DR. y Tit G. SMILEITER, bOCCESSOII TO GARDNER it SCHLEITER F 92 Market Street,' Offers a Large Stook of SPRING DRY GOODS, AT THE CHEAPEST lIARKET PRICES. AT EATON'S, New Bal. Skirts, NEW STYLES HOOP SKIRTS, New Style Hair Coils, - NEW LOT WATERFAIL.PARS, New Bead Drop Trimmings, ME it 8E.41 urr New Guipure Lame, - BEAL AND 111, VAL. LACES, AT I'.ll. V4.2k.704301N'5, 17 Fifth Street, 17.11.--3.11L1D HOOP SKIRTS AT LESS THAN CO,T. fe w NEW GOODS • OPENING DAILY. MACRII3I. & CARLISLE Jro. 19 Pit th Street, Are . openthedalli • NEW AND DESIRABLE GOODS. 1:61(715 NEW ovraraz B &tiff for DrES , MATINEE, ERODE AND OPERA KIDS. PATENT L It Tile. NEW istEnvi. on....Al r gand CEIV WlElVlrMilaltiMPalltNETer ail slzes. GUIPIIIIMII.AMIS—new Myles. READ DIM PS AND VAINUES. NEW LACE CuLLAIi.S. De4lers,_ Supplied - NEW YOBS JOBBERS' PRICES. DiACREII & CARLISLE, No. 10 191.recot. ie2s • . NEW' GOODS! NEW GOODS I = • JOSEPH RORIE'S do CO.'S. _ ,L a ara now oyanallag a !lige and wall-aelected .tuck of 3PIt,ING GOODS ciabricbg s.l that Is new sad deal/able, pn , . Dren Trmanth go, Said Fringe., to White, Black and Amber • Bead Trimming, indpute and Lnre, kointe and Apidiene Lanni Lace and Crape Vella,. ;lenge, Grenadine ald Tlerne, . kfmnbnig 2dge mid iamertinlik• A full Coe of LIICLN HANCEESCHIEPS Irk Plata, Hewed. klem•tt.ched, le.mbrOdcred Lad which we are offering at watl low prlem• IstITTONS la grunt variety. emulating ol 'AWL. wwlvet. Crochet at d Steel. MLR. TOWELS, at AS cents ea ah—aamething ne. , • - Sloop Skirt.; Corsets, Seto. Reit Cla.nq .13.3.1rg. Ribbons. Piowerr. and Prunes. STRIPED PS.IIITI R6—A Large aback Pat In serted or rioter paiternr. Ilalosorai bursa and Traveling B Foil Hoe or 141.1iVE6 and 1100100. . tiUiL WIIULISALS: IrouSln, up 1411(1, 111 e' found well Rooked S AS fe good', which sir Ora to tbe irado at TELliti PRICE& JOS. HORNE Sc - CO., 77 and 79 Ilarket Street. fc:3:00 • • NEW SPRING GOODS. We are Ind receiving a full tied COMP/ern WOOk fee ow dieing Inlet. con otst lug of_ WEITZ geridli., Endo dened Cale:thee., et an oneta, nwien dulls, and PlainNalownons, Victoria Lawns, Linens. LP. 11 Canine!. non Lawn. Tucked Cambric Skirting r.3lllltultiElti an— roll ilea Jaeonet Edging , end Ineertlogs„ Walburg Editing. and in•Yrkt Inge Jxonet and Umlaut* liounelors. Teen= Cao,bde nand., Dimity Ilandi, Infants Enprol de red Unties and Wald.. • tiarrE4, heal Point, and Appliq Lace and Zoning., Vaieoeta. Maltase, ant Clu ue ny. Thread and guipure Luna and Edging,. Imo Val. La ne Editions and Iti.ertlugy HANielillitCHlEPt, Veal Point and ApP119... Tlitead, iisd Val. Trlinen, Ylaln. Eminni . tiered and Itomeettiehea Linen. a a;11d1116!AINET nIIIHUDId, Trimming aad lieeY ILIB Wt: a. . . BULL Walt ALEXANDRE. RID GLOVES I' Lad ea. Genie and Ilia es. • • • cIASSETS mot Hour I.BlBTik, anakes, • Waterfall Pula. lints Bolls, Loronetßanda, . Nets. de FULL Liter. ENTS F 0 UOOO3. COUNTRY DCALEtin, mad AL. who buy sell stain. will find in our Wholessie Deport • meta. *Anod Moonment, Lad us low as EASY , YCI tl. DIACRUBII, CLYDE & CO 78 and 80 Market Street, 10419ElcCAPLUIEVOI & CO., 1171V7u.scas. CA= a C 0.., 130.LEF1M,X DYALMAB 113 FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS zaa. VIM& lalrcacact Itled nous bov• Dhazos.f.A F. KIISSMANN, Fifth Streelt,b etween Tunnel and.Chathuns Streets,' Gunsmith and Dealer In Hardware. First Us. goodaof all de,etlptloa.alwafeon band .4 vadat Ml* lowest prima. wnalnaa vwfolt•w abortmostl fa. trat..Ape T • BLACK, • • Cf.A.z3IE.3I2Z2"TrEIrt. Srl2-‘122. Three door, *Sore SailLtdield Street,• PIrTr%BUIZGII, PA. `Ever! kind °Mork dons on the chortut notice a p n ai m oJotnnna.ble tem. raicuarnention PIANOS t PIANOS I I—An entire uneraurek of liN Alift CO.'S VIA 303, eeLlet are now COP slaered the beet made: also 1131 e , BIDYS. CELEBILATEU 1.3AN03. Woe ittorald. reIIODA weal 01a Ant clost nano are C. speetfutly terlted to eel *ad examine before, yuredasing c/se4here cummarTr. BLUME, dolt •43 Pifth 1-111.illt b.. MOSER, • A- 0 491.38. 4 0.823 . 33Crefigh YltUiT ASSOCISTION RUTLOING. N 00.2 and 4 ST. CLAIR STIMET, PITTSBURGH, Special attention rota to the cIeGRAP`S PA, holidats ci Coon istcuss and public toutialsl.• OW/ ' FIN - AN CIAL ANIA PENNSYLV STATE LOAN. PROPO MS FOR I LOAN OF $23,000,000. AN ACT To Create a Loan FOR THE REDEMPTION OF The Over-Bne Bonds of the Commonwealth. Wnzitimt, The bond, of the Commonwealth d certllneertift.tos of Ipdobtedness, log to twenty-three rollllosu of dollars, have been over doe and unpaid for some time past === awed he p.id, and withdrawn from %ha market ECU= ISLC SION 1. Be It encideri by the Senate and limn RPr etenta q,* of the Col2llll‘mmalth elf Penn- o/vania (n Genera( Assembly met, anti a is Am,- try enacted by the authority of as That the 1= Wad are hereby, Authorized sod emprowered to borrow, on Abe faith of the Corambowealtb sick amounts and such notice, (not less than forty days) a.a they may deem most c.ipedt or the interests of the State, twenty-three 0.. Of dollars, and Issue tcrUdeatea of loan bonds of [ho Comm.:oreslth for We same = cantata per unbent, payable send-annually, on be Ent of February and first of Anon, lathe Olty - of Philadelphia, which certificates of 10 • tontla ihall not be sub)ect to ..o tazatto• whatever, for litate, mualcipal,or 10.1 purpo- and shall be payable as Collars, namely: Fly Infous of doilara payable at any time after liv 'yeah .4 wftlan ten 7..: elight .41/114t. dollars. payable at any tlme after tab TeataarLd thin fifteen Tear', and ten rtittlons of dal! ny time after fifteen years an d within toren = CM •or and State Treamarts, and countersigned • Auditor Ucaersl.4 registered In tlie bo3k .f the Andttor enteral, and to be transferable the books ottbe,Commoutrealth, at the Tar n• mid Mocha !,Us , Nationll Bant of rtalse delphLl; the proeceds of the whole or which Including prearleme, cd" cetera, received the same, *hall be applied to the parraent at he bonds and certificates of indebteZness of the I= Sic. 2. The bids for the said lulu shell be pelted la the Pretence of the Governor, Auditor General and State Treaeorer, and awarded to the highest bidder; Pm>klaf. That no certirlute hereby authorised W Del.:Led, shall be aegoilso =I ta.G. 7. mo bands or thellicana and cettletnates f indebiednese, now over due, shell be receive- ble In payment of the said loan; order each reg nlattous u the Governor, , dltor lieneral tad State Treasurer may prescribe; and e'er,. bidder for the lows, now authorised to be boned, WWI te . lc sal. bid whether the sable Is parable lo •b or In the bonds or certificates of ladebted- s of the Commonwealth /SW. 1. That all trustee.. executors. 1L.d.31121S- trators. gunrdl ms. urea& treasurers, commit- ices, or other persona, holding Ina ildaciary ea Poetr. bonds or cortlacsteo of Indebtedness the State or moneys, are hereby authorized to bld for the loan hereby antboslsed to be homed, d to surrender the bonds or certificate • of loan held by them at the time of making such bld, d to receive the bonds suthorissd to be lusted CZ= Sac. S. layperson or persons Blanding to the t fiduciary capultr st dln the fourth sectioa of this set, who may eslre to ' lnvest money In their hands far th e be nefit of the trust. may, without slay order o court, Invest the same In the bonds authorised to he booed by this set, CO I= PLC. d. no. D'art and after the paaealle oft.M. all flu bonne octal. Commonwealth than be veld aria the order of their maturity gee, 7. That all loans of this Commonwealth net yet doe, stain be .ernot from State, meal : " Gk. 7 0 . 410 I o b . o gy 1 . : 1 / 2 1 rr t .5.141:5 ettt.r.. rtfitanims, & Anchor Cotton Mills. Pittsburgh, Yanufu[nrrn of ,ANC/1011(A) SIFIEETINGS), ANCIIOR (B) 141113:711110n. A€CUOM (C) lIIILEETINfiIk All BATTEN. - W . A. LEW-IS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, No, 93 Diamond—Street, MEM JOHN W. RIDDELL, ATTORNEY AT-LAW, OEMS: No: LW IForp.ra STIMET, EOM H . C. siscsuELL, ATTORNEY a COUNSELLOR AT UW, • No. 60 Grant &root, PITTSBURGH, PA. mr24.. B . F. BROWN, Mote Local claim Ascot. U. 2. S. 001ce, No. 67 Fourth St., second door, ierrrastraen, PA. PINSION?, BOUTIR, AND BEES OY PAY Promptly Collected. No elszlee =We 01311 damn are settlied,; aad then but • modetate fee. m7=b3:l $lOO. ADDITIONAL BOUNTY. LOST DISCHARGES. BOUNTY. Soldiers who bare lost their intense.* oertifi rates uld who are dth,wlse entitled to the adol Moat SIM) bounty. e.n 5170 Mar edits at tended to by cslliog on or addressing W. J, it HILL PiTTERSON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW AND CLADS AGENTS. feta = SOLDIERS' BOUNTIES, PENSIONS, Extra Bounties, Back Pay, kr., Collected In the shorten namable time. by 571 I=3 V FS JUliN'tl. LAMBIL, Attaraeys at Law. . 0111c4. Igo. 114 /Ina street 4l , _ t•ITTOLITTO,I JOHN A. StRAIN. .AS4=l EMI& MAST. , Ex-Officio, instge of the Peace AND POLICE YLUItITBATE. Ocoee, 112 Flftb St. oppoelte.Cathedral, MMETM3I Deed., Donde. Mortaagyo-Acknowledlrmeata, IttpcwlElon. and all tarsi Madamcrenated /IM , toys and dispatch. ni719:81 WILLIAM JANCEY. NOTARY I'vßLtc JUSTICF 11CTRL PKAOIt AND lin AL ESTATL AUENT. Unlce,oorner or 8011 , and rracor streets. Laerrenceillla orD,7lll:ll7n2, ` ;tm=rii ur irr.. sgdsg: preparation and acknowledgment al ell kinds of Legal Converanceh • JANCEty, Jostles GAM* Nays and Notary Yuntle. m}3:0.38 EILTBTACE 8. 118[01tROW, • ALDERMAN AND CONVEYANCER, 72 Pennsylvsuila Avenue. het _el the Wain atti emits Oaths Skeet CHATBLIM T. EWEIG, Attorney at Law, Ma 69 Grant Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. P. I. win .r um n o n thero HenturM ea JOUN C. DIcCOMBS, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, No. 87 Fifth Street. ./7'l . eusloos. Bounties. and Amass of Pay A~••tuntle euneet•vl. neinoin 77 . nM lALITSBURGII BREWLAIG CARSON, DARLINGTON & CO MLA .1111STISS in HOP DIEM, soooooooro to JOSIIIIA lITIODSJI & CO., lintsbais WM. W. ASIDEILSO3I, &Washita _ • • The attention of tho =Om= of the two duets -Inparticulaa if Welted to ..or ALES AND PORTER. Which. through the careful selection of Mats hum • • r eziendre ertantrif f...o.illues and Hops from the yard. last ced K wt... ga paarantee to be pare ani aaLlsblee bade. Our IN DID LE E tothe Idonly commended by.eollllg. O claea for tiTsuottonsers =lts 0 411141. 4 :4. ° V;.? " mc. "". C:riefoplaitesse Jiff "ILIA Allq, none:. ALLEGRINI BREWERY. Having purchased the old established Brewery kocorstas the ALLEUHEBY BREWERY, for merly ouned b Caropuell Benchm, we 'Mad I.form the pOO llO that we IllatheuEllothillethE the sotautscture SPRING WATER ALES, Made from rare Spring Water, and from our Mantles had long experience In the imainesa, feel satlancd that we will be enabled to glee entire “tlefaction to those who may favor tuwlth their pawner.. lESTMCMZE a' 465 Rebecca Street, ALLEGHENY CITY. .R-All order. left at BROWN • GRAHAM'S. 903 Liberty street, Plttabargb. RAI be promptly attended to. .6,161 PROM STUN BREWERY JOB. PEA le tick ---- EiTtg7IIMITUT Ale, Porter and Brown Stout, PITTSBIIIIGH, RIIIIIVRT VITA TRW!, Nam gum, 1•1f:Mt Vdsop6lolUeKcY:t:Vo44hts;(!_l HEILLIEIIIC & JOHNSON, • m. , ra.,seroxcia.m. Plumbers, Gaa and Steam Fitters Tllrß STREET =TENSION. P/.. 111 orders by mall executed satisfactorily ano promptly attended to. A full hoe of Bath Tubs, Pumps, Zulus, Water , lemets, Molts, Chandeliers, rendanta. and Ou Shades for aal• at ma most reasonable press. Orders from country patrons by mall prompt. ly attended to. Cum Haw of eserydeserl o don BAILIFF BROWN & • No.BB TroclortAllSt“ ALLEOIZEorr cirr. P 4., puntinEnok, o, GAS AND STEAD Dirt it 17170 keep alw-yr oh STE AD line aahortmaut of WYDRANTIA • SHALT LILD LEADDIPt. BATHTUBS. WASD BA BINS. MIT AND Hawse cuCid Ina W may dais for nuns ap public or VITO* totpaltOrt with 11Atl. WATEttor TE &M. Da.trot DRUGGISTS 0.3.110 s ....... at. 111. SNOCKI/Wii• GEORGE A. KELLY & CO.. "Wholesale Druggists, 31 Wood Street, • rommeAssiut., orrux j , CH WHAT): rtir !WIN rt POTAI9JUM, alWai flEttrEl, 24 /THATIC BILNZILI STANUALIID CHEMICALS, poi' DRIUGSt DRUIII,II6II 1113.11611111 JAMES T. SAMPLE RAWINti 9IKtsIHT THE WELL KNOWN Dales 110Unt UN CUlt- 711ESAL Anil) B.On/ICSUbt arm, ALLEUUBNY• 15 , 111keeponband a Sall assortment of all kindle:, 14.17 t,d 'shish win D be sold thud. , sews IX , w Pse la QS two ens.. sercrlotlo. eareally pmand by • tint, ewer drawee. (II Uses .rr LaYIIFSBI and Y.LSClsciars on band.