DK V- (11)S, TR I ItTlrf I was. INVISIBLE EMPRESS TRAIL SKIRT, TLiE NEV. , HUSE YOU spring, 1867, J. W. BRADLEY'S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (OIL DOODLE SPILING.i SKIRTS • The Tandsona,s , . Kee mint comfort•tesslyte ,Tp! Itartes.ited See ALL YA:4 ,. . lON •Y AA L'LAlso. t_L•e New else, le FARM L. TKAIS, .I.a* WUALLL Red TIP-Tel, IBTY.LES. • . . 'FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. . . .. . AT WllillSF. by all the leading Astion and Dry o.ds He n ses In rlttaboreb. Also, by hole ”vsners of ralcut and Rae Wales !Lanni.. tu crs. WESTS, BRADLEY_ & CARY 97 Chambers Street, EMIT= BM= NEW GOODS OPENING DAILY n&cietin & CARLISLE ,Vit. 19 Filth Street, ♦re opeatng daily NEW ,AND DESIRABLE GOODS. BILADLET'S RSV INVDAIBLEI SLIEF for 1. 67. AMES , MATINEE. DitODE AND' OPERA EDO+, PIQUE AND PLAIN EIDE. .TECTIDAF—for LAM.' onIT. .111• NEW FDE , CD PAPER Ct , LLAIIO and FS •re rJr novtltv on over. NE,T russcii IFFIALESIONE stye. uutpurtr. Lo.rvi—teir BEAD GIMPS AND VEDA 1.41,4. NEW LACE CUIAALiteI. Dealers Supplied El NEW YORK ;JOBBERS , PRICES MitBUN & COLISLE, 39 NEW EOODS! NEW HUE New House! New Goods WDL H. MILLER, Formerly oF E %TON, MACB.C3I it CO., late IT of F. H. ELTON'r.I./ WILL OPEN About the First of April, NO. 64 MARKET ST WITH AN ENTIRE YEW 13TOCICOT Trimmings, Lace Goods, Embroideries, Ribbons, Gloves, Hosiery, • I And all GOODS usually kept In • FIRST CLASS TRIMMING. AND Notion House. NEW GOODS S SIEW GOODS I JUST HECEIVHD ?!..T • JOSEPH HORNE'S & CO.'a Re are now opening a Irrie and well•sefeet cd Wan oat SPRING GOODS embracing tbs.. is no; •ad desirable. 1 ' mlc r'" In WWI., lOW. and A•rn l W VjVr ' l g nO or. - Ud Clcnry Lae. I Write end ANON. , Lxre and Crape Vet!. Oransdine of Tlett. • 33 11 rr a ' stiurg b.dge And In.vrOng. fttll ltne of 1.1f71.N IlLtil/KED.CIIIEYS In rhtto, Heated. Llentstl'ehed. Embrvldered and wl.lch we see oferlon at Ter,. low prlees• Itt.:TTlnnent variety oonalsting of J. 4. (!rorbet d steel. !SILK TUWEL.n, at :43 cents to eln—sornethlne n' igeep r!klrte.!•ertert:',.. • tiett.. Celt • ' , wares and BTRIPED VICINTINU - 1. large •1erk.1.. , int ,-;',TIV;IV,4 and Weal EKY. Vellut.eaa.L.E. it , JOITS, up roars, .111 freed erell ate. hod le . lta fresh Kno.4.,_,Llcla are eg,r to the areee at Liallf.kai eaILYAL JOS. HORNE & CO., 77 and 79 market Street. -I \ -- . AV SPRING GOODS Re *re !rit reeelvlss ALA 1[01524)1Gt• ' .. ' ' lll ? T r lr o , r l l.l V, K s s • t C l7lll. Z l''Z.'.°4;',l,- . es•ta. SolLs liorred•nd Vied b o lo V I* 1.11;ta.. , 1.1••••0 Cambria , ssad i'LLolPl3l7L'rl'l22l:;:T' h r ,l ' e th i;c,..., Lasing I ti•Seaure as , Te..,L. lsel t s JscOnet Hamburg . F10.1.1“ 1. 1. Yr. ell larsb •e sands, 111nL • ty Bands. laCsats Sulbral d,red Robril and OVa Lt.. I.L ('ES. Potst. and AppllTln Lars' awl Va•enels. Matte., I.issy. , bread as , lislyure L,Ol and Edgings. list W.•• Q 3,. 'Th.( all. I,llloy nod Vs . mod. • La., .132orm d,red•tl. Lard I frtn. d 11,•.% NET /11/3130N5. Trlcvalvg and nr•i. Itll.ldon , I. l' I: I,L 4:lr.t. • A d LEX ANDRE SID GLOVES for ... VISIRTP,i II rnrk.., ioolonet Ins Ans. 14 :: r . . 7 - ; Ft:IC.19111 GGOODS. ctoUn 11K • [XI., ALL who bur Lt to Len again. will Can In Wh01r... 3 r Depict • P.n m.oronent, wad as low 14 ICAM rituar..l, mAcilum, CLYDE BCCO., 78 and 80 Market Street. umart, mccAokimems a. co n W 11.).01). C•1)‘ & C 0..) WEIOLICSALEid.F . LLII FOREHIfi AND DOMESTIC DRY DODDS. 2 4 7 1351. c.c.ct alt., Tllyaoase•.bov• ----- jlENnli BEA, Jr., /lour, Grain and Produce COMMISSION MEILCMANT. £Bl3 M.l.laert - p /arr.:sat. PErTSBUTIGH. PA. ARR be i tit L3...XL Xi MT la OV`O 's 5 1 ci s 2g 1 :1 4 72 : a, Ti•Pg t gl g %rail VOA :LtaIIIMII4.I FIN AN CIAL PENNSYLVANIA; STATE LOAN. .ROPOSILS FOIL A LOAN OF $23,000,000. AN ACT To Create a r.oun FORTHE REDEMPTION OF The Over-Die Bonds of the Commonwealth, The• bonds of the Comocorealtia coot Lin eartlnutel of isidebtedoto., omount .g to twerty-thrtie millions of dollars, ❑a, = ♦n6 Entrear. It is desirable that the slam Email Da paid, and withdrawn from the mar.. 1=1:2 escnos I. Be It moded W the Senate and Haut of ReinweJaa:ie. aJthe Commulatrou Pe,:n elinanin in Qtnerai Aa•eMPly ma, ¢.l her. enacted bta tba atsthorily cJ f.), came, That tb Uovernor, toadaor lieners , and ',Ate Tren/111. ME= bertow. on the faith of the.Commonwealtb b accounts and With such nottro. (not less Emu fbrty 6th tticy na.7 deem :not) expei:t • ttie [nte:eeu of the, tecotT.tbree to Of deli..., and Testae eeeilffCmtCl of tome bola, of tee Commontreelth the the eemeti Dewing Intentst nt t rote not exceeding Rix poi mt pei annum, palable eemo-.nnopnr, on he hest of Febrnery and trot of ALK . C.II.. la the cry or rtaladelphla, oluch cortOceteo or man tolAs stall not be cubtret to an/ taxattoo rrltaterer. fur . stste. rauntrlpLl- or local PUfro. • d shall De paldbld•• follows, namely: Fire Uncoil of dollara Payable at any tole artv by,e yet; and within tea Tear.: eight lallitoze at dollara, paiable at an) time atter ten year. and tan Otte. Tears, sad len raillorlo of doilars t awy,ttme after fifteen years and within pren 7-0♦ and ettutl : be rigned.b7 ,he 6c• and Ewe Treurer. wad counterelgned by the Auditor Generaiand reettered I. the btoAs f the Aiditor Geuer}l. ted to be trausfere,le the book, of the Commonwealth, at the F.. NalWaal BA!.pk of I,'lllls- dopeu; ihe,pro-ceo , of the whole of welch Inetuding prem , cams. et ceter. re4ire4 the, that' be applied to the'pophe ' ot of LI. bends atd urliOcates of ludebte4nels of ale =1 EEC. 2. The tilde for the 1110.3 /PI .2.11 be .p.ened itt the presence of the (ivrerzur. Att2l:or Oeneral and State Trea.rer, sod swo.riled to be lalgheaL bidder; FrocfJtJ, Tlant rertlFrate hereby sathorlaed to be Ilsue!., than be ceiotio• =II Br{. 8. The bonds of the Btate Ind eertlecee , Indebteduesc now over due, ehult be reee:•Be bre In bey - court or the rald toe., Underrate Ka I Mations /3 the lioiernor, d:tor General and State Treasurer may prescribe; and every bldder for the loan, now authorised to be Issued, shal l ,te In Ws bid whether the rose Is payshtc ph or lathe bonds or et et:Ewes - of hadebtedr =1 Exc. 4. Tbnt .11 trustees, execUtor....l,Mllll4 Liston , . guardians. sicnil, tre.11.1,1". et.,slcalt Wes, or otter periods, holdlng In a nduclary pica,. bonds or cent:tosses of Indsbtodoses of the Bute or motley., nie eutherleed to hid foe the loon hereby authorised to be trtued to surrender tbo boo& or cortltlcates of loan held by theta at the thee of making tech bid • a to receive the Wads authorized to be feasted CIMINI Sc. I. •n 7 person or persons standing In the Caudal . ) capacity stated in the toorth sectloa Ittas act, who may deeire to laccot money la their bonds for the beneet of the tenet. rely !Omni •ny order of court. Ineest tbe seer, In ate bond. .Inherited to be leaned by Otte net, at a raa premium netts..needing twenty per fah. a: That from and after the hstanage or this t, all the bob deoftbis Commonweal Lb shall be fate oft la the •rear •f their maturity 3., 7. TbLI s.ll loans ' of ttll. Commonwealth ogles dab..nat se elempt from Ip_tafe. meat. ' _ eigst or local tazetlon, after the intoreet due Tebrusr7 Bre. one thoeiend eight inii;itdred one slaty -n.1'01", elt•II bore been paid. Bic, I• Tbmt all er.l.Llng lays, or•portloce thereof. irmtnesteat hcl4 , orlib, ere beretry re- I=2 ',PAIN P. (,L&5 Specter of the Dote of Etyrtaut.tiv“ Dpeßler or :tie ElDelto Approved the second day of Fabrnari. one tbsonotad eglit buxartd and otxty-seven 11= 2 /n scoardance wite :ea rosislon of Um st.ovo aet of Assembly. seslea proposals will be recoil en at the:el:Ca at the ?:ate Treteuret• to :no city Hurlibtrz, rtnnulra.La, until 1: o'clock. N.. of tbn lot day of Apr A. D., Pol 7 to De eadormed lelltreav —rrootf al. (or sylv.nt• Ntat.s Lcsn," Ttrasury DepArtultu =I Bids vrlll b recell,l far $5.000,000, bumble In FITe years and payable yen 49,000,000 relsbaresUle 12 Ten 7csrs 11,1p57 .Lie In liners yesrs: and 1110.000,000 relic bumble in liftecit ears awl n t7-Flco year. rgls ate of Inierc, to be '3 or 6 pet tent, per mint TaintLt oz. 1.211:tt4 stated Ir:the bid, end the Li a 01.le, vantage°. to the Rat< ace”ptt4. "'lli be couller - 01, be MEM= bosid”rili be !maned tri timu 01'1 , 30, and gun high, runts as dc.lred by the losers, to to tree torn Mote. ltd mnn I tips! [Alt I • The ore? due bond , tLo Commonwealth of etittql•tilit Ili Ce fettlrei al par In payiucrat of tbls loan, but bldAere mart SM . . whether they ib.nd to PIT In IMP or.lntbo over dot 10401 ll= Ito distinctlem will be madb between bidders paling ti earl or onr•duo lour. JOHN W. GE.A.nri =I JUIIN P. lIAILTIIAtirT sr. VAN, 1 la japer prtblLlllng the &bars, luau§ attbsrigikl. w1ll , r0601• 6 1 4 7, refit . An 1:,,,,tr.e1. , tis ram-Ils. SPECIAL NOTICES. r. ' iti li 40 , t.... , n, t. ._ Willie.. Enalth, an elle:1y ran.n,vvr.olro - I . k. ' 4.1...: 1 •T: 6 1tt .. , b /5 4. 1 • o, '•''' tt. ' ' ' c•I :..: .-17c,,graltt.Ing la JVlt•ittteny, waont. .f" . .lk CAIIII , TO INVALIDS. 1 ! "i,..,‘ , .... - ,' , t , r. , . evi•141 , ., ,, , , r.t! neek* ' , c . ~,..t w hi; „7„, „ . ! —• 70nt1.1 tt ut.L,lv. •:,•••.M.••,.. t. v- , •.+T!'•• ~ • . it 1 r olt.t.l Amt Mr, . t .....:1,,,t0 ~, .“ 4 i,,,,,,,, ,Lu,, , „.,,,....,,,, .. Iscov,r7 , l • rate and 11=0 , i dutv. , 1.“.4•7•1tir) . . 4 ,11 . - 1 , 11.1ts 1.1•1 . 1•••:1., r, .., , ure. t . Ner . s . . , ys We e11a... E•t,s Tur.spAly, MAII,2iI 1i1 . 01...k.: - C.. 0100 01,, 01... the ts ; .3, The !Sew SO4O tlnt er Ite•• % Orvaas. and the whole t rain of dtsorders hrouselate retie hi, !unitive fi.ohlr e ere " z " ` td bsbari awn- Wn are renitii,ted ,olt. jtfl 1,; f ' o. errs have been already eery,' br I. noble rem et-, din sof the new I 911 erw.l ewe! Laws nie efe brews , . t.^-hr adi Ors:. e s a e at thy whom IL Indy roncerds sty -diary.: ti-..eknlnd. lie Y.., Meo- ane :Ir.:oil:mate. I will rend the rseltie for. bad. 71 net :ssestoe H od soney: them wit, paddy to rit- reet.artess and min. taedhinsi. In a sea m . wer owsi , noel pansy le, give hl. wife *hll :0 4111 y eno.. raw, v.• 110 V 0.1 100!. itt the dews!, . : e ar •••"'-` ' h° 7 .x.0r •07 (i.e., to be worwlen r s :an liy .7: hr. blseuts wite, /Mayne. Please •aelos• pcAt-paltlintvereloye ~r,•%!,c0., ,1 ..rk,re, Or other ni tiele locked lilw i.oihr, .vii kill a scree aibirnwed to rOurselfi s ok,. ny hew to tax, from a caw:, b trrel, ilhoel' 1,/,:/ 1 / 1 :// log Ids lie d, toter-' .Aithe•l .MM.P.PII T. INMAN', • c; - tr..; kdne, hearing any or the sudrks ' 100,100. 1,10 0101 W., IWO 00 lb hont• N. by law, or mat .. leil utreet. Ile via- eoloyersily suture t that ho for yr oureortir.7. So he, or des: e l...l to hive hae en:Woe:l In the !loose unta yesterday , , BAIINFIILL b. CO., such war immedadtely when when he name wen, Adder:win Y;•lln.ote , ; eneh raids, barrel, or package being outptlil, 1 MlO.l Lt1..0 .1014:1 011,/ to etfa•:u BOILER. MAKERS and obtiter.u, nu.',6 or 1 Mityy Ara ^too te ins yes, and assault brawls; :Mil any pereon !did, ehall vhdate and baLlw e. .191 an, Lied. i ! SAD this shall he lithte Inn penalty of • tea doll.. fOr offence; hod noy ewe: Takeo thee. lak e carrel, Or park., :rose hints intl.: SHEET IRON 'WORKERS, ntrlc• sire .not sO inkeed wad ea /11 re/11 required, shall Kahle 10 /I/I (chore, Not. 20. TS, 21 and 26 Penn St. and nosy be selred hy wir ofiliser of lido: mil revenue whei ever founll. e55.,...:3..1nd be If further 'wicket. That to c.yi idly bond under which any dletiled i•pirlts shall listvii been withdrawn from bonded ware house Is forfeited by failure to torn:-her prOdueii at the proper thou the evidence it:quire 1 bylaw or [egoist:son that the aytielye owned le thy , biota were duly received and actually stored la the Losueu or district tothey were s lily or Sty other breach of the old:gallon. thee obligor, In 'lite bowl shall pity the total anionsit. of duties upon the art tides 1000 , od under this bond, together with fifty per Orupon that atnountsaml the eollyet or 01 the triet in wldch such bond la or may lio given mdy forthwlthlllstrain upon Any propotty, rind or persoshd, subject tO dietraint or tielr.ure, belonging to ohlt. aors, and Soca.. sewn pew Oen)" vis o •In ' found, the eniluetor ' :all nuntodiatiily fnr ward tee hind to tho t•utteit Si At, 11 nit Of ttorney :Or ilu proper slat, and nib seu of [ ` lto broach of the otilketniu of: any sods kind shell be forthwlti,torwarded by collector of the riot to the Conamseilort of Internal Rove. , 35 Anil be it furthr,en,:eted, Todt .y - pi•rsen who shall aril, give away Or oho,- who Word. of, any empty 01,4. lino or boxy , wha•h have .0101 elaultied, without Urea defacing . or destroying iseetiftl.ool ,., , or o• convlC r bile i 1 . 1 ,1 1, 1 e 0 5 .1 . . r I sa at r rte i c lea r e ' 0 11 0 :11 '. 1 0 . : 0 0 "' II ; ~s :i b i r l , l :lVo t ' i • pimally Of ono hundred dollars or to lin • prlsoninent. nos exacts:log sixty days or !with, In the discretion ot 01111, WWI I the coseas of the trial; and it. shall c a law I ul for any cigar Inspeetor or re cancer to destroy uny empty clone 5100 span tacit a '1 cigar stump .hall be found. "larder Ist Sunny 14111 County. The lhat [grille Joherug of saturdaY a esterday Afternoon about three o'clock Mr. Witham Littlehales, Superin tendent of the ti lot Cartnax Coal Company, murdered at a lones . port 100 of :the road, mur has re.thlenCe itt this Colliery, Glen Cartgal,Case lowns4. lie had drivers front Pottsville at lo`illock, to a sulke, and tltuar...ill4 lay in ambush, expecting that he had with Mtn a large amount of money to tie used In paying 1110 men at his colltery to-day. 1.11 tits they were mistnlsen, : for the money wa, lett In Pottsville to he taken to the Lumen T.lttlehulex had lie hulney with lam. One ball ced Ms head. another Mx hreast. Ile :n :::to the road front hi- slake,looo, hero the I murderer. , s. artho.l isely, Inhlng Irvin It laa reNlO cr. Mr. tat:whales as ahem. forty; eals of o.ze. Il l vr.rperrato,s4 , : th, vet innider 11.10 MIR litlWll. /1/1 11111 1 11/11 . out atter......n to hem Ott 11,/ •11.111,,,1// /1/1/ /1400 not ieurn.l nuy 1i11,14- t . tonal 'thin frost n..1.r.1e en'et 1.11,10.1 ththat ther r, e. In GI, coa..ty prof. etnel for I:te. or p:o, , ,nts (1.1 p; t`l. nAntis or n , 511.F.113 that /UM,: It. lit•li,111 , 1 ilhoure. i.e adopted at enc.. establleh n von., o, he, tee the pro,etir , 110: von., Tne t. c..oi;erule. nLy Ine,nrea drive 111nn ear ,n.int7 the mutt:ere,. an.: co,)berl :11/ ..Gura not thn In., of 1111,1e:tie.... /1•/1" 11•14,./. t 11•1 1/.0.11114 11/ 11. //111.! l• 10011 a/.,/111, uoilLaly poyL L.:n:11114 , d In tin. 0,...1111• =1 T.-10 1"1:11:olvIpatif hos Ito, r- , 11 0 ` ,1 “C or, • .tut , Jrct tli t XIIII.O Of tf impor tonou nuotn,just 0$ b.,/ OS the present c 0 . ,. soop • • of I h., .t.llalralty !.• t arderr,l Lila tn. , 11.0 in a.v b.t.:••ct- Ina itt.ul 0,1 , 1 , .-• , •F. •i. • taale.l +r! the Itot •.1 n • at ; rererat , 011. . rrrd !row Its arc, Ira 1.1 natt - ,110 a ; tor n •!. It t., 111,, Tt,ts 4 trial 1- Bata a ilcalta arl oltc anal hey.. a.• ...W.-, Cull • %Or, ti not ra.,l:;, - aatallratal.• Is, latge For tata,aar a•r a•ao,lal , onu asit of the:teal rioOl L•• In twraly rt.ra at 14..,r. It ill a of sola:lna twat ta,l ,1.. Info , la° flatly 1.1111 r•;•,••. until May ran 1...3 v.:,aq] 0,1,ty. raetnlila tbe h;;a , lv••rval prrtervneet It :a, lover talwr o.,laire..ttolls on o.Cronn: '.l ony :!,111.111,f luny .00ty. rar t.da 111,Int•a•tIon et o.t.a. ntl 110111,10 a1tr..•17 plan', :ha natat 4.1 , 1e , 1 In r•nnc‘a,tra.. ....-I..olattoantil odor Of antwa.a1;........: u colnp:ately re. nr until 11.0 zonteat , c•I Ina pa, Itll 4 , .rtlrrlng, Lava an MCOI rva,laa. Far n•••• [ha .0 ar,‘;‘,.• quantity r.aparral for jo , r.On 1.1:1 ahnut alt c,:nve If Coo air I-101.0 ...•iv.trete; 1 . I gal., of potia.b /, 1 irelerre.. l • antl far .1 , 1.: rant... It , groat value In .1. a.r.•••d. lag I'..' 1 • • fo,lar of , xpectorut , t rast.twr la ce:utln ;..ulr;onftr3' Heavy llobbery. Kin., el Snyder , " 0, .or ttinmti,rl,7,l ro,nty, urn:l.g, huntliel and ilfty dullarf for the ,occt or). o: fcc hun , :rtel iiolian , tu got , . ien :rem him. M. K tni iwi° tf tiOt certala when the role eery wee cottuottcl, hut thinto , Occ urru on the night of the Ceth of February, from the fCcc tat nu 'bt night hinaßcif en, ette h uet wat. e lngr uctll Into the fc leg mortantr, a itch circumatence, en enc.- mil. hot Them to ,elpt,ol,l :Let ti..) Mot heel, drz,ged l,y oarrotici' Ti!e mono.) . Aolen ormAkted 1.,f eight 11Cit FleM, f which Was mark,,l K one ah, piece, Icrigo , ••31. it.;" the remain.ler to Were, of btu, #.5, 4f 1,1 1 / $l. 11111/11113.1 to nit tire huntlre.l dollars. EIMEM In the Court or,Cuntution Floss, yeii:crilay, ./infiry iitriani on tile or thy panel jurors Ta1;01 to anss to their natuYs, Hereupon ii. 11,10 of thirty dada rs Wgg tm poggg.l upon each and attachments playini lu the hand., of the nitcritr to rnicl ll,l tentiance. The Courtst..innot IJ:4.ll:less without juror, alit thrian el: r, :I to utlrud aft, bang :eat/tally drawn Alyl duly sal/4- .00yd, nut thug discharge ft ant) , ryquiriol of .I.llltrle3o lull, pay the imid.lty. Thu names of tint, for who. at tachuainit s gtglrgi W 1,1! topge.. Thutnlg Kerr. Path ard, and Itubcrt plan ter, NW , ward, Fitts burgh; It. F. reinter, First wart!, Intel I.gynt.,r, Fourth 000 , 1, Allegheny; andOeo. Cass, Ohio township. =I TOO Lirriper .yr.: A •CIT lienenclal act Lac reCently If an reporl,l to thn Masaw.:llu , intla 1..;1111,t , fr0, 01.0011 pro video that proprietor., of 0.1 1 ,110 111.11 ocattre au1,1,10 and aafc to pr.;- ot jail and 111111, In ca,ff .alat In or oar,- W In= t'..,7;:t{:•.:±','"fr,';'prorffl:.ll.,l,%',:i'ftil,fl:nt naa,acc-wity nutty, 1:1 , .• fa 17 eit•,•1111 111,, aro of ,Icla 1.11, and :1:1 14 01 ed ron• troll to tan ordar, if,. not. Ir , .m 110 L eXCOI.OI/11g honart, itoilard, ',hall 1,0 111111,eti. 6,11, , •C • iiel• la innd , It frl.,lfflloo more craentli tnara the croaaffag of poop. In 110111 fro. wlitnli Lne mod , . Of acrena aro harrua• and. =I l'elroluntu Fuel • 15'o read, •iitys the c• 11 tar Or . .110 .01,114 Or VIM F 1,311111 intattnte, very fn . . oriole nr count...A v tic itnorovotent Int y tondo I.:, 1 C. J. trialiartiarm In contit.Cil , a tubaubject, wlitull 1101104 ellittly to conslat iniiniinctlgn or sten.° itniong tilt- IVOIt1,1111.11d,:,y1/14,11.4 Or JIM 0113 wt../ tn. burniint, u silent it InUel larger Lilotniinvitient it tinn int front OW Ulf r 1 volatile tirtkluctc. Itni venient.ti of 11 liquid Inel la. to !Nally ,tlty Mt, .1111 It 11 1110 i. Ith t R . :01.1,1 1110 re.itinnlo economic would tin try uarful unit Important, Ttrofttr es retrelnao.—it. T. ll' Into, a liv• Or - ttanle acepor In Ancirliony, tniolc tunic. tnntion yr..ter.lne Annirman taro. cinti wing Daniel Sectilin .Interlki,t/1.11,1Cr l'a,cl.l;cr It-t 11• way, it', ll'. that Stroll' Itire•l it carriage of 1,111, to ito to Inl.wrly, itici c•it eta: Una 100 nowt , .11 w.•! to work_ !tic:t ell tint %indot. of the a:Lill:Lac to piwett, the velliclo to the amnion; or a vent y• fl et, d 011.1.,. A Warrant WWI V. 9110. • -- - Another Areltlent.-11, Cohnoblo in ntrant ot tett:lnlay tat• Yetterday !nor:, , , (Ili, tru t h mule no at nteahenvllle to ft cUn 211 f, pas:angers ot the tran: ttliat• at itatilln'a teat. , on The: 'nay evahtnit, 1-na na:'.lntr the 4,0.1,1:went t tune, be yon.l NlCAitik, a a heel or the bagine(e' ear broke and lineal rotted 11..11 tilt! ./tlia.111(- 1 . 111:11t. T.) train tollrerol no other lit)ary, end outer a t• tle.ay 5t.11,11111 tet to Ca:i nnate., arrit init here at II o'clock' A. • A linr.lnerabb , lng: 4 . ..o.—C.thorMe GarrityLy, Mry 11X0r1 tool lirhl get oiv en+lit ifurdralild ion] 0:1 natitlay ;rest Into u f•trnely se hula. e, hunt., ya I hat till Other two attacked her, heat her uliOnt Ills head find loco, tool cut her rpCO eon Wierobl y. Slos liceordiculv une le Infer-. 1011.11011 for 11111011' told buttery tooorii ittriaolin Lynch, ioul warreula were trout lielreit.r.l.—Jainex Manning . , entenaltted to jail by SfiLyla McCarthy. for awvatilt and battery on his lie. :iamb Manning, W 11.5 ycoorilay released on ball. lobe Kohl deverter, from the Unllctl 510105 army, 0 .a ytetettlay delivered by Warden WllllO,lO bergeant, 0 . 110 is directed by Captain rnekoy to transfer Itlto to the run dervoue. Auditor General. li3= 1=13221232 The foiinv en.lry Pretence to 1.1.0 , re ',Urn over y. r.volvr tilelle t" - :,111rILV Joke Dikan, 1 , 110},11 6.1 SIX on mth., John cchevior, lereetiv, one yrer. - John In rec ot Olt:Groot Wort. ern (j 1111, ., \ n itro Anrnenni Oct.r 8...L1/1. Wu,' Ilatter} . Intent 10 kill, thriiii MISCELLANF , OUS TEURIEILE CitASIL BOOTS AND SHOES AT.)'. pl:vr ug TI VOll spy i:oo 'r TIIN Si r 0 . . 4,1; ifoota, Lup trion pmor, bi fling 11.75, re dur.,l from ,Frbm Lout, sowril, trrduced (Too+ et IN. o tom" Itolboi .1 Irmo mo, b I.bliniimls, top sole, reduced I rom Nl n , Pibotl i mom's. Ing •eil !ram r:7l .raw .l. om La n .• 3(5u . . L. .. - tottl les' Frstmla (um) bats Sk iltr4 fetbscsd P.m :4..2, La, e • it,: I a'• ,slttzt:tr.7.trOttesti (LOU , at Mas, ml.lug rstlust , l from 4.2 • ENTIRE STOCK AT GREAT REDUCTIONS 26 and 2 , 4 Fifth tit., rithbargh ! W. B. CLAPP (Sr. CO. COOKING STOVES, No. 235 Liberty Street LEAS PEIIRIXN' (7211_,M133111LTMED WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE ~...• ,c.,.. .. vt ..i EviitAcr 1. C2YIISSEU;S• at 1:1L ".:. ' •' ' ~.', ' '.• ' •v I: :::.-.. K. . 1 ))1.1 , .0. , 0 ME' ... ,..:,:ii. , ,,,. !,,,. ' , ---"': 11...';','":: , I : E ,' ~.', wiz.: ii..2•l•7. • eite 1.. '.. i' -•- . .. .... I. F i: . .....t • • j • ' •4 ! ' • " :%'; ' .i 4 2,9 r. ,-, . , , • ,,, r ,• - - ..i ' . :' J.. '" c... 7,. .. ' ‘.....• 1: ' 'l2: 1.1. - .• I t y ,V,rct>. . , './0111 NON%. 6t.L.',.'1% FOIL Mk:L.l3 TIM MittIIAVIS [ION EXPRESS COMPANY. CAPITAL, $20,000,000 I= Our Xlerchants and lianufacturers. CAIIEIIESBY EN rnEss. Money, Valuable.. Freight and Par cell. of er mace than 13,000 ' , lli 11, Of F.NpreS4 Line, at /Stitt and liberal yearly In Expi CA% shippers, and can be made permanent only by their liberal patronage. This We hope to meiil and re. ceit c Office, No. 145 Wood '&.,troet, I%M. LITTLE, Agent. NEW SPRING STYLES. AIcCORI) & CO., 131 11'00/i STREET, I= A SPLENDID SEOCIE OP HITS, CAPS IND STRAW' GOODS, At Very Lusi,* Prices HOLIDAY GOODS. A 1 . ! A AaL iii. _O BIL 0 Z E,GILT, 2arbon Oil Lamps and Ohandeliers, Lamp Trimming4,',&c. L'"I7Z JOHN ROSS ez. CO., I.oitillitEY & FREW, Hiarnehm, SU: 1.1 nr^11:! hry No. lOWeod Street, o+,o , InAtEuni! Ai:cr 'H l; VA UTNE:W.I2IIP E11E :111 !a-ac ty 4'rts Ursulrid Jalivary Ist, 13G7, m MUTUAL CONSE!.T, A. M. MA ItFli kr.l. Intl rent In .!a !I to r.., , n 4 p+tter:.uUr Mlle el.•ll4 , int th. 111 nu , t IEI NVATe.I: ,T1:111:1. A. M. 11A • . I" THOMAS ROBERTS, (Lat.. p.oHnitil, M,rI . ,,IUneN !. OF Tin, Copper and Mitet Iron Ware, NO. GI Nlll-111FIELD hTItEET, •:••ret. Ptliowich•liaa • rnr•temt. on Ilan p•ner4l utnrtrvellt utter 71.r.tr4 Ml'• 1! 3 111, , mcn awL 1.. tall. ;Plr";;LuneS‘' 13EGGS, EMI= GUNS, RIFLES, PISTOLS, Hardware, Cutlery & tiariity Goods, No. 3 St. (!sir Et - v.! 24 door from tht DMl3r, PITTSBURGII, PA • Annunt , tnn of oil %Ind , errayn on Lend. ' linos a-1 , 1 ri.tols r,p•lr , .1. SCI.Jr3 and 11. ra wrouzi,l 31.1. punkulfc bladtXfia HEAVEN, Candy Manufacturer A.h.l Atr.l, In FOLOLION AN) AItEILIC62I FICUM, rIUILLF , d, NUTS. 0t... 10. 112 federal Street, 5000nd door loom th• firm! Nation* 1 0.0k y jalb.3AskillENT VITT. PA. 11,71Litisectsied • larwe yard and Turn!tiled It .an the mo.I. xpprovt..l mechtnt , T.. , inre pre nf.ed luxunh.cture every th.,rthttodof 8011. crii in the DrEt mantle and area tea t..dual to any tn:t.he In the Country. Chimneys, hrrecl, tog. Flre Bed, htenm hocoutotivti holl ers. Cond. übern. ealt Can., Tank, t 1 hllll, 1 1 an.. llolier Iron, Bridge, 1 1 • n., and at . .. Inan .I.F.uratturet• of 11H.. 1111.1. 1 S rik.ThNT 11011.1,1 t, Ito.nnhing .lone on the nhotte.i• nth., 1. n!exi HUPERIOR COPPER MILL k SMELTING WORKS, • - Pll - 1'8111111(1 11. PARK, McCURDY & CO., atanufzeturcrs , f elleathinf. Urset , s' and Bolt pt tr. l'rrest , l Coppet bottom, t4tlll 13ottt,cts, Spelt. r Alto Importels and !',..alms .0 Metal., Tiu Plate. bllt•tl.ron, Wire, Constanily on la tud Tinter.' siselnlnea and Tools. ti art.t.oeae. No. 140 visorBlity-t:r 5,120 STREW', l'lltsourtal. pr orders of Capper cut to Ent dralred Pa,ttro• ntyl,c3.l:JarT - 4 - 31011LNSON, ILEA & CO., (Suess* ors to ItOntxPon. 3fltila a Itim-raso WASHINGTON WORHS, Fonsldormind Mlachll3l4ts,Pitt•buryh, Manufacturer,. of Bost and Vtationary btraln ltdoinr•, It Engines. 31111 Machinery, Gear- Shafttag, ('a•tingl of .11 detcrintionst (MI not. and nails, lioller and bleat Iron Work. inec: No• 1,1 corner Fleet and Inn:thdatd tits. laragants for OIFYAIt Wel PATithiT IN hollers. 1.11,31 ME=M r" - 75 1- 111" MEDIAL INSTITUTE run NPECIAL CASEIN, Pao. II Mond Street, Alms York. yallinfornaLion• wI tbtbe.tipMatlaattmantnta , also, I, 'I: on Sitr , Dtsen,a, Ina • eabTe. evnt frau. ,p•r: r be u, gurtorr and • wirl '7 r""- an .lciart. v.. rail,' /mi. ;tit b o ,1,. atranicr bank' trdat ' ad. 't • ~tamt• n.l • Ir •c c to HI,N4:F.. No. II ifoallattaa3ta'NewiolVlLL. (ARAVEST MALADIES o y 011 . 1 if AN It FAItt.IIOIT - Id Holm —Hood:AIM AtlnOCl A ['ION Y-wW Al W. on rnytlolody elite Vaolons. •n 4 the Erna.. *lwo, Ilowaset vwcutlar to LI, first a.ot of tnsn, with It.port. watt,. wlrtltals of trw•ttnent eno,r.yrd In tilt. Odstittiown. twnt In t aled tr to, frwewf mowo. Ad too. Or J. tloCtitiToN, How sr.! Nik.RCHANT TAILOR ~PItL\G bTOIK, N ri,rl•ll2, • LAROX AND COMPLAT I a MOO TOLTII . FI A D I'IIILDREN`A CLOTH iO. I= GRA V & LOGAN, No. 17 Mt. llalr HENRY G. HALE Cf.r;. liVt Alb ST. 11.111:1;1S. NEW SPRING GOODS, t• JUST OPENED, 131=1 All the Novelties of the Season, I=l Tint-Oats Merchant Tailoring ENtablislautent W. HESPENHEIDE, lilereliatit Tailor, No. 50 ST. CL AIR STREET. =I and on , r •tyle patturns Rot cp to the ,•tc4t AUCTION SALES CONFECTIONEWS STOCK OF TOOLS, FINE SHOW CASES, (outliers, Shelving, Furniture, DINING WARE, HORSES, Haleness and Wagons, ' Ari Cr.L'l COIN, The •ttert•lte lane': or 'MINIVER IlLotlll,l trc Crr•Jr. slid Mlattag Salwnt. will h., OnWednesday.lTarcli 20111. nrirqt •t nlnr trrialt, &nit e.tralntztrilt wlthout iritt.rmtsstr. - .1 during the emir.. T•L St•relsl sttyntlon I. 41, ,rd 1.1 the C..tut.rt, , t,ety itt..• ar..l, Ittalch trr, 10.010 ll•rht• r Tablet. Xs t•&r1 iJI [tu r n 14.414 CRl,et, titular..., 4.1 tnx.• • •••.•.. ts, Ott .I.ltll. Wardro!te. Feat, Mirrors. ttittr., Iturrxt,..rolict 1,1. ,rt..l, J1,111.e. T. te-s-Tatet.. Car. eseatt_hatra o.lte•rtarr. ( . ..ttic tt, rt, Math 80.1 M ,Lry tr °J• &tot • utt,... la Muta e i Hart.. 11111 1 , of f.. IlatAr. T... I'. dltr t•Jorifcc2l at..l r M.. at Arl. 1.1., i bare. t v 'tr ”yr, , ttro Mt &x -ons. Meru.. os. Ar • Tt rm.. at pa,. A. LEG OAT I% 1101USEIAOLD FLILMTERI. ETEMAT ClOO, 011 HESS MOCCIR, Nor shirting TO Buggy. Carpos t &c. -ELT , .0 .:Cr CD WIG" DS, On Saturd y. Morning, March 23d, ...1:1 h. •n , .11. at (Ls •ealdooe , of Jr. No. No NV•alltuf.too .trrat..l..lcioopy City; Th.r,lre po:er, Ilb rsry. lot room. chair, tor awl Run tor, all or w1,1r4 • u_art) na , f, ef •nd wltb an. ar,of eer. la•ge mirror., re••• •. salt, 91.110, AC.: oar., .IL-extr. J i Ina bares ~ a.,ll.siaoda. tatoks. *l.; ta,...try o.rc - , •rid Ingram ear. V..nrtlan one-i.orar tort tle. elll In( tot. b., 1. caltioir a it. 1., L.. Ira mold can be ae..•n at ti, I '2 J.,11N U. HAILILV. Joao,. MANIMMI I,t! lILE 'MANIC STOLKM. .1, —T,V. EVF.NING, Blwch et 7, k.• P•rou.: LOIII.IO I. 1 , 4 13 btren h.1.1.mal Dank. • • 1t41.1 I•ltts , urall C canons . . Fort I L Nallor , • o; 7, 1 Ran), 10 411 rt • +lrat at , tunnrn hof Al Ebv 7 l7 . enxt,tt of •. , arco tlll, o. hIt,II,WAIN., Anr, DRUGGI3'I . B GEORGE A. KELLY & Wholesale Druggists, 37 Wood Street, OPIVM, 10111 pit roTARRUIt, Molt V RIA, CIiI...IIATA TOT ,ill QUININE. HR.'S! ToTARNUSI, it ,,,, , ,,, R Esurs, NITRATE bILV CR, • NTA~DARD pit4.4Sl DASILA•0111 JAMES T. SAMPLE tf A VINOHT TIM. KELL KNOWN DION. litilintt ON Cult. YEDEltal. AND 110111.180 N ALLEUti 'I, Will keep ouLana a f ull asanettneut of ankh:ids of 3Z1114.117 4:31-18. .thd whlrh will he sold cbuther than any other sae to the two pales. prosertption• ,are fully prepared by t brat. COM &pietist. a 1 11 th kl n.d. lsoleliktYobiEflYmPa FANCY Want ne#l SCHOONMAILER & 8051, J • Pittsburgh White Lead Works, PURE WHITE:LEAD,. BLTIZ LE.6I) 4160 LIND IN OIL FUN. rA23I. .1:. It•UIII.L8, No. 67 FoortbaStrame. On Italy. di. on steamer '"""'''""L'AtlTAiroiMitii FOR SALF. Farm Alt of about SS acres in Union Townshtp, itat it. l'a...altnate shoot four miles from eg gate cite on the two [W Washingt ig stri.k 1/won Pile Toeelllng hnpr oßout k• nic wht, ith I a spring Route, a L f - aerie, Ron, s large !dim , r ROom. • ,No. I F.ati.a Bank. ram. with etabllng ...facie , for ,tout Tere la • fine Young ',chard, coin rising - p al2•Lres. stoctod with the lentva rieties of fruit. trees. ills all underlaid with coal. The lend Is in shire state of wail watered. fetters good, and5...1,1.111 11, InltAbly for dalre Or garden:rig hurt..., Also. IT% wre. salotalcm t Ds with • goon Trame noose, Carriage good boring Rouse end other Ost-nallallnest with • good ttr. raid to tot bearing eahiltion. This Wene le also all underlaid with coal. Alau. 12 seers adlotnlng the r, untmerov- C.I. for gals low. Tide place le als o ,ll underlaid with ce.l. The anus. tbree pivots or prOperte hetween Little dsle Itan and httobarerlhe ro•da. and the Coal can be r anhed neatly from tther oad The coal alone le c worth that is a[ std foe the •ntire pruperts. Aleu Farm of 113 items, situate In tit. Chair towiALlp, Weatcoo,land repent,. . tuned!.' t h e line uf the Farina. Railroad. The lin provemetits aro • Iwo -story Frame 1t... with Ova rooms And good cellar. a Frame Rank tier, tOO.II (set, and other out-ost.dings. Thkre Ie on the Warr gird Young A pthe Ll:timed: IV act's. cleared, Laladre In good Rub., atl • (coring ren l ern.- Ifrgac.L.;!..."e'ou'orz;ide t"dt.L: achoo.: sou blacksmith chops. together with the personal property such ea stuck. Implement , . grain In the ground. Sc. huseesiongiren Dame diatelY. • Argo a Farm of le acre, situated In Penn township. Weattooreland enuotr, Fa.. adjolz.- Ina rape•llle on reap's. Railroad. on witch there la %good Two story stone Route. with lila Rooms. • 8., Carla. ..ther llerhard of different fruit trees: it Is underlay..l whit. c There is nab We'l on It g order prudnelug g b.s. Der day This property leuLfeted ear/ eii , eh•Oil Ago lso, a Farm of 111 acres, altnatad In Cone. !nava.. toanship. Indiah• county, IA, a t tniles trim the West l'enn'e. Hatlroad, at Lie. r mon, The Imph , ente at. are • Two Story lion.e, tli room 1.0E0.. • double l'orel. and old Log f ears, Spring flouse An et 100 Ater. a eleand. the residue In timber. au' h a. white 054 0 tocuat chestg ut. This farm will sold oy owner wletilng to gu West. l'utkesslon Immed tuw iately. Also, a farm .4 =azure, ettnate In •noe ....11esta count!, la'.. abonl'. 0:10' 'turner mutton. on the Railroad. The leewaa amen to are a goal Tu t u Awl-111101a It. ling. • umstitle. a Cellar. • No. I an... Rack Harn, •.y 4.1. a Apo.. t'rch•r.l 0101 a variety '.l (suit tr, ea, good Cider Prass: fencing genarallY watered About lad acre. eirsred. lila rt.l.lvt. la good timber lend. and %good elk rod .1.1 of coal miner the wAills farm A of 11 , pnrCtiamo touney will taken for •,,rll lucale•l 110,1 ifs - fora the 10th of Ilarrn, will be etud at the 1... r N rlce oflStioltara her tern. l'u .. .. loner, theist 1 . ,• 0 0 1 , ! ' arm of 150 aeire. Or I at Are Ituarr ills In Chris. lion rouoty, ,Inipro•ohents — s frame dwelling contatol. , g rooms" about 4'o th..1..t. [mull gotol f.-I , Clng. c. It • wit I.utllet ter I uK.I6 i,tsttml It. K.: ••111 to .1 ou 171 .l Lay ProhertY taken in hart exchange It desired. lo Lots In soothetn cutout bs of CLlca..o. each Lot go by IL. lu lirdater , vi lota. 'Neese lot. Ile one milt Nortlt of the June- Ron of -t. Lotil• •nd Alton and alichisan south ern it. Its., and art on the clue of Pit...inure, Yoe. aytt• and eltlcago IL. It.. Jost 5 miles Ituatlt of the Court ittrc.e. oval' the rt••• Laths, and will to surd f...r each. Also. a 11 , •rui or RI acres to tp. 'A e.t.a...island county. lth acre, e1t.•,..1 Sod art rultlsatttai, gi sr, of ties[-[ate ••111 a 0. sod ottwr Rohm, I.lweliing houses. I tit. to 1 I short, •, oth I ,rye .110 with a orst•rate hwam In seal running r; 'von, onina..l or g Vol.. 'I he lath. nwllug; 4.•.1 ask. WI 1.1 .010, 01 I. Roiel tone and eun .110 • r failing spr within ooe. rods of th. P. non. t 0•111., ,11[1111a • raft or ell...horst, and three u n ite, west or ktreenenurg. Illt farm p sits stotty and .1010 1110.11.1 In •so ul nsie Loud; a.. r. ac.e is underlaid w tit cow. Th e MI.. Is µout!, a 10012 of eltuat.d lo to brste....l township, In. laza a. snt• l'snn a, &Lou• 3 mile. frau. no Re - -laths 11, 1,00, R.llroad. lus hop.oremens •re." • ga.l *to , tin N , • I Hank has, 60.1 all other ue , esse'y out 01 .1. togs. 'I he al rl. goat, and the rt1..17 tort, say ton., Ifor tonne. yert.cniara. saunas of U. 11. TOWED 4 W lgetste Agent, 104 fourth street. f. t. }VII A COUNTRY. RESIDENCE, dT Slia Dl' sirDE, thr PE NIA 111111:0411, WI ta.e Emi l qt. (Tart. tta- rlty. 11.1: I:,,u•a Is. a tt.... s • `t. 1.• full, 41.3 oUT. It Is,. 1i...1141 , 0 II aol par Is c...‘ , 1.• slt RV; ,•.t .r art of I. far,"leas,lar 14. s• I. a 11.1•11,:1 •..111.1+r r• a. au ILe area at.ra ll r, coastrtl34 • of Friss., .r...lesras Oise I:Ws:arts, For 1.11..1,1,11as". apply to .13:oker 10 aunts .d EtLate, S r.ant tr... (Burt , . Bul;dins.) 1:0It LE:,—QEITE A • 1 ~r AcK9; .I,•,,,aals•valt •ue llt. • of I 1.1a. , r• ,- I ., ng In Irv, f 1 - 111 . 1 et 9 , ont. 11.1 t , a , anc, ie. nrlca 1. titltt u rclr u,l a. Alt 1-.1•1,-Att itl id: us . ,e.l In Frennor,. f 2.1 • tta , leo/ 1 1 ,1. pr,erly l•• ,• •nd tIn"1 for r`" an•r. • 94 , 11 ranca,:vanla lc nnu,t , .i one rt 51 lener....Ln threw, all or r.,un.l•v , ,nal et:tun. 1-In la 1111c•Lur, ttaltl)•4ll“... 14 one 4 , lfu•lfetl lel. a lat,e amount of propterty rl/1011• Iv JOIIN Citorr, • I= ELEGANT RESIDENCE. lailOT DEiIItADLE TWO STORY BRICK 31INSION, Ir. tlo , kt..r.mall of 31•Kceroport, for salt , on it , ..m, trrro• to. 1. , nA, Cltam., - ro t u•Ltx ho.m. Pant 1. P. 111. , / .1...1• , lols 11•.110. arolC o r In 1.1,1, U. tato f 1,...ans and Cllsonl , c+, roaor conduc Ins tv:JeS at: tsln n. ar. A1....A1a., aof .and. Crd• COLII4I 4,, It. Ittutoot: • tr,..! to r do. •I Ms erty ant on. It au opyortunlty I. nqinCOttlalallv. 1t..4.11it of ,TKYI.I.IVIL-SIN. ltrokers and 1..1 .611 1u ~.., 1 4.1t4,:d straet• FOR SALE. 110 t SE AND LOT, CREW. flit Fine BRICK IC 7.1 Marton rtreet. .E.,,Cith wrd. r, , ntalcanirieveu all tre•llly a Room. n. W•,tE•b..s. 11.0. vita 0:2100 f,54 Mx,. in! fair r.i,rne on the s• ents.l; tuteh...l Ir 1 , , , •1..07 , 1 t.ull.llni: ',ter at IC, door. hy and 11 fret paved •n• w0t.t. , ..• 04 7, I ,11 1. r. 1, ntre..l Irooll enleut Lvoupe tor • •inxli; .Ithin :0 ultiutx..• •••1l tt, court let. Inquire o ill;,111 M. 1101. E., ! , a :'I Clot strolt, n. sr Voile. IMPROVED PROPERTY FOR lEld6 T-• 3EI. nnnt:. la Laderenc,lne, lad -arrtareeld, ,lutn!rtg. 'f&nßtal lu prices from 111,0001011 .aO. Will be soln on rrnannable arms U at-piltnl for I= Yoe furthrrlidormallon, apply C. the Ea..ll£l Rte and losup.Oot Oflce of U. 8. BATES, rAluti. FOR SAILE.-Situ ,, tte.l Muttlucum routily. tY fr.,u, ,trord -"two, I s . otr .1 1,1,, 1,111•.1. trul tir e sem., dlstanct fro c.ocrrl , ll cuct•lnltg •50 •cre • r: Iluatrt nr roll; well • wtt, good Ilksi r; t , rro frame boot, • tnl •11 tvilldlnc• tut Tour, 00 htr,lr uf Olt? ip, le, 101 petch, quince. ithanz mud currrt tr o gtaprtlrr...t.... 11,,t bode.); courallrut 10101,1 1.1 011,4. litform.d d As:oct• t crcal..trlat, tir,tist and 11“1“., litL church,. 1,11) 1 . 0 r Address 3,111,1.1 It. c t ortio, muti".lcurr, co., 1040. lulal.V..r 1.4'011S 4LE.—A FAITH AT WALL tarcri , ,, thu Central Ith. Fowl imprortratutr. Alto. .r w. ' , AVMS AT cmirk.N Ers DTATIroN, Clint. A 1,1111,0 the r.testr..torllle 1t•11,....1 right fr the City Vrispertr uu Venn,. tun crnlr. aver, I rut.rovetr u..lmorov.. "' """' jugulre II 1.1 , ..4 •It 0pi.0. , 1t0 Lb. •thrtlrel. No. 1101.irattt :tree:; FOtt SALE. EoILitTEXN ACRES OF UROUND lc tlur Orin of Flt , g Pee, o. sr to Ingraham vn 11110 Vitt burgh and ,Igro r rtn.lilo n. It., about ti cur , . f , ..rotil: o , drgrrable WO. 1, 1 0 tilt 401010 ..1.11. Oliteluto gut 4 treed. frit, ivW term • v • It. 110,1 • & C 1n1:14 14 Your...rat. :011 SALE —A nine 3 ea. s' lease nn • Lot •111., on li •tlrr otrec . Nlulh wen,. trof.rt: 012 *Lich l• ertelp.l • frente ebrlling, now rcuttoir for eal month. • 14, a IWO: of r 1.10111 , 6 wlll rent for In,: • tut, of 4w.e. or 41.u50 vcrr, ~ar, and . lll6o enitt *nu, Irapp,lcil 11 aeon for trrue 3c . apply at the Real ',tate en.. hau nter oClco ot 0. reef Butler titrort. Lawrencevllle. ItESIDENCE OR 19 I= On ri v er , Llnto Mkt, llh U Stt t milt a from 0,, r A runxiN. I.IOUJIC, containing nee ro •m-, with shout one acre of aiound. atable. t tree.. and ebruni.vrr, an,l natty at LL• door. Apply at No, it ealo Alto •heel, tr'l,Zl Alleahvoy City. JOHN D. BAILEY, Stook and Beal Estate Broker. JOIEV D.rAILEY, STOCK AND REAL ESTATE BROKER neelag taken oat • cotorolesion as Auctioneer. arid eEer tea an engagement with toe Vitt.horgn floarti of Trade, encoring the eve of their rooms, above the Thiro National Hank, MA hoer pre ritocas Heade gerciPtletniral r ff.Tt i :it.. "ction. tither at the above Nome or on the prenilsee. Perticular ettentirie pat a.ete heretofore to the Nile of Real katate at private rife. of Keel Hetet. in the eatuatry artmad.d. CCM 1 , 11 Fourth 'AWN • 13.74 11011E1\SIIIINICOMPANI New liayen, Conn., CASE( CAPITAL, $1,000,900 P as rit 2 , Fire snkl ia lan.l ILeperLat. k.u. k , unCet,t •••!t, r.1ta`..14 u.derw. JA - NIIAIIV 1. I FGT. tiatl I VI Kota my.. ;4,01k , Loans ou 0 'l,, mud vtl 1 . , . It, Hai.. „ r , Vire •. I 1t.1ar..1 Proptrty belonCll7 .0 the Coun.any L011..S unnfid an , ' In pro•cee. of ............ .• .. . I.tatem4,ll , Pr. rz,ns r ...teed .nn Lou" 11•It1 omits jest this,:un tlau I=ll2 Pollrlaa wr . V.rn f, any tlrn. , frnrc , laystn are Tray nu II .I:dlurs. Man•haae! , •d, rt r• ,1 n,netna . lann 0.1-114,0. C“urcl, an and nchoni !inners; LOUNIS d:COI.I,INUITOOD,Awents, THE NORTH AMERICA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, Only Conlimny 1:1 the Viorld One.lg socurity rcoL•per riAlun and control of Yug!, of ..cut ra:ur htste factor,. In ad.lllluo t.a tt.clo. - ortry btret• fort outtud. a:1 p ArtOutuLt n• Inn thy I It, r.A.cut .1 lto 1...0105tm tht of Nver ora c •o , ... .. ts m•kc coo, no • rl,ll of Nur rAn, tool tr. t& u ,r• for,trtd ot I - ur of lu.p.rtt,e, An IA I err:, tt« to, •p.. dA. rrIJ, -to 'At d r el, ru, • rtattd ` , y Orr of cifulaz,..ln (Arne ,01111 AMC , COM N I e•riu,,.;y. =AI; 1I: I r, Ist. rt d to,re rZsu :too., Al a NA none li.rot ',or. • r A ,AtcA . . N , r1:?..•1'.1• 111, In I ['La,. rq.tre rt tti••llrtl, r p 1,11 vnt. pa, 1.1 . t! 11,1,•1 pit•te ituz;lt at any aenaum THIRTY ❑Altl• °RACE. va t❑ renewal ,tl' novnts. VOLII . II'. , Are von-forfcltlng OVl:fi ONE MII.I.ItIN 11.0LIATER. Ain r4,urcre •n• tuo x ‘l,,tar rare lb a pollele. wltta 1t.0.c of tb• •:sortD America,•. D. mom; kN, Presldcnt, J. W. MFRItILL. crttarr. E. - T.Cook & Co.. General Agnitip I.l7rSlitll l /11 BRANCH, N 0.67 Fourth ,beet: “Ive. oCle/t, ME A LLEGII ENI INSUIZANCE .11). ur L'IT - 1 , .. 1 5t1 No. roLO I.s.koz. tuntrea zoo low, $.1.1 [lads of Tire and ..11szlor 10115 111W1N, J.., JOHN 1 3!...'111:1., i • Titattier.l. C. 4 , DON N Gl. L. ,tcrc..arr. cavt. W. 1.11.A.N. tiLuatal A6c9 John 1,:n..7t., '. .., • W. D..•n. Jo. , ~..,..",. 1: - . : . ..I.'sn . !;rx,. - Tel, C. U. ii.. 1.-). i W. ii. F.71:7[4::;`, . 1i...•., rt V. i,... .:. T. J iloaklni,a, 1 , . ta.:,...2,:1.., Chnrl. Ilni, : 0,.. I, lArt., rt, 3ENNNYI.VA •- .N 1.4. ViSUILANCE C ..112 . .k0S T. OF PiTNEURGH, PA. (Mee, 111 Fifth Street, Sank Block 11.1. Is a lioxr. Canal...say...a 1.5. , ...11. 1 ..‘ Was OT Jlch:stvely. A sit, N, A O'ER, Presldwa:. C 111;ikl .10..Y O . r., ccret.J 11'N1PIT1.T liiry., • L.e . ,iiarJ tisorge C. C. Itoylv, J . W. Ey... itor , trt V.r . .ck. C.. t C J.. h. II J;A:¢s. A.r.:J.Ja. Heury Sproul ESTEILN INSCILAACE I , LANA rresl - !..ont. WII. Y. 11.61111ERT, recretary. EISLI., tterters.lAren, H. W at, F etre, . hhang Co.'e Ware wo• rta trr. IVebura.L. u,ala Will aKatnr. 11%.1. of nre sod Hartrre A UOLIIe I... Mutton thsua ged by Dlreetner WOO art well lnuw¢ to the curnauulty. Lod who are deterucfned by promo:a...fa und Ilt to =c. the chara:ter witch the! hare As M . - med. as oh'. rlr, thP hest °rot...a to tlroae who dualre to h. thipere4. otalc - Fcne. Alex. Mel J , Thomas. • It. Hiller. Jr. Ctn.. J. James 51eAu:sr, John K. MeCuua Ale Lander Speer. I James 11•00 a. 'Andrew Acawy, Parld X. LORI, i GLIM. itryther. William N. tie a. • dell Wht. Vwcretart. ELM. EtTATE Atsnif lEEE pcorLE , s INSURANCE CO . _ (Tr lc . tt. a. COL NV 00.1.) LND 717111 on A 11011 E COMPANY, SAKINO rill! AND MAILLNY Rm. l'htttlrs. ,Capt. John L. F.t0.,:.• John Watt, John K. 1...1.1.e. I("r't' j". Mulct. y. F. S. svit. Win. V . " K irk. J U.Yernar. 1:_ lisn.on Loot. "' JO H S WATT. Vise Prcedtu.. r. )1111:1,1'rt•r..i •. Att. PLUMBING, GAS FITTING - - WM. 11[1:LANT lIERLEIIIi JOIINSON, c)x4clir_. Piurabors, Gas and Steam Fitters, All order, by mall executed sallafaccorlly ann promptly atte .ded A full lota a f Path Tubs, Pump, lia-Ins. Water loseta, eltr.,Chandelier, Vaud..., and liasPbades fpr aala at tun =OA reasonable tuhlrrs from country patrons by mall prompt ly mtended 1,. Until llot, of ere, deacrloti.d, BAILIFF BROWN &CO ., I= aLLEGuEoi e r (Irk. pt.rmitEns, GAS AND STEAM tart: rITTEKe. k , rn •,•• T. on n•nd • Inreemat•rtwcut or g aI)ILA NTS, 1-.111 , ET LEAD LE A 112 . 11 . E. !IA 'MKS, NV A,LI 111v5 AS!, III:Ann COCK arla all pale rla:s fur Oiling up pulllc or prlva, bult3lng. 10. Ii Ad. K NH. JOHN T. G-R.A.-Y, - - AND PAINTER, GRAINER AND GLAZIER, No. 54 Hand St., Pittsburgh. Sloesad or.inu.rntel Y.. 14,10. donery de,rlP- Sloe done to r. ALI work prOl`lY releon•ele rat,:,. W . COULTER, HOUSE AND SIGH PAINTER,; NO. G 3 LIIAMOND ALLi T, virrsivil, PA An .+rdon 1.-t at: the Shnp, or 'eat by mAll will rreelv .7 prompt at tehl.lnta AND AIICTIONEEIL MEM I. $ 7+l • .1 " 3U4 D. R. FATTE.III,7I! . , rr•sllent. DA,I TI:4,IVIt,IDUE. cH A ISLE' , I, ,'S, . TA!, ”r, =1 =1 Of New York, IS THE I=l 1= I= 1 3 .1t1 _ova-Gls.. Ptti No. Cii3 Foclox - Elsa Ei ~ PAINTERS MI=GM (Late of the elm of Du 0w,..t Itonnow,) LIOILISZ AND MON PAINTER.% I= EEZI SHEPHARD'S CRACKERS 317 Liberty Street, PITTSBtIBGH, PA, Xl. - 313. .11., - YOOl Ni, Sealer of Weights and Measures. omen Ao. DO MASHES ISTRLET, EZEIMZE! CM SSIONAIL. N. w. Fill 4 FTER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Dicaskaaxicl. 111 r W LEWIS; Wh, •opez- In la, vett Imperv‘notl ton I ••1.7]1. 0 tritre Log•u•s damatif.s. tloo of ATTMIEVEY AT ArtIIADALE; Or. TATE. A n••• oaf. tateastly laterett'n t.T• Let Pro. t,atur.l.,—a—••l'l,Tarteftaittl trt-a.•. No, 93 Diamond Street, • I c.rolP I ..CO — VARIETIES TFiEATIi E;. trr jtiflN W. RIDDELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Or.110E: !Co. 133 ronirn STREET, === 1.1 . C. 51.4.CkfiELL, ATTORNEY a, COUNSELLOR AT LAW, No. 69 Grant Street, PITTSBURGH, PA DAT BAY ea DUNN, N 0.103 Fifth Street,l'itOwrgb, Pa., MILITARY AND NAVAL CI.LIiIII/1 B(3rE7IS7Cr"2" At•e7.4 ,11. '1.e.., Peneo... k Sur hidcra..7. 2.nat Vrt. . . ,m• .-•ercAnt. Aeldittoval Mot , tt., eiraron 111tOWN, IN= Office, No, 67 Fourth St,, second floor, prrinnuntsu, PA. EOUNTIA IND !MILS OP PAI Promptly Collected No ....d,:g.lnnade until calms are settle.. and 6, 1,1 a rn,d r • ate fed.'nT BOLNTI Siuo. DITIONAL COUNTY. LOST DISCHARGES. Wh0!!...1% e. t:.elr 111,.:Itr‘seertitl at1:1 +71.. err entitled to the adal ittlo have their cases at ter 1..1 .0 by r...:/, ‘.a or addressit4 W. J. 6; II ►LL PATTERSON, ATTONNEY3 GT LL r7AND CLAIM AGENTS, SOLD LEIIS , BOUNTIES, PENSIONS, Extra Mulles Back Pay, &c =I A. M. BILL 'V, JOIIN AttOrnefl Lew. o.fica..o. Fuze strcet, 0113 i A. S'OCAIN. of the Peace VOLICE ()Mfr. :11th St. oppubite cathedral, F.A . . Acanowled,r.ants. 1/,,,.A1x0• • .2 . ,1.2.e.1 JANCEY. NOTARY , Jr, rick: i• VTIIE PEACE, A Si 7 M.• Atie.Nr Orace,romer of 11,1•.• r•vor P,pe.rallos 1.n.1 ....knowitdment 01 all kind. 01 L.,. JANCEY, .. of 120 Notary Pubixo. El :STAVE S. MORROW, ALDERMAN AND CONVEYANCER, Penu6y Avenue, Pet at the Ex ecsieo L^d (incite Cluthaa Strew snyl7..s, CHATHAM T. pis-rit;, Attorney at Law, !co. 69 Gruut Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. St Cowfrf•riorrr for Ohio. Ilencre•T. w • I all. a, I JOIIN C. 3.IcCOMM, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, No. 87 Fifth Street - ♦Jr I, uttoo.. and •rreots of ray BREWERS, MALSTERS. &e pl. rsuunGn MIEWLBL CARSON, DARI4NGTON & CO., BLLITEE. 4 , lALIFF,S LID BOP DULLES, I=l JOSHUA RHODE oft CV., Pittsburg WW. W. ANDERSON, !Weaken of thn clastometion.LetrrO anetS rartican...y 12.1..ted ALES AND PORTER. tb ba.rfui selertlon of Malt from our rn.s.‘ (..c11:1.1rs Ind Hops from thr Katt .4 , 1 Wce, Citi. gatrautet to by lit o stb! cnt.6lm , nry tte trade Our I N1 , 1,A1,1 , ' ern LIIFIII, rarommatzblvt Syr r. rleaattx p.trr.b.b;, r •lr lard r, at btu omee Juli, tug ER - 7,1 1t5...v. , (7, or va our °Men. Cacti of Do.p.stic 14 tad Meet I ALLEGHENY BREWERY ;,.frbsy,..itho old eetAblitaled Brewery tfww or ALI.FtiiI Ell' Bitty:ion% for own. oto 20:11. (.11 & lirehm. we woold jnformtie onLbc that we Botendeoratetaing the to•no,for, SPRING WATER ALES, 13a..1e In cure iiririnir Water. and from our factlitti, na icing In the lauelti sa. at. a ttiat we will be enanie'l to give entire taitLose who may favorna with their yatnn.e , - snarr= C7C10.. 465. Rebecca Street, 11= Air Alf iur.:,,111 at 1311.0W\ 203 1.1,r1y et,ct. Pittaburgh. wal U. pro U; att.:n.l,l to. PIiOENII hTEAIIIII.IIMERI bPLICII,II & iIILSTERS AND HEWER Ale, Porter and Brown Stout, riTTSIITTIGII, rA, ITOVII,III , o • BOOTS AN o SHOES MUST BE EEIPSE - c) - 0 ' t1•1', By April First, AT COST AT COST nr;:vs, 1 - • n, yorTIUS. VI On :n imo.Es• VD Cal 1.0 ni•re 11100 TN. NIMES; 1g.11.1....H.4, 1.0.16.\L.. r 01.154 I.loolltvG CMS. PI yot;r rbmrce t.. •ecure ro , n la/let once. at J. 11..': 14. C. SuitLANIOS, No . co, 11l dor , rrnrn emb Nt primelL rt., Ss!eva mrym ........ rusannu coJr. rt5:...•..5. ..... / FIELDING kr. 660., truiL:fletureu and Dealers In CI usa,toscro. .112encl.e. BOOTS, SHOES & GAITERS, No. 1.10 Ohio St., Allegheny. uepllVlno noonool• os,ooo-A turn TOB A CCO,__CIGARS, stc. posc DUD CiDUGH - AND llEd UT, Itt)S.E TWO ktlatiflTP ..tHE lat t4LLUZN And other N ted Brno. of E r CO C). L Ann fachhred by It. u. JENILMMON. Fifth orbelltrr bo d • FAIR mod FEdIIVAL. to IIP.S - • enr, erllw •f r and Wa•bin ton stre. 1.. M.nch«.ter. o• M•. Il•Y. M•Ectl Vito. ~ d • It. 00..tL0. 1111 I' • 24•0 ton • open no.. 2 r until 1 le 0. a. !Zell day: • very dor mar re coect• d. Ali ar. In .11.0. h•reel r.r. p•v• the ills ever. fr.. rotou , A. got g woo fr...m rill. Adotl•rol, li rents e.r.. For la.* trenvilt of the loc. . I I. LECTURES fgrIVELICANTILE LIBRARY LECTURES. Last Lecture of the Regular Course. RALPH IF A Tr,o EMERSON, ITEM ACADEMY OF MUSIC Tneday Evening, March 18th. ErwicT—``THE 11.A.ti OF TILE WOULD p.rtr.ts sne.ete.seltanri. 21.1tels.rn1 De lined the r. uptrl 7; (tett., to coal. .• tact 2t CullYls2 - r., JAM. 5. ',OTT. 5:. C,. I. S,LIT, It mO• :AS. JII , to, r. •5. , 515,111, tritv 5 I.c u 5. 015 Wit I'. 1-I.ltUrn, $lOO SEWING aIACH IN tS. BEST IES USE WEED, ALSO FINKLE it. LYON Lock Stitch Sewing Machines, .t, eh aloe on tor b et , l-o. If th- por . h..ex es 11,.l regard them et. T o for to ar, other ha - •omit twat, Int . coot •la Ir 4 or• anted fou, er.. h . ./CUENCCC: Centre nvonne. near IL B. T t ratter.... S•alloo. Mr. A. a. Mcv.r. t• e Sew N•eln M:Ar, rs itd Wi ee . n Tay oteven.o... r., n Mbet, lay. u • A a Mr.... Mcnlng. Monterey tree[ and Tay.or • •venue. J ' , oar d. `t record Fir. rt. A IlegbenT , • . ForLer. 213 Bedford st erd. Wee r. Wile n,narre.nevlik. mar `. 51 .1 r;! ' 31. ' Wmnts•r. Lae;leseernle. next door to slr. Lee . s been. V. Si tonne l set Larrly. IV 'Map • mike Carbon's d Netter streets Bits • . • M tar/lard . s. Fe: Penn weet. J. r unt, Jaunt] street oproalt• Pinata-WI iusas Uutninat...a. a. ma^y Where. Ale aaa Xtabra.d-ry aIaILIPS Z. , e, Chers.lap, bown Vt.., rappars. iv % , •Impt . .l tram the French tatter., Atr to W.ea.N • Et, to ti.LUSG, 112 Grant etree ll••• 7 a PlTtsmtuttll. UM Elt ht. UAKEU'S ELASTIC STITCH AND LOCK STITCH Sewing Machines Are THE kr7a•T for Pare sol Dianedscurizing purposes. CSXI sad see then ♦u -To. IS FitlS Street. DON'T BE DECEIVED BY Bating bait column advertisements of Inn , im ~cblbez, but get a tint.," Mt s BA ILEE It bas been fully issied for < teen yesss, sod cent Judger.. the • bouncsd BEST LN "SE. No. 3.0 'IP - Lich is two et. •vemss iir.itvggiwurri 825. SEWING MACHINE Beet &tap Lic,naed 111.entne in the United .aent• wanted es,,j, here. - Pay tau to *2OO per .ontu. EncLoae Dump and ..i4rras OILOTII Itz ti,urral w,gcnta, 814 Ct,etnat IMI .delptia. and '421 turctmll Tole,o Onto. deS:pl GET NONE BUT A & BAKER • • fora 11Oltday GM. It perfect and berefore tie bout. Min', fall to tall =date Itat =2 JJOE. HARNESS al. CALUILLAGE MAKERS should see theveyr OVER k BIKER NO. I SEWING ILICiIISI3. ikfor buylagetsevrberx. al• tea beet tar net st. Yor itale Lt tagm. NO. 11.1 . •IFTII , TILE T TIIE GILOVER. S BAKER • SEWING MACHINE Is the Illtlma Thale of Slecliantsm. Please and examine it sr—. = COAL, COKE, &o K.AUFFMANN & CO., UNION COAL YARD• Best Family Coal,Nnt Coal and Slack Always on band and 'promptly dells • aced eroar. -OFFICE: COH. HARRISON AND PENH an, YAlM—Allegboony Valley nal:road, neat Ca/ On Street. Slntn Wald, Wm. IC NAT. W • RID NO erldlollNG. 11.1:NiallAN 1 L. IIkLLAIL: WM. M. CLANEI',& Gas Coal Works, Shippers and dealers In SUPERIIIa tied AND IrAMILYuII•e.. NUT L'Ua Land . ..LACK. Must °face address. . Wfoxi ZgT. aro LE.c; I ti N6 g i Lurr IC UT second a cry Pittelsergh Satin. rank Buildlne. corner When) street and Virgin ail., rind:lures. alt&NCrt ••Vgicatie No. N Libtrty street. under Penn'. IL. Lt., oc Po. sq.• Me Lard, Ill.tsbureh and eurner au. ders..n - street an• r. F It tt. All guene 511 lie left at Mb., of the above plse-• r. cat, prompt azt-I.lo¢. VORT PI i'T COAL CO ••PANIr. --rrloppers and do-al. re In llopert r ratall and Steam oal. Nnt Coal and lm, erneral o nee second au!, L'lttsDurela Batik Build ing, eoroer rty street and Virgin •71. Itran