The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, March 27, 1867, Image 1

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Be Fifth etroolt.
F. 93.; PEAAIIIAA, =H on .
T. P. pov swan.
ar gatio tAl lt P li . l etan, /kat " ... letana‘a.
Sle Copier 3 " u "
Delivered b earner, (per era"
Matt linbreltberl, (per yeerl ....."
Lliaral reduct!ons to tievratoor. l . 4
Three Collie., Pee Tenn. hr
Tire do.. do. do. exit.
Ten or more Corte.. to oat &damns, fled
one free to club. °etch
Artificial llamas' Eier.
.1141Utited without pain, by Dr, 6pencer,
Denlist, 2311'01m atreet.
of canned rrotts arta Vagetables, ant wig
be sold as cheap as at any otheL4 housoln
either dry. Call fultlegartave and Judge for
YoUrselveN at No: 112 Patient' stralt, Alle
gheny City. 000000 110 tO.-
Also, Agent, for tLewell•known house of
Stephen Y. Whitman's , ceiebrateal
.ttelphla extra ano Cream "Hoe Bona,"
"Chocolates." faraoads, Walnut. Candy,
Drava Drops, .tc., de.
-The hest Candacted Restaurant
the eity,ls that:oat-Mental Saloon, Fifth
street, next door to the rostoMee. Mc.
Iloltzlatimer, the enterprising proprietor,
bb o ,-,, bow to eater to-the hungry public,
and has long stood first in the opinion of
epicures. All the delicacies of the season
are served up at tite shorted t notice at most
reasonable prices. For a good meal, call at
the Continental. The daily bill of fare sur
passes any offered at the best hotels..
Hazard St Casiwell's Cod Liver Oil.
Tbo Yeresteml 9s - cetoot COQ Lvor 011 In
tini world. manufactured from fresh
. 11coltIly livery, upon the aca-shore. It Is
Perfectly pure tool sweet. Asir for ' , Hazard
Cits - WelPs Cott Liver 011,” inanutuctured
CAswett., lace 8 Co. NOW York
Sold by all drug gist. I.lw
Tho Ladies' Salem, attached to lioltahel
ituer's restaurant is the most convenient,
fitting place in the city to take your.
Inartner for 'supper from evening sociable,
,I-Or balls. The Saloon is on Fifth street, next
II door to the P.:m.14111m
Wishing a first rata article of Young Ifyson
ltyson Tea, cannot '.do better than try A.
Klrles best Young Hyena at $ 1 . 5 . 0 , the same
as many sell at a 2,00. Cal at 1711 and 17 8
Federal street, and try for yourselves.
To Country Merchants
We aro offering full of Staple and Finny
Dry Liam's, at Eastern prices.
J. W. Darman t Co., N0..59 Market street,
uo to Fleming'. Drag Store.
For Barnett's Standard Praparattons of all
kland, camper Item nor other place to the
city. •
to Fleming•. Drag Store,
No. 83 Market street, for liroirabi Vermi
fuge Comlite, the best Worm Medicine in
Nola Piopriotoris
of McClelland S Co's. Rat Destroyer.
Base d Dncrr,
• Druggists, Allegheny
• Pesten, Medicine..
'Patent Medicines for sale by
Kssos .VDnerr,
Druggists, Allegheny
Pure Liberty Lead.
Druggists. Alif.gtiens.
For ewe by
You tUu Buy
/foreign Liquors al all kinds at Joseph S.
Flnch , o IntlMary, No. IE9, 191, IW and 135
You Casa Bur '
VS per cent. Alcohol at Joseph S. Finals's.
Ton 411 Buy -
New Hope - 6L o.pla B. 'Pinch's.
liober; L. Walpole, a prominent law . .ver
of Indiana, died yesterday Morning.
The Tribunea Croto letter; of thdbith ult.,
says that the iniurgents haVe been succees
ful In two Important battles. The whole
Wend Is - aim!n in arme, and the people are
inure determined than ever; and will bent
isfled with nothing ehort of annezatioa to
A terribbie Lona prevailed at Atlantic City
during the latter part of last week- A por
tion of the Light HOMO Cottage olio lane.
dated. Abbot seventy feet of the. building
was carried away. The eds. covered the
town on Atlantic Avenue as-4ar as the
United States hotel and railroad depot. All
the cedar trees opposite the Light Uprise
were carried away. Such a storm has not
raged la this vicinity for twenty or thirty
D. Appleton A Co., the pnblichers, have
given 100.000 t"yoks to the Peabody trustees
for use in the South.
The steamer City of Limerick. from Eng.
land, nna Palmyra, from Liverpool, arrived
at New York y esteritaS.
Thurlow Weed took charge of the Corn•
meraW „AdreriDer yesterday.
Major G. B. Newton, chief Merkel the Ag
ricultural Department, has resigned. I
Thu Indian delegates are ' , Wend broke" In
Washington, and await an appropriation
from emigre*" to enable them to reach
home. -
Farragot Ls in Washington.
The Erin ker 11111 Baptist Church at Boston
was Partially destroyed by itre yesteftlai.
The work of art incendiary.
Brady I Co's Elevator in ChigagO. was
destroYed by 4re yester day, ., Losssls,ooo.
Mayor Thomas of it. Louis has been re•
nominated by the Radicals.
The "Groat Republic" left Evansville yea.
Tho Senate Judiciary Committee will
, prohably report in favor of Senator
-sines xi:solid-ion for the trial or release on
parole of Jett Davis. It is expected that-
Concress will adopt the resolution, and
be released in n week on personal
An enthusiastic Fenian meeting was held
- at Norwich, Conu r yesterday arming. A
• company of Yerdans paraded, and money
- was colleete
An extensive fire Occurred at Ottowa,
Canada, on Monday night. Loss estimated
at latOtiih Insurance, IMMO.
The Fort PhiiHenrneY rismaßere.
ST. Lome, Starch 2t—The Repuld.oants St
Joseph special RIVCS the following account
of tho Dart Phil. Kearney massacre, derlv
cti by the Commission from some of the
Crow Indians, who received It from the
Sioux. The Sioux drew our men out Of the
fort and killed them. All out men fought
like tigers, - and could not have been mat
tired eo cosily had they not kept to closely
together. The combatants were so mixed
up that the Ind lan I shot arrows and killed
several of their own party. The bravery
of ouc bugler Is much admired, he having
klllwl several Indians by beating them on
the head with his' bugle. They say there
were only sixteen Sioux, and four Chey
ennes killed on the held, but after they. en
camped ninety-four warriors died of tholr
wounds,and throe hundred others wounded,
nal( of whom they: expected would die.
Ono big Sioux chief was among the killed.
They mention one man, , on n whiteners°,
•' who cut na Indlants with a single
stroke of Ids Sabre, and they say when re
lnforements /left for the battle field, they,
the Indiam,deft; having had enough fight .
TherOvrere ?,L0 Indians engaged In
the flubs, and the strength of the coneen
trated tribes Is reported tat SAO lodges,
which are now moving towards the Yellow
btono and klinseuririvers.
Fresich rrosi Law
Now Your, March ca—Ad vices per Nesto
rum state that in the French Carpi Legisla.
mild, the President laid before too 'louse
too new bill upon the p_ress and the righof
piddle meeting's. The following arc
the principal Zeotnrea of rise new press
lawoutborization re
quired to establish is Journal Is sup.
pressed • Imprisonment for offeneas
against tbo press Jaws Is abolished; the
amount of tine which may ha- Initiated will
not be - less. time oneqlfteenth nor more
than one-half tho amount of the caution
looney; printers and publishers aro no lon.
ger required to take licenses; the hill makes
310 mention of any change to the amount of
stamp duty.'
Harder by Bucklers la Schuylkill
Pariantts, Pa., ilarchZ3.—On Saturday
night four robbers broko into tho house of
Ilynty Rapp, a farmer residing near Brisk.
- ton. 4. neighbor, named Jacob Johrison,
wrnt to Rapp's easistance, when one of the
:sy,shbora shot down, and wounded 31r.
Air. Rapp stabbed one of the
-re then Sod.
I \ •
:•• ' , ; ; ' H
ft , I
•-•-111 50
Consolidation Bill Reported.
Special Dl.p!ttell to the Plittborgh Gazette
Mr. Eighans reported no act to consOlidate
the cities of Pittsburgh and Allegheny and
surrounding districts into one corporation.
An act creating a general Jury law and
general registry sad election law was
Mr.Graliam had resulted the act to change ;
the venue in the case of Mr. MLlituger.
The following private hills wore passed:
An act to relieve John Verne., Treasurer
of layette county.
An net relating to the County Treasurer:.
of Allegh.ny county.
Au act creating an additional return day
for prone. In the county of Vehanue.
An act to authorize the Supervisors In;
Collins township to levy a tax to inakeolde.l
Au act to authorize the Bargees and Town
Council or• Stntroaburg to borrow money
to improve said borough.
An not to Incorporate the Tidloute Rap.
road. •
. .
Ao act authorizing turnpike and plunk.
road companies in Allegheny county not
paying dividends to increasutheir rates of
toll. •
An aetto authorize the School Directors
Of the bormign of Irvin, In WelitmoreLnid
county, to borrow money to build schools.
An net to authorize the School Director.,
of Nob:comport to equalize the payment of
An act to organize the Idonon gabela City
and Victory Turnpike Road Company.
An act to take tue sense of the people of
Indiana county on the prohibitory liquor
The Pittsburgh City Pollee bill, and the
act to incorporate the Sandostry and Irwin
Street Bridge Company were stricken off
the calendar,
07075, Much 2G, 1
Mr. HARLAN reported a bill to incorpo
rate the Lincoln Monument Association.
The bill to amend the organisation act of
Colorado territory was passed.
A joint resolution was introduced to re
strain the issue of As-rim:literal College
scrip to States lately in tel•eilion till they
be representod in Congress.
el , . MORTON Opposed the whole syitem
under which the scrip was lamed. as DM, -
lag into the bands of speculators. The bile
was passed and goes to the President for his
The bill to fLi theist of Juno as the day
upon which the bankrupt- bill will go into
operation Wan referred to the Judiciary
Committee, aftefthe rejection Man emend.
went changing It to the lst of January•.
The Vice President submitted a common!.
cation from the Secretary ot the Interior,
atattng that Department. was 'unadvised of
any suspension of work by the Union Paelf
le goad nod was unprepqrod to recommend
any legislation.
11r.1.105112. remitted from the Committee
on Claims, with amentimmits, the Busse
joint resolution in relation to the chums of
certain Northern creditors, which was
Mr. SMILVEIL Introduced a bill to enforce
several provisions ot the Constitution abol
ishing slivery, declaring immunities of cit
izens, and guaranteeing a republican form
of government by securing the elective
franchise to colored entrees. is provide,
that every eltmen shall haven right to vote
In every state or Territory- at all elections
for federal, State, or local °Meets of every
kind, on equal terms, without regard to
race or color, all State or Territorial emisti.
Unions or laws to the contrary notwith
standing. It was ordered to Ile on the ta
ble nal to he printed.
. .
Mr. TRUMBULL reported the House
joint resolution for adiournment with art
amendment. but by wuy of substitute,
the Judiciary Committee recommend' in
lien of the House resolution. thus the two
Houses adjourn on Thursday next at twelve
After considerable debate several propo
sitions were made and voted down. 11r.
TIII.IIIIBULLS proposition was adopted.
Tees 21, nays IT.
The besets went Into executive cession
and adlourned.
On motion of Mr. TROILte, the Attorney ;
General was direited to report whether the
title to 'subtle property at. Harper'. Ferry
Is held in fee 'simple, or merely in trust by ;
the President for specific one.
Mr-SAWYER presented the memorial of ;
the Whs.:untie: Legbdatnreaskleg for en ap
propriation tor improving the harbor on I
Menem°. near. Referrals° Committee on
On motion of Mr. BENJAMIN; the Score.
tary of War was directed to famish cornea
of the correspondence between Cept. witz-
eld, fertnerly•Provost Marshal of the Ilintls
District of Missouri with the Provost liar.
Ethel's Bureau, in reference to 1 he loyalty of
the peopleria that district.
Mr. 00.1111ELLYegered a joint resolution
In relation bathe mode of payment of mil:,
age and compensation of members sad see
more. Referral to tifirJudiciary Commit.- ;
toe. R
Mr. , GRISWOLD poked leave to otter a
resolution directing that not more then
four millions shall be withdrawn from
culation in any one month.
Mr. BROOMALL objected.
Mr. EGO LESION introduced a joint MSC&
lotion providing for the necessary surveys
for the ahip canal around the Fella of the
Ohio, o,
was passed.
Mr. SCHENCK - Introduced stinted reeein•
lion authorizing the employment of Brevet
Brigadier General Seth Laatrean, In the
decoration of the capitol. e
fog nvied.
Mr. COVODE resolution Instrect
tho Committee on Public Expenditure
to lannina Whether any /ogle/Won was no.
cesaary to secoare the prompt payment of
bounties 1.0 soldiery, tinder too law, looking
to an increase in the clerical force in tho I
'lliveond Auditor's 011100. The resolution
was alopted.
Mr. BUTLER called the attention of tad
members to the feet that Mr. Bingham had
revised and altered andmaterially changedl
the Globe repOrtel'a manuscript of the per
sonal debate last week between himself and
Mr. Bingham.
Mr. BUTLER then laid on the desk of the
members, a printed pamphlet,
as thy
report aawrltten and the report as printed.
In this proceeding as milnt.
unfair. In ,defense of lilt own assertion
made the other day, that Mrs. Surratt was
Lining without entliciont evidence, he a:ergg.
ed that John Wilkes Booth's diary, winch
showed all his movements preparotory to
the aasassination of Mr. Ltnceirs, was kept,
from the knowledge of the Court, soil DOW
It. appeared hand been spangled by Leming ,
eighteen pages out out, after It got into
the hands of Government. Lie saki Mara Is
still rmtalning In the uteri a remark
able inetsuce within tow bourn be
fore Booth's death, and goOtol from memo-,
ry, follow,:•'l have endeavored to cross •
the Potomac, five limes and felled. 1 purl,
pose to return to Washington and - giee
ea t
self ep and clear myself from this • great
crime.. 110 contended that this piece of I
evidence would have shown In his jueg ,- 1
'meat the whole taco. It now showy Oat
Booth up to a certalu hour meant the rap-
tore and abduction of Lincoln, and that hu
chat:zed his purpoeo and resorted to eases.
blnatiOn. If Mrs fiurralt did not know of ;
this change ehe would have had .no
edge uf the intended tuessamation, ant
therefore could not havenen convicted.
all the testimony had been presented at ;
the trial we should fusee been chin to par
ono the secompllees and find out who It we ;
that changed L.lootll'e purpose from capture !
to assassination,• whO -it was • thet was to
profit fly assassination and that womid not
profit by capture ot .Lineolui who It Ns - est -
should encooed Lincoln in onto tee asses.
ain's bullet made a vacancy. . 4
i t p /1151,1111111 re 'ln tio. excite.
Min and hurry at the Lime, -it ee
paned that the report of tny reply to tbit
llMWeman was the most imperfect report of ;
remarks ever sent to me of any remarks ;
made by me in this Iloune. Any gentleman
may examine it and will fail to dad in the,
corrections a single acouration that is not
by express words or by necessary Duelica.
Clone In th e reporter's note.. defy his •
luny. What change to ho complaining
ell That / said be halt condemned without
knowing or caring for evidence. 1 - say
so yet. If he is -the lawyer he is
reputed to ho, then ho 1. to be
pitied for _e 10100 here • and arraigning
la peers Or not eobeentlug to admit the •
testimony of a man aecueed made after the
fact. I defy him, by any lave:Ugriclen
0111011 he dares to institute, hero or any
where Otto, to show that any cot - M.411.-
110 n cu ne Into my bend., purportlo,„.• to no
the production of .1. Wilkes Itooth, that Was
113n/0 after the fact, and long after the
tact. le there any lawyer to America or
Lngland who would ear the words and
aleaargtrOrm or an =glued felon after
the faCt,_:l3 urinenee, Which the Ade
Tonto -of the lioverarnent to bound
to nitwit 'ln any cJartl I treat with
eOntemtge and seem any Intimation from
any quarter, that I or my airoclata counsel,
were under obligation to admit any each
eVitlenee;the tale doe: not renulre it. The, the growth and gathered
Of a thousand yearn, exeunt,. It. - Per
hat, that great monument of wisdom arid
learning to cot equal to !ha Incomparable,
genii. oL the Ineomporablo hero of Fort
11. her. (Laughter, which tlm Speaker at
templed to suepreee.)
31r. titre Lilt tried to get In a remark
here, but Sir. 'In:GUAM would not lot him.
011.11110 tout the gerttletattn from 510800.
0511,005 had no right to aelc Myers at his
raswi.ui contliviegli I never saw ,
any memoranda by J. Wilkes Booth which
il3•ll.teil idly plan or motive by which ho
was to carry out his projected conspiracy;
looter saw any such thing. and I ant not
surprised that the gentleman would not lot
mu two the book winch Le put Into hts
Mr. BUTLER again emayed to tualro an
o,pi o pai ion, but with no butter ritual%
Mr. BINGHAM] said No, dr, I don't care
about. it. Having refused to let me see thu
book on v. hick he ba,ed his charge, ho may
now itattatd the example been in the vision
of the upoealypso anti turn round and eat
it. (Laughter.] The gentleman talks of a
spoliate.' hook Who did ill That to about
.In:cresting an Inquiry as that which I re
ferred to the other day. Who killed
Cock Bobtet Who knows that it is
spoliation if John Wilkes Booth tore
the pages out of ill Was that spellstion I
The gentleuyan'A words are as impotent
as they aro unwarranted. "Let the galled
}Ado wince, my withers are nwrung." 1
challenge him and dare him, here or any
where in this tribunal. to assert that 16),e•
flitted any book. Sa.ll a charge as
withbut a tittle of evidence, is only llt to
come from a man who Het, in a bottle and
is fed with a 61)0011. (Laughter.) What is
the other statement here, showing the
heartlessness of this aetusattoul
au utter disregard and contempt for
ail decencies and for all law. It is
that I controlled the evidence in the
Conti. The trentleman knows that I was
not tho racial organ of that Court. Ile
knows recorder was the Judge Advocate
Genet,' Of the United States, end yet I am
to be at fault beam. 1 did not overrule
the °lndia organ of the Court. The gentle
man has undertaken a bulk entirely. beyond
the powers, arm only proves in this thief,
which ho has undertaken to do, that the
executofs of the IVar, en ale part, in this
Instance, as in other e, is by no means tap to
the high and sountihig manifest. (Laugh
ter.) Let the gentleman read the argument
on that subject, amt lot him snow ver erela
IL is false, mrropt, malicious, or unJusL
Mr. LIU TLE lt tried to make a brief ezpla•
lathm. bet Mr. PIKE and others objected.
Mr. ILIMILTON ttrAliD leave to
offer a resolution reciting Montgomery
Itialt:s declaration that Mr 4. Surrutt was
improperly convicted. and Mr. Butler's
declaration:to the same effect.and directing
the Judiciar , Committee to Inquire into the
matter. Chtlectioni made amt the 1101100
refuscd to suspend ruin, to let it be offered.
Mr. SILIBLOCK introduced a joint resolu—
tion In reference to the sale of marine 1,15.
pilot at Evansville, Indiana. Paaeed.
Mr. WM; TPr ELL, front the Judiciary Con
mit tee reported baci Mc. Donnelly's 1,111 In
teference to the payment of membersovell
a substitute, providl tat diet Sen :Lora, mein.
hers and dele,ratei. baring taken the oalh,
alma be entitled to receive their pompon-
Cation monthly. The eabstituto was ogre :
to and the bill hca,d.
Mr..ELDlil D(11:. from the Jndletary Con..
mitten, reported a joint re.ointion deciarin,r
the meaning of the ...out! Of the 1,71.
of Mateo di. led, relathr: to property 1001
in tile loilitnry rerviee. raseed.
Mr. LNIVIt COLE. t011io,) from the Judlcl-
Mary Cointalltee, reported a rutollitlOn
TeCtlag the Sectetart - of the Interior to.
trithlloloi Ito !mining of patent , . air...tint;
the title of the rancho grants In California.
The SPE SHER presented c letter from.
the Clerk of tno House sterol:: that he had
furnished the Secretary of Ctato with the
eupplementery reconstruction,uet and had.
been Informtal the Secretary "toad preted.'
note It.
.3lr. IX/lint' t LI, reported ails:11 maktog
the fuller of Setif , ' tor of the Court of Clattes
burette, in the culice of Attotoey,Cienee.the
int - jtinnate amendments to the Ilmom Mit
to increaso the force La the Patent totnce,
aim concurred 1n...
The Senate amendments to the House
johit revolution, relative to the claims of
certain northern creditom w a n referred to
the Judiciary Committee.
Adjourned. -
Great Eastern Sailed for New York
Financial and Commercial
I.trsaroor., March Z.—The coal:aside
Great Eastern sailed from thie port at noon
to•oay for Sew FurL, which ray . Lilo will
leave on the 10111 of April on her first trip
to Brest. As also was about to sail nor
steam capstan aeoldenttally slipped, in.
atantly killing two men and woundlus Sev
eral kitherd 7 7
TRENCH Cocoon.
Loxnex, , Starch Xi—Eceninor.—T be English
Government has neelded not to persist in
chiming the return of Latairande, the
French forger, who was taken from Canada
ender the extradition treaty, as it was
claimed illegally, but reserves the right to
do 3) ahoold rho hereafter renew the do.
Loam", , Nicren fgh.!.—ln the
/tense of Commons, to-night, Air. Gladstone
spoke against the Government plan of re•
lore, and opposed the second reading of
the Ittfonn
Di.patchea flora Coustantkuople elate
that the Porte will nuvur consunt to glvo up
Cam]la to Groceo.
Lirkaroor., Mareh 26.—Tho ateaulabip
Kangaroo, which lalt. Now York on March
lath; has arrived Out.
rmels. 31arch N—Ereniny.— American
bonds b4N.
r/MANNYORT, March 2n—Errning.—Atocri•
can ponds closed at 77X.
lA - Mods, March 26.—A - col.—Console 'for
money. Oh Eric. Illinois Central, 7.9%;
mired States bonds. lyu
nn.. March W.—Yonne—United State.
rasserntrr. March :,):.—bon.-I.7nitetl
States bomb, 75.
LIVSIII.OOL, March 241. SoMt.—Cotton
quiet; sale. 7.000 bales, at opening prices, Os
follows: Middling Uplands, 1314; Orleans,
Bread'tuffs quiet. Wheat, 134. dd. for
Miami:LeeNa.). Corn, 400. 3.1. for slued
Western. Barley, 4s. 7d. per 00 lbs.; Auseri.
can white California, best grades. Pie. cd,
Oats, 33. 3d. per 40 les. for American end
Canadian. Prorbdons unchanged. Pore,
3fd. tsi. per 31011,1. for I:aetern prime mesa
Beef, 1254. per 301 lbs. for extra prime Plow.
43.. nor cwt. for Cumberland,
Chemise, Ws. per cwt. for middling Ameri
can. Lard, 344. (41. Produce—Petroleum,
lid. per gallon for spirits. and 10a. 00. for
Pennsylvania reline•l. Rosin, 9s. ed per cwt.
for common Wilmington; 15e. for flue. Tur
per wAtMeorri spi rit..
. Cloversbee
as, per awl.. for polo. Iron 51e. WL4028. for
:notch pig. 440. Oa r . per cwt. Lin
seed 011, .c. per ton: Linseed Cakes. .1:10 per
ton, fur r)
thin oolong fur feeding;
p-r cwt. for Calcutta. White Oil, I'll
per 25: gallons.
to;rone r Marell nsols closed steady,
at 91; 5-201, 71; it Illinois Central, Lrie,
sa ld y.
venroot, March 2 0 .—Cotton inert:et
closed doll, with a .11,elluing tendency, nt
the following nuthori , ed 311.1.
tiling uplands r3:1“.; middling Orleans:ls%4P.
tales today of 7,050 beim Breadstuff* mar..
cot quiet. Corn declined to it , for quarter
mixed western. American Barley 14 cld for
6011,x. Outs—Canadtan and Ameriren, 34 :id
for 45 lb, ProrblOn 111,111)t
Ol oo3 f. American Lard Pod ad per cwt.
Spirit+ Turpentine Cs Sd par eat: Aebe'—
l'ot.sslopercwt. Scoton Pig Iron his ad@
&‘ per toy. •
Preparing - as New :York for the Chef.
era—Quarantine Matters.
New Yriax,../Isrch 61.—The Quarantine
" COUllllls9iol‘ols are waning very extensive
preparations In view of the antimpated
visit of the epidemte of cholera from En.
-tape during the coming summer, The west
hank bollOings cannot possibly be renal,
for use before mid.aummer. The hulk of
the steamship Illinois le now In the lower
bay, and receive" all slek persons brought
Into port on shipboard. The hospitalchip
Fain= will Soon be scut noire to the bay,
and application will be made to the Biro.
t ary of Wet' for the eV:Amer:llp Empire City
• W.,;
Nominations Acted Upon.
A. it MOTO", Martal., 16(17.
aomtsirlose CCNPIIIMED,Op 11,111CTED.
The Sen.° to-day contirruod the follow.
Ing nonainatlone:
itegletor of Laud Unice—lV. S. Winfield,
Ironton, 511±iourl; !leo:fiver< of Public Mon•
ey—J. Redd, Ironton, Mo., John E. Phelps,
Springfield, BilssourL Also, a number of
brevet anpoinunients In the army, including,
those °Co:Peers deceased.
Tne Senate rejected the following:
rostirmater—T. P. Metter, Itolli, Lib; Ro
celver of reblic Nionay—Caleli It. Clements,
Dearer, Col.; Register of Land Office—
Eitnuel Kneeland, Springfield, Mo.
ADJOrr.3I,II.::, overrule: •
It is stated on good authority, that the
caucus title!, induced the Sonata to recall
Ito reaointion for adjournment until Doom.
bor, and which likewise ahaped the action
of the Clouse to-doy on lids subject, tern in.
Violations from General Grant and Secretary
Stanton, that It troght Ito injurtous to the
progress of reetraatillethla, molder the mitt ,
tory bill, for Counrms 10 adjouin until De
cember tetthout ploy Iston for coming to•
cattier I . h the meantime if necessary. Troutt
le to alio anticipated In Maryland daring
the netting of the Censer/von a gist is to
frame a nee Constitution for the State.
Prominent Wt.:teals of Maryland bare been
asking uld front longu es.
,:OYrAXA PON!a CEi ark,txrt.
lorortui,,t,oo IVI.I rut:caved, WIVaJ thatlthe
llootnoa bontla, eupp0. , ..,1 to hart, beeo lost
in the , outlrern kohl, uew York, hew boon
FllO3l THE
John 311 nor Molts tinabhed—Tho
fro N'ote—Urn. tifterielan to Remote
Mayor Monroe—rho Grand Army of
the Renee'le In ' , mouton—Outrage*
In Sort,. Carolina.
Nstr Yong, March 26,—The llerabrA Rich
mond eorrestmedence. bays c John Minor
Botts recently called upon General Schofield
and gave some advice regarding tile Inall•
ner In which the new powers delegated to
the General, as Commander of the District,
should no appited. No reply was voucti•
rated to him, however and hu lett, feeling
himself annbbed.
The proms are all turning their attention
to securing the negro vote, llnd Hunnicutt s
paper intro) the colored people ageffist
voting for rebels. In Louisiana similar
efforta arc being mode by the politician.
Who, a month ago, ecru defiantly bout on
not voting at all If the negro did and their
late leaders did not. Now they mill upon
their leaders to uterine° themleives, and
the negro. to Veda with them old masters
and be. , !monde.
• 'rho Ilret net of General Sheridan under
his now authority, li. is reported, iii be
the removal of Mayor Monroe the
•esalou eaunkipal government. Governor
Weill and the [general; Who haver been rue.
mica nines the riots, have resumed amica
ble relation,
The Grand Army °Rho Republic, an ASs.)•
datton of 01s:barged Federal soldiers,
numbers over revere thousand wen In two
o:' the State alone, and extoud.
Ind all over the State,
Account+ of • tenalu. outrages la North
Curultnu are still reported.
Republican Ra'Meath:n:l Meeting at
cuarloason—Tercblight Pince".lola
by Negroes—alrect ilnya *Mocked
Cuard.r.s . rog, S. C., Marall 23.—L Mau
meeting to rutafy the Republican platform
lately adopted by the Union League was
held thte itfiumoon.• Four or live thousatid
negrota, of both sexes and all ages,
were present. Your White and several
colored speakers delivered edam*.
les of u radical character. Among the
unite speaker, were United States Marshal
Epping and Solon Robinson, of tne New
York Tribune. no meeting was followed
by a negro torch-light procession. To-night
the negro.. made several attacks on the
Street curs and took poitaMrdou of one of
them. Inc cars :tr. now guarded by
!icemen, Considerable excitement prevails
throughout the city and there are grave ap
prehensions of runlet trouble.
Atepbonit In Porta-110 fa Ignorant or
tar ll:priming In Ireland-11m .opin
lone latlonalo',•-on the Fenton More
Nan. Vona. March ti.—The Paris cones.
pondent of Ito LarillollSunday User be says
that Stephens and a number of American
, orlicers aro in Paris. They aro itulta Moo.
cent of the rising 'ln Ireland, winch took
theta by surprise.
The cpinlons Nwfmude, of Paris. ha. On
article on the Fenton movement, in which
it hints that the United Mates Government
connived at the rebellion, in the Interest of
Russia, as a n.eans Of embarrassing Eng
land nt a critical moment of her diplomacy
on the Eastern question. •-
Break In tlie Levee et Lseenla Circle
Ai ex rain, March N,—The levee at Laconia
Circle, Arkansas, broke a tow day. since,
and the rehabitanta generally came here,
being compolleg to leave. The city anther-
Wog have chartered the Northwest to carry
seppliPs to tne wagerers along the river,
and tile Chamber of Commerce hsa ap
pointed a committee to collect supp Ll..
Nsiinvict.c, klatch .X.—/tiver falling . , with
14 Ireton shoals; weather mild and showery.
Arrived—Aipha A. Baker. ilarkosville.
Departed—Tyrone, Cairo; General Sigel,
Sr. J °Barn. Mo., March 53.—ItaMaud snow
and a twavy deer tall last night. To-day
the weather hanbolm clear and warm.
Meow Mores le the Went.
Ilitwavane. henry snow
sterm prevailed west and north and north
west to-day. The hictireger and Western
Railroads of lowa are blocked up entirely.
No trains are running. The other roads are
all right. It Is storming still.
the manner matinee announced for the
bonnet of rittsbnxigh Division 41, of the
Sons of Temperance will take place. A fine
piece, wait the characters admirably env,
Is annonneed. Tho entertainment will open
with "Dirlamis Crime," and close with
"Toadies" the unapproachable, while
magnificent ode will bo recited between the
piPees., The proceeds of tile entertainment
lio hlnillv bestowed on the (Modem to
aid In furnishing the now hall. Let the
house he crowded:gm,' weather or bad.
Orme... 11w:sm.—Emilie Melville'. mecca..
1n Pittaburgh 1, always a Pure tbing• There
lsa delinhtfol freshness and naturalness
about her acting that is sore to attract all
losers of the drama. and to charm all whom
It attracts. Last evening, notwitbat►ndiug
the dw.eourrnting weather, the Douse was
exceedingly well ailed to alter,' the beau.
tlfol mar seine In the "Pride of the Blur.
ket" and the "Salts Swains." The "Pearl
of tOtvoy" It on the till for to•olglit. No
danger but that the Louse will he full.
VAIZIETter TOltAteN.—Mine Florence Tom
ple and her ad ml relay trained horse Fro tlp t
draw orowde nt the Varieties, and the on•
tlinslasm trended provea that the crowd
feel exceedio , tly well paid for comma'. The
company at the 110000 hepr.rt the Blur
well and the whole entertainment Is a
Credit to the management.
NORM Country Women took their Ira
- hies to a ball at Allianee Ohio, young men
tending the babies while the mothers dune
oil one sett. They changed tiro clothes of all
the youngsters, so that each mother took
the wrong baby home. Slathers who took
boy babies to the ball found that they bad
brought girl babies home. Consternation
In a dozen households. it took two days to
regulate mothers.
Why Not A T—.t onrompondent
Pertly waltes: "The ccuorlation of adllntp
ton, of hotter county, Is not the only nor.
prg feature In the cp.e. On the trial It
waa shown that others armed with deadly
weapons were In the UPI, and tr not prim
elpals, they worn certainly 500U1 , 01109 to
tto murder, and as each should ho arrested
and plated upon trial."
-4 -li. 178°
7-4" . • " z
FOURTH PAGE.—The "Airett and mos/ r
liable Stoney. C.:4 and Produce 3turkeg Er
ror"( given by anu Pii.l , 6" in th. city, <an bc
found on our.Eburth hum
A Protect- Awniubs ,commildation—
Aewersige Asiessmentir queeilact.
A special mooting of the Councils of Alhi.
ghony elty wasiseld on Tuovany evnalng,
couxoa Corm ad.
Members present—Meesre.bunham, Urea•
nen, lailisuber, Karina, Ingham, Kirkpat
rick, Megrair,. SlcDonald, Jlk eil, Reed,
Smith. and President
Theminates of the last n ml spo•
Mal meetings were read and approved. -
The President stated that the inviting had
been called for the purpose of receiving the
report of the Committee on Sewerage, con.
Mitering• the question of consolidating the
city with Pittsburgh, etc.
.saw annseas aoarprxn.
Messrs. 1)111 and Windsor, members elect
of Common Council from the Manchester
tiltriet., being present, the oath of omen
was administered to them by Mayor Morri
son, after which they took their seats.
him/MM. Matteis.
Mr. McNeil presented the report of the
Special Committee On Sewerage,to whom
was referred 0110 remoustruoces of partlc3
aseessed for the cost of constructing the
Cowers on Belmont street and Woatt:Orri-
MOO. 'Thu CoMeadtee slated that they had
glean the s old cot dud cousideration, and be
ing undecided witpther. Councils had the
power, atter the approval of the view, tore.
roomier their action, had ottednet all nn.
inn from the eelicitor not!. or nest lon, which
was anhenitted. The Solicitor giving it as
his opinion that Councils hare not the
poser, the emu in ittee reported That the an.
liegednools cannot he altered. The report
was accepted and ordered to be filed.
Mr. Dill offered petitions Dem citizens of
the Manchester district, praying for the re.
linhoreensent of as,eehulontel heretofore
made fur the adoption of an ordleancelevy
lug a general tax for that purpose. The
pet Divot were remised and flied. ,
Mr. Swill, offered the following, which
SIAN adopted:
Reo!red. That the Comilaitteu on Streets
and sewer* be Instructed to report at the
unit meeting of Councils the propriety of
petit lonimr the I,o3lstart, to repeal too
act of Map 1, 1681, relative to Ithe Present
mode of building sewers ln Allegheny.
In S. C. laid over.
Air. Dill offered the following:
Erzereed, That the Street Committee be
reeur4ted to meet on Washington street, an
the Firth ward, on the VI h Instant.
• Mr. Dill stated that the street was at pre
sent being paved, under a protract entered
Into by the Into borough of Manchester,
and Ina It would ...Insane for tee Com.
mitts to visit IL and Inspect. the Improve
_The resolution ass adopt4ft....
Mr. English stated that It was an:Inn:tool
that the Inil.yroolll be brought no cm Than
day. and It would he ncce,hary to tutu
naediato actlthr lu order•to be
Its passage. The memorial [Mould be ergo.
ed by timmenalwr4 or 0001011 a s o da emu
notten appointed to proceed with It to Ilan:
Mr. Drum stated - that Cannella had had
the .4: mean.. of nearly every. member of
the Lettlolature from title comity:Oral the
ron4olidation bill would. not be brought up
thG session, and Mr. tiralmm LW prom b.ed
in no , lfy Council:4ln ease It oil+ eiritSti
They had. howorcr, wafted until I 1114 letc
hoer aml were now • endeavoring to
.snake" V throng!. Mr. Drum referred fn
v, re severe Mariner to Mr. tiralettri fu n
glectinc to faint hi, o.mtie.
Mr. Mrler eald ft wart :a fact that there
wristlet a member of this Leitlalatoro who
thought Mere, his duty 10 look tO thu Fritz:r
ests ai/ey hear City. It had been sup
peewit that Mr. Benham would do all he
intuit for the clip; but It appeaval that he
had elm forallgru It
Mr. Mr:Prier raerod that a committee Po
I APP , Meted to Prellatsla atlitable memorial
In all of n.
action not otiroliio terand Prwceed with it to kineri. , hmelr. AdOP‘ -
ted, the Se:vet Connell concurred.
Mr. Ingham offero , l the following re3olo
That the Committee on Nae
Warda lot Imitrumed to hold a meriting at
is earlif,t conventenco to prepare some
loan for a /1101.100 of ward*.
Mr. 11111 tamed an amendment that throe
members from the Duly dlatrlct 110 added to
the Committee.
Mr. amith etatoil that. he nag chairmen of
the Committoo on Nett tiar , te, mil would
Rae to Lave an intelligent Idea of what
would he
. expeeted. of It. The taxable In.
hay..nos of.the late tior onigh or Manche.
hi While the Foe ri it ward 'mothers
If itira.l proposed to create now
faribi, petit:or. hho u id. he sent Into Conn
Mr. liiiii'stated that ifs city was enth:Cly
reerematted Ly cirri:to:Y. and as .1 he mfN
dbitrict et:danced more territor; tl :un any
two wart!. ID the City. .110011i1 4/111Altd.
rllO re oluttou wt3¢ opt. d.
Mr. Wluoeor oll'orea tan following rebolu..
Linn, whlnu to 11.dOrt , Lne
Re-:4rrd TisatAL. , Viltarf Committee tweet
nt tno tlith axnl Ibeßl On Th..lay, th,
I're, Dram. flogilah. Han.
Irwin, 31oLtiera:, Ilylor, ratter,,on .1. C.,
ratto,na jr.J. ii.,
Thorns. and Pre,Oduat McMinn
Tao Prosttlent un noun ent that the narot•
tag orao called fur the par po,.e of cansidar.
tug the Cornioltd...alon and gm:a
Sdr..l. B. Smith moral that the marchers
of Connell [tom the Fifth ward, late Mao
ahoster, be admitted before proceeding to
Tho pdditionst Cannel tmen (In I,,Lcloct
broach) worn Mossrs. Mothers',
and Pace. Tbo !attar w. not Vre,ont.
The others preeoutod tilemselvta, swit
sworn In by .114 , ,0r Mon 'eon, end took.
Mr. Drum moved Ito appointment of a
coati - antes, of ave—two from Um aelect and
throe from the Common Council—to pre
pare a memorial remanetrattog azainat thu
propound xt for. the conpolftlation of tun
Cities of Allealteug and Dittt burgh and
surrounding bomages, veld committee to
report at It Joint meeting or the ' , repeat
tt..asion of Gortaells. Tee re,olution WOi
adopted, and Messrs: Drum and Mylor ap
pointed on the comauttec in behalf of el,
feet Councils.
• • -
Mr. English desired that some member,
Informed us to the provisions 01 the pro;
posed set would maim them known. lie
MiclorstoOd that It was Drummed to consult.
date the debts of Um different municipal
ities and lovy. a lei to usy the santo In
twenty years. in that else Allegheny
n °old be requirtal to par a considerable
portion or the debt of Patabergh.
Drum stated that the bill had been in
the hoods Of aettator had a ,, pt ,
It In his possession until a few evenings
since, whim It woo submitted to Caucus or
Alleihthy county motets-re, lie (Mr.
Drawl had understood from a member of
the Lug ndaturo that. It was designed to
hurry the 1 , 1(1 through at once and hence
the necessity for Itamed.L%ta action by Coun
- .
/tr. glyier spoke in opposition to consoli
dation and believed that nine-tenths of the
citizens ot Allegheny were opposed to IL
Tito question of the power of the Inside,
tore to interior° with the charter of Alle
gheny city being esteem Dlr. Nall read from
the Litt) . Lode
Section _X MV. The Legislature reserves
the right to alter, amend, or invoice any
part, or the whole of this °barter, At any
time, when it may bo deemed expedient.°
rending the action of Common Council on
the resolution for tuo appointment of a
committee On mornonal. Sir. A. L. Smith
moved a inspanston of tho rules for tile pm ,
poseof taking up other business. Carried.
ide.Snilth then presented a retnOniitranco
against the grading and paving of ncuool
Street, as authoriZed by ordinance present
ed at last meeting of councils and referred
to Street Committee. TAO remonstrance,
which was Rope° by ItilohlO A /lel/bine,
was referred to the Committee on threats.
The Clerk of Common Council preeeuted
the report of the Special Committee. with
the opinion of the City Bollottor, relative
to the euwera on Wind Common end Del
mont siceet,the muicsamonm for the same not
Wing oomidored fairlyaadcqultauly mwle.
Thu City tiolicltor we. of tun opinion Unit
the Connell. Imolai once approval the no.
comment, had no power to change it at tide
late deco.
• • • ••.
It appearing that separate committees
had tic.. appointed in seduct Council. one
ou the West Common and the Other (rit the
Belmont PtrWL tower, and that the report
was hut from one ememittee on both sow
ers, President MeDrier explained that but
me coormittoo In both eases bad been ap
pointed In Ino Conitrion council, and the
Clerk of that body hail taken remittance I
only of the Settee there (anon. however, I
It amounted tootle and the same thing, as
the powers of - the Council. , had been ox. ,
haneted, In the opinion of the City Solicitor,
and no further action could he taken. . I
Mr. J. C. Patterson stated that it had been
gnaw:sled to the COCIIIIIII.OO, for title reason,
to take tuition in the case of both sower*.
Although their Instructions were to report
as to whether aseessmonte wore fairly and '
equitably tatieu, and although they were
satisfied the assessinente were eel so matte,
some of the property being bonelimed fifty
per cent and IMMO fire per cent., yot all us.
sassed alike, the Committee ante ustopped
in their conelderation by tho legal queatiou
In the matter, opportunity for affording
to aggrieved parties having Passed.
To report, therefore, that the new:Samuels
were , unjust, would hal. been useless.
' Messrs. English mid Thomas were not.
satisded es to the ignoring of ono of the Se
lect Council committees, and contended
that there 1•03 no report its to the lielmont
sewer, and in fact no proper report ill the
other rise, for the reason that the Commit
tee bonnet reported, ea instrnetetl, whether
tie assesamentii were fairly and to ultably
made: The report as presented only refer
red to the 80hC2Orn opinion,and nothing
was said concerning what te Committee
were specially appointed to consider.
Mr. Prate:seen was willing to have the re
port antendod by striking out any refer.,
cane to the Belmont street sower.
Mr. English said this would not mend the I
matter In the ether case.theCOMmltteentit ,
having reported as instructed.
Mr. Themes—A letenberot the Cetimmittoo
I Mr. pattetsOn) states that be Is satisfied of
the urSustnesis of the naisesement, to the ex
tent of forty-five per cent. In same cases.
Why hid not the Committee so esyl Was
thee. no relief for aggrieved palliest;
Mr. HMI stated there was no alternative
but to pay the tax. tie was of that opinion
from the diet, when the special tioMmittee
was appointed. end if the report was refer
rod back,tedo whleb indisposition was morl
fmtedi he would itek to be oatmeal from
- =_
.erring on the Committee- Mr. Potter-on
.uld he ,t mild alto dcellnn• 'further serving.
A moti o n to concur with the Common
Council, In tile acceptance nr tiie report
prevailmi, and thus end.) the coioroverii
for the present.
tar the present.
Mr, J. B. Smith .1..1 whether UII netion
of Cannotls wav eccossury to auilieel. o ten
Treasurer to paw to contractors the money
In his hands collected from parties noire.
Mr. A. D. Smith replie , l that the law r ro•
aeribiA Iho tlutloY or tho Trounumr. aud
that Coe:wits t o ol really nothing to do with
the mutton.
Mr. Drava, trona thu Special Gomm ill ve on
Consolidation, reported Out a memorial
had bean agreed to, whereupon tho menu.
bars Of the allect irroceedod to tho chain.
bet of the Common Council.
Thu CoultnitGarreported the followhth:
We, the undersigned, nun uters of the Co.
lect. cod Common Councils of tho city of
AliogbenY. ln Joint Session aosentbWd, hat.
lug learned willitnatelgnedantrprisoPial , a
6elheonstitutedeoututhtne.purporiln g to ho
tho Board of'rude of Pittaburgn, aro about
to urgo upon your oouore , do bodlee tbo
pasimau of a bill to consolid stn tho cities of
Pittsburgh and Allegheny and tho sur
rounding boroughs; end having also lezrno , l
but LllO hropoged bill is harly to be -tune
Lino. tit) tnoreby selonntly, earnestly and
flrm , y proton agalrtat, aunts pr0t,0,04
acGon. We cannot conceive, gentle.
wee, that you will consent to 1,1,11 from os•
Istence one of the rained cities of the
Connuouwualtit. bitch la,tlunta Opty tit for
the dark ages, or for WM , . suburban arlsto
crat. We believe Vinton communities havo
a right to swore therusolve4 in their own.
way, providing the; do nothing repugnant
1,11 thu !num of t h e Sotto or General Govern.
anent; tee hOlitnre, further. that It tho
bounden duty of the law , making power, to
protect the people in their enamel - ea rights.
We, thorornro, Int behalf of our een.Llttl
ens, con.letnn any . /o...,lnlittiOn rblatlVo to
our anoint that if not to.lrutl ter by en.
Th., WlWl:lit WI, also suoutitted the
lee M. 111111.114
_ .
Apo/yeti, That thn Prealifents of Councils
atinnint a Committee to Mumma to Haut:—
burg to protect itt the Dams of tilt, city
and people against the purpose,' leg - lilt/-
Resolved, That auy tuember of cur State
I.liglslature who VIII.. for icstusali.l..tlon
Ille battle not Lavin, been aidieti for by any
COnauletable nutober or our cltdzens, anil
we believe 1.50 11011111 to lie an attempted
outruee nu our righte—will theroby lortslf
our confidence and esteem.
Armfred, That the COM tll lit. he Dud rir -
led to CAI' on the tiarernor and urge upon
hint, should the hill he ims,ed, the Minor
taupe of vetoing the name, and to assure
Min that lie writ receive tho heart•ldt
thanks of the oily that gave him the larg•
est majority in inuportion to Its vote of any
city in the State.
Mr. llall stated that no member of Coun
cils had any knowledge of tint provisions of
oho bromated hill of eonsolidation, and in
rie. should ho walla into It.
Mr. Melirler bald that some reaenne against
consolidation gtynn In Inn useurn.
runt. Ile thonght It utight tat caters up in a
Letter chore.
M 7,111011.4 tool: exception to that por•
tie. of the memorial which treslumated our
brethren ever the t lrer us "suburban aria
The tea - crane rles:ton •e•,. then Intro
•lneent and disco-Getlat t onotorable length,
hatihentre any ,h•tinite ettlon 11.0 been ta
kon, the joint no•otinn oak d,•,„01,.,1,kmi
the members of nelont Connnll rt tired to
table Chamber, ' • , -
.. .
Lm •I rig . no 1 urther ~ :.tilm. -,,, ...I've( COllll.
oil adJourna,l.
• .
Au Invaluable Invent lort—A Rorie
chance fur el•king • Fortunes—A
Lath Machine.i
IV° yeatorday hod the pleasure of witness.
log In operation a plies of new machinery
which se destined to Work a compluto rove,
bitten In the mituufadture of lath In this
country. At the saw palli of McClintock
Cochran, corner of Itabli and Butter strcels,
In the Sloth ward, Ls upon exhibition the
celebrated American Litt)! Machine, the la
vention of J. C. Brown, from whom a heavy
capital stock company of Now York ber
tha-al the lettere patent. T. L. Birch,
the Superintendent of that company, In now
here for the pnrposl seiling State and
county right, for tl° machine, and we
would direct the attMition of our readers to
Ito great advantages over the old Enact:On
cry used in cutting twit. The fmnehine
Dom:pies but little space and can be ran
with water or •totim pea er. Aleg trout one
to four feet In diameter, cut fresh from the
forest, is drift cowed late pieces of the dn.
street length of the lath,nity shout four feet,
midis nlu.xwl without any atom preparation
in the centre of the [outline and supported
by dota or chucks yin the centre of each
end. The power applied. it nearing cylin
der, lilt knives Set in a line parallel with
the flaIMl of the log, In brought by antornatio
action ngsinet the surface of the low,which
it indents and divides, forming lath of suit
able width and thickness. By the same ac.
lion L axed belle, twin serums connecting
It and the worms: cylinder, is .broeght
contaot with the burntou of the log while In
motion, and pares on' upwards crone thou.
and complete and perfect lath in one min
ute, the log revolving twenty-four tones in
the same time. Increase Of power will in
crease this extraordinary speed.. the ma.
chines are so constructed to stand ovary ef
fort. When it lx takun Into eon
, stdoration that oho manufacture of
lath by the present machinery in 040
Is a 'slow and tedious operation, requir- I
lag some amen Or eight porsmie to tort out
ten thousand per day, the marvelous cape.
city Of the Americao Maelitne will bo oo
!fly sopreelateit. The lett, are more per.
I feet nod uniform than those manufactured
by machinery now In use, and much mono
sellable for plasterers purpose.. The blades
of the snoring oylluder Doing rout-distant
and liked, indenting au equal depth end
working automatically In eumbluation with
the stationary parted knife, cacti lath must
be a duplicate of Btu other. Tana lath
has a level edge, 11 cut With the grain,
that securing too full stroligth of the
wood cull is du iuindiy an Improve
ment,. ersou that now in geuerai use.
With one of thoco Mariano. In working or.
der seesaw mill no fear aced ever be enter
tallied Of EL failure In Allpplying the demand.
Timber cannot be one to more profitable
advantage than in making lath by this ma
chine, for there Is not the least aeatkge,
(uosaw dust resetting from the Cal I.ln it)
and every inch utile log la uote,marketu
ble and will find purchasers at all times.
la Chicago Moue last year us lawn than
wow of late were need by builder-. and a
correapond Mg quantity 'ln (Hod I.IIrOUROOnt
Elm Unloa, CO that Not supply ,7111 not for
many years at !mil be gorged, by the intro
docile,. of thin new 111.01 one. lly the ego
01 the American Lath cutter manufactur
log material is largely increased, pa it will
prove hereafter profitable to ate and work
up discarded native limner°, such ea pep.
Inc, cottonwood, elm, Mb, eymntierc. E.J.
be. The field for manufaaturing lathe nerd
no longer tin Confined to Maine, !Beeman
and Wtscousiman the material being Indef.
fancily Increased, it will pay to produce
lathe in one State es well Isis to anOt her.
The Superintendent of the Company will
be found at the mill referred to at all boors
or the day, and will show the machines to
Operation to all who tray Oniony to call.
The tale and GlCliiait a right to use the ma.
chine within Certain prescribed territorial
Multi, and, to sell the prod net thereof, will
be sold at removable prices by Mr. Birch.
We critic:llv° tine to ho the cuoet wonder.
ful inveuttou of the ago, and to parties buy-
Mg patent rigida IL will certalmy prove lu.
matte beyond c sores:don. None of aloe beta
lOrtVoeS in this neighborhood or atiJolnhig
Staten has yet been disposed of, and parties.
_to Invent [multi at once mill at the
mill of McClintock d. Cechran, nod have Cu,
Interview with Mr. litter!, the gentlemanly
Supeflotendent of the American Lath Com
pany, who will' afford all desired
Common Pleas Court
!Intern Hon. Ttionlas Mellon.
This Court yesterday was engaged In the
trial of the Emeanut threes:, C. Fie esma's ad.
ministratora va. J, Heron Pester. Altar ev
idonco woe taken, arguments undo and ciao
Jury discharged, plainness council took a
non suit, altar which the court adjourued
Until Itonthxy, when the January /let will
be taken up.
The Aldermen wish to assist to pro•
aervlng bettor order to the oily. but like
other people will not worn without pay.
Take away Mar jarbadletton In “summa•
ry owes. altogether or . elso allow thew
fees as heretofore ' That would be the
"square. thing. Tile argument that they
would, as some bate done, appropriate noes
sad forfeltrrree to =elf own use, Instead
otpaytng them over, tenet sound. Jangle.
•tratosaro as amensdllo. to the law the other
folks, and If. . they. thne Offend the; ehOuld
be made surer.
~"$ 1..., I m 227
~.... ! • ___.., , , /-•
4 .
Oyer and Terminer, de. ,
reforo Iton..intoe,ll'. Sterrett.
TblaConrt met St .nine o'clock Toe.M7
morning, and procr , v,led with am
Cer,II:O.I•LIT Yeti), Cteoirietaey
—Commonwealth re. Aicx_mtler dioniti—on
trial since Thursday ti! lt.t. week. M.
bwartswelder, E'q., addressed the Jury on
be. is rill or the 4letense, occupying an hour
gwl a ,jeerter, tied making a Meet etas or.
unisot, fully susmintek the high reputa
tion he bears en it criminal lawyer. lie was
followed by Teo n as M. Marsh s 11. ho
pmsenti4 thu case of the prommition In
the strongest. light possible, and with that
eminent degree of ability which hue char.
acterined his practice at the bar for aliened
of twenty years. After being charged to
the Court, the Jury were item ittea to take
dinner bolero retiring to deliberate upon a
verdict. , The cur,e 1. trouclialial :spout
half.past twelve o'clock, when the Court
took a retrial until two o'clock. At 3.30 the
Jury reiurnCil with u von:tic:of o guilLy."
Mr. Swartz welder moved for a new trial,
and suld he wOula Rib mimes within the
minima time. four slays. Moffitt, the de
fentlast, lemOvest hie recognizance.,
Dorm Wu reassembling of the Court the
cam of the Commonly-alai vs. John tool
Luther Way, brother., ltblisucti for the men
dur of Wllthitn Det.llo, was called. Judge
Mellon came upon the beach at the areal git.
Men, the law ri qutring that two J edges
shall sit In homicide trials. The prltioriers
were duly arraigned by Clerk zircon, and a
jury obtained without reuch,ditliculty. The
counsel in the eain tiro W. C. Merelaml, anti
Jelin Datzeli, Ewis , with Col. Dutf, Diet' int
Attorney, for the Commonwealth, and
Thomas M. Marshall, Esq., tar the I.l.cfcuse.
Thu difficulty which resulted lu the hom
icide, took place at Wire's tavern, on the
tiireenabarg turnpike, ariout three miler
real of Turtle Creek, In Verealllei townchip,
Cle the lab of December last, where Dodds,
the deceased, w Ws others, went laVlelgh.
Whilst there a enamel arose lad wcen
Doilda and John Way, which ended lu the
letter attacking Dodds with an Don (real.
digger's) pick, striking elm In the left bide
With such (ores as to penetrate 10 the depth
of come Inches. The nearly instrument, It
19 alleged, muse furnished by Luther Way,
the younger brother, (and a mere boy In
~ p enrallee,) thus eating and abetting In
the he:Melee. Dolls died two days after
tie the 19th of December, from t h e .000113
of tee wound recriVed.
The ca-o wit opened on behal fof the Corn•
tnen wealth by Mr. lialzelt, (recently admit-
tell to he bard who tiredly unit very clearly
detailed the facts which they expected to
prove, and upon which they would claim a
verdict against John Way for murder to the
flat degree, and read from tile as. et liii
batrie vs. the Comm°. wead the definition
y the Supreme COLILL 02 the law of taunt-
Michael Maids testified to. the death of
William Dodds, Ids Mother. Dr. intern
(Sore who attended Mtn, testified that ite
cettie'd bill a wound tu the 101 l elite flee
Inches tram time seine and
two nod half lathes along M. ninth rib, and
ttenetratlng 2.0 tile Client. The wound was
Made with a sharp luatrumont, not a knife,
and wee h ock serily land; death 1 I , :j
from the sh to the, aye... lir. bunco.
ly wink atm , attended deceased, teiiittled
anal ' the wound which wee nearly square,
when the ores 'wait elevated, was between
the 111111 and sixth ribs, extending forrodil
and upward to where It entered the chest.
Vittorio: hea ken, a botcher, was prerout at
Wietis litt,ern when tbe itgair eceurrol.
John Way had difficulty with a black
smith named Thomets barber and was
knocked down severa rimed by him, After.
wards With WWI dizpll t in;; with his brother,
when 'rotas Interfered, 2.2.1 pll-210a[ 11 110
11 0, when W ter, the taveriplreeper.esught
Dodds, telling ethaVi not- your business,
let them glit.e Lather II ay rhea got a
soot-digger's pick, v. bleb he mine to his
brother, John Way, who then sullied to
°now come on you a oi 1.11
killyell." Dodds said, -What, yen call . me
_a s— of a b—," and went trowai Way, wile
raised the pick. Dodds leaned to the right
w fiends upraised as If 10 grasp the pick,
but receive.] the blow In his kill mid, Way
dropped the pick and ,ran tint of the tav
ern, Dodds followntia but soon returned
nnd fail open the floor bleeding pcotuselY•
tin crosf examinatton, gelkan stated that
Way ant earlier had adlitleuity about a deg,
atid the former was knocked down three
Mmes. Dodds caught Way by the arch and
said, "we'll have rte it ,Ming here, you don't
belong to our crowd." Wier, who nail been
standing mart, talking to Anima., caught
hold of Dodds and sold, °Matti none of
your business, let them light among them-
Dodds did not strike Way, only
pushing him.
tleorge Wier, t he tavern keeper was next
called. The pick was produced and Identi
fied as the one need by Way. This 015500,
corroborated the testimony Of Keskati.
[DoildA, the di ceased, was stated to bane
been about [May years ot age, Weighillg
2010112 Orte hundred Suit fifty pounds. and
considerably Older, heavier unit stouter
than the eider Way, who, alum:tub sparely
built, looks robust, and - Is pesitteued of at
lord an ordinary &moan of tnitiole.]
Further corroboruthis ertileim/ was giv
en by Colin Lotus arid Watson Means.
the U sed ming. Load el Way Lie said
no was a filend of clarets,. Before strlktnir,
Way retreated 210105011 Z the pick, Dodds
went towards rt e sail puttied Wier atido
when ho attempted to stop him. Mr.M.ns
stated that he saw Dodds slap Way. All
parties had been drinking freely and were
a ttlltt le warm."
Thomas barber testified—Have a black
smith shop opposite the tavern. Went to
the shop, and beteg told there was gent
be another Ines, looked out. Way was say
ing something to his brother Luther.
Dodds then CRII3OOII/, (the [dram took place
on the porch 'af the tavern) and struck
Way; witness heard Dodds use the name of
of witness; next Saw Way with n pick; be
knocked the snow elf tt; be then raised IS
up overhead, kept woolen It, saying "stead
elf;" bodds went toward htm, aboving aside
Wlar, who had enught hold of film, and an
Ito attempted to grasp the pick, War
stopital back nod sit not the pick in Ills
(Dodds') tide. Witness was about forty roils
John Churfleld testified that Dodds fisid
Sarber was a Mend of his and would tight
(or him. From tan 10511100 le welch the
portieu were at the thee supposed that
Dodds would bane grasped the perk had act
Way stepped beck, awl ma tin did no gave
the blow.
. . .
Jame. Si Itch el I. who raw part of the a Mar.
testified toot Way kept retreating Wren, he
got the plea. and alto afterwards. saying
•keep ogn or ..keen bask,^ at be bed Mu
weapon upraised. The tient between Way
and Barber took place but. a few minutes
before Wald. was struck. barber having
ruorcely readied ins shop . before Way and
Donis were ouarreltng.
The wife of the neeessed was called and
identified the clothing he wore at the time
of receiving the injury.
Of!icor Wtinsot Lstilled that he arrested
Luther Way, who adulated suit he had
given thy hick to his !moiler, and that he
way MO badly scared ha did nor know w hat
he was doing. This was the only evidence
11.4 to his identity no the purson who fur
nished tha weapon.
Thu Counnonwthtith having closed their
anon at 535, Court tullournud till WedticadaY
Oliver 711'Clloterk A Co.'s Carnet
Houma. 23 FULL Ntreet.
Prominent among the mercantile honscs
which connect thu curly businesi history
with the present, and which fur years hove
marked the progress of our commercial
grow•h And prosperity, stands that of Oil.
vet 3PCintock ,t CO., ImporLers
In carpets, NO. 2.1 Filth street. Estab
lished mUny years ego lit thu grandfather
sir the present proprietors, wile was sue.
ceeded by their tattier, the house has mead.
ily knot puce, with the times, and toelav
standsae outs ot the reprercutal kvu t' eel
cosinerps of the country. Thu tra nr de.,
which irons a Uwe beginning has enlarg
e,* low imumuse proportions. lam
been held successfully against all com
petition.' by a correct t. 5 easel of bus
Mess, from which tleVlallOn Was never
made, The merchandise kept for sale was
invariable marked at rt asOliltble price". ZiO
false representations were ever lteitl out to
secure patronage; carpets sold were of the
beat quality, and 'wove.' even more than
What was reprmentml. Custom socored was
easily rotamed, and it is little Wander that
oho house now enjoys so enviable a reputa
tion. The sults of salatroorne accepted by
31ctilintoule a Co. Will compare In elegance
met general Collsomience to any In thorast
shies. The grin have eh hand an ton.
menus stock of goods, w blch'W eto put e based
previous to the passage of this tatltr,aud are
thus enabled to' oiler ramerlur [ood,o
to the purchasing COllltentatv. They Ileal
largely in Velvet ' Brus.els, .11 grain. WU
tone, and other sty lea awl qualities of door
taierings, together with Lapeptrles, cur.
nt, oil clothe, ruse. BMW rode, end ovary
Oleg usually Mond In Orel class establish
ments of similar Character. orders for
petS,lrilittintlit, or oil clothe made up ready
for putting down in e,centzto «twed
rooms, passages and halls ere earclutlV
tilled, by skillful employees, no that
the diflieulty of a tilting Carpots,”
which perplexes housekeepers, Ls ell•
II rely obviated. The senior member
of the firm recently visited Europe where
lie spent considerable time In err:wiring Inc
stircat ItlipOrtnt.iOn of Intelitil carpets, ao
that the peters; stylus will aim aye be forma
at. MeCilidoelea-at the prim:3llold by East.
ern importers The facilities enjoyed by
the dem fur the purchase Of Amer:elm Man
ufactured goods are also of the moil adonis
timoous Charrieter, and the benefits aro be.
stowed upon purchasers who favor this
house olio their jtatronage."lhe card of the
firm It* another column. •
Tr. Thomas D. ELllert, Allegheny.
—The nitmerone friends and patrons of this
wall known and popular plh .Schur, will La
F!,l to learn that be Is rapidly toeuretiag
from tits late severe Illness. and expects to
resume prattles In a few, days. A number
of the member. of the bledlred Sochty hare
rOlnnterred to relleve him p,r a time
li nlifbt pra r tico. - A enMpllment vrtil
deserved, am, gmliarOualy aCcorded by his
preferslenal Croihern.
1 t
j „o
' I
:1 1
The Dispatch and Mujer McCarthy.
The Pi yesterday very liberally de.
voted nearly forty dollars worth of local to
disprove Mr. S icholsOn'S statement of facts
which appeared in Monday's Vaxellr. re
warding the recant police raid upon Mc-
Quald's house dt" Wilktnuburg. We aro not
in hunter to enter into any further centre
vent; upon the subject. especially since our
neighbor's argument has neltherpoLut uer
merit. Its design is transparent. The coin
*ally flood not be informed that the Die•
I,,,reh is moving heaven and earth to turn
the current at public opinion azainst May.
or M...t.srtny and his admmistmtion, and
01 111 c/roe upon the most trifling mrcum•
stance to make capital to accomplish Ito
01.10. The game of elevatinu the in irides!
to kno . k down the cancer. in about , •pl.ased
011 L" to tills community. if the Daputelt has
another candidate for Mayor to shove upon
the people next election, let it so announce
to order that Its readers may not be left in
t . a dam us to the r• al motives which inda•
coo the unjust condemnation of Mayor Mc-
Carthy and has very exertions police force.
Allegheny County holdlere League
At a meetlez of the strove anoclatlon
h'd last evehteg. the following gentlemen
wore elected as oftl Dere to nave the ensuing
PreshiPnt—A. P. Callow; Tice Pres'dent.—
J. S. Edgar; Secriary—Jobn U. 8 , 0n , n,
AsbilltHitt zroretary—J. P M. Ilundryi Cor.
espuit , llng Secretary—J. R. Orley; treas
urer-4.C. Sample; Trostees—J B. Boner,
J. 1 , ., D. R. Williams; Sergeant. at.
Arms—W. F. Altana; /tanagers of Ltbrary—
D. 11. IVilllama. A. Patterson, J. B. Bovril,
J. R. Oxley, R W. Laos, Jamea D. Duncan,
J. C. inertia, J. S. Edgar, J. Y. lloliskathi,
T..ticSnimer, noun,. Wexterman.
A Shrewd Detective was , ha who wont
oul Berke county recently to. Ohio, to
bring bark a prisoner on n reqUisitiou from
Governor Geary. lie went to the howl, rev
latered his name, business and =stamina
and thou want-our. C mink back ha mot
tile m ua h« WWI arterosho had jolt boon ex.
sunning thu register. The" Detective did
not know his man then and old not make
Ma acquaintance aiterwands. •
F.ngineers , melee.—The freight • angi•
neer. Ott tilt 1.0111101.41 , 11 Le Railroad hate
....truck" 1146 , 118 t a rednct,icni of • their
waaen Iron f#6,50 to 45,4 q tier day. Fear*
being entertained of an attack by the. of
111,0 t
11 tbe new coat:w Ne elt pollee toroo was
nen to West wigh, ontiay.night, hat n ot
othing necurred regal' (till interference
of the of/leers, and sanyed handay
evening. •
Twice Married - live single hour Coos
not often become a. matter of fact. t'Sot
long slime a clergyman in Allegheny mar•
ned a young etnipAe. Alter the ceremony
tne groom remembered that he had a ring
to Ins married' with and =elated that he
should be married over again. The minis.
ter compiled, and the fehow got two W.d•
Singe whale tne clergyman got but one fee.
tome Cbl.diab Facile Finders say that
the police are never outside of the Mayor's
ohio,. Others equally childish • say that
none of the police are ever in the Mayor's
Other. The truth la that there are chimps
or more oflleera in the office 1.11110138
.1 away by scrotal duty"auat th eca whose
duty does not keep them Inside are attend
ing to outside matters.
The Street Committee have been au
thorized to inquire into the practicability
endadvisibility of the Nice Lam, pavement.
1/11 well. Meantime MO Fort Wayne
ittilroad Company are likely to get per
lel,,tion to try Ito pavement at their own
ezneesc so that shrewd I'ttteburgh will see
themerils of the luatitutloa without further
Drowned.—Robert /tall, ship carpenter,
resh/Ing . oa Chart!era street, Alleaterty,
was drowned In the river, a short alntillleo
tvdow the new And Run ferry landing, on
nday, by falling ott a plank in en r.svor
nig to resell some barges moored at thu
phme. LIM body was rev:mat - ed. '
Daniel had better go, to Erie to fled the
Llon , s Duo. -I.lioness belonglugte
th.•re, recently honored the locality by pro.
clueing a litter of fire Icons. It is to be
booed that, when the cirrus moves the In
nocent gatteus will not be lull lying monad
Erie Is going to bo rid of corner loafers.
The l;431111C11a have passed an ordinance pro
hibiting melt sun boys from obstructing
rho auleweies. Erie will hove to reinforce
Ler eolith; or elos her loafers must be less
in number tinsu those of Pittsburgh.
Another New Adjuttment of police
matters bare to talked of. A bill is to no la.
trmluccd into tho Legisistum for,2bn catat.
Inland of police stamen boners, and the oz.
gantration of a board of Alderman 10 die•
pow 01 "common mem."
A Ham 111 disposed of was the ham staled
yesterouy aiternuon iron. one Of our best
to,ding houses on Third street. dome
Shill went the whole length of the 21.011a0 to
toe pantry adjoining the kitchen, stole the
haw, and got safely off.
lets °Metalay Stated that to many lc.
ealltles the supply ot water available
Cabo of Are Is totally Inadequate to the ne-
CeSSIt les of The case. The supply had better
be Increased or the supply of Ilse will be itr
A YOUNG L. 1117 ill Dayton killed her ell
rather rapidly oy tight tactog• She had ti
hook fastened to the wall, to whlct, she at.
lathed one eel or the corset lace, and pulled
to hard at it that the buret, a blood Teazel.
An of siorks should pace hose
In the. r buildings no that the watchmen can
at-once throw water to any Part of any
story. Thus tiros which defy the deplrt
mma could be governed by ono Mill.
Made" Paxstable.—Seemad street, at the
tto !road Cr.Blllg, yesterday, by the mud
laAna scraped from the gottera and the
water course °mond. May It be kept. SO. /3
the prayer of those Sr he pass that way.
The Artie:Mies of the Medical and Cleri
cat probbegon and, toe pubilo, is called to
the Effervescing Citrate of Slagneeets in
powder, prepared by Arthe; Eggers, Now
York. beg edvertlsement.
Many of the atilktutr Iron workers-or
rather non-workers-snd their families are
reported to be in a frlg.ntfully destitute con
dition,icone ot ch. in living on two menis a
day, and bon, on even one.
A Feminine L:nnouit yom g innu In Erie
bun been turning an honest penny by mak.
log some of the .011,1 mini there believe ho
wen , a {girl in Ohnslible. inTOlLlgatiOn
brought about IL denniionenf. •
A Slight Flee occurred lint swell:mat
about hall past to , o'clock on Railroad
street, DI ES►c Birmingham. A abed in a
brick) and w►s barnell. The damage was
The Esters to connect Sandusky and
lrwtn streets is pato ha built. Tao Lune
lathe calendar eas abridged by objecting
oil the bill previdtng for this structure.
Reps‘or Highato yesterday reported a
bill providing fertile consultdatlonot Pitts
burgh and I. surrounding boroughs and
townships. The tall passed the resist°.
The BM dividing Plttabargh Into four
ponce Match:us, published by us recently,
wan yesterday objected off the Legislative
calendar. So the proleet Is killed.
The Lawrence County Homicide came
It.. to have been taken no yesterday to
Court, but the Dodd homicide case was la
the Way and took precedence.
Flr•t ISaptiws. Thomas
Armßage, U. D.. of Now To City, prozm..
CY at tho new 114aptlst Chapor, ado morning,
at 10!:,' o'clock.
Corry Is like alrotber places awl has a
very boll,), men In It. Ile was very severe,.
ly burne.l by pouring oil on a Ire he was
The lindlaors of - belt the counties of
Ohio have quit listening and gone to talk
ing. They leave been holding a tneettag at
Johnny' Riotliey.ourniusolorr,-*A.
tiro, 1 o showing Mr to groN:, Alr, ,; or ;
among tho bruMero and fancy men of Le
flails. anew sad !Slash List evening.
It kieellll3 to nave been resolved that the sea.
suns shall be resolved into chaos.
The All sold•en' 1.4406/
bold a,regular raeuun2 Let night. (=mei
Were elected under their charter.
ILl•tter Minors= lit observed in the
Court room SUICO tho tipitayes haw, paid
more attention to enforce It.
A tined Appotntment was that or N.
Gr Utan MorPeY.E.CI.. to act as rim al.-
aunt for the easning sear.
Tha Flee Norettel pe9. n 1.. t coluDif•
Mont to the Firo et•rm Telotruph and
ttlose connected with It
The Palaver She Sleeker. at the OW.
Matsu last Wept, but never at the rut&
burgh /nausea-.
Sndpo Niowo suCcrtn fro=i 1n
sluva. Noumealota lo i ir
0133P/^4,1,. d!epc.
N •Is • S
So. IE4 ronrib strert<lto,4oritt. CoTrlti.l
of .1111[1.1k:• and every dr
koriptiqm of k LlZeral rmatlvlft 1.4004 k farutsb
e.). *000]; opeceil bay a.. 1 it2gbt. Heave
e. Ware, farttsbed.
1 , of ZIUNCIS-1,7: D•rll'S.prr, D. P
Nf. W. Jyrotras. D.D.,lllcFria..£vetur.E..l.. Ja
r h .1. Itlirfr
it T. WHITE f¢ CO, •
Slant:lacdtcr, Wood's nag tad vlttalty.
Corner I :llerdeladi'mfehairel•rs streets
Homo ?ma ptilated. •
••thr.l•a-acrt..• the Isrife , “Dhttf.
bom pl .re•q"...pulehre. except one. ID We eigttle
17, ont.oted ott ttr,hton feet% tmmedl•tre•
of Al:eche:t. ,e3rlat tote, pernalte
or Utiei.S.lL ws c,atra: Ilrug Sate of COOL
Wholesale Agents
American Watch Company's
No. 56 Fifth Streei,t,
WATCLIES. CHAti\l : . ,. ! AND
6 IVytio St., 3d thior from 56t6
S. W. ...... scorr
Fine Watches, lacks, Jewelry,
Pittealcour6kL. 20
Sir Particular aststaloo emit to Hamstring
Wotan.. elock. and JoscuLs-y. LL 'mark vans
1 4 9 1 S 9 IR ARKET STREET.
.91 . _
.... T,..
1 49!Pit. CI , 33 Et' g,
I 39 Markei Street,
•1113 GET YOl7ll. '
,„1 CHEAPLIT edit) 9 inceT
7L" Q=TY
j, 03 , 4.1 , CTION 4100 1 / 6
111 S. BOWL S 9 Market st.
S 9 S 9 N 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9
CAPITAL, $20,000,000,
Our Merchants and ik7 inufacturers.
Valuables. Freight. and Par
eels, over more than 13,000
miles of Express Line, at just
and liberal ra ees. sits• es Millions
yearly to Expi ess P It ippers. and
can be Wade perruauent only
by their liberal patronage.
This we hope to merit and re.
Office, No. 145 Wood Streetr
Will. LITTLE, Agent.
Enginc 'flu Lidera, '4
CLSTINO. Lgrht and He•ry. 'ruin to et•ee.
Martrtu, yof tyyry ileyerlptioa marmlac t •
ou •ho uotice.
Corner of Point alley and Duquesne way.
P.ITrB nu G 11, PA. -
11.0,111:011.1 neuct.a.rou• e uremia .
- -y.
1 . 12701,,,1, a.,arch 7 , 0. 16 6 7. .'*i.i... , ,-„, ~
NOTICE Tin COA TII A it. TOLL% !• ':,:::: %-:.
F. , 1l THE a. s t.i.: -;
Constr,uction of Public Sewers ,
oe the fallonr.s: et, ets, Ili: One on 7ltb in . " -- .7.... ~
Wax! —se don, St ooa so neeond litreat.. - . 4 . ;:. '..
A 5,,,,.., „ Oe on atereel "ryes.
Aseen—llne on Virgin silty, from Garry tiler .., 1 .-
t o 1,,,,,,y,rr t et, 01 I tc te,1,4 St Oho cane J . .. . ... .
of ill co.lercgatd. 1ti . .11 coal," Lull. 11.1 e, nor', i, ...
ill 11 , /I+ 11.3.1 NI tren Zan, de..:. epeelleatiooll4i,• .;!' .. ..
eau beaten at this °Mee.
11. T. moorm. •:' :to. -. ~:,
Ist6S•rl lles,rding It 410 ns- ~ ' 1
Tar. pLAce. TO BU
mos .a.m•
bleel_,lNTO '
Pederal Street. '!4 4
.1.1 8
Practical Furniture Manufact
LltiNt sty:os of TCHNITTInt consunt4 of
I:THE flit A PE%T.
The etmptteL The Stet •
u HEILER .1 WIL.101:21
iW.L2ll.,Nl7.2Tunty tH11210211 ,
Howard's Livery Stablii
?Ir. dare., near Mnnnneeneta Honer.
Brent att:ntlon paid to bartng an./ aelifilM
tala r
Biz machines, u... 1 buts alert tiam larnalt
n>ducert yrl,,es.
W. HUI - NEB a i 10.4.
fell 1:7 riftli lama. •
.7. juk.:424
bUCCEIOICI Tt) t a C ' ..f-
Ilsonfaxtoron of ' -
Nu. 11 OS, *trot:. a-UATS. , ./CUT•
Alto full ablurymixt of Belting. at ••+ H.
11101...,ON!N. So. Iso I.lStrtv rusoltrate;.'
or.o. O. fumq... Of Won.
inacc to. co"
Anchor Cotton Milts, Pittentrer,
llnnufatlnlersa : --
ANCrCint 14/1EET1 3 ." . •
=radii t
4,1 •
It.XL7leStUtr. ^T. . • -
Steam Bolters 0 , 1 Y Tad*
Sheri Iror
No. ritsx 110.1 n:
Ever, kind e•
and matt mt. ,
paid eo Jon's
Bt lilt