-eimpow 44$' EltgWittilburgitOnttic WFDNESIDdIr, - MARCH ren ISM Ax - f)trup.sitos has 'widely prevailed that the appropriation made by Congress For the relief of Southern and South western destitution was adequate to the exigencies of the case. General now- Altn'a letter to a friend in . Philadelphia urging the importance of immediate pri vate contributions, certainly contradicts this impression, and ought to be held: as conclusive. Pittsburgh has a reputation for radicalism In politics, and it would be graceful, as well as in many ways beneficial, for her to demonstrate by timely and liberal action, that radical ism le humane and benevolent. • - MORE RAILROAD. 4 A bill has passed the House of Repre sentatives to compel the Pennsylvania, Railroad Company to complete the Northwestern Railroad. It will be re membered that some twelve or fifteen years ago a- charter was granted and a company orgsnized to constract a rail. road from Blairsville, Indiana county, on the Pennsylvania Railroad, to New Canto, in Lawrence county, at which place, as was then expected, it would . form a junction with the Mahonlng road, which runs from Cleveland to the Penn lvnnid line, a few miles west of 'Cow Castle. The line of thin road was iwn the Connemangh and Eiskimine to the Allegheny rifer, a short dis ,•nee above Freeport; thence through -.e centre of Butler county to the town - •r Butler; and thence by the best route New Castle. The original company commenced ,ork immediately and made considers !.le progrees along that part of the Line hstwcen Blairsville and the Allegheny river at the mouth of Riskiminetes; but, - fertile becoming exhausted, the Pork ceased to be prosecuted, and lay nepended for several years. At length the Pennsylvania Railroad Company be ramie possessed of the franchises of the Id Northwestern Company; the work that partially completed portion of •the line was resumed, and More than a • :,ear ago the whole line from the Alio .. ;7beny river and the Allegheny. Valley 'irtilroad, at the month of the Niskimine #.as to Blairsville, was completed. Sub , 2:fluently a railroad was laid in the bed •if the abandoned Pennsylvania Canal, , from Allegheny City to the month of the Riskiminitss, • where a junction was formed with this road; -and now trains -rin regularly .from Allegheny City to Blairsville; and to the main -line of the Pennsylvania Railroad near Blairsville. Meanwhile nothing whatever was done on that part of the original line liing between the Allegheny River and New Castle. The general impression seemed to settle down Mien the popular mind that that part of the original pro , gramme had been abandoned. It is true that,' for purposes of through trade between the Lakes and Philadelphia, it might now be easilrdispensed with; but .11 will be -of immense benefit to the country through which it is to pass, and 'bid greatly in the development of their :rich mineral resouices. It is not genes ' ..ally known that there is probably as coal in Butler county as in any ''.er county in Western Pennsylvania; Lat being utterly ;without railroads, ca: ' or navigable streams, that coal has been of almost as little use commercially • I..air It were in the -moon.. It is also licit in Iron, and has much excellent-soil; and if it had railroad facilities, would in c-ein rapidly in population and wealth. re?' this reason we are And to learn that it is likely soon to be accommoda• tie.. Lawrence county has railroad at, cosimodations now, and is prospering tae as we wish to sea Butler county. 31 : A 1 O 1 - , ". ~.;~. r. 4 over. • - Pittsburgh favors such improvements - these in every part of our State; and 51tItey do not firing grists directly to her mill, they twill indirectly. By and by we shall have a road'by the Chartlers Valley to Washington, fa., in which it If; more thud likely the Pennsylvania P...ilroad will have a finger. That mi ., poration, moreover, has agreed to ex :. toad its Bald Eagle branch, beginning at Tyrone City, to Clearfield, in Clearfield conaty. This last enterprise will devel 7""App t ilarge section .of country in the very heart of the State, Which is still 1 poor,simply because it has no commer . f vial facilities; and It is all the more en - hued to favor because the people of that twntion are not able to build railroads for theinselves: It would be sheer idleness - • and folly to quarrel with such enter prises as these, even were we inclined • . do so; but we are not • so inclined. ley 2ave the same freedom ewer - 41a,47 '...ConnellsvilloCpripany, which _.! .. a.s;:tainly as good a right to build ;- 4, • ,4. • ;. 4.• 'it''' : .,..;zir;s in the southwestern - counties as the Pennsylvania COmpany has in the een i-' tre 4,ed the northwest. Chre to the Pennsylvania Company freedom to build 33 many of such roads as these as it =t _leases; but sternly forbid its shutting up 'f%. any route that could be profitably proved by other parties, The lgahoning Railroad comet into - Pennsylvania through the valley of the ifiduaning River, and reaches the Pitts _ - tutrgli and. Erie Railroad at the contlu- "intro -of the lilaboning and Shenango, some three miles below New Castle. As ,41.. t goes no further east. -But a route V7: 1 ,, .7. 'atom thence; via the valley of the eon ,. bequenessing Creek, and Old Harmony, pear the southern border of Butler coun ty, to the head waters of Pine Creek, ;Ind thence down the last named stream to the Allegheny River, four miles above Allegheny City, has been run, and found to be 'a very good one. It is through '"this line that the people of Ohio expect to reach Baltimore and Washington via Conncilsville Railroad.. It is well ~that the Northwestern Company should complete their road on the original line; for it Will open up a rich coal and iron . ;region; but this extension of the 31a . toning road via Harmony and Pine Creek would give to Pittsburgh access to one of the finest sections of Western Pennsylvania both for soil and minerals, an - open up one of tho best routes to the Bakes that coca be found. By all means let them both be made. = 1111 4- ~ 1.- COURTs ILE TILE BLACKS Of whatever else the New York World may be accused it will not be charged with dullness of apprehension. Its pe culiar quality is edge or penetration. Not profound and ponderous, it is sharp and incisive. Hence, when the Military Government bill became a law, It frank ly and faithfully admonished thiaSoutY erniviiites, and particularly such of them as aspire to political distinction and in fluence hereafter, to make a serious bust. nes, of "coUrting l i the blacks. No mat ikrim awkward such employment t ir o. chivalrous gentlemen, utta ANeye In the essential infer'. OtAirVOW cOplit to white ono, and tk •P• c ..9.-k.\ "Vig) ..) e. ea A .... 0..A.'; that a task-master, armed with a cat:o nine-talls, was the true. and legitimate persuader of menials, a necessity bad been created for-new conceptions and observances, which could not be over looked or set aside. What the World urged, in this respect,. It has been, practicing; not with much Skill, to be sure:, but with an earnestness that compensates for deficiencies. It re- easily plunged Into ethnology, and undertook to demonstrate, on the basis of pure science, that Democrats have been laboring under a delusion in sup posing that an offensive odor exhaled from members of the black race. The conclusion reached was, that "As regards the popular notion of the odor of the negro, it may be positively stated that he, in this respect, is like the white—a clearwnegro being free from it, and a foul one cursed by it." If is easy , to see that this fact in natu ral history was not discotered by any ordinary process of:. investigation. It was obtained by a round-about path through the domain of politics. The ballot, In the hands of some of the blacks, has purified the whole of them, in a most mysterious manner, from a tsint that has sickened the democracy for sixty years, No necromancer's slight-of-hand is at all comparable to this I . Let us go back and inquire into this "popular notion" of the odorous moul siVeness Of the negro. In the old days, before the Proclamation of Emancipa tion, Demociats both of high and low degree, with one, consent protested a negro did not smell sweet; but when the two sorts of Democrats were questioned separately, and in detail, the points of agreement between them vanished. A Democrat, so dirty in his personal habits that one stench more or less would not perceptibly change his offensive condi don, was sure to turn up his nose, with a genuine Democratic quirk, whenever a black entered his presence. His per ception of smells was not to be deceived or disputed. An aristocratic Deniocrat, if the expression may be allowed, stated the case very differently. According to his theory the odor depended altogether_ upon the relation sustained by the black to certain _whites. If the black was a coachman, he might ride beside his mas ter, or even his mistress, and no im proper smelt was perceptible. If the black was a body servant, he might sleep In the same room. with his master,:with out imparting the slightest contamina tion to the atmosphere. If the black Was a nurse, she might attend mistress or child, and the closest proximity did not produce an appreciable unpleasant ness of olfactory sensation. Only when the black asserted equality, or even in dependence, did he seem less clean than a white. The exhalation was not at all in the black race, but was produced by the relationships members of that race sustained to members of the white race. The ballot is a marvellous deodor zer. Henceforward the democratic ethnologi cal formula will be changed, and no 811113. will appear In the statement of the composition of -the—negro. Great is the ballot! and great the awe inspired by it in the democracy! Butthe World does not stop with this rectification of the prevailing.rdenao- cratic analysis of the physical composi tion of the blaCks: It proceeds to vin dicate their moral character and deport ment. It makes this strong assertion: "As a race, the negroes of New York - , considered from a police point of view, are a better class of citizens than the lower grades •of whites. A negro is brought before the .'ourts occasionally for theft; occasionally a black man is ar , reigned for outrage; but very rarely for drunkenness or murder. As a class, the negroes glee file police comparatively little trouble. This: is the Almost universal testimony alike of . patrolmen, ser geants, captains, and superintendents; and we publish it as at leant an approxi mation to thelruth." Undoubtedly! Nobody ever heard of the blacks in New York turning out in huge gangs, openly breaking into stores and dwellings, Plundering by wholesale, setting the Invaded premises on fire, and slaughtering white people indiscrimi nately. Daly, "the lower grades of whites," who vote the Democratic ticket, have - been guilty of such enor mities. Nor are the blacks' merely ex empt from vulgar and brutal crimes of this sort. Blaiks are never mixed up in bank defalcations, and rarely in buiglar ions entrances into banks. They do not indulge in the luxury of forgery, coun terfeiting, stock-gambling, and getteel swindling generally. In these particu lars, at least, they are far less exposed to reproach than the higher classes of whites. The Omissions of the World, how ever, will do for a commencement. As. Democratic anxiety increases to divide or monopolize the votes of the blacks, this "courting" process will be quicken ed and , intensified. Democratic appre ciation of the excellenciesof the blacks will bo exalted; and by and by the whole diapason of Democratic eulogy will be sounded in their behalf. —The Wilmington (Delaware) Gazette says that Mr. Heston, the Cashier of the Farmer's Bank, is charged with the de falcation of nearly $lO,OOO. He himself informed the President and Directors of the fact, and offered as an excuse that his salary of $1,200 per year was not sufficient to support him and his family. He is about thirty-seven years of, age, has been fora long time a member of the church, and for the last twelve years connected with the bank. His securi ties, it is said, are good for the amount of the defalcation, and, therefore, the bank will not suffer any loss. —A terrible explosion occurrcd in the her of Hong Kong, January 17th. The balk Zephyr, used to storage pow der, blew up, and was totally destroyed; also the Bremen schooner Themis. 'Thir ty to forty persons were killed; many pefsons on boats in the neighborhood were killed. There were two hundred thousand pounds of Lowder aboard. The town shook as with an earthquake. Four English gunboats moored in the vicinity barely escaped destruction. In the village of Yahmatee one hundred land thirty houses were unroofed and shaken down. —An act has been reported to the Massachusetts Legislature, which pro. vides that proprietors of public halls shall -:uare suitable and safe egress to protect tilt aid limb in case of alarm or danger. It any proprietor of a hall shall fail, af-' ter being notified to provide sufficient passage way; the anthoritice may sus pend the use of such ball, and if it is used contrary.to the ordcr, a tine of not legit than one hundred and not exceeding five hundred dollars shall be imposed. • —Miss Van Wie and A. A. Wheelock have been giving "spirit manifestations" at Lowell, Mich. The exhibition of spirit hands, dowers, &c., through the hole in the door of a cabinet, In which 3liss Van Wio wairplaced, was the "fea ture" of the performance. Some skep tical ladles insisted, ohs evening, on a thorough examination of the medium's person. This, after resistance, was sub mitted to, and the articles were discov ered in a email package. —it. negro was shot in. the head at Leavenworth on Wednesday, but fought and punished the shooter, and hini,elf escaped with little utorc than a trotuadcd -1 Chicago Jildge.has decided that a young man's agreeable company, at a boarding house where he must escort ugly old maid boarders at the bidding of 1 the landlady, is equivalent to his board-1 ing bill. _ _ —An exchange sa3s it seems that the roll of Robert Toombs' slaves will be called at a Georgia ballot bon instead of at Bunker Hill. Colfax; with the exception of Henry Clay, is the only man who has been three times elected Speaker of the House. WANT SUPPLIED London Ale. Bottled Ales, London Porter, Brown dtoct. To get genuine =ported Landon Ale, Porter or Brown 41.1, hu been almost an imposeihility in thi/ el.y. notwithstanding that there are few tonics more suitable for weakly persons and invalids. The want ha. at length been se/in/led. A large a/sort/tient of the ducat brands, coup/rising Barclay I Perkins' London &Jut, Bars A Co 'a l ale ale. Campbell'. Scotch Ale, etc., Just received at .104 e PH PLIMINti'd DRUG STORE, No. 14 Mark, t street, sal le sold by thereto or single bottle, at tlic lowest rates. Also, a complete stool/ of the dust Liquors for medicinal purpose., and Campbell . .. bps/Alin. Ale, the duets artltio in ore. Remember the place. . s JONEPLI FLEMING'S DRUG AND . rATFINT 31EDICINZ DEPOT . O. W .11.ket Dreet. GU AY HAIR, BALDNESS, DALIIID HUY F. ANY "IoICASE of THE eCALL'.—NI• OISCEIVERY CAN ocrIiPAIIE WITH •LON DUN HAIR COLOII RENTUILER AND DILEIILN , ..'• "London Our Best Hal; Color Restorer'• "Loudon Hale Color R•staree•' ••• • . . London rhysl clans lisle . Color In.atorer" London Hair Color Restorer'. . Ilse and r hest orer Hale Color Restorer ondon •London ••London Recommend It. llair Color Restorer" It never falls to impart life. art/wilt, and rigor to the weas.estlialr, Neatens and slope Hs fading, and le sure to producea new growth of hal, causing It to grow thick and strong. GiliP 75 cn•. a bottle; the hart doye n. Sold by licClatltUaili A McKENNA.N. Stareet•trert, GEO. A.. KELLY 37 Wood et., and JON. PLEASING, Ki Market street, Silt, burgh. KANE A DEVITT, Alice:Km, Pri,suunakit, Mar 19, IVO. Ifoarrs. llo•teterr & Smith: ithartemin—Do ring a visit .to the West, lag: fall, I eamatracted nibs and fever, Ithilelt brought me to my bed, and dually terminated In tYli'ld fever, and confined me Jo my room for several months, during which limo t vrith.playslially so prostrated Uteri almost despaired of ever recov• e ring my health: haring almost entirely lost my appetth.oday., not being able to'Col moreel, added t oewich I era y discretion 'with a reeling sensation la my lino. and punted malty also paces nights—ell from deh litv caned by my prostrate condition, brought about by Cave , . At tots stage Misty revolt:ion &friend recommended me to use your celebrated Mt/roach Mitten. hot being MO, Ally posod to the mt., of Miran/bathe In soy form, I et lint declined. but afterward& Yielded My prejudices. and, after tat ing the medicine for sevral nooks, my ppettho rel tamed, and With It I s em "pithy regaining my runner streng th and rigor. My bleep Mom the loss of Which 1 bare suffere• umeno has never been better than it Is nor, and the reeling eensstlobefore alo ded to) ha. entirely lett.me. toarela. vrllloll Isere much t onsaJpated and irregular, art ew butte natural. and to fact, lam go n d to pay that I feel my aelf a nen , man , and tender you th is testimonial of my appreciation of your 'Mush e preparation, In order Ent others , sugaring as I ave. may avail themtelves of the vine. s, Which preindlce kept me from enjoying for 3.3 long a period. I may •Iso effec t tat my phystelan, alter seeing th e bynefletal tof your bitters on Sr. recommended gnat use them regularly. • Tours, very reapectludy. E. BOERNE. go. 40 Market iat/cCt. THE ' LNDUNS AND THE WHITE PEW. Although.long known to the aborleties or Amerles, Dr. (3 tore* W. Swett, of Boston,. has brought Into Shape rot convenient use, a must valuable preparation called POLAND'S WRITE 1 INE COMPOUND, which torar.oneber of rears has given great mtisractlon In the cure, of all those aliments dependent on an belated or lnt sated ecndltion of the mucous membranes of the animal organism. For prowl, diabetes. dropsy, eAroufe brontlaWs. nnemel calor - rte. meneripeelfon, when depenainion a debilitated state of the lu te-stints, It Is one or the most valuable discover ies recently added to Pbarniaceutleal meDeine. It is likewise a most valuable compound err dls races of the Sidney. and bladder generally; ai any °owean satisfy himself upon • single Leo - ne knows the bootleg virtue or tee white Dias [or cores - and ulcers. bet Dr. eee tt bae rur e to work andpreparel from the sweet Inside burl of .hat valuable tree a tompnend that will meet every indication where the plan would be vela. able It le roe !Wentlr re zommentletl for the follow tog alleleutst .1)1wIt•ei fo youn it or I.lllle aged peeptc • Diabe;es In op t eme, Tre " e '" e of dlnicuity in children during the u llra hi 4l, Kidney Trouble le old people: Ulcerated Eldue7i. Ulcerated Bladder; mtumaysam Bright's Dtretre of the Nl.lnetr: Pain In the Kidneys H e st.ll6 Pain In the Illathl,r, and Scal di ng: . . • , .. . • . Ask for ' , LAND ,, wuten Ylnt COlseriuso. For sale by the gross. dozen or single nottle. at Dr. lielser'• gront sorillstno non, le) WOod str....t. mbt4:d&w Mivff-11113: 1 00M3a3,310.1 WM. BINGHAM, Jr., ettlabse Express Cy. /tee, 54 /Vag farad, U an authorised Agent W mem Advertitrosen.le for the GAZETTE, and all other payers throughout the United Mates 'mei Me Canadas. I::2rACADEMIC OF MUSIC 'NU, April Eioct'a Operatic Cita tat. • THE lIATHAISEIt! - • WILI tic ;Worm d dud. r the dir,.tiod of litctl ERNIEIT. acme of the most pooolae ameteur models. of Pittsburch an expected to take p •It la the performapea• M.427:wi PETROLEUM ASSOCLL bf.I.S.—ia special meeting of the linsitEsti PoTtOLLUI ISACIit O.\ WIII be beid at their rooms, In DALZ DU/LW:ski, Unons. W. 7, at o'clock r. e.e O WEDNESDAY, '27th Inst. Important business ni I be brought before the 6on FOODS OF HEMLOCK AND ItOcoupsor BARK, for.ale by the eulrerlter on the X: embers and CA ell3oll Branch of the Fenneyleanta Address. - It. H. TUDOM, Zbentborg. tak27,11 ambrth count., l'a. POOPOSAI.S FOR PAINTING, WHITER - AMAIN° AMP revaxo DIA MOND AHEM? ItllUdd..—Propoeala win be reftl•ed for palette, the Diamond Market Mtn re two cp. t• of pintopaint , the brat , atality to Its used Also. for Vitiltelvnitorig sod color tng 04' Ball. and paring In and around the budding. rersent desiring any Information as to the abort, will call up° t MaLthultE, itat7net3 bupethntendent Hubei. EFFEKVENCING CITRATE OF MAGNESIA. lo 6oa bottles, lo powder. thls Magna.la Is a solid purgative and •perpent, very acceptabl to the .0111.11, for aloe headache. sear or slrk butch.(nd all (*vol.°, caw,. tot .ale by most IlregalßlO. Yrepaßed by Alailltl26 lsalepraog street, New York. mhZ7m7 p-LET. A FINE STORE ROOM With Or without 1D IXCELLENT Dry I= •men:• •nd •Dactou• yvd sdjolalog. Located on the east side of Efolstillettl street, near first Inquire of STEEL & WILSJN, =l2 No GOlimItbEl!IO street BLACK SILKS, Col i ored Silks, India Silks, FOULARD SILKS, For Sale at Low Prices, By WHITE,. ORR & CO., 25. Filth Street. .1‘27 OTREE or CONTROLLER Or ALLCOUINT CO., i Pprrsawattu, Itasca :All, Mr. To CARPENTERS.— SEALED PROPOSALS 1..11 be received at thla oflce April sth, Inclusive, For constructing new (Sanely around the upper tier or cells In the County Prison:lo In Zoos on enclosed end; put two all as...dwells, using new materi a Story.l., and pet new bridge aerobe al Vetoed luformatlon-trill be fernlsbed at the Bberl/re or County COISIIIIISS109er•Olnee. RENEE LAMBERT, na.27:teS Controller.' GAIIDEN FIGS 1E3E122 .11:cetrod and for site by the pound or bus. /Coo, YHA girt T UN In DAVIS and Ltd iItILLAL nal In ES, for sale by . i , tlopo A n . o4gmr . tobV Corner Ltberty and Hand Ho. QurceT A . SCOTT, DENTIST, Jro. 21,8 PEAW STREET, ElG=ioll MOM ¢2600 o. PURCHAME A gosh will purchase a .two-rory Ulf. lOW ground, on NM stmt. Now tin% Tor CO pcs .utn. App's to . . B. McLAIN t CO. MACHINE SHOP AND EN11313% IN 81151111.Nti11e..31 TUX nALlt—lin %ha comer of Oregg street and Walnut alley. near to l.lareon 1.014111:4• uttered atop. dp. plr Latta D. MILLIE i CO. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. !NEW ADVERTISEMENTS JAMES T. BRIM & CO,, (iocoonsors to s. Jones d C 0..) Corner Fourth Er. Wood Ste., BANKERS & BROKERS, DIULZILS IN ALL MOMS OP Government Securities, Foreign Exchange, Gold, Silver and Cotipone. 'COLLECTIONS made on all seeesslblis Wats In lbellclted States and Canada,. Interest allowed on Time Deposits SIGN--ENGINE IN THE WINDOW EVERY ONE INTERESTED IN THE CiltOliTll OP Economical 'Establishment HOUSEHOLD AFFAIRS, So far as it Concerns the Purchase of GROCERY SUPPLIES, Should Save 20 Per Cent BY !BITING SOON. SHIELDS & BOUCHER, 108 Smithfield Street, OPPOSITE POST • OFFICE. mbt: u ivr TILE IRON CITY WILL 11E BEADY About the Third of April. The lest number will eon twin _ THREE FINE ILLUSTRATIONS ; Also matters regarding the city, or great hti port.ee to our citizens and STUANG End VIA •• ITINU TILL CIT ti. D.oha open fur subaorlp• lion. Addrese all Col9lll‘l,l RELTING ! er and Gum Belling; also. Gum racking, Hose, Nukes*, Sc, . of the best quality and at redhead tees. The best quality of La , log al ma). on lhand at the /ndlaitubbar Depot. No. 35 and UM. Chats . stfeat. mhl4 J. a If. PTSILLIPS. WINDOW SHADES.--Havlog received our spline atoek of Shades we ars now yr pared to Neil at the IS...tem:lh pikes. either o lassie or retail. 'the best wort went that Coil bo found In the city. AlllO. new style at 00 weea lust reetired. Va I and to the= at Nee, Wand TI nt. Clair street. total .1 a If. PiTtt,LIOR- FLOCIII OIL CLOTHS.—Ma ling rectum] oqr prices We osrtnewoCer 011 Clotho ent , ntra rata,. A large (toot On hand a.l da. .I;ab:a paiterni, for salq, w X holcante end 01011. by aEty J. h X ELI tlt+ t Ll i i2r omit. CARPETS. OLIVER 31'CLIN OCH & COM ANY, HAVE JVST /OPENED For the Spring Trade, =99 NEW CARPETS, 014Ieths, shades, &c. Attention le called to one One Meek of EIBROIDIRED MLR AID rim COVERS. GreatMagi!' Prices, sae irxx•ps wxrti ST. m•V:.I3 I,w Uifil) H pl~ti Manday,March 21,1867, L W. BARkER & CO.. 59 Market Street Whosi w• will exhibit NEW SILKS, Plain, Figured, striped, Checkered, Chena, in Black, And ,11 I. Newest and Choicest Colors .4 Shad., .d In all qualities. NEW DRESS GOODS, The stsortment embeetee some Ity diet Tent Linde. mot the ettotoe , t to tem HOUSEKEEPING GOODS, BED. TABLE •FO SHEETING LINENS. TOWELS, TO. ELI NG. - ete. MEN AND BOYS' WEAR, Clothe, Cassiesserts, . Satinets, Tweed., Malone, Jeans. .Erin fetes, Die., WHITE GOODS, Jaconet, Cambric, Swiss, Book, Nainsook, Mull and Lawns, In PI Ain, Barred. fltrlpt4 a❑l Fl_❑red I❑ gnat varittr. MOURNING GOODS. Shawls; Dress Goods, kr., = OUR PRICES Tut tsery thing nay haindsol by Ike fullo” quytttlun.: At 12 , ,1 BEAL:TT/lit. TAtIT 01.11.1) riuNTs At 111'0, ' At 11 , ;,. Gottlt Rtlt&,lA fIAASH: At ft.,: ri , t , ltt WRING .• At r , fit TA ULF DA3 AtrIAL A YLAX: At Z ll, Y.atra stzaand.tuallty TOWLIA. fir Dou'll f.ll to examine our lame brflre rue che,lng. MYERS, HOPPER & CO., SE= =I FURNITURE Of Every Description. SCHOOL OD OFFICE FERNITURE. No. 15 Smithfield Street, Furniture l rtmcnt of Pittabstrah Manufar lured mu tautly on band at LOW LOT C/LISLI W.. J. lifTY2B...tfle. V. uorl'Lc...o. A. NYLIIP 11111=,65 3IISHLER'S HERB BITTERS. THE GREAT HOUSEHOLD REMEDY. TO Tat PUBLIC.-1 boys this daf opened • BILAJSOLI I.IOIIBZ for Um solo of Mishler's Herb Bitters. In the City of Plitzburth, and have authorized A. T. YADNUTOCIL and D. M. HOLTON. se my Agent tonally on end manage the tune. B. }MIME& LARCAtTnn, Muth 14, DM. FABNESTOCK & HOLTON, Wholesale Branch House, 28 DELoa-lmot 113troot, =ll Sold by all Respectable Druggists; .tbetr Si - W me e ask but tr ial al to oonvlnce any one of dlcleal y. 11111SHLERP8 HERD BITTERS. MEM TEAS AND SUGARS. 1300 D CORKING BUGLE. 10 IDi. fir la 00 1 SS 00 1 00 TABLE P XTRA 00011 BTST CYTILA C TEAS. Another large last of FIIESII TZA.. of last car gout, Direct front China and Japan, MMTI Per ahlpa Conttantin. Malin Castle; J. B. ,ompt I.lor everything OVOL) AND CIiZ.A r tini way of Teas, at about 20 Cents Below theCom2on Prices. ARTHUR KIRK, 172 & 174 Federal street, MEM TIOATLNIN.--For Sale at the Boat hove or tho Ariel Barge club, Bald.. mom !dd., a olz•oared all ELL BOAT, built by Chas. B. Elliott. of Greenpoint, L. I.; la In per.. tectonic?, and as toed as new, having been used hut eight times, It will be sold far 030. For %orator In formation aorta toll. LE WIN ST Lex. !coop atresi,Balillooro. Ma. mhiAral sizonT -HAND VP RITING.—A perfect haowl•dga of this valuable art taught In Lea . short and easy lessons. by s mac, tical reporter from London. England. Each pupil tooth; separately and at any * time to suit their own concordance. Apply so =3 1,3 STORE WITEELIBARIIOI9I9; multratt W9F.C..IIAKROWB; 1 , 1 BKIO9 Wllllll.l l / 1 110.0Wa; 10 tlLtli WIIELLBAILUOWaI EXPlittra WA.U.S; Lt/i/IT 81'9199 al 913055; A COAL WAfauStl; • • .• VAIL7I.; Morlited Ilubt 6134 Tamed gprAit au hold sad rot at LCSCaaNt Nit Tot W9PII. tatP j.t t r oruaLia.Karn Q. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. IRI- A N ORDINANCE FOR THE A • PILVVItIIIENT and extension of the Ellett Ward Olsr•ct W TIM pr, It is desirable that Mr present Mar. ket House in the I Ifen Ward -could be rebuilt ertneeeif rue t e grentre aOS" unfu /cation of the cltreiss of the Filth and Atnth W >efts of the ' We l L;c h aTerrYift the NU!! n or.l *l(.. • l of l'iltsGurgh. fr. Are:Liana C,Nrnon ' t , ,,..l asserstfol. not. when Me elticeho of ! mild wards shall subscribe the amour t necessary for rebuilding the cement market Louse. In sold lifts word and for toe puma.. of any Monti grontcl watch may Co noce sssss for the e ellorrement thereof, they eh !II suMplit to Conn ell, for belt approval or itenctplnfent. the plan or plons on wiles they purpcse to erset the same art I :whoa the told plan or pious shit hove been opornved by Councils. the sot.l subscribers tnoll appoint three of ttelemember. to tel Is eatt• pitiztion with committee Or Or Immo number ! In Cc ac uy Counefts, who shell constr. tote a toremi . to Lu known so the • Joint !Lidding Cumml s t ecor the Fifth Ward et sclict.” Whom dots it he to carry cut the p COT'S. I lous of tis ordlascce Sod to Den that the sell I markot I . erected In !conformity what fhe Plano ! opproL ed of by CouncUe. not. 2 :LIM Committee Mali be oppoloted to act until tile Urat tagullettieefirg of lA:arena In January, lees , or until to! Ir successors mail he dey epp stmt.]: and slier* !month of tont , tee, in each !Lear her e (foul:rile and the ealli subscribers than appoint a Committee to hold their offlcee and es cente the duties threes In enjoined until their successors shall Le dull aelled. bonne. Mat subscribers shall be •nthorisedlo osect a new Market Muse on the Armand now ccupied foe that PpePose , end tu PnrLltu. 4 t only grounds if Weldon. If t ho Irons oPPrutto by Ccurol• oh! II redu•re Is. All contracts fur the purch• re of gfrfuods awl foe the work and anat.:Ml for tile erection of budditlys shall be Made by tan! subscrsh et to ouch mantic, as they ratificationOpfr P 11111,3 I. I the' oppress' ant ,:r the Jolla oul!fling e.ommittee of Fllth Ward -Markets: Precid,J. that !! rit e f hall Lo In no meaner kund fur their futhll• meat. eh, 4. If ant milltionol ground shall to put ll crfset fee Bald buildings r placket pur•ose, the tole 00 the same shall h e moofe is aro Maine. Aldermen and (Wrens of rittsbutalt, and the property shall be vested In said Motor. • Were osea ifte..u. of Idttsbargb. toil e d "'• tlllCenprovlstuils of thlsordinancf. nil. the r of tlo. terms Iferalt proyl.l.ol, shall be come vetted in said Moyer. Alderensu ant clti. sena orTiftsburgh•tsoottely. bse. 0. When sold Market noose shell Late Lein rrectro In conforMlly witty this orfil 000 " , sal. Jolfsl• Cotonfitlet: shall eststfliall regal..ttons fur LIA "overawe the `tame and •unIcIL tire sable to Cortnclts for an. weasel or •mennufent. and it staff Le - the dote of tilt:Joint }MINI gl!ommlftecto elect •Superlu [rodent of ••1 , 1 (nth 'A a doe ek. norm, who duty It woff br, It! !ler the dire coon of sold Co .0 utit!ee.lo take