D •-• Pr coligiitE , s • ~, , ~!:..,th„<,,,, . ,rb or, : g :,„,,,,„„, „„ volt it it , :t ii 1 , ..",„wil r IntereetOoll In iniproTemonts, ; 1.../- E , ~,. il l (init'it SESSION.) sr, BASSI thou ntrered M. Lopto'.'-a , r. p.„);a:.!Ou. ntbdttea .0 ro , to MI - Wu for Um t l &ppotaturient Ot a military COltitrultoo tom-: SUPPLEMEKTARY RECEINSTRUCTIGH i 1.0. - .d.'s:. _ . - , i mr ,,lui I ELI/ mooed to to the resoln•• _ _ 1 - 1 t?mrba the tonic. Yee,t, CZ; nays. t i" ; .. ~ ~,..., • Ol ~ , SILL sr Pitovsne The Bill.Frirtiierapvicusketli • ....le SPF.AitEIt lahl before the Holtz ,. ! • , that ape from the Prettitlent. announelno '1 .., " t e - t 11, app.Ored anti stoned tit, Yloitio bill , tin altlng appropriations forttlte expenies of ; NET vißE:cusp v rif yusr, yATTLit, iE. etttutaissiOnor to tho Indmn country. I ''''. i “,t, .o - InCIMIOND aanna. I , • _---- t t I Mr. VAN WIC K, trom the Committee on , 1 • : ', get: enctoncr.:, tO which a a‘trefel red min l : Ito colt: Collect Smythe. and the Preti- ','„'i"L'i'''.'Vo'n",l'.°4r.."kl.nhr„"LeTr`,.,e,..:l?,.itdop,.. I I I .. I dent a Daughters. i 1.1 the tretru.try, rEported n .lotnt liusolu: ion I ; "E'lig• tios tretoturor to •.ell thu oln and Itlllon, abottt ileriAsit, atot O c t Pl; l ': Mum, t. in the I trim-ore: oh' , ",",‘..' ~'„'” ; el n' mants to u 4 sqrt their right. to ,•'," ...."'" I In ti; Court of C :Alms. . loa u • 0.10 ;latter tin notion of Mr, it" I LsON; ot , , ;latter clot,. was -trues Out; ... co.n .n.d mr. COOIroK moved that Insomi f i . , bllion .11ff Foal, It be plaid thto the,t, , ..9.8.1 . ry e . A ',reed to. Thu Joint limolutiOn at amended iris then ittetse.l... . Ni b nk• ann.: arsTo3lllol.na At.A.l._ . Mr.-...••At \DO 1101 ILI ,111 alto a speech, I ills to [Lo Mtge: toot whether et itulnal or not, Collector Stily: he toiti not the conktettv or dittarytlOn to Mt a place Of snub. tutigultutto to el IntomOuttee , Mr. ltortho Ws ro,ohlt ion WWI niloptea. Ole. MO fiLIM:II.I . S luso:Mir:4 wto.tutulttr•l; the. 3,11 ESCI: olierest a re:Milan/LI that tile Cot:no:tree nil l'ublln En pemilture 111- Imire tutu ill. connect of llonry A. mityllte, L,olleetor at Sew York, In connection with he ml t he of tuts 011 ice. Thu rem, lusion Wag atinptoti. Ilunte uJJourne.t. R'e9uIVOTOY, Mnreu 15, I MEE I=l The coneUrrect resolution to amend one of the Joint roles prohibiting the silo or intro duction of-malt or topirltuoT. liquors In tho Capitol building Was rolopte.. TRIC+IO,I 510701100 ON bTEAMOOAT... Mr. (MA. • 19IA:11 reported. from the tow o n C0:141,14MP, to ittoll ointO not:Lion of net to flirtOnorpin e Its eh of pli.,,engerA . On slettOlOoAl9, t..? 54 to ato.roilit 4,4.1,010, (rola lAOOg CO." to c.trs fnetlon aoLO_Outi lit so aUrl Site. 1 . 1.9 ed. _ - - The Taessual taarotd , sortes . Mr. EIENDEIt.2SN 4to .1e!: for . ; lavenligat , lily etai.luot Of the prlulluti tail - ran. the Trra•nr, 0 lOU &let 01 aye al,tead of 11l 1.0 neln . e . r , r. SllFlL6l.l.liepeke to favor a Joint com mittee. ill, nu, t•• . r.so 1 1131 tia.re. blot been no doidicallon of nava • blares houtga. 10 nil cu.. , ef presumed 21u- 1 pito Ma' notht4; ig , " 11 leeor err d e enose lltenia he, v luwpll ^ a aed to too hoods. '1 he sl', 2stuonot Muss erroneou4ly eta:hoed wart the roe:oder:lll.. , of, the .1001100, tilt one tog Steer 2 , 1er... 1 . • ! ! ' • prat C 6 MN raultea• traittlo.4 a. .11/, PlPalE,etl/t' latrtkluvad tall to ale 1/10 apeedy coa,r , valon of the Ildedic it tlt • 1.421, Soo loon Manch, and telegraph One, out lliog the feteretary 01 the Tie La ry to guarantee the 10 eels of the' Co , bdlrs,l the it .21 the boaree•-hin re•Vlstal. 1 , 1 2,0.01" 101 l educed the tell et /ail. Patellas gr.tutulul,.l,i 10 aid In the coo - rued. , 221 ata 11 llroad and teleg/ apli I Ine. from Lawrence, Kn...., la lta, holtsidAry htalarstal the t; ed lace and Me t,o, In tie. 21Ir. et lon of Gdavattluts. iteterscd to to the Committee us/ the repine 11:1111eal. TOLE OT vasrtets TO OTII G01,6.1E0 000 . Mr. Mufti;AN introdeced a tail Iroveling.l that notion,/ eindatr eh In the 4.050 for the p rexervation of the neutral relationg of the Ittlited Statee be ,11331 1 , 11..1 10 render 1,1 Ille gal trieell or charter any Ves.d built scittott the LTtoted State, 2,12.1 pun:ha:ea trout the United . t InStatee t 1.1111.0.0 Any 1 I State, or.oVerninetont ally then rube at rue, a ran they-of. thou 4lk • ucli ve422.21 be prepared 100 WOO, OrdPlded ench sale or Charter I. a rtmot were ial trabseettou 1,1,1 there he no Ito teat ou the part of too I'looxolo to part tel. Dal. ill any I.lmlllo oat. It provides that all yenallie. Ii el under the unit refereed ahall Ile to lit accordance with tho act regulalolg 11110 du•position of penal ' ti , . Summed under the - laws-re' ding to ...torus, Improved February teeth 14 , 7 Ile ferret( to Mu Committee on 1 110110. CLAIN" , OP LOYAL. TEN,E,e , lll.r.ai. Yr. 'PATTERS ON Mtn...need rt resolution Instructing Ito Coln:ninny on Claims. to in quire into the eTpC2lleney p velni.e. the loyal people 01 Tellliearle . ler eOlnutl,ary and quarterumsterstorets ',taken ttntl need by the federal army, in ;bat State, during the late • war, and report a tell tire for the ap• pOllttnient nflt coustitittee.of three gentle men, one of wholes • shall he learned Ia the law, to Inve4tigute such claps and glve trencher , for the aalne tom found eorrect. 71,0 re,,,,hulon are.l agreetl• to, but Ur. UN' Mila,(altiently offered .molest Ito recOusider for the parpo., of modifies. • Lion. INDIANA ;Mr. MOTZTON offered aiotut resolution to rge ltellana for quarto , rmoder and coup whaler; dere. furnished to the militia of that State alien called out to repel zuT.lOll. ‘.O Z„!II.I Military Counulttee. r . s . oc.comerro.Ce • TlO TILL. The reuonstructi:n 1.111 ear taken up. The flotation ono. on Sit Drake's amendment. winch was modified by lite mover so a 9 to reail that the conttltutleni of the St elate re furred to shall provide brat 11 .volvng for beakyStte 'old tuundnnal llltiers, bahot. .Tne waii tllan greed to, Mr ri.:sEs DES looted an aulundtnent, the-If of Chien he explanted yesterday Who that the conventual. to frame mullah tut". dzonlil he callethOilly 111 1 0 11 legai ripre-loun 111 favor orit tieing t o s it t rorn • gritorteintial Giovernment to the Vow mantling' Getter:O. Ile tutored to sulks trout tile drat section the following cat 'lst "Teat be f ore the first day of SepPuuher, the doutteantling General in Wet thinned by an act tO provide fur tint morn erlieient ' auverturient. tit the relrel 6t.aLe.9..flopoOVed AlNral IA 1.1,1', shade... regbitratten, Re f ;' and Inner,. 11l lieu thereof the felloe"That before tile yenvent lon abaft be bold,u for the porpo,a , of !taming State f;onstlttltion, under and by eirtue.of the ant to provole fer, th e more cilletent dove' hin at' t:ll , l . l/f the . rein': apprevtd the Londuanding General' fn Corn dunned in said at, shall cause a re,lrd mine, .te.:" Silo, to sulks froth the SeCOII.I meet Intl following •• (hut after Mu roinpleG o n of the rectstrntion hereby provided for in an , State, at such Illnu ant planes its-rein al; site Comment:lux G. 1,414101 aprlOlLit 1,14 difect, of a hell at least thirty limy,' 111111110 ,r.itiee shall De glyett, for the purpose ore tablirudiu a con iitltutd di mud g iverninent lid laden State loyal to the 'l.;tfien," awl insert Id lent thene el a provide'', ..triat alter the complotion the real... Gun nereiiy pro vided for in 1.0.1 y e. 1110 L011113.111.11th uiAZ General shall tut ulth certllled thereof to the Prov:-lonnt GOVPrilOr of tne State for Iv bolt the NO 130 I.elLh 'Dalt, whenever the Proviodolod Govt.:l2 , ot of 100 4 1 State bs.:oyltl enactment It Id., arenoTon111•11 Ile eaded fur the porta,. fortutug a constitution and 01011 govt. latent. and eimil furnirtt cerlined eon; thereof tO the Command/0d Genera/. Lie shad direct that a eonvoutiots shall be held , and eh ell appoint. a time and place for due . , Thls gave rise to a olicutedon which took a gfe ranee, and wait g enerally parttelpa• trd :.aastlng now Otio to roar ri t eloelt, geg g egs ; ..e as taken on tbe dist (Mr. Fee .g hien tens doagreed said: Gil, as a teat Yote, end tre P..hond amendment In,- log dependent Ou the lift.. he should with ; draw i t. Mr. ll i biLtLin t mooed logo (nlO I:See. %Ivo ae.0..0. air TLC 31 1117.1. brined not. ilea hided the donator , ' tit lated 01 th1411,11l w 0:114 tree. 111111 e It nett! parsed. Ii It ens earned ',lir • Irons tiny war bunt 1,1 ten 4 reselt set De re ..011..11. - The donate of yen. terdaY has been rtpe.fed to do, and would be le-1/14./rr/.1 4 ", if the tit I wan, kept tedorettid Sen o 11 ate =lf ne 4.. 11.1111eItt. eh,ll 4/my yrivi to be offered and voted on, .111 -eel. met o,llnen Ai Were den. ready I, elr..r -.0,1, he Could -not tell whenlood ,the tall would to, panted. ' SHERMAN interrupted thO Mitring *lon to ellern Joint r/ Wrcoll,oo the ifthet.hitity in nold olflee Iron. Itobort • V. ,aeon, tdO labania, nod Jlt,eh It h. hrown. of , kk o rglet.tatout so.t iv:erred to let JO.llO - t tdcdn lit .4el:hle Sent. Into 'OOOlll tee inner wbtan the itenniVoon for urueda It eln.s nai .reecintied and the 1= ilocs. or Ls, • s r ,..s. T orts cespron imps. rottnermos offered a ta, solution re garatlng s oa Speaker to appoint .a Commit tee on Publics 1.0002121 0 0 00, .141 011.. lattice take tutu eostaisl era , ism Me report .1 the C o mmittee of tho laAt liste-e on the nub. perk of the Netv Vol kiailatous its suss., and re ort anat. action, if cope t. ail 1.1.0L1e lu the. • 11 lIC LISC IVY replied atr ial m length l to Collector ~ V 11101.210 .0 curd. olis Ina, In count, of till remarks, that the New Cork I:nation ilonao wow, undor .';say Ilte's admin. iatrattnu, masking with corruption in ruler finer to tlio totaled alifl , ll.ollbe irlarillretl. A turU dug I cloy imitroper, rept/labia soot di grac e ful transauttou than that slmam io 'bn walnuts. 4n21.1 ray's, Nam naple it u sl re Ile also eelad the us. is iioste rowed tlal whit., Mr. Smythe leak *to s every mouth that 6e :acelosstl not 1:12,0 faun cot - taxa, An a hn ~,,toa i Ls; dal 101,iVu sit'cry mouth {_'4 •I .from that souTce, widen money vas handed to Ll 3 Tkeruntry, Wit,) kopt sin 11 the monthly oath had Loin taken by the Cashes,. torouist [hot paid It oters Ly sinesska or otto et wit,. Ito would bet er forgot the tualigss nation ho felt when It teatillissl that M.r_ elutytno had soul to 1.1 so, sq. oat sorry that. I ever andel took LO Marry the p raa i s i st atsa daughter/1..' 31 r.siny l las, to 1.21 lure; tunic!! costal SO, MIL tiau teltussol said to tam el donor kolas a hat yott thought, I do not , allot occasion you haft to say So, but I do lrilOastlutt you moot ...corms." Referring to the nam- of 31ra. Perry. has said aim was no toy Lb. /fur tacit. Lida. preseneu In Lite I. Tamil lye ell -ber was proemd more than Once, andlout law word I.llfire opogcn to uer. It was in proof's:at was to have altar.' alio-intro pea profit...l ilt zoo -4,1,1 orsier or the mesa, urn/ rilso 0 1 lit . ' wit...utast host roar. Maasf" • h r left the. - stand That 3tra. p ar , met to shut rffeei,,, yrstassn Z ri oft the !lotion d amn hal is ' , ‘ 1 0 :,! 0 ,' . ..'„„. "2 , 22 Went. Ho ebarsteteril.,l ' otil toe Wu Mood ;- r " ff the 6014.11.001C0 or Now Yotsk, tearmsesing tioklng It auhordlnatotolilift'wn izegranalizetneut unit to tail t il ea l oblects. • Ito actlOn wad GllOOOO AT tows. s pr,AN presamted a message iron s p ra od a ist, with It IMAM' trout Ma. ye as , Lary of 01...121.0. transmitting 41,2 mitlll4oaB.l ro s.ort from 3i tov.ter Ii fi g 01 Zoom, si a a a , Feb ,,, ery 162 , , 00 thysubject of the report. - est removal or the Aineriran Prottrouts:. Churell from items. -Referred to 040 Cum- Wtttea ou Foreign Affairs. issertages AMU XILIT•IIT At 74189.. ' Mr. ELItRIMUN, 011 leiter,. Intrusludstsl a bl.ll for the Creation of a National porerm of in.runco. ileterredto _the Vosathittem on „, Mr. LOGAN olTereal a resolution for til inesliato appointment of it Coulniltlito on Military Affair, tool tlalt It las aistlioriTell to it staring tits. rte.-.a for tn. porta - ha o enquiring Into Ina manner of prossaring ,rtary orsitnaimo for the Coiled iar , vice. lb. 41.hursdolent. /trigs of riLllnl oast smooth Lora gym: /trots:More Intros/octal and•neleatter tu 3ntrodneed, With toWer to send f Derent. tw . and papers acid to °Motu, clerks, snit M. Tooting the Neurobtry of %Vats to canoe cutter. Intents foist motto. After ennie debnte the Iwo orlon was post. ' l ' lllVss rg t Ire e p tr ' s n r h il * c r il Ts ' r n ' ; Zs . 11 1 ara e rl il ' it s ( s 2 taunter of the Monsoon ail.l )mlllll.'lll. Mr, ilies. ofiersai a reacautitirt re , guesting lie Proaltlaut. to tutor!". rho Mouse ao to eiso amount istilds by the $,[1,,TD111.11/t w o oe.Asse.i. pay jeCtileS and stash arms by the 21 ar and Navy i,,/opsriuseuts, as to nontraotl tor *gale, and Oer and Termlnor. dm. ' lard Hot, Ja.likeA Stern:Li— Thiomilt met at an, n'amolc.oo Friday morning, and art/I,OMA with jury tritde. o1.0“1,11CA,.. George twitters and Enitim Clark were In. dieted for the larceny el three petticoat, ono chemise and other ortlid.s of femme weal - tug aoparel, the goods end pl open,' of ltabriel blimp:inn, the prosevutor. II mina Cho L, w Inn is ai white tot I. pot In it Plea . f g , nl lays Watels, wino plead uol giolty, Is saddle-colored, Si j , ., t Meen ter, blloik as tar. .1...0ati ' was eminsel for too prosecutiot, ulol Al. wartzweltler, tor the de fense. Liahriel test Itivd on behalf of tin that the clothing wee the viol.- erty nit Arcs he l l wife, and that It not stolen from Lis Lome; that the demo:ants 100 l been at his lion., and th'it Mier they' left, abolit Throo week'. after Lim,- ma, rnisse the article nun; some. time Ramos, [molly d , found them at the of a Mts. 1101,11,01‘.• acing asLe.l rott-o, animal ton how ho Smoot ot4li ts Ito Said ' . 1.101. 1,10 ito Ita tho Lei whether he got lulu It tine rem. tod a!l.lithe ...aid, •"I went ire dem twat we. ode top of de trunk; Llon ' t Mem. do toil ol de trunk ontsttle,c. top of any "intik in side." tither Wof° calico! 1. ,. ,•1111k . 1 10 00 tooling of , the gmalt atllta. Um ...son . .. the booms:don of delendania. toi part , of the demos., Comm Clark. a-ho lt:IA pleaded gnaw, Waa I,lltlotl tut w She wt....Meet...1 to lb) . Mr. Ll..hen,.. she wim the aim ot Georg.. Waters, Oil 11 . 110, 111111 to prove this tuet tithe aas re called. Ile a asked whether their gene Oral repot...ton. a Oa Volt they were married end t 1 1 0. eia.alawd together at, loan and wife.', Gab...aid: - list man 10 go llol,l txnl 01 ' , O. n01g.10,0rn0,11. ,, County! for Ir foloal sodled a bat be motet stood by amlial, liettoul 'ttabi. raid: "Loliall, hmlatilat.„ Lo.- Inthlliothun mean dal aye were murrien to ' getter." fly general 11. 1 1/111%11011 /411,,k11t bat I knoweil inytef; Emilia told teeth" silo war married." SU . . Cohen not 1 Ito had Men n helimil tenth er noel wadi put Isl. UtO,lionn oil the on 111t1111,0 otinelpie. Ile asked ULM . : li one knew a thing, and all didn ' t Loos it, would alt at be gun crap Gabe/mitt who: he unmet, , t", - general reputation "when de tools wns aratti tu,;:eder ]aim s is plats" Mr. Co. hen 11.1011 •V nether defendants 1111 not live clarittettlhely together. itiabe *Mai "l'et lush! very elmatlettLitely. liming asked to; twortzwelder what be lintlertthOd chtrodettitiely, Gal. told be 'meant fly tint wero arried—ilia people Whoa ware marrie m d ttlway.i went to bed chonde— tlnely." .17ce Court enebouedthe. objec tion. Thetas.. gain,: to the Jury, they 1000.1 a verdict of guilty. ,1 motion for anew trial tr. entered. TIINATita If ,:dliert Trl6 111 - AND. John Kelly tool a boy named Dunn were rilargim with larceny. Dann Wan not r I,elll. and Kelly Moue wan on trial. Ile Is 'font ten or liftecu Stars ml age, anti ' the indictment charged hlto In one count wit:. Idle larceny of nolo tickets of the 'mine of cents euch,tudjiii woollier wl.ll the any oiplore,3 Or pa-14,40.1A of the mini* of toil coma. the Alain, Ala.., ger of toe Var.% let Theater, wt. pose cutor. and ou moss-examination wt., at r k• what it... ilia value of Use ticket*. Ile said y eutntled tine d pear., to al. iniamon to the theatre ...hi Mu placed the %mine *lute.l upon them. Teen* went - ....a.1 ..Imitted to the. haw, Mit ' doh,- than! am .s. not L "dead head - ." he hod ottenti el the Verietieli could not hay that Iran ' , were acute MM. lam they to lit the gslinry, 1 Petl pealll d ll.4, munched upp/es, "catchtlled,' • Se., e,cribed tin" character of hit + 1 •,., loot given a caricature . of the Il it'ack Creel" lit which no women Intl tOr m ari -d, had ballet claimers, could not rub Um: they attraeted most be the .cantity of the cloth • lng they WOO.;e0a11.1 1101 soy tn.: toys wre more propel ly influenced In ...mooi e ng pri.yer meetings thou tilt Mow. Thu j.iry found a verdict of not £701./L A SHAWL. Mary Gavin wlei tiolieleteil of the lareenv Of n Giant, wtd W. sentenced to ;ail fur lll teen Joys, C7llllll, Or °VMS S. In the caw of Andre. Leeen. Indicted for and leLttery ul.nn Jun. 11. lertten, the jury found 6 Tenant of g nen6euce.deferre.l. • • rt . ar o,co.knoto. Tile 'jury to attollitanro ter the past twO 1,14 were I.lnal:i Jfrrhurkeu nt twwa‘ tio , loV, in order to onatOo tLorsr from toe erolatry Met :lets to ex , rc:so 'tic right of autTra Jat InC weal eectinn, .1 now jury will be 11l attroaallre 00 310aaaY. IM!Z=! On the oth Instant lir. William it. Lira- hatn, of the hem of Graham t Spangler, oil dealers, on St. Clair: street, made leforina- Con lietoru Alderman aylor, elpargini; Tnte wltli t Ite Inertly of slx en. ry conned oil earfuls, and atatlng ton , the. stolen linnets wore On tile premiere or leo ut No. Oven •nrect. On tile 13'e no.tant James klcliiinne, el the II:m.01 ]le honen A. Itnpuri , , ell llenlerc. on il.ltierty strott, °imagist thu 55.1140 part; with sisals lne eight. empty liarrrelii. Wurrants were homed, and vestsrday tit., aceusu.l a'aa r. reevc,l oltleor t and cntroriltted 10-)'1 n 1/ for lass:lnt; on Monday. The rot foes. t lomat boar., care recovered. Those he ',lmaging to Stcrienna .4..,140001 - 0 'llc 11041 5011 1,4.014 to that Prot Near steolltra them. Ilinarrterly linme.—Ort ThurnilUY at terno,n, tee woe.: John Lithhart, II y that n North Alley. legbeity rei, iniented that Le: lillsOunrl be arrested, no he Mi. 2 erring to the thieit disorderly mannerat hoe... tialeera Camp/it:II and Pill went utter and larrented Idol _nu: will)obt aerlow4 anon. lie lied knocked over the stove unit brehen an Clnf lemlture and t riatm i ynrl litts other ethaiiirlettiew It)) the aid of Iho "nipp , he p ers" Ihn won gut to t lock-uoosil yysterilay morning . was nerd three clullitrt, en, coked Return ho hull linen In tl.e. op an hour lila ante nvwa p eadirtg tee tan re. Itunaleny.--A pair or loweee yttleched t. It heavy way4oa 10 - 0 lila:et lesteolwy after nooa on Onln Otreet, Allegheny, an , l ran (ll rlouniy toward. th e, Mud Let Noe., 4 v.,- maa eroweing the etreet ut rederal wtreec. 11.1,1 a very nano.. feaatoo Man bedoo riot over At the:Cromer at 01110 Ewlend Street? Me wawa:, etettek n putt awl the 110r * becarno detneaed, (hey ran up Fettered .treec and were Snany oyotwred, ono of them baying Jumped upo, u 1,41,a 17,11! . tk str..l In We way. 'Mu wago,:), WMI.4 .1011.4- tv WV. ureocaa, A Drderntlnort herrlteker,a 7 ,3 Ed_ ward Eally trlOrtlirtg yii, y ft3rly. Ed ard ISM 0. tirant strect. at the two.. hi Frill, veto/ drool: and dtaurtood, E‘eut. l'aut Wall could not ()Nomad , It Ito to go lot eti y hoot, eto hr pr.... itrrt., Dsk. Kelly rede:ed to such pa/ 000' that It. took ,rdot blull to effect tato art est.. and thd,t IL was dolt, at Cti. , espenkoor OLIO Or (CO statl/V torn .W.O. CoNrwriONEws trroult OF TOOLS, FINE SHOW CASES, Counters, Shelving, Furniture, DINING WARE, HORSES, HaYn(S9 and Wagons, AXJC9CION, The rattan:lee ata, of KINDELI IMAM'S Con'. r tion• ry, lea Cream and Dining naloon, Will to: loid Ola Wedilleiday. , f arels 2014. eoMmenelojr at (Die o'cl,k. nod. eons:ening without .11stertelenlon dnring th e entire d.y. 8,,,15l atontlon Is dlr. o•ed to the Cone,r, "do., Ittg. [how l'as: • and Jam wt.° a, Ir., Go, • here are twenty Marble ton TaOlt.s, oen. t.v Tables. tit , n , on and Card Tables. 1.1• an., Una atol Water (Moron. Brnd , ele a id laps n ••••,:te. Olt Cloth. War:lroba In•sk, illrrr.. Nlattinj, Marble lop Bureau, Tolle( , I. : 11. d • •, eo..ll..Adtrtg. Tetr....Trlev, Caue.. , st. , halre 1 • l' ''"" "'d 7:"o:ltfrnse'4l:llra' a;'n:; s l eTta.yery!a!leeon:,tn• 05410 (WO,: lie moves. Ha , (tact, tnned, ,/f -feand Ten Pasene You. yrr att rs, 0 s obalers' tool l of all kinds, in One! , 171 barte s of °near, :num two Hons, D.( Wag lmat h.r4.", •e., a c: Tertna at •a:r. A. I.E.litlAT le. mate -. i_ ... _________ Aortic:neer. Gist ln i. D . r . o ,, v: i n . a b o , .l , tealrable in a:1 re:PeC.:•• in • EINE FAIIIII FOR SALE—WeII ~..,...hrt ood. Carl , alno 1198 .10 aereo, e miles horsh west of tlaletn, on the nJ.VII/sTnE.E•r. robtl7l.l. !al•m, Colemmata co.. rlhlo._ REMOVAL.—J. P. NEWIIIVEII. & co.. coroculsrlop ?drub ante an Id valor, to Flour. Ford nod Ural. Orr reroemodip $5l Liu ELITT .1111111 CT ony •rill ba pleased to sat Matt tr:" and eutton-ert. tahlt EXTRA FINE JAPAN TEA. • /US 1/RtikilViil/, an Inente • or natnent kat J•nan of the EbO.CcilL qua.ll4, p ut up In. p tune and ttstrpountl Pactaia.• Note anparine In MI. mann /or gale by Jtllll% A. RENIIII4W, Plata Colmar Mani aisd tiatia sta. Oaulzer anti tts: Wood St., near corner itt Fifth.! A.ll <tee:lot:or, nr Government Bonds crow tt and Fold on nneral ter 9. an.l Contln,ntEr,anata'a roll at !:e,ti Tort rat', ,c,,i,v,; , tivor and CouponillX‘natit at Off th. ant rat,s.f ,ta Gall Pratt - 4 :tined On New yore. TO HOLDERS OF 7-30'S. ;AM eri:tnevtown', with • T 0,37 f ~ ( , ur c,r,tr.n.l4 ar, c.c . :Vert 7.:C•s 1310 -2,•e of ct,argt. Monde 011 nand for Drllarry. 1R B IIeYAY & CO., CORNER rourau AND SSIII I EFIELD STS. FINANCE AND TRADE 0771(71 or TT, thrVetnrlaol al t,lr, Malv`l tS, 1 , 4 n% / The following ttre Idle New York ntaek tl tot:Ulm. for tn-ley,„ Gold,' 111%; Ir'St bondtt, 1111'.,; Ttyentiett, old, 1trd,1 , ,,t Five Tteentlett,YN, 1t , 7%; do now, 10%; SOVUII 1:111111,..3, M,lllgall Soot tort, Coil. road, 71';; C.:levet and and Pittsburgh, r ,".; Patsburgli, Fort Wayntl 9t,!4• Erie, 7,.t,,;Chlettart 11.11.1Ntorthwtegtern,:;: , %; do. preferred, G . .' New York Central, lvi; (hint:tan nattl l:' irk I.land, !all 11, amentlm•tttts to too intoroal rev', ouol, ItOto o,Trrton 11.1 utter Mtorrl l 2, 1,;1", extvot the ullowhor extra rout promThoo 0441. - 11 10 to apply to the 0101 ,:. iztoiitlt of 3440,241, nu,t'tllo[c loru toke l n ;:lr•ot on tl.o Ist Tho roducttoo l intas,-; 1,: roe , trout Ilio oocoo4l alit nil eirtiliolool Onto trout the, utorooor,of that Olsunder :4,4.4l it, tool colorl , :e., o lothevo, 01114 the V toy, of ho . tu±.isit. woo., tall., tr, Lo r0t0,0,1 moot Ili., itoooo, 14 ill IR, 00,1. decorOing to 1110 new Imo Ilto:nottol Ooltol, thus rtOttrot,l 1., violopt, told, all r. th.,t 1. , ty., it mlllOllll rota ol 11.0 pt, coot. 1 r.tOrOtt iiku.t-o - ox . be 11.:.,1v Sl.lrChui ,sailor tho Itio•lah011o; tho ah.hrOoy alt tho propo-itltan, It i 3 oa.kt.al that tho Ltlln of a ltroliea Natiohal 110 M COlll 1L...1.114 proinlum, 11.11.1 12 ,1(.1 tor thh. pat,tit anolhaly hi tile , iit,loll er:ot r to 111, (0111111 tloi Intlt that tho limit of elrhalationt.ll o, Oil by law ha, lweu ntclital qiioULt;l%iuli.ulttha la tit o ,:o so untry. anioaat of I Irvalatlou eorrt..oothig to their credit. •ri, p.p,r • "A batty, howev , r, ctin ‘o,t.tin mat: retool tlau Gate rutuo • r:t alll..aat corn,. y, tuck 11.4. Ire it 4 tol 1,4.4 break,, lt, 11111 Noti6tht M., by 1,,k, clL..rkos their elrvulo.• Um, and Ulutrolls Call., IS .UiV.Cit . tilll.Pat. ti. 1 .111 al a VI Wai,ll ,a1:(1a1 111, a n+ Ugh an eVal. vcry brial loariagi la Ull,l - • ,,••11/il/al the pa,la,ja . g 11, the 111:0 rely) c't•ttaL tt tho 14.14 k ,1::11;.: thrtsi 11 rely " .. .lin, Ilt.J.ute itiVeaCiaalga . ' ^ • —lnn fallare of Ilrray Taft a Co., of Pro, taene..., IL annooneed. Mr. 1011. the senior, 1.11,1 leur hloperty valued Ot loni 11.:f 111.111 II The cotton ;111th., at:. been sinto continued ill the - ,Ll/11.1 ❑ rln 1101110 thln - nt . .l ain't y rita Talt.wh -, Ott 0.4 to htia, inrgely in 1.TIII:01t, 11. 11 1111 Uther 0. 111 .1 , They hale ILI," ,0141111,1set,i Creetlolltli Lione:aton hll , l 10,11.1... for 04,1111., Lion 01 operapre, The, nereblednt, m.id to he one ana (0,11 ILI 11110:1 01 1:01111, 1.11 the alecnnlt Ihy. r-hourth. to llol . oho 0l re slll,l 1.0111 el' on-ntritie 3, !nil It 111.-Y 01 in.,,lvenvy, the 11.01,1er. ethier the vohl. Thu Urn! ha..[ .5 11 11, •14“1 = Oirti z 1 tt:val, It, general Ittartiht, ttr , ,ttnatly hutt el 3.tti,ncti te, .1.11, t r n al-hrt ttro -concurht2.2, th ire are no ehttn.tes 'Am thy of I , l.l. la:AlN—Wheat In very Ittolte.l suPl4 4.11.1 arm, thou ,n tlu..lentatel 110111; No. I 11.,,F tlral at an•l print.. It toter It:, 42. e ., t , Nye ,tetu.stel t 11ttetia or I car ; -Ales to 5.; to iti No. •i.,14 E.e•11.. at 41. Co, im win, and tltni Lrtt 110- CtiaJgt . .l. flrtn, .ith 1.110 luCaL , ltninttol -throortt too :m cot, tone tolillot..• 6: 41:: to 112.:.) 1• .or '.lt Wlteat; o. si4,, Zro Wolter Wneat, 4/.; to 11l for 1. ttel at. Luowltran...4. llvu .•+l. It teaLeal to to - 1,. 1.=.1trNt...-ILoten 1. .1 rt 11 , 2 blizner, teto, •itiot,l In 1 , fur anuaolera; to ti tor an , l to lot ktnu, Lured Hato, In lute kettte ren.tore.l nuole , l dart at LI. Met, Pura quo, t LA;;It 1 ,2 011—r. Feller. .4 ao. vote at , fol loa-t at, antl No I, 41,t7 to ts tan - tnanon.l. ; rool can report.,...lm to t tra , l4, a! 4+.r 1, IVA 10 4.,1n tuutill lute. Inuothy I, Out unettngl at 43 tt.,,,5„ 1. - t aa.uott ! In At. , ry.iv (1.10,10. tit 42,ra ItUTTLIt —There I- a euntlnucal gurel olo man, fur prune Ito, Iltateroool pane, natio to :2 ru :42-00n0. , of °Luke repo', 1t,1,1t.'.4 kw..l Infer:Ur ant , very dull. anp,tra to he I.olon the deloatel, awl ali , , if ant altng, It Onto., lower. Wo non iota. , /: Lale , lnt nett., tlatrartn , l, ned may tar quoted at 4, to tot Wltalf ?lark. ; 1,12E7,0 .11•III.Ea—prime, In' troo.l ,n -r .1,11.011 tool Lltlattier ' l ' tt ", t ' ' n u t '‘"" ' 41 to. 41,..10, 1.0.141111.1.1 fret. N't to 41. I ita Small I p.. 1.,. 7 . ,t0 , o-trer Loan, ltlll Intl ratl r urarhango,l - 010 t. 4, 10 for Attpleo, 40,110 to Z.O 1 , , P.:m:l,a. PITI , Ski ULU;a PErim ii:11 MARK ET 0/110107 0111. 1.11,831•1.14 10, 1. t V, .1 Cliti•L—There I/ 41 , 1 on 1121 proved for prude to. , :my, trou h;,"wtrir the hinr ket trleltel tulvag., wan 41 , 11,,,, We pan report suet of thly for 41. 1 . , ro,II di, 34, ter April au,./ and 1 , 14),..] or.ot, At ironotovo visli oe • I.DPkt 4 , 1‘,111:1: ntlly Or out ~thipli,Lte.t, W., 1,4 !I, 1. We e,kil • rut alt.! rva.,op thla fact [hot there 1.1 ottultleriPlo 1,;”. v •,[3 %;,, , ,,:a!Pm, 1,0 ,, g1 man y h,0.• tog I: o , leln,tion that it I • fr..to oc;•1 • hnver.ln Y./ric tor l'itti,delphhintl nil) advanc... . • . fulr Is,lnen tr ann. I 1 r.. 11 rittlrer ~ ~ if nt.yl Moir, Mt' or whit, to ilia (roll/ to It t lron. Aug to Out.iinir, tit f.l) tool.til for it uifunt • nittit loon 1,10 stun . - tO 61.1 a, a 111 { -. 11114 , 101 , ;:t. Oi: Mild LHICI/J.II 0,!; er.,1.3 o •N f N) tau. at 4.J. nrrlvak of oil vr.le W op-W.; . 1 J ay. lik t. 4-2 1. It. 11. .hirligiott MC 1,-1004 iiiirti4osrt For.) 11l J. Itro..loto BIM .•11:10I, AND 1111.41031 • tiviti:Er—tvi:Lii IaIVIEW. One r. Or rac1•11 . 17111•11411ti , 10001e, Flog, v, !larch 15, The trrfncuctloro In metal ha , . Jaren light 11118 week, at least Fe 1111. V.: 11111 few tale, reported, 1,,111't110 , 4111 . D.W, 69 wall be Fern, arc In sin.Lll let!. ril course. there will be no movement InNletal or Blowier maid the rewannu operaLlunt, ahil the poseatimp. :It, 111,111.. NW are s or ry le, .IAI, 4 te 111 / 0111 Iln 1 . 1114011 , an ..verl indeed. !eel] pollee, if brieh a thing wide 110,11,1,1. tall. mart Oriel y r.•solvod ten to thake e4l/111 1 ,411111, 14 1,1011,11 the 111111 orere•r, ha, `li e toren, to Belgium Lo get ~,e141er,.. hilt, 1 , , tie train of Oils rumor • 0.1. iart . at tills writing prelaLrerl to toeli !bough It V . ,1014 111101 eretilL.l by th e edema; lit tow ow rennetillog about them atte 3411/lefew at Irio mill, urn rini• Ding. ming meek Par Iron, 0111111 require. 110 peddling. and Pr Miami,' here from l'ldlmielpul orril other went,. lri the mod ern part of lio Sturm- bet, licrierellY speak leg, Int trot trade, mo far /.11'111.4. I,llrgh IS concerned, 18 11,10,11—t0 Ulan a entii• b an,, but ma very elegant expre—eileri, 'blend ter a door nail." wile hat blight irrol meta preeent, of apps Intormilortis lr Prevenient. There 13 porno little Inquiry pi, Mondry Iron, hot the tram:dal°. mu Cadtelporport north lug i.n,dr,tnre:l iron 1.1 tlllll the .mon (roe of nallr, thpaigh Ltoplrg. we be. 11eve, are 'lgor ler the aelLeon. 'llle lowing are all the soh, We have reported. • anus .11m5; OM— Vitidi • do do DO do 5 , 4 110 (Alan:nal ..... :4 00 do 3i 1111 Alia/011111g Volley Paw 410/-4 .0. lo Anth. No. nbob} . .. f,2 01— eaep 10 d o mom No, Foundry.. 50 111 do La a. A./..n. Fodothl.. r. do qr og I. , dm 10.00 dry.. 110 do JUIIII.IO 111110018 110 10-4 11180 1 1 3 110 - 105 PO do = V err. Man It li.—r:OUr is lull hut firm. Woo., I.luorllsogrel Mot wink; per tor ,e. t l .y*3 for No..;;szol C . :. (or rio.g. st.soly at.sl,Nl:r I,ra for So. 1. Con , r n t all" lit 11,31 fern ltd. Pi 2 rzowe are idvanclag. Mee. Pork, 431 JA3II,S DiaZELL & SON, • 69 and 70 Water Street, LARD OIL MANUFACTURERS, And &Ogre In CRUDE, LUBRICATING, and C WO B warrant our No. 1 Lard 011 4,010 1.0 the best Cincinnati., other heands, ant propose to Felt io L a rdnciti or Chicago rate , . our No. 2Oil a . a Lubricator cannot oe kx, 1 1 11-I...rgek Lnbricating and sthadard brands of Carbon OH constantly on bend. Merehsote and nianithactureec h-111 find It to Ilchthgt to give go • eon before orderin, : Lard /1L rein the W.-it. fe.29.1.3 MAULLETM ILY TELEGLCArII 'lnane notte.rs InNew York. • Nis forts, March 15.—Tho money market was easier and the demand less active. Cull loans eV° 7 per cent.. on stock collaterals. end toiaing rattler towards G per cant., as the general rate. llarernntent bitngerS)lll.4 large balaUCeS offered theta at 5 peri:ent. hireiaa I:aChange k lewi active anil so rata nv yestertlety. Prime bankers' bills 111manally Itteallo. Bold •lulet and steady. (iIIVI,II,IIOIIt se.curitt,+. dial and etelolr. Itettlstere.l of teSt, It.tlGlat coupon., of '9l, 11 , 91.,tt11931.; tetfts, reatstereot. of 1 routent. of 'l.l, lt,'.(ilte4,l; r 'lltampons +1 100' 1117X4107i J.,,ULtrY and lln .ii 10-toe, regleterett,..'7 , :tlta: taattatit,t/f%M1. , ,,; np(ust 7.l9,lt4r l s tile:/%0 June do. lote•Adlak% Jul)* do, 1 11 51kkNotf4ii, The railway mullet wit+ gum: and artn and genet - Mir lees doing till, morning; toll after merldnos theto was tirrnirr and Maher prim,. Este wad the favor.. lota roee to G‘t!,i, wllk an Increased bum oyes. The market was arm at tile 0,113 tatard 'Lod mmleitttely 1.01:-. Fort. Via) ne dlot Nerthwesttam were strong and more wetly, owing to Meta:a-ell rate, At the 11tielock Board the market was steady; subsequently 11101114H:et was Itettry .and lower, and a decline was maided in • • • I , :titt anti tlulo outi.lticutett and Ciltneet Its nu; he, open •Itottr.l, and atterwune, In Itu long rootu the market was .11111. t 11.11 , 1 ete.t.l,y. William Heath St Co. report tile full...the es Vou 010.1111; rates ta 3 3. Antertuan Uul.1131!,301:11e; ttllloCellltlentee .11100 1: 0 411/.2 11 , 1 11, C•Peil ;;0•1‘.:7; Muteito.... e.; Iteleretut - 3.1d-1:',1 IV C. 41 '“ 1 . 1, '4: N. 1. C. 10.1(010 Et .0 1.9•4,3 0 ,; Iltet..llll 1.17,11,1' te Retir 1111s,t14.1; SI. C. 1..7; M. 71 1 03,7 , 1 , „, Illinois A.,entt nt Cle,clutisi 0111 I'ittonurul 1 71; 1 .1.33; laud net! To10.10"11 . ,4119; 1. A. 00,54 1 ,, N. St. 431,..,133.ty I . l3Lntem: Y. 33 . Bunter Mond,—Hl o,llll'l fell 1101 c10t.0.1 ut toot Tennet.oettl.lo ,; now `IA Irtn)rout ,Wart.r. J nII; Atlantle Stricelluwww• trwl coal that., ..wry and .r,Luvut t ug . t tool Paclllo Anion c.ol 1. lug ItO, ColutobOt lirt,ory Ilrutur toot roso to 11.7', bin rultettol to 1:,10. Nvw lurk Dry tioodu blanket. in' 11.—l Pry (104.18 nt the 110.1,1 , 1. al.: 11.1117 WI, t• vilLloll g 04.1, Ilt I:row Al. tau., top,l I. One, 1., l'ep- u,.11, and 1 1 41 Slunk A niol .11e11Iord. ~.01,1011 ntork 1.4((1011 C. 0: 11,1f0r.1 I:, 1 3; I:04 bury 1511.1,111g115t11, I.,vrenco ,znintnnt. 1.11t . 011 lA, I.:, 1..; Frem , ont, I 11:1,11n3 tit us for the nt Make,. and Ina.. for Irruggilur SeW 10114 .11,11,., 4,, Il'lll'mn,vllie, SO; 1141..., ( . 1111. A[k Wright %VALE, ~01.415. stone, 11 111,, 44. di ; 10.1. UntUrblg... 151111 lilelthrllek, it. I'l. 6, of I lin In., 11/.41, , ,S It: /ov, er, hulls co, .; dd di, and tn.n• to .Ino•rlinn. !runny I nu,' It., A rnol , l. l'nc.tllr, 1:; 111115,.. II; ntbl noy, Iv', Rl, lu Inn lilt 1,...1Ann, ne,,e, ALL/11114c, ,i, NrW Iftsrls Produce 31Isr4.et. 1.11141, 11151121: 11.—Cutton tno:, no . tile, and 'Li 1.1 . ,u3:: lor Fl-It. but tvt., trarrer. Kt tr . ,: I. , ,trr Sr,r, Wr•-c I tll ,rrrtnrlr: nrr drr 61,1rri,11 ,1 str.r. n 11 fa -hip eat ra tai ..Irnrr. and C - ....nrr0r12. , 0 frir trarlo brntrrl.--tErar kr, rottr.l;Calrfortrrn rtrn,l4 111 tr.., and .alr.r. or 1.,. tat Inn. It,: irJ.75•411.7, rltri-hy I.sr,ule; ...early, Wanre,nint.r. Wlrear t Lnt in N. atrout aroUac ... urrangrr. rtlr rraltn3.,l ritrOnt: 1,.. , 1 r.nrcro r-irririg; er I, So., 311Inar, ,Irrine. Lila latter lot nranll ‘.l lin IN hi, c“rrnjr,,r," ip.irr tor .11 th. r•tr.,.... mid 1 , ...,1 , 1 I:, ;rrr Wlntte trio Knrl r.n• toe.rrOlrr nate- I;,2_kr Iwntiel. at $1 2: tot -hi Itttititt) 1,1:c In rnu, ...us, wrllr -alr.• art I:.l.Ortrannnir. nt tr, Slr Id $1 "112 tht• ~,,, !L. •Ikili 41,1;tp: for all, , t .•••it.l , 1,1 tn 4 4 totv. tlu•I II.• 111 f~ •at:', at 1 t.a. .Zart:a :a. a at , , T ova orta, ,rtal r l .l ate. t,ar t.,aral:La „ :ita•.... l t,l .t,u.,ar sal, aVela,.,,Malata t. at) auat ralr aaluatal at I , tic , ' rtha .1 111 Par rtia, aui it el , tng at to rraaas , . tor • 111.1 may., la. far 4,1 *.5 , 4 ! II Sr prlsua al.°, tar .ara ; Si, as fir; and lat: TT. MA14.11, .01 U... 11 , Tf atrarlri 6 ' o. at viva licer a:al Ir, at 4,7,...,1 • :ra. Cara., alit•itt KT, iN fair 1,111.0”1: p:4/. ar a 75 Iroiva at I , t,,rt fat 11!,all'ra tor , li , g fir olort alaar. ..ta tlrta; rl'l t..aga ,1.1 , ;r: 1, 11,11,. 1.3:•1 n•l..• 4.1 a•,1,0;12! e, tor old, and na a. I: ,tttr ' dal” mat ay . .ai an, Sra 1 , 111". :we... hang. , l r t atal 11:1h. 4 .: .:ri -•-• rit,lr far a, ltta. rlva , l, art,tvra. r. ral.) rt,iratr, ror Weatt,ll. ].art: at /11 , ,T , " Wester, natalna/, at $1,1 , 41,aa., lu nl „ sua $1,1: arta,. ..a a t to uuni.4./rD, iirtd 674,, (4, il at Pala Irtegular un..,11.-I,_ Salt. 4,tr.r) 1,1,15 Ml•ntr. 11,.-1 .1.1.`1 . :0,1.1 - 1., wita btla - Te at ....Li azal la, 11, 1,1),• at r . Ittal .;a:ut F.LI aap. Larv. iotaqu t, at ina1.1.4,.. Cut Maata 1.111.1 IlTsrt at lAil:l%c fur fair to prime . rt.,. and kettle =1:1 ClacINN• , March 15.—ElourIneer anal niOrn uctlVr,butpiae flu, wino mark, arel uot ant :.&bry 144,1 , altstui. (S haat ea:aatal ana e,zl,•r. i,r; tneir no No. I apring tip. mallet; ;se, I intur....l,t. slrne. I tat, In , ...runta , l at t.! ti.e murk., V... at ttar.-e.;an I at sl.4u. II ale! In NO, I *KIM. $ 1 . , N4/ Luc, tlrta: at ln I , Ona. Cott , . nrlo, at ,at; tor itibblling, drnian,l 14, tit :Loa buycro utTerr h. Ste . ..l. • •" , .•r11, , w loa pi t o ha..itupvaa Yt.,,1p1• Nu. orlanwe to a weal et .t ete that Iltait c../pts at th,t.ia•ol hat u 1:111 the, Init.., an pr.., acing. a ape,tilati , a daman.l 1n,11,111, 1 1 1111614, 410••/ , nt elletllllllllll4 , ,i c ruce•lpta tor• cesi rlr r.nays. 111 N 1101 k. Inactive, :tit jet I ulatituelutuanel ft nu 4 III• d) reach s,w° bat tvla, at tlllt ce.ntr - i • I v. 11.11 DO eicilere '- L,elua 6:1. (Cr. city. ti IIIL nienti arm; but 1111. 11,11,101 le.+ aC• t.re . ; it. In aura 'aura nullato It COll/II ty at ear .1 (tall bnlvr., at ' , a In. for .0 0 no.j. 11nr 13,1 huary. Macon Iu (4,1 HII.I Ilia mutt ILO area, at nlkuu'del a, 11. : 44, for a; 14.3. ‘ c for cl,tr a,.1 ph•ulrarlt• haa,J I.a, Kr,r,r,• 11t uy;sr r,t, rad city Knot !V,: well, Meta. labial e , trurn,,,, card t•wrllrl at Ik t t , Jut r atanOy, nt u"il ] a . ..! (4 - I re4k cWI.., ...Ix d ity/7• 711noilly elni!, a t r 41. Loll, at Ong!. n II don, 10. _ ntcur4.l. (Am' Anna. Waren 15.—Ilutir tine at Om 1141,t1.c., : ) ti ‘iirgthy yinanag at lig urea, ..11" twat opened 10 hignici ias No 1., n, u t yioncil ittliAl at 11 2 ,W: ! .0 . , at , t 9 an In at 4:y354417. Cm . . iaitlinti, 1•114 i it, it , lu At . tititA"J'w.fur Nu I. Oat, 4 , 11. ta( Malty active at ;nag ine hinedlag In ...nation. ayerr' lea at I,! , tar witityr,ll,lllll,h for Ittish Ilria at cluuLle floury:, novt,iona II • re,; mess parg toll ton ited •nixtriit nt awl at thyclaim nada , g Origami:Yin s2,t, 1 int Meaty avid at can lot nor Cali/Ina land, attil Ili: for quint hut Ilrlin at Ig!inian , ' . cry intl.: doling In InroiYital ilogi At 4.,NAN t.tt) live nous grun ulna UV-inn...Anil aintiVOn at 1i1,,540,7:, for otll In any and choice tots. Ilalllntore 3;ettlart, I:•rri moue, March I.7,—Flour Spring Waeat trilrals mil:Lammemu. CV Leal—re. er:iir, luau auditta, xllck p.m!) , .4 , 1 at 10,1:4.;,3 , , -COM-1m .oes-1C Ix qiiuted Ist lond Pelforr emml lac irt lamed rout ut $l.Ol. for reirtlf.ylVaillei, rind ti lot kitty tuna. 11,1. tquveraued rravaatbad 1.1 Oulllgull. 1C141.14 La Maul, 6r,J1W,31, war uu timuutal. Mani Cattle Illarket. At.auav, kluiab 15.—The auttla market tiptoed' W 11.14 c01111,1m1.4,..iy La irk ML , Waial an New lurk tlutArullt, uitimtigil tau quality ru laterturl same few Inulea ladicum all isrl. Varier at tye•; reculpta,3,MUMM; autos, ..!,Ma areal iu artilaury and lac Lit chubs Site!, a M gaol rt.:quest at reiu•Mts,:r.l , 4l. JIM,* In light aulannti 00 7% supply rbiludelplala Market. 15.—Flon r firmer will, it largo lionso Ilbl/1(1,1; .also or 1000 Obis weolern, at 312,11; tilatr, srj. Wheat HMI co I , llt in fair demand; nwlun Of 3,000 Winkel., or :Mite re.l at CI,II. kyo $l,lO. Corn wit It au advancing telldelley and In good 41011.110,1; 4,111. 01 3,1 M bushelo yellow, at $1,(6. Onto Prot Into ',sad - yaw:lo g. Now men% pork 12.1. kacon—taktuld ore, 050 Loolooslllo Market. mt.r, forth 15.—Tobacco firm, for Gluier, luwer ;UMW. dull; Suter 0, Hoof bulls nG 61,50(t34,00. huuerflue flour 14,75. W 0,14110110. Corn—loalko lbita fork—bulk shoulders tiV. 11. ml unoul,lor. , v., Clear sides. 11 , jc. 1111”. pork Latul tlercuo, 110 w Wultirr.r MC Lords Market. W. Lows, hlorcb 13 —Tobacco, flour, cot ton and whtni.,y tteliVe! tusil lather Ann. Prt-rscrlloll AND 4..0.14er1:u.riv11.1, It. It, !dutch It—ln otttc, Idu J b Noss in ycr it co; 2l; oil J II libl• cement.. L.; It l:Clier; N bale 4444.1 rterapc, l'rcnit, :Leo; M 414,10014, IJ 111tCher N, 110 ClO, IV Al.ro; 10 :eschure, IVetni & CO;103 pail pipe!) liark/g 410. PrITSBURGII _ROE WORKS:; te..rEAM.BOAT S. MASSUALL, IT ros::.uoLLYJ IN, : FOll- NEW ORLEANS,• I . " ' 1 : 1141111 V 1 S 1-1'.17i NATIONAL FOUNDRY ,S c it uT OE N I A ib: L ia,GER . .B „„,, If In uta curers In 1.!...c tieit a CO:, ~,,, -, a HEAVY CORDAGE,I ..E*RESS UuIfiPANY, --AND I CI. i Itl.ll`, .'I CAPITAL, 520,009,000. , ' BOILER PLATE, • ' SHEET IRON, dultaiee (or /PALM tat Cewl Berta. HAWSER LAID OIL WELL. ROPE. Tarred Ropes for Coal Railrbads, • The New', llagnlticent aud Mammoth HEMP OAKUM AND PACKING , Our Nerehants and 1 auttiartot er— CACILKINU cotiQN, arehonar.lll4•slll 113 water Street. Near Alouennatels House. LOVV, PRESSURE C AnnIE " Ir EXPrtr." 4 . 3l " es " , Valuahles, awl Par rein, over more than 0,000 toile.. of Express Line. al just and liberal ra tr..save.. Millluut The fiver 1 ontlnees to vet rapidly at yearly to }ix tat ere hlt ipperr.lwld thin port'. altll la el.-feet In the Shannel ; Call Ile 111111ie 0111 y by'the Allegheny 'hurl, Lunt event:id. The ' " GREAT REPUBLIC It ,by their liberal patronage. weather v :ear :old W o e:ire:it, and very I. , Tills We liOpe to 111e1 11 11011 re. favorable (or out.i.•Ur operations, but butt. vi'b'e. are terry to toy, we. not very ace lit.' et the levee. The to real IN:put:We•was the ettlet eentre of littiaellon yesterday. was irlAte,t. thoue.ends of 1111 r citizens, notwitnetand log it 11.14 Ivea 0.110,1.a:it Una would net he open fur balers until Sat Imlay eftertid e n', oil of ...bone a ere delluhted with this Plitsbargh's /art ale! 0100 ,, t effort at marine air; hat:elute. Wu Pru-tilue that the Itephlllto Utt I . lallAllietl morel clreely I and et itivieed a all wester scrutiny I;y the I down river ides, nod people. that any tgliur boat that ever left tills ltt p. wo I fuel ratirtled that 1110 1111 , 0 ahle to pose tittoiloll the ordeal tea her oat. merle., and cothe en - ve-teiletir to every particular. ainerteu, Uapt. 11l leave for Nashvllle ten+ at 1. teLleing all the Cluellinati and Iseo, Ole Ire ill ht t lint °Out, The 31,!.-rage Je3:lo Dean i. unnotolued for New .M... 1, nod all lulerhiediate pointr. • The Itol/t. Moot, on her tip trill ft 0111 rort.m.itti ten 1.01,1,urg11, Itt li:tvettnwuo.l. ewure her noreari val, ivel we t.r..1111111.,1iir 11 111 tiot get here 011111 ' , hi., crlol.lliuw rout which wlll take routu ttute MEI RIVER NEWS • '1 ltr Slagloe.ll:ty, 1:31)!. IlendrirkKOn, the rt-gular tirdaY C"""mkt lenv,na al noon 't'lr .51. , ggle Is a !taunt and. raintnotlinue paelivt, unrrlnK superi, untina.lation, an s, and I. In ellarge, of vuLutetnu anti s•llwili.lax.tl Wt. h., titpt. M,Gorviin. rhpi,tly bp Wlti hi...NO, :tit , ' v.lll, I, out tor 1.14,1. point. (;opt. Bak•tr, will • leuvc 11111{ tOr n L , ru la. And prl,,Lteut lwar till , 11111“1. %Ve heat.' it runtort . ,l yrNtio - tlay that the bteutner Ltilli%11•111 1:.\11 neAr Cairo. It 1 , a rubtot obly. flue, at l'ittnbur,zll anti Itta hal t . stlitaltol to r holler,. 'Apo, w e txo't trace lilacoutor to uhylltthyt rtoluble.—St i It 1.• 1,11, thing or Pitt-burgh t•ol- Ito exploLle, awl 0 e •iort to ..a) Ao lt .atneranhot he -mot about tauter, to.ole at Nea Aihatle Loao.vllle. Citplubt Adam Jto oh., the -well-known %tea:about ,eterao ot the Mouttawauel..,, a. 1.10. tr,tplrot of , V,111.11: u by Wt. fiatoot,_-utot aldmiror., at Ltl ruci•lt taco ”te tbo othet 1,101,1. 10itai,; Lao motto:oho, ,I•r, 41 , 1111 • t• 11 a.• ..f 51 11 0 1 illjOil," C. 0.; ool,t, t w t, here ulol Itrua 11, :lllel part., t 0,.; of u 1,11111.11 bl tlopl) tt I:l . ,tourat, :oat tl.ll//lg • good 1.1,11 r. Lope , l,ti l 11 '+ 1 ..g ill , ,11.1./ 1 1 ft purl llot ••1“,/ par- 111.• I:<rn bit t :acitittall for l'ltta. 1 ,.! 'll l Ita.l tatattlut au, avt-ttt-e4 .a 1,11/1.11,t Lon! ltriolotOol • tta...t .1 Alll.. Sk Atttt.',,Ar , t•tt t !twat 1'ttt.,1,1.1.,11 Wt.. gut rt... 1e , a1,,; - At. : loLoolla Nat....ft tat-rt. It, .Nt.a ItLI:o pot , : o!1, po,Oto 1%,r , %% o• o Lo• to:It - tato:II 'rota , t .att.• a , • 000 , it" o,00ll••:. too, , tt. t.l I•.r t t 1, - A . 11 tn ,11 , 1 . cat. a Ilan. a to., at a ~ta.t %,1:,, , art.; front .;a It.• 1 •t:, t:,• ..o C•loOrol tl.t. tt0m0.:,04t0 ,. . t• 01.1 olo,n( , lot 't st, Ina , ry ..t1 111 cm,. of Ow t'.. .t. am, ,4, ,att.tit.; tAtr t tly ,trt• t'a ;nay 114 tn.. I siltt "ot•lol,o, ••• • t ts.• li, St.. is al. I .s- ....•/ It 14.1 1,1 I - 1, a 1.• I, NIA N1,1,....t.u.;; , t.,, ~.,• I .+4 aOl .1. for it: L: tilts rscl.l e th ES ...•• H . " " I 11:1: gr:l4,Ly s' 4 " " •"" i • 1 • 1 11 • ,‘1 1': 5 ., . — Tt .`• ‘1.1) it 1:11A1 frr:tl, I,ktit,te apt4l. 9. A'`nt.. I 1u1e•L0:,...1. :rt.ccy To % • *1 ••( ' , TUT oTIT O T I TT: I'llll NASIIVII.I.E. 111..1n ze..rk I t a‘•f au, a.: t Xll. „ CIIII • 1 1 . l ra • EIRE ME I t. ;. N:,•.•II 12.6 . it.. f , s. , :n 1. ; ..• IL. I re. ! 10,4. Mr. ~.1!”..r. 1t. , .Lr.1.4 , A., 111,M. 11... s l;a `.:ln c,l al I Inrult• 1 emu ti.••••. . . . ulOl A kl• I ;Cull t NV4hfe t. 41 t on 'S nt th, Ath,h, OI 11.0 Liohlp,•h . The f. , 1• , 111 . t.t. 1k cho-• h.r the t•t n< ; J lnrl , 1•11 h' o 1% , 11. ..h: ren,..Ter t •Juto.V.:Pr, t... .1 it.., 6. k. toltl I==! ••••• eallelA4loll.ll t car metal, .1 NlooTt. 1,1, 1 1 ,t4te: 1 .firmla • I ha. lard, 1a,.,1" .1 A r.r.t, Not.el : kk.a. , sl';•• C 4• ::‘: ei. I: I,patilt, A tL“, ap . ,114), I. , 1010. A co;:, c.nr. Ilry,n uutt. her, .• •; I, p ,14.111 II o loa noar. Wo01, • y, 1 et, 1 , 0 tA.l,l“ur , Leven; V 9 1. .Atller A co; • II 1.1. loar, A law; I rat . ' o. rag', Nlarkle , A r.te. IJMa 1.1111, A Ilt.nort, tipple* J 10.14 11.mr.:,,ri r'tr - .Z. .01 , 1.1 .Ko,4lllo ' Nbtrl /.1 My.... A vu. 1..450 *NO l'lristly tom ILA car %AallaLe, Latu,,, I t 11.1,411,, I rrtr ILvistit.•ll . 110.104 J hula hay, 111 . 1klit, ,Prmli..a rot n, A ht.! , Villa ....11011,11i.0r 'rant; 4 10,11 W Ikl ‘l'.l 11..,.k I .1 A7,,Attilukt,,ll,,taltlt A 5, A Nlo 4..10, co, ,to do, du, .1 l'or.l keil A I 11110,, I; 1,..t I eart.ll. , , Slit 11 or, ..pt.m.t.t. A vo, Pr, bt,l. an. ttrall S /4:11i,. 1 4Alra 1...11, CO, ALLII4.IIIII.II' 111ATItY.I, AlArch 15. MAI I,ztt 1.,,t41. CA,uptrell 3.1111.01111. 4, n, 51 ...1 4 ...gg.. 1 . kg,, , It 410,1. C4..0..11 wine, 173 cHr u heat, IlasNt.t.,l, A ear striV. Ilnts .4. •AI Jogs molar sea, II A .11.4:1‘.1: A co; 3 hal. egu., SlkulL Llano,. I ear C 111 cu tY r 51 ntr,l A 4,.„, 51 , 14 lt,k, ti ' , yen 3 hat. t::1.a..1a. J Alto,rer. i'tTTy nC nn n. C0L1.111161 a. CINCINNATI 11. It —Larch rs—.l tikr siorn, II /trail': tin • ithts flour, (Alp a ,i:l.'nurtl:l gar ”ttly. tifonn; 51/bla ispples, 2 kgn lard, lintlT ILitls ter, stn Ilsk, Hiolkisk, t Lung; hind, I rk bop., Mu rl I, Lee it go, tineks Amts. HMI it "two, I CAC LCAATN,W lInsIlogs; inS nu nil rlr., 11 , 0,1siain a Long, . ALLNA 11/LILAC/AD, klnrek It I g.,:r iron isms ONO, Mikan!, 11rbikoll a CO; I CAI motal..Nlitilla .k co, I cur Lop, J In; I rano tobacco, SnsiLlt tt CI I liks Itrottott, I olgl t enoi kk• n II With. hai., st giaboys BUI 'MED ALES-- KENNETT, WINTERTON,I =I Ales and Soda Waters, I , UTTLF.I) DV C. - BUFFUNII & CO., 9'i .>b VI MARKET STILLER% EL= LINE POCKET CUTLERY, 2 - a /Fine Pocket Cistiertl. CHEAP! CHEAP! CHEAP! New l'attern: New Patterns: PITTSBURGH CUTLERY COMPANY, 4G317110VE3, 1.1,•A1,11 nrminria. .1).. ultiat cam I 111%14—Such as I rgging.. Iw". a.. el' the he" quality mot wsi ritatrd: alto Ulf Chats, J•eture. °remits. Sc., for sah, et the !tree t pricer, er holt:rink and feted, at No. 2r l and Kr Clair rarest, labdd • 4. 111ILLIrs. +7•''. t ' . 1 a Ste Et3alor, Office, No. 145 Wood Street, w.. B. DONALDSON, CommaUder,-, 1,171.1% Ageut- Receiving Freight for Fru" LIPBLER 3 WILL COMMENCE VICIi - SBURG, and lianttractur“-, -a:, aa , 1.1:t u s . ON MONDAY, FEBRUARY 256;1 AND LEAVE AN ABOVE ON 1. I /irk :a7p. ~Z LA.ilt ,at• - .411 wa)• 11.41,, Saturdny, March 16t1h, 1867, NOS. /O.{ and 106 Wood sr, 3E. 0191.TM -4 :7El T-a-Sr. No. 12 St. Clair St., rittsburet totrrratt, to call un loom, beton: mating en Qairmeute vlsewlrre. pul,llc can tety 11, pllcltly on her 1. - avlngrott anon date. VI.A. K .2 CULLING% °oil. or f..19,L, ha lIN trs & '...'..1.1.1..5er. &era". - : air Sol.. Ag• rims fr,r :h. C. , , ~ate.: ItILADIW IS67' : i, -- „—.. / .: 7 :-- b • PITTSIIIURGII AND ST. 4.01.18 Also. 1 , , IL el .« 1 1., •.,,,T . 1 . ,..131!.•• and D. & 11. W. n7lll i'll'S •'.7.Y.i.1:iCA.Y..” 0:: .F . .... 0 'mot Chio s , ~,,,.d 0 ,4,, j„,,,,,,, ~,,,,,,,,.=,,,: . tiANM. an , 1711.1'.15 , VAT ENT UVITAIt. 511 , ,,11:Stien, 1."1:1:NA. 1 - Le 1... t 1 . .t.1.ka and ~...rmen Violin and Gni. 1 ' , Zit.. l'on't MI, )1 .4.1..i1E II AILtS. •• PitPro.pra pl,p.v.••tttlpy W NI . 4 NITA. N PIS , 5 "Mi. AR , ,,e5i.... ~..umnt,. • ,I EV 0 , ..< I. A Ii I.: 5”. 4. 1511 . ..5,1'1,1:, KS I V. I%l'o Ai% Karr< It , Hsi 5....,,N, 1 1.•µ3..1...4N, E1, 1 .1.01:1.1 So. I', 1,1.1. EV 1.1151554, . “1./,.... , \V. 5115515.. . ,Il LILMAN: A NI P'l.lk PLIK. . I _ . r I I "' sn''''" '.'" ..'" '''''''' '''. L""" ' 4 / 1 41111e* Illrne.. 'fritulis, :" • . nr, :me..., ~..rt. rn .n .II WP L. NEN- •-• • - 5 . ' ' . . . 5 , ‘<.•:+51.•••,.PPP PP•4. , ••10 ,,,, N ,"" ' and al mr.:,.. Ir 0...1,•,....• .: .:1'.:7 Lai, ci.T....r1; , , t (1,..`:..;.:.i 1..: ' . , L. , . r ....,.., 1t.1.. ' , 1,..t.: 6, " a l e,!l ' lli...,ur ~.....c _ o , A pplp v. PLA , h4 C.1.1.1NP/ W 0011 lI.AISN EN ' -•-.‘ • - ' •: .1 n ' i 0 .1 Wood Street, e.pa. nnicru. 1 1 tans ~,,rtra.Lo.l., n t. 1 ~...."". ''''''''''' "'' ."' '''''' ''''' •l N.,,,A,,r p:r..-.. kup Pt•lrs..l I 1.4 . 011 ME:11 .. NEW l..:Li. urn ~~n ,fJt'~;. ~._~~~ =o.r~ pITTSIII'It4:11 PAPEIII M ‘,J311,: , I. C. . C"‘• '" PRINTING AND WRAPPING PAPERS i II MILL, STI t.ii:. ""'". ""' 11140,11 , N 3111.1.. N l'A. :NA AN ID " OFFICE AND ' I n'rr No. s2'll.llrd Street, 1 2 1itsburgii, Pa. )Isr r. +; 16. • A /rat.. ; 1 . . 11. P EGE L 4 H WHY 14 1.1" 1,11. h Paid tor rage! !.tarn AA• I T 14 4!) OM. rIPN k 1 AT 32 M...• A . LIO' I • STILES. >ll e C it. D& C . 5 P 4.11., ,‘ ,a 7,74.4 , 41 131 11'00D ST.HKET, l'',."r" MUM .1011 1,10 I, AF r.t a. •Lq. 14:1. HSN:QIII, ow r 11,1 INN tme , l:•tr • J . U. WELDIN BOOKSELLERS. Stationers, Paper Dealers, PRINTERS AND BINDERS, 15T0.10.1. Wood leltra et, 1= I.3TANI V., 1.,. AD 1 . ) , (11,... +FEE, I'ENS, IILANK. and .t1,2110‘,L 11VOI19 A. LAW ULAN Kg • I , CIL ET 1.11.115. V. Hll LSO DP:SRN. rn , r,lo 4JI/1.1,1.NN0 CHINA WAREHOUSE RICHARD E. BREED, Mia141....011L.P1E11 - 4., No. 100 Wood Street. 111:ITTANNI ANTI 'LINER PLATED TA ILL? LA Alt Y. TEA TIZAYtI And TAILILIf. L.- LEIII •14.,10..12 batd. I•IN A TEA ATM vlll, A 111 VY.IL t 4 ITS, I'lll%A TOILET A VASIr...., 17111 , A t.I . ITTIIONM. li"11E111 A N SE Alt!, .Aovery dtlarlption LAVA CAM/ If A,KATM, LAVA VA,IIC, LAVA 51 . 1711.4 , Ne1. ENIILI,bI STAIN E WARY: of All v•rielics. salt wt.../etnie•nat rrtalt ['Lc Inry stock of crwry thLug lbxcl‘y• Prlews sad Calms 141 same as In the tllAtr, Pittsailzrea_ra.,lP.ca 35. itt P nINIICRLY ,INGEIRLY CLEIS. t,,......e5c50rs to (leo. r. erhuchen.'S C0.,-) PRACTICAL LITHOGRAPHERS, Ttle ONLY STEAK LITIIItA 111 HI ESTAII- I.IntI.HENT WEST lA , THE SIttIINTAINe. Ii .mess Carat.. r.oftrr 11.1.411, Ponds : Labels. Cir.. ulcers. ttnovr Cord., Ittr , ototta. ortrattN ,Tra. Certllleete• of Deposits. In•ltatton Cards. &o. Noa. lii and t 4 Third sl.. Plata . • r 11 , 1!t.e.nri3 11 ,_ T. "Ic. — fiLicK, C7.41..XL1'X1NT 3131.1 .- 41r61fl 81209. Three door. Sbovo hen ithitelentreet, I•lTTstsuitta it. PA. Enc.', kind of Work doneon the Rhone" notice and morn reMonable Lem, Pa:Until...talon •nen! In olddne. tell:net H Watt' AEA, Jr., i ILL Flour, Grain and Produce COMMISMION 111ElleIIANT. '2019 Liberty - !Street. PITTSBURGH, PA. Valises, Carpet Bags, itc. 1.111 ,, lA. BARR, DILLE & EIIETTLER, ISuccenJono to WLSIELINI., 11.i1:1L, 1:1=1:12 I= LOUGIIREY 6; 'FREW, Vl} IC1.1:6-Al ••: ‘nter.c,:t.s vt.rt 1.. A or lIITS,:CAPS AND STRAW GOODS, At Very Lott Prices. SOLE LEATHER. 14. t Y AM' "AK Th!,,Y.IO,VAN Sole WEI =I At Whole-site Pricey tor Cash MEM 3.1.3/ES W. 3o }4 fi. SON, CUM 131:a1..t,a D. 31,4 ICT THE PAILTNCIL•IIIP 71/ , 11:1;.‘ •;,,nnt... the t male 0[11,2- :17AM.. 111,1 v.% 1,..1.1.N1AN, Was Dissolled January' Ist, 1567, BY MUTUAL CONSENT. MA1,11A1.1..1,1 , ,t,r.-or Intvrt it 1. .11.1 Erna loth , rfq•-•1n1n.:1,,r1. 1 .1 . . , ... 111, ...a at II 1:, II W /LTA Ii 'el C. A. hi. NI A.I,IIALL, • tAt 11:• 11. 1.. I, , L,LISAN THOMAS ROBERTS, I=l Tin, Copper and sheet Iron Ware,' O. 61 S111'11111E1.1) ATILLEET, to, reurth II • z••n•r•! a, , t l :If,N Plato, J.,,,....1.•1 1 ,0 4111 1 11 . 1 11• .1.111... V.,. 1 , 1,1 1 a..., taler• ! Nltuers 11.•,, 1 u,nl.l:lt, 1,11:1.,,I,1..13117,,1„Ie..11 \I .ud 11. 11EGGS,' GUNS, RIFLES, PISTOLS,. Hardware, Cutler} S Variety Goods, No. 3 SL (tar Sac,' fr,o.L. the BriJse =1 AIMMIIIIttio7. Cwaye nano. Onnr an,l +•••I na z. , rs rot.:11.1 an , l att. Al,o. petit/11re Wad" IU t4r r 1 , ! , 1 , C 7 1 NOTICETO CONTILICTOUS,.: PROPOSALS F"11 II I.: Construction of Public Sewers nn the follow!ns, street-. One on FOUL to "., too l Owl co•ad b:rt•t• tot- tmly to& t etr. Lt. nll•LII y. frofrm lhvyry I.l,rty 111, .1 +LI thr of 11, tottlyr,t;., , l. 11,13 n.yriut Irtlll , , tit MONIII.II. 31.tr01. I,tll. ,clOcstrone ran LIC ItC•11 /t tlll. OW. (EOIIGE HEAVEN, Candy Manufacturer A.u.l der.hr lit YOL:F.IGN D iltlllll/, 2s No. 112 1 etteral streo, y ,. cowl door Rom the FI rat S Won.; Wank. 1100,41 41.1.F1G1E,V lIITS OA. 1:1"1`.14.11 NI EASON. • I bUCCE.rizOttli TO CIIE,,SMAN 6. CLARE, : F 3l•of.taterts or EP F.. BNIIG MiD A.B. trITEL, &O, OAK 1.1 - .A.Tiirm. ISELTIIN(I, ! IYAI3f.) - 10VPIS, No. II Ohio etrret, Alio 1,11 ae.ortuo 1, t , ll ` l l llol et l 9 11. AS. 1,E1L.-50.%•e. No. 10:k 1.11 , ,t1 , t•• 1.3 t... GEO, U. CLAIM, bort. or Works. OD iIEJ' I= — tranrracroilans or Beal Tetate tourbt and .old 'Steam Holler., 'Olt Still.. Agitator., Liatonii M. rzrrr. I Tailk , . 5 ..„. LF „ 0 ,,,. „.„ 0 „,„,„ r „ , 1...” v.. 1 r..... 4.1.4,,,, 5,.. It ...(flair N. W rOOKhr - I con Itridges, 1 HASOS t PIANOS: I—An entire 4 Sheet Iron Work. .... nen atmentiiNNltt:l( . .)..,!l . l.aSl,..whlch . Sr, now r.".llcrol 00. 1,.1 made: al. II kINFS 81t,... CELKIIIIATEI , I'IA No', I'M, from }II) COL LIBERTY AND sk:COND STS:: upw•rtl. l'ersonD In n.nnt ol • nr6l. chum 1 . 1.0 Worenapectftilly Invited ~. call .41 "amt., Wore purclm.lng el.nlivre PST TS B i:lit: 11, P.I. CHARLOTTE [IMRE, ' It'I'AIRIN , i WINN 1 . 1,.1!1 . 1 - 14r. tnylCol __,...._____ d.. , • . ' O, 43 Flrlla •treat. L ,- ,----- tom:ma , : mAciILNE ; VYN. M oTE W . 1,1:1i1, N ' orthyrest. Corner of ' Butler Street, Ninth Ward, Wes Common. ALL. 111,41. _ , . FILED'IS Al.l VATKIt 1 C 1). Rare on hand .‘o. prepare , on abort not!, HEARTH A I. t.TY:I . 61',N VS. Ft. A(. FORS 13117 I‘lll , . VAULT:I. An.. 1 11 t• Bolling Mill and Bridge Castings. net:rim:: BELTING :—Lp:ith- AM) CISENGS GE ann et and lium 11... a. tiara., el .1, alit) nad ,tj Cr.laiir.tow.ptly and raretnlly minted 1.... t • • • LuAIi.I.KS Itif.AnoN ABLE. vraya on nand at too. Indl• I.tnbLeT Da3...t. No. I 8 and in. Clair atrect. EBBERT MACKLIN% • tout J. & Fi. rinLLICS. VIVI 2: NVOrZli-S, Corner Carroll and Sinnliman Sireek, Ninth IYard, PrE"a":S:3l - 14631 1 , e 1",..CE1°1'1171, 31.UNCFACTUIIIElt VF Cast Iron Bowl Pipe, FOR GAS AND W: _TER WORKS. RE \NA • ..11 .) 'l'l7:lE, loULIEO N . BELL BD BRASS FOLXDRY, I= Nos. 91 First and 10 Second Streets, PITTSBURGH. PA ALL SIZES OF BELLS, = From 10 to 100,CCO Founds, ti,ilE, PGLE, C!ii(K 39 S.kIIII YAIII, St op Cocks of ilrass or iron, t•FSI.f. 1,1Z11:1. GC.ICE CYLIND - ER COCKS. dlarro.3 C42,..E1NT PUMPS Ceithrated Steam . Syphon Dva, Orr. ,"rF r .A :I and OAS VIT. T Nt , ,h, I :IT 1.. A)1 and li AS lnd .doo manuta dorero of A. ICI:rf.N . S M . 41.1.1 d; 10J1: CF1.E.1 . .0 17E0 ANTI-ATTEI- I •N to, ,nd. Nit atol C . A,TINGS made to or .1. -0.0 arda.noa and ~ t lldv-coo:•r Bra, .Ul-I.l[lo tit.. of ,O.r.•,duare ard Itoood um, fl.;, 1. nOO . 'won Vac slog, buln 01 11/ FULTON'S SON it CO 131= FZ T PITT BOILER, STILL IND Mit CARROLL !SNYDER 11:10.:LAIL FIRE-8.11 BOILERS, k/1/, 3TILL3 AND VII. TAN SEt BE.TTLINT; P.t\5.5 LT PANS AND CON- M. 1.1. - SI I.: V I LI 111. N I= OL:c•outtl.VoriracortaerSerotad,Thlrd , .Short Liberty Strcets, Pittsburgh, Penusylvar.ia. jErl)rdars ~ a t to the .Jove address Will be tn. , IRON AND NAIL 11 - ORhS, LLIViS, 13 VILLA, I ALZELL & CO. BAR, BOILER, SHEET .EIND xF&c r NAILS AND NAIL RODS Warehouse, 73 It'ater & 99 Front P/TTSBURGII, PA .1411.61 KEMINGTON IRON WORKS, Luna) BLACK, Rest Common, Refined Charcoal Juniata Bloom-Iron. Y.RUCHANT 11A11, I'U DS FQVA IRON •ut. xtd ANGLE rt,l LEA, 1 . 1..1 Cti arld 5,14:E.0 scot REA I'ER HANS I •=d LTA kW YIN“EIf. 1110$ ,11.1 T SO lbs. to 111 rant I:k:out:Lir Utf A I IL sad Hl` lii (or sure. FLAT Cout“...rsunt. ('(LA!. It 111.(411 IKON. !: Vist,ol3.l \u. , 6 Marle ots. sa.. F.l,tth Ward. al ..LILY Use Wu; at.2.1:14 KEYSTONE IRON RORKS. HUTCHISON, GLASS & CO., MaLcloct-rcrs of tha Cit, Of Bound. Square, Flat and Borse-Shoe Bar Iron, Boon and Band Iron, Boiler-Plate, Tank and Salt-Pan Iron, Slut Iron, .5:c.„ rt ET ILIWN , rIIII . , on llooooetbtit 0V1.0., and Worchount: . o. 140 Water St. 7.141 CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, MILLER, BARR L PARKIN', It.A.NUTAXTURLiIS 0/ BEST (11:11111i CAST STEEL iliarrsantect }:nnai teeny In thcr.nr . • k•t. Imported nr Un ntestle I'KCILL TINE CAHT II .1 1A.., • OtUco, 38 Wood Street, IN Sr. ettAltl. ,, 111:Tri. - L sIUILDINEJ. Juua Ic13:.112 DUQUESNE IRON AND STEEL WORKS. HAILMAN, RAH - TA at CO., I Iron, Naila, Springs, Axles, Mica. '77 VV .tor 133treet. OMAHA. BOILER WORKS. MORROW & BAINIIILL, In ,urea or 4100 ar d apwartla ' 1•1 , :•. t.lll,aort• =ll IMEETME =I W€ T I-aS. CI Ift!IM=ILI IMMIESEIMME PITTSEMGH =I 4 1''4 PATENT 11 AMITERED Horse - and Mule .Shoes. Wo.:4loiL , at , otton to oat we to to: of 1 err Superiot MEM L. 3 iTrtte:r titrept, null at Ilt; street. Pittsburgh CINCLN.N.tIrI LAEN. IL) E: AM) SIIEET LEAD 'WORKS,: No. 19 East Ninth Street 31cCORMII It &GIBSON, Proprietors., DEALtItn Pig Lead, Block Tin and PATENT. SHOT. f •h! lght ,11,..t• r ••iit•ri rry light ripe for li)drioill me tio , m, aria for prltiiii••'. i.. 1..1i, 1 , 4 :Ix witch:lou iof fri,prirlor• OIL. WOURS AND On. WELLY pITTSBUIR:II STEEL WORK ANDERSON, CUIDE A CC =I Mumrstnrtra of t!, t....ttrtftxt , l Cut It., ,ntarc, Vst 1,11.1 Octut,n, of A.ll ve I , ,,rktm , llbut Cut 11001, Cu bteel Its Reaping and Mowing Machin !FIZZY PLOW WI:VOL FIPP.INGIS, AX Lai% CIitCUIAILIS, to. Cad Centtuou Put h Spring Steel, 021. Ce—Cor a, of Tint I.nd S.r ss.treets, two bie.• abort :he b!0acn4....Le1.• Hoe.. MITI LIPPINCOTT & BAKEA ELL, No. 118 Water Street, ISANCTACTC/IXH6 Or PATENT I+EVU•N D. PATENS TEM EBEL). PATENT ELNYTIIEV CILCCULAB. HUI-AY, • • ' MILL .4-ND CILOBK-CET . ERA... LT 'XI BILLIJLZT ../ E'I'NA STOVE WOH.K.S. A. BRADLEY & CO. ' anurzcture er, gat aLY or took, Parlor and Heating Stoves, Iton, - ; .ttin ar,Le cele brat ..1 Tmtrk, sad TA.I.IhIIAN (o)ll ' ,,..c.ve ti. ) Eh ` t. MANAL - VI , L'r.ERAN sad III 4 IDEP(WCch j i Cook .t4v..5.) •Lot , ru+cufactore - GRATES,. G..tATC FRONT'S, esx. Ufice r.rzer uf 6,0.14 and NV, .1 Ival.nrga. a.ntraneo on +,•rond AAILHOADes. ITC I NNAII PAN RANDLE ROUTE. •' MI=MIM •fl.t.tmie'l rxr•rli• Army!. last I.lLe 15 .a. K. P:l3 r. , rx.d 1, A. K. 1o:11 r. K 31 mrrtuff .I,,a‘llle •ccomrco'n 3,1 P. Y. O. A x. 51ollonalt1 -do .... 5.5 r. X. i-. 1..... K. ik. AVING I:::.Azz:LiliU.:!..zeli.,. • ad - to ['Lance or rais herwc , n I'lltalm ph and C nclanatt. and Id. t "N P. char, to .ht. 1.16... C.Liru • and the 1,1.1(.11 , 01ots Writ sad h: ,,,, th• vr . ...s W t hen ,izrOla.-.lh, TiCk•As be late and Cad tn. case or 11, vingria, tonsis S CINCINNVI IL P., Uniou,llepol, (mouth M. SIOTILIECRSPAUGII,7Iekee Agent. N•ty. 'WE:Ll...General Ticket Agent. Jt) , •S W. E. kgent. - 'WESTERN PENNOT.T.4.NI4 7 ItA I L." A •hrr I'S 1,1/A , J Lary Z.I, Ist7, r , , ,0..r . Tra.r....,” the l'tnn,lwants ltat role) ..:11 .1, a apart tram the Yt..1..ral Street. Al:vgbevyt'lly. n. . • et:me L. Ptra abarpsl,44 N o 1 4,44 a.v. Sharp , h . x N o I 5:20 A. at Irre4port No. I S: Mail r , harneb'a a. ac. sharp4l.'a No 2 rv;.1.4. F.lrreae ...... 0.5. Freeport No.l 9.2,0.1.1 tharp4",r]o' , .ll ,a...l..Shatpa•a NO 1,I6:15 A.IIL e•harpat,•,, Got I:, P.M. an srpawa. ]oll i A.bt 4.::Cprea4.., FreeportNo, 6 1 ,31,11. ,4 barpa1,e . :No 5 3:!. , P.14 el:arpott'g Nor. 6:.4” Y.Y. •Irrieport No SbarpgiCa NOG ,144 P.ar..Nharpat , a . No 6 7,40 r.se :I ;raft. rnn daily tzt . ent Cumin. on Tick, te—f ut lasi .11 pac4.4gre r. T4e,nty. latak en 1...e11en) , Clo.ain Creel. Bennett.. Pint Creek, Etna mod rellarp,totre, and auu,l only on .the ttain• Cup ping It e lit aped:led on ticket, Ticket, t, littler and liannaNgto.st te. parcLa.,e4l at Wkl4 - er, ,te,r4 OM, NO. t lair atr,i, near nuepensloo Pm— burgh. 00.1 AI the 11,11 V tlty. 1!... nno main Raiiroa.l will 501 seeuma, any ri,l for Ita,gagr. except fur Si 1.1.111,. ar-1. and litnit their re,ensiallity 10 011140 D1...03.4 111,111 C. gag. et- I ,er•lina , amount in vain, 45:11 la, a 4 1.1. e rill of ll,' n4t. Itn:eee tab.-, 1.7 contra,. Yur it.rl.ller Information app, at Depot. to JAALES I,EFrkltT, &gent. ):Q4;.11 Ye.lt ral ,tratt Dep., 13ENNSYLVA.NIA CENTRAL ==Ll Trains arTtre ant Nate the Union Depot, on, rd r of Wisaldr.gton and Mbar.) a• follow a: AVM,. rain.... I.ld 11.)1)_a pre SW • In Fast 1 ...h0w... 1:50 • n'W•ll, No. 1... 11.141 • t o Wall'• NO. ... 0:01• to Mall Train..... snd a Itrinton 00.2.. 7.50 • Wa......•• No. L.. 9:00 • ft" W•li's ho. 15:ni na , •C10 , 10•11 tr. 10:1 , =. John,..wn Ac. • to N'ail's No. 3.'..11,0• In Ilantuto tn.llraddock No 1. 1:51p In 1.1.11 a. r.spro.l I:d.Ap mu 1%1111,10 4250{ m all's Idn p all, 00. 4... 4.0 .ra N'o. 4... p Nall' . No. 5... a:01, Bradda...• Sde,p a, Wall, No. e...10,n Wan, No. .. p , fart Llne 1955 •10001 , 0 Accod , ;Johnstown k. 0,03 aro! I:trig-ant tra1,..... ..... p tp; nunsaysexcepted. Tr/.1116 lease Wsdrantatlon en! lioniay at 'JO. a. nh. reaching Pittsburgh at 11PC.1 m. Botornloa feat es Plttaborgh a:l2=p.m., and am,. at P. alPa Statloa at :nal p. m. Tbe PeltPaort. Express arln ayldve with the Chi Eno . .. at I:60 p.: m. on-Hundays. ca ,r of lots. lhe rannsyleanla 11. CompanT .111 hold themselves reaponalble fon 5.e7..0nal laurnae only, and foram amount not lalo W. H. BECKWITH. Agent, b67.EITILIPWrg 1867. HE l'iTTS.sl; EH; 11, YT WAYNE • CHH:A. n. IL, AND CLEVELAND I rirrnsuaba It 't !al as arrtva crl ~.ar• at. the Union Depaa. •• followe: (1.1 ca,, Ex ..., a ix Chicago Ex..... 2:30 • m Eric Ex.. :ax, a Claveland Es. 2:Itl• 1:11 Eric 1 Kn. V R VOlcatro Ea••..10:25 pm 4 • M'i. r.:15 a at 1411 c. Ilug Ex •.1152.5 a= a a: l. Wbsx. 2:50 p m Clacag.. Mall.. 1,..p mCl,Scasto pm CI. 'WI.. ha'_:li c Yin Exp m , hlc. Ex 2,, Wtsxs. ,, a Ex.. 4. pra CI. Wt., Ex 9:al pm Are Lye to A Ileabenty. I. tiers Ac. ea.,, a m.LocCalala • m •• IC, •• N. Errs •• xn •• `• m `•' E:53 ma •• I,lp m Ca.la • MIS a m N Caea. LettorLtia ••11115 ato A..'n p m •• •• 1.6 P .N. Brqu " p N. Br.ton ••• 3:3o am N. Hr ru •• pm m LaataSa4 • 4:10 • m p .. 7;Wm No Si a!na I. as,: ,Itta., a.O-13:7.5 a. tn. ChM.. nanions daily. St, 'll F. H. .14 VEY,. tieneraSTle-tct Act. prr'TSßUlllill AND CONIVFLLS .. vtLiar. H. R. attinilignE • • Spring Arran,gement. On and ant, THU 1. 4 1JA.Y. MAXUS WM. 12e1. The ital. Itse %L aM/ of sou •ne Ccr blretx, v a) follows: or G • • • • . ' PittafrorgA. P 11.00•0 Hal 10 sal fro= Ilatostatra. 7:10 S. Y. Cal eon Extol:, •• •• .. 1:00 0. ts. 10:03S. 1,.• West Newton Accoatatal•n 0115 T. IL 3:004. X.. . Vint al •Fivespott AoroT.`a .11:10 A. Y. OttO S. Sl.. around •• •• —10:00 T. U. 2:00 0. N. linol•tere.1011 •• .I :10 r. Y. 1:45 0.10 asalay Ch,rcl Trsla to sad from Wnt For Flat. apply to 1100 S. H. Appal.. o -1 S. IiTtIITY. Supt. A . LLEtatENti 'VALLEY RAIL.. AULD. MiMga% 1J E.l - Oct nr.d an, FRIDAY. Feb. Ist, UM, trAlts It are. and •rrlTe at l'lt.burgb Depot s corner Pik. and Csas! etttets. as follows: L• 414. Arriour float Klatialvetts 6.eve=0....1:30••.11. I:.G P. K. 11.11, to ar.A from Nah0'n,..7.110•.m. 1:0 0. I‘. Ott 0,0 Vivt Aecum....9:39 4. V. 8:d: 4. K. ntlit•ln A.,mmodatlon kw A. Y. 12 ,, X.. Y. xprve.s mud from r. 11:00 A. Y. !S-coad Dods. a ACcOns..6:lo 2=0.14 W 2 [1E1.7 Ctinrelk Train hum =A to Soda Wortb. 1:03 T. I. 1D:00 A. x co/11 B/.4.0.1i411).1Z, tlapla I=l
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers