.rhe.i4.litirolt6iuttte. ECONDA.Y, MARGIT 19,1507. THE SII,PREME JUDGE:9IIIP. Some necks ago we brought forward the Hon. 11. W. Wttalams, one of the Ju• ges of the District Court of this county, as a person eminently St, both in point of character and qualifications, for the Feat upon" the bench of the Su preme Court soon to be vacated by the expiration of the term for which the Hon. Ononon W. WOODWARD waselect-. ed. Several of oaf cotemporaries; itt this city and elsewhere, have since added their testimony to our's In this matter, in a manner most decidedly complimen. tary to the Judge. On Saturday last, a meeting, of the members of the bar of this, county was held in the District Court Itoom,at which a preamble and res olutions were adapted, that will bolound in another column. This meeting was fully attended. The gentlemen.who par ticipated in it have all practiced before .Judge .WILLIAII2 and have full knowl edge of his judicial abilities. Not a few of theta have attained a high posi tine in the legal profession. The opin 'Jou of such a body, : on a question of this • sort, is entitled to a large measure of consideration. Its' doings will doubtless attract . attention, particularly among lawyers, throe, heat the CoMmonwealth; and we trust will elicit tavorable=respon ses from the bin of many comities, es pecially on tins side of the AllethenieL pOLITICAL YttoGitEststo?i, Among the healthy signs of the . times in tuis progressive age, is the improved moral tone of the political world, by the inauguration of reforms which will tend eventually to eradidate the evils of our political system. It is idle for political . tricksters to endeavor to stop the car of progress, as these reforms Spring from the better class of society, and a class too, whose views must be respected and obeyed sooner or later. lt is but the legitimate results of the.' triumphs of Christianity, and it is only a question of time when the altimatum will be reach ed of securing a political system based upon the principles of Christianity and the highest .giade of approved morals. The,leavening process has been at work for years graduallyassimilatlng the body politic into the healthy condition shadow ed forth within a brief space bf time. Parties aro necessary to the equili brium of our GoYernment, and the evils and bad policy of one party gives stabil ity and power - to the opposition. The sleepless vigilance of the political lead ers -of the respective parties:is a safe guard to the true interests of the Gov ernment. The conflict of great princi ples furnish the status of each party, and they give color and edge to all the mi nor question's of the day. It is a mat ter beyond peradventure, which party is using its power to, uphold the right and propagate moral principles, and which one is defending oppression and wrong, under - the guise of conservatism and 'constitutional rights. It is as ac knowledged tact the world over, that the Republican party is the faithful ally at' religion and good morals. Acknowledg ing God ,in the affairs of government; contending in all possible ways for the rights of the sable sons of Africa; foster ing the cause of tereperance; insisting upon the obServances of religious In public institutions; in a word, &mg ever] 'thing that will tend to honor God and elevate man. While these great cardinal elements loom out so promi nently, yet, there are some dark" spots arising from the - ree - eancy of professed , friends of the party, that will disappear in time, if the Republican party are 'faithful to the mission imposed upon R— AUL to cease the good work on hand, un til our political structure is reconstructed fully upon the principles of Christianity and sound inortils, Akin to the doings of the legislative body of the. General Government vie 'find many of the mem bers of the respective houses also, co gnized in religious exercises in various ways, and temperance reform, by asso ciiite,d effort, which promises to do *such towards purging.the Capi , al of the odium heretofore attached-to that place by the evil designs of wicked legi-latora: The wattle of the Opposition crops out in their votes in the Legislative halls of Congress AO the various States; its nominating Conventions from the State - Convection down to the smallest body. of that party; its local action upon moral and ret.din 'questions; its association with improper maims and crganisations, ti. effect its objec , , and obtuln power, are defined in unmistakable language. Let any one read the resolutions of the Con-, • ventions of the Demo Erotic party in any part of the country, and they will sea their lamentation for the 'reform accom plished to elevate the oppressed, and the threats of retaliation when the opportu nity occurs. The same animus_dovel ops itself in every way in our local politics, by throwing obstacles towards securing pruner legislation in the tragic of liquors' and other • important reform • measures. These general observations serve to in troduce a brief notice of the successful efforts now in force in advancing the temperance cause in this State. It iu but a short time since that men of good moral character, and members of the Church too, •were'compelled either to avoid a political canvas, or else sacrifice principle directly or indirectly, to secure J an election to oaice.. Such' was the de basing means used to secure votes that a Christian man - rarely passed through a struggle for:Mike without tarnishing Ilia good ear and injuring Christianity. Party u• .-•enanccd this tribute to -... and such means, but • 1, hardly to , cates of liberal r lons. It is .:, sdvo- liquor, and kindred 1... • nipotent in bygmie days, bad stich Power in their associaten, • - when it is remembered that the tone ui society N4"35 et Such a low ebb on these subjects. The recent canvas for Governor has' developed an element of moral power, perhaps never attained before in this State. 'Tin true great principles were ut stake in the canvas, and such as were btiund to succeed, yet, it is also equally - true, that our noble', al.:indent bearer did not barter his temperance ptinciplea to • secure his nomination or his election. lie stood on the foundation of right, and succeeded. What a proud record our ex cellent Governor has, not only .during the rebellion, but of grand moral princl ' pies. :No wonder the recent noble stand taken by him at the late State Temper once Convention, and the thrilling words uttered by him on that memora ble occasion, are musing the friends of the liquor traffic to tremble with appre hensions, .of restrictions of the most stringent character. Take for Instance the sentiment of thil community now sompared with a ycar ago. Then, temperance men were alarmed at the prospect before them; and • fears were entertained that the Ffire• I guards, poor as they were, would be re moved. But the great heart of the Chris thin public were moved, and the work of reform commenced inside the church es, and outstdo by its leagues and socie ties of Sons of Temperance. and Temp lars', so that now the currentie complete ly changed, and tho friends of temper ance are organized for accomplishing re ferias, which a year or so ago, were deemed impracticable. From the pres ent out-look the time has passed when the wishes of the better portion of our community in .the churches, and those connected with the temperance organi zations, will be slighted or trampled upon, in general and local elections. This progressive step in our political system, and such avowals as Las been made by candidates for high offices in other State*, not to buy Mike with mon ey and otheFiruproper means, to secure their object, leaven one thing more to be done to elevate the status of political ;circles, that of Christian and moral men attending the primary nominating meet ings to prevent the wrongs sometimes perpetrated and accomplished by their indifference and neglect of this duty: The best way to prevent improper per sons from receiving offices of trust end ; responsibility, is to guard well the in cipient steps at the primary meeting. If our order—loving citizens neglect this precaution, they should not complain when improper Demons are elevated to places of power. Taking all things into account, we think great strides Lave been taken of late towards securing a better condition of things in this State, in our future po litical campaigns. It has also been demonstrated that a man. can be elect ed to office on principle without catering to low and groveling means. A COMMITTEE appointed by the last Congress to investigate the affairs of tue New York Custont-House, as will be re membered, made startling disclosures of corruption, in which Collector SETTEE, Senator DOOLITTLE, Senalo7 PATTER sox, (the President's son-in-law,) and a Mrs. PZUY, a friend of the President, was mixed up. After the Committeo made its report the two Senators, in their places, ventured upon denials, taking care not to cover the points actually charged 'upon them. Mr. Stereos at last appeared before the public ins card, protesting Lis innocence, and aspersing the Committee. -Mr. BELL:OID, as the acconntof Congressional doings we pub lished on Saturday, showed, rejoined, damaging the Collector beyond the possi bility of recovery. It is now reported from Washington that the feeling in Congress runs-rery strong against Mr. SMYTHE, and that if the President does not re move him, he will be impeached. As we read the accounts, the President is as much at fault as the Collector. What better right had the President to ask to have his daughters and his female favor ites, provided for corruptuly, through the Custom-house, than the Collector had to conclude the infamous arrange ment H.O.lialplanta, March 15th. leg 7. 2 nrlo/12 Hinarryls—DS.l.a Sias:—Sloes have been a member of the Senate of Penn sylvania, there have been la that body abler advocates of liberal railroad legislation, bat none truer than I. The narrow ;alley that dent, a development to the State and country, or would hold It subject to the tit of a inOn n tiol.T, la abhorrent to my judgment and conscience. , I called your attention yesterday; and now do so agate, to a paragraph In years of the 13th, beginning with the swords "That we may do no injustice," m wbicb, I have no doubt by-oversight, the very great Injustice La done me of umi• Ling my name from a list Of Senator, true to a free rail road system. I coccerated with those Sen ators so product!, a tree railroad law; and man one of fuse. who, f-iling in that, and beitevieg the bill passed. entitled -an act to author'. the formation of railroad cot , potations," a miserable lie, toollably ant weakly conceived to cheat the people, voted :Ver s a ' l l e L yea t m "r di s gTrt ° ,7;Z u T!lle ly fe tr a e r e .T. on ly as to measures, after vale ego -to to amend, voted for the hill finally iduiply. being the beet they weld get, sad a st,p, they conceived, in the right direction. • regret that while all the above Senators were mentioned creditably in the pars. graph referred to, the oteiviion of my name should convey the inference that I was one of those who aided to pass snob a cheat and sham. I regret IL-the morn Is:Cause I Bee ynur article cOpled today y, in the Press and Telegraph, nod It may, be Copied in many other ',opera. Hereafter, dear airs, if yen have occasion . In your paper In nen:mt. - Senators *lint/elk:lre in &future for the commonwealth, and are trying to make it, please do not omit me. Very respectfully yours, heater drossy &sows,. REITAIIEL—Mr. BROWNS states his own case correctly, and we regret t►e accidental omission of his name from the list we , published of Senators true to the principle of a General Railroad Law. Tnn Harrisburg Telegraph seems de' termined that we Ehali enjoy no credit for saying pleasant things of Simon Cameron. It no.. longer adopts °Ur edi torials as its own, but credits them to other papers. Come gentle men, give us a fair chance, and what we c an say "true as gospel" . don't attribute to the Lancaster Examiner. 'Account:lo to the returns of recut Parliamentary elections in . Prussia, 1 a large .majnrity of the people of Schles wig are Danes, and desire to be under the government of Denmark. While as serting with great . boldness and power the right of the solidarity of peoples, Prussia defies that right when it suits her ambition so to do. Ex.GovsEeon JOIMBTON to a heavy load on the'President. Ile must be pro vided for in spite of the Senate, which has already refused to rcognize his claims to office. He has just been appointed to fill the Internal Revenue ,Gellector's office at Philadelphia until such time as the Senate may displace him. • Tan cotton crop of the Southern States, last year, reached two million bales, and sold for $7.00,000,000. In 1859, the crop was Are millions of ,bales, and brought $250,000,000. Of course, the crop last year cost considerably the most, by reason of taxes, paper money, and higher wages. Tan Blair County Whig urges the Re publicans of that District to unite in re questing Er-Governor Curtin to become their candidate for the 'State Senate, to fill the vacancy created by the expiration of the term at the Hon: L. W. Hall. Tun Chlean° Tribune advises Cowan and Doolittle to . "me as is remnant of their repetitions by following Jim Latte'a example or blowing out Ida brains." Perhaps Lane had an advan tage over these gentlemen. Tuts spiritual teaching of 11r. Henry Ward Beecher has resulted to lacer fruit. No lass than five members at his congregation have been detected j¢ dis tilling contraband whisky. THERE i 8 a raid upon Canada on foot among the Fenians. It cannot be pro ductive of any good result to the cause of Irish liberty. Goy. Crarrix Balled for Franca on Saturday last from New York. Elia family :canine In Philadelphia, ...- Edllortzleorrerp.m.r,o rl,t•bn!glloll.sle. i MONUMENT 1101:if:, PICIIIIONE. V.., Marsh 14, Ihn7. I reached this renowned metropolis at 1 r. st. on the 13th, leaving Washington at 7A. M. I came by steamboat fifty-five miles to Aequia Creek, thence by Rich mond, .Fredericksburg anti Potomac Railway seventy-live miles to this city. I expected to get a boat for Yorktown at six thii.utorning, and having but a few hours, spent them in looking' in upon the Rouse of Delegates, where the consider. ation of a bill to provide by taxation for paying the interest on the State debt was I postponed for it . few days, to see what Congress would do. One of the speak- - era did not feel quite sure that Virginia was not about played out; he doubted whether the Legislature would ever again meet after the 4thof July. A good deal of the virus of slavery amid rebellion lingers in the breasts of a few at the del.. cgates, while most of the members ap• pear willing to dry up the tears they have been shedding over the spilled mills of secession and betake themselves to all approved expedients for building up the waste places of the Old Dominion. This doubtless will soon become the prevail ing policy of all judicious Virginians. The geographical position Of this State is probably better than that of tuty other, the length of lines of railroads and canals extending from Tidewater to the nevi- Obis rivers of the West, i s shr rter than through any other State. The climate is all that could be wished; the agricul tural capacities and the undeveloped wealth of mineral deposits are Vast. It only remains for the statesmen of Vir globe to adopt-and pursue a wise policy; by extending every possible encourage ment to the immigration of capital and population from the North or from the States of Europe. Over her vast domain where there is one family living by and on the soil, there should be ten or twen ty. On all the route from Acquia creek to Richmond, seventy-five miles, 1 don't think I saw more way-side farm houses than thirty or fatty, while there should be five hundred. There are in all this distaice not a hundred acres on which a Yonso or Ger Man farmer might not m su rt . and educate a family, and after pkyin something for roads, school house and churches, put a little in the a bank. FROM RICHMOND ~' mond is a handsome city, on the River. The site is beautiful,' the i are regular and wide; the side- •rnd goners of nearly all, the cart- but two or three, are paved. Pop- I would guess, about silty Lid, including the suburb of ..Is.n - i'. There is a large colored popti - I who are now well provided with , of which I visited several to being detained by no beat for wn this morning.) The order .cipline of these schools are good; .c'gress and proficiency of the quite surprised mt. James River Canal affords an int water power which is but partial [roved. Yankee skill and capital -eded to make Richmond a first saaufacturing city., When the F. pall take's second place—giving price to skill, capital and labor, ity cannot fail to become a mart Utfacture and - trade. S. Ric James str,cti walks way o f thou. chesie I latton, l schooli day, I Yorkti and di I the p classc The menu ly im. are class .1 F ! preeed their of m • NEVER YOU .411 DVS PEPTIC. GM IGlen Morton. and Dynnee7• and for .dy cure ashy hind of dlrorder that orlg•, procards fr...t. a daordered itate or the 'Li and BU *ELS. Tor C I tNe lip lan.. 1 STUIIL] all ye 'prop!, tmthful and lure, laa eluall Loa', WOULD I 1, TIM/I,A OMMMWMI r. ble. 4a ach...lek .I.oularAt Inks. than as VV sr Dellllll led weaterte4. on sepetlte, to lire, ..test., la or In the world•. bear Wile. Tu. - rood dl•lreevirt, pa. every nue you est. lAdy6e. be of •loevlcater, torthgteLlet. Vr• prowl.< you all. •yon onr honor. oar 1 . 11 c ru the .orrt ruts or [omit prier sod bur, No tioco or byrpoysisom• orrr tuurrn oo odor, Wt., at:Abided sad sand by C.V. Dyrin,orls Tettler Agent Mr rtltebnegh and Tien:Ml. Jle+Y.l.'H Drugg No. AI Market St/VC, • 5n1.06 What csit yrie'a Ointment Will no. .1-1 t will core Itch In from 1! to 41 boors :—lt w1:1 cafe tot most or.ll.4ste cases of Tel ter. ,s—lt will care Chronic Eryslpeloo of toe face 4—lt will cure Salt abeam , . Sushi Road. 6-11 .1.1 cure. ltehlr.r I'lles. all r.ruptinnt. S—lt .111 1.1111,1, cur.. a:I ^lda Dle-St... —1.7. e Wdslat's 1/I,I,LICIT sad IKesttEk no . . ITCH" Dr. Stelyne's CHnixtrr.l. ••TETTIIII• ITCH" Dr. Esikarru'r UintMnl. ••7'I,I•TF.H , [Tell" ITCH'• . SLYER 'KNOT; “Terrtic• tittl 1311021 ME • . . Prepart•l by Dr. BWLYNE it SUN, 1.01 , uleipbla told 07 .11 , 3..A.1LNAN • Al 'KEN SA Is a Usr\ex atrcct, UAL/. A. KELLY. 37 Wood at.. .10.-1.. YI.Y.MINCi. 04 iltrtat at.. A. r•iltitENCK, car. 414 *101 , 34011cl Insect., nits burgh; LANZ • DE.GITI'. 41/eclatur. HABITUAL CONSTIPATION OW TO EFFECT A CCM AIN Attu PER. MAN/4NT Chni.—lAmmoccuoallosta of ve ,impme to cmtlertem. especially thole which allow but little tie/cite. Persona who contract ma unfortunate hahlt of body. ender •uch Mr. co Malan em, might potalbly be relieved bychang. tab their sedentary einployMenta for other. of • mor aetlve kind: but thli le by no Imam cer tain.e habitual comtlpation • very °Mtn... th.order, All the oriltnar- so .called remelle loy. aggravate It. hulking ran he mere Injurious Om. the continued f won. ape. paralyse Tbelr C.f. .l envy almost Paralyse the bo.rele—renderthr. them . torehl that tour/num dose. ofcetbartie me/ let ue• Mr • o , e7•ol.moin them. 5 mild .15 new, c0mb...1 Ve t o.: thme Ingredient, is f,an . in Ip i r BTU Byrrv... • This flutoo• ettameld Invlgerates the whole Itit.•ttoto caml, wl, in qt.. try from It. couvolmlon. 511.1to p..dmatota to. free pamme throtieti &nein .so OA re purgative isairola Amble • venation. Cu o , llnar. stimulant effect. nu deatret Caere of Com. p• l on abandoned as hope,. by dr•tineutalied roe.. have hose cured In • few they the Hitter.. To those woo bare tried all the medicine. ant. dlopentary In vain, we my, try tta a Ire. •I•tIcle stimulant mil ape /lent. bore is no suftictent Mailna why Monett. nation aboYd be the' mu...guano- of aenemary habits. What, T lIITTEICS, by moplae toe tee vigor welch weuld otberwlee be melted from mere's?, well hued ca... enable the mo tto. to perform It. excretory (Monona regularly mo healthfully, THE INDIANS AND TILE IA II ITE PINE. Although .long known to the aborigines of America, Dr- George W. Swett, of Boston, hie brosght into .bald rot Convenient nee, • most saleable preparation caltrd POLAND'S WHITE I INA D'hlrou , D, which for •nomber of year. bass - ten great sallafaction In the cure of all Sloss ailments dependent on an inhumed ur Irri tated eondition of the mucous immbranea of OM anitahicirgeniseu. ker gertert, thawed. drorpay, ehronie &rum:DM, Immo/ carafe*, constipation, who dem:wing on a debilitated state - at the In t.:Hints, It I. une of the most valuable discover ies see otly added to pharmaceutical me Heine. It la likewise a most traluanle compound (Jr doe ea*, of the [Wrier* and Madder generally, as any one eau satisfy himself upon a stogie trial. Every one Elmira the healing virtue of me white pine (or surge and ulcers, but Dr. Swett has gore to work and prepare( from the 'tweet Solids beck of that 'rateable tree a compound that will meet Indication where the pin. would be value able rondden Hy recommended fcr the follow ing ailmeetat D'aettea In young or mildie aged people; III•heros in old peop•e; • Thulebase of t.h• Urine: attle dl•Mcully In children during the night: ()ravel. Kidney Trouble In old reonle: Uteri stedll.ldoe7e. Wcereiel tiladd•r; 1)1 ch•rgo of mucusr.er pos. or 1,1004 from the Hrlibt's Disease of the Eldneem Palo In the Mallon or entall er the fleet: Fain In the Bladder, Heat sod hcaldlng; Ask for kb LA ab l s to nth" Fine elottenvxn. For sale by the gross, dotes or single bottle. at Dr. Seller . . great medicine Mrs, lid Wood moot. nehid4derer F-.-77311` " - - WM. BINGHAM, Jr., Adams M.Prm UI. 3e4, 34 /Ptah Haut, Ls an aulharisad AMU to roams detoarttionenta for the GAZIITTS, and aft othn• papirs throughout . A. UMW Maks owl !hi Canada.. • • BAPS STOCKS, uoputi . ep,talbal. s Pooms, thfleld 'meta oiote. Ifl 's 4t r ery t ilirco n ot • stisres ' , woad 14 &Claim oatt. "' t. is ntird s t: grit of Pitsburgh. • b e Atm.., Vi=t;il Co. W. S sirsres Wart Pitt GoaCCo. - NO ohs". not Aural,. Oil Co. lithl4 A. ktelLor4l3:ll, •oc•r. I XV ADVERTISEMENT JAMBS T. BRADY & CO., ltluo:essorm to B. Jouh. a C 0...) Corner Fourth & Wood Sta n BANKERS & BROKERS, DZALIIIIS 111 ALL lIINDe at Govarnment Securities, Foreign Exchange, Gold, Silver and Coupon!. COLLEC7IONI3 madam% all scesulbli polntS In Lbe Malted butte sad Canada,. Interest allowed on Time Deposits SPRING STOCK Ur BOOTS AND SHOES ! WHOLESALE, it Greatly 116duced Prices, AT . . GEORGE F. ENOTrg XO. 100 FOURTiI STREET, PITTSIIVIIG IL 3S. rah 3 vrf SIGN-ENGINE IN THE WINDOW The Lessons of the Year taGO TEACH ECONOMY. Economize in Purchases of Fro% DRIP AIND CAWED, Coffees, Teas, AND LEADING GROCERIES, I= SHIELDS & BOUCHER, 108 Smithfield Street, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE VOTICE TO (70NTRACTOOM.- 1.1 SY:A1.1:1 1 . 1L111, , dA.L13 wlil Le h.e.reJ:.y the u%der.lgnel utall I= At 3 o•cioet r. V., fa f4rhtlbluc tC• fonvvlvi lour plita (,t 144 Allegheny Water Works, All lb. four enel otx•lneb WATER qulrtit hot. , Itr current )4 . 4 , . Alen — .h.' An.l di I loot, orb, Fir. etn , ftttn , r , e•otlngt. turtk thtet,r, Ellto•• 'Pt, de . e;.ar, I.f:trine the 'car. ,r Inch PII , t to he of• unlrortn th . ckn,es nr .the ttrt 1n ..el,tb nutl—. than ur nhort 1040 u) h. the. fo .1. I , n. :he. hotel. The di Inch of • uht , ttrrxt Ihlckne” ht tnr:t. no gO not los. than 1 , or mom (Lt. SI ,ttsu , l6 to thr Lwt. Othnftne All In, tiro to • , .. 1 • of t 40 r:1P . C ; Worts, Sod to lte • . , k , ah.l `,lac,. It, tit its! titrt.et. Ite.pnrit, rt , ettre - tf for itiket alzr or pit', Al , i....11441..0 10/ of 'lron( tilt; Al..'. Did. telt' ht. reeetred 'Sr nritat'l,ll on') vlmA ytttr. th , -s1 T, .ittt of 014. •nd It ha deILIK r.. 1 In 111 •5 , 1 ot tho W Ater Wort,. 14 de volt .Iry he. rt,eivrd rhr all the r Plug Ilote. and • to•het,,,, th 1 1 .•1,.1 , - q.t . <1 4 , rlu, the yo , •t—••1.1 I . • tn..l•.,rt ta 0%, of tt, ht it • VI , 1,4. and Isom, ran De s,rn at l'l4 tit the st.,tt tar It leti , lslsl.lflt - 11 nth ; tee) t, .of 1 • Inch •nd 1.•,0 hl. .I.tnet, • S!OP Cent,. It I. [or P'pq.. 14 rint 11.3teg end eq••,. itt , l• ilghl 14 en•nnt •ny nn.l eel 1.:•1•• RH. ID De i.th.r.• for Wu:, I.L. • AANC Is. mtl,T42 NEW A 11111 1 ,11.! Nii:W AURI , Vilay.l.Nost, hate: n.,r ca hau : o-.-.., sud La frtlls les.t.:B; fu tibla 5,1.6 R. at, Si 4i44 /11.4 t rtc • t,ag• la•o• . I Plaits Atr, e F!,r; 4:+ls 1.11,16:1 rrqpr linta MUM xs trgs Fr•ncti s••• •n•l . ovt• - • Pa. - Ur:op 4tyrrp•red AV eases , • r4)asses do . I. g 1..; •Pkor;•J ,•:/r•• I,boLea , 44.r.1ed; Lu So So. 1 I.lcrrly,ci r . nt mhll No.: . 1:: at, In IVvyel s:r•et 1 4 1).11A114 DRESS GOODS; El=l At Reduiced Prices, JUST RECEIVED WHITE, ORR -&, CO., 13/3 1.11"tb. Olt-root, ==M =3 12=1:11 JnaVane , I•ed, and fur *ale by ate box" eaten tLi YamilrtllOcary eat•tre of I HAVE THIS DAY ASMOCIA witn lue JOHN 11. It. 'rte. and JOHN IiNABLIS tu Ibu 3l•oef•clnro ant dtalinn In tarnop 1,11 Lawns. 1..11111 Lik,(lll, , Pawlalstra .0 , 1 all kind* of Arlailmare. boatursa arl.l eonduct. U as bertqufore, nutter the tinu..netue arta oy in of 'URN 111,11 JOIIB 111/10. —Will remove d ptlt 1.1 to No. I) M v 04.1 •trect. mb:oLvfd IrATING.—For Sale , at the '` Boat Ilonar of the Ariel Barge Club, Beat more, hid., a six earsd SHELL IhrAT, built try Chas. B. Vilett. of Ortabpoln 1., 1.. I.: Is In ptrs fact order. and as good as new, having been used but eight thus, It will he sold for IWO. for farther In fortnatlon ahblr to Y. LE Win. II be:- Int/ton attest, 11•11Ituure,-Ild. tut 50,014 CIIEAPEHT PLACE IN THE CITE to boy the TRIUMPH COOKING STOVE, =3 'VOIR SALE.—A very (Wearable I . ..OPY.Wri for Other a TAP yar.l, Woolen Yaetory, or Manion XIII.. PI watedat fleCoy, Hiatt., op the Cloro.:•n.; and Pitlelmegh 11.11 reed, litty-Ore toilet (tern l'lltemrett goon!. eulretantlw bur ding en 10021, rho. whole non, 15 fee! Wide. elect. of looiee.3. !tote fourth• under good fence. Engolre of re.:M•eras JOHI4 H NUB eatT. Allrehone, 41NR FARM FOR , SALE—WeII ImproveJ .od dreirsb:e iti 1.11 respects, la. first clue ileighb9rbOool. Cort'itins seem bleated three miles orsrth tent of Orkin. an the r. it. W. s C. IL It. DAVID MTRY.PT, Ualom, Columblson Co.. ' , Mo._ EMOCAL.—J. P. NEWRIVEEL & CIF.. Comm lergon C,.rchsut , nn tdcalors In Co., Feed and llraln, toti o retour,d to - = Wheel, they will ire pleased so see their fa lends and customers. rehl3 01L.-10 barrels Nu. ti %Iflter hard; IO bbl.. No:I 110 pr: Blow I.olox from steam, Pine arm ., roe !rolLbi [rultia) 1,11:K K 1 .1. CI,. CUTLICT. - 0 libido. on hteumer JollaNo.2, to arrlyv, roe .le b2l lOOlOll 01. hicy 11.0pLE111116TTLIG-13 Half LIAZ for role V e y 1.." 101.1T 1 11 ' . 2'517k ret. ' lllS l .=, "d 001,11 • 111 podia Ist etreet. 14,L05,n.-740 fib's. Extra' ram '.C.',lhl;'l , t9Z , •0111 ...or Martcl and rim on. ADVERTI FOB SALE. A Fine Driving and Riding Horse, FOIL A UEZTLASIA3 Olt LADY. LINBIIrs EATTEILON'S STABLE , . Third Wes, - Or, DR. .LTTON. altlolTo3 1r Fourth at. V. S. A 646115(0t . e off 166, No. Ith 70611111 at.. Prrr•Ptlnatt PA.. M arab I', tog. INCOME TAX, 1866. By so Act apolOred Stsreh td, 166'. to preelde Internal Bareotie to support tne. Ooreroment. Sepal Interest on the public debt. 1.6.. It eels lc: welded that all acts to relation to the %sem. merit and return:,[ the lccumcs and epeelal Tates onus , y ,nwsles•l Ls I. insf6rn.ed In the rnuntA of lins, .hail heresflrr be performed . 1,1 r •r;r l Po.alrig Joy. in such rser //1 Ins month r/' .11nrUh. • All pant., ho crested are hereby notltiellthlt tbelr returns of Inc u.ea for 1.4 are now . . du• to the Assistant Assessors Of theft respective lit ALL cacti! Or naLlNollixii, Area. The run,: rnOrltio, Ton runAtorin6 IY erlCil CA.L6 rnOVID•D lit Tun ArOALSAID OCT WILL 116 //E -rr:OS:Ws lIENDY A. lIVEATEII, • N. Assessor. 220 District. Pa. • mhie:TD 110USEIIOLD FURNITURE, STBIIIVOIANn, OM HORSE 'BUORIE, New shifting Top Buggy, Carpets,&e, ..e..icrcrxcoDa - , On Saturd .y . Morning,. March 23d, At ?II n'rlock. wlli bo •old. st the Pezfilirocc. of .lE•SE N, c. No. irubinoo. An.gbe.y c 43 The entire parlor, library, dining room, I lien her aaa kitchen furniture, all of which us ne•rly nesr,of the lat., style, and aelectsal with treat care. coalartlag of elegant meet., mirror., rose • .0.1 chairs, sofas, fabler, Plano, de.: mahoga ny and Ll nos. brad...rade. chairs. sldeera•rd. book-cage, Collie bores-, a asloat•ods. tables. Ac.; tallest, velvet, lirosarla and Ingraln car pet.. eh Coln, Venetia& hau.ls; ode-nurse an roach, shining ton buggy. tilt; bog. a.. A ital of , he a 14 . .1.• to by selJ cam be stem St N. roans street. 1=392 A NOTHER LAU(E ARRIVAL ISPJEILX OTC*. EIT"Sr LIMB MEM PHILADELPHIA CLOAK HOUSE, Wholesale and Retail. M. SIMON, I'Mmelstor to a. tit.I.N.".B:IIIAII.4ER • C 0..) 20. a , m ot recel•tc• 6,17•117 • •pleadld sastrt -.."!14 Pointed Sacques, Basques, Cloaks, Circulars and Jlantillat, C &TIT. 1f 1 ,7 - ,7 1 1 -11,14 1 r.l c:Cer at LE- 1..n . r• WU/ t.r. me • esti b. fore n, chasing *lse+ en. uticalar Went!, paid to xuble:2l., A PRINTING OFFICE FOR tl Art .—ro any gOOd Prlol • 1,1017 and Inclination to :O • CtOb•O and Mt • nemasraper—tepubl” . •a to ral uppurtunlty ber. Se r Int .I.slrou• to nal., la 1.13,0, 10, tsa—no [nor , ploy •kOtt . t ‘or..rental to al per r tor re.1.(t.r..• a Or.•fla . pa• witt. • 11 , 0,41... tarllatlon n• tne Tbe ••••cdetta ,, 1.. , aper •ud bas a la so oulurrtptlya lat of pr. al , . lug ann. 1 . 114 , ... St I laa va nl utn.d lLe raab le tn. ty arc uo In arrears. 1 h contalne two t.te/lawl, na•l krt . a..r.. , 11ad wllO antl o f t e 0pp11...r. • re., ,I• 1 1,1,51141- • .•7 n': a' Ller-ands for a.O , Work. aly f •i• en acrouo.4 web Crib • • " wort. bare 'vett pearl, 'o of raper and C011,04i I°4l •4•4 al.tn Ilt.t b+ine rtrltattr my•c;t, to etrlptty out move tI.I • fur tt , t• votto coi.t.t!tttl - 1.4: or L'tLn L. ‘Tr ...Int I' thre.. About half of the • In- .or i• r. .trnd tot Job ‘L'ott to edl% ••, t• r•rul<l •11: ! , ,, , e c:7 ,,, ..0 . 1i , 71:1 , 7: .. fi : an . :1, all I via •L e zuot • • “Vedr•te . • Owe' in Nation <0"1 , 117..b1,11.31,..a,a .. • ..I,..p..N.lc.tnla•Jor f o.re• u :tr.& r.:r. mow, the rQuott - I,`M lo- . . . . . •..., ‘• d at sn.ntron , 4raltt, idceaal the ,nt• ot Ito etttova.. It 16 •Ileo,rd 11,It mote and so 1 I • 1 , 1,, •1 ‘ll., tn.') InruS t~rt i Salt • 11. , It I• ar: "'" """3 rrr...nt lopJ7r. b... J sr- ren•••1.1.4 102 1:WI P. Psirrnot WRITE GOODS. NEW DRY GOODS STORE OF J. M. DU ICIIFIELD tt CO., 87 Ms►rlcot Btroot. t We.% slde..”%t .I,lr 10 U.• alio of TIII Da/ DWI%) • I'l. AID .A.11 ,, ?Xtg7; I'Tlllrlit/ rto MAlt,pu , K AND uM - 133 MUALIN - TituNCll MULL MUALi rviUktcl) mtma-INS.. rtr. MAIM , ILLMS, . P.M f I .11 LIN EvA, putt n.a: TA1.1.Y.. e, TOWIL) und CRASH. Please Remember the Place. No. 87, Da OOM 2Plll2l.ltroot. TEAS AND SUGARS. 00C 1 111 CO,lllll l lO BUGAIL 10 it... for $t 00 1 0 0 •. T•ftl.k: ' O l 11;3 TEAS. Another luge lot et FUZEE' TEA, or Wt cal Direct from China and Japan, Per olalp. Constuffine, Itnonu CAW, J. R. CHEAP 1 1 1 lelre everrinleir 411.P)1) AND CHEAP I:I tlle ear of Tele. at ab..nt 20 Cents beton! the Uommen Prteee, ARTHUR KIRK, 172 & 174 Federal street, J . R. WELDIN tr. CO., BOOKSELLERS. StaticCers, Paper Dealers, PRINTERS MID BINDERS, 1.7 1 ; 03. Wood EStro.et, PITTSBURGH. U. tl. 6TA311 . 8. LNal) PENCIL& PEN LLAIS/i. W, and SCIDJUL BOOKS . . BIBLES LLIV MAL USN, EVVE ET Ittlll),ft. HI • IMSKR. tn!7,1111 •t.OLU PENH MB= LETTER OPi !NG PRESSES. TI.• finttkcrl bent m kintraetkr • and k. ap ro•aata C. Whulamsle and Itetail. a !sue k5...ruk,,10! Letter Copying Pa Cl4•Ca, combining taniehil eicalienn 'with the tie work. month p nail' nntwo% who or without Ptaniln. it t' tic W room, or or am PriocituLi I/Ullmann thr...Ughout tun CY,'lnr• HOE & CO., Oa sod 11 Cold Fltrort, Near York XsTlllnitraltd Lists scot on apVii<.lo. .IslG =MEI GRAHAM & BYRNE, n '"" ;1171P. I :T1h1r.TriTtre o ° - lIAT, CAP AND FUR BUSIIESS, /1..ti0."52 St. Clair Street. 1114; ttielr Mends uld lb. public to roll an o , ;117;t L'al fret orthol:Tio li i 1.0011. OIL CLOTLIM.-11avIng r<aoevtio.ir prims we ten now istrerVH Moshe ntea.o curate.. A t.rge Hoot on hand and de H le :41 'abig Wair.. for pain wholesale and retail. by J. .1 H. 1 . 011.1.11 . 4. uhhl au4 A Mt.. flair Wee, AT EATON'S, A New and Elegant Assortment EMBROIDERIES, COLLARS AND CUFFS, EMBROIDERED BANDKERCRIEFS, 11r11176 .GOODR, Infant's Robes and Waists, LINEN COLLARS AND. CUFFS, Paper Collars and Cullll, JL'dT RECRI .CU ►T F. IT. 10AL.9L'ON'S, 13ZIE THE PARIS EXPOSITION. RETURN TICKETS $2OO GOLD, THE INMAN LINE MAIL STEAMSHIPS, Built Expressly for the Trade. CITY OY CITY ornAT.TI.OIII:, CITY QV ANTW KM% CITY lif 1111 ta t ,. C/TY of 1.0. N DON. cITY ..r r.V." YOUR. CITY OY WAntliNtiTON, gall from Pier 41. North lllrsr, A, Y., EVERY SATIIRDAY. SPEED AND ACCOPINIODATiON UNSURPASSED. Price of Viral-Clam! Pausal. Payable . • in I:old, New York to Lltorpoolllllll Hound Trip 5170 How tort to london, 115; Round Trln, AO. lark to 1. 0010 . 1113: ltuunlTrlp, 200 fIETURN 'TICICET3 GOOD FOR 12 MONTHS. Return tickets rta. I trerpool, London, New II NO,. and Mem.. allow paacrnfera to brealt y at I.lrerPoo , sad I ondna• For NW-I,r torormation, apply at the'onler ut the Cumpan, William Inman, Tower ItutiOlna. I.lverpoin: ElTea 6 laariley, rl Li mg William NS , Lon , on: Jules Itreoue, ra nce tio , re Dame dee N , nrtra. Pr , s; John 44. Vale. t l s treet, t Fhlnt,to a phra; Join 0. Dale, I t , I Broad way, tier Yuri; or to WM. BINGIIAM, Jr., ADAMS' EXPRESS OFFICE, S• 1 Fifth street, r=l E. SCHMERTZ & CO., IiANE 11t,ND AM) AIM Selling at a Reduction, FALL AND WINTER GOODS. I= BOOTS AND SHOES, L• 41. 1 ., 111.04, sod , 1111,1 re••• 4:16 , 1b. 4,.5t, nl,l and CCI I.morals klutton. Lace ea , ! • Cortg otlpp,s, Ti... c 'thick 14w.e azd Boomer,s, targa assortment of (SENTO• FANCY istirrs 110. Allot 11. above ~o of tbe 1110 T lIATIIIIAL and WORKala elli I, wl WA.tl-KAATZ.I) "Lusa to any, In Me 0117. • W. E. SCHMEET & CO., 1^33113 N 0.31 Fifth Street. THIRD LIST OF APPILICA , v1V.1.1. 1.1Q1 , 103. 6:ad 16 lbe ( up to Si AttVII htud, • lace. I h•rI•• I,olop, l•v•rn, tat wr•rd. l'lttobararld. A rail, 1•••• rt. Ist wart, Pltt..trurell. John Rt.,:t r.easina h..aav, lit wan:4l'll,6'h. ••h/. e• houav, to. ward, I . ltt•b•ts. 1.0 11 Itn..nt.etgrr.,dhar too., I t wavd.PWL. .t••• , n,*l ward. Plttabur,L. r.vv•o•Zahr na••. I•••rn,:d ward. Plttanurgh. AJ• tavern, 'rl ward,Plti•bural, A. Alava. t•••rn, d ward. l'lttat•re,. . • . Pau. oat:. mirard. r.ttabtlrAh. Urn y Ycll ~14 0. tavern, 4th ward, l'lttsburgb. J. N -rano A Bro.,“ve rU.4th wart .I'llta•lt, John 'avorn. 4th ward, 1 .. .Wm . /a. Hot, r our. tavern. 4th ward, Pl...burgh. J. itoth otla t good, ath ward, Pitt ht,h. At. 1 taLwripan • Aprethattna. of. nth ward.rlt`l It. Thom... A Co.. tither goo.la..th ward. tint Abort t.lo knot, ether gouda alb ward •dam ,wittobardt, tavern, 4th ward. illtatour,ol. Salta, V•l., tavern, Sth orxrd, I . ll.tsbragh. - /.11cbs..1 Han,. Atta ward, rltoblargll. A. II /,t.msn, tar Lab wd Vittobill'ah. V' Irk A 11..weno, ta•e ern. ry Ith ar ward rillinurgh. .1. h. Lanahan, tavern. Alb ward. I . lltatouroh. 1 . 1/111.. U ohl l n Ltb ward. I'lltahurlch. Jacob:lll4n,', tavern. flab ward, l'ltta . arkh; John II tiler tavern, Rh ward. Meburgn. `'• “radY, . Luau...Lb ward. ri tshti rah Da Collta. • nang 11 ,, a0t. ab wad. .14.enad all.Thaard.attag hauaa.SLb ward, ea.. a rd ,Oiladded, boda.ela arard,rita. ,•: la )4tdotain. taLtni naaa, ward. Iltha J.... ph 1 , 1,4. a.. eadag hoar. ab wad. 1411.0 . 6. L...t • r. alter growls, au ward, 1 . 1. , ,bura4 Juba fast a, 144 wd, Ylatbara.. nophla .114 war d, rlaaurate. taara. am ward. Plidaurats. . . . . . P•ll.lclOotark. tavern. kW. ••r..1. Pittsburgh. Jos. Phillip, ra•ero. Nth surd, P:tt.bu Nu, they. lirsbi.r, . atlr• hot., Pin ward, Plr.teb'b flattlltaa I.leLlirr, oteler good, Put 007,2. . 111, 5t0....r.[5.110. tam.. I MI Ward, Plit.urigh Jut. li's, tavern luila wart, Pittsoars, . • . Alt,. -Murray, laver, loth ward l'ltt&looryn. LLen. H. Intau•n. ..... 12.10 th ward. Vlit.uursh .11. ga. 5.7 15, Li:lnward l'lttt•gh Idallloa Meyer, talilag bonar. Itch ward Pater Hulbert,. a. Lour, 14lli Ward. rlttan'ah. Itadolpultarbtold, e. two.. LOth ward, l'ltta'an. Maxon 9e4oclu. good., I,th ward, 1'1..50145 Wm. P. ..... n. let ward Alloahrtly. li P. fry. rating hut., Pit ward. Ally( to-ny. Behalf Dann,. o gouda. 1.1 ward. )1 IlratCy John Emma , . ... rn, Id ward. All. gheny. , - Harmon J. chafer. tavern.z.l sr•rd, Allegheny. Rudolph grist, c. Loose, Ai ward. Allentirol• Amon a andeco.•u, e. boost. ai ward, ARV/ toinr 'red. Koolondorfer. u. goods di ward. Sian. kt Pas e s l. ,anvevrn , 4 thi wwdr A iA hrsenyn y. Use. setrinhlt, tars:m.4th war Asleghenr• • aide el , rfert. house. Itb. ward, Allegheny. De .1. Ke.l. F. is. goose, 4th ward, Altos heny• licepernelde A Co. Borough 4th ward. Al . 1. 4,0.1 Isvi•rn: of Ellz•betb. Jarols.l..l.ang. tavern. Bor. olawreurevllle• Alerstus Kerr, •. n.. Boman , of Inwreneerille. Peter Szniegel, o g., Borough of Birmingham. John WI , tculneti. tavern, of Nelive,port. Jert.rhe Item, tavern. Borough of ••harp•burg. John rrrrr sr, Baldwin Tovrentilp. J. S. McPherson. tsA•rn, Coilin• Township. Wen.shoran, e. house, Collins Township. Shuck S Kong. gating booze, Collins township. Joon Snyder. Metro, Chattier. I ownship. Timm Thompson, c. b .oust Fayette Ty. • Jacob Kari. tavern, 1141121 n Towns. IP Peter Spellman. tavern, Origin Township. Peter Sunnis, eating tense. Blain i own/011p. Chao. Harman, o. goods. McClure Township. Thoe. Oil 0404, . Flit Township. John Lowly, laser, Pal Township Andrews Jae's, tavern, Plum Township, Joseph Logue. tavern, Itsservo Town-hip. Jos. tnersseln, tar rr u, !totem., Townshlo. Thee. sierklns. tavern, Boning...l . ..wordy. J. g. Li. Keaton,. tavern. Rose Township. 'Thos. Cuenenasna. tavern, Rocs Townelsits• Elizabeth ransom, lave. 0. Shah., lownsolp. Joe seh , ll, tavern Lower St. Clair Township. sisleliael Ewe, .. h., Lower Is. Clair Town LIP. Troup:at Terbegner,. tar. • V realiie• Tow• hip. Hiram Edson d.on. tar., , %•ressilles Township. ors will Pit on Elstl ESA S. er of March. 1107, at o 0 . 0 ore. A. fur ht., ta a g the above Ityptir•t•sos. . Zubleing .101114 Si. BROWN ! Clerk. I= PROVISIONS. [MOAB CIIMITI HAIM DR/Elll REEF, IRIEAI(Y•.T PACO. • 1411OULDEIN AIM SIDER, CI/DICE NO. 1 LARD. EXTRA NO. I WINTER STRAINED LARD OM CALLOW AND n ILL GRIMM: • three stored &large Etc elt of the sewer Pearls lona. attach I am prepared to nipple to the tra.la at the !mama market prier, Dealer. and It to their lawmen to gleams . ea !lotto. punkas. tog eisewherm JAS. LIPPINCOTT, Pork Packer, N 0.723 Seventh St., Panama-4h .FinsT CLASS LOOKING GLASS AND PICTURE FRAME MANUFACTORY• J. LY ONS, No. 110 Wood St., Pittsburgh, Keeps on band and manufactures to order, taus FINItnT Itl V LE Of OILT. ittradwooll and WALNUT, OVAL and NUAItE rdlitttoja, poRTHAIT and INCTUEIL IaktAMEN. Curtain Cornice. U.ds besots, Conant., Tripod sod Henan Ta or canulatto dealan and w t+ .7 lrlitti AZ A ' NU ItTLUILUINU asecetadln tbe bit;Pftalill'fleValr.ATK MEIidTS. NEW A. Lace Goods, Linen Handkerohiefe, 17 Fifth Street, =I Ea= =l7l STIEENTS AT 12 1-`2c. f ? Cases Beautiful Prints. AT 18 3-4 c. Good Styles Muslin Denim. .tIT 23c, One Case Double Width Dress Goods. AT 1 1-2 c, Fine Wide Bleached Muslin. Brocade Lllllirea; . Dress Si shades; Striped Thshairs; Dress Goods of every ariety; Shawls; Balmoral Shirts ; • Percales; French Chintzes ; French and Domestic Gingham'; Striped Dimity Table Linens ; - Towels. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, Of All Kinds. 'CASSIMERES, TWEEDS, ceto.. 'Soo. A GOOD IfTUCK bIiLLINU AT 3r-110W PLEtteS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, AT WM. SEMPLE'S, 160 and 162 Federal ht., EMEIMIEI = BOROUGII OF SOCTII PlTTbßrlttal ACCOUATN. • TnE FOLLOWING ACCOUNTS "." and ,tatenacnts of the ofacarx of Cll. Itorough of south are r<ll..ectrally suotrattud for the luf.txuatton ofctlia,ox and tax-payer.: :Wont Nara. 1116 13 onorGrz OF SOUTH PITTS- H —II FNLI Slit UNGAR. Titr.A. , I; tILlt, IN ACCIJCNT To Cast, fr.l. W.. 11..N.0.tr, Artntr • I.‘ IF, •• From U 4014 Con.rolltr. ..... 17 Hen, Fowl V, 01 ty Nnd Fo•I , Ital. • • 10. 00 J. Ilrat.l, - 1.0.504 J. Ills.,amorr. of 1110 I.l,,unty tax, .. .............. 244 5.,) 11.60 31 klorongt, too. 10A tin acaucnt 7.1 w 111:1,1•14 ! IS .or .1y 0(0, r I . . .. • . •,. 11e.1..f.ran,ants 1•45:5 - . -. Boruvin du 3.r.r. 73 I S. M !Wan, er.. 3: Com. nn $1,7.7.,...i.5. ka, 1 , f,...1ii cancelled bon 4 r , GI 13=1 ENRY 1111.1.1NG AIR, IN AC . A Ur SOUTH To h.. , ... Llluvrs : fro..n forn,r Trea..urrr $l4l Fl '• J. Lrunf. tux 1., - •• .• 1, , ...... 2, NA :.I 71.. Cl Bounty .• '4. 4 0•.. r ell .. 1,,,b 11,.)L , 14.1015 Us . 2\.r: Bur.. , ,I. to . ..• Cu , a ;r, outrul..r ..... —.. • sat L . : •• Vellt..'.e 1., nv • 34 , 1 11/ . 4•net . 1.4 11,untyl1onds. •• 3%, mla..,..u.urr• . . .... •••• - 84. In W. lts.oun, Inn I'll MIME D) ll•dercptlAr. , f Dountr Ilona. am! !••.rt.t 011.673 A .• Potl Ism It.velp • ... . •• 11•4",thm Ilou ' do.. .1 IS •• • go•ltafW• rauts • W•rvotas •• • •I. 111 5'',••3) I! A9..11-1,4 MIIIIMM a nn tbe account of Henry Ittlllt.gar, rengurer. nd nod It to 4u vl. td .bole. at.1.C.31011y. 1 wt.. A: WILCOX. tO. 1.441 Auditor. POROUJGU OF SOUTH PITTS• 11.1141/ H.— tyt<nacnt 00 Warrants drtorn from March 10, itglY. to Hatch 1., 10.1. inept,: For clygulug s tree v, r 4 pair. to t vads and 40014 411,50 211 lot toity and lira I.lglHlng 0114 repairs to L•tr pa ...... A. 95 For r•rlre to Solicitor, 42;o4table and Clerk 143 9S For Prlrolug and 11.1 It 7S ror Prey I'l.`olll st , For Ft Plug. , 4no 444 Yoe tervire . 2. 4 .1 0 For Retie - to blot 4 , 01 , 110 r al RI lor tient or Hoorn (I )t. to runt 410 for Contingent 11....A4u 4 t 4 . . 4 1,111.4444 . • 14 : Cost• In tame or,t vs. C0y1e5..314 Int lug up Council I.oln ana Fur nltn4e g$ 01 Dr•vr4sc or Blown Jones In 145 l. 47 00 -- 144 01 TotalP o 11 Jen. r. SILlt Alit Cit 4. l.a. I, OCNTY BOND ACCOUNT, for °lt'll of MAIO 1,41161,0rgb. Total amount of 1tn,“14 Issnee, Oral- Ilan, of Mart, 1,1 1627.31/1 AD.. ruder/Ltd Mara, 6, ..... ra.ra Ot. u.Ving T. , • 1 11 , .nds fnacd. ontl. • • - nntter of 51 arch 7. Atuatml. rttltatot .1 1...W4rc4 IS. ' Outstanding Total outstanding naz•rirci-rttoU Whole amount ur Bonds ...ord.. l au Amount Tedsom -1 Learing outatannlng March t l . $l3 I .SM Bounty Bond No.Il $ Do. N ....... ItotOnsun,lir• A CO.. on IlCellt2ll% 911 /11orth.l . orDT A (.4r.,..0( • 1 ,„0 Bount B y •nd No.l Its 01 Woods.Maltiorod 1 . 0„ or sec's I,r) llutlnly Lund Not IS - Y 1 w ....... • rki i =-• Do. b. u. 7 SCO tv) 11 , .90. bp There Dee been paid end engin...4J on outrtwoltag bond. state March 6th.... s3.nrn Leaving due, exclusive Of accrued in- • 7D moron Durc,car.. Amount upllcate 1 , 4,4 16, irS 1t..c . ,1 bytl,l, Tro O.A• • • •$ , .'. 2 3, !Ivo pea cl. anal...tut on sumo Valence Collected by W. IL. Bark.. mod polo Ts vaeurer 65,04 al Errors and eaourrattono 10.4 .4 IC xprose ofow:tell. 2-'7 "I li•laboo to .11.011131 Th Z...€ 41. 1410 (II Cid= ... -- Balance 011..0.11ns 110002 0 . '60.... .. 6 li.) E., Ccol..ett.l I., W. II Its,' try and paid U. )111116140r.Tica6ur, 1 4401 . I=l Aroo.nt duplicate IlicS Colleel•dbY a . 11. lliirker And . . . . . .. pals 11. Millings, Tr...—. *l3 art AS Cullertrtl ail W. ti. Itark,r and paid J. Stewart, ittLMICI... :+3 10 . - .14.14): 15 , 11,4,1 Comintsal .n Balance s7ula This dtkodrata la 'et oasettled. From • $:,11/ nz. t to to taken i the error.. an.l, anneratt , us, the rt•turn uf .1 11 , •ofF. •.. e.. or and Collt rt.le fur WS. le Id: earn., at Ca each, the exosteralloes will be Co Oct tletuent 3,0 e 0 • ---r• Bal. eapposed allable to be collected. $1 1.31- 14:anrr itncolterttd tlnp. ISrl.. ..... lleleuc. unk.ol:ccted au V. I,<S, tot'd Total 61...641 13 Roc ELLT Von , . otastaad In, 11.613 6,'!7. 80.14 70 I.'nuollecttd Tax 4.311 13 Amount to I, provided for 111.761 A. WILCOX, Auditor. lOSEPII S. STEWART, TREAS . uttrit. AC , WITH THE Mill etAl OF :HUTH rITT:111011611. • To Cub H .1f 1 1 1Logar. farmer Treasuma CO Pi • • V. Ha . uoa, tax, Ito; 4,4 7J .• W. 11. Ilark, tax, t&:+W•• CA) •• Lima; lax, 1r74 27 ct. Br rodfpplionao=h i..3 l7 d r s razl? 47 31 icat [en 4.= In -- 7 , 21! m',4„4, TO LIOSE fiIANUFACTITREILS. —Frurdwala for the lltatuasetnee of 1,500 FEET OF 10 15011 1105 E. wlll ha received until TUIIItaDAY, Yareh 21, 1.. I.l'. at 0 o'clock i,EOOOX Wll.lOl l , Chalern Cotundilec on llr..Euniusa and Su. 15 an Ifurtl, •Irecd, Fittalucla. • NOTICES. 6. - 11 — THE ALLEGHENY MEDI- WANTED, L. ztICIE TY ITN ~, , , •pTc., T Inr the NT T:.T•rEas L , \ll i.11,1T1 . UT A, TENN , y TT! T. pu Toe day Evening, March lath. , a • discuselo. — VY.TUT ;:c r e " rt , !• hrel-7., ' nirl ' ffnil 112 u )I•TLet alryet. B. 11. YUWILY. M. 1/. Cr.,l.lept, . Y. C..11i.1.1,..X...11. C..e.../I<retrirS. muh ,l l.> AGENTS WiNTED-. arF•IR AND FESTIVAL -- VI ____ _ MIN.:Hy T.B...The 1,41•• of th• kl• . Z. c ti' tall, of ll•veheelre.. , 111 1,4 • e AAR . lt 11 .." Fc.• C.. ) t•en•Ta•,,N., .. w ..,,,. an 4 FE , IV AL lo eIIiNKT•S 4 1.1., fr, , , cr of : It. ( Or,. ,• ....ot. n` .... nit ( ~ ~- . - --. .'. . ,- . Z Saar, WO W..1110.'1°6 street.. 31anobeater, on . it ,,,,,,,,, e!T • ,1 c , ecre,_ c , n 4:4 '1 4' -,;.'. .-.._,.• 01 . II•y. Mares li . th, .04 wili 40•1 n,.. LI nt:i 5 ,,,, a...r. .. J• , XESAII - CUY '-- j ...'..... i. i ~,,r, ~,,,, ~,,,,,, 0 ,...” r,„, n ~ , ~,. u.lll p., , •llii ~ T 1.1,1 ~tr, rt. i.1,0,,r:ib-.1...,., . __ _ - I , H. each day. A vcre Mac 11.7, 0050 he expect; fit. Al: arc luclteo. A 1,,.; ..re Tomas 11.• Sall even frw 1L1C , 1.1.9. • going to •not trio the clo. Adintsvon, 11cecte rtwi. For iota heacat of t`..e ,* 11. c. CCurth. 017les PITTNYCnOtt .5 Bono"' MIXING CO., I Y/2111attail, March IV:. 1 IgSMANNITAI. MEETINI4.—The •rneml ea, clutrof tbe Stocbo.dre of the ."1TT.,11711,,tt a N k e Wilt, 11..14 et thr 0111. e C the Cum u: al, No. sA THOS. If. If ()UNE. Sec') and Treas 31azieltailaras BANX. bl•rrh Ist. lgrAN ELECTION FOR PRES!. 1./E,T an 4 X 014 E, MOUS of the Man -I,i'AnTt UI 4„V.''l:l,Tr,Barti March, h..t•renu the It. ure land .0c1...ak. whla. TAWS. 11. I;e6.llili, Caah`r. NOTICE TO TVACTICEIRS.-- The undenlgn.d. erhool Directors of th• frotirth wood. Alie,hcny, wtlt reuclre cstlohs for Ma PRINCIPALSLUP OF HOUSE ICO Copl ION1)1Y, iCe 11 Asp cf April Nell. 11. KOLLO , F. It. U. FRA.NCIS,Hoot. s. s/atlf.E.ll, I'lamlng.lllllon intim. street, /Weal. Iy. It C. 1.0 4 No. 5. Wood str,t. A: 1111r1U.coroer nr I.7clott aseaut aza.r•l' &Ley. A 11... eaf • T S..IIeCA.NUE, No. Di Llberty bt. PIIM. burgh. rn1.6,t7 Pirren•Ou. Fr. Want utcsou N.K. CO. PlTTUuttuut 9 ,7 1 s gf .. k e t. 4 . 85 2L1t, Leh , 5 er'TILE ANNUAL MEET ISG of the Mott. and Itundholders of thls Company for the eleetton of Ittrectora and ouch ether buthleta so may CO 21t before It, Will he held at the ordce of said Company. la the city of littaborgb.„ on the Third Wednesday, (20th,) of March, A. D. 1567. 'AT 20 O'CLJCK, A. The. Mott and Board transfer books of the Cutnuany. at their anise to the City of Pittsburgh suitor the Transfer Agency. to the city of New Tork,lll be olosrdon the dhh Deror MARCH, at: P. Y., and lisp:min closed until the list day of Slareli theraarter. re 3 F. H. ILUTCHINeUX,Peeretary. FOR RENT RENT.—The eligibly 10. este.' STAND, No. led Liberty street. now occ opted by W. P. Beck Co.. who are about putttleg business, Is offered for rent. For terms Apply to W. 11. HINCAIU. No. IS Irlamena Square TO I.ET. TWO HOUSES TO LET, On Coll,ll enener of Carpenter'. ..e with Five liontr.. 0.11 & the ythao. NOO4 lth.rns nod Cells?.ad thqu li.' of JAM CO01..: nth 04 , 41 Llberor TO LET—ROOM A PLEASANT FRONT ROOM, WITH BOARD, It, a private (smelly: gentleman and hletelte pre Perm d. Locatlen detWatde, and .lU:du ten mln met era,k of the ro•loince. Addreers, -hll ett •.W,•• CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, &c MCFARLAND & COLLINS Offer at Wholesale and Retail, CARPETS, DEMI A " T , ar,Aoten natters. which c.llOl. evnt/ed In taunt and varle:7, Window Shades,- In Breen. Tan eolor;llo2..Lavender. Drab. and NtcyVelvet,wall plain. neat end flat lillt nod border., over= alferent styles. FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, CO= All the best batter:2ln market to skeet: 2, Vs: VA. IV And 14 feet wide. SCOTCH WINDOW HOLLANDS , Du?, Green , . Blue and White, In alt wldte. English Wooleri Druggets, 2. f ut,, r , nC : lor., 2!*. 3... 3 , i. and ali 1. WOOLEN AND LINEN CRUMB CLOTHS, ENGLISH AUTON IN) VBISIT RUGS, Swiss Lace & Application Curtains, In patterns that are not to be found elsewhere. NOTTINGHAM CURTAINS, English and French 11E4 rr CURT.II.IMGOODS, New Patterns Cornices, Oisisza , edad. Ourted-a UPHOLSTERY. order. prom ptly and carefully executed. Nllll anycareful sod experienced smhohterrrs to any part or the couulry to lay carpet. sad put up sUadee, 40. APFIRLIND & COLLINS, Rand 73 Fifth Street. \rst bulld tog to Untied States Oustom !louse and ruitoffice. metond floor. . fet,:ww, I e s.O u NEW CARPET STORE. CO -toa BOWIE, ROSE & CO. • sEw blues. OIL CLOTHS, ILLITINCS,WINDOI SHIDLS, LC, Lf, AT' NO, 21 FIFTH STREET, N ECUS 13 FL•JUI. OVER , BATES & BELL'S. IMITI DISSOLUTIOIi OF CO-PIRTNERSIIIP. THE CO-PARTNERSHIP here tofore extellou het . ..eta the uudersluned. under the name of ULNONATH .1.1„ w 1/r tn..tuel couthut. J. L. 0 N.4: ee 4T.1. retlrlng Wert:lrvin to us.te from rebruary tat. W. (a. . • An L NTT, .1. L. DUIDX.A.TH. sal • relne ut (ro the JXWIILELY BUSIWEIS I dre tlr ten.der tof th•nt• to toy frudhltd cu.tomers fur their !therm! • hatrnong, beato• a e n d u. uanc one (4 the us and same t would o toy ree l e.felr solicit • contin- J. L. IlLINHE&TII. Of F. !eller, .4 Co., tort recite.. The eq.lerodgne.l, haying porehaaed the Inter est of J. 1.. w ....cc that they will continue the both:m.lot =I MBE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL JEWELERS. AT Tit EIII 14ED tiTAND, mo. se .. , .iurriz STREET, voter the gnu nnm• of DUNSEATH & CO. , W. G. DUNS P.ATif I.iXO. W. ii,..,LETT 1211412:v2A BOTTLED ALES- . KENNETT, WINTERTON, And AL txtt brnnal at Ales and Soda Waters, PIOTTLII , Br IJ. O. BUFFUM & CO., CEMI 23 • .N 4. 34 ILLILKET EiTHEET ECM aNJAMIN SINUMILL 1.1111.1 P Galt SZIAGEIBLIC S CLEIS. LJ lburcessors to Oro. r. Schuchman 1 C 0..) PRACTICAL LITHOGRAPHERS",_ The LT NTSAM LIThuIIMAINSIC ZetTAM -I.I,IiIINNT WENT of TIIZ MOUNTAINS. Hommel , CANS., Lotter Hew's, Bond Labe!., thow O.LN, ronno. , V 'ewe. Clminc.e. of 1.4.1.c.1“, InTitatlon Cara.. LI. 74 .54 71 :ail:4 it., rm.. bus [b. W ANTS A FIII\T 11.1.'S LADY. IFF.I.GuJJ)AtiGN A G - ENTS.-1.000 ALM AND FEMALE .-TE• - beat el.ance vat. A Ivor): of 111.terte, value nit Nattaual Btert at. The one) vr.rk en .•ue the ft.:4. Agent, ltd no roul,t!tlue. Nnve r. , adc—F . APtitA.l r T AN , ) OL)! AI. COY. Be He, . Elead:.v . lo one band v oltta.e, lau .r. T rst e Den at omm• lur tt,r..a.111.31. 1 1rri. y. k. L. TALet , TT M•rkrt et.. l'lttobur o. Pa. D, E1ELT....1019131.1E915T. Oa SALA LEYO3IIIIIION . lioua leacy lL prefern../. 1.: rrqulrtd. AI IT iu yr.r...,a or by u . eultHA 111 wood St.. u; Doane Cour: cahll,tlCl. AVANTED.-500 clerks, and and others now • at or al.up:orn.sut la Pletsbnegh, to know that. ANDREW'S GAS llS.NlClLA.loltoon . .lsoca tosellbett• r D.:noses , Fort.ei are wade be .elllngrlstit• rot the Wes er.... IS /a tho only Oleo/ albs hind that has teal merit. Soc,sa Ls the r.lodard. Coate sad J. Sea what ...cuts are .atlelt• C. TILTON. No. NS. St. Clair street. BANKS AND BANKERS BANKING DOUSE OF JAY COOKE & CO., Comer Wall and NaLsauSta., New Vert loco-broth:en with our bnmes la rblladelp nave ud Washing. mt. we ave °perm. • NEW itK DA:Sr-at above I .cat , on , aad elrer our services to Hanks. halters •0.1 112 N I.n.he :rooms, lion of metr butte,.s In titin•clty. luelm3lng purchare• and sale. or twesurraitrre extrunt- Mos. t , T01:05, awl liur.m. We are eV.- •tatillw rep-m.ents.l at the 1101 k tx•ttange and. Ovid Ituar.l. where orders :rut us are prompli) Oiled. We ketp•.n , tml s full su Wt . of (toy ilt LAMENT IF.. Unl ri •Ir ALL 11 SOFt . .. buying awl mtliteg at rt.rreut prlees. Ice carre.v.ndepts the most liberal rates th e market •Crt,rtlx. fe:1,114 JAY CODICIL A. CO HART, CAUGUEI & CO., Bankers and Brokers, CORNER THIRD AND WOOD STREETS, I=l (occrs -, :2ens TO HANEA, HART 4 00,) 11033333 Exchange, Coin, Coupons. ♦al pa:itchier etentlen'DlVl t• the ➢nc eltne , . and sole of GOVERAiIiENT BONDS. 14.8IGHT OHAFTy ON I.ONOON. 1.21 N. HOLDIES 8c SOliS l No. 57 M a rket Street, I' IT rSBURUII. Depnolta rverlve t In Par Funds and Currencr. u...t.ons rn‘de on th^ Prlee/Pal Oluta of the UulteLlUtatt, and Canada.. Stocks, Bun& and Other Securities BOUGHT AISD SOLD OD COXILIESION Particular atteotlen path to the puruhua =el U. S. Securities, 1.c:1.144 U. 53. NFS 'Mil: do. do.. 5..d05; U. H. YIVVO 10..10•: U. rd CENTIFI. 1.1 ES OF DV.RTEDNEES Orders and V uoctrer.bodett or collected. HEAL ESTATE SAVINGS BANK, No. 63 Fourth Street CHAIITER.ED IN 1862. rA)rizil..;,..eicv,7,3,,,ftur....i.every ISATI7E- P'T'" "r'Y Nl.i monln an w Pukre.t Stour Sate , r President, ISAAC JONES TIIESTEEg Mon. TIVR. M. Howes, Hun. J. 6. kfmonnup, ISAAC J....c. W. It. or.q. • lOU *IXTSR. /.IA/AVAT ,•10, .1 N1C11.,1..1 n Y. LI. 0/111. Fecreta and Treasurer, CARRIER. mobil:7l3 . PEOPLES' I SAVINGS BANK, Or PITTSBURGH, LATORPORATED 1866 Capital, - $lOO,OOO OFFICE. NO. 77'10IIBTLI STILLET, President Vine L resident, BEE= A [NWT LLOTO. ‘111.1,•al Ell, J••••• I JAMB. LiVI , INCUTT. 11,1 rays. M. t.' ..il• °vim LY. j JOIJS D S , cteizry ad TinAult, SHAH/. VON 80151100 Fix per rent. Inter(•t arowed c.n time &posits. Inventn‘rnts made iul.i.etra.er.taud ft. 8.1E5.- tate `,en•urtttrs. Nank open exccpt nundays. from nine o'clock, a. v., to four P li.. sod on Wedncvlay skil .33turda7,avvolog2 rr:•m elk le tol.ll v 23 IMBED DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK , No. 65 Fourth Street, CHARTERED IN 1855. Opeudally tram 9 to 2 o'clock, oleo on Wednees day and naturday eveolnes, from and Ist to No. 'ember lat., from 7 to t o'clock, and from No• 'ember lot to May tat, 'Tram o to.o'clock. Deposits received of all sum. of not es* than OmDollar. sold a dividend of the profits de clared tile. • year, In June and December. in ter,.t has loco declaredsemi-annually In Jana and December sine, the Haunt we. ornanlied. at the rate of 3{S per cent • year. Intmet, If not drawn out. Is placed' to the ere., of the de from tar a a nrlnc l Pai.mlO bee. , " same totem:A from tee Ont days of Jute and Decanter, compoun-llnk tarter • year Illthoul troubling the depositor to call. or even to present Ws pt tuo.a , u.l e rate money will double la ben th as en toctee Ts". Pool. con taluluathe Charter, lly-Layrs, Rule. and 34,141C:0n, fUrnlacd gretls, an appllcativa at the onlce ALBBSY. , Cllk Pllk,Wasirit. John H. Ttkckoren, :A. b. Pollock, Beni. L. Pahno,tock,!liob:rt. /WON James Urnlman, John 11. tiboentrelger, JamesklcAzd..v. IJanr.e. u. u. !te e d. t..,e x:l'¢ahock. -- • 711Vfirare. I Wm. J. Ati.!.r.rsou. ..41.1111i. Kelly., Calvin Adam.. !Fie or) J. L.7.cr., Jolla C. Hlrnth.T. • il'eter A. Martina, Hem..., 1.P....k., 'Job. Marabah. UM Burrwiri, ;Walter r. Mantua, A . onsu A. Carrier, IJortr. U. riciarldery el , arlry ArCo{Lon, 'Jab. Om V. to. Cour!...a. 'ller.r,; , L. Itintreal, John Kraus. . Wm: . hen.././t. John J. li:lleart., . /Orr...kr i'lntilt,„ Witllam S. Haven, Alm. V...kl'k.; Icier 11. Hunker. Vm. I Veer... 11.1,a.r..1 liar., I.a. Wl:littler. I • r..a.,..rutti—CllA);LLS A. Ort.TOBI. L . Sa,:neraur—J As. It. U. MUDS. 71111 FOX. POCKET CUTLERY, Fine Pocket Cutlery, CHEAP! CHEAP! CHEAP! New Patterns: New Patterns! • PITTSBURGH CCTLERY COMPANY, CD4C.-3030.1V'E1, BIALNES IId:VS COMMERCIALCOLiECE; - Nos, 6 and 6 Klink Street. MM = Book:K;eplng. reutaausLlp 4dlttuae time nn111.11.1 111 U 00 lainsarada mad l'eurnangLlp of ttirre l'eaularell.:, I.er mouth. rut Clruvlars az 15 . ..,..!nrenr, ri1".71 , 1.P.... or J, Y. H.t:L6IYVr7/. EM:SEI - HENRY LLOYD REA ;ver. IChrlAtlan 1I 20 00 -rll
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers