The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, March 26, 1867, Image 1

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Tact. Be 13. Eft:root.
P. 311. PERNIM 416 Edarg•
r.rP. nolo rcros. i
newt s
!Ogle Coylu $ cents.
ollvered by t trler, tpez lb cants.
WWI Bubscti 6%00.
Llberat rOuettona to Nemborrood agent.,
?hrcoCoyter,per year,
Flyd do. do. do. each
or mord copier, to ono addrcrs, and
• ono freo to chtl3. each
Arel.liel•A Human Eyes, , stea isi*.lont pain, by Dr. Spfntor,
Dentist, ?Li Penn street. •
Novelties In Medicine
The great reason wny'the medical has not
increased friripesru With the other Wilkelt
and learned sciences Ls; that every new rem
edy, new , moue of cure, or new plan of
treatment, always, meets with such a Imo
and Cry Of opposition by the regular protoz
oic:in, as few men aro able or willing to with-
Stand, Thliishosid :lathe so. In Irmo eel.
eiti,d, ore t'ything ought to he made avallablo
that is useful;" and the investigation' of
41. ease Sad its amelioration is surely ono
of the noblest,' pursuits of mankind, and
which, if • prosocuted with honest alms,
should evoke the wratulations of all who
have at heart the' comfort and well being of
the human nee.
We have been led to Mesa remarks by the
'Perusal of a work on Urino-Pathology, by
Dr L. OLDS= Z, who, for twenty years, has
been investigating the subject of Urinary
Deposits and Secretions-not out of curios
ity merely, but with the more laudable
view of making the application of this
knowledge usefully ameliorating the. oaf-
IL:rings of mankind.
The dootor . hes been sucecasfuL And why
eihould ho not! Ifs has thoroughly system.
laud the course of study _ of Ltrino.ratholo
gy aniLinade the scienco acceptable in medi
cal schools, and thc practice of It rasp/eta-
Lie at home In Pittsburgh and the surround
ing country as far as be is known.
It ion subject worthy the attention of all
those who regard selentiflo inveatigatlou of
disc.o as paramount to that mawkish gon
ad:ditty which preclude. It oa account of its
For the - tienellt of those who fool disposed
to avail themselves . of the advantages of
such, investigations, wo would further state
that we have visited him at his oillee on
Grant street, also, and found him prepared
with all the apparatus nocessaryto a chemi
cal as well as microscopical examination of
the most complicated cases. Ws 011100 was
one coati/Mod throng of pattents,from near
is, all parts of the country, who spoke In
unquaittled terms In praise of his success.'
• liras...
Fresh Arrival—New Stock, New Styles
and New Frlces--SprLon• bloods In
411,1va 'in advance la everything, prices
and all. As lids is the first lot of spring
I,roods received by any boot and shoe house
in Use nity, ynti- should not fall to call and
examine it, t r ued note the difference in
prices A . rolll [Teo or three months ago. Tho
assortment is unusually largo and complete
and embraces every variety of goods.
Prices are cheaper than ever and no mis.
take. Dealt fall to callearly.
(trans Borer St2oo STOLZ.
To be suited with Tea exactly to yOUr
taste, go to A. Xirk's store, No. I% and 171
Federal street, and we feel sure you Rill be
suited exactly,. with any oescrintlon, quali
ty or price, you may want, as he has lately
received u.large assortment Mall the most
choice hinds, among which arc Tonng !Ty
son, Japan uncolored, Japan 'Young Ilyson.
A large assortment of Oolongs, Pa w chougs,
and .ihinchongs; also, Gunpowder andlm
Ilyson, Peke, Ac., ;Sc. Ile sells also
at prices much below the customary price.
Cull and try for yourself.,
Ot caused• Fruits and Vegetables, and will
be Sold as cheap es at. any other house in
either city. Call and eramine and judge for
yourselves, at No. 112 Federal street, Alle
gheny City. . Grouch EZATEN.
Also, Agent for the wsll-known house of
Stephen .I'. Whitman's celebrated Phila
delphia extra . ❑oo Cream "Bon Bons,"
”Chooolates," Almonds, Walnut, Candy,
lirageo Drops, to. de.
Me Beet Conducted Restaurant
In the city, Is the Continental lialooo, Fifth
street, next , floor to the Fostoillce. Mr.
Holtelieltner; the enterprising proprietor,
knows bow to cater to the hungry peddle,
and hue long stood first In the opinion of
epicures. All the delicacies of the season
orb served up Edam shorles t notleo at most
reasonahlo prices. For a good meal, call at
tho Continental. The daily bill of fare our,
• posies any at the best hotels.
LEIMOS 7 Saloon
The Ladles' Saloon attached to
mce's restaurant Is the most convenient
and titling place In the city to take your
partner for supper from evening aoclables
Or balls. The Saloon is on FIRh street, next
door to the Posta/LI..
To Country Mereimists
We are alluring full of Staple and Fancy
Dry' , Goods, at Eastern prices.
J. W. ].`nacre . Ic. Co., So. SO!ret street,
Go to Fleintoeta Draw Storo,l: •
No. et Market St rent, for IleGetterte-end
Drake , . lattera, cheaper than any other
Go to FlOtninten Deng !Gore,
'No et Ilorkot Streat, for tho boot
Llquorn orall k !oda.
...Go to Fleming's Drag More,
No. El Maricet Street, Stir good Sponges, at
Y - ou Vim Bar
Foreign,Lillllolllof all kinds at JOsoplt
Distillery, IKo. ISt, 197, 193 and 195
You csu mar
hs par sent. Alcohol fit. Tosepti Flitch's.
. You can Bay
•Noot Hops nt Joseph S. Yinoh.a.
• General Longstreta, through the NOW Or•
Issue Zits.. says there Is nd humlllatiou at
tached Vine acceptance of the terms pro
posed op COOgreSS, and ho has no reason to
doubt: that salt an acceptance In good
faith gill secure the readmission of the
Southern States.
IPCongress adjourns to-dayortcsmorrow,
It Is stated the President pall Issue on the
day Of adlottremeat a proclamation calling
an urtia 913tii0a of the Senate for Eases.
thee bu4hnt42.
The release .Of Jeff. Davis upon his own
roc:0011=mm has boon urged by prominent
ItOpnblicane, for the reason that thorn is
no prospect of Chief Justice Ciao° holding
a Court he Virginia so long no that - Stele to
under the control of military authority, he
deeming it beneath the dignity of a Judge.
of the Supreme Court to preside_ in a die-
Wet under each control.
Horace Qrceloy and other influential
New YotSers have had an interview with'
the Preeldebt relative to the removal q .
Colleator 6mi - the. .
.1v1.9 now assorted that Sir. Foster will
not be atMlinlttOd. ae Minister to Austria
lio'has returned to Camneelleut, •
Imilortnnt dispatches la reference to
rnovapaeubt of troops and gunbOats on the
Cnnadian frontier are withheld.
The Ijnlen Paetne Itallwpy basprogreziett
153 hales west of St. Lout!, and
being lurid - at the rate Of a. mile 35er day.
winch he .)-longed.'meetluz WAA hold
in New Ytth on Saturday night.
Tha Connectleut 'election, It is • asserted,
ulll be very cloth, and the fear I. etpreased,
that the 'Republicans may lose two Con.
The Corona Board orTrade hare resolved
not to adont..Lho Costal System until Stir
put ln.UraclUMl oiseratlon in tho markets of
New York, Chicago and Milwaukee.
A.S. Clark, formerly ono or the propite.
toga ihe. CeUranr, died at Llartford, CL,
General Sbermahhas expressed a desire
andlintentlon, it ha can obtain the, leers of
the President and General. Grant, to go In
Captain , Doncasils exonrsion to the Holy
Land, which la to sell In Juno next. Gan. will take with him his daughter
• 1 , 1 1 l
A . ,
♦ ,
.....0 1 50
1 23
A Protest from Kossuth.
The Pirate illabama Matter.
Financial and Commercial
Train. March Z.—Kossuth, who is now
residing in this city, has written a letter
protesting against the arrangement be 7
tween Hungary and the Emperor Of Aup
Lrvenroot, March s.—The steambblp Pe,
Varl., from Portland the 9th Inst., arrived
at Londonderry on Sunday.
Doss, March .91.‘Erening.—Consols
closed at 51 for money; rive:Twenties, 74:
Illinois Central .15 Eric, 35.
Pants. March 23.—Erriung.—Enited States
Fnanaroar, March Z.—United States
bonds, 78.
Ltrzatoot, March 25.—The Cotton market
is buoyant and active, closing ilrm; mid
dling uplands 13;41; Orleans 13gd; sales of
12,000 bales. Brea - Aston quiet. Yellow is.
ed, tor. AMOTICart. Lard &M.G.!. Ashes; Sit.
for Pots. Spirits Turpentine 375. ad. Lin.
seed Oil ..Z9 per ton. Petroleum Is. 71. per
gallon. Iron; Scotch plg MLA. per ton.
[By Steamers.]
, Now Yeah. March 23.— Tire steamers New
York and City of Washington, from Europe,
arrived •
The Fenian agitation continued, but no
further collisions are reported. It is repro-
rented that the military force in Ireland
now see plainly that in no part in the West
of Ireland could any twkly of armed, men
bold together for twenty-four boars with.
out the ea/amity of receiving extreme Pen-
Ishmen t. The dying columnalrere produc
,a decidedly good morareffect.
;tumors of ministerial dissentious were
again rife.
Porrtano, Mc, March 95.—Tho steamship
Nestoria, from Liverpool on the MTh, and
Londonderry on this 15th' instant, lasso ar
Tho Pall Mall Gw,tic says: We have rea.
son to believe that sorue'recent overtures of
Sir - Frederick Bruce to behalf of his 00y
crnment in the matter of the arbitration
of the Alabama claims bare not been re- •
celved in a concilliatory spirit by Mr. SPIV.
• ord. We do not understand the offer
I of the British representative to have been
directly refused, but that at two Interviews'
the mitiject had been evaded.
icasaiwarnar, March 25. 1667 .
sir. WILSON moved the Setretary be or
dered to request the Doe.c to return the
resolution for adiournment, with a view to
inconsideration of the vote by which it
passed the Senate. Mr. Wilson explained
that he wished If possible to Las a day be
tween now and December ca which Con
gress might be called together if necerary.
The motion was agreed to.
CIIANDLEIL, fro= the Committee on
COminerco, reported a resolution authori
zing the head of the engineer corps to em
ploy Ilse cirll engineers In tho work of enr
'losing and imprtrrtng Northwestern niers'
and harbors.. Passed.
Mr. NYE presented e. memorial from the
Grand Connell Of the Union League of
MarSlana.wking that tile provist onft of the
Reconstruction tdil INueztenned to Mary.
Mnd. Referred to andiebtry Committee.
Mr. szoNtuAN, from Mtn Finance Com
mittee, reported a bill author Icing the cm.
idoemont.of additional Examiners in the
Patent On:cc, not exceeding four In. each
claes, or twelve in all.
A section in the House bill, creating the
office of Solicitor of Patents, and a third
section Morenalag the force of Examiners
of Patents, were recommended by the Com
mittee to be art 'circa out.
After debnte.• the second and third sec
tions were stricken out, and the bill passed.
On motion of.ltr.Edltuto AN lt was post
poned till December.
Mr. CH ANDLER moved the Senate take
up the bill to allow American citizens to cell
vevs els of war to friendly belligerenta.
Mr. IstIMNER hopoet it would norbe taken
u 3ir. cLunn.zu evoke, at length in favor
of the bill, raying he
willing to let the
Alabama claims go far the present, He
would be Content to take a band on the
Northern frontier for them. Great Britain,
6n Bald, had ceased to cenimand Disrespect
' of the czed world. The bill be now pre
sented was - purely commercial In Its char
acter, and there ought to be no objection.
PROCSILDB orxartuawar2OrUUTT
Mr. SHERMAN reported from the Com.
mimeo on Fiumeno the lionse Jouit reicolu
ties, provialu s y that,
Wunucas,. There are now It the hands of
the Treasurer of the United States, as spe
cial anent of the Treasury Department,
several millions of dollars, Vroceesis of prop
erty captured daring too rebellion, which
le under thecontrot of the Secretary of the
-Treasury, and as I t now stands may bedio
posed of in settling, claims preferred by the
alleged former owners of said captured
property, without the sanction of Congress;
cud whereas, •is conaldered proper that
sorb claims shonlA not be settled and paid
without lira[ recieving the approval of Con
gress, therefore be it,
, Resolved, That all monies thus held
by the Treasurer of the United States shell
at once be convoyed by warrant Into the
United States Treasury, only to be drawn
by authority of law.
Mr. MOUTON said this bill proposed to
legislate into law thu very principle which
form.' the basin of the Alabama claims. To
pass it now would he to stultity the Arnett
eau peeve before the world. It would pot
It into the power of the pettiest nation In.
World to snake war upon the commerce Or
the greatest,
Pending the consideration of tills soldeet.
WILsON Ithaca and obtained .anent•
MOM) COMMA to report a joint resOlutfon
to authorize the Commanding General of Cho
Army to permit traders , to remain at cer
tain posts for the accommodation of per
sona crossing. the ',Ulna. The rosolntwn
. .
Mr, CONN EB4 introduced it bill to Inoor
pornte "the Linenin Monument Atemelution
of the District of Colombia," which was re
ferren to the Committee on theDintriet Of
Colombia. ,
yAccrno St/ILIIOd.II.
CONNESS Introduced a resolution
calling upon the Secretary of Um latorlor
for intormstion as to the cause or the
pension oft he work on the Pacific Railroad.
.and what 'umber legislation was neceosary
to oecuro tba.sueetly consoletiou of the Pa.
MSc flatiron(' from thnana westward, which
was adopted. . •
Mr. CAMERON - Introduced n:resolution
directing the dlatnlintion of tiLhOLO worth of
Beale among the people of the rebel States.
'The present consideration IVILtI obJeeted to
by fI.r.FI:SSENDE , :f. and It foci Over. ,
lILVOVAL OP istririns.
Mr. MOILIIILL Iniroduots 1 u resolution,
which was aaroed to. diretting the Comm it-
Inlttoo an Indian Affairs to inquire in to and
report upon- the uspediency of removiug
the Indiana now In the ntsitcs to the
Mr. Introducel u Mil to =coil tho
organ. net of Colorado Territory, by pro
riding that the sessions of Its Legfehltnre
be biennial, and that the members of
.1,1 Legislature shat• reCeleo Slz dollars
per day.
LIMP .aiate coneldoiatlon was asked, but
°Women area Maol •
The House twsolution fori adjoxilulrleitt
T. referred to the Judiciary Committee.
The Senate then went labo Exeicutlve seg.
don and. soon adjourned.
BWa were Introduced ea fanatic 7-
By Mr. LAWRENCE:, of Ohio: Nor rant
gtaittait judiciary; also, a 1)111to ptothlo a
teeeporery Veen:meat for the Territory Of
Lincoln. linforthil to the Committee on
_ -
Also, a bill to give construction to the sets
of January an . itcl , and 'March 3, 180, and
limit the pay of onleers , serrtut In. Referred
to the Committee on Military Affairs.
Also, &hill to repeal the act authorizing
the fietretary of the Tremns - to retire
.5i,95),000 from circulation monthly. Refer
red to the Committee of the Whole.
Mr. k:tifiLLiTON: Providing for meas.
aery surveys for a ship canal around the
falls of the Ohio river. Referred to the
COMMittl.o on Commerce. '
By .11r. KERB: To authorize and require
the administration of oaths in certain cases,
and to purdah pt rpm" , in connection there•
with. Ref - erre t to the Judiciary Committee.
.By .11r. /WERSOLL: To construct a ship
canal trout-the rlver to Lake
_Michlgau. Referred to the Committee on
/toads end Canals.
To provide for the erection of a buildtng
In Peoria. Ills., for the accommodation of
Silo postoffice ami laterdat ievenue officers.
Referred to the Poston:leo Committee.
Ity Mr. PILE: on cAanlish a National Bu
reau of Insurance. Referred to Judiciary
L'y Mr. TERRY: Various Jolt' dutio'
. .
By Mr. Xarlot. Joint resolutions
ot the Michigan Legislature, ns follows:
For an act to swim° the speedy construe.
vim of the Northern Pacific Itallroad;call
log attention to the national Importance of
fortifying the Wand of Mackinaw; for the
construction of a railroad from Mellon.
fence to llorightou; for nonsions to the sur
vivors of thii war of I:7T/, and widows of
those, who (Ilea from April lot, 190; for an
etrectiveprOt..ctive tartlr on copper, Iron,
lumber, Fait, ilex and coal.
My Mr. UPSON: Jolut rcsolution of Michi
gan Legislature for au appropriation to im
provt the harbor at the mouth of South
Ifla~kltivor.Referred to the Committee
on Commerce.
•ityidr. SCHOFIELD I To authorise the
eeeretary of the Treasury to prescribe rules
and regulations for the registry of certain
vessels built for the Übe of the western and
northwestern lakes, on payment of Inter
nal Revenue tax on the materials. 1,04 In
their construction.. Referred to Committee
on Commerce.
By Mr. IYAbIIBRUNE To authorise the
'Southern Minn Railroad Company to Con-
StrUCt and maintain a bridge across the
.11.lastsalool ricer and esiabliab it us a post
road. Referred to Post °nice Committee..
By Mr. SAWYER A memorial from the
Wisconsin Legislature for a branch aiim.
salon of the military rood between Fort
Howard, Wisconsin, and Fort Wilkins,
Michigan. Referred to Committee on rub.
lie Lona,
Ity Mr. 1101`MINt3t A .memorial of the
Wioconvin Leghttuture, in retort:two to a
snip canal to connect the 3114-is-Ippl river
with the wetett. of Lake Michigan. Refer
red to Committee on Commerce.
By Mr. IfUItLEIGII: A hill granting land
In aid of the Oon, , tructton of certain
runds in Dneotnn Territory. Referred to tho
Committee on Public
8.,. Mr. ...KILEY, of Ohio: An act lo
.than go trio Plenum, of too Cupttu.l of .Men.
tuna Territore. Panned.
LCKLEV: joint resolution to pay
George Wat.hburn Ti for hi. otturo of
the proceeds of the stinore of propotty in
nicstiLrTfon OF AD.IoURNXI:NT.
By Mr. SCIIENCK: A concurrent resolu
tion that each Mouse of Congress shalt ad
journ the Dresent Meg ion at noon on the
Bth of March• to assemble on the first Wed.
ncialsy of Mav, the tl rst Wednesday or Juno.
the first WeOnesday of toptember, and the
first eVailnesday of November next, unless
the Prsaident of the Senate sett Speaker of
the Meese shall, by joint 111 ocliiiiimtion, ten
days before either of these dates, denture
there is no occasion for the meeting of Con
gress its. Such titr., ft;
tiny s,
The...ri..lA:c.ta presented a /otter from
IL A.Ftytue, Col eelor at New Tork, to-
Oru ., !ting to be allowed :0 appear br eouto•el
tofore toe Couttnlttou on 'Public Expendi
tures and produce wautases In Ins u.n do•
Str. offere.l reiolution to
. grunt tlio requi:T.t•
rule: were s.7llpendel end the
re,olta , tm ollesed was wloptutl—yee.y,
nuy:3s. •_
lir. 'WILSON, of 101,1 t, offered n reaolutton
directing the Clerk of the Honey to present
to the Secretary of State t no r.tapplementury
Iteconnroction liiil, pa.5...1 lent : , aturday
over the l'rez,vitutti veto. Adopted. ,
Mr. PILE Intioduced a ]:ant rceolulio
antnorlztinf the oofretery of War to her
101111 two aCelo4to Exalt for use at th.
mouth of the ➢ll.e:=elppi. Passed.
lir. LUG.IN Introduced a concurrent Teel}
directing t bat all the amount of trio.
ney.not estimated or ark. d by the Navy De•
bartynent for the decal year ending June 7i,
I,.4,iand now under the control of tho Navy
Deintrisoeni. be conveyed into the Trona.y
of lisle tiered atutec.
Mr. LOGAN stated that the Secretary of
the Navy asked. In his last report, Congress
to do thin very thing, stating that he had
under his ormtral an unexpended balance
lit ninety-elglit million, necumulated from
the neil of different articles, and eighteen
mdllnne appropriated In the last Naval Ap.
proud:Mon Bill, making nn aggregate of
1017,161,060, being atfunt one hundred mal
igns ,more limn required by the bal. 1:1115
resolution was mutply to have the money
conveyed foto the Iresaury Della, Mout.
ISrter considerable discusstou the Joint
resolution trey
XdIIVLA.3O lrrimr.e.
[Mr. THOMAS presented a memorial from
the members Ii the lietteral Assembly of
Maryland, nosing the loaremlate consider
ation by Congress et Ulu conditlenol pub/ le
Si acre an that State; also, resolutions from
thu Union League of Maryland. Ordered
to be printed. •
• C01011116103 - ¢F. or ZDreATIOV, dc.
. On moth= of Mr. STEVENS, tho Senate
appropriation bill to supply the
cy fund of the borate, was taken from the
epos:roes table.
,Or. STEVE :SS moved an amendment, ad
ding an appropriation for salaries w the
Commissioner of tkAucationand his clerks,
11,1tAn. and for the narniture and stationary
of his office, rioeu. Agreed to:
Mr. Sri:VEX:I also moved a substitute
for the second election, making IC the duty
Of the Secretary of the elate, on receiving
rmturs of the /44,4/nation by the Clerk of the
Bowe of newspapers selected for the pub.
lication 01 the lams and treaties of the
United States, to furnish promptly atithen•
tie copies thereof, provided Italian be law.
fel to puhlish loom In three newspapers in
Loulalana. Agreed to.
Tee LW was then pasted..
lik - Frri. 0.114.9 COUSIDSIIID.
, The Howie then pranooded to tau cOnald
ration of ton boil/tens ou the Ilona terns t.
tun, and disposed tuernot as toliowa:
Toe Senate, bill deolarMg . the brluHee
over the Min.:tar' river at St. Cherie., lao.,
over the fillutdeeippi river. near Loultdenit
Le., and over the Missouri river nrar Leav
enwortn, Kaunas., legal oonatrnettons and
poet read.,
Mr. LOGAN offered au amendm era, pro
viding that for the bridge at' Leavenworth
authority shall lion be obtained from the,
States of Missouri and
Sir. lIOLMAN moved to refer the bill and
amendment to the Committee ou Cointuoree.
Agreed to-53 tog,
The - Senate Joint resolution prohibiting
.persons In the diplomatic service of the
United Status from wearing uniforms not
• authorized by Congress.
- Mr. nCLIENCK especial unit 111 r. JUDD fn.
cored the resolution.
Mr. CO VOLE moved ite on amendment t.
add the je11owl0g: ••t'rotldet that the ill
plomatie savants shall not be permitted t•
a'eur anY court ilresK, except such a. what
be prmicrtued and the pattern. drawn Loy
k i ln tailor of the nation, who Is t o -
p over Ito destlnieo.ii (Laughter.
The SPEAKER ruled promptly that tl.•
amendment rue not in order.
Mr.NOELL suggested as an amendment;
that the uniform shall consist of °calked
lst, looped up, with the AmertCAu eagle,
swallow cost, oath stars and stripes on the
talls,.hutternutpantalornm, close Iltting
low stockings :with garters a fa Franklin.
brickekin vest, one idde black and one side
white, Langlitera
The amendment was :mind oat of order. •
PILILTYIi suggested Lin substitute that
the Secretary of STAts be authorised to pro.
scribe such uniform as ho may deem
prvir Sir er.
. .11AliKS refused to lot the amendment
be offered.
• .
The J/eueri seconded the previous goes
ttou end paared the Joint resolution.
• • • •
7:1.CATIO11 11 7113 9CIOT/1
Mr. DONNELLY °dared the following:
if , ruired, That this Mouse express Its.
earnest desire that thn people of the Mates
lately in reaellion will, in the reorganise
of tha same in accordance with exist.
log laws tor that purpose, insert in their
respective taste Constitutions it provision
requiring the Legislat lire tOUStatlllllll ¢ Syn.
tern of Iron schools, which shall afford Ade.
quote opportnnity - for nubile edneation to
all children of the - Staten. Adopted.
31r. LAW CENCI:. of Ohio, introlueed
bill to morgunloo the Judiciary. Iteferred
'rho bill Abel lahea the Circuit Court of the
Crated States and CVO./ CO Courts of Appeals.
The !notelet Courts are to take the) urfedlN
Von now exercised by the Circuit and rho'
COurlif of Appeals aro to be held - by one
Judge Of the tiopreme Court and by the
DistrierJudgea, with appellate jurisdiction
from the thotriet Courts, end original j nets
diction In Admiralty Correia.
• Adjourned.
norder by-sn Imbecile. • -
-FOrertAnD, key., March • 11.5.4.hi0rge Rolle,
Sited - thlrty.llro years, was murdered an
fstinctny morning la - tho Wttliams HOW..
Falmouth, by Eben
thoughed twenty.
Sears, who shot him the heart
with arill° sn then let ntr bin head with
an nsu. nn under
What Rebels are Disfranchised,
Caucus of Republican Congressmen.
WAFUINUSON, Mare11 . :.5,1667.
Ira° mut. ntsru....NeuisEn.
Senator Wilson, In. a letter to John M•
Waseou], of Texas, relative to the llecon
struction law, sayer •In reply tO your
Question, •Does the law, as It now exista,
edstraneh6o the rank and 11le of soldiers
who had cot t r taken the oath to support
the Con.titutien of the United States'' , 1
have to sav It does hot disfranchise them.
The Constitutional Amendment dtbquallflee
from bolding °give certain persons who
had taken the oath to support the United
States and tholvon4aged to rebultliin, or
gave aid and comfort. to It. This clan of
persona err dllfranciabed. and all otter
persons are entitled to tots."
co:iv/axe° AND
The Senate, In ezeentlye eesslon to-day,
eOnflrmod the nomination of BOOPLIOIII an 1.1.,11tn Spent for Or,!^n, and
reject t,t Sol One R. liont to eclleetor of In
ternal lioycnne to, to Ninth it trlct of
• VE.Sr • i:E. tt Cc etre..
line Int.nriltti R•reerme but week .
utounte.l ov , •: tv.o Wtili.nns dollars.
E . ..• Aso rot , GTIO,.
:hero to n largo end rapidly !nett-using
party In Lie Senate who bo•tootttllng
0 note for the stlclltshm of any retest State
.1101 ,loer I,ot provide for the oducution Of
Commodore Jrtmei S!3rn toe! . reeetred
oronatory users W tnko CMILATiii of the
Unitod States steAmer bliune o sota, 0-1 n ape
etal evils° to the hl , alitterranenn'. next
Jmnuary, taking such of the gru•lulting
of midshipmen's. ore not required for oth
er Teffsele.
special order of the War Betiartment.
dated March refers the whole sobJeet
of the statue of General Scott to a Commis
sion. consisting of Breret Major Generale E.
Scharer, J. K. Barnes. linnet Brigadier
Generals C. B. , Tompkine and If. Alechlcr,
and Brevet. Lieutenant Colonel L. J. Tread.
A meeting Nriu held M. the As.embly
Church 10-.layi to trice measure. for South
ern reltel. Ahout tlf toren clergymen were
present. Committee. were appointed and
other bounces transutted with o clew to
concert of action.
The President has uonatnated to Um Sou_
ate General Frank I'. Blair as 3ltnizter to
At a concise of Republican Senators and
Representatives. held to-night,' General
Banks, chairman, and Representatives
Mug and Hays, secretaries, Senator Drak
introduced the subject of the adjournment
of Congress, but it was objected to by Sena
tor Wilson,— who elatmed that the
caucus was called • with the
inlet undertdanding that ibis Question
was clot to be considered. Senator Drake
canroyaed'hiniself sat/stied with the expla.
nation. The sole [inject of the selecting was
to take action CODC(11211112 future politica l
rui3retnents North and South, and Messrs.
Schenck . , Donnell). Pile. Kelly. Wii ,o3 of
alusachnsetts, and others, seek° of the no.
ees tit; of eenspletin4 4.;ongressional °raw.
ni sAt lon. The debate was free from excite•
went, and attar appolutinif a Congressional
COmmittee, cm:tanning of one member from
each Mate, the canons adjourned.
The Traitor Mendez Killed and Ills
Forces Routed en Battle.
Battle Beporttd to Have Occurred
RAN FRANCISCO, March 3.—later advlcos
(Kum most portions of Central Mexico
have been received. Private lettere state
that the city of Morella was occupied by
the Liberals on tee lith of February.
The entire State of Michocsean was free
of Imperialist troops on February 25t.h.
(ienerals Itogulea and Canons left Moro.
Tin. for Queretaro with nine thousand them
and at last edvlcea had arrived at Celaya4
ton leagues from Queretaro._ The entire
Liberal torte in the tidally of QClerCtil.NO
worn placed under the command of Cor
nice.. .
. -
from Cuernaraen, on the ilth,Boll. /tirade s.
Sr., writes: It Is rumored here that the
t mite r. li en. Bleeder, and force. were routed
In battle by (ion. Eseabedo's command.
Mendez is among the killed. hllramon at
tempted to make a Junction with Blimilez.s
forces before the battle and was routed Arid
lost both legs In the engagement.
General Perini-In Diu. Is threatening the
city of Puebla, with sir thousand men nn•
dor Ills command•
From the tenor of letters received, well
Informed parties are coati dent that no fur
ther engagement. of consequence will take
place between the contending forces, It le
believed Maximilian concentrsted hie forces
in a body with a view ormaking terms with
the Liberal Govern men; prior to evacuate
lag the country. No battle between any
portion of the forces matey - the direct mime
mend of Maximilluu had taken place at last
dales, and none would occur.
A letter. from Colima, dated March 10th,
says: Front Topic wo bear that the email
garrison of Acapulco landed at Han . Mae. '
funeral Loyada was eroding- home the
poor victims of misplaced coriden.. Gera
everything Is quiet and trail Ila Improving.
Mexican dollars are acme°, no 'coed act..
having arrived from the interior. The la
test news trout the City of Ihericomake; .
believe the Empire la about playing... I
Maximilnut ismekinghislasteirortotatually
gone tai war uroprio persona, and bold.
Queretaro with ten thoutiand men agaluet
Me combined forces of Enoobedo and other
chiefs, who outnumber him considerably,.
The report Is correct that e battle took
place a few clays ago, In which about ono
thousand imperiallite were placed Aura du
Zistrstrolus, March Ift, Via GALVIVITONs
March 115.—Itoport• of the Liberal. defeat
near Queretaro have reschea here and are'
extensively circulated, but Morale DO truth
10 them. Nu news of e general engagement
bad been received In San Lute upto the:Nth
Silt. Maximilian, who moved out from Quo.
reboot., had returned. The Liberals hub ad.
riumml thief lines within teeren miles Of
Queretaro, r.nd heavy guns were sent to the
front from Can .1 enrol was still there.
Cunsersof en attempted arrangomemt by
Maximilian Pith the Liberals are very rife,
Quotago movld to have been defeated end
taken pricumer at Zeutya. . .
GALvlar" . March VA—ltto 3 Grande dates
to tue WM, have betill received. There was
no change In the position of the troOpeali
Queretaro. Imperial supplies were scarce,
antralt provisions were seised fertile nee
of the army. The ImperliMista weret diellerte
bycompariles. Both parties are levying
heavy taxeson the Inhabitants.. Stult Liher
ale seised a oonducta with I.loooopasoes of
elver. Illlaging gangs are in all parts of
tree a
The steamer MOre Castle, freerC Havana,
reports that twenty FrenehSteaMers from
Vera Cruz arrlvedjust Oa she wsa leaving.
Juarez was at Sari Lisle retort, where the
Liberals concentrated. The Imperial forte
Would leave soon and t a decisive battle la
expected near ban Lats. .The Liberals .re
besieging Vera Craw and exchanging
Shots with Gm garrleOn. - Gen, 4.skettigmay
al rived at Martina on the • 15th. •Ilarine was
arpieted /WUXI/ on theffiffell Snipe/01r.
JD.7 f/ood•Eatabltatnnent Damaged—
Ten 'Hoorn a Oars - Leber In Cotton
,sad Woolen SIM after Apell tat—
Operatives Net lobe autneltted To—
n Plumber. Dlacoutlnne the
Eight Hour layettnat-aThe hhopa De.
Bosses. March :Z.—Salina G. Tucker's
dry goods store was damaged by fire this
evening. Loss 410.000. Insuranee ir22.000.
It is stated the National Mill Spinners'
Amociation • recently notified the agents
and treasurers of some cotton and
woolen manufacturing eetahllshmenta
In this vicinity that they shall work
ten hours a day alter April first. At an in
formal meeting of some of the Treasurers
to-day the sul.sect was discussed, and it ap
peared to be the almost unanlinrius opinion
that no dictation on the part of operatives
should be submitted to. even if the mills
were compelled to stop. A suspension of
manufacturing at the present time would
relieve rather than embarrass owner.
. .
The Heater Plumber* of this ; city hawing
nodded their workmen on Saturday after
noun that the eight horr system for a day's
work would IX) •eontteUod after April let.,
the latter Immediately lett work and to. lay
the work shopa have been nearly all clowttl.
Railroad ferry Dtmentty—&*moat •
Serious Blot—Quiet 'teetered.
Ateurr, March excite
ment existed to-day at the railroad ferry,
In consequence of a dißtenity between the
proprietors of she South ferry and the urn.
cern of the Western, or Boston, Railroad.
The ferry proprietors purchased the land
adjoining the ferry sup, weed by the
railroad company, anti , said company
not having removed the bridge and other
properly attached within ft specited thee,
the props totors denied their right to take
it away. The .Batiroad folks. however,
brought • large party W.', the Spot and re.
moved the hedge by force, At ono time a
serious riot was threatened, the crowd be
ing large and various weapon, were drawn.
But ...tier a few arrests quiet was restored.
. .
The Peabody Talneational
of the Trosswea
:raw Teat', 24.—The Peabody Clin
ostionnl Punt truetces have finished their
seamen. The whole subject of the trust was
&nemeses'. From cowmen inventfgatien and
Inquiry, a report wan birdie by 'Bishop
hicilvaine that for the present the, promo-
Von of primary or common school educa
tion by the now existing or other agencies
will he the !ceding object. To aid this de
sign normal school education, to prepare
tesoners, will be favored, and scholar
Gips endowed In the new .exist
leg Southern halls of 'kerning. Id.
nation In aid of the application of sci
ence to industrial pursnite, will be - another
purpose of the trustees. • general agent,
tinder the direction of the execu,ini com•
mittee, Is to de mute of the busier... liev.
Dr. bears, of Brown.. University, woe elec
ted Chairman. Be is to appoint ai t
Men committee of 21 re, to carry nut ,with
the general agent, the views of the hoar.!.
Tho next' annual meeting will take place
in thin city, on the Zd of June, and the
Chairman is authorised totals meetings at
will. Thu Executive !hunt agreed to meet
at Richmond on the third Tuenday in Jan
uary. The liseeuuse Committee coreprisen
Messrs .11cliveloc, Aiken, Evart. Granata.
tlaton and the Chairman, es °pie, A Com
mittee was appointed to obiltin an act of
Incorporation item the lies . Tot k Legisla
tare, Samuel Wow:norm wee appointed
Trowel ter.
I ===
Sr. 105t11, Mo., MeliCti snow
storm orcarred this rite:moon, with [II
ncrcur3 balow frovalag point.
Sr. Com.. !larch 76.—Weather alterated
between cloud and sunshine for the gust
two days, with a hood frost last night. To
day had been mild end tomignt snow Is
falling. 11 ith the prosp,t of ram. Theur
er, after :isles a tout, Is falling again.
1.1 germs. March 3—Raining all day.
11.11.1...1 on the levee fair. River station•
err. Departures—Lizzie 6111. Henry Ames
Itain, Bolden gra, Westmoreland, for Cl..
Cllln.rJ; Addle Johnson,Welcome, for 'Vicks
burg; Guidon, for St. total.; lattrel , lllll. for
Louisville. In port—liarbert N. Lee, Gleaner,
Centralia. Commercial, Slitter Moon, -Nor.
Ec •risvitte Inn., March 23.—The weather
eras clear In ttie forenoon but Is now cloudy.
The river has fallen three feet ha the last
twenty-four hours. Thu pert list Is: Pales
tine, loul;rille to Nashville; Havana and
Amer/es, Cluclricultlto Nastorill; Conialans,
and Savannah, Loulaville tin New Orion..;
Sam J. Hale, Cluclonatl to Memphis; Mo. n•
Mg Star, Henderson to Louisville; Rowena,
Nashville to Cincinnati; Charmer, to Cairo;
Wm. White, to Green Meer. Business la
CllOO l Starch 2L—The river ban fallen five
Inches. Weather cloudy, with rale.
since dark. Thermometer. It deg. 'Widnes/1
it good. Arrivals—Mary e wan, from Mem
phis to Lot:Neville, 3 p. in.; Allen, from New
Orleans to CtnelnnatC3p.m.; Nightingale,
from 01. louts to Ccinnati. 4 r: to.; Iler
te., trout Arkansas r inse to Cintinnati, 6p.
m; mum Brown, from MeMphls to Pitts-
Wm.:h.& p.m.; Messenger, Mom Cdstelitinatt
to Now Orleans, tl p. m. •
Monti Ameriesin agate&
"...SW Toms. !damn 25.—Llma. letters slate
that the unpopularity of Presuienr I'redo Is
ovule manifest by the reelielOS of troop..
The obnoxious poll lax recently levied bite
been tuerended. Tveker, the Confederate
admir►t'ol the Peruvian Navy. has reslsme.l.
The question of reLlgous freedom la being
The Vett.] States steamer Pensacola has
arrived from Callao and Valparaiso.
• • • • • • •- • -
A letter says the enaction of a truce with
Smile is definitely rejected by Fern. The
medlatiorroifered ny the United -States was
still under conalderaUon. A &miens obit.
ties to its at-scepticism was the recent mis
understanding between Admiral Teeter
and Captain Stanley, of the United States
Steamer Tocesrawa, owing to which the
usual courtesies between Pere and the Vol
ted States hays been suspended. Con. Kil
patrick was trying to straighten the entan
glement Thu U. b. steamer Dakota' was
at Valparaiso.
Dlfflowlly CS Pasterns Between tlteAtt•
theritthe wee If Comm'.
New Toss. Starch 4S-The Hernid•a Pana
ma correspondence eats, A British frigate
appeared off earthmen& the CM of
February, and the Captain aduressed a note'
to the President, 'misting that the British
Consul should receive the malls before they
were cent to the local postolff ce, and that
the President should aPO/08 1 /0 for °lnn..
In respect to the matter. 'rho President
evaded a decided answer to those proposi
tions. A war steamer In the service of
Mosonera mime Into the port. In the mean
while and was salted ity the Zatillthruan.
The demands wore reiterated with threats
of taking other measures In the event of
non-compliance. and the President fearing
bombardment, succumbed. sal .apologited,
promising to do better IWthe future. --
replan ItanneVDtMeelty.
Orion,. C. W. March ti—The appear
ance of a Yentas, banner in the prooession
on St. Patrick's day le causing mien
comment. The petition presented to the
Mayor to Inc Lae Into that:matter hasiboen
referred to the Boltelter General.
Colored Y Oleo Csinoreelleeti
llamas, CT., lliiteV2s.—A colOred man
wax today adraiLtsid to registry as a tree
man by the Republican Board of decision
al this Won, and was declared entitled he
vote. There is much eat:fitment in cons_
A Large Fire Rostra,
iterosts, N. Y.. !larch 23.—e. lento flre 1$
rasing to-nlght. The Odd Yellow's Ilan Is
In lames, and the fire threatens to attend,
The Michigan Legislature concluded Its
sossiot4 Yesterday. The eight hour bill was
The Detroit... Board of Trade hoe &Moslem.
darted thuoental system, In cancequeneo Of
'Abe action of neighboring cities.
A dispatch from Ottawa, Canada, states
that eight thousand tons of rails have been
ordered from England. tq repair the Grand
Trunk Railroad track. -
At New York, on haturday,
mob seised the property of a Mrs. D.Ms,
the renewal of a demonstratlnn agalnat her
'.for alleged Improper J o SePti
Bull, In her husband's employ. " •
Good advmewas the - onli punishment In.
illetset fusen three wettish by Jestlce COM ,
well, for dlaturhlng, Um devotions of col
ored congrogatlen, to Brooklyn, on Sunday.
They cat-called. groaned, and showered
splt.balls, and other =Mallet
Prom their place of conecalmeni in the
idling of the olmren.: .
The trouble With the miners is Schuylkill
county continnws. -Oa Yridaytdght Ida the
Burrell tavern; near Malone Plains, was
surrounded by 6 pall Oriate or eight
blagolrea," and the proprietor or
' dared to sarreadarl all his 'valuables. Lie
infused and Axed .ahrda into the crowd, kill.
ing outland wounding another. The wound
ed man was arrested, but relOaed to divulge
anything concerning the eoarets - order to
The Counts' Jell • Expense. for IMO
shnante4 to sll,3l.l—en lemma of 44.2
over 1936—0 f wptrd; 41,818 wee pats to . John
shepherd for bread for the primmer', 02.141
for maLtrleß Of werdeng, end S2I I ray .extrs
boardog" for prponeo,
rouwrn PAGE.—The fultrol and mart re
liable Money, Oil and Produce Malta Re
port, Oren by any paper Indio city, wag be
found on no r Fburth Page.
County motroller'n Iteport
Ity order of the Judges of the Court of
Common Pleas, the GA2ZTTIZ has been Re
booted to circulate tho very important re
port or the Meal affairs of Allegheny coun
ty, on presented by the mitifful and filament
controller, Henry Lambert, Much
valuabhi Information in contained In the
report, and the entire document
repay perusal and examination. The settua
lion of the GAZ,Tir to perform this ?fib:llly
Important diatrlbutlon In a matter Of con
gratulation with us, although the Courts
have always recognised the claims off our
Journal as an unequaled advertising Medi
um. Business men will consult their own In.
tumid: by following the example net by the
county authorities and advert!. In the
4.1,117.TT1L, as it reaches as malty readers es
•any newspaper published In Western Penn
sylvanla. Perhaps to referring to the award
having been made to the Gxettts for the
circulation of this important °Metal report,
we should say that the Commercial has alsb
been similarly favored. The Divafch and
Garet . ), formerly were entrusted with the
Pittbberich Coeerll•
Bath branches or Cowell held *regular
*tilted monthly meeting lan night ht their
roepectly 0 chamber., City building. •
There were present Messrs. Barnhill.
Brush. Courstn, ford, Bare, llempbell,
Ilopro, Jones, Itegnowun, McGowan, Patch.
ell, Ilene:inn ' need, Roberto, Robb, Scitiert,
Totnitmou Tinley. Verner, Welsh, 01101
and Pt calaioit 8100,
The intent. or the previous meetings
were read and approved.
Mr. Bare presented IS petition a.dcing for
the extension of the Filth street sower down
to Connect 0110 the Market street
The petition was from t tic property trol.ters
between Wolal and Merlin streets on /Inn.
RONO and referred 10 Street Committee.
_ .
]Sr: Hare read a pet Won treon the proper-
Y 01knota Oa Fifth straot co have per
ton to toy the Nneoleon pavement t m
•On cant al.l azimt.. ilftn rtreut, Read
nd roTerted to the Street COIDMILIor.
• • • . . -
• Mr. p1.b.11111 pretonted retltlnn for the
Paring of lt,ncl4 rtclul and reforred
to atrect B.
Mr. Motunan alvtprolentod a 041001ln-for
tbn eretaton of titre, letup on ran toylvan !
neorettn Luna Itlttio and Jusnon., l
;Ia - 10rOata. ItehrretT to GsaMouvtardeo.
n ,
31r. Countla road apettCloti,attklogiori.
KW lamp to tat rrrated on tun Corner of 0,4
calor ',and Etta street,. 11,,ferrod to Com.
11004.t0 on Gus. •
Mr. , Coursm read a petition frOrn J. it.
NS,stnan asking fur tho privilege to i•rret
frarne'kitchrn to hLs reside's., on Wohst,
atrech. Read and referred to th.o_Cistaulli.tre
on Wooden tnltllmt,..
. .
Mr. 'Barnhill read a polltion from the
propeit holder, ea Wide allebefore it 10
paved. Referred tOWater Committee.
Me. Brdan read a resolution authorizing
the ttitel Company to bay main plpeni' Oil
Wc.htligtOu elteet. between Webster Still
Lll•erty atreeta. Read and adopted.
Mr. Roberta preseeted a petittaa from U.
W. ltiotrerts uniting that tho tour inch pipe
laid on stereo-on street he Mite:Well three
hundred het. Ileferred to the Water Ceti,
Mr. Roberta presented a petition far the
erection of a tom atop on the corner Boyd
nod Porten streets. Itlid and reftrzed to
Committee on tan Lighting.
Weirli offered a petition for the pav
ing of Spring, alley lA:twee:a llonle and
Malawi , ' street , . Wad aril retorted to
hti set Comm it tee.
Mr. thrish offered a resolutfon instrnrting
the thin I.l,liling Commat ee to have 111.1111. T
erected at the corner of Morris. street soil
boring mailer, and au the corner of Liberty
attest and ilorrla street. Ileferreilko Colon
to Mee on Got.
Mr. geed presented an ordinance, supple
natintity to an ordinance granting power to
locate spring wagons and other retitle,
newt three times and petaled under n C. , -
pension of rule*. Non-concurred In S. C.
lir. treed presented an ordinance relation
to the erection of bridges on sidewalks,
while vaults are -being built. Read tans ,
times and punned under a eethearion of
role*. •
Mr. Ford offered a petirtoe for the grad
ing and paving of Morris street from Fenn
to Smailman streets in the Ninth ward; and
Of Mulberry alley from Morris to Gees
streets.' Referred to Committee on Streets.
ler. Ford offered a re+olutien last [nee inn
the cornet Committee, in onninneticti with
the llesnliator, to propose • general plan of
sewerage fort be city, its tortures to be
Meld from the contingent Mud. heat and
referral to the Street Committee with In
structions to_report probable cost of sold
general plan.
Mr. Patchett rend a petition from John
'topper. tvk leg nem to more an 01.1
frame house across Franklin alley. Refer•
red to the Committee on Frame Buildings.
11r. offered a resolution authoriz
ing the purchase of a lot ot ground know n
as the Hospital lot, In the rearof the eu . due
hon., for #l,oto.
Mr. !teed inured an amendment, that the
porchase shall be made if the payment will
not be required before/lent year. As amen.
fled the resolution passed.
Mr. flare reported !rem the Police Corn.
mitten it remonstrance agate the peerage
of the Bill now before the Legislature
diele ins the city into leer police districts,
and offered the following resointion;
Wesolvest, By the Select and Common Conn.
cils of the city of raisin. that the act
now before the Legislature entitled "An
Act dividing the City of Pittsburgh Into
Pollee District.," ,meets their diespnrovet,
WO th at our donators and Itepresentatives
be urgently requested to prevent its pas
\ kr. thonght the bill should he
passed, and argued at some length to
show Its favorable qualities. Ile, in the
coarse of las renterks, asked "are the
member. of the Pollen COM in I tt ey cats' paws
tontines, and If not, tinware they injured, or
why deer the bill pinch their tees'.
kir..lnsd roes to his feet and said that he
would allow no mob intuit to pass by ea.
noilred, and the gehtlemati had no right to
refer to the committee In such terms. Lie
tailed the memnrr to order, as he had al
retuly.epoken Longer than the bylaws per.
..,' This point of older regarding time was
WOL shataiends was roimit.
Val to prnceed. ills
of the hilt was
argumentative andable, end In his omitting
the lOU was suet what Pittsburgh beryl}
President steel, veratialt the chair to
F ree]
ter. Toed mann, stoke in Genesi
tMn tattle hill."Mit admired tho clever WaY
Zvi which the aco o ttataet. hail drawn
Oat •ne would nor give much for the
of county's share of the lines and
caste mantling from the action. 1.10 was op
geoid to the patties* of the boll. ,
Sir. Ford next took the floor , and made a
rireawlSasppslUoa to,
Sleet, arid took occasion to ray that Slayer
IleCarthrs administration had been a sue.
I mandril one and that' be hail paid several
thousand dollars more than any of hie pre
duos/wore to the city treasury. If std ad-
Inistration had been so fright rutty isr,
them must hove Wien tvicouetblug rotten In
Denmark" before he came 1010 office.
Crime was upon 1110 thereat. In once} - city
of the Union, and our city leas SO exception
to the general rule.
Mr. Otrieti moved to lay Clay resolution on
the table. The &yrs and nays were culled,
which recoiled lit killing the motion by -
'eta of IS to 6.
The resolution wan then voted upon. The
ayes and nays wore culled, resulting as fol.
_Ayeti—Roarrs. Nerd. Hare, Hemphill,
Rouse .• Jones,rectit t l7an,
McGowan, Patchett, I, tinhorn, noun,
S i
Tomlinson, Toriey, Verner, Wels h ,
and President Steni—Ps.
Nays—liessrs. liarnh ill. Brash, Couren,
O'Neill, Rahman', and slate-6.
Mr. Torley otlnred a resolution instruct.
Ina the Cilia Committee to Maul , u into he
right, of
cony Has Works lo enarge rattle
for gas nmed the endino hou-es. Be
teg ciLY property he charges should Only
be according to city rates. Read and adop..
Sod ,
Er. Ford offlared a resolution instructing
the Street Committee, acting wiW the 1:e.
coming Regulator awl City Sollo , tor, to ex.
amine Into the propriety of introducing
the eitcholsOn pnvement. Read three times .
and passed.' -
lir. Brush offered st petition f"r the gra.
ding and paving of Townsend street be
tween LOOV.III . and Clark streets. Referred
to the Street Committee.
Hr. Rare inforud an ordinance increastrig
the pollee force of the city, which. after
some discosslon, wan withdrawn.
On motion adjourned.
&attar Covent. .
Sternberg' present—ideas, Armstrong.
Collin, Crawford. Dickson. Gallaher. LOOP,
McCarthy. IdeEsren, Mosllllair, Pirating,
Rees Minton Tanner. Thompson, White,
Wilson, and P resident McAuley.
The minute. of the prervlohs meeting were
read and approved.
A petition gnu presented from the Pitts
burgh, Port Wayne and Chleado Railroad
Company, asking permission to lay a NI.
olaon pavement ID front of their general
oftlers,.. on Penn and Wayne streets—the
company agreeing is pay sitrtho expenses,
and tins give the city an Opportunity to ,
teat ihu n - stenl of street pmmlng wlteout
Mgt.. RaLd and referred to the Committee
on Streets, With power to grant the prayer
of petitioner.. :..
A petition for the greding rind riving of
Centro create, between Pun.l.l,lit and
..N... , ,}
( -- i-: la ---=,„ ”' , ~
I 1 ..
1r , z, - _
\ 4 4.4 .„".' •:, , I
, i
i ,
r, , . ,"„
Kirkpatrick streets, wax read an,: referred
to Committee OD Btrttlttg.
. . .
A petition from resident's of Smithfield
etrent.betweeu V treln alley and Sixth •tract,
asking for regularity In numbering houses,
was referred to Street Committee..
. .
... .
A tretittOn fmm TIM Vigilant Fire, Com-
Patty. liiking authority for tho Committee
on City 1 . 1 overly to auttm, Sze the removal
of the atattle from the lot on net) by the city,
gpro,:uted, and tho antitortty ahked for
A Pennon for the erection of a yew, on
Straw'wary alley rew: and referred to
Committee on frouto, with Intructi,..2,
A petition for the jetvind of Fourth street,
(min rho (macho( the Pit hibut gh, Goattninis
and Citteleustt Um trend trdea to the end et
the p.tvitig,of the street, WU, real sad refer
red to eOlllll-littent no Street,
A p..l.ltlnn It-king for tho opening 33.31
33 realm.: of 11311 .trees, 3. 133 e 13:33,13th wur3l,
~ .33 mall and refttreLl to Street ,C 033.3-
I r a*
Mr. McMillan presented tile report of tlt o
Coln tn ittt ou ,treete. In rentoti to t
petition of the manual,' of the ratiburbra
Mineriville COM:nuis - , a•lcinw
to 1.10 relieved train keeping the
Clean and in repair for alx )care, the Com
mittee reported favorably, provided the
.Company put 1110 over welch the
Atiln, pas-es In goul pair now curb to
curb. u lo the matter of the Pittsourun and
lee n
Conelivvillu Hallway Compaoy, n•Litln t
oonent g fo o
rebeved front pen log the a-rerr
1110 envier On Perim lvanla avenue, tits
Committee reported that in their opinion
Councils bad no further pirtrilieltoll. In
Triennia. to granting the Pittsburgh, Alb,
glieny nod Opting (garden tracks /all
way Company the right to lay a on
(land etnieti, hollotinult lea reporscd faces
raldy. Tow report was nerepital.
Ordinances for the grading end paving of
Ilercer and Beiltot d streets sun Pasture
alley, were read and laid over under the
An ordinance, granting tho Pittsburgh,
Alleglicoystrol Spring liartien Pao...tiger
Railway Corn puny permission Inlay ...track
from Libel ty an. es to tho Ilnr.d Street
Midge, Was trail nett laid over under the
Orthrmneetauthorlslng the onentori 'of
Viceroy ntreet front .11sties to Stevenson
street, Sleds street from Magus street to
:tile! novo, inrent In the Southern
sote of Viceroy street, end lattenst .!feet
f rein Pride to Merlon stlthtS, Were take. alt
Wel flos:le its•sett.
Zhu ortllnst , ee, tss 1, Common Conn
ell, pr0t1 , 111.9 for t ist ere
s hen Use
hut 110mst,1:1 1110 111thsr,loons, tatten up,
and the notion of Common Council concur
red In.
A common kat len -from Gillet - al Jame.?.
Negley. Prmddent of the Soldiers' Monu
ment ASliAcidtion, enclinditil a rin . niuMun
from the Ladles Committee, u•kilit.: a tea.
p.rnry ptlmpell.,loll of toe Ordluauco prOhlti•
illy{ the Cre companies fromolicri mg.
sonauriptions, thn object 'clog to
afford the Orsinin an opportholtY to com.
eta for the new horn carriage, purchased
. . .
y the A...elation, at the forthcoming Fair.
The communication Wan recelvtal, hut no
•fortber action wall taken.
A enaldinnielitlo o .tOM George Fortn.c.
Secrelary al the Fewird of. Guardians
of the Poor, smiting tor the appointment of
three tricruli er. of Cauncli to audit tile no-
counts of the lioald, was read and accep
commuAlcatiou from the City Control.
ler, fume/dna the - afildaVii. of Jeseph Dd.
wank, a-klog eanneration;ruin brodneati
tax for he having :nada nu axles der.
Dig rho bar. Al., ri tun to pay Ab.
M , Cliire,l.4.i. County If....corilt,r, tlt
Tip , petition of Mr. Dilworth was referred
In tquanc. COY:Mattes wadi power to rm.
Thu re,olutkm was resod threw times turd
J. F. Single. City holicitor, submitted
comtutaticutmu relatit e to tie thazuet-iiid
. •
codlerstiori of the Inc. unP online:A:ea re
lama to the atty. lie 64144.1.1•1.1.111 A ho had
the act.* .1 . ...i55.11/MY 411gt.Itit, refol*
for the printer*, and reque.stiet Or- appoint
ment of a COO:IMMO° for the parpo*e of ex
/ft/finit, too work.end making it, finite ar
!engem...fa with Mts.*, Errett S. Auden.
tea. City Erhitcriv. Thu C0L1.1.1111.t1011
was acrupteil.
Xcoultintoleation from the Citizens' in.
%mance Company - . w ith a reellution to ro
tund in, tieing the amonist of
tax overpaid for Isid. 'inferred to
Mr. ArtlletrUln , of f ered a resoitition In
eirocting the-tlas Committee to lay a got
pipe on Morton slant, nem Penn to Butler
streets. which was trail and referred to the
Committee on Gat I.lehtlog•
Mr. Gallaher offorml a rosolutlon provid
ing that the Street Committee be li:quested
to place letter hoards on the corners of the
principal streets :flail alleys. The resolu
tion Was accepted, reul, three times anti
adopted. C. C. non-concurred.
Un motion, adjourned.
As different •tatemenU have been made
regarding title ca,le, we publish the cworn
statement of Mr. J. W. Miller:
Commonwealth vs. A. tw letim ann. Charge
—felonious assault and battery, brought by
J. W. Miller before Alderman McMasters.
Testimony of the vrosiwutor. J. W. Miller,
alien on the hearing of the above charge,
tiel ore the said Aldertake, on Thursday, 2161
dity of March, a. h., leo7, at 4 o'clock r.
I met. •Witalmonn yesterday. In the ball in
front of his ogler. Wictimioto oars mu
small bill for welch he gave inn his note. 1
sued Wiedmann for that Indebtedness be
fitru Alderman Strain; sold suit has not
been aitindlmted yet. We were talking In
the hall about said null. Wiedmann said
that tie would non-suit me; no meatiness or
bad fueling was shown on either side. Wird.
mann went Mtn his siifteti anti hollowed
lilta; we continued our conversation about
said civil suit pending before Alderman
ejrain. I remained in Ms Wilco about fifteen
tritnnteS; I was statollug a 11.11 my back in
front of the fire grate; Wiedniann was alt.
ling on a cuatr; 1 said to Wit:demon that he
Played a dirty, nasty, stinking trick on We.
1 I.:molted toe same words again. %Vied
man went to the door lesellalf oat into the
halt and opened the enure, requesting mo to
leave his efllee from tour to six times. I
dill not go; 1 said to him that I wsis_net In
gnat haste to leave the vette. Ile then
walked up to mu, took , m e by the aunt
and pushed toe two or three steps to
wards the door. 1 then put my hand
upon Ina . and pushed his away
front me. Wind moon wont to n cupboard aid
took a VIM.' out of it, pointing the name at
me, with the d
remarks, which 1 O°llA know
positively, 1 shoot yitit if ott on't
'Ate out. I walked oat, and met Mr. Macau
In the hall.] r, quested Mr. Hague to arrest
Wiedmann. flr Ha; uu opened the door of
Wieduam...; calico and said tome. that he
could not arrest hire without a warrant.
Cromer :ninnies—W., wore bulking In
the ball trleudly; 1 wee not on very good
terms with Wle.ilreinti for ;some time; he was
not very excited nor Wan he violent when .110
took roe by the arm. I did not think that tie
Intended trinitunit um whim hepointed the
pistol at me; (Plato! produced) 1 could not
en) . terwittirely atielber leis In tee platOl; it
limbs like thu mac be held In bin hand; he
could have snot me if no Wanted. nut as huts
amen of grunt pannier. I thought I better go
outs as 1 and not know tehntne might do, 1
was not to great basis to leave the since
netherent' wren he itolnled the
him. pistol ll ' ru: n d
I lefti face eta, he told um to go Oar,
there would hove been 110 occasion tar 111 w
to point the motel at me; ate not afraid of
him yet- (signed) .1. W. Mitten
1 cot Lily that rho foregoing insubstantial
ly a true and correct statmuutit of J. W. Md.
ler, given Indere tile Ott thu hearing of die
StkillAL MCM•STItan, Alderman.
Preeldenl. Steel m tile Common Loan
• ell Comenteal.
Last evening, before the business of tho
Common Council Owl commenced, City So.
Helier single merle his appearainee on the
iloor and in a heat and tilting speech pro
ceeded to present President. Steel with a
~eei on behalf of the members ot the
branch of council over which he presides.
lir. Single statsd that the meinbers kit anx
ious to express the high regard and eltiota•
lion la which they no r their presiding Or
em, nod to chow thei apprcention et the
ails and Impartial mariner
hail, during.'
the pest 3 ear, discharged his eel! lithe arid'
arduous duties. President Steel retorned
hiss earty - thanks to the gent [tenon who bed
thu !Moored him with the present. lie
did net know that he was entitled to
any particular credit for t he perforiannce
ot the duties of his na t t y nod it lie were, It
way owfng to the hearty co-operation re.
calved from t h e members. With the blur
gala present tey had chosen to maim blur
Italaht, he trumist herealter to exers
Chin the Mitt s ot hts ns he had eirta,o
d oe
per perform them, with Impartiality,
doe prudence sand brrly recant.
The gavel Is one of the M.O. in,411 ti e ul - and
artistic pieces of gnu mechanism w nova
ever non. It. was ManUraetitred he Messrth.
James IL. Bent COMpstriy. the well known
k‘welerli On Fifth street. The bundle is of
polished ebony wood. a lillo the haminer ft
' redid No
hated and ornamented In neat
Stele. liound the Centro h. It bowl lithely
nit inch wide of solid gold, which bears the
following tneeripliOn 1
"Presented by the members of the Corns
Mon Connell of the City. of Pittsburgh to
their President, Thomas et
a n Eel., an
mark of their esteem for Idni as a man, and
ability nan prodding facer, 1,r07."
The net:poor the gold betel nre berelsnine
ly cloned and ehitoied, and noon the whole
it is mon Creditable
ne ts 'teed it Company. no
a Mashed tool at piece of workman
Joseph Koran dk Co's Announcement .
. This enterprising wholontln and retail
trimming and notion linear, Nod. 77 and 79
liarket street, announce a grand spring
opening of new goods tbslay. The goons
are specially commended to ttio milliners,
and embrace all thn latdat styles and fal.
riot introdnced In the ElOitern elide, UOll
- hats, ulmoung . ribbons, Power., Ac.,
of beautiful description.. will be found at
prices OA low sa rule the Eastern Market..
The retell patrons of this bouts will fled
the stock of MAIMS, Net, ' embroideries,
skirts and trimmings unusually large, well
Enlcet , d, and attrartive. bee r , ‘" , ..r ,
Attempl ed Alleged B BandarY 1 .. 4 As 44 " o, or"
We mentioned in oar last Disuse haw adroit
ken raercbant fell Into the Cellar Of the ,letr
clry house of 11. flehardson & Co. corner Of
Fifth and Market Streets, and frightened
away burglars who wereplying their nefa
rious vocation. It appear' that the UMW"
first forced an etkrance Into the picture
frame man ofactOry of Messrs. Barker d Ma,
seltine, located on the second floor of the
building, and Immediately above the Juw.l.
ry store. Establishing this room as a base
of operation!, the hareem chalked Out s
square On tlio floor sufficiently large enough
to admit the passage of s. mania body, and
lord b reod tt quite a anretior of hOlfm 'repent.
tory to c big out the heard. , Wai.e.ork .
Inc they • ere disturbed by the erles - df the
poor arnteh who hod toppled Into the eel
,.r, and load., • prempltatd retreat.
T airy ft - behind their tools, sod , also
r.m or a rt s les of clothing, and • smell beg.
Tile police ere Informed of Om attempted
burglary, a n d Dan artiabt, left were placed
in their bands.' On the bad* - the nanle of D.
was painted. and taking
Mi., as a 0100, officer Dressler was
ed to Biel lit search of thopposeds
burclar. The learned teat Freel was
peddler by occupation. and that he sr. an
pastsbut gli, boarding at the !mead o Frank
Menuae on Webster street. berwee Iligh
tont Tunnel. With this Infermat on the
facer returned, and steps were lute edittle
ly taken to arrest Erne!. lidunday.,
w• vbtite.i. and it was aticertgetned that.
el ww, still boardleg there, and that a
nerk-De. which wads among the ;Lc , 'cleat
forind la) Darker .1 Maseltinets. bCOliged
to Charles Maguire, another boarder.
It appears however, that rr,...1 wet ant ha
the city et the time of the attempted bat.
glary, and as h bears an unexceotlonable
ebatacter tOr hcmesty, the flailing of the
ly.g does OM criminate him In the aillatr. as
probably It was purloined from him.
Maguire was arrested at a later beer, and
, woe locked up for a bearing. The other
parties have thus far eluded capture, bet
nor excellent police force will no doubt se ,
cure them In good seater,. Teo carpet
Backe belooglug to the parties were take.
possession of, and. on twing examined.
found to con sin complete oathte of
burglarious im element. Meta as files, saws.
snow, skeleton elements,
etc. lisittalre
Is in Die Inelrup awaiting • hearing.
The police are r.erteitaly deserving of
Credit the skillful manner' In
which they bane worked up this case from
so slight a cue
The teem-131.1,10t, Common Plena
and Quarter Sesatonn—coat the county du,
log fuel ear ending Feuroary lat. 16 , 1, the
lege mof 03,612, an mcrease of 02,814
or, the prertotos year.. For Jury fees
427,114 wag paid; to the Sheriff. for drawing
J nrora, el.rd9; wane.. feel, 114.7X1 upwAy...
e2,14u; Interpreter., adlet. Theluoraiwwd pay
tojurora„ who now got $2.50 per day, will
alone laureate the Court eyperMae ahOht ,
4..C.;,e0V per annum.
Illacisood Jesselry.—Gems of the flirt
water, bet In rings,plU9 And earring•, at the
most traceable and Inducing ormea, will
be found at Ilelawman. Atesrart
well known and popular Jewelry store. No.
tnt 111111 street. A large stock of general
Jewelry la offered at leas that present east
ern prices. Sliver plated net; at table ware
on hand In new And InallionAlde AtylAg. Foe
any and everything in their line favor this
tires with seal'.
We would Sloggest that foot pavements
he laid In the guttsrs for the benefit of the
peilestrtilOng .030 Our more b
streets. itla asrir ward fora crown of foot
pitoiiengera to get mixed up with pastel;
whoelbariows and piled up dt7 goods
110 -
. on the sidewalk ;and as the barrows and
boxes have an undoubted right there. It to
only fair that some accommodation atteuld
he provided tor pedestrians.
I. That AU?—The amount of !Ines and
forfeitures paid In by Justices• during
luSd, vas 110 by four—A, Amman.
E tvt Itirmingtou, 3.11 St; .1. H. Hiller,
Harrison township, 414.1; I). Kennedy, Went
Elizabeth, CI (0; edl J. W. Ewing. (rule or
an eslru:O. Ski SU. Are there no others Rt.
Omend have paid overt The County Con
troder's rreord will not be disputed, but
how about the Justices r
For Pro Ma o o tary.—Elsew hero wo pub
lish the of Jeeob Lt. Walter, I.eq, veer
lug 111115+e la 6 C30•11(111L0 for Proteouotary •
Mr. Walter has for a long number of year.
creditably tilled tnla iz ottleo am. nos at all
times been recogned a. an earnest, hard.
working and col:1.11.14mi member of the
Union 11...putelean party. Iles seleotlon will
rove a guarantee of toe proper dlacharge
of the (111114. of the office.
The Cerenees of ice, 1166. cost the
cour.ty sa,wa. (11,515 more Lhasa in f or t of
111 cu the corm., received C. 0.-30 In.
lueNtc4, %AU:lessee, Jury fees, at. Y
or nun
uyzing stomachs Prof. W eta reeelYett
and roof. Jillson was Paid tro for like set ,
clot•. For post'martens easudostious
Naas expel:Med, aud $044 for fonend expanses
nod graves in allirlale Cemetery.
If the Ladles would only stand a Wile
nearer GO tbo shop windows, or • little fur
ther off from them, or would consent to
stand onyicit err dednitely on tbo pavement,
they would cooler an appreciable bonen E.
on the men who to dodge so wearily to
get past them.
A Lame Steward is about to be offered,
se we use informed, for the discovery of a
loafer standing on any of our streets. They
eyed to be very Plenty Dem hut now not
one can be found on the cot - ners or on the
Padudice steps, even on estorday night or
during sneeley.
The Next Effort of tbe Darwinian Jilin°.
Deers. will be to prove that Pl.tsbursh cor
er loafers cannot be traced backward and
p ward to tbo monkey. This is well, as,
wing to the D1V . W11111.130, It will tie ea
. lOtlier• and men to differentorlgins.
Rome or Our (loftiest labobtinetts as.
sure us that they can remember. quite dw
tinatly, when pavements existed vuttny on
Iv me of our streets. Alla when cross walks
wore available to some locattles. Time has
wrought groat chances.
George nobeeras committed yesterday
to Warden White's castle, on a charge of
hoping a disorderly house on Duquesne
Why. ttoger Merlin was the prosecutor,
and Alder Matt liichol4On the committing
Fat Oa County Controller dur.
log last year polo John kl. Kirkpatrick.
late District Attorney. $1,07.4 in Dill of
feel due hlm, and to his auccessaor, Colon./
Duff, $1,4 h, accrued lees to liorember 30th;
Tbox. Reunion wlLb $653 111 WI 1 X. 24 . ,
wan picked up very drunk by the police
heat night. Good thhig he was picked up
ny the faithful pollee, for he would hove
been a good pick fur pickpockets.
Common Plea. tourt..—ltofore Roc.
Timms. Aiello.. 1..a0 Taylor va s D. Gregg.
ppenl from a raagastram The (ewe omit.
pled all of yesturil.y, iforill.t. bad
0.00 rendered ac adionencaelit.
The Laois, always had We reputation of
now pointed their mivernatlon;.they
an, pointed In them reetume. seta Is
an Improve:m.l4.-ler when they
tern , ' they were pointed at,
The Presets* els le .of hair dressing
among the laciest gives them a cheerful SP.
peentuee. It keeps the to dunes well drawn
up, and prevents the dear creatures trOui
wearing long faces.
/Slaty Wisncases, It Is eeldowere sum•
tnoned le the Washington county coo3pir.
toy ease. but the relit% of the oourt, as to
the adutiselon of orlilenca, prevented their
taloa called.
c amte.—Tl3o Lawrence COOUtir
1101,1 Whitt Mete WHI bu Leann up bx tun Court
Oyermul Tirminor,
tater the comptriftry =We, WI gou4 to
the Jury.
Great Excitement 1.14 OCCII4OIIIA yea.
torday by a report that tom...tiling was
about to be done totemda commencing the .
Work ileum. The report proved to De a
♦u Accurate report of the 10111 e the
alleys and Leek yards througuout the city.
...nig prove a valuelge and startling adei.
thus to the geological literature Of the day.
Justice S•lfsDerr, Malo4l Stelama.
Ilaoae lestorclay, to •a sit las TSUI On •
Charge of forolcatfou and basuilaY Cal astli
of toiruboth iiaroomp.. thane OM story. .
Michael Kneeland .0
.committett to
jail for a bearlso yeatarnay, Anlernaso
raytor, on a charge orrtamtng an umbrella
throogn Abraham tireaunomVa window.
The Dry Goods Merchants are glad In
their hearts. They aro eellina off ail the
remnant , . In their stores to make up into
the fashionable churl dresses.
By tbenstir liquor law taverns must ewe
It 1. Ire Iva o'clock every want, but there Is
notalnsr to provost item loom opealug can
bony hoer.
For Homo Thieves and , fxolnviS from
justice, police cinema werehl, during last
year, three hundred and se ve n ty dollazs. by
the county.
Two ton on ono of our street
railways were discharged last week for o f
nailing out the names of the streets al r
Vae TOllto. •
air*. Faunae. W. Harper, the Matfett
itch; furcate tutored lecturer, will held
lortatattlghr at the Welio strCet.
Caller County Las n tn.!: ^ontim
than Alleghtry coanty. • \
Fear Sptl inmate. gram:Laced te the
Penitentiary yestereer, where they were
taken by Deputy eherlers Cluley and Stubbv.
Till TapTdno.—Some meet.
ecl Hide :aoro.t.n. Tunnel street, yemer
ruailrubbed ;be till of 1 ort7 dollars.
Court.-11A9 Coast was em.
P ,0 Y. 1 Tests.: 4 s.T. Ar ttwlll be . today, La
dleyie.•yß of the .I.79inent Zit.
Inanenegter Is to tai? .., I. "", l %,, eele L Wa t ;
fan when her councilmen
eu~tcns elwakheri.
partral.—ldr. Jorrytk AttrtntZ,
kitiea by arcUtsutou Saturday, was bursstt
at /31alreville ysttrrday. .
VOI re.; Commitment• cost taw cOoo
tv from robrnnrs• to February Ist,
lEi7, the e.. 1 0! Cf.:Z.
lolled.—llrnry tt.ltuttiton eras jailed 9 6 .°
terday ou u cuartto et Lucuu y, t , d4 t uder .
MUllen, of Alleght,tly.
Tyr iron... or ltoruite to co.t the
xcaxJ V7,f10, au luctveeo of 11,f30
relrg.llo Te!lere.—Soveral fortune tel
ler,. Crire a fa:co tslocoa In Vali nidgbkor•
Trtw New er,lcct ou tho other
uric of the Alfegheuy to eu w with but little
Pox Send!, Pronalum• by the
county lu lt,c amount to 111[y-two duliern,
3 . 1 , e 4 Army Is using his best ee.
deavors 1.0103 prove Lilo Murals Or thu eIL.C•
Aldprnssul.snela tailed lAwantMartilt
on achnxgc of k. Bpi g n .llsorthuly 1401)30.
Colo.el Morrow, to: w.. 9ksth Fa, /Or
ment, died n. I;late county last 'contr.
The email How., •.. oat the county I.S
year, fur revolts, ,tc., the sum of SI,P:4,
Tetotnterm son snakes In the liquor bill
Ruin chaps one makes out or it..
ris th
WJ 3,e oou nty In 1 , 3(4 expended
The Weather Clerk, ii in the pay of the
weather cloudy and tllearrcealde Tot
Gold in Pittsburb yesterclay %Me 19CarCO
g i....uner on } oural
171.4 - 1:)7;.1901"t1XiC 3 I 2 Et,
GPK Fourth atrce , , I'lttaborah. l's.
all kinds: (•.‘ 1' I.‘,VE,, and n' da
scrlptl”o of Fun, / Furn,.olna t/c.ds 'furnish
ed. op. d .lay 1.4 night. Heanu
Carr/4-o t.trnt.heu.
hjr;.l.-NCILSEiv. Da , ld rr, n.,
IL lA. Ja..nile. DAL. hum. ti , lne. Zan.. Ja-
Corner Sisettleld and Ch., , •er• street/.
6e•/se ar. t.rrtar.•
. _
beautiful `,/....1....5ere • the laciccit
ban pi .ce cepu:ctire. except One. In thIA cOunc
t9.attUate.l on be , . lirlatiton Imme..late•
l. of All. yhrri F lots. yertalxa
or til.. rail at Central Drug' Ml ore or COOL a
• iirr.hunG, 11 ,I 7..
t=„ NOT 111113.—THE ALLEGIIE,
• NT couN y
wit =x..-cr3ax,x4o..ek.xv
On Salurday, , Ap7ll 20th, 1867,
At t 1.4. oFFIcE of tLe C.s.,A/RMAN
A full attendspon r.q - est , 4l. es I.:‘ , rror for
boliftng nu jug , 00vcncl u: a adotber
111.1nes , of I:ll,...nattce , 1111t.tan 611 COuNdered.
C0,1111)1,LLI , OF ALL.l:llliltf X o..l
VI: :tt, 0, 10.7.
tw.ll ¢e fectlTttl at this °flea
April sth, inclusive,
Tor eeetheo,,the re* 0,01,7 around the toper
ller of cel, la, 1 , , '
g2 ewa
r nd o:!l!, '" a u t. t .l . l;:t 4 11 1 ,,e ' o`l , l/th scroll at
w,lll , at the Sherlrs
or Canon e.
Corneal ealo rl e L % ,
othee,l, ceewetler.
Wholesale Agents
American Watch Company's
No. 56 Fifth Street,
6 Wylie St., 3d door from sth.
J. W. inort
Fine Watches docks, Jewlry,
No. YT43 4113ERT1 STHEs...
B' Fanl.l...ntio , •3nso Lt./4.111r
W.toott. Cia , ” Jew..lty. AU wort .as,
89 e 9 89 89 89 s 9 89 89
c_p la
Sp Market Street,
Amu or: Tulin
1 4 , 9 T00T5/ SHOES , ite
i ss o ,
" Iv CIiZAPE , T AND 11P-41
I s9 IJ . AB. ROBB, S 9 Market et.
4S9' S 9 S 9 S 9 fi9 59.149 159
111.13 PLACt; TO BUY 7 ,
crTr - "Th!!..11..) xsas ..evr
McCll:&Too3r.' S.
wro, 92 'Federal stircet,
pag •
Practical Furniture Manufacturers
L.0...t.W1.4 or 617;0.1 - 11166 0000.401 06
; Tbe mitrip , e3, Tbe nest
:! le 2 tie .EY. {CI suN-s
IWARsa,:rr, Tanta Ymens. SALISEOO2
Howard'l Livery Stable,
Tint street. veer
Gnat attention p-itt to htlying •nd
rel 9
BAupAn 8 LN
nnetiries.r.ici bat If Ilbart time. &WIWI&
Iv NMI & CO.,
fra r renneusv