9 B Erac 1 31 ?1 , 71-sn.L1r, REA.lcea 1,11, 1515. PnEsrpurr, us reported, has appotided Sieliles, ThOCIM, Schotleld, Ord and Sheridan as commandants un der tholltittary .Reconstruction Bill, he hanreasonabl„T satisfied the just dernand" ric..si), fn introducing the I be last, Congress, • did 'not d' be acted noon presently. - get it before the Corn -14 ys and lleanS 'as early as • to give tints for the ran , ation of it. Moo . Tariff la/1 of espea it +pro Els are mince of plea cones CI3I.EV CI ICE CHASE bas wisely re- W'lieq..tha n• ne but lawyers offirst class al(aiunien s and standing shall be ap pointed Rcgietrurs under the Bankr4t Bill. Whether the law avill be allowed , to.sUtnd will depend greatly on the fidel ity and intelligence with which it sludl be worked: Ton President does not deny the ac curacy of his Repudiation conversation, as detailed by General Halpine. Ile only says he will not beleld answerable for that report. The Judiciary Com- Mittee, however, has summoned the General before it to testify touching the conversation. . A. mu. has been. introduced into the Ohin Legislature to punish by fine and impriscinnient any school-teacher who flogs a impiL listing abolished the whipping poet as an instrument of penal law, and prohibited flogging in the Ar my and Navy, consistency iconires that flagellation should lie stopped in places of publia..histnntion. • COPSOLTDATIOS.-A bill has passed, and become a law, consolidating the Borough of 3tanchestar with the City of faleghenyi annexing to Allegheny so much of Maclure township, as is cm -kited by extending the north line of Manchester to throw into the city the Water works situated on Troy nil]; also, to annex the Borough of Dhquesne to Allegheny, provided its voters, at their regular election, to be held tomorrow, Audi consent. Tan rebel Senate of Loul3lana is deeply concerned for the Federal. Co nstitution, width it holds to ho infracted by the Military Government - law. Don't those Senators "know it Is uncon stitutional to let rebels, such as they arc, lice? Their are spared *lmply be, Cause the laws of the land are not en forced against them. Of all men, they are the last who should insist on a rigid construction and fulfillment of constitu tional provisions. GEN. lianatuars is the new Governor Of New Hampshire by 3,000 majority. In oddities, all three of the members of Cot:lamas are Republican; as before. In the first district Mr. Ela succeeds Mr. Marston; in the scion,' Mr. Stevens suc ceeds Mr. Rollins, and.iu the third Mr. BetittM iticeeeds Mr. Patterson. Both branches el the Legislature are largely Republican, The fact is the Republicans of New Hampshire have been doing so well for years past, they can do better only by annihilating their opponents. 'EOUTFIERISI L!TITEJTiON There is perfect concurrence ofl testi mony establishing the fact that in many districts of Ihe South the inhabitants are in bore distress for the means of sIIIII3II - .Sothe have actually died of star vation, and thousands more are in great danger pf meeting the same horrible fate artless relief shell be afforded them either by the interposition of the na tional tovernment or by private -con tributions on the part of citizens of the Northern-and Border States. Doubtless this destitution is one of the sad penalties'entailed by the Rebellion; but that circumstance is far from coas', Sating a valid reason for permitting it to* go unrelieved. Humanity and patri otism alike revolt at such an intimation. While the war lasted, the disloyal peo ple of the South were, indeed, public en emies, and were justly treated as such. Butthe war was prosecuted, on the na tional side, in order that the people of the two sections might not be separated and estranged, but be bound together by bands, not simply of constraint, but - Tof mutual benefit and happiness. Whatev er vindictiveness MILS exhibited on the part of the rebels, none was manifested or felt by the people of the North. The war is happily closed. The sufferers not only share our common humunity,which mnkeaa tender appeal in-their behalF; but they nre'our countrymen; members of the name political family, their dei tiny knit together with our destiny, so that we are one and inseperable, and is - eo etiolate a sense that a part cannot suf fer without tiro whole eaperlancing in. The New York Tribune, some days *pi, in one ofthose eccentric outbursts by *hick it de.ights to startle its read ers and affront the common sense Of the country, advanced-the thesis that suffer ing, the natural re.ault of wrong delis, aught neither to be preyented or:inetll cated. • The proposition that suffering Is the best part of sin, and , the beat medi cine therefor:le sonorous, but it is not true. Notis genuine man hr. :woman in thernalinn consents to it in its application to the peculiar phase of suffering at the South to which attention Is called. - A propositio.iis before Congress, teal). preprints a million of dollars in relief of this destitution. The Maryland Legis lature has granted-ono hundred 'thous and dollar&ter'the same pizipose. Tate benefactions, to. considerable amount., have gouelorward, and, under the, urgent 'appeal` of General bowel:n . that all the aid is_needed that can be ob• tained, the tiotv, tie trust, will be both continued and increased. A A GACIAT ENreapa A Mills now be:oro the Legislature incbrPOinting a company to construct-ft tunnel front twine point not designated in 'the city of Pittsburgh, on the treat. ward of Liberty street, to run under the Allegheny and Illonortaattela rivers, or, in part, under the Ohio, to such points as may he-malected by_ the company ini West Pittsburgh or Temperencesillo, on the one side, and Allegheny City en tbe; other- Whether; tbe Proposed tunnel will , be like the letter Y or V we are not able to state, but its object is to connect this city with froth .the north and south banks of the rivers *bleb' libtind it on both sides—the one branch terminating at snow place in the lower part ofAllegbe ny; thoother;_probably_ The corporators named in the bill are B. C. 12ovryer,Jr., Tbomai :Reel, P. R. Vole, IL A.. Weaver, C. Really, John 0. Barr, J..B..Rennedy, Samuel McKee, A. L. Robinson, T. J. Binibatn, A. G. ployil; , Samuel Withie*un, dud. Say-.I d0r,13. L. Bowman, Wm. Perkins, Adam - Apple, Wm. Smith, Stephen IL Geyer, Joshua Rhodes, Wm. IL Brown, and Phillips. The compaity are to have the power to Nike on bowls and mortgage of the tun nel and th:lstock of the company, the sum of one lllion of dollars* for carry ing out the pUrposes of the act. The usual provisions with recard to private 'interests are inserted. It also authorises £he company to lay down in said tunnel two railway tracks, starting front, a point in tLecity of Pitts , mrgli mutually agreed uponhy the city authorities and the company, atni — traversing the' most direct route to said tunnel, and through the same to Allegheny City, West Pitts— burgh, &c. Whether these are to be street rail-• roads, or continuations of some of our main lines of road does not appear from anything we yet haste. Most like ly, however, they are to be ordinary street railroads, to be operated by horse power, and that the tunnels are to he groat gas-lighted thoroughfares, free to all who willpay the toll. We think it is eschew) to supersede the long-talked.of tripartite bridge; sad as it will avoid any obstruction to steamboat navigation it is a great improvement over that scheme. If well lighted, as it may be, this tunnel will afford grant avenues to the Ofrritory outside of our now contracted limits. ,zritc EQUALISIIiG BOUNTIES It is well known that as the war pro gressed It became necessary to offer larger bounties for military serrice, just as it became necessary to pay higher prices for arms, ammulition, clothes, provisicas, and what not, for the use of the armies. No one pretends that the Gdivirnment failed to meet Its bounty cantricts with men who enlisted. What they agreed to take they got; whd the Government bargained to give, it paid. It would seem that here oulht to be the end of this business. Some people think differently. Accordingly, a bill was passed by the House of Representatives, at the last session, to give the earlier re: emits the sum of four hundred millions of dollars. Where the money was to come front the members who voted fUr the bill did not stop to enquire. Either they expected the Senate would kill the bill, or that they should discover the bottom of the siring box in the Treasu ry. The Senate did defeat the bill, for which the eeuntry owes t hat body thanks. It is presumable a large Majority of the soldiers entitled to morey, by the terms of this bill, are about es well off as it it had passed. The bulk of the money would have stopped short on the hands of speculators. Already two bill arc before the House, renewing the proposttibn to equ alizu bounties. Does anybody suppose the speculators would be content with the passage of one or both tkese bills? No sooner would they be done with tkose jobs, that they would bring fairward schemes for equalizing the pay f men who furnished material. The sooner an ead is made of this whole business the better. 31embera who do not want to bankrupt the gaterernment refrain from countenasteing schemes of this des cription. OEM According to the French census taken is 466, and just published, the main- Lion. exceeds 37,000,000. The increase during the last ten years, not including Savoy and sic,', annexed by treaty with is 1,300,000. Some facts of, yet more general inter est are disclosed. The (death-rote is steadily diminishing. The inhabitants, on the average; live longer, 'and have better health, thin formerly. Tins is exact accordance with the retu most European countries, as well the United States, however It may Dint with popular opinion. The birth rate, also, Is lessening; that is , as many children are not born now, in propor tion to the population, aa in former times. ItscentlY the same fact was brought out, as to Masssachasetts, l and the inference Was unwisely taken that the vitality of the native inhab itants was dying out. It might more plausibly have been conjectured that the emigration of the young and middle-aged people from that Common. wealth, leaving an unusual ratio of old ones behind, explained the phenomenon. 'And this movement tray well ho charged with part of the result. But, it will hardly be pretended that the Fretich people are decaying. To a largo extent they are accepting the doctrine of 31AL. Toes that it Is wrong to bring into the World more children than can be fairly provided for in the respective families. COURTING TiIE.IICACKS The New York World recently im plored the. Southern Democrats to. "court" the black men, their neighbors,. into whom hands Congress delivered bal letic. There are reasons for thinking that advice will be heeded to a consider able degrez; the elder of which is the military protection vouchsafed to the blacks. Up in Nebraska the negroes were allowed to vote In order 'to get the Territory admitted as , State. No military commandant is *iir will be charged with they duty 'of seeing - the black voters have fair play; and e. the Demmats seem inclined ,to dispense with the "courting , ' pr - The Chs.. d,-" ..ao Charter election was Lehi at Omaha last Monday. A Democratic mob took possesaion of the 'polls and drove the blacks away. This mob violence had been pre arranged, and by a pre-conßert• ed movemint when the negroes cameno to vote, they were stopped outside by the mob. The Democratic officers of the law were present and witnessed the mob violence and trampling of the la under ft- foot, but did not suppress it; and ILI the Third ward the Democratic judge of election, with a certified copy of the Territorinl law, under which he decided he was acting, refused to receive a negro elector's vote. We .attention of the World to these doings. Can't It urge its friends is Nebraska to "court" In a more loving manner? !Tnn Memphis/Midis, edited by "Ad miral Semmes," late of the rebel priva teer Alabama, in dealing with the veto of the Military , Uoverument bill,says: "Unfortunately for.PresidentJOhnson, however, he has been guilty of sd many Palpable violations of the Coniditutiom himself that no one can give him credit for sincelity when he undertakes to de- i fend that instrument. Au WIC can write better peace proclamations and veto messages, or make better speeches in de fence of constitutional liberty than Pies- Went Johnson; but then every reader of these productions has constantly pre sented to kis mind the painful contrast between what he says and what he does." -The Num] of the Into Professor J. H. Alexander, of Baltimore, in accord. once with bin owe request, ook place at midnight, Bundey, the attendants carry ing torches. —A propoeition has gained favor In Virenia to snalce-produo a legs/ tender. - Tog hearings lasfy o i. o t h e l iquor l aw conoitittto of, cati the ',lass isetts lure are disetoel ag the opinions of some of the ert , i. , P, men of the country in re lation to th', hest method of dealing with the es , ' of intemperance. On Friday, Bev: D. Peabody, of Harvard College, lentil ed that in his judgment proltibitci ryl.ezislation has done .but little good. P. hail been almost without birect in re ducing the sale of liquor in Cambridge. The most equitable legislation would be that which should Impose the cost of pauperism and crime resulting from in temperance upon the liquor sellers. Mayor Lincoln. of Worcester, stated that in spite of the most energetic efforts to enforce the prohibitory law in that city; intereperance had not decreased. Hey. Dr.' Bacon, of Yale College, New Hay en,;saitl that although the prohibitory law bad been somewhat effective at first, ; there was now more intemperance in the city where he resided than ever before. The present law tended to demoraliza tion. It was better to regulate the evil of drinking than to attempt to suppress it. Rev. Dr. Ide, of Springfield, Mass., testified that in hie experience intermit:— I/MCC had increased during the preva lence of 'the prohibitory law_in that State. —The midnight meetings for the re dal:nation of fallen women have, been in operation in Loudon for tiro years with the following result: Five hundred and eighty-three women were restored to psrents and friends, 1,000 were placed in service, 66 married, Ii were reconciled to their husbands, 400 were assisted to ob tain employment, 4 emigrated, 4 were sent home to the Continent, 0 were es tablished in business, 470 left or were dismissed, and 2:io were sent to the hos pital. WANT BUFFETED Bottled Ales, London rooter. Brown clout. To got genuine Imported Lidanott Ale, Porter or Brown ntoet, Pan been limes , in Imposstlillity In this ell'. uotultle.tandlug that there are few tonics more meltable for weakly persons and Ins - alio, The want nes at length been suppled. A larg • assortme t t or Ihn une.t brands, com u rlelng BArch.) , ,t Perkins' Louden Stout, Batt & Co 'a t ale • le, Campbell's Beetch Ale, etc , dust recePgatlitt Ji/S-Pll PLEMINU'S DEB/ Slant Ft, No. el Market street. ant Is said hr the cam nr single bottle, at the lowest rates. Alsm a complete block of the I ten Liquon for madlcenal pinlrotem, and Canebben's cp./Allen Ale • the ilgest.artlele In use. Remember the Wane, JOSEPLI FLT-lIING'S DEM) AND 'PATENT niErneiNz DEPOT I No. $4 .liwket. strew, What Sway Ointment Will I—lt will cure Itch to from I' to 49 hours. 1.-14 will owe the most ot.stlaeto tams of Tel, ter. I—lt eta cure Cbronlz Erys!prier of tan fate. 4—lt will 1411 Roca I . nosh! Heed. .5 ,4 •115,1 I curt- Itcbtee trupllon. s-4 will to•ltiveiy cure aillkln I)lueues. 7—Use oWAYrin't, ,ULOTAANT and acraiels no Mo. ..i . r t. cil•• Dr. Stearne'• Ointment, . 7 TICTTEIV. "17 . 1117" .Dr. Aurysque, Utototro7, "'SETTER" "TRITER" "ITCH" NEVER. EIYUWN "IEI . rrav• •UPC7I,, •••raTTK ••ITell ,, TO FAIL "TATTER" "ITC 11" "tErte.R., rryinund Only by Dr. trA'"AYNE d. SON, Poll- Ade: Sold by :AII:LAIR/AS A. AN 7 - NA N. t.r, YAr..et sw,rl. tilt,. A. A EL.LY, Wood st.. FLAMINI/. ro4 AlerL,., 5,.. 11.. cor. eaa sod stryels, burgh: 5111 A 1/LU/11, arrt,•l2-,Ts • • EON STK PATIOS. I OW TO EV Ecr A c1:111 Al]' Asa 1 . E.1t- MAN aNT CitliE,' .. ..lotratoecurastlons p...•- a•oy.., to cuati tort. etvrel , lty thole which allow but little (met... Verret. who caatroct the unfortunate Lahlt ta . he Ir. I:lden...oh rulletrabyett•n, Lae elr e , y meat. ororre.of thore •ttl. lint;l ut hy Ilicat, cer tain Ilatl•ut. to a ee/7 .ottl. ~ l borarr. Alt Lae online, •to rente.ll..l art lavarla , ly ..x.ravate tr. Noth,a, can I s e .a. t . e In.lurt.a. thou ttle e.ontlnned atrotte ape . 1 1 ,..• a, rt•st Irtlt , te.an.l east!, atm.., pt.aly se huorels—r..e.t. runt thei turola that vaunt,. .I,es ofrathartle cart n kin,. .e • Vii etri rr upon • ir 1,1 So. rt. h . o,4.h:rata art, a gent.: o.ltatcla t, lath. , true r. nte.lt au.t • coral, nation In the htt nee" arnpurttan. or Irareiltr 01 11 Lola In Pr,' roll, bTIt%I.O.CH rThhs. Th. (sawn. etotnaehle inelg , roreo the whole Int. at. nal roual, he quietly retrorlz loin Itt rnavr , lutloas in, 11,ta. ho s tree pa.taoe thronot. In Co pargt,ly, an 11114 .tur. pc,: ton. Ordinary stt.nu'ant *Alit, to tiie iiolPrt. I C • 1 I n ••L 41 at bp, ciis dortineo . m,Pesi . ye la en curra • lear lotell• try the Ittlt. Ta tbote who have tried ltte trtealethea or LP< .prp.ary •ara, sat. try tit • Irrt ttinit.lay on.l I.o' dent. The, Is pu toy..ten I tons...ray Cu , .!?. Pal hin thou a he the or sedentary habits. noilwra out.h:). In, the •Igot• vrea , .l net...rata. cerloe.l from exerelae. volt In all CS , V.III roots, the gly•- tem to perform Its exeratory laractlnns regularly Ono height:n:ly. l TUE HONEY or WRITE PINE Will that I.laaltableTacl ' ec sklll and is u to the of New England, mad worthy of the Ina:loot or the hooe7•bro only SAIL Sc. 5WErr. cr Bostea, 441,:ra. !me ont4t:thrrii4tsirk „,•.iO ' ns • . variety or diseases of lila Livid imilidneys, and rnmmon swam, and me ••WII/TIL rs NY. can POUN U... Dr. barart SITS that It Is sweet and palatahl .01. readily latch both by children hod admit orlg!nally known toitm anortwinez. orti, • armed the threats of thole States, ashl ored lb a tinily of 411mcsacs, etp.elally those of l aCorLutle character. It Is a earn cure for DIA ETZP, Iiff.AVEL, Z\Ultthly, lILUVU X AND the troutrlcauroe maiady known as aibuttilnurcs, or Bright•s dis ease. Itose who have tried In vain the various Belches and dinrutlell, will Cod In rulaed•s White /. Inv Compound a reined) Or superior eO.- ca 4 and po.tr. Hold by tee rr , o, dosto, or stogie bottle. •t O.P.l(:±Elr , r. 14., Wood a, rt- irtsl NEW ADVERTISEMENTS WM. BINGIUM, Jr.. damns Repress Of. Pee, 31 FVl.l.sltreat. is an aoatrrised Agent to rum., eldwrrtiserrunta /orate tIAX.IfTTE, and aII otler papers tfiroveicsd this Milted bledas and the Glincdas. G. ER"' IN AND OLIVE SOAPFI.- 60 8 xra Proctor d liatutie• (In Übo.tt do pep t ra,elard •Ld Some, by lb. la2a. .r at tale I.lt reduced pr.. e... at Lu • au. • tiroeary wore •1 JOHNA H. San/. W. .414 Corder 7.tberlya•d Hanel atrrata,_ iji.ooli Oil. cuffs's —Havaim ntdoce.l oar potent wee° efferoll cga at elgi.lll rat... A large r Hoesnovr au baud mad lo dee s altable patterns, for Sall, wu.,leea r 41141 .1 a 11. P/111,1.11..1, rol.ll 06 sot 6$ Clalr •treet. nELT4I ! 111cL1 Eli ! —Lea th. er sad Gum Beillue; also. um Peeking. o•e t , aseets. in.. Of .12, hest quality •nd reduced prices. The o. St nowlty ••1 I.selse ni. sr ate on Itaaol st the India thutstat Depot s No. 2d and Mita. Clalr street. =WC J. d ti. 01 6 ... a BEIM CLOI yLs . Costa. Vent , . ' , Fgt.'s. noels, Le.. f Ike nti.ll , y sad vas.reet,l. she "11l Cam, Js•sens. fur sale at toe le 1 wholesale and Istall. at No. 20 and Za Coil. littera. Tobl4 5113E3 IMMWM, WlName/ • 12.11.1DEN.--Ilaving a., 1,11 one •prlntr•to .1( of Shale. la, st, foll, ptrAtt to nod mal the lowo•I rash pto Ittotr Alt Irmo or rAtall. TOR brat attoort to.• . that oaa lr f•tuntl I Vie Olt/. Ali., a new tylo 01•Italea twat tAterly-C. • • laid sea Mont I Not. and Iv at. Claw otrret. /11111. 4. it If. PRILLTra. • ETI'ERS OP AD I IEVINTII.4 - • Jr! .N on the ettate of ftir.T. S. SASIXTT. late of l'lttehorgh ete• wet/. baring been gr a lit tallier ttuders,gnerl:ail Imre°n town( r•Ottni• preteut thew 411 yrlll.lll ,ndebt,,,f ere required to mak< portne,t to me at the • , tnee 0( the or tereetllrlds., lu 1 . 11,b rabl4 v't7 A.•lrrorn. flllstrA V. BOATING.—Foy Sale at the' Boa Boost of the Ariel Barge Bait!. more. Md a nix oareteilllELL BOAT, built by Chu. B. Eilinet. or Grtenpolot. L. 1. 111 per teit ortler, and al good ne new, baying n hot eight times. 17 will Eat sold f.r X 330. roe farther loionoacion spots to L. LEWIe, 37 Lex ington street. lini.l note, Md. oVii e = =! rafFILTEEN ACIIER Or cno YO le the plan at Yletre ar to laarahate ettatten, up Ilia l'ilt.ba,ol.l4l Itrilhetl , illo It. , ratter frau the city; very deolrable fur enuniry Pratt 011141 a IbyWe or 4/- ride halo tor I tracts. rrice, le.; tee. , e , er• Ile , ••1% tabl4 ;17 Yoorti.lntect. Ari DIIINISTIVITOI2B, ti()TICE.— tof drololetretlnh on Ilse este, of ELIZA/MOWN. bte or this city, deco•lol, avi at linen {iestated to the uud. , ral,ted, nOtleo Is hotetr• given to all perbor,s haring flail. ...II .01 -tare to to-sto3t 00.11 .1 those Ip.lehted to .41 estste oil! week: stake kh.esilate ll 0). t/11.1.. , t4.1E. rehl4:e4o 110. 17 L 'salon) Alley. 6 ,r rA11.31 FOB SA 11—liltn. aged in Alusalogum county. gli miles NUM CY ortl Station, Contr.! Onto ItAllroAd. a P n e d :l i : s cue N.tanoo from Atorwleh. containing 00Acre . club ilmen-ne soli: wall watered: good llen , wr; two tram. boo." and All nee rrrrrr 4 .1 11.11a1. fine ' , Mug Orchard. of ow., ro .m•le. IV/ pur. nu peach, ti quince, plum and Curry to .1 id '.','.l',',;',*,'"u7l,f,';: It'FigZ.:l"linZ.Vl';',l I•reatr,l4 [lan, Ltaptlat sod Adelina ilm churcbra. Ooly 4,0 per &erg. Address G. U. MILLAR. ..!"^k4, , ,?!!!k I. gm to, Ohio, tubiCAAowr FOR SALF. STORE IniuraZD nzpteoy EAR. Wlllt. dl.posed of low. ApPIT .t /CAN Ar. COMPANY'S. 40 W 904 street. ME JAMES T. BEiTI& CUT (noonessors to S. Jones ;I C 0.,) Corner Fourth & Wood Bts, BANKERS & BROKERS, DiALLIM IN ALL 1113D8 OP Government Securities, Foreign Exohange, Gold, Silver and Coupons. COLLECTIONS made on all seeeselble pottiS to the Malted !Item. and Causdu. Interest allowed on Time Deposits SPRING STOCK Ur BOOTS AND SHOES WHOLESALE, At Greatly Reduced Prices GEORGE F. KNOTT'S, .Ib. 100 FOURTH STREET FACTORY. Nol. 30, 32. 31. 3R ¢nJ 314 bTILEET,I2III..ADELPIIA, 1•A. .1114,11 TII E MIDAS PETCOIIII lAD lIIPEOTERESI C4llll OF PITTSDURU R ANDS KW YORK In uhrsuanse a sapplemehi. apyrored Coley lat. Mal, to an act Incorporeal./ "The 111.1.7 - Otte, un itu oto, moot Vompahr. orrtu be , gh sill Nese Vort,•• the nt.thulders of ...I.lCoh.p to met a; toe ore, enl Jscoh Gioi a., No P.... street. Pittsburgh. Weduce• ny. 11•., till). let,. St two Inca r ul el a . chat the rollowlng lined of Directore tor the ens the L. •la: Re. Is. It. alc ‘HOY rittehurgh. J. K. el./KA SOK, 'Pittsburgh. 1 1 0111 IR r Wolosa. Plt,ehurals. EtoWARD 0. WHIIIIIr. Plttehureh. 1t...Ga01/GP: WOOD.. Phtsberth. JA v.. 1 al CS Ac la ON. P PittahusKt, MEP KIM, 11. 0.. ltlettureh. Niels NlotlT. Pittaburgh. Jon a HOZ-, Pittelmrgh, J ARVID. 1111.4 •I. rot.borrh. Pittaburgb. a 11.11.1 NN, Niles lOchigau. Ds., I NKVIK. I • lptchergh, JoIIN 11. WIII 70. New 'cwt. °Rollo K ( 7 ...LUNY. New Turk. a th• rho, oe election the Direetere seam aea hy moan. . Jaws, Allis. tern. or c batman. s t ud V. Pohl). becre. are pro , ritiyere. ort moth.. the 111,rtnr• eotioureerltn meet at he same place on TOM:IL/KY. March lath 1K.7, t ten...cloca a. Y. WY. Y 110.111. .oleCas: Kecretary pro tem. pITTSBURGII BANK FOR SAVINGS. (Formerly Ibe IIIIdrSAVINUS INSTVUTIONT 67 Fourth Street, Nearly Opp.lle Bank of Pittsburgh CHARTERED IN 1862. orrN DAl' from fto 4 o'clock. ani W. ANDS Ultltal s F.V•NI Yl Crow 9..4 1,. to Not, tnne•t4t. 71. 1 90'04..1c, a. from Nosonther Ist to Hay Ist. ato o'clock. Boole of Ite-1.•• 4. Co...beds% the otL .• o eclati v 14, r to the, who earn mg. aro Ilwlte 1 , tlao onp.ricat, a, • herntut I • epo,ila. ra..l •tt woloit • croon rt won tt•o 4 •lc .• to to, Inc It tetc•t tUtt, ad of rktnalning unproductle 80urcrci. cxl" Mirrasa.cagox-es rnznuts:: GlEolt.iE A. 11EilRT rntsmurr•: 5. 11, HAWN:IAN. JA.3.IE,i.rArK• %rnITE GOODS. 6.11.3 . 1,1, A,/ TR[A.CRAR: D. Y....I.IcICISILLY •. [MAI/LP:Y. Wt.. K. NIMICR, A. F It•IIM, J " 1- r• JAI,. L. °lull •R. I K. 1 . , , CILULKTZ ekiltl,o,l•llElt ZIA:. • ROLICII,IA—D... & A. S. 11•1. L. pEOPLEe• SAVINGS BANK OF PITTSBURGH, I.VCORPORATED 15643. : 00,000. MET, Capital, OFFICE. Vies C.NELY LLOYD. .ItILILLIAN LLA. • TUUSTE•M, 77a}uT , Aeuu, N 'Luau Mu. 41.• CA 4,,,4 As. flora Taus. uu, W.. 111• Jous ,ct • A•iituux. SecreLlr; azd Tumirer, SIDS IT EOISEURS c2".Z?mrcranttt 'li':e..rlidanotrilticraecl'lLPlVC tale lict4c/I.lea. Leak open tlally, except not.ltts.rmot sin o•tiott. •. le toot except r • eat c• Wtaset.lat sod licn•rder er Dion,: rlwt. taclige Iroac bil I into, irt. TEAS Aif SUGAitS GIVE) CO2KING 111.TCIA LI, 1: 00 "1" " • • •• 01: " "1 Uu 111J1'1.X. IRA t: • • 2 • • ••1 00 TEAS A nolbas largo lot of AIMEE TEA, of last Direct from China and Japan Per ohlps Committal.. linrllta earth.. J. IL cn,annen. veryrns of VIA) D I.:HEAP In tne way erten.. I.l•b•mi 20 Cents Delete the Common Pelee*, ARTHUR KIRK, 172 & 171 federal street, ALLEUU EN T. 13=1 REAL ESTATE, SAVINGS BANK No. 63 Fourth &root. CHARTERED IN 1962 Mil Dr277.li"E TA'S'itT"S'?lrDie'r nr'gt!'..ger"e!tTr.git ponn•locl e.ery Shy and or . .WA,. tuts., President, ISAAC JONES TIVUISTiE,9I ~.• • lion . . 'fil , s. M. Rows. 1100. J. If . Illoo6niAv I...AACJONim. U. U. 1/I.,IRLY W. 11. • 'up . LAND. 4. , oil •Urrlit. Ll.altrtT CHILD,. Nit..... 1,11 VOLUI.LIIT, Yr Id. 11. liu•rru. Feereta and Treasurer, . A• CARRIER. ALPACA DRESS GOODS. A Largo Assortmeit, JOST RECEIVED &RD FOR, DALE At Low Prices, by ITE, ORR & CO. The New Temperance Illelodfat • , Cons Wing of GLEES, SONGS AND PIECES, Comnoiod and arrangel for the nee of the ?att. zo,:inytazt.tAtCh: UN IAMSAVIL,N3 In the Price, ou cent.? ' 1 , 11.:r hr mlil.‘7=re pald. SAY & COOWADIVI total 65 Wood street. NOTICE.—I hereby cautloza VI pereons not to tell or give MY wife, kLyza nowAILD, toy lotozleatlng liquors, or to. credit her (or anythlni - on my tceount. 41.713EPL1 Ito w AnD, Mhlllv2T ' Lerrrentertlle. TS. I NEW ADITER' PARIS EXPOSITION. 7 PASSAGE TO EUROPE. LIMAN LINE. (MEAT EACTEEN, ANEIIOII Llar, IcsmnVim LINE. NATIONAL LINE. and LONDON AND ' NEW - Timm LINE. CAHIV PLANS to be seen anine .. b . tst ic aN;l; aI AIIOI or ur udatlan tutus recsg by • 7 (...t.u o l. LE . :. Lthe 11. S. PASSPORTS Secured on Short Notice ILL NICLSSABY BLANES frltimil Drafts on London, Path MMHG, BREMEN, &c., AT LOWEST RATES rrrranvucn EXCURSION TICKETS LiTerpool, London and Paris, AT GREATLY REDUCED RATES WM. BINGILtM, jr., ADAMS' EXPRESS OFFICE S-I Fifth-street, MIMI CONFECTIONER'S STOCK OF TOOLS, FINE SHOW CASES, Counters, Shelving, Furniture, DINING WAHE, HORSES, nese and IV a gone, AUCTION A -a' .`` The es sewer steel of tilfit , Ett. BLAIR'S Con'eettonarJ, Ice Cream and LOnlng wlll ho sold On Wednesday. March 20th ranimenclux at nine o' luck, and eontlnulall without lutertniaslon during the entire day. b .el.i ttantion Is din tied to the Counters, -hefting. Show Caner and J.., which are very One • here are twenty A1a..., ton •eahles, Cen t.r Tai•les. otos:eon and Card Tables. iii•an., Sias and Water l xtkves. tirui,rl• • ,d I n•-• e• pet. Marbleh. War• soon Desk, Mirror,. /Dot'. j. too Fuses.. Toilet sort, It. d s ends. 11-d•llug. ere••• 1 ties, atrhalrs Q. , eusware, t.l•s•ware cetileri, Bath a..d Ws. h Tithe, very 1,41 . , ert.ktot tore, 0.1.1 Slid • nth-telt< Store.. Moo° lias Kar nlet fii. Blinds. Cor- Ge Aso Tea rooter tots. C•iances` end haters• tool. of all Ylnd., In great vssistyi awe e, ,rorliar eu . s . Et , ar, ey 4c. T.otn i out, tw Ho at ea , .rse, roar Wage . m r A. LEGO/ ATE. NEW DRY GOODS MDR J. M. BURCHFIELD & CO., No. Q 7 Midroiricat fitrpiat (West Ilde, nett .l: or to Ihp g Igo of Tu x MMW= . . 21 , 1t11•11..) , "o I . y.A I N NAINS . .N,K AN1).111.9.3 .11t4L/Y: 1 , n ,, MAI 11U1.1. bit , t.lNS; Flril "•+.1"3 If /41 , 44.11.1. e:"; .Nii• TUCKKa! waht.: 111141 LIN t: .I.artz 1 . 11.1.41 W LIMP:NS; TA NLI: IAY:EN"; h - ArhiNs, 2 . tyWy.L.l Ind I.:BASIL Please Remember the Place *37, r•Toa.z. 31Pl.ftkL IF3itroot h•• 'Ai GOODS! AEW HODS Yew• House! New• Goods WM. H. MILLER, Vomit rty of X ITON, ]LCUUY • CO., late T of Y. U. /CATON ..1.) WILL OPEN About 'the First of April, NO. 64 MARKET ST. WITH •F EXTON Niir STOCK Or Trimmings, Lace Goods, Embroideries, Ribbons, Gloves, foolery, •nn Xll (MODS nee•!lf kept le • • FIRST CLASS TRIMMING AND Notion. House. SHOENBERGER & CO. MAtitTFACTtILLEILS OW CUT NAILS, BOILER PLATE, • -SHEET IRON PATENT HAMMERED Horse and Mule Shoes. Would eanT - /!alten t 2on to oar S . noe w:hradLb.ofn Very Superior Quality. OFFICES s 03 Witter atreet, and at, 110 Etna C=l MZE DAY 12DIINN, No, 103 Fifth Street, Pittburgh, Pa., MILITARY_AND NAVAL CJ1.5.41611:16 84X0N40"52% • • off:lrene claims to pay IV - rervant. Additional Boa ullenand l ad drama e acreas of l'easiona Call upon or o f by letter. baba: V& FEVE POCKET CUTLEUY, Fine Pocket Cufiery, CHEAP! CHEAP! CHEAP! New Patterns! New Patleraq PITTCBUROH CUTLERY COMPANY, 4 M-32)3EN'ii=a 1119i.ATC11 . DUILDINIO. SUOUT lIAND Perfect knowlrdg• of, this valuable art tanaht In len short and cup lesson.. by a brae• tleal reporter from London, Inglaud. Each luttal taught separately and at any tlnte to suit their sun convenience. Apply 10 I= NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. I BOROUGH OF SOUTH PITTSBURGH ACCOUNTS. SENENTS THE FOLLOWING ACCOUNTS and Statemerd o/ the °inners or the Borough of South Pittsburgh are respectfully . au:nailed for the information of citizens nod lax-payers: EOPMI Prrgsnrg on. kt.rcb laat 1.07. BOUOrGill OF NO Urn writs. BUBDIT.—HENIZY MD I.IIeGAR. 'YWCAs. DUNA Ui ACCOUNT WITH OLD) 111/ROUtilli. - . To Casa (rum Wm. H. fiautker, (maser Treasurer t• Prom C. unty Controller 1.•.11 MI ida'" 2; Vehicle Lice., ill as Beller Fund ay 01 Cancelled Bounty Bonds IS to Fines and Forfeitures = to J. Brauff , Col. 1M1......... .......... ... ZUJ .11 J. Bract!, Col. 106.1 Lt.,: et J. Blowsmore. rel. of 1.12.. ea. 10 Bounty tar. 1.4 Lo —... Yu as ro do Gi 12. &I/ St BorougleTax, IMO on account Mai uti CB. By iteatmytlonjliTiOX h0t1 , 15..6 431 I: JluuQ Ifl OUilak.. 23.Gros J.l 13 Ipf wlrrants 173 ri •• Bbruoga do 3,301 7J rc Dalsnen • ISS SI Com. on slll.73i.ist, less sancelled bends Balance In Treasta7 UENRY 11111-LINGAII, IN AC eolfNT WITH 3.101301.1611 Uf SUUTU PITTHB 11 RUH To eash as f.,11 , ms 7ro/o former Trravarer 101111 •• J. Braun, tax. 1164 205 24 • 1.804 1i Bounty 1 • or SI/ 41 DO 11.1111121 /4,10113 3slo 256 Et* 49 Pl N.lO 700 011 " Yort !turn •' Cueuty • Vehicle I.te use ••• •' Cs:sculled Uoucty Moods •• W. lialoon, tax till CREDIT By Re de m 311. of 110 tanir Bond. •d Iniereat 10.11173 .54 •• Poll Tax &teeny a ' 1900 •' Ecarmptlon 1111 . :C I n tia n'r' NI II sta 11110 •. Boxorg. Warraots 1,1i4 7# 3 per cent. Corn. on $11,9X) IN IVA a' IX tri 01 Deane,. 43)01 • thr Burp,. n , l Town Cndneif gr the Borough (tr Pittsburg/a: REIM" lisrmenia: !have examlntd the arcanut or Henry Stillir gar. Treasurer, and dud it to be as m ared snore. re.pectludy, vour., A. WILCOX. Auditor. MOM "1101101LIGH OF SOUTH PITTS ., IlitHelFl. moment Of Warrants drawn yroat Olan-0 13. :tot, a, March 1167.11.111•1 Te: Fur cleaning bate", replan to I.li. and • toeo• $,.1.511 211 Vol i.•• and lira Llantlng •nd repair. to Larnpa 0.12 I/9 For :Jostles to Colle'lor, C...... and Clerk 14191 For 1 1 / luting nod Books — . es n Yor "ray 11 29 For Fire Plus. ow 03 For Puska heralc• . Xki 0 Yor Is !Oct Soldier.— pa to /or tie. of o f nell ttoortrnyr• to ran) 4ta 01 Yoe Contlarea taro:rot, a. Collo*, VII: Co lo In ease or , •at ea. Coylea..ll9o 00 • /IV gup Connell Sown •aillros , . at 01 Dr. wbuk of Brown Jonas lu tax ........... ........ CO IMEEMII! Total imre If Joe. M. lITE Vtra. ROUNTY BOND ACCOUNT,Bor ., ugh of South Pittsburgh. Total -,mount or Bonds tssugat. 12,31 [more of blares., .13 t. 12 1127.321 r 0 Amount ... l . o.3meg to March 11127.. ..... "1,221 GO • 110.905 .0 T.t.l Amount U' loads 0141• haoce •f . Marc. T. !la $1.1,..X. 00 An.oatit retletmed to Match S. 10.7. ..... ~lis Outstanding Total outstanding........... anc•risoLniton incite &snows. el &tads issteg.. •utioutit .4101=0 1 -esvlngoatelenoloie MortNIS. 102" INS OZIOIO noon No•d No. 2.1 ut) • Do. No, ...... eou lO lloblneon.ltest c . 0., on account ID, to ..11worth.l'orert t Co.,oneec . l w Ar 11•uott Hord No.( lea Oa el tells•era C0.,0n @eel 1,00 Nouo , y Pond No. 10 W oo Do. No. ..... 1.0 0. ... ... 0 0,10 Do. No.. 21/.102 MEM There has bee 19, tia n paid and ando:••4 uu!.•tarvalug . a slor• Mann 111.1(1 Yi Lototog due. oxela.lot of scorned toroot..— $2,111170 Ank nnl dophtste 1114 ..... 81 I ' etc•.l by M. au' k-• T rra.• 1/ hire per.. •balement on nanny 411 C. CoU , cLed br W. U. Mutt, .:,aO,ll/ 0./ Ltror• •rpt eigmerstiono 1.4v1 II LLTlTertOttlg:AlfaCh V.... otstAts Ilarsb .. . . rtC7raV, W. 1;u ISA:ante outsta,4lol a trarropt d upltrato 111 U Latter aura 1 paw 11. )10In T C0.t,.. I+l W. el ja.r 'llage7;;.6l" 1).1.1 4. Stewart, Tntaaary t .., rp I=l a•sx,• This ß dup.lente Is 111 uo•sttled. P $;"" 01 ::;;; . :: . utt ' ..a " '4 I. to he t.7'l' Ltllre' C 'tt:r r u f/ ‘ ; rl ;s ll . lll : :‘ := 4‘tlh l77 ; :e7 .' : ° , l_l "a't:7l earl, th•tlosterallo.• n0r.15 t' ue . .410 1 .51.• Litt.. • Pal. suppoved in•11ablo lo k c•llettell.n It.:sret jmeol,actcd drip....... 81 I.lalaau. aocellect•J cup. 11.3. Cl= la 'loth 34.3311 13 troWlecTsT:3 "."."U"d‘ I. 47. $"" It 4.333 It •suDuat ba proritled fu• $1.i•1&7 A. WILVUX, JosErn s. STEWART, TREAS. tincre. IN AIICOII`T WITH TUE BUN: 0 HU LI UP tULTH ToCuhH DN. 24111INgar. tom. tID N • •W. lAN, ........ •I W. H. ..... , Utz. lie{ INS IN Voldele Lle.rew =II NJ J. /Irma!, tax, /Xi W 0,90, as ur n•Cfeepticn_berartgb warrant*. SO 14 • BOY., bolds .00 lattrea 40710 Palate.. I• Tres.sorylfarell 13 150 . ...t ( 140 1.1 mhl4:v4l JUSCCII. la/LW/01T. Tr.... Cr. TUE PAIATIVEILSHIP HELM - TO FORE .11bling ender Wit rare al3tia 1111ALL, FULI.OII a ..11ULLUAN, Was IlLsso'red January Ist, 1867, BY MUTUAL coNsEar, A. M. MAILSUALL dlopottng of his interest to said arta the remaining varier*, who tollt eon- Urine the bettor" at the old stand. 114 and 113 WATtlt hTltletT. A. M. MARSHALL. 11.1 1 111,50 N. Igele H. L. noLLwiAx pLITSIIIING, GAS AND STEAD rArrazu, tN ALL /TS .1311ANCYLES. Carefully ittruded to er experleseed and prat . Ina workmen. A Ant sasortmestoz GAS FIXTURES, SINKS, BATH TUBS STIOWEII Banta ATEIt CLOSETEtitrjr,...... Constantly on band and nude to order. T.AM-131 db 13E117X7-17-01:1. • • If. BO /ederal /URAL Allestme!ay. attd 451.1 f.lMrb Pen,. Plttahnrrk BOTTLED ALES-. KENN'ETT, WINTERTON, •od sett but brood. of Ales and Soda Waters, BOTTLED Bt J. C. BUFFUM & CO., A 2 AND 24 314.1UKET lITELE ET, ETOZE LET--;10071. A PLEASANT FRONT ROOM, WITH HORD, I• • Mir.t, f.al7; Landsman and b1.n16 pre flcrrtd. Locatlao desirable, and with!. team!. It Of the r.tonice: Address, .W. ,, OAIETTZ U7VICX. SEM= MN! ',ENE 'FARM FOR SALE -well proved and 41.410101 U all respects, In & Ant clan nolibborhood. Contalnsll33.lo corm, located Putt Mlles north wing of Yakut, on the P. Pt. W. & e. It. It. DAVID MEET, , 0h13. , t1 Balm, Columblana Co., Ob.to REMOVAL.-J. R. NEWMIVELI & - CO.. ComteWien Mere/mats vial dealt. la /lour, reed avid Orate, have rumored to 211 LIBERTY STREET. Where they will be pleased to sea thalr Mende and customer.. Win NOTICE.—A gooi chance to Woae whllu g to easaie 1a tha Boot and nhoe !Whom,. .1 off., for soda nay anti» stock of BUtIDI AND ntiOES, aod good 1,111; dojo, a good trade. ,lteasonforsclUng—aoltiglotoothar business. Apply at No. 108 . 0iNT1tE AVE NUE, Plttsborsrh. =bar a TO HOSE MANUFACTURERS, —ProyWala for ths klaatifsciare of 1,51:10 FEET Or 10 INCII ROSE, leeched onttl THURSDA7. /larch Vat, 1561. at a o'clock t • (MOIttIZ WT.LSON, J. GRAM, ti.xirrz 9reni Marl Ism lEEE I WM. SEMPLE'S, HAS JUST RECEIVED Ski u oo IlAu a to OM HATS AND CAPS 20 Per Cent. Leas Than Down . Town , Prices. Re tell oar BEST SILS and CASsIMERE lIATL et ONE DOL4Art LOWECtt than nay other House ill the CUT. = 334 Liberty Street EOM 1:11=1 CLOTHING EMPORIUM. • mb12,1 13131E1 EMI Iles Just Opened Sit 147 IS 21 14.1.1 74 SPRING CLOTHING, Gentlemen's Furnieling .Goods, NEW STTEES IN TOE MARKET. WLlch will be Oder.' at lISDUCED PBILZa from last oesoon Fin Spria; Ourcuts, ao Low u $lO,OO " Cuumert Buia•u Foils " • " $15,00 • Cloth /nu Saito " 336 LIBERTY 'STREET. C=lt i oattvls. ono door alloy. 111.11i:11:p.1 INISISIMOMPINY New Maven, Conn., CASH CAPITAL, $1,000,000 Inanna ara'n it !ores tit Parorge by Tiro and Tn. umrdaOli=Vaf A 4o littllt:olTul d relMlA: undannsUne.. I AoSIE m TS. JA‘ VARY 1. 1007. ank rolfs? Real /notate owned by the Comp ., Ta.ooo (0 Loans on Mortgage* Call . btorks. and on 5.1.411 le Cab on band In Itutk. to Agent. band& and ante tor trete hone V 31,815 Oa DP la receivable and Flee mod inland Slvage. int.:remand eats Acorn I ' 44.6 , 11 AM other Property belonalna 10 al. nom Company Loewe unpaid and In pro•ere of ad- .I ' 4°4'6" hutment. p ll t d ., 7 , o u T., o 4 e o a r c irp e lh:tx . ecee . lre:4 and .Lesseq U. erganlaallolt Cr the Comileue .• .Yreo.fiente Reerivia. Loetr, Paid /-", ft 37,1-1 07 $ re, 7„,, 3 . , Leh a , .;x: CO n :so in 1.:, j 1 5,:, 3 g41 t! • 0 4 1 Z 10 11, 421 he Coil 471e473 01 - 117x,47.1 04 IMS 77.1.e1e se • 41,724 he ' Ineo 1,1:0,03 el • 1,124,304 37 M=l7!! D. IL serilonai. rrc,i4cnt. DAhIe.T.TROWDRID Alttan NVIt..oN BakU/SLI. TALedr, Ir.. S. a... ecr Vico k'ssaldemts - Policies written fur any time from tea days to five years on 11111dinva i Merchandise etc., and • harrows , MOO Divehin m h Vont I. H 0.4, Chord,. sad &hoot Mouses, LOO2llll & II °LUNG WOOD, Agents, EZZE3 LAVCRENCLVILLZ, rA. PROVISIONS. SCGAt e cifICCD BABA, EF "BittAlreA4T BACON. ALIOVLBABO AND mom. . _ • tirolo. EXTRA A N No. 1 L WINTER STRAINED Lsi mo ruxow AND RILL DREAMT • • !kayo stored alarae tte ek of tba ore Prorlt• lona. 'which lam prepared to aupplr to tae tea" at theowet market pees. loealera will and It to the i r In te rest to glt a l me aea lbeforaD.ram. 'lag tat alters. JAS. LIPPINCOTT, Pork Packer, No. 23 Seventh St., rzttsburgh. SPRING STYLES. New Dreitis Bilks; New Mohair Plaids; New Elaid Valencias; New Brocade Alpacas; Bow Broche Shawh New Balmorallrth; New French Percales; New Chambray Glnghams—all colors; New Prints; New Glii;hains; Table tlnenfi; Napkins; Towels and Toweling; Striped DimityB; One Case Donble Width Dress Goods at Great Dargainv; Cassimeres, - Tweeds, Jeans, &c. Arood .Ind wall selected stmk SELLING AT LOW BATES, WHOLESALE_ /AD RETAIL, AT 180 and 182 FEDER4I, STREET, ALLEGIUCAT CITY. MOM RAMALEY ALL TELE t NEW STYLES Tor bra/ SG. tad • 11l gall at Cali and Bo Convinced. FIBIT /1008 BELOW HIS RAMALEI A LARGE STOCK OF FINE' Q!!! Paper Collars at Cost. OF ( ECM MEI= PITTED UIIGII, PA G. I. DATES. •gent, CRUM he 7. AND U ANMJE: OS .-f Lite Comp soy for e, -t. , O a itridoo oror the Moooorrahea hiv. r. opoo. elte to the, feth Butler Street, Lawreneeviile. FOR SALE.—A very desirable PROPERTY for either a Tan Yard. Wools. Prettier, or Platting Mill. Minuted at McCoy.. Station. on the Cleveland a n d Pittsburgh ltall ruarl, tulles-from Pittsburgh. • good. substantle , but ding en It 30z14, and abed whole length. IS feet wide. rise of Int Itnitict thin (un 7l ''l r d h n fll rei e rgr9rra iihtiM.Z•rbenv.. BANKS AND BANKERS. BANKING lIOUSE Or • JAY COOll2 &- CO ., • Corner Wall and "Kahan Sta., New York In conrcctlon 'vitt, our house. In Philadelphia and Wsoldog•ce. de • Ave opened • A EW YORK' Itt/Uul.:ol4l.ore KEA eatersersement o Banta. Ha- Ler, And Ineeetors Icr our trans.- li rcon . h 4 in - Incas In this city. Including pua,ce And ta: , of UOyeltle taro, execut e., UTtn,is. lloNnu auu We at. eon. reve,eillt d at tie ntenk Exchange and GOA Onsed, , where orders tent us are promp , tl, VIM a " T k "tr. ItWaV'IVO/T.lz buying and Wang at eurrent primes. •nd &How ler C ol7., pdr/lla most liberal rates Oa market •frurda. fe7o:tlC JAY COOKE & CO HART, CAUGRRY & CO.,' Bankers and Brokers, CORNER THIRD AND WOOD STREETS, PITTSBURGH. p.a., (NTOOD3BOII,B TO HANKA, KM 6 CO,) I= Exchange, Coin, Coupons, And partteulor Iten d tlon raid to tb• war. chotl an sole or GOVERN:RENT. BONDS. ArBIGIIIT MUTTS ON LONDON'. 11,31:ed N. HOLES & SONS, .13./91.T3ECIMEiL, Nci. 57 Market Street, PITTSBURGH. D o err.) taxecelved In Par Toads sod Currency. tli C e Stocks, Bonds and Other Securities BOUGHT AND SOLD OR OOMISIBBION • rartleular attention pain to die parcluie and sato af U. S. SecUritie.s, Inc!talcs 0.. 8117.3 OP 1881; S. do. 5.905; U. S. F1VV.10.40.: U. S. CILUTFYICATEs OS 18DEBTEitlan. Orders sod Voncherebought or collected. • PUBLIC SALE. On Friday, .11arch 15,1867, AT 10 O'CLOCE, A. Y., The nederalgned tit offer at Duthie eels, ltia Yam, of acres. Waal., 111 84a1111.1 township. Allegheny county. near the Brownsville road, and three mllm distant from theca]. ea the same le erected a new frame dwe.llng, wlth sta. Ole: ermard of lour acre. with the best fettle trees. Abe tire will be SOW entire. or It DU eels of two and three sexes. •lio, •young horse, 2 Cow, 3 bogs, no ehlMens, 1 spring wagon, a new elder press, /0 bbls. of vinegar, ZO Ossnals of potatoes, ere. Terms will be made known on day of sale. salainht BE/Mk/ARO !MST. = GILMORE 8; LIEBLER, kt.ufsketeretzgltrle and Ilatall RU N S, Valises, Carpet Bags, Be. largo aaortacat of Ladles' eatelala al• alt on =an. Nos. 101 and 106 Wood St., PlTra9vnuH • PA. [MEI r. 1.. arvroorl..r.cir,crt J0'51.11.4. !VellaParr ATIFDOD & FCIFFRBY, BRASS FOVIDELS, STEAM ALND GAS rerrEns, Cor. of 3rd and Liberty Streets. Above Carroll A Snyder's. Pittsburgh. Light sod Ileavy Cutlagi fittabased promptly to oi der. iipeelal Attention. paid. to the out and =lf °f a tal Stelbserles, Otessubosts. ttollbag- Agents for A. &Cameron & co.'s - STE.A.M PUMPS ANO . BLOWER ENGirtiEs, these Pumps hire sept rtor ad vantages over al others, and every one Is Wariant.cl to glee sailve Putopl COSI itustly on hand. fe3iolo J. LOCOMI62 ALXIANDICE IIIIR OUGUREY & FREW, =I Saddles, Harness, TrunlEs, mkt all article, to ltielr 116e.aally tips - la ,rat-alata establishment.. N 0.102 Wood Street, (bvtween inamead Alley aad „. = THOMAS ROBERTS, (Late of ROl4/1113. BLV—Vii i C 0.,) Of Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware, NO. a •lIITIiTIELD treermr. zeal . Fourth Street. Pittsburgh. Has eenetantlr on band a generalaitiortmeot et/RAW/N. Jkpaitited., flosse d and RIOCE Tr WARE. fa", Bird Patel. 4 irt/m7 beoma lllnen Lamps and lipase Parataldbe wood Lea In neral • Witted be sell lieboleeme arid Prompt atrottloa Orme to Itoadair, spoomp, sod all blade of Job Work. marl:tmi • YIJIWOVDMG RIMMATOTOR OrfICII. re - rrsztmon. .aren 711. LOC. NOTICE TO CONTBACTOLIS, PROPOSALS 7012 TRIL • Construction of Public Sewers on the following sestets, els 71111, Lo Wood sod down Woo , l to &wood cr Wont. ALSO-11pe az Marta,. Wet'. Assu—Ono ou Vtrstr, alley, from Ct.. 7 to lAbeettrtreet,ribo reo.lved at,abe ogin of tb• undersigocii, t o tb sank. bul l Slog, to. til SION , Stareh .333 b, gpceltintions en be at this ontee. 3i• J. MOORE. nchB r 3 Recording insulator. • Coyrnorcien CITY or ALLL4:IIZDIY. 's UrfetcL. rca 11th, IW. j SEALED PROPOSALS will be reeelved at Ills ottice tow WEDNESDAY, 20th inst., AT 3 O•CLOCH, P. N. For Grading and Paving IME=2I IMEZEDI