.Px:R.riipiaatirZ, Banker and Broker, 115 Wood St., near earner of Finn. en delsoriptions of Government NO. .bdnght and sold on liberal Lerma London and Contra's:dal XECNingie sold at Fan Yoe mug. Gold. env and CoOG OOIII bought at high est rates. r Gold Drafts Waal on New Tart. TO HO FIRS OF 7-3013. Moving m. • • 1••• 1 • 1 ..nwultemewiis with er w9 ec•ciam..o 01113 Ozrizz:toggilz.:4rabt7J'.7.ll:.'""` . Bonds on nand foe Dbtivery. IRA B. 1116AY . & CO., Mecials.erga. .00E B $ TOIIIITN AND SMITNITELD STI. FINANCE AND TRADE. 0/1101 Or Trra Prrrererrort GArrrTr.l incoAr. March 2 . 2, 1867. Tho following are the New York stock quotations for tOKlay: Gold; 151.31; . laza. bonds, 100; Five Twat:ldea, L old, In 53;;; rivo Tgrentlea, 1077 ;do now; 107; Seven Thirties, 10534. Michigan Southern Ilan. road. 7534; Cleveland and Pittsburgh, SW.; Pittsburgh, Fort WOyne .0 Chicago, SC; ' Erie, MU; Chicago and gorthwestern, do preferred, 6.5.3 i; New York Central. 10531; Chicago and Rock Island, 96%; Reading, 10I!.1. - —Il. It. Remp, private banker at Plthole, "root under" on Monday and closed doors. It Is corunclorod o. Loper., ruspen.lon. —ll now seems to be 1110 policy Of the DO. partMent at. Washington to examine (ISO books of National Ranks ot Irregular inter val.. (11050 I”vortigatioll 10 one or the greatest safegnards against irregularities, and should be klorooverotl in. —lb. following s oil property 14 adver tised to be sold by the Sheriff or Voaango county: Pittsburgh Now York .and Tionesta Po. troleum Company. Grant Oil Company. A. L. Gee and BOttell Oil Company. Littleton(' 011 Company. Sheridan Oil Company of Cherry Itun. Philadelphia and Sugar Creek Oil Company. 011 Creek and East Sandy 011 CoMpany...Fountatn Oil Company: Do rillesno Hook Oil Company. MILI.IIO %Sole nt 011COMpany. Clarion Land and Improve ment Company. Martin Farm Oil Cost. Tinny. Amity Oil Company. Great Western CODSMidated Oil Company - . J. Minos Oil Company. Eagle Spring Oil Company. New York. Philadelphia and Baltimore Consoli dated 011 Company. Porter Farm Oil Com pany. .I:useatie 011 Company. East Sandy and Gall's Hun Petroleum Company. . - -Trade 8110 We al IM.IO more activity in dry Roods, as well as in produce and breadstuff.e. Though the business in the former is by no means equal to what. It has been for several years at corresponding - time, still it is fairly active. There are Orates number of buyers on the market for startle cotton goals, and prices not more firmly maintained. Thu woollen tariff having stimulated that de partment of trade, there Is imparted a more cheerful tone to the whole dry goods badness. While this to so, there le no spec.. nlation—no taking of large stocks fora fu ture market. Prices for the time are firm, and whtle ordars to the manufacturers eon- Gene fight, hope' Is entertained mat sup• plies, especially of staple goods, may tin kept within the current demand, and the market thus be carried through the com ing summer. without any material decline Ot prises.—Phlle. Ledger. = OP/KIS OP TM. PIMISOICOIIOI.IYrrt, FILIDAT. March tt., MT. • The inclement 4ohdltlon of the weather bad a tendency to re.srxlet ont•noorbriainesii to-day, the operatiOne m the leading com modities being Comparatively- light, but gnuerally speaking, a firm feeling prevalbg in commercial eirelbs, and for many arti cling, there In a very good demand, both for borne use and speenistion. GPAIN.Whear Is in very limited supply, and may be quoted firm at *470 for No. Spring, and $7,55 for No. 1. Oats to good de mand and firm; we now quote at = to 53, on track, and 55 to 57, In attire. Corn to wanted and prima shelled may be quoted at 78 to W. Bale of HO bushels No. I Sprint, Barley at al,as; and ZOO bunhels Eye at.. 1.33, FLOUlt—la nrm with a fair local demand, and prices are well sustained. We continue to quote at 41250 to *l3 for prime to choice Spring Wheat; *13,50 to $14,50 for Winter Wheat; and *le to 817 for fancy rands. Eye Flour. $7,50, and Buckwheat $3 ll to *3.50. PUOVISIONS—Baoon Is firm with a steady Jobbing demand at 10 to 10 ,, f. tor Shoulders; 114 to 12 foil Bibbed Sidtstrand tole:for Sugar Cured Hams. Prime kettle rendered Lard is quoted at L3r Sul. of Mese Pork at SEEDS—There la rather more Inquiry for Cloverseed; sale of 35i/tibal. and 17 bushels both at *4.50. Timothy Seed is ginoted at $3 to $3,25. Flaxseed In in activu demand and sells readily at $2,83. BUTTEIL—Thorn Pi a steady demand for 11011, and Coo ran report mica at 33 to 37, for prime to choice. Common Butter ism good euoply and dull. EGGS—The arrivals are again increasing, and with un increased soppty, the market Is leas active, scat prices a shade loyer, mid we now quote at 20 to 21. /LlT—Primo Timothy, in good condition. is in demand, and sells readily, on track, at at s2s—eale or 1 car at 115. GUEE37 APPLES—T. , e eupply of prime Appl., In sordid' conditiou. is light. and prices are a shade higher—may be quoted at $1 to 44,50 per bid. Common are selling at a vitriol 3 , of &Ices. POTATOES—The Liemarto seems to be Im proving, though prices remain unchanged— .les at 73 to tal per basket, and *450 to er2,75 per bbl. - BEANS—We can report regular saki of mime small White at*,:,75 per hush. DILIED FRUIT-1s in good supply and very dull; small stiles at Ili to 10 fur reaches, nude to 10 for Apples'. PITTSBUII6II PE [HOLED][ MARKET OP/IDE or GAZZTI'... k'slosr. 31/ucla 1,337. .;„ Market was arm and some . t • ',chat excited today, and an advance of sMlpone quarter of a cent per gallon has 'bee,. established. We can report. a tale of 1000 bbl. for April, at 6%1' and 0.“) for April and (40 to l gravity) at same figure, StX. - it in difilcolt at this writing to assign any direetcanse for this apparent stillness; but, we presume, the fact that there are quite a number of paroles anxious to tiny ;!,: - on specalatien, has morn to do with it than ~ anything else.• In the ovenlug, holders . y . l " u n r '3 l 6 ' l ' l ewaeave"ltfullif to 7 .1 lnugh, above na e L nave no late advlees from Oil City. but we nave no doubt, this little ollurryo here ill V 199 ., en advanue them. RF.FlliEllint a m 'lgle - sale of bonded .011 reported to-duy,hhis titan-dun! white, • , on the Nom, at N I thorn co mitilerablo for Marc h and April deliveries In Philadelphia, nod that, tilt , , at a slight - int ; votive, Mgt eatrVIUIS V 1.0.1 . 1.1( hes a tendency to retard operations. Oue prominent operator In Philadelphia le re , las having sold nine thousand bids, F. o phort" for Aprll, at Vi,4. =tit there now buyers (Or swam month aim, anti but very Sow sellers even at that, the operator •.t above referred to may be a little ^short" before he gets through this operation.. For • lain months there seems to be but compare . tively lithe inquiry. PITTRBUROII AMIE AND BIAIIOII lIABILET-WEEKLY IiEVIEW. 0171C1 Or rug Prrrehonan ..Gcserrs, latuar, lgarelret,' 1077. The transactions in metal have again been light MIS week, and hardly worth re. [lording, and, all a matter id course, the Market IS . dull and neglected, and prices • are entirely!boroteal. A. yei,,.the • ties betweeri the salll.ownere and paddlers have not Leon ioteil, though it is rtc. mired that those leapossibility of coins of • thee walls starting up within the next week. so. with the understanding that the pull ' illere COLO work at the price probored ad Jar.dot. per 10n. The following are all the Sales had r ported,' . 1%11 toaeliuslc Bar' $ 70— 4 mot 100' dh II o IUS * d all. Valley Forge 45 do le do. Cold Blast Charcoal G 5 do • 10 do Junlata Mourns 110 do id do do. 105 do . New York Dry Goods Market. New Your, Mareh D.—Trade fairly entire In Cotton fabrics, at s me slight shading In prices of medium nod light - welidita of Brown and Bleached Sheathing and Shirt ing& The Indian Orchard and Pepperell BrownGoodO ero coo lower; Mad:aril 44 Drown reddens' to lilt - Waal, usetta to 54 fa inch, 11; Portsmeath down to 10;4: °m ark aelfitc; Pittsfield A, /644; Lyn,. C sonvido and Dates Bleached off Ctiaptimn; 211; NOW Market, C. 3); Greene. I:14; Waltham 814, gad Canoe, 104/1044. Ticks about 44c lower, and many pthera of colored cotton _Gingham. to lower. Prints active; Cash man, Delaines reduced ' to - 230. Desirable makes of dotnestio 'replan. in regneat; other styles rather drill and depressed. Imported Maple woolen and worsted goods In im proved request at a allgtit advance; other styles MeV rather slowly. . Albany Cattleq Dlsurikel. Acnster. March ":11-4-kstile. although-In good request anq somewhat better finality than lest week, have sold at prises ranging from Sik yrs lower. The demand is good, especially • from the ram, .some 1.50 0 be.. having - lleen bought Tor that dlrectionj the prices ranged t 11.4 to Se, except for one drove very choice Illinois Mears. averaging 1,450 pounds, which woo bought for Brighton of Itecelpts for the Week. 4.100 heed. lllitsli range from f. 14 to 954 C. Itece•pts, I,We brad. Hogs nominally 7340W,43. Romagna PIM bead; Balelatore Jffarket. Bavrittosaddarch 22.--Flotar ateedg but firm. Wtseat, good to prime. at $2.90 for Wlllte. Corn declined lei valoo were made at et,e6a1,09. Oats, W.. Clover le steady; • ecce:lc azaree, and now gold at 19A0, and old, rrovialps are UnChsinfica. • JAMES DWELL & SON, 69 and 10 Water Street, LARD .OIL MANUFACTURERS, And RBON dealers i LAn. CRUDE. tusalcAmstiy.l CA IO WE . ..arum our No. I Lard Olt equal to the best - Civitirearl, or other brand., and propose to sell 0 lowas tdoetraddi or Chicago :atm. Our Sid. I Lard Oil as a Lebricator cannot be excelled. Lath Creek Lubricating and standard brands Or Carbon (MI constantly on hand. Merchauts and is swill find It to their Interest to eye a call before ordering Lard 011 from the West. 1111A111LET* BY TELEGBAJPIL Financial leiralleras In New York. .I%zw Yong. March 1,3414. The Railway market Is steady. The Stock market is heavy. William Heath & Co. report the following closing rates' at :030 0. Att olno and Missiolpol Certificates, Zlit Canton Company, 4711471‘; Cumber land, - 328.13 , 4; Qalcksilver, 36C0A7 , 4; poen, 9!.4oS44;llarlposa preferred. g 54452 2 ,4; Western 110100 Telegraph, 41; Pacific Mall, 121i40123. Atlantic sdWi 0,. trldal; New York Central, lOW., _6105%; E rie, ,SW,; Itndnon Railroad, ISS5i110; Reading, 1eG101 4 .41 Altchlaran Ceutral, 1004; hon.- ern, 75,6e7534: Illinois Central. 115a421151et; Pittsburgh,:9 l 4Ql'filij Toledo, 11!2119'.: ; itoch Island, IsSiet9 6 %; Nor' hwestern, ti 1357/: do. preferred,l4si.7oesl,; Fort 94 - ay... 9A44179 , N• . Lovernment Securities generally steady bet quiet at closing prices; registered of liatlatfien,;; coupons of tel,braltt !SgOls. registered 01 t0.1,1111 1 4Q101%; 5 01 coupons wt .0.,1174461551,1; 5091 coupouus of '1;1, 107 , -,3 10 .0 %; 0../A1 coat mans of •,15, ILMitt lw; do. Ja.nia ars anti July, 1074310774. 19.40 - s, registered, 911,;11,97,4e, 10-40 91 , ,:.(097, , ,i; Almost 7430's 1563104;,; Juno, 4. Border State ' bonds Miller the issllel of Masson , el. and otherwise steady; Mb snarl, s.ilatr,*; , Indiana fives, 017 , 5; Coal and Miscellaneous shares without any special change and quint. The gold market was rather more active during the morning, but a..• Oh day advents , bemtme quiet; lust.saleta,lllP.l. Mining share markets howed - increased activity and ummatlon toelay on nearly all the leading shares, the largest lea ttness being In Gregory and. Stock, which tluctua. Lett between 11011,10, closing it 1120, Quartg 11111 quiet, AloirAlS; Corydon sold freely at 37.31140; Columbia Gold, 6; Silver active at &egad, Willi thereitsedllllSiness ill Alame da at 730a/755. Prices of mining stocks Ind In Boston toslay Comte, Se; Copper Falls, Si; .Franklin, 2.lolancock, ii; Raton, 15; AIM. newts., 9; Quincy, New York Prodmee Market. 'Stow Pont. March 2 . 4—Cott:on steady with a lair business twang; sal. of 2,740 bale., at 303403t0 for =Millet; upholds. Flour; re ceipt° of 3.119 bariels; the market is lafilfst bettor; sales 9,500 - barrels. at 09.7.5idi1t4,6-t Ins stperfine,. Slat , ' and Western; 01.,•• 5 41•1 -2 .fil for extra western: McMinn,' do; 911.00212,45 for shipping Orarlds of extra 11. It. 0., and 411,50/01130 tor [ratio brands, the nntrliet closing firm: Catatonia. tuns very' firm; sales .of 1,410 barrels anal tasks, at 014,50015,10. Whisky quiet and Mtn. dupe iet and steady. lime quiet, at 1070(.010)1e. Coffee quiet and firm. Sugar qulut; sales of 1/./ Kilda of Cuba ut, 10d44110. AlolasSrai sales of See Sloe of Demerara at 47(0 Mc. Petroleum steady, at Mc for erode and 210270 for refined bond Batter dull and heavy, at Ilar.Pc for 0510. Cheese steady, at 1:1419c. LAIMST.-5 P. IL—Floilr eln..ed firm and a Shade Muller tor medium grudes. Wheat has an upward tendency; No. 0 spring. (11,55; Martell. 2.1.101 Im. No. 1 spring, at 4 1 , 7 5 . Bye, tirm• 41,33 for Western. Oats dull and heavy; t4Fle for Western. Corn, 91,1054, In store, sad 91,17, afloat, for Sldp plug mixed Western. Pork, quiet; styles. 430 5510 tress at 914,151, buyer's option. April; closing with buyer's mess at 62,02Y4, anti setter's at 4M,15, regular; seller at , W. 5 6 %. .and buyers at k.M.34. Beef active and ad vancing. Cut Meats are steady and In lair demand. Bacon, dull; Il%e for Calliberland middles. Lard, doll; / . ...Adilite for talc to prime, and 1131101374 e for mar to prime ket tle rendered. Cincinnati Market Cr2lClalralt. March 2.l.—Flonr Is In better demand, and the market Is arm and prices unchanged, Wheat Is firmer bat the do mend Is bight; No.l spring al,ss4"Lie: win ter 149 a corn to rather lower; No.l 7'.:F573 , 4 In C.a. 846,1.4.1... llrm at 53`,/asle for No. 1. Bye In demand at 111,41, but hold at ht and not much to be bail below this rate. Burley Is arm wan good demand for lall at `1 55@1,60. Cotton unsettled and urices nom inal; middling .uplands can no bought at. 27c. Whisky Is held at 11 . 2..27 with Intsora at 112,tt1. Moss Pork La arm itt , s4l, but without sales.. Bulk meats in good demand at 8410 c, but . generally held , !,4c higher; gale. , Of 71.0,010 lbs country cut at Se for shoulders, and lee tor Ad. and. lo , .; for haunts. The hams were very large, I but the shnolders and sides could not have been, got at the price without the home. I Bacon steady, ut a1 , 5611i4, and 12 , 4 c for shoul ders. slites and clear sides. llama in good demand:at 13 , .'c for plabLaral 114151. he her anger cured. Lard enlet and not Much:dont ; prime city made Is held at 13c, but there has beau no sale at over Grocerleu un changed. Batter on good delnand.aCOU.i:le for fresh. Egan dull, at 1.5(4164. There tea gr.litliT7 2 ; u a d itio r slater, with saps of flu Gl ken. Tlmomy very dull, at id,auctit. Flax In good demand tor seed, at fiLterst,..le. = Conesoo, Karen a—flour fairly active and - 1111.e.3.417 at restertlay's' prices. AV it ,st not so active and holders arc ilrm; 'so-s its 2 at 1 , 2,121,02.,111. closing quiet at 42,13i31,Lr5. Corn lower with an ttelive ',veld:lli,, tit:- M/11111j Bak. W. 5.003 hush at Matitty.ic for No. 1, Closing at mu:N.4l4c. • Oats steady tom gnat at rtise44kic fur ',miter, and Csitliq;.ie tor fresh receipts of No. 2. Ilya =le lower, closing quiet at 61,M for winter, and siao for fresh receipts of No 1. Barley quiet but steady; Hales light at 7rbp.k. for No 2. No movements in ['matelot, and the mark, altogether nominal. Provisions toil. Mess rock locative and nominal, at .22.. M. soma 1,1110117 for Short. lib sales at Nip. Land doll at LINe for prime steam reuder eloslagirltlz free sellers at that figure. Dressed Hogs in better supply and more cc , SlSe.mileH at , Kultiogu s .i: par WO Ibt; market for tiles 615100t21. Live 1.1.g3 tirm; sales at SUS 7,4). Raffialo Market Beriatu, March —Flour In gorol de mand and Brun sales of l ,ug Mae at 511,7:4 1 0 tor No. 1 SPring. and WU IS for Canada. neat fern sad le it - olecat., Imintry: rnlve of White Canada - at 112,n4‘3,40, tillwatkpet Spring.2,l2, Amber Canada at 6.Z,70. Corn fotet non et shade weaker; sales of IC ear Spills new Toledo at lee on State Chic track. bats dull; small sale, of We,,ttrta at s's,. Barley onlli nektnn sl.nafill,le Mr Canada. Rye neglected. PreVr Moa. Pork ginet at Lard sl o t flighaltlea unchanged. Philadelphia Marker. PUMA o.tritt.t. March ti —Trade drill. Flour Urn.; nalenl,Ottl bbls nurtlti.r.tern at 114,15;aupprilne hit. Wheat;Pctr , ..; Caltforms 0,15; red Sl.Ol. Rye ttemly at $1.50. Corn quiet at +1.12.4 tiew Stem. Fork 021. I Bacon; saSee JJ , ;e; ”toppl tiorall,As. Lard firm at l3'/e. {eulogy . ; VOll.- irehind 73064/j salsa l l .fau blils reliant at. .111.2r4i Now Orleans Market. New °seem..., starch PL—The, extra °trot ton to-day amount to 4,:w bah a. The mar. ket seam; low rulddllne.llim. Receluts tor to rstok, 11,SEU Lairs; exports, X 2 .77 stock on hand. X1.k..176 Inds, auger, dud; mood falr,l4;c. Ilulastml, dull. solos at 6%.y 75c for txxnuntlnz. et==l By. Inms, Rivet& 2_Tolmmo active, leaf ranging et from VOIR. Cotton heavy Roil lower, at t for low Middling. It Macy iplet, leteriwallite Market. LoCTR.VILI.z, Mardi 2 - 2 —5.11., of 15: 1111.1, Tobacco; him - I:et activ.; eOllllllOll lug., lA;' cutting leaf. 1N1,75. ; UAW' wbld kn 52,12. INIVORTM HZ RAII.IIO4D. • Purvpstrisou,FOlre WiTsab.Clllo,Ait It. It. March 22.-12 - kgs butter, 000 , •r; 1,1,1., do, Sturgeon S Oro; 5 sits rugs, Markle S co; bbls apples. %V I) Patterson; I car burley. Carson, Darlington S co; 10 libls perlanh, .1 Onty; 1 its candles. Llttla, nand & Patron. 2 kegs lard, 1 Uhl onions. Vona & co; 10, hots flour, James (Manner; 3 hints toOacco. Mar tin Iley1; 2 do 110. J M Moreland; 22 sewing ...chinos. Wm SUlLluer S Cu; 4. bole whisky, J a Flock; 5 ears Metal, Silmlek Lee; in has timothy owed, a tails brooms, 1 WA dry up rilinipl; I Uhl butter. 45 pes meat, John Floyd & ctr ha, this guar, Culp S Shepard; I car pitr ' lead..l UCuolteld S son; 1:17 aka oats, filioS S McKee; 1 car corn, 1 do rye, W Meek; 1 car hops, Phillip. it Mittonsury; dl dor palls Evans. Ullinore S Dallas; 2 /ads eggs, Kele& lUtchart;4 curs bulk meat, W 1) ilays 5 . 5..311; 11; dor pans. J .11 Lippincott; hi do do. /haul S Ahaggar; .1 skscloveno.d, Vona & Coi 7 eke rags, lie. Coliough. Strain S co; 11 sacks husks, E Ed mondson. CLETILAND sun PlTTletrient It titaosn March' 2-It)can. Iron on, hhoeuberger !hair; 4 core eryollte. Peden Salt Cn; I cur rye, llitchcock,McCreery a co; 15 bids vine- gar, lilmmakor it Lang; `l5OOO rye, a /tar haven a corn? slot Gate, W Hingham; I esr do, J McKinney; l bl,l butter, II hen Jr; UN Jug* tnolasSos,S Huber; 24 do do, Leslie A on; 4 bble 'apples. 4 do egg., Nangorticr .t. Shepard ; 2 dodo,Volgt 4. co; 7 pkgs produco JiLwell, Lee & co; 3 bxs maple Huger. W I) ralturbon• 12 bole apples, :sturgeon Urn; I .02,2104;r30491, J 31e21,14;1»; 15 la*, itnllinn fete, J Connor; 3.10 do, lee do dour, W II liwkpatriek a CO; Id 'Age produce, Head a Mat zg.r; 9po Moe dour, Oral:am a Thomas; luu do do; L /1. Myers a co; /CO do do, S /1 Floyd a Co. . 'ALL34141341T 3TITION. March °7-5141,1.1) flour 1 car rrate,ll Knox a Son; 3 Idol butter,3 bids eggs, C Koenig; le clog brooms. James Olianton;tl pkgs eggs, 11. A Carson; 1 car hay, 11 Ilea Jr; Ido wheat, It T H.mnedy Jiro; 12 bge corn, Ea C Mouton; 8 bide eggs, II Lens; 3 bal. tow, Zinkead a Andregg; 24 bt " apples / ogee, Job. Herbert; 1 car lumber, W W 11.1000,,; H racks washbowls, 114 A Carson; 1 car whatt, McKee a Pro. ALLsonewr Vatter Itattnoan, Marc, 21- 4 can Iron ore, Snoenberger a Ilialr; I tar oats and corn,/,a W ralrlay: 3 cars Iron ore, Musick a co; a, LIMA snit, g holster; 2 pkgs butter, J 11 Truby; 49 bales bay, II Kiddie; 5 bbls ogee, 11 Oravn; 3o eke outs, Bingham; 5n 110. .1 Uatreil a CO; 47 suet. rye, W W Moore; 7u Nka atta, Itrlcker A co; 7 eke scod,Mellullougb, emit tt & co. FITTSI3IIIIOII £lll 4201131 1444.4911.4.14 B. 14, 118,1d4 21.—111 coils rope, Marshall, Fulton nonmar,,; pkgs furotture,C, Heal; 3 lode, T young& • co;t" plrga leather, W 31e- LaUghllll; bbln .1)111Inger & So bls sorghum, Vangordtr Shooarst; ado do, Graff it Hattori 4do do, Volgt no; kgs butter, S Cooper; 50 lodes cm, pig iron, S Wiekersham. riallsnuaaa. Cosa:wave a Clamano., It. It, March pkgs prodtett .1 110111ISU; 4 bbie dry apples, 3 do eggs. 1. do butter, 7 do scald, owner; lopkgs Ash, Sbipton 4 Wallace. I clO beans, Blair et. WOods) 4 tads 'melee', d. 'egge,2o *Gs barley, Dleanor. Harper a Hoiid; 58 bble apples, J. Paterson; Ido ougs, L Volgt Cot./ Mild tobacco Mr* C Manus; 2 ears barley, Spencer d. )fairy; / car !wrap itron, Union lam flag. PITTSBURGH ROPE • WORKS. DIM FULTON tz , BOL LM Only ltanufaetnren In the Wen of 'HEAVY CORDAGE, Yol table COr Steam and Coal Boat. HAWSER LAID OIL WELL ROPE, Tarred Ropes for Coal Railroads, ,-HEMP. OAKUM AND PACKING, CAULKING COTTON, eor k, Wareham. 114 and 113 Water street, Near Monongahela lions. den:p49 RIVER NEWEL . The river was rising slowly at this point . last evening, with scant seven feet In the channel by the Allegheny marks. The ,Al legheny was reported rising at 011 City, and us the present soft weather appears to have betiegeneral, we may expect a riso in the Monongahela also. Toe Great Republic passed over the falls at Louisville yesterday, and having passed all obstacles, she will proceed to New Or leans without further delay. The Ataggle Hays, from Cincinnati, to the only arrival we have to report, while aside from the regular packets. there were no de -1 oartures. The Spray, from Cincinnati, le among the first boats duo. We have reeef red a communleatlou from all engineer itvegs.rd to the engines of the Great ltepublie,ano will try and make room for it mom nest issue. . The Ezra Porter, Capt...l. 11. Porter, will positively leave for Cleei multi toalaY, ants will vll le this 0,00111 ,n positively, and passengers au I t pliers tun rely on this, and net LLCCUI.I. T 1 annins towboat A. J. 11.iker hits ars ribeol trawl SOW 0111.11.. alder a long ab sence thlrlllg hitql 11111 e she boo been en gaged In to coal bet% een anal New Orit,liS. Tie., Baker ls ow lied by our gorml leoldog friend, Capt.. J. sharp McDonald, and if report is Due. she tiro 1.04 le very n 11.1111,11110 1,11.114 LO boo OWller. The IVananitr, and Inwboat Alps arrived at. Nletnithn. on Ite• lith. The :allude la lo.nitus at St. Lott la for l'lttstengh. Thu Clot:11111a t Curettes ,peakner nr the weather, sera: Too at reels, slileVialks and 'hart were consequently placed In en ex tr rely unpleasant state, which [eight LW wholly deseellsel in the liteguage of one of the lady I'a , nenl4o/ gq the ~ rest. Itcpuelle, whu Llnd even ant 1101,11$ a little shultlnntr As she entered Chu Ulanil of Situ oral! situ dropped her dress—the skirts ere tucan— and eastlitit u sweeptug glance around, ex claimed to her attenuant; ehhawley. it's Itorrlldu 11l this Olt) I" Mitl thOUght so, and Tile same raper t also responsible for the following: Copinto Donaldson, of the Brent Republic, •ceived u telegram from rink %Mill, et Limbo - 111e. s.iyons there would be seater enough cm the till Friday for tile eteuul mastscion, end noviscd him to take all the freight he cult get. Pink 010114 the 6n,al t.t•pnhllu to take enough freight aboard her. no t hat t ben.. Witt be ito danger 6IIIL iceei,l'elipelei r i to :guy/ Orleans 01.0:11 of her. Thu Laurel Hat, Lonna for Louisville, at. tempted to take a short cut to the hello City, and run out in a cornfield. gee holes below Columbus. The Navigator pulled her out of the cornfield „Wednesday mottling, and she litteCeetteil on tier way to Lou trent,. It is reported that the National bang at Little Rock lets purcna,erl tno-thirili of the steamer Des Are trout Elliott a Co, of Ilemplus. at (berate of $30,00u for the whole heat. We hail tile Pleasure Of meeting Captain I.OW Ahrtoms, of the Tsblequali yesterday. The Loulsvilla .!.saran[ says: Capt. W. R. Iloleroft nod Others are stunt to close a-ins truct, for it el passenger insehet, with low-pre,sure msetipiery, for the Louisville um! Ne Orleans trail, She is to vie with the low-pressuce Richmond, eon neatly ready to shot South oil her . tirst trip. The U. 1/.. or Mount:mu:or, a pew light drang ht moe-s heel boat,bititt for tile T u tu. trade, was sold, at st. Lout-, On clay, tor to Messrs. Woollolls, smith and .Ilaker. . . The I.iitnepto Herald Pay.: The racers. of tlei N. W. Union Packet Company ciostvl their oe.oilitit y - ..at, rilay, With What result It nutmeat. to outd.P.., ao tar u appoint- . tarots are concerned. The company an lacipato a dull" ecieunt, mud to mate up for tin. foot Litsinvio. exp....A.1,11m., we learn, asklel employes to Work (or a reduction of Irmo S to 40 per cAlt on last 00.1120 , 11'Al wave. P. A. Ddvuts , ot departed yesterday. leaving notice (list there Would tica reduc tion all around, from the Captain down to the ',bluer,. and propieics to cut down pl. lige, clerk, :vet 011010,22,1 i ray Per acid mate. IS per cent, st hien they eon. ac cept or re: uits. Ne.rotiattoits were lett oven for consideration, to fur closed in a a eeL, wt..° We Ott, to:ad...enter arrive, Uu the 1.1 trip of the tilenner her roust abnuls rttueett toorknt Vine Ihull-, nail OA tit nval w of the y 6041 it Lit tle 'Lock were .11,h:irked. They pni.l their pne.s.e lineleto Mewl/121A anti oiled the iwint for wnges for the roue I trip. Their Claim wt. allowed by the snanistrate. The Lou:. We l%Jurier, In referring to the goods in the lower rivers, ay,: The lokhest tide e w. known 111 winter of ver when there its GS feet of W. 1. 4 .: lit tau •cti..nriel :at the foot nf tint foil, met. filth; 31 1.,l Cl water on the tolls. The higliest iennt kt at. Lalne.l the pre.ent no.ht rid ishont ikt tc,.t wager at the fe,t Of the tnlit niut tki feet Oil the (Kao. The lowt nt stage we hove ever know it, we helle.e, in 15:O. Then there W.. but lb inebot of water nt liisekport. The Ex ne,ville JOY Flti/f Lae the folk/Ali; retniutsvenve : "The blglieet time on record was In the spring of 10a.,/t wise In October, 'tilde in I recently, we met tfapt, Jol n Haggerty, a contagnporary of .11 the Fink, also related to u.• many lull. des to of a tl ty lilies, relative 10 the river 'tool the e.g.,. day:, I/1 feast boating. lIe!ln egee.lcully preeers ohl gcatletnenoln ailing:to eh - rm./dance, and highly inteilt. gent. 11., comm e e anded the eleateer Cor vette, one ninlnt .defouteetti. that nay l• tawd lhcllbaound ilievien:ppl river,. Ile telt Nee Orleetn- lu Ofnn math I 4.1 111 A III( :VII. ct In watt a cargo of coact., Nagar, mu. lawn, and rico for Cinetunnti MIA Pitts. burgh. After a t‘dlous trill. I,e tf,eliot mouth of the Licking. lie filwovered large, howldet obeyed "WI, lying on Its edge on the 01101,171 till! %nal gal of the wilt,. On thin roeg./t few 1nc1.,. ben. at It the ion lave of till' wetter, he dh.coverfal line finely enbeleil rope, the date, October le, tele, Inc anger mat k. fie •router sue perfertly clear, and toe lettere were hued nontely cat V.I. Ile tt.wl coutpellefl to lay up boat nt Paducah, the river luting too low to navigate, the a Orel 1042, thou being below EV.011,1111.. Ife Nerve of hit cargoa Orel !Knit, and progeedd eup the riser. II" found: twenty-torn Inch.. of watt, ut eeutiL.turvn, french, and Flint I w land, Or titre, nelgebublre titan Wall Itell .ted hy the ntartrulade t aunty yearn be rme." AOIIIPINAVCE to authorize •EtLI Taytng Or Tlif C 43 art I 11(tp I. Be f ”r..1.11.,•1 nw•l enov-trd hp yOo.ortot, ...I tt• .4.4.1 vt0ttet , ...1,4516 orart. yr etr. •“. Incl.' oot.i: Its ot aottllt. i•, , att.! Olt.tttA IRe ...Hoc. It to pt.,. tal• lott t yyrlttg ttott•• y. , a• 111.1 lO.ordroty . t o awl ./ , trit;etta r.troott Ita•tior.• I.totto t I ito ..... ryot. An.l r..tit rot, tl . tot not .111. oot :Laid too At•r blot. r•. a• 11..0tt.11 , 0rt 11,1. the porp .0' of dr fra)lngAlic ,11 , 1 4e • 01 ~1.1 oat ewe., .110. re I.e. :0.1 I- ben hy 1,1..1. ,pec..l la, to leK a.Ol up. 11.0 '.IA milt,. sod •.rr. t re5t...11,1.1y. proportiou non. feet troot to the cootter...ol, and bounding and bolting as afore•a"- That a. noon as the cost mod pro,' ot (.11.1 itopr.o. ...etas .11.111 be Nu" mooed, ILI/4.11 be the cloty of the:street Cotentls,lourr to .o,tooxlol amour.., the .31101 31:1.14. the 00. era! lot 111,111111144 g 011.1 P.M 111,4 110111 n 3 1 ,1 and att., respect. then areordlox to the rule above Indicated. and teop.o to make de :nand awl collect the ,111le. set:ord.., 1 e1... el... or .1, Art of the lienerat Ae..ensloly of the I 10toolorrralth of Pen.”'lvania.. entlll , ol `•Att Art dellnlng the wanner., coll.-0:10w the ra pro m, of yrad Ina and pa, log •-f tbe and al leys of tho City of A lbgheny, sod for other por poars," pasei'd be :salt day )(arch. I<,:. ,o.c. 4. Tilth any ordinance as nosy cootl or to' rophlled by th, foregoing, b e and the tante le hereby repealed. Ord.tmed and c0,..41 Into a law tOla, the d ty a n Ant. 1.11110, tote thousand eight hundred and sla ty-srvon. J y N nt 31elllatIll. President of 0011'01 Council. attest il.'Lgt';Tl!,'Zlelko 11E , , e l l l t . Preekholl of (onnuou Connell. Alltst Mouser .1:112. Alert. of Common Council. n.1.1723a7 A N ORDINANCE fixing theaal ,x arle. of 11ay Polite and Nigh; aratrlimetr. bacriuS t. Be it ordabud and enacted by the Nob owl ( ' . r o t or eon neat of the 12.11, 4,1 A lie clan, ord El It (,error oadaintal and rooolgal try nothoroly of the ado.,, That the salaries of the 10ono n uf . .ne Watela 1.0 Increased 1w0111)- rent. per night. and the saute be mud la horthy Cold at ss. 0i per; ulaht, to date f , u.ll+o nest ayof 1100,10 107. tier. 'L. 'That the salary of the Captain of the Night Wale!, be Inereasi'd 1140.25 Per ano.u.and that the !Warr or 1110 11;htt f uf. Police be In credited oe ale wired diollara Per annum, and that the.aute 1.10 and hereby deed at( .0 ~per annum. ca,l.; and that the salaries of two asy pcole-toeu bu (rammed Au two dollars portal —each to date from the first day of listen, OM. bat: IL st all ordinances parts of todl ?Mtn,. as may conalct with or betupPlied 07 .the foregoing, be and the sante me berets, re •• 0,131111'11,01d Cll%OlOll a law, this locate .1.. y Marc, 01111.111 . one thou hor- sand eight lotdr,ol sod el a. J AMES 3f alt 10 I, Crt o.lont::elect Council. A 111111)1.1 , , rre.l.lvnt of Common Colwell. A Hest: IP I i.wonin, Clerk of Uouunnu Council. Inl2Cn:s A N ORDINANCE Fixing the Searles of Wttlet Matter , . Sitturtom t 10. it ordranevl nod enacted Inor the Melte', and Unsound. 0,00010 q/the Mei/ thorny' . gtotoy, 41/1.1 d to hereb enacted by Me a of V. atone. 'foot the. Wet les of the Weigh Mae• tell ,Lail be flied at CO her annual, tack, to dtte (Ist: 1.1431 01 J1166.r,. 6 . , .2 . . 1 11.4 al' t trdluautte, or parte of (tell. a`ttt.• theoneleteut htreatiht be and the Some re torch, rt:hesied. •litt el alp eteen• JAMKS Mc Inn Eli. Preeldhot of titled. Chturten. otttett Stet:rata...tel. clerk of :trice, Connell. • - iiKot. Preelittn, Cuull/1011C01111Clt. A t .b=:ubs 1 z i hi DEI ,', I :lon izi 1867. „L.F...1 . 1867. PITTSBURGH AND ST. LOUIS 3Parcslr.ert Liao, composed of the followlAtoleadidOWllitill: MESSENGER, WRENA, EZRA POUTER, BIAGIO= HAUL WACA NITA. N OLUMBIA. EW TOBY, A.RKENLA., C SILVER LAKE No. 4, IMPoETEB. KATE PUTNAM KATE ROBINSON. YORKTOWN, /SILVER CLOUD N 0.2, BELLEVEBNOM GLABOOW, MINNLE, • AMET.IA POE. One of the above boat. ',Unease for St. Louis mud all it tertnedlate ports en each WitibilLS- Dar and OATU CLUE. at b o'cloca r. M. Freight and passengers recelpts4 throngh to all 9/pints on the Upper Mlselselppli Illinois and altssourt rivers by the Northern Mae Packet Co.. lll[viols Barer Packet Co. and Missouri hirer boats. - Apply to FLAME.. COLiIMGMOOD. EASELS COLLINS. agents. or Capt. BAWL SHUMAN, Superintendent. No. 90 Water street, (up stairs.) .F°.n...•ALEl°,l B .7,ll!uallfidiSit due Meamer BELLEVEBNON• (lapt,J. 3. DAURAOH• J a. Will leaver for the above and all Intemedlate ports, tie tiLTUttliAY,llhe 30001.1... at 4P. it. (LACK L COLLINUWOOD. TRTF I IT TIPITT A 4 "" 1% BD.'S' AND CINCINNATI.—The .w and splendid slde-wheal packet, .Csut. rOATZB E=! Will Irate I%W:torah ...VERT a ILTUVAY and Claclonatl EVERT VUEODAY, at 1 fo r frolahtur passage apply or lio . ar r e i g i ir , t i t q. Or JAR. EOLLIsa, mh2l •telltll. VOR ClNClNNATtandr i dr ah t LOUISVILLE.—The hoe pea rog, steamer lIIA IL IS led Capt. Jullartt BROWN' Will leave for the shore and intermediate portal THIS DAY, March .Ist. . Jith. VLACH. or 1 r ./. W. Ctll,,•khlOWOOD. MEMPHIS NEW 0111..EANS.—Th0 due.' • paagenrer oteamer ICHNToN Capt. FRANillAlutVra. Irate fur the above and Intermediate pen. 'flue LAY. fl.•Cli UOId.INGWOOD. ...-- BANN rd a tA,L.I.INA. Ager.u. REGULAR WEEELLYzeI i at 01 N 01 N N ATI PACKET, LICAVI,kIi EVERY WYDNILIDAY AT 13 Y. —The tiottaudcmuulooloos LICWItt VA.ND.ItIrT MaZI 115221330 , , ior . frfatitit or oir ti ate s 7l , ll , y . alt I , A . HrI or to toll[. CHAS. BAHNCH . Ag‘'n" 1. 4 `011 4 AT. PAUL, Dllr i ca u t nECT.—The new uwl elegant =M=M =CM Wilt leo?., roe the •I.uvc Red •it lotermedta port? on rIATUltOrkl. April Wt.,10 WOW). JOti , t FLACK. rot? 11. e. GRAY. it.,Tc.a., , e.Tnupm.y.zsarrat ➢1: NMI AND CINC INNATI:—T be .7 aod U/ 7 . VlClPAY:: ' !!( ' : ', 4 , lnre . .. II „„„ no sr Win Irave for t r - nbove 4ntermeollati.a pom err ry MAY 11 'WAY. For freight or pusoge apply on Mart or to JAMIC.Y R e A tr 4, I ,4 .I , Io . , rnht LARGE SALE OF KANSAS LANDS, ON TUESDAY, THE dd DAY OF APRIL, 1567, will be offered ' AT PUBLIC SALE. At. the Eldridge Houe, =I Lawrence, liansam, ABUT 155,000 ACRES OF LAND, !tithe. to the Counties he LEA V t Merl IC. JEY1 , 11:11.1).% sad ItVUtiLdt.h.l. sad known le the "Delaware Reserve." Tt.ece land. ar. dirt,tl) lie the main line el th tmoN PICIFIC KAUAI, LISISti DIVISION 'Mr Ilran , lt °Me same ROAD 911 . •}I I,FAV EN- WoliTll I E rAt—r, ilirto 11 Tutu. ..a iLe tal roa.l Irv= tst. Lout. to 1..ta,- ermurch runs al , na their ra•tnrulKoralrr. . • . Y. LiicATIoN AND AdLINO ASCCUP . TIM PEI: AVU WATY.A. these lasi! are the TIN •si • ry treat, et. the Ihrt.rerre Id. the the c• • eta. raithltut.nt• olnrr that date ma. Carlos har tc•ra Im pructd. nod church.. schout h..e, e prt. et. ••••• mtUr • c.c..% and tothy Other Itcyrovet• ruculs trade thrre n. r.lwat , ...f stns.. I. rotnar k bealtar and to inemrra •nd these lauds idler Grentec Inducement• than any oth. era In the West. . Ale.,, at the time piste, Immediately ante the dl.h.aitaa hf the abort latitls.aellltte tall awat eas,ouo ACRES OF LAND, Ittl==!== n=ff==o=t=l M2MMEMMI MIUMIV=S:II3ML=== . • T. , 13 It SOX! %oil Vt. HUT. T will c on April 21, 19r7. arol r.outlour from day y to.la• uottt all+l.c lal J• ....o•r:nvoest h•rr tr.to d.sroord of. lb.. i•Okill Iv trans to "at purrlturn. Tirat)ll tts Usl anre la two ,uai annual Roma., art , a pat matt. In La Nat Leereva (p.n.s data ..1* yazahm. __E. N. BARTUOLOW, Agent. UIIINA WAIIEUOILISE. RICHARD E. BREED, 1Dd1PC01.8.2.311'1 , 1.. No. 100 Wood Street. NI*ITTANNIn AND SILVER PLATED TA /ILE %V A ICE. TEA THAI et and T•SILK C f- LE 111 ....sr, •. hand. C A TEA NnTS. CHINA lit • V ilk SETH, • SAIINA I oILiTtIItTLI. CIIINA VANS,. • Cif I% A eI'ITTtgAS,I, 801 l KU IA N WA ILK 0f....ry drJortyllon LA V A CARD itAtIKATO. LAVA VASES. LAVA ArlTll , oNii. • F.S.:LIMUI,TONE WARR of Alt varletirs, suit who ...ish• and evtalt trade. • The Lio,st •udsnobtconnoletc stock of evcry thing In this liue lu the city, 1,1 , ,s and lcsins the lututi as In the ratter FRINKLINCOTTON WORKS, E. HYDE'S & SONS Are at vwrurrl to manutu-t.e. I= = =! I= I= ItS: Pok NA L STISF ET. I...trorr,chltoblowe and , . Larork. Allegheny lttly. or.lrta ne melt ftttft.dr.l tn. not.nftft ENI ALILIEIIIED IX**, ROCHESTER CHEMICAL WORKS, Rochester, N. 1%. 0. IL WOODWOUTII • BOY. manit'sclutrro or rhotre rfutnery, glee.,ln/ Netrat.o. Ae. lenetr , yingt.nly rbesn- Ism and perfumers direct from Parts, (lit., tinderatan . .l tLetr pr ereqltslon, con, trues. tIK ur domeatte. Our eaftorlng rat rrr Leroux greater htrength and ante quality than a , ty manufactur. o!, and our perfumes fur the handker , hl f are equal In strength an...orted an PI:10114N LILAC. iour nut pt fume, Is the ost (recant. rYfrelli/111g Sr.! deltrate extract for th.thanalkft re hie rrrrr compounded. Ynr Sale by duelers everytthore. mita:nal I.3ITTSRURGIR PAPER MA:litr. PACTURINOCUMPAN Y. Kaput...M.lft. of PRINTING AND WRAPPING PAPERS CLINTON MILL. ISTEUDEN VILLE. 01110. ENIULITON MILL, NEW BEIULITON, OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE, No. S 2 Third Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Wr/ICERS—AUQUBT HAHTJ X, President. JNU. N. I.IVINHaTON. 91)1.E. Secretary. Dinttrona—Angurt Hartle. Jbhn S. 11, Hartman, John H. ityluirturt. John AL Per kin.. H. Merrick. if.ssb Paid for Paper Moak. SAMUEL M. WICIECERSMAM Iron Broker. 124 First Street, • . PMM7f6V*OII,PA Agent for tha to of Cornwill, Donagtanore, Josephine, loottells, Ounennuon. Ilionhopt, Olentlon. and other brand* ofAtatirocite, Yough iogheny Cote and Oliphant'. C. 11. Cho/coal nu IRON& Col:Moments and on/en respectfully niac in!. Jolt :no I , I[NJAII IN MINORU, CUILIY LLS.II9. SZLIIGELILY dp CLEIS. Ofueoesoors tulle*. Y. tletioehman A C 0.,) PRACTICAL LITHOGRAPHERS, Tbe UNLY LITHiIkiILiCHIC KOTA 8- I,lstllitNT W.V.IT OF TM/. lIUUNTAIb Hearne.* Cards. Latter HeailL Bonds, Labels, ' Circulate tabu- Cards, Plplosies. Yoriralts, View, Certificates of Ilepoalts, Cards. /10. Mn.. 71774 74 Third mt.. Mt.- llnvelt WHITE LEADN. Yore "1". 0. N. a Co." Brand Walla Lead •• "Parasom" do do •• ••Lill)'• do do "Rump - looter" do do •• • ."Cootoseolsd" do do Blue Lead, fur 011 /Lauer.: Red Lead wol Lltlouye; Colors dry •nd looll: /or nip AL . T. 11. NltlilN .t CO.'S, fel N. W. corns/10LN and ll•rX•1111l. FINAN DIAL PENNSYLVANIA STATE LOAN. PROPOSALS FOR I LOAN OF $23,000,000. AN ACT To Crente n lLoitu FOR THE REDEMPTION OF The Over-Due Bonds of the Commonwealth E=2!E!!!!!1!!MMI!1!EI!1!1!IIII! •nd certnlo ecilllical es of Indebted,. Si, amount leg to tvrerty-three munro. of dollars, have 6.'110.7 due wudu vuptid (or sonic time tuW, = should be Veld. end witbdrawii from tbeblerk et MEM 1:1==: qf /2.prisnalatiir - s qf Mt Common teen WI of Penn = by tamed W lM a.gh.all of a. trsmr, Tbal tlt GOltMor. 4.4ltorlieneral .ud rat, .a 4 Sr. brreby, at... Longed m 5 •Lnywortra, to boi! . ow, on the !ARO of tt,`Commonwealtli In soch sunouths and wall such notfro. !tot It than forty days) ale thxy may dram moat x Ndl ant m the intrrea• of the State, tweutyLhr Tollllo. of dollar,...lla•ur cunt dr•tt s or losin JJ A .. CRAWFORD, Commix , Ar. Wareboo. nud 021 es. Noy. 306 awl 36 , + !ICS „N aTlla YT. awry forolmbetl. sultelt.A. the fl-rzt of lebrowly Ito,l lizat Auotst, In thy- belling interest ILL a rate not ea creallog rtz per eeutum Der ~.f14.1E. payalAe semi.. .Ally, tat (ALT whlctx crrtlZratra or 14,.n or 1,0u.14 ;hall out be t. to mo - talatloo =I Net. end elmlltn•le WI follows, 131.3.17 : YO. =I ===l3 clonal", Ds7•ble •t nor' thno &hart., Yv.r. •vd = =1 1112 =I =I =ET= =I =CI I= =I = I=l 1:1=1 IL= = =I =I = I=l =I I:=1 I= = Lets. Or Other per. an. L 11141.11 112 A /I.llc I•ry e• =I I= =I I= I=! Oco. S. Any nrrion or goers." .ta..llng In 11., 11=1 I= I= I=l I=l • rate of pfrtntum not vartredtng EWELL, par =I act. all lb. Loads orthls Commotorealtla •hill be =2 I= =I EJlnfll.rnrnrn'naummrfl =I =I! I=l3 therm(. locoo.lrtrot htr.,11.11. arc Iscr.l., re I=ll =I = DEEM Mpenker of Like Cltpate I=l I= I=l = I=l = I= to be endorsed as follows, '•Proposal• for l'oto sylvanls Mate Lyon."YssvlT Dsnartmssa. llarria4nrg, rausjs, U. 13. A. Bids will be received for $3,000.000, 'vita- bumble In rlvo year. and payable In Ten years IILOOO,OOO reimbursable In Ten year* and Iv able In Fifteen Tenn; and 1110.000,000 relic buntable la Ylfteett cm' and Dap),la la Twv I= 0 Or 6 per cent, per ...mom. which must beer plloltly stated In the bid, and the bids most ad vauladeutie to the Nate will be accepted. No her will be considered. Th. bonds will be Domed in sum• of $3O, and such higher lame as desired by the 'einem' to be free =72 The over doe bond. or the Coeemoemealth of = I=4l = QM= No diellactioa will be made between bidders =1 =I Goioraor of Pauamrly.la. I= ==! 1=213 CM:l=2 Dpaio twowpswpablloblag the above UMW, Pah MO COMhUSS'N refILCHANTS CO-PARTNERSHIP. 'FRE UNDERSIGNED HATE AR. o