , i nilt itlol, 1
In y
very con
enlv..!.ll. , Iyln in! pAltnrii, sn I o (
- 011 kl..ed.
21.41,,, -1.01. 'i1...,0ti5t.ii . 0, inn, 110,. 1111.1
. 1
1 hiiii, zoiniilly kept In- entollnr fir-t
010,0 nt..., ~ 111 o f
!mini: in lids i - 0ta1.1,..11
in, ' :1 .inrinitnginiti4 p0t.... I , .ii iliin . r.
tilll. 0..1,11 , 1:nnt... 401 well k i nt; :6 1111,1.
i 11 to, pldi,l . .0,1,1,1111,.: 0 0i••iniiini
tiri . 00.101111 - . . in iitti . iniunini to Mintl.l' , OLl
11,0.0 win - , tu.ty null. Inconcliiiik, 01.1,,in.
toond :11 , 0 11014 0 1.1 to tho pntronano of oar
nunitictillo I,olin, knowing, that It+limiliit . o4
it ily , letiottically i .0.1 11.01 ini
0 11. ore Otto ;011...1 1 1.4 4 : kocd. ko kn,toilll.o. ill
0.0.0 int . urnlilo po'i-eO.
New Orr,. Hui:vs.—Miss limily tir tivlllo
a hose Gaveling atOrk. 1n.11101.t. 11 -.
px etl an,l veroat, n hir.ia attire ef
mirth Illrblerate Out 1.
ty nu an artre,, elese.l her 6 rot week's Cu
! gait/one:it at the 1 Inera 1101:_e on 014 WolaY
,00111 11 4, to On Inleinnlao itlnllwneo. in Le
'Midden I •MUI1111.1411
the lutlor her art 1114 wa. very clever 6 1 , 1
wa. lady sapporo.l. Voy,tl:, .;001,;,
rapbily win laver If she
Inn•re n 6 614111,1 mbre importsat cnaractel 0,
- 06ule (6 1 lb" Inn civil - rut:4r man
; nor, and 11 011 the hearty applause of
I aay :0,0, liotto made
is onto v.:l . ..Gio i a:id sat
,ill2 /111111110 e With Lk r‘llll,l 1011 or
111 climbing the tree—tke premincitt
part of the farce. Mr. Co cosi, vcrY
elev..; actor. appoar.,l t b.:V.0104m a.
'•1'11.1101.11 itlitiOugh the part WWI very Ilgbt.
V.A1.1 111111.—Manager May., is
nightly drawing Puniull.o In/Use. at this
ro.peetable and 11 r6t.01/..s plus', uu111,0,.
111e11 1. 6 , 1n0e toe eiamiceineni he
'Las lynadbrrolly tlllsage,l the charaetur 01
Ill„ 111.6 , , 111011..4 made it It, 111.01 , j1,111,11-
able as House or any 01 1101 016-6
01 ninnueinent. Tee iingssei..i.nt of SO,
Florenca wilt. lair marvellous
ty," Les beim, thus htr, more
than burc,..ful. hum:rolls 1/01114 111'11':1
aw ..
ay from 11,14100ra nightly, unablo 11 00-
Min ad mittanre. ..1.1 en o , r upon till ,
0000:111 Wthhe nl Ilor eugag..hh.lit, to nig nt,
upon 1411011 0ct...10n II rare Lill 16 OlTure.l.
,Inyor bloorlrou to New Role.
Two Young men named George 111.1.1 r and
William bimpatin caused 1410,41 1111 1 , 30,1,
meet On Federal atreet i .111ezbeity, icater•
day aiteellbOn, by h 111,41,1117 llt rowdyism In
111 trent Oi the Mithiburgb, Fort Wayne isnot
(.311rage Llallro,nl 1101101. Mayor MOrrl6oll
happening to 111 the, 01 , :luit)',110
so'ly twalu to Ot,iirte u Gale decorum.
I is edousiii was ilLsreireirded i however,
whort•uhon Ills Honor determined tom:cote.
by pll/110v1 toren what vuoral sinister
1/141 failed to do, and forthwith proccutied
1 o arrest tiir.o noin. 10011111 enaucti In
Which lair t ffectd LIN 060.1 pr, but Gib Val
iant ropro.entallve of Jin-a.lee clung to:Simp
lon with II lohacity that nothinghol , :4l 0114,
011a11 , 1 the latlOr litend 41000.1 u 111 the lock
'Gibs nioritluir tiniiiitbas null
lOr ate contact In the 1 , 11µ)/(I of ilt/1111.1
Too much 1,0,51011 cannot be bestowed on Ills
Honer for his courageous conduct
ecessio For ems, In Ups tbelnoiy 111,,
ary loentitimal,'lllla the "quiet - of our
813100 CeraUlinilly been aliaturlied.
The otlenVoz , nt cu. rvudt,r.; .brertett
. .
1510 tart, toternout utU rovrq..lohly•ton
a Scott, jaw eters, `it,. 174 1.0.0 atreta, In
be found in another column. "Ibis aro, It
well uml favorably. known to our citizen..
Led 411 V C 012,11 ~,,, iftllllll that. tya ail,tot tot,
,new 1.11,01 i them woula tuCrofore be drip;
flaunt. fiat to strange!, visiting Our. city,
Oho uovvr had the pleasure of t rant/acting
butane...lth than, wu Wthliit nut'
sti.h/l,klWera Is Prat flute I''
outer, twat: db.,:at ,flitl Ly.wa itvr
wutehen, ;foxy, soil every V/AVIOty of Joweb
ry. bong we large Wad cotaulyto as tbat of
any of h or Louse in the city, labile the turas.
bort of the firm urn rourtray and allabOtty
If 'yor uttyth La tau,
i,na ad 1.01 tail to litre llicto u cab.
Special Meet IlahreZTliere will be n see.
einl 'meeting a the l'itteburgh Counelil
lull in their roomy In tin: elty !eWeitng the s
eVenillg, to lake Into veolderation the
Intl In zelation to the the tax oil true, now
pewit/3,4 In the LegielatUre,
fieT ' ; . 4 „ tr, - ,...
r 1 -, ,
.p3,-- - - ;
~ t. L ,
.(1, k
!neriln; of - the Iron WorkeeN.
)11 ,Lt." titty afternoon ii large mectlng
of the Iron IVorltero of tills city alel rictus
Ity was he: I :it I:ollers' Union 11:III, corner
of smith:old and Fifth streets, for the par-
V:ett of tiiklior into cOnshleration Ito: pres
ent ifolleulty teltiveini the proprietor:: of
the different rulllfir 1,1111- unil their fortner
nsfileyvi.4. reg . :ix:lto the propose:l re
tho fatter. .15131.1..
'Gent onnor the rounfs thAt
1:1111. sae:litre:aline WOO.: to-,h:3 - ut the,
pins, fixed Or the noinutieturers. This
is, f elm' room of the
leethhr, titter the of tiny fol.
1 , 1 n ,111, un,l resolution the or.,
%re .1 ~froniilit has teen exlstlillT
I:,e, serf
Ile: lot i• 111011IL-; tra,
'I s neintirsolureri ) ,'till
t4,111 . ;10,1 tor LW1 . 1313,11, pe
1,1 I .
11 I
rtt It •1
t A 1 1. •
itt0 . ..1:-.1 ail :1: n la
tt.t• Monnfid. firing firm In
llmt. tli.nrce.,tury iota
\ • I
it • • t
IT , .
cca I out I , j....4:11.11
Ite.i.ltat! °us,
; I I,i LLB , Liut o: Lb.
c.: the, Prlne T.
91.itlaltii”.1 to ❑ll ~ the po•ItIon
' P•zn , p
, I
I t.
I t‘"
14. hal ztbly mt.! conq , le,
.tu!1 , ,5 Incurrlbvat
ow: n t that we IL: ,
, uppl.:clate effort.
t•VI: I) . 14 ay
porona,,•of the
1 that tt
A ~.t/rc,. ti.t, new entorpri,,
‘u, C. II."
• A. Dun. Lem:nate,
p IL
fr I I
rzt fro - 11.11: tit;
rt ce1:1 , 1 vDly I.c t0,,0u,1.1;:1441
-I 1
I lI'S
r. I I
I t
I It I
t• , tiovr,tep
• I llr cry
1,1 1110
fu n Icw'ino
yrtht. spot, top!
• took.
I to SI:, t 01111,4. fr o m
t•t.l, a C.. lelenc
l e
11..1 -hooted 10: 011.
of the t•ntertilivuit.n: will
,vvnt +n.l ro,jormA.,.
o tr,
V. A.:1...X.. AV, 1,011.l•r 0: thu proprietor 0
tilt. V ratil,ln lUlllaoiraloon,ollFattlstr,,t
o,to eharging
Henry ;opt
ir PIP relonlot, :co` i-rit...ry On th
p•• r..,u0, Imuird Albeit?. Thi
i.vtiur a nit, in the ,
Ov. rrul iv 144 Mt!et).llTlZ hlr tut}
uu, trio, lilt uhlrvo•,
I.lg at mu' oil "ovi.!us. /to ririuti,t. t!trtn
t.rtz.n.•, ~ i lm,..ulty
tt,ch t...rtutnAte•l In .link,ltz !wing 1,0,04 .
tr” 14 04 and I,e,tot/ 40,1,20 ,1
.•t tent .
I, It lor
!Jour". Uttlhata.cttt
;OW to tl, Azqut,ll Ott
A....1.1:4...i 4 uL•Lvt.lO. lVtalunt. hat
zartnt...2! t14.1411,0:11
itortoo vitiating.
•he ne.tson or psinling Is wlth us, and
everywhe the brush Is Lelng applled to
rejuvenate the ••oot-stamed lams!, lint
out purpou! here !Irk In 03 I-tOecstacles tee !al..esa ot making oar city look
=alld. bet Lo:me words'o f the house
and sign psdra e.tald khan. nt of Mr. delta
t•lr,v, No. 51 II In I ..trcet at•
tent Ma to earelel csecutum
:•I!kdorosted 1.../ Mtn, bray tote
mnd, 11,11 1,1) . 1:31.1011 in tills uummonit
as a prao,caltem., lye con 0,111
I la! , haerlts
and claims num: the puldtc
henti,l serm . al large contract, of
hoes st
for us int!, m 0,5 ceedllable
manner, melte it style a luell complete
, 4
N 0141,11121. lie ell-. but the be -t
l' le
of ,1•111 Oils 1.4 Varnishes, and
1',11110,A none het experienced warionen.
We manmend 310. Gras . in th 4
uncrealets. Dec hi-
Oricloont Freshness cowl Manly
!icing one of tile Itr , t. In tilll neighbor
hood who purenasett a NtoinwaY Piano.
(,orno 11411 e y. , 14r,“..:0,) lota happy to Ira unto
.oElate that our admiration for tho In,t
ent na. undergone no chanput in the lartiw
arc now 11l ninon tie t tctl by
it-. rich inelo.lion,
c ans on the d a y
bro..: , t and can con.icitoultitt,ly
iothcir unrivaled clipacay (
t. rcluin-
Int; for Litany }war, thy origig,..l
tont bean: ,ound Which
l(11.111 abovat oibt.ri. We have :lover to
retivt: 11111'011:6,
Mr. Cant , . rtint wait Unlit tit: or lie Mechan
ic, Itinti: of A IlcitilitnY nth , liorvitunril
y:rum our flientl, 11. t
..... . , . .
, Wort I'vvrt - ) 00 this. , .11onovik„:11.
(4, ,on
001.0rtlig.., to Patrick Ilitinaltun, i it.nlie und,
Ito , In (lumen of li.o, or Ito Ln 4 0,p.1
tied It 'AA.' on boar,: ItIO sec, nor Llislot
(4,000,, II ovard 10(00:17, an(l 1ff10....t(t0,1•
lug on Um look, watullin - , ,;• tho iirt go ont,
1,,, 1,,,t, h,, (00 . 111 ( .0 . 10:0, .taut 1 Alin); 1,-
, we,. 11, w...,11,tmi tho loot, Itt 11,0 whtoo
- tin.: 4,00100‘ to ( Itlthbutore lie eould
~,,e, I . Ikeett . ,, , l ..,.. P , nhout 1.1nr17 ,
fivo !,,,,, 0( 00e, 11,01 it ort !terry, Illtil
1,{1:4, fL 11 )11..0 four el ( s1, ( .1,0 In Indigent
glreuno.tatte,t,foe . ..(1.5111 /I Ci)iltetloll WWI
taker: I, oltto Hot Lonoto:nt, and Ul.ll taIICI of
01(0,10 (.1%.(11:0 - 4 couttibot4l. .
--..-- i
An Etlielicoc 1/IV:rec.—Ail to
. 1,1 much of
thenv.. —. e. 111 Ikr l'ear}iylvior o I.l , 4llrmid
Compuuy hi In 11. toriomr4 .10011 the colh it.
oca sad 4.lC:rumor; 1 , 014/11..., '... emu myr.
Ihminu our rect.. 01• ,, , ;ran. g oii, or 101
the p;.....1tr0 0! Luc e ilia with I mt. populur
iii0.1e4. , ....4ir iirulleumii, CUlP‘..tor ,tor y.
ate Imi thu o 4.4rt of malcior: orprylmily feel
tom fw MOlO Utorool him, 11110,1-1111 g 111
1i 110111 pitur-imtty mei prlarly. IV o Lou.
11 rut Wu,. the Come lily u po n the por,,,ilon
of ru eitirigmt an rulicrr, leillectur; iiim lobo
i hi' rhil.te..oll ¶ll t!:0 rl,;ht place.
!titsting Tlme.-31ovloy; tittle i 0 *eager
-111, ef tNc. net:mate low 1,111,4 to the W:IV
1- 1 1 11 :MO 1-11ver watch,. of hone, 01.
lord,;,,elanuractere. 10 be ~ ~,,,, large
vallety ut the poeu!et . :,....wtlry establish-
Ineetlleyl me NO.
011,1, street. Au clot:alit u,ortnlt
}.".‘4411,1l nlAtor,, ceel,eurlork*a ce 4tl.l.
11 0, 1[10/le riAlti told fancy 1.1110
ut the n n.t re....e..Able prier. Fur
any attic.te yeweiry call at 111,1 hou.Yo.
Dent's or n Prlntwr.-111clutol 0 , 1 1 111;,•
rail, at [v011;11000 ttrtltt Cr, tit,:ter, an , tllll ,
.1 ay of c011....11,0n, 1: _UM t•Oltltur,,
llun:c l l 0 tlw,1;111.1. wart to winch instltu•
:Inu w tak ea tome four • works. blocs,
1111 rfrvril thrOr }Twill during ttle. ~tr 4,1
the .N.llllll.•norylvalitit lie , rvt..h, fuo
erwl a 111 tat, place 111.14 i‘f teritOoll nt two
~e ll (two Wuter strert, 011 , 1 Ills re-
Ilit erred. itt Allegheny CottlW.Ul;;.
ugu :Li
Pamisnaotter Mc
thy l'ootOLUct; t " ,, ‘barie Of
IV ~,,, nn lki n red—A German lady na
tried leorletta Schad fed: from a porch in
II Ovule: 's Court, in the Eighth ward, yeaters
day at terhoon mid received very serious Ins
)111-1..R. she liat been leaning over the bal
1e rade calling to some children at play be
neath, when it cave way. liar right shoul
der is dillocutea, while her attending thy-
I.r. Herron, fears that she has re
els,' internal injuries of a serious charac.
ter. Late lust evening she was still very ill.
AD Aneroid Dr rrrrrr frord thn itich
status infantry, lowned Daniel
Gre...n. was arrested by otheer William
aleeping in a
bri.•l;•knlo, la the si:hurbs; on Saturday
morning. Do was deliVerCll to Capt.
liar en, :Intl room:titled to Jail by him until
Tuesday morning.
A Coll.—nor. C. L. Swope, S. D., floctor of
trinity Church, thhi City, haw received a
ii hard to 011,1 ll In become an itsalic tint min clinTri, of Trinitythaficl, New York,
to 11l Ythe vacancy occe9loned by the recent
cleci ion of Inc.l Dr. Neely to the Diehepric
of Maine. lir. e, boo not yet decided to In
cept thin cull.
t' au, nal tte/E—ltudol ph and Robert
Druoi,lor, charged with stealing brans
iron, tn.. A rde . sc” On Works, were arrested
loy /anent . Bogue,ou Saturday, and brought
burns,: Able/num Strain. They were emit
hilited In default of tne requisite bell.
Neva Psper.—The Atit,rute, devoted to
the bald - e.t.a of the working - men, will up
iar 11114 littera.. The.. interested will
tsd it an up-bill business running a paper.
The “rapitall.du" have hail quite enough
experience 111 [hilt line.
The Lost roared.—Elizabeth McCune,
aged -ix teen. who It nun found was anduct
ed Altoona, and I, whom actlyn
ieure 14,1.4 made, turned up In the Sixth
wa. on ',tenter, 511,1 was taken charge of
WM Meet.—Thu annual eesalon of the
t.l.urgll Priediytery of the Reformed
elmren, Hall COLOILIttIICO Oft
morning, at eleven o'clock, to
the kirid Church, handusky street, Alle
gheny City.
Terrible.— . .l German named Henry
I.,tre, and hi, [WO Sons, were scalded to
deaih hart h..turday in Philadelphia, by n
iorg. kettle of non Lau water, need tonshald.
tug hotrg,lzpslttlng upon them.
Arch-Blabop Purrsll / Of thnelsnatl,
lectured last vvvoing upon , Charity" to an
oo.rercorded audience, In st. Paul's Cattle.
Iral. it wan a clear, able anti eloquent
Mr. Jan.+ M'Steen, n• well known and
Jl;:txls reipeCted eithenn, died Test.,lay
/ tern. on, at two He wits .netiged
n tee pliiintilng and guy dulng onslneer.
There will, In all probability, be mre
dcee.hhe l put up in this city and vicin ity
Ourtne th/t coming summer than inthe
three ”eu , un= that Lave preceedetl it.
The Printers' Chien Just now steads
nee,l of - Costar', Exterminator," Ode
iktere+l of l's members will suffer be
ors the close of tae week.
n enn rww—Yterdny we observed
u uuudsmi number of drunken men n
le. accts. here Met - obtunn upon
ut Melt
Overage we know not.
Income returna . .lns far have
les, very light. Our heavy men v.lll not
turn up lar,r e soltitulsyear; a s their pr.
at-. have oven very...mall.
Three Cord Aruba...types of a young
held were pickol up by our Itemizer ou St.
titer htreet. She CU. 0b413/3 thorn by Can-.
The Ni•sv Chorea. cOrnoriof
WOO it,. are' Ihmtuthea Street. Man.
ccatt.r, .(11:,
ntpidly upprosehing completion.
There were nee young men arre•ted last
evening urel eslgal In the Allegheny ?Oaks
cy charged wall corner low:Lug.
4 •Con stiollda tint." Drink• are the lateit
,:r.rossu: lulvnthms. to it a ~.o nsulltlallan
of the 3.lonongaheln /Lad Allegheny!
[hel ailar
• _
It emocnl.—Attnot ton H 0.0100 to the re
-00,01 en•nl o' I.,onort land Wllhaut F. 12.0bb,
In 1.0-day, paper.
To-day, I.pril Ist, its ••.111 11`nots. day, and
...ton Is equally as Wet/ Si
here werr ilve cusea tirun k 8 an u d
orderht,.. hrfore Ihvor. Morron yedterthk i. y
- _
Tar. Gotti•fsazistkin4 at seNterday Ims
bucceadtal Lly a aeary rain storm leut night.
...lir and JO•eph Melton, (Annie
Lgtri lace ut present in this city. •
Itrlrk• 11/1) Pollmg lover now than at
any :ILI. dufing the past year.
Under the consolitlat inn bill Pittsburgh
will have population of 17),tn0.
All the NutetSay !Pa:role lu the city
were largely toteistied yesterday.
Feign, the Wekailugton murderer, is not
In be brought to I . lt.t.burgh JAIL
Those ho woke. to know,arer a Strong
filth la an emn.laut fruit crolh
Coe+ On —TbO greet religious revival
gore 00 wall uou'ettted vigor.
AeCnrdina. to Yowler eltlguolta are worn
011 tlio top et self-erteetw.
Wattled—an es - ten/41On of the water pipes
n to .Luuch.•,t.rr.
Over Efaht Thopemenot workmen are
ldle afloot roOUorkli.
t • 6nlerw._Tho M. ir, say the cholera
Iv/I/ cOl.llO i131.13111er.
ralthy.—But :It tlo ,Icknass "novella fa
412 e. city.
culat ton.
Gold Quartz has been found at Bucyrus,
April the last month (or oyster eating.
TIIOFIN —DA 111:AGH.—On Taur,day evening,
5.:11, by It-v, n. B. Heed, at the tes
-I!etwe of tn. , tu - nle•a father, In Pitt township.
.1 4,1 tin Tilt/14N,
t of Alugheny. .NNILIS
31. DA Itlt Al:11, at anne l r
place. and A
Vs . Bll,EN—Ork ' , lmlay, March Mst, JAMES
} , ..5/iu she :lush year of his aice.
The tuner•l will take pia , . oh TUlaDar
.. at :a o'clock, from his late trst!ence, Jack,
soh , alh . y, hear Wisp. ales,. the friends at
INC etc r.npeatzlils invited to attend.
1 171NT3DOE:131FUT sr lEt
sue. ve
"'lath street. littsbarirp,
'CL.- ; cu. 11./. lir LOPES.,tn
t f . l .n ‘ or Funerml Purnto.blp,K la
c t..e,pt n l na
lir'l‘;•....s.Ter,..d.latT ..10U tad
;orrrlag.. fax ulAhed.
kr rictlxvt Iletvld Kerr, D. D.
SI. NV. 1).1)., 7.4.1.• ICITLng. Jr... 4••
11. 'Coo.
li. T. WHITE &
.llV.Ches:vr, Wood's Nun sad vletnlty.
corn,...ileld and Chartlersstreets
earrloses Aantsh..ll.
autlntl 't.ot'R•aere.' the la•Reet anbur•
ty. n c:i ' ,tZg=!.T r lf;l:fftrt ‘ g:n. l Tln_ " ar;:
IV lacrth of Allextumr. IV r buriC lot.. gsrn:tts
ri.Tki:A'.'Zt.`b=l:, - . '"'"" COOL &
llortskis CARRIAGES
BI.:UGIES of thy StrT t.trJr Ithe at
Illowartni Livery Stable,
First street, neer Mosoaaahela
Or at attention 4 , 1.14 to basing and imillog
The !simplest, The Best - I.
Year. 5AL.T.5e.0011.1
37 pima % - neicr, ii
Az ma,Llnea, us.rd hal n snort time, (Opiate
T. r= MtOtt
Wholesale Agents
141 J ii
AmeriCan Watch Company's
No. 56 Fifth Street,
ammo - mx.mvsr.
6 Wylie St., 3d door from 5
Fine Watches, (locks, Jewelry,
No. 914 L1119.9*
W • ittisloomr,g_la, Podia ti-
W' Cartf6alar attention elven So Booslrlag
W•tokok. Clocks sod Jo.,lry. All work nor
S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9
IS9 ,
'AO TO , ' SO
IS9 MR- 100 Sy !49 '
s , 89 Markin Street, s 9
S 9 XIV TXI3EI c)x.r-sr.
IJAS. ROBB, 89 Market St.
S 9, 69 69 69 89 69 S 9
PATENT .11.431.11ERE1l
Horse and Hale Shoes.
Would call croPclal atientloo to our dboes
which we clalm to be or a
Very Superior Quality.
BS Water 2treet, =l at 116 Eta,
1.0E.A. U .1 3 '.1.1 3 '.1E
No. 19 jEast Ninth Street.
NeCORMICK &GIBSON, Proprietors.
Pig Lead, Block Tin and
Wake to ordar INPEN nod ONYZETS of mar re•
oolrvd weight nod nine. nee" oar square-foot
3310,.n0 XlCneeet.-ylll7ri'll4"LeT.ll.)llesnne'
Itam• and for Waltman.
PlWu'redli:.resealllVrteiVnlor:ft the attention
05130CEL1501711 TO JOSIL& BOYD & 0011,
Mean Lecturers of the bestrenned can , ste
Plates. h"ist Po r k
u O d g h n e tC a st
tlte e , Oa ew
Heaping and Mowing Machin
SIZICT PLOW WlNsig,—,4pEnciag.
cast & Commoa Plough. do Spring Steels
=es—Cortex of 11•Lna and Etas =Teta
b , - • • above Ma lloaangahala
serf:dy 7
FACY' COXPANY, lianur.turersot
82 Third Street, Pittsburgh, Pa.
1. 1 17/CIHB.-AUGILIBT IiAIITJE, President.
JNO. B. LIVEN(InTON, Treas'r.
BA-MUKL RID Net retary.
DfiliellOns—Angust Hartle. John Atwell. 5.
H. Hartman. John B. Livingston. Jona M. Per_
tins. C. 11. Merrick-
_Mc OLIN 'l' 0 S.
xo. 92 Federal Street,
Chintz Window Curtains and Chair Curer.
Cleaned et Regis:ad without unpacking.
Nos. 135 and IST Third Street,
Satyr.= Woo 4 Lad Brulthilisl4.
szurcition OAK TANNED, PAT
Manufactured at No. BEI SMITH7III.I) in - ., by
• Aj" Agents for Pow York Rubber Co
Grim Beltin
LtrAtclr.'_lATll4 .
PEE ki3V/Lrcl al:0 BUMS, BEL - T
No. 118 Water Street,
30 , /Si A. VP 8 .
Thsstichut'S Units. March rib. f
Ma le hereby siren that all persons who bay.
not paid their assessmen. for lb. cosstruction
of toe West common nod Belmont b greet hewers
aR reunited to pay the as forthwith. the
Epecial Committee to whom the remonstrances
were ferred, baying reported the oleion of
the Cit T holleitur that satesstaents b loginae.
under the Act of Assembly and confirmed by
Councils, co alteration tan now be made.
D. id acritienuif.
totaitarta b City Treasurer.
Practical Furniture Alanufp,iturere
art styles of NU?lnTrat fortisaUT oy