The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, March 30, 1867, Image 1

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1 C =
No. es F.J.5t..12 Eltroot.
B.PENS IB/ " 1 .114.11tOri. •
7. P. 110IGSTON.
seizes P. REED, Boßlnesf lianag,•
Btaile eent.
Dblivered by carder, (per 15 cent..
!trial enbsextben4 tpeiTenr) ..... ••••—• 116.00 '
Liberal reduction. to Newsboy. and Agent..
Tbreo Copied, per year. by mall.—
Ylve do. do. do. each .
•io or more copies, to one addrem and
uoe free to eloh.earet.... l ...........
ArsMetal Unman E.7.e.
Adjusted without pain, by nr. spencer,
Lent Jut, rd Penn street.
I t•soill be Observed that we Lave published'
for some time past an advertisement of Dr.
i.eorge - 11. Keyser, of 100 Wood street, rim ,
tlrgp, Pa., in reference to Trusses and oth
er mechanical appliances for the clue and
relief of hernia and rupture, besides yeti
brnkenn'Oon conditions of the latranin
body which are usually beyond tie roach of
medication, Dr. Keyser Ors given this
I.l,neli of the busine,s greet attention for
veral ye:milpitst, and we think wo are jus
t Med inisayiny that he comprehends it Viol ,
ou ally. you can get at his store, Shoulder
Ilraces for weak 'breasts,. Elastic Stockings
forruricoso veins, Pile Props for mecum of
and. In fact, every variety Of mechan
ical appliance. Dr. Keyoer is the inventor
of a Truss for the radical curd of Hernia or
Itupiure, so perfect in its parts and so coin
fortable to tho wearer, as to elicit Clio ad..
TfilintlOn of all who may need such an appli
Ile would respectfully solicit the atten -
11011 of all those irlio have been unable to
get relief from other sourced to call and see
his great improvements In that department
Of mechanical eurgery, •
lie recently been In commauleation
- a - 11.11 some of ItllCableat and most expert.
cubed truss ilirgeons In the United
and feebi sat6hod that all those whothave
been plagued or annoyed viii.. 111-llttlng
and nueomlortublo truased, can be accom=
modated by calling at Ills consulting
rooms, No. 120 Venn street, or nt lit Sleds
rine 1101 Tree 11,1 not, N0..140 Wood street.
,ottice hones from eight to eleven A. n., and
One to (Our r. 0. •
I'lrst-11 you arc out late ut night, and re
turn chilly -and hoarse, take Dr. Keyser's
Pectoral Syrup.
Second—lf you should break through
no lee when sl“ting. and thereby con
tract a cold, take Dr. KeySerd Pectoral
by rep.
narkiLif you have been coughing for a
longtime, and don't know how to get
cared, tale Dr. Keyser's Pectoral Syrup.
fourth—lf your breast pains you, mbl
you hawk up debris phlegm than usual, take
lie. Keyser', Pectoral Syrup. a
Fifth—lt out sleighing, and get upset and
retch cold, renter°. the obstructhlns at
elite by Dr. Keyser's Pectoral Syrup.
sixth—lf you expeituo rata blood, take Dr.
Preto[ al syrup,
Tenth—l( you have wheezing and bron
chial irritation, take Dr. Keysces Pectoral
Syrup. ••
Eighth—lf you . . 10, running ut tbe
111,,, Dr. Koyiervs t'evtoral by rup will cure
'Ninth—lf you have influenza, Dr. Keyser's
Pectoral Serii%i will cure you..
Tenth—ll you have trey incipient. disease
ot the pnlureuary orvauS, Dr. Keyser's Pee•
turn) Syrup mill curo you.
Elevjerli—Dr.Keyset's Pectoral 'Syrup has
cured thousiinds of ouch east..
TWeirtn—Dr. kuylcr . ± Pectoral Syrup can
Polpol at most Drug Stores, and at the 910.
'platen's, 110 10 oral streat.
• Dr. lieyber's consultallon rooms for lung
examining, 120 Penn Street, front S a. N.
until l r. 1.
Inche Ginger In Myrnp
Touslelot's Extract of Beef. Borden's
Condensed Milk. imperial Bordeaux
and Turkey Prance, Dates, 'and Flgs.
:innate.. Muscatel and London Lager.
Sifts, Crosa and Blackloot noted Plc,.les and
Mustard. .nunc.s, Jollies, Preserves, Reten
spiced and ' t inkled Oysters, Choco-
IlltlA.lre,lA Tears and Pine Appl, In. alas.
Jars, Canned Fruits, and Vegetables. Virgin
011 of Ala, Clinics mixed Candles, all kinds
0: Foreign and .14.nerleaa. Pailadelphla
Walnut Candy, Nuts, Bonbons, Sc., Sc.
GEORGE 111,,,,
112 I:e,leral street, Allegheny
The Beet Hoorn Tonle
Caswell, Mack Combination of Iron
Ithosphorni and Callsaya, known as Ferro
rhoaphorated 1:11x1r of Calisnya. The Iron
restores color to the blood; the Phosphorus
renews wn.sto of the nerve tissue, and the
Cal Buys gives a natural, healthful tone to
t ho digestive organs.
one tont contains the virtue of one ounce
of Callan), and one teaspoonful a grain of
Louand Ithosphoral. Manufactured
Cd.WIU-L, Ul'Alr. at Co., New York.
ler sale brtifl druggist, -
Cheaper 'num Ever
Mr.l'. C. Dtiffey,ll6 Grant street, has once
flute rad...L.llle prices of the articles to
it'd found in his well assorted stock of stoves,
tln ware, cooking utensils and general
house-rata:king goodi: ,Ills prices are at
the old gold It!atec, and crety article Is war
ranted to prore of the copy heat tittallt3 -. :
All kinds of mechanical,. dopper an , t sheet
iron work attended to 6u the - sllgntest
notice In me best stylrh
At Plueetl'•
You will lied all the ne'o tstoks of the sea
son, -.Madame Memories,”
-Lees Dens,. "Ecce !torrid, - f , llavill Coppers
"Diamond Edition," ”Veniatfon
Llfe,” by Howell; "..icsinfriur Around the
tArrle," Nnsby; ”Annual of v•clenthic
Jtlscovety for /634-67;” "cent en the Leaf ,
Religions Poems, by /Wrist Bucher -Lowe,
SC., opposite the Posto.ifice.
Os • Oy , Oyster!,
The oyster season will soon, close and in
untacipation of the event, floltvheluter, the
popular proprietor or the
loon. neat door to le Post ;)Nee, filth
street, receives the most luscious and temp.
hut of bivalves lo be obtained ,la Xinerica.
Call in and see for yourselves. •
oppo, , lte the l'oitolliee, has Just received
.11eVitIOV111C5 ln. the stereoscorile vice' line, of 'seamy', SWIS3 and Savoy,'
• Yrenek Colored Creepy," Engllatt New,
"Albemarques Germany," "An•
limey West Saratowa ilrol..liammOth
Card. Engllyh and li.
E rent squeezing the herul lhl. o iron nrneni
while ditting • for • a photograph, li. 1- ii.
Dahlo., Clair otruet, he, m oo Into:glue
ed the latioit applianced for giving easy...l
graceful poi.litond.. Pictured taken In all
kings of weather.
Served m the city are found at rtheonable
prises at the weft-known and pipular Con
tinental Saloon, nest door lo the rostolllee,
on . Filth a tract, where that beet of eptirurian
arli.t, Win. lloltrheiguer, prethlei.
IStrilklug Attitudes
Lobo gamed proporly In a photograph
Ity tae ueo of the 015 W resting' , naeldue, only
_AiNod ut lrablea 'Photograph Ileadquartere,
or. Clair Street.
Easy PonltiOns Lt Photographs, •
Call be obtained 1,9 the new awl delicate
ailktiluery for reltlag,jii,t Introduced from
the at halite, art gallery, \o. J.
lair street. '
Ease. Grace end Beauty,
Only to Oat:Clued It a photograpla by teat
old of the.uteai,,, , m'oay nett, Just I ntrocloc=
ea at IL 1.. Dabtaa Glair street,
chtldiesabs Photographs.
Secured lu pleasibc 'attitude.. by nil of the
great SuronY Introduced at Dabb's
watery N 0.,.% !.3t. Clair street.
To Conptry llterebsnt•
. 3 , 7 C are offering full or iitaple and Fancy
Vry Goode, at Eastern prices. •
J: W. Exalter. S t:o., No. :ii Market street,
4:0 to Drng More,
No. ni Market .tree[, for tho best Holland
Walt) tljo
Yon Can Bay
Xott:110 Liquors of all kiwis at Joseph 8.
fflact'e /nat1.118.7. No, 189,.191, 193 and 190
You Can nay
t.. 8 nor butt. Alcohol at Joioph S. FLOOD'S
Tan tan Boy
Hun Haps at Joaopl, Fiuoh••
: 1
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• :
• The Senate bill to reimburse the Staley
!_of indium( and Ohio for monies expen
ded for the Lotted States, in eutollilig
equipping stint furnishing mllrtiri to aid it
suppressing rebellion. was pasted. ti11;.,,,.en against thirty-six.
Several district of Columbia frills were
passed. The Senate Joint 11 (esolutIon
reference to the collection: anti pays
' :TA of Monies due colored Enhiters,
/tors and marines, or their hello, Illrevting
--ehecks and dratta for such purpote to b
Illler/0 payable in Southern States to Coin
" nutionos of Freedmen's Bureau was pas-
The tenate bill to grunt to the American
I Atlantic 5 %itile Telegraph (....inpanyat New
Sorg the right, power and privilege to lay
! land trot operate subtnallue telegraph
! canles oil the Atlantic 12..1 of the United
I 511511;0, 0M:01111110 coast of Flortga, and et
tablish telegraph communication het woo
the ( ailed st slur and Europe by why of
hormuilas and Acorn laluudx, w pa- -',l
1 The senate re,clutlen in reference to the
execution 01.155-ylot rivers was passed.
eon - , 4 . 1013117 51.5.
Mr. CLAM:LC, of Kunst,. uttered a rose:n
/ thin TT...thy to adjoin anoint, for which,
An act to all . liAize court:. to change the after do roe; sir. hip itimAi.t.pirp ro d
place o: imidl ,/,„/ek•a':longtt:! !dilute, which was atif , pied—yeas, st; nays,
It provides for an adjournment iron
Cases. ! Psdnorrow, at three fccipelf, fill the tits:
Supfdententto the act regulating the Al. I Wodnesdav in July, when, It there ts• no
legiony Comity Prison. quorum in both iluefe, they ' , null 0,1 l ours
SupPlenYent to the act incorporating the ! forultd 155 the
I lotted aboeucc of if quorum, milouln till
Tarnetto,n anti iraul.lln Ralire.t.l gem- ',gopher.
To Pittsburgh Institutions, sitio,soo
Bills ' Reported and Pawed
AM for the minrove.:ment of Cost Lill in:
Collins 1.0 , ‘,1,1111,
Act reneanng an act 1 . 61111,c to entering
judgments and serving preceesmi In Arm•
"utrong nountg„
Supplement to the act annexing the her
'nigh of Mgr.:Le:Aar to Allegheny city._
ity Mr..,llighata : .1n• net Incorporating
the borough of Ormsby; also, a supplement
to the net. incorooratlng the Mech.:lei Set
ciug,4 Bank of Pitte.burgh.
The-bias Incorporating . tbe city - of A:-
tonna and the Warren and Tl4oute Ott
Company wore pa,sed
Mr. "f priteil a ri solati on ot tat.
• 1 Ml:Ade:an rNin
tor it a:rant of 1.110:
A1.1,101 . 111.1.710N
for a ra11 , 0.01 from the mining: region or
rer1111,111:t 10111.11 a! oil Ma.:4l-
The general Appropriation bill wt. pass.
eil (Wally. Several attempts net
,enr, 3,11 COCCI,
anacml clause tiving the pay Or 1111!”1. 11111 e jOitil r.,011,t1011
Sets at fifteen nunilrvit dollars, and the the transle , r o t, :n. , rtnip t toil is and
amount finally settled ono as Ilia tevn nun.
dred dollars.
• -• . . .
Among the i[mti of itplh - oprlatiounrehhe u
mot ,„ „
following: • en to the .11nholney homut!t to•u ten:,
Dlxmot Iloopital , t; ,o te,trilenly 1.1.0 in • • • • •
}lnge of Rent, Adjournel unhl o . tatwlri, tc,thorrow.
‘Veetern-reuiteuttary ••~l,t. :
S °ldler limne
ScLoot or De,lgn
Saltlier3' 0 rph 'Tome
. CONGRESS. The Canada Railroad Loan
- - -
Adjournment Till July Agreed fpou. CORONATION OF KING OF HUNGARY
March 0 yin _ 6ll the Blae Se.n
__ --
"""'". rt.o't i ''' ... ' "i" "".‘ Cc. I ANoTnEtt 1101'AI. ALLIANCE.
Petitions anti in mortals were presented
and leferred, among them several by Mr.
j _ _ ---
Sherman, pra*lng for relief from dtsablilty ; pi /nu b" -
ial - -- Lind Commercial.
under the Constitutional amendment i.• .
lino, n us the litli set... ,
11r. aIII:RMAN raid he did not i,eittive ,
• t•..tita II,: C.O“ , ... , ... , c
Congress C.. relieve any one it eta l.i i ai..7 ! les rt.', Marsh fo —la the 1:,,,,i... or 1 ene
Linty until the lenstxtutional itinendmant ' mj „,„
td.sdt, the to op—tint:l;f t,•o ern.
has been adopted. 1 no nit to guarantee the Canadian liaßioad
The memorials were rhierred to the .1.11- ' L„, j , .. 5 .,„„,,,
j „,„
chary Committee. .
arteruerion 7.1,1 . 4.,1 TEitl.,
r 1 1 ,1,. ;I, rif. Marcb. ..,. —I be t t oo ustliu of
- Mr. AN DEIIS.ON , linen the Cmhittiev On ; Francis Joseph. Lein r
e:or of Ju.trix,. at
Indian Andlrs, reported 11 re 6011100,1 anttlOr• ~,, . ~, 11u.,:,,,, will
„,,,, 1.1.,..,
~ u. ,
11.111 g -said Comm Mee. 1/1 the pro-eon:ion n 1 ; e
the investtgatton called for fy rite recent C tidied in July next.
resolution, to ViAit the Italian termtory. antl - 1 1 nation - re. Cog., Mare:, ..—The ,V11:11-
directing the neeretary to furnish tvmspor. : j,,,,,, Fitters ,""•
,„_._ Sew „ or , on the „, t ,, ,
tatten and military protect lon. .ttlopred. • • "
, INFOUVATIOS c ittari von. ” j rived to-o,y.
I _ ,
.1(4. II ENI.EI:',AS introduced a 1 °solution , • "..”'' .' T ' ". "j '
exiling on the thieettury of the interior for ' , noon, March tn--.6tt sine.--.% •Ittn don
Intormation respecting the Indian., the from toles, repot is n terinbie storm In t let
number in each tribe, description of land., ; , t , , j , ,, ,,..
j ,, ,,,.
~ ,
4,j,, , ,,.
~, , ,, , ,I.
MTV' of runts treaty, No. Adopted. . omit
Me. CaMERON In troduct .I a re.nitit ion , with sottoe lost of I::..calling on the :Secretary of War tor info, ; , A"t Wit t e nOT SI. art! ‘,. L.
MatiOn as to the ailment of t orapensatioraa__
It is : announced t Lit htnt g iwortre ot
paid during the war to the li.tititione and ; .
0:04 Railroad for eurrytag troops, ,t,nler : 4.r..c.0. Is soon to 1t.,...) . a neici. of it:leen
[honour or gentler than petit to other rail-' Victoria. •
reads, and If greater, why no! . • e . ..70,n, - March , NJ, s. —'l Ita
Mr. I ATE , objected and the rasolutiou ;
went over. • • tteari.hlp Tr,. Sr seen from Nev. Volk Was
)Tr. DAVIS offered :t reno: ut ton reitieritingD I: v, Murc - 11
the clrcumstencte boiler teloch ent V tr- p N 0,,,r
ovo ii , : „Ei ao port,„, ;rut
globe van admitted Into the I Ilion,
loci the Committee 00 .li:dietary to Ingolre , " l'l
into on.! report on the slime. !refer.l.
elerr. ” 1,, ,stroor, March —The Cl icon
the 1 , jar tvpirf.,4 the imports of cotton for Um
curia, Pon rrelrear.rii or week ut balmh in, the :tout. rot Inio,l
311 . ..P.1TT1:11 , 0N, of, otTe red a foots utr,roc being rcritc bah, above
nu:elution apt/conflating •.iiMMJ tor the •e.
- t he stonMe.
lief of threw n - no inniertal damages by the " , r
lute iloods. Inhered upon the DrOle. Lon,o,
1..r 1 e MM • • Illince• Gentrai, Conteiim,
TUE rectties.,,,El.. Laded stetes b0n.14, at l'ran Mort,
Mr. CON N in:rod:tee.] It bill ; otih at •,
that cieorge .31ar•h. of Vermont, Ala M 1.1, kme.m., March .` . ..,—."2" , :i.—Cottert Iw
lei aml Cnovenix Leg. enlet, r.tmolv mul unchanged; the goal, toe
laud, nod Churle4 A. Dana, of Zit,: York, ; - Urotiablt. - tlC , A4Ullet
shall form boat - d Couolbsioher4 - on rho enenabged. Provlslonv, ,11111 error 1111.
phmenetle et ' , rein. to report Mien the mac. imanne.l: dm:linen .1t1.; cortnllo,l
riteteantlity of mantitntlm, tiro ph:emetic for m le.r I,t ; nue andvaneint to h. , Clint. l .
Latlit Mona:n:1,10 erturtntur use In the ; et turotutine neelined argil 1...,u0t••1 at
Untied ao, and Gr e at Britain, Th.. 10.11tien petroleum. 1.. Ul.
sinners ha rt.:cuter, eaeh rre ,01n1,11.1A. quiet at I is. .1,110 4 , A.. C 1 0 ,1. 1. We,;,:5121.
tion. 11r:ferret! to Joust Committee On 1.1- he Innilori lanricet r are ruienunireil.
brarY. 1 Crion,, Morel; Console
roar mx.tarrre .VA m:.,•ci,e.l oral at fern, Illinois Central.
Mr. SIit:I:MAN olfer,l a relointion gale,:.'.
Ing on the bet:rut:my of War for n copy a Match
the report oi General 'Carrington on tun, soden wads, 7-]
Fort Kearney' massacre. Adopted. _ liir. Ainerleun
PO'DICI/A' AND SAILOC4' Orien•ri,. ; bend,
31r. C0111:ETT Introduced bill LI.DDrODrI
- fur the noniron of the Solliers ;;;;;;;,;‘,,gm, ton unto)
Ofd , Sailors Orphanu , lloturr or the IMAriut to you bale, 'riot trade report of the
Of COlutobla. 01.feen...1 to and woes over. eliester market for gruel, and yarns, I. de.
' ruirltt - t - r to :V • ]seater
with a rieelming temlener. Itreiel•
st urra market erolur, torn direlort..!
Mr. 4, / 1 " 6 " .-; mhee" drat the p marrer, and doom! at .f..• tor nit tett
take up tire hill to 11x the More at winch tbe I
lunktupt bill shall go into elf,: at the I-t
ir. .lunc.
ED 3103:LS moved to lay the bib on ; Yhttlit• mni rutluec, ... 14 • •
the table. Itiaagreed to.
Alter •otilu attempts utninendinent, Ihe i FROM •CANADL.
question way taken on trolerorg the bin to
1111:11.1 reading. It was lust by 1 yeas againat, • _
1:1 axle.. ' I lake Noileollun Opeord—Rreqmprit
ntssigstrrt Xxvr.r.s. Heralled tur:uirlaud—liollroad Pro-
Mr. nPitAlat.'u Called up the joint i esolu- 1 I e . el.
Coo directing the en,, ~(,,,y or ,5 . ,,, to 0f....e i leer, Ho,. March '.s.—The •tentner Cur.
ttaintrvey - to be tittle for the burnoso 0, " - I int.!. leaven loanorroe morning for
Cert./meg the cost of tonstructing the Xis- ' Ihreite ter, and will continue her reg..
sitellppi /execs. ' sea Lon trips. The :schooner WealeY. eleared
Mr. SC MN Ell moved as an amendment, a ' for Cbariotte this morning, loaded with
erosion OM' no money' tef n l'i o. P Mltt " d to 1 tionber,ds the font senses out this season,
improve the levers In uuy Stain unless the Tenn., o, March' L —.I sailing vessel that
same be reantuttted into th e L.. on the ! nt t Awed 3 , esterdny, front Oswego, Math/
basis of equal rights:And ..I ,. .tve (.‘ ,. .h 1 ^ ,,, , ' nnitli salt., is the lirst srrii al of the 6,ftsoO.
and free :chords, without distinction on tae- ! ~,,,, ~.„,,,,,fo e nti, regiment, Ontneted
taunt of cc ley.
' here, has hem: Accrd led und shortly leaves
After oit-.-hate, ilia subject . - 0. , , - on Mr..' for Logland.
THUM 131.1.1.'n motion, postponed. Monti, :4, March An —The lionr.l of Trait
1.02,i,111:.NVE /.0,4,1111 . 1.t: ...on/. . nod del.- utter. item counties northwest
, . , cty. to I.-
- Mr,1101.1.111 I.L. of :11 11110, from the Cons, Brio . tt..ttt,'""'' t'fdaVr.'n'tnd fitsfrom Que:ph to
ferettee Comm tutee Oil :he hal ma IstlA 4 UP. '.„'''. .4..'e . ', .1 . 4,,, ' „,;,,, 0ru ,„.,,i,,,,,,i
propriatio. for dur1,....i ;,1 tun ,1111.1.0 . ' V.'. -.U, ' • ~- . -.. .
Le-nonfat:W. Fetal, made a / ciao. t, µLien no , ; couttnltte. appointee to af: ac t i on.
attteed to.
_,. , -
. on scoters on aretoynna e s r. , /Myer Telrirronse.
.51r. I.lsMisis Its. from the Conference 1 I Ily.„lfrrelionla NoVonal 2'clevrajdi Co.]
Como. tee on adjournment, reported final I ni l; (ft , V. .I , lnreh Ye—Weather coif! and
Ono conference were tumble to agree. ; cloudy. Laver a1. rp11116.4. Too tau Rees
Mr. LI/MCI:1h: move:tithe tollowinfr Prof. , left at n , on for Pitt ebtualt, liti ...Lot
Onitioll. N Oital he Li.i:t.:Vett AVOUili ...greed , 00 .,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
to by the Mune, Cod toA kresident or the . . ,
etemate fuel L. tipeuscur of i 1.., Mu s e ~,f_ Mr, ems, )1.01 'Aft.—Ton Great Lepublio
Journ thou r.peettve Housesal node in. I left for New Win. ut live o'clott, tins af
morrow truf !I the first Wednesday r.; jut, , ted,npott.
when, milt. a quorum In care noose shall 1 .- • - .A7 - .1 mail do. !tat , : appeared during
In; present, they shalt lin - tiler adjourn w.f. 1
, the tent 'test dodo
oat day.
several propositionc to amen.! C.:: wen; I
Made and rejected. In the COllrito Of 1.41(1•••
...xi - a, Mr. A - 11.SW: said In° wished to :
rents.. Imre to settle the .otestion of suf.
• e
frage all throng. t o e country.
Mr. lilatrAA .4, , 4 2 1 M. ,,,, 1.' Orot
iVilson meant to pas u..dtw in, vnloel.7o Inc..
gro se ifruge!
/Ir. St' Mi. LH. sold certainly Le def.
Mr. 14711.nefS , had no doubt that under the i tolopy to constitutional amend- ;
meat they hail the right, to pass such Mil.
Mr. EDMUNDS' propeestll.. Wus adopted
by - As eget.: lA.
000. L.. xnant'ror.V. t
Mr. Y.S.Tlin, from 2110 Co - zitulttce on Ter-
ritorlca, reported an net exempting I tom ,
tine JWOViIiOI/110f MU ILot. of the /MM. session
of the tiSth Congress, eauencintory of the not '
to Prortdu a teuthrenfry government for the'
Terraory of M0n..., ajtprAtved May MIL, 1
foe:. no net to,ubanife the UW4(1011,4 the
~,pftea ~./' Cry 7 ,riwry 01 Atolannu, ilcumau,
The SPEAREit stated that owing Intl.
t•erious 11Ineai of Ws ,tep.lethe ,. . (N 1
itathowe • • --- • •
ao would of be nlu to oecnoy
tho Ceulr tO-day. and
lgnate the
gentleman from Maseaehuretts, lett - r-
WELL, ut Speaker pen. tem. Iln Wollltl
however, route to 1110 11811 the day,
and sign Mlle and 101111 re.olutlons. '
BILL: ewm.en.
t 0,11,021, 11,0.
Mr. irTO% liNo, froth the Conference Cota.
ni.fde a report on the 101 l to supply
the detieleuelaii In the contingent I unit of
the Ornate. file report woo agi ee,l to.
1110E.A. 11111,,
Mr. Cl. iltli LI, of lions:iv, ofTerisi u reirilip.
11011 to reque+t the Judiciary Conaulttee to
fiort on the fin oeartunent quell inn on the
rst day ol the adjourned
%11.1401."1”.11ENT 11,01.1,10 N CO, tinnati
The Senote atnen.itnent to the adj.. n•
meat ref ()lotion was coneurret In by a rote
of a: yea, :rimiest 15 nay,
• The m=1,1110,111 adopted p °vides for an
o funentitoonorro iv, at weir.. o i ciock,
until the t ref 100duagdA0 a 3 oly. when,
unless 110-re be aylo,lllll ettt :1 'i1012130
pre eft, tile or,atin. to ail) , urn till lir, tn.
4 resolution has In ion tutrod aced to tho
Nevada ugeneit licrinon doe-
Woe% us orelude.lal to the interests of the
e toile country, and nseing the iiiiverurneat
mllitery farm to trial, In order
}bat equel civil, hulittcut nod retigloot
Nu insured to nil villain, of the
I - .tied dater 4,1.: 1.1;e luwa of the hl . hi en
Late dispatches report that there ',viol
pooCt. believe that .llaximlllon,
yn~lnK t himeeirsornere , l, the Liberal troops
helm: to trout and re.7.r et him, and his main
dependence tar supplive bAng on th e e ce a.,
ure erOpa In OW nelghlaahood, has offered
to surrender. Tim aim*, ivu, u refund to
treat with tralivre,
Congress to Close 1p To-dk.
Allegatiou by Gen. Butler
14.SERFa' Pki;10:11 Idin 'IOIES.
Appointments Confirmed
Death of f an Ec-Netaatot
7,11'1,,1N. l ifiE t
noki, 01 ( • ,1 /114 at
ten n't.:(l,, t4)-t,sorlo.. , tv ' , rd., loclo.e np
11,1, t.ll , oiL !...,o•
P • -
1111 E
!LIU l.• ti
t.i t I
•• l . 1.1
o.a r. r
that v t'a
31Kr•lAa....‘t I a
bcforu I:, the
all th , • fa, la ta. :a
Slat ,, a, atm of ?...Ir. 1,0 i, r a:ra..lau
linn, Grn. it..tvie It 10.11,
w Lo. y..stcr,Ly f, a:,l 1,1,90.1 11/
'b. , of 11. Islll
Lour, upp:teu , l,!o
izovlrrment eal;•lnymant.
lirtreASlC•or V, t' A. NcCut•lt, of a;th
!nnultly, r••11e7.1 ',even!
duty aUkl onlurnti toJ,.!n
Itr. bogy, into 12“turn:t.t.Oncr of 1,11..
AI act In t t
r( :Illy bad linpdrlant InterVlew. Lt , o
olirro, ft Itoteha,o,an.l 1,1,4 n
triton of Intlana, bat - in t trx view (urn,
provntlun for their comfort and run,
w - Ohout coat to the Gott:: 'latent the
prt,ent uppniflrlation for ILosol tribtl router
ttipuittllon, t...voltte.d., it
proVI.l” fur tbcia, toll of tofu!p: n -u;I: nnitt
of tottery sut hut tlohy ma;
to ittlo: ant whandou 11,.. vitt+, Inn In
.llan., It In thought, 1:1 ,nlopt t 1114 r, Orr ol
ttro very tvintliy, tont of the trial can hn
made without nob n;onato to tic g^ o o ll .
men t It in tlentnnt worthy' or bulaut pht la
ofwetktnl °pet:lllot,
T1192•,0111lt.! conflruoul ar
sor of Inturnnl • Ithv.-nue, lenurtl:on 1..
Wright, Fifth Lth.trlut, Cullththr of
Internal lt.:venue, M. 11, Reling,Flß.l. I 11,
rtet. I nurgtou Gener,..l, If. f.unuu, of
A Mr, Toorop,on wits t.Arrotr , l
twit of forty Aulldre and u tillk tires, pitticrn .
lii New York, on Thuiuility evening,
•kitr. /P h," will Iw tried In Mu' ' '.
iipeclii.l to Iho Now York Piitf.
Asiikinot St... Awry Lhaniller It
will Iry thii A
Thu t.r pH., in,
I.cea 11.
Tllll ~ triiror;r 1... e tw."1.,1
Yuri: yeeterolay.
Fifteen hunolleol - freedmen here 9101d1e , 1
to the At00ern...... Co,10:11Tat!O:1 eoclety to, to
oocut to Afrlea, eltlon e.ent
v:l,O:n'alx hundred Lave entbartte,l. •
Ithotho r wlth.hey lIIeI Illery I, tl.l elso , l
lirooirlyn yeeterolay, lot allegtol rules IS.,
3.1110 rettnr.s.
The Chattanooga Ball Toad I,oolllity lett
00[110:10.000 , 1 thot.. trate.ter Of freight ot,il
Tenneebee river ut Brid4erort, ut
1.110 late of Vl', per tl , ty,
Zi.liyl:l,3 City Council 11111
OltaltillNlllSl.lllo.lllg the Board ot I..luration
to procure mehool hones met n - 110.11,13 o plan
:Or the free teluratlon of ettion
ttuorce C. Allittnevre, of Indiana, steps .
father of Speaker Collar:, 1.: IYrt.o: o:tthol'orr.
oubly 11l frith typhoid fever in 11'nehinirthh
to the broach Of pronnee care 4r Caroline
F. Clark vs. Miehael Reese, Irlch ut San_
Franeirrre, e verdict rya, rend erool.y.terol
In favor etitiaintil for ee,ohe ,:.:tuner. She
cleaned frieUo.ll.
Ch.:cifkf Duller, !ate .celler of the lien.
(oil 4100 k, Connectlc;it. ccerc.l with eh
ntractlteg twenty Lllo.lllld In gov
ernment bonds, bad bcoi convict., dud the
• The New York !Minuet ut Ic. Stole Ldliven
tioe vl,l 00 , -; 01 IL•cy ; on April 10111, to
nOlnb,oto Icicg,ttel ut forgo to the Gok.tltl;*
110001 Convention.
The Committee appolettel by Rhode
land Legi.laturel have contractett for Stat.
Imes of I:oger Wllliattet and tho Not Innal
qlleen. In tot Often! In ttln 11.11;of `,tutuaty,
In IN a,lilugtoo, at it COOL Of #.l,,ete.
FOURTH rAGE.—The. fuller! and lIIGSZ re ,
liedde Monty, Oa and Produce Market Re
ports giurn by any paper Intl, tiZy, Intl be
loud 0110“ r Fourth Puge,
Au linprot eine.. In Tatting . Picture..
The old farhioned Iron lirneve in whiCh a
Verona'. heat aad keno:gild in order to
Emily his ',Oily while a photograph a al
taten, have :110.aliaii to turn
away Irian their porpo-c 01 having pictures
Tire wonder wile that inventive gue
nor, Oa-. not ilireeted hoprovie
lurid in re-1.1. and id ttile Into date in the
of tilb nit of photography mil in
t-it:llion lora beim hrooght out which will
meet univeriml favor, Vie yesterday Viol
the pielooire of examining, at the popular
nd ylegditt art witlivry of our friend Ir frie d lett.
ft..q.. No. Clutr street, the fa
t ur ea, ony-Ite.tour linchlne.l. late Doren
thin. It If a cum plioited mace of machine
ry. ell to render lily
igeh the human bode la calielde of Unclog
of pcl icct. ea-e and eimmihoiro. The
ly reit-. try mid of thlc machine, In graee-
Pi; and ol couriai the photograph
nith.t lei much hotter unit truer to nit.
t il e, ' ilia, iimoi taken IC the ald of
the old .hoolaril. Mr. Dahl, let, also
intro-laced r. patent chair itima which ehll
di Olt ate ea, pelt In hay., nog.-
ttv ee taker. Thy at, ones., J/110111 coin
pfrtaide ott-limai which laity he lel algvil
to 1.,: luck 111 e 311 1 1 nit, natural
Ilan, ire slit :teeth Mr. Pahl,- ducervei
thv et edit of Ileum the um v one pi intro
duos their auxiliaries to the
ilia the Imbue entviiirlselhie
u' turd thin gallery, mid in every Ile
part went all the 11104,11 improements In
Pc tiirm alit lie found. Igloo'l phio
tout AL M: enjoy, artilirli reputation IMOUgli•
hat 11,e viiiinley, hilly lip to the
lirlitiEt Stanilaril l rlietied in the art.
Ir rims a lin; e Lee
eiirtialt pre.
-la all thii Met tiro, teria lien ill,
11 nem alio:Len non..
to iu:pr th e tit for
intee lepUtation tar Data.' gal.
3firrnoon u palr of Lore°,
att.a21....1 . t0 a rsrrtg ; :i• acionglag to Mr. LA.
took 1,4;13 wallr tint ea along
/It . •
3lars .:14
cart, nnt!r.‘n r.-,1 the .treet. 71,3
0., $.l z 9 tht, E•arilttg
to 1
' 1 l. ,
uu r!v,
4 r
r 1::11.
, :
I. 1 'I
\as I ks•ntibt.trior3
. • .
to- M,
9terlon. C'harron Awalnoot nu oalrr.
residing in th, Ithi,taonrd
Intlep., , te•tv.
aLk• t , that
night Lew a.Nin Ranh
kics.,l In :hi!
..yO, MO I , 4st :n al vlolenT;y,
t/1 ,,, 1t P:44 , 11/
irrrc ~,,t1,1”; by un , l too:, pnrt
10 Ely I ul , ht:ig 141/11
ni , ther 140,1114 Mun Any.
IV, 1.'1,0 et t lin OrlAwr.,
11. Lb, t.chlt,t/
ell cult Court. I rlaity tt.ornlog,l.le.: pe-
I tt.:l It. •tvt.t vottesty, Ity 11. -
. t .•Lotl:4•,:ttut.
wet:: I Ito•tmty:Youltt.
.cier , l a c,al oa
IL I 11. ham ,
t. Hall 41 . 1 f, taut]. for
0: tatt 101.1 vii.0,.c.1 the
ta 0:11 , 11c
t at thti prup., ty tur 1t0.55 .•
11,61 1: 1 1,.. Mit, could
lotHuot now Nv..14 . , to lot,.
111 0 I,ltlo. Ofl the, t. , ifit ., •:,
of Ihe lath let to r:tott ,ALI.O NbY lilt. e
gruntl, Mut
14 111 , 11, oct tlle tit 1,. , •
Illott•c , Painting'.
piinting 18 01113 iii, tool
everywhere the Immth 14 betng arch.' to
chovettato the t.tot t btrittetl {octser. Cut
our ' , uric' , hot! , io not to Co lc 10 oretneitot
vr the ptore.o of 1.1.10 g 0110 city 1001,
vonnr, lilt In One It few word, of Cho nervecha'moo th,t I-Antni•lanontol slr. John
NO tti t loft . ..trent. lit' rho° ut•
(etc km to tomoto-ot anti careful execution hi
hit ;otos it.Lto4thtt 11. tOt._t.;tor hulh
1111L1/111i ;11101a11013 In thtti Cauchtmlly
cote:lota totintrt, iVo .11 r.Cenk with
totvrablo tooth 11.111°11.111° ttf 111.. merits
m com ot clocco cloth the poltite potromtge,
hot MC tt - trottiott coverall tortre hoctmot4 of
lothoo pot/CMG for 114 10 the Inog nlvtlltnlnn
It tact° which gave comploto
t,,tt Itttoot lot, Ito
tr.ei nothing but the boot
t.otti:tles IP: paillt4, Oild U.} vrn1,1”.., ntnl
rdLIL eint•rl, , , u .1 .0
t.otottti t.ft. to the ioctonttgo of
our otottn, hottill: runt ettoovitme.
An o
1111,01, lILLAvcr street
ALLI.O).Iy. Los 1)1.6, In inlitalt
ll' c1,11)1r.) oz ph...1 by Ilan reoLnt
LILLAI It of Iltnir mothnr . .,tln. sharp)), ILL": nt
ul lier .1) in, ILLAn l r win: InLO. trona 1110 run)
ccb.nan.-snnt bor IL , Avanit Thom to the L:nlLl
nu,i ten,tatltn:, g
el.prvlicis 'sews.
1.11...1r bee if utt , t ~..eut to Itsve been ens
swere.l tly nt./thlg, utter the Olme..
slon,Tol ho cite rem. muues toltt eahlence
en.l v..leeteerept toI
re.,..e.t pea,
give the olt stred 1 31 (0) . 111M1011 Wt.
_r ' McClintock, Pre..lllent, or to !.etuteler
11. , e'telkrY, Younu m , 03
chillian As/ oeloollon, o. Fit street.
. .
Suerta Clula. • M' or Ltso elnLooot•olved
from man sum:aimed 10 a Juror a note,
which! we give, Omitting the Mann And rool•
'lrmo of Cho :
A LLron ego CITY, Pa., Mar.:a 2 . 1 a, 1,47.
Ala. it. CLuLoy, Su cal rr - of
- at Lot:: 0.0 yfaLr a go bo TooL
• 111 01114,10 ir.11:•1 Leal :,:,4 WI, rontio,:e
tell not Lt t,, La a ttroe lama For 'go
14 I /rot tool Cull alit hens ony into to d on;
lottlu'Lowllla Le a very Willing to go If Ito
war 112 Plow§ Sir Put a nother tillsu In Ids
1 . 100 . . C-
A.' Alp.eil—A wacTou tyelonglec to the
Int.vhargli llannt.Let ming Company, and
pu,:no,i. wan
1111 y,,Locduy ra the cnrno; ot Wand
Wider ct:rect,w 'The load_ was holm; ra
pidly elrivini to the au:awl/oat it. U. Lowy,
on which it I wan to he placed awl leck•
1099 tirtvlogin turning the corner canied
the apt..!. Tl,O bit. Ware ilcattered and
owne bulldoze. of them kroken noel', de
iaelishleg taken the contents. The load
a is, rvnivced to the heat en a dray,
A Volvo From Allegheny.
Ilessgs. F. error,.—The losolenee and M.
bronco of the Pittsburgh emamereio:
noticing the movement on the towth unit
west elite of the Allegheny for a county .teat
lo this city are ahnet On u par , is
tngthe ell:, ge of !take:stew - a on the very
'verge of Butler 01 the seat of Justice tee
the new county, Instead of Allegheny ...lin
population el:system:4 desert,' some reimke
L the hands of those who Mkt:pride to oor
progress and In bile. Wit would theretore
oak our merchants nod trader. If tlicy elm
:Mier that paper a proper plum: to bestow
their patronage. And it Mist It tilos lnoults
our eh} ,•It 11005 not ovon nrnion,tan4 tile
gel/graphic I Mutts propos.ed for the mom
Ivor:del. Is hounded In the Petition reter
nal to by the Allegheny and. tealo to line
Beaver :sod Butler comity lines,etum , m t r,
(nen the Allegheny to tho 44. Collittle,
area-of l'es ottsst ..mute miles in emultaet
body, nearly It. large 141 the State of Rhode
1,1110.1. As your paper hits always treated
us fairly 1.0 this side of the river. we ask a
menthol of these reinarlas in the same. -
Iron, City Cutlery Company.
The shove company has pit:elm-01 the
entire stock or hardware, culler, and vurP
ely good. of Andrew 1140' wolhknown
'headquartet II for 1,1,y:111114M that line, at
No. tit. Cittlr 'stre.a. The Company hon .
'opened oat a - 1 trize the hest ',ll4llll'of cutlery, watch they Intend nellin,t at
very renionable Aunt Inducing prim,. Inn
b.:01 or
,porthig goods and gerierul_arma, 111
t ., , wwala AN a found am hand. wtenall
rutting, engraving awl mwmp to ,1
thaLing atimeled to in 1100 Inuelianleal
o.yin by the unol n1:111111 .1f arthde,
1%. 11. lion in a gentleman Inuring large
practical expurlenue, and en neuron of no
ordmmy uhlitty, lota been telt rted man
uaer 01 the Loil.paa's nadir., sod will be
Mum! I cei“tunt attendance at thee tore.
We elluerl 111:y commend Ulla mtabliubtuerd
to tll, Of ow 1 t!,..torn.
01 the COmpany appeuta unothereolamn.
lo:queono 31111. of 141 f, ro. 1k11:oo1:,
Itatifn d 1 n, In the 111111 o :iv.
of 11,1 fur", Lol,:loro
golog to wort for ot.vorn .fondle per ton, the
pro, otlorod Irk 111 , . ',opt telc.: .1.4 010. •
rote, of Mo Q 011 1 111 1.11,1[1,11,. (.1 CI,
Lo• ro , l ti.o .1141.1. o'
'lnk, : taolur.rolot that IL 11,114,0,
11011,1100.• (Lao 11,
let 001 1 . . , 1'i,,,, l. •
YO. , fiC "µ(,,, U., oitootlon,'•
ow; oonfLo , tile o 01 zn
'llse I hildresk litsrixed 0, Death
• 1•:.•:.
r 11.•
11114, 41..!
.4,f11,0,! Th ••.1,., 4,
lAl•ortlerly Tenant,
, !
(1,1 i..!• 11,
01. t!tat
Menbogis rilialo Seminar, .
i"'l • r
.6.1 ',I • • ilr
”: v:..\l. .1 NI
Itadly Irrlgl.tinted 1114:11,,,,,1
lit:0 a t
1.1•1 J•lizn
IP I:0.-1 tilllll 4 4i /it.
lA , : 44 . 41 141 a, 11 4 /I.
if r in, It,
rt.lee Wet. 4
(1.11. 01.laic
Of Aneglieny„lo:l LI,. .114,,
tor •Irmketu,. 11,. 0010, 1...mnr11, uf-
. , ..
th• .
.11-or., Co:
It.. a• ..%
and tuk bvforo tu.• .11tayor.
If ~.., 4.14.;
- The Wort, of RAW r
:le a cuututit 1,1 to jutl so-tt ,!ay At.
tlertimo Tatylot, 1,0 charge of re• “•
pe•ftl••• • pr,. r , •! lty ItlUry on C 1
.Uttly .I.on atet, os that tt.e riot. oUrtot r.ttue
to:. et . ; tut t•tott, :et 11,0 rlitli
threatcolog :too; rea-anta
1,11.1fi61 np i1L1,30,11V loath
loz net - htz—
toottl to Mute out anti tight tom. •
.11o , d for Cour..—Ephr,:. if 11:7 !MO
l'atnet McKenna.. charge.' hy Jahn
ltrattley .11.1. (tut, Lad tagU be
fore the Mayor 3 - eator.tuy, tool a ral-
ttolit to
tall for ltuat at Court. The defendant It
.rill tM reuteuthered, Were parltes to theu,..
orderly thilllMlo,/01 It/tlt• recently o.tote
again.. Um ltulraio Woo employoll t.raq
ley 'a stove tuutattri to the 11:111
Alit-F[od Peoria,' .—I.. area.:l ptulo tan
fare .M a r lon la)1111"
, ),C1111,4111) . , .14 un. , le
Inlormatlon 1.-enro. • I.:Lel:014n
nlrel !tenth for re ,j h ry,
that the .lelroLlant• hatLe bora. In Uenri 011
Tbnr , lay that they Uri nnt a+rnelt 1001,
uhe:e.y. he can prove that they dui 1,4,11:
WArrants were
ttp.!,,,lay afternoon ./n
-con Itoflusan, living ea inn Bear, turnpilga
In townahlp, can. lwforo ntayor
Almrt.on ant!rnwle lurgrmatlon
Jacul, Mulct Pit as , ault ar.,l lilt rt. A
warrant tr... placed In Cao Insant Of on:ter
n;:o Ittr,n4P•l
6.1. Thu PrilWiler wit , ' lacked up tor is nvar-
rjiet.—A load .of hay, belonging to Mr.
ItenrY bleCuliy, or linkendown, up:et yt,-
terday I/I,mi; at :tonna, ttoihne 511:1, the
n' a irott +al, broken und the hay all - ,lonned
over - Into the mutt. Mr. McCully. aho rill
01, %no,thrown OCT and it pert:oo of
the hay fell 11131J11 hit., but /IC Met IV cu 1111
Ilnd tier Pocket Pleked.— . l,te,l37
tnurumg n Gurtnen Inarl,..t woman,
rolltne In Me Allegheny zulirket, bud her
.puccer plcktel Iltr Pocket lutoL
tlollurs, 1.11 the tlonc. she had.
Woconitt nuc learn her mune. , ithe had nut
thu lcust teem an to ult., Mu 1111 cf war.
Too Drook.—Tn o mon front the rota
or4A got too Ilrunk lu Alleahvoy, yo3ter.
'nicer, `eoll ail t amotaol
theln lying nu um , r i,
till. , eve.. to tell tr,,;„t,
•h“, 11 heir ,/ 4111.,
They Onto hauled to the lockup!. IL ,agna.
'rho Iterrilar ?Monthly noo•tino nt
toil l'ennNylvaula Volhoteer
Will 1)0 held thi. evening at Inn !tall Lit
!' Irelucc'a.lO.O,iati o n lily treadmill:.
Ilerll4,li .leriL.-_,,,t‘uutubi l ill:, cleo
tuo aqvurrb,,Auunt Tudor, Lth.t....
'burg, PM., nfroring hemlock and
Oak. but La for uulu..
Itentovtal.—thxue at. retty, the welt
knoett hiehly re.peciotblu real t...tato
ctlico to No.
:51111111101d earvet.
"lad Co.ty is I,llNriilg
from dog, They lim o ar.Pettroil rl
LelrlalkaClLl and ta:l;4/It/Orillg
Irani.. and Mort•etrorm Irattilmt - for
0010's Irmo +n,oo to +lO,, 1“,,,t,rd Go,
M. Porn - , Sol,
Kf Etc!' it onoo. liort.—Ooo advert into
Gent of sterol moll. to lot awl valuuhlereld
rotate for sale. '
8300 Renard c.a.trud for the urrt et a ot
NStlllum D..Cruves the Jetreniuu coeucv
A l'alr of rollq welull!n;;
ur,`la “Iths4age..roli.ngullll,2N,T'
Jo%opal Roach, of Motion, ArtoQ.tron::
County, I'a., wno 1d110.114 a lolling IrOe In-;
Two.dney dwelling . b °iered roe
eta. boo nave albeinent
ale good tura. One
!cult crop.
Notek Thieves are operating In New
Next ,londay will be moving Jay
itl.lor4 1y tO rttlt
14 1 - •
t ,f
1111110 ENE
The Bill as liitranced in the
Legislature by Senator Big
ham to Consolidate Pitts
burgh, Allegheny and the
Surrounding Boroughs.-
We are bolt:Wm.! ,ermtor ier a
COPT Or r iio - flOt ;be tioniolorieg
of Pii3Ouririi, :19 mtroilortiii by
him to Om ',LOC iiiimate oNV
. Te hill 111
p.I.A; 11,0,:t. looterial Lb:Loge Cr
amendment. fl", makb the }WIC/AI:1g ill,
portant. extra,:
I • 11 rno , " I, T hut tilt,
boondtsrn, 02 tito oily, ftf Intl-burgh 021411
horeattet tt• 101:unt, Itt,n - Intnt; t Inl the
Itetttltut n bttle °I tint oitto river. r 1 the tint.
hoparat big thu Loroughot 'rernto.ranert.
vllle (roux he ton:1.111p of CitnrUerg, untl.
In Laid Lee 4outlottArtillt to the blot of,.ll!Pgltotty I . nunty, thence
einttwat till: by a Into to bo run trill unt.t . lte.l
I.y 1101111111,n10,1. conghttlng of the Teet.,l-
Ing rtvulntorn ot t Int little of 1 . 111 burttu
tont Alle t tlntny, and tin: 1.,..agh 0 : 1:10
Itt: the yttlltty rtf t 00,11311 rn,
th t.
e otillown Ilfll, Of OW 31 orrny the n 10101
ftlol., 10.1 01 it rent-t,,,:1 1A:11w/a town-
. .
,1,0 E.211 . ]:',41,011t. 0110 1111.0 .
F1t . .11 I,ll:Owner I:) of it 1011 tr.
UP,/ .LI,IICI, UP Tat , t riVer
th.• 1: r . : - :: rnnt'intloi n 1,1.1,7Dar1:
“pinr,ne .:,1 1 / 1 1„ Iltn of IV Ilk in. a/IFt
0 Ins. n,p, tht.nce nc.rthwunl:i
unro,, sail viorr nn . l hy the ill:it/nig 1.1,
Iwt 1 1,2011 01 iont
1_0:11,1 UP' OW !WILL
knol: , A the A11,1..•ny rivrr; OinuL,
t of
i. the upper 1,14 of ti r i
n 11.1.10 111J'Udtt rOtld
tp. t,t,ce•an,l
pat ,::• I rls ur to
1.1,•• I,e
I,r p,o1.1: -
ti..• tk•lg,
O, tt,tl orth”,tern
. (II
.1 ... t1. ' ...,
t, o•e. a +1,1,
, • r
I P41,1:1•, , 11,4,1
o ; the ,
-. ~:ii~...;
!IV 110:C .1 .0,41 /t,l't:
4: 1
for th..1...,:un
4,1 I
rout•lratE,a..!4. cf . ;
I un.l ,y..l:lrco r4, 111,11.
111,111114•111.,•,:t1,0, thi•
1,•.1 f•N ,tern
lt':tuiu.n the
:a er,
the •tt 31,•• 'h0, , 1.0.1 I
1:, , V.•,,lkt ,1 , 11 rornot,
toot 01:1 lltt•tv tow ,tott.. Sr.. It 111101 ..ah:
houttow , to-, • •ottlt.ttt .1 to ~ o ”I:ottl a pop
Llt , “ it:
t- ho•titt :ft, or • 111,
Loune: el ett,' et. of toe,:
mon Coon,ll, tt:h: (hat the: .toa:lllthltllcetetr.
tt ,11,nlet, 1t:L . .1,1104 100 I•or- I
11:::ule,c1,,ott. Ens:
,heith Ittl:_•llurga. lonnalealtela,
teat - t ilt, letuoer.otoevtllo toot Montt
Itittlott, 00,1 ,-ttell pot tto,of Unlort too:
Lowent 1:101t - towto.oll-• , ore Ivltatti
3: I hoto,:e.rl,-,eston•Or,tto
ttiat: ~ thon,ol.l, not . P.
et,: e
I , s ;theta! 1 lelzet, tnotat:.:l
of th .eleet faun.',!, tool fot,tron
ztetntter-t of the Count-it. an , : at
[he now- elernou oleo: a ttht ;
n:her ottleet. tt•;alrotl hyChi I
01..t.11 oo eteet , ' , l no, yls.lltiet.lh:eo•
Teri n w :U.llO lite c.IYI littots, , , 41 ,
11touttn, tt: Cou t 0,15 1,101 , 1 ott, t• tor;
two Zi.t • ttlwyor nret ,tltet r l ts' otheors
.ball weld thel: trout the 11,4 (10n
,107 of attar/I.IW ~,e tte, ll. l.: theft eteettoa
11:1111 the ItnO. 51 , 11.1 tty I:l.lttnnary too yoat
t::1111 their , tioucto,o:'s I
elnttet toht , :ttwllll,l to wet.
4. 1 - 1,.1t tho t0n0...41 .nn,l inn for moln
Iho L00n..16 aunt of
.... I oil. tlnieels ~ ,,I city shnit
/Mot htrot Ott litt• tt , tetttli t•... ~ . 01
tobor 111 itall 4,31, 0101 11.,-; ttt 0,,
Clan uf , olon toot after 1101
Cl I I next, 1, 4 0,4 - v.7bn! In ill., lora I
to, hohl or, 10, leers
lay n 1 1 1 ,0.1 r I t . hti., that tho ot
ut ooantr elortion,,
,0,01 1 ~, t , , ,, 1111.1 Mita. • II,:
tor ~ h .ltt Connril , an,: oft earl, mint
:bake relnrnti thereof, et 100
vino° till obl.uner n+uteu to-1
4 ,llllitt.;ttl 0.1.0/ 1111111itill.i1 V1141:1011.
of Thot the :1101 t.uunonr.. ounrar,
,In.ll,nt prior 10 orrt du.) of Joty,
, nr0v1,1,.. tootnane, , , toe illy Ittin I
mut toe trrrttory of
arlin, mann, nott,,, not
ton emor thirt , : Iver , b,. An,/ ~ , ronded
thee, T11.,t in .I ,t,nl .f uty of riory :
fourth year thbr, attur, 'rho rettro,ttnlntlvo,
of cant , 1, aril, lu the ret end Counbon ,
.0:111C rut,. hal I bo nn,
nor lotion tu, it: .1. t.t t tla ittl , loll (n:
etttlit 111 1.1.• A1.y01,1/ . 1110 110 4 ine,,b
of the b,. trot. Cotrunot, Council. of
rnbl rity, 100'hich ennunnonon, (10, ci '
ors shall havo /tt:lt/ 41, ttllll, oath, true
Ittlll 0,101 retutn, nil r,..,,b10nt
.. .. nl,l or preoboo, 1I 111,11 :
ellnll lhrn nu,ober of '
,lent .1•0 1111. et)' by thirty, tto.,
411 o rntio 1111 . 111,,, 0(
flo• neleot enunrit fur!, nat ., / to '
tolloo lint condition,:
La tit is
rh.t..! ono
tan aOll ot oountal.
...nen a ,1,1 iv Inn la.; an', than tan,
of 11,0 ratte , t_tx•thlraOf ,11t1
ohall la• ent , tl;.: t ta;,
11,rnt!,cr al I iNvVe tia.. , rothan
ty counc,l.
Thy tol.lentarann,,,,,, shall ni,,,1.1.10 the
vdayle Iill1111)• r b y
no,y,,ral the 1,. lin ray, :or
Inumbnrs ti,.! coalcaou In ..en
‘iaro,,,,itita to lit tta:owlna
E.LOI, w Sri shall rat, at least two,
tan:anon 0,1.1.1.
...yrontl, That 04 , war , l e•hall have ono
men:lJ,, ol the cutalnon a.:l tor yarn
lull rata, slt for frattltneil part Is ex•
0, 5311.0,01, no: .lan t00...111,U 01,04'
be'. S. That the litttLeht ,(tee
anhl the u1,131 , , e, of ,e:
rottnesht eleetrhl In the I Iret, atel
rg.N . CM h. RIM every (hie , : I...terecllnz wan!.
LI/wee:out' th;, It cow
ai Lottllteir new., for tht,erctof
(tut t.! m.:.' the me
ll. tul.ert Lt....tett It,
the ltvotc,l, 1 11l it nthl ttighth, eea every
whale huth!ter .hall let elected uad held
:heir et-et. te Vet. ol too yeara; that
the tetnla lerte.l tor the Thin:, •
Ninth, and vrety (
thtnttubout thr• +11 0 :1
e1.:U:11.m.: Lott, (Sere ell: iM .1:30 !."1.10,
ti. 401 0110 ILIVIM/M ls
fit to Is le I.lf eat o the.
Of Member.; that All elvellOna ft.: regular
lertet, thete.fter .1 .;1 ha tor Il.ret. eat,
each; the hay vaeanclea which may ceoar
ite amnion fur then niilllavul
sv/to. Itt the tin... rd .
ttay-elernon ur tren,•,,l ellltalet, Is ar,ottll
eeu the Cl the htale for
mp oa!eeta. and , he bled, hare actnaLy
reablud within the nuattfter toe cite not Inas
than eel znonthe, and 1. Ithln the linnti or
thu eleetlen db•trlet In whleh he offerr to
tote, not iva than ten days Inadeillatety
pr. cud Ind the day of eleetlpay, :au 'hurl
hate been ;41[ItY tiring;
year hind eteld hare bald Raid
tears In full, d du' detneed !Lena:Med VG.
e ,, r Sllttnielpal'onleet a; and, to preaerye
tt., parity of rlerttvne t It etell be ltte
of the city Treasurer to deltver to the J nag
,7.41 in -Hectors Of clot-Lion In each oleo
ti on pore:net. t: list of all oersons aaicased
therein for e.ty tones ,luring the enrrent
V , ur, alit to note on saki llot the cameo •f
an ouch perooho e 3 1 , 11.111 have pat.] 101(1
:Oh or. or before the flys? hay of °ctn.
•,•. . . - -
bur next, precedlinitne day or election; nild
1.11.1;i ettested by the Treasurer and
.:elivured before the orentierer the petit
nd melt nu rbeelved by i•aid judgva and Ire
, i•uebe's sulheknt. evidence that the per
sons senese names are i•o notufl have paid
rie. 7. That the corporate authority of
I.lze municipal corporation, oraanlzeil under
het shall be vested In 4410 principal of-
Mir, to be ntylibt the mayor; in two boards
of councilmen. to bn itenominated the no
hit roman ant the common council, TO.
itether wan such miter °hikers/. arc In this
,rte 11M,S, Or may be Ina - fully created
miler Ile authoralt and said corporation
t:ail have I/IS, general powers anil
ll,•-'r.,and he stain, In the roles unit re.
strictnins grante.: 00.1 pres-riboil at the
siallaq,etion, of this net.
First, TO inquae into :trot ascerLiiin what
tot of man:cit.:it debts andother lia
billt to, and of annual Interest. charitable
the re,ll Is ita am by each of the several
boroualiJ ii o i2 townships which are
meanie.: witolii the boundaries of the city
lacorporatia by this ere.
neeo,l, To inielre into anti ascertain
what In 111/ IVIV.I property, real and person
al, inelmilfess, lot,, public squares,
„ 0: ,,, h0 e green iaTl wharvesor landlnfri,
war, works, market houses, City halls.
poor dre enwino houses, and 'all
etc opting school
house ~ la owned or held by each of
the f dies, boreudes und townships
awn, :el, to determino the value there
of. and the average aunt of the net
revenue derived therefrom m deter
mining the taint: or such property, the
oun:fa if
st:on call take into consideration
dhe net revenue derived !bereft ma. or the
Illi/0 tint in Cacti wide!, world probably be
olatalned :or It if offered fur ram pa public
am :Inn, Cr both, as it may deem most
equitatet and Just well parties interested.:
Thlrd, The commission shall have power
le demand from each and any of the mu.
eflicera et said cities, bifroughs and
tow uanips, having the custody of book. and
ranc . reuniting to municipal debtanrlia
u:l:tle,.nruf zone{ Ipal property or records
rel.vand thereto, or revenue derived there.
from, ftecurafe statements thereof: and It
olanll :be duty of said tomilmnal officers
to prep,: o and aulunit each statements,
Cur 111.5.; under oath that the same aro cor
rect. to the belt of their knowledge and be
lief. enuaniss.on Inas summon any ,
month pal rulen,r, or oilierver,ons to ap
pear temre them alot testify under Poll
c.meernmg municipal debts or property, or
other matters which it may deem netessary
to the louver ke rformsnice of Ito tlutie.,.; and
shat! Ltave power to administer oittb3 to
any i.erson so called to appear before them.
Your tit When the valtm Of the property
no .c.l aro: heti by' each of the cities., bor.
. and tow u,hips aforesaid shall hoed
deiermined, the amount owned by
shall then he ..tibstratited from the
onion,: of the.. .ermined Indebtedness of
et reepereivetv, 'int! the rmainder shall
be deemed atit taken the nmount of the
nniebtedne, owing by etch in ex
th.• vt..lz. of property owned and
1,. 1.1 by ca . e
the race of separate irlebt
f ewt•,„eity. borongh MI I township,
1101;.1,./t "haled. 511511 1 , 0 compared
v :It. the asseto.d 0011.1, of taxable proper
ty in each, respectively, uording to the
1.-te .1 c ot re
the same
appear in the okluial records of the
countyetinuniodoner, and the ratio
or rope, ion Le tween Intleht
t..lne,+ 50,1 00141 0:11c0 'of prop
er., 11
~poshall be di:tem:isnot and
prtlon shall Ims'o teen de
ter...mud t tuainp +Mu enall tir. upon and
for '1 sm 1. rote of ..pernal tan to be cud collected in each of
:true, eltie, hoe laughs and township.,
, inikeivnt to, pay an.f.ll4charge
nars.t.• dr.Ott not liabilitien of each
oeue .1,... , 111.1.141 and stated period of
tune, not exceeding ease a period of
Putli. II shall lie the duty of the comm 10.
pl.-pore and to submit in the Dub
tilet Cbu: t of Allegheny county n full re-
Port of all it, proceedings; and a statement
deitill of the debts owing and of the prop
er re owned by each of the all titles , bor-
o,n, and town,topg, and of such rotas
to ao t..yttarately levl,l and col-
It.civd u, etlen, maydeedn tnort aqua
/11.10 and 10-t. to atl ottrtte,i Inlet elted.
voter of the thy a 51..1) or. Clty Control
- Tre.turer. Pollee Police
't City ~,tutvey. City itarstotl. City
1, , .1 att.l 'Eenglltee,
01,01. I/W.O tilt other:. for two velar,
:i• It of keep orheein•nt O:, fr. 11, city to be pro.
I.y (, it)'. 4 ottheti, did 6111,11 ettch
0111.1.. o
.. 42 The £0:111Clil by ordinance s
hoar.l u h, bl Well
e, the nt,e. p yer of the city, the
c0.41.2n,01evr nod three. e‘t!sentreleetv, GO'
e, .4 , 1,1,4 voters to for three
Tlt COnSiSting of
of ,:re , <nem tett:Met: freeholders of alto
Coutil..y; not reeltliont Within the dor.
p.,;•,0e lo: tide city, a. ttesertned In the
flrt, ecction of thls bet, nor owners of real
c-i to or Other taxable property therein.
snail be apprent ed by the dlitrtet court of
cotntY, who, after being duty
-corn `it a ntlge of sell Coact- to nt.2,1 and
faithfolly it, rn..rto all the dot lee hnjolneo
utet.e V
. een: by Int] section, a1.P.:11 proceed to
perform the dunes ltezolnafter .gated,
. .
The [liana Court :hall, within
ten dui, after receiving. the report of the
coma - ea-loth :nude In 11:list:sure of the next
reruns appoint a day, end eau.°
li.o„ontilio notice thereof to be given When
ally oftui municipal authorities or tar
tx.yer, will) may ton Interested lh the rate
Intl!polntmect of the special taxation set
in .ald report, rimy Appear 1,, court,
awl neurd council thereon. Whereup
on, after a due hearing OI the parties Inter
cd,ul, the %hall determine and decree
tut, rdtc cir .pcmdl tax, a hien shall thereof-
ter he,eparntely leered on all taxable pro.
pe and collected In each of the sereral
rata- ry, tan - o.tgai and toweships aforesaid,
to be applied In paying the Interest and
the prtnclual of the excess of Indebtedness,
Ina at %Intl time; be each of Kahl Mlles.
da.roaghe and townships, respect's-C.l' and
to nu other purpose whatever, until t hy.
same shall here been tuft; tadd and dies
Id• TIM Alt.,' corPoratb.l:i, Created by
this l et, .halt obtain from the . district
.;r t, ...hen trotted LOpios of the report of
the CoMitifssioe, Made n pursunnce of the
see; ion of go. end of the decree of the
court 4llhte thirty days sifter sold
d'es.s.ea is 010110, and shall as soon As practi
c', thereatter, past an ordinance for car
rying toe -erne into effect aceordiug to Its
lull tenor and mooning in-all regpects,
hereby the City Corporation shall asimme
and become halite for all the municipal debts
11.11 .1 117.1illitt,oreach of the former cornets
tionn or townships comprised within its
ttUkl it rights Oi property cf every
kind luta deserild inn, excepting school
}W U', n.I luta A h ith were vested In any of
snail . , r corporictious tosenshipa,shall
thereafter lie deemed and held to be vested
In the corporal:cu. created by this act, no
rights or liontill les, idttler in favor or
olittmsat el tiler nf sold corporations existing
At tire tline of tills bet taking effect, and no
of any kind shall be In any manner afs
fecied hp suell change, Hat the same shall
nd or progress MS if no such Change had
bccit made; iwroviled, that nothing herein
conteinca Allan tie construed to empower
to sell, mortgage, lease, or
in any manner alienate any loads which
wine held by any et sold fObmer corpora
tions an public gtitass.s, common grounds
or t leer snore ',endings, but such lands shall
lot 1,01.1 ;ea general public use In the same
tedietter as_refore the passage of this net.
CV. 7.1 That the net of April bd.h, Isb , eeins
titled " to act !a .istablish high and low wa
ter 'Met toe Allegheny. Licuionirshele
end vide, rivers. In cite vicinity of Pitts.
burgh. le AIN:Wpm, vounly," be And the
seine is ruby soreivtot, ors for as the same
iteoes,...v [ tile t tie °staid idb legof high And
lon. tenter :1110A, In saki flyers, wherever
a {lido the of the ally of Islttsidirgh,
described lu this. iirst section of this act, '
seen lie s tat e not heretofore been est...di
d:died Ander live act which le hereby reviv
ed, nut tied tile eerundastonera heretofore
,I: I ," Inled under sold act and by whom the
nll-11 ns may lie appointed
W4.7h 1,4 ~ ,tt,11.1,1 acre established.
Id the .litel3tgears of said county
In cese of tinedeeth, refusal, or
timidity 1-0 •OrVli Of any of wild' commis-
A limees•
mire beieby authorized to proce,,,
wiihne• nuneessery delay, to the probed
inheee of the klitt los required by said net in
the esticidi itment or high bud low water
lines whetvver t hey have not already been
eAtetuisited wit bin tne extended limit% rig
sold isle, tot the same manner, and withlion algal as or°, Wed in said eel.
. . .
Tintt in to relnove any doubt
or tut-0 , :.4 ructiun if, to toe true Intent and
uteautog of nald tw:t in relation to the riebta
of property bOcni.led by
rv... or either of them, within the
'Galin aileron mid twith an./ low wateritn
h oe ., itrem or may 171: entablished, it 'Mali tat
otoict:do,l Inclined plane from the
high to inw water line on tOGU side or
tho., of told rivets shall form the true
hou le ary or tMcre of t.!..13 eater, and that It
F.llOl 1 bo unlawful fog nonperson Cr peruilila
Gt erector hlttatain any building or other
ht runt the nhore of any If said riven of or nearer to the water than said
high vcat.te ll uc , or to place any obstrnottonS
on any. of t:.1.1 inchood planes which may
Mode; or endanger the sate navigation or
t.odtruct the free toeing of the eaters of
said rlyera or came: on them; prOvltied,
that trth . o.,- hernia betore contained shall
tat curd to apply to any structure bore.
tofore lan fully ereeted by any incorporated
nnrlgatinti enninbnit.
the tient.nn which we have omitted refer
to tt•wer.44,, In4UlntiOn9,
o ur copy we, not tecantal
a.ter Wii/oelt thid morning, we cannot
pohilyht any Inure of the impta tint (John..
Minn Le 11.1, lantvt.
Le pf
: , ,t+ellee UII.S been grayed Gen,
ntiernann to permit, him to Vail the
Pauses I/rex; Beldon, Nest York
Brokers. have been arrested and held to haul
for alleged wrongful coneerslon of capital.
on complaint of the .411rnee of Leonard
Idttyck. Judgment for 1303.0i0 Is demanded
and the defendants asked to render an ae•
count of their operations to Erie stook tor
a roar and a half past.
A pat Of burglars In disguise entered
the o=ca Of the paymaster of the Jetfarton
♦lllo Railroad Company, at Jeßerso,usille.
Indiana, yesterday morning. and stole a Its
130 r oontatang a:O,CW and 1.000 records
and memoranda:as. The ntght watchman
was bound and gagged while the robbery
wan being perpetrated.
A duel a - as fought yesterday mumlug, at
New Orleans, be , vreeu the manager of the
National Theatre and the editor of the Ger
a liatst:e. The latter alai seriously
Iruunded. Welipous. revolvers. Caul....
a T' poot. a n rryra r. d Ee!tatetzj.lada led A oU tr sa c rn
The runerlialli tale place tram 'he re•ldanee
rf her p• rents, NO. M rent street, on SATCII
- at la o'clock A. a.
BELLY—In lit.' h. In:, Mr.
KELLY, In the hZI rt
Tear of age. Yor
heeny of thle place.
a avail ainow4 (DEv
NotrlW Tourtb street, ittsbergh, COFYINS
of all [lnds; tiLOVES, eeere
oeilptlou of tuners! Fertisatang (foods (tsetse
ed. Rooms opened day and algtst. Hearse and
Caretages fartitshed.
hirk.xl...2,ls—)Sev. Darla Kerr. D. 11.. Her
M. W. Jacobus. Ewlar.
s,b H. Miller. Kau.
R. T. WHITE h CO.,
51anettester, Wood's lion and
Corner bhetrield and Chattier,
Hem. and Cxrrlure. furelsbrd.
hrauilful “Godty-nere.. the largest Inbur-
Lan pl tee of sepulchre. eneept one, In this coun
ty. attunted on Nrvr BilsOtola road. tmmedtate
le north of Allegheny. For htt lots.petUnite
or Mks, call at CentraYDrug Waco of COOL &
CLANCY, Allet.heuy Cite.
Wliolesale Agents
American Watch Company's
No. 56 Fifth Street,
6 Wylie St., 3d door from sth.
Fine Watches, flocks, Jewelry,
Plttoburgh~.Pe^ ~+ ~.
Alir Particular attoolloct oven b liorwLrlnt
Wurocs. Clock• and Jnwolrr. All work wv
With Beautiful Gums, for
$B, $B, $B, $B,
Steam Dental Establishment,
Teeth Fat acted Without Fain.
/LT Cfr.ll and examine Specimens before Order.
log i.elritlere. Catletsctioo tor.rararod In suer)
CLIECEEI= O 2 1.19 AT .
.fib. 92 Federal Street,
BLAMES of thy my bysLtor {re .t
Howard's Livery Sable,
lint Street, near llononnahela Hoare,
Brest attention paid to buying mtil telling
The bhmplebt. The Beet
Winn.syytD Trott.. Yms. SstaBlool6
Practical Furniture Manufacturers
Lsuut .tyl. of TURNITITILL constant') Oa
els Marblues, used but a short thee; for sale •
reduced prises. W. 81.731:1611 PO,
fert ^ Tlfte strAet.
W 11l
Den Candidate for the oak. of PEOTHON.,
firkin. sih;ect to the decision of the Union
1404,1,rat totifs:vB4:d3ver
trorniartr or hitad•a Ins iluardi) ufll bit
Om/ante for COUSTY 7 . llIASCritEli, .I:wet&
to tnedeclsloa oL itti truoclsepablipa Convac•