11IS PITTSBURGH GUM rinsusiseD BY rvim, s; CO., AT GAZETTE' DIMMING, No. mite 3Plram letrin P. B. P 56 1 Z d liars• T. 30P-is . - BELMN xi. BAD. Business Kan M0. 3 1 1. e.a"" ellvireabf cults/. OW woe/Li4ls coot& DWI ttaboctlbort. trell.* l l .. ... d "' OO. Liberal Wootton to Newsboys sad iZeials_ = TEILMS YOB WIEILTI Tbree Copies, per yosr._ol 3 5111 —." do. .110. Te et encosesoptee, to one sddreos, end Otot free to Glob. cool .. ............... . 115 - CITY ITEAT.S. - Artiness Exue'Fin Eyes,. 41,41usteel wltbont paln, !by Dr. SPOn 2 ar , Dentin, 254 Penn Janet. Beat Kid 4plares, .1,50 a pair, at 02 - Maxkot street. G. Sbatztraa 811 k, • Sllka, Mks, at 92 .14rket stret. Bcazarrszt - For a rail Line MOBILI3II in all widths anti qualttles, at the. lowest latisket cat at 02 Idarkot street. li SCIILLIT6II. . • ' LIDO of Table 'ldneitt, finplons and Towels at Tory 104 prim,. at id Marti:4 street• . G. SCULEITE. Hoop !Mir's, Skirts G. Bcaroarsa,s Call SUd ESAMIDO Tho stock of Boys' and weiss—Cassl merea, Jean's sad Cotton:oes, zZt. 02 Market exact. G. SCIEUXITZIL. • Elegant French Clatatzes at :,0c per yard, M. Market, rtrect. - G. SCIILEITEa. BUIL They Baas To the -grout Opern 'Mete Store; for tho bartratua that ate now offered were never before approached In this city, Your Money By purchasing your boots and shoes for less than cost at the great closing sale, No. GO • ynalea• D In ovary style, from 41.26 upwards, at tho Opera [Wow Shr Store. , ~• • Cheapest unit the Iles& French calf bcota for gents In the city. at tio. CO Fifth street. bele -Proprietors Of aloClelland t Co , s. Mat Destroyer. • -- ial.a.Dsum , • • Druggists; dile&llollY• ."" * Patent lledletnes. • Fatent ILDCLIclues for mile by KA3Z S Darn, • Drugglits,Alloghony Plire Liberty Lend, roc sale by - KiNE d Decor, - Draggiece, Allegheny Don't Ray last YOU Can't . Get the beet quality of English and Scotch Ale, Porter, or Brown Stout—for, by calling at Faits:Ws Dare Darer you will, and the most complete stock of the finest brands—anti get them at the very lowest mice. Remember the place—rim/Dot's Drug and retest Bredloin° Depot, No. it Market Street. ==.3 • Of canned Fruits and Vegetables, and tell be sold as' cnean MI at any 'other house in eltlier Mts., Call and exfuntheand Judge for Soursolvea, at No. 112 loderal greet, Clty. ' Oxenes 110Am00. Also, Agent for thotrelbknown bouse of Stephen 1. whitm.ea celebrated rid's,- Oelptda extra flne : Cream "Ron :Dons," “Checolates,' , Almonds, 'Walnut Candy, Drage° Drops, AC., Ste. " • " 12=3=MIZIMI . . The Continentul Dintog Saloon, mist door to the Pent otllce, - on Fifth street, Is crowded daily end nightly with epicure.. It in the beet kept, best managed and' moat popular ttlnlng eitionu In rltteourget. Fit for a King 'Are the' meals to bo obtained only ut each goodstyles, ber e t'lioltehelmr , s Continen t Vining boom. t the Post onice, Fifth street. PrICCS ars most reasona ble. Best In Benson.. IlelLzbetmer keepe the best of every thing in the market at Ms popular Continen tal Dining saloon. Fifth street next door to UmPOstofflee. Call in fore good meal. To Connie: Mere Titania.. WO are °Tering tell or Staple sysl Dry Geode, at Eastern prices. J. W. R&ILEGII. & 59 Mairketistreet, Nursing B A largo sad Mae sabertment, sold 'Mg cheap at rialuso's Data STOZZi No, SI Market Street. EMI lon Ow Buy Foreign Liquors of all kinds at JOlentt B. Ylnett's Distillery, No. 710. lgli 123 and DO - 4 - • '1 rkesphorsts, 1n 1 lb. Cans, for sole at the lorrrst rates, at .Fl. *130'5 Duro STOW., N. 14 Market Street You Owl Boy 08 par' cent. 'Alcohol at Joseph a. rlncles. _ • Ton Cos Hal Few 33UPS at Jamb B. CON DESSED TELEOBA][I!• Mil It is settled that the case of Liev. Thu Senator elect, from Staryland, will go ow to the next meeting of Congress for a dee ellen, unless the present session shall extend into the latter part of next week. East Tennessee Is damaged to the eitent Of over two millions of dollars by the flood. Blount, Cockeroan and 'Lawler countie t ells lose heavily, La igloo t o conaty a •ry Rook of sheep were drowned, and the loss 1 nteek et ail kinds is unprecellentedly heavy. All the termer* living on the rivers will be very late vettli their crops. The lees of etock will be a great drawback. The part of the railroad bridges washed away have been recoverad,andlucias are now ruining to ChattanoOga from all pante, Minylives were - lost in lower.Tennesserh, and-many families were left homeless. arid must, suf fer. Over One hundred car lorms 01 corn were destroyed at Chattanooga. The depots were all submerged, and much freight. was destroyed. The rivers are siall.high, iced more rain is falling. JohnJdorriesey, Fernando Wood, James Brooks and John W. Chandler, elf the Now York Congressional. delegation, bad a long interview with the President on Wednes day night. Tao subject a the teak Was general, including reconstruction, condo- Catioti and impeachment, but related more partionlarly to . Federal appointments for the city of New York. The President was very reticent, sad gave them no encouraae• moot enneeraing the_Clistzibtition of the Thelrish enthusiasm in New York has ail subsided. and the late rebellion in Ireland Le conceded to have been a failure. The Only parties who receive law attention aro ' those woo favor an laymen of Canada. Several meetings have bsen held on the subject of an early invasion, and steps are being taken that look somewhat like work. No malls have boon received in New York from the Northwest elate the !Muth of March. The Most formidable body of horsemen known in Mexico for_mony years has been organized and placed under Milan' cum -111111kt:id, and - ebould tho expected battle. prove ••Liberal defeat, h wilt moot prom, • lay pa urged into a-disastrous rent, On the Other hand, if Mazlmillun is defeated his cavalier will suflice;him for a dosperau,m„, tam pP to 0A his Way to the Rio Grande, where ho will take refuge in the United States. ' inVirginia, the order of disbanding mili tary organizations has canoed the disbind• went of fittunioutt'a colored guard., at I which Ilutinieutt and the neirroes are Toll much grieved. Weary A. Wise has consent ed to stump OM State In opposition to Lima. nicutt.- - : • school honsre in Brighton, Masa., earl occupied by the high school, and the other as a primary department, were burn ca on Wedueaday night by incendierief. Lose, Cv, 000 . , • • ME • J 1111 ITE CM t -► 105- . -. ... ",---....\--- : 4.--..' 1 .., ‘ , , ' , . ---11'f---.' " 1 'l's' , • :r , .....,......r.r'''.•^•••,.,. --:-.1,., , -„„„,„,,, k - rA <,...t . ,,;; ; .-„„ai ( ,x„,,,,.„..t,„ , . ---,-- ,i, or*-- , - -iVr - z-,.... /..p , i , , r , "4---- ..-- • ...,......,,,,...1 ...... 0, ,,, N . , —.........:—, 4, ~. -..-:, j „,. C 1".,,,, -P!:-.. Z.- ~ • I Mi ..0,-------."- k. -•• '.,,,- 1.-- '' ~ i , t ~' )41, t i I as / 1 1 . L .,; 4 ,....... :; - ; ,..,...,. ....t, ~,,..4 ; v; 0 11 7 ,,,, AA,' , ~; 1, 175. I. -..t.:74...' z ,... x. . 1 _ t ,;.----4 . ,,4, :P.,. '''S,.‘, 7 .- - - "1 • °". r 4 14.% .... .d..... _-"7.,>" 1 ‘ A,,.24' 1 ... \ • \ ~.,_,,.!.... ; ~, --"; I _ _____ ,z,.....____.--__sp,. . . ..-- --- 1 1 i-,- , i ! -_--_,_-.-----._-,_•_-_ • ,..—__--...„---1&w:,...i,_,•.___._-_,......;,.....---;-----7:;..,__-„..-_-___-_-___---_.__.- • ~.. -,?4, ; • ',\. Aiiisp • 4 il. - . _____.-. -_-_-_ /--_,,,_ ____ ~,___-__ • ~.z.-- - ------ -_____,------ ---- ____ " 1- • ` / ,/ ..._=- - - -- 77 / . ,-....1 • ...,..$ 1 30 MST DIMON. ONE O'CLOCK, A. M. EARLY TELEGRAMS. PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATURE Pennsylvania Railroad Bill EXCITING TIME IN TUE UOrSE. 'assage of the Bill Over the Oov a: nor's Veto, susentoc ME RUES-11ES 73; 3155.•!(.1. Dog taw for Allegheny County Special Dispatch to the Pittsburgh 'Gazette likniusnt w, March I. 1567 ThO SIS,,ATZ consumed thu day : on the pr rata calendar a the 11ot - sr. the private calendar was also taken up; a stringent dog law for Alle- gheni county being Passed• LAILDOAD DILL YLTO Tho Mature of the day RBA the light on the passage of the Pennsylvania Railroad bill over the Governor's veto. The Pennsylvania Railroad MOM suspend ed the rules, bye vote of 73 to se. Messrs. Boyle, of Fayette, and Meyers, or NO - ithampton, were furious. The - railroad men calsa and collected. • Thos. A. Scott was in the Muse all day. FROM WASHINGTON Registration in the. District BILLS SIGHED ST THE PRESIDENT The Philadelphia Appointments , W.4..EasNo . roN, March n, laa COIRTIZATION IN TEC DISTKICT, - - _ The rogistratioa 61 votes under the new suffrage , law has commenced In Washing ton. The registration in the First ward els Own the blacks greatly in majority, the whites taking no particular interest in the alter. acerizasarattralsooserraccrtoti mt. The rrmnlent will prober/Y to-morr return to the llouse the Supplemental I construction bill. 'OY INATIO7II RV-TV:TED . . The following nominatlorui were rejected by the Senate on Tuesday', end net con firmed, as erroneously published Cohen ton Internal Uwe enve--G verge EL C revue, Second Dletrlet...sll.isonrl; henry C. Witter, Twenty-third Dletrlct, Illinois; J. 0. Me- Lure, Fightienth District. reonsYlranm; David Caldwoll,Serenteentli Dle.rlct.,rour, sylelintn; George fir.nderson,l:inth District, PenuaylvauLa- l'ostmasters—A, Richard. eon, Jefferson City. Missouri; Albert Clark, Toledo, Ohio; Richard, Benham, tin • Arbor, Michigan; William 5. Nye, Franklin BELLS 61031 D Cr SHE PE.3124115. . . . The President tots signed the bill appro. priatino Slap° for the relief of freedman, or destitute colored persons is the District of Colombia; also, tile bill appropriating lilo,ooo for the Paris exposition. ruir..anirxruis arrors•rxesx, le understood that the President to.day nominated Mr. Goodwin, as collector, en Mr. A. D Meekly, as naval oinco F , at rho. deipbia. SERIOUS FIRE AT PIT ROLF, Three Oil Wells Destroyed. [By the Pacific and Ationtte Telegraph Co.j Special IHspatch to the Pittsburgh uggetto• Ott Ctrs', !larch el, 16.1. A fire are occurred at Pit Hole to-day which destroyed wells Nos. 1 and 2, on lease No. a, Ideli•lnny farm. Also well No. H, on theveme farm. All the property and about to thousand barrels' of oil was deetroycel at well NO.l, on the liorrey farm- The leasers in oil are the Haskill, the United States and Natl.:ad 011 Companies. The weather Ls cloudy, and it to raining a .1111.10. • The river is twentretwe Inches and falling slowly. The market is arm at FROM NEW. YORK. Tito Abortion Caso—Tbo TamVotaosoor tioolety--Pitsro fintrratot tt . Down. . • Ntw Toax, 'March 21.—TheKimball who came to her death, as alleged, from the effects of an attempt to procure abortion, was not the wife of Major Kimball. of liawkln., &mares, but widow of the late the Me Kimball. taken prisoner during the Mexican war, and died in captivity. The wile of-ldr.Jer Kimball is employed in 000 of the departinema at. Ws.suingto.. The TIMIDILELY 00010ty purchased a lot On the north ■side of Fourteenth street. former ly the site of the Medical College Cniversity. which burned down with the Academy of Monte. The ground Is one hundred and six teen feet front and ono hundred and twee ty-ilve feet dee. It cost eiht dollar.. There t o a balance legft, y as nthousand Maid ing fund, .of seventy thousand dollars, which will .Ixl Increased : eeveral thousand The elate Convention bill has passed the Legislature with tl.lO negro suffrage clause stricken out. . . • Legislative Maltem—lmpeachment of biov. Nell• Abandoned—ltegistry °Oleo Closed by Order of General Sheridan. • New Oktessa, Much 21.—1 n the Senate a joint resolution was Introduced recom mending MI citizens, white and black. cm titled to vote, to reter their names_and take an active part t o ton reorganization tit the state. The report Item the special or Impeach , Comnsittem in the House recommend that no further steps for the impeachment of Governor Wells be taken, e late °stab- Ibihment of military rule in the would render such action nugatory. Adopted. In the House a joint protest has been in troduced against the Itec.onstruction 13111. The oflleeof Sweeter of Voters has been closed by Gls register by the advice at Gen ' oral Sheridan. FOTOWI2 alarbets b 7 Cable. ii/VelsailTown.March 21.-,Tho steamer Tar iff., from how York, arriv f eded to-d onsoay. l 0 clot. Lognon. March: I—Etvng.--C en at 91% for =Ones; ill/Dols Central 700 78.,v; 041. 74%. LirearoOL, March. 21—Eveiting.—Cottens market dull ovary throughout the day and closed at the following quotations: ni id diltig uplands 12/gil • Orleans iSgilisalec , o oo bales. Breadstuffats sold to-day at 34. 3d. for 43 lbs, for American and Canadian. Provhsious—lleef; extra prime mess /275. ad. per 104 lbs. Tallow; American Ms. hi. per ewt. Lard Ms. Prodace market quiet. Spirits Turpentine 800. 33. per ewt. donee —Pots 335.3 d. per cwt. Michlgen Legislature—Weti - O ne ilattroad Intim V.toed. . . . Darrow, March the State Senate. yesterday. Governor Crapob , veto Of the rort kinron & Lansing Railroad bill was voted upon, and 'resulted In the bill being lost,lacklng one vote of making the nous• eery twottdrds. This morning the Gov ernor sent to. the Senate a veto of twenty' railroad bills On the same grounds u the former veto. The Senate took arose on two of the bills, and lacked etrength to peas them. The others were tabled thus proba bly ending the project of building railroads in this State by means Of municipalities. A violent northwest storm prevailed all day. MON. FOUR O'CLOCK, A. M VERY LITEST TELEGRAMS. FORTIETH CONGRESS. New York Cutout Mouse 13110141, OF COLUCTOG SMILE ASin, Southern Destitution Appropriation. FURTHER DIBCUBBICig 18 THE 11013811 Mr. MORTON presented if creral mem talc trout the Minne, , ota Legislature. Mr. HOWE preqoutca a memorial fro he Wideonsin Legi'Ware for aid la lb onstruction of et military road: Referred . . WILLIAMS. [rota the Finance Corn uottee, reported the lloude Jolni Resole. tton to extend toemployee.. of the Ltlvlelen, Currency Itare..e, the iwuutici of the reeoluttun KIN tag twenty per cent. exit& compenspAtun to certain employeee Of the Government. with reeemtnendottlea that IL ho Intleanltely postponed. Agreed to. r.xemer rang TAX. The JOlnt resolution exempting wrapping paper made (1 - 0111 WOOl or COrn to irons Internal revenue tax, wan paatked. - • - The MtMary Committee rupee.' t j(ll.t resolution pluelng t Mop,. Missouri on' an equal footing with oil troops le relation to bounty. rusted. Ittiroter To 1111 TWITTED. Tno resolution to print five ttonsand eeple9 of the report of t3enoral fingaphrles on Ilydraullos in Me M.t.l,Elppi River, wet on the protection AA all regions from over flow, was p.sed. !urF.r..‘37.snxrr• Mr. •ANTUONY Introducuil a resointion tramming the Committee on Printing to ;nuttire It there Le any detlclis in the tie count of the late Superintendent of Print ing, n briber he made toutracte preludielid to the Government, and whether De bauittlit mote paper than he should, Sc. Mr. ANTHONY explained the Object of the resoltition to be to remove certain Im-. Pressions,cteated by newspapers, at to the conduct of the into Superintendent. He read A letter (ruin Mr. Wendell, denying the allegations made eguin4 him, and re qucating an inyeStigatitia. The resolution tolopteiL It to or rretttt TO BELLIGEAti , r 3 . Mr. CHANDLER, front the Committee On Commerce, reported a re sointleu authOrli ing American citisew to dispose of Vt-eatti3 to friendly belligerent governmenta certain caunurstancca. Laid ever for Lhe present. TT. rutticit.rrr Mr. Titt:ltiti.: LL hitt educed bill to atnevitt Cho bank tint lint. lir repealing . tho proehoon ring' the Chief J untice to nTe point. regiiiteni of tiankroptcy, and tirovi illng that. the reelitera etipointoil by the iiiiitrict Courts. Mr. TRUMBULL rola the toinvioroinel ovin e sanction of the Chile( Juitlce. fur the present. - - VOTr. IttrOSPIOCIt.BI, ' ISIr. Stlfill.slAN reeved to teem:slat , the vole by whinll the M il exempt Ink from In ternal lt,venue. tax ara;•pinc pscr made from we Or I.arra ht..ll:s. 1 . 4 o ,ol ' . pn Inollon of 1.1 . ..51t 1:101 A N a tax of ten per cent. was Impost:Apo all 81511..11111111t.1-pul pul or corporal mu nolee, or scrip Issno.l , y any naLloual banks, mutt thus amend.' We hal pasbcd. TAI 0111,,1101,L, SIANLX. A letter I roll the secretary of the Treas ury was prevloooly rss..l, showing that national banks In Now Orleans were lam lug rcrlp us currency. - The bill to sell certain block Kehl In trust fOr Chickasaw and I.:M.IAM indlscla wed rgoseti. Mr. 51013.11 AN waxiest 'Avocet: ay on re. Milting the tax on steam agricultural Mac ChtlaOry. The aubjucl V. 5., poslpen ml until le-morrow. 51V1.15. c,.ulle 11 1.6 V,. Ur. TiII:MIX Ltd up the joint rec.. 'MUM 10 suspend further proceedings un der llot act to appoint u cntutnittec to pay local slave owners for stases enlisted In Ulu amy. . th M e ' 1 7 1!:•7n IT i •Vae l h Zirtr n " .i r isc . ‘retr; ' ) l 2 aguttost 7. __ 111.E1.,,,T 1.051,07XJ. The Muse hill to luclud.• the ronployee quart of the quaermasters and Commissary P. permeate. with their calmly/. Incre.O• tw , lilo Per cent, under the resolution b last session Villa received front llto Hulls., nod on suction of•ilr. Williams, 'AM, Intleil lately postpone I. The Senate went lots executive tonal' • and coon after adjourned. HOUSE OF H.EFIIEsENTATIVE - . lIIt. SCHY.NCR introdeeed anoint resole Lion to extend to employees nt quartering.. tors and subsistmtet Oepartmeots at Want° ington the provisions of the joint reseln• 1.1011 giving 'AI per cent tulditional cornett° cation to certain employee. iu the civil ser vice of the goverment:lt at Washington, in cluding methante., laborers, wittehtuen nod other employees in these Department. UNITED aTATLE COURT OF Etallalinis. Mr. WIL.Su.N, (lowa.) from the J tulletarY Committee, repotted back the Senate 11111 10 provide for the Inetelet. and Clectitt Court of the United States for Nebraska, with art ementlinent, melee the Judge of the Cth Circuit Mot additional salary tO dcfrptY •travelllng expetthes. After some iliaCtission •the unmade:mit was rejected, and 1110 bill passed. Saw TORE cC . STen nellea leaTTElts• Mr. litillidsUltO, chairman of the Coro• • mitten on Lucite Espend Buren, stated that the Committee having taken- testimony, I which .upparently inculpated one or more members al the Senate, the Ceestuittee attained It proper to report it to the Homo, so that emelt action might be taken as coin. ported with the courtesy tine from one I house lotto other. tin Mimed the follow- mg: Resolved, That the [totem, having been In- ' foreutd by one of its Committees that teat:- mony was brought to the knowledge of laid Committee, which testimony apparently Implicated One or more memb - es of the Senate, the Llonso therefor° direct. that , L it and, testimony he Mem:tatted DILI., Senate for Ito in fornialien. • Mr. °PAULDING inquired whether the Senate coutemplated any further contiu nonce of Oil. neoion. lilllti.llllltli replied that it did not. Mr. TA B Elt stated, that as one of the mi nority of the comtalttee, he did not agree to the report. The evidence was, to his taint), eutireiT lusuftlelent to base Such revelottou upon. anti he asked it to be read to the House. • Mr. IitIitLISURD stated that the report just submitted Was hissed On the testimony takenim the Committee of last session, to. anther with the evidence ot Wm wittier.. who app'eured before the Committee of the present Congress, and if the linusly would require the reading of all the testimony, It would probably one° It days. Alter debate the resod. taloa WAS VISSeil. RENOVEL of COLLECTOR PSITTnni Mr. BC !CUMULI) reporied the following resointion: Resolved, That It la the sense of the Hence that. Beery A. titriythe should he Immed iately removed frbm the °Mee of Collector of the Port of Note York. and that the Clerk of the Mouse cause a cortitled oopy of this resolution to be Said before the president of the United States. Mr. BUTLEtt opposed the resointion. There was but one tray by which this 1101140 should dement) the removal of a high ore, cerithat was by impenclunent. There was no rTIANCIALL orprensed the opinion that the resolution was unusnal and uncoil . tel for. Mr. BUTLInt asked Ile. Randall what should be done if the YrCeideet , :Mime to remove Mr. Smythe I , ' Me. ItAN DALL replied that if the Prost , dent did what was runt, he would tell the House, if it paased the resolution, 'On mind ALS own business. (Laughter.) Ile concur red In the opinion that Mr. Smythe should be removed, U not for malfeasence, tor un fan,. fho morning hour expl rod, and the reso. I'lutlonwent over veldt to-morrow. BOUTISELS DESTITUTION CICESTIOR• The liens° Went 1 , 10 Committee of the Whole (Mr. Blaine in the chair)) and resum ed the considers:Mu of CA: nenate Joint Resolution appropriating title million del la'. for the relief of destitute people. ' general debate being ordered closed. In a few minutes„llcsars. Banks and Bing ham withdrew their pending amendmen ts. Mr. 111.5011 °fret ed ftMendment to strike 001 of thejoint resolution the words apPropriating OEM Million dollars, and in serting these words: • "And to that ond the secretory of War is hereby authorisal arid dircted, throuh the Comissioner of Yreeaethen'a Bateau, to apply so m much as be may deem necessary for the purposes sforeeald of unexpended monies heretofore provided to wanly freedmen and refugees with provision. or rations.. Ur. BUTLER owls n speech tinniest the emend:tient and plat rosolvtlon,declming FROM LOVlrlitii. IL wa% intended to aid in Chic wereh bodied white .1,1,0 , who loafing around corner grocery stores refrodng to work:wiz ile the utudsills of the North n ere forced to nark. Mr. tirACI.DINO StlppOrted the joint iv:v iol lon. Mr. WOODUISIDG it, for the purpose of snowing that Union emitters who ,milered in rebel prisons werthemselves la fever of his bill, reed from a letter front a soldier living In Rutland, Vt. Mr. LOGAN, while considering it as an or ' gunnent,quote.l against It resolutions adopt ed in inceting;i of Asset:tat loos of the Grand Army of the .It,public, In Washington, New York, and eta:where. • Mr. WOUDBRItniE declared that If such Associations consisted cf ,ohlturs, they were wanting lathe attest element that tils• tingulshed a coward from u. bravo Mau. t Applanne.l Mr.lilloOMALL supported the amendment mutt trusted adoptott and Ulu loin! resolut ion as tt111.(10a DO passed. Mr. LOGAN could not eee what tile ques tion of bravery sell Soldierly conduct had to do with the montage or defeat the rotolu- Lion. Re Maned to hear those remarks of the gentleman from Vermont. Redid not think they canto In good grace from a man alto hod hover had an opportmuty of. toil ing that courage, so r,s to know whether e was shrove man or not If - the resolutio h n was passed,los should prose that like id be granted to triode who aro po seaming from intunlation In the Ohio and Misstasippl Val. (FIRST SESSION.) WA.IIII3COTON, March V, IECT, ri EN AT =I =1 L ' L BUTLER, referrlng to the int imatiou o by Mr. Woodlirlego t at other daY, Wet he ( littler) was not a statesman, said he agreed to 1 hat, anti hall just escaped be- Int a sintosuann by 'idiom to be elected to the l'lttrtydanth L;Ottgo.s3. (Laughterd Mr. V,' OttUtilitlalL dueled that he had tail any moth thing. - Mr. DI/TlER—Then the etleman from VeriliOnt litetilie to Sity,•il a n t s a State...di." 1 not very much obltged to Mut. ;Laugh ton) As to the action of the soldiers of tne (Irani) Artily of the it epublic, I het 0 ramie.% from them, unsoitelltal, a. resoluta' , sop porting my coorm, anti no, long as I linVe the aptideVill 01 iau niihiler9 Of the ar my, I Call Very Well do without that 0) them who went out of this Boum do t ing the entire war. (Laughter from the 'hutment!. I , side.) Tito deb,de went 041 a conElderahlu time, with some rota rlty 01 feeling. nirtlcieatcal In by flair.. Iteheack, butortnce ii/h10,) Olio, Milled, Farris wont,. Oro:mall, Shelia. barter, Butler and Ilmjanon. In the course of the dcionte, Mr. Molar spoke of Mr. thathaut cc lotAillig gene user to the toiler side id tho Boom, net ohly In Ludy, bat lit .11;:r1I, ...;.1 remilolcil Win of what th.,i ti c.tt ;:ad t to:"1 to In, rraddeet Johrmo.t, not done, wOM rrortookal (lev et-her of Ttnnemco, to (A ring wealthy reb els to support root laitidie.l. „,.. Mr. iii.tit4llAM—it ,1 , ;., tot become the gent, w'o tic , °riled 1,40 tole Ili , y" times (Mr. 13.1)Illln , 11. rouge ?owl I (ty-mvon time...) tor the alidi-tr,-ilor ii oi 11. 1 tloilllon for pre ;won , of the United at MA, le a n(' let tidie to cast an Imputation *din no my iid,trity or my moor. I. rm.,: wit h Ccoco and cont t mgt . any )sil tl aa, 0 et hatiiy 00y m io, w p r .eio, ho be hero ti i'm t II .a., tale", het. ot I ott 11-her not tit.. (Bier. el Ltaghior on t Lia bt I.; .. ; I alto ,101111 Item sir, 11l ill'. nalne of 1 to 2. tom .c.;11 pouplo, to rspe) w Ith tgorlt the nu east, to let y clierliiiis by eon ',ll,e.ttion, in elidation of the CouaLltuthet of Tay rountry. Toot. IMO, the r .) l or e which the g outlet-Ulan lel, hullst.) dares to WM: In the amen tm Congram la the sa cred nettle or charity. (Applause Mail ' laughter.) Mr. BUTLER. rem to reply, but the Chair. 1 .1iaurte11zu,‘,,,,,t the ti. lt o il . ot I ti t , xz - hlch the Sir. BUTLY.R t.holl the privilege et the linu.e to reply. The Cli difilf AS sold the gentleman could not ask that privilege when the 11.311t".017,1,11.11:Nt=e'',1 u ' att 3 l s l:lT.. ), t o s . cOn mot to speak ten minute. l'imultnous cmotent baring linen gt . :en, Mr. lit:ILIA: evorassed kin mains. 1, -, - x tions to the !Some for Ps I: totincs+, amt -a.-1: -11111 re over concealed the fact, who-II 11 new... otT,;(1-(ively put for word, that 1 voted for Jel'ormn Iht.vis in the convent 1011 of my natty hay-ace times, I thought, him too beet atr.totroan 011110 net:,aoil 1,1,11 111011 by to ~..y the I Ur-Melted ;Mo l9 ulton,. wide:, I fearod, ix, lit tile die:anew wigs I w. (11110.1. unit 1000 11100 came. The .lifferon. between Lao And the honorable gentlemen !tom ohlo 10 t ht. i I list w tide .1 9 ty. Warts w iiii a , anator of the Unima atate, 311,1 was chinning to he the ;diets el the L'iliOn, 1 supoorted hint, while tile geod.elli.in (Ding train 1 10)1410011 1111.11 is lilie 1:0 10 a trettor , 1 liars new el/rim - toil my_ etryleOrt. 11.e0g111004 1 latt•• .ice it the error ol thy past why and repented; but I dot het expet t a blu'w to he aimed at two in that direct:oil troll that side of the Rouse, will. sup. latried him. There they horn eitypiorted 11110 ever 01000 nod are stitl eupportlod him and his !rio's. [Applause.] llf alr. II mg bain'a ' Pont at 19 00 the eiiiiigratte side of House, I did ltot mean Lo o m ipugn the honor , integrity of the gettemso from 01110.• I only sm.& I tho , itilt ho was lerottne the other ;dd.; of the lloare. M. r. BIN GIIAMIf the gentlemen bad weal. Bled lit. words by saying he thottglat so. 1 Wii.ll.l not have be one, word. Mr, BUTLEK-1 Haver ray in anyt blot I do I think (Laughter and apols.u.e) I wilt try to repeat tl:e words I used. I sub) the gen tleman bud gono In I.litrit as he had go. ile body over to the other side FS the Boom , I timeght so then nod I think ro um, 1 .x. 1.1 no then and say en 1101 g, (Laughter eon in) 1 0001101 take it back. The gen- Liam ait has Irvl the tool taste to at tack mu fur the reason that I could not do (my mare (Nom to the 1 0 101010$ of any country. I ,lot the test I could; other Men of loom ability could ;le Mare, end no man L. ready to gtve the higher plaudit for their valor, . their Macretion toad their ceedeet, than myaet(; boCatisii 1 C1.9111i1 not do noire 1 felt egetio ,tingly chi, imined. If ;tering the lend the son- Itoman from Ohio, (Mr. Bingham.) did . tun.. 1 ebould be glad to recogelza that multi done; hot the only victim of Um gen thenan a plower 1 that l - know of was an M- I Ingient woman halted open the scaffold. Ills may victim was ens Alta. httrratt. I I an ser.taLn the IneutOry of Fort Fisher. If ho and his emociates man 'tenant him lin the 1 bleaxl of a awn., tried by Minden . I Lotrorti.sion, and condemned without solneleot evidenee, la my judgment. Mr. BINGHAM /Mired and obtained five ' minutes to reply. Beach): After ten puma of acrvl. In title 1100.0. the gentler... will look In vein for any remark* of mine personal to trtortal man On Ulla floor, lute whel Wee g rat aimed) , ns.al ed by hers. I ha v e observed the ...oily of debate ot and the ...BY .01 personal .condoct out ;if the 11011 Se Ia att. forts. 1 Mod, as 001 titled 'me to rho respect and consideratio e- n of Mom who tnow me boat, but the gentl men, (Butler) While he talks of matters of Judge~d chooses to constitute himself my Ju tOMMIng Eta Integrity et my C 0139 duet as a (Worn representative of the pea pie 'ant when he collies to make till reedy to me,. •leellng that ho line chino a 4118110110 Y to. II Inmelf. and on Injustlce to me, undertakes tO qualify Ma rash Judgment by imytng that he only sold Mt hught ero Sir, if ite wouldl at II that he t thought emit never have disturb.' to yietlean Int By. for I would ha ve concerned myself just 'this much about what be, thought sot I would about. who killed Cock Bolan. (Laughter.) The gentleman low shown the Path° Want of . isideration 101 . the right , / or other. In 010 I remarks willalt be had Jost made by favor 'of the 110310. B to y what right does o f on e . .)Hans Unused( a judge, say ,OMe, 1 and to ;ayof men who wore MS Pours On the field of . con n ict, when ttoe earth ;make', that the blood of 1 romoice Is on my nand.? Does the genii 1 ig e e ' l ' in th a t V. I. it ' in ' O b e y . b :lt ' e ' ir.,l7, l" o ", it T.' bravo men who wore Constituted, by a war rent of your ereiddent , a snort In prinnotnen that Judgment without , which 11019091 y could I tie executed , Mr . I retool, I n the langtuge of 0 man, the 'smite , ' of whom Vet ' 0 . 71 1 ogle", WgltTlZTM,l7,.°•tho'.ll,lplll7.l.ll?; ly hear fin:, and consider end pronottoce I.judgment afterward. In the language of I the, great. 1.0191 111g11 Chancellor Of Englund,. [ notwlthstandlog the Uttera g nce of the . cynical rold. that he Wa the great. I est, wisest and - M eanest of Mankilundnd, I will say, that whether t Ito ti ' of loom.. Is on toy hands or not, I Inane to the charitable judgment of tneu and m in.+ ates, an the greet 1)000400 connectel 1 With the assawdontion ot the etwomn of the 110000, by which he was cot. flown la the presence of Lls x ejolelng countrymen, not for his crime?, but for his virtues, uturmurlng, all Ms treat goal wont up to the common rattler of in nil, °Gliarlty to. welds; all, and malice_towards none.. It was at that the means by welch his taking oil was accomplished. should ho uscertain ed and 190 determined. When summoned tO It, I oureld,l 1 was not conal to the task, and 1 11090 who willed ino to that work .know best 'With whet solUetance I entered upon it) but With my own foromnt convic tions und faith, themecords that hove gone to the -country and .world, I defy the gen• tletnanla matron), The eI'EAKIIIth hummer announced the termination of Mr. Bing 110,7111fi11. minutes. 311. ST tar.NB moved Out the House ed journ, remarking that the members , Lad hail eIiMORII of this mutter of. negatives. 31 r. ItOgS fmggested that ten minUtes ad ditional be kW. to Messrs. Bingham and Bat-sa . Tlin Mott. again went Ante . Commit of the Whole and region.. and coneld er; thejoint rebointiOn. - The amendment!' offered by Mese, bettenek, Butler. Ferns. vrortb, rile, nhollabara ‘ or Broomall, Logan and others. Wigh eilegliewti , An amendment offered by Mr. LUCIAN, providing that the expenditure shall not ,racers beyond appropriations already Made for the FrOUCILIMII'd Bona). WlLSatloptud. • The Committee rose and reported the bill, and the Rouse seecmded the preview , Rees. tine upon it: • . - Adjourned. Borderer Executed: Wo.xnanannr, Ps. March itt:—/fdexander B. Whey , was banged to-day fora, murder of3leLtvea, in May last. Ile dOMared on the aeadold that hn had not tntyntiOtt• her, CITY AND SIJDURBAN. FOUICTII PAGIL—The ftsile4 .and most re /WU., Marley, Di/ and Produce Market Re ports Oven by any paper in the city, milt be found oil our lb tat!, Pnge. THE LIST MURDEII. Full Particulars of the Crime. AN OLD HAN BUTCHERED We gave In yesterday's GALISTTE so much of the account Of a horrible trivia commit ted In Washington county, aicould be galls. area from the SlateMonts metro by a gentle man who came to the city on the coach from IVashlngton. We obtained yesterday the full particithiss of the geld-blooded eV fair, mll 1015 we giro below. }t will be ob• nerved that Om hasty runlOr-Whiuh we Puh• tithed yesterday as a rumor, WAS a taste' iten One to some of Ito important purlieu " lure, thought!:o mole fact of the terrible deed laving been committol, se too well cot:Orison!. Our inturturdlo brings the matter closer home to Us .than before, as ties crime proves to have Imencommitted on the very verge of Adeahenj county, a part of the murdered mania tarot, as we learn, lying on lids Mae of the county Due. The name of the victim to this latest fiend lohnosa nest Hugh Wproulf, a wealthy and highly respectable farmer residing about three miles Irmo Noble:down, near the Steubenville Itatirotd, ated u short ale ranee from the t Mr. bproull Was a bachelor sad with Mtn resided his sister, a maiden lady of hout tidy years of age. For many years the two had 110x',1 ramie to gether on the farm, anti were known throughout the neiglibre hbod. Mr. Sproul! wits noted among all classes for his quiet lift, and the utmost respect was pall 11 i la by all. Us had been hernia the welglaborbodi, and bad never been long sway from the Old homeatril set t . he tnet las terrible fate. It des suppose that ho Ives very wealthy, and stories were eurrent of large time of money" he heti In bit poescaslou. Thu brother and !toter of:capital a .two-story frame howm erected auroral years ago, sad s few feet lit the relief itntoni the original log ratan, which Teasat first occupied as a de. ening, hut now ‘lOll as a kitchen. L o ofantlay eventing, *bout notene O'clock, while Dr. 'aproull was sitting he robin with hit ewer. 11..111 1,1:11;11 . 1!G at Um door, anti the old 1111111 0110100 I. Ile was met by throe nun, unu el whom ask , ti if they b y on the road to - the liemptlet4 Iton d ros track. Defac lie. Sproall ream: nut t tie stater too l them that they were ea the wrong rust.. T men then pushed the old gentleman back into the cabin, and entered at thenuelvt,. Two .ot the mon seised and lend Mr. cprotill hiln tea third mon, whe, hied aid die,pahol by loot or 111 , 1110 other nil balance, L.. 101110 sitter, under pen miry of death, to follow tam ' et the worm tune snow lior her. a hba.ol. Ho took the rota . x h into the frame building adjoin lee the eabin, oh Motto into an of tho Mat roonts, and C li ouatectled to swore her en that tile could not give any al .nn or Intwrfert, it l'elr wroceerlingl, lie throw her On the hot. do! he, feet to the foot peals, IMO ins bands behind her fmck. and toen Isuatil be: firmly to lan nasals, , rope 'want her boil and around the bed W W to this was being , done, MOS SprOnd statoa, rate could hearabo two nth., m on te!nw: gnarrellng wit* her brother. They tiro/ d e n, mite: Diet thredd glee op tO them ell tilt it t ord, Ise .Initi In tan house. 110 said Le had Mit ir butitlred ant Cosy (mild faze et If they vronin ; ev. 311.1 I), 1111 or 111111 1.17 his Oster. It'll tal :dug with t rohbers the 01.1 testi : Suit lo then, hll the altder overheard lain. "I 1,10 te/Of you test" been Ante htit'- - ' 11.1t1 it 1101 I.lllorll for Ws unforturi- I , ALA. statement, Mr. Stloool might Lava clued death, but ho ingike hie own pen. term, Ti sister tip e l l 1 0 litonedlately Laud lend oaths, a fall tho floor. lilt : sound of blows, and grolol3. An interval : silence (oilseed. st him the ruffians came en stairs and lido the room w nem ok tied to 2,0 Iltll, .114 Clll3/1&*'11C1.1.1 n tourch :annoy anti ether Wllables. Old shade. I cbote 0,1111i111117. ,11 apt oath. papers. [ were it.keu ope, awl burrows anal draw foreoi, t,tit the minter s oily succeeded In getting ono loularea and twenty dollare snottat o silvr atttnes.-oue hneting es,sen. Tito sister c. e hild give no bother of orms , 1 lien, OLun thrnt bet brother had sum. loaned out, the notes for which were in the chaste, but that he never kept any Logo sum at 1 money to the house. tare amoolang thoroughly, the question of um rtiertit ar the utifortimato lady wasats or iototent, she stat ex claimed to the attner—eteilt Ammo, ow hod t si tl otter 1,.111., or the tell( Mew." The other rev- ' ":1 os, 0 oat, Juhrt, the stool know calif/Ong,. 'The three vaned revs thou left ' I tile house. hoetnc been there, aCeOrdleg to /11,1 /p 1,11.11 1 1• jUklClllt.lll, about bolt an 1 honer. She 11.1M.0 It was oboes .holl-past nine wit. they left. Th. rulniers loft the lady, bound to the bed. ht we bane n There she rem...toed, sulfuring' un toln even' lof Minn hotly until Owl : light of Tuesday evening. 1t that time an oh! mast named Murphy, Ilvvin near, came to the house on errand. Itocciving no answer to his kntask ion pushed Wed [ tin, Iloor Om cabin, where Ur. ninvull and tits Meter ustmlly sat In 'Abe l:ening; be noticed everything In connote:l—i he Mr:niters thrown i n tliaer der on the floor-hut did not toe the mot . - ' /lured Man. Ito then heard Mies from the up.eteire apartment, when he went up alit be fonod the old lady tied to ths bed as Siefert. 11, and In se almost exhausted oinidition. Olin was quickly released. and is companC with sir. Murphy' proceeded Id ed theto rOOlll where her brut her was suphov be. Here, old Mr. nproull was found stark deed by tile sine of the bed, his body partially covered with bed riot lung. The rubbers af ' ter they moldered him, it appears, could examination night of their victim. Aat It of his twoonde was made. whe n it appcnreti evident that he bad been locators CO death with a hale of mow., while other wountla necessarily faint, tisa been InDloted with a knife Or dagger. The : alarm was immenintely spread throughout the ueighttorhotsi, anti In , short dmo crowd was collected. While portion of t 101 for 11. ain Allegheny county thereon I.'lol Where thin murder we, 0,010. mitten la In Washington county. A justice of the puttee munitioned • Coronerh , Inry, and on ex aminatiou was commenced, on Toeoday night, into murder. Doctor Cook, et oblestow n, mule an examination of the womitia, and reported twenty-nue v. minas on tint Maly. Both temples bed been meshed In by the heavy iron tongs, the scalp and face were cut amt bruised by a knife anti ton, and the throat nf the Mur dered Mon Woo also cut. A vet.licr was returned that the murdered man eau. to his death by violence at the bann re s of the men unknown to I hujury. A troll of evidence rest speedily discos , pointing to the floods with Monists , keine certainty. It will ho recollected Diet the old mans declaration that, the parties bud boon at his house before, and he knew them, woo the sigma for his murder. The sister also recognized two of the murder ers n having - been at the house, at the tone a relerred to by Sproull, Moult le a tau prime( cattle; bet she raid nothing and no soon. ]death. lie. Dell, who keeps a tavern in Noblustown, elates that shout three weeks ago—near as ha coo h O it, the dote was March tlfh—two mon breakfasted at his house, chaotic liberally, and Inquired Of him before leaving the road to Mr. Sproulife farm Louse, and asked a variety of titivation* 00 to Mr. St-'a habits, who lived with him, etc. A lad Molted Shane... the Men on their ne.ty SoronlPo. alter they awl left tint tavern anal evao queStlOned by them 11, the Inntl4l,l, Mr. hull, had been. When they, parted, Ditty were going In the tired Mu of Mr. aprooll'a bonen. :1 hove two men paged idntly the parties Monti nod as e lu tiro robbery, by Mr. 51,10011 and his Miner. Again On the night of the murder, three Men get Mr too.necommodation train On the Pan ndle railroad at McDonald sta tion, thre H e a Or Mt. Mlles from Mr. Spronll f s house. They Were particularly remarked by persons at the titation, end moved MTh's the altreetton of Simeon's. At ten OfelOOt on the some mein, more than an hour after the murder hint been corn tented, three par sons were 'Men comlogfroni the d [ruction 01 tiprotans. They tk Pittsburgh!road back, In the direction of These men are believed Di be the murderers, Every Wort fa befog Male to apprehend thorn, end every Chrtatian will pray that the ef forts may succeeti. onw„, li o bcrt, Hague, of tlO Independent: Police In thio tidy, want telegraphed con cerning the murder on Wednesday mons. Ing, and mitea the place. Ile yeatorday, hating been unsuroessfulrettlrned in finding tiny trice of tint perpetratOrS. Found Drowned • Yesterday afternoon, at about a quarter before three o'clock, fon r young;men unwed Joseph Haudlon, Albert stage, Jolts Giant and William llarper, were rowing In ft skiff near the hood of hare's Island, when they discovered tile body at B. man lying In the water, fare tlownwa_rils, near the shore of tho ewe t o lloCallongh , s saw ullll, Thoy l bollledthe corpse ashore sod found it to be that of a man apparently twenty. Orator thirty years of age. Ile wore a pair of black pantaloons, an undershirt,a cheek. ed flannel shirt and a pair of hob sailed boots. There was no clue to his identity. same at the saw juin found/ some three ..,,,,,k,,,u t corisg on aboard pile near the mid, a coat, hat belo ng ed whic dece a sed. supposed to hero to thes The body appearsto hove been In tho water about three weeks. Coroner Clawson held an inquest and a yordlol of found drowned WU rendered, TllE BUTLER COUNTY HOMICIDE, Trial of Jobe IL Adnewton for the Monier of Sidney B. Coo. Ingham and James H. Teeple., at revile.- villa. Wllooesp.7 lidelleitto, Match 23,1567. A. H. Curren, Sworn—l helped to lay out Sidney D. Cunningham and place him In the COMM, at Wurtemburg• De seas burled in the clothes lie was murdered in. Janie Gibson, recalled—lt appears to me 1 saw AdWigton throw his arm around some one's neck. and - the man sold, "bold on here, you aro a littletoo fast." it was Teeple or Cunningham. Tlas occurred in the sitting room. . The Commonwealth had a witness Bab ponied, but absent. Defendant offered no witnesses, and to the testimony closed on b'th sides. W. 11. Riddle, Dlstrict Attorney, open ed the ease. Two men - bad been killed; there had been asocial party at tile house of Jelin Oliver In I'ooer...hie, Duller coon ty, on the night of the 111th of December, tug. The deceased wore there; not at nret to take part In the ((Miriam They had created adlflloulty In the early limn of the evening, but It had been settled, and they took part In. the dance. A dirllculty then sprang up durlng••whieh I !ley were killed. The defendant had heen arrested, and you, gentlemen, arc sworn to try whether Ito In guilty of the murder of Conninghate, as charged. , lie then recapitulated the evi dence: that defendant was seen With a knife in his hand anti watt beard to_ say, " I warn you," or, " I will warn you." Ile was the only Neon with a knife In his hand during the flight. Ile dist:anted at length upon the eels lence, and argued logically that there rota little doubt he was the one who Ott uck the deadly blow. lie Mel been over home but a short time before the tight, and II he did not have the knife to th e early it of the evening, he must have obtained it at that time. De ...In 01000 quarters with Mr: Cunningham about the Who the chair wan raLtoti , and the lamp was being passed out of the sitting room, and It must bare been at that time that bo struck the fatal blow. Immediately after Mr. Cuuninghtun Illeappeared from the tilting room. the de fendant left paateal tlitongli the north purposed kiLhen, out on the petal!, for the of hecreting his butte, no doubt. Repeated his eXpresdonsolp stairs anti in the hin.room, that "hit didn't tricoilla how soon they dle.l"—ineaning Tespie sod ettnnlngnam. Suchelpressiens were nue* , Montour Ma guilt. Ilea expreesions moo being arrested. dd e , it was argue evinced EMIL. aseltinuce to the wounded, lend- Ing hLlsll9.lllkerelltet, sus only done to ward modest •espielon. Me mat toes, toes, when she called ont, slien't, John; ohmscm', meant something. She knew of sthing that wan not dleeeeled here. Ile Illnannied upon tau OVitleeCe at co:lA.lcm- SW length. Wiles derendent went bottle he C 0111111 1 ,4 sleep; be had to corns hack to the atone of the murder, mot La repent t he story In the New York Ledger, entitled changing the Wrong Man." Ito should not labor th e testimot , y, as lie only Intended Lo upon the nine. and moult 1.-followed by tils experi enced colleagneS. General J. N. Purviance, for defendant, , then addressed the jury. Ile said a search u Incentigatlon of orer nine days bad failed to nolve the profound Leyntery Weld/ surrounded thin ease. The whole trans.,' flan eeeitpied but !the minutes; there were ! enalrs, pistols, knives„mokers, and tumble. , ...I; 'there Was greet. excitenu et and a I large crowd In tile pant. It 16 SIO Weeder it e4elel not be abcertaincd who struck the fatal blow. Yuri—TM:s).y leeSt be bet laded, bo . Yond a reatonahls dentit,l of the guilt of the de fendant 0010051 they are bustba In render-' lo a verdict rif girths- and that If reason- able doubt ealntet in i ts maul of the litryt It Is their duty to render a verdict of not, gut Se e" a moo of circumstantial eel. .tenee beery material eireeleitellee rutted on by the corn in an wealth forme tu Itself an Inependent I..nie; and the law reunites rant clreurnstanee shall 155 entabltshod clearly anti beyond a reasonable doubt., Tito CliCelll'lleCe. fillellet to morel eV, Minty actually coaled° evry hypothesis but the tine proposed to he a p roved by the tom men wealth. Third—if the mortal Wound were inflict ed—by L10112,04,er done—under the re— lief that It was necessary to sinse the I tfo of friend, lt wOulil lie Ltutulehle In sea (mire. Fourth—The eOlee.B9loe of a inif6 by the defendant before tile comsat:et:en of the bombed*, was received for the purpose of kisowtng the defendant bad the menria infilethig such wounds ea those found on the 1.11. of the deceased; helmet ne a fact , from which it. might be Inferred that the dettoulant would hare a tendency to tom- I ID ot the dotal.' Ylf..h—The possession: of a knife Is not competent to be shOwn far the purpose of preptlicing tile character mi ght decede 510 nt.; or irons which Ihe Jury ght In Cue fondant probably dld the SM. Mr. PerrigLeed referred to authorities in support of hie poinie, mid especially with . reference to circumstantial evidence. Ile .incanted clearly upon the evidence. Ile said the Wry were called upon hero to say what not one single witume for the Commonwealth, on their oaths, could Can:' they were mtkent to say who stabbed rung ham. Ho witneas, out of 601Ite fifty ex amined, could tell who struck the fatal blow. If It were done under eirctunstances of noir-defenses or pretectlon of prone% ty and of Indaldtud*, or in the heat of mumion, it COUII.I not he toriblevi but might be putt -110110. .51 chain of circumstances mot be untrokemetnti most preclude the p.m tell I ty that the:stabbing could have been done In any ether or by any other per son, thaw the one thermal. .11e dlscant. l open the tact of the trouble these men occasioned; their sloe, their threats. their annmencing the night, all tendi ng to alarm and anger those who were th party', and who kept the house. lie re. marked on the conduct. of the defendant at , ter tbo Mehl. Lie Old not flee away, hut staid and.rendered all the asamtance Its hU power. Mr. McCandless, for the defendant, wish ed the Court to Instruct the Jury on the fol lowing points: Vint.--If the jury believe from all the facts sad evidence that the homicide wen committed by the defendant (or any One close byl after Oliver was .IYMa' neoetraio 011 the liner near the north room door. having been knockal dow n by Cunn.ng Dam. who is proved to a man et great strength, and while Cuottingliam hail a chair nit or drawn to strike Oliver, and the defendant believed, and had reason to think, Cunningham wasubout to kill Oliver, homicide, the blow would be excusable .nu defendant must be aettulttod. Second.—if the Jury believe the del undant committed the homicide at any .time dot log the conlltct. In the heat of premien, upon' 'tins sudden quarrel, without malice, It is ulanstaughter. - Thlrd.—lf the homicide was committed by the defendant the tight Wee pro grossing between Oliver anti Cunningham, or In any other combat then going on in the rooms: If defendant bite:fermi on seeing a friend attacked by a stranger, - It la men alaughter. Fourth—That the Jury are Judges of both the law and the foots. Mr. McCarthy. for defendant, addressed Wintery at considerable length. Mr. McCandless, on on n part of defence. cited the Court to law toe points which he had previously made. Edwin Lyon on part of defendant ad dressed the Jeri*. AdjOurried till nine a. Si., to-morrow. Curry Institute. One of the educational places In our midst, which reflects much credit upon our city. Is the Vero , Institute. located le; Nos. fa and id Bt. Clair street. The summer term opens on the Sett proximo, and prom ises to be largely attended. This Institution, as nose organized, em braces four separate Departments tor the accommodation of four oifferent classes of pupils, as follows: A Normal Ilidoartment, for the educatlOn and training of pupils o f both sexes, who Irish to quality thornsolvet for teachtitsi In our public schools. A Com- Mereial Departtnent, for swishdatio of puplls of both sores who to obtain a good English education at a moderato at ponce, or gualifylithomacives for the bust. ' w o o e r! t pursuits, for the of education t 1! i t ) i n a o ° ,2 ° ladlest h wish to take art advanced course. Tho ',lodise of this department embrace all the munches usually perusal in tomato semi naries., A Classical Department4L for the education of pupils of both solo., who wish j to study the Latin rind Greek langnageo and literature. We commend this well or. ranged and popular place of education to those cooking a plain or ornamental educa tion. The system of im muting knowledge, In all branchos, le perfect, while the faculty is learned and highly gratified tor the dis charge Of their important duties. In W. Millers ii grocer and datum that Anthony %Veldt owes. him a bill. Yesterday he went to Mr. W's. requested the payment of his bill. A lqniatinderstandine ensued, which resulted In secants. to the Is.. Mr. W. town Information before the Mayor, charging Mr. Miller with disorderly con duct. The case was held for • further hear ing. Mr. Hitler made Information before Alderumn McMaster* charging Mr. Weld mad with felonious assault and battery. id. lemng that and ordered him w i th his efllce, and threatened to shoot him a revolver, which he took out of a eun forboard i and Cocked. The defendant ...boa bearing In One thousand dollars ball. Sent tis ilalL—Earl? In February Wm. n.AckeYi of Allegheny, made information before Alderman Donald ion, charging, Al. frod Into; S youth, with malls lons mischief. tie allepted• that the accused entered his paint nhop through the roof andd Ut Tate earrted the aloe. out. A wlinllTlt lAral bone, b esterda Wee not arrested until yy. Ur 000 In default of ball 110 was Committed to tall for QouiA• Beller for the Alabama I . In WedneedaY'S Issue wo referred in our editorial columns to the presence in Fitts burgh of a strange gentleman soliciting pe euniary aid for the destitute in Alabanuu As he teas not properly credited, we cau tioned our readers against rashly subscrib. lag to the object. Tim Young MELI'd Chris tian Association immediately telegr rpbod to Von. Patton, of Alabama, and a prompt response was received, stating that Dr. deems is eutiorseil by the liovernor and LOgi6IILIIIEO of the ratite." Yesterday tho gentlemen referred to again called upon us with the following communication, which we cheerfully To THE CITIZENS or PITTSBURGH s-1. re' Bret the necessity that compels me to leave Immediately for Cincinnati, as I had fondly hoped to be able to accomplish considerable for my mission of mercy in this . Iron City." Tao highest Court of Law and Equity In the universe has long since decided that it is more bles.ed to give than receive." The same tourt also decided, a tht he that giveln to the poor lenduth to the h0r.1." Surely there there can he no better plan to restore national harmony, than to `geed the hungry, clothe the naked, and keep our. selem unspotted from Mu world.'!' I will remain In the city of Clncinnati a few days, and any donation for too purpose indicated, forwarded to me, at that city, shall no (attn. fully applied to rellevlug the wants of the most needy In Soutnern• Alabama, WILEOUL regard to politico, religion. or color. C. S. 11... v., M. I)., of aloutgoinery, Alabama. Dr. fleeces, card seas under On seal of the Yung Men's Christian ASOOCIOIIOII, and wa, accompanied liy the following recour inendetion from that eredli able body Pr. Reeves, 'mentioned above, comes to aceredlual by Governor Patton and twenty members of the Legislature of Ala. Mnx: Ilia mission lea worthy one.and shout , appeal to our sympathies, an lilt call for sift should be responded to liberally by. Pittsburgh. We have never been bellied an other clty In ether mutters oi• charity. Let us not he behind in At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the young Men's Christian Association on Wednesday evening, It 'was resolved that the ministers of the•arious ceurche s of the two cities be requested to lift collections ie . their respective churches on the coming Sabbath for this object, and 'plane -the. pro cmas in the bands uf tile Association. The Association will undertake to ocu teat the money is properly applied. Oliver McClintock. President, at No. T 1 Fifth street; W. 11. Edwards, Treas.,. at. Ede anis', oti Waal street, und A. It. Ittzef., Saeretary. at the rooms of the As-ociatlen No.M Fifth street, are author laud to receive contributions. _____-----asa-- lterorlog in the Wilklnsbnrit fuse. Yesterday morning John Illehmond, of Wilkie...re, brother-lb-law of Janice Mc- Quade, came to the Mayor's Milcu to mike Inquiry concerning his Mother-in-law. Richmond's ' name was In the same infer elation with McQuade end he was accord ingly arrested and locked up for a hearing. Meantime some oflicera had gene to Mill's brick yard, between Wilkineburg and Tor recce S tatton. lot Rlchmonii.another broth er-in-low, who to engineer at the yard, and wno was also informed against- They found him and brought bile in Wile°. difficulty. Itobert is the one who eras hurt in the ie. eupposed at first to Imre been shut. it turns out, however, that lie was only struck severely with a club In the needs of ono of the officers. A hearing In toe casein the three prisoners w ai cad yesterday alter noon at three o'clock, Dr. Perchment, tee pfosecutor, appeariug as the only witness. From the °eidetic°, It appears that the in formation was haled on t no fact that a little girl. an adopted daughter of Mr. 11..4uade, told Mrs. 0 vreini, a adored woman, that her mitic, Hobert Richmond, bud such a beauti ful goal watch and ring, which he had lust Kai nod hich he had locked up to keels Until nu should ge away. She wild that she 1..1 been told not to bay a word shout It. As lit. P. had lost articles similar le. those mentioned, the eiretit.ta.f.l was thought lo be su.pleious enough to warrant an ,In forundloit. This was the io i on ly h e ... 0, andtat weecainlduconroedth Thp ri is n ne au par stated that they [cot the officer+ to he burglars at the time of tho attemptal ne fed; ahil aJ roki,tol theta. Bouttettle la Fayette CorrntY. On Thursday of last week an unfortunat e affair occurred in Henry Clay town. .hip, layette county, remitting In the death of a young man named Thomas Sherry (sometime. called Recknor.) Tbo report Is that the two young men Thomas Sherry and Jacob Ruff, met at ttes berme of John Moore, all three ot them having been boldlere, and were apparently In a good lamer, going through themanual of as, orieb aloore , s Enfield rine, which was l rmoad ed, alternately giving and exeCutlag the commands. When merry gave the corn mid "fire,' tiny pulled the trigger, and discharged the gun. The ball passed through the baly of sherry and lodged in a log of the house, causing his death two days after. laud had a hearing bolero John W. Lan caster V.eq , and was committed to jail. Me ealuis that the shooting was aeeiden- tat, On the other hand it Is reported that he ned previously and about the time of the fatal occurrence made threats against the his of tint deceased. They had served together in thoarmy, lag members of Company D. 34 Maryland Regiment, and only lived a mile apart when at mune. Muff la between twenty-ono and t*ent.two years of age. Ile was deely enacte y d when Informed of the death p of Sherry. • Lincoln University A meeting in 1.9111401990 to I.IIIS 11181.1611610 1 will he held in GM Second Presbyterian Church, corner of Penn and Irwin street., on next Sabbath evening, the 'Gib, at ii.j o'clock. The smirker. wlllbe amongst others, Illajor General Gregory, ASsustant Commis ary of the Freedmen's Bureau, nod lice. J. id. Dickey, D. D. LT : Lincoln niverAlty is loeated near Oxford, Cheater county, Pennsylvania. It was in corporated in Mt, under the name of Ash num Institute, and La designed exclusively ' for the education of colored youth. • it , charter was enlarged In ISC,S, and the name changed to that of our martyred l'resident. Its debt of usefulness has been greatly en• birged and Ito students trier card since the ~ .0,11100. About eighty are now there, and otheis anxious to receive Its benefits will or admitted, when moans 6911 the .4.10 I tally prepared. Three endowme building.nts are Ifrornfivelso,l, th conditioned on lour beWering made 4p. rmaand dot lars of the th are subscribed. The friends of the colored man should feel such an interest in the welfare of the race, as fully, a nd with 96 set O sec u r e e this endowment, mi OXIII earnestly i ' to encourage tills effort by their presence at the meeting. The nobbeiT by the Forty Thieves. —The names of the men robbed on the W heeling train on Wednesday morning by the gang of thieves and pickpockets, who left Alla theny on the tram. are Henry flelebell end Jolm flyers. Mr. Melt:hell Ilyes in Indiana township, in this county. and was rubbed of nine dollars In money, Myersa note for MIS on ROtNirt Roche. Mr. Myers Ryes at Salem, Ohio, and lost fifteen dollars In money, And a Wit held of the now lures of United Staten neven•Thmtles. The number ad the hoed Is An. The bond was probably disposed of at an early period, and the note Is worth nothing to the preecett holder, so ha might as well send lt,back. The Grain Elevator will bo len a place or terror. On du WedaY Morninearl a short time after the es party of pic k poc kets left the Allegheny depot on the train, 'Bn PAW' Arnold, Jack bong, Wash Fre. , " two stners—y the go t off the t r r a aln g that p war robabl starting Ilve wllla who the other crowd—were driven ont of a tavern on Liberty street. They took their doper. 3fatturn the same evening on the train for Ohlo. We hope the Vigilance Committee won't order them away. The Cats. of Voliger.—The Washington Reporter says: "We learn that the Supreme Court, rater an inspection of the record in the Yeager ease. has refused to allow a writ. of error to remove it to that tribunal, not cooing anything le the ruling of the Court , Wow that needed revision. IV hateree hope the prisoner may have indulged on this *Gore, no one, save perhaps liiinvelf and counsel, expected the Supreme 'Cann tono Irw. terfere. There is, therefore, nothing left to him but to prepare to meet his cud. ------...--------- An Enterprising. Minch Man.—John Owens, a ono armed colored man, I. a ello: eimen of enterprise. tie Is emp•oYl_a/ . Illillhi patent present° brick Fart t r.', ..,..1 Williamsburg and Tont:nee S u it ._,e... el:ippon.. Eornfortably a wifoi.tsuttiMonbilit; titan by . h i d' digng' clay for .lrl rK d i.,,,grg,,,,i 'one hand. who aro 1,111:117,. co..cmpi.. might gain • Intl. back . _ 7 0 7_ t. 1 Mug this one armed clay di o • -_---- —...-------- . 1 • Di.orderly /111.0.6 —%itward idatiln .mwAndlitoLklsu....for.o.7. Atbi.od,nitorio•zgtet;orrdrvay.h:ubov.fotEr.elli.t.imdßei Court In the Yourth ward. The patties were held for trial. • Nary Martin alto charges Edward with surety of -the peat., alleging that. he came into her kitchen and threat. Ito .h oot net with a pistol Ito held. Me gavo bail for court. . _. Iteleascd.—John Mooney, convicted of s oneg liquor without Peruse, see ordered to pay tho wets, conflord in Jail for three months in default of payment. Yes terday he took the betelt of tho ololTent. or! and ^e7 rolooxf.,!. Assaulted a tilrl.—Mary EtinrY. em ployed WI a servant in tae family of - Theo dore Snyder, at the corner of Rosa nod Second streets, yesterday made Infor mation bolero Alderman Lynch charging Theodore with assault and betters, alleging that he struck her twice as she sat sowing. Theodore confesses to the died, but ays she provoked him. lie was hel for c ourt. e Lawrence County Homicide Case will be taken up in the Criminal Court after the conspiracy ease now on trial la d teposed receive on Blonder next The r demared received les Injury In Lawrence county, but died In 1 tie Mercy hospital In this city, and LoriCa the Jurlsdletton applies to Allegheny county. The Soldiers' 31os:tamest Aaaaehation held a meeting yesterday at City Hail. Tiley passed a resointloa petitioning COULI• Mla to take such special motion as will give all the engine companies the privilege of soliciting vote. for the magnificent tome c =loge to be voted for at the approaching A Few Dana Ago Mr. gensalser Wel orth, of itusvil;offas train of e w inatantly c an, killd by trying tTo jump le a at Oneida, on the New York Central railroad. The engineer alarmed onthe srt of hio Coat as he was jumping, and he was ki drawn hack under the train. The-Vigilance Committee of Mansfield hold meetings and publish proceedings. They tender voice of than.ks the Itegol. tors for the.prompt manner I n welch they mean individuals leavei in obedience to resolutions passed ty the Committee. Wade It to passing alone Seoond reet. at end In ihe vicinity of the railroad ossinz, are obliged to wade through mud r blorth mehee la depth. The Corn . Wenner It Inquired for. Ari•sted on. Procena.—John McKay, chred with the •larceny of n box of chick n+a In g the market, some time no, was yea terdny arrested on n process and lodged In Jrronny Hamill will be Invited to snake the eighth member Ina crew forming by. Yale and Harvard Colleges to visit tho Paris Exposition. Three :Members of the Cumberland Prustivterlan Chureb, at Cniontovrn.' died lust' week. Their .ages averaged severity It le Rumored that anrerrl of the Iron mills will resume worh next meth. We place cretilt In the rumor. : Over Two nittiona of dollars hevebeen kepi ant of circulation In Pittsburgh, by the present strike. The 'city ie ,vory altrono7:onlie'red:eru.; worthy of report >o to bo obtained. St Patrick Ilsy was celebrated 7 th nthohe Ltterary .I.esoolation of Tituavill aohl water. W. A. Glldenfeetny — , 45 P 1RG 2 1.4 aont us a copy of The Lodi F end ...VPrli• E.. J. Itoberte, Eng. hes been 0 ted aehier of the Cooluaede Trost Coati:la c y. t Wan t t-d.—See advettlamoat of Intl:tat , - aatod by a fernalo, la to-day's paper. Pr oO o ug t 810 llet w 120 t blur Pitt...burgh will not come here. of suow, rain esterda and wasArmuenaLhesagreeable day A Vertlief In ibelir4ton trial tray be expected ULU weak. Hoene Tr.laces are operaUng in Wash • gton county. A Party Is being formed In Ebensburg to !grate ur.t. The Grainesdam is La sitouris*F,ili• Alttioa. -- Lafayette - Lafayette Hall WWI thrown open last Wild Cate aro numerous injudlasis Johnstown to to have a steam lITO en We. Cleveland b to haves budding assoola tion.- Mow Is the Ulna to trim your tracts Good Sleighing at GLOW= Court Reports on Fourth Page Fnon 15T. LOUIS. Airseoodleff Sheriff Arrested—Exten sive He rglary—Lawy er aaaaa beTest 0010—ltard Webber Palest Cams De— cided Against. Den sssss . 'TS , Loris. March 21.Z:John Onssby,Sheriff Adstr county. eh° absconded with ghl.ooo of the State money, a short time ago, was recently arrested at Little Rock. Arkansas, and Drougt back. It is probable th most of the sto le n money will be recovered at . An extensive burglary was committed vesterday morning at the 'tailoring estab lishment of Stephen Cunning. Olive street. It was onterea and about one ti.ocinuid dol. lars aorta of cloths. Sc , carried off.a The State Stqweme Court has rescinded the order requiring lawyers to. ake the test oath prescribed by the constitution. The Goodyear Hard Rubber Patent case, which has been before the United States Circuit Court for two days, was decided this weaning by Judge Treat, granting an Junction against the Dentistto them t s using o said patent with the primlege Sa bel ve the some On giving the to bond. to keep an ACCOIIOt to pay such sum as may be awarded on a dual hearing and coats. The weather Is denip and cchilly with in dicauons of rain. FROM TENNESSEE. NOpitll3o COT. rt. !Instates the Fran. cells. awßadicals Elated, Con • merlon' rem Despondent—Rallroad Be rn et. Ditch CA —The Supreme Court I .edcred decision to-day sustaining the ..tianchiso law of the hat session of the Leg idature. The decision is contrary to the etpretation of the Conservatives. The Itsdicals are 'elated and the Conservatives dcmpondent.l In consequence of rains the repair..to the Neuhville and Chattanooga hallMts have not progressed as rapidly aa expected.' Trains will, however, be running through by Saturday. . - FROM CAI9OI. The Elections—All gales on the Fran. tier—Se Fenian DeMenStratlOns. • Idosoras Li., March:U.—N.:trip all the pres ent mousbem of Parliament in Lower CtOS de will ho returned for the noose of Com mons. it Is understood Um elecUon not take place until inbl-enmmer. A report recalled by General Memel snows all quiet on the frontier. There Is no ground whatever for excltement On tio• coq of Fenian mo vomuits. ' • Inver Tider}lll9ll l . ' Dams, March M.—There mu some rain last night; cloudy to-day. Mercury So. MIT , or stationary lan night; and bu fallen one, half tech to-day. 111191OCS• continues aulL Arrived—Lltzle liopklns, New Orleans and Chielnnat4oue P. 0; AMILZO3I, Nest Orleans and Cincinnati. four r. x.; Alice Dam, tile cinnall and New Orleans, six r. 04 EVLSSVILLS, D, March M.—Weather cloudy and damp. Inver fallen It Wei?. Port list—.lllce Neanan, Clneinnail 3tev, Orleans; P. W. Strader, Now Orleurnans to btor(An einnati; Ch. Lenorahmer, Cairo and ret; .no. Ina star. Louisvile and retu r n: 11, to Pittsburgh. • lAM.S'I March has been rain ing inceseLLZ, autly slum yesterday morning; tUn s°r:n:rro:43:llWolurt,rh:Lize tg I, ° z a u:r i hl ' s ot a ux sy b o ' r y a . the rata. • sisairols, March M.—Weather cloudy and we nn; threatening min. Mosinee* very &al. latr, glilltru=tnvitzt.intg; z e r ,.. ;;J. r x r.. tor t y n , ort „ ....r.• • Alamein.. March M.—The Tonnelnee river at bl.Bl/011 lo SIX lent over the rpreph rt r ea w ut e r db r che' 047 , ply ng between helms. and Montgomery. blew up to-night. The express messenger was killed. NO pill , Octants. Nasuritte, larch 41.—River rising, with eleven feet on , shoal. Weather l alnv. arrlved—Nashvale, Cairn ilowe. l 4 natL Departed —Nashville, c.tra. Destitution on Green Bawer. Locievita.s, ![arch 21.—ThedestItellon to Lhe trallncrated districts on Green River Is very groat. Tha people are. euderthg for tbe no...mules of lire. Many .ere corn. polled to fee to the hUls. Bhalrneetown is submPraccl. TOO whe n boat Is crowded with unfortunate refuees. The approaching election it Piranreille Indians, is producing Enna streltement. The Democrats hare @pin. Op lighting tomb other. The Maryland Sexists DM, srpropristlng 5100,000 for the relief at destitute ycople t Ecr2tl3, ta, paned Mc Homo, EOM! hn'eanesaan. liven Oa, tar. yr. JAMES SMITH. In the Itch year of his site. - The friends of tire faintly are respectinh”.. quested to attend the 'one ral unralnAT sins. NOON, at:We:oak. from his Isle rol4ence. 15 Scott's pilot. 111111.1HT—uurre.ineadny, Yue tn n =. Ir.; P. WIN tElt 1131(iliT. ngrd 1 1Te.m. The funeral will tole ohm on 1111 DAT 510115 , LID. Must r.. 14, al lOo'clock. from the re.ldenall Of i ll soother. near Hu'. ton Station; A. V. 8. The Clears of the family are reapiiotfally tined to attend. Weane.d.sy s ' March hills. lat. at 1 , , o'clock r. st.. at Vs- residence of 4.1. i. Belt. No. la Ann Afloat...sly City. Alta dif A. ST fil..lhe. le her.to year. Yrirods of rut hmll7 are rs-Ohesl 4 S°.."‘ l ' d the funeral. at': r. xi.. on FRIDAY. qv,TillavaititylizpiA:4jll za vapia.vvr.amcimiEt. r:Alrffil,"l.Vt•PLT , M, L ,l . . cu rT n2 eariptiol) a Fuusral arrLetarar iiear.o area ed .137 1 an) Ldiitkt. Hearse alla 6%re...t0 fu ru . rl;~• D`rlA Kerr, D. D Rev. 11. 13. J xi; U.. a . 13.♦ buLa.s. Luc. K+C•. c4t, Li. 31111er. /ea. T.IIIIIITE a. CO., UNDERTAKERS AND 'EMBALMERS, Manchester, 'Wood's Ran aad r vietaqi. COFFIN MOMS AT MANCHESTER UVERY SIAM. Corner le he Meld and Chartlera strenen• [ lic,iw rad Carriages furunbed. HILLIVALE CEIMETERY.—The toluttral "40.1'5-sere.' the lamest sub.. DUNSEATH & CO., Wholesale Agents 11033:2 American Watch Campany's WATCHES. No. 56 Fiftb. Street, OPPOSITE MASONIC HALL WATCHICS, CIIALNS AND a - lorvv - :Ess , xs - sr. AT A VEST !MAI L. PROYM AT WILL T. WILEY'S, 6 Wylie St., 3d door from sth. .7. .... VOM OHNSTON ,Sf. SCOTT, • DEALERS IN e Watches, flocks, Jeweliff, SILVER-PLATED WARE, ETC., No. R 7.1 LIBERTY STARR.. 3PlAtmeacral-r63;1, M.°02.11.1111b. AEr rutlealor aiteatton rtreo to Fteostrlog Watches, Gooks Ind J. 0107. All work .ros. = rmw===m S 9 S 9 MARKET STREET. 5 1: 9 9 - FL I , C:1 1 56°13 89 S 9 -tlarkst Street, AND GET YCKTR "11001'S SHOES &I • !S9i '3 TII6 CHEAPEST AND BFAT Tan Orr - sr 1, 9 1 NO AUCTION 0001)S lEErT. JAS. ROBB, 89 Market St. iS9I jB9JS'ELr 89 89 89 S 9 89 TITTEIBUROW STEEL WO A&DERSON, COOL & CO., 0511CCIP-50EBTO JONEIL bOYD• 007 Illeaufactnrers of the boat. refuel CT 11,1 tir:Z . FIX grk IMT:et 13ger . Oa r Keel Cop Reaping and stowing Machin EMMET PLOW WENSIS, ISFIIINGS, LX LEP. GUICIILARR, am. Cult & Common Plough & Spring !Stela, Oic•e aase i th e kaon t g sh d l ilionse.reet, two sency szaquar }ETNA STOVE. WORKS. • A. STUDLEY & . CO. • blanoractere orery variety of Cook e Parlor and Ileatink.Stovea, Aicong which are the 5515 braved ;snail:RA. Tusorm d TALISMAN(CoaI ore y 1 LIAN Aen / VETERAN and TKONSIDILD gr Coat etoves.l raw mancl.futare GRATES, ORATE MATS, at. =co arid liCareborme, corner of Beeoad Wo d .treats. Plumber/ch. Lovelorn onelrarre anaaned ?street. j THE PLACE To B - GOOD BOOTS & SHOES xisk Iic,CLINT 0 OM ! S. Xo. 92 Eederal Street, Auxuar.NT, arr.! DIRER. CLOSE &.CO., Practical Furniture nanatiotiutrs COL PENN AND WAYNE SW Latest styles of TlCfnfiritlni oonst.atif ban, ' VIE t-gr . t.Ppitt. T .A.... , EWING MACHINE, I. WHELLES a WILSON'S W....N.= 111 aZZ Y CASS. 8.422,300 1 . 1 2/ PIETA Arvarzr. ,Lo__2 BABGALIS SEWING MACHINE. mutask.,.. use , / Dote abort time, for mile WK. 817.111YEIL i CO., Tiftla efrett. re dlCtd PW.. Rons Es CARRIAGES AND BliliolE3 of the very but for tare at . coward's Livery Stable, That street, war liononeahola Bane, Great attention nit to baying •O4 •‘ fete HOLMES, BELL a Anchor Cotton Mills, Pittsbrrrgti, Manufartarert of sacrion (A) snurrocoli. AIKIIOII. (B) SHEETIIIIMs ANCHOR. (4) hILIIETL IO6 . Awl AA TTI44. sayllieJe NILIETTACH & MEASON. ISUCCEE.i TO Clir-UMAS t CLAIM Manufacturers of OBJEC A.r.Airn EH BELTING, Ifni 11 Oho. street, Allegheny CIPS. Also full assortment of B.ltttg atH. AM MILM/Pl.&. I6V C Liacrte .Ritt.Rtgl, yIsTAL O. LARK. Supt. of Woola.l -deft PIANOS 2 . PIANOS I !—An ent xwstaeCO. , SLIANOS. whit% are now coutocre4 the twat nuseet also ItAIS ES RPM& SHATZ' , I'Lefat.p4. Slice !roes IPIM upward. Safsons in want of a !rat Masa • Plano fr spectrally .Invited ‘o calf - Aral aSsaillne before purthasi a* elsewhere .MIII\IIIASTTE BLENIIL Aer T . P. 43 PM% anat. B um a. 1108E12, .496111:02:3XTE FRUIT ASSOCICTION 111:711,111NO a V. CLJIR nuErr. pyrrastt lepeelet atteottoo elven to the dest Oulldlog of Court Hooeee and hotels et• ,, • WHITE LEADS. ranYE. t l3nad MI! •' ••sraaon' • - •&I I I • • i"11.111y" `• ‘`coinnianier" do • Lead and Litharge: colon dry and is oil: Tor !steal T. ll.' .1:1KillN tV: N. W. ctn.. t•.: Tlard srd pad 'R. L. Valsris. EEO sici&t' - 'li..