The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, March 15, 1867, Image 1

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Neo. ea inrela. Et-root.
P. R. PENNIMAB,) Emtor ..
Elcirle Caplet 3 cents
citrered by ca,ler, (per weekl..4—. iR °eats
Mxll Urib.tcribera, (qtryear) $9.12U.
Liberal redactloul to Ne*.bry. end AV'ttr.
Three Coplea{ Der year, by mall
do. 1 , do. do. each
To OF :owe coples, to 0130 ndlreos,, and
one free to cich. each
Artiftrial Unman
AdJllsted wlthont Polo, by
Dentist, 251 Penn st scot.
Ur:' Spencer,
reh 1',1%
1 6 t '
. .
Edimrs J.Om Pitt:burgh-
• I deem it a duty I owe to Ur. Mbert linn-
I or, and the eMmmunitrot ('it ...burgh—x.s"
native city—to elate a few fur s rYliartiing
the reeultn of las treatment lo t ly Ca.,. at a
time when my life %et, 41on.,hicred try nit
phySiCiall9 amt ft Made In limn Meat tinnger.
1 bad bean at:hetet! willt Bronchitis 0011
!MI bun for nine, or tea yeam, and 1004 con•
rued ly 170 Wing troree. Ny breathing wan,
.0 MM.'. nit that at times 1 had thoughi I
Mel readied My hod. brdath. For three
Fears I Arlo obliged to Shen merit of my
t toe At n'etialt . , sitting uptight. My cough
10110 dit.tre,slng (rein its severity. Expee.
toraxu profane, Pala intenee. In weight I
:11Q 00.1 111(11 from ore hundred and seventy
to ono hundred and llartY Feninis. In a
word,,l true ns much reduced and as far
~nne as I count go, and live. Under these
eircs,o,trme3, every ordinary mode 01
treatment haying failed, I consulted
Dr. flouter In 1851, ho being then on a
t dill to Lauhvllla. 1 bad to be Font In a
eonycyrtuce, and who allabie to Walk. alOne
up one MOM of stair, to his often. In four
ys niter the co inmencement of his treat.
moot by inhalation et medicines be prescri
bed for tae, I was able to Walk three Miles!
emaltoted under I,:e tfeattutnt, In ell,
nt , out. three menthe, when I realh, d the
gratify ing fact that 1 wea completely clued
;if 111510000 videla had bugled ~cry oth e r
vffort. 1 have continued ever since to en.
Jon rood health. My hums have been cocoa
mid I have gained In weight until I weigh
nrov one _hundred and sixtY ponndo.
attribute my recovery and the saving of
my life to no earthly means but the remark..
able treatment of my eana by the direct and
common oense Method pursued Dr. It.
flouter. 110 ill LOW 03 0.1.10:t. to Pat.-
113 rgh. I nut glad to be here to give melt of
my fellow-toy:2,mm, as may need the Doe.
tor's rerviccq this bit of experience oa my
pet t, lisping it may prom, ul_e4o4 to
1 - 011/ . .O:ICarCIA Of TVatit, 30110 AMEX.
The Spring of the Tear. '
01 all the remedies which have ever been
di-covered, to pfepare the human system
for tte, chango . which it undergoes when
lapalim from winter to spring, and from'
sPrlog to summer, none have ever equalled
that thorough and complete VITALIZING
KEYSER'S BLOOD lib:Ai:cm:AL Whilst it
renews the vital organs. It at the same time
imparts it healthful Intlimnee to theco fano.
thin s whose ottlee iti: to throw oil" the effete
and worn oat debris that clog and obstruct
theft:lintel organism. DPI. KEYSER'S
BLOOD ,!EllileliEß la of all modmines the
the most proper one to he taken at this sm
son of the year, and any one whose liver or
'stomas:l, skin or kidneys, are defielcut in
as , ion, it wilt impart to one and all of teem
r, limit by anti vigorous tonicity, and a
gu urd m.pslns.t sickness for the remainder
of the your. DR. KEYSER'S BLOOD
• P.C4Tt, taken:to the extent of half 'a
dozen betalri., will pacify the system an - ,1
render it invulnerable against too malarial
induenees Incident to the usual chan g es Of
• teusoit of the year.
It not only does this, but by the wonder
hit power which IL liapsrta to tho stomach
mid liver, end thereby rendering, the blood
pare, it rebuilds the en:tabling Imme,mnd
Five., health and vivacity where torpor and
slugalslme , s formerly prevailed. Look at
the Va.,t number of cures it has performed
In the. midst of our owe people. Silo the
• terofulas, the loathsome tetterS, the
thousands of othet Llood taints which had
manifested themselves open the surface,
end you will give credit to one of the mast
extraordinary truKticines of modern times.
Dr. Keycor Las In his pos, , ,e.ssion Immired3
of 00503 manic by 111., Wood Searcher, utter
the meat painful and dangerous t t mg; .cp
orations bad failed to cure, and be deems it
hi, duty to anise known taco, cares to the
11:11/110, In Ortler that these who may Le af.
filet,l In like manner any also be bene
fited. Ask for Dr. Keyser's Illoml Searcher
and take no other, nt HD Wood street, Con
sultation rooms, it) Penn street.
Valnabln Itnrovernenc In Plano
The near approach to perfection which
our leading piano manufacturers .have
reached in their beet instruments geerut
Fometlmea almost to preclude the
fly at any further teally great ImProre
mmt being made In any direction. Moira.
William Knobs C Gump t:33., hare, never.
tireless, recently patented Len Improve
ment which, we think. they Jually claim to
orgreat iliiiwortanee and value. It Is
briefly defcrlbed na f/glo,r : It co-,tits of
a • lactal °groin: 1,7111 , ,,, witch' :3 leystened
underneath the iron plot , art to he front
of the trilling hied,, nil as rt,tir.g lamveca
the two. Thayer,. which f ten the :rou
plate to the teeing Meek Toy, thrmgh tire
metal agran bridge, thou fls. , .colng tiro
whore Immovably together. Thu strings
pseoleg through the agrareye, wbielt are
Metered to tire metal plate, thus a
powerf .4own Lscrlog 0 the Wrings
which serves to hind the. iron an , : metal
plates, and tho toning Lien:: !Atli more
tirmly. ' •
Tim result of this new bridge, es aPPiled
to Messrs. tinubc & Cortipart:, Strfte re proud
plaao3, to certainly notice. Ole. Their tone
aeens to have a caiurne Lena added
tP - Iti original purity and erzeltruce, which
. gfs....2sy them the power of a grand Idaho to
sreall , r compass and fairly entities them
to t heir name.
to 11 um
e, 43 Fifth' etreat, 13 tole
agent for KnabOa cel,hrat.l
Of Canned rrutts and Vegetable% nna
be eol•.1 al oneatt Se at any Other liotten In
either rill". tall anti evetalite and jatlge for
yootaelrt e;.at NO. 112 redural erect, Ant-
gheny City. Unatou jiZPVE:Ir.
A),O, .A gent for tho srell4nown 110190 of
Sr.•pltl.ln -F. Whitman's c,1e...ratg..1 A•hOa
eelph!n- extra Cos Cream "Ono
• • Chnebintea, " A/mm.lg, Walnut, Candy,
Ig:l:gee Dropg,
Tioltelieliner'n Conti rentnl !inloora.
Tim hest Indio In thecity to get the worth
of year money 1n goal din mg. Ml the
choice deltc.anfes as will as the sub.tiintin'fi
or lite, flerrect up at naes: reniorustau
Bt .:elegantly titled up saloon 15 next door
to il.o i'ostonlee, en Fifth street.
Ilanfrel, and Ilorchnnes
Ferren with tip-lop meals at their places of
bus ales', by lioltzhelater, proprietor of the
of the Popular Continental Dining . Room 4.
Fifth st-ac. next door to the rostoillee.
Call In .
try his oyster?, which aro Alm
et 7 bed to be found in the city.
Wholesale and Itetao Durr.srlstS, corner of
F&leral and Lu.coeot ntreetl, Allegheny.
Vnrni,her, Patent Medicines.
se.. kept cunntantly On Ir rroprl •tors
.o: McClelland S. Co's It4t Destroyer. Goode
de.livered free of chars,.
, 'When Goods era 'Welt Ilnoght,
Thep i“ - o half sold,” le 0.11.14 rrov,rh that
gather: , strip:;th with age. '.llllB is the res•
hy'Artl.ur Kirk sells his teat, so cheao
The Dlllietvltleg flegyrhot , Vern and
hold o.—.l4tizeotinn of Me kernriam
P.c.l nr.
..Nu'n ' itior.u, March I.—lnt ell ee ne.o from
Conteld anebtlnlnh re en lea In Ituliortant.
Prothned Pitido, of l'orn, hne
lii Dictator-h., cud l,unirrets bon been
ocuidnoly io,trthod. •
A prr.le,,ted Cn . lurr ,, , ,, In n hlch
11 r.M 4,1.1 red Peru wouhr Ilotnn .
offeror ant illation, rl
,onln eolnred the
[boo, rd her 11,1,11, PUIIIIIO oh,
Intl , . or the I term, th.d
olc runne l eorro,pondou report 4
that the root nt thdeniod 11,u
G0t...10v. I.ce. In two one ' ber , tueni Ittonlll,l,nry be,. 10-oth et , - , 1 It. , If
In the North. end. reveler - had occurred
F. Korth, Cchami3danor, r.rrlve lat New mr. the troop, •
Tork on Thbraday on Lire Ocean Queen,
In nr , glochtt%ettn.
fromwith daeutnenta relating to ; FGlnty,}.'arch
the Sater.O.ecauld it.thona hone,alon, }.'arc
in Stele ttnvu nothns to ter,
gontly granted by Costa Rico to - tit:Dual b , nen con.l.lldes that tl.h,y had btopl,d
Fremont and asioclatc.l. )(quer. •
Forelitn Liquors of nil lan.l.s *JOseptt 8.
I,cli's Diat!ltury, No. ID, 01, 15:1 t.11;6
T :,t nuaot. PlttNbur.b.
You fan BnY
OS per Cent. Alcohol rt Jo4oph S. Flnflt'a
Yon Cem eny .
Nev. Bops et .1 05.1 , 14 S. Yln.Mt.•
- 4----- , ~-4 .11. i7B.
~..,,r--- „ f zi AM,y, = = -- - f " , - - ,-_, •
___,.- - -,• 1
.r '., ....z:::-. -> 4 -;.\. -
- .......,r-
~ : F"'"'; -- .z.,: -,1.g •?: ,-..._...;, \ :"N e•---*.: 4' *i- -. lfr -----; rt , L,, , 3,,...:" -:
1 'e
-s •: - . -4 :, - ff - f,:.' - 11 / i --.., A 1 ••-• r , 1 r,` ""'s,
? f a o b..- --s-i:4: -",
1 - i
, --,-.- -- "/ 2-_-_-_-_____-!---, 55,..?
~ iS-0\ 4
• --- k - - • ...''cr -----.,'- ``L ., :--i. - ----1, :-:&.• ~ .-•, ; ,..;,ke e4'._> ' - f
,ie• a
I,ti r , , Av • r . A...:17-----,---_,,,,-,_.,,........„1.--„...,.---;.,,_.;_,,,.„.... ..,---. „-2
, , ~. __ _ _ • __
( --;:,, i _. -.. ..,, ;'.
,_ 7 4 ',s:. .1, , ,,i 1 I 1 ' ' 1 7 = 7-- 5 : -.. -- _ v :- 5-
. i"-- ii ----Li.,: r . -. ....:: ., - , :::t7T - -.l_ - .._._ -- :___-. - A2-..-p : _.....-. ---
c. , t ). I . , ~. . , ~, , , ,
r" -, ,.. Ns• .k- • 5•,,,
- + 1
0 1 co
. I 23
VIIBT. iilifirii.
ziti , '7l7y ..nTornr,tio
The Connellsville trill Killed.
Match 11, IEA
31r.StIztzlna , %; A !n cD01.r.,1 the Con.
nollville Vermss.lvltrda
road Company 70 commerce till lr runt
within sit niont:,.
An Let 1”0 , 1 , 1.:: for the exemptloti of
st.ocTzllol , terz.of corporations fizkl !oe:L1 Us,
An hot to otnrovVerCOlfrtA Of Quorter SOS.
alone lo heft ta•iar 155, oho di, tioct to
another fir tsuffo:Ofolror,s.
Mr. liro.'alrn. fi'ont on Vice.
and Innnnr.dity. t npdrt.4 , l agnor Lid, wan
vo , c.r3 of 1.roro::!;11 or
et:no:3i-, ,11,17..0l by l3i . ael for
nouy: or I:EPTZI:. , I".NTATIVI:i.
The ffitut co',o. t!,,, Connoll,7ille
Parrlzr.“ 1,, Galt /ul,r, 31ar, 3,
14 , 31, 1;0,1.,, : , 1..r. ,
Ititylo, 111,1,, 31,al In ...,.,
I:: enn an, It, ner, M..yer,,
Chu.N . L.:!:, 11 , 11,1, re•tel.7,
0:U1t..% II Ir.', P.n . ...v.;
Ctlft,•, .1,...:, I:i.nd,,
... . ,
con,,,A, —1 c. ,:,, 1, . • • nallartla,
Cr.171.11y, 1 , ..,..y:•'.1. 'll.erp,
Day, Wt•ll,r,
E.sny, .!•.Ic.7rcary, Wilson ;
E.r, - tng . , 11.:1ii,.. • tllat,s—',r.,.
Nda1r,.741,-ph, Roush,
Allen, 1,,17, F-ktturtivalt,
Bart,n, • . 1:,•,,,, ~ .•!;;Ivr,
Peep!). r Kintiry, H , rpt, , .
Drown, 1i:i•,,,: Shrman.
Calv In, li ,, ,l,uznian,
Canteen.,, h".:•:, 5tum , ..u,411,
1),,,T-- 1... , e - • S:l , P,s,
Ito Ittren, 1.•,,,, Wa , A1,31,
Dor/ogh,l 3r,lo,irey, IV,tilroolr,
FogeL, .7 , 1• , .....1..21 - , Wliart.m,
G 1,17.311,
1.1.101,11 fire" AL,I.
Mr. , Q,:ay wltil Mr. Ilo.Twan, anti
Mr. rbelan wiCa 31r. ArillAirolly.
Fel11:111 Troubk's Conthnie.
Refugees In the Mountains Starving
Lo:inox, 'Main 'II —. • !oon.—Tho Fenian
trouttle3a,o not ttatlretk ontlott; Tint Goc
crata,nth nt fortr wilt:boats to Da' , lto.
to Ito post.' ati 1 - 07 timer. Tt_t F 4111.13
are tattler; c Wicklow Loa:n
th:nit, rt titre illey arc pt.l:lElattg:zottt Iturtger
anti coat.
FLorthoch, ]last: onc-half Of
thecre to he p. et,o,
The Golthfll, Li ht. the hc,.l cf .the
Li root, Novetnh - ,, 14—Cotton coo
- oo.t h - rtlee= Carenh e.l
on iro t westernv eht . chli
fOreht wheat Ono hi 130 .01. Lord enchan:f
ed• I , l.olcheiter ,opert
c 1 fet.ll.lh; •
Ltv,hroht, —Elcon:to—Aelivlty
ralne,l throeln the Oee.,
mottlrot.C.e , to: 011 o: telv:Lhoetol:y
ot; I,oor :1 , 1 . 0 .If, ;oho.; 0,"
for 11:111,. 1,11 au up
tacit hey; Coro ,:;l: orte!; the ~1102.1
1:3-1 l e e l weitoro. h
alv.toced Of 31. Provial, ei , d:o..ay 1.0 .. ;prices
une,it , ,:et. 1 , 30 k. p - hoo I.o.vitern roe.,
Oro: a: protloo, ode,. „tuter.c oa lard.
.1,110(1,1 I. ie. per :03. ow•
le, One ...I, 10, .p-r rot t'ole.hrt.
l ~tovo
ivonl.t :trot h. it el..
L0:11,,, c t
1.t.1.1.4rc1i. •
Awful _ Suffering Along the
TeancE:ice Fiver
nayor F0rw . ,; . 1n, - .; for Food
DEAD .•33J1E9 IN '11.1.1: lIIVEII
C1NCt,,,..0. 0, flrevetetz
:faehrtlie eprelal nay, The t utlierliaz at
•Chnttuttneg , triter timed on the Ton.
I.lAhte Ills or is appullinz. At I:liettn.
neotat on tile 12th th , lwet, WWI (tom twelve
to twtinty feet ileep in the city, tunny of the
Lou ...s toppling ewer tam ntle,at Ii a.l
away. The Mayer, with a irate of citizens
and tiohlierrt, W.01:010.::111,7nnlee g the lon.lcil
card far feet!. The sgents of the rotel pro.
testes!, bet the Mayor i.ald the people were
etarvintr. Twenty.five dew! bottles were
Iced n' . .n.; Oa,. 1410 neer at Urlilgeetirt.
Ala., on the 12:1,. Tito lorn of property 14
estimated. at a niflltne of - dollar, General
Catlin, at Nashville, 7,21 , 10:0:111:: tilrOrtl to
tent ration, through to chattnnecnitt.
Later :Ceti% front it.;, f oterlor —The
Tiger Of I.a a In Cot ttttt mutt of
the I tuperiallets —Tito Couteitdit'g
Porten Itt the 11011. unit llcetslte
Bottle Eought Inn 'AZ.I , I.
Berevesetr.t.e, Mertes 7, N Onto ice,
March 11
11 —Toree .11.3 f.t..r relit Eery
front lilt. Entitle. ' , r ICI g, rows the
21111 ult.. Lava twee tee. norsa lititquese
tat," eoletuelot mp
tl.e I Lrl:,l
lit the Ca': ut Llexlco. till id cutlet!
the " Th.., of 1.0. Cfflotyl.."
In a pr-olgeettlett .1 Euto given
p - oof enough hew elet , l con.luet ne,
atol .lefelet. la ens 14 1Mr11 , 41,1t0 thl
the Inette..,l in: et lini n•
be.lo anti him lethlo. is 00101;ll:ut'x
fore, are tbtimat Oil no 11,70 e, and the L!htr..
atset 7.2,17:ei The euttro ertule, ot tee 11-le
tiofelier, Repute !VII, • if,fuet Itnvcrlllllll.4,
63,0' 7. I-Ive heal,: would i.reliality ho
hrthOlt hbout , the ...fah.
WASIIINOTOX. ]larch 14, 1S 7.
' Mr. frcm the Committee on
rostofllce anal Poit rola+, reported ',Act: fl.-
Vornhly, the 12111 1113U:01 - U1oz tho Atlantic
Tel.,,74raph Company,of Sow York, to runko
,clunditt go and lay a <OW On the American
coon, to connect with the French C 0.4
ni.o, n hill to il , •clnro cor:gln bridges scroso
the 3111,eurl river. pahite high wn)a.
Mr, VAN WINICIA: Introduced a regolo.
tioa tOt.troctlittf tho Cortonittco Pero
sttnln 'to Inquire Into the wpottlortcy or
ontUntt the 111,1,k - tits entotttA tty Apoelal
not-, of cony t ry, on - th e 01.110 1001.111.4
1110,, wrantoA undo, tho cutter:o Inwl.
' - • - '
. . . . .
Mr. rom tif Introdneed a hill ant horl.
that the Pr, Menoral to con tract
w!th the t,ntrnertout NtlVitrallf33l
for the n - eetllv transport:am!, of Et 3,13,
and forrign mall., let ~,en Now York. awl
itreineu,(oollllll al.Southatittnon, and au-
I hens st to itu.tretnten nn I,OIIAII of United
Smter hond3 to sail Company to an
amount net nteetellnu !!'l, , W.Utte. thn enl3l-
roly to !Moat within one year 9`3Votl
for the:melee named, the 3/0 3 Id 3
to he !swot neon romolettowof the eaten,
but not t t u. erecter amonnt thin* fifty' Per
c.tot. of the.twth• of !lth. re.yeetively, the
entnientatcon of the ttrunpunt's services
in e3ee, , 1 111 11.1111,1111 t 1110 WllOll3
3,1111 1 3 ,0. troll Inr p 51n(00u 10110(0, newL
peo!•.., tretwOortee•
Cure:red to COMM itteo on Pout Offices.
Im!! ,, ny TIIC CAP1T,31.3
Mr. FESSENDEN °ported from thr Cora.
Pe.ll.lllmo 11101 Grronhis
tl on the yeint resoiut lon of Mr. IV
s'.n, pretubiting the wei ot whisky in, the
uquit 01, pi econteil un tunehilinent to the
in nt Ont.., prod:lieu tint no liquors he off
for ..ale or _kept within the Capitol. or
room canner:el therewith, or public
prteindl relJeeent, an , l the' Surireant3
:14 of the Houma shall einforee the
i-iton a, 111,i an ielleor or employee TV lin
'Mull violet° Um rule ehell Lo 41161111,0 t
rein oilleo.
. - .
Mr. It tntrod need a hill authOrlz•
Inn 11, teetthern Puctilu Itallroall Company
to extent thrir road w• t•e. went throe:ill the
Terrttortr.: at N., ]laden rind Arizona to
the reNt hourel.ire line of Cattfothet athl
with the roman/: of that State throng l, thu
hen, to the Pacifte ocean. raid conipauy to
011tltle , t to all the privileges of govern
meet loan= hoed, de . as gt- o uted
to the Colon ree:Co Rulhoani Coutnany.
Iteferreki to 1110 CollalllittCO on 1.10 l'actlle
Mr. Tn.l.' MtStfl.Ljulied h; supplemen
tary reeoustrUct.tua WM, %lack was renti ut
Mr. Mt 1.1:F., sald he Tuot several amend
ments to otter. Thu first was to losart In
the lit S,:i011 x provlsl el, that at the
on provl.letl for tta the premed:nu PM
t!on, era :trot cal voters of each Mute shall
yino on tUe evio,:lon of holding State run.
vf :,11- sod fdritiln;: Court lLutiollll , titre
in favor of the eenvealliai .hill have firrit
ten sr fillutfel ~in rYelr "ha . s res
veution,'• and this, folio:fed shall have
- a:isle-I a eenveallen" written or printed
on I ...I: !Whit-. tee t crinn, epoolotirl to
Fels reifies! the elect least:n.l I make ritterisi
or :01,4 for and w i zallist. The Linoroarsllse
wianot the lame shall be return
ed. sh ill iiieertain the total vise and if m
a ordority of the', hole ntsubor (1 1110.51 lu
an; olele harovoted for ,teh soaves
tied, •
It shdll - lifi held; It n majority !hall
have vote( swan, I,UVVULI.OI), no 61141
cunt Cntin:t .1.11 •
• .
Mr. ItRAKE inn! Ito not like the pre ,
vitlon of the bill u. rt•VArle n 1 e the ,uhleet
Ito dot not :look the lohlvolntln elected ns
Inetioetti of the eonventlOn ehoulit titee . it
In their power to talk., It olllelnt e,, , res•
eiot el whi(ll t: they cho_o tleclare to In, the
w ,htn 111 the people, but that the people
r, , 111.1, IT their eotee, throttly
otnne o -• th.t.r wt-hei trillsellout.
lir. Till' Mtit'LL •al,l the Jon:entry COM
-1111,4, :It em,i4lertml n propusit!ton 1411111•
Ihr to that
1 now Intro./need illr. • (Onto,
tnt 1:11 eon...lf:red It ums II et tot now.
leant t wet, etteeintlly Itunrte.lnewlnst IT
the that the 0 , 11 ,, t1ti1t , 00
rtilaltd IV it towlotlty of the rogittet
voter , Ho tona hull t the hull would he e 1
a. it o.lene froth the Int,chuT C moot:tee.
If mot: noneottnents were ntopont It won Id
be Ineonotion,
Mr. 1.01:Ali nrguing th nec..—.4l•
ty for wt,trots.g rae Su.tmlorsti,voy , ,sr.,lnlt
tat. 1.9-. Mum:: of tho
of a con,Mtntlon again.. their , t•!V•I
Thi•ult,g till pl..
last a:x.lo4l's wets now roily to
Mr. ILO ,:oportel thn uructulntoust
nmu-vary to u exprrs,ion
21, FL,uI'..NDEX oppos,l the Ittn•.n.l
AIORTON was Opposed to sob ottting
thii soh-wig° of ciiii,zll%.loll 'MC06,101111!
/sl al/ to tYe beiinalaß. If t orn
ini:.ia of the loyal victors
the South
p titerti
!it In farm of a convention, let tbe stay
at nenits. hat nit 0110111 not tin aisle to
Ili! I c Cn lc of ninon-it:an:lo:i. Litt the coils
Von ion tel Itt 1.1 tunl ts et.tat,t Itution formol.
jr e 14 uthsin s th for them to linen a ....its,
1.1 tt.tifylnia tee constitution attar It is
.Ir. 110 W A Itn contended for the right of
(hreott etren :taro ntol In Hann is to ra.
mai" tt rue lit, 11 rerartre the IteLel 0 5.5 •.,
It., .5,111111 n ouch :1 burly tocn.uplete 1 llig
WU: IC al to admit a 0101.0 alliance tn..,
1.1.1 foil: expreura Of um will of f tim t tg
.l orit - L . or I , t a:L ee iza.. A. nvourily time m
mem caubl not eciet In lisle country . , att. If
any Mate minority opphee.l to
returning to the Unern, he wa• (or keep if
ont till tiormeelay a
;or until Its p.pht te.
peatt.ti in t ha dirt and hehecof titt rr citii es.
.11t, ihrther debate, the unieutlu" 11l
yr,e. refer:Led -17 agailLtt 27.
Yen -..%1 Cameron, Chandler. Dr he;
ratty, VeHornolers, 1. miler, Harlan, Dow rol,
H .we, 31organ, llortali, of Marne, Dior. ill,
at Veratonl, Vatter,on, of New Hampin ru,
N 11,111,, TII h.l Cr. Tipton, Wade!
-V ~ ys -3(..,.. -rs Audioa . ;,l Llackilem, Cole,
Co. cell a% Cuomo, Uorhett e Grugin, Dana,
uaron, "Lemur% Frelingbuyeen, Gritem,
IILo.:orHou, Hendrick, J Loh n.., Dlortort,
Pot temen, of Tenn., Itaturey, lltts, Sher
man, cluague, Etewm t, Tt maim!), Van
IV 1,.a . 1e, William., and Yatc,
. .
fuovcd to nmond :he fourth
, 1021, by. Ilatliag the following: .././
vlattl 001. (~(18, 1 t la JOS, SI 1,4 (Oa.
irn d ‘,O
ay ,alit hog the Stole 101 . Winch It
i• formed to bueli reprenentation unleul tt
provides that ut all el.:Haas for atata.
Conniv or Municipal el:Deere, t h e electors
beall vote by rive,' ballot ' and tool, [node
of %weird: never lie chunireft
tee mfeent of Con gel,.
fieh d.nortotior luuwth followed, mitlng
wilier) Mr. Iry lie exprfuleit ti , , belief that
rgiegre., it iS n tloi right to thimit O.IG J.llO
- au ReprelentuilVeff wli ra the State
form-i 1 S LO•aaritratilla Mita Ulla provlelun
In it, umi afterward.: riol . d.fel It.
N molt lON gaol Ile 001311 0010 fur lEr.
.I)otiot', ante:tarot:of . II the toalom relerrlat:
to 1 !of name were omitted, und Itroraled
but voting Ly clOred ILLIIutr nhall
trt to tiri , ied for In the Gonntllntlon. Ile 'or-
A. rely Important that the olt
rhould bo by ci 1,1 1141 lot, but olon lord till
root of Coto:rens to 1.030,0' colond too o
tills lc Ind 0 . 1:1011 should Ito bindlog In Oat
lIGNDERSON .poku figalnst
amend tnont.
After Lothar dolatte, and without a Clint,,
ottirrto .rent Into ar.ecuttito neidlula and
alterwardf all.)011rne.1. •
.110("3E Itt..I.I:I:SD.NIATIVES. •
79.frAsfIttr nerautaaCt AtArtYlt9.
tie. COVOIJT: it.dred leave to oiler it' esOl
Mon rvolting that thurgea of trrvittiviltita
In the Treivotry- Inmartruent Ind been noon.
through the veva anti In the lloure and
c that birch ..tivrements awe calculated to
arom grout Ul/1919101.95.9 In the country. unit
providing for the appointment of a Snl•-ct
inium, to Invent ;auto nil ouch chargea
and report to the Bowie the preeent out
eta:piing lloyerinnent itidenteomia, an
mare:ivy !mode, compound in
ter.itt note,, and other f 1101111. 44 to jolt, Ilk,.
1101 r 991191 cxuihled by the !link( and Ito
-0.0101..; the ainottrita of over Jamil u. if any ,
whither of compound lutes-et note,. and -
protol•-el to pay, the denmen it's ex
/Mated Itti the boons and areoutita; the
torment a of Over tamres, if U119.19)190191. C. 91-
!mos or dopllcated bonds. hove been 9,l,l: 1013 f. 1111.10Ortf Of .11401 have
loom imicumint, and to Inquire Into other
o i llOttill••••
ClLL?ilLhlt oliJerteit, t 49 91119 elroom
.rug opeoell up too elite
u for
Mr.1,10;01.ili: giro notice that. ha won Id,
on Monday, [novo to lie:Tend the reit., Ott
a., to Mr, the re•Olutlon. -
n, .—. ...... . I: flocluccul if of" ..., .. - -..
tit:, of Itu t. 11,011 ofof ropruf.entutivo , :full
Ouu.frutr. fu Con group.; 01,0, abill 10 you.
utlfutw Okla hock, al a flny's work for 101
fuooptrsle. , :inolluluoUrn ofulfluyed 1 , 7 or ou
1,110144 the lioVer7llllo,lt. N:furred 10 the
Jll2llc , nry C , fututlft.etf.
... . ..
M. FOR Kt.,
.71:MAN I:
Mr. 1101..)1. , : , , .le , tre , l to have the- latter
billt n tle final paa,tago now, hut , Zlr.
STEV Wi ILNS el.ject, It.
FERNANDO WOOD pot,otttott a Doti-
Itcn trout alator llolnuttn, and - ottizons of
Nc.w York, Hot e.til 09100 of 1110
boom prlvileitu to ■atlora ttottorAttly •
charß.ed, a■ DOW tilt:Doled Dp laW to
rovnIZMAIONAL 1 . 811 , 113:.
Tho SPEAiiEIt plesehtrel tho reply °flips
Congrr,strnal printer tr , Inquiry
in the re.niuf ion'or Mulch 11th, respect
ing Ow pltruhneo at printing pope,
TOR rinotti,au
Mr. SO-WIELD offoroil n ton In
? Art tho Committee nn E'l2Ctlont. to re.
port. WhoLllnr Mr. limit nr 51r. (.I.lllentt.
incur tn 1 5 ,4 Ite delogolo from Color.
odo, prironfaer Cnt Med In Ulu brat.
Mr. IiANDALL I/1(1%43a Unit nhon ton
Ilon,o adjourn to-Ony it adjourn to ',vet
on Month,. liegittlYt‘t.
Aoloursal. , -
ITERI LITEST 111111111 S.
Seini-orlicia from fEexico.
NOIII \ 5 wrlnu I kV) F.FJECT;',.
Tile In:: IJ the I ener.jat ten of e. letter
reeeiVed to :flty 1:y SI ::11 , 1er Ilnelero
Peovlne,:o, Fele - eery 10.—.\c :pulen
l 4 -till ill the 1i:6,0,J I Freliet, 1,111 Iva!
In , Wien Ao, t, reJtettllMlca.•
tin:: ina. the rtenell tetnrem,e.l,
the omno the .1:11:1:1 al, to lee elm.
tu.e.lenag 0111 . fore. , La It
lon tile in: lot,-: view, I 1:1. tnnee.1111::: .111-
eer to II: elle:: nu 1 in: :11/ 40 jeCt In It,
Ole 110+1 1!.111 -Oen e'ennlon: illy
5,, Caen:: el lele,;t: left :UN t•leee
on the 1:2:h nit., tn: Thle ell::: le,-
Ine been ntmodotn :I, toy ent h leer
11:11111:11e1 `late I:eet - e-t•
Vdra. 1111 Ill , : fore, ~1 :1,11 e+jel,l+
peel, 113v:ntt ht1.1,1•17y tont es.valry in :lee
proportlea. Ilc 11:11 co.:lr:bete. With Otto,
leret.+llo,. ill the ',alley . MI•N Itt%
ten: anal blow In Iha tentertng
ThoVolted rLtattel Coll,til Geueral
let lie
vnne infertile the Slate Dep‘rtmeatyted
the Sptourh authorltlrs aro vIt;11111t awl rat
live all over tl,e 1 , 11d,1 to ,11,rovur and
thwart any Oat, exped: loa, and tl,vro nail
blest arifetllll, cll3le of new lee!,
throughout the coa , t of C:tha ;roar 11u,; all
poltoe adorte tt 141.111.4 tee,1111:0 111310, *ll.l
t1:o letprevdon 1. I,lla rat ;lilt! ult 11,0 at,
e,,nat el reell v.g11,111, nit .:.ace
could have het Itodel set. The
he let, recome colr:Ly kall-11,1 that the
Rot, Del To..who.e r:cal 11l Havana 11. t,
announced to the 1/..part,ll:o•. 13 ,011.
lag :row Corr,vlil PO, mitt:Out Itrlc,ll,
or uny
The SOTI:O. , : :11n0[1,.
firned the follo.ling
IL. 14rolir , I. ac • i,anna.=lovrr
of I:,•ltirst 14-11 j. Li:ft:Vit.. 01310, (..0(1
hlli t, a.
\ Lertl,
t t A. (itsttrittt,ii)....
. ,
to, TAvntry-th,,l
The f.111,11M:r.; nonstnntlml. ev,re rolect . t.l:
, Ach;y, ti• ;
I,rpot, M. Wev.l,
1 . ..0"3. 10.1 1..1m, ill ;
l;• n. 1...•:.-1..11), 1,11.; J. J
liett.t•tr, t . t , •. t.
Csot,l .tr.
. .
Co I. n0..-1*!:1,,,n I
Tiv.r.l trt. I.
XIII DI I 11,, 1 J. • 111,1 IN"
ItI,II k, VIII II M t. .
. ,
Appeal to Northern People
Jealousy Was tho Cause
VolL,Marril U —At!: ,preinlrort-tlng
01 tllO Ixoclitlvu l.1 , 0::041tt0e 0; 0.3000 W-11.
cro rauw.:o 11,10:t l , rium;t:.:.•, 11110 morn
Wnunzns. Th. SontLi.n Fatnino ItA lot
Ti vanntn.,l4 llnn attl
nof co r,nx 11e IT nl4 1 , 1,4,1:n11,1,4 r nnzn
botnnt4 Innn peoptir to 11:4 Sortn,n
5:4U,, on me n 1 1:1, upproprint,on by
Conn, , l , ..tuutbm I;,:atv; 51, ail,
spre:viri,:to demand : con sti Lim: Ur tlcale
fur It. ryllcl;therViOrt.,
Vt:lt (.0111Mili3O enrneAfiy
re‘for , ,C!ho clvrgytni, of :01.1conrouctionl
thron4hort the riort.hera St VA, to J.on In
Lti,..hpilo,ul fur c‘rtrylOulluu I on
Oddity ”ecr,tho 1:1b
(Signec,) .211.clunc to Ittr,;rmf.,
/. ttatrutun:
JOHN flownt, Sal - entry pro tent.
Erirress rt Mrs Lila dettimined Its
tem pt w s made last night by a lawyer
rtgll,4 O,trdel .ligFari.lact to inurdst
L. Ildchar !moo. the end/known Tribune
re.i.orlsat. sitbi Net at land vv./45 , 010, of
Rictlardsont, adentum to 11,-.u tie. a he In
helonslng to Winter tannten.
laeharalson has tor tire' or six weeks / romp
led a rmax is irhonl's la SRN try
street. Between eleven and twelve o'clock
/as , night, as Illeaard.rm and the Isdy were
watlnng down Amity !street, the tram hus
band cam , / tip behind them and flint 1111,0
shots at Blehardsna from n term/et', one of
lien lilt Idol, lodging In the groin. A DO.
Ilae Ogle, dl Man, 1.1.1 and P.* him
to the station Mimic. Iltehard lint way tskett
to his room. itli• rl. tllll ball was eatracted.
Ile was eithsequentlr removed to 111/ rests
handed S.nelnir. counsel of Rich.
ardmn, this toornlng stated to the (Mort
that ht. client Mohr/rut to toal‘o onY charge
against tnu prisoner, and Ito 1,1,..1
fir litchardoon's friend., deem/Ina tile no.
count or Lim merderomi assn It linon bite
last - nigh' cal/minted to do Injustice, both
to Itintselt and Al,. Forbad, desire ilia
lolloadng additional sta , ment
11 :dirtied It to aliened. Itt stn•ject to tits
ord./Mom frenay, and Int, !Ur n long r hire
threatened title Ito with per.onal v /menet.,
it timt •111. Wa..l eon. tie 110.1 P. It'aVO hitt/ 0. , '
protect 1011 1 Ilan 1119 perms:Minh,
Ila.l lost/toted tor
nepara , lutithe untold of enm
a- i
ty :vet /stn ots
s./I to Movidn for his
family. Stei:al/tad, it Is represented,
had con/ent , ..l to the regurrattnn. ,/,1,1 she
had gone to live with her /Heath:, earning
her w
own support noon the, stage, ism! by In,
labors ith the pen. Richard son mien
requested to escort her hum the theatie
hint oftellt, when 411 wire otttutkvfl by the In.
Inflated hushand In toe street. Alter
the second shot. lie turned upon
hie 11.5tail(011. ranched anti threw Mut,
he two being on lieu armlet! a 11..11
t hit ofileer reached rho nl , lO, I:Pliant/
son's wound. although jet emit, Is nob
cOnseleriA danger . ..UP. Al,uftexala.'
ittatlOn 11119 1110111111 g, Richardson Isdnit
unable to appear, tile prisoner was
lIIIbJed. lint 11{11c11,1111,6A 11,1 , 0 been InKtl•
Intel' tor Ils rodirrest sold trial. when a
ittld it/vestige Una is 111 show that he was
110,111 g s Paley 11.5 a friendly protector
tlll.l.l.larOlLSOlgattg treaty Of a hus
- Groin and Corn for thr,Flonih.
Friarrtrsa Mounne., March 12—Very large
shipments of grain hail 'ortt hurt lately
been Imola from Norfolk to raVallitah,
Ilbarlesria and other 10.010irn bort., atal
Norfolk t merchants are stilt Prathug vtasels
fur Um truth. .
Sac Pant - cant:a, March 14.—Tho passel,'
vire , ow) nunitioring thirty...oven, of
till wreelio 1 ' , argue (Eonl t o Sunnot, 00010.1
trnilny from llonoluto. Ti., vossel neut .
Nand, ono of 11. Prin.'',
Dia y folio, Dni
grebt, Ili h. E.:O.Ln., no, e'
ilro.rneel hionrbing gig, mill the ti..!
111f410 , 11, of 1/I.lerel,nml 116 , 141!IIVI , bout.'
fitfoly. Vol ili..oder tlin
ineorrectoos. of Elie of lb:x group of
1.1•• 1.w...1 el nod cargo wort. 0 total.
Tic llrliteh Conoulenionori. at Ifinio-
Invo.tigate.l thoelroloomttinct. and no.
nettled tbo Captain mud °incur. Of all
A INntlrontl 1/Iftlevelly. •
U. WILLI, [hex
MONTNZLIErt, VT.. sil,oll 14.—Gov.
Lam hai haul o. proulatnation cnirroulng
rho 1. 'rt.,Jai at in extra ria.lon ul Alio
21 r to.d. Tie: object ix to afford relief to
Igo bolishro,t , •rn portion of the Stare,
wherotre palglli are ent oft from n rrillroall
, nl/0 0,111 1 4 I.till 101,11, UP' 1011011 Of 111 , :
Troy u,el ih 'I nn rind 11,14.elaer tt.t.ll Oar.
toga railroad conk gahleb, 11,111 01,1.01.
OW, road/. In 1.1114 SU, 0, 10111011 tiro looter
tat/ r0n,..110f the Leaii,latare. etarity
000 sod I I lila chart,l tog of a corapany to
bold Is coal laranextrnic 11111: 1110 liarlarn
PrITSBITRGII, HRIDAY, M i ucii 15, ma
hltlr A•lture asml Loftt
FOUnTII. PAGE —7l, fullest “nri 'nog
li ..Inrs•tr, pit and I.roduee .IPlrkpl
purls ,rni y paper tta the city, teat Ge
fauna on uur Rourin
Trial of John B. Minna-ton for the
• Mord,' of ?Sidney It.?nun lozhans
root James lf. Teeple's, at Porters
WrosEs DAV, March, 13, 1.1:17.
The prisoner moo brought Into Court by
the :Sheriff. The inry were then called anti
answered to t heir 11:1MOA. •
By the catsent of both partioA, the trial
of Aiiinly,ion on 'the Intiletinent for the
untoler or.l. it. Teeple, v. continual till
sofat term, unit the balance of t he tIELVIirSO
jitry Were ilhailintircil. Tills'wns(out, nee
cue.° there w:lo no proliatillity that the
pre-ent trial ...unlit tertian...a this week,
nnil there urn no tem re tor . 4.lury for nest
eel. Scliher tile Court nor the Attor
ney, alintell to lm pnnncia Yori, an-I keep
thine wLltlt.X lu the charge of the eau-
.11. continued-15"u carrleit
Client:lomm hiterthe room; I +poke to him;
101111 not ans,ur; 1 1v... to Teeple mitt
him if he uontiln't get up; Jiu Rant
to; Ile eientilanieil th it ilia ilttall ti Vt•ty
CO ti; dim, fit the hull 11,1 VII 1,1 1I;
001t1 OVeteo 4t ;Md. n. 011.111101; yrtlVl
1111,1 1111111,1 lit • .100:;
W/l111:1 1,1%01001,
04 1014..1\1 , •ly :le; 1 eni 1, `0)11, lice; or, to
It tie:a enulil have to try
Ina put them li.ick; Cannln,hein took It
lrink et tenter; enhl lot temuttai tinter, nod
14:10,. Mei u I put meter hie
I ind; he then threweett Ills urine and Wee
-14 than on his nreneti Teeplo 0111; emu,
planted of cal; 10111 a muttius met
pill him MI Ii; 1 'Arta 1100 ILI' Int - rows;
teem, leer, two or three theru; A•iiill44.
IN, 51..41;101,0111e the he , ', nieilltuttm;; I
tolil nun, "John, the antler rays tine of
11,10 11001 WIII1111•;" don't give
nil—n how sotin; that nun hie answer;
I •r try . aata I. - John, John. herr can
r••••t •er t .,./ e •I nhy lot-them die;
Loey rot what !trey mune for." DM net reo
.1.1 ill at that t aaratnetron; 1 walked
er Of the Imr-rooto to the hv.e r teent;
3. it. PrieJle: Mr.. thinntroth-ur wew deed
.hilt,enner wtert to the room— Then Mu
•I•e • tor -•411 there wool.( hey., to lk, nn
trullentrer..l w r•trt for M...luiro ltrent.hrry;
w to, 1 eel...the , tiny
I,m on the morn;
t %out Idlfll, three •r:c.erk; 00.0 1
w 1.• •.• nr: revere . . bel.), I
wet. going
to ray re A•leter • oth •• yerr rlhrnt Arl bur:;”
ti Ay wlert you boon • 1
T.llk 0.1.1;Trlle 'AI, win',
rt,e, r m • kr:out...l:teeth to. wen 111,
.k I.e.t n•r ...rt a of
how 1 lint trtl hen ot rth•k ter hurt; I
eh: hot liar any tote Ohm:, him darlror Vor
• v•olorr; thrw no kohl,' re ota leind or any
other troreetr,•; Inn nt•lney Ol ive r with a
trottltl•r; 21. knife re the rlettrolereJ
.1.1 . 701 of rwhoetetter.
11,!, 0 , 1 t 4, Iry Mr. St,:...tlie. Common
Oodto ordered to rid. too toll errd.
'lout 17”.3 , loon to PrOV.
that ?Jaw (by k./1, 01111 11,0
f , to 3lrrilv, tO to
I , flf It, mot tOrour 1.1%,t, It
t• 1 . 1•4!• , .1,• 1 WIT It Lieu Otto. the ,otancl.
'l,, I. 11.1.
1)„, . that I. wtts pu.rt
eLuatu iluL
r.nd n0t.,1
1111 •• 1•••• L
;1",t•.p.,.w0rn ft
v , sitte , l;
~n:- . :1,n0w :or Ali o;11 if 111.
1,,,,:0td I,m not Will; a It Woo.
IWtb .1 butt 11,
11• I
La nlu t!, atiq n
• ti
1:4-1 Ivan na+t
,- 1:3•1:t, 111. WUF II
I.r 1 1
t. , ; fo,,k it al. mlO e.t it
I,,t;11.11 put it In 1., 141,t; werc,
Mr. Aitin'a
Pr1nv1 , .,..” L:;14 wSI in tiles nrlrr
Ity tho Cnur•
LhiLL t:nt••
.r..• c ti, Li • dat....1 rtg4t•
'lt) tO th, 134 t 11,1 -
r ;:1 , 11 .:( at I
I. •t A•11:1i.rtOrl tut.
SZ i.vr 0.1 111.•
;.zo•or.• 1e•.1.•^;.‘,.11 , , sr,ul , lrtot., , , • t, 1.1.
.1. •li. , ; 1 Ley :worn, ;.1,11 of In.. res
T.. ~ Low?. ovm,uled 11,1.,)•-clioa, pn.l
n0 ,,, 1nn , m,;;;;,,,,
NV 1.111•,611, , n.i.11, In chlil.—.t.lllnalon,h,l
s:,ow hal,anl.ll,l kalif ,*".
San .. :no 11::111 1 1[ ri
4tk , tho rt.ozo till
t.nrk • 4... tr; (lid noL .ci3 any
••,11 , •• 17,1111111101.11[1.
f . yorf•Eraertetf.—l aan Connineb tm elf/n
-ein, hv t , loan In thenerth
a cot:Hain, When I 0.11111.1 talk Frew i/111f,
they tire elaillag mititra In the corner 01 the
room; I art, 1.21111 loan the ball; Om aeola
epee; la loan I came Teeple nag tit the
ir-rnela; neat int.,%ff. priorlffAlfti:f,r,
before the Ore; It an,
ithout tan o l elrelt Toy Mat 1. war of
tiff., )1 e fliOtrer. wf , fatrtl.-
t reit, Itivater, the room Wflfl nraWln,ol
-e . roa ileal up—•w medial ely altar the tight,
1 fir , . Hien n. tar 101 llu, leaarth before the
crows); aorta,: all tills. than the 11.;10.
nein,on; these rya. rush, n helve—ouch 11.
.1.11.1 :Wend. save ilght—lt lino',
icor, Ittiocaltin over fa
There Will a 1.0110 nn the table 'then It
eoattneneail; It grew dallier. but, I did not
o Ito hoop carried out; there no. atm:
tern on 111. tnaittlet °slyer a f i ll/ft.-4,4
0010 hi, ilea l t knew tow. lent It teals after
. area; hra I neat, to oiaet toy thaughtyr,
1...1001014 . 111111 kniotla.,l Oliver gown; there
VIA, gmat,croul , l between Ina and 01 leer;
two deep lee:area me nail 011reri the reran
to the north en/Wel 111 , VNIki the hall nfa•
eroirdial; 1 new! John Oliver tatait . .llately
he got r.ITI/121,T1,1111”.. 1 1.11.0[14 . 111
f 112110. It 'a to Loan tants./ Ito nutlet:,
test afterward. nacertninerl that It was Teo
el, In thin paaltlon I hear , ' PllllllO ana rry
11l t'' tl,leaf/4.lirt • fotu 011 fer clone not
tho appeared loan la elle the Ill.tht lata
ea; 1 01111.11 , A Kt the 111 , 11`,1 lin thiee '
n'eloch, I wto r. nt 11. the cellar nt nay Unto
3111, ovio un•rn w or n r n
PM, 11l [llo.l,er-room When A.lllonton. mete
Illr renert tlyall. of Chnlatig
ham. ,
Ill'el. N.E;rk4 - rtevorn,—l w i n. at the home,
of John (Meer on the 2ltit of !Jeremiad Met.
I a IV, II /Ming In the north room; heard a
00040 111 11.1+1:1111g room, end the crawl
rothed that trai; 1444,1e'd my way, and hot
Intough the &novel at the door. 1 , r1s1;
Clarran, 11,1. howder, and reverulptiter.4
were standing tatter Inside the tour; I hits ,
It Mt lying On the floor with tilt Own! tee
ward ut met lying oil Ids left hide rather to
the left of the 410 4 r. caught hold of
Mtn an I lilted him me at I I tftr.l
111111 tie hit me to the right eye; I stagg , tred
;wet: against the northwest corner of the
uittlog room; Fred Dowd, ntro. I: tar; I
won 1,l lint nod eould not, see anything atter
that; I knew it was llowderwizen 1 loin-
tam IV, RAW John ;loner by the Na playa In
the loam, and several of persona at th
rattler 0,10 of tho 11311 door; dl.l not rots.
Bile Ite on 111 . 1301111 t of my wound; I 'was
tem 1010 tell 14 d 14 Until leuplo and Cunning.
1401414 the tlght was going no nt
Oita. tt me; IVollor and MeClarrho
worn both standing near Fred powder;
I went to the ktlehen; heard 1.01110 one hol.
lowing "Old o or something !Ike It, or "Oh
111 V;” It het:toed to be to the mini where tint
114111 wa , ; front the hound It would 111111011 W
111,Lt 011010 Ott, icon hart; es I turned to ho
hawk a 1101111,0 ps st 01111111 S great !terry; lin
came old or too dancing room; Mt mottled
1t.1.14 4 , eay g "eland ont of the
went to the loth part 4;t thak Hellen; and tit
he ran nroand to the tattle ha estd, •• I must
!lorry undo ' et t ids knife away;" tlbln't see
IN het f arta, 110 did; I 11:11110t 111IllorHtt.01
that he andreheal this language to me; It
JI aeltinhton the defendant: think
here a oro Kota., trotnoo there; 4.lo.fonea
/ i t started foe list, dancing
lag .net nod WI. near the esutro
of the kitchen; et ono fitdo; dill
Oot.' oh.otvo ttuythlnt; to hot hind;
I thought he hem Ids rigid' hand Moto
to ills 4 ,441mhe 14000411110 nn the left side; Ids
radd litom and Nutt. would be from me; Im
- tt-ou toMott • rapt-Icy. I not Nlieuk to Idat;
I he woo goontrtowaritu the word, end ,1( 2110
kitchen; he wur 1 LI 11101E11111011 1W11 , .•11
[lot, otil, ho 1,14'ololl or tell feet
fron; me when he 01101:0 hem; I WWI 1101110
taw om 'dee 10, (1 . 0111 1111:4111.1 W. INIIII ,
111 , 1 .1 . /10r Iwo lit 1110 door 01 11,0 nOllll
,0111; the lemark 01tructe , 1 toy oLtooti on .
I 111011101.111,141 Of July cm • bel,,g ..tatnaai at
the Limo, but.tho totpreitolOn ill net rue with
horror. I tulle :Oral.' .01111311110 g not not
Ton latter port Of It) reply which row,.
to Ulu 1111prebb1011 of 0010 witness was ruled
roitoolitil-•Mr.llnirtrin eeomrel
to be lb a hurry; ttio tont, or let. op
peuroil hurl 1,1; lot oertaiiiit to La Lnthen u;
I thou wont Into tlio dancing tomb; I sow
John Oliver cornlpg out? Old nut know
wool. wily lie went.
Court. Killourutill 11112, 0. •
Entni Accident
On Tuesday afternoon an ncel.lent ocenn•
roi l to juditond tnwnnhlp which resulted
In t lot fleet it or Mr. John Dixon, an old and
roipectiot eft i toll of that eolllllll.lllity. At the
then mennoited Mr. If 111111 w entoloy.
na about n thretOling teat:Wee which w.
work lug on the prem.., ilo wits Caught •
by ti, "rettildintrlkhaft o near the horee
power. and drew. r,pettteolly around by Its 1
ret olutiono. Every 1111 m lie was over the
ALhaft ill, head at rook the cog box of the
borne power, and when, at, length, hit was
ref 01..44 it was blllllll that We iTn wan
Ore loc.° from the broil, front the ear I
Theto the hack portion the,
The right) ankle was broken, nod the honea
of tile right Ingteporniiheil. In addituto to
t he e l, injortee, Others of tin Internal char
toter nod eeVerni severe braises were found
to have been fteottalued. Th.. unfortUnate
Mali lingered In nifony anal Wednesday g t r.
tornonn, when death emitted. Thin deceased
wan elglaplleu yearn of ago, and Mare)
71e ,, t thy or the Allegheny
A mated mooting of the Alliiithony City
C holil at tboir
3lember, pro,f•nt
I:. ,nl , ll, 6:131th, Thom,. Pit,i
11,nt Mc
Tee inlontem of the prev lota. meeting were
trill tn.. Clerk 1014 &pp roved.
Sir Ire - in pre4ented n pettann frntn prop.
Orly It Tier,: en Lincoln net tine, 11.,1; tog for
polike lamp. on ...tot ..treet. I.:ferret!
to Com folul rt. MI ull3, with power to net.
:dr. C. C. 5101111 prooded a 11 , 4111011
log tarn nu-Ilan); on •
t.1101 1 11,er.1.1 Third
1.14 1:11..4. Htrallll. l. /. 1C1.11.1 nail referred 1011,
Cannot tee, with power Inert.
, Mr. Mall read it petit lon for tuny:of Innipt
on It h 11.4 tercet. Solo. reference.
Mr. A. D. Stull It premmtiel the MOntilly
report of City ono roller. recommending
the onynient or nninirr 11110, wnieh the ro•
pert C.VOrati. This LAO.' n • uuminry
of the 1111.:
IMmnee and Firemen $ 15 TA
,reo,tm awl Ilritlve.
Total atn't of Febrn , try 2,1t.i7
Clain. whin, ...arratk r .
pi evims•lv .Ir•trn, nicluding
%hut( lutprovoulent3 421..03 IA
T. 191.1 to F•thrilary a.l .1175
it ut ~ ~ 10,1, oil , arrn , ll...
In 144 drum n I, n 11.1.3 tin u31.11t..)1 Ilus
01 In.rnoieri 1 , ”111 , 1"9 01 , the
11.tr1cct It ' , so I{llli
Mr. En,.1611, 1110 Colntrillt^o
On 0.13 l'colittrty wttro itialtorir.,l to In.
ca-tt.,... tit" I ti-ItratiCo 011 the CITY lwildlng
by }l,i,ri Ito 111S11rtalC1.1 011 the
Mr. J: It. ,ifitli pre,nleil the rephrt of
%ht. tit rellt Cot: milt lite, with o r i tto t iip t i to
past urine Morley fifty thin...ln lull tor Ser.
.1:1,4 A...,....1315t 'gtiluihrt
Al in, :Ln r , llttanro for 111,,v d
o rarling an
11,,0g of NI'Imo! from Robia,,on to
th. ,v 1,,,04 at th , ..111,, , ,10tay rav,.
Alen, sun c,,1111.,11,, to gra , le• and porn
JacizAon wtroe.t, froln P.L,LuI, Lane to
it,port a,copto4 an.t ttn revaut lon
cLeepting the .11 ,1 / 1 14,11, for 01.4 gra 11110
anti pug of 'shoot sr:Hch wt. it:-
tern hand(:a to till, rep m q
t Coi itt 00.
. . . .
The report of the %linter eaamultten we.
pre,mled by Mr. Thoot,ln retullOwto thu
re-Ignatton of Sir. 40110 Klan, an employee
of the Water Worn, who Po ahem Ln remone
p,lllp l m, rwmlutlen
Ilse report. tendmlng the than:, of the
l;onneli. 1.0 Mr. Kane for n L. long and ants.
on. ier lee, through a period pi ntneteen
e.trs. Led.
d. 'minion was pro.enled hp Sir. Mrler
for 111.. ne,pling /old p trim: of 'rated alley.
11.-bgr , O to Stf eel. cmnmtt.eo. -
Mr, lir,. 611'0,61it poolltinw from the
II.: Prot.,mnt Cimrch of AI
-I,lltiny. u.kln.r PxorlerAting from-tho
0 0 44" W. h.vied op CrorOctin. Thu ptaltion
WO4 rmleOrml and 111.14.
Pfr,thiont MCBO. , relit 0 r,thinn from
Dr. IT. C. l'a,fo, I:.emor of I,hrl4t Ephmortil
Cly.treilot-klng ;hut the church. T. 011014.1
Of ti1t1 . 00,11.4
11111/li^o ILI a. 11001, of wOrahly.
o m
Pet It no •
Mr. En t ,linti tAT..rett ft rr.OilltintlfttlthOrtr•
1 . 1, tho 1,..0.tr0,1i , to arrant, (or (tat ”01-
1...ct100 tot rot - not - 41, I nitiktotts 0 - 11.1110
tr.t. ray Iltrton :tool adootril.
Mr Toototti a rewolatlon atIL , OI ,
Linn, (la. (: ..... 11i:14,10 rottort an or.
ottnt tot- tht• trt ailll it Anil ont'ing ot Onto
.1% onno ItAtto - ri, ntrent Cutout, ten.
AM p 11, report ttf the Po
lo, I 0t , ....1110g 0111111111.0
Wen. /...I`, I qt . ...A!, 1. • . of 1.16. ortd.r. of LI,
ef the f.tet
tlnt~: ,I,1•••“f IDI Aro 1 , ,r• niiet
wir nAlart•••
the •• tlary of 11, , :tha
the Ir., Intl,
lhnt of Ell, .1.1t1..f Pollee hy th.L;
IIL ~( hfi 1. , 114,1L*
prr thy ,slurl.:•
401 , 1 t'/O-•• pcivuteta
pr , r r 1,;11t..
ort vnu rect•lVod.
mtgo../ llln Incremo. pellarlel
Put , 111. t preilef: Intin`•. ri of the
b t, . Vora Int•II 4.1.C0t1al lie P . ol:l.Mid
Al I, Ito r •41 - titess4plnki.l to n,cur ,,
e.i.lamumx I
T11tv.”... tirt. ot ., •
0n, , :. 11,11. ttm• provloinne
of Iho ooLlommran ttJ el pu-
1,11 moo lon of Mr. II Mn pap of
siight. o•tmelmn.n nas Inereamm p•r
( Chi-4 Of P. , 14, Moil 1110
...I 1.1110,110
c‘onuoud...t 1,1 fromMny•,r M rrl.on
MCA ptenet.44l by Mr. tprom. Patio:to the
•rl-in, Dom 1.:11...nt
P•r tor [Li. r.inpr3 ing of I.lyht cart. 10
riv.r, rota nrkinkr that %emit,
netton bat 1n4,1 mutter.
1,11, C•onnk
Mr. Drum pr ,,ti c , trtlllo4 eopv of too
not nnut,lna 11:inehr,!..o
m0v..,1 'but ul - 11bt
14; SIC, /11 1• 41 nn.l
Ak:leotl . nett lbaucw.D.4 of the Coals
et?. A. 14,04,1.
Tin. Until - alit, on City Properly In.
wtrocrii.l to I tit nl,ll for
lxn N001,111.1114...1ril iillz of tno now - Laiiintiwrii.
I 3 11111, ot2t.•rwi-o not,l. tno.
COMM. C0.c.11 coucutred With Srinet
ton motion, adjourned to meet on Monday
Meows. Dunbar°, Dren-
Into, Fen , hscher, Mann, Moro, Ingham,
K. rKpetttck, Meml.% S.P.Nell. Keen, tlioti Gl,
, 1 Presblent Heidi, •
The tap. nick orthe pre.r.•us vs:Uric wererend by the tnern o.o.lapprect tl.
Mr. Kirkpatrick preseatell u petition for
the oreettoa eta liu./11e lAtilp M.Viller."/ .
netween Taylor carol Nerta
secoral war d , which .as rend awl Ls:tun - Int
to tile 0,, Committee.
- , •
Mr. Dretirktin pre-elate.) a portltlnn praying
Thr the al - 1111HW Ulla pArtrig of Long albs, Cult Lane alit Clie,titut Street.
Itt•f. e•trerA Caal Witty,
R•• 111 iffy dtl
~ ~111- 1 11 providing
for I ii,. rveloto n re
hoer on the eot sir
et ‘I tt.tere wet lefty Lee, el, one en the
corner neer - the gtet wet Ls en ltotece3
.ITeet. Read and referred to GM
An or.llnenee authortrAng the frre.lhug
null paving of Itloototoy strret, In Soloot
Counoll .Iprl I Ifth, IS 4, read awl 11111 ovor,
outs I oho n up outl referred to tho Colon:Ot
te., on etym..,
Mr., &nein presented a petition from trio
residents of inn Poarta Ward, praying for
Lbw riniultor of North Caw.' atrept and
Churen avennu from Laid Lame to Cedar
Street, together vi ith n resolution granting
'the Prayer of tho petit tenors will providing
for ft. , Pffiwintinent of vino era. The yetis
tent was accepted and the resolution.
m 1110.141
hit. li. 1.. Smith oßaro.l the fallowing:
lite.,lrctl. That from and after t he first day
PI April, on all paella works, Improve-
Mettle. etc., M nein, mechantea and !Waite , a
are employed by the day, tlint. eight hours
what all son•dotuto a 41 ay i e wink or labor, awl
that. all officers who rl/100V elicit 80,100 or
lahor for t lot city /shall wage their contiatts
A limit lon to lay the collect On the table
Iran carried by ayes 11, and nays 4.
'fir. Hanna offsreit at petition from proper.
ty holders li. the 'First 'maid, agiunid the
asitesstneni, owls for Ulu construction of
/lid:pont sewer, and rripleelitig that
tittle fortaaking tat, rotor!. Irs extend
„id for ,10,Cy daya. In order that the matter
contil lie fitly inv-pdlgated.
A altallarpetition from citizens of the
St`l,ooo word wan preiwnitcil by Mr. ale
`l I. The eoinniunteutintia were accepted
nod referred to a atierlal Comptilice, to re
port Within tweuty darn.
Mr, dpiNell pronnated a rninonetranan
from prow t v MOders In the Fon rth ward,
wraiii...t proop.ed °wining of Chorea ay.
../.11.•..1•111.t. of alit COLIIII/UII, NMI:il tine
road, received end 111.4.
Itc• lilediodu presentwil thn report of the'
Coenntifyn en whervor end landings, to.
pettier with 11. r
e.ollitlen 2111110, Icing the
Coined, tiiii_ to lea, that ten - tint. of Iho
the wharf lying tee wenn Ferry Lane nllll
Chortler+ street, to Ile, rt. lb-... 1 t MeCloy,
fir a tenet)( five .y. ars, fit en annual rent
of /IVA. The report trait accept...l,oo.l the
re+olut•on a100f...1.
Mr. Ii 14111111., from the liliorket Committee,
prientud is Invert. Thu Committee re
loed adversely to the urea Meg at put.
ie ncnle. for the weighing of cool, as In
their Judgment It would hi. Is neiltifil ex•
petelltitre of ten filly 11111114. In reference
to the Proposed nue Market thowle,,, I lie
Condolttee teatn the low. at .0.1 ler It erec
tion. wus made h. Mr. Lihe+. Sit laid let he
afterward+ withdrew till ,id oposel. The
1.1.1111111.,, therelnre. recommend.. lh .1
the natl Intre+Y Ind, which hail been lead..
lie Mii+ors. White It Donnelly. to, ildadlon. be
Keciehtenl. Thee Illeort wun f ye....... 1, end
1 horemoluthet reed three theca and
An ordinance Inerealleff thu Pal.rica of
the Welu li newer+ from 48001.1030. was read
titre. thee. unit finally pitiewil.
Mr. !Ted. I rem the Commit tee on Eno:leer,
report. it wlyerntily to the erecting. 01 a Tito
Allan, Tel, graph et the preittot Minx. Me+
pert necentael. _
Mr. Ing athim presented the report • the
Committee Oh Printing. 10ga , her alit, potl.
theme from We proprte.ersof the PitteletreU
G tare not DlopaYla, rwking for an
ereeeed rvirtrineral.oll for elohig tho City
whiling, the D..tpreeft in for VI 60-en.l
the CiaZil,ll her $l/31.Z. The report Wan
adopted, the pet it inns gran tad, and tilt) War-
Mete rhalereo 10 ho drawn.
-Mr Ilifirpafrlek ellerefl no pet Moe from
property holden., ilaklntr that a re-a-rea.
Mont ion 'undo for the oreettoll Or thin Weat
1:001111011 honor. Rhferrtht tom opeolaleow•
On mutton of Mr. Fetillmnber, the come thr penile to It, As he f.. 11. It we. lA. duty
111 , 130 t. On titre et wet, directed to sortieln for the tudwitt n( .or.
gam placed at the mouth of toe Delmont tennis humanity. the rem hie eff , st of
street sower. Adopted. ' 'looter... treatment,i.ferd the card lu
luau liunine•us not othorwl‘o ontml, Go. our Unit column. •
Lint Cum,clt ooncorruil with Common Conn.
Aliratien, CUT Du decided to do with-
AO)Ourntdlo meet on AM WAY OPCMIni• Cot a Pro Adana telegrapktor iDepteeonl.
-. -- 1 ,4 - , 3 , ....A , :-_ ° -717 j t e s
t + '
• ._
In nor ',ono onee, as reporter, at the
Criminal Court, tinting the past ten years,
we Imre, 00 .10111./tlesil on - lams who have at
belled there regularly fOr a lonTrr or
t,lt.trter verbal, noticed an n!,I gentleman
occupying, Incurably, a Seat (near the 'J.,-
1.,. nix presentee during the court costar,
c.,l4.tant. nail his occinpanmy Of
re,orot 'mar the J art . , (met ferm of habit,
se pre lot, nt, that he hes become knelt n to
Mlle thirteenth Jurer.e. Win enjoy the ac
quaintance ot this old gentleman, nod he In
generalle known in tills cumin nnit y, as
may well ha suintult,l. aft, riot ling in the
city for tiOymne years. 13y industry and
Incoelnv he amassed a root fortahlo coutpo
tenonn soil it now In the quiet , Itimintraeive
term meat et the same. For tonenntkoinin
year. Ito ponctoeeint old troll nor theoath , .
If Stetealterrer it Co. and 5004 ;nada In.
uvular in day. alien tne cupidity of youtn
we, net excited awl ono
till,Ve• a by orommotono proprietors
: hulk shout, wllleh in titer times
yo 'not:rune tibia 0:44 than "(into , ' Cry
Cr.,'' In ',oldie parlance. 111-. Dior.. 14 J 4111111
Cl r4 atol although lie has 11111.0t.1 the
111.• ligo oeventy.t , eni year., I. yet Coln
par thwelt . ham and Itaartv. 11I.t wife, its
whom he had eighteen chtlilren, tivelee
1..,y4 anti slt 004,11441_401W, inontn4 etnce,
F , totr ot liia children 4ttrat u, atal urn
.... ,Itertt of 4,0101; Darstitrti!e present
iseoolon of the Colin .0 1111. i. ..1 tillr.
ototed J .tror." Ili. place w.. enema. Into
o u
Ivry as,trialt• a
g unts4n4l cur-
OM 11 wive, awl the fear oxpreaseti that his
familiar cOUntentinca Nolll.l bit familiar no
tome—that the Mond of time hail Interven
ed In the natural ord., of things. Yester
lav, however, It appeared In Ito accustom
ed plocenuni It satisfactory excuse ems giten
fur at-tense. Mr. G. had been serving as a
regular Juror ta the Dinh Met Conn. We
wen` not a 'Mlle tupriseil. however, at a
pdsonge Of warm words between him and
lo•tave Larlmer, the latter ritetalltarta Mr,
6. 1 0 right to occupying ISIS 01,1 place—that
liewt.. tot better than arty other man,
and that Si others were prohibited
front ehttlnq there tie .1.0 ,OVOSIId tlO.
Mr. It,, naturally enough, WISH annoyed at
wont Ito downer unlashed for interterenCe,
and rettriketi the thatitur,, fur evermfllctou.
doss. The matter reaulted. in the shifting
nu 11., reporturl* tablet and Mr. 0,1.10 g as.
FIRIIO.I tt peat lyetaseen It and the Jury tail,
wht-re we wore, on behalf Of the reporters,
einall ,It at ills pleaoire henceforth. It
le not with a view tu gratify Idle curanoity
that Mr. Levin j attends the Crilianal
Court, hut In the pureuance nt habit
armee grew noon him In his old days of inn
1.41..411, a Itnintatertui. .14 Lie la en mar.
tel of itroPrlety In Ids demeanor and .00,14
duet, an atinOyanCo la no re-pea, and bat
monteirupterly occupied a 10,1.10 Court tor
eat long a inertial, we think, with him, that
[Cu action of tlpatrive Latimer so,teirday
wa4 turcalle.l for. It certainly Will LO so
bY those, and they are many,
with whom "rho thirteenth Jarmo has boo
come a titter.
1.7 ti
Things are dull and depressed op at. Pitts
botch to an Iron way. Eastern manor.-
t or.•rs have Invaded even that market with
nett. and Other otooplu products, and are eh
der/wiling the home 1105.08 at their owl
doors. Tilts to owing . to tho difference In
the price of labor rain and Yest. Sall, are
hetn slipped frets Huston by stamen to
Baltimore sod thence to Etocienutt for
rift t.fitor rent" per hec, and o ' for the
1410 0 or to., then rittstie uti Knot at
a Noll/. too. In tilltlOa, Ito. eitr tog
trvie Is helitg In Pit . t. 1.0111.,10d. auo the.
se.osot Is now uniting so' fur otloo•g
In it the Pitostutron moo are Lugo. log
1100 e inditteruitt oh 'Ol elf,tlo.; an toqui.t•
," with the 1,111.110ra Trio latter r.,
itat.tit 0 01110 (lOU 41a I, egotlnut seven oile s r
v -
01. Te o 11,111t1r.11,11rv, ni
. tot t to th- Moe
tot thetottont, ore talkirm of clueing
them tutor rock' have a pr . )o-cot al. /
.14 .41411 *l,lOO will go Into ATV-4'w Prlll
eh. thett.ol,enittnic Stouts tat it-Iglu to
. .
In n lire to ak•
mt..l Oint On. ntonts »Oho on. Inas of,IC.
0.• AnnTemOtnbuttnon
1 ff, mtlt rtetmlbll.lllli . ol-2 Ini O tett
1 , , III."
V.. rea • lo• - . 1 1. of Thl , l Pinto Of I h OloP,
te Itl the /131/0/ 11031 V4llll PllO3
1,11 In .1,:14 rnevist xr,ll co.p,
111.111 of the. v.". kr, W.. had 1.1„4 - 11 I WO
tillll. ripolr•s-I,.rrir.a trio Iron tursa
11.1 r11.1 , 11t.n. W 4.111,1 e'V•l ily I>t urrivr.rt
1111 . 1 lie ptll-, It et 1 . :111.•1 . 110111. ere..
"lg. I. Irrr 111,, X. n "g 1. !
E 1,14, II "WU •,1 Wet Pprlo4 Merle
G•es) . tarril , kr gar., tilrOds,ntilsi that event
lor.k Star 36 IA r or • 11Yr
tte.ter . in‘rst , n tti thilotenee betseten the
nito mouel
, "'e . the:Pot et nutted te.ttev tor Rote
...Ire to try Kiel urrottee Utter tl , thrthtes
telore the Inlet; ttelleahrl IY ell:ere...UP'
The' E•ra) teaaet i C101 . r113 the pupils 0
lbe rentor <lrra of the l'lttntrurnh Fraud •
Conc.. attracted n lark audience luntetera
o hwlym ae tempoetd of the Int ellecf
ai and re fined portion of our community
re 11111.1) by the tollowtng acholarn
31trefa Ann L. bcofielff. of New Casale, Helen
it - walk, Penn Tom. N. V Ella hr. Gaylord
Thorn. o,annie k. P. au Yno,.li
1.; !Cot: to N. 'Moth., nowflaflrl .; I-pew f
Aononfine:Atloinon; jolt ft , ay Tower and
Emma J. Ilnyd, PitGroo ot, ;rad M. Loot.
Dante. of .P. nu Tao. N Y. All too to-ny
went rpieffed and writ 111 . 21.1t( 01 v nod to teet
1 . 0 the Ugliest errdit upon the 'rifled au
flow.. Teo` to *zo wan no at 01 d to Alla
Odann. Peon Yno, o !woe te-nv entitle;
.• 100 e nhofl 1. art!, nit name oast% per
fect den, 111,0. IL. W. 11 Imo.. ii. - titter
Ind the saant. roll that all the ennaye err
well went. ft, ia.ll that 11th coultnlttoo
duelled Otte acre-no: more preen 10 01.
Ll'llollo. The 011.111C*1 parr of rho entortfills
Mont teas eery ....Bent.
r ikern.led ~on i.l.ehnrced
On W,,,loewlay Mr.J. Mel:decay. Suncrin
foldout of the brick yard connected with
the outer depot of. the Pittsborgit Fort
Wayne and Chicago itallroasi, ill the
gecorld wart. Allegheny, made Informatien
berm. , Mayor Morrison charging six or new
en men with dlolrdcrly conduct. Ho alleg•
nil that the men in . question were in the
habit nightafter. night of 'comlng
to the brick yard to sleep, ana while on the
pacted In a ver disorderly almo
nerremtse and s that they frequen y
tly had dissolute
wnee lit company with them. thoitain
Bo o wden. Lieutenant • McKsin, and ellicers
Sera:ate. McChesney, Hobson, and Herman
proem, led to the pl son on It echo slay night
nod arrested tho fellows, taking thew to
the lock op for safe kimping. Yesterday
morn In r the prosecutor failed to make his
enneerenee and the Sennett' were
charged Tho only names of the party
that en meld learn was Isaac Williams and
"lied Bird Dickson. The parties got off
easily enough thin -time, but we arc
oulliemeed to Male that they had bettor not
he found there again. •
Committed to Jail.--tOrk Grimes, of
Itol , lneon street , AllegbenY...metwfun , M
clennan Mentristera yeeterday, ant prefot
red elinrges of !oleo pretences and Surety of
tho peace against Jnmre 8m cloy. of Pine at.
• ley. Allenheni • She etatee that recently he
took tiro ,tollare of her money, under pro
tease of taking It out to got It changed. Ito
tuck it away, but Ind rot tiring back tee
change. Moro recently ho threatened her
mitts violence If eho did not stop talking
about the looney. Mince the antis. Grocer
Seth Wilmot arrested the accused, and atter
it hearing the primmer wits committed to
Jail to oftener nt Coot t.
Attempted Muhl...n-31m. Long, wife
of Mr. John Long, corner of Colwell and
11.331 eircete,Slxth word, Attempted A:dela°
on Wellnemny afternoon, 13y cutting her
throat with a ram, She innt..TONI herself
in a room and coca encore truth arm*, her
throat. Iler little aid 114-sed 'he room and
heard her groan. She sum atoned help, the
door w* form al open end Mm. Long di.-
n it
ed, lying on the noon— Mr 111041.1 till
won atunnomml,rtml the unfortunate woman
111 recover. She root hem In very lii health
for mom time, and WAS probable partially
Ilneglwey.,Durlng Wedtvednynight the
rn•ldence (Ito,. J. B. Sweltrer on Fourth
Wr••rt ten• entered •en robbed. The 111h...ea
entered bya b telt window. They Lett two
ehlog.., it Ware and a lilt In the kitchen.
Thov ,ran•arked every room In the henna,
•'d 1101•• an overcoat. a set of •liver •Dnune
and thirty-dye dollen. In money. Other . val.
weer. were left untonchod though within
reach, attong thorn thotcral Sweltzera
col I watch and chain which lay on the la.
Me hue bedroom. , Turn lino stalptClon
ao to who the robber. wore.
A Tmphy of iftnr.—Amt.e 3fary Shaw,
remitting on %Veer. toreet, AlleglienVt Caine
Whop Alderman BleSlauter.• yeetentay.
itrihttlalt a Paper parcel. On unrolling this
it teat found to Novae ...lard,. wad " end
heir, w ?penal.. altered had lowa pulled not
of her bead by hire. Catharine Mr leattablln.
tinning a recentbetween them. , Kea
farther crated that Cotharina had Idt. her
titer the head with a poto wash., A
...Pant. vow. honed for thu arrest , Of %ha
belllgurord Catharine.
LUwwl.trw nmwara a card of Mr. John
Mier., well known eitmen• err, Hymn to II
bore :Trebel upon him by Ilr. nob«rt. Min
ter. now .toppinff at Om Slononaehrin
brkti.o. Mr. Winne bronchi. the cant to nor
oilier and arurd 13, to call lb. al...ntinn nI
ft b‘tr.tellinif o °Meer. Tbonntv
Olt.: , roter, conetable in the TWO want.
went on Weeniest/ay to •nabe a levy On
tonne property on the straireentt Fran Clip.
e , hutt, n 4 he Kungen, he. max Inlet ftttretl Wit It
by 'he mitre, E. 11. 11.,1.1., who ortlenttil
off the brat, and entlenvetrett to one
V. nt tilt, perfOrmwec"ut htn Out,. 11., matte
tuft...atom to t Alll, - rumn
Ainrrov. Ti,,. aerunell watt arrentetl. nod
aft r a ben rlter belt! to ball In 4300 fur It&
appeltratlCC at court.
Tiromtnry I thl, Ninth ititrit.—The
innhlent, FVIIX C. Nerhy. Firt., In thn
Nnith.wartl, w x rn'ln,l n t Tu 6 , 141,
Ilia rnhtnna fnmluillto Inclint n nark 11100 C.
Tll.•lih . thntohg
only a watch wapiti till .111.1, and four
dollnorn in money No chic.
. . . .
Rtrellz•• &Inas Ifetetreu —On TtleA.lrty
n.rht Sweltzer 11411 In tile Fifth wood. trait
rolarpi, the tillo•Veß enterpor, throUgh
loos witol , pc. Blohnel 111•ttev. the
14N asleep In itle terttern Om - Fool rooti
ofto.goll watch and d. root of moony',
The motley itrooer trot alto robtred..
Ob‘f rooting a PPPPP go.—.o4tren batten,
!owl,. or, an, bef.oro Al•irr.nan Morrow
yert,rilmv to answer n el“roo preferred by
alerket Cob.nblo John , 31 , 0-her, of bb.
iv roe lnv n way In the telork,t
llon-a. lle teaolined *lama the booboo! the
Gond —Sound demo. awl anal faateTalled
too,oryte against the War of f.dttlon la the
matter of a aterfall.. hat it Is otateil that
t (aloe ha , r and Hayman Wutn.... Ilan the
decline Blade the ',alai= of the hiwrlbLe
storied about the. grt.garinea and pwlicall.
The Riming PeWing t In fall pre
green theouehout the city, and Inn° arty ev
ery st, eat- the work of renovattnn It going
tirlokly forward. Pittsburgh has sown va
riety In its 001010 Garen year, If the variety
don't logy lone.
.Ar•walt mad Itatver,v.—funn W. Conk,
of Lawrenceville, appeared before Alder
man Trcler yeaterday and preferred s
charge of: assault and ••utt..ry earl/it Louts
titackleburp. 4. warrant was Issued.
?tome . .liegnnarnan made In Allegteny
Councils mall evening ..eemed made tor tin%
purpose of proving teat the smaller the sal
rte' pald to pol ce'offloars. the bettor ser
vice they render.
Stolen, Child Igerovervel.--Tae year,
ago a little 41suehter of Mrs Coven: of Steu
benville, was kidnapped. She bas jest tem
eel no arid been restored by She fatally Mat
stole bee Posy.
Pleroe4lll Him 111kIkt.--Thomna clainn, Of
'Minute), Mat summer knocked down a
wCti and made his ..ap. He, Met
week, returned to Thttonte, nod-w,as sr
Wen about getting married will remem
ber that they cannot e.carai the menhea at
matrimony by enflament in the army.
None bat single chaps are taken..
The Democratic County Comsaltier
heid a meeting at the St..ChArlee itot",l on
Wet - Mt...ley. Orson fee U. It. Kerr was on
tmad atilt resolutions.
The "Gems litepobile . • rill Innen on
olar with pererni dollen of thew, Fore
feet Milne French Yoke Shirt. not•lo to or.
dor, et Murdock Filth street
Fart.—Tbe Indies who promenade Mat
treet wear gold wailer buckles. Tian 13C:
wns once tooted. and the nOw La.tmou'lnakcs
the troll] apparent to overybukly.
Being Torn Demn.-111,1numan .4 Slny
ran'n Jou - viry Went, Ttii
ent,pnettlig arm vrti/ tract asplendtd new
uthilug on Wait cite. I
Confleteed.—The nomination of Mr. D. E,
Newt., 11. assegsor Of In tornol Mamma 7 10
.be al District, oas coulmati by the See
ate lioterdaY.
A Tree Mil was lonnt brand y thebrand do
ry yr:or...toy. astainst It I el Solon alias
H ann.. s ell, for osocealn4 at Lac
itle,ltitrust.- alibi. I
tietrl.•Clle...ll 1.. Move—Th. flittliF
lar 1nc.n. talt. pro-p:1r1.,, u.
11111 far., . eu muyte
equ..l One, tir,”."
Tbo Stn., kl. u Com
m liter, la , .itecceolutly c , ..olco=t l the J'
of 31.141:1' Lb L tool. 01PLO, thru.ll.o pie
pockets .toill.leves.
Michael fral,, an an.contting treaWer
of t Fenian utlwrl.l of Oil City, ,
Leen arresn,d. 11. n.l earn his daily thead
to apr.ou fora While.
illll4llC in enslnn brok
loosni: an in,sine Ilthvi,l in 0:1104 wl,l
chr111:11 Youngstown etxl k naked. A GICC
Ana .1111zepps.
82.500. 81,000 moon bat/0 in gold aro of
fgo rd a• prtsegs for coal nutting machine In
ventions In Chentifre, England. Cnntoon for
. . -
Nt.!ride.— Walter Cloe•r. of Columba.
Onto, planted ntu.elf io be hottocu ail la.
awn's river, where - he thrlial huc a to
The eoney formed an ”altgebmftiVi In
"1.4 eta a aline.. yr.lettley. 1 .arntSlZ t
oMorgood looking UM luattenthin yours
- The Argtilsit inn of tigtrime anti the
S,l. Work, the neat ?rat of ant,iallo.
that Allegheny City bash. ettlltt-litylailOtt.
The Sarnia re noun to have tempernil
to quitted their provincial tinntro ut oiler
11410u...end CollCtilitt lited la the City.
A - tetra, .n 0 Elimons Assortment of
Groh:Loom Shirt Fronts, at Murdock S.
Filth rtrrer.
Ploddco De milb.—stopbon Morilcon. leLt
School .4uoerlote:olcutof Lawieucucouuty
.11.1 sugdouly last we... -
nwlt ibidea into Oil lamps will diminish
the,. quentity 01011 censnmed and louLe a
more brilliant
• The leelarle• of the Allegbeny Police of
acorn were increased Inat evening. Now for
Joint Fritz is offered $12,000 per annum
to manage a rolling ml/1 BaltimOre.
Lucky Fritz.
Alderman Dosca.o.on, on Wednesday,
married a couple out. of ono hexane Into a
worms (Mel_
The :Great Republic, will Le ready on
Saturday afternoon' fur thu inepectlou
A Little Hey. named Futaht, was killed
Evenue w ceiling with; somu companions Dear
A' Pretrweted Ile«tiog getned thlrry
umnbers for the Cecil., U., Preabytecien
Heavy Theft.—A roan named Rambo. of
WNWlug, stole a two Inlncred pouad amV 11.
Governor GeIIIMY - . 63 pardoner lire
Barutaisel, an adult mem at Greenennin
The. WePshm of Allegheny aro LO
receive Increased ealarles hereafter.
one Unndred VW. s have been stowed
on the Groat Republic—piss of copper•
seventeen Feet of Inver In the Moues
gehele river, and falling slowly.
The Towlines of the t: rent Republic were
lusted yt !Wortley. All "uk."
The Tyrone and Iprburir L . rcilreed
to tau extended 11.13ed11.10y to iellriitdd.
Pareleo= reutre
swindle, upon • large bc•la.. to - bare • Mit
80 81.40 Per w
BArrel w.s the price of 01.1 9 t
unebar, k days ago.
NextMcbt the moon will
Onpartio ly tellpsed.
lo n be P
owt ion. us.—l VV, C. McCarthy,-
31,14 or, a
The ...W.., L invge l 9 at
tended ever)• evening.
mit •nova Out au Mum/ay-Thu
Great Ceramh.
People !Noll Is growing plenty In
In thin market.
•I - Legt•lateire witl adjourn on the.3,l
Ye•terdq alattruouo man altar • and
Huntingdon toonoy JfU weintiocco-
Dino Bird. Para Emula their •ppraranco
Chamberbbarg buing raptly built up
7.30`. tare being ennvorteel In 040 ityle.
Roaday wlil be S. Patrick% Day
Court Report. and additional
Teleiraw on Wourth Palm
- - CONDEStiIED Trax t esicais. Zd,,„ N IL
col. L. C. Turner, who so aceeptahloptea ll.
the otnee .Jeitgo . 'dlettatte of thelWur
Department, 14tet.erted 'donietOtattr
fromom an ~
orlexs; " , a-I.l.a.tton etty.
." Maj. Glen. Ildn^t, It to Witted, wm amt. s
tram F.:rt Leavenirez lb on ihe
oxPolitten azatost ttio•tmeithe Indians 10
Sen.!l.s nod 2.leUri.skai taltha trolloquipps4
The broblilaimedbythettebbincend
naw In the Tre.onry. beipmotlorialnelly
rite G..ner. 1 Uovernmeni, and'wei captut
1. the early pan of the rebalion by tUo rut.
als vr hihT in the mint. ' .
A biller from hCethnlle clergymen. in the
&limy o? e.t.ates cbst Col.
John G 'teeny. a oromineet•Yeni.n„ who
wont to Irelana toall
hlseloolee, is. b In JAtt..
. Teo
!.•ro of the comp .uy me - blear the
841110. which rtteufv!ed to , e ,, ‘
off with three Culled States .Lielotty Star.
abets, Boole wo..k. 'ago, were arn..3t4 In
Turk. on a charge of obatrucctog the .
Mtr.h..ll and n slAtiog the prOetaia Whoa tit
the truitcd Slates Court.
llenry J. l'orcoral cornmitted.anichle
Detroit, Mich !gun. on thu 13111. Canoe, CO*
roe•tto trouble. AllcOtiart State DemOCrallo DOWrtn.
t-nah.ou Wednesday, n :mutated Sanford if.
then. et ft.`gent'a Univeralty, for Cblet
Jus Ico of the Supreme Court. tie.loltit/OLLS
Vl/1•11. adopted dello:3l4 , lva the military ro•
uneu uctPat bill and dsclarlng the erdrah
chiar entof neitruts and .7f-franchisement
30103 emu, as pm horded by•
ti +nal net..., unen3.l Itutional.
Churl,. T. Wlhooch arm., on Weil/Uttar',
omluntgl hr the 1.70t011 Convent:err fix
Movor or Cinclllll3
Forth , L'a it ed States Martlestship Or Let.
islana there to gnat rivalry, stimulated no •
doubt by the (let that the amain.
meets of the tape are Feld to have been In.
creased to eZenert per annum by the passage
onto Itantirept bill. The statement that
;it Ito name of Gee: Freer Herron. (brother of
A. Herron E-q„, of Pittsburgh) now a red
dent or Ness Orisons, had_ been sent in by .
the President, hinontradieted, no
tine hevine yet bred , 13.1413.
Tat' it 'fl'ivtnevg..N °Meers say,,ts not
,not a. formidable as our turrettel wont
tors, and point to the osotuta of the Attar..
till atnt Tenfl..4ee, which aro typos Of the
B.m.lerberi, at erne% of their meertlons
A prise tight bete.. Sam Cteyer and
Barney Aaron has been arranged ttf come
011 n June next, for the championship and:
three thousand dollars.
Tire prijudlce against negro suffrage,
say., en Atlanta (Ga ) correspondent of the
Now York /braid, Is gradually giving way.
Too p , epic are P.LlZintlll to bare the recene
structlon ca.tlon settled PO I bat Northera
capital Couldfluw into the Mtate and deVe,is
op Its mineral and other Interests. • •
,At a banquet - of Abu Wastnnstois City
Pre-sClub, On Wednesday night. about ttars •
ty newepepercorrespnndenta were present
and b , shly enjoyed it...wires. Speecbee,
were made by Sgeulcnt Coltez, Dori fferley
Pa:lroned otters.
The Executive Committee of the !few
York Board . of Fb e li.surance Companies
resolved that where the doors anti windows
'of bulidings located is streets lees than
eighty feet in width were so constroeted as
to ad CO it o , their being opened from the Oti4
side In ease 'uf etnerroney. a`deduction Of
iant Celltri way bo wade from the standard
rate. All stores which have hoistways,
410MMIell. etc., Inside of the building with•
out iron coveringe, shall be . charged Vett
cents addition to the standard rate.
The bone° of Mr. Snell, In the town Of
Jefferson, tup miles trona Chinas° CRY,-mail
entered by burglars on Toesaiwy night, ann.
!rum 46,000 to {IOW() mero stolen. N 044105
known 01) it as lowbo they were
The Owlet. In the novelty works. Utook•
C. W.. eeplo lea yesterdui, lolling two
men theaskalr. (Jae hody was blown into
three pieces, and the trunk *di found ono
hu..died yut.te from the scene of the exp.o.
aloe. Soverul others were severely Waled,
tool one bus wheedled.
Diptherla la a typhoid form bin hews , "
an epitomic in the Graf and dumb asylum
a C , lumbu., Ohio. There aro over thltty
The eel - foul le dlepersed, and paper
are being aent /maw as fast as posenbia.
rtAlrBrfrA.E, C. W., Dl•"eh Lea••
of Jwwaa Nvilkin. was dr•Lroyed g bot
nttalt. Five chll.lrvn were badly nurnat
and T. wro urn DCL eivect.oll W /1..0.
Bytelee Over she hihmt...lpPl.
MWDISt.. %VIA.. game 14.—The tO
•••-1.1,02 tlir 14 irea:enppl, et e teer4n, Ilea pu
e ;
YEW LiD V EHrise. ciIEN TS,
No. I 8 Pau rth ttrer.,l%.l.otirito. Pa. CtFTINN
I• .41 Lind.: l , tt 41 . 1 t, Ot.ttl Ls. tiati2 rvert Ur.
, rlpti-r. Lit Fun, a Vim ti..1.1.1‘ Goode 1d1 . 31.•
..•nnu• day •0.1 nista. Buns aLrot
,'arrag, • f t•nt-ticd.
- • D.‘l4ln.
It) ) T. WIIITE ..17 - CO, •
. •
Mallet:tenet% Wood.. Hun ssd
COFr IN ROOMS AT maNclitsrui
Corner Shelrlehl and Chartter• streets
nestle son Ctansiett Ittrolabed.
••CW.l . s..kers • the laNinst sleben..
MP pi L., nr ..erncl.r., except out. le this nee a
ea• Imow , ll4is.
le wrW `
Meg ner
ow ls/ lots. carnal
.•.. 4 • ti , .. !way ns o f COO!.
WATC/ . 16:5. CHAltid AND
6 Wylie St., 3d door from
I. R.
Fine Watches, flocks, Jewelry,
80. 114 LIBERTY STRWR...
.Pittlooltovirg,33, .IPcomasoo
S Particular situation dive!, to sooatruag
;Osten.% Clerk. mad JamsLry. AU work Wild
GaS and Steam Fitters,
• large assortment or
Chandeliers, Brackets, Lead Pipe"
Pumps. sheet Lead. &c.,
161 wood Street, near Six%
cuet322.46.api IB BT
Vb.; 92 Federal Street,
Practical Furniture Manufacturers
i 7
Was" atTles of FITRNITifftZ - ono•uon'T o 3
I TUE 4: ge . bi l le i p:r i l l ie Ben
t. Cy RE r.1,6R
27 FIFTH •TRE22,
Fix mstblae..aud bola 'borttime. for fate
1471. KIM?: VI a! rtl.,
CIRh ore...
IttellilES of the •Rr best for hire a%
illoward's Livery Stable,
rim trees. Dear
areas .ttea•lVa p•ld to wlll4 Sad " 2,
Lt;r7V.l 11;:11.7.1Terf•
71 1 t , `_\ -
; I ', , '