The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, March 23, 1867, Image 1

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rsigaSigss BY r, .
PENNIMAIi :1 .&- CO.,
Mk). NEM IBtroot.
P. B. prssrsux.)
T. T. Roveroa. 0 411°114
JOSIAH KEW t ßodaws Biumg.s.
MASI. Cartel 3 cents.
' elltenedlty carrier. (pet 1nekt.......13 cents.
Mall Subscribers. (per
Liberal reduction. to Nennbole and Meat,*
Three Copes, per year. bl mW....•......S I 80
Five do. do. do. each...... 1.510
Te or more copies, to One edam., and
' one tree to elob. tub I II
ArliDeist Human Eyes,
Adjusted without. pain, by Dr. Spencer,
Dentist, ZS Penn street.
Letter Prom George Jones, Esq.. one
of, the Proprietors of the New York
[From the Day Tlines.l
Orrica Daitr Twos, New Diaz
Enjoying as I now do the blessing of un
interrupted health—after intiurins seven- .
teen years of suffering—l should be remit.
ant to every sense distance, to every feel
ing of gratitude, and to every considera
tion of good will toward those who are suf
fering RI i have been, Off remained silent ,
as to the phyabilan, to whose skill and kind
attention lam already indebted under .
Heaven for so. great a blessing as health.
For seventeen years I was the victim of
Asthma in Its worst form. About twelve
Months ago. I consulted Dr. Robert Hunter.
who put toe — at once under active treatment
by the Inhalation of such medicines as be
prescribeft. A few weeks convinced me
that I was In the right hands. I persevered
with confidence, gradually and steadily im
prOving"tider the treatment, until sir
months had elapsed, when I found myself
completely relieved. I have been silica,
and am now, In the enjoyment of good
health, gaining flesh: and feeling: well, al
though my old Medical advisers could nev
er hold out to moths leasthope of suchhap.
py results under thelttreatmant. •
I offered some months since to make a
public statement of my ease, believing It
due to Doctor • Hunter and the practice he
advocates, but he declined, for the meson
that he considered his-practice sufficiently
well established on its general results,
without the publication of Isolated cases.
I have reason to know, therefore, that my
case although editorially alluded to in the
columns of a city daily paper r atas never
published by Doctor Hunter himself.
I shall merely add that my previous suf.
tering and present - good health are anown
1 to hundreds, many of whom daily et:lngrate.
late me on the evident and great. Improve
meet la my health. 0001100 Joss.%
Leeky Ilsrper, E•q.,
Editor of the Pittsburgh Post. many years
ago. speaking of De. Kk:YSEIPS PECTOR
AL SYRUP, spoke as follows. It la as true
now as then •
Isrbrzszi.-,One of the bet medicines for
the sure of Marianna that can be found In
the country is Dr. Keyser's Pectoral Syrup.
We have tried It, and take great pleasure
in bearing testimony to Its eflicacy. There
15 no humbug about it. At this season of
the year, when one-half of our citizens are
sneezing and coughing, It should be known
that a few spoonsful of thiti medicine will,
In half a day, work a perfect cure. Header,
,if you have a cold, take our advice, and buy
a bottle of Dr. Keyser's Pectoral Syrup. lit
Wood street, •
Resident consultation office tor lung ex
- aminatlon, 1) Penn street, corner Evan`s
alley. Ofilee hoar,' from 9 e. u. to 4r. a.
Dr. Keyser's Blood Seareher
Cures in a lusting and permanent manner,
as any ono can dikover by one trial. Un
like most bitters, (instead of 'creating and
fostering the appetite for strong drink, It
will cure the arititude therefor, and in
many Instances It has entirely banished it.
Ile careful to aak Ifor "Dr. Keyser'. Blood
archer," as rev, vable a medieme to apt to
lorimilatedwith spuriutm compound:, similar'
in name, but whotly steroid of ha wonderful
srierifs: Looic for Or. Keyser's name on the
bottle and over the cork. if poor druggist
does not keep It, write to Dr. Keyser, HO
Wood street, and lie will forward by ex
press. Consultation rooms, 120 Penn street,
Vince hours from 9 a. st. until t r.
The Beet Known Tonle.
Caswell; Mack & Co.'a Combination of Iron
Phosphorus and Calisaya, known as Ferro-
Phosphoratea Elixir of Calisaya. The iron
restores color to the blood; the Phosphorus
renews waste of the nerve tissue, and the
CaMaya gives a natural, healthful tone to
the digestive organs.
One Dint contains the virtue of one ounce
of Calls.sya and one teaspoonful a grata of
Iron and Phosphorus. Manufactured by
. Cosyst.z., Mess x Co., Sew York.
For sale by ail druggists. a
Of canned Fruits awl Vegetables,' and toll
be told as cheap as at any other house in,
either city. Call and enunine sad Judge for
yourselves,,, at lie. 112 Federal street, dile-
gheny City.. Grottos Duras.
Also, Agent for the well-known bonne of
Stephen F. Whitman's celebrated Phila
delphia extra fine Cream "lion Dons,"
"Chocolates." Almonds, Walnut Candy,
Dragee Drops, dc:; de.
Am . & Nay that Consumption Can Not
be mania,
Unless you have used the 'Rev. E. A. Wil
son's Great Remedy for Consumption and
all Bronchial directions. it hal cured the
very worst cases, and it may cure yours; at
all events, don't despair until you have tried
it. Sole agent for Plitsbnrgh, -
JoserniEmornm, Druggist,-
' at Marina street.
Sent by mail anywhere, on receipt pi
• Ttio Best Conducted Basta:omit
In the city, Is the Continental Saloon, Fifth
street, next door to the Fostomce.
lleltsheimer, the• enterprising proprietor,
.21 . 011 . 11 how to eater to the hungry public,
and has long stood first in the opluion of
cinemas. All the delicacies of the season
are nerved up at the shortest notice at most
reasonable prices. For a good meal, ma/ at
the Continental. The , daily bill of fare mar.
passes may offered at the best hotels. • ,
A Cheap. Way
Or going to Saratoga Springs, by going to
Slamlag'. Drug Store, No. SI Market street
where you can plenum the water direct
tram the springs, received fresh every week,
and sold at a slight advance above coat. lie,
member the plane—St Market street.
The Ladles' Saloon attached to I.toltz!tei•
Iner's restaurant Is the most convenient
and fitting piece in the city to take poor
,partner for supper from evening soclables
or balls. The haloon is on Fifth street, next
door to the PostoOr.
A Metier et Pride. •
That Dabbs, %St. Clair atreet, cannot ba
beaten La this coantryi In taking fine Ilia
like and natural abetnaraPlm ' la for
any style picture In any hunt of weather.
To Country. Merchant,
Igo aro offering full or Raplu and Fancy
Dry Goods, at Mordant prices. -
J. W. Deucoo h Co., No. 59 Market street,
The Only Plane
Where Clear Photographs aro taken upon
all sorts of days, to at 73. L. 11. Dantes
lory, No. 3G St. Clair sfroot. -
Photographs of Dexter.
The celebrated moo hone, on the go, aro
atonal for eel° at St. Clair street.
The nest Photographs!
In the city are thee(' titkon by It. L. II
Dabbs, No. U. St. Clete street.
Work. or Art
Are on exhibition, free to all, at 11. L. IL
Dobbs , first close PhotograPhie gallery, 26
St. Cluir stwet.
:Stylish new Alves
"01 photographs have just base Introduced
by B. L. U. Dabbs, No. 28 St. Clalr street.
Toss eau Buy
foreign Liquors of all kinds at Joseph S.
/Waft DSetlllery, No, •IEO, 191. 193 and 190
You qua Buy
83 par cent. AlAztholat JeseDtt 8. !Inch's.
Ton Cam Buy
2{ Hope at JDm* B. Ito 3'i.
itlyj i
C .
I '
A new Bill Passed and Signed
by the Governor. Allowing
the Bond an Increase et Cap
Spatial Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Gazette
lianussucan, March 22,
Tho bill allowing the Directors or the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company to th
erms° inaeflrdtely, and withoat eon
cutting tho stockholdore, . the stock
and bonned ludebtedness of the Company,
failed, entirely, the Llonsehot pawing It
over the Govertioils veto. _ . ,
A new hill was then intr&lueed, limiting
1.1)(1 enlargement of stock to fifteen Miillons
of dollars, and requiring that the consent
and direction of the stockholders ho first
given beforci any new stock whatever shall
be Usual. The bin was made to conform
ht all respects to the principles laid down
to the Governor's veto.
The nen• 1,111 passed both Ilona., received.
the signature of the Governor, and is a
Governor Geary hna signed the hilt.requir•
leg railway cainnanies to carry all 'mason
gers without distinction of color.
The Southern Destitution Resolution
Passed as Amended,
W.A9IIIS•TON, march 2-2, 1667
MM., STAT. LAU, IN L - 1,13.
TEttltY presented a peUtion for the
more stringent enforcement of United
States laws tri Utah, and the hotter proter,
Lion of the rights of American citizens. lte
Mr. COLS introduced a bill to
fornia into two Judiclaldietricta. Referred
to Judiciary Committee.
Mr, MORTON Introduced a bill to conform
the laws of practice lot Lilo courts of the
trotted States to the laws of the re4peetive
State,. Bents.] to Judicial-, Committee.
CONCEGICIMI ..11,P. DAVIS. . WILSON presented a Concurrent res
olution, which was ordered to be printed.
The preamble recites that Jetrerson Davis
stands charged with the heinous crime of
conspiracy, to murder the late Abraham
Lincoln, and Is also Indicted for high tree
son, and has persistently declared has fence
nonce and demanded a speedy and public
trial; therefore,
Resolved, That a longer confinement of
stud Jet!. Davis, wlthout•trlal or nrrnign.
merit, or specific time for trial, is not In ac
cordance with the demands of Justice and
the spirit of the laws and requirements of
the Constitution, and that In common Jos:
tire, sound public policy and national honor
units in rcommendlog thatr.ldJett. Davis
be bronght to a speedy and public teed, or
that ho be released from confinement, on
ball, or On Ole own recognlernce.
Mr. 11011G.1\ from the Comrnitto of Fi
nance reported a substitute for the hUI re
ported ye sterday for the exemption of Ag
ricultural Implements imported as models,
from import duties. Thesubstitute consists
of two sections. The drat exempts trout du
ty works of art imported for presentation
to the United !states, or any State or City.
The second directs the Secretary of the
Treasure to refund duties collected during
the last decal year, -on agricultural Intone
meets imported an • maul s , and exempts
such articles from duty mall June ki
Mr. SILEILMAN offered 611 amendment,
authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury
to discontinue the employment of persona
engaged In the collection of direct tax In
tbe Southern Stat., when In hha judgment
expedient, and Impose the duties of such
persona upon the Collectortiof Internal Rev
enue. who shall perform them wahont ad
ditional componsaUon.
The amendment wan agreed to and the
bill pasted.
The Joint resolution directing the reim
bursement of Indiana for money esponded
for supplies, ao., furnished to Indiana mili
tia. called out to repel invasion, was con
sidered. The pending question was on the
motion of Mr. Sherman to include Ohio..
After some debate, Mr. l'omMoy urging
the claim of Kansas, and Mr.Putter,on that
of Tennessee, the subject elu,'"on motion of
Mr. Edmunds, recommitted to the Military
Thu Senate by a vote of T.) againat 9. ,o.
carted In the /louse amendment to tine
Joint resolution appropriating one million
of dollars for Abu relief of the deetituto at
the South. •
Mr. 310liBiLL Introdeced a bill author
izing tell allowances tc , certain non-com
missioned cancers and enlisted wen, detach
ed from their regiments by order 01 Mau
War Department, to be attached to a brb.
gas in New York by Brigadier
General Daniel but who by reason
of capture by the enemy, were not ICOMOdl
ately blustered in such brigade. Bei erred
to Military Coruntittse.
nairkacrr BILL /1.11/11.1131/VIS.
Xr. TB[ MBULL called up the bill to
auslrucl the Bankrupt bill, by repeedng th o
provision for the appointment of register a
of bankruptcy by the Chief Justice.
Mr, CONK LING moved to refer the bill to
the Committee on Judiciary.
Mr. ANT/IC:TY moved to amend by add
ing a section, providing that Ole bankrupt
act shall not take effect until June lot,but
°nice. and registrators may be appointed
at any time after this act.
Thu binned amendment Were than refer
red to the Judiciary Committee.
The SENATE agreed to the umemdmon Le
of thellouso to the resolution direetlog the
Secretary of Wur to furnish arms to tile
State or r 00111.1013; 6/50. to U1t,10.110041111.1.011L
to the joint reuolottou exempting wrupplog
payer from Internal tax.
:amine Aso ouio ctien.
Mr. %V I LSI/N. from the tar t Comm It
tee, reported a suladitu.e for the bill of Mr.
Mono', to reimburse Indiana for exp....
In repelling rebel raids. IL provides forth°
appointment of three commissioners to ex
amine and allatt the claims 1,1.10 and /a
irtime, and appropriate a 841110011 t bum to
AdJouru them.
e The bill
Thn Senate Joint revolution for the relief
of elm destittne In the Sunlit and Southwest,
wan taken up. Thu amendments report
ed from the Committee of thu Whole were
agreed to; I and the revolution pasawl—yarav
PI; nays S.
mesa itircoomisskomionum
Mr. BMWt presenterf"l/G.3 memorial anal
'resolutleini of the Utter Improvement ton.
vention, held In St. Louts 'hart month.
!erred to the Committee on commerce.
Now YORE CUSTOM 110 US. or 'MGR.
The resolution reported Yesterday by Mr.
II Ull.llll.lllDarote the Committee on Publle
Expenditures, was taken up, and modlned
by Mr. 00 TO read: •
Resolivil, That it Is the kameo of t h ie
Molise that ilenrp V. Smythe should be lin
inedietoly removed from the ofllce of the
of the Port of Now York, and
Clerk of the lions° shall came certified
copies of this resolution to be laid before
the Senate and President.
Mr. lIUBLBUItII =Oval the previous
question. •
The Mouse refused to second the previous
question, whereupon Mr. STAVE:JD moved
to amend the resolution by making It read;
"that henry A. Smythe us Impeached..
Alter oonelearanie debate the subject
wont over till tomorrow.
The House then nroceedeu Lotho business
on the Speakees table, and dispasail there
of as follows:
The Senate amendment to the Houso
Joint resolution placing certain troops of
illteuurion an equal footing with °there 45
to bounties. The amendthent strikes out
the words ..and those borne on the rolls as
On motion Of Mr. McCLUR,O, the amend
meet was concurred in, and the Joint reso•
nation goes to the.Preaulent.
The Senate amendment to the Rouse bill
to exempt wrapping paper mad. of wood or
corn stalks from internal tax, adding a
new section Imposing a tax of ten per cent.
on notes of any town, city, or municipal
corporation, that are passed by any nation
al bank, was considered and amended by
adding a provision exempting from inter
nal tax wrapping paper of nil descriptions.
The Senate amendment as amended was
then concurred in—GS to 39.
The Senate Joint resolution to make valid
certain acts of the New Mexico Legislature
was passed.
The Senate Joint resolution directing the
Secretary of War to furnish arms and equip
ments to Tennessee,
sualciont for 2,5 1 0 mili
tia, to be accounted for by the Stat-i of Ten.
reissue to the United States Government,
woo amended by increasing the amount to
10,00 n, nail then passed.
TCPO Senate Joint rnsolutton to terminate
the Contract era member of Congress with
the postoillee department was considered.
Me. ' , Ent:A moved an amendment, em
powering the Postratister General to reject
any bid no may deem exherbitittd. Agrewl
to, and the Joint resolution us amended
House bill declaring eight hours to bo a
day , * labor, was passed 54 follows
That alter July 101, /607, labor performed
during a period of eight hours on ally Bram
lar day in all cotton, woolen, silk, paper,
bagging 11.11litlaz factories shall bo consid
ered a legal ilnyis labor; and after paid data
contracts made for the employment Si me
chanics in all the various branches of trade
for daily laborers, shall bo construed to he
for eight working hours to the duo 10 any
employment, unless otherwise Stipulated.
xhis bill has not passed the Senate.
The SPEAKEIt appolezed Masers. Letlin,
Eta and Cake membere of the JohnCom
mictee va Prtuting.
Mr. VAX NV VCR offered the followinC
resolution, which wits referred to the Joint
Committee on Itetrenehment.
Resolved, That no more large grins or can
non of any kind, shall he ordered, ;fur
ciffoett, transported or mounttsl fat the cost
of the United Staten, until It has been deter-
Milled by lf ract teal experiment that guns of
large sleet such as are now plaemi on ships
or forts, •are capably of enduring heavy
chart.oa bald of being tired rapidly; that no
mere/projectile., earrbeges, Implementn, or
stores Intended for such gone, shall be paid
for Cubit the qualltiu 01 the QUI. shah bc
thus determined; and'no• more Of the
Springlielft °rather muskets e hall tfe altered
to breach loaders of those which require
the barrel to to lined for the purpose of
rendering the calibre.
00 motion of Mr. Meel.t:ltti, the
timo for taking testimony in the' Missourt
cootentsal election eases of tiro Messrs. At.
demon and Van Morn, was extended sixty
LEAS",i, OF aneaxrs TO ins
Thu nt . E.l.liElt was allOwtal leave of al.
pence to-morrow, and nominattal Mr.
Schenck to ocanny the chair.
lin motion of Mr. KS, the Pro.t.lent
Wes requested to COIL tilUtilente Cdpleg Or the
corrisironclenee, legall proeredings nod
doeionents ivietlatt to the suit of this Vetted
stitte6 uenitl•t Priololl, and others
in the English Court of Chancery, snit tlis
. eerstury of state Is uutitotizeil to mold,
tilt. COMMIII-11.11.1011.
Mr. STEVENS to euvetel the
rules SO Its to resume the outshlerat ton of
the lull leachment. resolution relst.tve to Col
lector Smythe.
The rules were ittspeteletl—Sl yens toll
A motion to postpone the reselntion till
December was rejected, with ouly Dart.n
votes in the aninunure.,
Mr. STE% ENS then meted the provtone
question, which wig, pecouded. ‘.
The amendment offerta by hi r, steveua as
a aulutitute (or the resolution reported by
Sir. Ilulhur.t waa agreed to, with the addl.
11011 that tha COMMlttee have palter to sit
Unclog rtaWai.
The South American War.
Financial and ConmerciaL
I.oleos. March IL—The Brazilian mall
steamer Lae arrived at Lisbon trues itfo JR.
neiro. Active operations were resumed
against Paraguay. The allied Stet 1550
shelled the Fortress of Remain. When lust
heard from, the Spanish squadron hat rouse
in sight of and seas pursuing the combined
Beets of Chill and Peru.
Front:ma, March 2 - 2.—The I:nth:mat Parlia
ment was Inaugurated by king Vic
tor Emarmelow ho delivered the usual speech
from the throne. •
Paws, 'March Is announced that the
Emperor Napoleon' favors the confedera
tion of the Uovernmenta of. France, 1101.
head, Belgium and Bwltzerland against
Thu .11lantonornah, and other vessels of
the American fleet, are still at Fort
gcrmILITOWN March W. —yhe stoma et City
91 Antwerp, from Sew York, itrri reit to-US?.
triN•ficiat. SOD ('OYY[RCI•L.
.Lrenarool., March X.—CottOn
y,d. for Itiddllog Uplands 0111.1 noon,
and the figures are now 1:114.1. The market
Is extremely dull, with no quotable change
In other articles.
FLANErotrr, .March S.
bonds sOldteetlay at 773;.
JAN Dolt, -March :S.—Errata,.— Connate
cloaca ineedy, at it for money. rive-twee
flue, 71%; Illinois Central. 7R1.1; Erie. xe.
Ltrunroot., Marti. -4..0tt0n is
heavy with it downward tendency. The
following aro the quotations at the close. 01
the market: ldniallteg uplands, 14;:d.; Or.
leant, IX;;;d. TLn ealca of the day amounted
to 7W) bales. Breadstuffs. quiet. Corn.
mized Western. lle. 11. per goartor. Pro.
Islonn--extra prime me.* hoot declined to
rf.1.1. per :lot Ihe. A9114V, pots, 742. per cwt.
Itoßln, Common tyllllttnu to r 1,13. ad. pet Cwt.
retrolenin, IC ad. per gallon.
All the French Troops Gatti—Vora
Cruz Invested by the Liberials—An
Attack Daily E2pCtifd.
GALVESTON, March . 22.—A nmCcial .1 inpatelt
to tho Bulletin trout Vera Crux, ,Lntent the
Irnth, nays Marshal !Morino and till' last of
tine head troops tint on the rth that, The.
French Iron elude Magenta, Iniagni•to and
Flanders, and a next of gonlmate, 01111 at
Vera Cruz, wonld nail on, tboLGth Inst.
The liberals were Investing the city, liar
attack, nulrend nod winter
wOrka, anti an was Ma l/ n.tmetml.
• number of Importunate are understood
to bare a to lan ready nt an
moment, tochartered
take ilium o ut of tne countr y.
No person In allowed to leave the city hy
alto mitten, and It Is difficult to obtain relia
ble 11501 Rout the Interior.
The Impremion ii %bat, In a o , on - time,
Vora Cruz will ho In tine of the
LP torah,. Tampico 0114 alit occupied by th
haportallshi. Allquiet there.
Outrages by Coal Miners—Protectlon
Alsked from tam elate. •
New tong, March hi—Thectlal minute In
Schuylkill county, Pa., aro committing
mMolloot serious outrages. The ruffians are
mainly Irishmen, and known an "y Mu
noires," and are minded togethee In secret
organizations, for the purpOtie of controll
ing the mines, and therefore resort to mur
der and robbery. U. Is Impossible to punish ,
them, at when tireei.t.ol/ 111141 tried the tittles
ese peeked With confreres, Ond they
Uti Friday last., Mr. rationales, n Super..
Intendant, was murdered, with the hope of
eventing money he ‘9ll- 4 1111111hOiell to Imre,
but he hail very little with hlin ut Ilse limo.
Threats are madell,KolllBLtinpurintendents,
and all live momentarily in rear of violence.
Gov. OeurY lino Mien implied to for 'mo
Honors to Japan Commix.tenon-
Water Npout Dliworter.
• Sas Faancisco, March :41,--Ceneral Mat
lock hen issued orders that thn COMILIA4/11011.
are to Wsehffigton from the Tycoon of Ja ,,
pan, be received at such Wintery pens of
ails division an they may be pleased to visit.
with 1.110 boners dee to pritolle Ministers,
A Los Angeles letter states that a Goy
ersneol. train en.routo for Arizona, March
lob on the Colorado desert, encountered
a water spout. The train consisted of elev
en wagons ticoompauied by two commie 1011
of the Fourteenth Culled Status infantry.
Several lives were lost. Thu commissary
stores and wagons were carried eighteen
DAMS MOW the netine Oi the dtwteo,•
l k ~
The Next Veto Message.
Treasury Investigation Commenced
Geu, Sickles Probably his Successor.
The veto message concernin4 supple-
Mental I,constreetinti stIVI the eubjeet of
Cublea etauttler.tUon
ItILITAUT 01;111..9.
J. D. It. Sull i v a n tt•gbdard Surgeon,
It • eon relieved front uto Department of
Da 'eta, and ordered to report to the re
tircutt 1,t..,rd.
ll'revel. Brig. Gen. Rufus Saxton rus twee
authorized to delay reporting , to the eotn-
In andina oftleer and chief crtartertuaster of
the lt,p...rtment of :dh.ouri mall further
aloast.r Lao fog
Newton, of Th. , .I.irtonloinil Deo, linent,
Ito, tokcu su i Til to contiliNo 11110 1110 ttlialgii
011111 wlTioh if Torio i plug
tin roiT,T:: .Ir i r-iity. illf cern
per, 0 111.001 toy tooth, lollov. by /4 rapid
pro-trot 100, chills:soil Tlei4th.
~..JUITTEL. AT .4 0 1[.
t:,.11 M. Itictiaintinnitint, charged
Ith thi• itt tint itnitticial con
dition of the Tit•APltly, cow ittv•tweal their
toonitht. in that lovartuicut.
'Tito ptopotition to impeitelt Collector
Smythe untizeti it probable Coogrews will
hold x summer tiession.
- Iromford, .I.4alstant tiontintiertuner of the
Fremlutenla Ilareau, In North Carolina,
atuten that them are at least ti,lx/O peruone In
North CitraillioulTuring from w ant of tomb
of which 111111111., tvra.thlr.ll are whito.
Thick thOusauil bnihale of corn were
trlbntal during the month by the Southern
Relief Cominection of New York. .Tho'.ll..
tributlon of Government rations wa, LIS
follows: to libipttals, 66.1.21, orphan awylutna,
1,711; ileAttitto whites, 10,...7.; tlmittlattO
. INT.LNAL. lISVI7.Irt.. Eturumrs. -
The rocolpto of Intornal Revenue to.lay
were lam thou et goat - tor ofn
TIM manta, rrnLlc MOAT.
The Legidatnre of Virginia has passed a
law - providing for the payment on theist of
July next, and January Ist, at each
period, two per cent. interest on the princi
pal of the public debt, %but being the Inter
est aided] the State fettle obliged to pay un
til there Is • settlement of uecounts hero
idol in West Virginia.
er.:IO3ATION OF I.I.IINLCAL nnsaccetss.
About two ',eke ago General llosocrans
sent to the President his resignation as
Brigadier General of the Itegnhar Army.
The communication Was sent to Gen. Grant,
who endorsed Ids recommendation of
w as tak e thereon, but loiter., further action
was taken Ur the Eseentive, the latter re
ceived a letter trout Bishop lheterans, the
brother of General ltoseerans, asking that
further action on the letter of resignation
lie •,..peritivil. In the meantime, the entire
New York Congressional delegation have
united in ti petition to the President asking
that, In ease General llosccrans. reidgna
tine shell he accepted, General lileklits
“rpointed a Briffildler General in the neg.
Mar army. This is urged for the merits of
the case. and In ditto , bee nese di ow York
hes no °nicer Of the reek of General In the
regola,r army. Should t h e resignation of
General Itosecreine be accepted, there Is no
EloutA, that tlle appointment of General
Sickela will be meta.
There nee s general concurreuce In the
opinion to-day: n lath 110,1.04 that an ad
journment Is practicable by Monday or
Tucaday of next week. The only beanie.
of Importance to the I ., ottlnern Roller bill
mid entitle on the veto Of the lbripplemontary
Moconstrection bill, which IS oxpeetod to
The Judiciary Coutrattteo continues to
take testimony relative to tile Impeachment
mattcr. The only e•tdoneo of Italica -
seems to be that of General Fullerton, rela
tive to tlie delivery of rallrosti stock to the
rebels without having theta pay the lion
orament for It. Mr. Wilson, of lowa, the
Chairman ot the linamatttee, bee gooe
and it Is said the committee wilt report pro
gress and ask to be continued anti! nextlio.
111111CCV rr 6SOISTE-0.4.
Senator Trumbull has introlused A hill to
take the appointment of Registers, under
the bankrupt law, from ChlefJ nation Mose,
and giro It to the United states.
Judgus. It is aid that Kr. Chase is not
tile to to this. ow i m ng to the overwhelmhig pres
sure upon him for them appointments. 11.
pane Itgo 1s vcrp doubtful.
lievernl Lee In (aver at n Convention
—Think% Pilvould Grit neck:
Into the Eaton a quickly and
Quietly Ng 1!oselble.
MOIL WO% Va., March ::—lt will ho an.
thoritativoly announced to-morrow that
if °not ZI Leo In In favor of the people \Mina
for u convention, and every man unt actu
ally illsfrancuiscd should nut only tato the
nruessary atop, to prepare himself, but to
prepare all his friends, white and colored,
to veto right. lie (hunks the co.peration
ofall the people, officials and eitisens,
Should be prompt, and that the chief object
should ho to get LW orncicly and quiutly or
TOmILDOO back into the Union, with such
rights us aro left. lie thinks Um oath to
such an every citizen not Jisfranehisod
ought now to he 01,10 to tabs. a •implu
mutter of truth alit duty as cittzons ofthe
I.lre Insurance tinlndln—llegns Drat!.
IlentIOn• 'Will, Stolen Corpse, dor
4htioaco, March 21,—An attempt to swln
a insurneco company out of fifteen
thousand dollars has been brought to light
In this city. Tho plan embraced a bogus
death, fictitious Will, stolen eorrsO, ker. he
uarty insured, nretwin, was reported dead,
Is a man named litlehard Itnlnforth. Tao
other persons, Or. Charles It. hend.,ll, and
lawyer named T. IV. Vuller, both of tills
elty. are supposed to be Implicated in the
aftstr, whlell hi soon to undergo In Judicial
Michlann Ltlolll9lPlre
De?noty March 21.—1 n tho tegtslatnro to
day !Ammo B. Chart!, of Sagirl.W - .. eon
firmed Btuto Swamp-land hone 'Commla
Thu t;Overnor vetoed sowerul tnoro rail
road bills fur the same reason. boretotoro
The bill to establish a !late Pentale Cot.
logo was lost In tbo Ilouoo. TimiLeglata-
Writ will probably adjourn on Wednesday
AIMANI, March 22.—The Constitutional
fAtorention bill yet lawns to the Confer
ence eol.3lollttoo. It was the Assembly
which streak out the negro suffrage clause.
The Senate to-flay ordered the Judiciary
Committee to report the bill to refundxo
flunks and logrirence Coinpanka taxes col.
!toted .from them cm government scowl
ties. • .
Violent Northeast Gale.
New Yona, March =.—A violent north.
east gale Is stl/1 prevailing ontsid eof Sandy
Book. Tam steamship a ustralia, In Rom
Liverpool, Is outsido the liar, might° to
eomo up. at the pilot boats dO not dare von.
turn out. An unsuccessful attempt was
made to reach her this afternoon.
Murderer Ear:rented,
T nos, N. Y. Marsh 13
—Hiram Coon con.
Timed or the murder of Mrs. Larter, to the
town of Petersburg, In October last, was
executed to-day Bu made a statement
flawing Uhl guilt.
FOURTLI PAGE.—The fated 'ernd mod r
liuGle Money, Oa and Produce Market
ports given by any paper in the city, will be
found on our /burl?. Alp,.
The Case Concluded.
IlazCaß P.A., March - 21,1 W.
John hi. Thompson. for defendant. It LS
a fact that the man Tem,les and Cunning
ham came to the party uninvited, and no.
hayed In a manner which resulted fearfully
seal terribly. They were strangers and
forced theinsolvos upon that quiet, peace
ful party. Their terrthle death was the re
sult of their own conduct. The defendant
was comparatively a stranger In that corn.
mangy. Ills character was not. Impugned.
The defendant was poor with a family of
six children, a comparative stranger, and
he w. 'charged with the highest crime
known to our law.
Mr. Thompson then recapitulated the tee
timany to some extent. The crime might
have been done by some Other person. Ile
enumerated several persons .r ho were at
the party, and witnessed the transaction;
yet the commonwealth have failed to place
thorn upon the eland. They wore bound to
place all• the written. before the Jury when
they ask them to oOnvlct the defendant.
It wow not huillcient forth(' commonwealth
to prove that the defendant Wes' in u poel
tlon that he could and might have dune the
deed; they' must pow, that IL was nodally
ire possible to have been done by another.
Istwts altteliell, ler the Commonwealth,
said: Meadows, nations, ynnatles had
been swept from the face of t the earth but
God's word bad remained Intact. 'Whose
eheddeth man'. blood, try man shall his
blast be shed." The scales of Jastice were
held blindly and no outside sympathy could
move tile been. Stern fact. must let weigh.
ed. If tt were not sit you might tear down
the walls of the temples Of Justice, aboilen
your coot t., break down the barriers which
protect life, and let the netetvlolu's danger
riot In murder. Mr. blltelnall spoke very
envinently In his opening. Its then re
marked on elreumanntleil evidence.
Mr. McJunkin clewed for the Common
wealth. A duty devolved upon him which
he must or
not. whether he could with to
avoid it or not. There were two men struck
down in the bloom of their youth, In the
vigor of their manhood. The defendant
lam sat here thrOughont the horrid detalitof
this bloody tragedy, and his blue eyo has
never quailed or moistened. 111, fiesturet
were as cold and hard 11.4 his murderous
heart. I believe he has the tnark of a cold
blooded murderer on is
brow. Mr. Mc-
J tinkle went on to examine the evidence
ant commented upon it.
The Judge then P end to oharge tile
jury upon the
end the farts. Ile snot
nitwit two boors In turnming_cp. Ile gave u.
fair, graphic and litchi charge ; end then
submitted tile cane to the Itt to Kt G'4 r. ,
wizen the Court :adjourned to meet ut the
ringing of tho hell.
At r. the Court and the Jury
returroTsi with verdict of °theme, or
Muslim: is Tit r. Hoer
I M!lNu.rv
Violation of City Ordinance.
At an early hour yesterday morning
ter 114111 C., llcecrly Peterson and .trolly
Taylor, three drivers of night CAI., were
ettittiYing 1.0011 carts, as Is alleged, on
groftri'd of[ School street, to the First ward,
Ilikighetay,where they are forbidden by the
Ordinance to depoett their loads. Mr. Wm.
Mlitto, near whole premises the nuisance
wtv being perpetrated, Interfered and or
tiered them to desist. They Infused, and
ho, assisted be John Smith, a Georgia
groin hi, employ; undertook to arrest the
prty. The
men resisted, anti ltarnes
d a r• sr a revolver, and threafunrd - shoot.
smith tiarrrsusl" Petersoh, when Archy
Taylor knocked' him down with the halt of
Ills whip. Peterson then, as is stated, drew
a knlre and ram smith elf. Ymtertlav Mr.
IV Kee mato Information before the Mayor
charging all with violatson of the city anti
ante, and John Smith mmie Information
against Taylor for felonious assault and
battery. Tod defendants were held to ball
to answer at Court.
Alleged Outrage le the Fans Ward.
on Wednealay evening a young girl, lir
tog In the neighborhood of Kittanning, got
off the train at the Allegheny Valley Rail
road depot, in the Fifth ward. Ohs seemed
to beta simple minded girl and appeared
not to know exactly where to go or what to
do. While elm stood on the platform, the
watchman at the depot noticed a party of
young mon, who hal hoep loafing about the
oleo°, approach lea. After some conversa
tion with her they went away with her up
Pike street. Some time afterwards the girl
returned alone, and seamed In the greatest
distress. She wee weeping and her clothing
was torn, ditordered and bloody. Bts eta.
fed that the youngmen, some eaten orolght
lu number, had sauced liar away end then
outraged her person. loon after this she
left the depot for Allegheny city, and her
prese whereabouts is unknown. Iler
name m e could not ascertain, or the names
of, her alleged assallants. The - matter Is
being Investigated.
I =1
This distinguished and eloquent colored
orator, the brightest ornament of his moo,
will deliver his groat lecture upon the
..sources of • banger to the Ileouhlic.e at
City Hall, on Tuesday evening nest. Mr.
Ilougles• Is known from one end of the
country to the other no a man of sound
common sense, deep thought and practice
tlity. Ile handles the popular questions of
the day In en enlightened manner, and rep.
rowels the condition of his race in its true
Iliad- Ills arguments are finely drawn and
studied. while his language Is the choicest
and at times hrllnaut, dashing great huthe
upon his andienee with ease and rapidity.
Toe old orator, pothole , . may Honor twain
lecture before a l'ittoborgh audience, and
we urge noon our readers sittendLLUlM at the
prtnuloed lecture, which will be Indepen
dent of any announced lecture course, lly
all means let this great representative men
of the colored race be greeted by an over
whelming audience.
Explosion of a Loconsolliie—altroo
nen *111.4.
Yesterday afternoon, says the Wheeling
batellignicer,lWOllL 000, the Inta
seeger engine No. Jot, nttacheil to the light
ning expreee (or hod freight) train on the
Baltimore and Ohio whilst com
ing on the Heavy grade about a mile west of
',Miami, exploded her boiler, instantly
kpllug three employees of the road—vin
Nears. Ifordien Doha on. Supervisor of En
gines, Goon,' A rtim engineer, Otto Buren,
fireman. The engineer and fireman were
in nbargn of the locomotive. air. Johnson
happened to be riding wifh them._ They
are all :Wheeling men. Burial end Art le
hnvelfamdios there. Johnson was q mingle
The Lightning Express, which was deo bare
at 3471 r. g., runs Just ahead of the passen
ger express, which being delayed by tbe so
reenbea thu city shortly after eleven
o'alnek last night, Paving on board the rt.,-
mains or the three men.
Assaulted by m Of:Beer.
Jelin Roteaeon Is a tenant occupying it
house at the Point. Last month his land
lord sued bun before an Alderman lor runt
not yet due, as sir. Stevenson states,
'writ of dispogaession Polo lainied, and on
Thersday Milner Matthew Keep went to Ulu.
/AIM to moon it. Mr. S. wan away, and It
Is alleged that tile MIMIor indulged In vio-
lent and unbecoming language towards
Sire. Stevenson. Testerdny morning Steven
son feet the Meer on Wood street and
spoke Lo him about the transaction. Keep,
as is allogal, caught Itllll by Lao collar,
thrust h1111.0•Cli•IIL • building and strung
him enteral times. Stevenson then made
IniorinatlOn for aggravated assault and bat
tery bolero Alderman pancideon and n war
rant Was lashed for the arroet Of i•• an
Mortuary Moport
The following report rung e, U.
less, Phynichin of the Board of Benin/, rho.
the muse and number of deaths ID our city
for the week coding Mare), 17,1907;
'pljeaft,„/.—lnteupemnee, 6; conentriptlon,
11p0p1OXY• 2 D rU PkV , a2803..e qf nulLrt ,
3; x pox, /; moninedle. ILdeolllly, 1;
wwxpipg copgb, diptharic6l; speedup, I;
wage/ r,l 6f.111 born Won of lung, 21 nbeess of 11 catarrh,
Of the above there were U =ales and 12
rumples, 22 wblto, and 2 colored. Total, 21.
Will hewn sobstautial reasons to regret not
seeing our various Improvements in Scales
for weighing coal. .1. F.
Lio. 33 Wood 'trust.
The Atlantic and Pacific telegraph Com
pany him already drawn a large @hare of tho
public) busineas Sal n City io Ilan
ager Carnelian - Ty the right man in the
right phew, . , •
oyer anti Terminer, eke,
Before lion. James F. Sterrett.
This Court mot Fnday morning at nine
o'clock, and proceeded with the
congrangarr Mostar COusrinacv coon.
—Commonwealth vs. Alexander 1110fatt, In
dictment conspiracy to charge and indict
Isaac Thompson—taken up Thursday af.
ternoon. The defendant. a resident of
Washington county, Is - charged with hay.
lug conspired with one William Dawson
(not on trial by reason of his absence) to
charge and India isaac Thompson (also of
Washington county,) in the United States
Court, In May last, accusing him of having
In his possession and passing counterfeit
national currency. In addition to the evi
dence offered on Thursday, of Moilltt hav
ing told Abraham Geary that he designed to
"put up" Thompson on the charge brought
against him, and of his having solicited
tienry's assistance In the matte, it WILY
testilital that ho said to Joseph Johnson
(also arrested for pinning counterfeit
money, on oath of Lawson,) that be (Montt,)
was a Government detective and wanted
his assistance in convicting the
the ThompsOns—lsaac and Samuel—that
every one know they were guilty and that
It would do no harm to convict them.
Moffitt cold ho wan sorry Johmitoe did not
come when sent for, as he (Motlitt) could
hare saved him from arrest—that he had
got Dawson to swear against the Thorn p.
sone, but that he (Dawson) had run off and
that unless he (Slointt) could get other eel
, deuce they would get elf—sold he hail given
liaa,itn a buggy and money to swear, and
that If Johnston would swear against them
(the Thompson) he would get him (John
ston) released from the charge against him
I —that 0008011 had not the nese.) to stand
up to it, having made the Information and
then run off. (This conversation took Munn
on the Brownsville bridge in the latter part
of May.) Dawson, in a conversation with
Samuel Thompson, and 111 answer to a WIPE.
tlO,l what he meant by nwearingagainst the
parties (those arrested,) said that Moilltt
had paid him .I—.l well, and in reply to the
expression, by Samuel Thompson, "you
would not swear against. say brother for
vuonoylo lie sofa, .`ll.llltl has MU Ina very
tight place and would scud mu to hell if 1
eamural Thompson, on belug ero,arixam
lned by Mr. bwartawnlder, said : There to
111 feeling existing between Idellltt and my.
self; did not say to William Gregg, "now is
my time and I will do all Menu to ruin
did say, now war myrlme, that he
had had his; I now have two cult,. lamtling
against illoalit at Uniontown.
. .
Dawson, it was testified, albeit a, Mr..
Mutts what the moplo tboughtlof the arrest
of the parties t Saul he ha.,5 to swear
against them; that the Thoingenitss always
got all that he ha,p. monitt, In u inilVersa
/ion with Mr. Ittßts, said Sammy 'Ilion; p
son was guilty-, oat not Isaac, and lit, didn't
want tO10.1M11111111; said he would get
ernment appointment for Batts, as he want
ed him to help in the conviction of the
Tbenipsons (Shin wasniter liawson hull
decal:uncut) Butte said Ito went to Moffitt
to trade a horse belonging to another man
About it week after the arrest Dawson raid
to 11. F. Adams, In West lirownsville, that
he had to swear against the Thoinpsons to
save himself; that Aloilltt would not let him
off. Dawson also said to V. L. Thompson
(brother of Inane and Samuel) that if It bad
not been for a tl—o Irishman and 310flItt
the arrest. would not have boon male; that
Moffitt had made him swear against Inane.
The case for the Commonwealth closed
with the testimony of Isaac Thompson, the:
prosecutor. Ile was arrested on the infor
mation of Dawson, May 17th Intil; did not
receive. (as charged,) throe *ll not es .from
Dawson, and never paid blot thirty-leo
rents on the dolts for counterfeit sooner.
Own farms and have been engaged in dif
ferent kinds of buSincss; during the war
bought horses for the government, at
Uniontown, h e r. not at Itageretown; brneyht
hor.ft fee al sultit,ir; bad known Dawson for
twenty-live years; boarded at his bones oc
casionally, and was In partnership with blot
in the stilling business about twelve years
ago; was seldom, If ever, at home during
the wat—not a married man. Told tleary
Williams several times that Moffitt was
ty of conspiracY, and that I would put him
through; never said Lida l would make him
nailer: have no favorable opinion of hint
Most every mete the settlement (10 the vs
cluity of lirownsville.) said Dawson passed
and dealt in rounterfeit money. - Never Said
to Mr. Aiken In the presence of Stajor Mon
roe that WO hail the money, mid were going
to put ilotiltt through
Mr. Hopkins opened for the defense, and
stated ant Fayette and Wei.Sli Ingtom comi
ties ha , } L,4,11 loaded nun count , rfeit
money, and It-became the interest of all
honest persons to bleak up the gang of
oshovers" whlrh dwelt in that oorainututy.
Spite bad existed ou the part of the Thens
eons against Moffitt before the arrant of
loser- One a the counterfeite. named
Ilaggerty,-oad been arrested mid ' hail Im
plicated Dawson, Whose' release tisi urged
Shby the Unittat States Marshal, Col. Byers,
eriff of Wash:flagon county, and others,
upon his, making Informauon against
Thompson sad others, who, Ise bail staled;
w ere alai la the him...,
Jut, Johnston, Justice of the Peace at Cal-
Iforalls,,Wagto utitoo eounty, testified that
WWI named Ilatutbrty was arrested for
stealing horses, and it toenail out that he
had paid tar them in counterfeit money.
This ass on May 11th. Ilaggerty made in
formation egalmt Dawsonnd others fur
...ling him to got counterfoil money, on
which warrants were issued. Dawson vol
untarily came to the °Mee of witness, and
being asked whether others were not im
plicated with him, he said It was a "Mg
thing." tin woo EolVlsed to go to Pitts
burgh, see the authorities there about It,
and .as given a note to the United States
Defense now offered to prove the tenth of
the matter COODLibibi in the Information
made by Dawson before tea United :dates
Commissioner against /sem Thompson.
James NiebOlt.llll42.l i—lleard conver
sation. between Isaac Thompson and Inv
uncle, Atkinson bilehoi; Thompson sold ff
he (my uncle) would come Into some busi
ness he would be a rich man; did not know
what he meant. My uncle had some dinl•
Oulty with Thompson about property.
Atkinson Niehel toselied Thome.
son and myself were boys together. Ile
tee mu that If I wished to go into the coun
terfeit business be would and a man who
would furnish the material; ho said that
Wright and Dawson were engaged In the
business' said he would furnish me a itli
either gold or paper. This wits in IrS4 or
leyb. In loft, get three dollars lo
gold, tiountarielt, from Thompson; it was
rpUresb,l by Dawson, who gave me a three
dollar bill, which also proved to lie coon.
lei felt. 'Laughter in court.) Thompson
°Ad Dawson were In partnership at the
time In tne stilling business.
On cross-examination, air. Nichol stated
that he and Thompson were on wont terms,
as far as he was oonoarned—loi sottol for
him for County Commt.loner, and it was
the ant tuna ho had over 'mica the Iteptst.
Ilc►n tiokot.
[Mr. Marshall sald - he would not plead tho
statute of limitations, but for Information
tho Ceded States District Attorney wes
asked as to the statute In the United States
Court. Ile replied that in room Or felony,
other than murder or piracy. the limit was
three years, and in rahnleineanore two
John Crouch, who hat been In the army,
testdled that he had got a two dollar coun
terfeit 101 l on a Jersey lank from - Thomlr
eon at Hagerstown.
liardraft testitlal that In lit: or ISA.
ho sold a mare to Thompson for eighty dei•
hos, and among the money was a .unter.
felt ten dollar hill on a
Dawson redeemed the hill, and said he was
no partnership with Thompson.
A wog gown, In the army lu Welland
tho Che got n two dollar clotnrodelt bill
from Thomason, who was .111na nod buy.
In. horses In the army.
Jacob Sargeant • lad testified that in 1964
he found In • w i nd m ill, on Thonipsoma
prom's...► roll of counterfeit fractional
nurreney; It was wrapped inn newspaper;
the windmill' was Ina, not In op
eration at the Uwe. This statement was
corroborated by James Smith, WOO raid ho
was prwi whoat. the nntllnei also, by Win.
Krems., wits shown some of the money.
.1050 Croft, rcoalled, also testUled that he
saw the money.
At chic point the Court adjourned. The
case will he resumed at ten realock on Mon
day morning. The jury were cautioned as
to cow/arcing about the cum
Before lton. llosas llampton.
Thetnas Jones vs. Pittsburgh, Columbus
and Cincinnati Company. Action
In ejectment. liefore reported. Verdict for
plaintiff, subject to opinion of Court on
'questions of low reserved.
Loruclassi kironea 11.11STRII.
The following deal order was madame the
ease of Wm. P. Lang and Weahlogton
heeler, trustees of the rind Ilvangelical
Lutheran Church of pitiaburgh ye. Jacob
13, :Niemeyer, adal d Weiver and °the.;
And aow to wit: arch 21 , 1.13157, It eppear.
tee to the Court lb ton the 12th day of Yoh.
?eery, 1167, a rule ip the above ease was en.
Ural, redulrlngthls defendants In soul cue
to plead, answer or demur, oa tl.irty days ,
notice, and that service of sold rule wae ay
tooted by the attorneys of eald defendanta
on the 13th day of gehrrarY, 1107,. and that
anewer,-plea or demurrer boa been filed
within the sold tes , tlat of thirty days alto:
service of said rul , ruction of complain
ante pommel the Court order and decree
that the bill of complaint of the complain:
ant 113 fold case shall stand land be taken
pro conferee; and the Court do further order
and decree that the orehtalnary injunction
and decree of the Court mode January ISt,
1867, bo madeperpetual and Anal; and that
thp Court do further decree and order that
titi said defeitdanta do pay the colts in title
case, to be faced by the Prothonotary of the
Itelwasi.. — Vire Mentioned yestorday the
case of Albert Tate, committed to jail by
Alderman Donaldson for malicious mil.
elder. Another ttotamltment was :octgad
&gallant him yesterday for asteualt and Out.
tory on oath of George W. Lotman. In the
afternoon ho procured ball Irt both cases,
pad "ITU =UMW.
i tt i t •
, , 1,.. ,
caged Again—err 'Moly • Jail tiled
nod Yoaalbly a Margot cr.
Some two months ago a young man nam
ed Patrick Quinlan, of Wheeling, won ar
rested for burglary and attempted rape,
and lodged In jail at that place. After be
ing to the jail three or roar days,he, with
flee others, planned an escape. They all
made a rush for the door as the jailor en
tered, and were parsing out when the jailor
knocked Quinlan down. Inimodlately of
torwards another of the prisoners, called
' , Magee Bradly, knocked the jailor down,
and the whole party passed out and effected
their escape. Three of the party were re
captured tile next day, but the other three,
Including Quinlan, contained at large, anti
a reward or ono hundred dollars was offer
ed toe nib arrest and return to Wheeling.
On Thursday Lieutenant alclialn, of the Al
legheny night police, raw a man who he
took to Lc Quinlan on the street. A tele.•
•gnirn was bent to Wheeling for farther in
formation, and on the Information so ob.
Mined , It was determined to arrest Min.
On Thursday evening °nicer Scott accom
panied Lieutenant hicKain to the Varieties
Theatre, In this cite, and there arrested
Quinlan ,d ho was coming out of the TM a
ire. The prisoner did not deny. his Identi
ty, and was anxious to know the reason of
Ids arrest, inquiring best if any damages
warn wanted in that woman case.
Ile next Inquired, without any pre
liminary conversation to lead to such •
question, ' , What made them suspect him of
having any concretion with that Washing
ington county murder V' This question unit
some other facts connected with his con
versation and dotneanor, load to the .1.1801-
Ginn that homey have had some connect:on
with the terrible crime ho mentioned.
Quinlan says that he reached this city on
Tuesday night, having driven hero from
Wheeling with a ilOrd.3 and buggy. Ws
equipage is at a stable at Butchers' nun
now. When arrested, Quinine had a heavy
header long dark . hair. Wren taken out of
his cell yesterday morning, his hair WaS
found cropped short and wan of a bright
red; a wig lay on the bench. lie bad also in
his possession a pair of false whiskers. Of
ficer Scott left for Wheeling en the thle t rain
yesterday - afternoon, having the prisoner,
securely buncicutied, in charge. Quinlan Is
said to belong to a very respectable family
In W heeling, and will be wealthy when ho
arrives at his majority, about a year hence.
none. or Contention.
Adam Conner and Michael Alartha are. by
profession, gatherers of bones In the Alle
gheny Marker. Yesterday Adam came be
fore Mayor Morrison anti charged that
Michael had for a long ttmo made a prac
tice of laughing at Mtn for being a bone
gatherer, shouting at him end leerieg hint
every time he came around. Yesterday
morttlegl as he alleges, Martin caught hold
of him and shoved hint roughly away. be.
leg apparently desirous of getting him nut
of the way, setts to leave a clearer field of
operations for himself. A Warrant was 1..
pined for ditch tri's accoutre a charge of as
sault and battery.
Rt. Patrick's Day.—.lnstleo L,ppert, of
Oakland townnhlp, Yeqterday Issued a war
rant for./. randy, charged on oath of Clint.
Riley with 11. vault and battery. Pwhly
boards with Alm Shovelin, near the month
of Four Mlle lion. On the 17th lent. Riley
came to the noose, In company with other,
and playfully told Panay ho would get hie
bead mambo!. The party then attacked
Tandy, who ran. Utley led tile dowse, and
when randy got him far enough away from
ble Irleroht, be turned and wrapped Riley
over the bead. Ilene., the eult.
The McDonald Marder . .--The man for
merly referred to 116 the susporteal murder
er of John Doyle, to null In custody in Jef
ferson county. MD stated, honorer, that
It 16 ono Vtaton, who resided at Oil City.
Ins aceeasory is William 1). Graves, and a
reword of 3LO to odered for Ms arrest. Mrs.
rutty McDonald, the woman-killed, was
seventy-alight rears oil, lived alone, near
Rockdale Mills,JetTerson county, and had
in hoe possession 01..0101,503. Tho murder
wets most brutal and cowardly, and IV MS
committed on the Ddli of February.
Cross halts.—l).sulel Matthews, a boy
employed at a machine shop In the Ninth
irtini. made Intormation before Alderman
Traylor, yesterday, charging Nicholas
Wachter, ti watchman at the same estuts.
listiment, with assault and battery, alleg
leg that defendant kicked ham In the
mouth while he With ittin•g down. The
case wits hold for a hearing. IVachter then
made a charge against Matthews for surety
of the piece, stating that Matthews threats
rued him mid wattled to fight Mtn. This
case also was held fora hearing.
Ploopected of florglaey.—About n. week
ago Peter Cm gee woo arrested by the police
on an information charging him and two
others with eomm itting the recent burglary
at the house of Felix C. Neater, 'a the
Ninth ward. About a week before the bur
glary, Einget, was soon by a neighbor en
deavoring to enter Mr. N's
Tills cancel suspicion bull Erngeo was lock
e.l up for shearing, lie had & preliminary
hearing yesterday morning and war Coln
tultteti to l ail for a t urther hearing.
The siDlattogulatsed Visitors' , at
NV beet ling.—We announced the departure
from Allegheny of pretty nearly a train
load of thieves. Thu Wheeling papers an
n.-mum the arrival of at least a portion of
the load there. On Wednesday looming, at
about nine o'clock. some Individuals enter
ed the residence of tir. Charles limbo, on
Market street, In that city, and stole ali,l0)
In specie, paper moneyaod ekccke- n to
thieves have not been captured.
The National quarterly Review for
March. New York; Edward G.Sears. Con
tent., 1. Alder', 010 Life, Writing.; and le-
Cloenee; Oliver Cromwell. his Charecter
and Government; 3. The Temporal rower
of the Pope; 4. Chatterton and hie Worts;
3 Poison, and Poinoners; G. Negro 111110 la
Hayti end the Les.ons it Teaches; 7. The
ban - antlit• dihtance from the Earth; S. In
aentnee. gond, WS and I.MM:root, U. Noti
ces told Criticisms.
Trunk Found —At about four °Week
yesterday morning, ()Meer Andunion,of the
night watch, observed tracks in the snow
leading into a metal yard on Second street,
near Frilton'a foundry. Ile followed the
traeks and foal:111,M the yard, a small trunk
which had been broken open. in the trunk,
and lying around it, were 801110 ehoetnakeni ,
tools anti taste, and some German books.
The trunk Is now at Captain Lewis' ofnoe.
Ay Earls iota—James Early, a colored
man, came before Alderman Strain and
preferred a charge of asgault and battery
against 441111.1 Organ. alleging that the lat.
ter ok necked him down and tried to walk
on him." The case was held for a bearing
on the toil, inst.
Clocka.—Relnetnan. Iderran & Sniffle,
No. 29 Fifth street, bars an elegant ...rt.
:aunt of Preach Clocks in marble, bronze,
gill and alabaster cases, toy ether with the
celebrated Seth Thomas thee keepers. The
ptleed are most reasonable. Call in and
see for yourrelves.
We Ad slue resinoua who deal., to pu,
eh:Liu ologunt furniture. carpets, as., to
avail themselves of the opportunity afford.]
by John U. listluy, auctioneer, this MOO,
lug at 10 &clock, at. I.IIU late resuleueo of
Jesse W. Carr, h.q., :So. 30 Washington
olive; Allegheny city,
flew Drina—Our enterprising and well
000duelod •otisuiporary, tau Chronicle.
dunned a new suit yesterday, and Multi
yulie a beautiful appearance. Tho (Shroirsi
ols la a good faintly and nosiness Journal...n.l
oe aro pleased , o notion this fresh evidence
f Its prosperity.
A Diaorderly Alaoilbilmrtonne.
Ellen Itoe yealerday made lutormution
faro Aliinrulaii nutherlaml, charging Eel
ward ]turtle with keeping a ilnorderly
rambling bowie at the corner of Duo home
Way and. Alattox alley. The ease held for a
DI la:orderly n t a ltall.—Two men nam ea
McFarland were arrested in - Allegheny, on
Thursday night. for disorderly proceedings
ut a ball .on Federal street. Yesterday
morning they warn lined and released.
The AdUnglue Trtal.—Tito veralot of
murder In the 1401 degree la Adllngton.o
cnxa nXellea Tory general aurprtse hero,
and, wo are Informed, woo wholly unex
pected in Butler.
Drought Over.— Freddy Diehl, Belle
Kelly and Caroline Black worn arresacd,
on Thursday night, in Allegheny, and yes
terdar were - brought over to Jed for two
days each. ,
Pellets Apples arc exposed for sale at a
huckster stand on a southern corner Of the
market. The eight alone Is slckenUl2.
Pond Nllremoro, at .Volneman. May
ran arid Holdlor wall known and popular
Jurralry atom, tior=ilftla 'street.
We ask Cleveland to eitaztro the name of
her Pittsburgh street, slnee tbleven do moat
congregate 1n ;not vi,lnitY•
Toadied ap.—Tho nefsidnif wan, Arclufr,
of Cleveland, flo woo unalf aliot" Witil
liquor when found.
Postmaster McClelland alll cntcr up.
On Lb dutlen on the Ilest of April.
Itanners.—Lealleg the theatee be.
Sore the cuttalu la dew:.
fletblettem, Ps., boasts of • dre englo•
two b =Area years old,
candlllatea to servo the people are
growlel nureeroes.
The Wee. Vtrelute
being dlutrilehed. "1 the'rB' Ar°
-A nim.,Ng yang,—tick . ittytl4, Pa.
OPZILA Horsa—The engagement Of Miss
Kato Reign°ld. at this place of amassment
closes - to-night. Her season hero has net
been so complete a success as we could
have wished,. owing .to the execrable
weather of the entire week. In "Wonder"
Miss Iteignolds achieved a decided emcee.:
in "Armadale" as Miss Liwilt,.another sue=
eels, though not so decided, her beet ren
dition was in the character of Lady Gay
bpsoker, In "London Assuran.. ^ Last
night a good audience celebrated her bene
fit, 6 h. KPPVllreil In "da Yon Llke 1i.,"
end "Two Can Play at That Game." To
night the new sensation "Silver ivy." On
Monday evening Miea Emilie Melville, a
thorough favorite here, appear. as "Airi
oboe," a character in which she is unmatch
ed, eve. by Maggie Mitchell.
Tlol,llor..—The week at this
popular place has been full of good things,
every night bringing *crowd to tile house,
and a choice bill to the boards. The florid
of patronage bore knows no ebb, and the
excellence of the entertainments leaves
nothing to be desired. Miss Florence
Temple and her horse Firefly appear on
Monday evening.
Covet of Commlia Pleas.
Before lion. Thom.
Robinson, Rea tk Co. vs. Monongahela In
surance Company. This was en action to
reeorer es,to/ Insurance on the steamboat
River Queen, which was burned at the
wharf some time since. The plaintiffs had
a lien on the boat for 110,003 for materials
furnished, and bring action against use in
surers to recover the amount. Hamilton a
Acheson appear _for the plaintiffs, and
Vocals a Son and Marshall for defendants.
On trial.
A Popular Inasaltutleu.—There la, per
haps, no Institution of lea king In this
country so widely known and so
extensively patronized as the Iron City
College of this city. The records of the
College show an attenramce, during the
past ten years, of upwards of fifteen thous
and students, representatives of thirty
three Stales of the Union. Young men
come thodsands of miles and from the re
motest parte of the country to avail them
selves of the advantages afforded by Its
system of practical actual brainless train
ing, which has given It such a pre-enti•
thnce over all other similar Institution.
roughout the country.-:Pittsburgh Clam
one can hardly conclave a more con
clusive Item of evidence in medical success
than the letter of Mr. Jones In another
column.—Dr. Robert Hunter is now on a
professional visit to Pittsburgh, and may be
wonsulted daily by thaw who are suffering
ith affections of the throat or lungs. The
Doctor has rooms at the Merchant's Lintel—
corner Third and Smithfield streets.
At another mass meet' pc of citizens, irre
spective of 'color, held in Charleston, South
Camillus, a few days since; (nays a dispatch
tO the Now York //craft() there were only
fifty white people present. Judge Moore.
a white Man; presided, 'and a uegro acted
na secretary. The mettiflg was-decidedly
radical. Resolutions claiMing the right of
suffrage and the right 'of;holding ogles for
the colored man, opposbm large land mo
nopolies, and calling for a revision of the
Suite code, and reorganiralion of the courts
wore passed.
_ The New York police-continue to make
arrests of persons who were Identified as
prominently concerned in the riot on St.
Patrick's Day. Marshal Wall was arrested
on Thursday. A preliminary meeting of
delegates from various churches and Path.
er alatthear temperance societies has been
held, giving public erpnession to their nn.
qualified condemnation of the riots and
their censure of the rioters.
Influentlnt citizens of New York oppose
the bill before the Legislature for a triple
railroad through the Lenses between Pllth
and Sixth avenues. front Washington
Square to Central Park.
Tho French Iron clads Magenta. Magnam•
me. and... Flanders, will soon visit Newport.
and New London. Tho Magenta's draft of
water Ls ZO feet, and prevents her going. to
New York.
• Tao New York Councils, it Is said, will
rescind their acuon agreeing to take half
a million dollars for a part of City Call
York, desired as a alto for the Last...Mee.
nobinson &Ogden, of New York, dealers
in government securities, are reported to
have failed, with lionillt/es amount leg - to
The Buffalo Board of Trade have rescind
ed their action adopting tho eental system,
and have received to adhere to the bushel
The gale experienced at Sandy Hook yes.
torday was the aeveriarexpertencedfor Ave
A snow storm prevailed in Washington,
Philadelphia .111 Baltimore yesterday.
A severe snow storm prevailed at Buffalo .
N. Y. Thursday night.
River Telegram.
Lovieritts, March ^3—Weather cloudy
and threatening rain; mercury 42 deg. My
er falling feat. with 114 feet let the Canal
and IN feel on the Falls.
Nal/evict; March M.—Ewer name with
12 feet. on shoals. Weather mild and cloudy.
Ilenarted—llowena, for Cincinnati; Otte
Sulllvut, for Evansville. -
.Evassww.s, Ind.,
.March =.--The River
has fallen 21 inches; weather cloudy. Port
list—Carrie, Pittsburgh. to Fort Benton;
Mary E. Forsyth, New Orleans, to Evans
ville; Silver Moon, Cincinnati, to Memphis;
Michigan to New Orleans.
Csino,'llarch 22.--Weather cloudy. Met.
cury 19. Paver fell an inch and a half In
the past twenty-four bows. Rosiness dull.
Arrived—Atlantic, New Orleans and St.
Louts, three r. Emerald, New Orleans
awl Cincinnati, lour r. sr.; Cornelia, St.
Louis and Now Orleans, four r. is.; Carrie,
Pittsburgh and St. Louis, five r. to.; Char
mer, Evansville and return, six r. Y.
Mwerula, March 22—Weather clear and
pleasant. Business dull. River stationary.
Arkarnhot fulling, with nine feet at Little
Rowe. Departed—Arthur St. Charles, Alice
Dean, for New Orleans; liabieem. Jennie
Lewis, A.nies. Commonwealth. Glasgow,
for St. Loula. In Port—Mollie Hamilton,
Harry Lean, Duke. •Mary Swann, Adam
Jacobs, Minneola, Berta.
PETEIN3—JOHNHTON—On Tnesday evennor.
Marna 15. h. at It. reedenca of the bride•e fattier.
titon street. VT tsburen. he the Nev. W. J. wid.
•Hr• ASI ea nit rx ns, or Allegheny. and Mt"
iiINFON—nn Friday morning at 2:30
The faexral will take plane from the Ttlltleilell
of his son, No. Mt Laceek street, Allegheny, at
2 o'clock Tills DAT (naturdsy.) Ike friends of
the family are inaltsl to attend. .
OIL AM O 11....--On Thursday, Marsh :Ist. HA
VII/ M. CIL g 5.113 aaaaa and 3 months,
son .1 1:1. sod Matilda Chambers.
The funeral Will take place 8.4.211110•1" Anon.
NOON at: o'clock, from the residence of We pa
rents, Fulton fitrect, near Ohio avenue,lfan
che,ter. The friends of the fatally ern respect
rally Welted to ahead. Carstairel Will leave W.
Li. Des °rel. 114 ll rant street. quarter feet one.
MrptriCIEWL . P.4I2C-MiEta
No. 166 Fourth street, i'litatoN'a. CO7ll/13
of all Matta; Clitartn, liLtra and <am de.
antiphon of Funeral raniMinn oats famish
itoonut opoited day and night. Hoarse and
Cartilages foralatted.
••• • .
IMrx...r.wczs—kt.ey. DaTtd Kerr, D. D.. Dosv.
M. W. Jacob.u. LLD.. Dam. X.wWw. Esq.. a,
c.. 0
It. T. WHITE & C 0.,. •
UNDERTAKERS EMBALMERS, wool•. San. and vicinity.
Corner Sheffield and Chfurtlere streets
Ileuhy nod Carrieses famished.
beantlful “Bod . t.aern.` the laegeat mbar
ban pl tee of
exeLpt Olte. In thlg coun
ty, eau ated oa - New Brighton road. tonnedlano.
Iv north of Allegheny. banal 10tn....j,..„tml
BIRI811:21 of the way but for Wl* at
Howard's Livery Stable,
Plrst wool. near Yoskongsbola Homo.
Ehtst attention paid to touting aid oalltsyr
tont .1. TA vow. htt
1•21• f•mla •
reduced pric•s. 11131111 IR i CO.,
rou 22 rya itivo,
.dicCigotred Mea t =
onra Pleas 13 this eollatrA t rY:Vrrtes.
hr 01 rat iefria r t AT IVAN, riuthin4lll:
e ,:„,,,,, M7a a BAD-
ddraasee be Made br i lialea NO/.
GILIGOBY. C. 13.•. Freedmen's Ban.. Ns , n.
C. LOGAN Peeretarg _f_nreds..les Committee;
Rev. via. Bich.= likettOtaii
Board of Education, PIMA" nal others ,
All Interested la the ednostlon of OM colOred
theart cordially bolted te none &ad hearselat
the Lord Is doiny Iltreegb Llneola UnlversltY.
melee IA 1.-ated U. Chester Co.. Pa, and nes
be to elreetlve operation lance 11. Items now
orer one hundred colored man to Its cleanest has
seat allasloaartss to /Lulea, and II IntsterlOand
Teaches" all over oar lend. It It ander Ivaticol
teal sapernsion, lad seeks to enlarge Its work
ing power. Cons AND Int111:1V9
6 Wylie SG, pi door Mom s th :
J. OCOrr
Fine Witches, Clocks, Jewelry,
140:11174 tainurrr Oran—,
Pittsburgh, Prozziassb.
mar Partlila. Wontlon olvon so litoolartog
Watarm, Cloaks 4losd 1.11 *Wt. Tear.
89 89 89 89 89 89 89
89 EW TO
S 9 1 : 3. CO 33
189 59 . Market Street,
„ I nn
89jB00TS, SLOBS, &C.
s 9
'N TgB
JAS. ROBB, 89 Market St.
1 89 89, 89 89 89 89 89 89
.A. 19.30 T
With Beautiful Gums, for
$B, $B, $8; $B,
AT 1
Steam Dental Establishment,
Teeth Extracted Without Fain.
10 11111 CHRGI /01 LUGER 1.11
• aad b.bfblbe ePeetmeas before order.
Indeleembere. datle t taeilooduarenteed barter,
Dianna IN
Hardware, Cutlery & Variety Goods,
h. 3 St. air but U ohm from lie
prrresußou. Pa.
Ananannlon or on. Made always on hand.
Guns and listed, repalead. Salmon and Ea.
:rzranad aad set. Also, penknife blades In
Practical Furniture Manufacturing
Latest steloo of 71111N171:1112 eozortsatl7
110.1ECEL I 8 BR`_
.7r0..92 ~eras siren.
The tllmplest, The .Best
I Wssaux•rsa Turn rust.. Ssissizook
7171 flit *TUXES",
111110 FARM FOR BALE 81t.
Njr ..Led Ie hwrieettre county. 23 mile. from
beer Coutord Ceetrel Onto ad lb- same distance fro ea le oryrlch. coatalntor
130 limber; *rleti lthaest.oe roll: v. ll vreteredr. i.
rood two frame honors Int4l all ...wart
bolldlatv See racer orchards of over vo aorta:
ISO pear. 100 pelkob. 41 wan°. plant sad eeerrp
b e t% gt4P.TITNU: L'lt."="l:S°4."`"""
rretenerian, Baptist ae4 Metbodlet climber!
Uttar PO per acre. Addrers ItILLIIIOI,
N are.el4 4 mesklnetua .4,' °Pio. aattleirlerrl
Fifth Strart,b elevens Tunnel
and CA-ailhans novas,
Gunsmith aad - Dealoi In gardware.c,:,
Pint clan loodsof all duatptioaral.zy•oir.:
Lug sad soLdat lib, known mien. Ilavatripg.:.2,
• Candy Manufacturer
AAA dealer la 7011.112111 N AND JOAN - .
PEWITS, PILIELZB, atrrs. •a, se.. •
No. 112 Federal Skeet,
Dimond door from tae PIM Salons Soak. :
1 . 31 ,0 , LUMP - OPT erry. PA.
ismer:awn TO OH a crl42x.
Maaaraetarera of •
Ottlo Moe; ASlaibell, CUT*
Mae fall smasortamat or Belting at H. AN.'
J. 11 1.1.6•Zg1ii.12= 14
. .
Houma, BELL &
Anchor Cotton Nes, Pittsburg
Ilitaaafaetrren of
ARCHON(A) Illicernmea.
ANCHOR (C) anzwriNOlL
And it Lima. savmst
.„ .•
CLOVER GEED.-7 5 Bushels.
lodate Qom Seed 'veered tbl.. • szlitie
age 11 • • . : 4. '•
ISM awn
ma d trnsistesater mew laced