U 11 THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, PIIBLISIIED BY U PENNIMAN REED & CO., LT:GAZETTE BUILDING, ' 51.1112. at -root. • 11PEONONEINTOP:' EdltOri. ;,,,„ - 1 . 15.4E„7 1 , N E U , D. tlluelness 3i1111.01 13313 eincle C0p1c.... tifvered by carrier, (per 15 cleat. kl at/ giutegeribers,. (per year) Liberal rgelnetlons to iStwriegyr and tiger.. EILSIS TOIL WEEKLY Three Cordes. per year, by mall— reve do. do. do.acb Te or more' copies, to one addr e ess, and eat free to einth.eneb....•• CITY ITEIIIS Artificial Unman Eyes, Adjusted without pain, by Dr. boeneer, Dentist, 2St Penn street. - To CoOntl7 Merebonts. iVe aro . oIT ring full of Staple and Fancy Injr liooda, at, liartern J. IV. 1!...20rrit h Co., So. a Market sti'ett, important to Coon try !dere , ants. Merchants visiting the city to ley in their spring supply of good. would do well to call at the great medicine emporium of Dr. Keyser, 110 Wood street, and nut, o a sof ,- ply of his Invalunide PECTORAL SYRUP and 111.00 i, SEARCHER., toe former of .whieli has been sold and used In the Doc tor's practice- for over twenty yearn, and has saved thousands from the consump tive's grave. pll.. IiEtiEWS PECTORAL ! The Bill Finary i Passed. SYRUP will Invariably give setlafactlon to . all persons afflicted with coughs and , boarsneas and the usual pulmonary male- flies Incident, to this scanOn ot the year, i whilst DR: EEYSITS BLOOD SE4II.CII EP. I In daily curing nom of the Most hopeless eases of disease, of a. class little cared for by ! phyniclann, and usually deemed Mcurable. 1 each as cancers, white swellings, seroffilas, tellers, Bud all of teat denominalloil ur- , ranged under the head of Oachezio. It Is , exceeding proper now, when the climacteric I change from Winter to Spring Is about to I odour, that most of those who are debilitat• eal and prostrated by elckness, should resort to come noon a remedy as DLL KEYS EP.'S 111.00 D SEARCIIEP., which win not only cleanse and purify the natural eh nnels of the human mama, but at the cope 'pule . awed . ) off debility and reinstate Plgor and nervous energy . i t Is wholly unl Se most stimulating compounds and bitte n, which for awhile, spur, but afterwards sink into greater prostration. Country erchant. and farmers Cannot do better Unto to. pUr• chase from bait a dozen to a doccii of Dr. R eyset'a Medicines. 11.3 , 111 doing solthey will confer lasting beards 114.011 all !Rope whose health and lite has been prolonged and Im proved. These two Medicines of Dr. Key ser's have acquired a lhold on the affections of the people commensurate only with their superlative merits Ask for Dr. liey.,r's flood Sea. Dace no other, ut:110 Wood strata. Iteoldoot coubultatlory ordce street. lets Arrival Of canned Fruits and Vegetable sold as cheap as at any odic either city. Call and examine and vOurselvcs, at No. 11.2 Federal et ylieny City. lizonna Also, A gent for the welt-known' Stephen F. Whitman's eelebrat, delphla 'extra fine Cream ''llo " , Chocofates," Almonds, Wain .1 Drage° Drop!, Sc., Ac. Ilaza4 S Caswell'm Cad L , t d ' The rurek.tald Sweetest Ccar•E' 1110 world. manufactured fr Leattl.y Ilvere, upoa the tea-5 perfectly pure and aweet. Ash fI CuamieWs , Cod Itver Oil," m 0 by CASWELL, MACE S. CO. :":911 by all drugglatd. =l2 'rho continental Dining thieebn, next door to the I Ust odic,. on Fifth street, it crowded dully st.tl nightly with hpiettro.. It is ti.to twat , kopt, bent managed and tuOn POPuittr hilug .. .saloon to Pittsburgh. Fit form Kitt . Are tne finale to be obtained only in ',th good Atylel. at Itoltzhelssier'. Conttneu• Sal Dining Roma., next door to the Post olace, Fifth street. Prin.:tare mote reasons• ble. I= !Jolt:hem:or keeps the be.t of every thing in the tnatlfet at his popular Continen tit} Dining Saloon. Fifth street next door to the Poet onlee. Coll In for a good meal. Sole Proprietor. of ileCluilsn , l Coia. Rat Destroyer. ri.kui A Duerr, Druggists, Allegheny Children's. ;Atm fine, (reach kl 4 polish Iltors at nn Extraordinary. low figure. Opera House Sarre Rom. Valeta Bledtrines. - Putent Medicines for bale by Dr.rlr, Droggirts,lcgherly ECT=1:1111 yoraign Liquors of all 6inl3 at JoEcps S. loch's Dlltlllery, So, 1.E.), affll£s Pare Liberty Lcna, For Bahl by I:Ann S Dorrr, Druggists, - Allegheny 'The Cheapest, lialtur4 for ladles: 711115C3 and chlldrun a thu Upura flows Shoo ,tore. • 1.70 to Flowllig'ft Drok;Storr. For Ilse best White lend In the City. Market street. Go to IletOl Drttir R , ore, Nn. .S 4 Market street, for Flaxzetil 011 l'orpentloe. Th t e Goods In the world are to be bond at So. co l'llth street. Superior In Gents tine colt 110010 at 1110 Opera 1101150 hoe Store. You Con Dui per CAML. Alcohol cc .Toseph H. FLIICIVS. • You Can Buy New Lops at Joseph a. Pinch•. one of the moat remarkable meetings ever held in South Carolina, says a corms i.e.-1,1,30t of the Now York Tribune, took place on Monday, the ocemilon,beltig a cele bration by the negrocs of the passage of the bill entre:lel/Whig the black race. liv invitation, General Wade Hampton, en- United States Senator Deutussure, Ar thors, Hon. M. J. Tallory and James 0. Gibbs with - eased the meeting. Also the Itee. David Picket and Iteverly Nosh, both colored. Sentiments wereeisprecsed honorable to both sides. The negroes are highly gratified with the aplrit of political affection with which they have been met, fund the elticefi, ore equally pleased to find 'the colored men identified with the true In. tercets of: the State. sirouid a Connective he culled, the latter will probably nominate and support the best men In the country, and, as declared by Mr. Nash, will urge Cougress to repeal the distrauchising clause, which deprives them of the sort hies of those In whom they have the greatest coutidence. • Apathy Dad succeeded the recent entlimil na among the len tans In New York fork few days, but on the receipt of new.. from Ireland, on Monday, of an interruption lu the wires connecting with the cable, Lope wan revived them, and their belief in a general untiring en .Lt. ratrickhi Day wan reiterated. As that Lao not taken plsce, they will rigaln simmer down. At Setrna, Alabama, a large meeting was hell on Monday, at which were adopted resolutions strongly, expretailvo of Carlon eenttroenCr, and rerognizioE the right of Con gross to prescribe the terms of TLC.- Ntructlon and re-11,11111 , t0n of the rtre.lekl rrate'r Into the Colon, awl therefore urging trort the people of Alabama Shoup forth with accept the benetleent terms of recon ntruetlon. Ex-Governor Johnston, occupying I the otnce of Internal Revenue Collector In the First District, (rntladelphle,) left for W. 1. 1- ingtou yesterday, having been ordered thither. There Is said to be rene wed , tree. the In that Wilco, and it is reported that 41V , In missing, of which nobody emit give gay wecount. 11 - ,- L - -4 _ J am , —i A ,,.N_ L> , , 1 , ./ " t ": i ' • r 0 (1,7. , -a, I 1 i 1 I. ! ; 1 1 9 ~,9 › - ' '• - ty , * , _ Ell= .5 5 0 . 1 25 voLum_F, LXXXII.---NO. GG FIRST EDITION. ONE O'CLOCK. A. M. EMILY TELEGIES. FOR'FIETIL CONGRESS. (YIILIAT !MISSION.) SUPPLEMENTARY RECONSTRUCTION. THE CONFISCATION SILL Thad. Stevens teo , lll to Speak HIS SPEECH READ BY THE CLERK Bill Deferred fill CE=!=l MIME Mr. Tr-null:1J. collect up the 110.+0 joint resolution to sulperol ell tether proceed- togs under the law for payment for slaves eulistod or strolled Into the military SQL, lcu of the United. Stole, .1 (ter 0 short dig- Cussion, by consent the hill was pOoti cued 1111 to.morrow, I=2 Mr. MORTON, from the MLlltary tee, reported fas'ootbly on the bill Inttp duccd by Lim to ply the State Or Indiana for quarterm.tors , morel, suppllvi, trans portution, BC., furnished to Abe militia of the. State to repel rebel rshis,.te . Mr. SHERMAN' call if the bill was pressed to mote, he would move to amend it by Bening Ohio, which State had also been at expense to repel the Morgan raid. Mr. WILLIAMS asked Low much money the bill would Como 1 . Mr. MURTON retried that the amount woe 0 4 t1Mated ut .Mr. FLasi.:NDES obJecie.i , to immediate consideration and action, b. d It won post poned until to-morrow. MEM EMEEI3 , and w II boys° In eudge for et, .111 e. Lti, s. laone of Pal Ililla- IrIlk" Is, ' I. (.. dy, • r Oil. or Oil In in freak, ore. It is r ••11...xr I puluctu ed TII 12.1,,X. , ror..icr r. JANI3. 110 from the Illlitary Co tuittee, reported, vs . Ithaca attend Meat, n bl to regulate Um drdrlbutlon of awaids this capture of Jeti. Davis, and mamma. ea Its passage. Enact:Tres ?Lino, 1•110,....1,7 , 11. Mr. CON h lutralneca a rcsolin ton de claring that whereas, It has treatlen MY hap pened but the proceedings or the senate In extelltiVe 6.110011 haVO IWell p,ltdittl.l newepnpers, contrary to the In.lunetlou o t , ecre-y thereon, therefore, that a consent tee of three Senators he appointed to loves tigate the luatter, ith power to bend fo P• asmic, papers, 0. At the enagestion of Mr. CONK LIN. the reaulution WaS °I tkred to los over for 11, prtSCUI. 7.:C111C sturi.v. Mr. 1.01. E introduced n re.olutiou authf Wog andequitoi,t the reerctary t: Try:Limey to Lettue an inceetigatlon to made a' .rein 03 toontlcablo by the ardor of the United bust. role tniswot,. in La ifornia as to the reticence of n hut bolt t vacitilty or Point Sal. on tee co.od ot rernin, tool that the reeretory on bear he 1 robred to cartne et:Mtn:av, to re tric Of I . amount necenry to be expend .1 tor .11 loolior available. for the Purl). of Cu MerCO. AdOpled. ritnnonnen ro 1,,:F iMIZE Mr. RAMSEY Introductd a idil an.. ..lu. tory of tile uct tO not in It. ctiniltructiou or a Railroad and Toicifriiidi front the Mimiloon Moor to Ric Pacific Oman, up• proc..l July, isii, prey iding,taat Ulu road.. id silo utiverni compunitiu ti •D constructea tout wilco ltuu lntlll they chilli, inconniintion Willi broach roads to sionic City, utlidil C.:1:11,1011A 1 - 13.: OM, ni d un.catitoa linty:con 1.11, Cninu Pircite linis roa and lire head of superior, ait ri.ferrcd to tiro Committee on racide 31r, COLE Intl educed a I'll' to fill thtr to. tine the ilmtliticatlons of members of Con widch provided that no hereon meth los eligible to either noose of I.Juirrinf who lifts voluntarily w borne arms ag-lant the nlted stet., hile a eitiLen, thereof, or who has voluntarily girt r aid, 12011 a. e -111111, court+el or encouragement to T.:an:it engaged In armed • Lteittllty thereto, or woo ha+aruglit or accepted, or uttemptol to 00- erelce the fuuctiont of any whatever. under any authority. or Pretended atitheri• ty In hostility to the United Startf, or who hat yielded voluntary support to any pre tended tr,vcrittnent. authority, Bowe or lon within the railed n r he— tile thereto. Referred to Judiciary Com:. in Moo, and ordered to he printed., =MI Thu Supplementary Reconstruction Bal wn, re, , from House, and on ma. lion of Mr. Trumbull, the beuste ogreinl to Committee of Conference. Messrs. Trum bull, Wilson anu llueitsleis were appointed the Committee on the j/tri. Of the . hunatu. VARIUrfI mete c~setecr cu. The House resolution to correct er: era in the Wool Tariff Bill was taken up anti pa ased. WILSON tailed up the billdtrectlnz . the Secretary of War to .ornish clothing to Invulbi soldlera, and It was passed. Mr. lIES DEMON called up tho bill dn cloring the bring., over the Iltaluntri 'neer at et. Charles, and the Lrldge over the M alselpt,l at Loulaltnn, to Cu lawful Strilettlrel ell i post. rotela. It Wf14 : 1..men. ' 1, , 1 to Include the brlthrn over the Iliesouri Inver at Leavenworth, Kemal, aud•then passe t. • Ir. JOUN:iON said he bad been request by his colleague, Mr. Thotna*, *lnc., the eliarges wore made against tttm yesterday, Ln met, the rofereaCe of his credential* to the udiciary Committee, wad that a lull la vest J gatiou be made. ciivrEaraca co:aver:am nal - moat 31r. T111.:31111:Lh, from trio Conference Committee 130 the annelontentel reotto strueLinn MU, mode ¢ topoil. The Conte rente Committee agreed to the Semite p re ptoiltinn.that the State Constitution Elton he ratified by a majority of volts cite., pro tided ft shall nprear thud a, Majority of toe registered vote. voted on the ijniestlon of ratllloatien. clout, Is aided u r Con. great must be batletled that all tt, /Alert , ' voters' hell an Opportonity to TUZ, freely and lairly ivIL Moat any tear or interruption, and that the COnstltution meets the tip. pr o of the majority Of ijualilled voters. The report woo tiZrVed 10. After in trastictl in of cam:alive boat nettai the Senat n e adJouructi. 110UnE OF 111.:PRESENTATIVE. 3 . InE W.:. Tent. r. Mr. BINts11)131 introduce:l n jinni. resolu tion to correct itli error In the en rOiltnent of the bill lust neeslou increasing the tilt, y on 'rout itthl woolenti. The error war! t Ito Onit,loll In the eltrOliett Lill of I. flu 001.10 "Canada lout - wools," 0 blob Wel a 11, the mhirtetted tan. Thu Joint retalullon test pasted. At:Wet:Li ['UAL et,Leot. scalp. AI r. .11.71,1 A N asted leave to report a Joint resolution rotative to the 1.4 4114 t of agricul tural college nertp, prohltutlnd the further ben r delivery of ? ftcrlp to any of the State, lately in rebellio itch n, it,iept it:nue...pc, nr neeentonee of mete Ferlp, or of spy lielsi lofore 1.1..1. until thnhr .t !ateg are luny restored to WWI . rlghta as ul...tes by Ct.- Mr. BURR utdecte but Use rules were Isuspended, and under the operation of the previous queetiou, .Luc resolution aus adopteil-14.3 to :::1.. TAX,. Lfil.F.P.,. J lII', r,n lettVC., totrodueed ft hill to exempt wooden ludderx Uoul tux, which, after a .Loft .ILien,l6a, a au px,ed. • Surrer.ut,rx.r.x 111,11,TH, . . . ' Thu SEI.AIs 1 1 11 loft io•irire ttl 110040 the 01silareetileut 01010 10.111tte am 110usti Au000,11110111.141.lic•opideutontal reeonstroc• tlon hill. T1.'110030 rotuxed by a voto 61, to 77 to recede, and on motion of Mr. Wil son (town) tunixted ned uxlred tor u COlOl,lll - 01 Conlerenee. The t.peulter appoodod Ilexere. (lownd Boutwt.ll mud Ma etmll tho Couttottteo ou pen of 1.1,r0 I=ll Mr. STEVENS (sated op the i not On Intro. consider the cote by it elt the 1,111 direct by I,ltin the I Ith Mere], we, re ferred us the 'ouonittee or the weele. be• hot the (louse I,nl to o le:ate, ell 1. 11,11 . Inuts . In thelutelyrenel States, and eontl+- est o tool condemn nO such property belong . WI; 111 the Imlllgerent onouly is declared condecolcsl by the act of July 17111, 1,11. ma, sit:vans' SI•LECIS nest . . UT VIC ,LEILK. Mr. STEVEN' s procetotetl to address the House at lettath in nufwurt of the had net raid worn two a few passages of eptenh, etheu It became path billy evi dent, from the weak conilltion of his health, he could out Make /11usatelf beard by the Mouse. Ile thereforerequested Mr. Me. , Pherson. Cleric 01 the Mouse, to mud the spetten for him, wltteh Mr. ileVitersou there upon proceeded to do trout the tactic's 4.10,1 r. rea4linz occupl,lnl,out 1,11 110. lOW a gum ti.v. Mr. CHANDLER oldoined the norm, but yielde Ito Mr. Stevens, seen moved the flit e meal - 000,1 tml.ll IEO stwoml Teecda:,. In December next, which uhreed LLLIE: FOIL ,OUTIIMIN Dt6I . I7,TiON•• The linnet, went Into Comm Mee of 11., Wnule nntl procet , ited to the consideration of ~ertote laitlfpproprinting one noi!fo d n ol lo.rn for the rellerof the Oodtltuto bUtllll, Mr. IICTI.1:11 ptripoun.l to offer o. enball tute for his • br,V tutu 01f.trea Iteit weett,.by that neveral Distrlet Comm:m -.ler,, limier Ant of '2l M Hell .11011 have the power to tot , tent 011.1 eolleet by tullitor... power retably 0:1 011 pet on.. withlu their Inntrteld owning more 1.110 , 1 aere, of 10nit, or who have en I.obn, e 1 moue than *OlO per year, Yitell cull 0 alllll. t uel Coalinm,ter lay' eem .:try 10 Clet lve the 'let [Hutton soil prtuperluut of white p.tople there. . Thu CHAIRMAN Intorno-I Mr. Ittitll.l . .that he ha.l the rlOltL 10 101 Illv ht. Ifl .1 ant... Mute subitttutlnif the other for It, : but Mr. Itutler tleterlng to have both pend ing withdrew the latter, whereopea Mr. ti'AlENCl:otTeretl lt . ,:11111 ittnetnlntent 11 . :41011 . 1,11W. Mr. WIlt11)111t1001: made el. et :w -eal to the eutnutate, laver or the lei:. n.an.he Inured thel. the Cuturalt rll eettnol NT,: the blllllllllMlll,ll4l[ll,ltl to UPI 1.11...tl0:1 A on tin lI the hat without r,acitlng nny• , COIIIIIIIMO 1.30 /“.,:the /l toto.sago roin ninhae. A vitriety.of usotions to suspend the roles to got In bills Lind resoluta°. Widen:Ade and reisutod. minor, Tit AN,T ROCTI, iVOile the lion, win: nutting to meet," the action of the nennte On report Of the Conterenao,(7llllllllll.tve on the tolpplettoreo. tot roconhtrect•ott ltlll,n Inotlnn to: Mr. 14.1\ hi,, the Como:Moo on 1.00010:1 AO.lll , woi Instructed to Inqtrae itn.ll,l , Ort totooturee Love Leen taken by rorohre go, err:am tote :nu or cepicalhttA to sncureconttol of the thterubt of rim at nat. ilttie , ot toty or the routee or frunchlres for ttnurA 11010 0 thn IStlnntl, of P.:min, Niettregite, 110110,, 0110 ur Tehouttlepre, atol hhet :10110 , 1 LAI advtsubto tor the: govern:a:or to tot: , to ',route the totoreit3 of Atnetlotte 0001. mutt: on ouch trutoblt route!. TUN COUMITTZI: Ur CON IItILYNt never. r. The alt helore the• rives:the froth tilt, Nemito annotate n 4 hat t. ha .1 tigreeti to ti.e rehort it the Cottle:- thee Committee its the .tittiltituerti.al reeon• tt orMon 1.111. Mr. to of Lora, toe" t a rt W male a thelltir repot t. is trial agtclfil 1111k1 the bill git.l 5.. the Se aut. • 11011 i, then a FROM EUROPE The Fenian Outbreak. CAPTURE OF HEAD CENTRE DONOVAN Glcn. Burke and Forty OOtterSE•nt to Caomnel Jail. THE ENGLISH ni:rultm Napoleon's Policy Criticised 1-....1?”..;;;•--,-A,I. n il. 11. ~er.,l . 1 ... .; el•-:- wey.. .., •:,,, 10....1. MO,, Pylo ~.e,......; t- l .. -I I I 1 - ..•, ,, , , .. ,. .: 1 Ar , r. Me - I; -.Nor':seel t:„.. ~,,,.... 5'...; ~...1 l'e; y ',et, II..I.:- 11. P; -I t/ 15...1..1.1_, MI.; 11 ; , ;:i ;,.. ::'..,:-. , 1.e.:1n .- In . •Io". l''-' , ' VOIII^: . '1 .- ; 1, ... -, '.- 1. , ,,11.,:, : 31.L7C11 I' -.1 . ...'1,1L,4-1..... :C.,....., ~,,,,, I ~,,,,,,I: 4 , : I:, L. LAI., I:1.1. 1 re,l- . le,:or; p.,....- e her; 1,-,14 Iliron,s Ihe of 1 - :is st:11 enellenen le let:ne.t. I ~,,,,• ,1,.,..., 1.., ..I.: .. C.een. • 1;.1,, ,I, - , no, 1,;• 1; •Ini In 1,1 , , neva.; ;I , , Inl ,l , 11., 1 C. - -et re 13...en1, InelevAn. 1.., I.,en . i.. ll.' u, ; i.: I. I - .. . ;-;;.. . ju t ,:`'''',.• . •:' , 1 . • `;`,"-:; ';-;;':',. 3 . 1 ; ; "- ~;'-',..:.-; I." . " - , . 31,11 . ~, .1.,1 , 1;, 1... , -t01v,,, .ne....; • ~:. ...,.1..._. :In, e r.,., snk ~,, I. I. halo., elognt. tl. 1011/. • 1 ..,..,.: f ..,,, 7 1 . ..... r.,.", V..•. 11.: V. 111. Li. ....!.:." 1 ...i, •- l's ;he t'o ~.. Oen. It , elle nn.l fcti:y , In , r• .'‘nr...A. : 11...,.. , 1 1.,,,,, ' ~.:,....•,,,,, .i....11 . .1 awa .t, :3..., ,s.l - e.tplored,ll , ' , ',..+, . ~,. ., . 1::: Icvr,s i .`.:f .... M,. 1..., ~ .. 1.,.; , ..-v. ..1, tl , " : 11. MI,: , . .1,r:oil , ne ,!.,,,.. 1,4 0,...,0: 1 . .... A /: .1.1 .', . 1! r.. n,e.er., 1.. ....; 1. ,- . e tr...; -1 , .e1. In Ai 4.4.111. LUIV..I Sten+ ln.losk Lo I-Joann:l Jul!, ~,, m. ; rsee. 1„... , M.... , .. , - .111 ;11 .. II:, ol ~ torte 111 ret k.:1.4 . A.111.11,,4 1 1. Ti;, 6E.1,11,i 11,..T... . /,,,. , /.. P. , ,... ,/...... 1 . .., . ::..o.::.. 1, ,1.,...., . C 1,....,/ ' :10.11 t/... V.ICIL .h....r Of IL , .11.; 1 . 1....,, ,,, e, hutch IS -le tee' 11..,1 01 Coo.. tn.,. IL Le-ree, Ate ;.•ton. I'. ;.; . , V, 1.. I. -- I 1 .1..1. It n ... 111 , /IV., tent.: ne I:c1 town. t hit CVl,llllg, 1. 111. 1,1 - by t•nel 7:Anent ; ;;;'-;-•.,,....,;,. ~..."•:',,,. ,;,,,,‘....,.,:::;:' . 1. : ', : .. , 1,. : , : : . , 1 . ,... -;' , , ; ;: . , ' 1 0 ' l `Y' : ;:‘ ' 1 ... 1 . . I "';•''' r ' '' I..r.: '' k. ‘“ :: " : ' b... .” :. :1-....: " ..:. 1 1.. -. 1 . .... ,-' l. ' I : M r. ;:•;•.:,..:e.e... Mee.f.e.1 . : ' ..;1'.... ; 11 , . .,1.1 01.,,. , :t1 . Lt.: Vlll.l. I 11t1111t. Ult. 10- Lill to-morz ow, and lri,:nel, ;,,pn,;;;...l 11,e , ;,,.. ,C,..... y 11. el., - a.. I - . ~.- . n. F.y.: Je..,.. :,:. ,: 111... T ....-114., 1r...., (-Y.`ll iL Vi . r..lL fr... 111/... lII,IIIg . ''''l'r" Ur 'l' P'"P"''d bl'A . I.: " ::: `' ..g 1 :.: i . : ::• ' i ..:,- ; k l ‘ - s-'':- / -1 '11..?-...';;11'.1-VYi1...:11: j... 1 .... , r ;. ' , ' ; - • ". . ' Ytta y . ' ; ',L . -" ; 1:1 - 11 t 1" ;. 1- .T .i i: ' .. " . “.. . "..1..tt cOpion, ,tntt.t..tler, to •111. port the In Incli•les I 11,..„.1., ; ,e 1,,, ~, . ;;li.e.-1.1 It C.., t 1.,,, ,r, t , ;::11.. 1, k . ..- n.e;;,; to si,•-•;;• 3 :',' On • , , , Ll.ell the ;ell It groensl• .I. Minn... 1ne.1..r ''..4 111/ tit-I 11. , .0.1 ....... A.i..1 . 1, . I.: 1...1 1....• . ..5..; fAI I, w.e.:. / -•• , In it WV,. Mr. .1.1111., 11:::GALIA:7 I_,OVEZ:;!..It:CI: CF.'3,,:.;12LD. 0..1 Contrale•tonors aholl Cr,. or. . ate . ..,...ety 00.4.0 t Itst . .l toot omit,. or ,to .0101101 , 0 nri tti ry 1010 t 11,...1. tI I. note. no . , I. t 04,0 1.,t00, ...toot, 4. to., _., s a:tel.:to., Ito'. 51n.,..r..0. !to 00 1, 0100 osta. as ot l'o t o• ton, 0•.1 I ',41.,11, in 111.0.0 0:0114 0 1. l'O I.I • 1 1 -..... ~ t lost 0t 01 tho p,.. I ..t.. 01.1, , , 11001 11,•' 1.2 ••'. 11, •• .' .' fro 1, “.,...ia.. • ..., is, tally 00,, tort.teopt '' IIs•' from .0..11. , ...01, 01,10 .0 1 0 , .. 01.rt!.....0,t ~...: cunt , ,Wil, 0! C.l 0 /t. , NI,. ..la,- or. laltsiinen : W./ 0.1•0000 of 1. 1 .t.ner,..,.., 1,. I; I .1101 10 0 1,4111. of 110 410)'..r, .‘1.14ru1t . .. 1,1.,1 . • .401 r. s .....,... stt 00 Vitt. • 1;0, 10 1. 0... 0 11,4', I l',/l1 ..1•II •1. ',St r:0 ..,1 L , , trt,,01.0:1 , 1. 0. , ,b.', rt 0 _ „..„ 1., ,`,•• •lolle/1./ patt...u.se stunt), - 10 t•ILLIts 1.01 1..... 110111 011." 1/101.1-•11/.1•1 0 11 , . , 0./yLL I / 1 0, , 1 . at. ttt tlst, that to, by . ngt, .1 0,01. t. - ',::•1 100 ..... • a .001 1.100, -1...01..t ...0. 5t.0t5....,,..5.- ..nl.olot , tO, Lot 101. r thnnJanruty 1-t, .1 lt. .:.1.1 rea...tant.lo nttia. shoo, 01 onol 1...01- .:- toot to .0 01,.....t0r , oh: Intso F 01.., itol 1at.. 1 . 0 ', 00,1 0.1110,...,0, co t,.llLt 1.310 10 000100 ills .•'', I 1•III,,•••. 1 10.11/ . . 111 01'1. ~f. J:,-, .4.. - .1 , 10 et.l. :. r,,,ttl Lononit-inners "1.0,1 O 0 40,1' ." .• . ''' ' 111. ene,,, too lit r••: , )'l.rtetr ' eaLltorie. a ,r 1 taw, ...... ~..•.I o , „tor, re mescl . ..1,11.10r ..1 not • 10011 ,x1,.10 mlla ~p t elfle.teto.a . for AL.I the laffllll3 to 0.. 0'1t,11 , l 1100 1 1411 1... art wit lot, mutt zot•ortter for 0,1 reeels, , 1.. op.,- “..1100 ter im„ll,lmir 1.. I tloouL , ..osk ___ • • 1.1 ...1..11.1.1,111.• ILO, th„ uppittletteue;-, A .71) •lerloos AR AI, tioel umke emel eleterlotee eolareer , e /01 lol l:so tolloo 0110' nons.,oto o, OeL O 0. loot it We I. aril ..1 nn attempt nnolo !all. 0.7,:tt tlst....ht in atoesalo 4101 0.1.,./lIIt 111, :ILI I • • • ,1,.., •., !,,,,,,, ...!, • ,!,• ~,,, 00,11 11 4 n c /01 ..tourtenante . ., 011.1 sus , : to. th0tt0,.....101 0 -Itnet , I, Ito - 11. 01 1t...V. I ' I ”: •" ' • •II ". • Ion,: 0.01 ~,,,...1 the oroetlon toot cos.-tr.:o - .I. .1 , tol t.... Non - tr: tt . Ito L., 11 ..1 •,,;,, •• 1 , 0.100 10 .llra .:. a 1 ..t I:, of ..11, 0...1 I ~,,„ th„,,, r ; ~, , „,,,„ ~,,,,,,,0,,, . 1. •-• • ' lt• r• !...t , t, I I t .0 L. ‘.......°. I- "el' - , ingt, 0 ..,- lob . or. 10 1ent...0.1.05t, t•cs Itr as ',noon I,a ou. Hat, 1011/ . IIOOIC •l' 011 1.• I 'lO ~ ill, II : Art Lint -1, , .. ,,, ;..; .•„1,,L11:pr , 1., 0 . ~,, ,„ , „ n ~,,,„,.., „,•,, „ ~,,,,, •„( 1 010 .10 , 1 ILltutes i0n...m.0.1y 0,1 I.llliPol lor ''.' 0,11 IS., ' 1....1' ''. I ' .." ' '••• I 1 . l'" "' ... '• ' •••• • • • ". i i • I mt . rents Unit • ot null 110.1.1100 , fur Olio T 1 .,,,,,,,,,,, Mt, - N or„.,:t, i i.; N.11.0t II sill.o. - men, stnto.l to 1.-ve been gtlsty of big:luny. ~,,,,,,, 1 , e;t „,.,.,, ~,,„‘„, 1. r„ ,,,, ~,,,,,,,. ... ~, 41.,,,,,,. ±.O. I, s_4_,_ . ll i: 0,0111 .. . od.:111 01,1,,,ry .1.0.1 other ontrages, wera 00.14 . 10. et or, th,tllo 01.010 eu.st. of re lA, b e etle:::,, I.' I- ' "II."' I " ll'' "ll' IIII"IIIII‘I.'‘'' ...el ' n e l e - o el • te LOl-•t In II ,1L::‘,,,,-„, tool apput LV1M1.11,.., Wltli .110 f.lralLure uno MO., Ire, W... 1, .I , :••• 1/,1010.11, MO •' -• 3 r ' " ' “ ' ', ,; , , , Illillta , 0.11•1 tur...lentul repra..t el, rec.:, .1,•• 11.0tru.., NO•S'y I[l, /se. 00.1 .st a ' asat ' .....I • 1 0, :. II " ,o " ''''''''.' t! ' " of on, oust of 10,1 110.4, ICIIIII not oi. - aetl the A- - ....•..r0! r, IL . .,11..-I , NV. ti .q - 0, -, 1, ~, i1 . .0 10 nuinho - , ttpoto..ehtst 11. e gown( three Itheared thousand dolts.ra. .nr, bltvente it:air:et, 11. '''•,••• " o ' l °' "" d ''' "•`• ...°'''' 'or 'r ''.° I 'tn . . I. Alt money. 0 Illel. mat ..... re r trod 1. , ' , •or Of 1.01.10; ttont.t..-o,coott . 1,011 - .,,,, ts• . Ow,. ~ • ro Wel UN .1`,.1 1.1. 11, ! ,!,,..„. 1 ,,,,,,„, 0 , ~,,,, ~,,,,, ~,,,.,;,,,,..„ .0.1, 1:•• ~..0,1,, N. I 100.... ''''''''' " ill, 10." ' ''''.'". 01' l i .''''''' ' .l ll ''' rma LI“I fund eerilnlrefOroartuto.!,l ., o .. 11, I ~e 0 or thror j. , 01., Al:‘,l es ••.e.e,ape , , , , ~ „ „ ~,,. ~ ~t,. ~., ~ ~, ~,,, .• . I, 0.0.1 the., 00 aro .0. I r- 11.,..1 , 0 I ; 0 1 o. t ] .0 . ..• t - tt t 0 t ~, ll 1.0 frestle...t. a , ...-..5,; .I.to I I rO l - • • -00 ! ,. .. t , , ~ ~.. . „,_ ~. „ .., I oft a..... g.., to the on,: of tat. po. 0.0 to 11. rt•.t.t, t na - :I to tho l'n It. t 1 .1.... ., -, 0f (..,. ' ~..;,,,,";,,,,,,..*:,..j571,......,,,,..47-,1„..'re,,..',..7a' I ; ;, 11 .. .." , .1 , i ie 1.1 u tt; z.i.;‘,....11, ‘1111,•:,i,.:,,,,,,,.;.„0,,,,,,,4,,....,...,,,4. „,,,„,,,,„ : rt 5,,..., , ,, Mort Ito Stost,!..,el, • eor. re.I.. , LU, 11. '.u.ileg. 011C ,., ,0t1 u, 1. ,1 1.1. u. ~,,, corn, „! ~ , n .. 1 ,. ~,,, ~..,,, ~, ,r ~. ,!,, ~. i 1[0:11 A OC.O. t, nt M Iwo! ../oce, 11 , " • i 1i ,, , .. , • ‘ ;, ', ,, , ,,, r ,i ii ' ,.,;,.,,, ; . ; ‘ ,..,t,, ,i,, ° ,, t t r if ' coot in t Ste stbot hey of snot ollts, t 0 •.. h o o t Is' h,.; „„,,,,,,,,,,,. , t„ s o ;1 0 ,. ..., ,5,.,,,,,,,, i Lole ql/mll ... ~Kohl 1) porhons teal n ,, rlrel t . ~, , , ,-,,,,, ~ ~,,,,,,, 0, 0„,, 04 sy II .„ „„„,„ „„ , , , 1.r1.f0l n e. , A , :h1 ,, t i 1: t 11 ,.. .... 4 r , . , ,,,, f ~ ,, r, ,t , „1 L, .. ., „. . .0 1 1 1 , , , s, I: ~,,1, 1, , ., m r . : In. ,I r - 11,1 /..1 . /111 1. 1010 I ' .•°‘ I.'" "'`'' I .-'' '. 3: ' ""P'''''''' 4 :''.11.. I.i. ,Si It, A.,, .-1„ , . 1 It Y , r th- lU'l ‘ rdol C'' '''' ' '' ' ' ''''''' '' ' hv "' ..1 r0r0t, , tr0 , .......1 bill It v. 111 at isnot: be ; t h„ 1... t0 ), ~ th e ,“a , ti ,,,, , ,,,.,, ~,,, 1 a 11 , 1 , 1 ,r 1 L, 1 , 1 0 111 , L , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 i 1 d,.,i g . /iLgulutlylll...:l 0, litre ,te.ontt..l to th , 1%001.100. Ao I.oon it, • 0 ilont of j.'s . .., , ttl.. k ; 1,‘1,;,,,.1. Ser. a. inlet If uny moo 0y 011011 brootan 0 ! L OCO :CII II ...tit I, .eke 11 nn Of , mi.u.- . ' ! ”4'‘ ! ' r r' '' ' ' , ; , , . tut 1, .i ' 1,.., 14.11•1 plt)able unnor ony t 00t1 lot or "•"' "'' • " '4 t ' ''''''''''""' U.'''''' '''''' '. itgr0.......nt otittlo 10 pursuant . ..of .OIA ...• it/ ''''' ' '' "..' “ '''''. ''' ' '''''''"' 4'.1 1., 0 r ' ' '' ''' 'Y ':'''""' V. , "U' P r' ' ' ,, "'4 , r ! ' , ' ,,.. • 27 „ot ,—,..h,..r...,,0niei , ... , ::;;:;.... lo• 1. , . ,10 , .' .1. It IH • `,l" I. • ' 11, LI 1/0•11 111., ! Use 1.0.'1' 0. 11, ; , .IS II " , I " • ' ; ‘ , "•. , y r, - ;;t ty . , - , ~-',.. In 11,0 rrestseiro 1,0,001:14 . toll,. 1....ty L. 01.1. tto 10os:dont NI, 11l rothrzt Oh, 1011 1.0 11... ' 1 . : 1 .. ; 1.. . ,,1,..;, ! 1 i';', 1[ .1.1 „, „;,,,'„;;;;: I, Ina rttial, hereto erout..l, to pay Ito 55.... „,.i,,,,,,,,, „ rev, iTh,,,,, L , , ,,.. i., h,,,,,,,,, 1,, I tn..l lon.oll4.lonorsolnllll . o ...al no, Iteruby 1100, tll . . 0.. I:. 6r PI at 0,0 nsttst ... L.-. • , re.ts.to.o ss/1., lon, a. , int Ats ..„ ns.,l 00 ttoll 000i1 farther 'IWO,. ...I '-' ,, , ' , , ‘ , ' ,, '• ? , .. - , ' , 1 , '• _, ''' , l. . t..b ? ''' , l' ! '''''° .... '' ,!. ''''''''' :' ~ Ir , urt. a moo 11.1.1,,,,,, 1 z•1...1114.1 /.0 ,,,,,,, , 3/.NINII , J -1 .:‘ ,,, , :/ ,-,N . rut” 1,1 i Ts., tontl. 004 1s a. ..tat... , 1,....1 rel 11,. 1 1 " ,..r.°,-.11, o rIIIIn I, '' lo out. not 1101 than ono 1 losuental .:01Into, 1 " 1100.1". '''','''."''• 0011 I' '`' ' ' . I. 6.-' P''' ' 'l I 1 t 1• • .1 .. • .. tile. t. ts p tuft 1/1 the Li 1 bearlng loter.hit la.:. i . ieretlo . o sot tn to A Defiers ed Irlleoleo to II rittsburgti • 0..11/0111, payable at such thou ...• veal C....- clothing venaels In Ills country and iii:!.. ~,,,,,,, 31,...,,,,,,,1 0 . 0, 111,,. remoter. College. I 1111,00111/01 111113 . desta onto, not Intur thin rituttO 10 Oa 0•1 for tran,pos 1.1. , • tt - i, onnuot I...tint! th . matt Its! cornett-) inn - nary lot, Isl l .l. rthleo.inalslo at thts Option t0n04,1 , 0? or P rot ile.ones 40 1,06. 1:11031 CANADA. ' inentery notos• of Preahleut I.•ershleg, 111111 14Lr.1,',,r.,1',,,•.,,.,.,y1:::.12,,,1.,',1,','',1.1, ,1,.',/•?,..1, 'OllO P tern, Starch Its-E.tontoi.-1110 corono. t t leo ' rollogo ,0,1 at holals, 20 5 . .. , 0. 001 1e. , " oll l nt 1 olaohenn he ubt,.111,1 fur the name not let, tlOO 01 . FrittielsJoeepf, „.I 1r . ,,„g or 11„,,,,e3 . , ... ~ , i 0 ' „ fro„, Mr I :el 4 .- 11.-.80 , 111e IM , IIIIeLI by tho that. par, loot pity the procoods to tlo . 01, . __i. during his prevent ethtt to the; t.lty, Is ' i'1 .. 1. . 1 . P V1. ' . 1 •,; ( . 11111'7 ' 1' ; ''''ir'k..":•llS4l-Pr'll'." lt.,•acne.l 1.14 . }.011”.I ,e,lito: 0 1 th, r,,,,,, 11 ... 0 er 00 1111 credit.' to Um t : Illy llus.l.i• 2/10/Igly utge . t by ~.11 pal 11.... i (lovely 41 li on. , In Ittnel, tool drat.. upon warrants . „ ~ . . I'. e. • !..1111 . 112, lt , ,111 'Lobo 1,-11111 :: ' , ' 1 11 , " , " „ 1 . 7 , ' l .12,1,0,10 e, mot - 010 , 1 snot bon.lo ellen be psysble ssrot,,et sh o'o,lo esest, 0•.110. 1 , V ", O." , l . ' .''' .. I -.t4 I ' l ' o' ''''''' 1,4 000. 11101 I O'MM/h . ern' els... Lore. Itont WI troth the Lily Building Iteel, nO,l 00011... t. ..on ostu to I, r 1.1 c'''./ . ..... ...1 . 1:1111•1' : 4' ' • - I.'''. ''''''. 1 '--E11"1'; ' /•-l" 1;"""'P ' • ' .t '; . ' . eth .0 ;••• e• „; .. ;;;, ; leonly••• tell be th e duty ••1 the Ltty T.. ta..urot to Log, latiff Lo-tl.tr 1 00 n Istor 1101.1 el - . •101,1 . Lt., son.lootto tn. the Intoo 0,01 pl coat 0 Int la , 1',".;',.,1,1,1:,,ri,;',;',„:";',',.1.,',',W,r,T.,;',1",,t,1,',;',D,1,, I pay 1.110 /0t0 . ... tdan , tu . r , ll.l . ,. or at ; t4cl, 0tt,.... 11100 t 1../ 111, II I I 1 - 1 II , 1./,L • lotaml talon that the Ltopetor e• lii Istot of the peril- To- ....rya:. a ; 1 . 1,0, /04 ,K 1,41010. • °WU 11.01 the Ileum rl. ill WII,111:,11L,i!ItI,!.,;/ 1 . 114 provnlnd h • 11210 NU 011•1101 I 111110.), 1.0- 1100 Of 00 I . IIW/I IlObt among 'qt. C vtinele i l , ' , ho••••• b' Ll , ' ',•,•• t ' II I ,IIr°1"d '''• mc. - i ' O' '' ' ,' ''''''' '.' ''' '''' i ' if ' I . '” ,T ng i, I ''''' i I longish; to the ity 11011,101:4 k' 111.1 f., I.h I.t •. . On," 0- • ••..1 k• 10 ... trii.....!iot ”1.1 I olleg , 011 1 nor 0, e,..t lig .t9t. L , klti 1 ~,, ~....,„, ~,,,,,, 0 ., ~... I II uu a Ilea Upon ter powert, each of the., IstotOnlese 11, stn.,: of , ~,, ~ , r . ,;;.; , ~ ~u n ~,,,.. ‘,.., i,,,, , , ~‘ ~ ,,,,,..,u, ~"; Ile borthet,oo4 gustraolan...,C It , 1 , ..:, . 0,0 - 11.0.. to. Ilia•ly ;',.. i , /./. , IVO 111101: l'I•'•.(i'ilII'lit'I':1"13.11:14'/III?:;IVW-e'r"e"l'ilell",e I ' , 1 , ' , 1" 0 7 ,' :1;1 1 . ,, , • , ' , ' ,.. : 0 ,, , ,‘ 1 , • f1 ' , .' ,, !.• 1 1 1 1,1,..11t;,r,.t.11,.:;!...0......0 i , „; ; . ;.,,, ( ~,, , , ; t e _t,,,,,,,,..,,,,, _1„, t.;; 114 • 1 1`,11.0311 0/ IllY groal.nalng oinoo. I 1 I t 0,1111. 1, 1,. I II: C . . /1,1 I %V., M.-11 , 11 .. . - .% r:. I„okr ''' '' ' • [ml4lo ll for Stolle, comae, eliy, NNar.l or 1 I". ` '''''' ' ' 1./10,4.1.1/1.. .111/1 , 2•11 It'• - / - 1 ,0 1' ,,,1.1 Y rell I. ,t 1 . 10111 111 I, 1. 1 1•••1 1, 0 ".• o I ! 11 . it . !."1,!!!',"•,:n.1.t,„":•.,' Vt, ' , ' . ' ,!,! * ,,, ' Y 'e ,,,, r oTil l l:ll,7l ' A ? ll .".... M. ' . L n l.l """C'...• , ',SI), the..., 00 . ,.. - trs on tt t 10 1 ... rt 1....,0 to 100.10 7..,. mint lis. Ito. hula Co...n.l”slonerS .11tal 1. , , the pal,lte_Wr or our 1,00:11 . , I•010.11/1. IC ~ . , . L° ' :".,4•Nre'' '' -'''''''''-'''''''''''''''''''..' ❑' I°.'''''''''.'''':;'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''t'''''''''''i:'''''' ' l ..I.,.''..4,!•',..,.:l','l'tll;!fl'xiirtil,7t'l4"rje'll"Pr!,U.L',s',',.",:lll.{l')". 1 I 1•1 .", h ''''''' ). ' l ' lh ' r ''''' ' ll 11 ' 10 ' 11 ' W ' ' e hleh I 0 . 11.1•1 00 1 runty, or In soy w .,,,, 1 •' - q ' t 9 ';' - ' 1)'•1•7•1S ' "'"1""""1"" :-. ' l "" ;;'; •• 1111"'"'• 1"1 "u"" 1" "•;"" 1 ' ll' '; I e th vl ~ 1 , , ,i .qh be..ticLa ...ti. 1.1, , ' ,, i'' I ''' ..'. tr. "''''''''' " L ''''''' .ILL. j 1.1,in, villy fr.., 15 . .. t.t.: :tat 0 . .t.„ 1 to, 1.100 IIIIII0III• 40 ' ./0 a , ~; Mit' , OA treclia,e„ ocr ,i,r,„,„ ~ P 1 roa . f .. , • ' 110.07.0 ittev oil...toe' ....1 o•Ithal tut Isis- ' ' I••• ''. 1111.1 "" .e.. ' l l lll ''' ' I" ‘ e" ''.''''''".."-.."- . tny 61., a el, .trly 1...101... oot 10. - th, 101,001,01 h 4lni chi:. -Noon- / iss, Mot get •Iti P t,"O .1.4..tt• 1 ....,. !In,. 4,..,, ',lvy I ,k. ,i • , i . i. t ',,, ~,,,, '',. ( „ ,,,,,,i,„ It ,. I, „ 1 Itrito rue th,y may 1.4,111 Cie.-el:ell% ; lof t:. , .1 1.1 a.. Int 1,1,,.. y. lO t tin.: 0p5 . ... 0 1 arta I t tn.. 111};1 out r,11.,'A11 ,, 1.1 r I i01a.1m: .. . ~. 0 TIO 1000,1. it, 10 .10 ....01, I ~.it It 11 '; ‘,‘ 01l „,11,a,.r . of out, esa In h.• reel.' Se.. II.• * 1 le o •• Il e l t..011 , 1a1 ,- to , Orre . .1..al 1 0.4,0,0.1 h., 01/110 it5:0,0.0..1 ~f ~,,,t, .., yr se,rtl ty,..zo pro.pt et, i(.l. lA, ,10, , ...1.1. S• • '0 0..3 .., s. h ~,,, ; IY Hrnat • duestluellt rater'. li.:Of ',hi, it 1,0 : boot, lull tool porivet Innotts oet 11.1. e etr I you mall ,Ina rr00t.1,,.1 .„ It, ~,,, a 1 1 1.r1m, , r ~.• : , 1 , ..“1.4; 00... k. 1 ::; , :i• ~•,,,-^ 01 ! It., 00 .ttl . ll , .71 to I. I ...-1 1... noon •,,,,,, ~,,,,,,,.., 1 prove...llov In 10011, 0 Wel. 011011 ht. 011 I the It sl.of l • Ito el:, tool s,t OlO II,: - ,1..,y ,51.1,0,4 so. 10, 15... .....I, 1,10 I , , , 1 ;‘, ~,,,,, „ ,„ ~,,,;,. ~,,,,,; ~,,,, . , flot Ceelgo tootonteeno, 10. Fp itnt: term i proptr ttnths bo lola oPen tor ths Ie Tr; • 1 ...0.....v . 0.,10;,:v. l 01.1.10, 1/10 .111.1, , r ""r ''''. l l' n ' II A.r.."'eru'r•:"l'.4l'ri'lle're. " l ' l . 2 01 - :-. , ,--:, . 0 1 , -- • I.- 0 , ( 0.1 `l' '''''''' i• -, I, - 1,e.y . , OA prrtionq leuvlag itl,lr. 10 t i1 1',40011 , Lion , kr :toy rootlet tt•••• •Ittly appointe.; h:. • ;„ ,„ ..,3 ,t 1, 1 1,1, ....,,,,,,,,, „;.;„.,, 10; ti 11..... /•••• 4 e ,- --,• • P. -- '- •'••- •••• • •••••'• • `''• ', I r; •••.';'.• ot I , 01111• ' '1.0•• • I. I , 1 . .1- ,!••,,!•!;•• 110,•: 000.1. •Lppl!,,,/.100 lo im, ~ ;Il'ounc . ll , tor tbst purte• - 0,11 1 .1 toil4L•otent - ; ~Ile my on 0 hen , 1:101.... I 01000,1 tilt, ot. levat , lN 11111111„.4Ill. ' , I. la. p:r 00.1.. .1. ~I 10„,..• I• ... mila , I , ~i 11.11 ,., 'ma arr lOC, 'O, ii" 0. 4 01, to IL,. 1.. . Pt-n/111 Y, 1 , . 1,1110 t .400x0/ iantll Ililo . /0 CO/00 . 0.1 1 . .0.11 , 111 I 0.1% lIV 11 `I I I, !I 111.1 0.01.• . ; in ~s.ot, I, nt ost. Ir'''''''' ' 21 ''''' PI--.l'''''''''•-'2"U''''''' l l, ' 1 .... n o . ' t I • t; tltsis. 11 1 ' L.' '1... n '''''• 1 . 14 :0,0 01 110' 011.01 t ) :. Thl . p ' 11.11,1 • 14 01 1 titutr poo. otsillissa nod of. ull 10001•3•• 1 . ... , 1f,0,1.-•, • 1,... 0.1• I 11••••0 '.. 114 11,•• 10.011,'Y /xi 010:11,I fl.l. '2l V LoOley. .101011 , 01 hermrl- , -- --.-.....-...---- ii„ 10,1 n „lion ...Ito iwver nu,. flAttortog,; orleod and expended hy there c the Isvt ; ,hOlO, lot •••.•• o••••••. •v,lO, ;;; .• ~• ;,,, to , clo:-.1•11 ,. a:„ On , 1. , :r.., ~,,,...,,,,,L . ,-. , : , ( „k„ . 51 „,,,,„„ ~„,, ~,,,.„„„„,,„,„„„•,,,,,,,,,,„„„,,,,t,„,„,,„,„,,,...,,,,,,„„1„., ~,,•00/I 110 1 . 110 // Of 5.141 CO/010/13 in 11,000 I•l110.1 by t.. , 1 , 1‘0 ,. .::: , ~ .- ,,,, 11, . ., . , ,1,,,,L -'''' '"'". ' ..-' Ink.' '''''''' "" l ''''''') ' ."'• "'“ '' ' ' . l''' : ‘7 1 1" :1:1 " : '" AT l ' l ' i n :l l ::l ' l4l ' ;,. ' ,l ' ,TTri.-1,.! , 10 11,1;„ ‘,..'„l,f,'.' ' -:::;';' " ,'I ','. 1 ,",:,,,‘,.'1'„. h 2.::‘ . ..'.'- im I, 1• ~1 I , l:oret 1..• mr. uia it a ii114.1 - L Pper/21. and said Le ttluuilht his cis t. ..,u. but would di:lst - all :lutists so tnc yms -11011 matt ills bill came beforc tie ra,sta AND Pt, ; Moochl..—l: t t, tii.1.51 tits:us:m:4 has rcru?eil to ',Must Li-it 111., ittiiitri, 'Usti of 11110 the It .:u u. VIENIA.Nta,cb I,—As ACM to 0.11,4 A luil7al Tegiuboir to csiottry, to tut' commatid of Lim Addl titlc o.e et: THE nba . trutiitArd viai,aT. LI:CDI, O ,A of no nealv ore.aot Hong . , tan 1.1.1,5 y to.l•ty . lona tho oatlLof onto, ple-oLve at the Emporor of A dtria National flit. mthrom., Ilalll.l 1 .—Ae9n.—lne atovn• ri,ifl il,loan, from Porthonl, trout NOW York, have arrivoi out. Thee , - were gel, whirls preyalled fur nearly u et proved .11.e.t co. to tLe 91.1innn0. Ynns - ,1111 , 1 v reeks o r4.l.mikd on the', Etn,ll , ll end Iredi eMi.LI4. 01.1.01.E00 . 11 rommof romcV 311re11 19 —A aelmte took ;dm, In the Corfei Leglzletthl9.9t eve , log ll.retard tO cofulif n tOrdlrs, 1/1 I , lllo'n reld..,ntet Tillers awl rf.,” littaCki . :l the fer.doo riot the Emperor, on 11. e ground t. 1. : fikvore.l a unity in td.te 6ernim end Itely, 'Once WWI 00,11 , to the nr . Minister Itold er 001 I:eprolnntAmve 911000 defondnd the coarse 01 the Government - . I.9r,rg. 05 0,0051 0:11. 1,102,C00. LuAnex, fdartM I J —Etendly.—Tile denol.l 1.1.1 , , 1:00:3111i 0111 101 i 0010 V 1111, 1 ,00.1 10 the:Ugh inThint. t . str..sir isr,systss:s LAT.,tIA. BZIILIN, March le—E,srlll,./.—tt lifepOrted Rt n pucrs.t treaty was ma.sss slAslss. um/ I.lls.vssrlst In Anic . ssisl,,t, y,'l 0r1 , 3 Clatllo Of this trvest:. 1 • 111,81 a ll .0 We the military ,IISCCLI(111 at i i art•.. slass if sit saYi• ,il,': • ..,..,. . 0m....,. . Slo„ l• la -•:, neral e'l• tl• .... "'•' 2 ~,,,r4,. , ,,,ii. . 3i.„.,1, 0.-_,,,.,"•,,,,,0‘..-c. ~. ~,..•,,.,,, ~,,,„,, ~,,, ~,,, ~.,,,,,,, ~,, ~.,.,,,,r , :i ~,, ' nowt! or mlitillt.tne „ 111.11111.1ti0 lu.kilu - illilLit,i SI v. L. it 11,1......, , ..... ..a. • . • i, , 0a ,,,i,•1. , d anid remly for neemmaey, 11„. , sta••• t•I r..,01re mu to ref 11,1 If, Boa •Ix ~,,s,al I ' d .. * , , 11, , , ,••• 1•,.••• fall, v 11, I . a“.l/.. 1a i 1.••,, it, dilliviY• ' ....la 1...../.llliatiel , r.ftall ailllf y llialtiall, la 1 11 , •ll 'ye , la , 'll. 3,.„..1. - Trilfi.!e't.'frt‘ts.,'Ll'a•',..".b:.'„,"l•;•-••••••1)•:'•'d.:.T.';',.t..71‘,.(•Le17.,1 r i i d i „ .l ,,Yl ' l t i.o . :', ". ;:l ' ;';••'•lti'lloir.'",,ll,l•l“l„lVie,Vl••T.',2.:•2,',.* i False Ila•'r nod Wliere to Purchase. the luel., mud the. ear; er nab' tat.ld „Gt. utt•l j l•tr,s, Atl.t.ou tnY Ct.., Match id, I -a. lallilivlltilleve ' , hall 1.0 1111.1er 010 vont rid I st.fady , al3% . l. fot 51,1•11,e4 Uphta•l , ; ...d,.• • • ,,L1•••., or nab ..• ~,, 0 , 1,.., - la 1.., do•d... ••• • The al imalott 0, mir re'llirr` ta dtr , eloal i l, ~,,,m 4, ,., , ~,,, • , ~,,,,,.. „ ~, 1 t p '' •f ' rotl ' vT. u e L. .• '' lrr . l l l, t ;ll. l rl a „ ' ,l ' „ ' , l .:l " .. ''* ;„ : ' l . e. \ '',. . ' i . l ' ' ''l ' ' ' ' ''' '' ' ' ' ''' '' '' ' ' ' '' ' '''''' ' 'l"""''''' ' '''.:::'-';' '' ' ''''::!l:'"''''''. :''''''''... ' "' I ttli'•" LL :• s l . :„ ‘ f, ' l l : ° • ' • ' ; ' ;;r t' ..l ,‘,‘ l l :r ' • ' l l.' ••• l‘," , l l. ' ;• ", : ',,,' l a s 1 i ' • ' ‘; ' ; ' ,• ° . ti "' th"r L". Y' "I.l''''''''' ' .".."''''''''''''''''''''' l ' • "... lil l'i i l ': 0 :" '. l. i : ' ; '' .. t i ... : :1 I t l ' I' S ' i ! ;t7:l ‘ .i ' ' ''''' icl: . :4 - [,... r t . : i :e llt ‘ i .. l '' ll ''' ‘ '' .f . id, Illea.littill, marlod Mtn. NVlscatt-• de 1,. •,,,,,, la tMIla ,/ .1,..,1; , 11,, i .t, I. ii•'"' ''- - • '' MthviilllL., li••.I !tad Ambor, 111, ..,I. vi,, , I, ,1.,,,,./•1 , . id li, pi ~, i i ,„,,,, ,„,,.. i a aa ai l liattall Ilallallil , elle. IleilLilli."e. lilld Ileilial i 'alit. Cilirti-lin. In , I. par qua, 0., fa, 511.tc.1 • 11 , la , •Ible, •••,.••••:•••.1... ,1, 1•••• I.,••• ••I t•••a• . In hair •,br.•••• • •ry ••I all •••••••••21ptIons, Nu. P 2 • !?.;!:',';':',.,lo3,".,l:,‘r'l:l',',"i':,:',l‘'L'l,'l2'l.l.';',',l,'L'''',:l:/,'',l•:,‘,l:l:'t'''f‘‘,"::.ll,„:l,'l,',l'• '''""r'il...'''''''''''''''''''.''ii''';'•ii‘'in'''''''''''''''''''i'i''""i`i.'''''''''''';:i''l':;rl7.- NYttattra At : aerie,. It. •••,--1. - I pee •••ets 'e Il le, liii. 4,0 ill v.,. alba, • liot lag sent up for •••• -ty ire) • , ml.l 11 „Mins lor , I.IY Potitle'i,;••-At;a-pol,:' ,t.,,' ;;,,i. •.',,,.. 6 . .3 4 ' ~',„',1,,, , , ~,'• ,1, i', 0 ,1,,,, ~,„,„ H,,,',1•. i ,„, ' loarta Ateat• Mr. 1. . , :k l”“ i. , ng m.lopo- 1 1.,a1 ~,,,I ,tiv,•1,,,, , g,i, it ,4,;,,it he tl,O duty of 1 ~ 1,- , ,t, ,,, , ,,,,,,, 1 „.,,,,.., 12.1 ,,,, • • 1 1 c ~,,, lotssiouerm to tatikt a repot t ~ „ atlittte Titt tamtho•. 3:1. et. per tor,. Pet., soma at li.a la ./1,111.1.. , I i.al.,avitil t.l tiala lizeil thi, grouter portlost of (Ma trrlo la ilk ,. , . ~ , , •, . , . • per at I la, m•lat, 1.1.,.1. tioorm Itloa I , ma, 11. :,l Tor 1 . ,,,,,,,,71,au..1.1t,f1agal anti ri•lMltml for r•ro,,, oil/. dam: I,talast 'foram. , lor asiault alb( I.ollem - , Canada. V, ttlt,. OM. loM•i"V rtil' i h' i ' i ' ii ' .°.lili.iiii. ' ii ''• it ''' . ; ti..T.ll.l.lrgull'o'.l.l',.Dlr•l'a•Ltl'lt.'i.r":••'•lt'll'a'l'aV•u'Un't ~,, ,:.i,,,, t•,, ~m . 5 ‘rbe4 lt, Cu, dfni,,,,,. , 1 Mellon to all who have .ii.VCrtal hito with of all monies dlabars.al by them, Itad . tom ~,I ~,,, ~,,,,, ,:,„, . • Another lt,tpart or lire I.entl. of Ilr. 1 1 Itlssr 'Suitt:m.lls. 1 !heir ritlenage. La. lll, . 11, i1'... 1.. .""' nalli ....i.i.unt shall hare berm approved by 1 •••• curls and bvery artlele ill i e tt ' I C I. I • ••• I '" ' "r:? ' '' ' SL"'" i ' ' ' -" '' "'“'"''''''). '' d :1 14. "ali"tritalel„l „r Mtge lialr 1.• herd . i ", ' Lm" ,'" 111., • °in ' . '''' ' in "' ' 4 .' l LiVtitttatutter African Explore, ~.,..„,,,,,,....,„„.„, ~. ~,.,.., ~........,, ~,,. ..iii ' . 0, h. 0 , ., it .. , , ~,......, win ~ 1 , ,0 ali.elt t rgiii 1 lrom l , loi (arta r , exisealyiii l/I , 'Matt ASO Me . March I:i.-1..... ~....,,,,,,,... ...,,,,,,...... w 5 ,5 1., .„.., ..,. „“.,,,,,, 1:., , ..e., ~hint 1. 1., , ...,,,,,,,,".....0,0 00, , ~ , 00 , 'F . , , itliii iii! Illualia lea,. Init . ii: lit i MOrtivtart. euptato ..tt tort, In I.trerpo. , l , 1,•111 f. li. po• 1,,,1 -I'. „:. to ,bler tool .1„•• . iii''''''r t ' •„nal ! to 'price., It.tre h,,lr I. , '. "".. ', n ~ ". " ,...'"''. q h ., ''''''''f . rre4 • ' t thr" °.c!"l'4,-. ti altar...loi Ih. :11, ..... f, , .1.1,1.41 . 4. fi I'• Y 1 y, for Lows. 11 11 tno••1 ro. Ic y , ~•:,...,...,..,,,. ...,,., , . hell. I 1,3 ther.. lt , i, 11 ~,,at at to the, S.illiira: Fund 1/a Lotolooderry „a tau tvehlov.of em slop 01 P ' • • lull '''' ' I. ; i "• , i) li.e, fm• 01, i bemt , tht I 0r , ..1i 0, i n i ,,, 1 ., ‘,, , ,i 1 ,,,, .., , n ',, 1 i 1 1 ' v i . I , i h, „, provl. ,;1 ., Tom . art entitled Ita net, Melt strived at halt Otto b'emeit tMs alter- lome, lib Itai, Mart,. Cl• a. and I•adv l..•• , •'• • l' ' ' ' or 6' ; ' lard or dria•setl pill 11„.1 at lb., m• , , , otyss sold to pro, bte for tile lalial. • la: :lea' I ie1k , ...,-. 1.. i•. , :t-lilla raaer i ii.ile eat. II ti. Kia.luai eitlavll.llll.eat 01 I la. lel, Qi 11,, A rul.Ort Iliii, reeohe.l the Eagli,i, c.,,,, ~T, li,, y 1,,,„ . f.„„,,,,, i t I ,„ I 111 , 11 an. . : Mii"lel•lsOns,l.l'l'.'"'“i n ' '''' a ' thi .. cii yot 2 . lllliora hi aria 1., the l'o , l'rar meat t Int la attendance. Vie lake , iiii.li • 4.1 t,: , • .41-....i.J i ants a„I all , ••••••1• s I I •If ' I ut hanstbar that fir. 1 , 1,111u:tom, lim ~ I,- N Ash , . Itte., Nal , b1,•,-Illy• r 0•111:1;:, tetra I iii i i i ii- -- ' u n v•iii -iiinniliug Mr '. "ak ' ". " 0. . upprorett ltiv . i.it ' Ll day ' uf Ju1y ' ,21..13 - . " l:‘, ' . ), • I , rattat Afilcan ..xl , lavi.v, aa.l had lot pa: t;. tsvm,ty fm t .41 11ii...1,0 ti, 0 vat /,ilr ei11.1.1/ ! 1',..i,',',%,. - . " „ i d tha puoll , getteralty. I Jona I'. I.:Lap, bail berm mat dered by Lad, r.i. Vie report .1.0 cola. Al rived- Aiert• Irian It iii ire , - ; r. "" -- -I, ,,,.______-,....------- ' Speaker 01 OM 11VIVIII0 (li . Itel,r. n. Illative,. 'lt, On the aullmrlty or nlaa I.llt. Ivo „tie., ' ••••.• ~. ',mart ml-T, r••••••, I, I.allot Alltrt, L en ts, ilho asuaped, The atlatilL was ,11.1.16,, 11, 1..-., Illei Alva, for Tantlees , ••• 111 V., ; The 11.211,7 ors aiaa n was f . ilaaa Ilisala i lt '. ; . . I, AV. Hum. tiol>oelor /ld time to overprisle. tliii.... ,i 1... e ~,,r, Nariiii lo -Elver 1,,1110tt last ;la Om Ohio river pe , tel•la3 at ',lead. u , Fpciaker of tau juttata. faring Lam but wile elit •1•••••,,I•rn latitiad ,at 1.,, Meal , iper Ll'a'r• If ila th er elon.ly. I ...Pon. C•doner (Atkisson will hold n. 4 In i Approved March 1, IS7. robin ov.l.,•avallog to xtrlo.,l Lill re vulsor.. I:Levu...ter 15. quest this 211000105. Jona . W. er.enp, • . ' ' "-•=c."7: '''',, 4e r i l iri , i') ,C .---..---1. :,'' .2, - 1 "7 . ~,i * .._. ...:3! --. ~ • I 7 7 % --- 7 - -;-,.....,..,11V 3 ...,---.•: ,- .7.--, ...... .--rr..2 , -. 7._.--..-_::: ~.,1 , 3. , :. ',,: fi -- -,...- ‘,...--:-.i:, .i . .... ':2,' •:: : : : 1: ;<' --- - =-.... 4 , . a... ----- V" P " -- 1 , - 1. - ' --Ni ""---.: .:".14 . - tP-:;^:e'f', j -. 4 1 - .. , -- - ''.i' - f - VVA:t- ,----x- - -.'" r -r4Ak . ~: • ...-;`--'"'_',, '''?" -4. , , K x 4"1 __- ' ; ' - i. _ _'._ i(E; 4::-1 - 4. - -. \ .t.i4- - : : :„,,,_ A __- . - 7 - ---:.'740P , . , ;(7 , ri ''',;• , ....: 4 ;:\ trOk: - _ - .4: 7 5 -. ., - ..7 - 4* - i - ,..,.„; = .---!, .'....1!_`-•-•-:"---;..,„_.- 1: :;-. - -.. ....':7*T!..."' .--- -- 4. r.,..01.,74,15..q.-- ....kfitv,,_;,.,,,, ,_ r. .. ..,j; - =' _-_. : _ ---,.._/, ._ : - _ - 7,/ .--- ", - ` - ':-'. -7, ,A:V " : ; 10 . 7 1 ,!..7"...5 - -'0•17'...-'-'''''--'-'"71::---- PI'ETSBUR(iII - 1, WLDNESDA.X. lIIATtCH 20. 1867 t,l t AND SUB!, KERN. F():„LTi1,„„P;',G5,77.,4J2 k z ':l'`„`"VarT, ° l7,,`: „,—, rig pup, in the bay, tritt be U rr, FOUR O'CLOCK, A M• THE UTLF.II COUNTY LIONICIDF. lE' 1 . /I'IIST TELEi'il•lli" ; Trial of John Adllng:tott for the et rtlttoey It. I.lllloll4Lbsti. • • . 11 . nas•l Juane* El. Teeple*, at Pe • • •Ille. IttereAr, March 1 , , 16 , 67. FIVDM •ructallO syorri,-1 was! at the ihmee; canto to Ulf S'er'e between eight. and ton o'clock r. u ;Henry llowder took 410 thol e e and took me home; I now Mr. C. 1.11, AppowLincutu Acted Upon. and Teeple there; they came to 01.10 house at hull-pall five o'clock P. at.; tbey bad their horses put Up; Wont. :trey N I . LT f L uriLui! - , were Rohe an hour Or r 00 1 111; Cll.lllO back an•l Mr. Cunningham Bald they Mid been In - - John srilver had insulted him: acts thEdr.3lans wme uhrenbloglits at our nenhe; nz tooln+n.i 10,11 - t 0 ,1; 110 , 1 pleas nt. time . for a sp.-11;•eild helm:lv:Ll up It title at ;111. • ' ver'o : und ;nicer 004 wont; to put blur out; iii Iteol 4 \AL I'D I SI , . noot haw 11l m and 'Eveple muting before the . Ito.' ill 01 li er's' In tbe sitting ravlia; theto 0,0 ers In thin room; I po.,,erd eth into the :lancing room: 0000 ' to up's tire when be came fur inn to .0 2..01:0,..P1C: P•• 011% 111111;1111 . father keeps a hotel lii ' Porteisrillt ; my - father Introduced mr to ' '•- • urea' of ' tamongltito at Immo; 1 danced with him; • ized ti.o tab' led of , next MR , him rolllng MT a darem I :lanced Congress, w 11: be reowecta-1 the centre or .10 . 0 1 , 0 c. , 11 ,01 th , think Mr. reserekt Mc No. :I : occupy:lm tbosrbeee be. •totem, not ::tale om the :tml . 'ewleic Ind anals and the /.o:pe wtrll Ills alto and once with Ms;1011: 11-mlo: 410 gloned: The ex'. Nes l,114.: lie :lour:: I the Ors! :Lome; ni rt trete., r..en• cm, fit' the le; I 104eit will be 1,011-;•rd ' OO 1 :). -- ll:rlY•t v. lup soilM; haw Teeple lit front cio , nro : fe et. T ehe oty'l of trelliteettne ' ,apaltrn. 1 pwesell through: etmcinkham was Just 111111 pm:asked me to introduce him to tT.- "1.1,..} - 1P..1V, 111111 to Vl./11/0 1111Ytt,11, 1 11011. V. I • . y 'oe: .11 en! . .."---doiro I wont no httor. 0:1 , 1,01.1 1: 1 .1 1.L.':..:41111-'1,4 1 real w a I aettait :flaws the 11,4 wa. ovar:l'unamaloon did toe MI. generally, had a breilmmary It m e l `l4 wit". wil.3 l1.71:0,, 10 - O. ILT PI 11:OD:LP:L . .. 01 111.1 tho Intention LI, teee:ltin; ht m0;1 brougnt 11 to eacrt with ',big to ;,:core the me; 111051 Its, IL now; I Lad it : the eNteding 01 me kohl, and lahl It In 1:1...., I:wt.:era let I 111 g tr. on the ea,t, the Jaw 0. r w eht, 41 , 1 leanwatt it: d the um I lald It there tc4,-; , :nrtli and tot lyelfts: paralod c f • Ine w ere eating thelr ossters; I aw.y aml Jo" one saw me lilde It: Limn ouhl not tone P: a crop n• :ma. 11.• ha. 1 .0 I,oolllv veils: o. 01•1 11..1 ...0, 1;.. 1 1:111.-1, 1. lI,Mt and went. to to: lot ::. I saw it next mori.leg after breoh- Mitoorotj.;rds, oolmar. 1, Ir.,okfeet. Up- , 1 put ver .1 met. m t tow I m :my one 1,0, it that ntgal, thls I: bower flr-ors, and . 1 s i ttek . / a l lude: 1.1.; /Laor n" ser tnY .1:. 1 I C 00,01.1.00 1 ,1 11,1, 17:11 ~, r.„ i..111..:1:7 huaccer ; a'..l/11t. ,i 111.111,1,, • 0 . . Cro, Ltoot: .1.1- coy awl : rot:, end 1,1 by the leirti et,nl eg g ,ll l ,2se that 1110011 the it OCOlt Cal plate.l to s , l - 1 sp" , o l , 0 ,01,10,, 10 , try On ',notelet; errer the Ilght; 00 flu tllvor cpon hal 11,1 eo :dean : I - raw thlt 10011. C,••• !Loa ti o.od riot :ter rirnbt; I told n:v 31..1 1 .111 . • • ..•.1.1..• •vo 1 ter 0:1101:. I l .lore lal.Ml mul SL 1,1. 01 L. or.; 0110 t 11001 In.. 0 nero 51103rn1.110,-0111,11 1 L... 0: o Unto, Sll.l-11,111111. , 1..1, 0 wolier —O, 1.1‘,P ..111f1 1,1 lararremeNtt 1 I,lte,e, -toenr•ntect Lt-. - Platte, wt.!: sceb I tn.: rite ' , I, My husband 0.1.0ut ton 11,. 1 tho 111:0010P 01 101 l 1 t le.roru dark ur..l •• , 1 , 0 0 11.1 taw Slt. 00• 1. • 1 .00 .1 . - soul.. •110ta 41 00i eae.' 1 illt; op :till to 1:o, t.. Id:, haw w 111; hot • it • vlln 011, ltout 1111 11.0 1. . P • -: o,er, I :Anus: hitting 1:11 an: bell; EMI MEMMIIMIIIIII OE ME H. t.1..r1 of I.ou ,• 'lO ,ppl, I lot . 1,10 any uttentl. , l, nt , :e p on t•Pflrft ut 11. , tt," 1 ,111 ' 1 . 1 4 OP 11 " 111 11 '. 1. ”• • 1,10101.. On 11l ti! :I0 Lln 11,10 1111 11.0:1:y ultur 1 vatue tUp par, • 1.1.11,:. 1 L. 11,1 i ttLy ~,, 1 1 0, ,p,t up to yro oil 111 , .1 Lir4 rowing up .. I~ tr 1111-1 11,, , 144 1 - .n 1,1,1 wl.,n toil:, 1 0:1 1 couht panp, P/0L1, , t; in; 01 , f , 11.10111 I.ll l lll' 1:1 1 *1 1 .3 1 / 1 •114 1,., kll Alt111,,j1,111). 1- 1 00.1 II 1110 111 111,, rt-utp,:. .11 111 ,111:. C. 00, 1 1.01.,11,4 Norf. C.,u11114. . pot c,, , ,t1 tkop ILlitt 1 coula lt,- ,prot,or of 1 ....A:0:1,- 1044 i A. 'l:rown, , , c.. 1 Quincy, LIIJ,P,. . t011,,,,,, , 1 to ult,tl. 1.0. .o to. L 1,1,•1 .1-.1,11- - 00,01 11..7,Pt-, 110/“OH. • I,,ntrAt 1,21.111•1C0. r...!. , • at,: I. 4,, is T. II:.z.„-”, 1 , .1., 1,11-.. M., 'l, 4. • It _ . '1 t, 1, 17111 1 , 1:. 11. rr • 1. .11 MEE= • • An Art Cronllo , C. nooro Irnr te, Err,- - Lion 01' 0 City nail In the l'lty Pi ttnburgi, The Mayor, Allermen and oat I zewief t'ltt,burgh In purr...coot u re, , ;‘,. Non of CoundlA of Oa°her . 2t , th..1. hove eanttueted with 14 On, Sitar!" .t Go. for thopurchade of u lot of ground on Sulabdidltt Street In sold city, nod purpose to ea,: thereon buiallnkti for city 01 1 1 1,9 ; noa, _ It It nocuddury that. tl.r - cot thoreOf 1,0 provplea for by addltlound toon tion, and It it thot 1110 0 1-II lion of earl bulldtugs d r ldould tI: under (IL, control of persOnS iwl. tuld del to rculoval by rcadon of colliratlOo of tuna Of 011 Ice Ili Malibu, of Connell, e , TION I. /30 It etnactutl by the Senate 11,1 Ilou-e of IL , prtudditat Lvov of Lilo Utz/moo:- a esith of Pennsylvania, 111 general to...ettn lay tact. and It Is hereby enacted by author. Itv or tho Santo, That within thlrty days d‘..,k. the orgmilzall.)a of the Cotutoncloo- ere appointied and orogl.loll for In this not nd a tlartnglt le. 111011th of January to t •:1 tear thelreelts.r. 13,1,11.1.1 Lontinnsioners so ti a to aa.ost not ex....a:dung wigs on the - .lied tr. on an prot.ert , s tt•l ody, and be law taxottle tor state t;tel town ty ion - posta, to Lo denominated city 'gold -1114 tax, for the express aud pur pose of ptoolding I I 1110111 We Into tIC.I.t the provlstons of 111, art. est l tan et al be tottered upon LI/1,1.1,1...6:0 . of ....Id city, to a.noparate column, headed ty ball.llng, anti ehall be,collectett al the toneand In tile .1011/0 itnanneriss 01 hor rite tuxes aro now Ity law collectahle, and LLL Inns now In force tol•Llng to the no:. leollnu and lion of tar,:, In Ulu city of Pitts burgh shall be apple:al.:c to the tune-looted Under this ,uct. The :10,1 Whig u etilleCle•l bo 11 1:1,1 by the Treasurer of 1110 'tit' eoparate tool apart from all ttl her I'o,l, of nut utty..atel denominated "The LW: hulld tg loud," and Shall br appropriated to the purposes beroln not forth, and noother, till s':att na hen...natter pritottled 11.1.41 Mit le Teat houtour tient amount ut mum.,,. ay h boon to pay the porelhow money of tat l lot l of groutot, tool tit.. eo.t of tbo. - lon, co:l -et:UO:1.10. utiii turnu Ishrr the te tr. 11 d d 1.1., an Inchtontal expenses 1 onnoottu ate. /lAllrtellolticr 11,0 I•tillitlrlty barrio grunted shall °case and dotermin..._ ro.t.. Lt. That .1.0ne4 llcAuley. inolrt.t... 1 L. ttl t 14'111tatn Ph:Slips, .1t4r...1 .)1. In 0-0, ,tonti 11,r0, IVIII!ton _t. Lyon nt..l %V iltltott 1101not4, rho.ll 10 . t:tol Are lotrel.ty 0;1;0.0.1 , 1 Cu dIL/11 4, 400turs for the 1/1.1/W313 of 4 - 4.,.., to Into 411'ot:41110 I t'tlocle of 41114 0.21,101111. noottott,ol - I Ito Cont:ol 3-lot ,c 4 cl Lit . , 11toltiltt.;4 " nattl Clll/.1111,1, 1 511 , /a 011,111 111.1 h 1 11, ,01... el Lotntt II 4.1100.1ter 10 Ito . 4.t) of 1 1 .1,101,40 on the 1210 ttay of I.llnrelt..t.. It., 1 4 ,:7, at Int .. , o'clock r 0 , 1111 Orll , llll ll. t l . 1 Ito . t 11,101..0 ono of Invte 1 0 . 0 L., :LI I't, ,14 0,0 10 the It 0,1, too; one otltor I.! 11:• 11 4,0,, r tvi 0131.1 1 ,,51V. 1 1 r 4vidutl, 111.1 51 0 nittjortty of 9014 Counnt,tooner4 .101411 not uttotttl at 1110 11010 na 1 plaTo m 300111,1, 1510 ultt:”..,ortt4,ll...ll..llLt tto.ray nt 0•,0011 to raCt itotl, ns Ito or IL, v o.oy towto pro,tr. :4,4 ,o,,tt notto 0 01 ttto In. tool plOO.O 01 trtett,ttg Li tho jottitnre nutnorizol lo .....0 clam LP.> itrto,ll.. 1 ..t. If 01 nny .00 v. ,t, - :01.111 ft, c., :. ...10.111.ttrtl, tt .. .. r.. 44.0 of I.v I• . ' ,t 1 alty ono of 1,1.1 1-1,1111.1.11 , 4111111.1 1 3 10 sirr, or Ity .1.. 0:41, , -.1t4n04,0 or Do:10,41 IrOn e t I.ov cll v. 0,01 vac 4 , ..1 ,11 !; 014 . 1, ” 0114,111 5 0 Ito 11,4, .1, .0L,: t .,“ 1 . 10 1..0 a; ,i , roval It; Iltv toll:, 01.4 01 e•-‘l./ ,1). 1 ,tr.r. 4. 111111 tontrol,lloner4,ll.tlt lint.: rt,;.. 0. tr 004,1004 :01 Itottitot ot olt t t ot 111, 11l tlO .. tt: vot 0 itto,l., .41.1, Lt,: ttlt.t r t 1.004 1 .44 int ~..t,,, 1,,,, 1, t.r.!• , r, 0, 1 ., lia: l'lt 1• 15...1, .1 1.00 Li• vain .1 ~1 000 itirLr 00 0.- 1 1,- r -, 14 tn.ll,ll:t . cf ttt.:4 - 400.1n:1,0o, t - 1 -1..11, oil,. ttt., .: ;utt. t.n.:.(or Lt...,-, ,14 (P: 51.11,1121,ttt, Ls, nev ....try ;a thy tho powerr en:X. ix! Ia thy lessao :sl‘ n.or of t to! Ma - , .V..lertn: , 3 un:'; .. . Z.: - . turd or Conunlestont,re. .:: tklreruurt b pureon 1 , 1,u t.r, - ; o. at,. tor t, tllr, .Ir,r uy irc.t.ret, .:1;r:41, ult., .I.lk " 1.. 1.1:141, )11,01..1 I• 1•• • ••- ll=l 11 tlttntoutt dull" tottlittcl,l to tteL ur el.,tt :lath el ttle 31., or ut tt,t,:tx Ittcrt:tv ttio tlatt ..11.1 MEM _ ~ 1 ------ 1 :-.:'? „& - i' , ' - -3,, A 7 , , v• fr b: F , i(1 , , , : ,a , ~,- •7 i ' ,',- , ' - V- The Fifth Atinr4l Drtnniu.trattnn -4.lrvitteliii,r, and Precaution , . Wit gave tut C! ,t.d•LY utno. the !eve C , r. ut Airz ,ard. thl , 3 n.orntn,z, the Ikt 8ra,!tv,01,1)./la •rtio4 Itro ••tt...1 lor lo the ctiiti is :ton•Etv cy•-on: wer.• 1.•••:•1 01 00. ,100 t• 1 0. 'O., 001 1 011 A 011 00 0 :1 1 t ,11/.1,:rti. 1 1111 0 on•I 0./o of •••••,.O,t ttte. n ot to ti Lo • -• i , •• I t ~ , o1 tr toat , r. vortoo.,,t.t• y0..1••1.1,y 01 c.oototool 1 Y 11, . . In u. 1,/, • 1.1 y att . ° lza- J. , 1 t t 1 t: : ..- / ,r1",4 tictat•italc:ll. t., al:1 at t :!•,• tL, t::. Ilutrilwr oill• • t:.e.ro to ref, -,11,..1,11.a5./ row LI? tt Lill,ler:rl 11C .1/..! I, /k•:,,,111,.1.1 ,-,,-1 Lau; ut,nltl tell' r I the tht. 1.1.10 1k lrrl I:001140 , y N .y,[.. , tIli• c. 11/,, , , v. 4,11,1 I-. c 41,1 0 ,, 111L0 NVe .1.0 .11,r 15.0.,(041-avv. Non Carpet Star.. and : ...sr Car Peta. 110.5,10. ltnYard, a. Ca., N0...111 - 011.1 ItrUct, 1:.;.t v1e0...:11 and LONILIIO.IIOU4 ritch,treet, 00...0r2.! II nor, 1t0 . ... 1.0011 thr i.rn open loan:- ennter, 1201 . 1.t.:40 11.01 . 1: 13 JUet 1 , 01” ovuLtl. It. 002000003 011 the Inte,t 11012..0- totl ti olli un.l trom the r1..21101,.1 toil 11,212. 0..13 to t pl2OOOO 111,01.2 on.! Littnhlo 10.2nh. 1.10 120..0 M 1.21 0 2/um of la. i • ~: 11, Invlu In Ctn. • hood, 101121 c00:31 221011 0111 2..t.0rn 12 011.1. I , 1.1. Tin: .200 . nint h 2021 e 011 C/201 . 02 , 0 10 tho•. 0 0 tons,. Vi..11:11, 2 , 1 say -urely tutuat 0 0 21" . ie.:lt...A lute, pun:llA,,luo tlrul v. 111 °eta! t.xtt . ,,,,1V .• 1 , , V. J:010 , , 0,...n.ay10 nr, 0.1,15 . 1 torto,es. tiom, ....a.nlng the " :0 LI. tho eavertt.eluent. Sh•rlir Slll,Ol IV,hill,tna C, 11l Ili (o.'ll :if:, the r Uttttr of the wountlo.t. 1 Ito , hrt - 1111Ittott - that It oars In WikIII/1i.1. 1 11 001 1 1 113 . ).11/ e., 41 , -,/11 IP , remove.: to the 1,111 tht, :At, to await III„ b„ii n tm, nI 4 o••II , 1 - .11 111 Irk 1 . 0:111IV. tO %IL 1.11%11 p:01 ,1, 13 . • ,,11 Lounus 11.11/{nlj uur pri,tucrul Cars. bel.aniiltn;to Mr. Me. ibmnl.l. ef bwllz fright • , 11 (11110 -tr... nftetnonnotnil ran violent• lY to the ,treot. 1101.1 01110 bot n then Al.:tune° w ben be fell. (;reAt exelteruent uoOCCailoaed by the erlel 17110;43y, brat dem go my flene. THREE CENTS. The Allegheny Temperance League nleellh, bt,t evening In the North .1%1:n.: M. L. tAlureh. Ite,iltnitato exit, era ttle rot.) , the LA ague over thetleath • , tl , • L •er. Mr. Mamu.a Mender. /1u1t.n.;., Mr. u nut. La utlupted. I:evn. S. Suyttfr, J.•epti Kuur and Dr. emu pb.M r rde: , ton•ut address., upon temper u , a:ler wl.ll‘, the I:wt.:Ctn.: . adjOututs.l. Larretty.—M,..ll.! , zni Grady, llcln4 on in.nn• inlormation Yesterday' .V.•14,.111,tn Morrow, charging Lydia Tlionion, u servant, Itb the larceny of it coat and worth 41 , 1, a lawn ai es-, 411, a mm ICU Wrap LK, a pair of ti,t-ir of gaiters, and a nanno• ral tistrt. .1 ,earns warr,lnt WIL6 tee uetl. I .J }.I•L: •I 11 .1 Protiller.: llcsnrel.—Jorm Murray 1.1 11.:11:,11,C.,:lar r ped.:ler: nod are P rimo they got.lrung.ana Murray, 143 a, ,licgei that Me- Cunha" attaci,,lllll4l. lie wale luforu4ttun :o/d L.atury mmorn Altlectnnu ne.)1.14,,, all, a v. arruut Wals ladued. during temporary ab ,..0 of Franklin b. 1,11 11,, .1,1 not rylt.b.l4o tug,. IC n re1eb.,, , 1 from dim waiag of the oaten by the Cburt. Pre. l.leut of tLe Moulaer, Union nt c ••(1 upon Mr. Urn (ley, f.' the I.'ll. W L!! lotit,,lry, ha we ra In o tent. Mtn violence or rt10.41r1.- A Pam* Peenelser sttys late :lock pay, note stttent.tort to converting , levert-tntrucs ;null t key 0001 tltu courerbunt 01 htalbecs. Tinneh eeeee Setylg - m hank.—For day O: I.lect:on or thim I, J ic see titly , ,taseinent .1.:c0m1 pate In tu-days paper. natigennta.—Seven hundred and eight;- tLler• ~/ula / ant,. Ira *el through Colueubua us Leir way au.. lo,t week. The Leci tire season of the Mercantile .1-sLciation closed lust night. WV: ex tilt itclut us si ill to added. W. A. 441114 ten fenny, 45 Fifth ' , freer, will week-pt out tit'llik9 fur an .April number of 3.114far,11.1”. Tile Gn• Counpnny fa retortlug upon cotuunaus. Not the plpui, but tlau people, Are nunrged tou Lunen. Lock In.—Tliti`qook-ot • compellel tho r .utotrytuou from to ‘ . lock night. still Pcitivilitr.—Tho noonday prayer tnavtln4 held daily In the Fifth street aletti .llsl church. Nitterirr Myers of Cambria county iirieietit two prii.oneN,to tlio Penitentiary i,tertiny. A Little troy named Eddy Baird Netts e'P.induued 1.3 parent 3 or others in Chins. Capt. C. T. nankin_ 11:111,eun appointed l'uvrtuto.ter or `.4"licelitig. lie iv a populur. 'colt 11 , :ard of Trado yo.st pohed the rolopt 100 of the centol system. Will. A. if ntr.t, of Crawfora county, form crly iii Oncriff, deed lost week. linetoris complain or - 00 patients iinuseiquently. the poiuD/0141W1 ho healthy. tinvero:, I•noi.hmen - i for money Li put ng /1110 a,t lit thil time. 'rho ,1.141.1er, of the Fifth .4rl were en I; 111Itht. n's.l Sntrarday xv1:112.• the atualversary e i. !rattle olllncl.e..ter. 7.1.,111 Awnlll. l —Monr,ll curl tight ant to olitala 11. Dan finer hi to receive 4 . 20, , a, for circa pNottuauco :text ne.ea. Atom oa the sit, walks is troL bad idea thoe.: b;lprtry awes. It is the hailers, not the holler =Yana that are Oil clalsd . 14 to be favOreawith the C Atfoodeft.—All Places of mouso- fin nititig . .1.1 leg 11.47 river Is r 2:1:1i,g till. IC, lluu. J. Ir. Moorhead is 112 the city F=! Ssmuel Pike (the Orera House man) been neu.hosted be the Democracy for St.tnlr 12inchillSO. Cues. T. Wirstucla 11 the I epuhlic ui canoblete. Vera Cruz (Mexico) correspondence to the itn inst. a sys that (Earshot Bazaine, on his ti in ft..: tic interior, was robbed ot 43(1.- . 1 . , 1 111.11..a1,11Milian was So greatly an noyed by gut rrtilas that his winter ward• robe was reduced by forced luaus to a shirt, `pair of tiocks, and a piece of soap. Vera Ct %lc o,i, being fortnio.l. n-and dead letters watt, destroyed thein last year. ia the Post totlate Depart ment at Washington. and in drafts enstoseit thereto returned to tel owners. Tic CI , celand second mortgage bond Solders oil not Mtlwatikee and Minnesota hail:Gail have tiled bonds to the amount 1 - 412.0,i55i, in appealing from a recent do cash. to the. Supreme Court of the United A hzelli-atI011” LiSaid to have been created report that the e of Senator Tmence, of Maryland, 0111 a,u Lt reported cai:..t by the Senate Judiciary Committee, ....,....0 ca, ot Senator ratteraott, of Ten- rt fit,/ to thecame limn mit t. to laqulre lay th er or not he took &O oath su , ••••- t C.mfi•Alort,dy.l The enerr.peadent Of the PtittedlelPhtit hed Lug exprested the Opinion Ana . . loynl Inca ' , 'ere afraid hurraft would o•,e_;:ou ur the ruling of J the. Ihstrnrt of Cultnalnd.Snpreiue Court,. flat lull 11 threatened. 'ate twahte Lai contlrmed the DOMICIL fIOtts as Secret rtes of Leguttou of Wk9k lt,m of Loui.,tana, at Ptirl.; • Jotitt Din of , New York, At,b!.xtunt, at Parte; It. hi. Brant, at Lana. and J. A. kraal, at 1:1. aoJane:lu. Peddiudy la expdeted to giro tattle.. rekeerilli,- the text donated him tor the edueation of children Su the South, at a Mooliog if the TrOStet,...f.o 1%0 bell in New York .itielni; the week. etiirplieu, Robert tt. Newell. Dux Ike en divorced trine Capt. Allah I,ease3 iVen• U. equstrienne, who was lately la Part., doing up Mazippa and ptir er "Oen s" affording opportunity 100 or 1,,,,e1f• olle,or Smythe kola is.arveyOr Make. n 13% oportod on good' authority, .4::}w a Now ,peciali Le Ca looved trot, ,t.ce thi., r o,k - , and tao named ot tee:, together with the Natal onleeL'. ,ht to the Senatu by next titur. day. 'fla.: CoLlector unit Naval ad., Will Lc l!calooraO, andelta . - ..arvey,ar a Itad:ral• The 11:K101.1 of pelegutea has pa, iid n hill to p.:l four per font. Interest 0 11.0 •-•.:6:0 huthorl.l.ith; the Nor York Cen• trot orett to Increo, le.. , enge , to tWOOlna-n-helf eento trot tall,, Paned ton tni,d coldlog tbo Nev: lurk Legtelature to -4, et'. Liert'yrostittalen It not faverert by. N 'Fork Mature, the bill tfroYi o‘eg t er a eontutbotou to reguletu the 'so. fyl, Ing been totoulmonaly ropor hod i.,”, I.l,:.e,terday, rouate or thu IS ors 100: Legislature loivoi n s 00l chc No, oltY ultilergroutitt raft , at bin. wlth 1077,071 trvaeurc, mllcd trues San Irancboo, yea. ter.lll3', for Ponoriar. The United States Marshal of Sark Fran t ,ve, Cal., yekderd ay seized the books and p.spo r s of t principal importers of French tote - used us evidence for the Gov, eminent - In ne , rtain Wine ease In the led etates Pirtrtet Court. ten Ilre:sand dollars (1101 throOllloll, andutze , ' , l} to the uttionnt obtained lip Lilo ;tartlet': ho barglariously en, lot the oern of Mel era S. CO. eV. 6t. 1.0010, on Saturday night last. The at. Lout+ Merchant/1' Exelkange have app , drized a cottimiltre CS ton prenitnenl bict ell a nts lett Worley and foal (sty the .•nefit of sr:l7.ring people In the Southern A not , rlou. enunterfiter Germ,Ant erreswet In Memphis. ye•ter. ,• day, awl I. er. routs for New °Os. tbo ernor t th.t State I,3ened reqnl. sitiou tor b:m. in le I.ergasoa, ¢ gambler, wlm recently killed ¢ fireman. wan a., , nztilnate.l la Mem— plat Ca luceday wornlug. CMI:2I • e.? a t of Callo J. and jr . 2 aV.1 .2 13 montoo and n! daYo. It. funeral tall talc ;dace fro= the read.. , or tha popeutS. at !body !Ida. oa Tnrut,nan ....r -rialfo3s, at f o'nle.ck. The (aloud. of Oho Wa lly aro respentflalyluotted to attend. Carrlagao eeI:I:CATO ?airsal s no=naou , - notes? or no, - on t'a and 4 raltateld otrueta, at o'clock. oakViiiklerforti V tz3 pVi *WV II ALES. AJhEN. 172%773 3112ELT.91 , -Iran R. Fo. Tosith .;K r : , rittabaryo. rit. COFFIN'S of Mad, VE.S. LILUVHdy and everl di a-rtptioL runrnd Furfllablott f 1 • 141 d. of. 1 .«1 day 1..1 alg ht.' Hearse fait i•f l, ,a•• fortathed. • Ken, 1 1 . 11.. Rev. K. w. Thum.. f:« Evl.• 11. Minor. if 4, R T. WHITE tri. CO., UNDERTAKERS AND EUBILIIERS, m.ncbt.ter. ♦letnl:T• CDFFIN RNMS AT MANCHESTER LIVERY STA3LE, Corner Sheateld *gni Chertter• at lieatoe .ICarrlues tural.,Le4 11 ILLOALE CEMETERT.—The “1i0.1 . 5-art" • tbr. lavgrst snbur bs.ll pl.rr or f.epUtehrt., except One. In Lt.la o . 74. r4 Pr ''' hu r Attlo ' L '.. .Te " ' l7; 6"'" DEINSEATH& CO., Wholesale Agents MEM American Watch Companl's WATCHES. No. 56 Fifth Street, M=:MEIMMIRI WATCHES; CHAINS AND .1 - 3ErCi7=.7EL - Sr. AT A VERY SIiALL PROFIT. AT W ILL T. WILEY'S, 6 Wylie St., 3d door from sth. jO i ILNSTON & SCOTT, DEALZILI IN Fine Watches, (locks, Jewelry, SILVER-PLATED WARE, ETC., Fo. 474 LIBEHTTIBTIIIO..., Folttial=nza - z.b., AirrartlCklar attention even so A.:Wring Watcices, Clocks and Jimally. All work war. • V . LEGANT RESIDENCE IN . EAIiT BIRMINGHAM. corner of Meadow and 'iamb streets. TIT enBAY Ids ENING. March MOO at o.eh.ck. will be t old on 500004 floor of Cocaine, list no ,e Routes. 1(4 Stvl thflntf stievi that pant re.iden-e in Eat Blrmingtaar. - eurnee of . Meadow and Borah streets. let Is 71 front, nod 1,..•c011ag bars 1.0 (C. The VOT.,Millo:olAlfeet. sire". Ihe 'House Is a new spell and carefully hullt two story brick, with ail incident Improve ments. exeellently a mu/ el and tinlalvd In best taste. Parlor. I nntriz Boon, "Bing Ileoin. and Kitchen ou trot gnat, YU, TOOMS un ccuud dun:, and excellent dry can" under wito.6 Loose. Meadow street-le the reale fro,. street In. Eat. Elrinlnsham, and Sarah street tat onitiann I Woe: from Carson "reel. where the ears:pass norm few chutes. This line • f the est and moit "inane. "mind l'utsinlrgh. end the stove one uf iho handsome" and most deotrab , e relidenres.-- Taux,—ilne-haif cash; balance In One a-4 ewe Tears. Possession giten on no tt of norm. Those Sr., Invited ko exam the premises mli A. Ski 1.V." roINE, Anetlon,r. S 9 49 S 9 S 9 S 9 M 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9, b 9 MARKET STREET. IS9 .li9; (:10 TO .89 s 9 PE. C 9 .3211 M' 13, 1 891 IS9! S 9 .ffailist Street, Isa AND-GET YOLIK I i:,'BOOTS - SHOES SiC• I s 9 , , • iS9 I THE CHEAPEST AND HUT S 9 2.l\T- T.131E1 4= xrx. - 3r - . '' 9 l ~,, NO AUCTION UOODS KEPT. i s 9 1 JAS. ROBB, S 9 Market St.l 5.9; - IS9 .S 9 S 9 59 S 9 S 9 59 59 S 9 S 9 TUE PLACE TO BUY GOOD BOOTS & SHOES cisyma...7 ; xis BT McaLINTO ' S. .7(0.. 92 'Federal Street, ALLEG.IIF-NY CITY.)' BUSINESS pulvs COMMERCE - AI-COLLEGE, Nos, 6 and S tlt. Clair Street. =2 Bwt-Reepl.g, reomans6lp At-Ititmetle, time uhlimlted $4O 00 Arithmetic and Penmanship per quarter or three months 1 • oomsoshlp, per month,. for Clreolnrs or doentssus. address Y. SHAFrrit. or f MeeL.Alhlolo33. BIM DIULEL CLOSE & CO ., Practical Furniturcl Manufacturers COL PENN - AND WAYNE ST$. Latust EITR. of FURNITURE comtuaßy ou band. TIIE CtiCAPF.ST, The ettoptett, The Beet =l== la WHEELERSWILSON'S W.L.11”711 . 1.13 SLIM. Y SALZPROOL 211 , 11FT11. IiTREEI", lel2 BARGAINS L% SE WINO MACHINES. moodlnes. ok.ed but a nhorc time. for isle at WM. bEMISER S 27 Flftt. street i uctC prlcea fe HORSES, CARRIAGES- AND =3l Howard's Livery Stable, First erget, near Monongahela Hum Great attention pliti to buying and. rein i;4IIORT - HAND perfect lriosrlsdpe Of this valusible art e.tht is ten sh,rt sod easy lessons, by • pros tic 1 reporter from Lowish, 'rtes.!. 4.1. pupil [slight sepsr•tely itn.l htahr time to . solt their °ism CoilTerilettre; apply to J. A. [STY. Orrice RUM & MOSER, .A.-2.ILCUELIT3EICPT43, FRUIT ACtllClarllih BUTLIII NO. .1'0t.7 ALA A T. CLAIR hTIIERT. PITTSBISIII:11. PA. Stwelal attentiongiven to the dealgAP.g mad bulltltt, of Court RouttA t.nd 000110 bullalttt. :, 1 25,000 TO LOAN I=l =1 lical Last., bought and bold IMBUE M. rr.rry. Roal rota. &rent. tin. IA tit. T)RIED FRUITS. . bble choice half klaaehes; do qua•tara du: ' 11 do fol at:l do: IZ4 bullt. pride rs Apples; r 0 do do: JUrt. ro.crlva4 au coharolaq,"....j. for re. law the Isaac. BetiOUAXXli a .t. LANG. !I sod 174 Wood &tree pHiA.Nos PIANOS ! !—An entire near stock of KNAIIKL CO.'S rt A Ni 'S. whim Sr.. now constdpred the hest made: also HAIN 1:4 CILLEBICAT El/ I'IANtK. mice from EAV perstaa I wa, ol• drist claws Plato are tsentralnY ta l ke d ••• tall and A na before purr.J.saslag elne.here EIL%RWTTE BLUME, ^'- 4 3 Fifth estre.t. PELTING BELTING er awl liana !Stains , stio. ()urn racking. Hot.. ...Item !Le, of 1, hes& qualliT • 04 re-401.4 prices.. The t...tt quality <4 111,114( Li tre, a en baud et the Keels Hubbal 1 `... 35 and TI bt.. Clair street iuhlt J. d fl. I'ITILLIPS, !LO , ER NEED.7S Busliait •-• rrlme Clortr kieed reraived this Asa, sad ISt tale by rLTZ Eli d .31015TM/ht... corner ilark“ emarirsi Du, 20 00 0 0