r . . ' COVRT REPORTS, - , , . . . Oyer and_ Tersuitler, am. $ "Deere Mon. Sentra P. Sterrett. lb /.." CoOrtmet: Ihrirsday morning, at nine o'clock, nW 3 - PrOcetded Intl/ lorY tall ,. • Tar Truces CASE. •.. The cant Of the Commonwealth we. Meal,. Torben and William -Tates. frillettni for The' lerctuy of limber belonging° to to Micelle. ocY Valley nonfood, was resumed, and pc. cupl ell the greater part 01 the morning ses sion; The jars . Vero linable to agree upon • a verdict. suet were distintrited. Defendants we re ordered to renew their recogutrannatt Lau...VOW A OOLD grATMI. tile MeClairertY, a young woman, mold. ^ 4 - -OF---7-30',41 ---- --- _-._______ _ ~*: in the Math ,waell, was brought In on ... T O HOLDER ' ' rirrs nu er.611 I.I7IIIOLEDII. MUSKET proses to altenWer a charge of larceny in ' ~ „ , ~•1 , ~7,- , ,, sesame edms with 1 thetaking from Cupid. P. Scott, r,f ...- .. __.. i 3...„, .5, ,, ,c .,,,,, , . 0_ rrms or tuts Perrltszmort , 13; , the towboat Hero, a gold watch valued at ,' ss 13.- ir .CD ' C' ~ , i .I.lCusatT, ...am. 2., DT.. C. 230 and n chola worth W.' The prosrentor, Our ehre, offel..ins. se cee p:t . r 4 : ' i . ,`-' 771 ' ... ', 1 CM:DE—Tim market R . 0.5 remarkably thees was the hide tentless Card lu 7--fa law ~.I's of ter, y; W",::° cu , . the ease. '. Me visited the hon.: Of il :end. , 1 qulet, tothe tree actions being con, ant hi December last, in company with a • p.rztively insignigeant, which was owing • friend, . afterwards went there alone. Denis on Hand for Dolls'ory. , k (+; - ' Icy, - . . a . ..duly to the fact that hobters are making bat . ottheennentlY Wont anent r ~ttme, IRA B Meal & CO. _ _ . .., e ff ort to establish a still further ad. bat for an entirely different purpose B . r , utwe. We havenl then -.On - - the --, t7ro' previous - vas .. . ' r.. ,, t . :: , : ... 4 1 ::i t i:: ,, 1 r t , t , i i s , s , :. n it ,„ l ;lt:: there was a o to ho g u ivo ..s ._„,. ......• .... . but log during. thetnterval tetwee the first 310,01,32.5,„„cv.1.- ',. I 1 not barrels sold f. 7. 1. May at 6.31, Ai already . mot second!ctit Obtained a warm t for the ' orregt OfThe defendant. It mane 2. 1 .. , 2!."; ou the second. friendly call, Cant tn ,-,,-, 00P.FER rourrn AHD 2.141.217..£1.13 , 0 STB. ' 11 ' anent ghv), the ~..p., ,1 another screw upward. 111111 ~, r ue holders aro I.`ven asking coven ' ' 1 1 me rr. unythiug above Gl{. It is reported sw,us deprived or Ids watch end the aby the fatrfif •It elefendatit, she taking it from ht pocket, ee- __ '''''erred ltY him, no making no obj .ction at the tithe, at least not 15trY111101151y 1551411 g , FINANCE AND TRADE. ' , 11136 here was an oiler lo the market to day theta king no did net so nay, tent from —._ • I to -311 teleo for Aprll.sooo for May, and reSs) 1 for June, at seven cents, without Molina solatt s. at..fo lz il d o , a lo . o ,4 ll It warf . :l , ir u t t n o. PL'i s c t = e l t h i .,. 4 l; - Orrica or rats Piterc Kneen C.i.txxrrii. / . tellers. I' , Irate ad v lecs from Oil City, on- Ina nave,. March el 1007. 5 arrest, of the dereadant by her rate gto . „ now York , tier sew of Wednesday, report sales at $1,9 retufn the we tell end chain, which he it. —Says tee now York roth.1110: Tl,l qua, Ito +2 111. 1 11e1 1101111... • Wit. seen rem Lime until the prevent. terly statements of the National Bangs It Cr •• IS ED —Tin re was hut vary little After taking the watch she ran lute Cu all- , riots Iv:It hided oil to-day, the only y eale re• snow a steady . dee [emu la the surpins of purle..l be . 1114 litlf•en biltelrefl let ' irels on ro, and shortly after_ward the pros -3...,lnutgor"'le' ft the howo, going - 10'n magi,- remrre, and should teach people to be as private terms. We are cognisant ut art trama Wilco • and making 5 t he for free of bank loans as possible, in view of the ,r to buy st.uard white fir. 01/1, de larceny. - her the defence the taki was i l ' i t i ' .; r.. , 1 In rbiltele phirt, ts. d advancing one contract ion in bank credits widen must in- i halt cent per galle i n each s n ulesequent month egg .Icoledsand the n uon being. alien as . to win:titer or notio bestowed Um waft:. eVitably take place under the retirement of malt Deeefolfer,—sveragieft about Ix for upon the dejenflaut. the prosecutor...plie d plait legal-tender. end the funding end the last his: mouths of the year. Also, 1n the no and considered that tineoffers to buy prime light straw to I nature of his business rit Mullets. 0:101101, P.Y...t. of compound R. 0 1,, ,. _. , ' , white, at 111, for April, and atandard germainto thisca9o._. TIM Court sold that If —Oa Monday Mr. Hooper, of Mass...elm, 0011i1C, at e 7. ' For spot oil, tsuota • i the larY hollered the prosecutor's state. setts, reintroduced his bill, retorted lust ".' ' n . 7 -I ° fairly ' t. "'" ! Is ' ' b. anent the case was a Very, plain ..eor guiffe • , Renee eft :hies, at el tn II l, let cam here, tont !to . the ..repOrterit' eeemed . 1 . plain as a December, to emend the currency act, ,a ttd i et delivered in PhllalMPhit , -The extreme m ire stm t" The j ury, hOWOVer, folllid ver- it wim referred to the cornmittce oa banks Yleus of T 011.15151 lase tOutlency In retard Alia of emtlegulltyl o sod the defendant Was end Currency. It, is not probese.l to call up , opei at lons, end Medd. man)' al them have disch trued. --- i fold ele-3.1 pretty largely. - • . this' bill tor action at present, .but In truly 1 .L It 11l V ALS—hut two arrivals reported— coasrikaor Alen coaltoo TO iltMeT. ' to have it presented, In order plat it nay 12 , t loth. for W. P. Leon, and We for .1.5.1110 i Tho next call - ital.:en up, and which.. men. - be considered during Cle recess by the Wl lklh. • 111.Vl. the renattimicr• of the Court session, was thlit of the Commonwealth va. .Alestan hooka and others most interested Sy the tier Moffitt Toni it Whom Dawson, charged 500)001... - . .. . en ea` hof D.,: Thompson, of u.O‘kPg'on —Tice New 'York Eco ',With( ' (a Journal VW' county, with conspiracy to c-hargu and in eilet. The hollatuirtit' , seta forth. in tub- wring on exponeion of the currency) 11l an eianee, that en :day leth,hSai. the defendants article entitled `Minicontrootiomo soy i of mewls 0; and toolloto u dg n .. Sh lr.d • to "a m..cuii.w, policy:. heave (Merged, Milne I.:nited Statue Distruft ' ''' ''' • Coin for 01111 sreAorn bletrlut of Pe ff asyl. 'Thre is a bola:less 0! reeklaisnes - In