D;IY GC:01)&', TRIAIMINGS.! 'WHITE GOODS \ET DRY COORS STORE. .or J.M. fl gCIIFIELD tt CO., ZN. 7c. £l7 Ottro at, ll= ..,<, tiiu uuvr: • 1.1. AND`Wii33I.C.LIN II 7.11_1 r. r LIN L...., Ecas3 Remember the Place. INTO. 07, rk3 ,occr 7•1ft.1,1 *litre et. / 1 / 4 T EATON'S, New Bal. Skirts, NEW STYLES HOOP SKIRTS, New Stylo Hair Coils, NEW LOT WATERFALL PATS, NOT Bead Drop Trimmings, 17; Yr' . BE./ UTTO,YS, • New Guipuh) taus, REAL AND DI, V.%L, LACE% • A'4 1 , -. IT. E..Aric 17 Fifth Street, •ILF—D 110ts1 . FlsliiT3 AT I\,;ELV GOODS OPL.6iING DAILY & CAV.LISLE, CR. Ff /14'Sirett, ECM or 1 gds I DESIRABLE GOODS. NEW (ND 1= M=M = 11.11::. , MAT 1:11, kNrs• ry.,11.+1 I , TEST PAWL 11 , ]V'S V 61cr,r, WILLSCL ail AN I/ PLAIN KIDS. PAPER i't , LLAILN 1 , W !IA LEWIN EIV I."A.CI{ C LL , . , T 1 . 11 11 111(3i...1 Deale s Supplied JOBBERS' PRICES, biLIV_YORK iIMMI MUD, fifth Ettroot ! NEW HUE! AEIr GOOD ! New Goods! lUMEE' MILLER, M.H ' .rly of 31MA:11M 3: I , te v H. EATON', WILL, OPEN About' the First of April; NO. 64 MARKET ST., WITH AN ENTINE NEW ETOCEOF - Trimmings, Lace Goods, Embroideries, Ribbons, Gloves, Hosiery, *AI 140Q1.1..11: kept In a' FIRST CLASS TRIMMING IMO Notion • House. rt:ul3:-a . NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS I JUST RECEIVED AT JO3EPH HORNE'S & CO.'S, We Fie I.lr opeataK a WO sal 1,3-aciect ad etcct of SPRING GOODS raddaclug al :hat Ia desirable. In Irras Temmtega, lied: Fringe, In White, Mack mad Amble, Bead TrUntaing, lluipare and Clancy Late, and At PII.F" Lace and Crape a",lla, Ilerage. lifttl.llol., a id TI/Aye, lia(1101lIg Edge and ',tannings. • full'ilna of LIN N liA NI PH F.IIrIIIF.FI3 In 1 . 1 , 111. Iferted. Hee”tiTele.l, Krubw.l.lere.l and Lae,. leh we are Offering at very Ina prlrea. 10:11'0Na In areat variety.eoustitlng oi Jet, I. Crnellet d Creel. BILK TQWY.I.,t+, at 2.5 cectl ct Ch—Joulething Hoop "[lrtr, Cereal Nell % 1 Cla,g, Beater. ILll , le,ns, Flowers and Fra'mes. STItIPF.f , 4 ... - KIRINti . ~N largo crock Just et• eel, of cLolee r T at tern Italmoral earn, and Travellnte 1 , 1e9. r,::llLn- of awl 111/El SALEo r 31,, t tall% Pond well storte.l Wit freah goad, which iter to the r&de at I:a.a tElt Pat JOS. HORNE & ca, 77 and 79 Market Street, t.O kfitiSlf'lllNG Goons We are Mrt ree•Avlnu a full awl complete truck (Sr our rprtutt tile.. c0. ,, t 1 2,1 WHITE btu tit., cr.!: Catulm cr, a,et. Swiss Mune, ISarre.l n. Nainsou ictoria. I,•vor.a, 1.1”,.. Ca. :Pa , ' a.. Lawn. Tutlic‘i Carolorlc :skirting. I:Ie11l DEBI aS. full lin« J:l , oflact Edorw , 1.111 1u , ..,t1n4v, it • - •inur, an..! 11,5 e .1.0.nn..t an , ' llatub.l F InCLUts Embroi . 1:01, s I. I lt. Appilr,uu and I.: !clog, curia. MRlte-,ny. Lrrad aandan,l A tat vol. L... cre. a..lg .an.l tAL81.1. 4 . 11 I V Thrc• I, ir.un, an.l Tritn,,, I lain, t.m,rul aci 1.1. cu. I ard I NET Trltamlna f.FX ANL/ PE KIII Loa . pit f,„. 1. , • • t , .1 , 1" tU caul (Wm' • l• • .. all maitre, `....ac • rtal; Hair ic,onct Itande, I. G C ,, UNTItY 1(1. LF.tub, and ALL wilo Iruy to f.rl Aza.lo, will 0 0,1 ho our I 4:l^, :IA 10 , r At &AZ: L. MACRUM,' CLYDE & CO., 78 and 80 Market Street, -Cl.Ol E5l UllS. I .4 Cloy, F.. t r , nd tvr • mE.• iy I Z Elt (1. tort. ll.kct azif 21111.7tf... FINANCIAL PENNSYLVANIA STATE LOAN. PROPOS ILS FOR I LOIN OF $23,000,000. AN ACT To Create al_Aciau FOR THE P.EDEF/IPTI ON OF T'no liver-141e Bond of the Commonwealth TI.R. bonds of the, (.!ocumOnwealth and certain ceraac,uaor ladvnttdue”, amount log to tl;,,r , ty-Ita - ce ill1i:101. Or 0.011.1,7, tevn'ov, duc road napaid for A 0,121: Ilcur pat t And Whim., It Is th:slr.ble teat the sine el:until be atb.l witblntm t t therefore, I , rMoN I. ).• ;Ut n, I', an =I =I I=l mod RI, 1,,10y, ant hori, .1 3nl =I In suns arnuent4 and Kith v.ch notbze, InOiluas th•n tOiy a thug may dean lutvr,:s al, Smtu, tlnly , three =lnky. or dollar:, mud la,n, cur:nitrates of loan or bark! , t'otnlnun , rialLh thr the emno, bear ID E ,: 1010r05t at m rate not raceedlno; par 000107.1 per annum, payable soall-an:la:111y, on the flrft of Yubruary_arul Cr,. of Augur:, In the lAty of I 1..1.11:a , 10.11X.In, n Lick cxrtla.calx,, Of loan or Loll is shall not be sold,: to SOS taxation whateler, for elate. u,nlelpal or !seal porpo- E 1.9, 114 i 'Lanbr parabit a! fellows, namely, l'lve tluEara para , e. at any time alter I.; e years and atthla tea years: eight n:lillona of • I dollars, parable , anr_ilme after tAn year: And withl:::!lftetrt xr.tl :4 ; n mliilent or dqll.krs at any time &Pi, Yearn 4.lwlthta twc.- and :hull Elgn,l I; =I ,ClO7 ut , itate • Tress::,, en•l rsl4r,d b) the Auditor Geu,ral avu ,gts:eredia thc of thsk,thor OceerrO, azol be t,st,lO on_tto, ', ol43of . Clo , ransftto ' I =err aro! Id, , :hahle,llonal Bank of MA,- delphla; the procet , ll of lho whole of which loan, laclulloß t - tulle_.], et ettera, rt , :h:Ne,l on the !Am, lt.!i Ire applled to the pay. , ht of the 1..c.d• And ccrtlacarki ur:be =I I= I=l =I ESE au .1 to tx t.. ut 1, .hall be r..,,c0 ti MU = =9 •111! 111= 1= 011==!11 I:= I= I=l o thr bond 3 or corllEont,:o of ludtlatd I= =I =I I=9 = IMMO re2= ESE =I =I BM= 5. An, Person or permit standing In the =I of this act, who may desire to threat money to = I= tLe Loud., •utborize,l : to Le leaned by tLla act; at a rate of proml , Lo Pot exceeding twt.aLy per =9=l A-A, all Um. bpntla orthli co:nn:on..c•ue .eau ea = ...cc, 7. T.lst all loans of this Conamonwvalth I= I=l3 Fehruu> . .".r•t, oue thousieil eight buiiilreitartit s: z: T. rca, eth3.lill . ave b,,n raid =I 'thereof, Incootirtent htrerrlth, are hereby at =EI I= Speaker of the Uprise of r, prrsen tat ITeG BEZDE I= iwored the 6 !cond IST of Yhbre,,tr. = I= = I= ea-st the otZee of the htettt. Treaderer. In the I=l o'clgck, M., of the let day of Aprtl, A. D., 1E67, ll= cylcanln Butt TrruEn'Y D. partmeut =I BM, will Lerecclvci for 150100.000. rflm b,r - nt:t In PIA. year's And Datable In Thu I can 44,000,000 ,Isalaurtshic In Ten Taara 1.14 pa stAi: lc F:ftdeu yo.rs; acd $10.000,000 ,ttm yLare. TLe 4 ate of ntertbt to beeltb•:r 5 or 0 ece cent , pern,num, wbtCb 11.5110 C en pttctL stand In :Lc bid. And the hid, must ad vantsKeont to the Eta., RIII be nee•pt , d. No Bid for less p.• will Le comehlheed. ICc frmds ^ltt be leKued In fun:, 0 . 4 5 0, and Such Ittgbor same es desired by Lbs loans, t o t,o ftic from itreat sad ..I.cleinal taxes l'he ovt,r due bond, of the Co...wealth of +ll!l , cfccelvrd at far to psyme7t of this loan, bat bitid:tra nuts: !WC whether they .etend to rty le rote of In tle one: due as:. MEM No cl.iintti•ii will be rondo.between bidder, =1 1111= G 0,51130 1 . of =I =I =I I=2 79..1:0 l•mnN pet pr.bll..tltg tL• 10.0 T • uthea satleavid, urs;A:Te ;As. tear . _ ~. ''ilti::',.. l itt.s':' , l.l'o',:ii Q'il.,'.'ttt--,_ .11.1:1 , ;;,";,,;.;;; TILE BUTIA:11 t OUNTY lIONIUDE, Trla/ of lobo It. th , ..i..r.ter SI! t9,1111‘, I:. no.I Imo,. It. '1 t 41111,, 01 Porter.,- Thu vt,nct, jury c =MEM Vi n; -.• t:ao 2.2 t.,;:;;; ronu; :oh! 13ing 1n ;Ito 4.211 . 11, (21 - the room. 11,. ;•;y1....;21, :rtit-r, I au, 1.,2113. 11,2 .;•4 - 2 2 , 22; 1.”7 • I ;221;.;12;2, 111244112;;u 2, 1 , ; I told , 11111; 211. , I. • In liuut f..t. I. glyl I clo-.,t it'l 1.,t1 dor,/ t rot:/ (gi liir I. en,.C.l I th- r` Ile did:L.4 .1, el. 15ut...,1y cnitl I,gri ti/ tng; Ist.net:v ,11,1 I 1, , •11er go for tl,g 41 think / Freat. 11.1;oodvr 111 tile Ig.mt; !,/ very 14.:/./ 1..11 , 1 11, r 0,“..:•.„ vrol , ,pat..l tv 5 , 1: %int, ?b";r04:11, 0/1 v 11:11.:11.,JI !, . . I. , o 1 1.11/jglte lo 1 . / t . :., - .41 , i 1 1 \t r. IC I 11: 1 - tin; ~t'Lilo /cot I bt.t. I :IVILI.II too I,li. • ;:. EMEZMEI •:11,4 ii 11:111; Witt WI EL.. V.,../111.1 :1011 1 rt the. e 1,1 of p. reOn..!llo s% / ‘ , 013:411,01 -..N . po n . tit, it r. do 1e..., I !I. 1. • -. t!1,1.,t; S. .1/ i.Lc t,..1 !•• ://0 11,11:1,1, ot ; , otn . r... . „ . . 1; . .... I 1.70.0. l: I.c j :Ty Nal. It:11,M" Ild; -.0, I, ,Xl.l.lllleat I. 1.1,10 Cunniu glittzu di-0; 1 thr klt , f, .1- .111. toutt: ta:vr 'IRO:I.:AO: w„I t!er, the tot...ter: 11:v41,1131..1\ 1n,.. ,ttat•il ht.., 11,:lr;11.• g.l"u ILO remsOLl I..tr. th,re /5.11.•4 . 110 01.1116 g 11,0 II 1. ‘l. IllIst; Ll,l . 1111 e-r, hill: 4.11, 1,, 1,12 Wl 151 .1111 , 1.I.1:111 . , 1111 . Y t 4, 1 , i Wt• t:,:y t.tv Irlt 11 "ILL,LL , :tt V.LI:. tint! N r , , idt. ”,,- tunt'rd, cLLtiLlty. I 1 1 Lt U.!, L. N• a , :4:it OIL WLLL)L, or.ILL ILL(Liall or 1 IrLcri+lLy wIttiL.LLL 1.7 •LLL u!r..laLL: ILL ...L.... I, LL 11 1..1,1 LILv 'LL r. t1 . 1,,t111; LLL.Le lug Ulu wit,L.sr; IL. 13 LeLLit.urg :1 41.1 tO tPU 1:Ont I gE,4111 01,0: :14all111,,U11; 11 A IL t 1 Lit lay , 1L!..1 to L:31,1 • , 11131 w:., liac m :1 I ;41 L131, 1L : he It.L,.LIL L 1 I L' ',L., unit.; LLILL,,Iv.I . . .d.out a Min Ute; t :•1 I uut. 1 havi rnsl t“: 11..• _ . I.4lkct/ w vaptee,v4 Lue t,n: ...701114 1,1,, to walk. I.l,l.jury . . n.) e)...; 1 v. tar. v. to watcr 1:.:o cry nit i11:n..1 to 14., la tloblutkOlon, but titin',:.ott. e /Pr *l'atto; cooill 1 .:1.1 not,1,:11 1111,7 , •1 111.• toy, r.ot, t)11 a.t. I the 1 , .,”.,,t1; I l,titt.ll c..titrt., Of roo. w•o. L;J.JI , n vnly u, nronnd tho 0: Cho Attl:l4 t4h..1 John th , 111; ,r taly 6:001; crow.: ann, ...00nnnl tip h th,,,0v.t1; I . taw the 4 ltq , ..r.,itn hint EINEM =MMICI .1 :Ls L . Lss t.A. =ME= cut !•t.in ;.) '( tlch.rn, I wt, .11.< 171 tiw utt. r hi. I.l,,Liti , th•• 1,1 (Jr %r ,1n Lit 11., v ,, n.n4; 1 71 , , :7.110, ti: t.!: ,lertm “: , tli,cr; a't LIMA" at L..: I.tvl cr. it, s..ty. 1 01 , 1 not 1,, ILI--11,1101 when IA Lill ,1"1.1 IL, 1.... (11 !,I,lltll. :net, the tugtit 11th of !.11; I .1,11 rm. .tr eht t tee,: et t .- . 11 fu•-; 1 tr.., te the It Itt Inet etl.e nhout the etorth and !tvat,l 11rut, tor totting rood:, I w tett P• tee tehe I.e 111.• to,rlIL root.; Ile re trete trten.l,.: of 11011. I' ,he r.•, the to tp. ,e• eh to we: 1,1 teet oht; J tmea o 111,1 goteleol wt. llto rolhe; 01r1 retno out 101;- ,0.l I,tr try, 1 , 1, litv 1,, tol rt. ‘.lltegtoo -nreton, • t ot. Joh,. doe% noel, ea, .10fin,:1 •,n::.• tt. too Ire: !run.' rue, -he cwt.: te,. It, :tort!, to ~, 0,0 lip; .lort•t.t...t wtht I rotrlng etty t here llot 14 , 11, otottly .to -1•111:1,I , on nt,trt,tl to 1, , , :r 1 ~ 1 :het , thentent t then -7,1 , I'l 11,10 tt kl,Chn, hvl v J 1 at' , Itid elt unitreem 1 kltel.ett dvot .:ooh to ut, litol they I,lllVest I,•.n•n LLh hrr into the tllehet rtv,lll Land v oit other t,to 10,1- ,v, vn , v I.tck tn.:Mat, ,Lnlltt, t the 1,t1,0 and concealed It 111, tho ertelle both, 1 went 001 through tnor whorl Ad I thgton poroel pt.to On the Itorvlt !,,,,1 1 ;(' t °alit 1,11 what they wcr., Levu/at, conk: not, they nor , all tit:M. O W through tel•er; I 41 , 1 hot 111,1iii0 iavo Lac Ito :01201 h.the ,orio"ir Jiol lib 1:10 10, Itert•NwrO. three rop.r tlown leo, the hmplen, tho pot eh 1 four or hie fret front tho gruntoi; Ito anpeared 10 he . gotht; to. 01,1 the end of the peten Iteeloof 10 n ot Itgroy:tr.l-, wn, wall. leg fa- t ; aid not egott tr, Iny I.,ent 11:0 .1001. liiit ~ 1';: I,ltchatt et,..1 orr,c.he rotne,• 51,1 lny 111 10 t h e Wyro lighting; 1 rturtell to go Pact the -Li 104 TOOlll vlep or 1 .ro into the 110011, room 1,11,0 toy erte.zol otatne net; 1 neked him if he notelt hurl; he v,i.1.1 not 1 don't 4... bk./ hohl of hot, 1 .1 14 not ••tto tht, detntel. nut tth htm 111,. tau, ',en,. I ' ' Ihe k nen , . Ittel got tt ,Cort bathe., lo•adt ,Ines, hall, 1.",,•!. note 10 1.1,n kitchen awl Aiii).ll4tito NO, 1 halt, Bovvll, Ing that be it 11 1.0 Ill; ht, aml A4l Ittiglon piteol• 10 ' e; with hen to -tar be to trwt. 1 hAt he Aungton, (11,1,1; (lilt w 4 l 11I.: 11 llntu ' , LW WM .114.. t. 1 Inc( I.irn + l , 1:1 Por.eh; wol hot 10010 luta .111ren Or four utihnte, front the 11101. • 1 0011 - hint on 11,0 porett till I biro xltll 11ow•ler In the 'kitchen: I .1 111 hot gton nil . 1111.1,nd 111,1101.1t.tdly 11001;1 Goon 00,1 If mono ono oarry 1 woul , l go litanc to Iny cat diet) lot t the lilt) - with Ilinther, 11114 back, 1 tv , ht. mit nf the I,othnn through tho north, reten [loor into the h :Arne Intel; through the rant, tleorri 001 leel I . :T.1.0:o then ; there worn euveral itol Ila• door, I pihtlo,l throtitth the erte.v.:; lOrtm askel itP.er 1 nitre back, Whore itll' 11041,101 , 1 Willi 1010 bri 1,2,110014 ; up •tair.•; Carlyle 1 1 o 1 :hr 0,0 1111 eOttr , wll.ll n• ; 11,41 110 IlitiliiitieZlo Of :41,- 1•11: i i 000 111 /1, 110111 (need tny 11 , 11. betel un :stair,. a•h❑iL hie Loma arid noCk.; there wore nth- 1 1,11 Int t•ettenrctedelth the 111,1.(111 100 er, preteat; 1,01 on true not there till " after lay Itllhatal. ht,5111.1. , Clerol vifirt 011, 1•4 1 It •ti not )1111 10 1.1.0; dlillo.llll ',III, to W.. 1. I' , too door, there t-t but ottodoor;llterenre ten tr :trZ 070- , 11,1 thwrl tat y 11tot . 0,12,1;1. or ',nit, IWO thtt room alootot "II nected with tee hall, nut of whlelt the dont . tr - 1 6 6 e1 6 3[ 6 ,1111:;k30.41C:111 opt.. Into our ou; toy luvatol. .11r. ocl- -11-1 " 11,1011 0,0 11.1v1er,n21,1 u. 111110 Oft r ot. DEA.1..f.:11 for Inc, , Ir a: 0 11 0 rot., It • the ltme lhore 0 tot rotne tete I I .1 . I . Fine tvatclies, Jewelry, Diamonds, Ile that he eqtno; over to th.. htyl h,13.1 thorn ought to t0i7„C...1E1.111,„ r 1, ”:,, Stltt,lo,l Umo ourel le I ttliret's heap; they told Ine tho AND . . tlettor lota Leon there: 31r. At , 10 , 11 , .” ill I.ll'l out -to:oral tillll 'he . Fr onch Clocks, eze. 1 1 .0,, A.110..,00 rh..ant. v, , 10. 01,11,1 out • . .Inlin, .101,0, 1 t 01.1,1 Ittto,ttntt glvtn to the RE1'3,1111,N41 or 1,1,,1't I, him," , L:•W not to 1-1 .I , lloitttoti vontvltOti,t, 1 - 1,, Ink the ,Illiatt-roont dvor ~ ~ .til vra. 11. Fifth Street. 0 0 !MVO ~to ,11 11,0 11011/ 0111 110.0.1011 i lip 41 lin 1110 thhe of ,; At, it - 11,1:01 I lo , 11,(Itt t here wav cro.,,l'aloool t.f j M". A'"!"""-"' r'""" I""" V "" DIIINIRIIS AND LIVERY STABLE. or lb , room w,lOOl orri Viiry though the w wenn 11, 00P:11;1:OIL 0 !'can Si, eel. rrl' i "" . " DUN& I'ITOIRN, Proprietor's. I.the ,vlt, vent th , , , e Intl) liunto 1 told halt (11111 , ; ,11..,1 a. Av.% er.rilag , , or. 301 , 1 it 0,14 E t 4; a 1 ve,:ot who had o fet. h - o 1 , 1 w ot ,l t..,lllurt ottl , ,a/hltuaroan..itrxtts, /110 LOW!. ti 11..., lot ,all knoo,,t. lin thoy h d g a0 , 1 , n , tr l ott 1 / 0. 1; 11,1111. V . Stnifte Open Day and Night. , roe folfilatt theft. and I,d:to, a 6 1 ot, ~attl one of 11,11121 . 11 rtothl Lot I 11e tuet "he .1 1t 1 . 1 .1. rare a a -rho Crute,rotetn•tt Mother v...1,11h HOLIDAY GOODS. ;I Wont littre Alt the Ihthy, 1;,10,,,n;1 I . wan taken 51:,11, whilt; I sta. I - t ; ; ; ;;;;;; I was not can thorn than II"; nun- ; k LT. dievnsi 1 00 131.1.0NZE,GILT, Ire Itoetor had twee ll:ere, 1 clot tol wo, thin ..ngt,go, , l CM 141,1 ILI 11u0 1..1y tho lhai, , 1 11, r , und Mitt, her (2'trben s Oil Lamps anti Ohandeliers, 110 1 01.1 ~,,, 1111:41 , / 1,,,0n tlo. - JOHN ROSS &C 0.,," jI ,0014 , 0: ; I Tat,. 4341 11-'7. 4:4. t - _ -- Itrac.ti s:::1/111 tLey-,oo', hehl . n , l o l,:nt.. I nonltt not namr nnewho • • h,t !II . 11!. :!I Ltilt!lllL R L . I: .• .• R 1!. 11:`: he tt.lon, , • • . , • . •• •.. . A . ! th . ,k. `...t.11., ed nt ,, ltit.l.lit kvit.t. ~ ft., 1 c..::::,.. ol Ilvi ),.I. i, th.• :1,...11,,,:. I :..1 :,.., . ~,,...• v.: , . . =I !emu thc tif,Or trr tit, 0 , 1 1110 , 1:1.• • ,: ~ / co . •:t1 rt., I, r I lk. uqulr , l 01 11110 o tn.! 1,11- , tl.l rlt.t 7%1.. lata o:tue rottl, e:. 1 , 10 • •A (011 to nl3 fatty, Itthe CoTu H t o.° L10t..:, it I, 1.0:J1 I=9! ‘ I t't , tet, II:1, .2,1 I:0 .tt, 11,q (,ut 111 V • 4, :40,11: ,etw ki.l:l q : ht . 11“ 11”01 ::.• IS .• 1, I I iv r et.; nny 11,Ic /6i t, trr 1•1, 11, 01, ./ 0 /./ .1 /. 1 , 4.1. 1 11 1 / fll.ll Up: 111 , i 1.:1/1 111111110,1 l 4 1 11 :11 , w 111, 111/111/1: /11111 ,1 /Oa 11, /11111/1 1 . It 111 1 IL ,11.111 111./ /11, 1 //1,1. •/11 1.11. I tiollgitt i4rl /11 , %1•1 61,1:1 Ii :11 , 4 /k 11,1: Wl,l .1. 1 : ,I:4thitng rt.;s:t•-! • IV; {A I. iivol; the,rlL,-. :autto:g havk Op Ilto 11 toll-t tai urner of tl:o , o , Lt Of tilt. chotr tOv 11 ..1i alitv:ty t0 , 0.t I did 00. ',now :4; 01000 .11 the vti Ile at,tto ~ n he, KIP! raow ,oo l..t. It; tot.' %tut :Jo ,: . tick 1 , 1 kii" •: 1:g. L.l/1 t.1,111:,,,a. /:11.1 1,41 i ht. 114 t 11.• . 1 511.111, not, ‘u.t, :u• 111,1.11,11 •• ,y kr!, nv door 10 It 111, . .Itll TM I, .11 tht.rl tie In:,. illto the i %be . , 61t. d. 11 1 .1 IA 1/..thur he tilt hit: or no .zat .van the 1/. 4 1 / 1.1 . ~, t tiot tirst. tit.", I riot t t tlt , .:1•1 , !.0`111 , 1 lit I I • tio tittiirt / qty., :inn I, 4,1)r Tv.121,21.,:0 ts”un: e /11g :1:.•.....:"1:1 the 0 , 0,, tstl.l utter t 1:.- ME m. cro.tl,ll Et, f ::1 ' ill • I::K: ',hero 111t11.. /TO MISCELLANEOUS TERRIBLE C ItAset. BOOTS AND SHOES AT 1111!,t - rr THY: "11M, 1301 30 Vin. i 111 A, Fll,-. 1 11".0,1". Ern ••• 1‘.111,,! ME ES 4'. - I : r ENTIRE STOCK AT GREAT REDUCTIONS 26 and 2N ran St., Pitl , burgh. W. B. CLAPP & CO. COOKING STOVES. • n 7 e'rosj t 4,Et1W421 - 4 0 , - Thre2Adi No. 235 Liberty Street IRON CM SPICE 3111,1;S ; FIFT'd STREET EVITNSION, .Year l'clinnylrattia 4renttet 111I'SlIfItG11. PURE SPICES AND MUSTARD r nmr.e. Is on 1110 AJt IrI = r NiMM= lII= DIFFERE T lONOS OF SPICES, r .I+,l 14 , 1.. r• tn. O.; dt , al (et:, I w.. e I,CroitaAc of lbc Chopped Feed Constantly.olllland, I= iNiCO r ri. 40M. THE S TOCKHOLDERS OF THE COAL MEN'S TRUST COMPANY, rt. t , rt.itr tottllledt4t the °Pace of t!,c Cein• Nor et' to Ice, 26 Narket Street SPECIAL NOTICES CAIRO TO IN VALing lgvs.. Lir.:.c,; .~ ME I= an• HPII T. I N31.1:7. • 1t.1125H1L1. tr. (0., . BOILER MAKERS SHEET IRON WORKERS, I= p‘red In Inmsuf n‘, Crl In tln• n,nn, , nn,l nnn any In 111111. Flr,. t,l l'Afr.NT Lt3l7l,.tonct,n tbr SUPERIOR COPPER MILL & SMELTING WORKS, rirrstsuitial. ranrc, DIcCURDY dr CO., hlmn , tfs an.ll , t • r. .1 ,:111 r a, r. ItPiprl. •,1 , 1 i.t . :T1 t11,1 , T,.... T , boo., N... 140 • I I and 12q I. I.4.terts. 1,11'14,.1 :311 1 10111ASON. ILEA ,61. CO, =1 WASHINGTON WORIIB, Founder. nod Myrlkia.llll,4, Pitt .tonruh, 31 . 1,,,,t‘trt nrl.l ,4:l,Ary m. a. Ucar- l'::.tltlg NIL Tar,r•k.!,1,1., 11..!.• and nit.. Jr:ln Work, 11Ar U(FFAII!)•0 IN. r.. 1,1,52 IMilii:=lUM i - on SPECI 11. CASES. co. it Itond Nitri , ul, hew York., 1, the hlpl. RESI . E. No. 1i,E;.1 II .strv.v.l: "'V ES'r t1.111....11111ES Or Int: 111 .1, , I,ln IF,r ~,, • •1•1A \ 1 To rn, , rf 4,11,11 OIL WORKS & COQ IPANIES : OZL ES: SOHO OIL WORKS. BlTFlill KIiIIEW LS: CO == CELEBRATED SPERM LUCRICA — OR Petroleum Lubricating Oi l Sperm, Lard acid ill/oLe Oils, EL 1D.11r.17, T])\ OIL {II..LEL CIII STANILIII9 HITE !MINING OIL, No. 33 Market Strcet, IPITTSBuRG Et, PA WARING & KING, (01111S.qo1 !ER -1 \IS kND Petroleum and Its Products, .1 Deg ut:s . .ri: cr.! r. =EI =EMS WARINC. KINC CO.. hiLl NICHOL I=l WHITE, IHIOS. CO.. N. York E. J. ROBERTS, Agent, I= I D v ST. 11• rt lor• " '• N. ' 1, wom,DitinGE ITCFINLNG ICIaVI .A.. 1•2 "Fr OF PITTSBURGH. PE NA. -- JOHN W *VI . 1 rey.t. LOS, Tr. ... T. WORKS 71:311'i RAM EIILLE 01:aCt' l No. 2 lluqut,ue I%ay, lIACI:FACTL UY LleG , iITE I - 3 I: EZNIN G OIL Brand—"Lucifor." MEI EUREKA OIL I'lo EUREK.I 1"...111110.Y . OIL, EUGEKA SPERM LUBRICATING OILS, Crude, Refined and Lubricating Oils CPI:RAI. WHAM; /LSI; No. 31 Markrt. St, Pit I,,butgli O. O. 15.1 , 0131..... r. 4.1 Ltrlx,att. BUT THE BEST, PETROLIA BLUE LEAD, =I =I T. 11. 4' CO., PIONEER PAINT WORKS. N. w. Con 3d and Market tits., orll 1 . 11 - 7,1 IC Ultt) u, PA. 1) ) 1CIEWElt, BUItISE & CO., COMMISSION ERCIIINTS, Al/F.NTS Volt Pacific, Globe S, hiberiy Oil Works Atoplo rOormar ror , •Yrolo awl Mello. 411111. LI to raell wad. , eon•!,ont ota or rod , . or Heil 0. , 11 Y.oola for e , oraolo ood taipmeraorCrudo 1.11 at Law 'too evllle. tWoo &no a rot L.:lot/eat, Way anal llancto atrart. tool II.) E3tI:LE WOIREiS, X.Aisoovroxi.oc , l7l_ll.a. WICHTIVIAN &AUDERSON. Ilefiner4 and De:tire - A in PEanoi,EUM. SV.C . I”:II Clo'l. Sr. AND 111,911PCSNK M 11. mvlA:a.t, BOOTS AND SHOES coormt " J Ott II 1 , 1.43111 Q C FIELDING K Illto., Id Inn fit , turn-re :o,s In C3l.3.estcazJoi. BOOTS, SHOES & GAITERS, No. 140 Ohio St., Allegheny. , ~, ml 07 FIFTH . STREET SS. T.Fl . llTrt EXIT 11 , /,1 . :.,Y, Is: SII.h 1.11.. I. • 1 )4 'Pr.. Ilr , \IM;I1'1'r,ll Ell e - A N. 1 11.AN , . 14 i 4 FA MILK. I,IN K . . Eli (m?lthi:r LIQUP . .11:11:1;„ &1., Al' 27 FIFTH S'intArT .i•st•rNnrrt,"l. o, r...!.o , F , H. • .7% ,. 1 LIEU I 11.1,5., LW W rro , . WII 1-111. T.. LIN P.M AN! , II.EL /1,1. Br rroNs, ?ICA V I, 1:31111:ELI.to.i. ~, fnx NO. a 7 F. F 7Tar U.4.111% - nt:CANiLLUICO4I4 kCM, 11,11W7Lb07. em; & C 0..) NV 1110.1CRA FOREIGN MD DOMESTIC DRY GOODS 1V o, DV" IDV. , ,c.a=re. ES t., r="61.4:2,e0J UV: abate Li m( In 0 K. VC7.11 SALLE.-4 Farm, of abut, •., :tr. on 11011 E IN SUR.INC E COMPANY r•,:.t. ,to-atory t.t Culla, tit.,te. a :tux.. I.utta , tr It..wnt. a No I Ftarte It.tntt Bun, with stat.ltug tuCt.l...t. tor N)1,a.1 et' cat'ttc. 1 w it h I,a ent- You t , ‘ret.artl. Us, ttlt hest c t a. Crttl II 1.1 nt: tttttleritt h ty tot, cnltlr,ll,. vtit.ll wat , rtttl. our: 2lratfadaft ,- t.t . itttr.t. .1.p., too - pit:4.... !rtn ~ g " ?4 ' fl:?tte ! 1,1 Fott•l'tttntWill pt,ce la %II rtNttt t. It. c' Amer,. .^.I e I .1 I 2 2 , 21, 2:ll. , lnl , rtne shot, : .- `•••r•..s• :,2 set, low. :::1s U:e::: le :!to all nUGe Naal I.lr ilalVe tl:rt pl,cu of proprrtv Ile :ween r. to. +2. 11 , 11 11411 .nd Me:11,1,11,s 1411- , ,12. ta•;ls. e'•f, , r NIG:, :0 . 41,1. , 1 atl th. le "Ater.be court ‘ , 1 , 1 , ,. 2.12.• rarm of 17:1 Atir s, stoat , . Iv eiMr Pa , • !li,llut. rrn.s. '2i.i Div - p, a t‘re,tory Frame II ,on. Mob „, rr.une. 11,11, out, 1,2 :1:12.. tort 1,11.21, pt.ic r.• m.ll il 4.A d.r r.. 3: 22 nail coLvt•nlrot a, " tutu:, 1: - .1c1:1/aC to • •r 1.1" • • r .nt r: rtrlt too /tot 1. imit , l..rtn,s, ~ t!o around. Ac. 0......t110ug1ean rm. , - dlgtely. , Farm of 117 at,. l‘enn We.ltunr 1.... 111,f vtitynta,,lton..o lo•1:1•A. It•lirog.l. 0,11 tt.cr. 1. a ' ' V.lLti 01111,1 U, a Bar.. 00' , ..1* r. r.t tr....: It I. d .11 I. at It a. It 10 ....1 pro.llol Inc day It. b vr. , utrty Isuge, lor, :Lad • A ...,, • F'arif of arr., .0011,1 In l'orn.- 14.., , r 1 T.O • ill. g,not ea, Ir..nt tt'...t 1'• -nn r• • y gra w On 4 0.. t. mid It•rt.. t.torlt.g An tt: ott .1 tIo r, On I a. ct.n 1t..01,11 , .. , 3 • Fnrns (' In en ..1.11.‘113 o'J 0 ‘ri t . 1, tn.!. 'III.. cwt.. tr. er.• 1.0. 1 Ilw.. tag. Y. 1: g 1,11. t. N. , . I' 11. - o 6.1 y 4.1 I r 1 . 1 407. 1, 01. I. 0.4 On no. a t , .1 I 1 I. 1,..110.1110 r .1.1 , .1, g,.1 • :111 Ulu w l qta,. A 1,1, 0 . 11 ,4 rcl, h a. l n 111• Ir. n . "" tit 31a.ctt: .1 11. •t .1 At •.1 t. r Ann,. trl g 011, al...it CU rrlt 1 elr: 11. +1111111,1.11 the II 1J0.,6 It, It., at ts- . I ti' pzo t .. ,otttln t.l nnt..trt,. 0/ 't lraro. Is , . 10 I, t'• •PN• ..t t, lir • ..I A . t.,,, ‘O, r. It. Ito 10., 1... 1/1,71, Alol C 111,4,0 P. 11 . ..t .1 g ... 10 .1.1 g t.l t, 'I VIII 1. • • ~ r :0 0.011 t...an. hip. • I I tr I I h • , t• mon • •. • xn...1 ....11•••1• - ..• • It c , • r ;(..c I , tru. MI r, • :•1.•• ••1 st.•l 11/1. ral LatlJro, n.01,r. G. 114 TolVii.R. Ytal Yiil lc ARC'-t, 10* e.ar6l. FULL SALE, A COUNTRY, RESIDENCE, I•TNNNYI.VA NIA ILAILItI,A .. roit s t Lt:,—quiTE .4 • 11) HER MEI ll= Mllll=ll==l I IN •51,-r DE , ltt.lllLf, TWO STOUT 31.INSION, nt" , o•I• ”t , rn 14 , . ; ,TF.FI..t WIT S 'N. 1,11,11 St , v. FOR SALE F•nr two•••nry 111•1'SE. N 0.71 St ••10% ..1•••• I..!ghti• k tll..tue .• r o.llr. 11•,,, t . ,1•,, •••::•4 •••• .••• • .". , 1/` , . Jf. • 1.., :.•I: altdil. , t l.a•r-I y •tc.• .1 , ••••L 1,•••:•• :.•• • . . .1.. u Au-111., P. 11 •7 4. 1 . 111, , ,.. . or vac, 1.0 ,u 1 t• ‘ll IMPROVED PROPERTY !mite I.ll.tvrreaco.ine, an.: Srritrdell, ad Jo:Ding. rano!. In prlcc. from 111..0 Co 11'.WO I=l I=2 =I =I Jal4 Butler street. Llwretce . ..llle. )1110 "'Ann FOR SALE.—S!tii - attnl In 'ilL,4l.lnonn7.• martr , n s• ,knenr"l ntrAl Intlo and fro n Aor•rlvln 1.43 acre , rl h sn• 001:: .nlv.• tl, good Iln, r;lnu rrline 1,,,n•• • nl, I, ',111,. 111,.. o, Inortls or' r nap, I, Ar, nt•nrll, 7, quill,. plum Sr,.. r,olsenlent tnond •t1'..1, ilr.nntn, .1 nil A• OCIIL:t1 zlnts, Ilaptial Aletl/041•I ebut,hr•. A'nlY r 0,1,55,.. It. H. ft I uhlo. I:4 7 011 S EA It 49 AT WALL A ro., on the r rotrnl VA.: tht,lcutr•nr Inn II.iI•r.".111. right 11111. • Ir.n, 111.. r - l'y l'inperty nu ae enti.•%•,n• Imprt,t, .•.1, An., In M 117,1% .4 rttle• 46.1 auburt. FAJON I, - 11.4;uirc of NI. 1.1551 W•lti,, opin,•llt. 1101iranl. •trt.t.t. I.'0" SALE. . =I In the pltur.r F 1,2 c Uair. mar to InAraltara ,truln n‘1,1.. It. mikr. 11l cli3 vvrtA. alralrir for e•mntry ro.•ItIrocro; ...,11F..•11 nllole or sole J or 1. acts. 1.. n; ,rn • e•rty. n 11414 r.O Full , tljn.(rrrt. won SALE.--A nine yea' lease rorgl.ut attgatt. utt r .ath ward. fltor Le fr. , I. w, L et - ult.! ot A.,:ting. now r. ntlue !or ',III rent:or rn l ing • tot. te2 , 1.V., 51,11.0 •..d be rem. t.... 000. nor ..qtply at the ltrAl tt-taln and 101.• N”tler 21,reet, Lawn tleevlde. COUNTIIIC !RESIDENCE on the WaNbiti{rtl , n Pike, a , out Inn miles tram A I , ,11, routslutu4 site ru 221 with Ito, ~ere of (111.1 , and D,rub , r), • watt'[ at A 1 ,1,11 at .N.). 51 ealo Alt,, atter, a', .7 u. 7 Aih au. of,'tlr. =I JOHN D. BAILEY, Stock and Real Estate Broker, =II= J 011 N D. BAILEY. STOCK•AND REAL ESTATE BROKER 101:NNISON•FI, Tvinr tekeqv rout. rodotillndloo as •nedloddeer, Boarddtra endraddeumnt tat :I.tgla Board of 1ra..., dourld.4 or oat dt, room.. the Tiara Su ull d ant nod. pre— p...n.l. et rubllc Alardlou. mod•ta. rydrillri. lit al FFIV , Sr.. edtber at the above a. wvd or o tai n the read:, adddlddlo.. aid. ad Enratafora to the .1 1ele of I, I,lvdt.. Id adtvla dr. db.. et/J.I.V! ra tee. FOR SALE .IT SII.IDU SIDE; n, k .1 ..• • 4 f. tt r..•;:t., • I.• st.ra tl cocal.,ll.g =SIM EM=Mil I=l =KIM r I 1,. .. .. 1, E=rl =I I= . ,v• t • ut31,...:.‘1 , /al. ue . HOUSE AND LOT, CHEW. 4:›l7L 03 1-2 I=l IM=l =I INSURANCE 01111.. ai ett, CASH .CAPITAL, $1,000,000 n•t, tos•or I, VI, andlo ~.:3l.t.~.trnitli. I r to Me czz, r T. TA sUA FLY I. I ti H H 3 a 3. • spa a au.l Vire es, mad ERIE \ rir MEIME=II EMI= =I I + - unt • 0. t . :l, of 1 r.i MI 0,7N1 ME ii 1",•1 , 1r.. OA NI , . 1•11 1:1.t.:4 Nk r... l. ..r. NV . • 100 to•crolarr. leo f.n . stor V:m• fv.n, To 1,•••• I 1 , , ,uur: lLural• =9 BEl=l lIMIIIIIIESI3 I=l kV! F , ORTH AMERICA anCE OMPANY, THE LIFE 11 Of New York, • Only t'ompany In the World oat. sn,..rurpy ggaraute••l by .bv nlnrt auto,- •,1 •,1 It• lunde of the (Ivan/Liu! . ut lu a.1.11t.0l tose,rlty heretnfu, offer ed, ••a.t partlru ar att•-n lon to the loibovlue II • ref. ..toff the 1...v1.1 ..Im. tbn•••••• 111 I N.W vmuany ant, t' to • ,p , t . laL you t• watt thv bureMnttn.lmnt r..Lr•br, nt.s , vl mei Yor rel,rm.l t ht. tleal of the .../vs llvrtlftratt. Mx, 4A5 S. ury Tv - t.•,lav vto•k• •I•r any< • I r••• ereatv•l hy LI, Act of I .4,114M:re In f•• 4, tr, :..o.CI II A •I 1 •••, , ,,kiv, ly. TlA•maktneery Rp , - • rvil rod., a. ,elkly lhe a. N.- II•nt ‘otv../r a Unit., t/Ltea Ittl-,61 , 'I PIN In 'I ravtl,• th..l vx, p nymenta In any pan or thr n . or hum,ye ai any •va•on of the . . • I iilliTY DAYS• GRACE up all r..a.e..1 pay 1.1. 1,1.1(1K. , Sou..forfell.lzx .y 11,14 :e. = All L. 1,1,, . IA d• rum parr p4; . c . e• ”Itta ti.uel or oral • N.D. MORO* N. President J. W..11f1:1L11.1...5..,ctar5. E. T.fGMO6 & fn.. General Agents, PITTSBURGH BRANCH. NM. 6/ Fourth street. A A , .mo . re ,Mciont men can . bare I• 11 tw'r A LI.EI4IIENN INSURANCE u/ VITT4N13111.;11.- Wlce. O. r rim v..... rant 811.,,t 11=1/11= JOHN IRWIN, J. PreeLltnl- JoHN 11cColtD, CresNleat. C. iL. DONN ELL...,ersAarL. L•lt. WlI. 1 LA . linutral •vn DI311,1•01. Jnhn Irwin. Jr., . C•Lpt. Wri3.l><.o John 1,..c.t.0ru, H. 1.. Ilahnestnci. • C. 0. 11..1.7, NV. 11. Everwn, 14 try, H. T.. 1 ii , rot 1D... • ran , C.L•r,kr tiara. . I )ini NS Vi/V A.NIAL OF PITTSBURGH, PA. Wrlee,2l Fifth Street, Bask Eloek,i TLIs I. a Home C0r5.1.....nT, tad Maar. against .kts r PAT ILIIIK, Trsasuret. ilUtitl M•If.LH boervtarl. Lrouar I Ls,_pz , , r, um h!.g, g .1... 11. 11..P.1.1.. A. "'"". Irll. 11,1,5 ici "`"=":" ", ALEXAN ?residents WM. ti K !INERT, Secretary. CAPT. 0 112.00 K %PAM , . ssenerai Agcnt. trl. cep street. Spane . 4k Co..' Ware !1;.- • or etalra. Pittsburgh. Witl Insure against ...nos of tire and Marine Kt... A boo,. institution inanaged by Directors are w ell known to the cotorunnitY• and sq. determined promptness and liberality. :•.,,tain lb. character which they hate ali t ;.,e as t;Ccring tird at protection to those dsstre ton Insured. U 1 KyO Ales. NitrlCS. ; Keen J, Thorn.. It. Milt., Jr. Chas. J. Clarke. James McAuLey. Jut.. IL Ociunn.,• ARta. r JArdes Hann. 00111.,. Arlla Josepn Kirkpatrick. D•vid /I. Load ' ha, user. William H. Kvaus. ded 50 r. Itli r.lt F. Iveretary. pEOPLE , S LNSURANCE CO Or /WE, N. Z. OUR. WOOL) AND 7=13 dill ==CZM ==ll3llll===l wro. l'hllllph. Capt. John L.. It/toads. John Watts, I bur net V. blather. John E. Pahl", Arbratle. Ml;ler Jolsn P. Ktrh.p.hlek. Wu, V an hat. C r! . h u tS s:m it t l! o r.h. o V'"'"' W!.t. 1 . 011.1.11 . b, l'rraideett. Jolth "KATT. Vier Prhaldeth. w. C.. 1:.11.1v e.nt. PLUMBING. GAS FITTING. ........ Jcu lIERI.En I' JOGNsOIV. X.R.ALTC: I /011X. Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters, tITILKILT EXTENSON. Piress:•caurgki.. Pet.. A it ordmrs b 7 mall executed exclafactorlly atm promptly am, A Wmf ,ull lo hue ts, cf "luk•1 114 Chandll Tubs, ellyrs. PuMtle, , a../1 ti a. ,liades for .al'e at tau mcmt reemomable lrltra from country patrous by mall prompt ly atte n.led to. Uorn llode of cxery p.15,41[1..14 .lt•Zpl33 BAILIFF BROWN SAO NO. GO Focl,sral .11. GII EOM)" CITY'. pa., 13LEMBERS, GAS AND STEAM ITTEPS, keep am. ye On hand a lareewmPlrucnt ofPI(I , ItANTN. PRIM' I.X:A Ll' A I/Nig% PATH srUllP, IVAMiII BA- P , NP /t. t‘l AND Int ASP IP WIC, arm all maul male for liming up public or private bulldluxa with ATE., •14:A.H. .1•11, PiII_NTERS JOHN T. GRA_Y", - tIOUt!If. AND 1,11.3 N PAINTER, GRAINER AND GLAZIEB, No. 54 Hand St., Pittsburgh. rounns.trim w . . couLTER, • HOUSE AND SIGH PAINTER, NO. 63 DIAMOND ALL It 7", riTT:lirti, ?A. All orders loft st the Fmr, or rent 1117.11 •011 r. rot,. Proon , otl , otlno 1••-.4.150 ==MMI (LOA, of t4e firm of Deo', S MORROW,) ItiGGSE AND SIGN rAINTEns, NOe - Orner of Third and ?loiter. iOrrta •••••••TUV7/111.7 SHEPHARD'S CRACKS 317 Liberty Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. 1.0-1 1-1. 13. L..-acc).-N, Sealer of Weights and Measures. offleel 7_ 6 7,. 1.9 21 APIS F.T STIS EMT. =I I PROFESSIONAL. W . A. LEWIS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, No, 93 Diamond .Street, ";111 JOHN W. RIDDELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OEFICE: !Se. 13.5 FOCA - ill 'STREET H . C. MACH-HELL, ATTORNEY 8 COUNSELLOR AT LAW, No. 69 Grant Street, prrrsnrnaii, PA. ,As WY. T DAY ga DUNN, N 0.103 Fifth Street,Pitti..bargh, Pa., MILITARY AND NAVAL CY.LA.IINT ..eIoGVE3INTCrir. I!..•olicci...as o(11 ur,lc., Pen Co.. Vial,. fur ludtrual.Y, a'rri•t. rmr Aldit tonal :..tt• L. Rust l• cr.., of Venchort, Lts .:1 +os sr.!,i. t.y a...BROWN, ;La, Luca: list= diet. U. Cc...) Office, No. 67 Fourth St.. 1 econd floor, yrrrholUßG PA. PENSLON, COUNTIg?, AND FIPMES OF PAD Promptly Collected. No charge er - ,ile eat!' claim. late settled, and thee hut • moderate fre. =•M•tal 8100. DOCNTY. ADDITIONAL BOUNTY. LOST DISCHARGES. Soldiers who have lost tr.eir dlarhara cerup e‘tes and we.. are otherwlse entitled to the add! Clonal 4101) bounty, C. MI have their cases at tended to by calling ort or addressing W. J. & HILL PATTERSON, ATTORNEYS AT_LAW AHD CLAIM AGENTS, =12132 SOLDIERS' BOUNTIES, PENSIONS, Extra Bounties, Back Pay, &e,,i Coneetni in the short.: po.bible L 1... b 7 11. BROWN. SOHN n. LAISHIE, Attar . ..Fs at Law. rw0.44.,T OfSee- Nn. 114 rifts "'set, , vVrTatlll,, j OLINA. STRAIN Justice of Cie Peace A_ND I'ULIGIS 1ii1115111.6211, 0111 Ce, 112 1 , 111.2 vt. orpodte Cathedral. . , . Deeds., Ronda , Mortaaaaa, Acknowledrelanta, 0 . [...Won. and all I.caal linalnea• executed wto oromptncss dlanalett. an7l , :al ITHL PEACE AND RE Al, ',TATE AGENT. o=cgr,eatriter oi R.,- and rallor beets. L.aarreproville. attantluo al Yen toter purcnaat and aisle uf Real Eatale. ol I , ts: and the prrparation and arknowledgatentol all kinds of (.4,,,a ConTerances. • JA.NCEY, J nallco of the Peace and Notary rublle. itoy2s:o-Pi EUSTACE & MORROW, ALDERMAN AND CONVEYANCER, 72 Pennsylvania Avenue, foot of the fatentin in oppolite Chttlan Street CUL4TIIAIII T. ER"LNG, Attorney at Law, No. 69 Grant Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Coomotorloner for Ohfo, Kenimety. or or. 1' el nl, 111..•.sart nn.l Qtst..... joeiN C. mccomus, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, No. 87 Fifth Street. ihr-eruidnii Bounties. end Annum, of nrCiiniura BREWERS. MALSTERS, &c. FITT Slt U11(411 BREW/Ml'. • CARSON, DARLINGTON dz CO., BEESCIFS, MATHS AND BOP DIAIIBB, finer...gars to JONIILTA RHODES & CO.. VVII. W. .S.I.LIELLSON, AO W:Ma The attention of the cti stamen of the two gnat. fa particulally invited to otir ALES AND PORTER. Which. taro—rh the careful aelcetton •f H.O from our eaten..., malting facilities and Hopi frOM ttle yards tat and 41. est. Ire ct guaruitoe to be pure nut satiafamory to the [tad. our INI,IAALE bag been highly rcegoanicaded by goy...tans for f r amily use. air Mr. 61.1)EltI ,, N'S rust...era rlease rt:Tra Vnir`elhg.V.arana'r hit ' s ` . "- Career et Depute lay and Barker's Alley, 1,09.70 131.1 . 11. 110,11/ ALLEGHENY BREWERY. II mlua purell.rd the old establl shell Brewery known a the A 11.1.E88E.N Y BREWERY. for merit owned by I'muouell A Rcehm. we would Inform tne paldle that wu {lntend continulraß the manufacture of SPRING WATER ALES, blade from. Var.: Sprln, Water.. and from our fulilties and .lone experience In the bualnees, entirel eat ladt d that we will be enabled to glue satlafution to thotewho may favor tultrlth their patonaye. IBMXTMIC 453 00.. - 465 Rebecca Street, ALLEGHENY CITE. • Sir All orders left at BROWN t ttitAlll.lVl3. 5103 Liberty s et. Plttaburgh. .in no PrmnDUY attended to. 6.161 PROEMI STEM! BREWERY JOB. erartcxs. sPENCEIi & ncliAY 3 MILSTERS AND BREWER I OP Ale, Porter and Brown Stout, PITTSBURGH. PA. =====E=l DRUGGISTS. GEORGE A. KELLY & GO.. Wholesale Druggists, 37 Wood Street, OPIUM, • MoRP.itA., QUININE. ojoiNE ItEt•UB •2A_\ DAM) 17 DRUGS: DRUGUSLI DRUGSIII JAMES T. SAMPLE' 11•WINSI eIkIUNHT TIIL .6LL KNOWN DM , / Housk on Cult. TIWER• I . .111) O 1 ILOBIN/ff 650., / Y. Will keep on hsod s full assortment of all kinds Of i=l..cr o.sfs. s..d which 1•111 be sold cheaper Vann any elder 14.0 In o II prepuce by ► Init. :171,17nNVI,JUIYUMILLY and INLIYCY 500 PI on baud. oc= J SeIIOONIILMEO & SON, - Mauna Wbtte Lead Works, PURE WHITE:LEAD, BLUE LEM) NIN , UND IN OIL lull PAID; BAssara.a. Mo. NI Fnvrlhtitr.•t. TOBACCO. CIGARS, &a, ROME BUD norGFI AND ADY. WRITE RUM IttOGIITP MIND. hOSE BUD I.O..LLIEN BAdS. And ether N , tcl Bruk.of TOBACCO mart fseittred by 11 R. & W. JENILINIWN. ti dy.r from biz/swag. Hrla Altegheyry. JOHN MEGRAW, Kowa sets: f Deo rxr 4,11tr.4 Ris Islods olosolo Ind Be= R o - • Tobacco, Snuff and Cigars, 3=lt Err . MUD Err. k general rs•ns 9311Okl'arTelitho" 70b1PACO Yeneeti alwala aa as:A. ::71it1 AMUSEMENTS. re — NEW OPERA DOUSE. Leallevan.lll..na.r.WlC Trpaic- • ItRY THIS .41.1.1.rdAy, TC ENI Mar, It; ! Orgula Tte bcar..l,l THE r..,IANCE OF A PUNT: TorN.l ar.oevanct....: 31r. F.DWIN ADA3IIII, , •RL.' AT F , ...c)WRI.L TIILL. =EZM=I THE Gus Y•SEB OF lo4l'W 'l°so: Quvca ..r ,dr. MON ,, SII AND THEATRE MMI T M' I V ES • 4 %. I , .S T ILL CITIN -1171.1:1111.,Y, h. I Li V. nlhrl. is. L • 2,L1.E •ft.l m•It•NI Mr. M'X. M• 1" ARLA in., tit. nrcnta =par, t notri In Sun, in .nlo•n•I Vic Drnsa hUnik..51.11.,D111 nrt.r.: 'ot.loz: or ADlJlsusn• — Re•rne.l tlj 75, 11re.4 (Ire,. nut: Mal cr, pc,5t,1,0„,:, LECTURES IgrIIERCANTILE LIBRARY LECTURE Last Lecture of the Regular Col' RALPH WALDO ENOS° ACADEMY OF MUS Tuesday tiecdug, March 10 =3 net*" 30 cents.' Seaton 'tenet...olllm I the thpr. Itonre open at 2: lectxre to l chose at. 2 At Wclnek. MIESIMN"r $lOO , .• • w La U. 110..IALIT our.lt I.xxo:t. t.1:11 \V SEWING MACHINE -7i BEST Ell USE WEED, ALSO FINKLE & LYI Lock Stitch Sewing Mao eh alic• No: Is sid.s. lf th• nun, sane d•e• not mgard 41341113 84,erlor 40 11127 utb. r ha rrIII ro it 4 44-4444.4 n• t•reat7 use. Wa.r:anod four •e t.. sraitz.sonai T N Pa:tenon, Centro aveuas, near H. Statima. Mr. A. A. lfoor. at t: • Now Basin. Mrs lief! C. Steven:mu :her, owes from wt. ttro: etre?, on Tay.or av: na•.•l7 'ben Ir 7. Kr, 0. VcStug. ilistiterey .treat one Taylor ren., J W srone d, No. •f: 800 nod 4 444.•1. Allegnong. Fologr. No. fis Bedford 4,444 ct. Ills. C. Wits ts, nawr•o•ovlIle. Ott? :guar. Jneoy. 11. trientser. Law:use:trill., next goof to Lor:s •h.:: ch. J.. 11 howan Last Ltb-rt7. Wll.Vats : horse:us...l if Otto eleeein Dlr. 0t104441.1144. R. nichar:l., On Penn areot. J. •.. Uoka. Joseph stroet, oolso•if• Plltobamil: glass boas, Birmingham, and many oibers. Ale :. Esabro:dary d...pa for sate, •.0 Cheruide, 4.41,4 , 41 Volt.* it rApperi, -- Istfar , t Rao • tn, s:•mpeol from tto Frond: 1 . 941144[448 , 4 5L1.5111/ i ELL H. R. LONG, Agent.. 1121/mat.trft6 /1..701% 0 . fela,r, • ITTranifghlg. GROVER & BAILEE'S ELAST4 STITCH AND LOCK STITCH Sewing Machines Are TUEE C oT for Family and MarLotaOtOrit/I purpose.. aU and sty an at .Iro. IS Fifth Street DON'T BE DECkIVED DY 37 locrlehtnir ht/f column adyertlsemenlS or t TIC , Illschlues, but yet KEIL It ba ...en lully tested fur Ito won Tessa. wad Is by all “..ye kat Judges. pr.s. • bossesd the • BEST I.t - r SE. No, MEI rtH iestroot. 0..46 I X3'25. BARTLETT $2 5 . SEWING MACHINE Beet cheap Lloensed lise.htne Isthe [Jetted relates. Agents 'mated reeryobere. r 5711.10 to (110 u. per month. Inclose e tamp and *Jar.. --- CAGE IiOOTeILKS Uenersi Agee., 814 Chestnut street. I hll.ds , phig .4 49 humfult street. Toledo. Ohio. doi:pe GET NONE BUT A GROVER & BAKER 70r • Holiday Olft. It le eellable. pe ren!. en" ., - berefore tee best. Don•t fall to call andinee it at s;,`,lllOE, HARNESS & CARRIAGE U MAK Mtn should .e the new GLOVE & 6.11.1 g NO. 1 SEWING lACHISN. Before baTtnx eleeernere.. It la the boat tar !near nee. For sale at no0:1166 NO. lA FIFTH FTIIE T TILE GROVER & BALKER • - SEWINC MACHINE Is the I.7lClas Mile of Mechanisms. Maui and exa=ms Mai NO 18 /MTH [IMPS COAL COKE &o r r F. A. iCII7 ,124.1.• KAUFFMANN & CO. I UNION COAL TARO. Best Family Co al,Nut Coal and Slack dliroyfi Ir d O t tndjogniptly 46117. OFFICE: COE. EMMY AND PENH BTS., soYnti`r?,;:kgrfV.Tl.3", g """ . our C ' - frlettnio PITTSBURGH, PA. A. TOC7O. 11.10.M1E1 BROWN ws, ch•Y KY lestat'sled Ocncelso. 3..1.1L.1Te15., I L. SUL Lag. WM. M. CLANEY, & CO., Gas Coal Works, VIRN; , T33.I'.'IITIWYLIITISAr. A ND .: °Moe address.. UV% VlLtrororgh, pro] LtriE 13 , 67 Allegheny Illy. 4. , ENERAL Of Mt., neoond story Pittsbur d . g% Il ‘ r .l lll No. 3 Liberty street, under Penn's S. If" OPP.- site hie"lrsalo stn.,. Pittsburgh and corner..., derson street an , P. W.V. IL It. All. (boot. All orders left st • liner of the abort places 'ea rteelve prompt attention. FORT PI t'T COAL CO oPANf; —Shlppora and &al. rs in Superior Tangly and Steam goal, Nut Coal and Slack, general r ace second elsory lllttaloarth naOins a Bala Build- Ing. comer LVs-rty street and Viegla alloy. Branch office. or Try and Third Street, si,,,,ora-o. a Ord• • left at either or Ina ab4ro placer we're prompt .-14-atioti. Po•soglee Laarees Box 667. Etttsb'citt. IMM=2 DUL.Wroitl: , J. J. dictstsrlx, I B. L. I.LIMISTOCK., IS Ni cC 11• St HILLI:T. Wt. RINIr, 0 ZORGI t. MIAS, JAB. % , 01 , 11,011..r• W•LTIS BDTKXT. JOBS HATS. LUCIDS 1.0. D. J. J. OILLZSPIT, Vrcirt. I A. H. lemil.ll,l. WV]. .. WV. Ea, Tres.ntrar. W. M, CIABILY eft CO. X.:lagers. Ja1.:04 • pIT'rBBURGH NATIONAL COAL AND CeKE COMPANY. Miners. shlppere .4 enters, lebole4Ce end recall. In tee , • BEST FAMILY COAL. 1471.1%. Cicsza. asid 01444,1 C. untice ANL. Y eitD, corned . Toter. and Ter streets, l'lttAburelf. re. • ^ or.lersfor.lellvery In Me CUe nr 9e: amens wall meet prompt and lame•llete atter, Slot, it. 1.. , 1,1, IT. A BICL. tfuperlettmls,:. I , 1C POTAERUY. CIIL. , RATE POT ABU UltoM PoTAXIS UM. ITEATE BILNZZ. COAL! - COAL!! COAL!!! DICIiSON, STEWART & 41)., 11aTlax removed their U. .to • No. 567 LIBERTY anik - wr, (Lately City Floor ICA) liEllOblO ►re now prepared to f urolsh goal Yougelogtuva LEAP. NUS COAL OIL SLACK. ►t the taunt market prtoe. li'►d order. ten at their oat.. or ao..treem«4 to them through the mail, .111 be an.ade4. promptly. CIIKIIICALS. tII4ILLES 11. AEIBIMTBOSti, DICALZA YOUGHIOGHENY 6. OONWELLBVILLE. 00ALL Dd tkfacture, of Coent,lNlabeit. sode 0 tre•utlC *AlL peartsed Cok• ONY , C Corn, BoVer and Murton; that Tarti on Lit ern an.l,,yeter greets. Nana ward, and ta 5. eont siren,near Loca Not. InEntranth e Yamfit es and Man elfaetare• • auppinel MILS thet ben antele of Coal or ttakti at Me lowan ea. rant• (melees left at .7 of then often will Tavel, t •tleattloa. WFlERE.4B—Letters of tistin.• 7 Istratlon t. th• estato aY IM:tiA.RI3 Al. Ist*. •r revartlry .Tetwasltp, ils.ed , be, vAnt.ol to tio.l.ll.tceot. All perm,. tedebte4 I , e said eeiset Si .e revalred Immedls , • •aymetts. se.l tlts..e halter otalat. or 4,...egsgalett tee estate•f ISO este Otee4•l2l. will nee" know. she sum. wittma. Mrs. 1[1.01.1 A.LLItS, • WILLIAO ALLSI. 4" .. = ". BAHR & MOSER, .6..zuomixwmayre, - - - MI r. PAW kr L./. • M=MM ITEM IS M===l - LEGAL
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