DRY 14/WIDS, THE mit tvGs IX7TIS \ IBLE .. DIPPISIS . 111 : 1111 . WU', Tl=l r.sr EIIACE Fort Spiing, 1667; J. W. BRADUYS DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (Oli kOrilLE SPRING,) SEZRTS Thehandinm , at.l,-,cst sty:, •,..t Introducc AAA. FA , • 7.1 N Al=o, th, Sew 111 WOzt.Ll,, +a..l le-1,, STYLES. FOR S.O.E. ETERXIIIIERE AT wt.oct,E , “..F. OT ott! tto nil Pry Lit o rn . L.re I tu•tt, WESTS, pRADLEY & CARS, 97 (panthers Street, EINIEM MIMES NEW GOONS OPENING DAILY. .170. 19 Firth Street, opeingaalts . NEW. AND DESIRABLE GOODS. ~PAA.DLEY'S INVHIBLE 5111.1tT for BRODE AND QPICItts.. EST, VIQUE AN!) 1 . 1. %IN HUM I .4 'l'E , T I Ft, TH • NP.W PA 1 . F.1t f•coLLAR, 4 ,,,d Cr F FS arr . !AT,' !Ws? k.1:1:±0:11 a:I XtVen. 1 - 11, 511 1;1•.!1, AND F:112,55..5. :SEW LACE CULLAI.L. Dealers Supplied • AT' 1. 7 1,W YORK JOBBERS' PRICES, & CARLISLE, - it) 1.1.1113. Mix-oot. NH - GOODS' iNEII . HOUSE New House! New Goods! _ • WIL H. MILLER, (Formerly - at Fliti - ON. 31ACILU.31 A CU., 've le el WILL. OPEN A l alathe First of April, AT NO, 64 MARKET - ST., WITH AN ENTIRE NEW STOCE. LF Trimmings, Lace Gm's, • Embroideries, Ribbons, Gloves, Hosiery, ArA all 4:001)2 urralls kept IT FIRST CLASS TRIMMING • AND Notion House. NEW GOODS: NEW GOODS : ISECEIVED dT JOSEPH HORNE'S & CO,'S Wo are new opening a large cad wtll,,,lecteil stock of SPRING GOODS mbrirleg s.:l that !s nen , and d,thrtttde, !a iinqa Trntralnirs, 1 , at0,,,i. in Wlllte. and dmbe. Dead Trianlng, Gutinn, and elan , Larn, • on, and • ac.i. and Crap.,"ntle. 0-rnad'a•..• ani rue° En,ie A full,llno or LI N F NANDI:F:II ,- 111r VS to 71.1 n, t.nOrr , Ihrc , f and lare. wWell we are tarrlnr at very lOW IsCritThe. gnat . varl. , T El,s , elvrt, (!rortlet. a. d steel. oILE. TUVV.E.Lb, at ceras ca.34—soon.:lllng Hoop `L.11 . 1... Corseu. k eters and go Frsza.. . _ . 13TWIPFD NC; —A. large ctls rd or cLotce pittern.. I,l3:norat ',lns and Travel; EE Hag, of Ifl,l IV KS and fiUSIEItI". 2,1,11 1t , >03,,1,0p 4)403. r. 1.01:112 well s iu.k..4lvlt, •c e4ct W tale tracie ai E.A..el'Ettli JOS. HORNE •& CO ", 77 and 79 Market Street, r,r.,uv , NEW srllltiO GOODS are arc !a•t recelalog a fug sal comp!cle Stork fat uur 'Wee. connhAlrne,.f 11111.1 ono., Owlca Mull, ItarreOnd.,:aln Victor's Llnt.no. j.lgen Cau,..oric and Lawn. Tvo ran.l,l, ”klrtlnz. I.\l I:1.i t.l,Eltl to- lull .f t,tr,C Eddlngs rziFl ins,rtlalM I t,r.s Ja•tono. ibm Lunt loccclu-s.Yr.rcll C..l§-ic to.:121, 1`,.0.,,- dert.l Itobe. awl WI, • . • . 1.3 CE:!. IA ai Point. and Appll.v . vt Laco an-I . E , Tieres, V3 , encla. Maize+, 30.1 inr.r. an.! I,CPCILnd lm Val. Ll cr ZIA N roZt,ran4Apoll,o, ~110117 ant! Trtme.i, loin, dt.t,ll Ind 11,ne, VON . NIL.I: 21111130 Ni, Tricvnlpg- an ! eM 1:IBUI/Nn . . 11 , 1,1. 1.1 , F. M.F.:4 ANDRE lilt/ GI.OVF.I I .fu La.! «a Genti. adtl 3111 coRs.T.I iqq.trN, rnPirs 14,4.1,111 rads, Hair Itot.s.l-VorOntt 11 cm A FIII,GLINEIMNT" , FUIt.I3HI Ufroml. Cr.USII:I" 4,111 "'ALL WI,/ rel. to i , lLAged.i. wilt lint! In t•nr. Whol.f,nle 1107 , n rt taunt, rod As•or,ect, aid m low ns EAs riflC 11 , 1ACRUNI, CLYDE Ct CO., 78 and 60 Market Street, 4 ) 7 FIFTII . STREET 7.Kl . !it , E &NJ , Kill, 11011 VsI'FITCI.I ED • 1 ;( 41 S.C.C. a E; 1 . Al' =I I=AME=lii 1)7 Furru STREET YUSI . VS 11F.R.S. , :I.ol' ES, SO''N vg qi , E , s 7 1 I= NO. Al Firll.l tT1:1:/.1.T , I==s ' c!!!t= FIN AN CIAL PENNSYLVANIA r3s - PATE LOAN. PROPOSALS FOR LOIN OF $23,000,000. A_N ACT To Create al_Aoan FOR THE REDEMPTION OF The Over-Due Bonds of the Commonwealth. NV:ILRIAF: TL, tondo or the Commonwealth .eptie,rtztacertlll,3,.; of 111,1,bte4ne9a,11.3.e.t leg to ;wet•ly-three of ~ollars r ' hays Ai, nss, due etill !Input,: fur sun,: thno past And 11.• I: deatrahle tltut the •aut pn . .,f, nal witlAdranla fr,ra 11..n:Let MIZE .`,E, - nos 1. Er it et:art ..1 ~J 1M- i rcs ~.., •,r b r..m .a i..a l:.t ~ , 1 Pn. u •;1 franfei in -a , ral Ante,!.t, an , : tt if h , r,- 14. :a me, That the 11 , ,eranr, Aulitor lit n. - 41 a:.:FStaie TN atur.r E I=l =I f,rty th.y r.t,y .leem clpetli eat a: i..4C re,c3 ur tereuty-tire' I= = beh , P.g luter,e: is rate nut excer.llng ale per rentuur per aonup. ppylleie tent-annually, oh 1= City at trLlch Ctrttlicatts of !eta 7. t 00.1.1 ebet Lot Le s!.l!)tct to Loy tamat:on =I =I =I dt,rs and withtrt ten Ttarat etit:tt tuition. = I=l =1 I== I= =I I=l ou thc cl tht , evic=l,x.rn:til . , xi iLLe Fa. men and Mt.e.'daldct• Natl,ptt: Pant of thus CM= =I ou the s•oe, 14.11 be •pp:lt.] to the PeTto,ht =I I= EM=l I=l I=l = =I I=l I=l 1311:11112t=120IMISIII =I = =I c..b or._ or cenltcatta of I.lebtel I= retur.,, itzfiztl le xE. /...nts. trc.Urtril. CONrcat = =9 I=l =II ntld to irtrr.,: r a rf Ity.l I= I=l =MEM 'ze. 5. Any p. , rson or I;..rsoom staodlog 1a tho B=ll I=l I= 11=1 =I I=l J../der (librno,rworn-1 m,ta :at the I:nuqo of John wilon 0:111 , ully ocrur• red; I r u. I ee.l.Pe.ll W:Wel tile Itll tteed; I uoni,td‘to knurl: is / . .drr.for dowo, i t, rrrock. lam lour or t:mo, ortur wg dory o. T-u . 3:l!usrs crOdr llordnonereellb. I Irdlo.da worn —tOrrol,,rated 6. Mat tr,=1.....! after %be yanrigc of thls I= I= = elpst en, 1111 Intert et due =I =MI I,,rx pald. Y. all es.lstlng Is .1, or portions h,....V. , lry:unbli:er.:l4tr,ltli, arc Lereby to MEM posted*. .VAIN GLAY.I, 12peaker of tLe Ho.. of It , prtueotatlves Amtrovect the encundl ds7 ut iyetrranri. one th9, - am: clgt:t burdn.a and olxty-.even In a , cor.tattee Rlth the pforlelon of the shore Will Go retch =I city ut 13.21 - 121)22.,. 1'....1222251a . , 22111 12 o'clock, M., u..,:•• of April, A . D., lir!, = oylTatilit Ste, Lca I=ll Bids will ba r . ,:elyen ft,r ..;.000.000, trim Correa! :le In Pit, year• and payable In Tta years I= sh!, In Fir,,u ,earg; and 110.000,000 rt:iu I,ursal , P. Flft.,u tars aVI la Taco ty-F,Te y% er, The El= =MEE! , tatt J verttsrs.us to tlie scads. sllll Le. sec • d. NIA pnr 1011 he i:D ' usl.lttedl. 'l - !u4 lost,l m cu., et.o, nacl su,!4 MEE= Ltriter ,lettrel I,y the Inter.. to be free fro:u,tath,lo ,- . l .thatruciclbal 1 11. e. urce LUltara the Clumouir slth of l'enr.a7thapla s!111, iartLwA itLpar In rayru , nt uf tine luau. I,: 1,..1,11,51L00t Mr), late ..^.d to 7ny lu rath or lb the [ CTer Ire lotus Sn etetift,la . n will bt 1.11.10 IntWetn IJl4atre lEEE lIIII=I .70.4:: F. 11ABTILANYT I= nt tloaxta, r .1. (al% y A., Record. of the Recorder .. . 4 Other. A few .lays a ince, we callett attention to Ill.:1/Let that eorno of the legal reOOMA nt • • t !...!„'onnty were ill A Very h4‘l,tate.. .51 , 11 Y In need of attention if pre-creation ' de6irc./. ,11 , u. ben, of wraiUile, MONDAY, 'NIA 11 II :'5, 15,1. -.---- tion to know that the juego.s Cantt TILE IKTLEII COUNTY . 110111.11)E, havw tunen proper action to the • utattcr. Trial of John h. Attila:talon for the Murder of aldnel 13. ‘onolughant and J ttttt H. Teeple., at runlets. slflo., TEr.asnA.Y. %lurch 11,13;;. T:.o prlioner wua brought to Court by tho .tntrif. 7.1. Jury In tho box worn Oil!. unllin.Weru.l to their names. Theta are many ladles In attendant/eon the trim. blot Interest is uannirested by the community, 31r. Ad:Hasten is about thirty-tour or hoe years of age; sandy hair, light C 0111111.41011: blue eyes !Oln , l rod MOUS tatche. Ilu is rather spare In nosh, of medi um height, and moves with s. light thistle step. Altogether, he Is what would be:call ed a goad /oultilik 'lean. /tubas a wife and six ehiltiron. lle .once worked in Johnson kcd stochton's ranting cClce. Liar beet:La filet Ander ,on recoiled —I saw Teeple ind 11 hen Oliver let go et him. Atter Lute , nlnglinin kiln/keit.Oliver down, I did not see tam Ad. 1.1111 1.11/1 1/ utter the light wnsknor Ile was allele too Lir three legit of The Nolan room door ; to the right of the lire. It wua Mit IllutAl over 11 tulllulo titer lam -11 ID ;;item bit Ilowlier until he lilt Oliver. John 1....10neit, James Uniton,nolooy hitater unit I.wianilg hum, were 11.1 the 1 1 , 0111; li. 10'1 sou Toeide at that time; therewere a good' 111011.1' btalvtilt4 , Coin:Mellon ; !Lail not much elk ate to aye as they om thovinit aroma. I .1 id not too the defendant 111 11111 time; there (Lore 01 hord thoto named In' Eno room; 1 sow hd townril Cninonghitut lit the time ho .140 knocked dimwhen Ile kndeLeil dwn w ro I drew'- the poker 1111 C4llll 11101,0111; IL w tilt for Henry . Iniwiier when 1 itot the poker; Jiiinekiitto eon took the poker from me; in v tit I.I`IILIOU waL driore tu the 110111 bet, een 'reeplii ! ut the Ord, evented rue Loin 0011 j. 1110111 i did not t; • u trniningletin ;Let 10 out, Sow no one str:ko him; 111,, 11.111 door 0111011 open; so aid 1 110 north reboil 11,0.1'; It 11:04 1101 111/11 . 1 1,1.11 0 minute idler tilla that 1 ie. , the driendn et In the hall door; 0, 11e.10.1.1111,11 011111 111•.1 poor to this fight:, 1 ' no nn have aa entiii; don't know of one having 1 i l 001 . 0 11011 110 v 01114,1,101 100 W 1 11 1111.1 ‘...efuudunt Alice that time; 1 don't think of itnythms further that MA:. :owl or ',one. thr Court—Did not ten any one strtno ,h•frudaut ho picktri up the chldr; I did not set: httu stluck at ail that utglit by any .1”. Alio. the time Ito: tight ennui canto on, I RILi 111 lilt, liar roolo; tot the racket In Iltt, ••1011111.1 :um.; Jumped lip tool 00111 In; ,1, 411,rut 1111 01 tat r of the roe., en t!., 0/151 ,Itle; Jel.zt tiliver emu grit throught In: thlottir toutold the mirth :lan, and bent Lk I: alit out ((Ills lAO - ] 1 town, O Connlnglmut; I I`l'lleVo l.1111111I:14 11%111 lion, hi - it him down; inw .1 , 1 lington 11l the nort.l door 01111 !Jute. thin In ill: 1100.1; 1 thought It WWI 11. r0., , 1 .1 tvli., alieut,lxtoon knoll, .:: long unit au knell ung it quarter thtult, thorn+ ht 10 was a ..tien Oliver 'ts.ini to stioric I, Inneo Into Ito Itorue; It bad lead lo the Inrg• :mg. Ag linxtou hag the i mall emt In bin band: I 11,11 AI. Ilt: ~ I II:(1, 1,111, - 1,11 . ; lie ',tough: It tII,I n this lilt) . f Lienerttlea 11,1, m 01111111; T. 11,1 net Sce 10,1 lie btInol: - ; raw' 6.tt111t14 hum to t, 1110 let:. glut, be- Ho 010; Ati:lngtel, - IVAN l'lll, 00 the doer; I think the hlow 1,11 1-4,1110 "ea 'trading: lootril no 510111.1 from the Wow; littuninghum Iva:. :Omitting some nix (cot 11010 dlitington. The next tidng I now w - as Adltegtor: on ilto loft el 0.1.1:i1.,,11tif11. ill tOloll 1 11111 , I/CI 111, II g titan uowatil lolvi r, .1:0:1 elon I tooling around :,..ton to, a to. gtme. A.11.e6 :wet w ott , Imo or :lir , t. , teet front Cunningham at thin Dart it Mar 1 1111,7,1 11,,,,,f tl.tou n in:B Lurti or Cot. 15.V.4 0,o1::::::: he wAti utor onough to haw- lilt I. in. ing: i ntu. lie it.r, fueno; Cuchigh gm', 1 , flJt.le. 11, - 11,111:tir -1): to ' dm, a 11 h Mnim..inan;thugt knoir loin : ilie hold hi+ inooln. Inote :4 vie no •:: ranti b..0 , 1It•II 1110 a:I-I 111 . 111 at 1 1111 limn; ' 1 11000.1 nothing mot to, nit tier of 11:111.; I :milk toy ntlolt not nee; grim ti to Oliver, or Bandor, /11 the other 0: gm, of tin: 00101, ung 111 n *hot, 14.0—it 1..... onto:lg.—l looked urounit itn I Cum; tr..<liggii a0,.1 Agit:l,ton were 6. n t there t.:l.;:it !int, 'Jo. :11115, to 11 1 110 II Itiow. Teen eat. 11 Mr. Vann:A:gene, lie 1,10 I 5 . 1,,Z 111 111 U haio,lo 1,l 11l it:or:gm of the 05, ,1000 Mai yk,il ..nun to the bolt. ' lI=M=MMM3 The pri,ehe, wn, Itronght Into Cone 17 the Nhttraf. '711,1111y oert:et:ll,a over ttti•l Nll3 ,. t.rtttl tht.tr Jimeh/ s.t.tt:/ ret,17.11.--1 Llttttltt At , :ttetntt 'Ay lie t !try wt htt art - v. 8,1-111., ,e 1 atutong the re,t ht•y wotall harm, h , ht, ing ill the Ntt.tot Lou-, 11 , 1 Cult he t+ , t. knn:rn n, t, thtLl in ~ 101111 ,111pt.tte•I .110 st-t 0.11,1 Ittret-ttc.l tyltlt the c‘owd,Altht,4ll Lt• Wet .10, 1.. the rotuth ./,I,r IS. Pr..,:. zir •rn.—l was at Co , par,: buy t,hther.la.law tho how-e and to me they were ttottittoW. 1 tau to the b0a.... Going tato the hail, 1” , - -erveti li, to th, ,!giat o: the Ot,r; t:trne.tatal toar.clt: to he hJah wwert v.I uftertwar,s It W.. Mc. Cu:mu/014w; I rut my hahil On hit /11, t h.• 1 :tot‘,tut 08 Ihv Adhngton t.ta, tind 1 "J tot,..tt lueth cert,nly li,, the ,r. 1.1.! 1 dun: gm. :h..., To, 1,10 , 1 tmi "iv; I %Lva thtn...: ham got.ll, Lome." 1 .. I. awotn—l was a' John t/il vet'. 1,1 Ult: I,ria Drerm , , CAM., the, r. IVtie aftet 4.00../onn at.the (rant door; 1 Wll not settee the 11:ht. ploc••; 1 • t, ton havo knlto ,41; 11 , 1 1:•:•: IMMMEM= Controonxtttlttt one, to pro,na Kt.to In dotontl,tnt , proviotn. Itt., 0..0nt rem:, tt 'not to .t.ot ntrout It; no:. o It ti to t tr,,,c1.1,,n. o'+l'2cti 1.1 thr latter lout of Inn ; ttt-r. No nottler; n:‘ it tho don-n stout Ito could do, or would do, V. It lin. rofnrooro it, 'll . uple, II 1.1 IlleolllVrlent. Court ‘lrt•rn.tl,ll,Loo;,',,ttottstnl nott,l.trt V it”, 44 him have u kn.fo rdead. 11.1; to iii Akin,' .d ore; po,;- ;A it out of th fron n idea., of t:..;.10t0, Iwo edged knife find the point run Into ton coulee; thent eh; loohndl to be e... to; Odd: or au Inch rook rt. L.ar w tilt, at hl.;Jut "C.l. In!", long. • Adjourned till Y. to-morrow. lhohAr, !lurch 1?.,1 , 17. Trdheci swot:l.—The defend.dd, last h-st-teu ply (:slime to butcher; it ,roi !3.41. 01 ZS CV 11r, L0u,",,,.• I)4.rj Wt 5,14 It knit , . on ,ocet.,,, Grot:uht It v. ;I It 12:1)1,1 k ht. 1:i rt, ~.i; ItWay a two 0i!,..11 Lit:P . -41J /net," In I Li 131,t1e, Knot tour of !,:i• tilt; It witi 11.c11, 0:1,1 00 1,1,11 wiltrtvr In - nt,,l la I lin 1,14 , 1, It 011,1- nu: of nn gto n,:v: you 4.u::1,1nu II411,0,11( • lin It I .3L.vs 31-sttin, etorot to Apt tri 'tot Toll of ;tot./ lt.f t :too, 1.1 ot.pttcr, too tittferoloot 0 , 0 to: 1.01, ont toed; /wot co.lctl 1: •l•/1 o ,/ 1.111 , t It WFLY 101 Wit ticu or to locho , cc to,:ttlooc; nl.out an 10t.% on.l n mol: brood: 1 cut brt,l.l ith It towsl 11...c.t100t wot: potticulorly; Itatittle as nitutit ton/ ;10 pr,ioll3 wI L::,• If MS/ ii:CieteCO Re.l:ar, r wont—l sit the dnoc.• on hrr:obi., Inst; ltd 001 00.• nnyibing U.. iiglat. • • • • Georg, 1- - ”tilar, !IV:urn-1111 teAtimoay was col roboran t;viait alljui.ii - a,tl to 'a to-ynorrow ir.Orning In Englund, n purtAblu dre rucape bail been Introduced for ILe use of tritrulloru, which Is said to bent,Afe unit citify to 'lllO stairway. Within a. thin metullio Inches in diameter, are uoilud on Is bulky thirty feet of light, strong und et! , d wire rope, pasriing our !AAA ern teller,. o bleb may be lei luutud by n. !Mud: err , to piny desired pi - ensure, turinihuting In n hook rhur can liAli,dened to 1r NV A clod: formed or leather :Arai,. Is attach tot to rim cifie•, fool n per•on visited to Ulu chair may regulate or urrust At p:rn a ut e the speed or his Of:set:tit by :rooms of Ule • "nil sort of dre escrifie ego carried by tiny One lug poi - iron:o eau. =2 =EI Ell= The generni ticket mi4iiiida in the vurlou4 the hold their lido 12.1 i COUVUIItiOII Moteohl., coenveted. wild, 11..11E ( w are deice,ril, tint, timoug oilier It Lit thicolc.i that tree lioggegti siliould. he nit 1u 4111 , !.., 01 tili.l. ll ho charged hito tot uct . coot.. over 1)1:+t through rata 1, .the Costa lobe, collected l toi for an cinch Inotve.,o IX checked. It adio J.:0,1,1 11" U chows on WO. baggage Outwit.- fedl3lslocated be chcairoil pro raln to lOutto conhtlinting the line to which too baggage was checkout through. =I - A Ilensyuhreriber.—Tho Colnotipla &tear:pion `ay': "%V I: plact..loa our , oshscrlio lion 11, lo,olorday that mum: ofhurt luau In OhlO, not. In tho Untied blnt,ll. Noah Ur r. of Nary:4olo, Cain n county, ineaiso so, 5i2 foot stoson inahas In 111 . !icor k log tout, ism, wotgloitshoot lon bond/ od wounds. lic was hurn la Union 1.. t thirty p..me of 3,1 i, .111 i will proLO. hly lac notio in tt'ollsht. '" For sovorol year , lin 1104 I ..... eililltitton iit II imams, or with travollog shown, and hal turacil hts gigantic proportloos lo good arcount. 110 Is ik rneAnti behlu,ral and a igeuldl gunllo - man., =I ll'nouht .Nepplog.—TetsAntuivnion tells a good ono al the ex pen.: of a constulee of thatth. ',von, wee Igo, oe:Ortine a I , :moner to the Lateo.llerg jail VIA till!Lb. !l ie! Urem.. Thlakoo, t). It., lie to nololge 1 the luxury of a woo ha of anap bete:eon Dleitlonn. The onr, 1110.0, foie' ea.t 111 . 0i,111,eq Tll , /11,111. or MAI i (ring. , ng, or w 1,02, ht, conitablo awoke, ,t v.:v. to u reallz -oleo of Ito, Met tent the I.lra tl floe n and e punk Inquiry I,e 11.1 that the prl,:o took, cos or of sot ill, loud mos. e, . re. pout trout thecer at a Ntut!on abt Lovoted. I A liooll Idon.—Thore I ~ torte tilt or c 44 tol,ll,,lttil • ft tot library ut MoeolvItio,1 , 11,11• fortyo more oputrioth," of tOtIZVIN luK offorolt to io:t. tho 111 Ltltclul IzoolriOuttoto, II ono,. I=9 Th.% oulert rhiluday The. heoph , a ink' thel.nhky ! ;,,hfe.lh.t.2thlh.he.lllhy tuurt liu '1.1,0111. , [1 1 - 111 . 1 ut t.:xto, They thtlit , _ _ I= I=l A Ntliniloor 1'5,111..1, 4011 0.-ory f ro , morning till 1 11,11 t, 1., 11, LY mird —ill R 'lllln-Y• ny will abDtar by tug following, Iv.uCQ on Saturday: And 1,117 to Wlt, March' 15th, at a Court of Con. mini Fleas In and for the Cou nty of All,geeny r•eld thin day. the index Dl.ek'cls In trit“ , fll , re for the recordlmr, ot deeds having been examined by toe Juages Of sold C,mrt, It It hereby ordered awl ill rtmted the'. , the Cousini,ilonere. of said County ~ the Ind •xe• of,the after Itnthett, 10 1,3 copied and tre.mmrlbed to u full and legible manlier, to be 'Mid tor Out of the county loud. us provided by law: and further, that etch Indexes :dud' not be removed from the oilier of the Itettirder, bet rhull he copied 111 .Itl °Mee under , the inpectlea 0.110 Ntljt,rVl4lUll Of bold 011tuct . The. hulecr4 referred to In the forgOing ord,r are foiMa • 1. The plan book Inoere, All the lt , ed Itierset and Ad . rectum, x'llloll Wrall bo copied in sepa rate book+, ono In: each letter, except us , toile and .1 Oval he In non bunk. • 'IV and. B ~hnll he in "110 I" nod Z shall be ru one boot, ' W and thrill be in pcp , tritte boOk.t. lit :tilt Curer. He. IM.! 3 , u , grt In It 3lethoLlkt el:1,01Kr whllo u. Junco ern tonnry vtrv.tln4 w.r. I.e:sec hold." The Con ference wail set open the egg 10 know w but to to with It. IERY2I ISLE: CRASH. • LOOTS AND -SHOES AT 1 . 10. , E-. T.I sclr THY. Tl]! KS FOR 31) 11A1 S. Many 1.E.,:.T14 A N Fißsr COST. Nen, l,tll Itouts, tap role, ah:11n625 fk, reduced Th.:, sill wftter prodf, s.lllng 44,75, re. from gr.tln t. 1.50. reduced Mi.n':. Lip 1,1. , tf r.duch.l from 41,73. OIR" hh/ 11 , red-ced from •htop Mt, ..11ing . reduced tr., 10,-. .11..u . h 1..1: , ~ nt 1 1 100 Lalt,e 10011.4,w 11, 71.1.0,rttluct...frum AChlo `• gJit `` `` .I.L •• Er,ecti (mu) WI. arl . ling red,hd fi • poutl..o. h. 111, $1.10.,..1” , ..d from .1.2,1) Lale. tip. 41,41.1, red,e.l (rum ENTIRE STOCK AT GREAT REDUCTIONS - 2G and 2S Fifth St., Pittsburgh. W. B. CLA:PP & co. COOKING STOVES. Wirt' 4 , ~,-'- I . :44 4 I,e • .k • A 1 0 ".1 r.4'1'.54-714.tleeCtriAtlIg6T,LS'tljA.:1_ No. 235 fiberty Street EXPRESS COMPANY. Our :Merchants and 6fanufaciurers. ckmuus RI . rnEss.muney, ` - 'l"alturbtes, Freight anti Par eel*, over' more than 13.000 Miles or FA pre,. Line, at JUNI and li bent 1 rat es.m• es 31 ittioni, yearly to Exist (.4ti Sit i ppers, Oral can be made permanent only by [licit* liberal patronage. This we hope to merit and re ceive.- Offico, No. 145 Wood Street, NEW SPRING STILES, 141 C 0 Rl.) . K C 0 . 131 11 - GOl3 STR E ET, RATS, ('+P5 AM) STRAW GOODS, HOLIDAY GOODS. A ld. t, ISDV : 3 1 3RONZE.GILT, t.llrbon Oil Imnps and Ohatdeliers, Lamp Trimming., - NcAtri,I%IF.I.... , S•FXI . Lt.),IVICC•It 1;tt:, 011„ retsn. JOHN ROSS & CO., D.Tcs. El 4. narax - A-cot E4t-rev.l.l Saddles, Harness, Trunks, o.10:?. - Wood Street, PAIITNERSILIP 'ECHE— TOTOIIE utler t!, cf `411A1.1., Was Dissolved January Ist, 1167, V. A. M. MAR,IIALL disprnlng of 1,4 Irtrirel In ••I.lflnn romenll4 - partrrt, ...0r111...0n -llnu, t.l: 111..,‘ at lip 111 and 113 WATZ11::T1:LI:T. A. M. MAIII , IIALL. E. 51.11 7 1:1.0 , , 11. 1.. IorLI.IIA,N THOMAS ,ROBERTS, .1,1. PACT Tin. Copper and sheet Iron Ware, NO. 111 finITELFIELD STREET, Lear Fourth Ntrrrt. 111:01..rgh. Hnoron,a..ll, op lovol •ralrnl 1,11., poPe 1110. Tl, w, n 10..1 otleny to..rn Yurnl.l.ltot w I i,l P, 10. r.nle an.l-)tetr.ll. l'rompt -t• I.waloolltpe. nod n.I of .1.-h I= t PIIALLIL GUN RIFLES, PISTOLS, Ilardwa i re, Cutlet) . & Variety (hoods, 10. 3 St.Chir Elrett Ed door from the bridge, Azonlon0.••1 of all klnils a'sraye no. litivt Audi C.,tule r,uxtrtd. aml Its rora s;toumA and ott. ALeu, pcukulfc lu G L:OI,GE BEAVEN, • ~ to a 11 , ty Manufacturer ADO , Ita:erOn FtlillflUN AND AMERICAN PICKLES, NMTaI AC.. No. 11'2 Fedeen.l Street, MISCELLANEOUS. THE MERCHANTS UNION CAPITAL, 520,000,000 I= iV3I. LITTLE, Agent =I = At Very Low Priczni LOUGIIREY S FREW, s7l Lrtl.• • tp tlsTmlly ke.p, IL 7.tit,11. = =I ITY MUTUAL CONSENT, = rirrsnunvu, PA I Jal'ENltiliCiel, NULINEILY AND ..•si,. ••"1, WO ItOUrE-. .t 111.100 to tloOr rrtltt gala o•tto.W.P.l Tree, 11.. 4 and Oreetatour U. Viltt.or.bland thalettol (Ara run to •• 0011ntsio , a e•. 7 Dfteco heto.o.t.e.o Y. iIiCCANILDISSE; O. CO., (Lava WA. ort. CA (20.4 NV iIobiEV.IALIG LEI `GPELM AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. • DT ca: Fi4 Wood ISt., liboT• UllmonAgSra„..„. BA 1 . 4 1110SER, _ _ GL2Z~I3YTT~.~Z'Br rrun a.igai)(l,llo2 NO. tina. 2 and , t. I I'IT I niltiiiifl, rA. in it,. ,It•ilgitiog and vt lion.. and puldly al;r1 FOR SALE. —,„ CARD TO INVALIDS. Von SALIV.--4 Fat au or 116.01 Ss 3.er.. tt U,lcalTow ;,., Cie , rtYntisn. while residing In t.otan America ty, at cat e fot.r te•tet ttr se I:llstiou,T. Is ^o•er t d ..sr e .m 1 simple nt"'' "."" story strlet . ret , tufl the Cori. of Nerrn..., , W, atones. Early r j, :.Te . ,... " •ttect-st , ry ,prittz it Carrie,. r e . I t: , r o t 1. ob baneful Itantts. Cr real arm, ;rising shout 1:2 Acre., elec anee ted Mtt. The n.et es bees Mr, been already Cured this noble geirn. richt. or f`. alt tree!. It It all tat t t , r4.41 ., 7111 . edr. ProtnOted by s dtestre 1 , ..c. th. attniet. s":lleifejlll;tTenel'f,.;:l`..ta'ntit'g.o.tld snit ad: CO and ottortunate. I .111 send Bite rte' . tbr ;41.1y for Metre or gardeo'ne pnrpos.q. n pr,nag-Ing and mitt this trAdl,lne. 12 a eee,ttl a Zi:i/trta ,*-I:‘,4:";"°ldb.4itg 11,1Tell,t. to .07 • I • • It. otto, o'it-hultdleget with • gon • Or eose p.tat-psldturevetope ast 1L ter %rin cOgitiltlith• Lila Piet , ' is addressed to yourself.- 'Ash •11 klerteld with goal. • ,„ : , Andres. „2 nendon L e( B l i tr ce P ,, lL . T .e . 1 . A.. v ". 1 .' t. " 17 e c e ` e ' ral '° : :16R' ry.:ll Lai; FUH LLlNlnaraillEr the. aNgie hr ite...a pn , perti netts•ega Itte Llttle ties - Ilan and teeuvllle k • rm.!, MO the Cos , elm be reached eaLlly from • r regd. Ilte coal slope is worth all that Is as, for the ntire I,,peritt. :qtetion'ts ” Night Blooming ceram• I ! le. e m of , ! tow. - ,'.k W.:norelsltt tt ttoe Photon's "Night Blooming Cremes.. e•• r,u, and g..ed f..el r nat., N:;;Itt lticsomis3gt Ceremt. , nce . ..Mod , " . ".' t eleare , l. MI .0, In ~,, Fall red: on Pholon , o "Night Blooming ro oeentent scl,o, and bl.ketemlth ah YiFhi rt Illoonting Verens., n prr. grpoundY . Am. r I dlatelr. Farm of nee , . Eitillt(ll In P. nn A rll9°L, ertiot.lts. dell:ale. and i'momnt l'erfmm rt.:11r4%1 ‘ ln fitgel,l front the root nod Leesuttgl ger, r ft. s v . ` te ' k ' ere, I ' Ts.o 'tot) , ne lino Mt t r. 'floc% tt lo b ,, its nun, wet ^lx It..em • a 111., Car•loge e. .r. 41 .... SPECIAL NOTICES: II CIEMIZI 11r,est (cult nualutattrm onlY bY I It l• tstal.,:ny , .1 ,yllll c •I la 4.1z.er.0N ac RON, N,•., York.. I .""' 9"' • a. per pr..q.crt, Is 0..e5t.1 ‘l.ry c manna • rms. ::701!NTERFEITS. A Farm of IV acrea, attultr.l In l'one . ASK FOR 1 1 11 aLows—TAUE NO OTIIE3 1 '2,,li.„'Vi'r'.nat; non. 1-.lataa.. Th. Inspre . .suenla are • l'wo 12rWItl. 11.4,11N111L1. Iv. CO., j Fr.t wl4 1. oor ”o'nn• • dOub'e Port a an. I.far , ltarn. ,rlog noose nt I Iv, e r:•1•1 , a• tan,. r. awn a. BOILER MAKERS b ,trPl V. y•low lir ut, wlaltlng It go wia. l'oas,con loonlixt•iy. Also. arm 11;1.ter , .a. altuate In • entrt 7 • tarrs,.l,...ll.llAns COS 1Y• an.mt l . l SHEET IRON WORKERS, thr ,tary lirrls. Is. •• -Ii Is 1-1 , toe. a :VOL 20, 22, 21 and 26 Penn St: sa , nani. Hata 10 T. ••• APP.. • r:-r wi , ll s.tr.ety,:f Having eecured a Jerre yard tad haul.[,,, , .Ida.. . 114 the 1 .. 11 .1.Pr0 1,4 n ,ll na . ar• t•ni , ••• • Ina , : nada g ala fist vela of Pared cvcry .1. ,rlatloa or I L p •111 1.1 tta. crs Or bect PIAIIIIO , mai warraot,.l .oaxl to,rrrt e:eL w i.s , („r• located aar made In tha counlry. Clittnne, n.s,•ars%, • I 111 , taou7•ll*. d log, Fl.r I"' to;. :11, .ta nlli ,o .1 at Ltie low Snht"' let lill.r m'"" , so , uro , • I 11. m. ‘ltulto -1/..nialsatkc• oaat• on th, 41.0 rt.... WLAIi.E SEPElttlittt , .1 . ..u...dr...And .Lo Ll - . 11.1 lc 5 r ....r.., ..1., , , lio hoir. troit tr•r, ..,...., 1... - . 1, -.K. ili;..• 11. , i t COPPER MILL & SMELTItitI WORKS. i:•'''"' , 1::.;:,;::: , !:••'"Ti&v - i. , ;i:r‘ , 3 • t..., if , 1r..% rirrs BMW IC. A 1.., 1 , Lot. , -101,11. IL. .tam., ol el Ics,o, ...to I ....t ...toy IV, lu lit .121. r, tir....1..1n ot PARK. McCURDY it- CO., 1 1 ,":.:',•,.iTi.,,'..1:2Y.,1::',','!;;i''Z'! , ,7, , `. , ` , ,";?.T: , `.: . .r.. It. /,....1.1..1 5r...11. , Ilur of LII. Pate .oroct. Slanufatturcr. of .t....tthlng. linsrl , * , 554 11 ._t •.... ,51 lie ..u.l I i510.,0 It. q,..... 1.. 5 411,4 C ~ter, Vr......1 t o;./... Bottoms. 110.14 .Llll ~.L., ot it.. 4 I.n 11, ILL 1. Ist,r. 111. uo. LAW. Bottum... byrllyr :•,.),i.r. A 1.., 15,0,..., 5 •:,.1 Al., l x r, 0.11. , .., 1 f.: 5 i'... , ....::. liralrr• .13 Metal., 'IIn 1 . 1.1..1-1...11, L., 15 - '..., ; A ,..„ ~ ~;;;,,, .., ',.,,L,, I. 1,,,,, ‘.....hip ' Ac. Con•Lantly ~I. tr.nd T , u11.1 , 51.....,,. • .....1 ; L,,•,, ~„ , , , , ,„„.;...,....„.,. ~, z , I ,;.,, ~ 1 T.... 1, •i 11,1...c•.L. No. 111 lIN .1 I, It i 1 „L'L ...,,„;.;,,„, •,.., ,:,7,..;";', , r ,,,,,.. w i l l ...,:, .. L.. apt ItIO r./....•111 tTlElf."l'. 11t1,,:re h. ptcl..l orders of C.; urr cut to ry dr 1r..l . r.:( I . :L t S '. . r >. •Ll ' l ' ; r. '. ;: '" ... ' r ! rr "' 7.. ' ,... i .:l ' l. '' :T ' ~,,,..,,,, 11.7:1,11, r 1 ...:. I. ~"r•i:r.t.. 5, .... ...nu 11 su K L . I.ILI 1 . 111/1.11.:, .-- .:621 , LtOltlA SON. ILEA Z.. CO, • 117;.'.;, r ,h,"."': 4 .`;117,:','",`,f L1t,'.''` . ..1',.,.,,. ...., 411E1 ' ..111, 1/1 . lii . r i.iLli. .V . . t...... la r. ura to ll. , ,LoNsosi. r.r.t. 1 51 . 1.tittb.) i ~,,,,,, „,.. ~,, L, , ..„, "..p.,'', ~i WASHINGTON vgronEs, ' I Lv::.; '4.r,=..:',...,:,,,; - -,;;;;..ri::1,-; , ;, , , , ,, , I. , ,, ,. , ,. . ..„,y ...„i., ~.. , „ rr...,.. n.,...t... • ronudernosod Mot Ictlll It, 1 ' /Itsbnrc:h , •,„'„,,,,. r .,„. c . ,:,„„,..„,,,, ~,, ,„ c 0 .,:,. ~•,, Manuf/..tursrs oLf 11., 55.1 ~.1.1..r..rj r.t. air. 1 !ILI • 11.,trod. i ..1g 1 r. ,. . ~,1 . 1 n'l r ' n ' - '• Ml ' . ''''''''''' 1., r• 1 NSt.!;:i,l• ' l , : . . . ' ,... ' LL.:lfl; ' .. ''' in..1•1. ' ; , ;. ‘ I' ' . no X, ~,,, ;.,....:1,,,, r . 5 ,1,15 .4 .11 .I....rlntlouc VII . pa,,,,,..1,, , ::e ,r , ..u. 1,0, , r .Lts,L, L'.ut. the 1•..5,5. 'rant • Lot ~ t :I-, Hot.. t •:.1.1 ..• !, ~. trot. AV 0r1,.. : 1 ,1, y , , r1i ~ , ? :%'. . 1', . ., , , , ' , , ,,1 LL, r,,: :Lr. ‘ ..! „, , , to' , l. r l w . o: 651 . •gautr. for 1•1V.".0, It t.'s rATENT IN.I IL; ‘ , ~.„ ~:,,',..., ,::.'!,,. ,„ . : 1 ' ,,.. JEC101: for fcc.ll.lc 1...,r5. 1.11,51 : tr.,. - 1n". a i.gv.,. ..d :50 . 01, ....5 11, ! „,,,, n „,, ~,,,,,. V - . 0 .." 11‘ . YIEI,I t I, IN N 1 VI t TI:, o, 1../14.c. ...IL.rslars, ..,..,..r. or FOIL SPECIAL 1'.1.,C...1, CI. 11. TOWEIL Leal llstate Oceut. 16 i t0 . 4W.: - . - ... No. II "loud Citreet. Nom, tort:, 1 f,L, . •. 001,mstIon. with l i,.Ah,...fr:.r:..9 . 0 , 0.. I • AI Ful 'Ott SALE, "rLI (rev sur. r wtti r.p-el gweriktr , A COUNTRY RESIDENCE. .IF.Si Nc. ' ll:lo:lLkat , l, faZAIEST SIDE. YoUist 47..1 9 ‘". r " '"'" r""u"' }.'""" rr ti ,, Yl VAN] ItAITAIOAD. Wlth.ll • tcs i!r• . . sae, , •••1011 , •p '" 1.L..1.100, • I =ME=EM=BMMMI S Pit LNG. STOCK,' r. 11111 .t ..;.:;::70..;;;; . ...3 . , , p . g 0 ; L. lat D r',ll I` L. Ll uter trk ttocx. I,al Its Late • 110Y . N, YOCTIVA AND I= Ai AIAA rrs AtA . , r - A . • :41 , ‘• • n NO.. 47 Mt. littfir Mtrr,t. I• HENRY G. HAL for A •5 •L•r• • n papt) VrnLin - lvant.. In. • 3C.T3TITST C. TENN BD T. (1.. t!!: STS. '""- "r A ~.. %,+l, ar pro,. rty In v•rto.lo. GRAY &rLOGAN GOODS; SPRING NEW JUST OPENED, =1 All the Novelties of the Season, =I First-('lone Merchant Tailoring =I W. HESPENHEIDE, 31 - erchant No. 60 ST. CLAIR STREET =I vItUGGISTS. MMNIU MEE GEORGE A.iKELLY & Co.. Wholesale Druggists, Strret, =I VoT V I.PC IA Ql. I \ I% r ME2INE=2=I /STAN ItAlak lIIIIMMEI Dutt:s! Dim:Ls:: lute tisw JAMES T. SAMPLE HAVINO WV1..1. KNOWN 1,5514.11.1 . ,. ON Cul:. AND ItUlitNt‘ON Alllkeepon halos full ap,rtn...niorall tlnaz of DRV Gra: .1 which will t.r. roid titan •ni other In Lb+ two cl:100. Pre,rrlntlon• csrefUlly preorrA by a flrit. ^A..lra. 111 Ind,of I'ERFUNICILI Ind FANCY yIIA I'S 11 11. d. • LE A stelootiMAlit tr. NON, J Pittsburgh White Lead Works, PURE WHITE:LEAD, BLUE LFAI/ (MOUND IN WI. 71)1, PAIN '1'1• U Ittl. HAltalf,l.N. No. 147 Foart.lll. . J.., K. IRON EITV'SPICE 11111S, - FIFTII STREET EXTENSION, ~Year PermAytrania avenue, PITTNIIIIII.I4II, PA. PURE SPICES AND MUSTAB,D Werrnot... l when our nun° la ou the Article. yitrmit (Itot'S)And RYE F ' ill4ll. NUI tt ROASTED P 7.lTra7....coutlttuo Lite ro•nefactEre of all tine DIFFERENT KINDS OF SPICES, , rh ,, offer to Wholt-rele vt,l Itet,ll at it,,. lowest market pet.... A irillot tud tslr, gullet[ the pstrousge of tine pu WO. Chopped Feed Consla . olly ou Rand. ATLI/CILIA:It 6.310111.1:11(1E. d 0.,. 173 ITWOOII 1111111TREY4. BRASS FOUNDERS, STEAM. AND. GAS FITTERS, for. of 3rd and Liberty ntreet.i. Above Carroll Glnyder•e, rltteberge, and Heavy Cool lug + ferettLed promptly to erder, eprelalpo'd to the (flog eut end' reV airing of Itetrierles, l•teamtma,, goLllog 4til!a, ,C O.. ge• Agents for A. S. Cameron A: Co.'s STEAM PUMPS BLOW Ell ENG A NE4 -- Vum01:,.. , -,-rtor ift/0341 I,l'r grol .•vt ry 111/C 11 r1.111,...t17 1.;,;.04 altuate In SI, eLor l'n t,1:• tla ~allrgol. Inttu Frame llpuh , with a Fra.he - lisili hart. 11 ding- There Is .on .ple Imehsrtl: h,sh.cres her. [curing genera.- ~rlal.l with coal And In churches, mills. .. to:ether With the t Flock. Implements. •ofiekslon given lame- ,7 , 57 2 . ..urth et., (ItnrlLeallll , llre.l 1;4/Zt SAL I.E-CO*ITE A *limn =l3 12= I, , 'LEGANT F-IttABLK. TWO STORY 1311th MANSION, • ,poto. for 1 , 5t1% co , nu. 11.. o awl 111 Itl• %IA lh•tn , r.: 1,1 't otc, d & WILM N. V•.• t. A FOR 1101 SE t\l) EMT, CHEAP. 1I .1 I'.ltl , K 1101',E. N 0.73 h',l:‘,l ward tout•l4.lnz e. can r• 4.1.. a the • .nilJ. 1 lAN; IL. .1 Y ui t trotil. I lila :a • lc" °it L nir ; , . . . : . • 1.1, •. 71. VII.. C.., •. S sl iJr And >..... > 1.1.1. r. v 7 pIPROVED PROPERTY 1 7 ' 011. ase►L F 7. 1!!!!!= r,ugiod to prsee.• (runs 1111,1. to\.au• I= .a. a:a:brace this orporluultY• For P.lrlt.tr laY.rutat,a. apply at the Itealiaa 'me and Ineuranre Once of U. 3. BATES =2 i IEIIO l'Attli FOR SALE.—snu s-• • ,. .1I” m... 41,,..,,, ~,,, ~,,, a hales Iron 1..* 1'.•1te....1 -1•.,..h. t't.htt . .1 Ithl.• 11.10/ ..1, athl th ..e.u... , 1i.1 . .n..... Irv,. ,0r..1. II conl‘latt,,, .5,1 sere ii 11 lien., n.• 0.41: ••••11 watt. .. , 1, tv....1tht..,,,01,10..1.....,, It .1 , 1 al; t.ce,...ry toti , ,lllta• Ilur youuff or. hants . (..,.., .., It. 1.., 1,. , p.... 1,,, .. 1,, . wilt.... plt,ut ahol ch. rri tr.... gral....thc., .i . .. hit soch.t.,cuto - colcut to 4,1,1.....1, l'ult• .1. ....h,....1....1.1 A... , .. - tx e h../.1..1,1a, 11•011. m. d Meth.Mot 3 '. l a . chr - • OW, V. '.,.c.•. A . ~. 1 11 t lll, U. s,,,,,,,lths•tht , tm c 0 ilO. 111,v.we VOIT HALE . —A FA lin AT WALL .i. bl ,riti•, 01, thc Contra' 11.411.14.1. with f!;;;',..VV!'7,l - A",;;.11',' ,. ;" . . 1 ;.;;‘',. „ ';i ,•, ;' ,, .' ,, .^1 1'.,A1. VAR.,. 0 0, ”..uir,.. , 111.. 1tai......1 011101 hillr a eru the lite l' ~Vert, on 10 .,,,,.. -‘,. u.. and , rills' ftl,f11•11 . 1ati.r0t , •.•11..1.t. lit,,,v a,t.. a !Id A u all hare- ~( Mc ewe. .....1 euhurt,• I..Aillln A_.l. 11..q.5a,...11. ~ 11,1dre ut 'llll 1.10 VI W .I.lt, opit,,lte the alliqral. 14.,1,..! /I.*. 11110ra., ...et. p ' o O. SALE. ~.. . . . . • .. roURTEEN AcnES OF the 1.1. t. or Fite Dale,r to . Inorattara tda Vil,butteh Anil 310 a it. iootit top the ell); %% do .Irable oldintry r..ldelice.• .rit the el tkdlew .11. lid, tuHo ior 1/001.. Vrico.l.d.; ter Alc. 2 •xt 2 moll 1 . 4 You to .irrel• UOIISAI.E.—A ',tine ens s , lease tal.ol 61:11Alei.11 1111er glrre . lath ca by lIU on w: .re, ti• 1 A frame ‘l , realug. now r. fOr iv, ilrikA .111 i t lor CIL. In 1,- 1, 1..1 ti of pyr .t 1 •tlt .5... d t•rn,.. it Apv.letl t fr t, anply nt the li.nl a.• '.Mate wn., VOA,. . LlnllcrStreet. Lawrencevlll'e. COICNTRY RESIDENCE =I I=l On Vat Witlditngt On Me. s'tot two Inllot from rlvcr.l Y Its NI x. IttlUok S.ll(lllnint Ore . with anollt woo orvound. f. 4 o , mud w•ter tt th.. l door. tfet, Apply rttp St oneoirtite...r 51 rnio /MO suet,. Atlrttiony CUT. JOHN D. BAILEY, Stook and Real Estato Broker. j OLIN D. BAILEY. STOCK AND REAL ESTATE BROKER AND AUCTIONEER. Hai'lnn taken out atomint•slon as Auctioneer, ab.l etc., au rug . a,:en , nt wit,' the I•lttrburgt tra4r, er..” one tbe ose uf the, rooms, tn, Tin-u !It.ounl Haul, ATLI no* pre evil Vnbil: Auct!on. ntoeks. Pantie, rructtb.a. Real stn . , le..,eliber at the above or ,nt thy ',end ,ea •tt. pald..te heretofore :.o the altle / 1//./// •t nrtv . tte ••1/.. Vet t 1 14 / ntstte in titt Mtend•d. Yvtath nredt, len • TNSUR A N C. 110111i1S1111AtEallIPINI {'car Ilaven, Conn., CASH CAPITAL, $1,000,000• Insntr..ra'n..l 1.0 sotor Dem.Qunr Ptie an , l Tn or., o r rn , A.lntrd to 11. e 11u1rd5”.1.....11:141. , nt xllll o• uuJ re.llabla. underwvlting. Ax JAVUARV 1..1.407 1%11,1 Mates ar.l -tete 4 4' %1.4 10 N 01 1 ,1141 11,n,t 111,. 0,54.. .1 ...wn. 1.7 6...rt.u., nt . .. I.o.sonam 310n,agra....-toct-. .11 on 1'5,1 54,444 10 • on 11 trnl In 1 , 11IIC: 1n Aernte t•en.ts; and fnr nre.t. ..... 301,i13 Sa:vage - n.,7v 73 1n , ,,, ands ,•ut.gl 4-I,Lvi ;VZ All olher Prop , r3T ....MC 30 ' ,3 ^ . CullOtay , k.. ii , i . ..7 --:- . MESE unn•ld and In pr,cfs of ad Inotmcnt ..... ....... .. ... .••• MEE • MatOnaep• of rr,w.unls rec.vlved and 1.0/ /e: paid aunnArtach yearn,n etac orga,,lLl. of Compa. , : reruiurnt .17., i. 31 - L sPist .t 1 U. U. I,l,l•lrnt. VII ...N. Wt. i'f• 11. t. rits I=l 16.11r6••ff.r at, ttnit.fr.om lies •I•7s to It p, Lburch c• en•l Iluu-6, LOOMIS 4, CULLUM:WOOD. Agents, =I I= m' II 'l3l I.AK"ItEM Fcli.LF. PA. THE NORTH A MERICA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, Of New York, Is Tut: • Only Company In the World Otte. ine gearani•ed hi ~..Irret eti,er ettl..tt r,...tr.0l Funds of the ”ett. Or dt•te 110 , 1., us.Lt e.lllllhe In t ,, e troy hevrtefort offered. ea.ll.artleviar atten to thr lt.tltowler Itt a a...t of the ol.ater.• .4 the ,et, or Nett - York the .. ..hl , onr •ttt' "rtt° to te...6. I.• with the r....ern.t. whet. Deptrtturet.a, ,l , , elv• ther.- Ihr 1 . ...tt1e. 4 a.lng the h. al of the I/l p•rtu...7, tli L . A....Hey Is o . n eh. Ene. created by i.ev itet r .l'i'l ft er /I e.St . . 'a! r • rt r: dug,. TI.1: ultke..everi lfe a- - l'o:lcv a: e. t , b Ott 1,1•1, A: • N•- t.on•t l IlAnk tenur . trLA,II HOWL - LION In 1 rwve.l. 11,,keL:re: , 11rd , rtry t::::pmytnecti In nny art of 1. 1 ,e. 1 , 11 ,1 11. c, kutope, at Llly t r IL,Q u[ tLe 0.1tY15 1 I.lllACff on all r:newal n5l: tout:. • . . ALL 1,1.13:1F...are nol,forrettliag R.ol:flit of I.llnt OVER ONE 1111.1,20 N DOLLAR.. kt, I nnu rer. ar...t0l core vs, Ir p411, , e. {l.Ol, th. •••Norilk Allit '• 7.1011C:A N. Pre.ldeuq J. W. if ,crctatv• E. T. Cool. ti. 01.. General Agents, pirrs MLA N 0.61 Fourth street. A rt.w morel stire, tMele=l.c.n -.re Arritele.. 1 1 1.1.:4:111111 INSUIZAtiIL'U. CO. Y ITTSRUKOLI. - .No.c. rum rtaat Uloct 1111===1 JOHN 'ELWIN, Jw., ?ruff:lent. 401 - IN 0, Mc1.. , 1‘1, \lce, Prothfrra. C. 0. DON Nls.l.l...,erretart. rapt. Vi:II..DCA,N, General AgtP DDLIC - 101an John Irwin, Jr.. Capt. Wm. Dean. B. L. C. Marvel' Ci.ll.la. IL I, ... T. J floskintwa V rand ID. piENNWILVANIA EVSII:IIAACE C OF PITTSBURGH, PA. iilook Tl.l. Is a Hum. Company, and Iniures agalnat 1a• Esp Piro each:nivel,. I.LON Alit, %ALTER. P rtudent. c. v . Vlce IIIrs! 111/11KIIT PATRICK, Treatprer. - 11 L'UkI II•ELHENY. rwcrotarT. PIR/J.:Ton, l wi, , Leona ar, Ucur~t ,. %alt. I . 1, 1.1...1...rt Patrick, I J. C. 1.. , ..ppa, Jacob Palnter, . J. C. YR.iner, Jinn V.lrgtleT.• .1... H. Hopkins, I A. Atr....1..n, henry ettrunl. ALEX A N 1,41.1., SIM ICSt. Presfleut.. WIS. iiKII.IIKItT. CArr..rental Agent. Other, 02 Water etri. , .o•of A Co.'s W Are 11.•.•• ur• stairs. l'ltt•tror,h• ki 1111. u, :1.01 of KIT. And littrlue lilac a. A home lustlult:..a manAce,l by Directors who are Orb known ;0 co:or:1.11y. sna .00 pr..Lupto,, Ana 1114.ratl:y. zolLti.a.A. the o..sr,tor which thy e . ffericg tr••• Wet orotectloa lo those Ito e! un!ro ;vsnrs.t. ,ust.C•ro. Mei. 5(010*. Nees J: Theme. , CI ...T. C 1.1.., !sou, Am.y, , /Mr .c.ler ,pct.r. • J.Zr•e. Huy, wc•., ph I t4lp Rilllalo M. KO,ll. de - ItiRll,(T. ===i= VII FICA. N. OVA. WOOD AND 711211 oTS M=O=M =2:lM=t==l Capt. John L. Unond.. I tis.umel P. server,, Arm 1 . 20111 P.. Jig Lo ti' a. s, he E.-Fete. Chr.ries Arburi:e, etpt. Jas. I , llller. Job. I. rana••• U. Verner, C. tin:iron Loe. WY. I'tl rrtal.lent JOHN WATT. VI, . W. r. UAulm t. ~.<rrtarr 1101 - .lv •••pt. .1 Al, I. 11115. I,n'l Arr. PLUMBING. GAS FITTING. iEn!.Eit ag. JO VINSON, .IE•I=I...A.rpOICIALT-• Plumbers, Gas and Stem Fitters, r/FTII 13TILEET EXTENSION. .Y..1.X14. Crux . V" es. • nor/. re by met! executed eath.factortly Lao promptly atte v. A 1..11 lo.e ath Tubs. Pump, 111... tn. et, t. Cliatlettere. Prodaro, and tine Shades P,r tno,t raasonat,e pr .ceeleo. orr • from country patrons by mall prompt lyattemOdl e to f . Lium 1..., o ere,Jepls3 BAILIFF 4 BROWN & CO O No. Cill3 - Foci corsAl a t., • LLEG7 Li E.l - 1' Cat Tr. Pd ptumnFns, GAS AND STEAM nex • ITTE , tS, keep a. ye on Pawl a larerapeertmeat of ..YOKANTIi. :5114E7' LE.A 1.1,1/PIPK. tiATH rUtH, WA,II ;LA WNS., I W.% AND 11Itehn eon all mate rice for troltor up public or prle•te tedellna• wit. OM+, 22 ATEltor TE AM. latOr, PAINTERS. JOHN T. GRAY, Etifil ER, GRAINER tNI) GLAZIER, No. 54 Hand St., Pittsburgh. l'laln and All Klima o. nver7 da.crtl , Volt done ordnr. All ArTIF. dollop rnntiT at reaßonanta!atn,, 10: en WCO - CC - 1 - IEIIII, HOUSE AND SION PAINTER, 2W. 63 DIAMOND ALTAI", F1TT , 36•11. PA All Aram, left at Ow .hqp. or erpt by tolll vr , ll.rverlre Prompt attrotlon . rA:u55 MiIEMM (Lace Orate firm of Buoy. t 11011110 w.) AOILTNe AND AWN PAINTERS. = I=l SHEPHARD'S CRACEMRS 317 Liberty Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. 13..13. 1-1( ONE Sealer of Weighty and 3leasnies. omce• 50. rJ 11AnT1.1.T STREET, =I =I PROFESSIONAL. N. w. SII IFFL7R-, ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 83 3,D iamc, ci. mmoml W: A. LEWIS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, IsTo, 93 Diamond Street, JOHN W. RIDDELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OEFICE.: No. 125 FOERTII. STREET, H. C. MALEKELELL, ATTORNEY 8 COUNSELLOR AT LAW, No. 69 Grant Street, PITTSLI PE GU, PAL. CO= T. w.LLTIII, DaT ............ T. Io,NS. DAY el DUNN, , • N 0.103 Fifth Street, PittAtargb, MILITARY AND NAVAL C31r1E7M7012". t'vr..11,1,,,11.., , 0n50f 11 , uutico, Pens'one, Itaa.k IV y. Udu.. 1u r ludamulLy, and Pal.. P:11.... •ein'm•t^ pay f o'eerrtaot. Aoldltlonal .on 1$ crra, of I . r.lotie se,r, ===IMM B . F. BROWN, RAW Local Claim Agent, U. 2.2. Cona.,l iffllce,No. 67 Fourth 81., second floor, I ===l32l PMSIONS, COUNTIIF, AID ARCMS OF PAY Promptly Collected tio charge mule %nall clams ire settler, and thee nut a mod, are fee. myt3-1,30 8100. • BOUNTY. $lOO. ADDITIONAL BOUNTY. • LOST DISCHARGES. Soldiers who hare lost their allacharsi• eerily. catea and who are othrrwlse entitled to the addi tional ilia) niuncr, can buy. their canes at tended to by calling on or addressing lIILL PATTERSON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW AND GUTH AGENTS, 106 GRANT STILZET. SOLDIERS , BOUNTIES, PENSIONS, Extra Bounties Back Pay, &c,, Ctr:rereB In the Shortest possible /Unit, bi A. 11. BROWN. JOHN S. LAHIIiIS., I Attorneys St I.lor. Ohtee,. No. Ili ylllO street, r put-I.KB IltutH JOHN A. STRAIN Ex-Officio, Justice of the Peace AN I) rt , LICE MAGISTRATE. °the,. IP2 I'llth St. opposite Cathedral, = I De o e - ds tons and M al o l r t l a .e s sraels , N A o c s a i n n o e w ss i ed exe oo t t e a d promptness and dispatch. myls:6l W1L1.1.41/ JANCEY, NOTARY 1.1111.1 C, JESTICF Of THE PEACH. A NI, RE • L. F,TATE AG /CST • Once.rornar of and ravor streets. Lawrenceville. N,1•1 attention gicru to toe purchase and sale of heal le. the Collection oi Rents. and the pe,p,ration and so,ousriedement ol •11 kinds or C.c, Odle eyances. MILLIAN JANCES, Justice or the Peace and Notary roblta rtty33:oo, EUSTACE S. MORROW, ALDERMAN AND CONVEYANCER, 72 Pennsylvania Avenue. Fog of the irteruien ud apprite Wiz Street CEIATILLIII T. EWECG; Attorney at Law, No. 69 Grant 'Street, Pittsburgh, Pa, Kir C.tatalesloner for Ohio, Kentutty, Wart ,11.,..ri•nd h., JOHN C. 31cCOMBS, • ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, No. 87 Filth Street. Bovntlt,. amd Arresis or ray bon:a. BxEWERS, DIALSTERS..kc FITTS EII..IIGLI BRE WLRY. • CARSON, DARLINGTON & BLESSES, 1115111 S BD HOP HAIM, Successors to JOSIIEA ROLODEM PlOotaurg W. W. A.NDE:RHOS, Allegben The attention of the customer" Of the two Snots Is perticulatly Invited tour ALES AND PORTER. Which. throegh the careful ecleellon•f Malt from outer...3.lre tomitfng fscilltles and Flops from the yards east and W. ems. we can uoarardere to be Zr ' i n f:l iiVaLE on t 4e h n e laTut; moms,. noted by plwelembm for Mos Ily nor. y- Mr. ab DK 'S custom ers rtemeebe psr.cular o lease their ord at Ws °CMG ad. p;lnu Ms Hrywcry. or at our oenee, Caner at Dwane lay and Birteis Alley, AOC,. JAY., ?MM." 111larrII TOCNO. ALLEGHENY BREWERY. 11.6•1ve purehweed tee old e.t.d... Brewery known the ALLEGELY. Y BILICWI6It.Y. for me:l3 oweLd Caruptwll tt Brehm. we would Inform tur test we BoeeedeoeUeelot eee aa.ufartare of SPRING WATER ALES, Made trona rare eprtar Mater, and from our riodAtlrs and long experience In the ha. Ines., • t (et: that we will be enabled to rife entire fallaractlon to theft frtn may rarer Offal& their pliton lre. /31361"X= 0/0 4(35 Rebecca Street; ALLEGHENY CITY. is - All °Mars lett at HHOWN ORAELLIM 1.1113 I,,erty greet, Plitabaratt, .111 be orompu, atteroled tn. 0e6:.61 PHOENIX STEBI BREWERY M!MVEM .6PLACER & lIMATERS AND BREWER Ale, Porter and Brown Stout, PITTbBURGII, PA. ' BOOTS AN DSHOES. MUST BE CLOSED OUT, By April First, AT COST! AT COST MIES'S, DOT'S, TOTTERS. - 111/0311•N`w, nls4E , •SD CHILDREN'S BOOTS, SHOES, BAXAIOIIALS, POLISH BOOS'S It GUBS. Now Is your ,bance actors ct reliable good* at I teas ,lisa auction prices. C allat OLICS. at J. W. dr, W. C. BURLAND'S, No. a. Market arra., 2.11 door from , Ifth Mt Branch Haas, Ida Mato U. meld caorut 40/11% 13..91.1161 1 • FIELDING 8c BRO., SS env facto ter, and bitlert In 4:7l.2.estorck Illazawac. BOOTS, SHOES & GAITERS, N 0.140 Ohio St., Allegheny. itspelrle• oen.entitr esennt.i an the shortest TOBACCO, CIGARS, Ac, DOME DUD BOUGH AND HEADY, BUSH BUD BBIUBTP ito . SK BUD eil LVEN BAVA, And nth, Nett." Brand, of I TC) - E3I.A.CDC 4 COO 31 nun teetered by B. Olt W. JENKINSON. Fifth doer from bail pennon isridge, Allegheny. de_: bee JOHN MEGRAW, klantifuturer of cad alai and Ratan Holler it all kind. of Tobacco, Snuff and Cigars, .C.C3 71) Erl• 11-13 EFT. & gcneral assortment Smoking Tv+ , 99o, Tobwou rosati alway. On Imek Ali AMUSEMENTS NEW - OPERA 110 ESE. Lei.renup]ltnyer.\l W. is r is F.R.4 , 14 Tremurcr LL♦RU7 UVEILIN Wan,. • F.411,70C1f to of the eel«bratel tt• Lor , y Young. qaeon of Co.erly, It/SS 'LATE 11EIGNOLDS Wlto will ante beet...et syyryesnnCeTHl 9 EVEN , . 1 Y. U. In n ,jai . 1“!1,1 doxlUic Ltil. cowls aar Ol Itg. =rot Set coutedy. tn. WdhOEF: CR: A WOMAN KEEPS A SECRET, .1.4 the net poputer. EZEMEMI =M!!!MIM!= lr - vArtir.Tics THEATRE. the In I if: c. hIE 7 . '. . , . ' re t l ''''LirrrrT ( nAL fII L 15Y led 'Cron p, la • •t.:•.orb r"'" w.c, p ro .' .41 •P -rI.IoKE 4r4 t "4" " "r" t.. 1 r. PIKE •11. Y. rlae ' l ' 7%71;7 £054 Byron, I,lL,cxspsitselo• 730; Dre••,(2lrele or . Suc; Ual , cry. Sac; l'clvatc Bean. LECTURES WM ES CAN TILE LTBRARY Lrcr IMES LaAt Lecture of do ?yaw Come. RALPH WALLA EMERSON, EINEI ACADEMY OF MUSIC, Tuesday Evening, March 191 h. evamcr—"THE SIAN 01 TIIS'AORLD.” Tlctets 50 cents. Season leketa will lifted C the r. open at 7: lecture be to CO.. .t nue at 7 V Welock• -- • . . . ITTit: J...xxm Scryrr.lor.v l N. YUAN.. 0. 1.. SCalre. N. 1410 FLUX. 515. F. JINNINGi, 1.1101. 1.51.5 ' W., O. Hr.itacni • SEWING inA Cli. IN h. S. HAILEII'S LASTIC STITCH AND LOCK STITCH Sewing Machines Are THE BENT for nanny and IleantaxVerlag retype.. Cell sad id.e these AL Xo. IS Fifihk Street DON'T BE DECLITED DV 'lour*Ain; half column adrertlerrnonta of labor rlor MAcbgres, but get a triZriVrtft & HA. XXII tr. eor boon fully tortur; for gr.- Loon *eon, and tr. In all no- - nt ja•titer noun , -or! tht. • • !N. ' • --. =3 TM No. MEI F•, o,:nea BAIRTI.ET , SEWINCAtI.A.CM!HE Besqehe.p Cl&lated 111.r,lar he 17:1114.1 ot.m.e Attrztsreant.ed every.. hero. ray 1150 So 4 , 400 pi, month. Cl:miner t.tto9 ••• • ,4, •••• FAUE Bum n Nr• tieaersl Ascot., 614 ,Chestnut street. I blledelpttl. and • 21 MutiMltstrret. Toledo. Moo. GBT NONE BUT A GROVER & BAKER for l a Holiday HID— D. la reiloole. perfect and berefura the beat. Don't tail to call and see hat I==T== ,110 E, HARNESS & cARRIAGE MAKERS should see the new GOVEIt & BAIA NO. 1 SEVIN IICHINL Before buying elsewhere. It Is Me best ler her ror " NO. 18 FIFTH STBE THE GROVER b. BARER SEWING MACHINE • -Is the tittlms. Thule of Mechanism. Please sod extontue It NO IS FIFTH 51 HEFT COAL, COKE, &o. mac n•rreawxx KAUFFMANN BE CO., UNION COAL TARO. - Best Family Coal,Nat Co,l and Sittek Airway, on l i7 dzr . miptly ertd OFFICE: COB.- HARRISON AR I D PENN BTB., Itallread, near Car- =2 COO WM. M. CL \EI, & CO.. Gas Coal Works, eblppers and dealers , ek I'Y.ItILU AM AND PAMILYCtIaI., UTI I -LACK. Pus, - • . . ,v+7 I•l4ta out, az , ! LIR2i. 13 ,, X 67 AUegheoT t 111. ENERAI, oLIFFIC E. • tory rittobstzgh t , avlor flank Lawn, .tact .pd Vlrsln l'ltt.burgo 4.,A•Cti • •Fricsaf: Ne. l.lOcr,ty atrcet„no , l'ean's N. R.. oppo. ft, 31,•ta..01c atrt.o. tsborgh awl r oraer AJN derb.,o etre. als. P. Y 44'. t.. N K. Al , gbeoy. All orders "-ft at lth, or 011 above 11110.1 rceelve oromibt }MOT PI UT CO 11. VAN Y. —iilllpper• and di-al. rs In hoped Tangly and Strewn Coal. Not Coal and aeneral of- Ore second .to. Pittsburgh "'nein., Barth Build ing, corner Lil..rty street 'and Virgin alloy. Branch ` t o r Try Imo Third Watts. Pittsburgh. receive 4 left at either of the wbota places will receive prompt 51,51100. Poatoalee Adam.. Ho: GPM rittaloVh. 011(.1.1,88: 1 J. J. on.c...srtr., H. L. ramxsasOar... n McCIL.CaIIT. Wit. H...a....r. Grollol r.IIX,D. Jab. tONII3OXSZT. WALTI.B BIITANT. JOLIN lists. LUC,6 60t, D. J. J. 611.1..Z.Frtr, rr. s•t. I /L. 11. nrcusa, 34.7. S. I:1:1 I clt Treamnrer. W. 31, CC...V. O 4LX dr CO., ilacusgell. Jal:g9l pITTSIIICIIGII NATIONAL COIL AM) Crlit COMPANY. miners. shippers and dealers, wholesale sal retail. In Om BEST FAMILY COAL. Nut Cloact.l aad tf laolc. OFFICE ANL, TARO. corns: . Fourth and Try streets, Ploannrah. ra. atl orders for oelletry In the City, or Shipment West, will meet prompt old Issme•ilate stun. Sion. IL. A. +CH,. ABEL. ruorrintetolent. Co.& L I COAL: I COAL I I DICKSON, STEWART & C(1 . .3 Harlem remo.ed their "Met to - No. 567 LIBERTY !IT lII' E're (Littelielty Moor Uhl) ++rens, , VLookk Art now prepared,. o g • looltaY LUMP. NUT COAL Olt Olt Pi LAt 'EC. Attie lowed market tie, Will order. 10, at title otheie. or .4 ireased to them through the mall. will be att.. hied to promptly. till itdi CHARLE*II. AU ;11 STICONt?i, YOUGHIOGEEST Ma 005NELLSVILLE MALI and Obtetun ., of cast. tltecla. .ad thrsaalphcarizedlr.• USItCL a!“. 1 - H,. coma• 0( BuVer and Harden: Ml , o.yard OM Lt► Bernal and Clymer atreeto Nlntb •rn. and Bernal street. near Lone tie l ' ...re. P. Yandlle• and Lanutan.are • a,pl ed With th, best article or,Poo. , ur Vedle at due Inenet eaal rate. . . .Ord r y left. at Sty of their etlces rill neat , . prompt stLentlock. ~e: oRPULAS , LOAM SALE OF REAL ESTATE, In the Borough of Lawrenceville. By virtu. of an order of the Orphan's • Ism .f Allegheny County. the onderstruso. guardian of earth E • Isaac. Joseph O.an, Anaraw J. Johnston, alnot eltlldren Of William Johoston s dread. will offer at POOll3 Sale, at Ike pretatats. la the Darou,b, of Lavrmacer We. at /to u'•lesc. Wednesday. march 27th, 1861, All that certain let of ground aignated In the aid Baronet, bounded aa lieglnnlng at a point on the south aide of Butler errs". II lent I !Latino. inan easterly direction them toe corner of awd Butler and Allen eere o; ti ence est...ELM./ In front, along the 11n- of Bullet liter; • distance of I feet 1 Inch; thence In • soother's airection its feet to an alley ten lent th e nc e in • eresterly.direetlow along the line of said alley 27 feet • acres: thence in • Ice direction Ph feet and le !ache., to Dot r hs ea, the ponce of beginning. on which is er.cled •tiso str, hones. WMfM;= 0. 8. BATES, Guardian, Mbll , l2al Autl•r Street VoTil'E.-14 tarrral, It.tt.-rts of .I.‘ dm!nlatteloa to the estate of lira 1 4 .1117.6 L11.^111• PT. late of tro.,th rayt tt, to oaahlp;-/Ll. laghany count., Pa- dett.a•ed. having boast grata..d to toe onal-etlei.ed al , to said estate are raftur,ted to mate truroadtata payment and Um,- awing elatoir to present them, properly antOrrat , at..l 7, settlement, to Jot W. Lx- , scrl, JIM LY.,S roht,l7l 3 kidual atetrators._ THE ACiiiENT (OP H. 4". At:6i. I NE L. Y✓L . N , MI ENT 5. LIAMLIST r. vas 111,-o n h ~ 7 b, tS I 7. In the Court 0 , C.ruano. Y. 9. 1 J han• oonott. • at No. Jane arra and •!, • ut , .111 be Wlorte. and wa•ratod ato at wit' lALeg daft. • 1. , •11-11:,"7 n , Al• Atllt)W27. MI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers