.r •%,- -.4 -,•-s .-- __----- _______ s.l • , • 6 - I.yut-tittslAttO aritc. ...., i I„r i Yalinr. (Ga) .I.A.;11a; ....1....! a , NEW ADvRTIsp,mENTs. The wholesome dise'pline to whieli , 7 ' , "• . .' , ' , 'lc' ' t Pr'" l:l ' n ' il " l '''''''' n • ant/ ' JAmEs T BR ADT &to ' , we h.,: felt constrain.] ot hste to sot,- his co.t-v, ...t.rl ;..,... t ~.-et.tt . tte retro 4 Ouceettot , .. , s. Jos., a C 0..) Ica the Cult.,berc . r , :, Un the fill,s.ti.la of Ir.: ',....,. A '. W, , 11,,,..- i ~. Corner Fourth ts, Wood Ste., railroads', isiteady heats excellent fici% . 1.1 "... , ‘ ; . t ,`'''''.. , .',.t.'••;.;..i1i,:.L;.;,.,,...--,,,,• irt , it ..., no & nnavung t .-------------7 riChlY C9l,elMlliU4 ler the dilit,,D"e ..„,'„.":,::.,,,'rf i,,,,, , ,; ~..,, . ,1.,:i '-',,„`"i, t ; 1 D A.l l l ii ri II n DllVrints4, i RILIFORM IN ENG LAN)).I and -knowledge expend: d it oar 0n „,„., wore i n I s le Ea.,,,, niocteet-6.;..,--- ---. ez,...e.,,,,,,, „ii. ...,..„, pi , 11 15 perfeetly wonderful, judging from When the bill e ame up to increase the tan s w 1.n.: G . ratit . and Sheriaan a ge ' Government Securities, FOreigli Exchange, we Ci1v,,,,...,,, , 15,,, ;be 1 , 1,, i,,, nt,„ vie, cou;_ i ,i, rt , , , l u i , ;. b st , a , as t rz i . , % tlie accounts. deritmd through a certain capiud stock of the Peut.ylvatiia P iil- s,-;-,,.....5.5,,1,..T, e..,,,,:,;.,,..,1,,,5..,,11..5. cep: sectional order of men, to know how many times st road Cuutpany, Gold, Silver and Coupons. , c'Unfltet . with Congress aml Northern 1 saution eau stand nit the very brink of a tsui;meutation was desired, I • soaring other -.•Tturell wade an an aceassibla points fearful precipice and not full off; and reasons, in order -that the CoMpany ; tot meat _,...,•• how often it can be absolutely and irre might compete succossially for tnble I .. kn . ti , u. , . , sc ' j ct . :. h, : pe (I:resident Jolin trier ably ruined, and yet be full of lusty of the Pacific 5:0[1,.., of China, au tt of ', c,..,., 1 il,, ii,,,,,, o:„.,,ed.i,tirseornit,u,Lein,l i.,‘,..i trod life.% and entering upon new Oases of de-, I n dia, bringing ii, in great ll' rt e ' ''''.:'''', iti.lueed our :void, t o oppo s e i t ~,, t on , velopment with unsurpassed security auk across the cslntinent, by .Way of I ltl3. bloc cut t.l 11; the 1 . . i:, .idea that ha ,vigor. According to the tory organs; burgh, ihstead of letting tt. ;II take the ; v.•:,,.,1,12.1u.M.....,t0,t,:0.,th0 ;,,, I, o, ue. „ , he L. , Englund has been on a precipice and neirthern roate to New Ymk. At first , d 0,,,..„., ~..,,,s.i.,,iidos,,,,,y,,,ltils,,,irrec,,lues„rff.(l.ott,,aulestatt been pushed over into the chasm below, our contemdorary was impatient, r elite But tor slim we would long ago hove'. "times and:way; without number," hi and intractable as ausiss's cult. It did , : ... ,, eu arlissitttil it the 1.:111.,0,-,,m1 1400 those terrible radicals, who are deticiem tudeed, admit we mole adispitty of "val. lLias,lse„l.lt..,r.,.::::,t,a, c.•, , sin we shall now be', in re,.pettrfor It and • ~..inguine in uvble intormation, ' but it was :not ~tr,,,,,ivele•Liniy 1 1 w - . li l lt; ' 1, 111':i..1'!' it -wont ' their tibilffy i to _mprove a; ii the tl_stsrs• ready to contest, that the statistics We .• _ --___ _...........__ At this inbinerit, England is represeuted adduced clinched our argument so firm- I Tan work of bait:dug a loge :lero.sa as being on Ibe precipice ago:", enkin ly that it edits not be shaken. After a the liver at St. Louis Las been cum the inmost d a uger of, n tall that shall time the alarm of its wraith abated, and 1 mcncsd. The Dr. trot.c. say, crush the life am of tit, r. Tile radievis it mellowed most surprisingly. Tester- .' It is intended to build from Washing. ate dent:aiding au cxteasion of the right- day it went so tar us to state that the s ton :Ireton , so ,he dyke; on this ...isle the •of auttrage, n...t tu blacks, for specimeus Pen nsylvitnia.Railroad Conipauy hats tte• : It';llr;y:;,.l,'('''hth',ll''' Talliisircet, I Of the ebony race are - so nucomnion in tedly offered ten millions of dollar- for ; mune . ; ea,,,.;•th'e' '',,,,,',,':-te;.1,`';';';,.....-,.•,":1,,,g,i,,Y. "the fast anchored isle" as to be real co- the Missouri .Paciic Pasilrool, rod LS- ~,,, sh e ot h e r ,hi e t h e Image t t,t t i 1., , . riosfties; but to 'what . are known a 5 tae plains to its readers that this tin: done ' r e Act,ed I.y lai-ed apprOaLhei. The work Middle and lower orders of white men. "with a view to making St. Louis the ; `.. , , , i i ii l'efi, . 1 ";-‘e eed ire., .n . ,1 •st ~,0g 1.0 Oilier worde, universal suffrage is de. termiuus taref LT ion Paestle Ps:Pros: l , ';,. ' ;I'...Te'''',.;`,l,"Lu.;',',',;"`j„eiet 1...-`,,lsni,;ll,..enetl,lrel,•,,,ite mantled, not as a . gratuity or favor, but and a direct line across the continent ; „ I . t h e „„.„ o,otheded ).„;,„ the ‘1,,,,,, as a natural and indefeasible Inheritance, via Terre Rain% Indlisnapolia, the Pats- ! gives axl e- I t licit it will la, pushed long withheld because "on the part 01 burgh and Fort Wayne or pan Handle, 1 .ith SI L .;or ...lid 1.1.-e..." • • , the oppressor there. has been pusver." and Peensylvauia Central." Nor did it ; 'I nAT coM,iet7lon..--aili- reliable liis iuseresting and instructive to no. stop With this formal announcement. It ' Ira-liinan, Mr. .1. .-_,. C. Niiliot, I”,s mot e, lice what dire mischiefs are predicted as went on to express the - .opinion, derived ' probaldy, the greatest discovery of mud cure tn, follow, tr the toduari.l ela s beS from the table of diotanges "such petieuid , ern ttolv,t•--Gtnotttarriai. , e permitietl to participate in. selecting writs instruction, that a lice ' That .•Irlshtuan" happens to be a ' Members of Parliament. Either the on i.; present ,a,„„1.,,,,, , upor i o r to so . t . Yankee, burn rani rears I ilow - n in English tOrieit have borrowed all the ob. of Nay, it relaxed its wrath to. Mtlille:_ . • jections of Anierican Democrats against wards the Penns haul I. Raiir owl Cum- i TilE. Lsilsation Gosrs.r gives this mild i Universal Suffrage, or else American puny so much as to declare, "We take ', • suggcstion'to the SellalOr trout Erie t 1 Democrats have drawn their lieapOnil 0f real pride in contemplating its missal- t •• No one' can 1.1,1111 Et, often as Mr. ' opposition thereto from the armory of t rade and the enterprise at the bottom ,:f L ow , ~, it illsout raying suede things that the British teries.; it." That will do for the present. Su are 511:11: and sonin that are °then\ i,e.- The 'aristocratic class cf Englandt,on long as out contemporary evince. a dis- ' bite '''''''" . . er l'''"'"'" "'lTeTwi,e.'• se-- ccitam memorable occasions, did good position to discard its efrors We Shall 1 ; . ks Louisville, N. entu,ky, and Selina, service to_the cause of civil liberty by not urge it beyond what is reasonable. ; Alabama, Tontig Men's Cnristian Arse wrinching from the Crown concessions, -There is a good deal of human nu- I ; e .alitlll.4 tire conducting anon-day prayer not only to theirown order, but yielding tune in the Pennsylvania Railroad Com- ; theotthi.,,,. ._ _. _ .. advantages to the masses of the popula- patty. We do not see how it Call well be s , ---- •-si , -.....- - • •--- -- - s i tu:lay towns in Panasylvania te tion. ' The monarchs invariably protest- otherwise s 0 long as its stockholders and ; yi ' ra A 01 re.lgion are progressing, and ed they Were guilty of a sort of sacrilege, officers remain men, and deal with sub. • converts are reported to he tillUlerOUS , in• thus invading prerogatives coming lunary affairs. :When these people get disectly from the Almighty. Brifthese translate:l, and to ailetter sphere, as WC 1 ........................t"".. - CONSC3IPTION " were unheeded. The uric- -treSt they ail may, in tine .1.,23:011., they protessations tocracy continued their encroachments w ill have less of the selff-ltnass of ea rth, • IAN BE CCIIED. 1 , on the'estaldislimi domain of the Kings, and more of the chanties of h e aven, in . ' .. • r... 11.1,100 1.,...! ..i.if .",) i..• 1. ,,,,, •••!".., • 1 Dres§ 1 until taeli virtually ab,arbea all substan- their composition• Nola.' tan - dant:lllg all • ~ ._ , . . i,“ a a itu t at t• mot 6,,1, ity,,L,,,, EA; tial power,laving. the Occupant of the the talk we hear about disinterested L11..1.1., ..../ Ait 1...., 91.. aI.LA I itYNthlll ~.1:.11: it,,,,,,t.!!1;11,1.1,11,‘,14:;:,,,.‘., 1 . • a .lrs. throne only N. shadow of authority, and benevolence, we do uut find an OVerstack F',-'1:•c•'-'N'C-'r•ill'N. Il'• ' wh. h' l ` .'," i ~..,.1,A7. .1 ,'fie;•,r,',N2A21. . ., 11T EVe .:;,:, compelling him or her to act as a puppet of it in practice. Taking nom us they .., ... I:, , ~ .i.o.ez, id simry 1,. its tete. in their hands. , All this was farurable arc., it is presuniing a good deal to iusi.s rsests so tase ....cosi t , ar,. e. tiA. ... ri, ,, ea ' 1 i THE -STAR" SHIRT, to civil order and personal liberty. Bet that the Pennsylvania BailrOad Com- ,„,,,.. ii4,,,,5,, ~,,..,,,,,,,,,* !. ou a t vad .nil mad., lo o•dre. the final solution could not be reached pony shall invite compesition, Or 'submit t,.., by this process. While the rule of an to a corupMition it can legitimately'. ts, „ I , oligarchy yielded compensations in de- avoid. The nusiness MUT Of P. 11,1 crgh, \ nuding bingo of their ancient authority, after all they have professed iu the mat. -' ''''":" it Old not eStblish government on a ter of Freedom in Rallroas, Building, '•d•• ',, heals aCcordatit with natural justice. I are not exemplarily tolerant of pr,:jacts t a ; The people now seem resolved to. ; for new lines, the effect of whieu must c . , ,d-.. s,-,,- 'ls , . -,, -1., , -.. make rechonations of the aristocracy. lir to divert trade front this locality. It sat eAry.:-..klyr„ BA L Lns,Es, DAND. 01 course tnat distinguished body are \ tie Sct la human nature they sim . :ll.l le. e.1..';':;,.15; ;,,,,..;,.-.,,,;...,.,' .':;; r.;;„‘,l, offended and distressed. It was pleasant Rowe: enmuch riteg, on d IL,: st . , , i.: - a m s c , •ht..s., ... r it1,1.,:-i,, ...... 0.11 , 11 1 -I'';'' .-t.' . ..t .- f . "`.. , . enough for them to strip the Rings.. It , en;oy, _they always want more. Ana :-.,‘,:,:.,,,. ~,,...‘,..,. ,; . ‘-: 1 , . 11 is not agnmalilc to be stripped them - I Oils is not a vice, • but an exc. Reim, selves: If they can be left alone their Men were not to vie to It'.l 11,..n0,i,F., 4 4 situation is decidedly comfortable. like cattle, and then le down stna rum', • There ar . e many aristocracies ia the , nate. They were rests d with insatiable ri......,:0. world, but none tha't will COUIPEire with 1 aspirations.,-and hence tat:desire fur Lew ..e.. ;,; the :English, either for wealth, or digni. ; and greater iitiaininenti iii pep , :a i. , s ` :• ty, or posh r. :Nothing it, more natural , Uremia is the prOpelliiy, tree by welch 0,...0. than that, haviig a “good thing," tile! all 'human Mitiviti , 5 are driven. shbuld seek to Mild ou to , it. Indeed, it What we compittiu of is not, that Pm ,„, .. ia is easy to s.llellitY once held their places men who: compose the- Pean,ylv.,nia - . ~,,, ,_.., , oolong, sad by Ellell unanmo and un- \ Railroad •Comny, or w ho rus n,go i.s 'T..15r.zy,..r...5.-.1.,,!,........„, broken Cu u. that they l e e k s eir title 1 nifsirs, stet as most Men do, or would, in ; ,„,... s „, „,....;,.., thereto to be as valid as any ottter I:itle i their circumstances; but, that the lea&is m .......iii, do, . e iythilsoever. But the question is oae !of political attics, whet Imre given ;;;;;,,',.•:,„' °;••''T'''''-';',;,.., that cant be adjudicated by octet,teel- \ pledges to aid in enacting a Fire Rail- ..5;;.,• .i:T , •::.! , ...,--. ; ~ .‘ , , t ! , ,A . . t. .- ..t t , t. e tt, Inge. Toe tuabses of the people have I road Law, do at,: make:. cur words good; , ...,,...,..,,,t 5'i:4..,.5.,..:.,'......* ~,;,;.;..i5.... o e t , feelings as xilia's th-y, and show a de- \ Is that members of tLe Legislature, i ~.',..,, is..; ,s• ,r''"". 1CrUli11111i•el 10 have them taken into the Is ha were elteled under the jus ext...ta - , s as?... 5.. ; "•......' 1 ' :, ..,',`st',.-"' ''' settlement. . , lion that they would favor the t a cascre, 7";:'''sj'.: ' - ', ..• The aristocracy are aw'are they muse go against it. So long as people suosait , ~-.... t: - • -• ad ~ tn. make concessions. Their lamentations ,to this faithlessness. either in the puha- . !,;•,, v '',..,... , ;. ' r s. ;.;-,..,-,,..,,.... „, show how protound their convictions are cal i.art Ica With which they set, or ia r t . .: ;,. ,N.,,:it,,,.,;',..1-, Liu-just point. • But they mean to give particular members thef Leg's:J.:use, ; t a ,;!' !,!';,'!,,Te,fl,''....:;''', T . 's Cr up just as little as they -can with safe . y. by whom they are represent.% there 15, ':',';': -,!;.: . ,-.,.....,-.; 1 ,., ,,, 2 :n 1:A ! , ., , ,.‘; , : , ,t!, ~,,., Such has been their uniform method. and dan 1,3 no hope that a proper law l t..it ~,..i:1iL5.,,L,;;,,,ii,...J.,.1,..t...a..,..!..i,L.,,,i;:i.11, But in tido they are shordsighted. The l ; will Ie enacted. Thu system ol spetial '',,....i:, :7,,111 t 1:: it g t - tt rr ..fs '... , : t y..... :h i broadening of the basis of representa- I.charters will remain, _and the Lesit Mid i..]:-.;!.,,,i, y,,,,,1,,:5,.;,5;1;!;,C,..;i:.,1it,c.,..,...... lion 60 as to afford ..landing morn for a can las done under it Will have to be ue. i r ,..a,,, , , r ,t 4 t , e , , .; t , e.... no . r...,U0t0.y. . '........ hundred thousand new voters, instead of cepted. D. ia time this point was gen.st_ '''' ' l" r '' '''' '' 'so u• , t: Kr r, making a settlement, will only give the enslly perceived and appreciated. Rings I ---------LY,"I±L'LI---S'lh; reformers a coigne of vantage for fresh. make COneeSSiooll to their subjects only I T lIE I , i . r b l i t ri N , S r. v. i t,ip 'T If E agitation, which they will not ,silts use. when fears of successful or dangerous I, at,„„0„, „, „ or , Io th,L, :,,,,..,,,,,,„. ~' Manifestly the Engliab people, without revolts constrain theta. The railroad : AL er.rlc., 1, ,c9rges is . ,A,eit, sr 11./ttor.., :AA distinction of chu.s, must and will be re- mouopotists will abdicate only when the 1 ',..*,.....5.,L.`;',;?......;:5i,','„e",..,;,,ie5ruii1.er,„e,...9ti,,,Tr5e: presented iu the government, not ly a 1 people strip them of special privileges. ' pleasant fi.itiou of law, but in deed end So long as the masses of the people are s sass vs' 0 tat ,sttsr,,,tos in da.• s: r•: a sts in truth. The sooner the aristocracy patient under the existing system, Or lin- 1 I.;:‘,` t'..„7:';‘,'::::,:',!,7:1...tt;=,,1tt't^t:‘,..i,:t:t1.t;',,,,,:t 1 t ease OppOSe ‘ the better will it be all der the - treachery of Tepre.utatiVee I ~,,,,,.,.,..,,,,..51. k ., ~,,.„,;. ~,,,,, ~,.„,„,,,, round. charged with the duty of subverting It 1 ”••••.o,td,d,L:',:ii-, ~,,,,I ..,,,,,''. ,',,,”/,,,,,.. I land illSti Luting a broader and noire lib- I ~ ' ,". „ ',;. ' ,,`,v , .!'i'::!,:' , 7,' , ' , ,' ; ,L, . .:, ; - • ::, ,,'',f,;:;„11 ' , crab one, the monopolists will not relent. ; os re, i.lO . r d.;.1.1 5, r.1.irwer....t1..,11 me 'Hoe. I A. clatter of vituperative tongues will 1 B" ' "" i ' s s e""'''.''s"..."'we.e.'. T ell -' a. s ~f th, thlnyvi sad brad! , r j est rally, laa lan: frighten them. I . ow; col• cra ite,isfy blin•cif tip Ai a singly trial., Roe inside a suggestion for action on j get k r .,.. , T.1./. t„ ~lag r e,. or . • ....I, the part of the people, touching this 'sub , I sk:e,-.1.1's ;'”:Ar.';orn•l'l....t.the'f;:4;.:le'::ltn‘a.l4 jt:ct, itidepellaellt of party Organ 11.1110116, 1'.:'.v.11.7'1;.•1::1'',..,.'r;;1'.:e',..11.1'.:,-.,l':'=":nlal We do not get favorable responics. Do ;';',„-„5aa.,,,, , „. 5 .,„„,,,,,, I a ~,,,„„. ' the people understand that tlihs is•imir ; "T.” 1 .1. 1 ,1 . C.. 1 .. i 0.11., er ii.l'.ile *go! peaPlt 1 I b1161114i1S:: i t .;.T;;ftl ' .Ul'! ' ' ' • r. Zri:.,,a.,e ,natant in children during the TTIE. Richmond Piliarfrit has hymn l' tall.'. ''''''''T To"..•;'.' is ol.i rod. '- I ii• - ctst..t isha-s. ii.CcraWri 111.411.1, looking around to ascertain who will be 1 ~,,1:1,..,..5t.0. at 0.u.-am or 1 ,u., ur 0100 l from the eliNible to oflice under the changed con- ; .1 1 ,:' . ..1. 5 . :, Pt- ..s. l •h r Kl.lll.'at In In VI, Kldn•id or Mmoll ,•f ,n. Bart: ,ii L l O , of it 11.11 1 ,, and 19 tilliit: el.aefiel 10 essa ta ale 11'..,1.1,, ileki."-id a,aldlngt . Ar t , :.• 1 • No•.• , arra tino so matly capable persons still left to Cur 5..1.• 'A; :Le g ro-1, ,14,..0 or 1., tA.ttle, At , , ; ever ' • e rLi.: medallic atort. Ito se ..0.1 1 ta k e (1.111141,(1 lII' missile matter, The di • tr, .i. tnlnt;,l.l w , I fralriThi,usnent of fOrmer leaders hod rep.. ".............."'"'""''''''''....".....'"""..•"'"'' i ti icrelileliTe Men linlititeg the duties upon N .t.'.W Al) Vit,l4l.S.hadElil TS i 1.405 g not disqualified, and consequently ; it'11:.47.6,-,:jia-,J.,T. ;,,,!.,,:';;;;;;;;;(;;. 1 toe young Men of the present generatton 1 1 .,.., 111 1l Ph Str,:, tw L./ a ..th.ir,rt.l.Av , a: ti , i I GEORGE W. PITTOCK. & CO. Dispatch Building, Ott 411111 111 ..,rnr.ar. most take upon thenn,ive.. the burtben I r1,1t14 I,lext(ll,leitO br Ilia 0 AZETTZ , und ' 1 Vow re Boa 1 ri b h r 1 05, tta org , enno• ,of office. This !..lirtv , the re , f Pa , ; ell v; , ; . "' c. 0.,. Virr.t.:lh l lal 0.5. 1.4.1141, bear n.u.:F., yongressiunal action in the preraiscs, lt , ---•..--- ---- rii t ,ii r loal .r b AI ND yogin w , CHANDELIERS, i, well Mr a new' set of min to co.into ; 1 s ....nit's.t.ts;onsot i'orte, 11,1 d Fort, ell,: I power at the South, l i a r hey silt: hare ;,,,:, ~;;T;T,T; ~,,,,;•.., 5,•b".•,,,,..;;tt0.,. ~. r t ; , Brackets, Pendants, S 1 l-5 to it than ti stutars. tn. i .1. , 1. 1 . saesi ,4l, i L.A. ,4. , ‘ , • VI: . .stlY ,,', ! . `'`-• , Sc ,. • ..s.LIF- Itotl Nltll. I 1.1 , tier their guidan , m the Southern Stet ir t•ri4:r• - iN t. 1 v.." , l". I I:i VMS Eilia.a. C:111.. . will much sooner recover from the t a 1);•-.1oLvER.s. REA WACHS. Alarge ea...tweet, on heed eta reeetyleg et tamales of the war than under the lead. • .... ‘.., i , , x wedi.d.'.. C-.1:,1 'Coop. WEL OON ar. KELLY'S, the men who brought On tot '!!.7.4,.nt,1,..., .!.,?4tt,dtt.t.,...:llv:rot , ::rune,itggland wdl sooner lindtlasaselves S . '' ' '''''''',.l-1:11 F.';111•1i.;‘,.‘,0, , PLUMBERS AND GAS FITTERS, 1 a,.•. 11, _ 1, ,1101/111111.VI. . in harDlOily 71.11/ the Northern people. cu . i . i.rxiv, ~,Fi l r H i: (.cl 7: \ - \ 164. Wood Street! -- in Comatitteo of the House ,„,1,.,;..,A,^',1,t.• ,rg” ,, RT,I. it l ....,3 ~, i Jay .p,. .s , I. •A or l cs,.. ; -. 5 h.- BIORT - •• HAN—D-- VA lIITING.-A of ReprePOritatiVeg, cMitged WWI Iti-,! V.;,•,,,e,...',;;..,,;;V,•;,,,^;,.;',..,,,5;',.',,,',`,. " . ..Le . ... 1e : ''‘' - perient k.noai.d, n f toll „ I , nat . , ' r ~apes In ton short el quirillg into Wbrit grounds exist for the ssee si . j.;.,, ,„ • ..,......• an easy tes.out,be • pron .., , , . ,• 13 ~. r. :, i. „ ,teal r e t orter from Lon,lon, 1. nglsod. Earn impeachment of floc President, sill pros• I ...; , t •i• . 1 . _ .... t , '., -- • ...- r is e n tang tit separotely •nd .out tima to suit yllllO thOir labors during the vacation. IDE ti .4.R ARA S l GAIL their own coney:alt:we. •pply to itlr. THOMAS Wll.l.tesl.! is ra"11.1C1111/er of ; ./ ~, 0 .. •• -, tiattS '.E.:ty CIiGICE ER GAT Yil LOW :tIUR, .thi.iii J. •. GRAY. CiAserre Orrice. the Committe e and expects to spend a 1 . t rn.lro. •:.'.....1 Lim -,usi...l,.rteirrel i CHEAPEST PLACE , IN . THE I,rgt, 1 s rt of the at:minter ill %V 0111E1 . 17ton, 's ' it II: .; : ,.l ' ail'y I, roIT ry .i. r,. or ' .1 qr. • .Iva ....to ay.. I CITY to bay the • - [mending to this Matter. As a Jeri, 1 „,,,, ~,,, iu, , - i ,'i , r ~ I .-.....--.---------L-.1. ) '-'12 . --t' " "“. consult, as a states Mab, and an orutor,.; - , 00 I Oit CS Dl' ti i , MI OCK AND TRIUMPH COOKING STOVE, lie . lots no s u p er ior in the body which L e 1 ° Irn I IlltliSt.l , . 111 , -T NUT ..A K BARK.. It. No. 140 I.IILANT 4TRET.T. maims. Ile has, besides, moral courage 1 I c or' ii:. by tbo en, crt..v• on tone omit,, and I ~,,,, ... ti).l.) what he belieete ought to be dune. '" AleTr ch " "e r''''''''.7.'ll"-in''an: -------- us, - -.........-_—_ Etoen.lirfa 11. ° 14 . It PALE. flan,brl a ... , .ont• • vs. A -------- I A Fine priVillj F1a11111%17. MILI.LC.IIIS67 _ dis response to our proposition to card party politics for a sessou, iu order to secure the presage of a gentilile Free .Rallroatl Law, tLe Chanibersburg Rory "Will the proposition of the f;azeffe mend matters? It has been tried before without even for a tortnight arresting the tide of corruption that swells in, about and over the legislature. Thu put o sition of the Democrats in the prestr legislature fully warrants the assumption that the disregard of the wishes of the people is confined to no one party. We can Understand how the Ci.,:ef;e nury bring retribution upon the. Republican party fpr the perfidy of its rif',,:cienta tives,, but it would at the saute time bring to power a clubs Well no bekter In Jadut 4,1 ielegry, and Litt: every national 'Merced.- Does OtirtonteMporary mean to imply that reproof:unitive government is Et fail ure? that no choice remains but sub ruiasion to "the tide of corruprion," or the disbanding. hi the Legislature and inaugurating a dictator? • We do nut understand LOW the be• trayal of prowls 's publicly made touch- Infr Stare interests, given rn,Urance that the pledge brealteln will he tree to ant "national interests." So long as they ere without power to art, they may, in decd, "beep, the word of pref....lse to the car," . ou national topius; but give them power and they will prove unreliable. • Some of these betrryerh want the rep-Jl,- titan organimtion lorptintsct, lac:fusel they meek. promotion by means of it to Places In which. they will be refotred to deal exclusively with "national inter. eats." It ought to be understood . that the republican organization cannot he k -used to such end. • We prefer au Lour 0, 1 Democrat shall succeed Mr. Ltgr.v.kt.F.w rather than a pledge -breaking Its publi-, csti:l. 'rids latter, under temptation, would prove a duplicate of Mr. COWAN, than Which nothing could be worse. GEN. Boil-Ell, in his rericounter with •13,1:rouast, plainly intimated his be . lief ihat PrtnSidetit .10IINSO0 was in the conspiracy which resulted in the death of President Li:reef-N. If he has evi ' dense that warrants this incrimination, he has a duty much more Serious than launching accusatory harangues in the liousa of Repriowlaatives. W aro intorrool that the iron , toilers kt Entsuiug, Pennsylvanin, arc at work at the reductiost eked, .ns: *oven dol. ENCOUUAGEUE.NT. _--- GLN. Sistuipia's order, sweeping out 1 ..4'''':'!'_t------------ - ;T ----- . ..„- ~,,,, I - of power ti loyal oflleialßar the tuunlei• lnt OPOS,S. A I , Itl 1 , F:0,5,! ‘ : 5,, , ,7,7'':-1,1 - : i FOIL Ja GEL '11.2.11/LN ou. -_ P all ' Y " Nt ' w """' " a cub"Altu tih g 1 m"N.o":''''''.:"Hliv''''''''','-'1;1;‘= 7.,t l,i ';`t 1 trautre .Cesireitt , olva BrAnlx , . Third for them n ot of undoubted loyalty, Is ' l','"'.` '' '' l'.. o V;!:.na ` r ,:1at...0 , r 1 ” , '• S''''"'T 1 7-!'-f-' 2, - ---- —.— anhlll ± . L . 'den{roof of lots Mutt' , •• givelLeonte ' nt- ' i'' '''''l: .° ' ; ' ' ''" -"'7„'''.. ""''''''''; ' k LLEGUIFTYY ACADEMY--For. i I.s; , : l ; '•,, '''' ' : ° : :'' l '''''''' - l'f' r el""t'' ' ' S s l. it AMC AN I, F ItatALE.—T. IL WAILE.II all, t to all friends of order ate ctalbtry j '' ' , ;' ,,, 5,• usr`Vr'lr2f:r'g''''.7 tV,U . lii.„ °. i 1,1, , a1...H1 ne opened ... , I• DAY. Aprll Kn. ' ''''' ".' .."' w. " --'" ,i',' .rlnt.rad...l. Marcat. lln • XCa.l.Slult. II 1LI.• MS. W, war be Ssta Oren _..........._ 1 ''''''' - -------- 2 -------------. 1 rsoV,':l(To V„TSZIIWPSSIt!n= Din. JKFTERSON DAViS is not lif.ely to I . EIVIF E lI.VE,C 1 NG. ,a. DaVli. l.•IlaLlt 6 CU.I., Stri 11, bo..k i ...'!'_ .l 2.t i !.! O.!" 1 InhaS•ta,l•r be released from i m prisounient under l' crraft i: OF ILTAGNESIA, AJITTSBUItC7II I.IIORT-11AND tbereEolution offered to that end In the ` - ' 1: , . PITTA A A. , i.E all. 1 1 , 8 Grant -tro t s, S npohlt• In e. , . t,,toc., In p.order. Ibt• ale.neal• . • a ne ~ athwirai. UP ah 1.,..Y ai.•• II EN ra.lN •. Senate by Mr. iiiiii..sox, of . M4webu.setta. \ I , %iti . f 11, ' , II! e f :l a IP' f . , : . .....r . V 1,,,5u;i.,...',..,i. N 1,,,,,,,,,i0u isiryta 111:12011S,1Lia. ititsi,i FKK ,S: That ablution wai not referred:but I.l!ii 11 . ,! .."A u . ^ :.1:: .fr...'11. , ...... , ?or ...iv, R . i .rt riTigilg.Viuss, earsagas, al i t h =qa ”li•let.. rsq. ad nr alrrilba 1 , 1 ,b _a ~•, I „",,,,,,n,.. %nun. 1 on eta tablo. • . - . 144 Sprlng ttreet, rita, Tort. - . r In Me united Mates and Csagd.. Interest allowed on Time Deposits SIITN-ENGINE IN THE WINDOW. Economical Establishmen So far as it Concerns the Purchase o _ i~S j a.tll = rater.. lle :1:1L, IMEZEI MIMI= ME FM Mal [ l y i " ~.:N+.~ .. :v 1. t.~t it MEE BEENE ill g,• qs I In. IIEI EVERY ONE INTERESTED IN THE orowrn or AN HOUSEHOLD AFFAIRS, GROCERY SIPPLIES, Should Save 20 Per Cell BY BtIING SOON. MELDS & BOUCHER, mithfield Street, 108 TE POST OFFICE OPPOSI nab: • w 1867.- 'ER" SPRING .GOOpli & CAILLISLE UM 19 Fifth Sired, or r.N,4Figt AS,MiT IMIBEEL IND CliY PaAl. ' MEM rimmings and Buttons linisible Empress Trail ”r :12./6 "LID 331,-asciv.46..w-rma.., Ntw rut Whalebone Cornetr. Patent rartna, A te f c , iI.IALS (11, A nrl volvt , te a X k. . L, ~...truJ,,ug M1(1101 & [XRLISLE, No: MD r`ift.b. EliroOt ATCUELS REDUCED !.PRICES Conductors' Bags Tit %%ELM SATCHELS, ALL, tILII , , AT F. H. BATON'S, 17 Fifth; Street, CHIN WALIELIOLP3E. Itltollit BREED S. CO., incr.v , e-bwrzoke s, No. 100 Wood Street. BRITTAN NI A AMY - eicvsti PLATED TA• BLe RA BE. TEA TIILTei and TAZILI CUTLEIA - olwoyo on band. ' TV 37•W1Z1 , 5 ;4 , CHINA rotLW. Ofte i ; 1 31 '4 1.. I.C[TTllt 5, BOHEMIAN y; ARE of 000 r 7 doo.lPtio . LAVA eitist) BANE,T3, LAVAA• 'IC N ault . • ENO .b LAVA V KIM or .11 - rarletlea. n ...ale and tr N talltradr. 1.. r g , .nd Ino•t enlnnlcta ook Lt Lot lb,nr thin llne In the cll. roleca and tams tn., manna lb th on e b rastr o lj THE IRON CITY MONTHLY, WILL BE IttEDT About the Third of April. me em uumbcr Rut coatiln THREE FINE ILLUSTRATIONS; tm Atm et.tte , reyerding the City. of Itfee 3 porte:nce to oar entre. end STLIA.NUE. II24 Vld ITINtI , TUG f. aped fnr eubserlp Addrear all commtoll.tione to 1 - '0 LE" 7117EC.:T0.7.7 EPiCi DTILLLISCi. rr g mn.t stiugte• s.g.t. erect, Etl:Am:kg , :11ACP')I. 3 ig IFS. Are e. AGENTS WANTED, , BOTII MALE AND ALE, 1..W7 wntl, r"" Dreis Sillts—a good assortment; The Latest Purchase of the SeaSo ll AT TII L I t y EDY • Dress Goods of Every Varlets; 9~o id ; stsp,2l 7S Tulrl_st!ses. ritt,trur.ll, French Percatea; LOTS FOR .ALE, FOLK LOTS. 20 by Ito rrxr. hornet Liberty 'tired and IL. for; Watt° R.U . road cro,stng. Addriss O M. ICIER or - 4 1 It Pit:ant:rich r^rlor'.lo,.. rrn-I,tlS. -1,70 n SALE.—Two_very detilirw. "" ill.sl..rre, ..n the corner of flart.di •nd dnl Inl,ll.lrct., Ylitrtn ward. bring AI f,e.t front b 71 3 fret deep. on one of .pleb Sr. erected 1,0 two..tory htlek bnlidlug, In ~....1 ...udlth.n. , Vo sssss ton Fleet April iii. ‘1,111.—T.,-011011 - ccitt: It•lance In 0. 0 yrs -, Allot at !."15 . .1 ,Mil lIVIELD C.TRFIII.r. • rrth2ol.rt:d --- 1 ETTEIti TEST.VrtIVNTAILY .-, uron th• will And e.g.:. of F.5(11.1 - .11 HI.• 1F.L.1 . Isle of thert• of l'lttonurgU, de er.d. I ,in. , ' , co grA.0....1 to 11, underchtned• 5.13 perrona Indebted are red..r dto opt pay treut, nco 'CI urr..nr. whetldr cr...11t0. It or .1, tce-. •re rrwle.dr..l to t ccr.nt t., Ir c 1•11.1. St IS o.l:l.lAn.ond wer to •shl city. to M‘cl . 111.11: 1.1. V. .. arts. Or, tir. , Jit.liC. it. rEAK6UN. E,..ctitor. nt1.Z...: 1 ,cF I'llE MATTI:II OF THE AP-' I ' I . 1•1 , •di to OF THY: INCI/I.ti NlE.Mitltl - AI•CFMETFIty. i f •11.-glter, eon., for • ~,•,,, 0, it ..11. T. rut. 1-.7. to tn. , ' ut..f Common i.'i s• of Alle).l,nl ,011,,1F. NOW! la h.... 1., LOT,ltlllt Au ..ni dr,l Viii t.1.3br. ,1 Illnde to the Anrce. lloort for c c..Arter .4 1.. r r, ;too. And .hat.. at the u.ltt t,:ra II 'Aid , oart II no rnft.clet , r .012 I , ,tiv.i, Sr tu elontrA • .1. rrct• And idol, will he tc...tc .mnorAtlng tall i'.rn-terr• .I..NE, S. rE1.1, , . rut.",...1 Ate ale tor ntddir•cte. S-ZIGN OF BLIND‘.—.IIIIII,i A. ,-, I.IIiOWN .t - i to . It ,141. T. op. v.lto the I,lo.ollicr I e. I. r . I' •!..t. , kr . IS.e VllTlV'Pr'''...!.'o.,.l':;ln.f',%"tt.l':.."V, ...';t'-:.1" u'll'''.l'oll.'''s!t!L;t., !4.'.1'1.7:na.' v.7:.'.1,'6„„1:ttrr.-a matii. 11.111.1 .11,1, .1,, or anal as,,els. Ate., .tt t Int: storl. oa I.• -, cci.o to o der. It rine .1..0%. of Wt.lte 11•.1 Co.llco zttlit• "taint's, Sc.. tor Kent:el:atilt, ..c•r. ISININ,I,_ ciii Ur ALl.,:ur.,. / Tittlattlittr.lS LOIN.. S. March 3. 111, 1,67. § SEllliEli A•SESs:VIENTS.— No ,- tile Is hereby girett 0.3 all person• , .. l . o have not pald.thrlr a.s.•ebour St, for the conetructl.on of t 1.. 1.%••,-ottiOlon • A ItOn/oot -trc. t I,••orrs sno rt•tol•ed , o r•y 11. Aso,. 1,1,1‘...th, the ;,l tl l'otun.t te.• .0 w1. ,, 1n tt.. rn.,lt.tr•n-s, ovre refer:rd. llnslng I,} o. Iffloa of the CI, N..1,,t, .t.... ..."r-In.-,, I, Ihr t,le awl, Ott 0.1 of A•....rh1.1) ,to.l. 10 , I`rn.t..l ll COunCll.. no alltr3llva ~n It h tn%.l, II: D. It At'VT.R4III. IIIII:.1,t5 r __ _Cttr 'I ressurrr._ IRON CITY - CtrllL'Rli CO , •, 10.3 St. Clair street. 11,Ine 1N., , 15ne.1 c;: . A NIIII,V 11111,1., tl,a 451110 steli, of 11..rawart.. Olt:try •,I Ya•lt . ll tio .1, St •1 .... ,onlt. eta,l, it Is tutu Intcutlon to 1t....ep on 1.3nal a Ors ..I** •tocc ot , HARDWARE, CUTLERY,- Gut, /tin... ItuVol, r-, 111,t01,. 11.11!1411 I otcl.le iota on .t u" r..oas of 71., • .I.I,II,;.011I i: • . 1 1,..T„,r,'.7;.:;' ,,, T. ;1.1, .‘,.,. 5 . 4 ; -4 i_ ...,,,‘ ....''"',... ..14 . lamp . 10. n.. 1,10 , IA and l at c .1,1,., '""". ' " n il;. ' li.TIOWN, 71"1t1t.R., INDEMNITY AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE FRANKLIN INSURANCE COMPANY or PHIL 4DELPIII 4. note.: 47.3 nasal 117 CIIENI N UT ST . Near {.:11 1.,11...r. a•Wag,r, I,,iti 11.14 • I &CPI, It 15..11n. t • 1141 e, tiroro I'r• , -feat , T.loWp • t•••. 1 Amt. J. ;41{I)N; ',At • t•nlr, u,1w15 !....rttWcitror.llll,l t 11'o. , •1•6. CARPETS. • OLIVER EUCLINTOCK & COI IPANY-1 11 AVE J 1 ,41 01.1:NED For the Spring Trade,' DOCSEKEEPING GOODS, 1-I,lr TIED, TABLE AND 1111.1.11:1ati LIN , C I C NEW IV \ 'Vail lAN, (WILTS, CHINTZY/4 41re. MEN AND BOYS' WEAR, On Cloths, Shades, Sc •ttc.llca ' ki.IE A\9-VII \ 0 ()%113, Great D:clitir 1111V.PriCeS.' S3O -E‘x-k-rrss 6•ri.roEl.l" 72.-U IIYERS,IIOPPER & CO., urcesz,rll R. R. 1111.1.7F-li, 111LNI:7ACIUI;EnS Of FURNITURE Of Every Description SCUOOL kfiD OFFICE-F[IISITM, No. 45 Smithfield Street, fU11e1.0,:rt11.9.1.11( Yltrurac torn ro.mmr