IRE PITTSBURG)I GAZETTE, =OM PIIBLINAIED, BY PENNIMAN, REED & CO., AT GAZETTE BUELDECG, Drc:,. se zu.rna at -root. pEN.urnit_s,/ I T. P. HOUSTON, `"'' •°7l . JOSIAH. RIFU FELON P. REED, =I gkt ogle Caplet !!!!MII!El= by Carrier, (per weed....—. 15 cent. / eanscriners. LIYAral reductions to Netwators to Agee"( - TEELIV:( YOB. WYEKLY: Tbree Capita, per year, by =an—. F i e do. do. do. each len or roorC Copier, to one. address, and one free to eiub. each CITY ITEMS. statement In 'aviation to the , 21ettoinde Affair. ' Eo:TOtl,—lior the hen'eflt of those .! r.o ; favor hf western inntuations. morals from office unless the present Mourn. • remme e 1 , 1 rrav 0101 . 0 Lents Impede the catrylng cut ea the gruel. la the Senate Mr. ! raham cx:i e,l 411,1 ,1101, 4 1 Or tic t hml Can protlinamy Ilnuor law for the The New Toe.' ! sow nshl u on of Harr:am, st !her and abama, special says that a Reconstruction Fawn, I-r - -ungh of T„ r „,,,,,, meeting of both colors was Lela there on : Monday might. Resolutions rev - Ming a faith ' m I (scit !kir 'VENTION I fel concurrence in the require:nen:4of the , mßfbtry bill, entogicing tne colored men , ' Memillet atoms Aslertern Legisim ix. nato are eutttlea to political enmaity, anti uu.tixutlonai s calling - tor a State C: o 7lVerd.lo[l. err, ! Ylll.OllOOll SYffrocze 1 / 3 .1 - • , .. , 1 l l • tea., General %Vaguer , wayne and twenty- ! 31arch ton other ES-1 - ohel of:leers adaresseil tile Raatest eeting. Gov. l'attenwas among the Vice . Preshients. reported resolutuMn - sppealltig Lies A man nautea Martin was arses. ' Kraut rf"ii!'” the then tea In hew Vera on the charge of olitulning mousy under false pretences for nearly Jority fa the peopie nine yolis. Ile lifta Deco soliciting .tit ! nlt n it!L • lt „ iti o l r, !f i t:lonia and s r ta . t . e ; :ions fur the sick lirld Maaltuto members of ! the Innitrance Patted, from merchants of ' tbs. prenent nue, stnult„ n aciii•t °e ye..., the 11.0 city, re ;al:nun:tog 1;1m:telt an it member : ?LIM! 1,011t14-stlir,ftii of the pritrtil, anti .autherixell to revels - 4! rt 4 n. ‘ t . o ' Zi ‘ iT ' e no part li'i'Artre' eepitiartio!%M'se‘•: Load subscription's. By thin means he nen tam for aeliamtes to Snag, cmiveta ion. ! received sums :mounting to len thousana , further' than to !! rseenahmel the Ile putairung of the state to agrair•t aollars, rd w hieh he has squatMerea 11.1 • • call for & cense:a:on, met to use ;al Jani; lottery pt./Imes. to .1 oi t tt oooo LOO cull. They 1001,00 00 A :Xi; name!! Thoutlemn teas struck on ' he the Loma wtill a I , Y 010 , Patrick ! of th ' e voters 01 110 ., tate, ulOl :In, Cayuuuugh, in nrOOklyll, 011 Monday, the „ on ,„ of ~, Pah, anti ilota on F sissy - hca, ttu , t . ro from the effects of the blew. LAI-an:legit l In Tn „ „ lnheit lees neon arresteLl. , • .I,•iaren that la:Morin !toil veutage tire . John Yiiin lhoe been nominatesl a rho tiven , enrY to ' , trete" , st ,l e- , !; - ' , Intri Des - v...r.,n 81JitillIt . 1.1 Ins stein want In eo . Democratic candidata for blityor GI .1..,,r 0 ,,,,,,, ~,, , ,,.y . . i ,. , . ,) ICJ ..3.11T.1...'. Loollii. I ,'I, tuie,ptc , i n i t u COIIIMIItf . O 'epistle!. .1 The St. Jeonhe Mereliante, Eachange have : to hiv then , Ovi'n'tt e,rteirvtte 'taco I,tnn- Fusin:lnlet! trio Genial SyNtem. , veil lion Dion aJpenrierst /li! rfir. An accident. occurred on the Erie rail rOn,i, • —... near 3last hope, yestenittY, by vethloh !en en. FROM iESY IMILI;INS. • prone train V., badly suppiii se!, the engineer' ----- killed, and scrernl pessengene Injured. ' (101 l Ottlerr4 Iternos•rd by lleh,rohert- Morrli Lonergan' wad cr . :reeled In Wicelilni ; datt-111, Order to the Onto,. • ton, on iuu!siay, for the bounder of 111- ' is rev rentratoe, Marc!, 27.—The tultotrlng . • wire. . 1 , ordor was Issued to.they: 1 A tobacco Yardman, ou rifth avenue, : I' n•"'. r ''''' M" "'"" . D '''''' ......ENi.1.......1...M.......11. / NOW York, yes seized yesterelayl4 Internal 'r, i d revenue ollicer& ' Anrew NO. II tenon, Attorney lewneral of the Aaron Jones la. forwarded acilialienite to S'e'e ol ~e,e , ,L ee N.nv lea., and hair:mod .Ati ./11 ;Y. orl,lng CO ni dve Court of the city et natko at/11110h with han Lo; Orleane, ern liefehy ridnotital ot f t roin dollar., and to tied. within two or thrtai th . nr o rgi o e,, , e t fen,,, t l2 IL : to- tot • to i g ore u month , . , : lake effect On the : CYneli• The Itieoti of the 51i,iiett ma are reporteo A ltoreley of the iiititto of Louiklana: &avail{ hoh: 10 :cured the whole lower 1 eiw aril Heath, Mayor t i Nee' "ilewieii und W. W. dodge of lit at DISLIiet V:111 ty will 00 inunilated. • : Cidirt New Oiehie. Two neitrOca, concerned lit the rano. , Cools perhea letheved tora ever all hinaktrittlon llharledton, booth Carolina, hooka, vatic:3a, rreoriliic , e,Lalrilog , V) Wore arrested ye3terday and alined. They were incited 00 indlainaltiet by Intoxication. In the Ohio hennto, lace night, tut, recoin- errtninand c id.l.llsJor Goneral Shen. 11.1 .Mentling thin StUte, ConidlLutlon . . • - /tiring the right of suffrage to negro., woo—yetis, 211; hays, 11. At the Cooper liistltute, New lorg, hod night, John havagtu delivered a lecturer un tier the couple t s of tile I ginner Brotherhood i"rheolnild trine and eanse ! Special Proololl of the Legl•loirsre—,l Nr - o Itellrond be Coontrortell— t,l l: creed The lecturer concluded by an. • Tam na Aoligortred to Nll 1/Neribe for pealing to ht. 'countrymen and Irleitibi lo Itepubllcatilnin to old Ireland In her sung - 1 14 " " glen fee liberty. I Mobrratirn, March I:7.—Thu Ver * lnfint The point Aloft Chapter after Legielatoro convened In epeelal .oetdon two 1,018 I°o tit ISLLItiI/lOre, voted 411 day. lulls w , rt• pun.ed autliorltlng C.., tale Wednesday to kepaiatic—nluctecn ag,..luSt • W.I. to suloarlhe lnr 'tie lor lailbling tbree. I ziew railroad to connect the iluilen.l awl WhiPPillg In the pubile of Now liennlngton with the Harlem road, and nu- Jersey in pitililblied by an cotof * Vkititubly thorlilitr the inoriguife of the guttural unO which went tatoeffe " et 'Bennington. road for tilo 0111110 p Tho looking eight fl oors I legal dayls The const ruction of such a tend 111 work has passed the New York I.rislature this Utlabarrli” , ll3ollt 0CC.1011[1.4 1,. the no- The COnstltutional Convention bill has lion of the Troy and Banton mad In refits paseeti the Yew York LeciAlstare with the I log to run In connection With the Itullunki negro enZrage clause omitted, gild Bennington road. ONE O'CLOCK, A. tel Company. To authorize the ralmol Directors or yawn It/Iv:whip to borrow Looney. To anthorizo the horim&h. Law - rimer, Mlle to borrow money. ToAttu, tie- I'r:-on sOchity to tiplt thi; Pm-otei and lue pcnitentiary Atli:gimpy county. - Anla oct tetinz to 1 31itebutki in authorize the oeumii Ilireittota of nor. rizon towtmligi to borrow avow], To incorporate the Limit- Cotton tnriaz Company, hCt. t.l:Vq,rlt;: W. C. tiro y am! Limit, 0 p-Lving AUnet to 61:thOri, the 1:01111r.1,.•LOL er, of ft:ow:Ord county to iiiirtiow mom Y. To Incrouito Sec, of jortir , , contnti.o.lontrit. ito.lacirit and n itucsiou in Von:lngo coo4iy. An not rei:1:1, to II: it Corono: it incoriwrate 2:y .. I.o r,lC,ltt, l • o:111 , 1oly :4 • ti. I,l,l•orri:kg To I:,eor,,orat, to et ccnv E=I!ME Mr. Graf:MN Lt. rot iv 11,0: O! VIC 1:011 4 .0:/ 1.1111,1 .i!,.:!ct to ME= 2 II 1 I ii ft ...1 I= =I .y and tarerlt =EMI Inco:vor,r T:.,Apor- Lution Lomp.any. Act to take ttw eSif of ichtflve I las c vv, A.. 1. G. Mr. Ile..tli, .no nen' Mnyor, n well known net C 11.9 C. FROM VERMONT. SEMI OMR FOUR O'CLOCK, A. M LATEST TELEGRAMS, WASHINGTON. Monument to American Freedom NEW AGRICULTURAL COMMISSION Last Six Months Exports of 1866, SEW YORE NAVAL OFFICER APPOINTED. 11==lt11=111 Tt:r , rl...rt of the , 1:r ot.tor. of 11,e al I,tirtwi ttoluo,Llc -“:11 , 1111 . : Uoi f 4, gp:d t: Inanunkel.lrt 01 401,1 4,- >2; 1 , ,,0151t111-.1..:c sIt111-.1..:c p,.. -c., 10 corruncy. ho axpor.- ao.-lintlt,l to 1 :0111,: .t . .tt l'ur 1.0 ~ r : t•I :ALO .rt,lot.t." :At• nor h %rot ~• lox • :,;(•.. • Oil INt of 1.11.• prineln:il Rua =I =II lE= 1111011111111 MEI =ES MIME =I IMIIBI!! t • ‘l, -•• o of AI tOr 1% • I = MEE. 111= L0;,1,,f, c:reu:...tlng vual ~i tl.r I.nno,i >WU~ • TLe ,p 1 ,11, 1 ,10: to tho rer,,,tnit,on nc: I c,relary of ,t,OO. lb rre.l , l.n: Genr,l,lt, FROM EUROPE. horth German toustitution Accepted lISIi Of PRIVE 1d 121 OLLTII Ncglecteil Condition of Ireland CHARLOTTE WORSE. Financial and Commercial ar,,,rowr. M,tli lugfrOul 1,!., oL, 11, ,let. TIVItI.I., from ItolJtolotmry‘ .11/- Mit., repot t.. 1.1 beck the svrolte 1•1111,1,1- tOF:11! 1./ 001: , olut !on rt.lAtlo4 to the elation of vortato So rt rtlotro oreilitor, Ipon r. ',CUMzontion uno.rollto-0:1 w Ali fe:t[e et, mitt on 111 , ttitdo, Lttrviiroor, Morris ,teat. rttt I " ."' tLt 1". 'T he cote; vv, ref to /Ur: N., 1u:1 ,or tiro ill(4.1 51,kr,b Nor;11 t:orman liu ?utmcep`,.: f:f111-:;t111211:1. r./.1 provl Ann., Yf "111 , h at.. In uneow;tl4 1210 p!. 71 klt p..l:d Inc Illktuarlz. for I.lvorponl, n on the 1.11 ozolor 31.11 , n . .17:—/7/•—I/I-pat.:01er :tom HA, 1,0. ,tutu tho go.rvlnn I.lloco 15 nt.n.ll from 11,1kra Io for {_on. off:011010o on 1 t1..:1 to 1111 t :.•ultnn. 00.14 noon 6 1 1110 , 'OO 1400134: In 1;01.1 In for t tnonthg. 1i.f1. 1 1,11. Morel, :i.—/'l!r.,tic oenzu• :ollp 0,3110 1i0n!,.. , I e.I In:. nit, :- 1/1/011 Ith w1 . 1 . 1•C: 1 1 r11%4.11 out of coal. ~.throb %ten:111111V 1y of ho , :oh, (I,ltl, st 2 rr York, 111113.11,A hero thOi , nlng. I 31:.rch • Morcit . 1.7— /; ,0 044 , /—Consoli 010, 04 ut Infln Cy; :;•10,1 Illinois Cell . Intl 1: , 40 3.7;. I.isonrooL. 27—/..: , ,00,j—T110 cot ton In.41:01. 1.. 11 , 110; ri0 . 1114 m 0 1 ,11104 uplatolo 111,, ‘,/!0.L.,4 1 . 1 1411.0 0 ! lo,(010110 , .. liroad,llllA 111111 at formor l et,. I'roviilon4 nod prn , lll, 4141 mot 1.111 1,11H11,:011; i,t 1,9 ..111 , ..N4 0011". I'I.VONT, March nitt.4 stoles 10ools bond, .1 inn .'lblmirr.r l tuv Yoaff, Marc!, ^_i—'the China 11,1114 arrived todligat. The En Pattel , lfave rumor% tied the 1.11111,( atatet f.iovernue•nt Itrotluti ce.lltal tee atten t ion of (hi, llrlti4 itor or. meet to the neg. leeted coodttlort of Irelan a d, and pointed 01tt Inea•el ma, tell Ice, 10111113011, 411 l of eAICIIIIII.I to allay the tll , atrtellon and Itlso the v Ideb eilste autoog 1 110 It:Ill population of America. 1 In Ito l'elaigny 1111011,11Fp..01 In the Freiteit I.4,tilltturu. Ito V,. 3111,1 00 French poll ale., bet . 901 , 1 that but for the . 901nOderlal rl , PollldfdlitY the Ilrlt 1,,1‘ t, •vernment 1111( 11111911 broken 1111 1110 All.flellll ite1111:, Ile lona . 1,90., Entille ullicier Intol elude n. speech urging Una. Franca vhould linnently ameept the truusekrurstlerk wi,JCll had. tslom piece 11l terikinny, arid ',lace lie raid was not direet cd krgslnst. :nee. Ti ~ French naval ervislon in the LuYsel I , to be Increased by to Jr gunbuirts• The 7 t .Pennce Any+ the basis of an node.r dtug tracer, Morale. and Ene lano no the erotero pre...111, 1101,1!CII rt. speedy solution. The l'rrt,ire. also says lb, 0 estate nt the pre,- •ett ntnlnctlt 111 UV; ' ll[l/' Ign pelluy or France ull single quest lirn I'lllllll.ll, of enkbarreising Ololnknat In action abroad, or of tit.- kkulthe orikur..a. I" /it health of Inc F.l.ll.resn thatltribl won., 'XIII. A us, rlAu Ilutrbenetlt xlll pro:, sbly 1/144•I nu the Ito It of Aprkl. It Is rtatet the Emperor Iras -ruketkonovl ate 1,111 for the introduction of trial lky jury le Austrlet A volranlCeraptton. huhrred on Ina Is- OLOII lot l'anrell rot soutn w rot of exelly. It II reported the Therksallue Insurgents era detested by the Turks bald nine hun dred lard down Ibuir arms. PITTSBURGH, THURSDAY, MARCH CONGRESS. 1 mutter in widish Ufa :moll Me-ars. 11: If. iVasttaitaoa, March V.1..1)62',1"'k.,;• RENakTE. . 4int Tea: (1300117194 or ram* nan.nrian. imanimeuilY• Mr. TILAYER obtained unantmoue con• I 10,10vA1. 01 sent to hare read a telegram from the Gen- I On anti., of M eral Manager of the euion raoitie Railroad west from Omaha, to Ili& effect that the i Iho °nice of Coll , work was progreeamg rapidly, and would I York. be pmdfeil on at the rate of two Mlles per day for the next ono huteirtd days. roffrj:ILNING Tot 0111. MALIII-1,11(000100. Mr. 11011' aRD Introd•Cell and looted to refer to the Judiciary Committee tho an nual report 01 the New York lioak of Com merce, for time year a:allot...June let, 'a% in wLiclt It In charged,thatt Mr, Thwart], Soot, for elect. from Marti:end, withdrew to R.•. reinber, from thu city of Sew York. It large atuotlnt of money. accumulated there for thepaydaint of Interest oil United Slates e, leaving tlat intoned .for the 1100, Lnproeld..ll, at the 11mo 01r. Thn*,, re Lary of the Tteueury. The tint woo referred.. sans Ton Yoe antra.. 'rho joint reeolatton transferring r, free, the (ends or the Frof•Ofnorl'i Bar •fia to fit., Dop,tr: moat Of Agrlf - 111tare, par,fa,, of ...1:1111 for citizena of rebel mates a am passed, 07+ THE N1FE11.,11,1. Mr. EN frno L01011111.f1.11 fl`l, , rte,{ it hill to ',MAI -01 1.,1141.12l I'M Lilo! ut , llnit Lal`liorl of on tlol 11rt11,..ti to (0 BS Mr: front the 4:own - Otto° on ill -411“.“ AtlaUry, ruported a 1011, Introduced d ny h a fear ays mince, to prohibit the rr- Intwal of Indian trate, and the et pro r fonda held hi thin 1:1111ed Stater too trahont prOVIAIOLI 01 h. or treaty. Mr.l'olll.llol . offerhol a Joint. rn.,oluta, that Ilia haat ra.olulloa .01 March. 2,1, ha.% athanaing t/10 I artft 001 of 01011 t o !!sting, tuolmtr,clotn, . , .Ilk 04 . 1.. or other rannotarttl rev of clotirm u..0l for tlo- to•inufacturo lr.tto.. Mt - . I. .111 , :10,N ottjc.ete , l to [tn. ntoennt.l.tertOlon:unt: the reeolulloa uent II T. TIT 11:IT, from Vi Wary Cwn mitt...., r..p0rt....1 urryolutlon _tu.l:: - uI lug 11.,LIty .cL• W I in, wiz tout r..• sow,us r. torus fur pr . w...rty to here /1:1•1 1ar,0n,• , 1 Inw.l 11.1:174 , rolttrn. re nr vr,,ter. or In no-1,..:1. - Mr. I !:.1.1.; I ISE.N inuvcti 111. t••• I.ltl or the Oth, of :I.3ltillty of the otne, td , crtko /no:, un,11,1[1.1,t nx N:r ,1::11.I., F. 14:, on Ar rep•islx.: .1,1 , - pie len , •;,, appropnal:on, ft, 11.0 and nl tnt, ME t• 11 4 tltirtlrr. A 11... a .11 .1.., 1111 pr. , 111 , 1, 1.11...1 Was itt.l4 to t flitt3 for Kt i t =I lIEI BE MIS MIME ocl:upr 1%, . I .•. td • ty tic tul..lok LI Si 11.• Ilwrototo: tv corstrolc., ttic of Pub. 1, of (.1.141 i!, I, tiv,l4ta,l =I 31r. TUC AIM frow ?re .1.1,01.5ry tow nltte., , , , rted on tnotcttlotony con,rn 1 , •,- , 1'11 , • 1 . ,,,n o . . ;;;It g." a:11 ,I; 711•1 ^ rs 4. . , It nrl.• , rt • 0 g1•11:1“1,,1 1:01 . 6 ttrCY =I Mr J..: 0.1 If it 1144 11.1a 1 10 miss:nor y t:,•• v , 21".• ttn.qiuto.l* on 11,, .;,cn tn. , InTlocc:l,9 01 aria 1'0n.1.4 4.onsp4orm Ina of tbo repOrl, the u-nt 11110 E.ll.tilal, 3,11111011m11 uftur 110 L -31.: OF IMPILL...ENTATI% t:, Id, co Inc,porato tbz• I..scoln tkl• I /, 3"r.cro. , x. :on or Mr. MI Cl. a l" r. ~ fo•Se'er,of ry of War Iff, diretttal to yrracrit lienoral 1111,1111 . 4 ro r porf •;1 tho I;wportion Of [to, fff - Ing Life au tom or add fall 1 COUVITLTIIE LLlf RAU 1:0A1,1 : Mr. ,T I.V F.SS (Polon.) n... 11.41 1,1,4. to of rr 0.1•1,0011i:0:1 hn the Le.ariaaßLLo,:a nl a ••••:1,, ,outhern Mr. .1 F.% FN.. Moved to ”oxpen.l r:11,1 1.1.211 u 11.4 * .. 40, told the reeo:Ution al tiFun offered net Alf Tlin 11E1,1, c Ls, Its. pot. \NI. Introduced a hill to rot t It. ploVIri , Pll Of tint lutornat ltnvonuo law of lasts o.,trat CO tho orrestt that no Coto slmll :11110110U to rostrata thw CONA•attnt of stay ULM antler that law. 1 AKE': pri..sent,.l me,sagei orii tin nOliate trig 11.5 action 01., the adjourarni, rot Coagrevi, to ring.• Inv ...toti at hi to-morros. Mr. II e. 11.1 k 11.1111 • 111i1111 . 111. to War..t[ocl,t. which vi .1. , a iiio.llil...alon ..f propt,ltlon. t.o Ititeruin , :latu dt , •ps Wing the \Vol:l,d., i .lunt: and till., first 41• Ly In ~."..0,1111••:. K ntul 1.0(1.1N it,lllroß,ot , ,l the I IoU .0 Itl e. Oup,ltt. or 111 Is I‘lll,lt ~,, rt tp/ to Ity ,5 ttgalnlit ritoNl - 11:17.. Mr It INI,, from the Comtnitt,..." 0r f.1,1 lilt-, report...l tPIH joint regolltiboti re4”F. , tN, , ,Ktuvi by f,relgn govf•rmiii . nt, , ttg , tl:i..l. Unite.l proporty I ,the tuy oltsa Mr. It.t!th h 81.0 reported s Joint reeolu too LI, Int tee . [het thu pCOIIIO 4/1 thl• etetus cut.not rever.l the 111,1150.11,1 coeltel rmtltei of tee l'rovlneve ou the ertritaurn es - of thle celharr withoht extreme 'FCC? IL Coe fedi.rellort of status the 00111 /11,111, .At. , 11114 Lout Cut...ut to ovu', ,Ithout contelting ot I% Vt:ll't Zald tut thotterch• I:Llpr:he:pies, 00, 00? Dc conet.turtel other -01, float 11l In runttnrent lon of the I mil t/one Ulla tglietantly dt..'hired ttrthetithet ut tub liovurrtnient. ethletseerlett: the tt.ost import.tet. and telllilnK to !nerve, eut perituttistothuteithauraestittstle alresay xtstllle le:tweet , the two government,. Alter porno , i1L..155i0,3 law Joint rusolu !too tv..1,,0.1. 1 . 07110 700 Int:01011 ASOOOOII/0. Mr. BANKS 040 r„ porter q rosolutiou do elorlnic tint 11111 llonsti extend Its ryo. thy to the ;0,010 01 11 ehind e,0111,c1.1111 lo ill 111 , Ir In-t efforts to malntnln the bide of :eaten, 010eflte Lim people, tool oatorol and purbetunte thy pa 01 111,01 Y. 31r. 110111 3 1.9.11 ii, n tut:Miter or the C01:11. 111ittee, ...Mined the re , .olittlon, 01 the ...Mill 11110: expresrinit hio desire that the hmlrdmittrinero stronger, saying ho 1 ,, into 0111,1 1 01101004 11em lutIon ectoold lug tint belligerentot /ioluno, 1110.17 LE 0600M/1001n favor of Lulund. 3lr. WA 111 lipllN E, of Wheouslo, offered ontemtment 0.11,1 resolotlon, 11,01011110 111111011110synumthirIng with 1110 11001 , 10 ot trelfllel, tile 1101110 believed 0000011 Feoludi movement. must hoc. been eirtlte:y turiberudivy, and tow oilconregc,_ mont. toutd by resbiutlan, I, 1.000, could only result 11l Involving I.oooe, enthoslostle Irishmen In datricalty, from /0111011 their brethren were powerloSs to extrlcato them. Mr. 1.1.1111(.9 Bald UAW, *Proposition ban moo boinro the Committee and nod Reim to. voted, tin) Collinnittn* not n oonnnti tut Mr. to‘ke.l l lravl. !i) CPlr, NJ Olutlon 41001.krleg th:Tuf 'ITC 'II/ /111, is*ne.l under the tel .1 1 June 21-1. elu.llng in:1116:0i uullrutl. u,t 10 1:0 1. • , 0011 (or 1,01110:1000 In,ri, 011 l more fourrellrt .1 In (4107 nu.! Mr. :W.% 111r.1;1111 , VOUPtrwvett tr, lip. Lion... rcnlsi,l. It.tiv.• 10.!, lolat e,m01tz11,,12 10 a111...1 hi! act (Cr 11 rtr . . I:lcro•Aslng the , nnx wool. I , - .-Irllito. out ol 1116. cornmut•lng wstli ••for,t 3.v0r,b0,01‘0.1 Tho run =3:lo= 1 , 111/111 - 11 - 1,-. On motion of 31r. 111101w1.1.T., itent• Too turni-li tio• liou•••i• JoitiPlary Committee, ilitrfnii the filth nll ofliver- told ..Ili-, 111,1 who, ti.o. - Insi fort, a.l their rl4ll, Cony, tairintirs, Sr.. hail Ilion° riff lila. roan .1, atnigoating 1.11.• impala!, tio i• rtantu,sclatlon hone ouch reraie.,loas of toffy/AM', Oct Papier. trtnvoit to ,0ftp.,1,1 rt:1•• tolnko fro") 11, , 111 rcuul.t:,.: Ilidtanu Km' ur,lo to exporolod In unrolling, e,t`Pin It”, 1 1111111.1 •.1•1 1111. rebt:11100. Negattvcd--1 to . . motion v. ad)... ratr . .l tha , 1... wt. s,r.ou row, thehi.t., lnn 11.. 111. 3111V7111,11,1!,11 U,L. .!•,'.. • tun- C 1... the reran. o.: • 1,1• It., and 1.1 o• ann•lnlnnn.l . In rinn.-.1 It in , llnn. Inni,ontntrrt• I ut../ I Lnn:nllt•-•• o!l.onlenn.nce. nppolnlna. "111.• St.n.te utlien tow:11 t hori..llig .1'1•::l4 , 1 I Mt,t11.., kJI OM,, 011 1,31110 t ,ount ... L.ld utur, 1 er.3 routziTvC,l:ll. Untsbost riot for a."rul, lolasseevr II llling—Baronet% eled—ae torn !f - •fl erallott 41 salwhluel —.4 ciao•nlv 111 Lomb lag 01.4,14.1, Mmr,..11 H ,!I 1 I , i, c I t.,-, 1•1", Orde• flat t. r , I: xrVoi,ulte , r , ~,1 Ulu luzs/tror,, rro,t, nt IMEI9III -Li N o=ll DM= 11=1M23=21=1 ME MMEM . . •,447: 14i ,k . n. 1411,111114 14,114:M011 iltti tt; .4! tttt t 7 t „,„ t 474,1, ,trt44,44, ••• • 4714.4..!4.4 4/ I"I .41 ta tt :1,..,11 f lef t!t, 4 • .17,, , 1 r 1,041[1014. tight 1+ ev1t11j.... , 1 4744711'1. 4.414, •-• t, i• 1-: :,!: Il.• mall.llVtiti v: C.I . ti. s.,.trt, t.nt tho boro, to 411,1.i5, w 1.1.• Itto thtorei, at tho .. th.. matter. tlo-, rgrn no,o to 1.; , 1 the trit. IltL uct. Mllla 1,1 14. 1 1 ‘111 . 1,11. 1.• V. 1.1 0 e feat ttny snarl. on tho itOrt Tho 1.11: ~.111 Ito pr,t.•. - 1 , 1,0rt ty ...hi w e. ue .11, tor.. next-week. IL ct Itt•t h.ttoottlon. ho con.,olt - oatton, .Ll,l my qthos...ton of A legtothy . . TI IA 1 , 11,—, toll ,o• It vtll roquire Inn) oil, es I, •flol 1.14 , re ltdau olicel. the I. or the bOuliilttner of 11 1 , otlnobwt,hlthatn!dltwdlhrintrn du t la , toretee to n„ i,uvent •tria.t rata :rani thl.alnz bath dr, at at, A too Italia, It ..-111+; Inant rtt~t,hax taa,;ll,a4, , cort. in 0 gwlttuawn va,•••,y, lat! I .011 v. I,to .1,•• tang) Do taltglhl.•Sltaga, • The hli: to oremte tour holho: :et. In to eer- alt. to th.. ,e:do r Altrrtnnn of oach. hi" Lava uncer,u4,..lon.:y IV(frit t.ot, that 11,. sort lowa Of ntraln .ero not twit, rrwar.k.l. 1.1,-4 clo,,avn, to twcato nt tllllli, lI4L {140,1( r:611, D 1441, blr. iytterx opposing 11., p“bro,l nl butor tiruhuni , on,lralnrtt to It by (a19...1bg It 'from lily rt.lett4ir. ey,ry city :ill l'ilL.burgb. the .11 , Lyou 'rum Mb ulll,ll thok 1.111 unvo• 10 the. A 1•11,11100. tt - mnolblllllllll LI , le.l I;.lllllStrubi'd bill, 111 lb. 10.1 ' ,1 Or Ultii!llt Pitt .1 , 14,...hyn)'. It, en wyotbn, 1.,n-t u 10 nuthorion er , rt: , tt of IL reel, .% 11,411,, tz.mi I i lu - nt reel, nol bunt tnortt illlillrenttla in II .11.1 Wit, .11.101.n , 11V1L 4 10111,1. '1'11•1 111,111% It (rout ttin 21 Clalr l ,rev: •41411411”.11111, ullt: hell,: 114 Thore as I,llt. 11551., .0pp,....11101, tcb tlm 1.,. SA. Of tllll oill, nudtlto I n Ila 411,01, 10 ‘l,ll ulysl.l, to Thu tre.,ll trot ill County et•uni to 11,0,11:01 llo• hig the Letit..lature- ton', A u, to. vear, that retttoo. , A , 011 IA pas.. W I, lut urt.l to,olo: other Unaters to that blatriet. l'requuntly, in the ulutlnl+tinl flu of j.- tel., 11/11Ch .iilnl:lll,3' in en..sitiontion Luau not strtisi iury. If int critilu fur nl.lcll IL prison, is to iii adult pew out of LL itutirojiiii,i• • n. nrlsoutiniluninut to 1,.• LL poiltininu ount, the diIUQIIIIv of , Dtat:lll/;: flail trial soul, counti, sin, • lii•vonllenti. nrc i pl C. 101111.1111. IL 1. , inn. fears to trust his ens, to tic Jurors to Neilool. am! 1,, 1,,•,/ nhh Elpnbill,n, IrutrioL•rui.lonouuties. Bout has Leru tot1,10,•••1 io the , 1,14 t, tf, irlde torn ionic intpartful stil,ntlon of urors. It creates two jury caultuissionurs county, but Only one Is to s•oa ra i i ii • Inn electors. Tel, fietno , rut alit liniiiilaicantnn chines. As legisintion Is .It.innniltsl, is so Just nit las faun, thorn can ire tin no—Unlit). of its .infott. The Allot:hem County Prdion b 11i, selooh grunt, 111...1 , 4'16 01 the phii."l - body, the prlCilege of tiOllng phe h•s of ituprti•onnieut It your roomy, ii,ht el randy. n 111 be taken up t, toitnorroir. Our normeirr.i uoi in furor of iii pinehige. The a...edition it, luboreil nobly' for the ulleellitlon of the poor unto, unntes oho eeielpy prbion the J tllronit want to lotto the right to vlidt tho.d tit the l'euitentbtry. olio Ilro-Peele bill becolnin o e deltunt the "young cbutilaln," and till of he, inter ested In (ha good work of; reformutlon. I'ItANQK 10 'ME elllool. The foosent school 11.4'5 nro to undergo Important change, If the !lin utionoing tlitn.,l by beats!. The ululn alieenthe 14 in tli luanner sit selecting and csnioluittif the tesoloirs. It Is urged thot the 'pintos en:fo ssil now lu "teaching Ohs young idea how to shoot,” do not know how to _!:Cot, ~h, l ?or outte of teacher, isslitcd, especlal or the mod dletrlote. I moll you Copy 01 the bill from which you gun 01110.0 your own extrioti, CCDIO. ' Q .; Kid 1 ...., ...,, 14, 1 r-- , . , - -' \ . 4 „ . ' t- ,- f,' ~i- 1, 4 v , z ~.. — e r. . ~ , , s S. 1867 t shoni.l Intl,fore. Ilt. I. eta would nut t 1 ;:.1u I .lNi/ 11 lVill,l, • ~:07 =l'.2=lll .111"1.(11All), n r.•.. , ,;t1: •4.• A. ,Lnytltn lot of the 1 . 1.1 ot EMS T 'l'tiu I. nri FRom wllO ME EM=EMIWZM E=E 31Aryll a,u,ul: :1,071 r:r EMI /no 111. n n! 101*, Al ~. Ii nII c IP •l . .1 CITY AND SUBURBAN. 0:! (I on our t •Lv y U, it U-I ME tlo•rt 1. c11:1.1 n• f,rtt 1,31 , 1 M. lo.r I,e, :1 a , lopt- , 1 .1141,1,, lot 1 ~ =I • I 11,[.. 11,, 1...1!no , o1 lit CLL.! 11,t1 r!... i:0 . 11 IWO 1i,1,3113,1 Wit!. 5.• , 4 . 1,1 p0.t0p1,1,1,f O". Itt.t.w. tt tt; 100 - o t tlt , l tit Zrtt tot•nt,ott , .l, atol a 1)qt: ikav 114 1)111 if -ID, In .11outliv, nin.g I , 11, I. . • a).lt , unknoWn. ,:q :01,04• 1,3 f N . • 1.1 . , lirtt, V/112 11.1:14-o/!-11:,1,11 islior mot pn, !Jo to• t-o owninolo , rz • , 1111 , ,, , Vl.lllf,t, u =I t. , nt. Int th, lo tk: •• IM ME Ito I. hifthy Corun:o:. • ll,,, 31 ll= =BEM= = 11 t 1 i Eli • tt no, In', 1: 11 , . ".L. 1.1 lug fur .10.110, o 1,1. E 1;1., 9, , ••'. 1,!: ===l A: vliaTuet.!..y Daw e, , :el La fa' IA! tho Cc, aaa 'fia ,, wori.ta,a a. to L 1,1141. Al" . totl t :t %tot to Itott ttnlttLtt tl , tt , tt t ttt,o tt,ill toot, ,nt. utLiil/16,1 . 111.. tie :II a - 411 t ctr,".tutt tontontt I,titt tt, o- bitott tt. tottllyl,ll,,tl to Att. Nootlit ; to ,tit.l-t :11,411d, In 110 11,11a . 1i 11,.11 o:•• 1 h., !mato 1a,51.111‘1,5,r, L ul....lik,:trr. 11, flow .11.1na; Alieced Ailletupt at Itape. morn ivy. Mn:, or '0 o, 4:1.1 madc s. I.•ry with i.t,:st 1111 P. , !10 ,3.11.113 t 00311, 111. I.i . 3 111'1,41. ,, ,, 110110. 011 /130 , 13:, aco 11. g. ht ...1 . ., ttet:t..l 111 e 131, 111. Illu 1,,1 11,1,1,, 1., V.. 11 01 ,10 1 11..1. it-t.ti Ilit t•to ening !town:Ago tot!ns.lly retet,ett !tor t-,11 N“cll , t,tlted tt.t. Itt t 311 . ,111. [I,IA -.30 00111.11 cnt, Ini,ll biklitt, Ltt.l, ht “ttti tl to tt, Itttu t tit. ttt,t , l Jht ,Jatt lit I . 141.1 1 1 3113 11111011111, 113 mat. • Itt 11, :tr.: tot, t aft,,tt. tot: !Litt rot., of It tt El= =IEEE Tht• ',port hv Inon Yu, ) lo tw, 3'e,ccr.l,y unt utta 1:111:111, 1119 11thit•1,ty.:liti 10 OW. at.ll4, , rit Tll,l. :n4i ~v . n,lOl .1 lt 1111' 1 :, ° 1 01,11 1111i.:111.• :1:4 it 11.i.1 lilt' 1 1 .04 11,1,4: , "':,• rl '11.:4 1.)1 , 1414at:0n 1., "or, 31 , itt,cl, ,, arrg—tu 1. a 14,A1!”:: !Lt. 1,4•1.1 to 1,111 ,ttinzgly 00010.1 r a,, 1:co put 11, (00: 11:1:11 - . Dro, •:. eu.l -Uto,:.•ttler — .111:010; 0 4 `.1. , t0 Isrown" or Jolla , o"Lutltrott t n , • id trto,re thoy trot': of Vtlott or ologot ot.n to.otur:tot totootter ol Uto. Oral IS N. 1,1 /I 111 to-ttit h. tn.. N0.1!......11ti• itch it,plety Ft: Er.• 1 1 ,;•11, ;11 VIPII 1/11- 11.11: 1, 111113 - • an4t rt u •10,0% 1J101•1; tv 01 IrrLl: ”,.1 - 1 . :4 • •• ' .1“1111 own Iti,i . ellll4 ~,t;c11113, On Tlve.adny vitrit ittirnarnil In the putiiorltn, to glVt. tibtlionn ot Mr. J. Inken by bin. oiliiro Anti, ionn Mnltaiiior..., tio, tin.. tit t tin 1 , iii.inoiovenitii 11"tio1- Immo. r..r.i - vti•stii on twit n MO. did ti ;Illy In Min .intini,ot tit ivni, Illnny n414.1.cr1,0 Wr aro lattlebtrtl to Mr. Ilogh Prater:on of Kl•lortrtlle. Va., tor n of ulldcrlbor, We aro duly thankful tor ha kind ex.ortioni la our Dgrilf, I' RIC E 'Hi R Eli.; CENTS ''n Tnv , lnvn en Cum , let or the poin.e•,ent fnr" itnother appar ,nt of tile thieving fraternity. The iLlirer war .n the vieinity of the Grain Lie. vator, 412,11 ol,arrytln Mall acting In a. very ia.inner. The 3/1 WI Wag L 1 I.y Ino oilier.. ale! inereania: his 'Lie denion.tratihnfi T e re- ,:eotr n re: fellow attacked . tom Li sen U:neer cetng the bellno•r -nL, tide (thief Calm:hell, from 114 r... )i• pot, iiFeit-iteil , t e r!, . :mra lii. Ti... prlson er e to the and Cure 1.., ne I% / , -4:an. on fie] ng newrche:l ,:ro• thou.:and unit .•k c•c Confr•lerote money, ,e 1 O.ree .foilorn in counterfeit te I r,:r curter:4-e, I:c.,nlee Ole ,oely nn -I a letter n:1- e,— lej:Nlelerl.,-hur n: Sven r l'itt. , :nrgh,e and ennt.snong hon , ::enne oeck handkerchief. Ye, nhc, -Mr. Shorlon fnua‘l, :•••k' It,e elm. and tile, liapa a ilia:, oh, t lin 510h.1., 1.. ce.0.1 a: the molw sv,l3 hlw tho . ”11 Le:eriy ,treets In N.arlt CI net. It Ito not that 1110 priye zee rya': namvie, 51.athew Nth:vole an ,riesdeo Jell on ehnrge of lor an:, preferred nn: Mr. Shut - met, it l'atrwlc anecher hoarder, in the .unto Collet.; sea. , be the fart of Ills larceny, to elan, and foutel that a broo:Icloth id, been' idOlein. Its Alen While n.tion a”liist Nugent, Cant =EI Min r•, . in, .110 111,n.ri Colt wa. rt.:cove:et! Cuppit, =I • J ohn C. MeDewell yestczttay made mutton Itetere Aleut than 31elluaturc, charg in. A lt , etnett lth the larceny of a watch. The tle; oncrA a:11 get, ant on Tueb,lay Ito I, • ; On the het tee at Duncan', (warding hoes, In the . ..11.111 Ware, endeavoring to o t Iten nett, anher ttoartlcr, pail' 1111 hull, ceiling Ittru about . • • t - nbllng ts , cit Ills pockets otnora .I:stashing Ina, At lengt, I; , •anett w.•int away and McDowell went to aw ono Ills watch was gone. II • •ne, I eoneln,loa seems leresistible, Ina!, wane McDoweil ,/ept Deanett watched. .1 warrant was in-allu men named Lake rldlez liurdmerebele, Wan yirtr• • erd.ty coce;elt,ed to jail pre par•tory to heted , e.d. Dlxteunt. tic left home on Tae-day and . .v.didered Intothe watebruan's 4//s 1 lie 10, ill Try .01 iivearads , rotits. /. rnr OVer 10 01.111,.. 11,21 10 tee I , ek-up. The WWI 15 0 11,i/10 and whs very poorly dad. I tor Amon : : It.. Coal_ 31Inerw.—On n very eerier. rant broke nut the cos: in :et Ofl 11 . 1 Wr.tznorelcuel county, Ott lent rut Itmnroad, about ene., en,nurg. The tint to senled :erg, Ireportne,a,el taut, of 150 ..ere !null) . nun. We cenbl ,t 1.0 pat ...IN. reporter, in re pro - 7:n, lo..ovetteor, euotted Ipentlotong Stir fact trot it, 11. M eoreertool of Co, c;ouneel for the dered9e. Met:. it .l nt , lit, to do .0 tLc prepor:o I:on et 11 therefore entlt!el to .Itte coetht. illE Th e .IFORonzle A11:%.r.-13 our ririt era -1.,11 :, , 11-11 t.,,•Tut:al the Big Nleaol.on, r,, tag: reextarald at Wilitiao- Ir.! liaor“,;I:ly tpmptvd Ftuirglnry.—.l” attempt was ... snorntngt to totof the re. ,h.hy. t.t Or. th.o. 1it,0,1 on Allegheny ton, tit,heay, tool the burglgrg 1. - :gltltto.. , l and gg,t. 1L.,1,1.4.11.—thi Mondsy • evening a gentles n 0.4 ,oppe.l lotel on I.o..erty street. to morning lie Ml-covered Li+ Y.,PrO v tirel Gmtnum room mote 110 , 10010 OisspL>oeretl. Co mitt," for CoLI rt.—Peter Emzee, fti.abv CLl:Zzln:tttc: b.r [:.:al by 31a3cr MC- C,rtby. W. A, 4:llnenfruny, 45 Filth acrect, has opy of IllackwooLl• Zr" Ver.:Winch Murder Trial, and oilier (our! ntatiers, on Tnird PaL:e. FIZO I I, GEoRGIA. freedmen !Inv• I.eetlnc nt Ylmenn, C. —1.1.1id1.1, forbidden Until Umser•l Pope A...mrnew Comm•ud. M ,„ t:i.II,SS u,etincr nf fr 4 thl , tro+ied by proutt r.•,t Ino -peecO4 und hitt, return n:SetC , n , 4rt-ot for ruhurvila7:on d 4,1 oechrt, trim_ they °herbal no hr.•s r Ihte inantrr., but Lire and falthfol to the ..I.iciturae or lif entlot the Polley of -tor !trot., hh.! rreolnunhA the pro ,.rh to arc, t 1,,e ter,ns propch:ed by Con- t. starch Sweenov, post on order forOtdd lnK • 4,4 I/COOti COO, tom.: of the 41striet. =1 Vcac, Munro . 27.—Toe 2frettite.: co, rrotnlrcl ln.l ton tall,. route elottl.ctt eek Illy Fenton t..ittlattnn Ih 1..,1t. notr,h, at ,cc,. c r r y to... Wooer. eteclhtett by the dultt, of she toot met, .ettettlry hunt,. ,lied i , ttt te•cr ttn•i extio-ure to extreme vol.! h ....tee:. .1 ttzto, kc k,,,toto,eeeeer e d . , eet t to• 'troops near 1:011r m: :aie. :fierxeitlne r.ttoey. The men , 4 :tot It:Co:try t , cottiNh; etas vith 11.0!t.'“ 1,11 MVO' 'tnetztr , r• or an Si. 1,001, I,7lMort notverely The pettc:e of Cork cheered It', Soot,. Ish cer.t. day. Ettver l'Aqr{:retmo r 11 - Irclt I:.—Weetber cloudy 1:io river 14 steno:il,. Port —l. id', O't• to Neer uric:ion, Alfert Dirporiurt:6-sloy flo.vdr, Li, valro; Loito.coo, to Loulhvillii, l•i'lriii N olio, No. 1, l.lineannierl to tort Bow°, .I.l'. Weld 7; Walt/ river to I, roivii,r, March 1 - I.—Thn weather 14 cloudy t. Inc river 14 etatlonarS-t 0 111: it'., tort of wator In the retrial. =CE= P.r^stn, :dur-4 la frond de nterior htto ca sea Mt 04,41 . 41, and 110,0.d . n Spriod at 111.1 , [02.73. Wheat In dood aqoo, - nod the loorked bare: Wto ood no, -,,and sold, car. Whno ooad•t $ I loodieln No. d Chl eo td, ~ oPojbo.h No.: Mt uaa. i;1,5 ot.d one cur of No 2 2.111- o - ,0110-o tort • cuter, Toledo ti: zed %Fest,.neglected: - 6 csr- New I cdedo ..3e, on otato 7. 1 11.1116.50. to store. t th2ll a= Lt. St tl;ol.d.l II knit . third II Z .1 aged WC. - At ..alf pact 10 cl•••1..6. Turaclay morn- LI, 04111♦ „ f: axe. otr, t• .11 tat, p ace , N". 10 Mart. tnd 1,6...encR 21.1V1:n tp kV. Tb, , 0 , 1.0 f tLc r•ually are rtspcctfulsy 1,1 teat•-1,. 6...EM1.E0-15". I day mnrallag. HI • ,••• It.:ll,uET t,to trar .cr 11, i 1 ,! 1uv,511115., nen - TLe rq• ::.'• zre Inv:Ltd t.. 1 att., 1 , 1 • NEW ADVERTISEMENTS . A . Lcx. AIKEN. rz.C"FriN' . , " .n 4 .Igtn., ,arse utml 11 'l5 Daryl M. m IL T. iti/ITE uNLJERTAURS AND EMBALMERS, ar.,l ‘lclnity. COF , II RY..:a AT MANCHESTER LIVERY SUABLE Corn r Shedleld and Chr„"ger. ntr..cs furc:aLe.l. ti ULLIIA LE CIEMETERY.—The “God'e-ster.• the tar,. tutAte "n twe. vt.t. tt't .tt.te , l on Ne,w tnfta. tratc,d.t, e.ILL or Ali.tet,tt, e., ra:l htvre (.A W LS _ipkt,; t.SCAIIIIIAt.E I T. Ct/letrl w tLet - tzt t for hire At !Zovvzircl's Livery Stable, nry Nononc•bel• 11.11 t. ettat Attcatloa pal.: to 1 .7.11 tent at L11t27• 110 NEW AD vERTISEMET TS DUNSEATH& CO., Wholesale Agents PUS THE American Watch Company's WATCHES. No. 56 Fifth Street, Ir 7 SIAS , NIC HALT.. WATCHES. CHAINS AND .T3E7 VITTEL.T3.-12-, AT A TUT SRAM. PROFIT, AT WILL T. WILEY'S 6 Wylie St., 3d door from 5111,1 1. R. JOISXSTOV JOHNSTON & SCOTT, 133133 EM Fine 'Wattlies, clocks, Jewelry, SILVER-PLATED WARE, ETC., E= Pit timl=ourcla, I.'eru:Las. l'articomr &Avert to - litostrlplS Yi•teue, Clock. awl 'oval,. All Work w.r. TELE PLACE TO OCT • COOD BOOTS & SHOES OHEgp e T9l ..CLvA" McCLINTOCIC;-S. Xo. 92 Federal Strut, f A LLEI2II S - !.1.9 S 9 -49 49 S 9 S 9 49 S 9: b 9 MARKET STItEET. . 49 1 s 9 ! 11.) - S 9; V 9.3; C> -IE3 .Er. ' $,.% 9 1 s , S 9 Market Street, Isf,l AND FIAT TOOK C.. 1 9! 9 9. 1100T5, SHOES MI " S I S9 I THA CHEAPEST AND NEST f rriziEmi c.trrr !"I , 9 NO AUCTION OvODS KEPT. " !JAS. ROBB, 89 Market St.' S 9 S9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9, THE IHERCHAINTS UNION EXPRESS COMPANY. CAPITAL, $20,000,000 I=l Our Merchants and 3i ainfacturers. • , 41111 ES BE EXPRESS.Money, Yr'itlttables. Freight and Par eels, over more than 13,000 miles of Express Liae, at just and liberal razes. saves lfilllons yeailT tip Ex pi ess shippers. and can be nine perthaueut only by, their liberal pan onage. This we hope to merit and 're. ceive. Ofla% No. 145 Wood Street, WII. LITTLE, Arent. MEMEEIIi LIKSTIII.II/ 1101 th S,, HUGH. E BOLE & CO., Engine ti FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS. lir•Ty. trade to 'er. nu v t not le,vcry at,cript,ott watttlfactured Corner of Pulut Alley and Duquesne AV ay, - isirrstsun GD. PA. =I GOLD Ell DONNED PARLOR PAPEIL ROOD AND MAILULE I>II iATIoN P tNE. P • PElts; TINTED P.NEL PAPER.. for Per. lore •ea In New Designs, at XO. 107 .71.1/MET STfitEEi. 1N.4.1 . f 11111 titres[,) JOS. 11. HUgIES fi DUO. M ?M tl BENNETT, IVINTERTON. Arol Dist brands of Ales and Soda Wdters, BOTTLED BT J. C. BUFFUM & CO., I= MEM R=l7 et...0%11,0 I[I.I.:CLATON•MI VITTSIICItt.II. ...arch %h. 1+67. VOTIICE T 4 l CONTRACTOILd, PROPOSALS PAT THE Construction of Pubic Sewers thcfotlorr ng • .t , • n“. • : Une. m Falls to W. 0 ,1 sad do., Mood try Stre“. "Or Oil tr. Vt. • L, , —oue on .ley, from I: , errY slug to Lawny ',eel, let rer.l,ed sr the utlnee or th to market 1,1.1 t. . l n w sge,N on 1 Marrh a•C. cat, be le, 4t thlb otSce. N. 3. if.Ol:E. QM FROM $ll, 00 $ IS TO $3O t••• tn•de the •ar r••u•d. Vflitlot, 4 • new • LAI.. 4, Ilgta, 3.0 J odersze I. NO COII'EfITION, and ene‘ttc Apdtte (L•dtt, mid 4,1 t e uten)ere w•atd reto•e•ent Ilb IP. • VC_ • C/I7 and 11• , y...• 1.4.•1te 4:1•el to m\ • mot, and 1,.14,0 NT IMO., utre , ea 4ey yers 11.4,ne • 1,, Lour. .1:414 Ede., - Fee rettner particulars Plea,: cad on, ad dre4a, U. W. ACii, ll... South +tree!, Itailt•ddif, Md. 4.,41,44-4 DI BLEU. CLOSE & C U., Practical Furniture 31anntarAurtra CDR. PENN AND WAv.iiE STS I LAU. atylra of rURNI:fu,L 00„„.0„,, op band. TIE lilt A P 'rte almplebt. 'rte Beat =ZP;= WHECLEtt WlL.,uN's .1 WAIIHANSKJ Tilltit 1 r,h4. 27 F/FTII %TREE 7, • r. ,BAEGAINS L SEWINC MACHINES. • Sir saeCtries. used but a.,,0k redleta price.. WM. SniTNEit f-12 ilfor str.e. IA7 ETTACII 49. MEAf.ON, lat.:CCE,,u4ll4 TO il r .ltyso.k.S t CLAY../T. - - U..o , ••:torera jot' - • OAK LEA - 111ER IDEI.TING, No• ii 00,0 10-root. itltee•elay City. Also Nl'. aasortmenr. f i50i&0r..... il. U.f -13E10%•..4 ••• o. Canons 4 Elt. 0. cLARIC. Soot. of Wori”. tiounEn, BELL tt. CO., Anchor Cotton Mills. Pittsburgh, Malauftetitrrra ANC/106(A) piIIIEETINGSI, AACI.101; (U) hi/ LETANUM, (C) 13.1.1-7,..,4 ImvlN,s) T. m. 'stack, i Thrci Coors abo.e titrre,- PITTICHERII3 PA Ever, kind orWarlt doneon the eltort Ana must reasottaple term, l'articular=att% •n BA"/". • .41-I=l. 408 SWF. CrriFii, EI:MIT _l, Nec6.l • TI WI 8t11L1•INd, Fos. 71.1 1.;.:71;,1 Laitel.latiZi'gg.,,,'"kirl"ig,t,LN —fd...,,. : ~ ..n. m 0...: um pirZto . oursA Baal ~--- s .~