Eite , )2,iitatagit6 - grit, WEDNESDAY, 31A1tvil 207.15G7 RELAVON4 i.l" %NIA 10 TEE GREAT We have endeavored to keep our rea dere well posted in regard to the pro greys of the two meat rival lines of rail way running from the Missouri River towards the Rocky Mountains, and thence to be carried still further west wad until they mee t the Central Pacific Railway, which begins at SacranieCto, and is already •completed nearly to the summit of the Sierra Nevada, the moat difficult part of the route between the Missouri and the Pacific. The most northern of these rival lines is the Union Pacific Railway, whick bu gins at Oinalm, in the now State of Ne braska, on the west , bank of tee Mis souri, a few miles above the mouth of the Platte, ansi.whi di runs along the north aide of the last named river to its nource in the' Ldhicky 310untains, about one hundred Miles north of Denv‘fr. The work Cm this line has been pushed forward with great energy, and the road is now finished-and in use souse distance beyond the hundredth meridian •of lon gitude. The Union Pacific Railway, Ea,ter.. Dirision, begins at the mouth rif the - Kansas river, at the twin cities a Kan eda City'. and Vilyandotte. This rued runs almost due west up the-valley of the Kansas, following that strsiam to its remotest "source near the base 'of the Rocky 3louniains, and thence, by a slight northern detlecsion, to Denver, in Colorado - Territory, at the base of the mountains. The entire distance from Kansas City to Denver is Sul aisles. /WM two bombed milesof this road are finished and in operationi The course of faith the Platte and the . Kansas rivers, from the mount:dna to the 31:660uri, adliss "the Plain 4," is very nearly from west to east. These rbadS are of course about Platte • road being au overage of about a hundred miles north of the KIIISAS road. There . Is not much difference iu the length of the two lines. The Kansas road is u lit tle shorter than its rlysl, audit 11116 great advantage in climate and soil. The cuilutry drained by the latter stream is all good either for arable or pastoral agri culture; the valley of the Platte, on the other Laud, has long stretches of laud practically worthless. Both ate dr6. cleat in timber, except the lower for:y miles of the Kansas valley, which is a well timbered region. There is ince of timber bear and on the moun tains. Both these roads will reach Dancer— the Kansas rorid by the main line, the Platte road by a branch of about a hun dred miles.. It is now pretty certain that they will cross the Rocky Moun tains and enter upoa the great basin of . Utah separately, and, it may be, unite with the Cot fro/ Pacific road at Salt Lake. 'New Mexico and the basin of the Colt ratio will be reached by branches from the Kansas road, opening up to settlement and eorumeree the finest and most extensive grazing cmintry on the globe, and affording easy access to the boundless mineral treasures of those im --mense regions. Theso are certainly the greatest artifi cial thinouglitares in the world; lot they not only inter-penetrate and render ac cessible vast regions of vat ied ;Mil un told resources within our' own national boundilries, but thy open to us 11 new route to Asia and the Pacific Islands, shorter and better by far than any other. Even Europe will find its best route to China and Japan through this avenue. It is well for the whole country that these'iWo competing lines across the con tinent, from the Missouri to the Pacific, should have started on the race so neur , y together; that they are both in the hands .or nien of energy; and that the Govern ment favors them equally in lands and lauds. It lathe most magnificent con test' the world ever • saw, ana — for the greatest prize.. Birth- will be successful to 12 good degree; but one of them wilt be the great route between the Atlantic sod the PacifM. • Have we, as Pennsylvanians, anY . in terest in ibivccinteet 1 , This is the ques lion we wish to diecuse this murniutt. The • Union - Pacific Railway of the Platte is urged nn by the enterprise, en ergy and capital of -New Ybrk and New England, aided by Chicago and other cities of the Great Lakes. It is the eon.' tinuation of their main lines of railroad, to which they are ambitious of drawing the rich trade of the interior basin, the Pacific border, and the Pacific ocean. And truly that trade is a:' magnificent prize. ' • Tlie.Cuion Pacific Itri:way ( of the Kan eat in the natural i cute for Pennsylvania. —for Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Cincin nati, Indianapolis and St. Louis—and it Is unduly to the enterprise and wealth of PeriusylVania and St. Louis that it is so energetically uud rapidly pushed' fur ward.f The road will be v t lrtually an es tetuiwo of the Pennsylvania Railiouil to the Pacific. West of the Missouri this roadlias decidedly the advautaire over its more northern rival; therefore all that is required to secure 'to cur own. State the chief highway of the world is to give to those Ishii have the will and the .ability to enter the lists for thisprize course. Viewed from this. standpoint tbe bill to enlarge the capital of the Pennsylva nia Railroad Company, which recently nassed our Legislature!, will be been to Le a wise and lienefizent measure.. It is meededi for without it, connections with the Pacific Railway Of- the Kansas can not he Drohtelited with tl•at 6gree of en ergy and rapidity essential to the securi ty 01 the grand result. This question Las nothing to do with our local disputes With that Company shout the Councils sille road and other matters.' Let it put lot th its utmost powers beyond the Mis m.se,ippi, and the greater its success there the better for Pennsylvania, and for both its great cities. This Is a noble and perfectly legitimate enterprise on its part, and, so fat, it deserves the cordial support of every Pennsylvanian; for-all our roads, the Connellsville among the test, and all our interests, will reap the benefit of this Traus-.M.issisaippl enter prize. prize. ' But this is not all. In order to put the roads of oar State and those of the States west of us into direct connection with the Union Pacific lltail way of the Kansas, It is necessary that the old Mis souri Pacific Railroad, extending from St:Louis to Kansas City, 2 , .1 miles, he purchased and the grade - changed frOcu what it is now (54 feel) Ito conform to that of the Kansas road and of the roads this aide of the Mississippi, which are 4 feet Bj'inches. The old company is not able to make this change, and the Penn sylvania Railroad Company is the only party able to do it. This indispensable enterprist will regairo.a large amount of !law gout reason. to bc~ I:eve that rieotiatious for this. roarcirOe are 1n progrtr,q. Moremit.r, io renter this line of communiatiou with the re ,on beyond the ilinSiiSsippi complete, a bridge across that river at St. Louis Is essential. This will most likely he a submerged tubular lablze, and will rust several millions. With these connections complete—for ull on this side of the Mississippi is right now—Penneylyaniu will Lave the short est and best route Let - omen the Atlantic nod the Field'c ihat in be made. To show this •ve copy the following from one of the letters of Mr. Com.nr, writ ten for the tie Zr:rrn, while 'lts an excar. slots torort Riley, on the Uhion Pacific Railw.iy„ in Novetaher last. Ilk Wiles of distances are rump led fr6m authentic documents and arc perfectly accurate. • t i a lndina) , tntm, Stet, cm. s l' las?) a arvh atid o Kansas City to St. lioult sr. I,llls to . . • /Milt/T.1 , 01:Y to COIOIIOOLI ( . I,lvnbu. to 1-11.1,tourgh.. -.• • . to NW,' York, via .11 1 . 4 , 4 (2 1, ;NT, rvh Kanlh3 elly to Carst,run t.urnerou to tranicy 17 , ...“11,,y to Ltll,sa, LAIICII,O lllTltl,tairgl/ II Lta bur,ll to Nut/ bark, s., ;above. 1;1 C, I 011 ,0n. , , Ibn,no.nl onfl:gt. Joarg.l.7t. ". go Quin,y,) rem, W FOrg grgyor ,ogoi Po 11! rtei t, Yew Yuri_ Cit y to ljnitieruii mill,fron to Q/tnry Quincy to Spx 111 114 ,prln.nel.l 10 I , ort tt4 tie Fort Wayne to l'it,earen ri to tlAntreu to .Neyloch 4 . 10 Al lenwn From Kansas City to Philadelphia (be above distances are respectiVely 7.1 miles less, to : Ittl:t and nlsTa,cloirnox cITT To :.1* Tom:, =TM= cy ua etbuce Ch:ertgo to 11ut1.41.4 cIA zuutlitc 3.ltctilgua 11.11.410 to Atl•auy (N. Y. Contr(o).. tt.4 .I.ll,irty to Nov York (111,1.40 u ilvort ... 114 1470 Via Dun( irk mu 7 the Nr ll' Yor7.• and tine R R. L 6 l cnica.zo cilits..tgo to Dunk:llk (S. Mlchican I.:.kn sunny ..te) Duulzuk .Nuw 4 , 0 " We thus see that the distance between Kansas City. and New York is less through St. Louis and. Pittsburgh, and via. the Pennsylvania Railroad, by 91 mile; than via. Chicago and the New York and Erie; and less by 113 miles 1 than by the New York Central. And even by way of Chicago and Pittsburgh, via. the littshurgh,_ Fort Wayne than Chicago road, the distance is less than the New York Central by St tulles. 'ME NEW YORE Times has made a discOvery and is astonished thereat. II has round out that "a desire to provide for the future of the Republican Party has unquestiorably contributed not a lit tle to the didieulticsthat surround ties rev construction roller of Congress. — That is not a mild way of stating the trans parent fact which every intelligent man in the country has bad a definite concep tion of all along, but it will do. All free people are actually governed by parties. Absolutism affords the only 'escape from the sway of parties that has been invented, and the escape it offers is rath er comparative than complete. All par. ties, in working for their perpetuity and power, believe they arc consulting the Is st interests of the whole. Were the fact otherwise, all parties would be embodied and gigantic shams and hy pocrisies. Doubtless, the It:publican Harty wants to keep the future of the Ln ion in its own hands. It would be wanting to coran.on sense and patriot ism if it did nut. The Democratic par ty, ejected six or seven years are, Item an ascendency it Lad held, statist unbro ken, for half a century, desires to recov er its lost estate. From its stand-point, this is commendable. Lich of these parties seeks to control the ten seceding States; the Democratic party Ly eo.op• crating with the rebel element, which 'wits the basis of its former saccess; the Republican party by vindicating the, rights of sections of the population here tofore greatly oppressed. This contest is unavoidable, except by an abandon ment of popular institutions, which the people will never consent to. Guitar llALPtstr., it aptcars, in his examination hefore the Judiciary Com mittee, did not fully sustain his own re port of the conversation he had with President. Johnson concerning the finan cial situation of the Government. Ile admitted that the Presisient only re marked, in substance, that "if Congress continued concocting measures of ex travagance, instead of reducing and economising the National expenditures, the pishlic debt would be increased in stead of reduced, and the most serious consequences would. cease." The rest of the statement was editorial inference and embellishment. Oiler men than President Liison, and cooler than LC, by large odds, have taken the same view of the case. The truth is, the reckles'ssness of Congress, and particularly at the house of -Repro sputatives, in' ukaking appropriations, absolutely appalls ail sensible business men. If the members do cot mean to bring upon themselves and the nation the Shame and disgrace of the Repudia tion they pretend to loathe, they must ressrdu their prodigality., and that right speedily. • Tno bricklayers, Ow:hirers and stone- InaSOnS of Trenton, 5..1 , have unani mously resolved 'that "it is not desirable that at this time au increase of wages should be demanded by the members of this association, believing, us tve do, that it would only induce landlords and ot4rs to increase the relltS i tif houses and other necessaries of life std nigher,. and which at present arc far above the reach of many of us." This.is a prat:- tic4l and wire view of the matter. hose the wages of all kinds of labor can he kept at the top mark, and the prices of aliTue products or results of - labor he kept at low ilgurv, is a profound toys. tery, which multitudes attempt to real ize, but no ono can explain. Lowe year charges were freely itiade that the liquor dealers of this city had conjointly made h. heavy purse to be expended in corruptly engineering a liberal license law through the Leg'sht. tore. A couttaittee was apitoiute.l to illrestigatellicr,c Charges. .11. report has now been made by that. Committee. It tome out that no bribery was commit ted. But it further appears that the re putation of, the Legialatlre was 50 ',pi i t Was not found difficult for u speculator to raise quite a sum under pretence that he meant to buy it. TLIE Ft each have at last left Mexico; not as they entered it with loud vaunt lags and gay visions fof the imperial throne they were to' plant; but with trailed banners and confessed defeat. NEW CITY I:I3iLDINGi, ' Ir. Luutlxr letand an Att .f provir.lil,z for thecrec. tiou, Ly tii,eity, of p. building to include office, for the Mayer, Ontroller, Treas. ;re,, Reg:11.11oz, C' :i lama lr•craphaud Co..incil Chambers. James 'McAuley, Thornas s:gel, William Phillips, JanisLlM. Brush, iJohn. Hare, William M. Lyon and William Holmes, are the Commissioners named in the bill. At the time and place provided these Commissioners met, accepted the trust and duly qualified. , 'Prior to the passage of this act the Councils linu r rlii the lot on Smithfield sticet, extending lima the Postoillce edi• tice to Virgin alley, 'wing 120 feet square, for the suns Of $1(2•1,050. It is designed that the new buildings shall Le erected on this lot, the °lces on SmitliSeld street, end the prison on the rear, with en trance -from Virgin , At the organization of the Board Messr.i. Lyon, Bare, Brush, McCauley, and Steel were present. Mr. Phillips was elected President el the Board, and Thomas Steel Secretar. The Commission, re, above named are gentlemen of the highest character; sev ; ', eral- of them Ste among the largest of our 'tax payers; have had much ex perience in building, aMI all of them command fully the confidence of oar I topic. CM OLNTLENIAN addressed a Few words to the noon-day prayer meeting yester day, in which he begged the prayers and benefactions of the Chri,tiau people of these cities la behalf of the starving poor of Alabatua, nod representing himself as an agent to soliett means for their relief. Ile, however, exhibited no credentials. I hind-hearted , gest:lt:man present sug gested that a collection be taken up Cu the spot from the large audience present; but this was Objefanii to, and wsa not aOll, In the afternoon we had a c a ll Mont the same gentleman; but us Le was unable to give us satisfactory assurance that he was a true man, we declined to publish what he wished to say z Ile may be all that be represents himself to be ; but if so, he is singularly obtuse as to the Ways of the world in regard do such mtti;rs. Only let a man uome Well ac credited, and he shall receive from us all the aid that he could reasonably ask in ptusecuting so laudable au object. Tuu age of miracles Las returned. Negroes have held a paiitical meeting i[tt South Caron:la—in Charleston, tlie very citadel thereof. -This nesting was lovinely rtildriissed Ly representative men of the chivalry; auti.the blacks ru oponded with enthusiasm. The demo cratic "courting" of the ucgroe, has puL- Ircic We shall see what otripring will ti.timatelyroule of it. YOE •AORE -PEPTIC. I=l aany atad viat oa.. fr• a: a r.t.l•tate of the. -..TOMACH mad ID , Su.. yr. .; yr r p •,; 1-.71, 1'.1%. an 1 1 ,re. b . .• .1.-.1... r•,,,,, , ..,,, l‘ ,, sct.l , a i 171.1 ,1A I lud, , -.1, -111 1. , ) , ;., pa:a y:t 1 1 at r.l.ti t.• ILI \ 7::C.- 1ea,1,71.u. el , k 6:AnnaZt In It ni Chaoau ~.4r.r. i,..111,1, , 1 vreal,nr.l. no app , t:te. rf, ..fe. So , 1e.,, , :,• la , : la tn• •,..•.ti. t , u•y ...tr,lrr. 1' . I 1, ~,u • ter tt,me y tat. ,_ 14,1),,,ui• . ,,,Jc1.1 , .er. — 5cr“,1'..r1ug : :let.'• wt, nr , ,:nt, s , rn a:I. •px, our ! . .4.71,r, ,ar n'tme, i;7;:n..!i.. " ..!:wri1 ", , ' ,1 ' 1. ' ,!; ' , ' r, WI . n ,rl., pia, au.: ea tre , l '•1 I ~,,•• • lo .Ipt,,,a , 4d- •r, ~, n! ( r Pl.t.,:reb sn , ! vlknlty. 1.1,1 t L ell I. IN,, , :. , i, ,, t• \0 ,,1 ~ ' •rk. , Pu , ' GILVE RAUH, HALONESS, Ditill- RC,F. AN oVI - 11,1 CAN ‘ , III . AIik.WIIII . I.IIPON Il All: AND .•• 19.0 E ~ !,, n Our lie" Pltt Fair I: elope 11,11.:,,r11..k1..rer• xr,l 1,.r . • •-1:or • T• orrr- • or• r , sle,r ;1 • r. 11. lir,. n,• ot I,or. It OMIT . , A I . ltA 1 51;-KYSvAN A. 1,61.1.1.. st. a , ••1 51, - 1, C.rert, I Mt, A JtiUl TT, A lagh, • BLUME> THE LIGHTIIOUnE. I= =I El= =I = ,dre the enrmy =I reuJeathem ovcr=4:c:: tur the eemerts of =I = I=l E=ll _/t1.... arc Ita,le to n. at,te.l 1,1 the altera• tivne r Itrlngrat Coll en , l rnalarloa: tale lar,ltaa!e .rotectl.e medicine If tepee: I=ll dreotp.le, Interinl,tent fever, or any of the eorer, , lsloes wht , h cold weather aeon, IrelecLe egcravete, sh,o:l tate II regular:, th - uegbout the Winer and sisrleg month,.le al,olutely '.4 THE INDIANS AND THE ' 1411/'IE PINE. Itn, 111 , 1,1 to the - ,orlzlnts Or Ate. tics, Ito. 6,org a 0%.. Swett. of • 1t..0100, Liss brought le, emtt,e• tot ,on'rectletit 116.1 moat yai,thir I . .JLAND . riwigst: tru,l), of yeitta 3a, tr vrn o.es! Pmtlif..tloa In the. curt, of all trt,te •,11..this e.o Intl.stuv,l Irrl• I.Lte. , l , ondltlc. tu, thucou. 11,1,r•ne• of the • . u.InK oa stall of It, lu te...tln• 6. It It with( tl,u wont v.clu .ll..corer• I. • I. utiy t I bum scrutlual xne. Nrlnh, It Is 1.1.ew1,. a a ...I. irsluahle eurnuounel h • of th.. nufme7v s n,l i b 13.1.1, grnerally. go, oc O u rt.. natio() up..o a nln,lr trial. arty ne know.* the virtu.. or the (or rolls and ulcers. but 11,. ri,utt hat nitre uori and pr. hare (rum the I . .Fe, lonl.le hark of .hat treecumpuund that wlll mu. t a.vhr, lit would L. 1511/.. v int c • ... o your:lhr th I 4 .11 e aged prOIP. , , . . In F. 1,1 • top, Agt. • rlme ditlinisty cl,ll4ren Inc the nJt I:l.nty Truul.ll2 12, old peonle: litddty, C'evratr , l 11110.1. r DI en tr, or 11,11',1 or pt.+, or DIU'A thous the • llldflo 3s or nzakil thed , arl. lu II.," snd rit,lll”y: A, 1., I , PINE lofarkr , l, For 1.41 v gro, ,110. er.l. Dr. KO, Irril great in“ , iclial 11.1 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. LVM. Jr., Atha,. Expre.. ! Vet, r. 4 FY/O, Hired, is an authorised A Wen , Lb recrire fuer tOrnunts (or the (id KAI' 7'4 and aft other:elvers throughout the Untied Skate. and TicE To cosTitAcTons.— ..‘ for the er , otton or the PELP , • 53 , 111 , t1 11l r EDI VIE iZ, Allegheny City, will he rtoo.tve,l up to the tr.oth Inst. .• a:ol so, oflrAtloni_ can be seou at No. y,s ILooto, b:lsti, Ally gG~.. 1. Cilt)ls'2lllClt;7 - ‘7l ( burr!. 1111.10 u, Commlitre. REIIOVAL. • ROB'NsoN, REA & CO , Have ',moven their 4.11ie!! to No. 12. CURNFII. or FIR- r AND 13.2112112E4D tI'IDEETS. • TOWN PECK, OUXAMENTAL I l nr A NI! l'ittallsll:l‘. 0:4 Wood. rltt,tiiirgh, ntwars timid yent..ral 11.", Me. of I. dlr.' Ica Curl, lieriti,tr,n's Wigs, Guard Chat. J.D•clta, te, ca win b'si ce (Or LOW) tLr Mat/ 11 n‘iemep•a tilli-cUttliig done wisnvril BOATING.—For Sale at the Lost Bowe of the Ariel BariM Club, "1". ;nor, Ml., a -la oar,d :111ELL BOAT, built BY B:Ilutt, of Br; unpolut. L. I.; Per fect ,70011 as new, having been used 1.01 el,ln 1.103..5. It win I.e suld for,t3io. [For , 1 art her Information epollo to 11,LEWIro, 37 en login .tr,t, Dcallmort, 31d.— abt&, it NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. I NEW ADVERTISEMENTS NOTICES JAMES T. BRADY it CO., (iatet.sors to tl. Joues i C 0..) Corner Fourth h. Wood Btu, BANKERS & BROKERS, So]iciter, Fire DY11.211812S LLL SLIMS C? Government Securities, Foreign Exchange, Gold, Silver and Coupons. COLLECTION? made ea all accessible point. to the United atates and Car interest allowed on; SPRING STOCK BOOTS AND Al' 0 0 i.ESALE, At Greatly Reduced Prices, AT GEORGE F. kNOTT'S 9 .7r0.100 FOURTH STREET; FACTORS". Nog. 30. 32A 31, 30 and :14 USON 2,TILEKT. Pill I. ALIKI.NIA, PA. SIGN--ENGINE IN THE WINDOW EVERY ONE INTERESTED IN THE ()HAMM 01 AN Economical Establishment HOUSEHOLD A So far as it Concerns th GROCERY SI P Should Save 20 BY BUYING S SHIELDS & B I;CHER, 108 Smithfield .Street, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE tn14:..14t, 7s AND SO MARKET STREET, Daily Arrivals luta.ll[la. to our [...mt. a NEW SPRING GOODS, • W 11111: GOODN, En DER' ACESI, NAND AND WOUND •11 Al Dlii[Re 111 P.EN, AN [ NE( W IDULDINN. of .tery wldth •od atatdts.l )I¢,n .tI!LT o(9 &TIN ItTlitto •r M .11 t.lthi VI:I • r "0%4 I • Yu I I,•ry A entso•dre L rretlir'clt , r Ilk • Ui•s, au , ll:lll,lren CI, ETA As L, ..t. AMR'S. ad ,nuk. • A (Ai u EN T , •• 00,11,1. ttY. BULL. A • alfurtment at MACRUM, CLYDE & CO., 78 and 80 Market Street, STONE DRAINED PIPE. VITRIFED STONE DRAIN PIPE, la deeld. , !ty the left and almaprat tog l dlum ror trag., or Drain nurpolles known. Tra Vine La- th., to"1. - .A Ina( •ant.a,a , Vt , at I , trenatn. 4...1nat a roxlstlaz no., near ly Ourablllly, being nnow , arrcwi ,, e. rt alatlaa arida .04 Mk I.a. and la nut a: ,:ed (.031 or tett and It p..t.f. ladtetru• third. Cnapnva., costlng leaa than one-half S.O!, price of Iron pipe. 11 For "louse Draing or Bewe s-, I= I= BAILEY, FARRELL. & CO.. 167 Smithfield, Street, CHANDELIERS, Brackets, Pendants, Sc , and Oil., s large atsortutent w hand and recelvtnn at WELDON & KELLY'S, PLUMBERS AND GAS FITTERS, 164 Wood Street, CURRY INSTITETE4 No's 52 and 54 St. Clair St., PiT1141111:111till, PA. sUMME4 7 F:EISI tiI•KNS sill of CLOS JUNE. t hi, tnsttlullon. as now oreanllcl.. tintirimes ..nr •.p.ate Departments for the: woinntoda. thin of I. ur different ses ot punt!, 'a. tottows. I. A Itt• Pit SiA I. ocritEN E.tor the rttn. extfda and tralnlne of pupils Of both seat, woo wtsh t ' , paltry tor teaching in our public schools fl. AI tt.ll KRCI AI. DEI•A ItTSI KIN'S . , for the. roue un of ',units of bat • pears whow phto r ttoostron at a iwodera, .nse, of qualify theiuselvt fur the huittnees pur.ults of It.. SCIE , ITIVIC StENT, for the ctlurallon of Youust Ladies Alto wibil to take an Input ettlt.ancrd rour.r. Ti.,, studies of this I, part rutbravi. all the branch,. usuallr turstted In r4, r ,1,11./1.1.14,1. IV. A CI.AI 1/Itl'Ait I micsor, for the eatt.:3 or pupils or troth sex, wt.ll nt...ly 04. n Lath. and toe "reek ,LanKagL,go am, Llto.rstur... oth.inv. INDISTIIIIL 1101 th S, HUGH. M. BOLE & CO., 17 Widen', FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS. CASTINO O , 1.'04 and Hea•T, made to or ••r. ktaelaluety or ovary dtaarlptlon =Lanni. Lured on &nu. out Icr. Corner el Point Alley and Duquesne Way, PITTSIII7IIOII, PA. CHEAPENT PLACE IN THE =1 TRIUMPH C O OKING STOVE, le of No. 110 URANT OTREET. FOR HALE.—A very desirable piturtivr (or tither a 'ran Yard. Woolen Y..ctory, or Pigott. Mlll. I , ll, , ated at McCoy'. Station, the f lere.tt I nod 1 . 1.111..gh 11111 aroad, atty-nr.. mile. l'lttelirgo • good, anted•nlls , bol,dlng en it w.:4..11,1 shed whole length. 15 (ret wide. gist of lot liar Ihrec fourth• under 1/.10,1 cruet. Enottlre or ( 7 :Matrwl. .111110 It gIIIICIII'. Allrxhroy. 1 ) ITTSIWIt(;11I 1.11012T-11ANI) •CAUF..)I I',m Gran etre, '0,7..1. the Cathedral. 01.7. UN DAV t AND . EVEN! N.. Instruction In Bland ard rhonerral.h /dn.. l of Lreul rt s, n private lesson.. In rillPg and 1 , 7 01.11. lle7e,rts r cues, Sermons. do.. made aeon rraient•twe tarnu. re 7.17,•wr IlunllEit CLOTIIING—Sucti at Coate. Pants. Lep/logs. 110 , 11 n, /Ir., Sr Olt test go .111 T and warranted: al. till Coale. Jackets, vvvvvv Ils, Ire. for sal, at the loot .t parleys; wLolesale cud retail, at No. 03 ~1 75 hi. intuits •t l'ATTElitiVli'd Third I Clair strtrt. 1:11h 11,714 J. A 11. rnhig I P. P. DUFFY BLOATER I= EXTRA !MOILED TIERRINO, Just rev Iced, and for lade by lb. box t dozen, at the ramlly cisocory Story of tnblS JotIN A Itnisll AW. FOR SALE.. A Fine Driving and Riding Horse, Il)R A GENTLEMAN Olt LADY. NEW CARPET STORE Just Opening. BOVARD, ROSE & CO., NO. 21 FIFTH STREET, SECOND FLOUR. We are now ouenlog our FIRST STI , CIi OF GOol/s, etabraclng ere, mine In the CARPET LINE, Irma the best Etiowean mud rlcan AnuOclures to the coturuouert Hemp Carpet. ull nue \Time Denosite OIL CIA-WT.SM . MATTING% POI DE.4, ItrUS, MATS, Sisal 11004, SHOES, !V;,' , , ,,t , , , , C,AYi:it 3, 0;a e 0 . rt.,0131 01 PI.INO aud BOVARD, ROSE & CO., 21 FIFTH STREET, (secnul door.) 11/11=,71.13, tvT LETTER COPi ING PRESSES. „, , ....,,......,” _..:. - , • -„A:r r, 'mg ,---= 1 - , •. -. t r ..17.,z3i.gi.- -- .. - 4,.. ---_- _ . , PITTSBUROII mat,ufactur, atm a..rp 'or, ,a't, at I . l.toles•:c au.l U. toll, • large'saiortueut of Letter Copying Pressee a emo.lniug oirtlgu• the 1., it wort.- t. may be hart. 9...1r n tit t ,tands. at their W ~ f the princloa, stallutlera throughout IIL ~untry. 11. HOE & CO, 29 sod 31 Gold /: (root, New York Ali-I,lugultad Lista &Ent .114.01.1 UL. Mitt ANOTHER LARGE ARRIVAL FAIRS, eix..rtx N(3- EIS "V IT LEIB Purchase of PHILADELPHIA LIES, CLOAK HOUSE, Wholesale and Retail. Per Cent M. SIMON, ( 1,11,e6:0r to R. AL,tkr., I • lying ~*y ..ay • e:,. , 1,11.1 • Pointed Sacques, Fasquvz, Cloaks, ( Circulars and Mantillas, A T•ry , ", so ae!ertl.n Gr I, ACK •11 FANCY Cl.ollf. 1111 n, a, 1 , 1,7 111e\, . . At-V.0.1.110t A DJOURNED ORPHANS' COURT SELF sirtur of 1t... Or, Ct.urt yt mt. tt.e 11...V.,E. burst, TULSO I.Y. April 24. 1.417, ettln tract ,greel -f I ggngl,glt•ln nn , llgAglgl l'n luu g• •I gon , g lo Li g 101.1 go .1 en Mar, E. 11-li. ng liege e-golre g. • I ..ggg g , lg. lat• ol gall Ti.,.. e wto ggylN LI • nn llgog l e ggf lflor.o. I lb i. ••11el., lzggn. on ti g I ego., rAn.'l,ll e ggeon ,nk •u•lof soot!. •I,t,f 1•:. • 11 , t ZAP, .15 ..tn.. re , h• • 1 . • toy , •.1 I' IP. -!.••.1.•nm . . MMMMS 1•1 , - le d;, i.• •strry •••• • I ••, t • I,r ••• dorr. Ir•trrln. W. r:2-1, rrt• . 1.• • i••rml rrtlr• of ut.lo:,¢n, p 1 II1%•• r• 11. Mei•r.rt. .ftl.l ,rll, 1-1,.• lune or Man.:l4ld zra /Lat. t. IsST l'y 1 . 4 • • f.2.1t1.15,,V I, -1111,1 tl.s taw. ttit• t.tttn-st.s . t. .....41•11.0141,.., 1,.... Ito= Its: ,1.11 •%ir I.llc vg . .npal 1: IA: ss,s st..l stamps. • r W. E. SCIINERTZ & CO., = ,tielling at a Reduction, FALL AND SVINTEII GOODS, = BOOTS AND SHOES, =I Ladlre. and rt. 11.11.. t.•• Cloth. "..sr.. Ki.ian.l (lair 11...m0ra1,. •0.1 Congre, Se bents, 17.,y, and romp. rtnch 1:•lf, Rh , and I hick 11 , 01. And UvoLciell Alto, • large allsortm, nt of fiENTO . rANCV 5411.PE1t, All oftheature are or the Ilkt,T SI ATK/th LI. Itt,l WORKMAN:SIIIr, W/lIIKAN tqual to any In the clty. W. E. SCHDIERTZ & CO., N 0.31 Fifth Street. • NOTICE TO CONTRACTOIOi.-- I 1 . 1:t Irs,SAIM will be ter...teeJ by the nuderelttned until MM;MI I'ItIDAY, MAR1:11.22. . At o'clork r• ie., for htrnlshlng the following euiqdlra for Ina Allegheny ‘Vater Workm, A II thr four •nd al x•lorh WATKII PIPE • e- . qulred roorren. U”' twists no •Itop o•ocke. Fir. Irma. and general lona., roil a. •h1rc1,.1:100 , ,T . 5. SC f, le., rro lre.l the (car. h loot 1111,1 pipe Is Lao( • uniform I.l,4kness rof art., or an In to whigh root 1.••• than II or moo t than riurros to the root. Int:N.lll.ore trowl. The .Ii Inch plop to Ito el • nnlrounr thickness of loch. t weigh not lea. than he or more than II vounds to o 111.• fool. 1,111.1111 a the 0,41. All the olio. lo stand a p-eraure of :to pound. to the rquare Inch, an .I t o he teatrd In thr prea her of the rsolperlntendent or 1.0 , Work, .0 dto br riollrered at •Ito 11011, awl Weer, Se Ileum, direct. et:ovate hid. will hp requi r red for roach ally of pope. All Cartings to b. of stong molt Iron. Also, Lida rrth bp received (or what Coal ntay he r..hultr.rl do , Ina the (oar, the coal to to. Or the heat quAlity of nut, and to be rltllrered In the yard Uri,. Wort, Wotka. 11Jol• will %leo reaelred nor all he t l~r, t, l r nog Pore. awn 4 and lat4ropr or. dk.rlng the year—ald holes to thr made of >pl..w nanwirr of the at. p 061". 1 . 1r4111 and hoard ran to.. a.. n at 114 Hod. of thr, ahoy° 'bro. le r0.,51r0.0l tor Ito ruedlatv or•e0.00 , 1 lett of 4 Inch and I.lr, (.rl of , Idela l Ipee, n to,• and 6 6-Inch !tiny Cook, I/ Ore ('lugs, 04 Ylre Boar, •nd titop Cork Boa,. Tin.rlght la resrrred to to , Jrct any and all hid, 111 , 18 to be etolorted "ouppllta for Watt Works," It, 11. YHA:4 1:10. Lity Controller. ColivittOr.hith•O °et, k, Nl'. Match d, 197. n1111D,42 I HAVE THIS DAY ASSIDIA TED nab 1,- .1 , 1/IS 11. II..? IS and JI)11, KSAIII.YE In 111.. Mann ftrivre and dealing In Carbon 1111 Lamp, 4 . l,ntlale, • Sod n. , ida•ro.nre. hullnres rolil condgmtrel hert-LLP , re. Orb.. name •nd tills vl • . JOHN Itilto. , olnOre April lot to No. Wood Itrert .1”11.rlo 111SIII,EIrS HERB BITTERS. THE GREAT HOUSEHOLD REMEDY. TO) THE PUBLIE.-1 haTo tr.ll BRA.SCH for the sale of Mishhafe Herb Bitters. In the City or Vlttekurgh. and I.a•e nut hon., A. T. FAHMESTUCK. awl I). M. Il..LTutI, my Agents. to cetry on and mantle the It. 111dIALEIt. LVICAISTHR, 31stett 11. 1137. FAHNESTOCK & HOLTON, Wholesale Branch House, 116 navkarls..e.it 151 trout, Sold by all Respectable Droggl ed-W. n.lc but a trial to convince any one Of teLlr statteleinal vacua. itIISIILER' r d lIEHEI BITTEB9. rchl9:72 . MYERS, HOPPER &TO., FURNITURE SCUOOL AND OFFICE FURNITCEE. KrA full assort w•ut •f Plttol,ragit Manufei'• tared Furnltu, runt•Litly on bang at 1.()41..T CAIIII 1.'131121f,. veg. kgPk.I,I...IPP. P. 1.1 , 1PPLP...r..1. bITLItk TEAS AND SUGARS. Dion COOKINti bUtiAk, 10 Ito. fur 01 00 TA VLF 1. NTH.% UO4. 101) Itt.l FILA `• .• '• 1 1.10 TEAS. ~ k r.,, L her nag e :Qt k,r InEsii TEA, of ;nit cat Direct from China and Japan. I`, Cucatantlna, it.pa:lu Castle, .I.• n. 1.1. ro rythlaz 00 , 111 AND BEAT In tt, ' , Asyut Traa, al .beat 20 Cent. Belo, the Common Priors, ARTHUR KIRK, 172 & 114 4 - etterol street, EXPRESS COMPANY. CAPITAL, $20,000,000. Our Merchants and Manufacturers. • `IIIIIIF.S EXPRESS. Money, Freight and Par eels, over more than 13,000 mile. of Express Line at just and liberal noes. waves ) tlllons yearly to Espies.; Shippers, and can be made permanent only by their liberal patronage. Thi. we hope to merit and re ceive. Office, No. 145 Wood Street, I I:tit:01 1 111TC . TO 13 PEN NORTH • .148 , %ortist.,,aistrrt, ,edsr Aa•nur. t4e Now. .n.l the ber,-19 - Lb en•J. snd LL CL A. Alt itu.ltt.Jacol,tuckratt. awl fin, tou twv,,ra ftt•l,flarr, 4e mad air> an: Ler.— ht •14 , tr.l.letter• to And ••ttls th• , I•tatt. • mud larttrlt. In.. ,1 iIE A. nl•tict• •It 4 the ur Art ~f Ans.u.,iy..mpprov•xt 1•1. A 1 , . 1, .11 t•st .tterlt• of Councils 11,11 r thaw t•ill,etr ••,rlntntrnt. t.tdatnr.lxml • natl.. Int., • 1••• 114, the I Mt, day of Hatch, uue tttout•nd elght pundrt and tlx:y locttu GRAHAM & BYRNE, rif Having g cwr pl. :cal arrsnp ments for on ng.. eituaelvel) 10 Our lIAT, CAP AND FUR BUSINESS, lurite t. ads awl 11• public to t and Ml n th"rl, rnt ett.u. FIGhTCLASS LOOKING GLANS AND PICTURE FRAME MANUFACTORY• No. 110 Wood St., IPltteburgh, Keops on hand and manufactures to ord,r, the FIN 5T11.1 , : Of IiILT. FAVOoI, and WALNUT, OVAL •nd : 4 tJUAII6 Ih.I4THAIT and I'ICTUttE l • Urtalit Cornier, Banda and /.1/lOna, Cutloolo. Tripod and Bracket Tables of caoltslte dcalan and worainaoshlri.. . . ti.LOINU Atilt lIVIILDINO exaculatl la tLe !Aghast style of Om art. MODCILATE. at4:talatarit ANDREW BEWM4, GUNS, RIFLES, PISTOLS, Hardware, Cutlery 6, Variety Goods, No, 3 St Clair Street !.4 door from the Bride, AnaruunMori or all kinds always on hand. Sinn: sod 1 . 1,tu1 , rettlrtd. Scissors and 111 r,s ground and stt. Also, peutAl:c blades lo o•rtpd. SHEPHARD'S CRACKERS 317 Liberty Street, PITTSBURGH, PA BOTTLED ALEN KENNETT, WINTERTON, Aloe and Soda Waters, DOTTLEU IIY J. C. BUFFUM & CO., rah 12,24 , TltttbaTgb, WALL PAPEItS, GOLD FAIDOSAF.D . PAIII.OII PAPER, WOOD AND MARBLE IRI lATIDN PANEL. PAPERN; TINTED PANEL PAPZR.I. for Par. lore anal telllogoo. In New Designs, at XO. 107 AtfaliKET STREET. =1 plemovm..—J. A. NEWMYER & Cu.. Co=mlselon_Merctunts arlJdralets Ia /lour, reed and Oraln, Intro removed to where they will be plethed to the their Mende /thrl rusiothere. • mitls I=l3 Olkaccut&uro to S. L. BUI.O ER. *Neat =IMO Of Every Description No. ti Smithfield Street, E=E! WI 311=113 THE MERCHANTS UNION Owne an.lt , peg Attd by IVM. LITTLE, Agent ./A MY, nt.,l' the uurtsll. At, M ,rlt.: the (1:1.1t RIDDLE. tv.1,11. DaLivoul Clerk ut the Loulawia Cvataal. At N 0.52 AO. Clair Street. J. LYONS, I=l3 =II I= JOS, B. HUGHES & HBO, 211 LIBERTY STRERT, .A:r 12 1-2 c. 2 Caber Beautiful. Mats. ..S_T 1i; 3-4 c. Voud Stile► Muslin Walks, AT One Cain Double Width Ore:, GoutS. T 1 1 -73 C Fine Wide Blea c hed Muslin Brocade Lustres; Dresa Silks—all shades; Striped-Mehairs; Dress Goode or 'every variety ; Shawlit; Balmoral Skifi;; Percales; French Chintzes: French and Domestic Glngliatus; Striped Dimity: Table Linens; Towels. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, Of All Kiwl CASSII4EREB, TWEEDS, dile', deo , ate' O• 11= I.C>A7:7 - WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, WM. SEMPLE'S, MO and 182 Federal St., AI 14.111 s THE PARIS WU:HA RETURN TICKETS ;MO GOLD. . _ THE INMAN LINE • SAIL STEAMSHIPS, Built Expressly for the Trade. ,ITV 1)11.A1,1, ciTI . cri r V Y ANTIS c ITYVF (":'l'l , 'Y 11111:. Cll'l VI WfalllNtt'it•N, I=l . EVERY SATURDAY. SPEED AND AC:ONIMGDATiGN UNSURPaSED. Price 0 I l'aloolwe Payable In Cold, fl lc; R.rzt..l Trlr Tortlor , don, &IS; 104,11t1r. u , . lurk to 1,3•1:1:1,1••• '211 4 / ILLTURN TICKS:IS. GOOD FO1: Itrturn 0(1.0. VI, 11lrrpola. Combo, S . e:;.3 Iflep, pa •renvi rs to trail. Ir.r• r ap; of ts Ll,‘ Civrt .1 I, r.g. Witilorn L I ti, nal, II; (ta:LLI l'I.oir•I , • , 1•1.1, 2 , 1,1 LAI", 01, Yon.; ot l.r, • WM. BINGHAM, Jr., ADAMS EXPRESS OFFICE, 5 1 FiltliSlrecl, ll= A PRINTiNG OFeICE FOR AI ro Kc.o! STitaroly . l". r..1..y a,r - 1:. I-Al:lns — A fart onnntnnll) .•n• In .1. ,I,•trou,/aantt., ciess-I,u run, - ow, rr? yer wlth • .r•t-ra, ihr-6,l,ut tur ,tate. ••VraPtte — 1 , • st,dihtYs • aP/Le liat or I.rotyt pay. lug rlt•ers. As I La, is fat atr.ar•. ~ ~ , . 3,1 vre I .1,1 wltlt typ, and •I: appllanreara,4”i, f.r n, a p•tte ...lA.-A...1d. for Jon Work. My rec.lpts Co . the past y. , account .4 a•ls.rtlalna, and lot, wort. Lase tv.rra nt arlY pat.er and L 0 E 11,061110% ha• tve Not , tug a p/Int.r :I, I 4111 .onr.e.ll. I to IoY na.,re titan would Y• tat— ct •ry for sal.° could olryk/a. A portlfku ul to typ.arttlng. I Ilande. About half of 11". an. I. r. quirt kl fot Job Wort. An r•llta - arlo, c•n act tato.could dlaptua.• with aryl tlzus or mut, mon Th ey thau I Lave t10,.{ e "Ved..l,. It oulr paper In MITi4II .ounty. glt.. • Itt r( tr,ren llace al..] tot:. a'alr wont. 11, COLItIl) aval, contain, a t I. , ts. In hatilt•nta, and la d ft, Its fulness nd Int. and tt. ettlatn•. a It la MI Italtltnoto and an I al ,, nougal, lllser I will %Ate ~ n.. ti.ou.antl•l3.llt, 1t1..7 , 1 In ...I , fur the tstateltel.m. oz.. whirl, I. out tu,ge than half .that It la a tuallY dc•:‘,...lolll,llase ar. to rr ad•lrs. uth:ll,liT Pal rmnnt. West NEW STRIPED AND PLAID Jut rt.t•lved at the store of J.M. 'BURCHFIELD S. Ca., No. 87 Ilflnrlcot 1191tro (West clde, nest d'tor to the alga of THE PHI lit,T•l PLAID POPLINS AN LI NI PIPPO; PLAIN POPLINS: YANCT SILKS; rLAI) 13LACE NILES: 3101:1tNIN 0 ES: CILAS Pon EV ENINti DILEIIsLtIt ILIIILNIDINE HOPES. A law s.ortlrstut 7, tar , r sn.l Lee•atl'ut DRESS GOODS, Tugt FLO c.J.Nno , NC:). 537, Rl' DOOR TO NI TOE 'BD. rowt PROVISIONS. stGAR. cthrn LIMED BECE, IMICAILEAhT BACON. t411.0t1.111:11.14 AND NIDDR, EXTRA NO. 1 WINTER STRAINED 11..(1t11 mt., rALIA)w AND RILL GREASE: I have storetalfge Pl/ ri4 of the at Prort4. lona, which 1:U21 par,l to surslly to the ten le at the lowutt prlc, 4. ill nier, 4 4 in tin , ! It to their !Mereet to gh e the a ca I t , clort Furth:ta ll:lg elat,txre. JAS. LIPPINCOTT, Pork I.?neker, No. 23 - Seventh St., Pittsburgh. reV.l7 j . H. WELDIN 1% 1 U., BOOKSELLERS. Stationers, Paper Dealers, PRINTERS AND BINDERS, 1v .101 Wcbc:Pcll3troolt, FITTSBURGLI E. STAMP:I, eyrk:r.t. PENS, BLANK. LAW, r.rl4 1 , 01.../UL BOORS LAW BLANK,. PUCK ET imosek, whuriNti I,lSstts, 111,7:0,1 tiOLD I.BYl+ FINE ruCKET CUTLERY, Fine Pocket Cutlery, CHEAP! CHEAP! CHEAP! New Patterns! New Patterns! PITTSBURGH CUTLERY COMPANY, CO r•rlIV -7 19, t4I Porenn IIVILD1N1). THE ALLEGHENY MEDI - 4.4,-%Vr.,TEOCIE 1"1" t.-'1,•r•,.: .a . .LN I:Z.IVEL.zI CI • OF INAS] S. On Tue•day Ereultig, Mlrell 18th. x,lll- o'4,7ocig. ;'or ,f,:s.usstut.—N VlSlor. R, E. v. D. .tkateTsry. MEM Nl.rch I.z, , A\ ELECTIO%FORPitESI ceer .t.•flc:.a If .1.7 will be Lc LL,Er Ina 110 u,. on nrCi:ir.t Y. tier J, Lou: , TI:V.S. F.. c.•cr. \OTICE O d A c , t , i F: (Jward, Al!;:yticny, r:Le PRINtIPALSIIII' OF 11OESE NO, 4, HuNDAY. ft.! 1 , 1 , Ll.: of /pi! 5,1{. • IL ll,eret3ri• It. li. FIIANc N. 1,11.i071:. Pia:slug 311:11,AuJer , ..stre , t, A!1,41.6 $v Woos 1.1:5.b1,. A. It.' cr or Culo.l ay.. And tits Clev, vAYutne• 111 Liberty St.. rift.- rarciruld. FT. yVATN):Ir. S ,' W. CO. (41, . , - rn,artr. ? :NAL, leer. ANNILAL 111EE1 ING .1 li,,nlbolUera of tell Com,,aby L.; toe c1,ct!..0 of Dir.ctor,all.l each as clay coin, betTe It. will be at the of ..al; Conflov.y. lathe City Of F11.1..1,a,11, un ten Third Wednemlay, (4Otti,) of Marc!, A.- D. 1661 AT A. SI. La :,•dt and Enrird tranotfer ii•r•ltA if the I,,rnp.inv,i: :nth Allen It the Car dr l'lttsbureh xnd Yd. 11, I A,Kenry. In theclty of Now niu.nd unk IL< yr !1l dr. v nod romal. closed udili tit dist day t Aldrfdnlierea:ter. . ; • 1. 11. lILITCHISnON.F.,ecrcudry. FOR RENT WOK lIENT.—TIie lo c.:ed P.U3l.'s E 5. STAN bs e..t. 0.-eu pled by W. V. Beck & Co.. ”Ige .re .buut , J,Littlrg kuilness, L of eTell lot rent. or terns .pply . CO W. R. KIN' MD I/15m0..,, TO LET. TWO HOUSES TO LET. ”, 4 , 1,11 str,et, Car;.enter's y: onu wltn 19••• Poox, 1 1 .11 Ltd Cell, sad.. olbre Cellar. Icvalreur JAIIEw I.O , NEIt, L14,.1 TO LET-ROOM. A FLEASANT FRONT ROOM, WITH BOARD In IN - irate (sally; neatlentan and hls wife pre f. rrol. Location desirable, and within teu nbin utes ...Ll\ of the Pobtottit, Addyes., BOROUGH OF SOUTH PITTSBCRGII ACCOUNT& THE FOLLOWING ACCOUNTS ." !,:ateut.nts °Rho Whetre of ti. Borough rl:o.6urgh are re.pectfully 111Lraltted COT Or luva.untloa •f uttl/uus .nil tat-payers. u• rK ITIT,CI,II, St&tcla laaii MG. I ( )onouGn or_ miurn PITTS ;IO.II.-11 MU TKKA, LTUF.It, IN CI2VUNT WITkihAILI To Ca.ni bautlt....t. former 'I rmva,r, $ ?. 1 •` ircla C , b,bl 110..nty It.,t:s Iturca. J. J. ISLackmorr. bal. of I,: 1.1.b1y [vv, 1 4 , .• 111.1. Tol, ACtUtiLIL 1.17 lledemptlun rarin, .111 is •• . Itk.uat, at, re •• I:ol..fwirmate Buruutti . du V, 3, twu, • 37i lo.innet . IL I ........... 71 li'4 4T 444 Th UQRI'U 4. I 4 Ul NUL'TU 1 . 11"1 , 1t 14(411 T.. 14, ,rni.r Tr. 4.1 rer .• d. Brauff, ...... I,,f.lturrs Control, r °a, ta> r.t . 4.a1t.t1, - . , •litusaty Handl a.: Inter, nt • 1 AN rt.', • ••..T 1.•• •• l'a•lsc Itouds. •• Hen.; WI, .:11 • •• •• Itc.rot,c WArrapt, 70 •• c. St. Cos.. us , ,19. vs CSJ 1ii,r1,511., I Laac t,l1113111(allit• 1.0,1411: of 31;11Ingar, Tr. neer,. and :Ind ;t to to stalcd Leaptetfully. 'our, WILCOX. Auditor. I~OHOI'GH OF SOUTH PITTS- ItElitill.—!tat,..n: of 'Warrants 11,0•11 from ate rely l:'. Iv;., w'lsrrb 3., L-e Inelaals. clt 111 lug rt. patro to toads and 1F,56011, For t.as and G, Liataing and rrpalrs to For ,alatlrs to :ollettor, Constable and llnrk kor In t In, and litook Fur Dray II hr) For ,t,Ttee For 1, It. to 7.00 Fur Itcra of "vunvll Room I! yr, to run) 40 0 DU F., Contingent. Expen. as follows. viz: In cast lII' In. up Councl! Hootu ana nlztt, u 1 I),,orbsck W Brown S Juiles fu -- 113 et ;],1.0 17 JO7. S. STEWART, Clerk. ROUNTY BOND AccouNT,fior o,t, ur,outh I.lll.burig b. Total eon:punt of lion, 13hood, °fol. ME===r= 013“: an elna Total amount or Boodr !mod, n Auer uf SI srel. 7. IN Amount redctuit u to >larch ...... 7,115 .....13,00 to litit•taritng Total outstanding het Ai:TCLATik, lVhole ronount of BurviS In,uta tr.ktn.ed Lt.lT:nit natmts.lag >llrch G. ~,,.. '.....,,,,,,r, 1., I itottuty bowl Ao. "I ~.. ~,, • Rt..° 1 nobttl,M. W t l& 0 3 1 . or•CColUt FPIt,I, la 11 Ilensi N0.1C0..0 sce o , , I W.ut.l., latthows it lte,.onacc't 1... ,tt liouuty Botta No. N , .t, Do. No. 1. 0: sttl I 1, ,, . No. 1 , c.... .... t.. 1., o• n. 1 -- Do. .No. - :MR: —.: I it. Sit.:. i TAN, Ilse }tern raid a. 4 glade:y.l'o. 1 outn2putlr.; Cond. elute March uth.... "2,9 C, ttO Leaving due, exclv•lve of accrued In tel,. O.Ln :0 But,ST 1.1,1,CAT2. Am , Int du prate 1.1 416,F,2 W. N. A., It aTo et. abate wept On .•tur 11l 6 . 2 . . roC,ner loy U. flstka r nun . pa Ri: 5.3..:4 Err,. eaor.rratlouN nre o: PO lo tulit.ct Marc/. :4. ff..t MEM Vahan, ouletsrollnfr March:l, c, Cu 141.4.1 LI - W. 11. Ilz• 1r.44 sf,l rah! 11. 5111:14.,,r, rcr 44 04 unlttafarg fur , rfl cif:o! catr I 5 15'c 41 If . 11. If trkef - and pill II NI:1f tu, ar. Trf..1.4.... 413 ff.,?. t.-. 11,1 W. 11. IlftrAcr.old pall art, I rcaa tfl 314 L:5: CotEinll Icri 1310 t 7.61,/ to 4111 4 ,5 2, le 1 lltu let Fern • the blianco • $7,1:. 9 02., ts to I. tit4. , 7 Ilie erron... and • xoneratl,na; w 4 ct. rt.torn 11,u12, as,...etor c0:1....t0r for 1,1. It 1.2 • t 2.4 oa ..neratlone atll ..................... ........... - ' auppo,...A •Tallabli: to Le rollectrA. uncoilectc.l ..... 11.11.1vc uucolluctcd te1..4.. 4.1, .Tl, ,ll7ll. :, ' ; 'l ";:a. l 3outxtaadln.33larclL e, a...01ive...1 Tax . 13 311 r lobe pr3vl.l e A. tl u .. , ..... A . 6 .1A.Lb 7 r y 10SEPIT S. STEIVAIiTt TREAS ., 11111.111. IVI AC.:III I ST WITH THE Bolt. 11 E1111 (IF tot.T34 rrrrsiluivat• To 1•,,4 II N111:1.1; tr. ' , wt . . , Tteatarrli. ^t • AV. tax, 3 , 7 ........ I• W. 11. liar, r. tax, 1. , tat ••I.le• n••• "a , tr: •I J. Braid!. taa, 4 4 Pala r'‘ U r ; D . 111 ,' . 7 i t r . , r';;; 'IV HOME MANUFACTURERS —P.oco.als Litt, llooolo,tore of 1.300 FEET Or 10 /NCH 1103 E, will received until THURSDAY, March 2111 1.4, at 60:clock g. 0. 6E01:1i E WILSON, ('l i s rc t . " l " ..Vi r vfit=tl°t;Vi ' gfrVir a" :A d r/ ?Al* ~ar~rs~ i-____ 3 DE TWO CZOUb ♦6E\TS, %.` ser : Pa. V... to anAtost,lllti ott rata Vitt tO , - r. :tl ' a r it 4t z j'" ; ' tt r p C• oil :itut!CD ' ° C(.I to LI. 7, T7Or • • GENTS.-1.000 atALE AND FESIALE =TN re•. A ',work Toe A:4,lre r tern, an.litrrit =EEO 12M560 IS ALL Ori SALA Rl' OR CU nry pter,rd re. ' e 1,1.11 11 , 1/1.13r.0.1 Ichll,l.‘ T Wd T o E tb D „ . . -- ; ' rt rl:LibLeel, 10 kln VEN ERATUII coo: loouee made; °rat., r. It It 000 of renlmeet!. t.ve !eat tee wlltt ages. art BANKS A. VSKING 11. JAY CO Corner Wall and Nn Sta., New York k In colne, lien a all • ..; Ile.. la rblladulyllta an d w„Lin, ,al we r ;te 0...1 a S KW YOIII .0 an ~ 1191'nEat shore lAll n. d cf •vir services I , 3 — ltau.. kl•.ere au I.eotorel..rt.tratisa, Una of tb..lr 1 , .11.1.1ra th, cli!. lacludlug aurc.,re and sal. •f .1.:1111:11WhIS.I., tan•rat- Ttleh. blig2h, ill/.D• sambuLD. Ile are con stantly trp,:eated at tte toelg. Earhaage ant ljn d 11..ard, where •relcra Cent . are promptly all.. V...1....0 ..a baud a full aupply. of LOW. 1.1,..% 51 ENT ,t.. ID ItITIY.S , r AL I. 1 , 39f1E0, l.tryleg and sclllne at eurrent price.. anot allow. Ike r•tre.p..odeota tLc moat liberal rat. the mar1...1.10rd.. f...r.:1 0 .1 . JAY COOKE /tr.. CO J. F. STARK & Go., lELA_NIC.ERS, Corner of Wood and Third Streets, BIND SPATES BONDS, GOAD, SILVER AND CHM& Drao . Tir.e and RED of ExcLanaa on ENGLAND. FRANCE. GERMANY. ITALY. HART, CAUGHEY & CO., Bankers and Brokers, CORNER THIRD AND WOOD STREETS, PITTSUURCIII, PA-, (SUOCESEORS TO HANSA, HAM & 00.,) EEO= Exchange, Coin, Coupons, Sad partleclar at teatlon rata to the pun tm, and sale of GOVERNMENT BONDS ll= N. HOLMES & SONS, 33.1%.1V1E3...E1=Li5, No. 57 Market Street, 1,V.: ‘,l I +.l IS Depn,ta tr,1•..1 In Par rued, and Currents. CoU,rtion% nmd.. all te. prleclpal point. ig tee United Suit, Ltd Cansdaz. o=l Stock's, Bonds and Otier Securities BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMESION particular atteutlor paid to the porthafie ao6 Salt of Securities, =1 icAT INDISTLDN.E.SII. Ordrre mud VourherabooKl4%. or colleottO. Jro:,l R EAL Etil'ATE • SAVINGS BANK, No. G 3 Fourth Street IMIE CIIAILTERED IN 1562 T Y. pou v . :try MI, ant! 1. ovarnba.r. Ge 11112".. President, ISAAC JONES I= lion-Tiros. M. HUwx. ; !Lou. J..K.lll.oullite, C.O. W. 11. Cora. NO, ton LY ilot VIJILGII.LI". NM. 11. 431,11. ecreta and Treasurer, A. A. CARRIER. pEOPLEW SAVINGS BANK, OF PITTSBURGH, MEE I.7rCORPOWED 1166 OEM Capital, - - $lOO,OOO. OFFIOE. NO. 77 FOURTH STREET, President Vice Preside,. HENRY MAY EL TltUnl'EsrS: - HEN. r. 1,10. I %ILIA"( RZA, .lAu I.trnNceir. .11. L, 1 1.u.:41 V. i D. Ft ri.L.l, 1%1.11).111 A. taltitkoN. S . rthary aad Ttrw.ar , r, SIDNIT P. VON D9N511010. and . flank ° D en deals, except sun4ays, !torn Alout Wedue.loo nod UturdnY ”en , ./1. trolDlz flue o•cloa,k. t01414.T5, MERCHANT TAILORS. SPRING STOCK, Now neec , cleg LARUE AN 170.11PLETI. Aulll.lllE-ST of CCM YUCTIVA A* 110 CHILI/ICE:enCLOTII IN = GRAY & LOGAN, So. 47 XI. Clair Ntreet. trAM:rl HENRY Go HALE NORIEWEST COB. PLIN 10 Si. MIR srs. NEW SPRING GOODS; JUST (OPENED, =TIMM All the Novelties of the Season, Such as If nttlq t",uz4 In a Flrat-Class Merchant Tailoring Einabllnhment. ERESI W, HESPENIEIDE, Merchant No. 50 ST. CLAIR STREET. I=ll and new style patterns got up La the %Meat itamt , tablatsP IMO= PP BT'r POLL UEIL-14 half tibia. tc primel. h Roll Mat,. inst received cad table IMES rtl"r6nunaer